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email...but not just email!

    INTRODUCTION                                                      Our research tells us that
                                                                      consumers prefer email
    There’s no shortage of advice                                     3-to-1 for marketing
    aimed at interactive marketers                                    communications.1 But
    today. In fact, your inbox prob-                                  that’s not the whole
    ably fills up each day with tips,                                 story.   Although      the
    tricks, and helpful hints to help                                 majority of consumers
    you make the most of your in-                                     prefer email over every
    teractive marketing campaigns.                                    other    communication
    But how much of that advice                                       type evaluated in our
    is really useful? How much of                                     study, only 15% of
    it goes beyond the theoretical                                    consumers want all
    and actually provides recom-           marketing messages to come through email.
    mendations on what to do?
                                           The good news? Marketers are already highly focused
    This report is different. In the       on engaging with consumers across multiple interactive
    pages that follow, we’ll reveal        channels—and this research proves you’re on the right
    some of the top things that            track! Now it’s just a matter of taking that cross-channel
    consumers want from inter-             approach to the next level—and we can help.
    active marketers—backed by
    solid statistical data. Then we’ll
    go a step further, providing
                                               2009 Channel Preference Study (1,500 consumers surveyed)
    real, actionable recommenda-
    tions to help you make real,
    tangible improvements to your
    interactive marketing program.

    Read on and get the answers
    you’re looking for—instead
    of more questions.

offer multiple ways to engage, and cross-promote your social presence.

                                 In today’s real-time world, it goes without saying that your interactive marketing program should
                                 encompass multiple channels—email, Facebook, and Twitter. To maximize engagement and consumer
                                                                                                                                                                your Twitter
                                 satisfaction, marketers should:
                                                                                                                                                 Want to take s to the
                                 MAKE EMAIL AN OPTION FOR ALL MARKETING MESSAGES Whether they’re                                                 communicationeck out all
                                 opting into a mailing list, requesting services, or entering a sweepstakes, consumers should always see         next level? Chfeatures
                                 email at the top of the list for communication options. It only makes sense—if most people prefer email          the awesome ugh CoTweet
                                 for marketing communications, give them what they want!                                                          available thro d out more
                                                                                                                                                   Enterprise! Fin
                                 ESTABLISH CLEAR A VALUE PROPOSITION FOR EACH CHANNEL As                                                           at www.cotwee
                                 marketers, we’re completely immersed in the world of email, Facebook, and Twitter. But consumers may
               er on the         not always understand why they should interact with brands through these various channels. Help them
Need a refresh s of each
                                 understand the benefits of becoming a Subscriber, Fan, or Follower!
unique strengt a minute to
 review SUBS LLOWERS            Consumers might not even realize you’re on Facebook and Twitter unless you tell them! Add social information
 FANS, & FO 4, and #5.          to your email opt-in page, and include links to your Facebook and Twitter pages in your welcome email. By
  reports #2, the same token, why not include an email opt-in form on your Facebook or Twitter page?
  Visit www.exa e series.
                                 EMAILS Take advantage of some simple techniques for encouraging consumers to engage with your
                                 brand across channels. By building “Share This” functionality into your emails, you create an instant
                                 connection between your brand and the social channel in the mind of the consumer. And including “Like”
                                                                                                                                                              “Social Forwa
                                 and “Follow” links in your email is a no-brainer—what could be simpler?                                       ExactTarget’s makes it easy to
                                                                                                                                               functionality to more than 45
                                                                                                                                                share content ! Find out more
                                                                                                                                                social networks
                                                                                                                                                 at www.exactt

to interact with brands across multiple channels.

Let’s face it—email and social belong together! Consumers
don’t limit their interactions to one channel—and neither should
your marketing.

       •	   More than 90% of consumers who are “Fans” of at
            least one brand on Facebook also receive at least one
            permission-based marketing email per day

       •	   More than 75% of consumers who “Follow” at least
            one brand on Twitter also receive at least one
            permission-based marketing email per day2

                                                                                  ERS O                            1.3%
    ExactTarget SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS report #3,
    The Social Profile                                                                                           FOLLOWERS

                                                                                                   4%                  FANS &

                                                                                                SUBSCRIBERS,         FOLLOWERS
                                                                                              FANS & FOLLOWERS

                                                             BERS, FANS
                                                                                                                          FANS ONLY
                                                                                                      & FANS
                                                         SCRI                      56%


make the most of each channel by taking advantage of their unique strengths.

                             Once you recognize how many consumers are interacting with your brand through multiple channels,
                             you’ll see how important it is to keep your messaging fresh, relevant—and channel-appropriate. To
                             make the most of the opportunity, marketers should:

                             CONVERSATIONS Email is unquestionably the best channel for many of your everyday                                      how
                             communication needs—transactional messages, shipping confirmations, etc. Why not automate               Want to knowcan make
                             those routine email messages and free up your time for more strategic real-time interactions?           ExactTarget simple? Check
                                                                                                                                     automations mation
                             COORDINATE YOUR EMAIL, FACEBOOK, AND TWITTER MESSAGES The last                                           out the Auto ation at
              ve Marketing   thing you want is to confuse consumers with inconsistent messaging across channels. Keep your            Studio applic!
The Interactiar feature      communications consistent and engaging by coordinating your campaigns across email, Facebook,             www.exacttarg
Hub’s Calend to              and Twitter. But don’t forget—“consistent” doesn’t mean “repetitive.” Each channel requires its own
 makes it easy mpaigns
 coordinate ca nnels. Vist
                             unique style and voice.

 across all cha   MONITOR THE CONVERSATION Setting up a Facebook page or a Twitter account isn’t
  www.exacttarg              enough. You also need to monitor and participate in the conversation. Listen for what consumers
  to learn more!             are interested in, and then respond as appropriate—through Twitter, Facebook, or your company
                             blog (or privately via email, if needed). But remember, it’s not necessary to jump into every Twitter
                             conversation that mentions your brand—consumers may see that as invasive.

to buy from the brands they interact with.

Online interaction has a direct impact on purchasing behavior. Once a consumer becomes an
Email Subscriber, Facebook Fan, or Twitter Follower, they’re significantly more likely to purchase
from that brand.3

       •	   27% of Email Subscribers are more likely to purchase

       •	   17% of Facebook Fans are more likely to purchase

       •	   37% of Twitter Followers are more likely to purchase

    ExactTarget SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS report #7, Social Mythbusting

                                       32%                                          32%
                                   DISAGREE                        49%          DISAGREE
                                       41%                                       NEUTRAL
      MORE LIKELY TO                NEUTRAL
     PURCHASE FROM                                           NEUTRAL
         BECOMING A                    27%                                          37%
                                                                   17%             AGREE
    SUBSCRIBER, FAN,                  AGREE
        OR FOLLOWER                                            AGREE

                                   EMAIL                    FACEBOOK             TWITTER
                                 SUBSCRIBER                    FAN              FOLLOWER

identify their brand’s advocates and reward them for their business.

                              It’s been said that a Facebook Fan is worth $136.38. But not every Facebook Fan is worth that
                              much—and some are probably worth even more. Think of each customer as an individual, seek
             ho your          out those who truly love your brand, and reward their loyalty! To best serve brand advocates and
Don’t know w stomers are?     drive incremental sales, marketers should:
most loyal cu ilder puts
Audience Bu ol of your
 YOU in contr . Check         MOVE BEYOND MEASURING TOTAL REVENUE BY CHANNEL Instead, take a
 customer datademo at                                                                                                                         ve Marketing
                                                                                                                               The Interacti g functionality
                              look at revenue per Subscriber/Fan/Follower. You may find that your Twitter Followers are small in
 out the video        number, but convert at a much higher rate than other channels. Be sure to also take into account
                                                                                                                               Hub’s reportintime insights into
  www.exacttarg .er
                              repeat customers and average order value.
                                                                                                                                provides real- annel campaigns.
                                                                                                                                    r cross-ch                 b
                              Not every channel is right for every consumer. Some Twitter customers have no use for email, and
                              some email customers might not be interested in Facebook. So make it easy for consumers to
                                                                                                                                 for more!
                              engage across channels, but don’t penalize those who choose not to do so.

            sight on what
Want more in nt from cross-
                              It’s important to reward those who support your brand online—but why discriminate based on channel?

consumers waeting? Download
                              Rather than offering “email exclusives” or making deals “only available to our Twitter followers,” consider
                              offering promotions based on online brand interaction, regardless of channel.
channel mark ERS, FANS,
 SUBSCRIB RS report #6,
 & FOLLOWE tive Future, at
 The Collabora

to interact with brands on their own schedule-not yours.

The way people start their day reveals a lot about their online priorities. It provides insight
into how they’ll interact with brands online, and highlights intrinsic motivators that drive their
online interactions.

                                                                                ce you go online
report #1, Digital Morning, 58% of U.S. online
consumers begin their day by checking email, as                      fir st pla                  in a
compared to 20% who start their day on search               t   he                                      t yp
engines and 11% on Facebook.                             is                                                 i

                                                  er e

                                                                                                              l day

                                                       My Company's              11%       20%
                                                      website/intranet         Facebook
                                               3%                                         Portal 58%
                                              Other                       5%                      Email
                                                                        News Site

find the right time of day to interact with customers on each channel.

                               Understanding your customers’ online habits is the key to delivering successful marketing messages,
                               at the right time, through the right channel. Here are some practical suggestions for gathering the
                               information you need to understand what your particular audience wants. To best serve customers’
                               unique needs, marketers should:

                               ASK YOUR CUSTOMERS WHEN THEY WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU It seems
                               simple—so simple you probably never thought of it! By adding a single question to your opt-in forms,
                               you can ensure your communications line up with your customers’ schedules.

                               EXPAND YOUR TESTING ACROSS ALL CHANNELS Testing is one of the easiest
                                                                                                                                                         t’s working-
                               ways to improve the effectiveness of your interactive campaigns—so if you aren’t already testing, it’s
                                                                                                                                           Find out wha -with your
                               time to start! Try testing email open rates for various days of the weeks, and various times of day. Test
                                                                                                                                           and what’s notns. It’s easy
                               Facebook and Twitter engagement at varying times as well.
                                                                                                                                            email campaigrget’s A/B
                                                                                                                                            with ExactTa re! Visit
                                                                                                                                             Testing featu
              powerful,        activity trends to see when your campaigns get the best response—then use that information in planning
                                                                                                                                             www.exacttargmore info.
For the most reporting ever,
                                                                                                                                              abtesting for
                               future campaigns.
customizable ort Builder!
 you need Rep t www.           TREAT EACH CHANNEL INDIVIDUALLY Careful analysis of your data will likely reveal
 Learn more a om/hub.          important insights about customers on each interactive channel. For example, you might find that
  exacttarget.c                your Email Subscribers want to hear from you while they drink their morning coffee, while your Twitter
                               Followers are night owls who will stay up until midnight to be the first to pounce when new products are
                               launched on your website.

to know you care.

Regardless of channel, our research shows that one thing consistently drives
customers away: communications that somehow demonstrate you don’t care.

As we discovered in SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS #8:
The Social Break-Up, the concept of “caring” is closely related to relevancy
in the world of interactive marketing. In fact, more than 90% of
consumers have “broken up” with at
least one brand on Email,
Facebook, or Twitter as
a result of irrelevant, too
frequent, or boring
marketing messages.

                                                                               90 %
                                                                               OF CONSUMERS
                                                                               HAVE “BROKEN UP”
                                                                               WITH AT LEAST
                                                                                ONE BRAND

give consumers a choice of what they receive, and how often.

                               So how do you let consumers know your company cares? In a word, it’s all about respect. To
                               create interactive marketing that respects consumers’ preferences, their time, and the promises
                               made, marketers should:

                               MANAGE EXPECTATIONS To prevent a break-up, start the relationship with clear
              forms that       expectations of what a subscriber will receive. Provide complete information about content and
Want to build sy? Check        frequency of communications as part of the opt-in process. Then continue to deliver on your
make opt-in eapture
             a                 promises—that’s why they signed up in the first place
out Smart C rget at
 from ExactTa
        KEEP IT FRESH Periodically survey your customers to find out more about their preferences.
 www.exacttarg                 Don’t be afraid to ask what they like—and don’t like—about your marketing program. Soliciting
                                                                                                                                   Need help cre surveys?
                               honest feedback from your Subscribers, Fans, and Followers demonstrates that you value their
                               opinion—as long as your follow through on their recommendations!
                                                                                                                                   and mana   ging
                               RECOGNIZE WHEN THE DIGITAL RELATIONSHIP IS ON THE ROCKS                                             ExactTarget’s clude
                                                                                                                                    integrations ind FormStack.
                                                                                                                                     SensorPro an
                               Monitor engagement and—when you notice a decline—encourage customers to “rekindle the
                               magic” through a re-engagement campaign. This is also a good opportunity to proactively suggest
                               an alternate frequency for communications, or promote interaction through another channel.

                               WHEN IT’S OVER, FIND OUT WHY Implement a quick (optional) survey at time of email
                               opt-out to help identify any problems that may exist with your marketing program. Also consider
                               respectfully promoting your other channels during opt-out—for example, “We’re sorry to see you
                               go. If you’d like to stay in touch, you can follow us on Facebook or Twitter.” But make sure your
                               cross-channel promotion isn’t too heavy-handed—you don’t want to seem desperate.

Now that you know what consumers want and what you need to do, you need a way to do it. That’s
where ExactTarget’s Interactive Marketing HubTM comes in.
The Interactive Marketing Hub is the solution you’ve been waiting for. Unique in the industry, this
real-time, multi-channel campaign planning and interaction platform will help you manage the
thousands of conversations that are taking place about your brand. With its robust, customizable
applications, you’ll have reporting, automation, and data management capabilities beyond your
wildest dreams.

Visit to learn more and see a demo video. For a more
personal, inside look at the Interactive Marketing Hub, contact your Relationship
Manager or call 877.476.0452 to schedule a live demo.


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5 Things Consumers Want Final

  • 1.
  • 2. email...but not just email! INTRODUCTION Our research tells us that consumers prefer email There’s no shortage of advice 3-to-1 for marketing aimed at interactive marketers communications.1 But today. In fact, your inbox prob- that’s not the whole ably fills up each day with tips, story. Although the tricks, and helpful hints to help majority of consumers you make the most of your in- prefer email over every teractive marketing campaigns. other communication But how much of that advice type evaluated in our is really useful? How much of study, only 15% of it goes beyond the theoretical consumers want all and actually provides recom- marketing messages to come through email. mendations on what to do? The good news? Marketers are already highly focused This report is different. In the on engaging with consumers across multiple interactive pages that follow, we’ll reveal channels—and this research proves you’re on the right some of the top things that track! Now it’s just a matter of taking that cross-channel consumers want from inter- approach to the next level—and we can help. active marketers—backed by solid statistical data. Then we’ll go a step further, providing 1 2009 Channel Preference Study (1,500 consumers surveyed) real, actionable recommenda- tions to help you make real, tangible improvements to your interactive marketing program. Read on and get the answers you’re looking for—instead of more questions. 2
  • 3. offer multiple ways to engage, and cross-promote your social presence. In today’s real-time world, it goes without saying that your interactive marketing program should encompass multiple channels—email, Facebook, and Twitter. To maximize engagement and consumer your Twitter satisfaction, marketers should: Want to take s to the MAKE EMAIL AN OPTION FOR ALL MARKETING MESSAGES Whether they’re communicationeck out all opting into a mailing list, requesting services, or entering a sweepstakes, consumers should always see next level? Chfeatures email at the top of the list for communication options. It only makes sense—if most people prefer email the awesome ugh CoTweet for marketing communications, give them what they want! available thro d out more Enterprise! Fin ESTABLISH CLEAR A VALUE PROPOSITION FOR EACH CHANNEL As at www.cotwee marketers, we’re completely immersed in the world of email, Facebook, and Twitter. But consumers may er on the not always understand why they should interact with brands through these various channels. Help them Need a refresh s of each h understand the benefits of becoming a Subscriber, Fan, or Follower! unique strengt a minute to chann el? Take PROMOTE YOUR SOCIAL PRESENCE THROUGH EMAIL—AND VICE VERSA CRIBERS, review SUBS LLOWERS Consumers might not even realize you’re on Facebook and Twitter unless you tell them! Add social information FANS, & FO 4, and #5. to your email opt-in page, and include links to your Facebook and Twitter pages in your welcome email. By reports #2, the same token, why not include an email opt-in form on your Facebook or Twitter page? Visit www.exa e series. to download th INCLUDE SOCIAL SHARING LINKS AND “LIKE”/“FOLLOW” LINKS IN YOUR EMAILS Take advantage of some simple techniques for encouraging consumers to engage with your brand across channels. By building “Share This” functionality into your emails, you create an instant rd” connection between your brand and the social channel in the mind of the consumer. And including “Like” “Social Forwa and “Follow” links in your email is a no-brainer—what could be simpler? ExactTarget’s makes it easy to functionality to more than 45 share content ! Find out more social networks at www.exactt 3
  • 4. to interact with brands across multiple channels. Let’s face it—email and social belong together! Consumers don’t limit their interactions to one channel—and neither should your marketing. • More than 90% of consumers who are “Fans” of at least one brand on Facebook also receive at least one permission-based marketing email per day • More than 75% of consumers who “Follow” at least one brand on Twitter also receive at least one permission-based marketing email per day2 VERLAP ERS O 1.3% OW 2 ExactTarget SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS report #3, The Social Profile FOLLOWERS ONLY <0.1% L OL 4% FANS & &F SUBSCRIBERS, FOLLOWERS FANS & FOLLOWERS BERS, FANS 0.7% FANS ONLY 32% SUBSCRIBERS & FANS SCRI 56% SUBSCRIBERS ONLY B SU ©ExactTarget 4 4
  • 5. make the most of each channel by taking advantage of their unique strengths. Once you recognize how many consumers are interacting with your brand through multiple channels, you’ll see how important it is to keep your messaging fresh, relevant—and channel-appropriate. To make the most of the opportunity, marketers should: AUTOMATE ROUTINE EMAILS AND TURN TO SOCIAL FOR REAL-TIME CONVERSATIONS Email is unquestionably the best channel for many of your everyday how communication needs—transactional messages, shipping confirmations, etc. Why not automate Want to knowcan make those routine email messages and free up your time for more strategic real-time interactions? ExactTarget simple? Check automations mation COORDINATE YOUR EMAIL, FACEBOOK, AND TWITTER MESSAGES The last out the Auto ation at ve Marketing thing you want is to confuse consumers with inconsistent messaging across channels. Keep your Studio applic! The Interactiar feature communications consistent and engaging by coordinating your campaigns across email, Facebook, www.exacttarg Hub’s Calend to and Twitter. But don’t forget—“consistent” doesn’t mean “repetitive.” Each channel requires its own makes it easy mpaigns coordinate ca nnels. Vist unique style and voice. across all cha MONITOR THE CONVERSATION Setting up a Facebook page or a Twitter account isn’t www.exacttarg enough. You also need to monitor and participate in the conversation. Listen for what consumers to learn more! are interested in, and then respond as appropriate—through Twitter, Facebook, or your company blog (or privately via email, if needed). But remember, it’s not necessary to jump into every Twitter conversation that mentions your brand—consumers may see that as invasive. 5
  • 6. to buy from the brands they interact with. Online interaction has a direct impact on purchasing behavior. Once a consumer becomes an Email Subscriber, Facebook Fan, or Twitter Follower, they’re significantly more likely to purchase from that brand.3 • 27% of Email Subscribers are more likely to purchase • 17% of Facebook Fans are more likely to purchase • 37% of Twitter Followers are more likely to purchase 3 ExactTarget SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS report #7, Social Mythbusting 32% 32% DISAGREE 49% DISAGREE DISAGREE 31% 41% NEUTRAL MORE LIKELY TO NEUTRAL 34% PURCHASE FROM NEUTRAL A BRAND AFTER BECOMING A 27% 37% 17% AGREE SUBSCRIBER, FAN, AGREE OR FOLLOWER AGREE EMAIL FACEBOOK TWITTER SUBSCRIBER FAN FOLLOWER 6
  • 7. identify their brand’s advocates and reward them for their business. It’s been said that a Facebook Fan is worth $136.38. But not every Facebook Fan is worth that much—and some are probably worth even more. Think of each customer as an individual, seek ho your out those who truly love your brand, and reward their loyalty! To best serve brand advocates and Don’t know w stomers are? drive incremental sales, marketers should: most loyal cu ilder puts Audience Bu ol of your YOU in contr . Check MOVE BEYOND MEASURING TOTAL REVENUE BY CHANNEL Instead, take a customer datademo at ve Marketing The Interacti g functionality look at revenue per Subscriber/Fan/Follower. You may find that your Twitter Followers are small in out the video number, but convert at a much higher rate than other channels. Be sure to also take into account Hub’s reportintime insights into www.exacttarg .er repeat customers and average order value. provides real- annel campaigns. audiencebuild ENCOURAGE A CROSS-CHANNEL RELATIONSHIP, BUT DON’T REQUIRE IT you r cross-ch b Not every channel is right for every consumer. Some Twitter customers have no use for email, and Vist some email customers might not be interested in Facebook. So make it easy for consumers to for more! engage across channels, but don’t penalize those who choose not to do so. IMPLEMENT A CUSTOMER REWARD PROGRAM THAT CROSSES CHANNELS sight on what Want more in nt from cross- It’s important to reward those who support your brand online—but why discriminate based on channel? consumers waeting? Download Rather than offering “email exclusives” or making deals “only available to our Twitter followers,” consider offering promotions based on online brand interaction, regardless of channel. channel mark ERS, FANS, SUBSCRIB RS report #6, & FOLLOWE tive Future, at The Collabora www.exacttarg 7
  • 8. to interact with brands on their own schedule-not yours. The way people start their day reveals a lot about their online priorities. It provides insight into how they’ll interact with brands online, and highlights intrinsic motivators that drive their online interactions. According to our SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS ce you go online report #1, Digital Morning, 58% of U.S. online consumers begin their day by checking email, as fir st pla in a compared to 20% who start their day on search t he t yp engines and 11% on Facebook. is i ca er e l day Wh ? 3% My Company's 11% 20% website/intranet Facebook Search/ 3% Portal 58% Other 5% Email News Site 8
  • 9. find the right time of day to interact with customers on each channel. Understanding your customers’ online habits is the key to delivering successful marketing messages, at the right time, through the right channel. Here are some practical suggestions for gathering the information you need to understand what your particular audience wants. To best serve customers’ unique needs, marketers should: ASK YOUR CUSTOMERS WHEN THEY WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU It seems simple—so simple you probably never thought of it! By adding a single question to your opt-in forms, you can ensure your communications line up with your customers’ schedules. EXPAND YOUR TESTING ACROSS ALL CHANNELS Testing is one of the easiest t’s working- ways to improve the effectiveness of your interactive campaigns—so if you aren’t already testing, it’s Find out wha -with your time to start! Try testing email open rates for various days of the weeks, and various times of day. Test and what’s notns. It’s easy Facebook and Twitter engagement at varying times as well. email campaigrget’s A/B REVIEW CAMPAIGN ACTIVITY CAMPAIGNS AT DIFFERENT TIMES Analyze with ExactTa re! Visit Testing featu powerful, activity trends to see when your campaigns get the best response—then use that information in planning www.exacttargmore info. For the most reporting ever, abtesting for future campaigns. customizable ort Builder! you need Rep t www. TREAT EACH CHANNEL INDIVIDUALLY Careful analysis of your data will likely reveal Learn more a om/hub. important insights about customers on each interactive channel. For example, you might find that exacttarget.c your Email Subscribers want to hear from you while they drink their morning coffee, while your Twitter Followers are night owls who will stay up until midnight to be the first to pounce when new products are launched on your website. 9
  • 10. to know you care. Regardless of channel, our research shows that one thing consistently drives customers away: communications that somehow demonstrate you don’t care. As we discovered in SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS #8: The Social Break-Up, the concept of “caring” is closely related to relevancy in the world of interactive marketing. In fact, more than 90% of consumers have “broken up” with at least one brand on Email, Facebook, or Twitter as a result of irrelevant, too frequent, or boring marketing messages. 90 % OF CONSUMERS HAVE “BROKEN UP” WITH AT LEAST ONE BRAND 10
  • 11. give consumers a choice of what they receive, and how often. So how do you let consumers know your company cares? In a word, it’s all about respect. To create interactive marketing that respects consumers’ preferences, their time, and the promises made, marketers should: MANAGE EXPECTATIONS To prevent a break-up, start the relationship with clear forms that expectations of what a subscriber will receive. Provide complete information about content and Want to build sy? Check frequency of communications as part of the opt-in process. Then continue to deliver on your make opt-in eapture a promises—that’s why they signed up in the first place out Smart C rget at from ExactTa KEEP IT FRESH Periodically survey your customers to find out more about their preferences. www.exacttarg Don’t be afraid to ask what they like—and don’t like—about your marketing program. Soliciting ating Need help cre surveys? honest feedback from your Subscribers, Fans, and Followers demonstrates that you value their opinion—as long as your follow through on their recommendations! and mana ging survey RECOGNIZE WHEN THE DIGITAL RELATIONSHIP IS ON THE ROCKS ExactTarget’s clude integrations ind FormStack. SensorPro an Monitor engagement and—when you notice a decline—encourage customers to “rekindle the magic” through a re-engagement campaign. This is also a good opportunity to proactively suggest an alternate frequency for communications, or promote interaction through another channel. WHEN IT’S OVER, FIND OUT WHY Implement a quick (optional) survey at time of email opt-out to help identify any problems that may exist with your marketing program. Also consider respectfully promoting your other channels during opt-out—for example, “We’re sorry to see you go. If you’d like to stay in touch, you can follow us on Facebook or Twitter.” But make sure your cross-channel promotion isn’t too heavy-handed—you don’t want to seem desperate. 11
  • 12. Now that you know what consumers want and what you need to do, you need a way to do it. That’s where ExactTarget’s Interactive Marketing HubTM comes in. The Interactive Marketing Hub is the solution you’ve been waiting for. Unique in the industry, this real-time, multi-channel campaign planning and interaction platform will help you manage the thousands of conversations that are taking place about your brand. With its robust, customizable applications, you’ll have reporting, automation, and data management capabilities beyond your wildest dreams. Visit to learn more and see a demo video. For a more personal, inside look at the Interactive Marketing Hub, contact your Relationship Manager or call 877.476.0452 to schedule a live demo.