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Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

                                               Jamal Nazrul Islam
                   Emeritus Professor, Research Centre for Mathematical and Physical Sciences,
                                       University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
                                           Haradhan Kumar Mohajan
                  Premier University, Chittagong, Bangladesh, E-mail:
                                                   Rajib Datta
                     Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Studies, Premier University,
                    Chittagong, Bangladesh. Cell: +8801819895389, E-mail:
At the present world human resource is considered as one of the most important resource. In the era of dynamic
business most of the organizations invest a huge amount of money and spend a great deal of time and efforts as
though they can properly utilize and manage this vital resource. Stress is one of the burning questions that hinder the
officers’ and workers’ performance and productivity. In this paper all experiences of jobs are discussed which
affects human minds and bodies. It has been essentially built the inputs which are obtained by conducting a
comprehensive study covering the aspects of stress in today’s business. An attempt has been taken to address three
major key areas related with the types and sources of work related stress, impact of stress on individuals and the way
of managing stress.
Keywords: Stress, Employee Stress, Stress management, Occupational stress, Reduction of stress, Prevention of
Every era in history has been characterized                       first to describe the “fight or flight response”
by some incapacitating diseases. Plague,                          as a series of involuntary physiological and
Polio and Pneumonia were eliminated when                          biochemical changes that prepare one to deal
the environmental conditions were improved                        with threats of danger (Cannon 1918).
or when the germs or viruses were destroyed                       Professor Hans Selye in 1956, first time
or protected through drugs or vaccines. In                        introduced before the public the concept of
the modern society we have some                                   stress in a medical sense to indicate the
characteristic diseases, but normally                             overloading of works on human body. He
consider not being so easy to eliminate. It                       found that any problem, real or imagined,
leads to psychosomatic disease or heart                           could cause the cerebral cortex (the thinking
disease and it is a major contributor to                          part of the brain) to send an alarm to the
disturbances in one’s emotional, family and                       hypothalamus (the main switch for the stress
social life. It inhibits creativity and personal                  response, located in the midbrain) (Selye
effectiveness and it is present as general                        1976). The hypothalamus then stimulates the
dissatisfaction that is so obvious in our daily                   sympathetic nervous system to make a series
lives. The name of this condition is stress.                      of changes in our body and our heart rate,
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical                      breathing rate, muscle tension, metabolism,
tension. It is a form of tension in the body or                   and blood pressure all increase (Stress and
mind for which there is no release or outlet.                     Stress Management 2010). Job stress is the
The Canadian Centre for Occupational                              major cause for job dissatisfaction, which
Health and Safety (CCOHS) declares that                           creates disturbances in the quality of life, so,
stress can worsen when there are high                             it results unhappiness (Kumar 2011). The
demands placed on a worker in a particular                        theory of preventive stress management in
job, but the worker has little control over                       organizations was originally formulated in
those demands.                                                    1977.
The modern meaning of stress was laid by                          Stress is very much dynamic condition in
Dr. Walter B. Cannon, a physiologist at                           which people confronted with opportunities,
Harvard almost 100 years ago. He was the                          constraints or demand related to what one


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

desires and for which outcome is perceived                       £26 billion in lost working time, where
to be both uncertain and important. Stress is                    treatment cost is not included.
associated with constraints and demand.                          Rahim (2010) studied on the employees of
Two conditions are necessary for potential                       the banking sector of Pakistan and expresses
stress to become actual stress. There must be                    that the banking sector is becoming
uncertainty over the outcome and the                             increasingly competitive around the country,
outcome must be important. Stress produces                       which increasing psychological problems,
not only the bad things all time but also                        such as stress, strain, anxiety, depression,
produce some positive outcome in some                            sleep disorders, etc. He expresses that the
special events. Sometime when people                             biggest killer is not AIDS or cancer but
remain under pressure they feel to get                           psychological problems.
something and they work more and harder
which increase the total productivity. This                      OBJECTIVES
paper will provide the critical view about the                   The main objective of the study is to
stress and consequences of it which will be                      evaluate the stress and the way of managing
more helpful to manage it and development                        it in personal and organizational life. Other
of way to handle more stressful situation.                       objectives of this paper are follows:
The overall cost of stress at work has been                            define stress clearly,
estimated to be in the range of 20 billion                             identify the causes of stress in
Euros in the European Union and more than                                 personal and social life,
150 billion dollars in the USA, mainly for                             measuring the extent of stress,
health care and treatment costs, absenteeism                           identify      the    prevalence    and
and turnover (Daniels 2004).                                              development of indicators for stress,
Everyone suffers from stress on some level                             measuring the impact of stress on
and no one is free from it. Sometimes stress                              job,
levels are comparatively higher and                                    the importance in managing stress,
sometimes they are lower. Hence stress is a                               and
normal part of everyday life and we cannot
                                                                       ways of managing stress.
really avoid it. But it is necessary to be able
to manage stress, otherwise chronic stress, if
left untreated, can lead to a variety of stress                  This study has been conducted based on
related illnesses such as hypertension, heart
                                                                 both primary and secondary data available
disease, anxiety, depression, memory                             on the relevant field. The primary data are
impairment, panic attacks, digestive                             collected through personal interviews from
disorders, autoimmune diseases and chronic
                                                                 some professionals. Research works,
fatigue syndrome (Cooper 1996, Porth 1998,                       publications and texts on this relevant field
Gruner 2006, and Provino 2010).                                  are used for this study. This study is covered
If anybody is resulted by stress, he/she feels                   by 90 respondents broadly from different
non-sleeping, remains nervous in much of
                                                                 fields and categories. Among the
the time, gets sick a lot, apathy of participate                 respondents, 70 were married, 20 were
in anything, change in the quality of work,
                                                                 unmarried; 70 were male, and 20 were
and remains irritable and moody. Stress and                      female. Again among the 90 respondents, 20
stress related problems such as anxiety and
                                                                 were working in financial organization, 5 in
depression are now the foremost reasons for
                                                                 service organization, 40 in manufacturing,
absenteeism from workplace in the United                         and 15 were physician and 10 were
Kingdom (UK) costing the economy at least
                                                                 businessman (table-1). To measure the


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

opinion of respondents especially for physicians we used 5 point Likert scale (1-5) which
indicate more popular to least.

                                         Table 1: Sample distribution.

             Nature of respondents                             Married         Unmarried           Total
             Businessman                                         10                0                10
             Employee of service organization                     0                5                 5
             Manufacturing employees                             35                5                40
             Physician                                           10                5                15
             Employee of financial organization                  15                5                20
             Male                                                55               15                70
             Female                                              15                5                20

We emphasized that the cause-effect                              of daily life and the effects of stress are not
relationships is the relation between stress                     always negative.
and cardiovascular illness. Stress also effects                  In small quantities, stress is good; it can
the organization that is linked to                               motivate us and help us to become more
absenteeism and productivity.                                    productive, but too much stress or a strong
                                                                 response to stress can be harmful. Stress can
DEFINITION OF STRESS                                             arise from any situation or thought that
Stress can be defined in general term as                         makes one feel frustrated, angry, or anxious.
people feel pressures in their own life. The                     Everyone sees situations differently and has
stress due to work load can be defined as                        different coping skills, so, no two persons
reluctance to come to work and a feeling of                      will respond exactly the same way to a
constant pressure associated with general                        particular situation. Situations that are
physiological, psychological and behavioral                      considered stress provoking are known as
stress symptoms. Hence stress is the harmful                     stressors. Many professionals suggest that
physical and emotional responses that                            there is a difference between what we
occurs when the requirements of the job do                       perceive as positive stress, and distress as
not match the capabilities, resources, or                        negative stress. But we often use the term
needs the worker and he expressed that job                       stress to describe negative situations. This
stress can lead to poor health and even                          leads many people to believe that every
injury. Stress is increasing due to                              stress is bad for us, which is not true actually
globalization and economic crisis, which                         (Stress and Stress Management 2010).
affects all professions, and as well as                          Positive stress has the following
families and societies, almost all countries                     characteristics (Stress and Stress
of the world (Bharatai and Newman 1978).                         Management 2010):
Stress is our body’s physical and emotional                           motivates, focuses energy,
reaction that frightens, irritate, confuse,                           is short-term,
endanger, or excite us and place demands on                           is perceived as within our coping
the body. Stress can be caused by events that                             abilities,
are pleasing as well as events that create                            feels exciting, and
crisis in our lives. But stress is a normal part                      improves performance.


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

On the other hand negative stress has the                        Hans Selye (1976) in his classic book The
following characteristics (Stress and Stress                     Stress of Life briefly described the stress
Management 2010):                                                reactivity as a three-phase process termed
      causes anxiety or concern,                                the general adaptation syndrome as follows:
      can be short or long-term,
      is perceived as outside of our coping                     Phase 1, Alarm Reaction
         abilities,                                              The body shows the changes characteristic
      feels unpleasant,                                         of the first exposure to stressor. At the same
      decreases performance, and                                time, its resistance is diminished and, if the
      can lead to mental and physical                           stressor is sufficiently strong (severe burns,
         problems.                                               extremes of temperature), death may result.
The reaction of body to stress can be
described by following three stages (Truch                       Phase 2, Stage of Resistance
1980):                                                           Resistance ensues if continued exposure to
Alarm Reaction Stage: the body identifies                        the stressor is compatible with adaptation.
and first reacts to the stress. In this stage the                The bodily signs characteristic of the alarm
body first releases hormones that help in the                    reaction have virtually disappeared and
defense against the stressor.                                    resistance rises above normal.
Resistance Stage: the body continues to
resist the stressors as they persist. If the                     Phase 3, Stage of Exhaustion
stressors continue and there is a consistent                     Following long-continued exposure to the
state of resistance, there is potential to move                  stressor, to which the body had become
into the third and final stage.                                  adjusted, eventually adaptation energy is
Exhaustion Stage: the body and mind are                          exhausted. The signs of the alarm reaction
no longer able to make the necessary                             reappear, but now they are irreversible, and
adjustments to resist the stressors and there                    the individual dies (Greenberg 1990).
is physical and/or mental exhaustion.
                                                                 Source of stress vary according to age,
SOURCES OF STRESS                                                place, time, situation etc. We have listed
At present stress is the number one problem                      sources of some of negative stresses as
for working people. It is increasing                             follows:
continuously day by day due to globalization                          death of a close family member or a
and global economic crisis. It creates the                               close friend, the death of a business
fight or flight response in the brain, the                               partner, sick of children or any
stress hormone then circulates in the blood                              family member, losing health
stream which causes the heart to speed up,                               benefits or no health insurance,
the arteries to narrow and blood sugar to                                personal injury or illness, change in
rise. In our daily life we face different type                           health or behavior of family member,
of stressors, such as biological (toxins, heat,                          loss of a friend,
cold), psychological (threats to self-esteem,                         pregnancy,          sexual     difficulties,
depression), sociological (unemployment,                                 divorce,      filing     for     divorce,
death of a loved one, birth of a child), and                             relationship break-up, losing contact
philosophical (use of time, purpose in life).                            with loved ones,
In any case, regardless of the stressor, the                          detention in jail, detention of family
body’s reaction will be the same (Greenberg                              member or partner in jail, life


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

        sentence of a close person, death                        Social Stressors: We can experience
        penalty of a close relative or a friend,                 multiple stressors arising from the demands
       unemployment, losing of job, cannot                      of the different social roles we occupy, such
        find a job or losing job of a friend,                    as parent, spouse, caregiver, and employee.
        changing of job, lack of training                        Some social stressors are deadlines,
        necessary to do a job, job insecurity,                   financial     problems,     job    interviews,
        change in working hours, change in                       presentations, disagreements, demands for
        living conditions,                                       our time and attention, loss of a loved one,
       bankruptcy/money             problems,                   divorce, and co-parenting.
        substandard housing, selling a home                      Physiological: Situations and circumstances
        or land for money,                                       affecting our body can be experienced as
       feeling unsafe in neighborhood due                       physiological      stressors.   Physiological
        to crime, being abused or neglected,                     stressors are rapid growth of adolescence,
        military deployment in the locality,                     menopause, illness, aging, giving birth,
        and                                                      accidents, lack of exercise, poor nutrition,
       change in sleeping habits, change in                     and sleep disturbances.
        eating habits, change in finances, not                   Thoughts: Our brain interprets and
        having enough money to pay bills or                      perceives situations as stressful, difficult,
        house rent.                                              painful, or pleasant and some such situations
                                                                create stress in our life.
Now we have listed sources of some of
positive stresses as follows:                                    External Sources of Stress
    starting a new job,                                         External sources of stress consist of
                                                                 environmental, organizational, job-career,
    receiving a promotion at service,
                                                                 co-worker, and family and so on. The source
    marriage ceremony or birthday
                                                                 of external sources can vary according to the
                                                                 following circumstances:
    buying a suitable home or a car of
                                                                      change of social circumstances, such
        new model,
                                                                         as bereavement of spouse, moving
    having a child,                                                     job, marriage, holidays etc.,
    winning prizes or winning a lottery,
                                                                      pressure to conform to social or
    planning to enjoy a vacation,                                       employment patterns of behavior,
    holiday seasons, and                                             conflict          in       relationships
    taking educational classes or learning                              misunderstanding         with      the
        a new hobby.                                                     coworkers, superiors, subordinates,
                                                                         colleagues, or an absence of praise
We realize that stress comes from the four                               and being valued by others,
basic sources. Among them first two are                               lack of support, time to be listened to
called external sources of stress and last two                           and time for relaxation,
are called internal sources of stress. Stress
                                                                      having a high-pressure job, being
and Stress Management (2010) expresses                                   unemployed or only having a small
the four basic sources of stress as follows:                             range of social circumstances, e.g.,
The Environment: The environmental                                       rarely leaving the house, few
stressors include weather, noise, crowding,                              hobbies,
pollution, traffic, unsafe and substandard
                                                                      strict deadline, too tight or too loose
housing, and crime etc.
                                                                         supervision, lack of parity of


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

        authority, working at a long stretch,                    the age boundary of 26-35 years (Imtiaz and
        lack     of    having    chance    of                    Ahmad 2009).
        entertainment policies, and
       boring and noisy, smoke filled work                      CONCEPTUAL ISSUES
        environment, cramped offices bitter                      Is there anybody who is not familiar with the
        fumes, the glare of sun and the                          term Stress? Definitely the answer will be
        burning heat (e.g., in street and                        “no”. In the era of super flexibility and rapid
        rerolling mills), and high turnover                      changing environment we all experience
        rate in organization.                                    stress, rather it, is better to say “we are
                                                                 anxious about to stress and the way of
Cary Cooper has developed a concise yet                          managing stress fall us in stress too.” Before
complete list of six sources of work stress                      managing stress we should know what it is.
(Cooper 1983) as follows:                                        According to oxford dictionary, stress is
    1. Job Conditions: Quantitative and                          defined from various points of view. Among
        qualitative work overload, people                        these we pick up the following two
        decisions,        physical       danger,                 meanings:
    2. Role Stress: Role ambiguity, sex
        bias and sex-role stereotypes.                                1. Mental pressure: Pressure or worry
    3. Interpersonal Factors: Poor work                                  caused by the problems in someone’s
        and social support systems, lack of                              life.
        management concern for the worker,                            2. Physical pressure: Pressure put on
        political rivalry, jealousy, or anger.                           that can damage it or make it loose
    4. Career Development:                                               its shape.
        Underpromotion, overpromotion, job
        security, frustrated ambitions.                          According to the father of stress researcher
    5. Organizational Structure: Rigid                           Professor Hans Selye, “Stress is the spice of
        and impersonal structure, political                      life, the absence of stress is death.”
        battles, inadequate supervision or                       The famous author R. S. Schuler defines
        training, non-participative decision                     stress as a dynamic condition which an
        making.                                                  individual is confronted with an opportunity,
    6. Home-work Interface: Spillover,                           constraint or demean related to what one’s
        lack of support from spouse, marital                     desire and foe which the outcome is
        conflict, dual career stress.                            perceived to be both uncertain and
At present employers are critically analyzing                    important. From these above discussions we
the stress management issues which give to                       can find some of inputs about stresses as
lower job performance of employee                                follows:
originating from dissatisfaction and high                              stress is caused by our reaction to the
turnover and finally affecting organizational                             external environment,
goals and objectives in production. Stress                             it affects directly related to our mind
has become major problem for employer                                     and body that means it has physical
mainly in developing nations. Sometimes                                   and emotional effects on us, and
employees do not like to work with their                               stress creates positive and negative
organizations due to high levels of stress                                feelings.
among them and majorities were between                           We can define stress in many ways based on
                                                                 its area and impact. Though the impact of


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

stress is directly related to both the body and                  performance then it could be stated as
mind of individuals but from the view point                      dysfunctional stress. Long-term stress can
of sources we can define it in the following                     create     some      problems       such     as,
ways:                                                            cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal
Direct Stress: When the sources of stress                        disorders (in the back and upper limbs),
are directly related to the person then it is                    psychological disorders (depression and
called direct stress. Suppose, Mr. X and Mr.                     burnout) etc.
Y are working in the same department of the                      Certain Stress: From the view point
same factory and suddenly Mr. X loses his                        certainty, when the result of stress is known
job, then stress for Mr. X is considered as                      to individuals then it is called certain stress.
direct stress.                                                   For example, the peak period of production
Indirect Stress: When the sources of stress                      is generally temporary stress and known to
is not directly related the person then it is                    all. Certain stress is less harmful and
called indirect stress. In the previous                          produce very constructive result and
example the incident of losing job of Mr. X                      sometimes does not produce higher result.
creates a stress for Mr. Y who is still in that                  Uncertain Stress: When the length of time
job. The losing of job of peer group (Mr. X)                     as well as result of stress is not perceived by
of Mr. Y or the fear of losing his (Mr. Y) job                   the stressors is called uncertain stress.
could be a cause of stress. It is of course the                  Generally uncertain stress is harmful and
impact of direct stress is more than that of                     produces negative result or hinders the
indirect stress.                                                 group performance.
Short-term Stress: From the view point of                        Stress is a universal experience in the life of
duration of time, when the stress affects for                    each person and every employee even
a limited period of time then it is called                       executives and managers cannot avoid it. It
short-term stress i.e., in a production-                         is estimated that in the world about 100
oriented factory in the peak period of                           million workdays are being lost due to stress
production (generally 3 to 6 months) or at                       and nearly 50% to 75% disease are related to
the end of the month in accounts department                      stress (Bashir 2007).
of a company workers face a short-term
stress. Some of the short-term stresses are                      OCCUPATIONAL STRESS
short temper, headache, shortness of breath,                     Occupational stress was formally identified
sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating,                    in 1989, when the Commonwealth
upset      stomach,      apathy,     and    job                  Commission for the Safety, Rehabilitation
dissatisfaction.                                                 and Compensation of Commonwealth
Long-term or Perpetual Stress: When the                          Employees initiated several research
stress affects for a long period of time then it                 projects. Occupational stress can be defined
could be called long-term or perpetual                           as the harmful physical and emotional
stress. From the view point of outcome                           responses that occur when the requirements
functional stress when the result of stress is                   of the job do not match the capabilities,
positive or stress improves someone’s                            resources, or needs of the worker, which can
performance in the job. Some stresses                            lead to poor health and even injury (Rehman
support the goals of organizations and                           2008). Sources of occupational stress have
improve the performance; these are                               been categorized by Cooper and Marshall
functional, constructive form of stress.                         (1976) as follows:
When the consequences of stress is                                    intrinsic to the job,
destructive       or     hinder      someone’s                        role in the organization,


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

      relationships at work,                                    colleagues of absent or under-performing
      career development,                                       staff (Clarke and Cooper 2000).
      organizational structure and climate,                     Houtman (2007) expresses that stress has
         and                                                     also been associated with a number of other
      home-work interface.                                      ill-health outcomes, such as cardiovascular
Here ‘intrinsic to the job’ will include                         diseases      (Kivimäki     et    al.    2002),
physical     aspects    of    the    working                     musculoskeletal disorders, particularly back
environment, such as noise and lighting, and                     problems (Hoogendoorn et al. 2000) and
psychosocial aspects, such as workload.                          neck-shoulder-arm-wrist-hand          problems
Occupational stress has been defined by                          (Ariëns et al. 2001), as well as absence from
many researchers (Cox 1978, Cummings                             work (Houtman et al. 1999). When people
and Cooper 1979, Quick and Quick 1984) as                        are in a state of stress, they often feel
a negatively perceived quality which, as a                       concerned, less vigilant and less efficient in
result of inadequate coping with sources of                      performing works (Barling et al. 2004).
stress at work, has negative mental and                          When stress reactions persist over a longer
physical health consequences.                                    period of time, they may develop into more
In a recent survey of employees, more than                       permanent, less reversible health outcomes,
80% said that they feel stress on the job,                       such as chronic fatigue, burnout,
about 70% expressed a need to learn how to                       musculoskeletal problems or cardiovascular
manage stress and 45% felt their co-workers                      disease.
needed help in managing stress. The                              Our study has identified some different
organization     should     consider     that                    types of stresses which are related to the
Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI), to                          work term as work-related stresses as
whether to improve for preventing stress                         follows:
(Cooper et al. 1988). The results of a large-                          Some people always feel urgency in
scale household survey indicated that 19.5                                the work life, they are always
million working days were lost in the United                              fighting to beat deadlines and have
Kingdom (UK) during 1995 due to work-                                     the habit of doing anything at the
related illness, such as, musculoskeletal,                                eleventh hour, which leads to tension
stress, anxiety and depression (Jones et al.                              and stress.
1998). Heller et al. (2002) and Rode (2004)                            When people around us life juniors
expressed that job stress creates negative                                do not behave according to the
relationship with the satisfaction of the                                 expectation, and failed to give the
employees.                                                                results which expected leads to
Work-related stress has growing interest                                  interpersonal conflicts and it cause
across Europe in recent years due to                                      pain, guilt and deep impression for a
dramatically globalization of the economy,                                long time. Someone does not agree
use of new information and communications                                 with the view and opposes, does not
technology, growing diversity in the                                      keep his promise and is cheated with
workplace         (Landsbergis         2003).                             respect to money, supply of goods,
Organizations suffer business loss through                                and quality of goods.
lost working days due to work related illness                          Minds of most of the people run with
or accidents, absenteeism, staff turnover,                                a tremendous velocity with one
lowered performance, and the associated,                                  thought after another. Mind velocity
often hidden, costs of training replacement                               is high during emotions of hurry,
staff and the added burden placed on the                                  impatience and desperation. High


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

        velocity of mind leads to fatigue of                     drug abuse, hypertension and host of
        the mind due to constant alertness                       cardiovascular problems (Meneze 2005).
        and loss of concentration. Modern
        man suffers from worry of too many                       THE AFFECT OF STRESS
        tasks to be done simultaneously,                         Previously described various types of
        which leads to stress.                                   stresses could end with different results.
     Unrealistic        target     leads    to                  Whether the stress with constructive or
        tremendous increase in the stress                        destructive it depends what types of stresses
        level. Modern executive punish                           they are. Certain stress usually products
        themselves by creating deadlines                         constructive result where the uncertain stress
        without bothering about health,                          usually produces destructive result. It is an
        wealth, family or peace of mind.                         important factor to consider in case of
        Such unrealistic targets make one                        finding out the result of stress what type of
        miss out the quality. Due to fear of                     stress it is but the result of stress depends on
        failure one’s stress levels go high.                     some factors like;
     Today’s        business     always     in                        the        individual     strength    and
        competitive mood and some want to                                  personality,
        win the competition and climb the                              the environment or situation,
        ladder of success in my way, even by                           adoption process, and
        making loss. Such competition                                  previous experience.
        shoots up stress in the mind.
Occupational stress risks have been                              The World Health Organization (WHO)
increasing for many years, but at the end of                     predicts that by 2020, depression will be the
the last decade it increases alarm due to                        second most long term condition worldwide.
global financial crisis and globalization. By                    Everyone is affected by stress differently.
the end of the 1990s in many countries there                     The strength of an individual plays an
has been a combination of increasing and                         important role in making the end result. The
stabilizing job demands, together with                           environment and situation, age, ability,
decreasing job sovereignty which would                           attitude the mentality to adopt etc. are also
have resulted in an increasingly stressful                       important factor over here. In facing stress
situation within countries. High and                             the support from environment and situation
increasing quantitative demands, combined                        dramatically produce constructive result.
with low or decreasing control over work                         The way of finding the best to avoid, cope
pace, increase stress-related outcomes. Some                     with or face the situation is a most
countries showed an increase in stress-                          considerable factor. Generally before
related health problems at work, but it was                      adoption with the situation generally it is
also observed that workers who developed                         needed to find out the types of stress and in
health problems had left the labor market on                     which way the individual wants with cope
long-term absence, or were receiving                             with or face the way of perceiving the goals
disability pensions (Houtman 2007).                              and situations as well as the conflicts the
Finally we can express that job stress is                        preparation and planning, classification and
considered rising and has become challenge                       justification of the way, identifying various
for the employer and because high level                          alternative and implement the best ways or
stress is results in low productivity,                           methods or processes to face could be a
increased absenteeism and collection to                          better way to face stress.
other employee problems like alcoholism,


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

Stress is caused by our reaction to the                                 excess of harmful diet, such as
external environment. The manner in which                                taking of too much caffeine, alcohol
we perceive and understand the changes or                                etc.,
the particular events some event can bring                             changes in body functions, such as
happiness and causes stress in two different                             puberty pregnancy, menopause,
people depending upon how they react it.                                 ageing etc., and
Body’s non-specific response to any demand                             psychological or psychodynamic
made on it. On one side stress provides the                              problem.
means to express talents and energies and                        The term ‘psychodynamic’ refers to
pursue happiness on the other side it can                        subconscious thoughts and feelings, which
also cause exhaustion and illness, either                        often arise from childhood experiences. The
physical or psychological. It is concerned                       way in which we learned to cope in
with an individual’s perceptual and                              childhood is by using defense mechanisms
cognitive characteristics.                                       that involved a degree of self deception. We
The factors that contribute to the experience                    still use these defenses today. Examples of
of stress are many and varied. It is found                       psychodynamic causes of stress include:
that both positive and negative events in                              inner conflicts that have not been
one’s life can be stressful. However, major                              addressed, but repressed (pushed out
life changes are the greatest contributors of                            of conscious awareness),
stress for most people.                                                encountering situations that evoke
Too much travel, entering into a new                                     stressful feelings which were
environment, like new colony, new job                                    experienced in childhood,
generates stress. The social institutions of                           lack of self-awareness,
marriage or divorce can cause stress.
                                                                       being one is capable of achieving far
Pregnancy can also generate stress, some of
                                                                         too much-setting standards and
the untoward incidents like critical illness of                          expectations too high and therefore
death of a relative can also cause stress in                             falling short of them, and
individuals. Time, pressure, competition,
                                                                       not having the skill of knowledge to
financial problems, noise, disappointments
                                                                         cope with certain situations, such as
could be sources of stress. We can divide the
                                                                         spiritual development.
sources of stress into two categories:
                                                                 The      need     for    individual    spiritual
Physiological or Biological. The causes of
                                                                 development has long been recognized by
some stresses lie in the biological make up
                                                                 religion. It is only during the last 30 years
of our body, or the interaction of our body
                                                                 that psychology has acknowledged the
with the food we eat or environment we live
                                                                 existence of a spiritual side to the individual.
in. Some examples of the biological causes
                                                                 Some spiritual causes of stress are as
of stress include:
     lack of physical fitness, such as
                                                                       violation of personal or religious
        dwarf, blindness, lack of hearing,
                                                                         moral code, contravention of
        hair fall and other problems of limbs
                                                                         accepted group practice, or violation
        of body,
                                                                         of laws (‘sin’),
     poor diet, such as deficiency of
                                                                       lack of spiritual development,
        vitamins, minerals, starch etc.,
                                                                       an absence of truth i.e., self-
     genetic disorder results in chemical
                                                                         deception and deception of others,
        imbalances in the body,
                                                                       the lack of a sense personal agency
                                                                         i.e., one can influence events or the


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

        failure to recognize and experience                      changes brought on by stress hormones in
        choice, and                                              response to certain situational or event
       absence of a relationship with God,                      stressors (Cannon 1918). Stress associated
        and lack of forgiveness.                                 with positive events, helps us respond
                                                                 effectively in times of trauma. It also
CONSEQUENCES AND SYMPTOMS                                        increases our performance or efficiency in
OF STRESS                                                        ordinary times. On the other hand distress
 As stated earlier stress is caused by or                        tends to block our performance, create
reaction to the external events and bring                        health problems, increase anxiety and
about changes in our response and our                            depression, and reduce optimal efficiency
general behavior. It is important to learn                       (Selye 1976). The presence of stress can be
how to know when our stress levels are out                       divided into three different categories; i)
of control. Stress affects the mind, body, and                   Physiological, ii) Behavioral and iii)
behavior in many ways, and everyone                              Psychological. Now we describe these three
experiences stress differently.                                  symptoms as follows (table-2):
The stress response, also called the fight or
flight response, first described by Cannon,
refers to the physiological and emotional
                        Table 2: The three categories of symptoms of stress.

      Physiological Symptoms               Behavioral Symptoms                    Psychological Symptoms
     •Perspiration                      •Impulsive behavior                     •Physical trauma
     •Eating disorders                  • Eating more or less                   • Moodiness
     •Irritability                      •Easily distracted                      •Anxiety
     •Headaches                         •Depression/Isolation                   • Agitation, inability to relax
     •Hair loss                         •Speech problems                        •Overestimation of danger
     •Loss of sex drive                 •Lower energy levels                    •Fear and tension
     •Illness                           /sleeplessness                          • Memory problems
     •Insomnia and nervous              •Crying for no apparent                 • Irritability or short-
     tone of voice                      reason                                  tempered
     •Tiredness and tiring              • Sleeping too much or too              •Depression
     easily                             little                                  • Inability or difficulty
     •Increased heartbeat and           •Change in personality                  concentrating
     blood pressure                     •Laughing in a high pitch               •Dissatisfactions
     •Tense, muscle ache and            •Grinding of teeth                      • Seeing only the negative
     pain                               •Irritable/Aggressive                   •Strenuous exercise
     •Trembling                         •Increasing smoking and                 •Metabolic disturbances
     •Nervous ticks                     use of drugs and alcohol                •Panicky
     •Dryness of throat and             •Being accident-prone                   • Feeling overwhelmed
     mouth                              •Susceptibility to illness              • Poor judgment
     •Urinating frequently              •Loss of appetite or over               • Constant worrying
     •Sleeping problems                 eating                                  • Underestimation of ability
     •Diarrhea, Indigestion and         •Burnout                                to cope
     frequent urination                 • Nervous habits (nail                  • Underestimation of help
     •Vomiting, Nausea etc.             biting, pacing)                         available
     •Butterflies in stomach            •Increased errors                       •Depression or general


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

     •Premenstrual tension              •Productivity                           unhappiness
     •Pain in the neck and              •Turnover                               • Worries and catastrophic
     lower back                         •Absenteeism                            thoughts
     •Stomach ulcers                    •Lack of                                • Anxious, racing, or
     •Heart problems                    concentration/ability to                ruminating thoughts
     •Breathlessness and                think rationally                        • Sense of loneliness or
     hyperventilating                   •Organization and planning              isolation
     •Palpitations and chest            deteriorate
     discomfort                         •Reduced self-esteem
     •Sweaty palms                      • Using alcohol, cigarettes,
     •Minor illness (allergies          or drugs to relax
     skin disorder, migraine)
     •Serious illness (arthritis
     cancer, diabetes).

The impact of excessive stress on team work                              series diagnosable conditions were
is also harmful, and it can damage:                                      seen as mental health problem, while
     individual work performance,                                       stress is compared at some point by
      team performance,                                                 everyone.
      working relationship,                                          Senior executives recognized that
      cooperation between team members,                                 more junior employees felt they had
        and                                                              to hide stress were perhaps unable to
     team spirit.                                                       recognize stress which could become
Though stress is caused by our reaction to                               unhealthy.
external environment, it should be reminded                      Approximately 1 in 3 European workers is
that a positive attitude can dramatically                        affected by work-related stress according to
reduce the stress. So in case of managing                        European surveys. It has been estimated that
stress at first we have to develop a positive                    work related stress cost Member States at
outlook that plays an important role. Stress                     least 20 billion euro per annum.
can be managed if we understand the                              In 2001 in a report of the American Institute
reasons which cause stress and the level of                      of Stress (AIS) expressed that job-related
stress. We should also try to estimate if we                     stress costs the US industry $300 billion per
could bring about any change in                                  annum. due to absenteeism (1 million
environment that can subsequently reduce                         workers are absent on an average workday
stress.     Both     the    individual   and                     because of stress-related complaints),
organizational cooperation is necessary to                       diminished productivity, employee turnover,
manage stress.                                                   direct medical costs, compensation claims
                                                                 and legal and insurance fees. In the USA in
IMPACT OF WORKPLACE STRESS IN                                    2003 survey examining attitudes in the
EUROPE AND THE USA                                               workplace found stress about the economy,
A 2001 report from the UK’s Mental Health                        increase in emotional ailments including
Foundation, “Burn out or Burning Bright?”                        substance abuse and depression, incidents of
determine the following two reasons to                           among coworkers. In 1 in 4 employees in
increase stress (Ingram and Pilla 2007):                         the USA view their jobs as the number one
     Most companies did not view stress                         stressor in their lives, 3 in 4 employees
       as a mental health problem. Only


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

believe that today’s workers have more on-                       to think about watching your favorite
the-job stress than a generation ago.                            television comedy.
                                                                 Tune In: In a study at Monash University in
REDUCTION OF STRESS                                              Melborne, Australia, two groups of students
The emotional and physical disorders that                        were told to prepare an oral presentation.
have been linked to stress including                             Some worked in silence; others listened to
depression, anxiety, heart attacks, stroke,                      Pachelbel’s “Caron in D Major” stress
hypertension, immune system disturbances                         caused the silent workers’ blood pressure
that increase susceptibility to infections, a                    and heart rates to climb. Not so the
host of viral linked disorders ranging from                      volunteers in the musical group whose
the common cold to herpes to certain                             measurements remained steadier. They also
cancers, as well as autoimmune diseases like                     reported feelings much less stress.
rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis                      Think Happy: Focus on someone or
(Stress and Stress Management 2010).                             something you care deeply about for
Hence we need to control the stresses which                      anywhere from 15 seconds to five minutes.
are harmful to our mind and body.                                Or picture a scene from a peaceful vacation
                                                                 phrase that makes you feel positive about
Individual Approaches to Reduce Stress                           you and the world can work. It sounds like
Planned life could reduce or prevent                             advice from a greeting card, but thinking
negative stress. To manage stress we can                         happy calming thoughts can counteract the
follow the sequences as follows:                                 psychological changes that occur when
      problem identification,                                   under stress. “A lot of stress we experience
      goal selection,                                           comes from negative emotions we carry
      generation of alternatives,                               around with us grudges, anger, hurt” says
      choose the best,                                          Laskin who studies healing power of
      implementation and evaluation the                         forgiveness.
         outcomes, and                                           Hit the Road: Get from your desk, the
      take corrective action if necessary.                      coach wherever you may be and take a
Besides this we can apply the following tips                     minute walk. Those who began walking four
to get rid of from stress which provided by                      times a week, the scientists found, reported
Dr. Peret Jaret:                                                 feeling less distressed and sleeping better.
Do Nothing: At least once during the day,                        Tests showed that their blood pressure was
take five or ten minutes to sit quietly and do                   more likely to hold steady when they do not
nothing. Focus on the sounds around you,                         have an hour to spar. Do not sweat it.
your emotions and any tension in your neck,                      Taking five or ten minute walks whenever
shoulders, arm, chest, etc. Doing nothing                        you are under pressure may be just as
can be considered as a real struggle. Just                       effective.
sitting quietly slows the heart rate and                         Breathe Easy: For five minutes, slow your
reduces blood pressure, countering two of                        breathing down to about six-belly breaths a
the most obvious effects of stress.                              minute. In other words, inhale for about five
Laugh Out Loud: Keep something handy                             minutes to relax your entire body. Start by
that makes you laugh. It could be a                              testing by your toes; then consciously relax
collection of your favorite comic strips or a                    them. Move on to the muscles in your feet,
funny voice mail from, say, your child or a                      and then your calves, upper legs, but tocks,
friend. You could even take a few moments                        moving upward until you end by scrunching
                                                                 up and then relaxing the muscles in your


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

face. If you start your day feeling tense,                                 and compliance facilities plays an
chances are you will feel tense all day, say                               important role in reducing stress.
stress experts Gueth. If you take your                                    Company should carry out the
troubles to bed with you, they are likely to                               activities including; timely
disturb your sleep, and that can mean relax                                inspection, investigate hazards and
even you from more tension.                                                complaints, receive information from
Rise Relaxed: Right before bed, and after                                  the workers regarding health and
the alarm goes off in the morning, take five                               safety, and keeping consultancy with
minutes to relax your entire body. Start by                                the worker about any safety issues.
tensing your toed; then consciously relax                                 In stressful occupations such as the
them. Move on to the muscles in your feet,                                 police force, social and health
and then your calves, upper legs, but tocks,                               services, Power Supply Company,
moving upward until you end by scrunching                                  crime reporter in press media,
up and then relaxing the muscles in your                                   journalism, Nursing (specially in
face. If you start your day feeling tense,                                 public medical hospital), workers in
chances are you will feel tense all day, says                              overheated, sound-polluted, just
stress expert Gueth. If you take your                                      covered area (like steel mill, cement
troubles to bed with you, they are likely to                               industry) sweeper, night guard, the
disrupt your sleep and then can mean even                                  employer should minimize the risks
more tension.                                                              and treat personnel who have
                                                                           suffered from violence at work with
Organizational Approaches to Reduce                                        due care.
Stress                                                                    Key personnel like managements and
Organization plays an important role in                                    personnel officers receive training to
reducing stress. For better use of these                                   recognize stress related problems
human resource to pick up the best result                                  such as high absenteeism, high
management must consider these areas as                                    turnover.
follows:                                                                  The organization should have a
     personnel,                                                           “stress policy” or guidelines so that
     selection of job replacement,                                        staffs know that to do if they are
     training and development,                                            suffering from stress.
     use of realistic goal setting,                                      Instead of just offering staffs stress
     redesigning job,                                                     management workshop, employer
     increased employee involvement,                                      could set up stress working parties
     improve organizational                                               that could actively involve the staff,
        communication, and                                                 trade       unions       and      other
     establish wellness programs.                                         representatives who could then
The following guidelines could help the                                    develop stress policies and make
organization in maintaining a negative-                                    other useful recommendations.
stress-free environment:                                                  Arranges health related seminars,
     All employees must evaluate risks to                                 stress     management       workshops,
        health and safety and whenever                                     managing pressure to increase
        possible      employers      should                                performance workshop.
        implement avoidance and control
        measures. The preventive strategies


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

Other Approaches to Reduce Stress                                schedule meaningful and enjoyable activities
Other techniques to escape from the stress                       which makes a significant difference in
are as follows:                                                  reducing stress. We can enjoy music, sports
      meditation can also be a good effort                      or art for meaning and enjoyment. We can
          to bring down the stress levels,                       choose a balance diet in our daily life. It is
      taking exercise, especially walking                       important to leave time for sleep and for
          is the easiest and most effective                      restful, relaxing activities, such as reading a
          means of reducing stress                               favorite or taking a walk. Everyone must
      effecting time management, such as                        schedule time for relaxation each day to
          taking a mental health day and                         refresh the mind and body from the tensions
          spend time with friends,                               of the day. Some people increase their stress
      taking good food and nutrition,                           by being critical of themselves and what
          avoiding foods with high fat, sugar,                   they are accomplishing. It can be helpful to
          caffeine, salt etc.,                                   identify some positive features about
      developing communication skills                           ourselves and remind ourselves of these
          with honest, direct, and respectful                    features when we feel negatively about
          ways and                                               ourselves.
      spending time to relax or reading a                       We can prevent stress by taking care of our
          good book, or listening to music or                    health, such as eating well, getting enough
          playing an instrument.                                 sleep, exercising regularly, and avoiding
A widely recognized proactive stress                             alcohol or drug. These healthy habits are not
management method is to maintain a healthy                       easy to maintain, but they really pay off.
physical state through regular exercise, a                       Those who are non-pious or not serious in
nutritional diet and good sleep. Another well                    prayer they can participate in religion or
recognized proactive method of combating                         spiritual activities to prevent stress.
stress is to maintain a strong mental state                      We have to seek out people who are
through stay intellectually stimulated                           encouraging and supportive, rather than
(mental exercise), gain stability from                           critical and pressuring. It is very helpful to
relationships      (family/friends),    practice                 have relationships with people we feel
relaxation/meditation and participate in                         comfortable with. The common support
religion.                                                        systems usually include, friends, family
McKeown (2005) expresses that prevention                         members, peer support, professionals and
and careful management of psychological                          members of one’s religious or spiritual
illnesses will ease the strain on the economy,                   group. If our feelings are very stressful, then
health care systems and individual well                          we do not keep them bottled up but we can
being.                                                           share them with others who are very helpful
                                                                 and benevolent. We always talk in mind
HOW CAN WE PREVENT STRESS?                                       with positive sides if we feel stress for some
If we eliminate some of the avoidable stress                     works, which prevent us from stress.
in our life, it frees us up to enjoy ourselves                   Laughter is the best medicine to prevent
more and to accomplish more of our goals.                        stress and we can spend few minutes of each
We have to be aware of situations that                           day with amusement.
caused stress us in the past. For example, if
we notice that we become irritable whenever                      ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS
we catch the bus at rush hour, we have to try                    From the study of all respondents’ views we
catching it at a less busy time. We can                          found that most of the sources of stress are


Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158

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  • 1. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 STRESS MANAGEMENT POLICY ANALYSIS: A PREVENTATIVE APPROACH Jamal Nazrul Islam Emeritus Professor, Research Centre for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh Haradhan Kumar Mohajan Premier University, Chittagong, Bangladesh, E-mail: Rajib Datta Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Studies, Premier University, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Cell: +8801819895389, E-mail: Abstract At the present world human resource is considered as one of the most important resource. In the era of dynamic business most of the organizations invest a huge amount of money and spend a great deal of time and efforts as though they can properly utilize and manage this vital resource. Stress is one of the burning questions that hinder the officers’ and workers’ performance and productivity. In this paper all experiences of jobs are discussed which affects human minds and bodies. It has been essentially built the inputs which are obtained by conducting a comprehensive study covering the aspects of stress in today’s business. An attempt has been taken to address three major key areas related with the types and sources of work related stress, impact of stress on individuals and the way of managing stress. Keywords: Stress, Employee Stress, Stress management, Occupational stress, Reduction of stress, Prevention of stress. INTRODUCTION Every era in history has been characterized first to describe the “fight or flight response” by some incapacitating diseases. Plague, as a series of involuntary physiological and Polio and Pneumonia were eliminated when biochemical changes that prepare one to deal the environmental conditions were improved with threats of danger (Cannon 1918). or when the germs or viruses were destroyed Professor Hans Selye in 1956, first time or protected through drugs or vaccines. In introduced before the public the concept of the modern society we have some stress in a medical sense to indicate the characteristic diseases, but normally overloading of works on human body. He consider not being so easy to eliminate. It found that any problem, real or imagined, leads to psychosomatic disease or heart could cause the cerebral cortex (the thinking disease and it is a major contributor to part of the brain) to send an alarm to the disturbances in one’s emotional, family and hypothalamus (the main switch for the stress social life. It inhibits creativity and personal response, located in the midbrain) (Selye effectiveness and it is present as general 1976). The hypothalamus then stimulates the dissatisfaction that is so obvious in our daily sympathetic nervous system to make a series lives. The name of this condition is stress. of changes in our body and our heart rate, Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical breathing rate, muscle tension, metabolism, tension. It is a form of tension in the body or and blood pressure all increase (Stress and mind for which there is no release or outlet. Stress Management 2010). Job stress is the The Canadian Centre for Occupational major cause for job dissatisfaction, which Health and Safety (CCOHS) declares that creates disturbances in the quality of life, so, stress can worsen when there are high it results unhappiness (Kumar 2011). The demands placed on a worker in a particular theory of preventive stress management in job, but the worker has little control over organizations was originally formulated in those demands. 1977. The modern meaning of stress was laid by Stress is very much dynamic condition in Dr. Walter B. Cannon, a physiologist at which people confronted with opportunities, Harvard almost 100 years ago. He was the constraints or demand related to what one 1 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 2. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 desires and for which outcome is perceived £26 billion in lost working time, where to be both uncertain and important. Stress is treatment cost is not included. associated with constraints and demand. Rahim (2010) studied on the employees of Two conditions are necessary for potential the banking sector of Pakistan and expresses stress to become actual stress. There must be that the banking sector is becoming uncertainty over the outcome and the increasingly competitive around the country, outcome must be important. Stress produces which increasing psychological problems, not only the bad things all time but also such as stress, strain, anxiety, depression, produce some positive outcome in some sleep disorders, etc. He expresses that the special events. Sometime when people biggest killer is not AIDS or cancer but remain under pressure they feel to get psychological problems. something and they work more and harder which increase the total productivity. This OBJECTIVES paper will provide the critical view about the The main objective of the study is to stress and consequences of it which will be evaluate the stress and the way of managing more helpful to manage it and development it in personal and organizational life. Other of way to handle more stressful situation. objectives of this paper are follows: The overall cost of stress at work has been  define stress clearly, estimated to be in the range of 20 billion  identify the causes of stress in Euros in the European Union and more than personal and social life, 150 billion dollars in the USA, mainly for  measuring the extent of stress, health care and treatment costs, absenteeism  identify the prevalence and and turnover (Daniels 2004). development of indicators for stress, Everyone suffers from stress on some level  measuring the impact of stress on and no one is free from it. Sometimes stress job, levels are comparatively higher and  the importance in managing stress, sometimes they are lower. Hence stress is a and normal part of everyday life and we cannot  ways of managing stress. really avoid it. But it is necessary to be able to manage stress, otherwise chronic stress, if METHODOLOGY left untreated, can lead to a variety of stress This study has been conducted based on related illnesses such as hypertension, heart both primary and secondary data available disease, anxiety, depression, memory on the relevant field. The primary data are impairment, panic attacks, digestive collected through personal interviews from disorders, autoimmune diseases and chronic some professionals. Research works, fatigue syndrome (Cooper 1996, Porth 1998, publications and texts on this relevant field Gruner 2006, and Provino 2010). are used for this study. This study is covered If anybody is resulted by stress, he/she feels by 90 respondents broadly from different non-sleeping, remains nervous in much of fields and categories. Among the the time, gets sick a lot, apathy of participate respondents, 70 were married, 20 were in anything, change in the quality of work, unmarried; 70 were male, and 20 were and remains irritable and moody. Stress and female. Again among the 90 respondents, 20 stress related problems such as anxiety and were working in financial organization, 5 in depression are now the foremost reasons for service organization, 40 in manufacturing, absenteeism from workplace in the United and 15 were physician and 10 were Kingdom (UK) costing the economy at least businessman (table-1). To measure the 2 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 3. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 opinion of respondents especially for physicians we used 5 point Likert scale (1-5) which indicate more popular to least. Table 1: Sample distribution. Nature of respondents Married Unmarried Total Businessman 10 0 10 Employee of service organization 0 5 5 Manufacturing employees 35 5 40 Physician 10 5 15 Employee of financial organization 15 5 20 Male 55 15 70 Female 15 5 20 We emphasized that the cause-effect of daily life and the effects of stress are not relationships is the relation between stress always negative. and cardiovascular illness. Stress also effects In small quantities, stress is good; it can the organization that is linked to motivate us and help us to become more absenteeism and productivity. productive, but too much stress or a strong response to stress can be harmful. Stress can DEFINITION OF STRESS arise from any situation or thought that Stress can be defined in general term as makes one feel frustrated, angry, or anxious. people feel pressures in their own life. The Everyone sees situations differently and has stress due to work load can be defined as different coping skills, so, no two persons reluctance to come to work and a feeling of will respond exactly the same way to a constant pressure associated with general particular situation. Situations that are physiological, psychological and behavioral considered stress provoking are known as stress symptoms. Hence stress is the harmful stressors. Many professionals suggest that physical and emotional responses that there is a difference between what we occurs when the requirements of the job do perceive as positive stress, and distress as not match the capabilities, resources, or negative stress. But we often use the term needs the worker and he expressed that job stress to describe negative situations. This stress can lead to poor health and even leads many people to believe that every injury. Stress is increasing due to stress is bad for us, which is not true actually globalization and economic crisis, which (Stress and Stress Management 2010). affects all professions, and as well as Positive stress has the following families and societies, almost all countries characteristics (Stress and Stress of the world (Bharatai and Newman 1978). Management 2010): Stress is our body’s physical and emotional  motivates, focuses energy, reaction that frightens, irritate, confuse,  is short-term, endanger, or excite us and place demands on  is perceived as within our coping the body. Stress can be caused by events that abilities, are pleasing as well as events that create  feels exciting, and crisis in our lives. But stress is a normal part  improves performance. 3 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 4. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 On the other hand negative stress has the Hans Selye (1976) in his classic book The following characteristics (Stress and Stress Stress of Life briefly described the stress Management 2010): reactivity as a three-phase process termed  causes anxiety or concern, the general adaptation syndrome as follows:  can be short or long-term,  is perceived as outside of our coping Phase 1, Alarm Reaction abilities, The body shows the changes characteristic  feels unpleasant, of the first exposure to stressor. At the same  decreases performance, and time, its resistance is diminished and, if the  can lead to mental and physical stressor is sufficiently strong (severe burns, problems. extremes of temperature), death may result. The reaction of body to stress can be described by following three stages (Truch Phase 2, Stage of Resistance 1980): Resistance ensues if continued exposure to Alarm Reaction Stage: the body identifies the stressor is compatible with adaptation. and first reacts to the stress. In this stage the The bodily signs characteristic of the alarm body first releases hormones that help in the reaction have virtually disappeared and defense against the stressor. resistance rises above normal. Resistance Stage: the body continues to resist the stressors as they persist. If the Phase 3, Stage of Exhaustion stressors continue and there is a consistent Following long-continued exposure to the state of resistance, there is potential to move stressor, to which the body had become into the third and final stage. adjusted, eventually adaptation energy is Exhaustion Stage: the body and mind are exhausted. The signs of the alarm reaction no longer able to make the necessary reappear, but now they are irreversible, and adjustments to resist the stressors and there the individual dies (Greenberg 1990). is physical and/or mental exhaustion. Source of stress vary according to age, SOURCES OF STRESS place, time, situation etc. We have listed At present stress is the number one problem sources of some of negative stresses as for working people. It is increasing follows: continuously day by day due to globalization  death of a close family member or a and global economic crisis. It creates the close friend, the death of a business fight or flight response in the brain, the partner, sick of children or any stress hormone then circulates in the blood family member, losing health stream which causes the heart to speed up, benefits or no health insurance, the arteries to narrow and blood sugar to personal injury or illness, change in rise. In our daily life we face different type health or behavior of family member, of stressors, such as biological (toxins, heat, loss of a friend, cold), psychological (threats to self-esteem,  pregnancy, sexual difficulties, depression), sociological (unemployment, divorce, filing for divorce, death of a loved one, birth of a child), and relationship break-up, losing contact philosophical (use of time, purpose in life). with loved ones, In any case, regardless of the stressor, the  detention in jail, detention of family body’s reaction will be the same (Greenberg member or partner in jail, life 1990). 4 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 5. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 sentence of a close person, death Social Stressors: We can experience penalty of a close relative or a friend, multiple stressors arising from the demands  unemployment, losing of job, cannot of the different social roles we occupy, such find a job or losing job of a friend, as parent, spouse, caregiver, and employee. changing of job, lack of training Some social stressors are deadlines, necessary to do a job, job insecurity, financial problems, job interviews, change in working hours, change in presentations, disagreements, demands for living conditions, our time and attention, loss of a loved one,  bankruptcy/money problems, divorce, and co-parenting. substandard housing, selling a home Physiological: Situations and circumstances or land for money, affecting our body can be experienced as  feeling unsafe in neighborhood due physiological stressors. Physiological to crime, being abused or neglected, stressors are rapid growth of adolescence, military deployment in the locality, menopause, illness, aging, giving birth, and accidents, lack of exercise, poor nutrition,  change in sleeping habits, change in and sleep disturbances. eating habits, change in finances, not Thoughts: Our brain interprets and having enough money to pay bills or perceives situations as stressful, difficult, house rent. painful, or pleasant and some such situations  create stress in our life. Now we have listed sources of some of positive stresses as follows: External Sources of Stress  starting a new job, External sources of stress consist of environmental, organizational, job-career,  receiving a promotion at service, co-worker, and family and so on. The source  marriage ceremony or birthday of external sources can vary according to the ceremony, following circumstances:  buying a suitable home or a car of  change of social circumstances, such new model, as bereavement of spouse, moving  having a child, job, marriage, holidays etc.,  winning prizes or winning a lottery,  pressure to conform to social or  planning to enjoy a vacation, employment patterns of behavior,  holiday seasons, and  conflict in relationships  taking educational classes or learning misunderstanding with the a new hobby. coworkers, superiors, subordinates, colleagues, or an absence of praise We realize that stress comes from the four and being valued by others, basic sources. Among them first two are  lack of support, time to be listened to called external sources of stress and last two and time for relaxation, are called internal sources of stress. Stress  having a high-pressure job, being and Stress Management (2010) expresses unemployed or only having a small the four basic sources of stress as follows: range of social circumstances, e.g., The Environment: The environmental rarely leaving the house, few stressors include weather, noise, crowding, hobbies, pollution, traffic, unsafe and substandard  strict deadline, too tight or too loose housing, and crime etc. supervision, lack of parity of 5 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 6. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 authority, working at a long stretch, the age boundary of 26-35 years (Imtiaz and lack of having chance of Ahmad 2009). entertainment policies, and  boring and noisy, smoke filled work CONCEPTUAL ISSUES environment, cramped offices bitter Is there anybody who is not familiar with the fumes, the glare of sun and the term Stress? Definitely the answer will be burning heat (e.g., in street and “no”. In the era of super flexibility and rapid rerolling mills), and high turnover changing environment we all experience rate in organization. stress, rather it, is better to say “we are anxious about to stress and the way of Cary Cooper has developed a concise yet managing stress fall us in stress too.” Before complete list of six sources of work stress managing stress we should know what it is. (Cooper 1983) as follows: According to oxford dictionary, stress is 1. Job Conditions: Quantitative and defined from various points of view. Among qualitative work overload, people these we pick up the following two decisions, physical danger, meanings: technostress. 2. Role Stress: Role ambiguity, sex bias and sex-role stereotypes. 1. Mental pressure: Pressure or worry 3. Interpersonal Factors: Poor work caused by the problems in someone’s and social support systems, lack of life. management concern for the worker, 2. Physical pressure: Pressure put on political rivalry, jealousy, or anger. that can damage it or make it loose 4. Career Development: its shape. Underpromotion, overpromotion, job security, frustrated ambitions. According to the father of stress researcher 5. Organizational Structure: Rigid Professor Hans Selye, “Stress is the spice of and impersonal structure, political life, the absence of stress is death.” battles, inadequate supervision or The famous author R. S. Schuler defines training, non-participative decision stress as a dynamic condition which an making. individual is confronted with an opportunity, 6. Home-work Interface: Spillover, constraint or demean related to what one’s lack of support from spouse, marital desire and foe which the outcome is conflict, dual career stress. perceived to be both uncertain and At present employers are critically analyzing important. From these above discussions we the stress management issues which give to can find some of inputs about stresses as lower job performance of employee follows: originating from dissatisfaction and high  stress is caused by our reaction to the turnover and finally affecting organizational external environment, goals and objectives in production. Stress  it affects directly related to our mind has become major problem for employer and body that means it has physical mainly in developing nations. Sometimes and emotional effects on us, and employees do not like to work with their  stress creates positive and negative organizations due to high levels of stress feelings. among them and majorities were between We can define stress in many ways based on its area and impact. Though the impact of 6 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 7. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 stress is directly related to both the body and performance then it could be stated as mind of individuals but from the view point dysfunctional stress. Long-term stress can of sources we can define it in the following create some problems such as, ways: cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal Direct Stress: When the sources of stress disorders (in the back and upper limbs), are directly related to the person then it is psychological disorders (depression and called direct stress. Suppose, Mr. X and Mr. burnout) etc. Y are working in the same department of the Certain Stress: From the view point same factory and suddenly Mr. X loses his certainty, when the result of stress is known job, then stress for Mr. X is considered as to individuals then it is called certain stress. direct stress. For example, the peak period of production Indirect Stress: When the sources of stress is generally temporary stress and known to is not directly related the person then it is all. Certain stress is less harmful and called indirect stress. In the previous produce very constructive result and example the incident of losing job of Mr. X sometimes does not produce higher result. creates a stress for Mr. Y who is still in that Uncertain Stress: When the length of time job. The losing of job of peer group (Mr. X) as well as result of stress is not perceived by of Mr. Y or the fear of losing his (Mr. Y) job the stressors is called uncertain stress. could be a cause of stress. It is of course the Generally uncertain stress is harmful and impact of direct stress is more than that of produces negative result or hinders the indirect stress. group performance. Short-term Stress: From the view point of Stress is a universal experience in the life of duration of time, when the stress affects for each person and every employee even a limited period of time then it is called executives and managers cannot avoid it. It short-term stress i.e., in a production- is estimated that in the world about 100 oriented factory in the peak period of million workdays are being lost due to stress production (generally 3 to 6 months) or at and nearly 50% to 75% disease are related to the end of the month in accounts department stress (Bashir 2007). of a company workers face a short-term stress. Some of the short-term stresses are OCCUPATIONAL STRESS short temper, headache, shortness of breath, Occupational stress was formally identified sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, in 1989, when the Commonwealth upset stomach, apathy, and job Commission for the Safety, Rehabilitation dissatisfaction. and Compensation of Commonwealth Long-term or Perpetual Stress: When the Employees initiated several research stress affects for a long period of time then it projects. Occupational stress can be defined could be called long-term or perpetual as the harmful physical and emotional stress. From the view point of outcome responses that occur when the requirements functional stress when the result of stress is of the job do not match the capabilities, positive or stress improves someone’s resources, or needs of the worker, which can performance in the job. Some stresses lead to poor health and even injury (Rehman support the goals of organizations and 2008). Sources of occupational stress have improve the performance; these are been categorized by Cooper and Marshall functional, constructive form of stress. (1976) as follows: When the consequences of stress is  intrinsic to the job, destructive or hinder someone’s  role in the organization, 7 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 8. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158  relationships at work, colleagues of absent or under-performing  career development, staff (Clarke and Cooper 2000).  organizational structure and climate, Houtman (2007) expresses that stress has and also been associated with a number of other  home-work interface. ill-health outcomes, such as cardiovascular Here ‘intrinsic to the job’ will include diseases (Kivimäki et al. 2002), physical aspects of the working musculoskeletal disorders, particularly back environment, such as noise and lighting, and problems (Hoogendoorn et al. 2000) and psychosocial aspects, such as workload. neck-shoulder-arm-wrist-hand problems Occupational stress has been defined by (Ariëns et al. 2001), as well as absence from many researchers (Cox 1978, Cummings work (Houtman et al. 1999). When people and Cooper 1979, Quick and Quick 1984) as are in a state of stress, they often feel a negatively perceived quality which, as a concerned, less vigilant and less efficient in result of inadequate coping with sources of performing works (Barling et al. 2004). stress at work, has negative mental and When stress reactions persist over a longer physical health consequences. period of time, they may develop into more In a recent survey of employees, more than permanent, less reversible health outcomes, 80% said that they feel stress on the job, such as chronic fatigue, burnout, about 70% expressed a need to learn how to musculoskeletal problems or cardiovascular manage stress and 45% felt their co-workers disease. needed help in managing stress. The Our study has identified some different organization should consider that types of stresses which are related to the Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI), to work term as work-related stresses as whether to improve for preventing stress follows: (Cooper et al. 1988). The results of a large-  Some people always feel urgency in scale household survey indicated that 19.5 the work life, they are always million working days were lost in the United fighting to beat deadlines and have Kingdom (UK) during 1995 due to work- the habit of doing anything at the related illness, such as, musculoskeletal, eleventh hour, which leads to tension stress, anxiety and depression (Jones et al. and stress. 1998). Heller et al. (2002) and Rode (2004)  When people around us life juniors expressed that job stress creates negative do not behave according to the relationship with the satisfaction of the expectation, and failed to give the employees. results which expected leads to Work-related stress has growing interest interpersonal conflicts and it cause across Europe in recent years due to pain, guilt and deep impression for a dramatically globalization of the economy, long time. Someone does not agree use of new information and communications with the view and opposes, does not technology, growing diversity in the keep his promise and is cheated with workplace (Landsbergis 2003). respect to money, supply of goods, Organizations suffer business loss through and quality of goods. lost working days due to work related illness  Minds of most of the people run with or accidents, absenteeism, staff turnover, a tremendous velocity with one lowered performance, and the associated, thought after another. Mind velocity often hidden, costs of training replacement is high during emotions of hurry, staff and the added burden placed on the impatience and desperation. High 8 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 9. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 velocity of mind leads to fatigue of drug abuse, hypertension and host of the mind due to constant alertness cardiovascular problems (Meneze 2005). and loss of concentration. Modern man suffers from worry of too many THE AFFECT OF STRESS tasks to be done simultaneously, Previously described various types of which leads to stress. stresses could end with different results.  Unrealistic target leads to Whether the stress with constructive or tremendous increase in the stress destructive it depends what types of stresses level. Modern executive punish they are. Certain stress usually products themselves by creating deadlines constructive result where the uncertain stress without bothering about health, usually produces destructive result. It is an wealth, family or peace of mind. important factor to consider in case of Such unrealistic targets make one finding out the result of stress what type of miss out the quality. Due to fear of stress it is but the result of stress depends on failure one’s stress levels go high. some factors like;  Today’s business always in  the individual strength and competitive mood and some want to personality, win the competition and climb the  the environment or situation, ladder of success in my way, even by  adoption process, and making loss. Such competition  previous experience. shoots up stress in the mind. Occupational stress risks have been The World Health Organization (WHO) increasing for many years, but at the end of predicts that by 2020, depression will be the the last decade it increases alarm due to second most long term condition worldwide. global financial crisis and globalization. By Everyone is affected by stress differently. the end of the 1990s in many countries there The strength of an individual plays an has been a combination of increasing and important role in making the end result. The stabilizing job demands, together with environment and situation, age, ability, decreasing job sovereignty which would attitude the mentality to adopt etc. are also have resulted in an increasingly stressful important factor over here. In facing stress situation within countries. High and the support from environment and situation increasing quantitative demands, combined dramatically produce constructive result. with low or decreasing control over work The way of finding the best to avoid, cope pace, increase stress-related outcomes. Some with or face the situation is a most countries showed an increase in stress- considerable factor. Generally before related health problems at work, but it was adoption with the situation generally it is also observed that workers who developed needed to find out the types of stress and in health problems had left the labor market on which way the individual wants with cope long-term absence, or were receiving with or face the way of perceiving the goals disability pensions (Houtman 2007). and situations as well as the conflicts the Finally we can express that job stress is preparation and planning, classification and considered rising and has become challenge justification of the way, identifying various for the employer and because high level alternative and implement the best ways or stress is results in low productivity, methods or processes to face could be a increased absenteeism and collection to better way to face stress. other employee problems like alcoholism, 9 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 10. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 Stress is caused by our reaction to the  excess of harmful diet, such as external environment. The manner in which taking of too much caffeine, alcohol we perceive and understand the changes or etc., the particular events some event can bring  changes in body functions, such as happiness and causes stress in two different puberty pregnancy, menopause, people depending upon how they react it. ageing etc., and Body’s non-specific response to any demand  psychological or psychodynamic made on it. On one side stress provides the problem. means to express talents and energies and The term ‘psychodynamic’ refers to pursue happiness on the other side it can subconscious thoughts and feelings, which also cause exhaustion and illness, either often arise from childhood experiences. The physical or psychological. It is concerned way in which we learned to cope in with an individual’s perceptual and childhood is by using defense mechanisms cognitive characteristics. that involved a degree of self deception. We The factors that contribute to the experience still use these defenses today. Examples of of stress are many and varied. It is found psychodynamic causes of stress include: that both positive and negative events in  inner conflicts that have not been one’s life can be stressful. However, major addressed, but repressed (pushed out life changes are the greatest contributors of of conscious awareness), stress for most people.  encountering situations that evoke Too much travel, entering into a new stressful feelings which were environment, like new colony, new job experienced in childhood, generates stress. The social institutions of  lack of self-awareness, marriage or divorce can cause stress.  being one is capable of achieving far Pregnancy can also generate stress, some of too much-setting standards and the untoward incidents like critical illness of expectations too high and therefore death of a relative can also cause stress in falling short of them, and individuals. Time, pressure, competition,  not having the skill of knowledge to financial problems, noise, disappointments cope with certain situations, such as could be sources of stress. We can divide the spiritual development. sources of stress into two categories: The need for individual spiritual Physiological or Biological. The causes of development has long been recognized by some stresses lie in the biological make up religion. It is only during the last 30 years of our body, or the interaction of our body that psychology has acknowledged the with the food we eat or environment we live existence of a spiritual side to the individual. in. Some examples of the biological causes Some spiritual causes of stress are as of stress include: follows:  lack of physical fitness, such as  violation of personal or religious dwarf, blindness, lack of hearing, moral code, contravention of hair fall and other problems of limbs accepted group practice, or violation of body, of laws (‘sin’),  poor diet, such as deficiency of  lack of spiritual development, vitamins, minerals, starch etc.,  an absence of truth i.e., self-  genetic disorder results in chemical deception and deception of others, imbalances in the body,  the lack of a sense personal agency i.e., one can influence events or the 10 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 11. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 failure to recognize and experience changes brought on by stress hormones in choice, and response to certain situational or event  absence of a relationship with God, stressors (Cannon 1918). Stress associated and lack of forgiveness. with positive events, helps us respond effectively in times of trauma. It also CONSEQUENCES AND SYMPTOMS increases our performance or efficiency in OF STRESS ordinary times. On the other hand distress As stated earlier stress is caused by or tends to block our performance, create reaction to the external events and bring health problems, increase anxiety and about changes in our response and our depression, and reduce optimal efficiency general behavior. It is important to learn (Selye 1976). The presence of stress can be how to know when our stress levels are out divided into three different categories; i) of control. Stress affects the mind, body, and Physiological, ii) Behavioral and iii) behavior in many ways, and everyone Psychological. Now we describe these three experiences stress differently. symptoms as follows (table-2): The stress response, also called the fight or flight response, first described by Cannon, refers to the physiological and emotional Table 2: The three categories of symptoms of stress. Physiological Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms Psychological Symptoms •Perspiration •Impulsive behavior •Physical trauma •Eating disorders • Eating more or less • Moodiness •Irritability •Easily distracted •Anxiety •Headaches •Depression/Isolation • Agitation, inability to relax •Hair loss •Speech problems •Overestimation of danger •Loss of sex drive •Lower energy levels •Fear and tension •Illness /sleeplessness • Memory problems •Insomnia and nervous •Crying for no apparent • Irritability or short- tone of voice reason tempered •Tiredness and tiring • Sleeping too much or too •Depression easily little • Inability or difficulty •Increased heartbeat and •Change in personality concentrating blood pressure •Laughing in a high pitch •Dissatisfactions •Tense, muscle ache and •Grinding of teeth • Seeing only the negative pain •Irritable/Aggressive •Strenuous exercise •Trembling •Increasing smoking and •Metabolic disturbances •Nervous ticks use of drugs and alcohol •Panicky •Dryness of throat and •Being accident-prone • Feeling overwhelmed mouth •Susceptibility to illness • Poor judgment •Urinating frequently •Loss of appetite or over • Constant worrying •Sleeping problems eating • Underestimation of ability •Diarrhea, Indigestion and •Burnout to cope frequent urination • Nervous habits (nail • Underestimation of help •Vomiting, Nausea etc. biting, pacing) available •Butterflies in stomach •Increased errors •Depression or general 11 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 12. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 •Premenstrual tension •Productivity unhappiness •Pain in the neck and •Turnover • Worries and catastrophic lower back •Absenteeism thoughts •Stomach ulcers •Lack of • Anxious, racing, or •Heart problems concentration/ability to ruminating thoughts •Breathlessness and think rationally • Sense of loneliness or hyperventilating •Organization and planning isolation •Palpitations and chest deteriorate discomfort •Reduced self-esteem •Sweaty palms • Using alcohol, cigarettes, •Minor illness (allergies or drugs to relax skin disorder, migraine) •Serious illness (arthritis cancer, diabetes). The impact of excessive stress on team work series diagnosable conditions were is also harmful, and it can damage: seen as mental health problem, while  individual work performance, stress is compared at some point by  team performance, everyone.  working relationship,  Senior executives recognized that  cooperation between team members, more junior employees felt they had and to hide stress were perhaps unable to  team spirit. recognize stress which could become Though stress is caused by our reaction to unhealthy. external environment, it should be reminded Approximately 1 in 3 European workers is that a positive attitude can dramatically affected by work-related stress according to reduce the stress. So in case of managing European surveys. It has been estimated that stress at first we have to develop a positive work related stress cost Member States at outlook that plays an important role. Stress least 20 billion euro per annum. can be managed if we understand the In 2001 in a report of the American Institute reasons which cause stress and the level of of Stress (AIS) expressed that job-related stress. We should also try to estimate if we stress costs the US industry $300 billion per could bring about any change in annum. due to absenteeism (1 million environment that can subsequently reduce workers are absent on an average workday stress. Both the individual and because of stress-related complaints), organizational cooperation is necessary to diminished productivity, employee turnover, manage stress. direct medical costs, compensation claims and legal and insurance fees. In the USA in IMPACT OF WORKPLACE STRESS IN 2003 survey examining attitudes in the EUROPE AND THE USA workplace found stress about the economy, A 2001 report from the UK’s Mental Health increase in emotional ailments including Foundation, “Burn out or Burning Bright?” substance abuse and depression, incidents of determine the following two reasons to among coworkers. In 1 in 4 employees in increase stress (Ingram and Pilla 2007): the USA view their jobs as the number one  Most companies did not view stress stressor in their lives, 3 in 4 employees as a mental health problem. Only 12 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 13. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 believe that today’s workers have more on- to think about watching your favorite the-job stress than a generation ago. television comedy. Tune In: In a study at Monash University in REDUCTION OF STRESS Melborne, Australia, two groups of students The emotional and physical disorders that were told to prepare an oral presentation. have been linked to stress including Some worked in silence; others listened to depression, anxiety, heart attacks, stroke, Pachelbel’s “Caron in D Major” stress hypertension, immune system disturbances caused the silent workers’ blood pressure that increase susceptibility to infections, a and heart rates to climb. Not so the host of viral linked disorders ranging from volunteers in the musical group whose the common cold to herpes to certain measurements remained steadier. They also cancers, as well as autoimmune diseases like reported feelings much less stress. rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis Think Happy: Focus on someone or (Stress and Stress Management 2010). something you care deeply about for Hence we need to control the stresses which anywhere from 15 seconds to five minutes. are harmful to our mind and body. Or picture a scene from a peaceful vacation phrase that makes you feel positive about Individual Approaches to Reduce Stress you and the world can work. It sounds like Planned life could reduce or prevent advice from a greeting card, but thinking negative stress. To manage stress we can happy calming thoughts can counteract the follow the sequences as follows: psychological changes that occur when  problem identification, under stress. “A lot of stress we experience  goal selection, comes from negative emotions we carry  generation of alternatives, around with us grudges, anger, hurt” says  choose the best, Laskin who studies healing power of  implementation and evaluation the forgiveness. outcomes, and Hit the Road: Get from your desk, the  take corrective action if necessary. coach wherever you may be and take a Besides this we can apply the following tips minute walk. Those who began walking four to get rid of from stress which provided by times a week, the scientists found, reported Dr. Peret Jaret: feeling less distressed and sleeping better. Do Nothing: At least once during the day, Tests showed that their blood pressure was take five or ten minutes to sit quietly and do more likely to hold steady when they do not nothing. Focus on the sounds around you, have an hour to spar. Do not sweat it. your emotions and any tension in your neck, Taking five or ten minute walks whenever shoulders, arm, chest, etc. Doing nothing you are under pressure may be just as can be considered as a real struggle. Just effective. sitting quietly slows the heart rate and Breathe Easy: For five minutes, slow your reduces blood pressure, countering two of breathing down to about six-belly breaths a the most obvious effects of stress. minute. In other words, inhale for about five Laugh Out Loud: Keep something handy minutes to relax your entire body. Start by that makes you laugh. It could be a testing by your toes; then consciously relax collection of your favorite comic strips or a them. Move on to the muscles in your feet, funny voice mail from, say, your child or a and then your calves, upper legs, but tocks, friend. You could even take a few moments moving upward until you end by scrunching up and then relaxing the muscles in your 13 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 14. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 face. If you start your day feeling tense, and compliance facilities plays an chances are you will feel tense all day, say important role in reducing stress. stress experts Gueth. If you take your  Company should carry out the troubles to bed with you, they are likely to activities including; timely disturb your sleep, and that can mean relax inspection, investigate hazards and even you from more tension. complaints, receive information from Rise Relaxed: Right before bed, and after the workers regarding health and the alarm goes off in the morning, take five safety, and keeping consultancy with minutes to relax your entire body. Start by the worker about any safety issues. tensing your toed; then consciously relax  In stressful occupations such as the them. Move on to the muscles in your feet, police force, social and health and then your calves, upper legs, but tocks, services, Power Supply Company, moving upward until you end by scrunching crime reporter in press media, up and then relaxing the muscles in your journalism, Nursing (specially in face. If you start your day feeling tense, public medical hospital), workers in chances are you will feel tense all day, says overheated, sound-polluted, just stress expert Gueth. If you take your covered area (like steel mill, cement troubles to bed with you, they are likely to industry) sweeper, night guard, the disrupt your sleep and then can mean even employer should minimize the risks more tension. and treat personnel who have suffered from violence at work with Organizational Approaches to Reduce due care. Stress  Key personnel like managements and Organization plays an important role in personnel officers receive training to reducing stress. For better use of these recognize stress related problems human resource to pick up the best result such as high absenteeism, high management must consider these areas as turnover. follows:  The organization should have a  personnel, “stress policy” or guidelines so that  selection of job replacement, staffs know that to do if they are  training and development, suffering from stress.  use of realistic goal setting,  Instead of just offering staffs stress  redesigning job, management workshop, employer  increased employee involvement, could set up stress working parties  improve organizational that could actively involve the staff, communication, and trade unions and other  establish wellness programs. representatives who could then The following guidelines could help the develop stress policies and make organization in maintaining a negative- other useful recommendations. stress-free environment:  Arranges health related seminars,  All employees must evaluate risks to stress management workshops, health and safety and whenever managing pressure to increase possible employers should performance workshop. implement avoidance and control measures. The preventive strategies 14 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
  • 15. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Rajib Datta, Int. J. Eco. Res., 2012, v3i6, 01-17 ISSN: 2229-6158 Other Approaches to Reduce Stress schedule meaningful and enjoyable activities Other techniques to escape from the stress which makes a significant difference in are as follows: reducing stress. We can enjoy music, sports  meditation can also be a good effort or art for meaning and enjoyment. We can to bring down the stress levels, choose a balance diet in our daily life. It is  taking exercise, especially walking important to leave time for sleep and for is the easiest and most effective restful, relaxing activities, such as reading a means of reducing stress favorite or taking a walk. Everyone must  effecting time management, such as schedule time for relaxation each day to taking a mental health day and refresh the mind and body from the tensions spend time with friends, of the day. Some people increase their stress  taking good food and nutrition, by being critical of themselves and what avoiding foods with high fat, sugar, they are accomplishing. It can be helpful to caffeine, salt etc., identify some positive features about  developing communication skills ourselves and remind ourselves of these with honest, direct, and respectful features when we feel negatively about ways and ourselves.  spending time to relax or reading a We can prevent stress by taking care of our good book, or listening to music or health, such as eating well, getting enough playing an instrument. sleep, exercising regularly, and avoiding A widely recognized proactive stress alcohol or drug. These healthy habits are not management method is to maintain a healthy easy to maintain, but they really pay off. physical state through regular exercise, a Those who are non-pious or not serious in nutritional diet and good sleep. Another well prayer they can participate in religion or recognized proactive method of combating spiritual activities to prevent stress. stress is to maintain a strong mental state We have to seek out people who are through stay intellectually stimulated encouraging and supportive, rather than (mental exercise), gain stability from critical and pressuring. It is very helpful to relationships (family/friends), practice have relationships with people we feel relaxation/meditation and participate in comfortable with. The common support religion. systems usually include, friends, family McKeown (2005) expresses that prevention members, peer support, professionals and and careful management of psychological members of one’s religious or spiritual illnesses will ease the strain on the economy, group. If our feelings are very stressful, then health care systems and individual well we do not keep them bottled up but we can being. share them with others who are very helpful and benevolent. We always talk in mind HOW CAN WE PREVENT STRESS? with positive sides if we feel stress for some If we eliminate some of the avoidable stress works, which prevent us from stress. in our life, it frees us up to enjoy ourselves Laughter is the best medicine to prevent more and to accomplish more of our goals. stress and we can spend few minutes of each We have to be aware of situations that day with amusement. caused stress us in the past. For example, if we notice that we become irritable whenever ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS we catch the bus at rush hour, we have to try From the study of all respondents’ views we catching it at a less busy time. We can found that most of the sources of stress are 15 IJER | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2012 Available
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