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Browne & Mohan
            Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants

“Strategic Imitation” road to business growth
   It is smart to take an existing idea and enhance it beautifully - Steve Jobs
Browne & Mohan
                         Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants

In a recent book titled “Copycats: How Smart      Imitation is not new. Many US pharmaceutical
Companies Use Imitation to Gain a Strategic       companies known for their patents and IP
Edge” Prof. Shenkar states that 98.7% of the      owe their technical knowledge to the
value of the innovations is usurped by            generous lifting of product knowledge from
imitators. Not a very surprising insight to       German companies (Chandler, 2005). In
business thinkers and managers, except the        automotive industry too Copycats thrive.
accuracy of findings. Business leaders have       Toyota’s Lexus (LS 400) is similar in
always recognized the dichotomy in the            appearance to the Mercedes ‘S-class’ sedan.
undue emphasis on innovation and high             Hyundai Sonata is a replica of the Jaguar
returns on imitation in real world.         By    model. Ford’s many models including Taurus
imitation we do not refer to stealing of some     are heavily drawn from Japanese, Germans
company’s IP, but engineering a better            and Swedes in terms of design and aesthetics
product based on available product                (Chatterjee, 1998). Coco cola imitated diet
information. Most species and organizations       cola from RC Cola, Marriott International
advance through observation and imitation of      bases its loyalty program based on frequent
other successful entities (Niosi, 2012).          flier program of airlines including Pan Am
Imitation is a preferred strategy by companies    (Schnaars, 1994). Lego, the famous children
when R&D outcome is uncertain, start-up           toy company was greatly inspired by
costs are high and returns are uncertain,         Kiddicraft. Lego borrowed heavily the
technology requires significant upfront           concepts and colours.
marketing and other expenses to inform,
educate and goad the customer to buy and          In some industries, imitation is certainly less
finally the competitive pressures are high.       risky and profitable. For example, in the case
                                                  of pharmaceutical industry, a new drug
Imitation can be in many forms. It can be a       development process spanning 12 to 14 years,
pirated copy, a clone or me-too, improved         is highly risky – only 20 in 5000 compounds
product or process inspired by pioneer,           that are screened enter pre-clinical testing,
improvisations of design copies, and              and then only one in five drugs in clinical trials
adaptation of an idea from one setting to         receive FDA approval. Development costs are
another, simplification of original product or    high, on average about $800 million per new
repositioning the product to another segment      chemical entity, and cost of failures or delays
(Valdani & Arbore, 2007). In this paper, we       has enormous impact on market value. In
are looking at legitimate imitation strategies    contrast, an imitation molecule has a short
such     as    improved     product    design,    gestation process – 1 to 2 years associated
simplification, and adaptation from another       with low R&D costs, about $2 million to
setting or repositioning for another segment.     demonstrate bio-equivalence of the drug
In all these imitation projects, there is a       (Dimasi, Hansen and Grabowski, 2003).
considerable level of market planning,
technological knowledge and organizational        Despite the negative connotation and bias
efforts required to reengineer the product,       against imitation, even in glamorous
make functional or structural changes and         industries such as software or biotechnology
improve and extend the pioneer product or         or Pharmaceuticals, most successful products
process.                                          are simply re-interpretation of existing
                                                  products and or their extensions. Wordstar
Browne & Mohan
                           Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants

was the first word processor, but the                Darshini, the first self-help eatery that
Wordperfect and Word overtook the pioneer            emerged in Basavanagudi, Bangalore has
by slew of improvements and price cuts.              become the industry standard and there are
Google, the market leader in search and              more than 1,400 Darshini’s in Bangalore city
advertising is a not a pioneer but a strategic       alone. Many internet companies realize the
imitator. Magelllan, Infoseek and Snap were          opportunities to replicate or improve a
the pioneers, Lycos earned popularity just as        successful service business from another
Netscape was launching its internet browser.         geography to their local conditions.
Yahoo! followed aggressively, improvising on is a good replica of,
a structured index into resources on the web. emulated ebay, Makemytrip drew
Both firms expanded product offerings into           inspiration from, and so on.
providing e-mail and website hosting, country
localisation and news links. Both Lycos and          Growth by strategic imitation
Yahoo! generated revenue from advertisers            Strategic imitation does not just entail mere
rather than users. Enters Google which               copying of another product. It requires the
improvised search algorithm from rule based          late comer to take the existing product or
to concept-based and over years emerges the          service and reconfigure in a new and unique
largest company in that market. Apple, the           way. Strategic imitation is a highly skilled and
venerable icon always acknowledged the               creative basis for strategy, requiring
inspiration it drew from Xerox GUI or                significant investments.        All successful
Blackberry’s smartphone features or Sanyo’s          imitators follow four fundamental principles.
portable MP3 player or the tablets from rivals
in creating the best known products. In the          1. Scan for opportunities
flood of e-com, many e-marketplaces that
                                                     Generating ideas through environmental
sprang up, Chemdex, Promedix, Petrocosm,
                                                     scanning is the starting point of organisational
Metalspectrum,      Metalsite,    Freightwise,
                                                     imitation and competitive strategy. Market-
PaperX,       AshphaltExchange,      BuildNet,
                                                     oriented organisations learn about customers,
Heavyware, Aerospan, etc were too similar
                                                     competitors, and channel members in order
and had nothing to differentiate them apart.
                                                     to continuously sense and act on events and
Biopharmaceuticals, imitation drugs of
                                                     trends in present and prospective markets
biological products with patent protection
                                                     (Slater and Narver, 1995). Companies need to
losses, are another classic case of imitation
                                                     scan not just their markets but adjacent
vigorously pursued by many German,
                                                     markets to see what could be improved and
Canadian, Israel, and Indian companies.
                                                     refurbished as new in their markets. Imitation
Imitation is also a much practiced model in          opportunities come in many forms.
service industries. Ryanair, which was under
                                                     Firstly, opportunity arises when a dominant
the verge of financial distress, pulled itself out
                                                     incumbent has not passed on price changes
of misery by copying Southwest airlines. Car
                                                     and technological changes to its clients.
rental companies have for long aped the
                                                     Cochlear implant market where the market
business model of Zipcar. Retail stores have
                                                     leader Cochlear sells its implants for above
always copied from the larger mom-and pop
                                                     $30,000 has made lots of enemies. While the
stores and restaurants have copied a
                                                     costs of electronics including computer chips
successful model to stay in business. Upahara
                                                     dropped by huge margins, the incumbent did
Browne & Mohan
                          Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants

not pass on any of these benefits to the            India’s third-largest mobile phone vendor
customers. Hangzhou Nurotron Biotechnology          after Samsung and Nokia according to
a Chinese company seized the opportunity            research firm IDC.
and offers similar product at less than
$15,000. Rockland, an Indian hospital group is      Thirdly, opportunity arises when the IP is
conducting trails and estimates the implants        getting expired or IP regime is stretched.
                                                    Recent Supreme Court ruling against Novartis
would costs less than $3000.
                                                    Gilvec indicates how imitation can be used as
 Secondly, opportunities arise when customer        a legitimate strategy against repetitive
pain areas are unaddressed and imitator fills       patents of minor tweaks of existing drug.
the gap. Micromax, the dominant Indian              Cipla, the Indian generic drug manufacturer
mobile phone and tablet manufacturer which          which produces the drug for 1/10 of the
is successfully competing with Nokia, LG and        original drug’s selling price choose the
others grew out of its ability to keep a keen       opportunity to grow on a blockbuster.
eye on the customer pain areas and delivering
solutions addressing the need. The company          2. Improvise on        product,   pricing   or
entered the market in 2009, a late comer into          experience
the crowded mobile market, had no major             Succeeding in imitation requires companies to
R&D set up, access to markets, brand recall or      reshape their offering (Bradley and Nolan,
access to capital. They realized a need to          1998). Research deeper, understand why
quickly create and own product categories           pioneers have failed and seek out areas to
that would address customer pain areas and          improve. Companies must extend the features
bring value. With Nokia commanding a                of the incumbent product, and capture new
whopping 60% market share, they were                value propositions. RCA was the pioneer who
features, niches and categories that could be       invented the television with standardised
intelligently carved by late entrant. Their first   technology during the early part of the
phone, X1i, emerged out of the realization          twentieth century. But it was Sony, a late
that many Indian villages and cities get less       comer in 1959 which by employing micro-
than 4 hours of quality power, not enough to        electronics technology to introduce ‘Trinitron’
even recharge a phone daily. Micromax               televisions later in market, emerged as the
increased the size of the battery to 1800 mAh       technology and market leader. In recent
offering a 30 days standby time, at an              times, the other late comers Samsung and LG
affordable price of Rs 2100. Their dual SIM a       are emerging as strong market makers by
full-keyboard (QWERTY) Q3 model, has                introducing small incremental changes
emerged from customer need to keep a                including high emission display screens, etc.
constant “incoming number” to receive call,         Zynga’s games are heavily borrowed from
while another “outgoing number” can be              others and they refine the games a lot based
chosen based on the operators tariff plans.         on prior failures and make them go viral.
Universal remote controls were available from
2008 onwards, and Micromax working with its         D Mart, the Mumbai based retail chain has
chip vendors like Mediatek realized the             systematically chosen low store locations and
benefits of reinforcing the value at affordable     best value for money customer experience to
price by introducing the Universal remote           gain retail market share. It has bargained hard
control mobile phone. Micromax is now               with low occupancy malls closer to highly
Browne & Mohan
                          Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants

dense middle-income families. To keep its          they focus on taxi drivers and travel heavy
costs low, it has shunned the high window          customers with affordable meal and large
ground floor main-street locations to              portions. Once the property starts getting
convenient and accessible tertiary locations. It   recognized and branded, the portions become
has struck chord with value conscious middle-      smaller, presentation more exquisite and the
class who prefer its modestly sized stores with    prices are increased to attract rich clientele.
better discounts and higher variety to high        Taxi drivers and other earlier patron do have a
end malls. Since it pays its vendors within a      good recall for the great times they had and
week and stocks less, the vendors pass-on          recommend the place to any new comers into
better discounts to D-Mart, which in turn ties     town. Many successful imitators across
the customers. Dillard, an Arkansas based          industries do seem to adopt the same
retailer recognized the white space between        strategy. Success of Tianya, the king of
Macy’s, Kohl’s and Nordstrom. It has targeted      Shanzhai (domestic mobile manufacturer)
upscale higher income groups with a tighter        captured significant market share with basic
control on quality and inventory. It has           product competing against Nokia and other
introduced several in-store brands, reduced        branded phone makers. Its target was the
shelf-life and significantly improved customer     secondary cities of China and by keeping
service.                                           about $20 difference on pricing, Tianya has
                                                   managed to build significant market share and
VPAs like Siri, Rearden, Dothomes, Pageonce,       branding in volume segment.
emyBantu or Desti, learnt from the failure of
pioneers like General Magic, E-Speak (HP) and      Chinese medical equipment manufacturers
Hailstorm (Microsoft) and have pursued             like Mindray, Micorport, Lepu have
focused customer experience to keep their          aggressively pursued pricing and segment
product simple and functional. They have           expansion. These domestic companies which
evolved into simple recommendatory systems         used to produce Class 1 and Class 2 devices
(ex: Get Friday, hi Task, etc), or morphed into    have graduated to product Class 3 devices and
specialized vertical focused search and            offer their products at much lower price than
support engines building on the information        international companies. Mindray which
of all other actors in the business ( for          started operations table, surgical lights and
example Rearden, Dothomes,) or smart,              other products moved quickly to multi-
history embedded programs like Siri,               parameter, Telemetry and ultrasound
                                                   machines. Its products are 50% cheaper than
myBantu, Hunch, etc.
While Couchsurfing and VRBO were the early         similar machines produced by European
entrants into accommodation market, AirBnB         companies like Siemens and Philips.
outpaced them with simple changes to design        4. Bring agility into business, transform
and improve the process to alleviate user             distribution
                                                   To succeed in strategic imitation, it is not
3. Enter Bottom up and move to other               good enough to identify customer pain areas,
   segments                                        but also have an ability to appropriately swing
                                                   the supply chain. Karbonn, another mobile
A popular technique purportedly used by            phone manufacturing company innovated on
Chinese restaurants in US is first few weeks       the distribution channel. Instead of regional
Browne & Mohan
                          Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants

distributors who manage couple of districts        partnership agreements with Pearson,
they went ahead with a district level              Everonn, Vriti for content, with Bigflix (for
distributional model. This ensured higher          preloaded entertainment) and with Hungama,
availability at district and towns within each     Indiagames, Zenga for gaming. Alliances can
district, coupled with right sales and             sometime provide credibility (for example an
distribution incentives, the channels helped to    improved product developed in association
reach out and close more sales. Distribution       with a respected university or a R&D
is another area where Micromax improvised.         company). They help in market reach
It adopted different distribution models for       (governments and large consumers open up
various products. For Smartphones and LED          markets for strategic followers with improved
the company has adopted a 2-tier model,            performance      and     affordable   pricing).
while for phones and tablets it has adopted a      Alliances can also increase the pace of
three tier distribution model. More than           adoption and make follower products as “de
1,30,000 retail stores and 85 independent          facto” standards.
large partners distribute the phones and
tablets. A major advantage is effective            Bibliography
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Browne & Mohan
                          Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants

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Browne & Mohan
                         Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants

imitation strategies“, Technology Analysis and     Browne & Mohan insight are general in nature and does not
Strategic Management, 24 (1): 37-50.               represent any specific individuals or entities. While all efforts are
                                                   made to ensure the information and status of entities in the
                                                   insights is accurate, there can be no guarantee for freshness of
Valdani, E. and A. Arbore (2007): ”Strategies      information. Browne & Mohan insights are for information and
of imitation: an insight”, Problems and            knowledge update purpose only. Information contained in the
                                                   report has been obtained from sources deemed reliable and no
Perspectives in Management, 5 (3): 198-206.        representation is made as to the accuracy thereof. Neither Browne
                                                   & Mohan nor its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, owners,
                                                   representatives nor any of its data or content providers shall be
Westney, E. (1987) Imitation and Innovation:       liable for any errors or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.
the Transfer of Western Organizational
Patterns in Meiji Japan, Harvard University
Press, Cambridge.
                                                    © Browne & Mohan, 2013. All rights reserved

                                                    Printed in India

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Stratgic imitation-Road to business growth

  • 1. Browne & Mohan Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants “Strategic Imitation” road to business growth It is smart to take an existing idea and enhance it beautifully - Steve Jobs
  • 2. Browne & Mohan Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants In a recent book titled “Copycats: How Smart Imitation is not new. Many US pharmaceutical Companies Use Imitation to Gain a Strategic companies known for their patents and IP Edge” Prof. Shenkar states that 98.7% of the owe their technical knowledge to the value of the innovations is usurped by generous lifting of product knowledge from imitators. Not a very surprising insight to German companies (Chandler, 2005). In business thinkers and managers, except the automotive industry too Copycats thrive. accuracy of findings. Business leaders have Toyota’s Lexus (LS 400) is similar in always recognized the dichotomy in the appearance to the Mercedes ‘S-class’ sedan. undue emphasis on innovation and high Hyundai Sonata is a replica of the Jaguar returns on imitation in real world. By model. Ford’s many models including Taurus imitation we do not refer to stealing of some are heavily drawn from Japanese, Germans company’s IP, but engineering a better and Swedes in terms of design and aesthetics product based on available product (Chatterjee, 1998). Coco cola imitated diet information. Most species and organizations cola from RC Cola, Marriott International advance through observation and imitation of bases its loyalty program based on frequent other successful entities (Niosi, 2012). flier program of airlines including Pan Am Imitation is a preferred strategy by companies (Schnaars, 1994). Lego, the famous children when R&D outcome is uncertain, start-up toy company was greatly inspired by costs are high and returns are uncertain, Kiddicraft. Lego borrowed heavily the technology requires significant upfront concepts and colours. marketing and other expenses to inform, educate and goad the customer to buy and In some industries, imitation is certainly less finally the competitive pressures are high. risky and profitable. For example, in the case of pharmaceutical industry, a new drug Imitation can be in many forms. It can be a development process spanning 12 to 14 years, pirated copy, a clone or me-too, improved is highly risky – only 20 in 5000 compounds product or process inspired by pioneer, that are screened enter pre-clinical testing, improvisations of design copies, and and then only one in five drugs in clinical trials adaptation of an idea from one setting to receive FDA approval. Development costs are another, simplification of original product or high, on average about $800 million per new repositioning the product to another segment chemical entity, and cost of failures or delays (Valdani & Arbore, 2007). In this paper, we has enormous impact on market value. In are looking at legitimate imitation strategies contrast, an imitation molecule has a short such as improved product design, gestation process – 1 to 2 years associated simplification, and adaptation from another with low R&D costs, about $2 million to setting or repositioning for another segment. demonstrate bio-equivalence of the drug In all these imitation projects, there is a (Dimasi, Hansen and Grabowski, 2003). considerable level of market planning, technological knowledge and organizational Despite the negative connotation and bias efforts required to reengineer the product, against imitation, even in glamorous make functional or structural changes and industries such as software or biotechnology improve and extend the pioneer product or or Pharmaceuticals, most successful products process. are simply re-interpretation of existing products and or their extensions. Wordstar
  • 3. Browne & Mohan Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants was the first word processor, but the Darshini, the first self-help eatery that Wordperfect and Word overtook the pioneer emerged in Basavanagudi, Bangalore has by slew of improvements and price cuts. become the industry standard and there are Google, the market leader in search and more than 1,400 Darshini’s in Bangalore city advertising is a not a pioneer but a strategic alone. Many internet companies realize the imitator. Magelllan, Infoseek and Snap were opportunities to replicate or improve a the pioneers, Lycos earned popularity just as successful service business from another Netscape was launching its internet browser. geography to their local conditions. Yahoo! followed aggressively, improvising on is a good replica of, a structured index into resources on the web. emulated ebay, Makemytrip drew Both firms expanded product offerings into inspiration from, and so on. providing e-mail and website hosting, country localisation and news links. Both Lycos and Growth by strategic imitation Yahoo! generated revenue from advertisers Strategic imitation does not just entail mere rather than users. Enters Google which copying of another product. It requires the improvised search algorithm from rule based late comer to take the existing product or to concept-based and over years emerges the service and reconfigure in a new and unique largest company in that market. Apple, the way. Strategic imitation is a highly skilled and venerable icon always acknowledged the creative basis for strategy, requiring inspiration it drew from Xerox GUI or significant investments. All successful Blackberry’s smartphone features or Sanyo’s imitators follow four fundamental principles. portable MP3 player or the tablets from rivals in creating the best known products. In the 1. Scan for opportunities flood of e-com, many e-marketplaces that Generating ideas through environmental sprang up, Chemdex, Promedix, Petrocosm, scanning is the starting point of organisational Metalspectrum, Metalsite, Freightwise, imitation and competitive strategy. Market- PaperX, AshphaltExchange, BuildNet, oriented organisations learn about customers, Heavyware, Aerospan, etc were too similar competitors, and channel members in order and had nothing to differentiate them apart. to continuously sense and act on events and Biopharmaceuticals, imitation drugs of trends in present and prospective markets biological products with patent protection (Slater and Narver, 1995). Companies need to losses, are another classic case of imitation scan not just their markets but adjacent vigorously pursued by many German, markets to see what could be improved and Canadian, Israel, and Indian companies. refurbished as new in their markets. Imitation Imitation is also a much practiced model in opportunities come in many forms. service industries. Ryanair, which was under Firstly, opportunity arises when a dominant the verge of financial distress, pulled itself out incumbent has not passed on price changes of misery by copying Southwest airlines. Car and technological changes to its clients. rental companies have for long aped the Cochlear implant market where the market business model of Zipcar. Retail stores have leader Cochlear sells its implants for above always copied from the larger mom-and pop $30,000 has made lots of enemies. While the stores and restaurants have copied a costs of electronics including computer chips successful model to stay in business. Upahara dropped by huge margins, the incumbent did
  • 4. Browne & Mohan Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants not pass on any of these benefits to the India’s third-largest mobile phone vendor customers. Hangzhou Nurotron Biotechnology after Samsung and Nokia according to a Chinese company seized the opportunity research firm IDC. and offers similar product at less than $15,000. Rockland, an Indian hospital group is Thirdly, opportunity arises when the IP is conducting trails and estimates the implants getting expired or IP regime is stretched. Recent Supreme Court ruling against Novartis would costs less than $3000. Gilvec indicates how imitation can be used as Secondly, opportunities arise when customer a legitimate strategy against repetitive pain areas are unaddressed and imitator fills patents of minor tweaks of existing drug. the gap. Micromax, the dominant Indian Cipla, the Indian generic drug manufacturer mobile phone and tablet manufacturer which which produces the drug for 1/10 of the is successfully competing with Nokia, LG and original drug’s selling price choose the others grew out of its ability to keep a keen opportunity to grow on a blockbuster. eye on the customer pain areas and delivering solutions addressing the need. The company 2. Improvise on product, pricing or entered the market in 2009, a late comer into experience the crowded mobile market, had no major Succeeding in imitation requires companies to R&D set up, access to markets, brand recall or reshape their offering (Bradley and Nolan, access to capital. They realized a need to 1998). Research deeper, understand why quickly create and own product categories pioneers have failed and seek out areas to that would address customer pain areas and improve. Companies must extend the features bring value. With Nokia commanding a of the incumbent product, and capture new whopping 60% market share, they were value propositions. RCA was the pioneer who features, niches and categories that could be invented the television with standardised intelligently carved by late entrant. Their first technology during the early part of the phone, X1i, emerged out of the realization twentieth century. But it was Sony, a late that many Indian villages and cities get less comer in 1959 which by employing micro- than 4 hours of quality power, not enough to electronics technology to introduce ‘Trinitron’ even recharge a phone daily. Micromax televisions later in market, emerged as the increased the size of the battery to 1800 mAh technology and market leader. In recent offering a 30 days standby time, at an times, the other late comers Samsung and LG affordable price of Rs 2100. Their dual SIM a are emerging as strong market makers by full-keyboard (QWERTY) Q3 model, has introducing small incremental changes emerged from customer need to keep a including high emission display screens, etc. constant “incoming number” to receive call, Zynga’s games are heavily borrowed from while another “outgoing number” can be others and they refine the games a lot based chosen based on the operators tariff plans. on prior failures and make them go viral. Universal remote controls were available from 2008 onwards, and Micromax working with its D Mart, the Mumbai based retail chain has chip vendors like Mediatek realized the systematically chosen low store locations and benefits of reinforcing the value at affordable best value for money customer experience to price by introducing the Universal remote gain retail market share. It has bargained hard control mobile phone. Micromax is now with low occupancy malls closer to highly
  • 5. Browne & Mohan Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants dense middle-income families. To keep its they focus on taxi drivers and travel heavy costs low, it has shunned the high window customers with affordable meal and large ground floor main-street locations to portions. Once the property starts getting convenient and accessible tertiary locations. It recognized and branded, the portions become has struck chord with value conscious middle- smaller, presentation more exquisite and the class who prefer its modestly sized stores with prices are increased to attract rich clientele. better discounts and higher variety to high Taxi drivers and other earlier patron do have a end malls. Since it pays its vendors within a good recall for the great times they had and week and stocks less, the vendors pass-on recommend the place to any new comers into better discounts to D-Mart, which in turn ties town. Many successful imitators across the customers. Dillard, an Arkansas based industries do seem to adopt the same retailer recognized the white space between strategy. Success of Tianya, the king of Macy’s, Kohl’s and Nordstrom. It has targeted Shanzhai (domestic mobile manufacturer) upscale higher income groups with a tighter captured significant market share with basic control on quality and inventory. It has product competing against Nokia and other introduced several in-store brands, reduced branded phone makers. Its target was the shelf-life and significantly improved customer secondary cities of China and by keeping service. about $20 difference on pricing, Tianya has managed to build significant market share and VPAs like Siri, Rearden, Dothomes, Pageonce, branding in volume segment. emyBantu or Desti, learnt from the failure of pioneers like General Magic, E-Speak (HP) and Chinese medical equipment manufacturers Hailstorm (Microsoft) and have pursued like Mindray, Micorport, Lepu have focused customer experience to keep their aggressively pursued pricing and segment product simple and functional. They have expansion. These domestic companies which evolved into simple recommendatory systems used to produce Class 1 and Class 2 devices (ex: Get Friday, hi Task, etc), or morphed into have graduated to product Class 3 devices and specialized vertical focused search and offer their products at much lower price than support engines building on the information international companies. Mindray which of all other actors in the business ( for started operations table, surgical lights and example Rearden, Dothomes,) or smart, other products moved quickly to multi- history embedded programs like Siri, parameter, Telemetry and ultrasound machines. Its products are 50% cheaper than myBantu, Hunch, etc. While Couchsurfing and VRBO were the early similar machines produced by European entrants into accommodation market, AirBnB companies like Siemens and Philips. outpaced them with simple changes to design 4. Bring agility into business, transform and improve the process to alleviate user distribution worries. To succeed in strategic imitation, it is not 3. Enter Bottom up and move to other good enough to identify customer pain areas, segments but also have an ability to appropriately swing the supply chain. Karbonn, another mobile A popular technique purportedly used by phone manufacturing company innovated on Chinese restaurants in US is first few weeks the distribution channel. Instead of regional
  • 6. Browne & Mohan Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants distributors who manage couple of districts partnership agreements with Pearson, they went ahead with a district level Everonn, Vriti for content, with Bigflix (for distributional model. This ensured higher preloaded entertainment) and with Hungama, availability at district and towns within each Indiagames, Zenga for gaming. Alliances can district, coupled with right sales and sometime provide credibility (for example an distribution incentives, the channels helped to improved product developed in association reach out and close more sales. Distribution with a respected university or a R&D is another area where Micromax improvised. company). They help in market reach It adopted different distribution models for (governments and large consumers open up various products. For Smartphones and LED markets for strategic followers with improved the company has adopted a 2-tier model, performance and affordable pricing). while for phones and tablets it has adopted a Alliances can also increase the pace of three tier distribution model. More than adoption and make follower products as “de 1,30,000 retail stores and 85 independent facto” standards. large partners distribute the phones and tablets. A major advantage is effective Bibliography management of inventory, and higher Bolton, M.K. (1993) ‘Imitation versus availability. innovation: lessons to be learned from the Chinese mobile handset maker, Ningo Bird Japanese’, Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 21, which was a late entrant in the market No. 3, pp. 30–45 dominated by MNC such as Nokia, Siemens, Motorola and Sony, quickly realized none of Boyer, R., E. Charron, U. Jürgens and S. the offerings were customized to Chinese Tolliday (eds.)(1998): Between Imitation and tastes, colours were global standard and did Innovation, the transfer and hybridization of not offer clam shell design allowing for productive models in the international personalization. Distribution channels, automobile industry, New York, Oxford especially tier 3 and retailers did not have any University Press. incentives to drive sales. Chandler, A. D. (2005): Shaping the Industrial Century. The remarkable story of the 5. Build on alliances, engulf market evolution of the modern chemical and pharmaceutical industries, Cambridge: To succeed in strategic imitation companies Harvard University Press. must learn to exploit the ecosystem. Imitation is not just about a product or service, but Chatterjee, S. (1998) ‘Delivering desired assessing how the business model could be outcomes efficiently: the creative key to improved, how revenue streams can be made competitive strategy’, California Management more attractive and predictable and how the Review, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp.78–95. risks of the pioneer can be eliminated by reconfiguring the product chain. Whether it is Cusumano, M., Mylonadis, Y. and the OEM or a sales partner, they are good Rosenbloom, R. (1992) ‘Strategic maneuvering levers to reduce investments in your set-up and mass-market dynamics: the triumph of and increase market coverage, delivery and VHS over beta’, Business History Review, Vol. post-deployment support. Micromax has 66, pp.51–94.
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  • 8. Browne & Mohan Board & CEO Advisors, Management Consultants imitation strategies“, Technology Analysis and Browne & Mohan insight are general in nature and does not Strategic Management, 24 (1): 37-50. represent any specific individuals or entities. While all efforts are made to ensure the information and status of entities in the insights is accurate, there can be no guarantee for freshness of Valdani, E. and A. Arbore (2007): ”Strategies information. Browne & Mohan insights are for information and of imitation: an insight”, Problems and knowledge update purpose only. Information contained in the report has been obtained from sources deemed reliable and no Perspectives in Management, 5 (3): 198-206. representation is made as to the accuracy thereof. Neither Browne & Mohan nor its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, owners, representatives nor any of its data or content providers shall be Westney, E. (1987) Imitation and Innovation: liable for any errors or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. the Transfer of Western Organizational Patterns in Meiji Japan, Harvard University Press, Cambridge. © Browne & Mohan, 2013. All rights reserved Printed in India