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8/25/10                             THEIR ONLINE DAY,          ‘CLICK’ ON TWITTER,
                                    6/9/10                     8/16/10

                                                                                                  FACT OR
                        HOW TO CREATE A COMPELLING REASON TO GAIN PERMISSION, 9/9/10              MOST
                        7 WAYS TO MAKE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING WORK HARDER, 9/20/10           CUSTOMERS
                                                                                                  SEEK OUT
                                                                                                  AND COUPONS
                        SOCIAL NETWORKS ARE NOT KILLING OUR SOCIAL LIVES, 10/28/10
                                                                                                  ONLINE, 8/4/10

                                    STUDY FINDS MORE THAN ONE THIRD OF
                                    CONSUMERS TURN TO FACEBOOK, TWITTER
                                    TO ENGAGE BRANDS ONLINE, 7/13/10

                                                                                          STUDY FINDS CUSTOMERS
                                                                                          VALUE EMAIL, FACEBOOK
                                                                                          AND TWITTER AS
MEDIA ISSUES, 9/13/10              COFFEE ‘N EMAIL, 6/15/10
                                                                                          COLLABORATORS, NOT
                                   YOUR CONSUMER IS AS YOUR CONSUMER DOES, 9/13/10        COMPETITORS, 9/8/10
                               We know social media has revolutionized the way we communicate
                               with our customers. We’re all in hot pursuit of knowing how to
                                                                                                     The SUBSCRIBERS,
                               effectively deliver the right messages, through the right channels,
                               at the right time.                                                    FANS, & FOLLOWERS
                               At ExactTarget, we also know that a marketer’s hunch is no            2010 Executive Summary
                               longer enough to find success on the real-time web. To truly
                               connect with customers and deliver “right message, right time,
                               right place,” we must understand what actions consumers are
                                                                                                     will help you capitalize
                               actually taking across these traditional and emerging channels.
That’s why we went straight to the source and asked consumers—not marketers—how they view
                                                                                                     on the current interactive
and use each of these unique communication mediums.
                                                                                                     marketing landscape—in
The result is our ground-breaking research series, SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS*, which
captures a snapshot of the interactive marketing landscape as it stands right now. Inside this       real time, with real results
latest report, we’ll take more than 100 pages of social media and interactive marketing research
conducted from April to July of 2010 and boil it down into digestible insights you must know to      for your business.
build integrated, cross-channel campaigns.

And because we understand how short you are on time—and how strategic you need to be
to find success in the era of real-time marketing—we provide tangible tips and tricks you
can apply TODAY to make our research of more than 1,500 online consumers actionable.
By implementing these easy tips and tricks, you’ll immediately reap the benefits of this industry-
leading research, before the ever-evolving interactive landscape presents new data and this
opportunity to act passes you by.                                                                    *SUBSCRIBERS are U.S. consumers who have provided their email
                                                                                                     address to at least one brand. FANS are U.S. consumers with a
                                                                                                     Facebook account who have become a FAN (or LIKED) at least one
So enough talk—it’s time for action. The SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS 2010 Executive               brand on Facebook. FOLLOWERS are U.S. consumers with a Twitter
Summary will help you capitalize on the current interactive marketing landscape—in real time,        account who FOLLOW at least one brand on Twitter.

with real results for your business.

To Your Interactive Successes,

                TIM KOPP
                Chief Marketing Officer

                                                                                                                                               © 2010 ExactTarget     3
58% OF CONSUMERS BEGIN THE DAY                                                            place
                                                                                                      you go on
                                                                                                               li n e
                                                                                           st                           in
    WITH EMAIL, 11% WITH FACEBOOK                                                   e
                                                                                        fir                                  a


    When your customers wake in the morning, are they reaching

                                                                                                                                      al d

    for their smartphones to check Facebook, updating their Twitter
    statuses, or logging onto laptops to check email? Believe it or not,
    what an individual does first thing in the morning can tell you a
    lot about the types of marketing messages you should be sending
    across email, Facebook, and Twitter. By examining U.S. consumers’
    digital morning tendencies, you’ll gain a unique glimpse into your

    customers’ individual priorities and motivations.

                                                                                  My Company's       11%     20%
                                                                                 website/intranet Facebook Search/
                                                                            3%                              Portal 58%
                                                                           Other                 5%                Email
                    of all online consumers                                                   News Site

    surveyed identify themselves as either

4   © 2010 ExactTarget
      When delivering product information,
      deals, and promotions, consider                                     of online consumers
delivering this information via email,
preferably first-thing in the morning.                     begin the day with email, followed by
 2      Individuals who check email first
        thing in the morning want different                checking a search engine or portal site
types of information compared to those
who check Facebook first. To engage with                   (20%), and Facebook (11%).
Facebook-first audiences, deliver content
that’s entertaining and fun.

 3      Cross-promote your programs
        across all channels. Make sure that
FANS and FOLLOWERS know they can                           People who check            People who initially
receive additional deals through email,
and that SUBSCRIBERS know they can                         email first tend to be      check Facebook
participate in activities like contests on
                                                           motivated to interact       tend to become
Facebook and Twitter.
                                                           with brands online for      FANS of brands
                                                           the sake of obtaining       for entertainment
                                                           deals, promotions, or new   purposes or to
                                                                                       show support—
                                                           product information.
                                                                                       not to obtain deals.
                                              Get the full report at                   They’re more likely
                                                                                       to seek promotions
                                                                                       through email.

                                                                                                    © 2010 ExactTarget   5
56% OF MILLENNIALS* SUBSCRIBE TO                                            THE TAKEAWAYS:
    EMAIL IN SEARCH FOR ONGOING DEALS                                            1      56% of consumers aged 15-24
                                                                                        are twice as likely to SUBSCRIBE
                                                                                to email in their search for deals as they
    More than 93% of online consumers are SUBSCRIBERS, meaning                  are to search on Facebook. Don’t allow
                                                                                demographics to make you complacent.
    they’ve provided their email address to at least one company or brand.      Offer a blend of messages across both
    And 88% of consumers check email daily while 94% use it at least once       traditional and emerging channels.

    a week. Additionally, more than 50% of consumers make purchases                    Avoid the trap of promoting
                                                                                       exclusive offers that are channel-
    as a direct result of email—it drives more                                  specific—these offers initially attract
                                                                                more FANS and FOLLOWERS, but they
    conversions than any other channel. So                                      won’t retain consumers over time.
    while email isn’t new, it certainly isn’t dead.                                     To get on your customers’ “favorite”
    It remains a critical foundation for online                                         list, relevancy is a must. The biggest
                                                                                difference between valuable and non-
    marketing, due to its unique x-factors—the                                  valuable email programs is whether or not
                                                                                the information relates to the interests of
    characteristics that set it apart from any                                  the customer.
    other marketing channel.

    *Consumers aged 15-24

                                                      Get the full report at

                              of consumers have been motivated to provide a company with an email
                              address as a result of a promotion. Only 17% of consumers check
                              Facebook for promotions, and only 3% check Twitter for promotions.

6    © 2010 ExactTarget
             Millennials SUBSCRIBE to

              email in their search for
             ongoing deals compared
              to only 28% who search
                for deals on Facebook.

 Half of consumers (49%) always open emails from
their “favorite” brands, compared to only 16% who
          say they never open an email from brands.

                                      © 2010 ExactTarget   7
    Customers no longer pay attention to a marketer’s brand for the same reasons across
    all ages, incomes, and genders. And despite marketers’ best efforts to categorize
    consumer preferences based on these common demographics, most consumers
    approach the internet like they do in all other areas of life—with intrinsic personality
    traits and motivations that influence how they’ll interact online. We identified 12
    unique online consumer personas by studying their levels of social media consumption and   Get the full report at
    creation, so marketers like you can get to know your audiences based on personalities.

    4%                    of consumers are SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, and FOLLOWERS*

8    © 2010 ExactTarget
      THE TAKEAWAYS:                                                                                       ERS O                            1.3%
        1    Don’t fall into the trap of marketing to consumers
                                                                                                        LOW                               FOLLOWERS
             based on demographics: personalities are                                                                                           <0.1%

      better indicators of how customers will engage                                                                        4%                  FANS &

      with brands across email, Facebook, and Twitter.                                                                  SUBSCRIBERS,          FOLLOWERS
                                                                                                                      FANS, & FOLLOWERS

                                                                                    IBERS, FANS,
        2   If any of your target audiences are comprised                                                                                             0.7%
            of Megaphones, you’ll reach them best via                                                                                              FANS ONLY
      Facebook and Twitter. Keep your Megaphones                                                                               32%
      happy, or else the entire internet will hear about                                                                   SUBSCRIBERS
                                                                                                                             & FANS
      your shortcomings.
             The cross-over between SUBSCRIBER, FAN,                                                    SUBSCRIBERS

             and FOLLOWER is more likely than ever before.                                                 ONLY
      Make sure you effectively coordinate your messages

      across these three channels, so you consistently

      deliver high-quality and channel-appropriate content.                                                                               ©ExactTarget

       *SUBSCRIBERS are U.S. consumers who have given their email
       address to at least one brand. FANS are U.S. consumers with a
       Facebook account who have become a FAN (or LIKED) at least one
       brand on Facebook. FOLLOWERS are U.S. consumers with a Twitter
       account who FOLLOW at least one brand on Twitter.

Although only 7% of online consumers identify themselves                The majority of online consumers identify themselves as Inner Circle
as Megaphones (who want to connect, educate, and share                  Consumers (who go online to maintain and deepen friend and family
resources and information with others across the internet),             relationships), Cautious Consumers (who tend to be very selective about
they have a disproportionately large influence on brands                who they communicate with online), or Info Seekers (who go online to
and the internet as a whole.                                            find and consume information).
                                                                                                                                               © 2010 ExactTarget   9
TWITTER USERS ARE 3X MORE                                    THE TAKEAWAYS:
     LIKELY TO IMPACT BRANDS ONLINE                                   1  Commit to serving your customers who do use Twitter
                                                                         on a daily basis, even if this portion of your audience
                                                                  represents a smaller number than other key constituencies.

     Although Twitter’s active user base remains smaller than         2
                                                                            When consumers choose to FOLLOW a brand,
                                                                            they want:
     other social networking sites like Facebook, approximately
                                                                  •       To obtain new, authentic perspectives on
     11.5 million U.S. consumers use Twitter on a daily basis,            companies
     and 5% choose to FOLLOW at least one brand or company.       •       To receive insider information about upcoming
                                                                          products and services
     These daily Twitter users are the most passionate and
                                                                  •       To get to know the personalities behind a brand
     influential consumers across the entire internet, and what   •       To receive freebies, samples, and discounts
     they say about YOUR brand could have a profound impact       •       To see how a company responds when its brand is
                                                                          publically criticized
     on your bottom line. What happens on Twitter doesn’t stay
                                                                  Be sure to keep these consumer expectations in mind when
     on Twitter, and that’s why you must understand how to
                                                                  choosing how to engage with your customers via Twitter.
     successfully interact with them via this channel.

     20%                   of consumers indicate that
     they’ve started FOLLOWING a brand on Twitter in
     order to interact with that company, compared to
     13% of SUBSCRIBERS and 13% of FANS who turn to
                                                                                                               Get the full report at
     email and Facebook for brand interaction.                                                       

10    © 2010 ExactTarget
                                                                                                                            SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ACTIVITIES (MONTHLY)
                                              76%                   75%                                                                                                                                                             Daily Twitter Users                                             All Other Consumers
          Comment on Photos or Videos

                                                                                           72%          70%
                                              Upload Photos

                                                                    Post to Forums


                                                                                                        Comment on Blogs
                                                                                                                                 61%                              61%

                                                                                                                                 Post Ratings and Reviews

                                                                                                                                                                  Comment on News

                                                                                                                                                                                          Update Own Site
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               50%                  50%                  49%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Upload Articles

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Upload Video

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Post to Wikis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Upload Audio

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sell Online

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Post Coupons

                                                                                                  14%                                                                               15%                     13%                                                                                                        14%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    10%                  10%                  12%                                                           10%

A brand’s Twitter FOLLOWERS are three                                                                                                                                Twitter’s reach is approximately double its user base—23% of
times more likely than the average                                                                                                                                   online consumers read Tweets at least monthly, and 11% report
consumer to blog at least once per                                                                                                                                   reading others’ Tweets even though they haven’t created a Twitter
month (53% compared to 18%).                                                                                                                                         account of their own.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  © 2010 ExactTarget   11
     “LIKE” COMPANIES TO SHOW                                             THE TAKEAWAYS:
                                                                                 In order to combat your customers’ fears
     BRAND AFFILIATION TO FRIENDS                                          1     about a marketer’s role on Facebook, look at
                                                                          every engagement as an opportunity to build trust.

                                                                                 It’s crucial that marketers understand that the
     Facebook reigns as the social networking community of choice          2     act of LIKING of a brand on Facebook doesn’t
                                                                          serve as an open invitation for marketing messages.
     for today’s online consumer. 42% of U.S. online consumers,
                                                                          Instead, it should be viewed as a simultaneous display
     which equals approximately 46 million people, say they use           of endorsement and personal expression.

                                                                                 To capitalize on Facebook’s viral potential,
     Facebook at least once a day. But traditional marketing               3     make sure you’re giving your FANS something
     theories centered on price, product, placement, and                  worth talking about! The more they talk about your
                                                                          brand, the more your messages will reach new—and
     promotion don’t necessarily work in this unique space.               potentially profitable—audiences.

     Our research reveals the hidden opportunities—and potential
     landmines—that await you, the marketer, on Facebook.

     59% of U.S. consumers say they use Facebook in order to maintain
     personal relationships, compared to 43% of consumers who say
     they’ve “LIKED” a brand.                                                                         of people trust
     70% of consumers who have “FANNED” (i.e. LIKED) a brand on         the recommendations of their
     Facebook didn’t feel they’d given this company permission to
     market to them.                                                    Facebook friends.
12   © 2010 ExactTarget
                                                                 40%      To receive discounts and promotions

                                                                39%     To show my support for the company to others

                                                       36%       To get a “freebie” (e.g., free samples, coupon)

                                                   34%      To stay informed about the activities of a company

                                                33%       To get updates on future products

                                         30%       To get updates on upcoming sales

                                       29%        For fun or entertainment

                             25%        To get access to exclusive content

                      22%        Someone recommended it to me

                    21%       To learn more about the company

      13%   For education about company topics

      13%   To interact (e.g., share ideas, provide feedback)

                                                                                                          Get the full report at

                                                                                                                   © 2010 ExactTarget   13
     & TWITTER AS COLLABORATORS—                                                    THE TAKEAWAYS:
                                                                                           Although only 5% of U.S. online
                                                                                           consumers actually FOLLOW at
                                                                                    least one brand, these consumers are the
                                                                                    most influential online group. You must
     With headlines like “Facebook COO is
                                                                                    keep them happy in order to get the most
     Embracing the End of Email” and “Facebook                                      bang for your marketing buck.
     is Going for Some Twitter Sensibility,” it’s
     easy to understand why marketers get                                            2     96% of daily email users SUBSCRIBE
                                                                                           to at least one brand’s email messages,
     the impression that email, Facebook, and                                       and it drives more purchases than any other
     Twitter are in direct competition with one                                     channel. It should serve as the cornerstone for
     another. But with a short attention span and                                   your retention marketing strategies.
     an ability to multitask, consumers constantly
                                                                                          A Facebook FAN’S greatest value to
     rotate from one online communication tool                                       3
                                                                                          marketers lies in his or her ability to
     to another. If your customers don’t isolate                                    spread messages to friends and contacts.
     these channels from one another, why                 Get the full report at    If you empower your Facebook FANS to
     should you?                                                                    spread your brand’s message, you’ll acquire
                                                                                    new audiences and increase ROI.

     69% 68%
     of daily Facebook users      of daily Twitter users FOLLOW       Email is the most broadly used
     are a FAN of at least        at least one brand—making
     one brand, but it’s the      it the channel most likely to       communication channel and is likely to
     least effective channel      drive increased purchases           drive increased purchase intent among
     to drive increased           after a consumer chooses to
     purchase behavior.           become a brand’s FOLLOWER.          the largest number of consumers.

14    © 2010 ExactTarget
+ POOR    ++ FAIR   +++ GOOD
                                                           EMAIL     FACEBOOK         TWITTER
 POTENTIAL REACH                                            +++          ++                +
 RETENTION                                                  +++          ++               ++
 ACQUISITION                                                  +         +++              +++
 CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT                                      Drives      Gathering        Personal
                                                        response    place for FANS   connection
                                                        from the    ready to be      with influential
                                                        masses.     mobilized for    consumers.

 KEY TO SUCCESS                                         Targeted,   Fuel con-        Provide
                                                        exclusive   versations       “insider
                                                        content.    among FANS       access” to
                                                                    and their        fuel content
                                                                    friends.         creation.

 To receive discounts and promotions                        67%         40%              31%
 To get a “freebie”                                         55%         36%              28%
 To get updates on future products                          45%         33%              38%
 To get updates on upcoming sales                           50%         30%              30%
 To stay informed about the activities of the company       28%         34%              32%
 For fun and entertainment                                  29%         29%              26%
 To show support for the company to others                  11%         39%              23%
 To learn about the company’s products and services         28%         21%              25%
 To get access to exclusive content                         33%         25%              25%
 Someone recommended it to me                               17%         22%              14%
 For education about company topics                         22%         13%              14%
 To interact (e.g., provide feedback)                       14%         13%              20%

                                                                                      © 2010 ExactTarget   15
SOCIAL MEDIA INCREASES—                                 THE TAKEAWAYS:
     NOT DECREASES—FACE-TO-                                   1
                                                                    Be sure to read beyond the headlines and carefully examine
                                                                    an organization’s methodology before acting on research.

     FACE INTERACTIONS                                         2
                                                                    Simply increasing a FAN base won’t earn more money for
                                                                    your organization. Mobilize the FAN base you already have
                                                             so they can share your powerful messages.
     As the interactive industry evolves at a break-neck
                                                                     Twitter’s initial success may have hinged on big-name
     pace, marketers need to be armed with the truth          3      celebrity participation, but now it’s made room for a new
     about how their customers are engaging across           type of celebrity—an individual who’s become famous simply as a
     email, Facebook, and Twitter in order to successfully   result of using Twitter.

     communicate with them. And headlines and industry        4      Individuals who are becoming more active on Facebook
     buzz can often be misleading. That’s why we examined            and Twitter are also interacting with friends in “real” settings
                                                             (not virtual) more often.
     four common social media myths to deny, debunk, and
     deliver the answers you need to build an integrated
     marketing strategy built on the truth—not commonly-
     held assumptions.

     IS PLAUSIBLE: However, the issue of causality is at
     stake when further examining the purchase potential
     of consumers after becoming a FAN.
                                                                                                               Get the full report at

16    © 2010 ExactTarget
                                                                                                                                                                MEDIA IS MAKING PEOPLE
                                                                                                                                                                LESS SOCIAL” IS BUSTED:
                                                                                                                                                                Increases in Facebook
                                                                                                                                                                and Twitter usage actually
                                                                                                                                                                correlate to increases in
                                                                                                                                                                social, in-person interactions.

                                                                       19%                                                                                      THE MYTH THAT “TWITTER’S
                                 27%                                   MORE                                                                              33%
                                 MORE                                                                            46%                                     MORE   SUCCESS HINGES ON
                                                                              MEETING WITH FRIENDS IN PERSON


                                                                                                                          CALLING FRIENDS ON THE PHONE
                                                                                                                                                                CONTINUED CELEBRITY USAGE”
                                        CALLING FRIENDS ON THE PHONE

                                                                                                                                                                IS BUSTED: With more than
                                                                                                                                                                370,000 new user sign-ups
                                                                       63%                                                                                      each day, online consumers
                                 60%                                   SAME
                                 SAME                                                                                                                    55%    continue to increase their use
                                                                                                                                                         SAME   of Twitter.
                                                                                                                                                                THE MYTH THAT “EMAIL USE IS
                                                                                                                                                                DECLINING” IS BUSTED: How
                                 13%                                   LESS                                       7%                                     13%    consumers access email is
                                 LESS                                                                                                                    LESS
                                                                                                                 LESS                                           changing, but the use of email
                                                                                                                                                                continues to increase.
                             AMONG CONSUMERS                                                                     AMONG CONSUMERS
                          INCREASING FACEBOOK USE                                                              INCREASING TWITTER USE
                                                                                                                                                                                    © 2010 ExactTarget   17
Promote Facebook games, applications, and competitions in
                                                             email and on Twitter.
                                                             Feature winners of Facebook competitions in your email
                                                             Tweet about exclusive content that’s only available to email
      QUICK-HITTING WAYS                                     Promote exclusive deals on Facebook and Twitter, but make it
                                                             only available to email SUBSCRIBERS.

      FACEBOOK, AND TWITTER                             5
                                                             Post links to web versions of your best emails on Facebook
                                                             and Twitter.
       Our SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS                    Include LIKE and FOLLOW buttons in email newsletters and
       research is the first of its kind to capture a        promotions.
       snapshot of how consumers are engaging                Include links to your Twitter and Facebook pages in email
       across email, Facebook, and Twitter. And              newsletters.
       one thing is certain: consumers don’t limit           Collect email addresses at the point of conversion for
       their engagements to one or two interactive           consumers who link to your site from Facebook and Twitter.
       channels. In order to reach your customers in     9
                                                             Create an email segment containing Twitter FOLLOWERS and
                                                             provide them with additional “insider information” through email.
       real time with relevant communications, you
       must successfully combine email, Facebook,       10
                                                             Include questions posted on Twitter and Facebook in your
                                                             emails, and then answer them.
       and Twitter into an integrated marketing
       strategy. We’ve compiled 12 ways for you         11 Encourage email SUBSCRIBERS to post questions on Facebook
                                                             and/or Twitter.
       to do just that, so you can achieve effective
       customer communications today.                   12 Host videos on your Facebook page and include links in your
                                                             emails and post links on Twitter.

18   © 2010 ExactTarget
 “Make it worth my while. Incentives are always a                        WAY TO CATCH ME. IF
 good start, but in the end, anything you do needs                       I LIKE YOUR PRODUCT,
 to benefit me as the consumer and get me hooked                         I’LL STICK AROUND AND
 on your product.”                                                       TELL MY FRIENDS.”

                                          “Only make
“MAKE YOUR POINT CLEARLY           legitimate, no-gimmick
AND DON’T BURY THINGS IN              offers and include             “RESPOND
THE FINE PRINT. WHILE YOU’RE            an easy way to               TO ME QUICKLY
AT IT, GET RID OF ALL THE LEGAL                                     AND TREAT ME WITH
GARBAGE. IF YOU WANT TO SELL                                      RESPECT WHEN I HAVE
ME SOMETHING, DON’T MAKE ME                                     A PROBLEM THAT
DIG AROUND FOR IT.”                                             NEEDS TO BE FIXED.”

                                  “Be honest and forthright.
       “Include something         Consistently deliver quality products and
     extra from time to time.     provide the best customer service possible.
    Surprise me and show me       That will keep me coming back.”                   “Send me your
                                                                                    questionnaire about
     you value my business.”                                                        the kinds of things
                                                             “Have an email         I’m interested in and
                                                          that I can sign up for,   send me the stuff I
                                                        but don’t send emails all   tell you I want.”
                                                         the time. If a company
 “Companies should stand behind their                 sends me too many, I start
                                                       thinking spam, and then I
 products, be available for questions, respond               just hit delete.”
 quickly, give realistic delivery dates, and
 charge appropriately for delivery.”
                                                                                             © 2010 ExactTarget
                                                                                             © 2010 ExactTarget   19
With a comprehensive email + Facebook + Twitter strategy, you need to
understand what’s being said about your brand—right now, in real time.
That’s why you need the ExactTarget Interactive Marketing Hub™.
You’ll get a single view of what’s happening across Email, Mobile, Social, and Sites. From planning and
tracking campaigns to engaging in real-time conversations on Twitter and Facebook, the Interactive
Marketing Hub will forever change the way you communicate with your customers.

Learn more at
Real [data]. Real [time]. Real [smart marketing].

www. ExactTarget. com                                         www. CoTweet. com

This document may not be copied without the prior written consent of ExactTarget. © 2010 ExactTarget.

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  • 1.
  • 3. DEAR INTERACTIVE MARKETER, We know social media has revolutionized the way we communicate with our customers. We’re all in hot pursuit of knowing how to The SUBSCRIBERS, effectively deliver the right messages, through the right channels, at the right time. FANS, & FOLLOWERS At ExactTarget, we also know that a marketer’s hunch is no 2010 Executive Summary longer enough to find success on the real-time web. To truly connect with customers and deliver “right message, right time, right place,” we must understand what actions consumers are will help you capitalize actually taking across these traditional and emerging channels. That’s why we went straight to the source and asked consumers—not marketers—how they view on the current interactive and use each of these unique communication mediums. marketing landscape—in The result is our ground-breaking research series, SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS*, which captures a snapshot of the interactive marketing landscape as it stands right now. Inside this real time, with real results latest report, we’ll take more than 100 pages of social media and interactive marketing research conducted from April to July of 2010 and boil it down into digestible insights you must know to for your business. build integrated, cross-channel campaigns. And because we understand how short you are on time—and how strategic you need to be to find success in the era of real-time marketing—we provide tangible tips and tricks you can apply TODAY to make our research of more than 1,500 online consumers actionable. By implementing these easy tips and tricks, you’ll immediately reap the benefits of this industry- leading research, before the ever-evolving interactive landscape presents new data and this opportunity to act passes you by. *SUBSCRIBERS are U.S. consumers who have provided their email address to at least one brand. FANS are U.S. consumers with a Facebook account who have become a FAN (or LIKED) at least one So enough talk—it’s time for action. The SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS 2010 Executive brand on Facebook. FOLLOWERS are U.S. consumers with a Twitter Summary will help you capitalize on the current interactive marketing landscape—in real time, account who FOLLOW at least one brand on Twitter. with real results for your business. To Your Interactive Successes, TIM KOPP Chief Marketing Officer ExactTarget © 2010 ExactTarget 3
  • 4. 58% OF CONSUMERS BEGIN THE DAY place you go on li n e st in WITH EMAIL, 11% WITH FACEBOOK e fir a th ty pic is When your customers wake in the morning, are they reaching al d e Wher ay? for their smartphones to check Facebook, updating their Twitter statuses, or logging onto laptops to check email? Believe it or not, what an individual does first thing in the morning can tell you a lot about the types of marketing messages you should be sending across email, Facebook, and Twitter. By examining U.S. consumers’ digital morning tendencies, you’ll gain a unique glimpse into your © Ex customers’ individual priorities and motivations. ac tT ar ge t 43% 3% My Company's 11% 20% website/intranet Facebook Search/ 3% Portal 58% Other 5% Email of all online consumers News Site surveyed identify themselves as either FANS or FOLLOWERS. 4 © 2010 ExactTarget
  • 5. 58% THE TAKEAWAYS: 1 When delivering product information, deals, and promotions, consider of online consumers delivering this information via email, preferably first-thing in the morning. begin the day with email, followed by 2 Individuals who check email first thing in the morning want different checking a search engine or portal site types of information compared to those who check Facebook first. To engage with (20%), and Facebook (11%). Facebook-first audiences, deliver content that’s entertaining and fun. 3 Cross-promote your programs across all channels. Make sure that FANS and FOLLOWERS know they can People who check People who initially receive additional deals through email, and that SUBSCRIBERS know they can email first tend to be check Facebook participate in activities like contests on motivated to interact tend to become Facebook and Twitter. with brands online for FANS of brands the sake of obtaining for entertainment deals, promotions, or new purposes or to show support— product information. not to obtain deals. Get the full report at They’re more likely to seek promotions through email. © 2010 ExactTarget 5
  • 6. 56% OF MILLENNIALS* SUBSCRIBE TO THE TAKEAWAYS: EMAIL IN SEARCH FOR ONGOING DEALS 1 56% of consumers aged 15-24 are twice as likely to SUBSCRIBE to email in their search for deals as they More than 93% of online consumers are SUBSCRIBERS, meaning are to search on Facebook. Don’t allow demographics to make you complacent. they’ve provided their email address to at least one company or brand. Offer a blend of messages across both And 88% of consumers check email daily while 94% use it at least once traditional and emerging channels. a week. Additionally, more than 50% of consumers make purchases Avoid the trap of promoting 2 exclusive offers that are channel- as a direct result of email—it drives more specific—these offers initially attract more FANS and FOLLOWERS, but they conversions than any other channel. So won’t retain consumers over time. while email isn’t new, it certainly isn’t dead. To get on your customers’ “favorite” 3 It remains a critical foundation for online list, relevancy is a must. The biggest difference between valuable and non- marketing, due to its unique x-factors—the valuable email programs is whether or not the information relates to the interests of characteristics that set it apart from any the customer. other marketing channel. *Consumers aged 15-24 Get the full report at 81% of consumers have been motivated to provide a company with an email address as a result of a promotion. Only 17% of consumers check Facebook for promotions, and only 3% check Twitter for promotions. 6 © 2010 ExactTarget
  • 7. 56% Millennials SUBSCRIBE to of email in their search for ongoing deals compared to only 28% who search for deals on Facebook. Half of consumers (49%) always open emails from their “favorite” brands, compared to only 16% who say they never open an email from brands. © 2010 ExactTarget 7
  • 8. NEW CONSUMER PERSONAS HELP MARKETERS UNDERSTAND ONLINE MOTIVATIONS Customers no longer pay attention to a marketer’s brand for the same reasons across all ages, incomes, and genders. And despite marketers’ best efforts to categorize consumer preferences based on these common demographics, most consumers approach the internet like they do in all other areas of life—with intrinsic personality traits and motivations that influence how they’ll interact online. We identified 12 unique online consumer personas by studying their levels of social media consumption and Get the full report at creation, so marketers like you can get to know your audiences based on personalities. 4% of consumers are SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, and FOLLOWERS* 8 © 2010 ExactTarget
  • 9. VERLAP THE TAKEAWAYS: ERS O 1.3% 1 Don’t fall into the trap of marketing to consumers LOW FOLLOWERS ONLY based on demographics: personalities are <0.1% OL better indicators of how customers will engage 4% FANS & &F with brands across email, Facebook, and Twitter. SUBSCRIBERS, FOLLOWERS FANS, & FOLLOWERS IBERS, FANS, 2 If any of your target audiences are comprised 0.7% of Megaphones, you’ll reach them best via FANS ONLY Facebook and Twitter. Keep your Megaphones 32% happy, or else the entire internet will hear about SUBSCRIBERS & FANS your shortcomings. 56% The cross-over between SUBSCRIBER, FAN, SUBSCRIBERS 3 SCR and FOLLOWER is more likely than ever before. ONLY Make sure you effectively coordinate your messages UB across these three channels, so you consistently S deliver high-quality and channel-appropriate content. ©ExactTarget *SUBSCRIBERS are U.S. consumers who have given their email address to at least one brand. FANS are U.S. consumers with a Facebook account who have become a FAN (or LIKED) at least one brand on Facebook. FOLLOWERS are U.S. consumers with a Twitter account who FOLLOW at least one brand on Twitter. Although only 7% of online consumers identify themselves The majority of online consumers identify themselves as Inner Circle as Megaphones (who want to connect, educate, and share Consumers (who go online to maintain and deepen friend and family resources and information with others across the internet), relationships), Cautious Consumers (who tend to be very selective about they have a disproportionately large influence on brands who they communicate with online), or Info Seekers (who go online to and the internet as a whole. find and consume information). © 2010 ExactTarget 9
  • 10. TWITTER USERS ARE 3X MORE THE TAKEAWAYS: LIKELY TO IMPACT BRANDS ONLINE 1 Commit to serving your customers who do use Twitter on a daily basis, even if this portion of your audience represents a smaller number than other key constituencies. Although Twitter’s active user base remains smaller than 2 When consumers choose to FOLLOW a brand, they want: other social networking sites like Facebook, approximately • To obtain new, authentic perspectives on 11.5 million U.S. consumers use Twitter on a daily basis, companies and 5% choose to FOLLOW at least one brand or company. • To receive insider information about upcoming products and services These daily Twitter users are the most passionate and • To get to know the personalities behind a brand influential consumers across the entire internet, and what • To receive freebies, samples, and discounts they say about YOUR brand could have a profound impact • To see how a company responds when its brand is publically criticized on your bottom line. What happens on Twitter doesn’t stay Be sure to keep these consumer expectations in mind when on Twitter, and that’s why you must understand how to choosing how to engage with your customers via Twitter. successfully interact with them via this channel. 20% of consumers indicate that they’ve started FOLLOWING a brand on Twitter in order to interact with that company, compared to 13% of SUBSCRIBERS and 13% of FANS who turn to Get the full report at email and Facebook for brand interaction. 10 © 2010 ExactTarget
  • 11. 80% SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ACTIVITIES (MONTHLY) 76% 75% Daily Twitter Users All Other Consumers Comment on Photos or Videos 72% 70% Upload Photos Post to Forums Blog Comment on Blogs 61% 61% 59% 56% Post Ratings and Reviews Comment on News 53% Update Own Site 50% 50% 49% Upload Articles 48% Upload Video Post to Wikis Upload Audio Sell Online Post Coupons 38% 27% 25% 23% 20% 14% 15% 13% 14% 10% 10% 12% 10% 7% A brand’s Twitter FOLLOWERS are three Twitter’s reach is approximately double its user base—23% of times more likely than the average online consumers read Tweets at least monthly, and 11% report consumer to blog at least once per reading others’ Tweets even though they haven’t created a Twitter month (53% compared to 18%). account of their own. © 2010 ExactTarget 11
  • 12. NEARLY 40% OF CONSUMERS “LIKE” COMPANIES TO SHOW THE TAKEAWAYS: In order to combat your customers’ fears BRAND AFFILIATION TO FRIENDS 1 about a marketer’s role on Facebook, look at every engagement as an opportunity to build trust. It’s crucial that marketers understand that the Facebook reigns as the social networking community of choice 2 act of LIKING of a brand on Facebook doesn’t serve as an open invitation for marketing messages. for today’s online consumer. 42% of U.S. online consumers, Instead, it should be viewed as a simultaneous display which equals approximately 46 million people, say they use of endorsement and personal expression. To capitalize on Facebook’s viral potential, Facebook at least once a day. But traditional marketing 3 make sure you’re giving your FANS something theories centered on price, product, placement, and worth talking about! The more they talk about your brand, the more your messages will reach new—and promotion don’t necessarily work in this unique space. potentially profitable—audiences. Our research reveals the hidden opportunities—and potential landmines—that await you, the marketer, on Facebook. 90% 59% of U.S. consumers say they use Facebook in order to maintain personal relationships, compared to 43% of consumers who say they’ve “LIKED” a brand. of people trust 70% of consumers who have “FANNED” (i.e. LIKED) a brand on the recommendations of their Facebook didn’t feel they’d given this company permission to market to them. Facebook friends. 12 © 2010 ExactTarget
  • 13. WHAT HAS MOTIVATED YOU TO “LIKE” A COMPANY, BRAND, OR ASSOCIATION ON FACEBOOK? 40% To receive discounts and promotions 39% To show my support for the company to others 36% To get a “freebie” (e.g., free samples, coupon) 34% To stay informed about the activities of a company 33% To get updates on future products 30% To get updates on upcoming sales 29% For fun or entertainment 25% To get access to exclusive content 22% Someone recommended it to me 21% To learn more about the company 13% For education about company topics 13% To interact (e.g., share ideas, provide feedback) Get the full report at © 2010 ExactTarget 13
  • 14. CONSUMERS VIEW EMAIL, FACEBOOK, & TWITTER AS COLLABORATORS— THE TAKEAWAYS: NOT COMPETITORS Although only 5% of U.S. online 1 consumers actually FOLLOW at least one brand, these consumers are the most influential online group. You must With headlines like “Facebook COO is keep them happy in order to get the most Embracing the End of Email” and “Facebook bang for your marketing buck. is Going for Some Twitter Sensibility,” it’s easy to understand why marketers get 2 96% of daily email users SUBSCRIBE to at least one brand’s email messages, the impression that email, Facebook, and and it drives more purchases than any other Twitter are in direct competition with one channel. It should serve as the cornerstone for another. But with a short attention span and your retention marketing strategies. an ability to multitask, consumers constantly A Facebook FAN’S greatest value to rotate from one online communication tool 3 marketers lies in his or her ability to to another. If your customers don’t isolate spread messages to friends and contacts. these channels from one another, why Get the full report at If you empower your Facebook FANS to should you? spread your brand’s message, you’ll acquire new audiences and increase ROI. 69% 68% of daily Facebook users of daily Twitter users FOLLOW Email is the most broadly used are a FAN of at least at least one brand—making one brand, but it’s the it the channel most likely to communication channel and is likely to least effective channel drive increased purchases drive increased purchase intent among to drive increased after a consumer chooses to purchase behavior. become a brand’s FOLLOWER. the largest number of consumers. 14 © 2010 ExactTarget
  • 15. EMAIL, FACEBOOK, & TWITTER: SIDE-BY-SIDE + POOR ++ FAIR +++ GOOD EMAIL FACEBOOK TWITTER POTENTIAL REACH +++ ++ + RETENTION +++ ++ ++ ACQUISITION + +++ +++ CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT Drives Gathering Personal response place for FANS connection from the ready to be with influential masses. mobilized for consumers. outreach. KEY TO SUCCESS Targeted, Fuel con- Provide exclusive versations “insider content. among FANS access” to and their fuel content friends. creation. MOTIVATIONS TO BECOME SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS To receive discounts and promotions 67% 40% 31% To get a “freebie” 55% 36% 28% To get updates on future products 45% 33% 38% To get updates on upcoming sales 50% 30% 30% To stay informed about the activities of the company 28% 34% 32% For fun and entertainment 29% 29% 26% To show support for the company to others 11% 39% 23% To learn about the company’s products and services 28% 21% 25% To get access to exclusive content 33% 25% 25% Someone recommended it to me 17% 22% 14% For education about company topics 22% 13% 14% To interact (e.g., provide feedback) 14% 13% 20% © 2010 ExactTarget 15
  • 16. SOCIAL MEDIA INCREASES— THE TAKEAWAYS: NOT DECREASES—FACE-TO- 1 Be sure to read beyond the headlines and carefully examine an organization’s methodology before acting on research. FACE INTERACTIONS 2 Simply increasing a FAN base won’t earn more money for your organization. Mobilize the FAN base you already have so they can share your powerful messages. As the interactive industry evolves at a break-neck Twitter’s initial success may have hinged on big-name pace, marketers need to be armed with the truth 3 celebrity participation, but now it’s made room for a new about how their customers are engaging across type of celebrity—an individual who’s become famous simply as a email, Facebook, and Twitter in order to successfully result of using Twitter. communicate with them. And headlines and industry 4 Individuals who are becoming more active on Facebook buzz can often be misleading. That’s why we examined and Twitter are also interacting with friends in “real” settings (not virtual) more often. four common social media myths to deny, debunk, and deliver the answers you need to build an integrated marketing strategy built on the truth—not commonly- held assumptions. THE MYTH THAT A “FACEBOOK FAN IS WORTH $136.38” IS PLAUSIBLE: However, the issue of causality is at stake when further examining the purchase potential of consumers after becoming a FAN. Get the full report at 16 © 2010 ExactTarget
  • 17. THE MYTH THAT “SOCIAL MEDIA IS MAKING PEOPLE LESS SOCIAL” IS BUSTED: Increases in Facebook and Twitter usage actually correlate to increases in social, in-person interactions. 19% THE MYTH THAT “TWITTER’S 27% MORE 33% MORE 46% MORE SUCCESS HINGES ON MEETING WITH FRIENDS IN PERSON MEETING WITH FRIENDS IN PERSON MORE CALLING FRIENDS ON THE PHONE CONTINUED CELEBRITY USAGE” CALLING FRIENDS ON THE PHONE IS BUSTED: With more than 370,000 new user sign-ups 63% each day, online consumers 60% SAME SAME 55% continue to increase their use SAME of Twitter. 46% SAME THE MYTH THAT “EMAIL USE IS DECLINING” IS BUSTED: How 19% 13% LESS 7% 13% consumers access email is LESS LESS LESS changing, but the use of email continues to increase. AMONG CONSUMERS AMONG CONSUMERS INCREASING FACEBOOK USE INCREASING TWITTER USE © 2010 ExactTarget 17
  • 18. Promote Facebook games, applications, and competitions in 1 email and on Twitter. Feature winners of Facebook competitions in your email 2 newsletter. Tweet about exclusive content that’s only available to email 3 SUBSCRIBERS. QUICK-HITTING WAYS Promote exclusive deals on Facebook and Twitter, but make it TO INTEGRATE EMAIL, 4 only available to email SUBSCRIBERS. FACEBOOK, AND TWITTER 5 Post links to web versions of your best emails on Facebook and Twitter. Our SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS Include LIKE and FOLLOW buttons in email newsletters and 6 research is the first of its kind to capture a promotions. snapshot of how consumers are engaging Include links to your Twitter and Facebook pages in email 7 across email, Facebook, and Twitter. And newsletters. one thing is certain: consumers don’t limit Collect email addresses at the point of conversion for 8 their engagements to one or two interactive consumers who link to your site from Facebook and Twitter. channels. In order to reach your customers in 9 Create an email segment containing Twitter FOLLOWERS and provide them with additional “insider information” through email. real time with relevant communications, you must successfully combine email, Facebook, 10 Include questions posted on Twitter and Facebook in your emails, and then answer them. and Twitter into an integrated marketing strategy. We’ve compiled 12 ways for you 11 Encourage email SUBSCRIBERS to post questions on Facebook and/or Twitter. to do just that, so you can achieve effective customer communications today. 12 Host videos on your Facebook page and include links in your emails and post links on Twitter. 18 © 2010 ExactTarget
  • 19. “FREEBIES ARE A GOOD “Make it worth my while. Incentives are always a WAY TO CATCH ME. IF good start, but in the end, anything you do needs I LIKE YOUR PRODUCT, to benefit me as the consumer and get me hooked I’LL STICK AROUND AND on your product.” TELL MY FRIENDS.” “Only make “MAKE YOUR POINT CLEARLY legitimate, no-gimmick AND DON’T BURY THINGS IN offers and include “RESPOND THE FINE PRINT. WHILE YOU’RE an easy way to TO ME QUICKLY AT IT, GET RID OF ALL THE LEGAL AND TREAT ME WITH unsubscribe.” GARBAGE. IF YOU WANT TO SELL RESPECT WHEN I HAVE ME SOMETHING, DON’T MAKE ME A PROBLEM THAT DIG AROUND FOR IT.” NEEDS TO BE FIXED.” “Be honest and forthright. “Include something Consistently deliver quality products and extra from time to time. provide the best customer service possible. Surprise me and show me That will keep me coming back.” “Send me your questionnaire about you value my business.” the kinds of things “Have an email I’m interested in and that I can sign up for, send me the stuff I but don’t send emails all tell you I want.” the time. If a company “Companies should stand behind their sends me too many, I start thinking spam, and then I products, be available for questions, respond just hit delete.” quickly, give realistic delivery dates, and charge appropriately for delivery.” © 2010 ExactTarget © 2010 ExactTarget 19 19
  • 20. With a comprehensive email + Facebook + Twitter strategy, you need to understand what’s being said about your brand—right now, in real time. That’s why you need the ExactTarget Interactive Marketing Hub™. You’ll get a single view of what’s happening across Email, Mobile, Social, and Sites. From planning and tracking campaigns to engaging in real-time conversations on Twitter and Facebook, the Interactive Marketing Hub will forever change the way you communicate with your customers. Learn more at Real [data]. Real [time]. Real [smart marketing]. www. ExactTarget. com www. CoTweet. com This document may not be copied without the prior written consent of ExactTarget. © 2010 ExactTarget.