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           BANJA LUKA


       Banja Luka, 1998.

The Republic of Srpska
                Ministry of Education
  Strategy and conception of changes in the system of
         education in the Republic of Srpska

               Prepared and drafted by:
                  Nenad Suzic, Ph. D.

                    Lectored by:
                   Vojislav Gakovic

  This document was considered and adopted by the
Government of the Republic of Srpska at its session held
                  on july 10. 1998.

                     Printed by:
               “Trioprint”, Banja Luka


           The present conditions in education
          and measures for the problem solution
The state of facilities                                    7
The state of equipment and devices                        10
The teaching staff                                        11
Economical situation in education                         13
Level of organisation of schools                          15
Organisation of the Ministry of education                 18
Curriculum (and programmes)                               22
Normative regulations                                     27

   The main changes in the system of education
The aims of education                                    32
Directions of development of education                   44
Training for life in the XXI century                     53
Normative regulations                                    56
Regulation of curriculum (and programmes)                58
   Subject matters of the essential national program     58
   New Serbian school after the European model           59
Decision making and management in education              61

Organisational changes in the system
Experimental schools                                     63
   Primary and junior high school concept                66
   Modern European secondary school                      74
European standards at the university of the Republic
of Srpska                                                 88
Programme for advanced teachers training                 108
Introduction of the system of professional
advancement of teachers                                  113
Reorganisation of the Ministry of education              114
   Scheme of institutions of the Ministry of education   114
   Institutions important for the ministry activity      114
   Republic Pedagogic Institute                          115

Inspectorate of the Ministry of Education               116
System of implementation of changes (expert teams,
projects, control, valorisation, experts from europe and
the world...)                                              119

General issues in the strategy of changes
Relations with Serbia and the Federal Republic
Yugoslavia                                                 122
Relation with the Federation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina                                                123
Some ideological issues (religion classes, east – west,
splitting with real – socialism…)                          125


                    The state of facilities
        In the Republic of Srpska students attend classes in 187
primary and 88 secondary schools. At the level of higher and high
education, there are 27 institutions, faculties and higher schools.
In March 1996, three institutions of the Republic of Srpska have
finished a huge survey on education. The analyses in question are
from “The urban office of the Republic of Srpska in Banja Luka”,
“Faculty of economy institute” and the Ministry of education.
From them, we are giving the following information.

Table 1
                 Numb      Num      Numb               Funds needed
                 er of     ber      er of        for recon-      for
                 buildi    of       studen       struction           new objects
 Institution     ngs       teach    ts           in DM                 in DM
 Central pri-
 mary school         187
                           6.715    131.684       118.187.786        128.806.950
 Sub school          550
 school               88   3.120        54.757     44.753.664         17.818.000
 Higher school         3      57      1850          1.100.000                  -
 University           24   1.203     12.829        99.411.000          5.920.000
 Total:              852   11.095   201.120       263.452.450        152.544.950

Table 2: Information about school in May 1998.
                 Numb Number
                 er of    of
Institution      school students
                                     teachers   others                   total
Primary sch.         189    127.952      7.350     3.150                  10.500
Secondary s.           90    51.908      3.220     1.316                   4.536
Higher sc. and
Univers.              37      9.337           1.203            509         1.712
Total                316    189.197          11.773          4.975        16.748

Three levels of damages have been registered on
school facilities:

1. burned , pulled down and destroyed objects
2. objects damaged in the war (shelling, war activities),
3. objects damaged due to being inhabited by soldiers or

Two kinds of needs have come out of this: a) rehabilitation
and reconstruction of objects and b) construction of new
objects. Rehabilitation and reconstruction refer to objects
damaged by bombing or war activities and by soldiers and
refugees during their staing in them. Burned, pulled down or
destroyed facilities can be compensated only by the con-
struction of new ones. The need for construction of new
buildings has been influenced by the migration of population
because of war activities. In “bordering municipalities”, of
the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a number of
school buildings is on the territory of the BH Federation,
while students and their parents have come to live in the
Republic of Srpska, and significant resources are needed for
new schools in these areas.

All this is a great problem and a great burden for the
Republic of Srpska. Such a condition will be a burden for
developed countries, let alone for a country whose economy
works at 15% of its capacity at the beginning of 1998. It is
encouraging that the world community is helping the
Republic of Srpska. According to the information obtained
by the International Management Group, under the lead of
Daniel Vanago in January 1998, 367 international projects
have been opened or realised in the Republic of Srpska in the
previous period, which cost the amount of 40.044.710 DM.
All these projects refer to rehabilitation and reconstruction of
schools. That proves that the help of the international
community has been concrete and is an important support to
normalisation of conditions in education in the Republic of

Srpska. In these projects, a number of international huma-
nitarian institutions have taken part, such as: ODA, IRC,
Solidarites, THW, SFOR, IFOR, SA, Parsons, WV Austria,
DOOS-HEKS, Switzerland, NMFA, NCA – Norway,
Ireland, ARD, Greece and others. Besides the help of the
international community, the Government of the Republic of
Srpska has also invested in the reconstruction. Those were
modest funds, but a support to a number of schools. Had it
not been for these investments, the situation in schools
would have been catastrophic. We can say that the condition
of school facilities has been rehabilitated at about 30%
compared with the projected optimum for the realisation of
school programs and curriculum..

      Measures that the Ministry of education and the
       Government of Srpska will ungertake for the
    reconstruction and rehabilitation of school facilities

1. Make an inspection into the realisation of all Government
   and international projects and state who the donor is, who
   carries out the projects, at what phase the projects are so
   that further work can be done. (this activity has already
   been finished)
2. Make the priority list of schools, which have to be
   rehabilitated, reconstructed and constructed. (this activity
   is being carried out by the Ministry of education and the
   Project Implementation Unit)
3. Elaborate a number of projects after the methodology of
   the World bank (WB) with all demonstrations requested:
   reasons for constructing a school at a certain location,
   benefits for the population, location in the school net of
   RS, budget… Projects which have been made:
   Rehabilitation and reconstruction of 42 schools –
   submitted to the Government of Japan, rehabilitation and

reconstruction of 6 schools – submitted to the World
   Bank and is being realised.
4. Determine the school facilities which are not in the
   priority of international donors, but need an urgent
   intervention, make an estimation of all investments
   needed and deliver them to the Government of RS so that
   it can intervene accordingly. The Ministry of education is
   doing this activity.

          The state of equipment and devices

  School equipment has been damaged along with the school
facilities. The reasons are various:
- war actions, bombing, shelling, fire,
- soldiers and refugees were accommodated in schools,
- electrical devices have been broken due to the power
- old furniture have additionally been damaged by
    negligence, without renewal.

Schools had been working under war conditions for years
and after the war in such poor economical situation that it
was impossible to buy a blackboard, a chair let alone a
modern device. This has brought students into situation to sit
on shabby chairs and teachers to teach, using a chalk and a
blackboard. The main source of knowledge in such
conditions is the word of a teacher (verbalism), but a word of
a de-motivated, badly paid teacher. If add that classrooms
were not heated, we can presume under what conditions the
lessons were conducted.

Measures for (providing) equipment and devices provision

1. To make an Instrument to inspect the state of equipment
   and devices in schools in RS, to check the conditions in
   all schools in the Republic of Srpska in three phases: a)
   the first phase – missing or shabby and the most needed

equipment, such as blackboards, chairs, benches,
     hangers, b) the second phase – the state and needs for the
     most necessary educational devices: graph-scopes,
     projectors, TV sets, videos, copiers … , c) the third phase
     – the condition of equipment and devices compared
     with European standards.
2.   To inspect the conditions of equipment in RS (instrument
     from point 1 will be applied in May 1998, and the
     supervision of its correctness will be done by a team of
     experts from the world, Government of RS and experts
     chosen by the Ministry of education).
3.   Make an instrument to inspect the conditions according
     to the phase three and inspect the conditions in all
     schools in RS. (the activity is being carried out by the
     Ministry of education during the year 1998).
4.   Make the priority list of schools to be equipped (will be
     done by the Ministry of education in 1998).
5.   Design projects following the priority list and submit
     them to donors from the international community and the
     Government of RS, so that they can equip the schools in
     phases according to levels from Point 1. (PIU –
     Implementation Unit Banja Luka is responsible for this,
     term 1998).
6.   To inform the Government of RS about these activities
     regularly. (Ministry of education is responsible for this; a
     continuous activity).

                        Teaching staff

  All reforms in education failed on the key factor of reform
performing, on teaching staff. If the teaching staff is not
interested in or willingly engaged in the realisation of
projected changes in the system of education, it is hard to
expect any positive results. That is the experience of all
school reforms, both in the world and in our country. Years
of the civil war in BH, almost no payment to teachers till

1998 and the lack of interest from the authorities for
problems in education have given many negative results:
1. unsatisfied and depressive teaching staff, de-motivated
   for teaching and work in his profession,
2. an imperilled existence and dignity of teachers because
   they could not fulfil their consumers baskets, they could
   not dress properly or buy professional literature, spend a
   holiday, but had to do other jobs like standing behind the
   counter, under the open sky and so on,
3. many teachers want to leave their profession looking for
   those jobs in which they could earn in a dignified way,
4. devaluation of teachers profession in the eyes of ordinary
   people – pity and admiration do not go together for the
   same person, at the same time,
5. being unpopular, the profession of a teacher attracts only
   those who failed to pass entrance exams at some more
   attractive faculties
6. Teaching staff has no confidence or trust in the state and
   the government, nor in the state institutions or the
   minister of education as the representative of education in
   the government of the Republic of Srpska.

This means that a long and patient activity of the
Government and state institutions is needed to rehabilitate
economical situation in education, to restore the dignity of a
teacher, gain confidence of teachers in measures undertaken
by the Government and its institutions, and finally, to
achieve a necessary motivation of teachers for their devoted
commitment in new curricula.

   In spite of all these circumstances, our teachers have stood
all war misfortunes, problems with shortages and standard of
life and deserved admiration of citizens:
- they worked in war conditions, doing their best to meet
     the requirements of curricula as best as possible
- they worked for months without any payment or with the
     payment which is not worth mentioning

-   after the war they have worked under unbearable
    economical conditions, without proper textbooks and
    literature, without any devices, in cold classrooms – it
    became almost normal to see teachers and their students
    sitting in classrooms in winter coats
-   even in such circumstances, students of the Republic of
    Srpska have been winning many competitions in the
    Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, pass entrance exams and
    enrol faculties.

This proves that the teachers of the Republic of Srpska are
capable of meeting the demands and challenges of a modern
system of education that will be introduced by the concept
Serbian schools after the European model. Our teachers will
soon acquire the application of new teaching methods of
active teaching, modern curricula and techniques.

           Economical situation in education

During the self-managing period, education had been treated
as consumption or as a social burden. Such awareness has
been dominant till these days. Budget for education has been
at the level of the least developed countries for years. The
situation has not essentially changed since the period of self-
management ended. Education has been treated as
consumption. This started to be changed by the appointment
of the new government in 1998. In the first budget plan
education got 14 % of the total budget. This would have
been an excellent percentage had the economy not started
with 15 % of its capacity in the beginning of the same year.
Although the income of the economy is that low, the
government has undertaken a number of measures to
rehabilitate the conditions in education.

Due to the inherited mistrust in the Government of RS and
state institutions and a desperate economical situation, the
branch union went on strike in the beginning of 1998. The

Union had righteous demands, but also a number of
oversights in the strike organisation and a few claims that
could not be justified. It turned out that it was more
important for the Union to claim some old debts than to look
for a systematic solution to some status questions in
education. It was more important to demand small dues than
a salary increase, regular payments, meeting the needs of the
consumer basket… After a discussion with representatives of
the Government, initiated by the Minister of education, the
Government of RS accepted a set of measures to help
- to pay the staff regularly
- to increase the budget for education in accordance with
    the increase of budget
- accomplishment
- to ask the international community to help education in
    order to overcome such state in education

By our own efforts and by the help of EU and the world
community, teachers started to be paid better. Budget has
also become bigger due to the cessation of grey economy
and the support from the international community.
Employees have been paid for years, without being taxed.
Even in state services, till the end of 1997, employees were
paid without being taxed. The first salary paid after all
obligations had been fulfilled was paid in education. This
shows that the establishment of a legal system is the aim of
all society levels, especially of education in RS. The
previous period, in which this was not the matter of concern,
could be called a naïve egocentric national phase, in which
the people and the leaders behave irresponsibly, self-
sufficient, happy to have a state but unaware of the fact that
they are destroying it, since they don’t know how to
maintain and create it. A state is a dynamic and a very
complex system that is split if it is not maintained and
developed. The dynamics of the system depends on the
surrounding and global trends in the world. In order to be an

actual part of the world, a state has to follow modern
achievements in science, economy, culture, marketing,
design … Only those countries that have efficient and
modern system of education can follow modern trends. The
most developed countries are aware that education is not
consummation but a profitable investment.
  Determination of the new government of the Republic of
Srpska is to continuously work to improve the economical
situation in education shows that it is a modern government,
which understands its place and role in relation to national
interest of the Republic of Srpska. The period of national
excitement and selfishness must be replaced by the period of
reason and a clear vision of the future of the nation in
contemporary world.

             The level of school organisation

A very low level of school organisation has a few objective
and a few partial roots. Instead of describing the conditions,
we will give a few features typical for the majority of

-   principals took care more about how to find a donor to
    paint the school or pay the teachers then about the
-   Criteria for appointment of a principal was, first of all,
    party membership. It was more important that a principal
    belonged to the ruling party than that he had professional
    and moral qualities
-   The law says that the Minister appoints principals in
    secondary and primary schools, under the proposal of the
    school board. This board consists of at least two teachers,
    one parent and two representatives of the founder
    (municipality). A principal could have propose two
    teachers and one parent, the Executive council of the
    local Assembly could have proposed two representatives
    from the same party, and we could have had a single-

party school board, and the principal proposed him,
-   The problem of school organisation is not only
    principals. There is a question of a uniform methodology
    of plan making. The Republic Pedagogic Institute drafts
    methodology for a yearly plan. Many principals did not
    respect that methodology up till now, or they decided to
    follow it formally, so that yearly school plans presented
    one unmatchable mess of data, given in as many ways as
    there were school principals.
-   The work of pedagogues in schools has also been diffuse,
    from those who were always on duty to those who
    performed the most complicated professional; tasks in a
    school. Although we have an appropriate methodology
    for making a programme for a pedagogue, in practice in
    schools this is carried out differently.
-   Employing new teachers is a special problem of school
    organisation. The present law allows many
    improvisations and principal’s self-will. It so happens
    that in Grammar schools, the most eminent schools, those
    with stronger party connections get a job, not the best.
-   A special problem is the connection between school
    boards and principals. In our practice, a school board
    represents a state institution and local authorities that rule
    the school. In practice the school boards have been
    substitutes for workers councils. Besides that, in many
    schools the school boards do not function at all.
-   In a number of schools, ilegal activities of principals have
    been registered: payment for enrolment and other duties
    illegally, privatised managing with money – principals
    pay salaries, personally, illegal enrolment of special
    students and the similar.

The mentioned examples only partially show some of the
problems of school organisation. We do not deal with a
number of sophisticated psychological-organisational prob-
lems of school-managing, such as: privileged teachers

(because of party belonging or after a personal criteria),
politics in teachers’ rooms, persecution of non-sympathisers
and political opponents (some teachers got fired due to
political reasons), autocratic and a rigid attitude of some
principals and so on. Namely, the current regulations for
primary and secondary schools give principals an almost
unlimited power. Therefore, many principals started to
behave as owners of schools and inviolable masters of
teachers and their rights out of work. These are special
organisational problems that have to be solved
systematically and without improvisations.

                 Measures for improvement
              of the school work organisation

  Out of the survey about the problems in school
organisation a number of measures for its improvements can
be derived, which will make the work of schools better..
1. Along with regular salaries, schools have to be given
   proper amounts of money for material expenses, in order
   to stop indecent “manager-like” intervention of principals
   working on collecting sponsors’ contributions.
2. To introduce more moral, professional and organisational
   suppositions into the criteria for the elections of
3. Principals should be responsible to the teaching-staff, law
   and the institutions of the system and not to the ruling
   party or the party they belong to.
4. To prevent the possibility of manipulation with law when
   a principal of a school is elected, and when a principal
   “appoints him” through the school board.
5. To create a new, modern and rational methodology for
   programming the schoolwork. Those principals who can
   not or do not want to respect the methodology should be
   sanctioned because the yearly programme is the ID card
   of the school and the principal.

6. The work of pedagogues at schools should be risen to an
    appropriate level through co-ordination at the level of the
    Republic Pedagogic Institute, through seminars and the
7. To define and sanction by law, special criteria for the
    selection of teachers and for employment, in order to
    prevent self – will and improvisation with employment.
8. To create suppositions for a successful activity of the
    school boards and insert these suppositions into law of
    secondary and primary schools.
9. To prevent illegal actions in schools through a firm
    application of law and educational inspections.
10. To start a school for professional training of principals of
    schools, in which the principals will be trained for
    modern school managing, for creating a wished
    emotional atmosphere in schools and favourable human
    relations. This programme is being realised in Serbia, in
    the organisation of the Teachers’ faculty in Belgrade. The
    same programme should be implemented in the Republic
    of Srpska.

       Organisation of the Ministry of education

One of the most serious problems during the change of
government in normal democratic procedures is a bad
organisation of a relevant Ministry. Taking over the
responsibility at the Ministry of education, we were faced
with a number of problems:
- The Minister of education was resigning, his tasks were
performed by Social Affairs Vice-president, who was the
Minister of science and culture. That is why nobody could
be consulted about many genuine questions important for the
work of the Ministry of education.
- In certain segments the hierarchy did not function in the
   Ministry of education.

-     The republic Pedagogic Institute, as a technical service of
      the Minister of education, did not execute its essential
      function. A marginal approach to this institution could be
      perceived from the side of the Minister of education, as
      all the functions of the Ministry of education were
      conceptualised at Pale, and the service has its seat in
      Banjaluka, where the biggest number of supervisors were
Table 3: Scheme of organisation of the Ministry of Education

                            Deputy Minister
    Assistant for   Assistant for        Assistant for   Assistant for
    primary         secondary            high            economic
    education       education            education       affairs
    service         Legal service        Financial       PIU
    Pedagogic                            service
    Director        Secretary            Assistant for   Director
     Deputy         general              economic        Deputy
    director        A lawyer             affairs         director
    Detached unit   Inspection
    in              service
    Bijeljina       Bijeljina
    Detached unit   Inspection           Computation     Lawyer
    Doboj           service              service
                    Doboj                Banjaluka
    Detached unit   Inspection                           Architect
    Srbinje         service
    Detached unit   Inspection           Computation     Administrativ
    Prijedor        service              service         e worker
                    Prijedor             Pale
    Total number    Total number         Total number    Total number
    of employees:   of employees:        of employees:   of employees:

Out of this scheme we can read that there are some
problems in the organisation of the Ministry of education:
1. In the found regulation, the position of an assistant for
   high education has not been systematised, so that the
   Minister has no organisational possibilities to inspect the
   functioning and quality of teaching at higher and high
   education. There is a systematised position of the
   Republic inspector for high education, but it is not a
   professional but a legal aspect of inspection. This way one
   whole field of education has been out of the range of the
   Minister of education, when a professional-educational
   aspect of work is in question.
2. The inspection is not organised according to hierarchy, so
   that inspectors were working after their own models, on
   the base of individual orders of the minister of education
   or his assistants, without having any working plans or a
   reasonable system. There is a systematised position of the
   chief inspector who was above all inspectors, but
   essentially he had no the competence of an organiser for
   other inspectors. He dealt only with higher and high
   education and was not competent for primary and
   secondary education.
3. Inspectors are responsible for law regulations to be
   respected at schools, but inside the institutions of the
   Ministry of education they did not have a professional
   lawyer to turn to for some specific legal questions. The
   two lawyers employed had their own “specialisation” so
   that they could not work for the needs of inspection.
4. The Republic Pedagogic Institute is an institution, which
   does not exist in the system of organisation in Serbia.
   Namely, the Republic Pedagogic Institute in the Republic
   of Srpska performs some functions that are carried out by
   more institutions in Serbia, like Pedagogic Institute,
   Psychological Institute, The service for development and
   improvement of education and so on. The role of this
   institution in the Republic of Srpska is poorly defined in
   normative documents. The law for primary and secondary

education, the task of the Republic Pedagogic Institute is
   to create teaching curricula and programmes, while the
   Regulations on operational-pedagogic supervision deter-
   mines this as a task of supervisors.
5. The World Bank (WB) (PIU) has given project Imple-
   mentation Unit at the disposal of the Minister of
   education. The World Bank has financed this service. The
   main activity of this service is mediation in the implemen-
   tation of projects of donators in school constructions,
   providing the equipment and devices. Till the beginning
   of 1998, the work of PIU was far away from the Minister
   of education. The Minister only signed projects already
   agreed upon or the priority lists for schools to be rehabili-
   tated and reconstructed. Representatives of the World
   Bank sent a written protest against the work of this insti-
   tution to the Minister of education. After that the PIU has
   been reorganised so that this institution got its place in the
   system of organisation of the Ministry of education.

  Apart from the problem of systematisation, explained
herewith, there is a series of other organisational problems.

-   The Ministry of education has been moved from Pale to
    Banja Luka, and a need for more offices for professionals
    who are to execute the functions of the Ministry has
    become evident. The solution of this problem is in
    progress: offices in the detached unit in Banja Luka have
    been adapted, facilities of the ex Military headquarters
    are being rehabilitated so that the Ministry of education
    will have its seat where other Ministries are.
-   In order to organise this Ministry in a modern way, we
    have to employ new personnel, what brings the need for
    flats. The Government of RS will have to take adequate
    measures to solve this issue.
-   Modernisation of work of this Ministry demands modern
    equipment, computers, mobile telephones, Internet, a

better rolling stock, more efficient printing services and
     the similar. The conditions we found in the Ministry of
     education could not have met the needs of a small firm,
     let alone of one Ministry. Solving of these problems is in
-    There was no good division of work between the
     Minister, his deputy and his assistant. These places exis-
     ted formally and all the functions were carried out by the
     Social Affairs Vice – president. One person can not
     perform all these assignments, so that many of them were
     not done, were done superficially, even wrongly.

    Measures for improvement the work organisation of the
                    Ministry of education

1. To make a new organisational scheme for an efficient
   functioning and a new systematisation of the Ministry of
2. To provide the services of the Ministry of education
3. To develop programmes and efficient models of work in
   all sectors and services of the Ministry of education.
4. To impose normative sanctions and open possibilities for
   a modern organization of the Ministry of education.
5. To re-define and develop better the functions of the
   Republic Pedagogic Institute.

     Curricula / educational plans and programmes

  Some features of our educational plans and programmes
have been evident for decades: encyclopaedic approach, they
are not adapted for the age of students, they are traditional,
out -of –date and completely centralised.
   Encyclopaedic approach is one of the most troublesome
characteristics of our curricula. Too dense a timetable of the
contents or facts makes the students to repeat them only and
the teachers to compete with time in retelling them to

students. Most of the students are not capable of overcoming
or reproducing such a number of information, so the teachers
turn to work with 4 –5 best students in the class. Therefore
most of the students feel themselves unsuccessful, unable,
depressed and incompetent. It is contrary to the national
interest in the field of education.

   Unacceptability of contents according to the age of stu-
dents has been present in our schools for years. When a new
scientific knowledge comes, we insert it into the curricula,
without omitting any of the old issues. We only move such
contents to lower age. It has become almost normal for a
teacher to expect his first-grade students to behave as if they
were at school for a few years. Children’s need for playing,
emotional warmth and the similar are pushed into the second
plan. In the whole Europe, children start school at the age of
six; with us they start at the age of seven. Eight-year primary
school with us lasts for ten years in Europe. The following
table shows the age of starting school.

Table 4: The beginning and duration of primary school in Europe

              Pre-school   School        Period of    Junior   Compulsory
              education    start         schooling    high     education
                                         in years     school
Belgium               3         6                 6    3+3             12
France                2         6                 5       5            10
Greece                3         6                 6       3             9
Ireland               3         6                 6       3             9
Luxembourg            3         6                 6       3             9
Portugal              3         6                 6       3             9
England               2         5                 6       5            11
Germany             2-3         6                 4     5-6          9-10
Austria             2-3         6                 4       5            10
Switzerland           3         6                 4       5             9
Serbia                3         7         (4 + 4) 8       -             8
Republic of           3         7         (4 + 4) 8       -             8

To start school a year later is not only the problem of age
or the psychological maturity of a student but also, under our
conditions, the problem of organisational and pedagogic
readiness of school to accept children when they come to
school. If we moved the age to six, without a good prepa-
ration of teaching staff and curricula, we would have educa-
tion even less suitable for the age of student than it is today.

   In order to start education at the age of six, the following
preparations have to be done in our schools:
- to create appropriate plans and programmes
- to train the teachers to follow new methods of work with
   children of that age
- to make organisational, systematic and applied prepara-
- to adapt classrooms for children of that age

   At the pre-school level of education, it is necessary to
develop models of teaching the contents from the first grade
of primary education, in order to unburden the syllabus in
the first grade and prepare students, through games, for a
more serious encounters with curricula. Simple games, story
retelling, casual and gradual introduction of teaching num-
bers and use of drawing equipment, light musical forms,
through games and dances, will make this year of school
very favourable for children, and very useful for further
work in education.

   At the level of the seventh o and eighth grade, a row of
subjects should be moved to higher level of education, so
that they are connected with professional education. As an
example, those who will continue education at a medical
school should have a stronger syllabus in biology and less
general contents than those who will continue education in a
language school.

Traditionalism or out-of-date approach is a common
feature of the present curricula. Some investigations have
shown that almost 80 % of the syllabus learned at school
never come to be used in life. By inertia, all educational
contents are prescribed, with a minimal addition of new syl-
labus, very few issues are ousted and new issues can hardly
force their way in. As an example, syllabus for sociology has
been identical to those from 20 or 30 years ago, while
futuristic issues are missing, as well as modern methodology,
social psychology, modern sociological theories and the
similar. Traditionalism is reflected in the application of ste-
reotyped traditional methods and ways of work in education.
Frontal method is prevailing, lecturing method also,
verbalism, authority of a teacher...

   A complete centralisation of planning is an inherited
model of socialistic-realistic way of thinking. Namely, in a
centralised system of planning, lower subjects expect every-
thing to be planned “from above” and they will only realise
and, eventually, criticise those who planned.

  The curricula in the Republic of Srpska, Serbia and
Yugoslavia are completely centralised. Such a way of
planning has proved to be non-functional. It has been shown
that a given syllabus can not meet various interests of certain
regions and towns. In class schooling, the knowledge of
nature and society is spreading from narrower to wider
native land. This results in a need that teachers do a part of
the syllabus independently and creatively: students get infor-
mation of their native town, the nearest mountain and the
similar. This is illustrative enough to prove that our curricula
can not fully satisfy practical needs.

  Another problem of centralised or uniformed plans and
programmes is their un-adaptability to a concrete group of
students, a concrete mentality or environment. It is some-
times necessary that teachers develop small class groups or

individual projects with their students, which will accord the
given cognitive style, interests of the class and the similar.

  Consequences of such centralised plans and programmes
are manifold, we single out the following:
- inappropriate syllabus concerning a concrete local and
    regional area
- non-adaptability of lecturing to a cognitive style of
- minimised or prevented creativity of students and tea-
- ignoring of individual aspirations and interests of
    students and students group.

    In developed western countries, a decentralised way of
planning has been developed. Plans and programmes have
one centralised subject-contents core, and the rest of the
programme is realised creatively and in relation with a con-
crete area, respecting the interests of a class and a concrete
situation. Through optional and free-chosen programmes,
through thematic projects, and in other ways, 30 – 40 % of
the programme is realised. The rest 60 – 70 % of the
programme is realised as a constant core, but the method is
free. Such a decentralised aspect of educational contents is
not in practice in the Republic of Srpska and in the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, but practically, in the Republic of
Srpska, a certain aspect of decentralisation has occurred.
This reflects in production of supplementary materials for
the third grade of the primary school, for example, for which
a “Supplementary textbook for natural history for the third
grade of the primary school” has been issued. In this text -
book, the issues specific for the Republic of Srpska, local
area and the similar are dealt with.

Normative regulations

   The existing laws of primary and secondary schools, the
Law of higher education and the Law of University were
brought in 1993, and today are not applicable for a modern
education. Common features of these regulations are:
- they are not adapted to European patterns.
- they are not in accordance with novelties in the educa-
   tional practice
- they are inconsistent
- the system of education is a formal and closed system.

  Non adaptability to European patterns is reflected in a
number of aspects:
- some definitions on human rights and the right of children
  are missing
- the relation between the central and local level of admini-
  strating the school has not been defined: state, munici-
  pality, school;
- there are no determinations about decentralisation of
  educational plans and programmes;
- forms for modernisation of the system have not been
- vocational training and professional advancement of
  teachers has not been defined;
- criteria for the election of principals have been badly
  worked out;
- There is no proper treatment of talented and backward

   Discord with novelties in educational practice is evident
in the Laws of primary and secondary schools, in the Laws
of higher schools and Universities. As an example, Ministry
of education, science and culture has been divided into two
ministries and renamed as Ministry of education and
Ministry of science and culture, while the old name for these
institutions is still in the Law. Further on, system of entrance

exams in secondary schools has achieved the level of
realisation and has to be sanctioned, as done in France, but
this problematic has not been defined.

  There is a raw of other questions that are not considered by
formal regulations of the laws, and are considerably present
in the practice. That is the question of school fee in
secondary schools, at higher schools and faculties.

  Inconsistency can be recognised at all these laws. An
example, Law of high schools and the Law of University
have completely different criteria for the election of teachers
and assistants. It so happens that at the first year of a high
school, a high school teacher can conduct lessons, while the
same teacher can not be chosen to be a higher assistant at the
first year of a faculty. Another example of illegal regulation
of the Law of primary school is the article of the Law that
deals with strike. If teachers are on strike, they have to
conduct lessons which last thirty minutes to maintain “the
minimum work process” since the primary school education
is of a special state /social/ interest. The same regulation is
not valid for secondary schools. And besides, this regulation
of the Law of secondary schools is not in accordance with
the Law of strike.

  Some regulations are partially explained, which is also a
feature of inconsistency: various payments done by students,
the question of private schools, regulations for the founda-
tion of schools, the tasks of school boards and administrative
organs of schools and the similar. The consequences are
manifold. Some competencies have been doubled and
confused. Many principals took over the competencies of
school boards, while some deans took over the competencies
of university councils. School fees were different so that
students of grammar schools paid ten times higher a fee that
those in other towns of the same country. This has brought a
great dissatisfaction among students and their parents and

disappointment among teachers. This has generated
intolerance and discontent of citizens. New faculties were
irrationally and non-systematically open, as well as high
schools and secondary schools. New educational profiles
were offered in high schools. A great number of secondary
schools enrol one class of a profession. All this has created
such a school net that would be expensive for the most
developed countries of the world.

   Formalism and closing of the system of education is
reflected in a series of concrete aspects:
- school plans and programmes are centralised and
   prescribed by the state institutions
- all lectures are organised as class system in which classes
   last for 45 minutes. Classrooms are the only polygons of
   lecturing. Under such circumstances, children learn about
   vegetables, poultry, and bread- baking and about similar
   contents, in classrooms, instead of learning about it in the
   school garden, farmyard or a bakery. This is the result of
   school formalisation after Herbrat’s pattern.
- Closing of schools is reflected in a very hard pass of
   students from lower to higher grades or a year of
   education in a shortened period of time. A talented student
   has small chances to finish two years of education in one
   year, simply because he has to attend the whole school
   programme and then take exams. Besides vertical, there is
   a problem of horizontal passage. If a student want to
   change a school or a profession, he is faced with many
   administrative obstacles. There are no standardised forms
   in normative regulations, there are many improvisations,
   private copying of forms, reselling and so on. Badly made
   forms have given possibilities for forgeries and bad
   copies, which usually damage students. The problem is
   present if a student wants to move from one entity to
- The whole system of education is conceptualised
   differently than in Europe, so that our students can hardly

get their certificates ratified in European countries and
  continue education there.

   Out of the things mentioned herewith, it is obvious that
normative regulation is a serious obstacle to modernisation
of the system of education and a barrier in including this sys-
tem into the schooling system of the European community.

          Measures for improvement of normative
        regulations in the system of education in RS

    Out-of-date, inconsistent and inflexible normative regula-
tions can not serve the creation of a modern system of educa-
tion, which would be a part of European, and the world
trends. It is necessary to undertake a number of measures to
improve legal system in the system of education in the
Republic of Srpska.

1. To analyse all laws and regulations concerning education,
   keep useful ones, eliminate the surplus and unnecessary,
   and insert new, needed regulations.
2. Insert regulations on human rights and the rights of
3. Define the competence in terms of centralised and
   decentralised managing of educational institutions: state,
   municipality, and school.
4. Create possibilities in the law for decentralisation of the
   school plans and programmes.
5. Create the forms for modernisation of educational
6. Conceptualise and , through a democratic procedure, ac-
   cept Regulations for professional advancement of
7. To define, more precisely, forms for election of
   principals at schools and deans at faculties.
8. Create possibilities for a better treatment of talented and
   backward students.

9. Name the institutions in a way that will not demand the
    change of law in case the name of an institution gets
10. Pass regulations for entrance exams, matriculation at all
    educational levels.
11. To define all kinds of fees by passing a special
12. To pass a law of higher schools and faculties and
    eliminate duality at that educational level.
13. To oust rules about strike from the Law of the primary
14. To make a clear concept for opening and define standards
    for private schools.
15. To define more precisely, the conditions for opening a
    school or a faculty.
16. To define more precisely the work of all executive and
    administrative bodies in all educational institutions.
17. To create a base for rationalisation of the system of
    education, for rationalisation of educational institutions
    net, enrolment policy and the policy of school finishing.
18. To create possibilities for modernisation of teaching
    through normative regulations and to eliminate formalism
    and a blind attitude which have bad effects in lecturing.
19. To pass regulations for all acts and forms which refer to
    school documentation and evidence.
20. To create, by law, forms for application of European
    standards in the system of education.


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Strategy and-conception-of-changes pdf

  • 2. The Republic of Srpska Ministry of Education Strategy and conception of changes in the system of education in the Republic of Srpska Prepared and drafted by: Nenad Suzic, Ph. D. Lectored by: Vojislav Gakovic This document was considered and adopted by the Government of the Republic of Srpska at its session held on july 10. 1998. Printed by: “Trioprint”, Banja Luka 4
  • 3. STRATEGY AND CONCEPTION OF CHANGES IN THE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA The present conditions in education and measures for the problem solution The state of facilities 7 The state of equipment and devices 10 The teaching staff 11 Economical situation in education 13 Level of organisation of schools 15 Organisation of the Ministry of education 18 Curriculum (and programmes) 22 Normative regulations 27 The main changes in the system of education The aims of education 32 Directions of development of education 44 Training for life in the XXI century 53 Normative regulations 56 Regulation of curriculum (and programmes) 58 Subject matters of the essential national program 58 New Serbian school after the European model 59 Decision making and management in education 61 Organisational changes in the system Experimental schools 63 Primary and junior high school concept 66 Modern European secondary school 74 European standards at the university of the Republic of Srpska 88 Programme for advanced teachers training 108 Introduction of the system of professional advancement of teachers 113 Reorganisation of the Ministry of education 114 Scheme of institutions of the Ministry of education 114 Institutions important for the ministry activity 114 Republic Pedagogic Institute 115 5
  • 4. Inspectorate of the Ministry of Education 116 System of implementation of changes (expert teams, projects, control, valorisation, experts from europe and the world...) 119 General issues in the strategy of changes Relations with Serbia and the Federal Republic Yugoslavia 122 Relation with the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 123 Some ideological issues (religion classes, east – west, splitting with real – socialism…) 125 6
  • 5. THE PRESENT CONDITION OF FACILITIES IN EDUCATION AND MEASURES FOR THE PROBLEM SOLUTION The state of facilities In the Republic of Srpska students attend classes in 187 primary and 88 secondary schools. At the level of higher and high education, there are 27 institutions, faculties and higher schools. In March 1996, three institutions of the Republic of Srpska have finished a huge survey on education. The analyses in question are from “The urban office of the Republic of Srpska in Banja Luka”, “Faculty of economy institute” and the Ministry of education. From them, we are giving the following information. Table 1 Numb Num Numb Funds needed er of ber er of for recon- for buildi of studen struction new objects Institution ngs teach ts in DM in DM ers Central pri- mary school 187 6.715 131.684 118.187.786 128.806.950 Sub school 550 Secondary school 88 3.120 54.757 44.753.664 17.818.000 Higher school 3 57 1850 1.100.000 - University 24 1.203 12.829 99.411.000 5.920.000 Total: 852 11.095 201.120 263.452.450 152.544.950 Table 2: Information about school in May 1998. Numb Number er of of Employees Institution school students teachers others total Primary sch. 189 127.952 7.350 3.150 10.500 Secondary s. 90 51.908 3.220 1.316 4.536 Higher sc. and Univers. 37 9.337 1.203 509 1.712 Total 316 189.197 11.773 4.975 16.748 7
  • 6. Three levels of damages have been registered on school facilities: 1. burned , pulled down and destroyed objects 2. objects damaged in the war (shelling, war activities), 3. objects damaged due to being inhabited by soldiers or refugees Two kinds of needs have come out of this: a) rehabilitation and reconstruction of objects and b) construction of new objects. Rehabilitation and reconstruction refer to objects damaged by bombing or war activities and by soldiers and refugees during their staing in them. Burned, pulled down or destroyed facilities can be compensated only by the con- struction of new ones. The need for construction of new buildings has been influenced by the migration of population because of war activities. In “bordering municipalities”, of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a number of school buildings is on the territory of the BH Federation, while students and their parents have come to live in the Republic of Srpska, and significant resources are needed for new schools in these areas. All this is a great problem and a great burden for the Republic of Srpska. Such a condition will be a burden for developed countries, let alone for a country whose economy works at 15% of its capacity at the beginning of 1998. It is encouraging that the world community is helping the Republic of Srpska. According to the information obtained by the International Management Group, under the lead of Daniel Vanago in January 1998, 367 international projects have been opened or realised in the Republic of Srpska in the previous period, which cost the amount of 40.044.710 DM. All these projects refer to rehabilitation and reconstruction of schools. That proves that the help of the international community has been concrete and is an important support to normalisation of conditions in education in the Republic of 8
  • 7. Srpska. In these projects, a number of international huma- nitarian institutions have taken part, such as: ODA, IRC, IOCC, SRSA, USAID, ADRA, DMH, UNOPS, UMCOR, Solidarites, THW, SFOR, IFOR, SA, Parsons, WV Austria, UNHCR, PEW, ECHO, UNDP, PRONK, EB, Netherlands, DOOS-HEKS, Switzerland, NMFA, NCA – Norway, Ireland, ARD, Greece and others. Besides the help of the international community, the Government of the Republic of Srpska has also invested in the reconstruction. Those were modest funds, but a support to a number of schools. Had it not been for these investments, the situation in schools would have been catastrophic. We can say that the condition of school facilities has been rehabilitated at about 30% compared with the projected optimum for the realisation of school programs and curriculum.. Measures that the Ministry of education and the Government of Srpska will ungertake for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of school facilities 1. Make an inspection into the realisation of all Government and international projects and state who the donor is, who carries out the projects, at what phase the projects are so that further work can be done. (this activity has already been finished) 2. Make the priority list of schools, which have to be rehabilitated, reconstructed and constructed. (this activity is being carried out by the Ministry of education and the Project Implementation Unit) 3. Elaborate a number of projects after the methodology of the World bank (WB) with all demonstrations requested: reasons for constructing a school at a certain location, benefits for the population, location in the school net of RS, budget… Projects which have been made: Rehabilitation and reconstruction of 42 schools – submitted to the Government of Japan, rehabilitation and 9
  • 8. reconstruction of 6 schools – submitted to the World Bank and is being realised. 4. Determine the school facilities which are not in the priority of international donors, but need an urgent intervention, make an estimation of all investments needed and deliver them to the Government of RS so that it can intervene accordingly. The Ministry of education is doing this activity. The state of equipment and devices School equipment has been damaged along with the school facilities. The reasons are various: - war actions, bombing, shelling, fire, - soldiers and refugees were accommodated in schools, - electrical devices have been broken due to the power loss, - old furniture have additionally been damaged by negligence, without renewal. Schools had been working under war conditions for years and after the war in such poor economical situation that it was impossible to buy a blackboard, a chair let alone a modern device. This has brought students into situation to sit on shabby chairs and teachers to teach, using a chalk and a blackboard. The main source of knowledge in such conditions is the word of a teacher (verbalism), but a word of a de-motivated, badly paid teacher. If add that classrooms were not heated, we can presume under what conditions the lessons were conducted. Measures for (providing) equipment and devices provision 1. To make an Instrument to inspect the state of equipment and devices in schools in RS, to check the conditions in all schools in the Republic of Srpska in three phases: a) the first phase – missing or shabby and the most needed 10
  • 9. equipment, such as blackboards, chairs, benches, hangers, b) the second phase – the state and needs for the most necessary educational devices: graph-scopes, projectors, TV sets, videos, copiers … , c) the third phase – the condition of equipment and devices compared with European standards. 2. To inspect the conditions of equipment in RS (instrument from point 1 will be applied in May 1998, and the supervision of its correctness will be done by a team of experts from the world, Government of RS and experts chosen by the Ministry of education). 3. Make an instrument to inspect the conditions according to the phase three and inspect the conditions in all schools in RS. (the activity is being carried out by the Ministry of education during the year 1998). 4. Make the priority list of schools to be equipped (will be done by the Ministry of education in 1998). 5. Design projects following the priority list and submit them to donors from the international community and the Government of RS, so that they can equip the schools in phases according to levels from Point 1. (PIU – Implementation Unit Banja Luka is responsible for this, term 1998). 6. To inform the Government of RS about these activities regularly. (Ministry of education is responsible for this; a continuous activity). Teaching staff All reforms in education failed on the key factor of reform performing, on teaching staff. If the teaching staff is not interested in or willingly engaged in the realisation of projected changes in the system of education, it is hard to expect any positive results. That is the experience of all school reforms, both in the world and in our country. Years of the civil war in BH, almost no payment to teachers till 11
  • 10. 1998 and the lack of interest from the authorities for problems in education have given many negative results: 1. unsatisfied and depressive teaching staff, de-motivated for teaching and work in his profession, 2. an imperilled existence and dignity of teachers because they could not fulfil their consumers baskets, they could not dress properly or buy professional literature, spend a holiday, but had to do other jobs like standing behind the counter, under the open sky and so on, 3. many teachers want to leave their profession looking for those jobs in which they could earn in a dignified way, 4. devaluation of teachers profession in the eyes of ordinary people – pity and admiration do not go together for the same person, at the same time, 5. being unpopular, the profession of a teacher attracts only those who failed to pass entrance exams at some more attractive faculties 6. Teaching staff has no confidence or trust in the state and the government, nor in the state institutions or the minister of education as the representative of education in the government of the Republic of Srpska. This means that a long and patient activity of the Government and state institutions is needed to rehabilitate economical situation in education, to restore the dignity of a teacher, gain confidence of teachers in measures undertaken by the Government and its institutions, and finally, to achieve a necessary motivation of teachers for their devoted commitment in new curricula. In spite of all these circumstances, our teachers have stood all war misfortunes, problems with shortages and standard of life and deserved admiration of citizens: - they worked in war conditions, doing their best to meet the requirements of curricula as best as possible - they worked for months without any payment or with the payment which is not worth mentioning 12
  • 11. - after the war they have worked under unbearable economical conditions, without proper textbooks and literature, without any devices, in cold classrooms – it became almost normal to see teachers and their students sitting in classrooms in winter coats - even in such circumstances, students of the Republic of Srpska have been winning many competitions in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, pass entrance exams and enrol faculties. This proves that the teachers of the Republic of Srpska are capable of meeting the demands and challenges of a modern system of education that will be introduced by the concept Serbian schools after the European model. Our teachers will soon acquire the application of new teaching methods of active teaching, modern curricula and techniques. Economical situation in education During the self-managing period, education had been treated as consumption or as a social burden. Such awareness has been dominant till these days. Budget for education has been at the level of the least developed countries for years. The situation has not essentially changed since the period of self- management ended. Education has been treated as consumption. This started to be changed by the appointment of the new government in 1998. In the first budget plan education got 14 % of the total budget. This would have been an excellent percentage had the economy not started with 15 % of its capacity in the beginning of the same year. Although the income of the economy is that low, the government has undertaken a number of measures to rehabilitate the conditions in education. Due to the inherited mistrust in the Government of RS and state institutions and a desperate economical situation, the branch union went on strike in the beginning of 1998. The 13
  • 12. Union had righteous demands, but also a number of oversights in the strike organisation and a few claims that could not be justified. It turned out that it was more important for the Union to claim some old debts than to look for a systematic solution to some status questions in education. It was more important to demand small dues than a salary increase, regular payments, meeting the needs of the consumer basket… After a discussion with representatives of the Government, initiated by the Minister of education, the Government of RS accepted a set of measures to help education: - to pay the staff regularly - to increase the budget for education in accordance with the increase of budget - accomplishment - to ask the international community to help education in order to overcome such state in education By our own efforts and by the help of EU and the world community, teachers started to be paid better. Budget has also become bigger due to the cessation of grey economy and the support from the international community. Employees have been paid for years, without being taxed. Even in state services, till the end of 1997, employees were paid without being taxed. The first salary paid after all obligations had been fulfilled was paid in education. This shows that the establishment of a legal system is the aim of all society levels, especially of education in RS. The previous period, in which this was not the matter of concern, could be called a naïve egocentric national phase, in which the people and the leaders behave irresponsibly, self- sufficient, happy to have a state but unaware of the fact that they are destroying it, since they don’t know how to maintain and create it. A state is a dynamic and a very complex system that is split if it is not maintained and developed. The dynamics of the system depends on the surrounding and global trends in the world. In order to be an 14
  • 13. actual part of the world, a state has to follow modern achievements in science, economy, culture, marketing, design … Only those countries that have efficient and modern system of education can follow modern trends. The most developed countries are aware that education is not consummation but a profitable investment. Determination of the new government of the Republic of Srpska is to continuously work to improve the economical situation in education shows that it is a modern government, which understands its place and role in relation to national interest of the Republic of Srpska. The period of national excitement and selfishness must be replaced by the period of reason and a clear vision of the future of the nation in contemporary world. The level of school organisation A very low level of school organisation has a few objective and a few partial roots. Instead of describing the conditions, we will give a few features typical for the majority of schools: - principals took care more about how to find a donor to paint the school or pay the teachers then about the curricula - Criteria for appointment of a principal was, first of all, party membership. It was more important that a principal belonged to the ruling party than that he had professional and moral qualities - The law says that the Minister appoints principals in secondary and primary schools, under the proposal of the school board. This board consists of at least two teachers, one parent and two representatives of the founder (municipality). A principal could have propose two teachers and one parent, the Executive council of the local Assembly could have proposed two representatives from the same party, and we could have had a single- 15
  • 14. party school board, and the principal proposed him, himself - The problem of school organisation is not only principals. There is a question of a uniform methodology of plan making. The Republic Pedagogic Institute drafts methodology for a yearly plan. Many principals did not respect that methodology up till now, or they decided to follow it formally, so that yearly school plans presented one unmatchable mess of data, given in as many ways as there were school principals. - The work of pedagogues in schools has also been diffuse, from those who were always on duty to those who performed the most complicated professional; tasks in a school. Although we have an appropriate methodology for making a programme for a pedagogue, in practice in schools this is carried out differently. - Employing new teachers is a special problem of school organisation. The present law allows many improvisations and principal’s self-will. It so happens that in Grammar schools, the most eminent schools, those with stronger party connections get a job, not the best. - A special problem is the connection between school boards and principals. In our practice, a school board represents a state institution and local authorities that rule the school. In practice the school boards have been substitutes for workers councils. Besides that, in many schools the school boards do not function at all. - In a number of schools, ilegal activities of principals have been registered: payment for enrolment and other duties illegally, privatised managing with money – principals pay salaries, personally, illegal enrolment of special students and the similar. The mentioned examples only partially show some of the problems of school organisation. We do not deal with a number of sophisticated psychological-organisational prob- lems of school-managing, such as: privileged teachers 16
  • 15. (because of party belonging or after a personal criteria), politics in teachers’ rooms, persecution of non-sympathisers and political opponents (some teachers got fired due to political reasons), autocratic and a rigid attitude of some principals and so on. Namely, the current regulations for primary and secondary schools give principals an almost unlimited power. Therefore, many principals started to behave as owners of schools and inviolable masters of teachers and their rights out of work. These are special organisational problems that have to be solved systematically and without improvisations. Measures for improvement of the school work organisation Out of the survey about the problems in school organisation a number of measures for its improvements can be derived, which will make the work of schools better.. 1. Along with regular salaries, schools have to be given proper amounts of money for material expenses, in order to stop indecent “manager-like” intervention of principals working on collecting sponsors’ contributions. 2. To introduce more moral, professional and organisational suppositions into the criteria for the elections of principals. 3. Principals should be responsible to the teaching-staff, law and the institutions of the system and not to the ruling party or the party they belong to. 4. To prevent the possibility of manipulation with law when a principal of a school is elected, and when a principal “appoints him” through the school board. 5. To create a new, modern and rational methodology for programming the schoolwork. Those principals who can not or do not want to respect the methodology should be sanctioned because the yearly programme is the ID card of the school and the principal. 17
  • 16. 6. The work of pedagogues at schools should be risen to an appropriate level through co-ordination at the level of the Republic Pedagogic Institute, through seminars and the similar. 7. To define and sanction by law, special criteria for the selection of teachers and for employment, in order to prevent self – will and improvisation with employment. 8. To create suppositions for a successful activity of the school boards and insert these suppositions into law of secondary and primary schools. 9. To prevent illegal actions in schools through a firm application of law and educational inspections. 10. To start a school for professional training of principals of schools, in which the principals will be trained for modern school managing, for creating a wished emotional atmosphere in schools and favourable human relations. This programme is being realised in Serbia, in the organisation of the Teachers’ faculty in Belgrade. The same programme should be implemented in the Republic of Srpska. Organisation of the Ministry of education One of the most serious problems during the change of government in normal democratic procedures is a bad organisation of a relevant Ministry. Taking over the responsibility at the Ministry of education, we were faced with a number of problems: - The Minister of education was resigning, his tasks were performed by Social Affairs Vice-president, who was the Minister of science and culture. That is why nobody could be consulted about many genuine questions important for the work of the Ministry of education. - In certain segments the hierarchy did not function in the Ministry of education. 18
  • 17. - The republic Pedagogic Institute, as a technical service of the Minister of education, did not execute its essential function. A marginal approach to this institution could be perceived from the side of the Minister of education, as all the functions of the Ministry of education were conceptualised at Pale, and the service has its seat in Banjaluka, where the biggest number of supervisors were located. Table 3: Scheme of organisation of the Ministry of Education Minister Deputy Minister Assistant for Assistant for Assistant for Assistant for primary secondary high economic education education education affairs Operational service Legal service Financial PIU Pedagogic service Institute Director Secretary Assistant for Director Deputy general economic Deputy director A lawyer affairs director Detached unit Inspection in service Bijeljina Bijeljina Detached unit Inspection Computation Lawyer Doboj service service Doboj Banjaluka Detached unit Inspection Architect Srbinje service Srbinje Detached unit Inspection Computation Administrativ Prijedor service service e worker Prijedor Pale Inspection service Total number Total number Total number Total number of employees: of employees: of employees: of employees: 19
  • 18. Out of this scheme we can read that there are some problems in the organisation of the Ministry of education: 1. In the found regulation, the position of an assistant for high education has not been systematised, so that the Minister has no organisational possibilities to inspect the functioning and quality of teaching at higher and high education. There is a systematised position of the Republic inspector for high education, but it is not a professional but a legal aspect of inspection. This way one whole field of education has been out of the range of the Minister of education, when a professional-educational aspect of work is in question. 2. The inspection is not organised according to hierarchy, so that inspectors were working after their own models, on the base of individual orders of the minister of education or his assistants, without having any working plans or a reasonable system. There is a systematised position of the chief inspector who was above all inspectors, but essentially he had no the competence of an organiser for other inspectors. He dealt only with higher and high education and was not competent for primary and secondary education. 3. Inspectors are responsible for law regulations to be respected at schools, but inside the institutions of the Ministry of education they did not have a professional lawyer to turn to for some specific legal questions. The two lawyers employed had their own “specialisation” so that they could not work for the needs of inspection. 4. The Republic Pedagogic Institute is an institution, which does not exist in the system of organisation in Serbia. Namely, the Republic Pedagogic Institute in the Republic of Srpska performs some functions that are carried out by more institutions in Serbia, like Pedagogic Institute, Psychological Institute, The service for development and improvement of education and so on. The role of this institution in the Republic of Srpska is poorly defined in normative documents. The law for primary and secondary 20
  • 19. education, the task of the Republic Pedagogic Institute is to create teaching curricula and programmes, while the Regulations on operational-pedagogic supervision deter- mines this as a task of supervisors. 5. The World Bank (WB) (PIU) has given project Imple- mentation Unit at the disposal of the Minister of education. The World Bank has financed this service. The main activity of this service is mediation in the implemen- tation of projects of donators in school constructions, providing the equipment and devices. Till the beginning of 1998, the work of PIU was far away from the Minister of education. The Minister only signed projects already agreed upon or the priority lists for schools to be rehabili- tated and reconstructed. Representatives of the World Bank sent a written protest against the work of this insti- tution to the Minister of education. After that the PIU has been reorganised so that this institution got its place in the system of organisation of the Ministry of education. Apart from the problem of systematisation, explained herewith, there is a series of other organisational problems. - The Ministry of education has been moved from Pale to Banja Luka, and a need for more offices for professionals who are to execute the functions of the Ministry has become evident. The solution of this problem is in progress: offices in the detached unit in Banja Luka have been adapted, facilities of the ex Military headquarters are being rehabilitated so that the Ministry of education will have its seat where other Ministries are. - In order to organise this Ministry in a modern way, we have to employ new personnel, what brings the need for flats. The Government of RS will have to take adequate measures to solve this issue. - Modernisation of work of this Ministry demands modern equipment, computers, mobile telephones, Internet, a 21
  • 20. better rolling stock, more efficient printing services and the similar. The conditions we found in the Ministry of education could not have met the needs of a small firm, let alone of one Ministry. Solving of these problems is in progress. - There was no good division of work between the Minister, his deputy and his assistant. These places exis- ted formally and all the functions were carried out by the Social Affairs Vice – president. One person can not perform all these assignments, so that many of them were not done, were done superficially, even wrongly. Measures for improvement the work organisation of the Ministry of education 1. To make a new organisational scheme for an efficient functioning and a new systematisation of the Ministry of education. 2. To provide the services of the Ministry of education materially. 3. To develop programmes and efficient models of work in all sectors and services of the Ministry of education. 4. To impose normative sanctions and open possibilities for a modern organization of the Ministry of education. 5. To re-define and develop better the functions of the Republic Pedagogic Institute. Curricula / educational plans and programmes Some features of our educational plans and programmes have been evident for decades: encyclopaedic approach, they are not adapted for the age of students, they are traditional, out -of –date and completely centralised. Encyclopaedic approach is one of the most troublesome characteristics of our curricula. Too dense a timetable of the contents or facts makes the students to repeat them only and the teachers to compete with time in retelling them to 22
  • 21. students. Most of the students are not capable of overcoming or reproducing such a number of information, so the teachers turn to work with 4 –5 best students in the class. Therefore most of the students feel themselves unsuccessful, unable, depressed and incompetent. It is contrary to the national interest in the field of education. Unacceptability of contents according to the age of stu- dents has been present in our schools for years. When a new scientific knowledge comes, we insert it into the curricula, without omitting any of the old issues. We only move such contents to lower age. It has become almost normal for a teacher to expect his first-grade students to behave as if they were at school for a few years. Children’s need for playing, emotional warmth and the similar are pushed into the second plan. In the whole Europe, children start school at the age of six; with us they start at the age of seven. Eight-year primary school with us lasts for ten years in Europe. The following table shows the age of starting school. Table 4: The beginning and duration of primary school in Europe Pre-school School Period of Junior Compulsory education start schooling high education in years school Belgium 3 6 6 3+3 12 France 2 6 5 5 10 Greece 3 6 6 3 9 Ireland 3 6 6 3 9 Luxembourg 3 6 6 3 9 Portugal 3 6 6 3 9 England 2 5 6 5 11 Germany 2-3 6 4 5-6 9-10 Austria 2-3 6 4 5 10 Switzerland 3 6 4 5 9 Serbia 3 7 (4 + 4) 8 - 8 Republic of 3 7 (4 + 4) 8 - 8 Srpska 23
  • 22. To start school a year later is not only the problem of age or the psychological maturity of a student but also, under our conditions, the problem of organisational and pedagogic readiness of school to accept children when they come to school. If we moved the age to six, without a good prepa- ration of teaching staff and curricula, we would have educa- tion even less suitable for the age of student than it is today. In order to start education at the age of six, the following preparations have to be done in our schools: - to create appropriate plans and programmes - to train the teachers to follow new methods of work with children of that age - to make organisational, systematic and applied prepara- tions - to adapt classrooms for children of that age At the pre-school level of education, it is necessary to develop models of teaching the contents from the first grade of primary education, in order to unburden the syllabus in the first grade and prepare students, through games, for a more serious encounters with curricula. Simple games, story retelling, casual and gradual introduction of teaching num- bers and use of drawing equipment, light musical forms, through games and dances, will make this year of school very favourable for children, and very useful for further work in education. At the level of the seventh o and eighth grade, a row of subjects should be moved to higher level of education, so that they are connected with professional education. As an example, those who will continue education at a medical school should have a stronger syllabus in biology and less general contents than those who will continue education in a language school. 24
  • 23. Traditionalism or out-of-date approach is a common feature of the present curricula. Some investigations have shown that almost 80 % of the syllabus learned at school never come to be used in life. By inertia, all educational contents are prescribed, with a minimal addition of new syl- labus, very few issues are ousted and new issues can hardly force their way in. As an example, syllabus for sociology has been identical to those from 20 or 30 years ago, while futuristic issues are missing, as well as modern methodology, social psychology, modern sociological theories and the similar. Traditionalism is reflected in the application of ste- reotyped traditional methods and ways of work in education. Frontal method is prevailing, lecturing method also, verbalism, authority of a teacher... A complete centralisation of planning is an inherited model of socialistic-realistic way of thinking. Namely, in a centralised system of planning, lower subjects expect every- thing to be planned “from above” and they will only realise and, eventually, criticise those who planned. The curricula in the Republic of Srpska, Serbia and Yugoslavia are completely centralised. Such a way of planning has proved to be non-functional. It has been shown that a given syllabus can not meet various interests of certain regions and towns. In class schooling, the knowledge of nature and society is spreading from narrower to wider native land. This results in a need that teachers do a part of the syllabus independently and creatively: students get infor- mation of their native town, the nearest mountain and the similar. This is illustrative enough to prove that our curricula can not fully satisfy practical needs. Another problem of centralised or uniformed plans and programmes is their un-adaptability to a concrete group of students, a concrete mentality or environment. It is some- times necessary that teachers develop small class groups or 25
  • 24. individual projects with their students, which will accord the given cognitive style, interests of the class and the similar. Consequences of such centralised plans and programmes are manifold, we single out the following: - inappropriate syllabus concerning a concrete local and regional area - non-adaptability of lecturing to a cognitive style of students - minimised or prevented creativity of students and tea- chers - ignoring of individual aspirations and interests of students and students group. In developed western countries, a decentralised way of planning has been developed. Plans and programmes have one centralised subject-contents core, and the rest of the programme is realised creatively and in relation with a con- crete area, respecting the interests of a class and a concrete situation. Through optional and free-chosen programmes, through thematic projects, and in other ways, 30 – 40 % of the programme is realised. The rest 60 – 70 % of the programme is realised as a constant core, but the method is free. Such a decentralised aspect of educational contents is not in practice in the Republic of Srpska and in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, but practically, in the Republic of Srpska, a certain aspect of decentralisation has occurred. This reflects in production of supplementary materials for the third grade of the primary school, for example, for which a “Supplementary textbook for natural history for the third grade of the primary school” has been issued. In this text - book, the issues specific for the Republic of Srpska, local area and the similar are dealt with. 26
  • 25. Normative regulations The existing laws of primary and secondary schools, the Law of higher education and the Law of University were brought in 1993, and today are not applicable for a modern education. Common features of these regulations are: - they are not adapted to European patterns. - they are not in accordance with novelties in the educa- tional practice - they are inconsistent - the system of education is a formal and closed system. Non adaptability to European patterns is reflected in a number of aspects: - some definitions on human rights and the right of children are missing - the relation between the central and local level of admini- strating the school has not been defined: state, munici- pality, school; - there are no determinations about decentralisation of educational plans and programmes; - forms for modernisation of the system have not been given; - vocational training and professional advancement of teachers has not been defined; - criteria for the election of principals have been badly worked out; - There is no proper treatment of talented and backward students. Discord with novelties in educational practice is evident in the Laws of primary and secondary schools, in the Laws of higher schools and Universities. As an example, Ministry of education, science and culture has been divided into two ministries and renamed as Ministry of education and Ministry of science and culture, while the old name for these institutions is still in the Law. Further on, system of entrance 27
  • 26. exams in secondary schools has achieved the level of realisation and has to be sanctioned, as done in France, but this problematic has not been defined. There is a raw of other questions that are not considered by formal regulations of the laws, and are considerably present in the practice. That is the question of school fee in secondary schools, at higher schools and faculties. Inconsistency can be recognised at all these laws. An example, Law of high schools and the Law of University have completely different criteria for the election of teachers and assistants. It so happens that at the first year of a high school, a high school teacher can conduct lessons, while the same teacher can not be chosen to be a higher assistant at the first year of a faculty. Another example of illegal regulation of the Law of primary school is the article of the Law that deals with strike. If teachers are on strike, they have to conduct lessons which last thirty minutes to maintain “the minimum work process” since the primary school education is of a special state /social/ interest. The same regulation is not valid for secondary schools. And besides, this regulation of the Law of secondary schools is not in accordance with the Law of strike. Some regulations are partially explained, which is also a feature of inconsistency: various payments done by students, the question of private schools, regulations for the founda- tion of schools, the tasks of school boards and administrative organs of schools and the similar. The consequences are manifold. Some competencies have been doubled and confused. Many principals took over the competencies of school boards, while some deans took over the competencies of university councils. School fees were different so that students of grammar schools paid ten times higher a fee that those in other towns of the same country. This has brought a great dissatisfaction among students and their parents and 28
  • 27. disappointment among teachers. This has generated intolerance and discontent of citizens. New faculties were irrationally and non-systematically open, as well as high schools and secondary schools. New educational profiles were offered in high schools. A great number of secondary schools enrol one class of a profession. All this has created such a school net that would be expensive for the most developed countries of the world. Formalism and closing of the system of education is reflected in a series of concrete aspects: - school plans and programmes are centralised and prescribed by the state institutions - all lectures are organised as class system in which classes last for 45 minutes. Classrooms are the only polygons of lecturing. Under such circumstances, children learn about vegetables, poultry, and bread- baking and about similar contents, in classrooms, instead of learning about it in the school garden, farmyard or a bakery. This is the result of school formalisation after Herbrat’s pattern. - Closing of schools is reflected in a very hard pass of students from lower to higher grades or a year of education in a shortened period of time. A talented student has small chances to finish two years of education in one year, simply because he has to attend the whole school programme and then take exams. Besides vertical, there is a problem of horizontal passage. If a student want to change a school or a profession, he is faced with many administrative obstacles. There are no standardised forms in normative regulations, there are many improvisations, private copying of forms, reselling and so on. Badly made forms have given possibilities for forgeries and bad copies, which usually damage students. The problem is present if a student wants to move from one entity to another. - The whole system of education is conceptualised differently than in Europe, so that our students can hardly 29
  • 28. get their certificates ratified in European countries and continue education there. Out of the things mentioned herewith, it is obvious that normative regulation is a serious obstacle to modernisation of the system of education and a barrier in including this sys- tem into the schooling system of the European community. Measures for improvement of normative regulations in the system of education in RS Out-of-date, inconsistent and inflexible normative regula- tions can not serve the creation of a modern system of educa- tion, which would be a part of European, and the world trends. It is necessary to undertake a number of measures to improve legal system in the system of education in the Republic of Srpska. 1. To analyse all laws and regulations concerning education, keep useful ones, eliminate the surplus and unnecessary, and insert new, needed regulations. 2. Insert regulations on human rights and the rights of children. 3. Define the competence in terms of centralised and decentralised managing of educational institutions: state, municipality, and school. 4. Create possibilities in the law for decentralisation of the school plans and programmes. 5. Create the forms for modernisation of educational system. 6. Conceptualise and , through a democratic procedure, ac- cept Regulations for professional advancement of teachers. 7. To define, more precisely, forms for election of principals at schools and deans at faculties. 8. Create possibilities for a better treatment of talented and backward students. 30
  • 29. 9. Name the institutions in a way that will not demand the change of law in case the name of an institution gets changed. 10. Pass regulations for entrance exams, matriculation at all educational levels. 11. To define all kinds of fees by passing a special regulations. 12. To pass a law of higher schools and faculties and eliminate duality at that educational level. 13. To oust rules about strike from the Law of the primary schools. 14. To make a clear concept for opening and define standards for private schools. 15. To define more precisely, the conditions for opening a school or a faculty. 16. To define more precisely the work of all executive and administrative bodies in all educational institutions. 17. To create a base for rationalisation of the system of education, for rationalisation of educational institutions net, enrolment policy and the policy of school finishing. 18. To create possibilities for modernisation of teaching through normative regulations and to eliminate formalism and a blind attitude which have bad effects in lecturing. 19. To pass regulations for all acts and forms which refer to school documentation and evidence. 20. To create, by law, forms for application of European standards in the system of education. 31