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A New
for News
Studying the
Deep Structure
of Young-Adult
News Consumption
A Research Report
from The Associated Press
and the Context-Based
Research Group
June 2008

             Prologue    3
Behavioral Field Study
         and Findings    5
  AP’s Understanding
         of the Model    51
       The Telegraph,
        a Case Study     66
  Acknowledgements       71

In the spring of 2007,
The Associated Press embarked on some business research that began
quite routinely but would end up reshaping our thinking about jour-
nalism in the digital age.

  As part of our strategic planning process, we sought to understand
news consumption patterns beyond what traditional market data and
consumer surveys could tell us. We had a senior management retreat
coming up and we needed something more exciting than regional
growth rates to stimulate discussion.

  An analyst on the planning staff suggested doing an “ethnography”
of young adult consumers and after a quick Google search to under-
stand exactly what that meant, we decided to give it a try.

  To be frank, our expectations were modest. We sought some real
people to put a human face on the accelerating shift to online and mo-
bile consumption of news around the world. We knew young people
were at the leading edge of that movement and a cultural science
study of their media habits sounded like fun.

  In the end, it proved to be as transformative as it was fun. The hu-
man stories were only the start. From there, the professional anthro-
pologists we commissioned to conduct the research created a model
for news delivery that distilled the challenge to its essential elements.

  Based on the observed behavior of the subjects in the study, four ba-
sic news entry points were identified as the main components of the
subjects’ news diets: Facts, Updates, Back Story and Future Stories.
The essential finding: The subjects were overloaded with facts and
updates and were having trouble moving more deeply into the back-
ground and resolution of news stories.
That model, illustrated in a couple of interesting ways in this re-
port, helped validate the mission we had been charting for the digital

       Create content that will satisfy a full range of consum-
       ers’ news needs and then build the links that will con-
       nect people to the relevant news they seek.

  Easy to say and harder to accomplish, in a news environment char-
acterized by fragmented interests and mostly passive consumption
patterns across online and offline news venues. The research dem-
onstrated quite convincingly that the old models for packaging and
delivering news were not connecting with the audience now coming
of age around the world. The habits of these young consumers are
radically different from those that have characterized news consump-
tion for generations. Newspapers, scheduled broadcasts and even Web
sites are giving way to a chaotic system of self-aggregation that is
producing disappointing results not only for news producers, but – as
this research shows – for consumers as well.

  For the World Editors Forum, our initial research has been expand-
ed in two important ways. First, the basic model of consumer behav-
ior that emerged from the original project became the foundation for
a broader set of findings and recommendations designed exclusively
for release at the forum. Second, we have provided a summary of AP’s
own analysis of the model and the practical work that has taken shape
in response to these and other digital trends. As further grounding for
the findings, a brief case study of The Telegraph of London is in-
cluded to illustrate how one well-known newspaper has dealt with the
kind of challenges the model highlights.

 Special thanks go to our partners in this research, the Context-
Based Research Group of Baltimore, Maryland.

                   – AP Strategic Planning | June 2008
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

    News Consumption Behaviors
          of Young Adults
                            An Anthropological Study
                      Overview and Study Objectives

T   he Associated Press
    commissioned Balti-
more-based Context-Based
                                of media usage and were
                                even clearer in everyday
                                life. Younger consumers,
                                                                adjustments, even revolu-
                                                                tions, at media companies
                                                                in every part of the world.
Research Group to conduct       ages 18-34, have adopted        Amid its own revolution
a cultural science study        ways of getting their news      from predominantly print-
– in the parlance of the        that are much different         based services, AP sought
discipline, an “ethnogra-       from those of past genera-      Context’s help in gaining
phy” – focusing on the news     tions. Younger consumers        a deeper and more holistic
consumption habits of           are not only less reliant on    understanding of young
young digital consumers in      the newspaper to get their      consumers. How is news
six cities around the world.    news; they also consume         read, viewed and used by
The drive for this research     news across a multitude of      this generation—through-
came from the recognition       platforms and sources, all      out a typical day?
that a significant shift in     day, constantly Among the
news consumption behav-         key touch points in the new       The project’s original
ior is taking place among       environment are online          objectives included docu-
younger generations.            video, blogs, online social     menting the frequency
                                networks, mobile devices,       with which participants
  The trends had surfaced       RSS, word of mouth, Web         searched for or consumed
clearly across any number       portals and search engines.     news; identifying the
of quantitative measures           This shift is triggering     news sources that young

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

consumers turned to             what constitutes news for       planning process.
most commonly, as well          young consumers. In short,        In 2008, AP and Context
as those sources that they      the project sought to put a     re-engaged to analyze
avoided; identifying the        human face on 21st century      the field data further and
means they used to access       news consumption. What is       extract findings and rec-
these sources; examin-          the “new face of news?”         ommendations that could
ing preferred platforms           The original research         be shared with all those
for news consumption,           was completed in the sum-       interested in pursuing new
especially new and/or           mer of 2007 and produced        approaches to news gather-
nontraditional channels         a model for digital news        ing and delivery .
and devices; and expand-        consumption that AP in-
ing AP’s understanding of       tegrated into its strategic

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

               Why Ethnography and
            Getting to the Deep Structure

To     achieve its objec-
       tives, the AP un-
derstood the need to take
                                on the simple, yet profound,
                                premise that to truly un-
                                derstand human behavior
                                                                  But ethnography alone is
                                                                just a technique, a process
                                                                by which thick and rich
a look at consumers from        you need to witness it first    descriptions are provided
a holistic perspective, to      hand. Anthropologists           that illustrate people’s
delve into their lifestyles     understand that to uncover      lives, emotions, social rela-
and how their current at-       the deeper structures that      tionships, decision-making
titudes and beliefs tie into    guide a culture it is neces-    processes and more. The
larger cultural news con-       sary to “live among the na-     secret to ethnography
sumption constructs on a        tives.” By living among the     lies in anthropological
global scale. To accomplish     natives you come to learn       analysis. Anthropologists
this goal, the AP turned to        1) what people do versus     conducting ethnographic
the discipline of anthropol-    they say they do and            research and analysis get to
ogy, enlisting Context to          2) the why, or underlying    what Context calls people’s
perform an ethnography of       motivation, behind people’s     “Deep Structure” – the
contemporary news con-          actual behavior.                place beneath the surface
sumption behaviors.               Ethnographic field work,      of easily observed behav-
                                therefore, involves go-         iors where cultural values
  Ethnography is a re-          ing into people’s natural       and individual motivations
search tool that comes from     settings versus studying        are produced and support-
the discipline of cultural      people in a controlled envi-    ed. One value for under-
anthropology and is based       ronment.                        standing cultural Deep

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

Structures is to connect
behaviors with their under-        Roots of ethnography
lying motivations, thereby         Anthropolgists compare people’s behavior to parts of a tree –
providing a useful frame-          some are obvious, some are hidden.
work for creating products
and services that reach                     Material
people on a truly deeper
                                      What products
plane of unmet needs.                and services do
                                        people use?
   To fully comprehend the
ethnographic and anthro-
pological research process,                What do
it is helpful to use the meta-           people do?
phor of a tree [right]. The
goal is to unearth the tree’s
                                    Deep Structure
roots. The roots in this             Why do people
analogy represent the Deep         do what they do?
Structure that supports the
culture under study   .
                                 Above the surface, anthropologists observe people’s behavior. Below
  Anthropologists rely on        the surface, insights are drawn on underlying motivations.
the ethnographic method
to identify, describe and it-
eratively interpret behavior     people’s disposal.                   behaviors and examples of
– the trunk of the tree and                                           material culture, patterns
the material culture that          Unlike the roots of the            begin to emerge. The pat-
comprises the limbs and          tree, the trunk and the              terns that emerge from the
the leaves. Material culture     limbs and leaves are the             ethnographic investigation
in an ethnographic study         part of the tree you can             are the manifestation of
is the “stuff ” people use.      walk around, touch and               Deep Structure or in this
In consumer anthropology,        see and describe in close            analogy, the tree’s roots.
most of the stuff equals         detail. As anthropologists             The ethnographic ap-
products and services at         begin to see more and more           proach is deductive and

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

iterative. As the patterns      and anthropological studies     economies) are working or
from the research start         suggest:                        not working.
to take shape and suggest          1) the underlying deep         Most important, anthro-
a certain structure, then       structure for why people do     pological investigations
anthropological and social      what they do and                provide a platform to create
theory guides the explana-         2) what in people’s lives    change, grounded in a truly
tory models that emerge.        – be it products, services,     deep understanding of hu-
Simply put, the resulting       institutions (e.g., educa-      man behavior.
models from ethnographic        tion, government, religion,

  To get at the Deep Struc-     group), representing a mix      ton, Silicon Valley, Phila-
ture behind news consump-       of ethnicities and gender.      delphia and Kansas City
tion, an ethnographic           Each participant had to         were chosen in the United
project was designed to         have access to the Internet     States to provide a broad
explore a diverse group of      and in addition to check-       geographical sweep while
participants, using a range     ing the news at least once      staying away from cities
of methodologies includ-        a day, participants had         where the influence of
ing self-reported real-time     to report accessing news        major media might be more
behaviors, direct observa-      through means other than        prominent. Brighton, Eng-
tion and, to complete the       print, television and radio.    land was selected because
process, in-depth anthropo-     This bias was assumed to        the city is quickly attract-
logical analysis.               capture young people who        ing a young new population
                                were both connected and         with its universities and
  To gather as broad a          digital consumers of news.      established cultural life.
group of participants as          The participants were         In India, Hyderabad was a
possible, 18 participants       recruited in three countries    natural choice, as the influx
were recruited between          – United States, United         of technology companies
the ages of 18-34 (with an      Kingdom and India and six       has brought extensive ur-
emphasis on the 18-24 age       metropolitan areas. Hous-       banization.

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

     ‘My News’ Send-Ahead Behavioral Journaling Exercise

To      gather a founda-
        tion of information
about the participants’
                                they would represent them-
                                selves, focusing on what
                                was important to them,
                                                                 making note visually and
                                                                 textually of when, how and
                                                                 why they searched for and
lives, particularly their       their likes/dislikes, values     accessed updates on the
behaviors, values, news         and philosophies, as well        story.
sources and news consump-       as who and what made up
tion habits, all the partici-   their social networks. Mov-        The exercise, followed by
pants in the study received     ing more directly into the       a home visit from a Con-
a Send-Ahead Behavioral         news realm, participants         text anthropologist, was
Journaling Exercise en-         also represented what they       intended to prompt par-
titled “My News.” To com-       considered to be news,           ticipants to begin thinking
plete the journal, partici-     how they defined newswor-        about their news consump-
pants received a Polaroid       thiness, the influence of        tion behaviors, motivations
camera and set of instruc-      platform and channel on          and habits, as well as their
tions on taking pictures of     their personal definitions       perceptions of what consti-
their daily lives over the      of news, their preferred         tutes the news. The images
course of three to five days.   means for accessing the          and the description pro-
                                news and how and when            vided by the participants
  Participants completed        they disseminated news.          yielded rich data about who
the behavioral journal          Finally, participants were       they are and the role that
by addressing a series of       asked to choose a story          news consumption was
questions both visually         that they would typically        playing in their lives.
and textually The journal
             .                  follow and then track this
began by asking them how        story over a full news cycle,

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

       News Consumption Mobile Blog and News Diary

To      capture behaviors
        and motivations
while consumers were
                                day Participants took pic-
                                tures to record their ideas
                                of what news is and why;
                                                                 a discreet camera phone
                                                                 to capture these moments
                                                                 visually as they happened,
away from home and in the       how, when and for how long       while internationally based
varied and different envi-      they access news sources;        participants completed the
ronments they visit in their    what news channels they          assignment by taking pic-
daily lives, Context had par-   typically utilize; their level   tures to accompany their
ticipants complete a mobile     of engagements with dif-         news diary using Polaroid
blog and news diary For
                     .          ferent channels, platforms       cameras. U.S. participants
this structured assignment,     and devices; and the impact      uploaded their pictures
participants were asked to      this news had on them,           to a secure Web site at the
capture moments of news         including how they decided       end of each day, providing
consumption behavior, in        whether to further dissemi-      contextual details on the
real time, over the course      nate a piece of news. By         behavior they captured, us-
of one weekday and one          including a diary of news        ing their news diary pages
weekend day, from start to      collection pages, partici-       to ensure that they included
finish.                         pants were able to textu-        all the details.
                                ally document these news           For the international
  Context anthropologists       consumption moments and          participants, the Context
directed all participants to    motivations as well.             anthropologist brought this
take pictures that captured                                      exercise to life during the
how they search for or            Participants in the United     in-home, in-depth inter-
consume news during the         States were provided with        view.

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

            Day-in-the-Life Immersion and Observation

D    ay-in-the-life immer-
     sions were also con-
ducted to obtain first-hand
                                   Immersion and observa-
                                tion are at the core of eth-
                                nography and the primary
                                                                  A major strength from
                                                                observation and interac-
                                                                tion over the full day is
information about news          technique for anthropolo-       that researchers uncovered
consumption, as it actu-        gists. In anthropology, the     discrepancies between what
ally happened and to put in     method is called participant    participants said and what
perspective the information     observation. In addition to     they actually did.
gathered in each partici-       undertaking direct observa-       A structured observation
pant’s self-reported journal    tion, Context anthropolo-       guide was created to cover
and diary In these sessions,
          .                     gists were able to engage       a series of specific issues
an anthropologist spent         with the participant’s social   and questions. Topics in the
part of the day shadowing       life and participate in col-    observation guide included
and observing participants      lective discussions with        exploring people’s daily
through their activities.       members of his or her wid-      schedules and how they
                                er social network. Spend-       moved throughout their
  Context anthropologists       ing much of a day with          day; what constituted news
scheduled the observation       each participant meant the      throughout their day; their
period during the times         anthropologist was able         preferred or primary news
that participants said they     to obtain more detailed         sources; the platforms and
consumed the news most          and accurate information,       devices they actually used
frequently To gain a deeper
           .                    including both observable       for consuming their news;
understanding of partici-       details (how much time          the times and frequencies
pants’ lives and how they       they spent on each Web          of their news consumption;
interface with news, the        site, for example) and more     the level of engagement
immersion encompassed           hidden details (such as how     with news sources includ-
a broad sampling of their       interaction with different      ing their interaction and
daily activities, including     news media affected their       involvement with these
work, school, leisure or        consumption behavior) that      sources; and their reasons
entertainment activities, in-   are more easily observed        for the sources and medi-
teractions with family and/     and understandable over a       ums they used and their
or friends and more.            longer period of time.          overall behavioral prefer-

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

                         In-home In-depth Interview

A     fter participants com-
      pleted their journal
and diary exercises, Con-
                                pants consumed or other-
                                wise received news. The
                                interview was structured
                                                                with a chance to explain in
                                                                greater depth the behavior
                                                                observed by the anthropolo-
text anthropologists went       using the same themes as        gist during the immersion
to their homes, debriefed       those directing the immer-      period and to discuss the
these exercises and con-        sion observation, although      relationship between real-
ducted in-depth interviews.     questions were introduced       time behaviors and what
Debriefing the journals         as open-ended to assist par-    participants recorded in
and diaries provided a          ticipants in providing vivid    their journals and through
launching pad to conduct        and self-directed descrip-      their blogs and news dia-
a conversational interview      tions of their life experi-     ries.
designed to uncover further     ences. The interview also
details about how partici-      provided the participants

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                  Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

                             Ethnography Participants
  The following pages summarize the observations of the subjects in the study by geographic
location. The names have been changed to pseudonyms for the purposes of this report.

N      ews was very impor-
       tant to Riya, a 22-year-
old woman, who, together
                                  that “knowing the news,”
                                  or staying up to date on
                                  current affairs, would help
                                                                         Riya had a regular rou-
                                                                       tine of reading the morn-
                with her          her pursue and achieve her           ing newspaper before work.
                sisters, moved                                         She also watched televi-
     Riya                              Hyderabad, India
                out of her                                             sion in her office cafeteria
      22        village to live                                        during breaks and dis-
 Software in Hydera-                                                   cussed the news with her
  engineer bad. Riya was                                    CHINA      colleagues. Back at home,
                employed as                                            she watched the evening
                a software                                   NEPAL     local news with her sisters.
engineer and, on a macro                       New Delhi               She had Internet access at
level, symbolizes the chang-                                           work and home and usually
ing Indian woman, who has                                              checked the news online
“come out of her kitchen,”                      I N D I A              three times a day .
venturing into the larger,                                               In news, Riya was look-
urban world on her own,                                                ing for motivation and
far from her parents.                                                  inspiration: Reading about
   Information helped Riya                    Hyderabad
                                                                       successful women in poli-
achieve parity with her                                                tics motivated Riya toward
male colleagues and urban                                              her own goals and gave her
counterparts. Riya also            Arabian        Chennai              hope that it was possible
                                     Sea                      Bay of
said she dreamed of becom-                                    Bengal   for her to be somebody
ing a politician or a great                                  SRI       someday She also looked
leader someday She feels
                  .                                          LANKA     for news to relax. Reading

       A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

about entertainment and         ated Press.                      help him overcome Indian
film news was an indul-           Raj mostly accessed the        socio-cultural barriers.
gence that she enjoyed.         Internet via his personal
“Film news relaxes me. I        computer. Before graduat-
love to read about gossip in
the film industry.”
                                ing, he had Internet access
                                at college and he would
                                check news at school as
                                                                 V     ijay, a 26-year-old man,
                                                                       was an owner of an
                                                                 interior design store, which
                                well. Television was not         he ran from his home,

R    aj, a 22-year-old man,
     just received his
                                his primary source to stay
                                abreast of current events,
                                as he preferred the Internet         Vijay
                                                                                  located in a
                                                                                  fairly wealthy
                                                                                  area in the
               degree and       for news. To Raj, know-               26          heart of
     Raj       was enrolled     ing the news is a social                          Hyderabad.
     22        already in a     skill because it helped him         owner         Technologi-
  Master’s m aster’s of         communicate and raise his                         cally, Vijay
  student      s cience pro-    social standing.                                  was well
               gram in the        To hone his communica-         “wired,” with cable televi-
               United States.   tion skills, Raj charted the     sion and continuous access
Raj browsed the Internet        development of news on           to the Internet.
for news to improve his         a whiteboard. In fact, he          Vijay came from a large
communications skills and       chose a news topic, wrote it     family with a fairly tradi-
keep himself ahead of his       out on a whiteboard in his       tional upbringing. He felt
friends. Raj saidhe normal-     room and then practiced          connected to these roots
ly checked the news eight       presenting it to others, ei-     but was also intrigued by
to 10 times a day when he       ther alone or before friends.    the changes he saw occur-
was busy and up to 20 times     By working on the way he         ring around him as a result
a day w h e n he had more       communicated news, Raj           of globalization. He relied
free time. Raj’s preferred      believed he improved his         on being up to date on the
sites were NDTV and             social skills as well as his     news as a way of keeping
Yahoo. He was also very         chances to break through         up with his friends and his
familiar with The Associ-       caste. Raj felt news could       wider social network.

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

   Vijay began the day by       stock market or a news          sources was quite interest-
reading the newspaper           story that he was following     ing. One of the first sites
and watching television         because it was important        he went to for news was the
with his morning coffee.        for his social circle.          television news channel
It was at this time that he       Vijay was mostly inter-       NDTV an authoritative and
was most engaged with the       ested in global business        well-respected news chan-
news. This was the time         and political news. Dur-        nel. In particular, he en-
that Vijay used to prepare      ing the time of this study      joyed the show “The World
himself for his day – en-       he was actively following       This Week,” which NDTV
gaging with the top news        several stories pertaining      has been broadcasting for
stories and social events       to car and bike companies       the last two decades. His
before meeting clients and      that had begun investing in     secondary source was Ee-
friends alike. Aside from       India. The impact this new      andu, a well-regarded local
the morning hours, Vijay        business could potentially      newspaper, written in the
would return to the televi-     have on the Indian econo-       local language of Telegu.
sion or Internet during         my was important to him         His online sources included
the lunch hour and before       as he has some investments      NDTV   .com and
going to sleep to check on      in the Indian stock market.
information regarding the         His choice of news

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                  Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

J    ill, a 28-year-old wom-
     an, was working as an
online insurance broker.
                                  Brighton, United Kingdom
                                                     0        100 mi
                                                                       for the southern British
                                                                         When Jill arrived at work
                 She lived                           0 100 km          she immediately logged
                 with her part-                                        on to her e-mail, another
      Jill       ner, Kathryn,      SCOTLAND                           exposure to Yahoo news
      28         in a small                               North Sea    headlines. Occasionally,
 Insurance apartment                                                   she would follow up with
   broker        overlooking            Edinburgh                      additional searches on
                 the English                                           some of these headlines.
                 Channel. Jill              ENGLAND                    She logged in and out of
was very technologically                                               her Yahoo account about
oriented: She accessed                                                 once every hour during the
news stories online any-                        Leeds                  day and saw Yahoo News’s
time of day She saw news
              .                         Birmingham                     headlines several times.
as constantly moving, “It’s                               London       At work, Jill received text
a non-stop machine, just                                               messages and e-mail alerts
churning information out.                                              about other news as well.
It doesn’t matter what it’s          Plymouth                          During the Wimbledon ten-
about … it’s just churning.”                               FRANCE      nis tournament, Jill kept a
She engaged with the news                                              live scoreboard on her desk-
approximately six to eight        News 24 — BBC’s round-               top to follow the matches.
hours a day She checked
              .                   the-clock all-news channel.            Driving back home, Jill
her e-mail on Yahoo every         She then listened to head-           listened to news on the
hour and thus saw Yahoo           lines on the radio in her car        radio. When she got home,
headlines up to 10 times          as she drove to work. Her            she logged into her Yahoo
a day She was primarily
      .                           commute could last 10 to 30          and Facebook accounts
attracted to stories that         minutes. Jill felt that radio        to get personal news and
piqued her curiosity    .         news was much softer and             e-mail, while she watched
   Jill’s news consumption        more humorous than BBC               news and chatted with her
routine during the day fol-       News 24. In the car, she             partner about the day’s
lowed a pattern: She started      listened to BBC Radio One            events.
her day by watching BBC           and the local radio station

       A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                  Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

M      ark, a 28-year-old
       man, was employed
as a project manager for
                                 final result. The house also
                                 appreciated in value and is
                                 now worth £100,000 more.
                                                                 up to date on news coverage
                                                                 and sports-related informa-
                an online          The main room of the            Mark liked his news to
                travel agency.   house was a lounge that         be “punchy” and point-
    Mark        Mark started     featured a very large flat-     focused. He read the head-
      28        in this com-     screen TV with a Sky Digi-      lines in the Times and
   Project      pany’s call      tal set-top box. Each mem-      followed up on BBC online
  manager center and             ber of the household (and       to “find out what’s hap-
                was proud of     their respective partners)      pening” with stories that
                the way he       had a laptop, which meant       he wanted to track. Mark
had moved up the ladder.         that sometimes there were       said he trusts the BBC and
Part of Mark’s job included      five laptops on the wireless    Sky Radio (for sports), fol-
overseeing a group of 10 to      broadband network in the        lowed by the Times and the
15 people.                       lounge at the same time.        Guardian.
   Mark moved to Brighton,         Mark was constantly             Mark’s news consump-
a more cosmopolitan and          using his PDA and mobile        tion was related to other
liberal city, from a northern    phone to receive alerts and     activities that he was
English town with a more         feeds as well as up-to the-     engaged in and although
conservative bent. In part,      minute scores for football.     he was actively consuming
Mark made the move to dis-       He even took his PDA to the     the news, it was almost al-
tance himself from his old       lavatory and read the BBC       ways in tandem with other
life and embrace a higher        headlines in the way that       activities such as driving or
standard of living.              he used to read the newspa-     working.
   Together with a couple of     per.                              (At the time of the study,
friends two years ago, Mark        Mark’s news cycle was         Mark was spending a
purchased a house as an          continuous and he spent up      majority of his time away
investment and put £26,000       to six hours a day search-      from Brighton, in Peter-
into refurbishing it while       ing for and receiving infor-    borough, to help launch a
they lived in it. The project    mation. Mark was on the         new product his company
took 18 months to finish         Internet most of the day        charged him to manage.
and they are proud of the        and used that time to keep      The commute would take

       A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

three to seven hours in one     ceived a copy of the Times       others and her own trips
direction depending on          newspaper delivered to his       were free; she said goes on
traffic and he spent a lot of   hotel room.)                     two holidays a year.
time in his car and on the        Mark also mentioned              Angela worked in a
phone.)                         Facebook as a source for         largely female work force
   When he was home in          news. He recently had a          and her male colleagues
Brighton, he would wake         friend die and found out         were mainly in managerial
up to his mobile phone          about it from another            roles. When she discussed
alarm and put on Sky            friend who used e-mail via       news consumption at work,
sports first thing in the       Facebook to let everyone         she mentioned that all the
morning. He would putter        know about the death.            girls were interested in gos-
around and have a cup of        Mark admitted to this being      sip, fashion and celebrity
tea while he listened to the    a difficult and potentially      stuff, while the managers
latest sports news and then     unfair way to tell people        were all interested in foot-
switch over to BBC news.        about the death. He ques-        ball and more hard-hitting
Mark then drove himself         tioned the use of Facebook       news.
and his two housemates,         for certain types of “news.”       She lived with her boy-
who also work with him,                                          friend in his apartment on
to work and they listened                                        a quiet residential street.
to BBC Radio One’s Chris                                         They had a big-screen TV
Moyles Breakfast Show.
  Once at work, Mark
checked BBC News online
                                A    ngela, a 28-year-old
                                     woman from Hove,
                                              nearby Brigh-
                                                                 but no computer or lap-
                                                                 top at home. Usually, An-
                                                                 gela woke up to her mobile
and a few select sports                       ton, was a         phone alarm and her part-
sites. He followed this news      Angela      sales and          ner put on Sky News, which
and sports pattern through-          28       booking agent      she watched before she
out the day Mark did not
            .                    Booking      for a travel       went to work. On her drive
use MSN or Yahoo and did           agent      company, spe-      to work, she would listen to
not look at other news sites.                 cializing in       both local radio and BBC
  (If Mark was in Peterbor-                   snowboarding       Radio One, and was a fan of
ough, his routine was much      and skiing holidays. Angela      the Chris Moyles Breakfast
the same, except that he re-    got discounts on trips for       Show.

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

  At work, she would log        She and her colleagues          subscribe to RSS feeds or
on to her PC and check          would read it at lunch and      any live reports or score-
the BBC News Web site for       then discard it or pass it on   boards, as her work envi-
the day’s headlines. Before     to someone else.                ronment was somewhat
checking the stories, she         After work, Angela liked      monitored, though she had
looked at the five-day fore-    to take her horse for a         freedom to use the Internet
cast to see if she would be     ride. On her way back, she      at work and no sites were
able to take her horse out      didn’t listen to the radio      blocked.
that week. From there, she      as she preferred the quiet.       Overall, Angela was not
would look for other stories    At home she would watch         very engaged with the
that she was interested in      the TV newscast with Sir        news. She listened to and
(such as the flooding in        Trevor McDonald before          read about the news in the
England or the Madeline         going to bed.                   morning and was typically
McCann kidnapping story           Angela’s Internet use was     interested in human-inter-
at the time of the field        surprisingly limited. She       est stories or headline news
study).                         accessed news first thing       that had a British focus.
  At lunch she would buy        in the morning and then         She had lost interest in
a celebrity/fashion/gossip      glanced at the news on her      anything in the Middle East
magazine, known in the          Yahoo e-mail account but        and did not follow much in
U.K. as women’s weeklies.       never read it. She did not      politics.

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

A     llen, a 20-year-old
      man, was pursuing his
graduate degree at the Art
                                    Philadelphia | U.S.           But usually, I will check at
                                                                  home because I am working
                                                                  on other stuff at school and
                                               0          50 mi
                Institute of                                      do not have time to browse
                                               0    50 km
                Philadelphia;                                     the Internet.” He checked
    Allen       he studied            NEW YORK                    the news three to four
      20        graphic de-                                       hours throughout the day,
 Graduate sign largely                                            “one hour in the morning
   student      because these                  Scranton           and usually more when I
                skills would                                      get back from school.”
                help him earn      PENNSYLVANIA                     Allen had several RSS
a higher salary than his                                          feeds that allowed him to
true passion, zoology   .                                         exclude news that he con-
   Allen’s curiosity and                                          sidered “filler.” He was
need to know drove his            Harrisburg                      primarily interested in
news consumption. Allen                                           environmental news, global
enjoyed keeping up with                                           news, technology news and
what was new in the war in                Philadelphia            some entertainment (about
Iraq, politics and science.                               N.J.    movies, not about the per-
He did not check news on            MD.                           sonal lives of celebrities).
the go. He did not have and                                         Allen thought of himself
did not want a PDA, “Sure,                                        as the face of news because
if I had an iPhone, I’d         would banter back and             “I choose what I read” on
check the news on the way       forth about different head-       the Internet.
to school. But it is more of    lines, articles or videos.
a novelty I doubt between
          .                     In the evening, he would
here and school there is        spend about two hours

going to be some breaking       checking the news.                    isa, a 27-year-old
update on something.”             Allen’s news consump-               woman, was working
   Allen consumed news          tion at school was shaped         in account management in
online for about an hour in     by his other activities. “If      the telecommunications
the morning after he woke       I have time in class I might      industry .
up. He and his roommate         check for breaking news.            Lisa got her news

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

through TV and the Inter-        online from work because        She preferred NBC’s Live at
net. She engaged with the        the connection was faster       Five newscast, because she
news in the morning when         and she could watch videos      liked local news and liked
she was getting ready for        more easily Lisa said that
                                             .                   watch it on TV when she
                work. She        the content of the story        was at home. and
                said that once   determineed whether she were her next
    Lisa        at work she      actively sought more infor-     preferred sites for news
      27        would visit      mation.                         because she felt they were
  Accoun-       hard-news          Lisa primarily followed       credible news sites. She
     tant       Web sites        mainstream sources from         checked those sites at work
                when she         television, radio and the       when she was bored or
                was not buy .    Internet. She also got infor-   when a conversation with
However, she mentioned           mation regularly through        a co-worker prompted her.
visiting soft-news Web sites     text messages and phone         She preferred news Web
often during work as well.       calls on her PDA. Lisa got      sites so her boss would not
  In the evening, Lisa           her news from NBC (TV),         think she was looking at
turned on the television,, Ya-         tabloid Web sites.
from the time she got home       hoo, the Philadelphia Daily       Another favorite for her
until she went to bed. Her       News (print) and WKYW           was Yahoo, which she kept
news consumption clus-           (radio). She also went to       as her home page. She went
tered around the hours of        YouTube to get videos           to to check her
4 to 6 p.m. and then from        about celebrities and other     e-mail and she could see
10 to 11 p.m. She had her        celebrity-focused Web sites,    all the current headlines.
PDA with her all the time,       such as        The Philadelphia Daily
checking e-mail and tak-         In addition, she occasion-      News was a print source
ing calls. If she checked        ally watched Univision, a       of news for her. Lisa got
e-mail on her laptop, she        Spanish-language TV chan-       the paper from a co-worker
might browse Yahoo’s latest      nel, because she wanted to      and sat at her desk while
news headlines and peruse        learn Spanish.                  she ate lunch and thumbed
some stories that appealled        Lisa’s preferred source       through it. WKYW on the
to her. She preferred to go      and platform was NBC-TV    .    radio was important in her

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

car and mostly for weather      for a restaurant that was        only person allowed to ac-
and traffic.                    an eight-hour drive away         cess a PDA on the “floor”
   Lisa’s PDA was central to    and as a musician and a          (in the venue where he
her information and news-       performer. Robert’s per-         worked), he had become
gathering. Lisa got e-mail,                    formances         the “news node” for em-
calls or text messages from                    were cabaret-     ployees to get news up-
friends about the news,           Robert       style and         dates. Robert would look
such as the story about              28        incorporated      for particular news stories
the singer Beyonce falling         Events      odd news          on his PDA at work if he
onstage (during the time of      manager about cur-              needed to communicate
the field study). Her PDA                      rent events.      something to his employ-
also provided her with traf-                   Robert said       ees. Robert engaged with
fic updates when she was        he would only go home to         the news throughout the
stuck in traffic. YouTube       sleep and to feed his cat.       day via his PDA.
was also a source for con-      He might spend one hour            Of particular interest
tent. Lisa would go to You-     at home after he woke up         was the connection Robert
Tube after hearing about a      a n d one hour at home           has made between texting
story to see a certain video    before he went to bed.           and checking news. After
(as she did when she heard        Robert’s social network        finishing a text message,
about Beyonce’s stumble).       was rooted in his work. He       Robert habitually hit the
                                had worked at the perfor-        Internet button on his

R    obert, a 28-year-old
     man, was working 50
to 80 hours a week as an
                                mance venue for three
                                years and spent a majority
                                of his time there. Robert
                                                                 PDA and quickly browsed
                                                                 headlines. Other moments
                                                                 of engagement with news
events manager at a perfor-     did not have Internet ac-        during the day included
mance venue. He usually         cess at home, so he relied       overhearing the top of the
arrived at work around          on his phone (which he           hour NPR (National Pub-
noon a n d would stay until     referred to as a Pocket PC)      lic Radio) news that was
somewhere between 10            and his office computer          broadcast via the radio
p.m. to 3 a.m. Robert also      to keep in touch with the        station WXPN that played
worke d periodically as         “outside” world.                 throughout the building
an independent auditor            Because Robert was the         where he worked.

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

H     annah, a 30-year-old
      woman who still lived
at her family’s home, was
                                      Houston | U.S.             with the news, utilizing
                                                                 both TV and the Internet
                                                                 until she felt “up to date.”
               studying                     OKLA.                After an hour or two, she
               for the state                                     began studying either at
  Hannah       nursing board                                     home, at a friend’s house
     30        exams while                                       or at a coffee shop. When
  Nursing      working at                                        Hannah was studying,
  graduate a hospital.                     Dallas                she was usually using her
               She said she                                      computer by taking test
               loved be-                        TEXAS            questions and using online
ing a nurse because she                Austin
                                                                 study resources. When she
described herself as a                                           got tired she liked to “take
compassionate person who                    Houston              breaks and look at the news
cared about people and the                                       a bit.” In explaining this
state of the world. “I stay                                      habit, she said, “I like to
up on the news because I                                         have my mind concentrate
wish I could make more of                            Gulf of     on something else, not just
                                  0        200 mi    Mexico
a difference.” She felt that                                     go dead, because it’s harder
                                  0     200 km
since one person cannot                                          to get my mind going again
really make a difference                                         if I totally disengage and
globally, she could help                                         daydream or something.”
“one patient at a time” by      a.m. to 7 p.m. Her days off         At work, Hannah’s news
informing those around her      were usually spent study-        consumption was much
of what she learne d from       ing for the board exams,         more social, as her col-
the news. “I pay more atten-    either at home or with a         leagues updated her on the
tion to things that are more    friend at a coffee shop. Her     latest headlines while they
significant to me and the       daily routine was very dif-      do their rounds. Keeping up
world around me.”               ferent between when she          on the news at work was a
   Hannah worked at a hos-      was at work and when she         very communal endeavor
pital about 15 minutes away     was off.                         and an ingrained cultural
from her home for three           On her days off, Han-          habit and even the patients
to four days a week from 7      nah liked to start her day       were involved. At work,

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

Hannah depended on oth-         friend would be charged          ternoons into evenings six
ers to update her on the        with committing a crime          days a week, usually from 4
news. Her access points for     in addition to the mother.       to 8 p.m. She sat at the front
news at work included the       Hannah felt that because         of the salon behind a coun-
nurse sitting at the nurs-      the two had been together        ter and computer, greete d
ing station with access to      for so long and had four         and scheduled guests as
Internet and the computer       other children that “there’s     they came in a n d took
in the break room, which        no way he didn’t know she        their payments when they
she normally used to look       was pregnant and I think         left. Her other responsi-
up or browse news a couple      he should be punished            bilities included sweeping,
of times during a 12-hour       too.” She checked every          cleaning, washing towels
shift.                          article she could find about     a n d taking inventory  .
  Much of Hannah’s news         that story but never found         When she had downtime,
consumption behavior took       the answer. She said she         or when the door traffic was
the form of a search for an-    would continue to follow         slow, she surfed the Inter-
swers. Not being someone        this story to see if any new     net for news, usually start-
who automatically accepted      information was released.        ing from the computer’s
other people’s opinions                                          homepage ( or her
or an editorial piece, she                                       e-mail homepage (Yahoo).
tended to investigate the                                        From there, she clicked on
reasoning, facts and sup-
porting evidence behind a
story on her own until she
                                B     ess, an 18-year-old
                                      woman, was working
                                as a receptionist at a hair
                                                                 headlines that most inter-
                                                                 ested or intrigued her, or
                                                                 that had some relevance to
was satisfied with her own      salon chain. Her mother          her life or the lives of her
opinion on it.                  was a hair stylist and Bess      friends and family An avid
  For instance, a story in      had just taken her styling       baseball fan, she always
the headlines of the day                        test. She was    clicked on baseball-related
during the study was about                      to become a      headlines.
a mother in Ocean City,             Bess        stylist at the
Maryland, who had left                18        same store         The owner of her salon
four fetuses out to die on        Recep-        in just a few    hardly ever came in, but
her property Hannah was
             .                     tionist      weeks. Bess      had a Web spyware ap-
curious whether the boy-                        worke d af-      plication installed on her

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

computer so he could watch      with her parents to spend        and typically felt no need
what she was doing on the       more time with them. The         to take action or be further
screen. If she was is playing   nightly news became a            engaged.
solitaire or looking at the     time for her to catch up
news, he would look at the
check-in software program
to see how many people
                                with them and she said
                                she enjoyed it. Bess would
                                also sometimes look some-
                                                                 C     orey, a 24-year-old, was
                                                                       working at Best Stor-
                                                                                 age, a pri-
were being worked on and        thing up online from home,                       vately owned
how many were queued. If        particularly if she got a           Corey        storage
he thought the salon was        piece of a story sometime             24         facility, where
too busy for her to be fid-     during the day and was               Aid/        customers
dling around on the com-        curious about the whole            Student       rent indi-
puter, he would often call      story She rarely turned on
                                      .                                          vidual storage
her and tell her to get busy.   the computer at home to                          units. Corey
   Bess just graduated from     just browse; rather, she was     also worke d overnight
high school in May and          usually looking up some          most nights at two different
still lived at home with her    specific story.                  halfway houses for mental-
mother and stepfather. Her         Bess was usually engaged      ly challenged adult men. In
21-year-old boyfriend, who      with the news only to the        addition, Corey was study-
she had been dating for five    extent of discussing it with     ing accounting.
months at the time of the       those around her. Rarely           In the mornings, when
field study, recently moved     did a news story impact or       he was at one the halfway
in as well.                     change her behavior unless       houses, Corey and “the
   They shared her small        it was a local story about a     guys” would sit around the
childhood bedroom and had       storm (“need to know about       kitchen table and watch
plans to save up enough         the weather”), accident          the news on TV (first the
money to move out, find a       (“need to know about traf-       regular news, but as soon
place of their own and get      fic”) or murder/rape (“need      as sports news comes on
married.                        to know what areas to            at 8 a.m. they switch to
   At home, Bess started        avoid”). Bess was basically      ESPN). After the news, he
watching the news nightly       a passive recipient of news      usually would head to Best

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

Storage, where he worked        had classes and usually was     news insofar as it helpe-
five to seven days a week.      too busy for news. How-         dhim feel more confident
When he first got to work,      ever, on the few nights he      and intelligent and allowed
he caught up on what was        was home, he would often        him to form opinions for
new (starting with Yahoo        sit with his wife, Mel,         discussing issues with oth-
and moving to          and watch the news on           ers. He felt it was important
or confirmed stories he had     CBS, ABC or CNN. They           to “know what’s going on”
heard on TV that morning,       discussed what they saw,        around him and enjoyed
as well as from the newspa-     but Corey tended to avoid       talking with other people,
per or word of mouth.           talking “politics” with         whether they be colleagues,
  An important trigger for      Mel, since she would get        fellow students, teachers,
knowing the news was a co-      annoyed and bored with          family or friends, about
worker. Corey talked a lot      political discussions.          what was going on. Since
with one of his co-workers         Corey did not have Inter-    he kept up with the news
about news. As he said,         net access at home, so he       so much, he usually found
“Half the reason I’m so         only looked online when he      that a lot of the informa-
intent on keeping up with       was working at the storage      tion was repeated and that
sports is so I can argue        facility or at school.          he knew most of what he
about it with her!”               Corey was engaged with        saw in headlines already  .
  Two nights a week, he         what he learned from the

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

S     usan, a 25-year-old
      woman, was living
in the suburbs with her
                                    Kansas City | U.S.

                                           0              100 mi
                                                                   the radio,” so she avoided
                                                                   most exposure to news.
                                                                   Sometimes, though, she
               parents, her        IOWA                            would listen to drive-time
                                           0         100 km
               brother and                                         DJs discuss current events
   Susan       his wife a n d                                      while she was in the car.
     25        their 8-year-                                         Susan might catch the
  Nanny/       old son,                                            early news with her father
  Student      Frankie. Su-          Kansas City                   before she left the house
               san’s goal was                                      at 7:15 a.m., for her job as
               to be working                                       a nanny But typically, she
as a nurse, or in some type                                        did not get time to hear the
of field where she could         KAN.          Jefferson City      news in the morning be-
helping others.                           MISSOURI                 cause she was busy helping
    Susan’s direct news con-                                       her nephew get ready for
sumption was very struc-                                           the day and preparing to
tured and public. Watching                Springfield              go to work. She paid extra
TV news was a daily, family                                        attention later in the day
event, particularly in the                                         to stories people told from
                                 OKLA.               ARK.
evening prior to dinner.                                           hearing or reading the
Her family watched the lo-                                         news. In this way, Susan
cal news at 5 p.m., then the                                       said the news “kind of
national news at 5:30 p.m.,     was based on television            comes to me … from other
followed by the local news      viewing. Susan’s active            people who read the news-
again at 6 p.m. The family      newsgathering routine              paper” or who watch the
did not subscribe to news-      was based mainly on the            morning news.
papers.                         times other people were              She was particularly keen
  Susan had a laptop and        consuming news. In the car,        on human-interest and
the family had an Inter-        she had the opportunity            local stories. Susan believ-
net connection. However,        to listen to the radio, but        eed most news was far too
Susan described her news        for her, “the radio is for         negative and she actively
consumption as “very            music.” She did not like to        avoided national and inter-
traditional,” because it        listen to “people talking on       national news.

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                  Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

   Sometimes she would           formation that was close           “Given the choice,” he
look up the information          to him. “It’s important to       added, he “would probably
about breaking news on           know what’s going on if          go to most popular stories”
Google – “Google’s a little      it’ll affect me.” The face of    because the title did not
bit better” – to obtain more     news for Jack was the face       make him feel quite so
information. She did not         of his social network. He        depressed. Jack followed
go first to news Web sites,      felt that his friends, par-      sports news and other
which she said could be dif-     ents, co-workers and uncle       news stories differently He
ficult to navigate and there-    were the constant face of        received RSS feeds on his
fore frustrated her. Mostly,     news for him. These were         Yahoo homepage about his
Google and Yahoo were            the people who “I hear           favorite teams and sports
tools that she associates        from and talk about news         leagues and followed those
more with college course-        and events.” At the same         headlines. He said he would
work and writing papers.         time, he said that he did not    just glance at other stories.
                                 know a lot of people who           Jack had three variables
                                 were highly informed.            that determined whether a

J    ack, a 22- year-old man,
     attende d the Universi-
                ty of Kansas
                                    Jack distinguished be-
                                 tween “breaking news,”
                                 “latest news,” “top stories,”
                                                                  news story was high pri-
                                                                  ority for him: location of
                                                                  an event, its severity and
                and lived in     and “most popular” news          his prior familiarity with
    Jack        Lawrence. He     stories. “Breaking news”         the context of the story .
     22         started out at   was “not the full story, like    He acknowledged, though,
   Psych        the Universi-    a preview, but it is kind        that his ideas about what
   major        ty of Kansas     of annoying sometimes.           was news were changing
                as a business    I don’t like to get bits and     as he matured. “In high
                major and        pieces of information.”          school, I couldn’t care less
shifted to psychology He
                       .         “Latest news” was just a         about the news. In my more
and four fraternity broth-       fuller exposition of what        in-depth classes, I’ve been
ers shared half of a duplex      was previously “breaking         learning the way the world
apartment in a new subdi-        news,” but he said that          and the government work.”
vision on the south side of      “top stories” were “more         He found that the scope
town.                            depressing” than latest or       of things that affect him
  To Jack, news was in-          breaking news stories.           was widening: “I’m start-

       A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

ing to get out on my own        versity of Kansas newspa-       in the expanding south side
and there are things I need     per. He also listened to 101    of Kansas City The two-
to know about like Social       FM and 98.9 FM, especially      story house s a t at the edge
Security Jack therefore
         .”                     DJ Johnny Dare and to AM                        of farmland.
tought that what was news       810 WHB, a sports talk sta-                     Max was en-
for him would probably          tion. These tended to be the        Max         rolled at the
change over time.               easiest sources to access.           20         local commu-
   As for his approach to       Yahoo was convenient to            Market       nity college.
news, Jack said, “I don’t       access because it was his          worker          Max did not
really go hunting for the       Internet homepage and the                       consume the
news; I just accept it when     Daily Kansan was avail-                         news much
it comes.” This was clearly     able free on campus when        when he was actually work-
not the case for sports         school was in session.          ing, but he did when he
news, which he actively            Secondary sources for        was on break. In the break
sought out on a daily basis,    Jack included Fox 4 local       room, he looked at The
usually sometime after he       TV news, CNN, MSNBC             Kansas City Star newspa-
woke up: “I always look up      and the Lawrence Journal        per – first the sports, then
the sports. Then I might        World newspaper. These          the auto classifieds, then
look at the weather and         sources were outside his        the FYI section (a lifestyle
finally the headlines if I      normal patterns of con-         section) and the headlines.
have time.” He was particu-     sumption. However, with         In the break room he could
larly active in finding news    certain friends and co-         look at the news openly, but
about his fantasy sports        workers he might use them       the environment behind
teams. While he made a          more frequently   .             the seafood counter was not
habit of looking up infor-                                      conducive to reading the
mation on Yahoo Sports, he                                      paper.
said that if he saw a story                                       He would sometimes
on ESPN first, he might go
to the Internet to follow up
on it.
                                M      ax was working in the
                                       seafood and meat de-
                                partment of a large grocery
                                                                discuss the news with co-
                                                                workers. He found talking
                                                                about the news with the re-
   Jack’s main sources were     store in the far southern       tirees he worked with to be
Yahoo Sports, ESPN and          suburbs. Max was living         particularly enlightening.
the Daily Kansan, the Uni-      with his parents and sister     “I learn a lot from them,

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

about all kinds of things       to a story.                     did not associate Wikipedia
I wouldn’t know about              Because he worked most       with user-generated con-
otherwise. Financial stuff,     of the day, if he watched       tent. Instead, he suggested
for example.” These discus-     the news on television,         that he did not trust user-
sions were public, because      it was usually late in the      generated information.
it was not a distraction to     morning or in the evening       “People who use blogs are
the work of servicing a         after work. He also enjoyed     probably blobs,” he re-
seafood counter.                and depended on his car         marked.
   Outside of work he           and he listened to the radio      Overall, he did not rep-
consumed the news largely       when he was driving to          resent the stereotypical
with friends. This was          and from work and around        20-something when it came
particularly true of sports     town.                           to computers. “The com-
news, which was the sub-           Interestingly, Max said      puter is a time suck,” he
ject of heated discussion       that “news is work; you         complained. He only went
between his male friends        have to work” to access and     on the computer during
and himself. With them, he      understand it. The faces        his “down time. If I happen
watched television, espe-       of news for him were the        to be on the computer, it’s
cially ESPN. With his girl-     social satirists and news       because I’m bored.” He did
friend, he was more likely      entertainment anchors Jon       not see himself as part of
to watch E! Entertainment       Stewart and Stephen Col-        the wired generation.
news and admitted that          bert (cable TV comedians).         “I would like to go on
she had gotten him inter-       They embody what Max            record as saying that I more
ested in celebrity gossip.      called “anti-negativity .”      or less pride myself on the
But most of his news came          When Max was online,         fact that I don’t spend all
from friends. “I get more       he used Yahoo most often        my time on the computer
information from hearsay        to search for information.      not using my mind … like
or my friends. They’re like     “Another thing I like to hit    people who aren’t out there
human TiVos.” Hearing           up is Wikipedia,” because       experiencing what there is
something from one of his       “you can type in just about     in the world.”
friends would often prompt      anything” and get the news
him to pay extra attention      you want. Interestingly, he

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

A     ndrew, a 20-year-old
      man, was finishing his
second year of college at De
                                   Silicon Valley | U.S.             The Daily Show with Jon
                                                                     Stewart, among other parts
                                                                     of programs, such as the
                                   0                200 mi
               Anza Commu-                                           Jerry Springer talk show
               nity College.       0     200 km                      and Family Guy, the ani-
  Andrew       A business                                            mated situation comedy   .
     20        major, he                                               Andrew said his normal
  Business p l a n n e d               Sacramento                    daily routine involved read-
    major      to move                                               ing the sports section while
               on to the          San Francisco                      eating breakfast and read-
               University of                 Santa Clara             ing it again while watching
California in Santa Cruz.                    San Jose                TV over lunch. He usually
He went to school full time       Sillicon                           consumed sports news but
and worke d part time in           Valley                            sometimes he read the front
the hardware section at                        CALIFORNIA            page of the newspaper. The
Sears, a department store.                                   Los     main trigger that spurred
Andrew spent some of his                                   Angeles   him to check the news was
time at home, but most of          Ocean                             boredom. Whenever he was
his time hanging out with                                            bored, he watched TV or
his friends. Andrew lived                               San Diego    looked online for news.
with his family .                                                      Staying up to date on
   Andrew was an active                                              the news was important to
news seeker. During the ob-     Jose Mercury News. When              Andrew. He said that when
servation period, Andrew        he returned to his room,             he went to Israel for two
spent about an hour and a       he went online to Yahoo              weeks, he did not have ac-
half doing his online class     Finance and read an article          cess to TV or the Internet.
and homework and then           about Netflix and Block-             He came back completely
took a break to eat. Dur-       buster stocks. Then he con-          unaware of what was going
ing that time, he turned on     tinued with his homework.            on and “out of the loop.”
ESPN and watched sports         A while later, he watched            He told the story of a friend
news while glancing at the      more sports news on ESPN.            whose parents canceled
sports section of The San       He also caught part of               their cable TV leaving her

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

unaware of what was going        that he first started check-     his news consumption and
on in the news.                  ing the news purely out of       searched for online articles
                                 boredom, but it had become       and sites that interested
                                 a habit. He checked the          him. For Frank, news was

F    rank, a 19-year-old man,
     was living with his
parents in Santa Clara. He
                                 news three to four times a
                                 day: before he left his house
                                 in the afternoon, before he
                                                                  everywhere and he did
                                                                  not wait for it to come to
                                                                  him. The ease with which
was attending his second         ate dinner and before he         he could access the news
year at a local community        went to sleep. He had been       was made clear during the
college and was interested       doing this for at least a year   in-depth interview when he
in political science, local      and the habit had begun to       stated, “Back in the olden
               news and          take on a bit more meaning       days, people used to pay for
               anything that     for him. As he explained,        newspapers. Now you can
   Frank       directly influ-   “I read the news when I get      find everything for free.”
      19       enced his life.   bored, but then one of the         Frank used headlines to
  Politics     He d i d not      reasons I read the news is       decide whether or not to
   major       distinguish       because I gain informa-          read articles. For example,
               between the       tion.”                           on the Digg site, he browsed
               types of news       Frank shared informa-          the headlines and read
he enjoye d . He repeatedly      tion with his friends via        the paragraph-long sum-
said that anything that af-      links he sent them over          maries. He estimated that
fected his life in some way      AIM, a Web messaging             75 percent of the time he
was news.                        service. He often sent them      continued on with the sto-
  Frank’s main source of         funny news stories and           ries. When he browsed the
news came from the Inter-        they, in turn, would send        headlines, he was looking
net. He looked at       him news links. When             for something that caught
and any sites that were          he regularly met up with         his eye, something that
linked from Digg. He also        friends at Starbucks the         related to his life.
accessed news from Google        conversation often began           Frank quickly jumped
News, the local television       with “Did you hear about         from site to site and article
station’s Web site KTVU.         …?”                              to article while consum-
com, as well as Mercu-                                            ing the news. Frank moved Frank said             Fran was proactive in          on when a story got more

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

attention than it deserved.     quite engaged with local         her husband may take.
When a story could not go       happenings, commenting              Sally paid attention to
anywhere else, he stopped       on some stories and main-        headlines in the newspaper
paying attention to it. In                     tained an         and online and used them
the case of Paris Hilton                       interest in       as a guide to know which
going to jail (during the           Sally      any stories       articles to read. If a head-
time of the field study), one        25        that had to do    line resonated with her, if
picture of her going to jail       Office      with her pro-     it related in some way to
told the whole story It was
                     .           manager fession in the          her life or interests, then
enough.                                        health field.     she read the article. Verify-
                                               While watch-      ing stories was not very
                                ing the news, Sally checked      important to Sally, as she
                                her e-mail on the laptop she     said, “I don’t confirm the
                                and her husband keep near        news I hear unless I want

S     ally, a 25-year-old
      woman, was work-
ing as an office manager/
                                the television.
                                  After watching the local
                                news for about 20 minutes
                                                                 to know more about some-
                                                                 thing or find out if it re-
                                                                 ally happened. There’s too
administrative assistant at     she turned on an Oprah ep-       much news to do that with
a start-up health insurance     isode that she had taped on      everything.”
company She left her house
           .                    their TiVo machine. While           Sally preferred to get
at 8:30 each morning and        watching Oprah, Sally was        her news from the televi-
had a 30-minute commute         checking her e-mail, but         sion, particularly ABC and
that she shared with her        stopped to take notes on         NBC, because she thought
husband. They listene d to      products that Oprah fea-         the content was very good
the local public radio sta-     tured on her show. When          and she enjoyed the mix
tion that carried NPR for       her husband began to use         of local and national news
the duration of their drive.    the laptop, Sally switched       that could be gathered in
  During the evening            to surfing the Web on her        a short time. Sally liked to
observed during the study,      iPhone. Besides checking         stay current with the news
Sally returned home from        her e-mail, she went to          because it helped her make
work and immediately            Digg, because she wanted         judgments and decisions.
turned on the television        to get information about a       For example, during this
to the local news. She was      possible vacation she and        study Sally was interested

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                 Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

in buying a car and she         could participate in discus-       Overall, Sally was a
found several news reports      sions during lunch. She and      believer of news. Sally
on car safety to be particu-    her colleagues always talk-      defined news as an unbi-
larly helpful. News stories     ed about the news, although      ased source of facts from
that directly impacted her      most commonly that meant         which she got most all of
life were most newsworthy       celebrity gossip. One of her     her information. She con-
to Sally.                       colleagues who was always        sidered news to be honest;
   The news gave Sally          up on such news usually be-      something she could use
something to talk about at      gan the conversations, and       to form her own opinions.
work. She stressed that it      if it was something Sally        “Newsworthy is something
was very important to be        did not know about, she          that affects my life.”
well-informed so that she       later looked it up online.

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
A New Model for News
                Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

     Changing Consumption:
  Conclusions and Recommendations
                                  Today’s Model

T    he ultimate goal from
     ethnographic research
and anthropological analy-
                                and services people use or
                                might use. In this fashion,
                                a behavioral model can pro-
                                                                routines, versus deeper
                                                                background, labeled in the
                                                                illustration as the back
sis is to uncover the deep      vide a company or industry      story and future stories and
roots of the culture under      – the news business in this     spin-offs. The study showed
investigation. The Deep         case – with a framework for     people spending the major-
Structure helps explain         innovation.                     ity of their time “above the
  1) why people do what           The illustration on page      fold,” to use a print news
they do and by extension,       37 was drawn by the Con-        expression, consuming
  2) what products and          text team to capture the        mostly headlines and up-
services are working or not     news consumption behav-         dates. Meanwhile, “below-
working for them.               ior and needs observed          the-fold” content captured
   You might consider the       in this study group. The        much less attention.
structure that emerges          observations suggested an
from such an inquiry as an      imbalance in the compo-           The fold also can be seen
experience or behavioral        nents that make up what         as a dividing line between
model.                          might be called the “whole      news that was consumed
  With an understanding         story” behind a particular      mostly passively (facts and
of the culture’s roots, it      piece or body of news. Par-     updates encountered from
becomes possible to map         ticipants in the study were     e-mail, portals or word
those roots to people’s         receiving and accessing         of mouth) versus deeper
actual and prospective          an imbalance of headlines       dives that required more
behaviors and the products      and updates in their daily      active consumption, or real

      A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption
Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

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Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption

  • 1. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group June 2008
  • 2. C O N T E N T S Prologue 3 Behavioral Field Study and Findings 5 AP’s Understanding of the Model 51 The Telegraph, a Case Study 66 Acknowledgements 71
  • 3. P R O L O G U E In the spring of 2007, The Associated Press embarked on some business research that began quite routinely but would end up reshaping our thinking about jour- nalism in the digital age. As part of our strategic planning process, we sought to understand news consumption patterns beyond what traditional market data and consumer surveys could tell us. We had a senior management retreat coming up and we needed something more exciting than regional growth rates to stimulate discussion. An analyst on the planning staff suggested doing an “ethnography” of young adult consumers and after a quick Google search to under- stand exactly what that meant, we decided to give it a try. To be frank, our expectations were modest. We sought some real people to put a human face on the accelerating shift to online and mo- bile consumption of news around the world. We knew young people were at the leading edge of that movement and a cultural science study of their media habits sounded like fun. In the end, it proved to be as transformative as it was fun. The hu- man stories were only the start. From there, the professional anthro- pologists we commissioned to conduct the research created a model for news delivery that distilled the challenge to its essential elements. Based on the observed behavior of the subjects in the study, four ba- sic news entry points were identified as the main components of the subjects’ news diets: Facts, Updates, Back Story and Future Stories. The essential finding: The subjects were overloaded with facts and updates and were having trouble moving more deeply into the back- ground and resolution of news stories.
  • 4. That model, illustrated in a couple of interesting ways in this re- port, helped validate the mission we had been charting for the digital marketplace: Create content that will satisfy a full range of consum- ers’ news needs and then build the links that will con- nect people to the relevant news they seek. Easy to say and harder to accomplish, in a news environment char- acterized by fragmented interests and mostly passive consumption patterns across online and offline news venues. The research dem- onstrated quite convincingly that the old models for packaging and delivering news were not connecting with the audience now coming of age around the world. The habits of these young consumers are radically different from those that have characterized news consump- tion for generations. Newspapers, scheduled broadcasts and even Web sites are giving way to a chaotic system of self-aggregation that is producing disappointing results not only for news producers, but – as this research shows – for consumers as well. For the World Editors Forum, our initial research has been expand- ed in two important ways. First, the basic model of consumer behav- ior that emerged from the original project became the foundation for a broader set of findings and recommendations designed exclusively for release at the forum. Second, we have provided a summary of AP’s own analysis of the model and the practical work that has taken shape in response to these and other digital trends. As further grounding for the findings, a brief case study of The Telegraph of London is in- cluded to illustrate how one well-known newspaper has dealt with the kind of challenges the model highlights. Special thanks go to our partners in this research, the Context- Based Research Group of Baltimore, Maryland. – AP Strategic Planning | June 2008
  • 5. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption News Consumption Behaviors of Young Adults An Anthropological Study Overview and Study Objectives T he Associated Press commissioned Balti- more-based Context-Based of media usage and were even clearer in everyday life. Younger consumers, adjustments, even revolu- tions, at media companies in every part of the world. Research Group to conduct ages 18-34, have adopted Amid its own revolution a cultural science study ways of getting their news from predominantly print- – in the parlance of the that are much different based services, AP sought discipline, an “ethnogra- from those of past genera- Context’s help in gaining phy” – focusing on the news tions. Younger consumers a deeper and more holistic consumption habits of are not only less reliant on understanding of young young digital consumers in the newspaper to get their consumers. How is news six cities around the world. news; they also consume read, viewed and used by The drive for this research news across a multitude of this generation—through- came from the recognition platforms and sources, all out a typical day? that a significant shift in day, constantly Among the . news consumption behav- key touch points in the new The project’s original ior is taking place among environment are online objectives included docu- younger generations. video, blogs, online social menting the frequency networks, mobile devices, with which participants The trends had surfaced RSS, word of mouth, Web searched for or consumed clearly across any number portals and search engines. news; identifying the of quantitative measures This shift is triggering news sources that young A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 5
  • 6. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption consumers turned to what constitutes news for planning process. most commonly, as well young consumers. In short, In 2008, AP and Context as those sources that they the project sought to put a re-engaged to analyze avoided; identifying the human face on 21st century the field data further and means they used to access news consumption. What is extract findings and rec- these sources; examin- the “new face of news?” ommendations that could ing preferred platforms The original research be shared with all those for news consumption, was completed in the sum- interested in pursuing new especially new and/or mer of 2007 and produced approaches to news gather- nontraditional channels a model for digital news ing and delivery . and devices; and expand- consumption that AP in- ing AP’s understanding of tegrated into its strategic A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 6
  • 7. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption Why Ethnography and Anthropology: Getting to the Deep Structure To achieve its objec- tives, the AP un- derstood the need to take on the simple, yet profound, premise that to truly un- derstand human behavior But ethnography alone is just a technique, a process by which thick and rich a look at consumers from you need to witness it first descriptions are provided a holistic perspective, to hand. Anthropologists that illustrate people’s delve into their lifestyles understand that to uncover lives, emotions, social rela- and how their current at- the deeper structures that tionships, decision-making titudes and beliefs tie into guide a culture it is neces- processes and more. The larger cultural news con- sary to “live among the na- secret to ethnography sumption constructs on a tives.” By living among the lies in anthropological global scale. To accomplish natives you come to learn analysis. Anthropologists this goal, the AP turned to 1) what people do versus conducting ethnographic the discipline of anthropol- they say they do and research and analysis get to ogy, enlisting Context to 2) the why, or underlying what Context calls people’s perform an ethnography of motivation, behind people’s “Deep Structure” – the contemporary news con- actual behavior. place beneath the surface sumption behaviors. Ethnographic field work, of easily observed behav- therefore, involves go- iors where cultural values Ethnography is a re- ing into people’s natural and individual motivations search tool that comes from settings versus studying are produced and support- the discipline of cultural people in a controlled envi- ed. One value for under- anthropology and is based ronment. standing cultural Deep A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 7
  • 8. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption Structures is to connect behaviors with their under- Roots of ethnography lying motivations, thereby Anthropolgists compare people’s behavior to parts of a tree – providing a useful frame- some are obvious, some are hidden. work for creating products and services that reach Material Culture people on a truly deeper What products plane of unmet needs. and services do people use? To fully comprehend the ethnographic and anthro- Behaviors pological research process, What do it is helpful to use the meta- people do? phor of a tree [right]. The goal is to unearth the tree’s Deep Structure roots. The roots in this Why do people analogy represent the Deep do what they do? Structure that supports the culture under study . Above the surface, anthropologists observe people’s behavior. Below Anthropologists rely on the surface, insights are drawn on underlying motivations. the ethnographic method to identify, describe and it- eratively interpret behavior people’s disposal. behaviors and examples of – the trunk of the tree and material culture, patterns the material culture that Unlike the roots of the begin to emerge. The pat- comprises the limbs and tree, the trunk and the terns that emerge from the the leaves. Material culture limbs and leaves are the ethnographic investigation in an ethnographic study part of the tree you can are the manifestation of is the “stuff ” people use. walk around, touch and Deep Structure or in this In consumer anthropology, see and describe in close analogy, the tree’s roots. most of the stuff equals detail. As anthropologists The ethnographic ap- products and services at begin to see more and more proach is deductive and A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 8
  • 9. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption iterative. As the patterns and anthropological studies economies) are working or from the research start suggest: not working. to take shape and suggest 1) the underlying deep Most important, anthro- a certain structure, then structure for why people do pological investigations anthropological and social what they do and provide a platform to create theory guides the explana- 2) what in people’s lives change, grounded in a truly tory models that emerge. – be it products, services, deep understanding of hu- Simply put, the resulting institutions (e.g., educa- man behavior. models from ethnographic tion, government, religion, Methodology To get at the Deep Struc- group), representing a mix ton, Silicon Valley, Phila- ture behind news consump- of ethnicities and gender. delphia and Kansas City tion, an ethnographic Each participant had to were chosen in the United project was designed to have access to the Internet States to provide a broad explore a diverse group of and in addition to check- geographical sweep while participants, using a range ing the news at least once staying away from cities of methodologies includ- a day, participants had where the influence of ing self-reported real-time to report accessing news major media might be more behaviors, direct observa- through means other than prominent. Brighton, Eng- tion and, to complete the print, television and radio. land was selected because process, in-depth anthropo- This bias was assumed to the city is quickly attract- logical analysis. capture young people who ing a young new population were both connected and with its universities and To gather as broad a digital consumers of news. established cultural life. group of participants as The participants were In India, Hyderabad was a possible, 18 participants recruited in three countries natural choice, as the influx were recruited between – United States, United of technology companies the ages of 18-34 (with an Kingdom and India and six has brought extensive ur- emphasis on the 18-24 age metropolitan areas. Hous- banization. A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 9
  • 10. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption ‘My News’ Send-Ahead Behavioral Journaling Exercise To gather a founda- tion of information about the participants’ they would represent them- selves, focusing on what was important to them, making note visually and textually of when, how and why they searched for and lives, particularly their their likes/dislikes, values accessed updates on the behaviors, values, news and philosophies, as well story. sources and news consump- as who and what made up tion habits, all the partici- their social networks. Mov- The exercise, followed by pants in the study received ing more directly into the a home visit from a Con- a Send-Ahead Behavioral news realm, participants text anthropologist, was Journaling Exercise en- also represented what they intended to prompt par- titled “My News.” To com- considered to be news, ticipants to begin thinking plete the journal, partici- how they defined newswor- about their news consump- pants received a Polaroid thiness, the influence of tion behaviors, motivations camera and set of instruc- platform and channel on and habits, as well as their tions on taking pictures of their personal definitions perceptions of what consti- their daily lives over the of news, their preferred tutes the news. The images course of three to five days. means for accessing the and the description pro- news and how and when vided by the participants Participants completed they disseminated news. yielded rich data about who the behavioral journal Finally, participants were they are and the role that by addressing a series of asked to choose a story news consumption was questions both visually that they would typically playing in their lives. and textually The journal . follow and then track this began by asking them how story over a full news cycle, A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 10
  • 11. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption News Consumption Mobile Blog and News Diary To capture behaviors and motivations while consumers were day Participants took pic- . tures to record their ideas of what news is and why; a discreet camera phone to capture these moments visually as they happened, away from home and in the how, when and for how long while internationally based varied and different envi- they access news sources; participants completed the ronments they visit in their what news channels they assignment by taking pic- daily lives, Context had par- typically utilize; their level tures to accompany their ticipants complete a mobile of engagements with dif- news diary using Polaroid blog and news diary For . ferent channels, platforms cameras. U.S. participants this structured assignment, and devices; and the impact uploaded their pictures participants were asked to this news had on them, to a secure Web site at the capture moments of news including how they decided end of each day, providing consumption behavior, in whether to further dissemi- contextual details on the real time, over the course nate a piece of news. By behavior they captured, us- of one weekday and one including a diary of news ing their news diary pages weekend day, from start to collection pages, partici- to ensure that they included finish. pants were able to textu- all the details. ally document these news For the international Context anthropologists consumption moments and participants, the Context directed all participants to motivations as well. anthropologist brought this take pictures that captured exercise to life during the how they search for or Participants in the United in-home, in-depth inter- consume news during the States were provided with view. A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 11
  • 12. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption Day-in-the-Life Immersion and Observation D ay-in-the-life immer- sions were also con- ducted to obtain first-hand Immersion and observa- tion are at the core of eth- nography and the primary A major strength from observation and interac- tion over the full day is information about news technique for anthropolo- that researchers uncovered consumption, as it actu- gists. In anthropology, the discrepancies between what ally happened and to put in method is called participant participants said and what perspective the information observation. In addition to they actually did. gathered in each partici- undertaking direct observa- A structured observation pant’s self-reported journal tion, Context anthropolo- guide was created to cover and diary In these sessions, . gists were able to engage a series of specific issues an anthropologist spent with the participant’s social and questions. Topics in the part of the day shadowing life and participate in col- observation guide included and observing participants lective discussions with exploring people’s daily through their activities. members of his or her wid- schedules and how they er social network. Spend- moved throughout their Context anthropologists ing much of a day with day; what constituted news scheduled the observation each participant meant the throughout their day; their period during the times anthropologist was able preferred or primary news that participants said they to obtain more detailed sources; the platforms and consumed the news most and accurate information, devices they actually used frequently To gain a deeper . including both observable for consuming their news; understanding of partici- details (how much time the times and frequencies pants’ lives and how they they spent on each Web of their news consumption; interface with news, the site, for example) and more the level of engagement immersion encompassed hidden details (such as how with news sources includ- a broad sampling of their interaction with different ing their interaction and daily activities, including news media affected their involvement with these work, school, leisure or consumption behavior) that sources; and their reasons entertainment activities, in- are more easily observed for the sources and medi- teractions with family and/ and understandable over a ums they used and their or friends and more. longer period of time. overall behavioral prefer- ences. A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 12
  • 13. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption In-home In-depth Interview A fter participants com- pleted their journal and diary exercises, Con- pants consumed or other- wise received news. The interview was structured with a chance to explain in greater depth the behavior observed by the anthropolo- text anthropologists went using the same themes as gist during the immersion to their homes, debriefed those directing the immer- period and to discuss the these exercises and con- sion observation, although relationship between real- ducted in-depth interviews. questions were introduced time behaviors and what Debriefing the journals as open-ended to assist par- participants recorded in and diaries provided a ticipants in providing vivid their journals and through launching pad to conduct and self-directed descrip- their blogs and news dia- a conversational interview tions of their life experi- ries. designed to uncover further ences. The interview also details about how partici- provided the participants A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 13
  • 14. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption Ethnography Participants The following pages summarize the observations of the subjects in the study by geographic location. The names have been changed to pseudonyms for the purposes of this report. N ews was very impor- tant to Riya, a 22-year- old woman, who, together that “knowing the news,” or staying up to date on current affairs, would help goals. Riya had a regular rou- tine of reading the morn- with her her pursue and achieve her ing newspaper before work. sisters, moved She also watched televi- Riya Hyderabad, India out of her sion in her office cafeteria 22 village to live during breaks and dis- Software in Hydera- cussed the news with her engineer bad. Riya was CHINA colleagues. Back at home, PAKISTAN employed as she watched the evening a software NEPAL local news with her sisters. engineer and, on a macro New Delhi She had Internet access at level, symbolizes the chang- work and home and usually ing Indian woman, who has checked the news online “come out of her kitchen,” I N D I A three times a day . venturing into the larger, In news, Riya was look- urban world on her own, ing for motivation and Mumbai far from her parents. inspiration: Reading about Information helped Riya Hyderabad successful women in poli- achieve parity with her tics motivated Riya toward male colleagues and urban her own goals and gave her counterparts. Riya also Arabian Chennai hope that it was possible Sea Bay of said she dreamed of becom- Bengal for her to be somebody ing a politician or a great SRI someday She also looked . leader someday She feels . LANKA for news to relax. Reading A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 14
  • 15. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption about entertainment and ated Press. help him overcome Indian film news was an indul- Raj mostly accessed the socio-cultural barriers. gence that she enjoyed. Internet via his personal “Film news relaxes me. I computer. Before graduat- love to read about gossip in the film industry.” ing, he had Internet access at college and he would check news at school as V ijay, a 26-year-old man, was an owner of an interior design store, which well. Television was not he ran from his home, R aj, a 22-year-old man, just received his bachelor’s his primary source to stay abreast of current events, as he preferred the Internet Vijay located in a fairly wealthy area in the degree and for news. To Raj, know- 26 heart of Raj was enrolled ing the news is a social Hyderabad. Store 22 already in a skill because it helped him owner Technologi- Master’s m aster’s of communicate and raise his cally, Vijay student s cience pro- social standing. was well gram in the To hone his communica- “wired,” with cable televi- United States. tion skills, Raj charted the sion and continuous access Raj browsed the Internet development of news on to the Internet. for news to improve his a whiteboard. In fact, he Vijay came from a large communications skills and chose a news topic, wrote it family with a fairly tradi- keep himself ahead of his out on a whiteboard in his tional upbringing. He felt friends. Raj saidhe normal- room and then practiced connected to these roots ly checked the news eight presenting it to others, ei- but was also intrigued by to 10 times a day when he ther alone or before friends. the changes he saw occur- was busy and up to 20 times By working on the way he ring around him as a result a day w h e n he had more communicated news, Raj of globalization. He relied free time. Raj’s preferred believed he improved his on being up to date on the sites were NDTV and social skills as well as his news as a way of keeping Yahoo. He was also very chances to break through up with his friends and his familiar with The Associ- caste. Raj felt news could wider social network. A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 15
  • 16. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption Vijay began the day by stock market or a news sources was quite interest- reading the newspaper story that he was following ing. One of the first sites and watching television because it was important he went to for news was the with his morning coffee. for his social circle. television news channel It was at this time that he Vijay was mostly inter- NDTV an authoritative and , was most engaged with the ested in global business well-respected news chan- news. This was the time and political news. Dur- nel. In particular, he en- that Vijay used to prepare ing the time of this study joyed the show “The World himself for his day – en- he was actively following This Week,” which NDTV gaging with the top news several stories pertaining has been broadcasting for stories and social events to car and bike companies the last two decades. His before meeting clients and that had begun investing in secondary source was Ee- friends alike. Aside from India. The impact this new andu, a well-regarded local the morning hours, Vijay business could potentially newspaper, written in the would return to the televi- have on the Indian econo- local language of Telegu. sion or Internet during my was important to him His online sources included the lunch hour and before as he has some investments NDTV .com and going to sleep to check on in the Indian stock market. information regarding the His choice of news A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 16
  • 17. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption J ill, a 28-year-old wom- an, was working as an online insurance broker. Brighton, United Kingdom 0 100 mi for the southern British counties. When Jill arrived at work She lived 0 100 km she immediately logged with her part- on to her e-mail, another Jill ner, Kathryn, SCOTLAND exposure to Yahoo news 28 in a small North Sea headlines. Occasionally, Insurance apartment she would follow up with broker overlooking Edinburgh additional searches on the English some of these headlines. Channel. Jill ENGLAND She logged in and out of was very technologically her Yahoo account about Manchester oriented: She accessed once every hour during the news stories online any- Leeds day and saw Yahoo News’s time of day She saw news . Birmingham headlines several times. as constantly moving, “It’s London At work, Jill received text a non-stop machine, just messages and e-mail alerts Brighton churning information out. about other news as well. It doesn’t matter what it’s Plymouth During the Wimbledon ten- about … it’s just churning.” FRANCE nis tournament, Jill kept a She engaged with the news live scoreboard on her desk- approximately six to eight News 24 — BBC’s round- top to follow the matches. hours a day She checked . the-clock all-news channel. Driving back home, Jill her e-mail on Yahoo every She then listened to head- listened to news on the hour and thus saw Yahoo lines on the radio in her car radio. When she got home, headlines up to 10 times as she drove to work. Her she logged into her Yahoo a day She was primarily . commute could last 10 to 30 and Facebook accounts attracted to stories that minutes. Jill felt that radio to get personal news and piqued her curiosity . news was much softer and e-mail, while she watched Jill’s news consumption more humorous than BBC news and chatted with her routine during the day fol- News 24. In the car, she partner about the day’s lowed a pattern: She started listened to BBC Radio One events. her day by watching BBC and the local radio station A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 17
  • 18. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption M ark, a 28-year-old man, was employed as a project manager for final result. The house also appreciated in value and is now worth £100,000 more. up to date on news coverage and sports-related informa- tion. an online The main room of the Mark liked his news to travel agency. house was a lounge that be “punchy” and point- Mark Mark started featured a very large flat- focused. He read the head- 28 in this com- screen TV with a Sky Digi- lines in the Times and Project pany’s call tal set-top box. Each mem- followed up on BBC online manager center and ber of the household (and to “find out what’s hap- was proud of their respective partners) pening” with stories that the way he had a laptop, which meant he wanted to track. Mark had moved up the ladder. that sometimes there were said he trusts the BBC and Part of Mark’s job included five laptops on the wireless Sky Radio (for sports), fol- overseeing a group of 10 to broadband network in the lowed by the Times and the 15 people. lounge at the same time. Guardian. Mark moved to Brighton, Mark was constantly Mark’s news consump- a more cosmopolitan and using his PDA and mobile tion was related to other liberal city, from a northern phone to receive alerts and activities that he was English town with a more feeds as well as up-to the- engaged in and although conservative bent. In part, minute scores for football. he was actively consuming Mark made the move to dis- He even took his PDA to the the news, it was almost al- tance himself from his old lavatory and read the BBC ways in tandem with other life and embrace a higher headlines in the way that activities such as driving or standard of living. he used to read the newspa- working. Together with a couple of per. (At the time of the study, friends two years ago, Mark Mark’s news cycle was Mark was spending a purchased a house as an continuous and he spent up majority of his time away investment and put £26,000 to six hours a day search- from Brighton, in Peter- into refurbishing it while ing for and receiving infor- borough, to help launch a they lived in it. The project mation. Mark was on the new product his company took 18 months to finish Internet most of the day charged him to manage. and they are proud of the and used that time to keep The commute would take A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 18
  • 19. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption three to seven hours in one ceived a copy of the Times others and her own trips direction depending on newspaper delivered to his were free; she said goes on traffic and he spent a lot of hotel room.) two holidays a year. time in his car and on the Mark also mentioned Angela worked in a phone.) Facebook as a source for largely female work force When he was home in news. He recently had a and her male colleagues Brighton, he would wake friend die and found out were mainly in managerial up to his mobile phone about it from another roles. When she discussed alarm and put on Sky friend who used e-mail via news consumption at work, sports first thing in the Facebook to let everyone she mentioned that all the morning. He would putter know about the death. girls were interested in gos- around and have a cup of Mark admitted to this being sip, fashion and celebrity tea while he listened to the a difficult and potentially stuff, while the managers latest sports news and then unfair way to tell people were all interested in foot- switch over to BBC news. about the death. He ques- ball and more hard-hitting Mark then drove himself tioned the use of Facebook news. and his two housemates, for certain types of “news.” She lived with her boy- who also work with him, friend in his apartment on to work and they listened a quiet residential street. to BBC Radio One’s Chris They had a big-screen TV Moyles Breakfast Show. Once at work, Mark checked BBC News online A ngela, a 28-year-old woman from Hove, nearby Brigh- but no computer or lap- top at home. Usually, An- gela woke up to her mobile and a few select sports ton, was a phone alarm and her part- sites. He followed this news Angela sales and ner put on Sky News, which and sports pattern through- 28 booking agent she watched before she out the day Mark did not . Booking for a travel went to work. On her drive use MSN or Yahoo and did agent company, spe- to work, she would listen to not look at other news sites. cializing in both local radio and BBC (If Mark was in Peterbor- snowboarding Radio One, and was a fan of ough, his routine was much and skiing holidays. Angela the Chris Moyles Breakfast the same, except that he re- got discounts on trips for Show. A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 19
  • 20. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption At work, she would log She and her colleagues subscribe to RSS feeds or on to her PC and check would read it at lunch and any live reports or score- the BBC News Web site for then discard it or pass it on boards, as her work envi- the day’s headlines. Before to someone else. ronment was somewhat checking the stories, she After work, Angela liked monitored, though she had looked at the five-day fore- to take her horse for a freedom to use the Internet cast to see if she would be ride. On her way back, she at work and no sites were able to take her horse out didn’t listen to the radio blocked. that week. From there, she as she preferred the quiet. Overall, Angela was not would look for other stories At home she would watch very engaged with the that she was interested in the TV newscast with Sir news. She listened to and (such as the flooding in Trevor McDonald before read about the news in the England or the Madeline going to bed. morning and was typically McCann kidnapping story Angela’s Internet use was interested in human-inter- at the time of the field surprisingly limited. She est stories or headline news study). accessed news first thing that had a British focus. At lunch she would buy in the morning and then She had lost interest in a celebrity/fashion/gossip glanced at the news on her anything in the Middle East magazine, known in the Yahoo e-mail account but and did not follow much in U.K. as women’s weeklies. never read it. She did not politics. A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 20
  • 21. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption A llen, a 20-year-old man, was pursuing his graduate degree at the Art Philadelphia | U.S. But usually, I will check at home because I am working on other stuff at school and 0 50 mi Institute of do not have time to browse 0 50 km Philadelphia; the Internet.” He checked Allen he studied NEW YORK the news three to four 20 graphic de- hours throughout the day, Graduate sign largely “one hour in the morning student because these Scranton and usually more when I skills would get back from school.” help him earn PENNSYLVANIA Allen had several RSS a higher salary than his feeds that allowed him to true passion, zoology . exclude news that he con- Allen’s curiosity and sidered “filler.” He was need to know drove his Harrisburg primarily interested in news consumption. Allen environmental news, global enjoyed keeping up with news, technology news and what was new in the war in Philadelphia some entertainment (about Iraq, politics and science. N.J. movies, not about the per- He did not check news on MD. sonal lives of celebrities). the go. He did not have and Allen thought of himself did not want a PDA, “Sure, as the face of news because if I had an iPhone, I’d would banter back and “I choose what I read” on check the news on the way forth about different head- the Internet. to school. But it is more of lines, articles or videos. a novelty I doubt between . In the evening, he would here and school there is spend about two hours L going to be some breaking checking the news. isa, a 27-year-old update on something.” Allen’s news consump- woman, was working Allen consumed news tion at school was shaped in account management in online for about an hour in by his other activities. “If the telecommunications the morning after he woke I have time in class I might industry . up. He and his roommate check for breaking news. Lisa got her news A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 21
  • 22. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption through TV and the Inter- online from work because She preferred NBC’s Live at net. She engaged with the the connection was faster Five newscast, because she news in the morning when and she could watch videos liked local news and liked she was getting ready for more easily Lisa said that . watch it on TV when she work. She the content of the story was at home. and said that once determineed whether she were her next Lisa at work she actively sought more infor- preferred sites for news 27 would visit mation. because she felt they were Accoun- hard-news Lisa primarily followed credible news sites. She tant Web sites mainstream sources from checked those sites at work when she television, radio and the when she was bored or was not buy . Internet. She also got infor- when a conversation with However, she mentioned mation regularly through a co-worker prompted her. visiting soft-news Web sites text messages and phone She preferred news Web often during work as well. calls on her PDA. Lisa got sites so her boss would not In the evening, Lisa her news from NBC (TV), think she was looking at turned on the television,, Ya- tabloid Web sites. from the time she got home hoo, the Philadelphia Daily Another favorite for her until she went to bed. Her News (print) and WKYW was Yahoo, which she kept news consumption clus- (radio). She also went to as her home page. She went tered around the hours of YouTube to get videos to to check her 4 to 6 p.m. and then from about celebrities and other e-mail and she could see 10 to 11 p.m. She had her celebrity-focused Web sites, all the current headlines. PDA with her all the time, such as The Philadelphia Daily checking e-mail and tak- In addition, she occasion- News was a print source ing calls. If she checked ally watched Univision, a of news for her. Lisa got e-mail on her laptop, she Spanish-language TV chan- the paper from a co-worker might browse Yahoo’s latest nel, because she wanted to and sat at her desk while news headlines and peruse learn Spanish. she ate lunch and thumbed some stories that appealled Lisa’s preferred source through it. WKYW on the to her. She preferred to go and platform was NBC-TV . radio was important in her A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 22
  • 23. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption car and mostly for weather for a restaurant that was only person allowed to ac- and traffic. an eight-hour drive away cess a PDA on the “floor” Lisa’s PDA was central to and as a musician and a (in the venue where he her information and news- performer. Robert’s per- worked), he had become gathering. Lisa got e-mail, formances the “news node” for em- calls or text messages from were cabaret- ployees to get news up- friends about the news, Robert style and dates. Robert would look such as the story about 28 incorporated for particular news stories the singer Beyonce falling Events odd news on his PDA at work if he onstage (during the time of manager about cur- needed to communicate the field study). Her PDA rent events. something to his employ- also provided her with traf- Robert said ees. Robert engaged with fic updates when she was he would only go home to the news throughout the stuck in traffic. YouTube sleep and to feed his cat. day via his PDA. was also a source for con- He might spend one hour Of particular interest tent. Lisa would go to You- at home after he woke up was the connection Robert Tube after hearing about a a n d one hour at home has made between texting story to see a certain video before he went to bed. and checking news. After (as she did when she heard Robert’s social network finishing a text message, about Beyonce’s stumble). was rooted in his work. He Robert habitually hit the had worked at the perfor- Internet button on his R obert, a 28-year-old man, was working 50 to 80 hours a week as an mance venue for three years and spent a majority of his time there. Robert PDA and quickly browsed headlines. Other moments of engagement with news events manager at a perfor- did not have Internet ac- during the day included mance venue. He usually cess at home, so he relied overhearing the top of the arrived at work around on his phone (which he hour NPR (National Pub- noon a n d would stay until referred to as a Pocket PC) lic Radio) news that was somewhere between 10 and his office computer broadcast via the radio p.m. to 3 a.m. Robert also to keep in touch with the station WXPN that played worke d periodically as “outside” world. throughout the building an independent auditor Because Robert was the where he worked. A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 23
  • 24. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption H annah, a 30-year-old woman who still lived at her family’s home, was Houston | U.S. with the news, utilizing both TV and the Internet until she felt “up to date.” ARK. studying OKLA. After an hour or two, she for the state began studying either at Hannah nursing board home, at a friend’s house 30 exams while or at a coffee shop. When Nursing working at Hannah was studying, graduate a hospital. Dallas she was usually using her She said she computer by taking test loved be- TEXAS questions and using online ing a nurse because she Austin study resources. When she described herself as a got tired she liked to “take compassionate person who Houston breaks and look at the news cared about people and the a bit.” In explaining this state of the world. “I stay habit, she said, “I like to up on the news because I have my mind concentrate wish I could make more of Gulf of on something else, not just 0 200 mi Mexico a difference.” She felt that go dead, because it’s harder 0 200 km since one person cannot to get my mind going again really make a difference if I totally disengage and globally, she could help daydream or something.” “one patient at a time” by a.m. to 7 p.m. Her days off At work, Hannah’s news informing those around her were usually spent study- consumption was much of what she learne d from ing for the board exams, more social, as her col- the news. “I pay more atten- either at home or with a leagues updated her on the tion to things that are more friend at a coffee shop. Her latest headlines while they significant to me and the daily routine was very dif- do their rounds. Keeping up world around me.” ferent between when she on the news at work was a Hannah worked at a hos- was at work and when she very communal endeavor pital about 15 minutes away was off. and an ingrained cultural from her home for three On her days off, Han- habit and even the patients to four days a week from 7 nah liked to start her day were involved. At work, A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 24
  • 25. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption Hannah depended on oth- friend would be charged ternoons into evenings six ers to update her on the with committing a crime days a week, usually from 4 news. Her access points for in addition to the mother. to 8 p.m. She sat at the front news at work included the Hannah felt that because of the salon behind a coun- nurse sitting at the nurs- the two had been together ter and computer, greete d ing station with access to for so long and had four and scheduled guests as Internet and the computer other children that “there’s they came in a n d took in the break room, which no way he didn’t know she their payments when they she normally used to look was pregnant and I think left. Her other responsi- up or browse news a couple he should be punished bilities included sweeping, of times during a 12-hour too.” She checked every cleaning, washing towels shift. article she could find about a n d taking inventory . Much of Hannah’s news that story but never found When she had downtime, consumption behavior took the answer. She said she or when the door traffic was the form of a search for an- would continue to follow slow, she surfed the Inter- swers. Not being someone this story to see if any new net for news, usually start- who automatically accepted information was released. ing from the computer’s other people’s opinions homepage ( or her or an editorial piece, she e-mail homepage (Yahoo). tended to investigate the From there, she clicked on reasoning, facts and sup- porting evidence behind a story on her own until she B ess, an 18-year-old woman, was working as a receptionist at a hair headlines that most inter- ested or intrigued her, or that had some relevance to was satisfied with her own salon chain. Her mother her life or the lives of her opinion on it. was a hair stylist and Bess friends and family An avid . For instance, a story in had just taken her styling baseball fan, she always the headlines of the day test. She was clicked on baseball-related during the study was about to become a headlines. a mother in Ocean City, Bess stylist at the Maryland, who had left 18 same store The owner of her salon four fetuses out to die on Recep- in just a few hardly ever came in, but her property Hannah was . tionist weeks. Bess had a Web spyware ap- curious whether the boy- worke d af- plication installed on her A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 25
  • 26. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption computer so he could watch with her parents to spend and typically felt no need what she was doing on the more time with them. The to take action or be further screen. If she was is playing nightly news became a engaged. solitaire or looking at the time for her to catch up news, he would look at the check-in software program to see how many people with them and she said she enjoyed it. Bess would also sometimes look some- C orey, a 24-year-old, was working at Best Stor- age, a pri- were being worked on and thing up online from home, vately owned how many were queued. If particularly if she got a Corey storage he thought the salon was piece of a story sometime 24 facility, where too busy for her to be fid- during the day and was Aid/ customers dling around on the com- curious about the whole Student rent indi- puter, he would often call story She rarely turned on . vidual storage her and tell her to get busy. the computer at home to units. Corey Bess just graduated from just browse; rather, she was also worke d overnight high school in May and usually looking up some most nights at two different still lived at home with her specific story. halfway houses for mental- mother and stepfather. Her Bess was usually engaged ly challenged adult men. In 21-year-old boyfriend, who with the news only to the addition, Corey was study- she had been dating for five extent of discussing it with ing accounting. months at the time of the those around her. Rarely In the mornings, when field study, recently moved did a news story impact or he was at one the halfway in as well. change her behavior unless houses, Corey and “the They shared her small it was a local story about a guys” would sit around the childhood bedroom and had storm (“need to know about kitchen table and watch plans to save up enough the weather”), accident the news on TV (first the money to move out, find a (“need to know about traf- regular news, but as soon place of their own and get fic”) or murder/rape (“need as sports news comes on married. to know what areas to at 8 a.m. they switch to At home, Bess started avoid”). Bess was basically ESPN). After the news, he watching the news nightly a passive recipient of news usually would head to Best A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 26
  • 27. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption Storage, where he worked had classes and usually was news insofar as it helpe- five to seven days a week. too busy for news. How- dhim feel more confident When he first got to work, ever, on the few nights he and intelligent and allowed he caught up on what was was home, he would often him to form opinions for new (starting with Yahoo sit with his wife, Mel, discussing issues with oth- and moving to and watch the news on ers. He felt it was important or confirmed stories he had CBS, ABC or CNN. They to “know what’s going on” heard on TV that morning, discussed what they saw, around him and enjoyed as well as from the newspa- but Corey tended to avoid talking with other people, per or word of mouth. talking “politics” with whether they be colleagues, An important trigger for Mel, since she would get fellow students, teachers, knowing the news was a co- annoyed and bored with family or friends, about worker. Corey talked a lot political discussions. what was going on. Since with one of his co-workers Corey did not have Inter- he kept up with the news about news. As he said, net access at home, so he so much, he usually found “Half the reason I’m so only looked online when he that a lot of the informa- intent on keeping up with was working at the storage tion was repeated and that sports is so I can argue facility or at school. he knew most of what he about it with her!” Corey was engaged with saw in headlines already . Two nights a week, he what he learned from the A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 27
  • 28. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption S usan, a 25-year-old woman, was living in the suburbs with her Kansas City | U.S. 0 100 mi the radio,” so she avoided most exposure to news. Sometimes, though, she parents, her IOWA would listen to drive-time 0 100 km brother and DJs discuss current events Susan his wife a n d while she was in the car. 25 their 8-year- Susan might catch the Nanny/ old son, early news with her father Student Frankie. Su- Kansas City before she left the house san’s goal was at 7:15 a.m., for her job as to be working a nanny But typically, she . as a nurse, or in some type did not get time to hear the of field where she could KAN. Jefferson City news in the morning be- helping others. MISSOURI cause she was busy helping Susan’s direct news con- her nephew get ready for sumption was very struc- the day and preparing to tured and public. Watching Springfield go to work. She paid extra TV news was a daily, family attention later in the day event, particularly in the to stories people told from OKLA. ARK. evening prior to dinner. hearing or reading the Her family watched the lo- news. In this way, Susan cal news at 5 p.m., then the said the news “kind of national news at 5:30 p.m., was based on television comes to me … from other followed by the local news viewing. Susan’s active people who read the news- again at 6 p.m. The family newsgathering routine paper” or who watch the did not subscribe to news- was based mainly on the morning news. papers. times other people were She was particularly keen Susan had a laptop and consuming news. In the car, on human-interest and the family had an Inter- she had the opportunity local stories. Susan believ- net connection. However, to listen to the radio, but eed most news was far too Susan described her news for her, “the radio is for negative and she actively consumption as “very music.” She did not like to avoided national and inter- traditional,” because it listen to “people talking on national news. A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 28
  • 29. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption Sometimes she would formation that was close “Given the choice,” he look up the information to him. “It’s important to added, he “would probably about breaking news on know what’s going on if go to most popular stories” Google – “Google’s a little it’ll affect me.” The face of because the title did not bit better” – to obtain more news for Jack was the face make him feel quite so information. She did not of his social network. He depressed. Jack followed go first to news Web sites, felt that his friends, par- sports news and other which she said could be dif- ents, co-workers and uncle news stories differently He . ficult to navigate and there- were the constant face of received RSS feeds on his fore frustrated her. Mostly, news for him. These were Yahoo homepage about his Google and Yahoo were the people who “I hear favorite teams and sports tools that she associates from and talk about news leagues and followed those more with college course- and events.” At the same headlines. He said he would work and writing papers. time, he said that he did not just glance at other stories. know a lot of people who Jack had three variables were highly informed. that determined whether a J ack, a 22- year-old man, attende d the Universi- ty of Kansas Jack distinguished be- tween “breaking news,” “latest news,” “top stories,” news story was high pri- ority for him: location of an event, its severity and and lived in and “most popular” news his prior familiarity with Jack Lawrence. He stories. “Breaking news” the context of the story . 22 started out at was “not the full story, like He acknowledged, though, Psych the Universi- a preview, but it is kind that his ideas about what major ty of Kansas of annoying sometimes. was news were changing as a business I don’t like to get bits and as he matured. “In high major and pieces of information.” school, I couldn’t care less shifted to psychology He . “Latest news” was just a about the news. In my more and four fraternity broth- fuller exposition of what in-depth classes, I’ve been ers shared half of a duplex was previously “breaking learning the way the world apartment in a new subdi- news,” but he said that and the government work.” vision on the south side of “top stories” were “more He found that the scope town. depressing” than latest or of things that affect him To Jack, news was in- breaking news stories. was widening: “I’m start- A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 29
  • 30. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption ing to get out on my own versity of Kansas newspa- in the expanding south side and there are things I need per. He also listened to 101 of Kansas City The two- . to know about like Social FM and 98.9 FM, especially story house s a t at the edge Security Jack therefore .” DJ Johnny Dare and to AM of farmland. tought that what was news 810 WHB, a sports talk sta- Max was en- for him would probably tion. These tended to be the Max rolled at the change over time. easiest sources to access. 20 local commu- As for his approach to Yahoo was convenient to Market nity college. news, Jack said, “I don’t access because it was his worker Max did not really go hunting for the Internet homepage and the consume the news; I just accept it when Daily Kansan was avail- news much it comes.” This was clearly able free on campus when when he was actually work- not the case for sports school was in session. ing, but he did when he news, which he actively Secondary sources for was on break. In the break sought out on a daily basis, Jack included Fox 4 local room, he looked at The usually sometime after he TV news, CNN, MSNBC Kansas City Star newspa- woke up: “I always look up and the Lawrence Journal per – first the sports, then the sports. Then I might World newspaper. These the auto classifieds, then look at the weather and sources were outside his the FYI section (a lifestyle finally the headlines if I normal patterns of con- section) and the headlines. have time.” He was particu- sumption. However, with In the break room he could larly active in finding news certain friends and co- look at the news openly, but about his fantasy sports workers he might use them the environment behind teams. While he made a more frequently . the seafood counter was not habit of looking up infor- conducive to reading the mation on Yahoo Sports, he paper. said that if he saw a story He would sometimes on ESPN first, he might go to the Internet to follow up on it. M ax was working in the seafood and meat de- partment of a large grocery discuss the news with co- workers. He found talking about the news with the re- Jack’s main sources were store in the far southern tirees he worked with to be Yahoo Sports, ESPN and suburbs. Max was living particularly enlightening. the Daily Kansan, the Uni- with his parents and sister “I learn a lot from them, A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 30
  • 31. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption about all kinds of things to a story. did not associate Wikipedia I wouldn’t know about Because he worked most with user-generated con- otherwise. Financial stuff, of the day, if he watched tent. Instead, he suggested for example.” These discus- the news on television, that he did not trust user- sions were public, because it was usually late in the generated information. it was not a distraction to morning or in the evening “People who use blogs are the work of servicing a after work. He also enjoyed probably blobs,” he re- seafood counter. and depended on his car marked. Outside of work he and he listened to the radio Overall, he did not rep- consumed the news largely when he was driving to resent the stereotypical with friends. This was and from work and around 20-something when it came particularly true of sports town. to computers. “The com- news, which was the sub- Interestingly, Max said puter is a time suck,” he ject of heated discussion that “news is work; you complained. He only went between his male friends have to work” to access and on the computer during and himself. With them, he understand it. The faces his “down time. If I happen watched television, espe- of news for him were the to be on the computer, it’s cially ESPN. With his girl- social satirists and news because I’m bored.” He did friend, he was more likely entertainment anchors Jon not see himself as part of to watch E! Entertainment Stewart and Stephen Col- the wired generation. news and admitted that bert (cable TV comedians). “I would like to go on she had gotten him inter- They embody what Max record as saying that I more ested in celebrity gossip. called “anti-negativity .” or less pride myself on the But most of his news came When Max was online, fact that I don’t spend all from friends. “I get more he used Yahoo most often my time on the computer information from hearsay to search for information. not using my mind … like or my friends. They’re like “Another thing I like to hit people who aren’t out there human TiVos.” Hearing up is Wikipedia,” because experiencing what there is something from one of his “you can type in just about in the world.” friends would often prompt anything” and get the news him to pay extra attention you want. Interestingly, he A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 31
  • 32. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption A ndrew, a 20-year-old man, was finishing his second year of college at De Silicon Valley | U.S. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, among other parts of programs, such as the 0 200 mi Anza Commu- Jerry Springer talk show nity College. 0 200 km and Family Guy, the ani- Andrew A business mated situation comedy . NEVADA 20 major, he Andrew said his normal Business p l a n n e d Sacramento daily routine involved read- major to move ing the sports section while on to the San Francisco eating breakfast and read- University of Santa Clara ing it again while watching California in Santa Cruz. San Jose TV over lunch. He usually He went to school full time Sillicon consumed sports news but and worke d part time in Valley sometimes he read the front the hardware section at CALIFORNIA page of the newspaper. The Sears, a department store. Los main trigger that spurred Andrew spent some of his Angeles him to check the news was Pacific time at home, but most of Ocean boredom. Whenever he was his time hanging out with bored, he watched TV or his friends. Andrew lived San Diego looked online for news. with his family . Staying up to date on Andrew was an active the news was important to news seeker. During the ob- Jose Mercury News. When Andrew. He said that when servation period, Andrew he returned to his room, he went to Israel for two spent about an hour and a he went online to Yahoo weeks, he did not have ac- half doing his online class Finance and read an article cess to TV or the Internet. and homework and then about Netflix and Block- He came back completely took a break to eat. Dur- buster stocks. Then he con- unaware of what was going ing that time, he turned on tinued with his homework. on and “out of the loop.” ESPN and watched sports A while later, he watched He told the story of a friend news while glancing at the more sports news on ESPN. whose parents canceled sports section of The San He also caught part of their cable TV leaving her , A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 32
  • 33. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption unaware of what was going that he first started check- his news consumption and on in the news. ing the news purely out of searched for online articles boredom, but it had become and sites that interested a habit. He checked the him. For Frank, news was F rank, a 19-year-old man, was living with his parents in Santa Clara. He news three to four times a day: before he left his house in the afternoon, before he everywhere and he did not wait for it to come to him. The ease with which was attending his second ate dinner and before he he could access the news year at a local community went to sleep. He had been was made clear during the college and was interested doing this for at least a year in-depth interview when he in political science, local and the habit had begun to stated, “Back in the olden news and take on a bit more meaning days, people used to pay for anything that for him. As he explained, newspapers. Now you can Frank directly influ- “I read the news when I get find everything for free.” 19 enced his life. bored, but then one of the Frank used headlines to Politics He d i d not reasons I read the news is decide whether or not to major distinguish because I gain informa- read articles. For example, between the tion.” on the Digg site, he browsed types of news Frank shared informa- the headlines and read he enjoye d . He repeatedly tion with his friends via the paragraph-long sum- said that anything that af- links he sent them over maries. He estimated that fected his life in some way AIM, a Web messaging 75 percent of the time he was news. service. He often sent them continued on with the sto- Frank’s main source of funny news stories and ries. When he browsed the news came from the Inter- they, in turn, would send headlines, he was looking net. He looked at him news links. When for something that caught and any sites that were he regularly met up with his eye, something that linked from Digg. He also friends at Starbucks the related to his life. accessed news from Google conversation often began Frank quickly jumped News, the local television with “Did you hear about from site to site and article station’s Web site KTVU. …?” to article while consum- com, as well as Mercu- ing the news. Frank moved Frank said Fran was proactive in on when a story got more A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 33
  • 34. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption attention than it deserved. quite engaged with local her husband may take. When a story could not go happenings, commenting Sally paid attention to anywhere else, he stopped on some stories and main- headlines in the newspaper paying attention to it. In tained an and online and used them the case of Paris Hilton interest in as a guide to know which going to jail (during the Sally any stories articles to read. If a head- time of the field study), one 25 that had to do line resonated with her, if picture of her going to jail Office with her pro- it related in some way to told the whole story It was . manager fession in the her life or interests, then enough. health field. she read the article. Verify- While watch- ing stories was not very ing the news, Sally checked important to Sally, as she her e-mail on the laptop she said, “I don’t confirm the and her husband keep near news I hear unless I want S ally, a 25-year-old woman, was work- ing as an office manager/ the television. After watching the local news for about 20 minutes to know more about some- thing or find out if it re- ally happened. There’s too administrative assistant at she turned on an Oprah ep- much news to do that with a start-up health insurance isode that she had taped on everything.” company She left her house . their TiVo machine. While Sally preferred to get at 8:30 each morning and watching Oprah, Sally was her news from the televi- had a 30-minute commute checking her e-mail, but sion, particularly ABC and that she shared with her stopped to take notes on NBC, because she thought husband. They listene d to products that Oprah fea- the content was very good the local public radio sta- tured on her show. When and she enjoyed the mix tion that carried NPR for her husband began to use of local and national news the duration of their drive. the laptop, Sally switched that could be gathered in During the evening to surfing the Web on her a short time. Sally liked to observed during the study, iPhone. Besides checking stay current with the news Sally returned home from her e-mail, she went to because it helped her make work and immediately Digg, because she wanted judgments and decisions. turned on the television to get information about a For example, during this to the local news. She was possible vacation she and study Sally was interested A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 34
  • 35. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption in buying a car and she could participate in discus- Overall, Sally was a found several news reports sions during lunch. She and believer of news. Sally on car safety to be particu- her colleagues always talk- defined news as an unbi- larly helpful. News stories ed about the news, although ased source of facts from that directly impacted her most commonly that meant which she got most all of life were most newsworthy celebrity gossip. One of her her information. She con- to Sally. colleagues who was always sidered news to be honest; The news gave Sally up on such news usually be- something she could use something to talk about at gan the conversations, and to form her own opinions. work. She stressed that it if it was something Sally “Newsworthy is something was very important to be did not know about, she that affects my life.” well-informed so that she later looked it up online. A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 35
  • 36. A New Model for News Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult News Consumption Changing Consumption: Conclusions and Recommendations Today’s Model T he ultimate goal from ethnographic research and anthropological analy- and services people use or might use. In this fashion, a behavioral model can pro- routines, versus deeper background, labeled in the illustration as the back sis is to uncover the deep vide a company or industry story and future stories and roots of the culture under – the news business in this spin-offs. The study showed investigation. The Deep case – with a framework for people spending the major- Structure helps explain innovation. ity of their time “above the 1) why people do what The illustration on page fold,” to use a print news they do and by extension, 37 was drawn by the Con- expression, consuming 2) what products and text team to capture the mostly headlines and up- services are working or not news consumption behav- dates. Meanwhile, “below- working for them. ior and needs observed the-fold” content captured You might consider the in this study group. The much less attention. structure that emerges observations suggested an from such an inquiry as an imbalance in the compo- The fold also can be seen experience or behavioral nents that make up what as a dividing line between model. might be called the “whole news that was consumed With an understanding story” behind a particular mostly passively (facts and of the culture’s roots, it piece or body of news. Par- updates encountered from becomes possible to map ticipants in the study were e-mail, portals or word those roots to people’s receiving and accessing of mouth) versus deeper actual and prospective an imbalance of headlines dives that required more behaviors and the products and updates in their daily active consumption, or real A Research Report from The Associated Press and the Context-Based Research Group 36