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Volume II: Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism
             Development in Serbia

                  Contents   1. Strategy Serbia
                             2. Strategy Appendix
Volume II: Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

The development of the National Rural Tourism Master Plan is one of the key components of
the Sustainable Tourism for Rural Development UN Joint Programme (JP), which works
towards the diversification of the rural economy in Serbia.

Other key activities include a) providing guidance for public investment, which is aimed at
creating national and international partnerships between public, civil and national sector
organizations, b) strengthening the capacities of rural tourism entrepreneurs, tourism
organizations and NGOs, and c) supporting local projects through the Joint UN Fund for
Sustainable Rural Tourism. The UN JP activities are implemented in four target regions, namely
South Banat on the Danube, East Serbia, Central Serbia and Lower Danube.

Five UN agencies, including UNWTO, FAO, UNDP, UNEP and UNICEF, in cooperation with a
number of Government of the Republic of Serbia national partners, namely the Ministry of
Economy and Regional Development, the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water
Management, and the National Tourism Organization of Serbia are implementing the Joint

The Spanish Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F) is providing 4 million
USD for the implementation of the UN JP, which started in December 2009 and will last until
June 2012.

This report was prepared by the UNWTO with the collaboration of the consulting company,
Tourism & Leisure Advisory Services, and its local partners.

                  DEVELOPMENT IN SERBIA
UN Joint Programme „Sustainable Tourism for Rural Development‟ funded by
                 the Spanish MDG Achievement Fund

                             Strategy Report
                              19 April 2011
Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia


1     Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ - 4 -
2     Vision and objectives ............................................................................................................................................. - 7 -
    2.1       Vision for the Rural Tourism Master Plan ....................................................................................................................... - 7 -
    2.2       Objectives of the Rural Tourism Master Plan.................................................................................................................. - 8 -
    2.3       Millennium Development Goals (MDG)........................................................................................................................... - 8 -
    2.4       EU accession goals....................................................................................................................................................... - 10 -
    2.5       Serbian Tourism Goals ................................................................................................................................................. - 10 -
    2.6       Rural Tourism Goals ..................................................................................................................................................... - 12 -
3     Rural Tourism Positioning.................................................................................................................................... - 17 -
    3.1       Rural Tourism positioning strategy................................................................................................................................ - 17 -
    3.2       Rural Tourism symbols ................................................................................................................................................. - 19 -
    3.3       Rural Tourism attributes ................................................................................................................................................ - 20 -
    3.4       The challenge of differentiation ..................................................................................................................................... - 20 -
4     Rural Tourism Cluster development strategy....................................................................................................... - 22 -
    4.1       Methodology.................................................................................................................................................................. - 22 -
    4.2       Strategy for Rural Tourism Clusters development ........................................................................................................ - 24 -
    4.3       Strategy for Rural Tourism Clusters prioritisation ......................................................................................................... - 26 -
5     Rural Tourism Experience development strategy ................................................................................................ - 30 -
    5.1       Rural Tourism Experience strategy ............................................................................................................................... - 30 -
    5.2       Rural Activities (products) general strategy .................................................................................................................. - 31 -
    5.3       Rural Tourism Clusters (RTC) and Rural Activities (products) strategy ........................................................................ - 36 -
    5.4       Man-made facilities strategy ......................................................................................................................................... - 43 -
    5.5       Rural Accommodation strategy ..................................................................................................................................... - 45 -
    5.6       Agriculture sector strategy within the rural tourism sector ............................................................................................ - 49 -
    5.7       Special programme for villages and farms in Serbia..................................................................................................... - 50 -
    5.8       Special programme for school and children / youth tourism ......................................................................................... - 50 -
6     Market development, Promotions and Commercial strategy ............................................................................... - 53 -
    6.1       Market development strategy ........................................................................................................................................ - 53 -
    6.2       Rural Tourism Branding Strategy .................................................................................................................................. - 60 -
    6.3       Online marketing strategy ............................................................................................................................................. - 61 -
    6.4       Sales and commercialization strategy........................................................................................................................... - 61 -
    6.5       Communication and promotion strategy ....................................................................................................................... - 61 -
    6.6       Institutional destination organization strategy ............................................................................................................... - 62 -
7     Economic Rural Tourism strategy ........................................................................................................................ - 63 -
    7.1       Methodology.................................................................................................................................................................. - 63 -
    7.2       Conclusions................................................................................................................................................................... - 64 -
    7.3       Tourism and rural tourism projection models ................................................................................................................ - 66 -
8     Environmental and Social strategy ...................................................................................................................... - 69 -
    8.1       Environmental strategy ................................................................................................................................................. - 69 -
    8.2       Social strategy............................................................................................................................................................... - 72 -
9     Tourism Support development strategy ............................................................................................................... - 74 -
    9.1       Infrastructure development strategy.............................................................................................................................. - 74 -
    9.2       Quality development strategy........................................................................................................................................ - 76 -
    9.3       Human Resources development strategy ..................................................................................................................... - 79 -
    9.4       Private sector development: Micro & Small Enterprises ............................................................................................... - 85 -
    9.5       Financial support ........................................................................................................................................................... - 87 -
    9.6       Legislative support ........................................................................................................................................................ - 89 -

Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

10     Organisation framework....................................................................................................................................... - 91 -
     10.1     Local, regional, national, trans-national levels .............................................................................................................. - 91 -
     10.2     Tourism strategy governance........................................................................................................................................ - 93 -
     10.3     Tourism strategy implementation ................................................................................................................................ - 103 -

Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

1    Introduction

The objective of this report, Strategy for Rural Tourism in Serbia, is to present the initial strategy for
the development of Rural Tourism in Serbia. The strategy is developed based on the keys findings
from the Diagnostic Report, which found that Rural Tourism has a critical role to play in the
development of tourism in Serbia. Furthermore, it found that Rural Tourism can play a leading role
in the diversification of the rural economy and as a mechanism to reduce poverty, improve the
quality of life, preserve cultural heritage and protect the environment. The role of the agricultural
sector is particularly important in the development of Rural Tourism.

The strategy for the development of Rural Tourism in Serbia fits within the larger framework of the
development of tourism in Serbia. It has an extremely important role to play as it represents a great
opportunity for the further development of tourism and the creation of a strong Rural Tourism
destination in Serbia.

The objective of this report is to present the main strategies proposed for the development of Rural
Tourism in Serbia. It is important to reflect on the key findings of the Diagnostic Report, which have
identified the high potential for the development of Rural Tourism in Serbia, as well as identifying
the current gaps in creating social-, economic- and environmental value for Serbia. These key
findings have been included in the first chapter of this report.

It is important to highlight the key role which Rural Tourism can play in supporting the Millennium
Development Goals, EU accession goals, the sustainable development of rural areas of Serbia as
well as the overall Serbian tourism goals. The second chapter of the report defines the Vision and
Objectives of the Rural Tourism strategy and highlights the role which Rural Tourism should play in
meeting the wider objectives for Serbia.

The third chapter defines the Rural Tourism positioning for Serbia. This is followed by the fourth
chapter which defines the territorial strategy for the development of Rural Tourism as well as the
prioritisation strategy.

The fifth chapter defines the strategy for the development of the Rural Tourism experience in
Serbia. The strategy is comprised of a holistic perspective of Rural Tourism which incorporates the
rural activities and rural accommodation strategies. The sixth chapter defines the economic
strategy and estimates the economic value of the development of Rural Tourism. The seventh
chapter defines the environmental and social strategy.

The eighth chapter defines the market development strategy, as well as the promotions and
commercialisation strategies. The ninth chapter defines the tourism support strategy, which is
followed by the final chapter, the organisational framework strategy.

The preliminary Strategy report is the third deliverable of the project, and will be followed by Phase
III: the Rural Tourism Action Plan.

Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

1.1        Key conclusions from Diagnostic Report

The key conclusions of the Diagnostic Report show that there are strong opportunities for the
development of Rural Tourism in Serbia. However, it found that there are weaknesses which need
to be addressed as a high priority. The main conclusions from the Diagnostic Report are as
 Most of the Serbian territory is rural with a large and diversified number of nature and culture-
  based assets, spread out throughout the country. These resources are highly attractive for the
  development of a holistic Rural Tourism experience. Furthermore, the majority of these
  resources have not been developed for Rural Tourism although they have high potential for
 The Rural Tourism concept is an integrated rural experience based on the interaction of rural
  activities and rural accommodation. Rural Tourism is highly correlated with many different
  products which are already developed by TOS. The Serbian rural values and symbols are
  already highlighted by the “Village life” product of TOS and other products such as Nature and
  Earth Tourism and Cultural Tourism. Rural Tourism can support the further development of
  these products and can further enhance them.
 Rural Tourism has already been developed in some areas of Serbia. Most important areas are
  Western Serbia, Vojvodina and Central Serbia.
 Rural Tourism has a key role to play in the protection and enhancement of the natural
  environment of Serbia. The natural environment is one of Serbia´s strongest resources and it
  should be protected.
 Furthermore, Rural Tourism is already playing an important role in rural Serbia and is
  generating a significant level of income. Rural Tourism is an emerging reality in Serbia
  supported by the more than 32,000 beds (registered and non-registered) in rural areas1, from
  which 10,000 beds are exclusively rural. It is estimated that these total beds are generating
  yearly more than 5 billion RSD of accommodation incomes and contributes approximately 5
  billion RSD more direct incomes for the tourism sector.
            These more than 10 billion RSD incomes do not take into account visitors that do not stay
             at least for one night or stay with friends or relatives, although they also spend money in
             tourism services and others and therefore generate additional incomes for the rural areas.
             The 10 billion figure do not either account for the indirect contribution to the local economy
             in terms of incomes and employment.
            Just for the purpose of giving an order of magnitude, these estimated total 10 billion RSD
             incomes would represent 16% of the Direct Travel and Tourism GDP calculated by WTTC
             (World Tourism and Travel Council) in Serbia for 2010 which sums up 62.4 billion RSD.
 In terms of the Rural Tourism Sector, besides these figures, it is clear that there are many gaps
  in most units, such as tourism assets, leisure and entertainment activities, restaurants,
  handicrafts, agricultural products used directly or indirectly by the tourism sector, etc. From a
  positive point of view, these gaps represent opportunities that can be taken to generate
  businesses, especially micro and medium enterprises, as well as employment.
 Rural Tourism can play a key role in Serbia in terms of diversifying the rural economy, thereby,
  creating employment opportunities which will generate additional incomes for rural households,
  reduce unemployment (specifically among women and young people) and can help to maintain
  or repopulate villages. Furthermore, the development of Rural Tourism will empower small

    Refer to the Diagnostic Report for full details on calculations

Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

    scale farmers by giving them the possibility to directly offer their high quality products to the
    tourists. It is expected that Rural Tourism will also play a significant role in the preservation of
    traditional farming practices

There is, therefore, an opportunity to use Rural Tourism as a support to the general tourism
development is Serbia. However, there are also many gaps and barriers that need to be addressed
and removed, among others the following major ones identified in the Diagnostic Report:
 Road infrastructure in rural areas and particularly between rural tourism resources need to be
 Need for structured Rural Tourism experiences which include activities, accommodation and
  man-made facilities.
 High seasonality issues that are affecting the use of rural areas and the occupancy of tourism
  accommodation which is extremely low (average 4% yearly occupancy for rural units and 21%
  for other accommodation units).
 Lack of international standards and quality guarantees throughout the Tourism Sector,
  especially accommodation facilities.
 Human resource awareness and development in order to understand and use the opportunities
  provided by rural tourism in a sustainable way.
 Organization between the national, regional and local stakeholders (public and private sectors,
  civil society) in order to manage rural tourism development in an efficient and sustainable way.
 Lack of standardized traditional food products and quantity of such products.

Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

                    2      Vision and objectives

                    The objectives of this chapter are as follows:

                     To define the vision of development of the Rural Tourism Master Plan of Serbia
                     To define the strategic objectives of the Rural Tourism Master Plan and to define the role that
                      the Plan should play in supporting other strategic objectives of Serbia

                    2.1      Vision for the Rural Tourism Master Plan

                    The overall vision of Rural Tourism master plan of Serbia is to develop a master plan for socially,
                    economically and environmentally sustainable rural tourism. It should be emphasised that the
                    vision of sustainable Rural Tourism is a balance of economic sustainability, socio-cultural
                    sustainability and environmental sustainability. Without the interaction and balance of these three
                    components, the benefits of rural tourism will be limited. Furthermore, Serbian rural tourism relies
                    on a large and diversified number of nature and culture based assets which need to be conserved,
                    sustainably used and further enhanced through tourism development. Sustainable rural tourism
                    generates local income and integrates local communities with a view to improving livelihoods and
                    reducing poverty; conserves natural and cultural assets such as biodiversity, cultural heritage and
                    traditional values; supports intercultural understanding and tolerance, aspires to be more energy
                    efficient and climate sound; avoids over consumption of water; and minimises waste.

                                                      Economic                    Socio-cultural
siness plan basé sur le cycle de vie et              sustainability               sustainability
coûts et bénéfices à long terme
                                                    Priorité 3
eur ajoutée, marketing des pratiques durables                          Rural
our économique vs. investissement en capital                          Tourism
ûts d’exploitation et d’entretien


                     To lead the differentiation of Serbia against its competitors and for it to become one of the
                      leading destinations Rural Tourism in the Balkans.
                     To develop a rural tourism plan which supports the overall tourism objectives of Serbia and
                      plays a leading role in supporting the MoERD in achieving these objectives
                     To support Serbia´s objectives for EU accession
                     To support the objectives of Serbia´s Millennium Development Goals
                     To contribute to sustainable rural development of Serbia

Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

2.2     Objectives of the Rural Tourism Master Plan

The objectives of the Rural Tourism Master Plan are made up different layers which are
complementary and provide a detailed set of multiple objectives for the master plan. The main
objectives are summarised in the below diagram:


                                            Serbian Tourism Goals

                                              EU accession goals

                                   Millenium Development Goals (MDG)

2.3     Millennium Development Goals (MDG)

The UN MDG Declaration states that tourism has a significant potential to directly support and
stimulate local economic development of rural based tourism. The development of rural based
tourism in Serbia is particularly important given the challenges of unemployment, depopulation and
the need to diversify the agricultural economy, which have been highlighted in the Diagnostic
Report. The objective of the Rural Tourism Plan for Serbia, therefore, is to support the MoERD, the
MAFWM and the United Nations in achieving the Millennium Development Goals for Serbia.
Specifically, the Rural Tourism Master Plan should support the MDG goals as follows:

2.3.1    Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger (MDG 1)
The goals of the Rural Tourism Master Plan of Serbia are to contribute to MDG1 in the following
 Create employment opportunities by the stimulation of the rural tourism sector.
 Support and activate the participation of women and young in rural areas in the tourism sector,
  thereby, creating employment and contributing to the reduction of unemployment. The role of
  women in the production of hand crafts and maintaining local tradition should be supported and
 Tourism awareness and training will also be needed within the strategic framework of the rural
  development master plan in order to show opportunities and to provide skills for unemployed
  people to enter the tourism market.

2.3.2    Ensure environmental sustainability (MDG 7)
The goals of the Rural Tourism Master Plan of Serbia are to contribute to MDG7 in the following

Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

 Sustainable development principles should be included in the rural tourism master plan to
  ensure that the development of rural tourism protects natural resources and prevents their
 Furthermore, the plan should encourage the revitalising of natural and cultural assets which are
  not being used to benefit the rural communities.
 The principles of sustainability should always be the key principle which underlies the
  development of any tourism activity related to rural tourism.
 Where possible, the rural tourism master plan should aim to identify ways in which energy can
  be used in an efficient way.

2.3.3     Develop Global Partnership for Development (MDG 8)
The goals of the Rural Tourism Master Plan of Serbia are to contribute to MDG8 in the following
 It should encourage sustainable economic growth and the diversification of the economy in
  rural areas.
 It should support the investment in human resource development and the development of
  human capacity in the rural tourism sector.
 It should create co-operation structures and mechanisms between the public and the private
  sectors, as well as the civil society, with special emphasis at the regional and local levels, in
  order to build long term governance self capacity. Co-operation should also contemplate other
  dimensions such as between municipalities and regions of Serbia, as well as with other
  neighbouring countries.

The below table summarises the National Development Goal targets addressed by the Joint
Programme (JP):

                                            MDG targets addressed by JP

    MDG 1. Eradicate             1.1. Reduce unemployment rate of young by at least one third
    Extreme Poverty and          1.2. Reduce unemployment rate of persons with disabilities by at least 20%
    Hunger                       1.3. Reduce unemployment rate of women by over 45%

                                 7.1. Integrate sustainable development principles in national documents,
                                 stop the loss of natural resources and encourage their revitalisation
    MDG 7. Ensure
                                 7.2. Adopt and implement national programmes, strategies and laws
                                 governing sustainable development and environmental protection in
                                 Republic of Serbia by 2015.
                                 7.5. Increase energy efficiency and usage of renewable energy
                                 8.1. Dynamic and sustainable GDP growth based on assumptions
    MDG 8. Develop a Global      established by the National Investment Plan the Strategy of Promotion and
    Partnership for              Development of Foreign Investments and the Strategy for Economic
    Development                  Development until 2012.
                                 8.3.Increase Investments in human resources development by 70%

    Source: UNWTO Concept Note, 2010

Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

2.4        EU accession goals

The goals of the Joint Programme (JP) are to support the government is Serbia´s accession to the
EU. Specifically the JP will support the accession by promoting a strategic approach to the
sustainable tourism development at a national level 3:

2.4.1       National Tourism Master Plan
The goal is to develop a National Rural Tourism Master Plan which will bring together public-
private and civil society stakeholders to create a plan that addresses the needs of rural tourism
stakeholders, aligning them with the tourist demand and consumers in a national approach. The
Master Plan will be an opportunity to show the EU how the multiple stakeholders at a national level
can collaborate in Serbia with the objectives of creating economic-,social and environmental value.

2.4.2       National Programme for Rural Development
The goal is to support the rural planning initiatives to diversify the rural economy, strengthen social
capital and environmental protection. The JP will facilitate Serbia´s access to the European
Commission funding for environmental action, rural economy diversification and local partnership
development, with the aim of reducing poverty in rural areas in a sustainable manner.

2.4.3       Investment mainstreaming
The goal is to facilitate the initiatives targeting national and international partnerships of public,
private and civil society. The lessons learned from the pilot projects as part of the JP should be
used to guide public investments in sustainable rural development. It should also support Serbia in
future applications for funding.

Furthermore, Serbia´s accession to the EU will give it the opportunity to access special funds for
the development of rural areas. For example, the ERDF: European Regional Development Fund,
which aims to support economic development in the European Regions, inclusive of and
especially in rural areas.

2.5        Serbian Tourism Goals

The goals for Rural Tourism development in Serbia fit within the overall goals for Serbian Tourism.
The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia (2007) defines specific Serbian
tourism goals and the Rural Tourism Master Plan will play an important role in supporting these
objectives through the development of Rural Tourism. Specifically, Rural Tourism will support the
Serbian Tourism goals in the following ways:

2.5.1       Economic support
The goal for tourism in Serbia is to encourage economic growth and to increase total income from
the tourism sector4. Different Master Plans have been commissioned and are being adopted


                                                        - 10 -
Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

throughout the Serbian territory in order to consolidate this trend. The further development of all
the units that made up the Tourism Sector can result in a further economic development. The
objective is that Rural Tourism will contribute to the economic development of Serbia through the
development of economic opportunities in rural areas. In particular, the stimulation and
diversification of the agricultural sector will support these objectives. Furthermore, the Rural
Tourism Master Plan should support economic development by addressing the gaps in the rural
Tourism Sector. It is estimated that Rural Tourism already contributes 5.2 billion RSD of
accommodation incomes and an estimated total 10.4 billion RSD of direct economic contribution to

2.5.2   Facilities and infrastructure development
The goal for Serbia is to increase the utilization of existing accommodation facilities by improving
the overall capacity6. Additionally, the goal is the development of adequate infrastructure and
facilities for tourism products which require long term investments. Above all these include
mountain tourism and special interest7. The product development strategy for Rural Tourism will
aim to further stimulate and encourage the demand for rural facilities and accommodation. The
development of infrastructures, particularly rural roads, is important for the development of Rural
Tourism. Furthermore, the development of Rural Tourism will require investment in man-made
facilities in rural areas.

2.5.3   Increase in tourist arrivals and revenues
The goal for Serbia is to increase the number of tourist arrivals and overnights by 2015 8 at least at
a compound annual growth rate least of 3%. The definition of the positioning of tourism in Serbia
will be key in attracting increased domestic and international tourists to Serbia. The development of
the Rural Tourism products will aim to stimulate increased interest in discovering rural Serbia and
will encourage increased tourist arrivals and overnights, as well as stimulating increased revenues.

2.5.4   Increase employment in sector
The goal for Serbia is to increase direct employment in the tourism sector9. The development of job
opportunities in the tourism sector and support for skills development and training will aim to
increase employment in the sector. Specifically, the development of Rural Tourism should play a
key role in the creation of new employment opportunities in rural areas.

2.5.5   International standards guarantee
The goal for Serbia is to increase security and application of international quality standards and
tourist consumer protection according to European business practice in order to attract foreign
tourists10. The development of Rural Tourism in Serbia can support the overall development of
international standards in tourism. The introduction of minimum standards and quality guarantees

  The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, 2007
   The details of the calculations of the economic impact of Rural Tourism in Serbia can be found in a
separate chapter, Economic Rural Tourism Strategy, in this report.
  The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, 2007, states that the objective is to increase
tourism capacity to 150.000 beds by 2015.
  The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, 2007
  The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, 2007, states that the objective is to increase
direct employment in the tourism sector to 100.000 workers.
   The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, 2007,

                                                        - 11 -
Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

in rural areas will help to give tourists and visitors more security in terms of expected levels of
service and products.

2.6    Rural Tourism Goals

The following objectives are specifically defined for Rural Tourism. These are within the context of
the other objectives that have been outlined in the above sections of this chapter.

 Serbian Rural Tourism positioning goals

                                                The objective is to develop a strategy which defines the
                                                 USPs for Rural Tourism in terms of multiple components and
                                                 multiple aspects. These are driven mainly by rural activities
  Define and develop the multi-                 and rural accommodation; while at the same time consider
      layered Unique Selling                     the tangible and intangible factors that define the rural
      Propositions (USPs) for Rural              destination of Serbia.
      Tourism in Serbia                         The development of the integrated and multiple USPs should
                                                 always strive to develop and enhance a truly Serbian
                                                 character of the Rural Tourism experience.
                                                The objective is to create a competitive positioning of Rural
                                                 Tourism in Serbia by having a holistic strategy for the
                                                 development of Rural Tourism experiences (integration of
                                                 rural activities and rural accommodation)
                                                The objective is to build on the natural and cultural strength
                                                 of Serbia by developing rural activities and at the same time,
                                                 develop the supporting structures needed to make Serbia
  Create a highly competitive                  This objective needs to take into account the position and
      positioning of Rural Tourism in            relationship of rural tourism with regards to other tourism
      Serbia                                     products of Serbia and also to consider the competitive
                                                 positioning with regards to other neighbouring countries.
                                                In the short and mid-term the objective is to further
                                                 differentiate from Romania and Bulgaria, especially through
                                                 a focus on accommodation and creating options which
                                                 integrate activities and accommodation.
                                                At the same time the objective is to have comparable
                                                 advantaged with regards to Hungary and the Czech Republic
                                                 and to surpass their competitiveness.
 Serbian Rural Tourism Experience (product) goals
                                                The objective is to create a uniquely Serbian Rural Tourism
  Develop a competitive and                     experience through the integration of rural activities and rural
      unique Serbian Rural Tourism               accommodation.
      Experience                                The aim is to develop the special Serbian elements of the
                                                 offer so that it is uniquely Serbian.
                                                Leverage the products which are already associated with
  Leverage products which are                   rural tourism to further develop the rural tourism offer
      already developed in rural Serbia         In parallel, these products should always be developed with
                                                 a strong Serbian context.

                                                        - 12 -
Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

                                                Develop tourism activities in rural areas which are combined
  Combine activities and                        with accommodation in rural areas, to provide an integrated
     accommodation in rural areas                rural tourism experience with a strong Serbian character and
     with a strong Serbian character             context, whenever possible.
                                                The objective is to create packages of experiences which
                                                 give the visitor an integrated and varied experience of rural
  Develop integrated leisure and                Serbia.
     entertainment offers which are             The aim is to create organized activities which are attractive
     intrinsically Serbian in character          to different segments by making use of tourism assets but
                                                 also creating man-made attractions and activities
                                                The objective is to further develop the attractiveness of
                                                 existing man-made resources by improvements in the level
                                                 of quality and services. Thereby increasing the footfall and
                                                The man-made facilities should – as much as possible -
  Develop man- made facilities                  reflect Serbian value and should further enhance the
     with a Serbian character                    positioning of Rural Serbia.
                                                The number of man-made attractors should be increased
                                                 and is a tool for the dispersion and diversification of the
                                                 leisure and tourism offer in rural Serbia. This is particularly
                                                 important in areas with lower natural and cultural
                                                The objective is to increase the number of beds for rural use
                                                 (this includes rural households and general tourism beds
                                                 usable for rural tourism .
                                                The accommodation facilities should reflect a truly Serbian
  Improve rural accommodation                   character (which may be expressed in terms of tradition or
     capacity and character                      modern Serbia).
                                                The general tourism beds usable for rural tourism should
                                                 increase to 39,287 in 2013, 42,574 in 2015 and 47,653 in
                                                 2020 .
 Rural Tourism Quality goals

                                                Ensure that the quality level meets minimum international
                                                 standards and provides a quality guarantee.
                                                The objective is to improve the rural accommodation offer by
  Standardise the level of quality in           ensuring more consistent quality of international standards.
     rural tourism and differentiate
                                                The rural accommodation typologies should be further
     through quality labels
                                                 standardised and defined to allow the development of an
                                                 authentic and varied Serbian rural tourism accommodation
 Rural Tourism Economic and tourism demand goals

                                                The objective is increase the number of rural overnights from
  Increase the demand for                       2.7 million to 4 million in 2013, 4.8 million in 2015 and 7.4
     overnights                                  million in 2020.
                                                                                                13
                                                 Increase accommodation revenue from 5.2 bn RSD to 6.3
  Increase revenues from rural                  bn RSD in 2013, to 8.2 bn RSD in 2015 and 14 bn RSD in
     tourism activities                          2020.

   The Diagnostic Report refers the rural accommodation supply as rural households and hotels and other
accommodation (which are close to rural areas and can, therefore, be used by rural tourists).
   Please refer to Rural Tourism projections model for full details
   Bn= billion

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

                                                Increase the tourism economic direct multiplier from 0.97 to 1
                                                 in 2013, to 1.1 in 2015 and 1.6 in 2020
                                                Increase the total economic contribution of rural tourism to
                                                 the economy of Serbia from 10.4 bn RSD to16.5 bn RSD in
                                                 2013, 22.4 bn RSD in 2015 and 45.5 bn RSD in 2020.
                                                The objective is to increase the occupancy rates of general
  Increase occupancy rates of rural             tourism from 21% to 24% in 2013, to 26% in 2015 and 30%
       accommodation                             in 2020 and rural tourism occupancy rates from 4% to 12% in
                                                 2013, to 17% in 2015 and 30% in 2020
                                                The objective is to increase the number of day visitors,
                                                 especially from international regional markets.
  Increase focus on day visitors               The objective is to increase day visitors from 1.2 million to
                                                 1.9 million in 2013, to 2.4 million in 2015 and 3.9 million in
 Rural Tourism Social sustainability goals
                                                The objective is to use the wealth of natural, cultural and
                                                 social resources in rural Serbia to further diversify the rural
  Diversify the rural economy and               economy by creating new rural employment opportunities.
       reduce unemployment in rural             The goal is to engage local rural communities in tourism and,
       areas                                     thereby, reduce unemployment and depopulation in rural
                                                The objective is to develop local markets in order to ease the
                                                 access to market of local agricultural products, food and non-
                                                 food products processed locally and in particular those
  Support sustainable small scale               deriving from small scale farming. Small scale farmers
       farming initiatives of high natural       represent a key element for conservation of rural traditions,
       and cultural value and further            culture and landscapes; and high value nature farming
       develop local markets                     practices. Small scale production of high quality products
                                                 processed traditionally or locally have no chance to compete
                                                 with conventional products in open markets
                                                The objective is to further develop the natural and intrinsic
                                                 values of women and other disadvantaged groups in rural
                                                 Serbia as part of the authentic rural tourism experience.
  Activate the participation of                 The goal is to further develop local handcrafts and traditional
       women and disadvantaged                   methods of production (foods, drinks, clothes, carpets) and
       groups in rural tourism                   to develop these as a source of income for rural
                                                 communities, while at the same time creating a unique
                                                 tourism experience for the visitor.
                                                The objective is to revitalise the use of rural schools and to
                                                 bring children back to schools which are suffering from a lack
  Revitalise rural schools14                    of students. The development of Rural Tourism should
                                                 encourage the use of rural schools to stimulate active and
                                                 outdoor learning for groups of children and youth.

 Rural Tourism Environmental sustainability goals
                                                 The objective is to further protect and enhance the natural
  Preserve and manage natural                    and cultural assets in rural Serbia and to provide
       and cultural assets and                    development solutions to protect these from degradation and
       landscapes in a high rural                 sources of pollution. The preservation and enhancement of
       environmental quality by                   the environmental quality is a key-factor for the sustainable
       minimising environmental risks             usage of Rural Tourism as economic driver in rural areas of

     Objective supported by UNICEF

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

  Reduction of GHG emission –                     The aim is to sell agricultural products close to the place of
        cutting carbon footprint                    production, thus avoiding transportation for longer distances

  Develop infrastructure in rural                 The aim is to develop renewable energy sources in rural
        areas which supports sustainable            Serbia which will be closely linked with the development of
        life styles                                 rural tourism.

                                                   The goal is to involve local communities and stakeholders in
  Create social awareness and                      Rural Tourism and instantly. Use Rural Tourism as a tool to
        involve community in                        educate the communities in environmental concerns and
        sustainability initiatives for Rural        possibilities to prevent the environmental degradation.

 Marketing goals

                                                   The objective is to create a clear identity and branding for
                                                    Serbia as a rural tourism destination.
                                                   The brand identity should support the overall positioning of
  Clear identity, branding and                     Rural Tourism in Serbia.
        differentiation of Rural Tourism in        In the short and mid-term the objective is to further
        Serbia                                      differentiate from Romania and Bulgaria. At the same time
                                                    the objective is to have comparable advantages with regards
                                                    to Hungary and the Czech Republic and to surpass their
                                                   The objective is to create a diverse and original rural tourism
                                                    experience which will be attractive to a local, regional and
                                                    international market. The aim is to use the proximity to many
                                                    international regional markets as a key way of attracting
  Diversification of the demand by                 potential visitors.
        geographic region                          The 2015 objective is for the domestic overnights to make up
                                                    80% of total overnights in rural areas, and international
                                                    regional and international “rest of the world” should make up
                                                   The objective is to create rural tourism products in Serbia,
                                                    which will combine rural activities with rural accommodation.
  Reduce seasonality by creating                   The use of these activities and accommodation should
        experiences which are attractive            create a diverse and interesting mix of experiences for the
        throughout the year                         visitor. The goal is that these rural tourism products are
                                                    attractive to different markets throughout the year, thereby,
                                                    reducing seasonality.
                                                   The objective is to improve the marketing of rural tourism in
  Improve the marketing and                        Serbia by the development of the rural tourism marketing
        commercialization of rural                  strategy. The aim is to further leverage the use of new
        tourism in Serbia                           technologies, especially the internet, for both the promotion
                                                    and sales of the rural products.

 Partnership and governance goals

  Develop and Support                             The objective is to create an entrepreneurial environment
        partnerships and cooperation                and cooperation between numerous local farmers,
        between local farmers, villagers            household owners and the tourism sector. Serbian villages

     Please refer to Projections chapter for full details

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

     and tourism sector                          have a small and diverse agricultural production which needs
                                                 to be coordinated to participate in the tourism sector.
                                                 Furthermore, rural households are fragmented and many
                                                 small farms remain isolated from the tourism sector. The
                                                 development of partnerships between local farmers, rural
                                                 households and the tourism sector is an important goal for
                                                 the diversification of the rural economy.
                                                The objective is to develop and support public-private
  Develop and support rural                     partnerships through the development of partnerships
     tourism public-private                      between small rural stakeholders, local communities, civil
     partnerships                                sector, public services and established businesses (for
                                                 example resorts which already exists in rural areas).
                                                The objective is to create a governance structure which
                                                 further extends its support for the development of rural
  Improvement of Governance and                 tourism.
     institutional capacity to support           The aim is for the coordination, reporting structures and
     rural tourism                               funding to have a more integrated and coordinated approach
                                                 to rural tourism.
 Rural Tourism Human Capacity development goals

                                                The objective is to create awareness for the local population
                                                 of what the opportunities are to enter the Rural Tourism
  Increase awareness of                         industry.
     employment opportunities in                The objective is to create awareness for the general public,
     Rural Tourism                               but also to have a special focus on women, youth and
                                                 disadvantages groups.
                                                The objective is to provide the training and skills required to
                                                 perform the jobs in Rural Tourism.
  Provide training for skills                  The objective is to provide skills which are transversal across
     development                                 different units of the tourism sector, and at the same time to
                                                 provide specific skills which are needed in particular units of
                                                 the tourism sector.

  Provide ongoing support for                  The objective is to provide ongoing support to the people
     Rural Tourism skills development            who are employed in Rural Tourism.

                                                The objective is to provide specific training for small
  Special programmes for Micro                  businesses and to address specific training needs for
     and Small Enterprises and the               governmental institutions
     public sector

 Infrastructure and other support goals
                                                The objective is to improve the accessibility to the Rural
                                                 Tourism sites and between places of interest for tourism.
                                                The objective is to improve the accessibility with motorised
  Road infrastructure improvement               and non-motorized vehicles of visitors to rural tourism sites
                                                 and, thereby, also improve the access to rural areas for local

                                                The objective is to improve the man-made leisure facilities in
  Man-made infrastructure                       rural areas of Serbia
                                                Furthermore, rural tourism signalisation can play an
  Improvement of accessibility and              important role in facilitating the arrival of tourists to their
     signalisation to rural tourism offer        destination.

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

3     Rural Tourism Positioning

The competition analysis in the Diagnostic Report, found that there is strong competition in Rural
Tourism, both in terms of rural activities and rural accommodation. Despite the strong natural and
cultural features of rural Serbia, neighbouring countries also offer many of the natural and cultural
activities. However, low differentiation was found in terms of the rural accommodation offer of the
competition. The positioning strategy will propose how Rural Tourism in Serbia should approach
the challenge of differentiation.

The objectives of this chapter are as follows:
 To define the Rural Tourism positioning for Serbia
 To define the symbols which should be used to support the positioning
 To define the attributes of the positioning strategy
 To define the differentiation strategy for Serbia

3.1    Rural Tourism positioning strategy

The positioning strategy of Rural Tourism in Serbia should focus on the following:
 Create the USPs for Serbia as multi-layered USPs, which combine tangibles, intangibles, rural
  activities, and rural accommodation, while at the same time always develop the truly Serbian
  character of these aspects.
 Create a destination which reflects the authenticity and rural soul of Serbia throughout the
 Create a Rural Tourism destination which is developed on the foundation of environmental,
  social and economic sustainability.
 Create an integrated and holistic Rural Tourism offer which combines rural activities with rural
  accommodation in an innovative an economical-, social and environmental- sustainable way.
 Create a highly competitive positioning of Rural Tourism in Serbia by focusing on a holistic
  positioning of Rural Tourism which will allow Serbia to become more competitive, especially
  with regards to Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary.

The positioning statement should invite the tourist and visitor to discover the unspoilt beauty of
rural Serbia, to uncover its cultural heritage and to go on a personal discovery of the heart of the
Serbian people. The positioning statement is, therefore, an invitation to discover and to experience
the heart of rural Serbia. The Rural Tourism positioning should be within the overall positioning of
Serbia as a destination. The positioning proposed by the President of Serbia, Mr. Tadic, is as
                                   Serbia “Where tradition meets nature16”

  Slogan from UN day in Serbia and recommendation of the President of Serbia, Mr Tadic. Belgrade, 27
September 2010

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

The Serbia Rural Tourism positioning statement is proposed as follows17:

                   Discover the soul of Serbia
                   Look at the green forests and mountains, and blue rivers and
                   Listen to her stories of legends
                   Taste the goodness of the earth
                   Smell the purity
                   Feel the heart of rural Serbia and meet her people

The positioning strategy for rural Serbia, should combine the physical elements (hardware) with the
spiritual elements (software) to create an authentic rural tourism positioning with reflects the
essence of the Serbian soul. It is important that these elements are developed in terms of the rural
activities and rural accommodation strategies.

3.1.1   Physical elements

The physical elements include the experiences associated with activities and accommodation. The
rural activities include:
 Nature:
           Unspoilt natural beauty of rural Serbia
           Diversity of nature and landscapes
           Proximity of rural Serbia to urban centres in Serbia as well as neighbouring countries like
            Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria
           International recognition of natural beauty with resources listed as UNESCO Biosphere
            Reserves (Golija - Studenica) and Ramsar lists (Labudovo Okno, Gornje Podunavlje,
            Peštersko Polje and Slano Kopovo)
 Culture
           Food and gastronomy of high quality with typically Serbian rural cuisine
           Local events and festivals in rural communities
           History and rich heritage, including cultural heritage and archaeological sites. Serbia
            boasts three cultural sites recognized on the UNESCO World Heritage List
            (Archaeological site Felix Romuliana, Studenica Monastery and Stari Ras and Sopocani)
           The accommodation includes the physical proximity of the accommodation to the rural
            area and the level of physical contact of the guest with the rural household or rural
            accommodation. It relates to the level of immersion of the guest in the activities of the
            rural household (which can range from high to no involvement).

  During the national stakeholders workshop (Belgrade, December 1st) a modification on the presented
positioning statement was proposed: “Share the soul of Serbia”.

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

3.1.2     Spiritual elements
The spiritual elements include the emotional experiences associated with activities and
 The rural activities intangibles include:
             Experiencing the rural lifestyle and slow pace of the countryside
             Authentic people and places, experiencing the rural way of life as seen through the eyes
              of real people
             Friendliness of the rural people and their open heartedness and heartfelt hospitality
 The emotional component of the accommodation includes the personal experience of the guest
  of the character and warmth of the rural household owner (or other rural accommodation). It
  relates to the way in which the guest is made to feel at home and part of the rural household.

3.2     Rural Tourism symbols

Symbols are used as tools to position the destination and are used to create the mental image and
association of the destination. Symbols are used to reinforce, illustrate and make tangible the core
of Rural Tourism. The symbols for rural Serbia should combine rural activities and rural

The strategy for the use of rural symbols for Serbia is as follows:

                                            Serbia Rural Tourism symbols

               Rural Activities symbols                                     Rural Accommodation symbols

       Nature
                                                                        Farms

       Culture:
        rural events +

       Rural gastronomy
                                                       +                Traditional villages

                                                                        Rural architecture
       Heritage

                                                   Human touch


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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

The symbols for rural activities include nature and culture symbols. The symbols for rural
accommodation include farms, traditional villages and rural architecture. Finally, human symbols
should be used to reflect the heart of the rural and multicultural Serbian people.

3.3      Rural Tourism attributes

Serbian Rural Tourism positioning should be further supported and made more tangible through a
selection of attributes in order to convey a message of diversity of experiences to the potential
visitor and tourist. Rural Tourism in Serbia can bring a wide array of opportunities to enjoy.

It is comprised of a combination of physical attributes (based on activities and accommodation) as
well as emotional attributes.

                                      Accommodation                  Activities
                                         Phyiscal                    Physical
                                         Attributes 3
                                      Priorité                       Attributes


An example of these attributes is shown below:

 Physical attributes through activities includes lakes, mountains, rivers, heritage sites, hunting
  and bird watching.
 Physical attributes through accommodation includes rural architecture, traditional cottages (e,g.
  salas, vajat and brvnare), ethno villages and rural houses.
 Intangible attributes include the highly emotional and personal elements such as contact with
  the villagers, human contact, friendships, building memories and feeling a part of rural Serbia.

Please refer to the Appendix for the full details of the chapter.

3.4      The challenge of differentiation

The Diagnostic Report found that there is high competition for Rural Tourism in Serbia, especially
from Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Czech Republic18. Despite the relatively high competition

     Please refer to the Competition Analysis in the Diagnostic Report for full details.

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

levels, Serbia has the opportunity to differentiate its Rural Tourism offer from its competitive
markets by addressing multiple aspects. The key principles for differentiation are as follows:
 To follow a holistic approach to Rural Tourism development by combining rural
  accommodation with rural activities, to create truly authentic and integrated Rural Tourism
 To always look for ways to develop and reinforce the intangibles and rural lifestyle with
  a truly authentic Serbian character by the ongoing involvement of the local
  communities. Although authenticity and friendliness can also be found in neighbouring
  competitors, it must be developed so that the Serbian intangibles achieve a truly strong
  association with the destination. Only the intangibles that are proper to Serbia can be used as
  competitive and unique features and they relate fundamentally to “lifestyle”, which needs to be
  expressed and illustrated in a very tangible way through symbols (rural events, style,
  architecture, design).
 To create innovative rural accommodation typologies which supporting the differentiation of
  Serbia´s rural accommodation by the development of typically Serbian accommodation in
  creative ways and in developing new Serbian typologies.
 To create rural man-made tourism facilities which are – as much as possible - intrinsically
  Serbian in character, while at the same time meet international standards. Furthermore, to
  ensure that international standards are achieved and promoted throughout the Rural Tourism
 To constantly develop and invest in the development of human skills and management
 To show that the Rural Tourism model in Serbia is driven by economic, social- and
  environmental sustainability.

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

4     Rural Tourism Cluster development strategy

The Diagnostic Report found that the natural and cultural resources, which have potential to be
developed for Rural Tourism, are distributed throughout the Serbian territory. The report also
identified the strategic development priorities for tourism in Serbia, particularly through the Tourism
Strategy of Serbia, Tourism Master plans and the products being promoted by TOS. The
Diagnostic also identified key issues which have an impact on the development of Rural Tourism,
which include aspects such as accessibility, hospitality offer and seasonality. The strategy will
define the areas of the territory which should be prioritised for Rural Tourism development.

The objectives of this chapter are as follows:
 To define the strategy for the development of geographic areas (called Rural Tourism Clusters)
  for Rural Tourism in the territory. In other words, to identify which areas should be developed
  as a focus for Rural Tourism throughout the territory.
 Given that there are many priority areas that have been identified for development, while at the
  same time there are budget considerations, further prioritisation of the Rural Tourism Clusters
  are considered. The second objective, therefore, it to define the prioritisation strategy for the
  different Rural Tourism Clusters. In other words, to define which of the Rural Tourism Clusters
  should be developed in which order.

4.1    Methodology
The methodology used to define the Rural Tourism development strategy is done in two main
steps, as explained below:

Step 1: Define Rural Tourism Clusters development strategy
The first step is the identification of which areas of the territory should be developed for Rural
Tourism and has been completed as follows:
 Rural Tourism Clusters (RTC) are developed as a result of taking the most relevant Factors
  and Attractors in the territory (as identified in the FAS analysis of the Diagnostic Report19) and
  grouping them with Tourism Master20 plans where relevant.
 The result is 12 Rural Tourism Clusters which should be developed for Rural Tourism.
 The 12 RTC are then grouped further into 4 Rural Tourism Cluster Groups considering the
  synergies and proximity of one or several clusters.

The output is the Rural Tourism Clusters grouped into Rural Tourism Cluster Groups.
 Please note: The detailed methodology and step by step examples of the mapping are
  included in the Appendix.
 The 12 Rural Tourism Clusters are then further evaluated in order to prioritise them for

   Please refer to the Diagnostic Report, Chapter 4: Inventory and assessment of relevant tourism assets and
   Source: Master Plan Zlatibor-Zlatar, Master Plan Golija, Master Plan Vlasina, Master Plan Besna Kobila,
Master Plan Lower Danube, Master Plan Stara Planina, Master Plan Kucajske Planine-Belijanica, Master
Plan Kopaonik, Master Plan Upper Danube, Master Plan Sremski Karlovci, Master Plan Novo Milosevo,
Master Plan Soko Banja, Master Plan Tara, Master Plan Roman Emperor´s Route

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

Step 2: Prioritisation of Rural Tourism Clusters
The 12 RTC are further prioritised in order to identify which should be developed first. These
categories address the issue of potential return for every Serbian dinar investment in Rural
Tourism development. The methodology identifies 6 aspects (which are ranked from 1 to 3) and
are considered important in determining the level of risk and return of investment in each RTC. The
following criteria have been applied to each RTC in order to define its priority for development
compared to the other RTCs:
 Factors and Attractors: considers the concentration of factors and attractors in each RTC and
  the potential the RTC has to develop a diversified rural tourism offer
 Seasonality: considers whether the RTC could be an all year round tourism destination. The
  outputs are driven by the findings from the Spatial Plan for Serbia21.
 Accessibility and Infrastructure: considers the ease of access to and within the RTC
 Proximity to markets: considers the size of the potential markets in terms of isochrones for
  each RTC.
 Unemployment: considers the unemployment levels in each RTC considering that high
  unemployment rates should be given priority for rural tourism development.
 Hospitality: considers the current capacity of the RTC to accommodate rural tourists. This is
  evaluated in terms of rural accommodation as well as hotels and other accommodation suitable
  for rural tourism.
 Experience in rural tourism: considers the experience that each RTC has in terms of
  development and management of rural tourism

The output is the 12 Rural Tourism Clusters prioritised in terms of development order.
 Please note: The detailed methodology and step by step examples of the mapping are
  included in the Appendix.

  Source: Spatial Plan of Serbia 2010: Destinations with year round offer; dominant summer offer with
participation of Winter supply; dominant summer offer

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

4.2    Strategy for Rural Tourism Clusters development

The first question which the strategy addresses is: Which parts of the Serbian territory should
be prioritised for the development of Rural Tourism? The strategy identifies 12 Rural Tourism
Clusters (RTC) throughout the territory.
 The 12 Rural Tourism Clusters should be developed for Rural Tourism in Serbia. The 12 RTCs
  have been grouped into 4 Rural Tourism Cluster Groups which will be used in other parts of the
  strategy. The below table summarises the 12 RTCs and 4 RTCGs.

      Rural Tourism Cluster Development strategy

                                                    RTC 1: Golija
      RTCG1: Central Serbia and Western             RTC 2: Zlatar Zlatibor
      Serbia                                        RTC 3: Kopaonik
                                                    RTC 4: Central Serbia

                                                    RTC 5: Lower Danube
      RTCG 2: South Banat and Lower Danube
                                                    RTC 6: South Banat

                                                    RTC 7: Soko Banja
      RTCG 3: Eastern Serbia                        RTC 8: Eastern Serbia
                                                    RTC 9: South Eastern

                                                    RTC 10: Fruska Gora
      RTCG 4: Vojvodina                             RTC 11: Upper Danube
                                                    RTC 12: Northern
 These 12 RTC are the areas of the territory which should be developed for Rural Tourism.
 The 12 RTCs are the result of diverse and rich resources (including natural, cultural and other
  as detailed in the FAS of the Diagnostic Report) which are highly correlated for the
  development of Rural Tourism experiences.
 Of the 12 RTCs, 10 have already been identified for development in terms of the Tourism
  Master Plans which have already been defined.
 The RTCs show a high variety of resources distributed throughout the territory, including
  different types of attractors (mainly natural and cultural) as well as natural factors. A relatively
  high concentration of attractors and factors in certain areas. However, there is a relatively lower
  presence of man-made attractors when compared to the natural and cultural attractors.
 If it is allowed by the budget, these 12 RTCs should all be developed.
 However, given that the implementation of the Rural Tourism Master plan will have budget
  limitations, these 12 RTC´s are further prioritised for investment.
 The RTC and RTCGs are represented in the territory on the following map.

Note: Although South Banat belongs to the Autonomous Region of Vojvodina, in terms of tourism
development synergies, it has been proposed to connect it with Lower Danube

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

Map of 12 Rural Tourism Clusters (RTC) and 4 Rural Tourism Cluster Groups (RTCG)


                                 RTCG                     RTC
                                   4                       12


    Upper Danube
                                                       RTC                            South Banat

          Fruska Gora                                                           6

                                                                                                                                           Lower Danube
         Central Serbia


                                                    RTC                                  RTC
                                                     4                                    7                                                Soko Banja

                                                                                                                                           Eastern Serbia
                                            RTC                                                                 8

                                                                 1              RTC

                                Zlatar Zlatibor                                                                                     RTCG

                                        Golija                                                          RTC


                                                                                                                      South Eastern

                                                                                            RTCG     Rural Tourism Cluster Group

                                                                                               RTC   Rural Tourism Cluster

Source: UNWTO

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

  4.3   Strategy for Rural Tourism Clusters prioritisation

  The second question which the strategy addresses is: Within these prioritised areas of the
  Serbian territory, which of the RTCs will provide the best return for the investment of each
  Serbian dinar in Rural Tourism? In other words, it identifies which of the RTCs provide the best
  opportunities, with the lowest risk, for expanding the value of Rural Tourism.
   The RTCs with the best opportunities, while at the same time having the least risk, are RTC1 (
    Golija), RTC2 (Zlatar-Zlatibor), RTC3 (Kopaonik), RTC4 (Central Serbia), RTC5 (Lower
    Danube), RTC8 (Eastern Serbia), RTC10 (Fruska Gora) and RTC 11 (Upper Danube).
   Three of the project target regions, namely RTC4 (Central Serbia), RTC5 (Lower Danube) and
    RTC8 (Eastern Serbia) are included in the prioritised RTCs.
   RTC6 (South Banat), a project target region, is also included in the prioritised clusters.
    Although it has a lower ranking than the other target regions, it forms a natural continuation of
    RTC5 (Lower Danube) and can, therefore, contribute as part of this area for the development
    of Rural Tourism.

  The below table shows the summary of the prioritisation of the RTCs.

                                                                       Accessibility /

                                                                                                                                     Experience in

                                                                                         Proximity to

Tourism                                                                                                                Hospitality

               Rural Tourism Cluster



              RTC 1 (Golija)                     1       1                2                2            1              2               1             10      1
              RTC 2 (Zlatar Zlatibor)            1       2                2                2            2              1               1             11      2
              RTC 3 (Kopaonik)                   1       1                2                2            1              2               2             11      2
              RTC 4 (Central Serbia)             1       2                2                1            3              1               2             12      3
              RTC 5 (Lower Danube)               1       3                2                1            3              1               1             12      3
              RTC 6 (South Banat)                2       3                2                1            2              2               3             15      6
              RTC 7 (Soko Banja)                 3       2                3                1            2              2               2             15      6
 RTCG 3       RTC 8 (Eastern Serbia)             1       1                3                1            1              3               3             13      4
              RTC 9 (South Eastern)              3       1                3                3            1              3               3             17      8
              RTC 10 (Fruska Gora)               1       3                1                1            2              2               1             11      2
 RTCG 4       RTC 11 (Upper Danube)              2       3                2                2            2              1               1             13      4
              RTC 12 (Northern)                  3       3                1                2            3              1               1             14      5

  The below table explains the ratings.

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Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

                                            Accessibility /        Proximity to   Unemploy-                     Experience
Rating         FAS         Seasonality                                                           Hospitality
                                            Infrastructure           markets        ment                        in tourism
                                                                                               High volume
         High                                                  High volume                     of general
         concentration                                         of proximity                    accommodati      Long
                                          accessibility to
         of factors and                                        potential          Above 25%    on and           experience in
                           All year round the cluster, and
  1      attractors and                                        tourists and       of unemploy- relatively       the
                           destination    relatively good
         high                                                  relatively high    ment         developed        development
         diversification                                       probability of                  rural tourism    of tourism
                                          within it
         potential                                             catchment                       accommodati
                                                               Medium                          volume of
         Medium            Summer          Good                volume of                       general
         concentration     destination     accessibility to    proximity                       accommodati
                                                                                  Around 20%                    experience in
         of factors and    with the        the cluster, but    potential                       on and initial
  2                                                                               of unemploy-                  the
         medium            participation   limited             tourists and                    level of rural
                                                                                  ment                          development
         diversification   of winter       connections         medium                          tourism
                                                                                                                of tourism
         potential         supply          within it           probability of                  accommodati
                                                               catchment                       on

         Low                               Good                Low volume
         concentration                     accessibility to    of proximity
                                                                                Around 15% Limited              experience in
         of factors and    Summer          the cluster, but    potential
  3                                                                            of unemploy- accommodati         the
         limited           destination     very poor           tourists and
                                                                               ment         on capacity         development
         diversification                   connections         low probability
                                                                                                                of tourism
         potential                         within it           of catchment

The following conclusions can be drawn from the prioritisation of Rural Tourism Clusters:
 The specific geographic areas for rural tourism development in the territory have been
  identified and prioritised as Central and Western Serbia (RTCG 1), Vojvodina (RTCG 4), South
  Banat, Lower Danube and the top part or Eastern Serbia (RTCG 2) and Eastern Serbia (RTCG
 The strategy for the development of Rural Tourism in Serbia should focus on these geographic
  areas and should be focused on developing these at the same time. However, when resource
  allocation decisions need to be made, the difference in the priority level should be taken into
 Some areas or municipalities with a critical mass of tourism accommodation (whether rural or
  no specifically) are not located within the priority clusters. However, they should be linked to
  and benefit from the development of the adjacent priority clusters because of their proximity.
 While all the RTCG are prioritised for development, the distribution of resources should be
  given more weight in the prioritised clusters. The primary resources which this refers to are
  investment and funding (including grant schemes). In other words, for example, Eastern Serbia
  (RTCG 3) should be given the highest prioritisation for investment in infrastructure, compared
  to the other cluster groups. The same approach should be applied for the prioritisation of
  funding schemes.
 It should also be considered that, while the process results in an overall level of prioritisation,
  there may be cases when specific criteria, such as the unemployment rate, are given higher
  priority is certain decision making, than other criteria.

                                                          - 27 -
Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

 The strategy for Rural Tourism development, therefore, is to focus on all the areas, while at the
  same time considering the prioritisation. In practical terms this should support the decision
  making for investment. The prioritisation is an indicator of the potential return that may be
  generated in the RTCG. In other words, it is also an indicator of the relative value that can be
  created by investing 1 Serbian Dinar in the cluster.
 Although the 4 targeted regions have been determined as priority areas for rural tourism
  development, a national policy should also consider at the same level of priority the other
  clusters which have been determined in this chapter.

                                                        - 28 -
Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia

Map of 12 Rural Tourism Clusters (RTC) and 4 Rural Tourism Cluster Groups (RTCG), with
prioritisation of 12 RTCs

                               5   Northern

                                            RTCG                        RTC
                                              4                          12


 4       Upper Danube
                                                                     RTC                            South Banat       6

     2         Fruska Gora                                                                    6

                                                                                                                                                                Lower Danube         3
     3        Central Serbia


                                                                  RTC                                     RTC
                                                                   4                                       7                                                    Soko Banja       6

                                                                                                                                                                Eastern Serbia       4
                                                     RTC                                                                             8

                                                                               1              RTC

                                    2         Zlatar Zlatibor                                                                                            RTCG

                                        1             Golija

                                                2               Kopaonik

                                                                                                                                            South Eastern        8

                                                                                                             RTCG          Rural Tourism Cluster Group

                                                                                                                RTC        Rural Tourism Cluster

                                                                                                                  3        Prioritization order

Source: UNWTO

                                                                                    - 29 -
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Strategija ruralnog turizma

  • 1. Volume II: Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia Contents 1. Strategy Serbia 2. Strategy Appendix
  • 2. Volume II: Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia The development of the National Rural Tourism Master Plan is one of the key components of the Sustainable Tourism for Rural Development UN Joint Programme (JP), which works towards the diversification of the rural economy in Serbia. Other key activities include a) providing guidance for public investment, which is aimed at creating national and international partnerships between public, civil and national sector organizations, b) strengthening the capacities of rural tourism entrepreneurs, tourism organizations and NGOs, and c) supporting local projects through the Joint UN Fund for Sustainable Rural Tourism. The UN JP activities are implemented in four target regions, namely South Banat on the Danube, East Serbia, Central Serbia and Lower Danube. Five UN agencies, including UNWTO, FAO, UNDP, UNEP and UNICEF, in cooperation with a number of Government of the Republic of Serbia national partners, namely the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management, and the National Tourism Organization of Serbia are implementing the Joint Programme. The Spanish Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F) is providing 4 million USD for the implementation of the UN JP, which started in December 2009 and will last until June 2012. This report was prepared by the UNWTO with the collaboration of the consulting company, Tourism & Leisure Advisory Services, and its local partners. -2-
  • 3. STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE RURAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN SERBIA UN Joint Programme „Sustainable Tourism for Rural Development‟ funded by the Spanish MDG Achievement Fund Strategy Report 19 April 2011
  • 4. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia Index 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ - 4 - 2 Vision and objectives ............................................................................................................................................. - 7 - 2.1 Vision for the Rural Tourism Master Plan ....................................................................................................................... - 7 - 2.2 Objectives of the Rural Tourism Master Plan.................................................................................................................. - 8 - 2.3 Millennium Development Goals (MDG)........................................................................................................................... - 8 - 2.4 EU accession goals....................................................................................................................................................... - 10 - 2.5 Serbian Tourism Goals ................................................................................................................................................. - 10 - 2.6 Rural Tourism Goals ..................................................................................................................................................... - 12 - 3 Rural Tourism Positioning.................................................................................................................................... - 17 - 3.1 Rural Tourism positioning strategy................................................................................................................................ - 17 - 3.2 Rural Tourism symbols ................................................................................................................................................. - 19 - 3.3 Rural Tourism attributes ................................................................................................................................................ - 20 - 3.4 The challenge of differentiation ..................................................................................................................................... - 20 - 4 Rural Tourism Cluster development strategy....................................................................................................... - 22 - 4.1 Methodology.................................................................................................................................................................. - 22 - 4.2 Strategy for Rural Tourism Clusters development ........................................................................................................ - 24 - 4.3 Strategy for Rural Tourism Clusters prioritisation ......................................................................................................... - 26 - 5 Rural Tourism Experience development strategy ................................................................................................ - 30 - 5.1 Rural Tourism Experience strategy ............................................................................................................................... - 30 - 5.2 Rural Activities (products) general strategy .................................................................................................................. - 31 - 5.3 Rural Tourism Clusters (RTC) and Rural Activities (products) strategy ........................................................................ - 36 - 5.4 Man-made facilities strategy ......................................................................................................................................... - 43 - 5.5 Rural Accommodation strategy ..................................................................................................................................... - 45 - 5.6 Agriculture sector strategy within the rural tourism sector ............................................................................................ - 49 - 5.7 Special programme for villages and farms in Serbia..................................................................................................... - 50 - 5.8 Special programme for school and children / youth tourism ......................................................................................... - 50 - 6 Market development, Promotions and Commercial strategy ............................................................................... - 53 - 6.1 Market development strategy ........................................................................................................................................ - 53 - 6.2 Rural Tourism Branding Strategy .................................................................................................................................. - 60 - 6.3 Online marketing strategy ............................................................................................................................................. - 61 - 6.4 Sales and commercialization strategy........................................................................................................................... - 61 - 6.5 Communication and promotion strategy ....................................................................................................................... - 61 - 6.6 Institutional destination organization strategy ............................................................................................................... - 62 - 7 Economic Rural Tourism strategy ........................................................................................................................ - 63 - 7.1 Methodology.................................................................................................................................................................. - 63 - 7.2 Conclusions................................................................................................................................................................... - 64 - 7.3 Tourism and rural tourism projection models ................................................................................................................ - 66 - 8 Environmental and Social strategy ...................................................................................................................... - 69 - 8.1 Environmental strategy ................................................................................................................................................. - 69 - 8.2 Social strategy............................................................................................................................................................... - 72 - 9 Tourism Support development strategy ............................................................................................................... - 74 - 9.1 Infrastructure development strategy.............................................................................................................................. - 74 - 9.2 Quality development strategy........................................................................................................................................ - 76 - 9.3 Human Resources development strategy ..................................................................................................................... - 79 - 9.4 Private sector development: Micro & Small Enterprises ............................................................................................... - 85 - 9.5 Financial support ........................................................................................................................................................... - 87 - 9.6 Legislative support ........................................................................................................................................................ - 89 - -2-
  • 5. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia 10 Organisation framework....................................................................................................................................... - 91 - 10.1 Local, regional, national, trans-national levels .............................................................................................................. - 91 - 10.2 Tourism strategy governance........................................................................................................................................ - 93 - 10.3 Tourism strategy implementation ................................................................................................................................ - 103 - -3-
  • 6. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia 1 Introduction The objective of this report, Strategy for Rural Tourism in Serbia, is to present the initial strategy for the development of Rural Tourism in Serbia. The strategy is developed based on the keys findings from the Diagnostic Report, which found that Rural Tourism has a critical role to play in the development of tourism in Serbia. Furthermore, it found that Rural Tourism can play a leading role in the diversification of the rural economy and as a mechanism to reduce poverty, improve the quality of life, preserve cultural heritage and protect the environment. The role of the agricultural sector is particularly important in the development of Rural Tourism. The strategy for the development of Rural Tourism in Serbia fits within the larger framework of the development of tourism in Serbia. It has an extremely important role to play as it represents a great opportunity for the further development of tourism and the creation of a strong Rural Tourism destination in Serbia. The objective of this report is to present the main strategies proposed for the development of Rural Tourism in Serbia. It is important to reflect on the key findings of the Diagnostic Report, which have identified the high potential for the development of Rural Tourism in Serbia, as well as identifying the current gaps in creating social-, economic- and environmental value for Serbia. These key findings have been included in the first chapter of this report. It is important to highlight the key role which Rural Tourism can play in supporting the Millennium Development Goals, EU accession goals, the sustainable development of rural areas of Serbia as well as the overall Serbian tourism goals. The second chapter of the report defines the Vision and Objectives of the Rural Tourism strategy and highlights the role which Rural Tourism should play in meeting the wider objectives for Serbia. The third chapter defines the Rural Tourism positioning for Serbia. This is followed by the fourth chapter which defines the territorial strategy for the development of Rural Tourism as well as the prioritisation strategy. The fifth chapter defines the strategy for the development of the Rural Tourism experience in Serbia. The strategy is comprised of a holistic perspective of Rural Tourism which incorporates the rural activities and rural accommodation strategies. The sixth chapter defines the economic strategy and estimates the economic value of the development of Rural Tourism. The seventh chapter defines the environmental and social strategy. The eighth chapter defines the market development strategy, as well as the promotions and commercialisation strategies. The ninth chapter defines the tourism support strategy, which is followed by the final chapter, the organisational framework strategy. The preliminary Strategy report is the third deliverable of the project, and will be followed by Phase III: the Rural Tourism Action Plan. -4-
  • 7. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia 1.1 Key conclusions from Diagnostic Report The key conclusions of the Diagnostic Report show that there are strong opportunities for the development of Rural Tourism in Serbia. However, it found that there are weaknesses which need to be addressed as a high priority. The main conclusions from the Diagnostic Report are as follows:  Most of the Serbian territory is rural with a large and diversified number of nature and culture- based assets, spread out throughout the country. These resources are highly attractive for the development of a holistic Rural Tourism experience. Furthermore, the majority of these resources have not been developed for Rural Tourism although they have high potential for development.  The Rural Tourism concept is an integrated rural experience based on the interaction of rural activities and rural accommodation. Rural Tourism is highly correlated with many different products which are already developed by TOS. The Serbian rural values and symbols are already highlighted by the “Village life” product of TOS and other products such as Nature and Earth Tourism and Cultural Tourism. Rural Tourism can support the further development of these products and can further enhance them.  Rural Tourism has already been developed in some areas of Serbia. Most important areas are Western Serbia, Vojvodina and Central Serbia.  Rural Tourism has a key role to play in the protection and enhancement of the natural environment of Serbia. The natural environment is one of Serbia´s strongest resources and it should be protected.  Furthermore, Rural Tourism is already playing an important role in rural Serbia and is generating a significant level of income. Rural Tourism is an emerging reality in Serbia supported by the more than 32,000 beds (registered and non-registered) in rural areas1, from which 10,000 beds are exclusively rural. It is estimated that these total beds are generating yearly more than 5 billion RSD of accommodation incomes and contributes approximately 5 billion RSD more direct incomes for the tourism sector.  These more than 10 billion RSD incomes do not take into account visitors that do not stay at least for one night or stay with friends or relatives, although they also spend money in tourism services and others and therefore generate additional incomes for the rural areas. The 10 billion figure do not either account for the indirect contribution to the local economy in terms of incomes and employment.  Just for the purpose of giving an order of magnitude, these estimated total 10 billion RSD incomes would represent 16% of the Direct Travel and Tourism GDP calculated by WTTC (World Tourism and Travel Council) in Serbia for 2010 which sums up 62.4 billion RSD.  In terms of the Rural Tourism Sector, besides these figures, it is clear that there are many gaps in most units, such as tourism assets, leisure and entertainment activities, restaurants, handicrafts, agricultural products used directly or indirectly by the tourism sector, etc. From a positive point of view, these gaps represent opportunities that can be taken to generate businesses, especially micro and medium enterprises, as well as employment.  Rural Tourism can play a key role in Serbia in terms of diversifying the rural economy, thereby, creating employment opportunities which will generate additional incomes for rural households, reduce unemployment (specifically among women and young people) and can help to maintain or repopulate villages. Furthermore, the development of Rural Tourism will empower small 1 Refer to the Diagnostic Report for full details on calculations -5-
  • 8. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia scale farmers by giving them the possibility to directly offer their high quality products to the tourists. It is expected that Rural Tourism will also play a significant role in the preservation of traditional farming practices There is, therefore, an opportunity to use Rural Tourism as a support to the general tourism development is Serbia. However, there are also many gaps and barriers that need to be addressed and removed, among others the following major ones identified in the Diagnostic Report:  Road infrastructure in rural areas and particularly between rural tourism resources need to be improved.  Need for structured Rural Tourism experiences which include activities, accommodation and man-made facilities.  High seasonality issues that are affecting the use of rural areas and the occupancy of tourism accommodation which is extremely low (average 4% yearly occupancy for rural units and 21% for other accommodation units).  Lack of international standards and quality guarantees throughout the Tourism Sector, especially accommodation facilities.  Human resource awareness and development in order to understand and use the opportunities provided by rural tourism in a sustainable way.  Organization between the national, regional and local stakeholders (public and private sectors, civil society) in order to manage rural tourism development in an efficient and sustainable way.  Lack of standardized traditional food products and quantity of such products. -6-
  • 9. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia 2 Vision and objectives The objectives of this chapter are as follows:  To define the vision of development of the Rural Tourism Master Plan of Serbia  To define the strategic objectives of the Rural Tourism Master Plan and to define the role that the Plan should play in supporting other strategic objectives of Serbia 2.1 Vision for the Rural Tourism Master Plan The overall vision of Rural Tourism master plan of Serbia is to develop a master plan for socially, economically and environmentally sustainable rural tourism. It should be emphasised that the vision of sustainable Rural Tourism is a balance of economic sustainability, socio-cultural sustainability and environmental sustainability. Without the interaction and balance of these three components, the benefits of rural tourism will be limited. Furthermore, Serbian rural tourism relies on a large and diversified number of nature and culture based assets which need to be conserved, sustainably used and further enhanced through tourism development. Sustainable rural tourism generates local income and integrates local communities with a view to improving livelihoods and reducing poverty; conserves natural and cultural assets such as biodiversity, cultural heritage and traditional values; supports intercultural understanding and tolerance, aspires to be more energy efficient and climate sound; avoids over consumption of water; and minimises waste. Economic Socio-cultural siness plan basé sur le cycle de vie et sustainability sustainability coûts et bénéfices à long terme Priorité 3 eur ajoutée, marketing des pratiques durables Rural our économique vs. investissement en capital Tourism ûts d’exploitation et d’entretien Environmental sustainability  To lead the differentiation of Serbia against its competitors and for it to become one of the leading destinations Rural Tourism in the Balkans.  To develop a rural tourism plan which supports the overall tourism objectives of Serbia and plays a leading role in supporting the MoERD in achieving these objectives  To support Serbia´s objectives for EU accession  To support the objectives of Serbia´s Millennium Development Goals  To contribute to sustainable rural development of Serbia -7-
  • 10. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia 2.2 Objectives of the Rural Tourism Master Plan The objectives of the Rural Tourism Master Plan are made up different layers which are complementary and provide a detailed set of multiple objectives for the master plan. The main objectives are summarised in the below diagram: Rural Tourism Goals Serbian Tourism Goals EU accession goals Millenium Development Goals (MDG) 2.3 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) The UN MDG Declaration states that tourism has a significant potential to directly support and stimulate local economic development of rural based tourism. The development of rural based tourism in Serbia is particularly important given the challenges of unemployment, depopulation and the need to diversify the agricultural economy, which have been highlighted in the Diagnostic Report. The objective of the Rural Tourism Plan for Serbia, therefore, is to support the MoERD, the MAFWM and the United Nations in achieving the Millennium Development Goals for Serbia. Specifically, the Rural Tourism Master Plan should support the MDG goals as follows: 2.3.1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger (MDG 1) The goals of the Rural Tourism Master Plan of Serbia are to contribute to MDG1 in the following way:  Create employment opportunities by the stimulation of the rural tourism sector.  Support and activate the participation of women and young in rural areas in the tourism sector, thereby, creating employment and contributing to the reduction of unemployment. The role of women in the production of hand crafts and maintaining local tradition should be supported and encouraged.  Tourism awareness and training will also be needed within the strategic framework of the rural development master plan in order to show opportunities and to provide skills for unemployed people to enter the tourism market. 2.3.2 Ensure environmental sustainability (MDG 7) The goals of the Rural Tourism Master Plan of Serbia are to contribute to MDG7 in the following way: -8-
  • 11. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia  Sustainable development principles should be included in the rural tourism master plan to ensure that the development of rural tourism protects natural resources and prevents their deterioration.  Furthermore, the plan should encourage the revitalising of natural and cultural assets which are not being used to benefit the rural communities.  The principles of sustainability should always be the key principle which underlies the development of any tourism activity related to rural tourism.  Where possible, the rural tourism master plan should aim to identify ways in which energy can be used in an efficient way. 2.3.3 Develop Global Partnership for Development (MDG 8) The goals of the Rural Tourism Master Plan of Serbia are to contribute to MDG8 in the following way:  It should encourage sustainable economic growth and the diversification of the economy in rural areas.  It should support the investment in human resource development and the development of human capacity in the rural tourism sector.  It should create co-operation structures and mechanisms between the public and the private sectors, as well as the civil society, with special emphasis at the regional and local levels, in order to build long term governance self capacity. Co-operation should also contemplate other dimensions such as between municipalities and regions of Serbia, as well as with other neighbouring countries. The below table summarises the National Development Goal targets addressed by the Joint Programme (JP): 2 MDG targets addressed by JP MDG 1. Eradicate 1.1. Reduce unemployment rate of young by at least one third Extreme Poverty and 1.2. Reduce unemployment rate of persons with disabilities by at least 20% Hunger 1.3. Reduce unemployment rate of women by over 45% 7.1. Integrate sustainable development principles in national documents, stop the loss of natural resources and encourage their revitalisation MDG 7. Ensure 7.2. Adopt and implement national programmes, strategies and laws Environmental governing sustainable development and environmental protection in Sustainability Republic of Serbia by 2015. 7.5. Increase energy efficiency and usage of renewable energy 8.1. Dynamic and sustainable GDP growth based on assumptions MDG 8. Develop a Global established by the National Investment Plan the Strategy of Promotion and Partnership for Development of Foreign Investments and the Strategy for Economic Development Development until 2012. 8.3.Increase Investments in human resources development by 70% 2 Source: UNWTO Concept Note, 2010 -9-
  • 12. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia 2.4 EU accession goals The goals of the Joint Programme (JP) are to support the government is Serbia´s accession to the EU. Specifically the JP will support the accession by promoting a strategic approach to the sustainable tourism development at a national level 3: 2.4.1 National Tourism Master Plan The goal is to develop a National Rural Tourism Master Plan which will bring together public- private and civil society stakeholders to create a plan that addresses the needs of rural tourism stakeholders, aligning them with the tourist demand and consumers in a national approach. The Master Plan will be an opportunity to show the EU how the multiple stakeholders at a national level can collaborate in Serbia with the objectives of creating economic-,social and environmental value. 2.4.2 National Programme for Rural Development The goal is to support the rural planning initiatives to diversify the rural economy, strengthen social capital and environmental protection. The JP will facilitate Serbia´s access to the European Commission funding for environmental action, rural economy diversification and local partnership development, with the aim of reducing poverty in rural areas in a sustainable manner. 2.4.3 Investment mainstreaming The goal is to facilitate the initiatives targeting national and international partnerships of public, private and civil society. The lessons learned from the pilot projects as part of the JP should be used to guide public investments in sustainable rural development. It should also support Serbia in future applications for funding. Furthermore, Serbia´s accession to the EU will give it the opportunity to access special funds for the development of rural areas. For example, the ERDF: European Regional Development Fund, which aims to support economic development in the European Regions, inclusive of and especially in rural areas. 2.5 Serbian Tourism Goals The goals for Rural Tourism development in Serbia fit within the overall goals for Serbian Tourism. The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia (2007) defines specific Serbian tourism goals and the Rural Tourism Master Plan will play an important role in supporting these objectives through the development of Rural Tourism. Specifically, Rural Tourism will support the Serbian Tourism goals in the following ways: 2.5.1 Economic support The goal for tourism in Serbia is to encourage economic growth and to increase total income from the tourism sector4. Different Master Plans have been commissioned and are being adopted 3 Ibid - 10 -
  • 13. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia throughout the Serbian territory in order to consolidate this trend. The further development of all the units that made up the Tourism Sector can result in a further economic development. The objective is that Rural Tourism will contribute to the economic development of Serbia through the development of economic opportunities in rural areas. In particular, the stimulation and diversification of the agricultural sector will support these objectives. Furthermore, the Rural Tourism Master Plan should support economic development by addressing the gaps in the rural Tourism Sector. It is estimated that Rural Tourism already contributes 5.2 billion RSD of accommodation incomes and an estimated total 10.4 billion RSD of direct economic contribution to Serbia5. 2.5.2 Facilities and infrastructure development The goal for Serbia is to increase the utilization of existing accommodation facilities by improving the overall capacity6. Additionally, the goal is the development of adequate infrastructure and facilities for tourism products which require long term investments. Above all these include mountain tourism and special interest7. The product development strategy for Rural Tourism will aim to further stimulate and encourage the demand for rural facilities and accommodation. The development of infrastructures, particularly rural roads, is important for the development of Rural Tourism. Furthermore, the development of Rural Tourism will require investment in man-made facilities in rural areas. 2.5.3 Increase in tourist arrivals and revenues The goal for Serbia is to increase the number of tourist arrivals and overnights by 2015 8 at least at a compound annual growth rate least of 3%. The definition of the positioning of tourism in Serbia will be key in attracting increased domestic and international tourists to Serbia. The development of the Rural Tourism products will aim to stimulate increased interest in discovering rural Serbia and will encourage increased tourist arrivals and overnights, as well as stimulating increased revenues. 2.5.4 Increase employment in sector The goal for Serbia is to increase direct employment in the tourism sector9. The development of job opportunities in the tourism sector and support for skills development and training will aim to increase employment in the sector. Specifically, the development of Rural Tourism should play a key role in the creation of new employment opportunities in rural areas. 2.5.5 International standards guarantee The goal for Serbia is to increase security and application of international quality standards and tourist consumer protection according to European business practice in order to attract foreign tourists10. The development of Rural Tourism in Serbia can support the overall development of international standards in tourism. The introduction of minimum standards and quality guarantees 4 The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, 2007 5 The details of the calculations of the economic impact of Rural Tourism in Serbia can be found in a separate chapter, Economic Rural Tourism Strategy, in this report. 6 The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, 2007, states that the objective is to increase tourism capacity to 150.000 beds by 2015. 7 The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, 2007 8 Ibid 9 The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, 2007, states that the objective is to increase direct employment in the tourism sector to 100.000 workers. 10 The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, 2007, - 11 -
  • 14. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia in rural areas will help to give tourists and visitors more security in terms of expected levels of service and products. 2.6 Rural Tourism Goals The following objectives are specifically defined for Rural Tourism. These are within the context of the other objectives that have been outlined in the above sections of this chapter. Serbian Rural Tourism positioning goals  The objective is to develop a strategy which defines the USPs for Rural Tourism in terms of multiple components and multiple aspects. These are driven mainly by rural activities  Define and develop the multi- and rural accommodation; while at the same time consider layered Unique Selling the tangible and intangible factors that define the rural Propositions (USPs) for Rural destination of Serbia. Tourism in Serbia  The development of the integrated and multiple USPs should always strive to develop and enhance a truly Serbian character of the Rural Tourism experience.  The objective is to create a competitive positioning of Rural Tourism in Serbia by having a holistic strategy for the development of Rural Tourism experiences (integration of rural activities and rural accommodation)  The objective is to build on the natural and cultural strength of Serbia by developing rural activities and at the same time, develop the supporting structures needed to make Serbia competitive.  Create a highly competitive  This objective needs to take into account the position and positioning of Rural Tourism in relationship of rural tourism with regards to other tourism Serbia products of Serbia and also to consider the competitive positioning with regards to other neighbouring countries.  In the short and mid-term the objective is to further differentiate from Romania and Bulgaria, especially through a focus on accommodation and creating options which integrate activities and accommodation.  At the same time the objective is to have comparable advantaged with regards to Hungary and the Czech Republic and to surpass their competitiveness. Serbian Rural Tourism Experience (product) goals  The objective is to create a uniquely Serbian Rural Tourism  Develop a competitive and experience through the integration of rural activities and rural unique Serbian Rural Tourism accommodation. Experience  The aim is to develop the special Serbian elements of the offer so that it is uniquely Serbian.  Leverage the products which are already associated with  Leverage products which are rural tourism to further develop the rural tourism offer already developed in rural Serbia  In parallel, these products should always be developed with a strong Serbian context. - 12 -
  • 15. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia  Develop tourism activities in rural areas which are combined  Combine activities and with accommodation in rural areas, to provide an integrated accommodation in rural areas rural tourism experience with a strong Serbian character and with a strong Serbian character context, whenever possible.  The objective is to create packages of experiences which give the visitor an integrated and varied experience of rural  Develop integrated leisure and Serbia. entertainment offers which are  The aim is to create organized activities which are attractive intrinsically Serbian in character to different segments by making use of tourism assets but also creating man-made attractions and activities  The objective is to further develop the attractiveness of existing man-made resources by improvements in the level of quality and services. Thereby increasing the footfall and revenues.  The man-made facilities should – as much as possible -  Develop man- made facilities reflect Serbian value and should further enhance the with a Serbian character positioning of Rural Serbia.  The number of man-made attractors should be increased and is a tool for the dispersion and diversification of the leisure and tourism offer in rural Serbia. This is particularly important in areas with lower natural and cultural attractiveness.  The objective is to increase the number of beds for rural use (this includes rural households and general tourism beds 11 usable for rural tourism .  The accommodation facilities should reflect a truly Serbian  Improve rural accommodation character (which may be expressed in terms of tradition or capacity and character modern Serbia).  The general tourism beds usable for rural tourism should increase to 39,287 in 2013, 42,574 in 2015 and 47,653 in 12 2020 . Rural Tourism Quality goals  Ensure that the quality level meets minimum international standards and provides a quality guarantee.  The objective is to improve the rural accommodation offer by  Standardise the level of quality in ensuring more consistent quality of international standards. rural tourism and differentiate  The rural accommodation typologies should be further through quality labels standardised and defined to allow the development of an authentic and varied Serbian rural tourism accommodation offer. Rural Tourism Economic and tourism demand goals  The objective is increase the number of rural overnights from  Increase the demand for 2.7 million to 4 million in 2013, 4.8 million in 2015 and 7.4 overnights million in 2020.  13 Increase accommodation revenue from 5.2 bn RSD to 6.3  Increase revenues from rural bn RSD in 2013, to 8.2 bn RSD in 2015 and 14 bn RSD in tourism activities 2020. 11 The Diagnostic Report refers the rural accommodation supply as rural households and hotels and other accommodation (which are close to rural areas and can, therefore, be used by rural tourists). 12 Please refer to Rural Tourism projections model for full details 13 Bn= billion - 13 -
  • 16. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia  Increase the tourism economic direct multiplier from 0.97 to 1 in 2013, to 1.1 in 2015 and 1.6 in 2020  Increase the total economic contribution of rural tourism to the economy of Serbia from 10.4 bn RSD to16.5 bn RSD in 2013, 22.4 bn RSD in 2015 and 45.5 bn RSD in 2020.  The objective is to increase the occupancy rates of general  Increase occupancy rates of rural tourism from 21% to 24% in 2013, to 26% in 2015 and 30% accommodation in 2020 and rural tourism occupancy rates from 4% to 12% in 2013, to 17% in 2015 and 30% in 2020  The objective is to increase the number of day visitors, especially from international regional markets.  Increase focus on day visitors  The objective is to increase day visitors from 1.2 million to 1.9 million in 2013, to 2.4 million in 2015 and 3.9 million in 2020. Rural Tourism Social sustainability goals  The objective is to use the wealth of natural, cultural and social resources in rural Serbia to further diversify the rural  Diversify the rural economy and economy by creating new rural employment opportunities. reduce unemployment in rural  The goal is to engage local rural communities in tourism and, areas thereby, reduce unemployment and depopulation in rural areas.  The objective is to develop local markets in order to ease the access to market of local agricultural products, food and non- food products processed locally and in particular those  Support sustainable small scale deriving from small scale farming. Small scale farmers farming initiatives of high natural represent a key element for conservation of rural traditions, and cultural value and further culture and landscapes; and high value nature farming develop local markets practices. Small scale production of high quality products processed traditionally or locally have no chance to compete with conventional products in open markets  The objective is to further develop the natural and intrinsic values of women and other disadvantaged groups in rural Serbia as part of the authentic rural tourism experience.  Activate the participation of  The goal is to further develop local handcrafts and traditional women and disadvantaged methods of production (foods, drinks, clothes, carpets) and groups in rural tourism to develop these as a source of income for rural communities, while at the same time creating a unique tourism experience for the visitor.  The objective is to revitalise the use of rural schools and to bring children back to schools which are suffering from a lack  Revitalise rural schools14 of students. The development of Rural Tourism should encourage the use of rural schools to stimulate active and outdoor learning for groups of children and youth. Rural Tourism Environmental sustainability goals  The objective is to further protect and enhance the natural  Preserve and manage natural and cultural assets in rural Serbia and to provide and cultural assets and development solutions to protect these from degradation and landscapes in a high rural sources of pollution. The preservation and enhancement of environmental quality by the environmental quality is a key-factor for the sustainable minimising environmental risks usage of Rural Tourism as economic driver in rural areas of Serbia 14 Objective supported by UNICEF - 14 -
  • 17. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia  Reduction of GHG emission –  The aim is to sell agricultural products close to the place of cutting carbon footprint production, thus avoiding transportation for longer distances  Develop infrastructure in rural  The aim is to develop renewable energy sources in rural areas which supports sustainable Serbia which will be closely linked with the development of life styles rural tourism.  The goal is to involve local communities and stakeholders in  Create social awareness and Rural Tourism and instantly. Use Rural Tourism as a tool to involve community in educate the communities in environmental concerns and sustainability initiatives for Rural possibilities to prevent the environmental degradation. Tourism Marketing goals  The objective is to create a clear identity and branding for Serbia as a rural tourism destination.  The brand identity should support the overall positioning of  Clear identity, branding and Rural Tourism in Serbia. differentiation of Rural Tourism in  In the short and mid-term the objective is to further Serbia differentiate from Romania and Bulgaria. At the same time the objective is to have comparable advantages with regards to Hungary and the Czech Republic and to surpass their competitiveness.  The objective is to create a diverse and original rural tourism experience which will be attractive to a local, regional and international market. The aim is to use the proximity to many international regional markets as a key way of attracting  Diversification of the demand by potential visitors. geographic region  The 2015 objective is for the domestic overnights to make up 80% of total overnights in rural areas, and international regional and international “rest of the world” should make up 15 20%  The objective is to create rural tourism products in Serbia, which will combine rural activities with rural accommodation.  Reduce seasonality by creating The use of these activities and accommodation should experiences which are attractive create a diverse and interesting mix of experiences for the throughout the year visitor. The goal is that these rural tourism products are attractive to different markets throughout the year, thereby, reducing seasonality.  The objective is to improve the marketing of rural tourism in  Improve the marketing and Serbia by the development of the rural tourism marketing commercialization of rural strategy. The aim is to further leverage the use of new tourism in Serbia technologies, especially the internet, for both the promotion and sales of the rural products. Partnership and governance goals  Develop and Support  The objective is to create an entrepreneurial environment partnerships and cooperation and cooperation between numerous local farmers, between local farmers, villagers household owners and the tourism sector. Serbian villages 15 Please refer to Projections chapter for full details - 15 -
  • 18. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia and tourism sector have a small and diverse agricultural production which needs to be coordinated to participate in the tourism sector. Furthermore, rural households are fragmented and many small farms remain isolated from the tourism sector. The development of partnerships between local farmers, rural households and the tourism sector is an important goal for the diversification of the rural economy.  The objective is to develop and support public-private  Develop and support rural partnerships through the development of partnerships tourism public-private between small rural stakeholders, local communities, civil partnerships sector, public services and established businesses (for example resorts which already exists in rural areas).  The objective is to create a governance structure which further extends its support for the development of rural  Improvement of Governance and tourism. institutional capacity to support  The aim is for the coordination, reporting structures and rural tourism funding to have a more integrated and coordinated approach to rural tourism. Rural Tourism Human Capacity development goals  The objective is to create awareness for the local population of what the opportunities are to enter the Rural Tourism  Increase awareness of industry. employment opportunities in  The objective is to create awareness for the general public, Rural Tourism but also to have a special focus on women, youth and disadvantages groups.  The objective is to provide the training and skills required to perform the jobs in Rural Tourism.  Provide training for skills  The objective is to provide skills which are transversal across development different units of the tourism sector, and at the same time to provide specific skills which are needed in particular units of the tourism sector.  Provide ongoing support for  The objective is to provide ongoing support to the people Rural Tourism skills development who are employed in Rural Tourism.  The objective is to provide specific training for small  Special programmes for Micro businesses and to address specific training needs for and Small Enterprises and the governmental institutions public sector Infrastructure and other support goals  The objective is to improve the accessibility to the Rural Tourism sites and between places of interest for tourism.  The objective is to improve the accessibility with motorised  Road infrastructure improvement and non-motorized vehicles of visitors to rural tourism sites and, thereby, also improve the access to rural areas for local communities  The objective is to improve the man-made leisure facilities in  Man-made infrastructure rural areas of Serbia  Furthermore, rural tourism signalisation can play an  Improvement of accessibility and important role in facilitating the arrival of tourists to their signalisation to rural tourism offer destination. - 16 -
  • 19. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia 3 Rural Tourism Positioning The competition analysis in the Diagnostic Report, found that there is strong competition in Rural Tourism, both in terms of rural activities and rural accommodation. Despite the strong natural and cultural features of rural Serbia, neighbouring countries also offer many of the natural and cultural activities. However, low differentiation was found in terms of the rural accommodation offer of the competition. The positioning strategy will propose how Rural Tourism in Serbia should approach the challenge of differentiation. The objectives of this chapter are as follows:  To define the Rural Tourism positioning for Serbia  To define the symbols which should be used to support the positioning  To define the attributes of the positioning strategy  To define the differentiation strategy for Serbia 3.1 Rural Tourism positioning strategy The positioning strategy of Rural Tourism in Serbia should focus on the following:  Create the USPs for Serbia as multi-layered USPs, which combine tangibles, intangibles, rural activities, and rural accommodation, while at the same time always develop the truly Serbian character of these aspects.  Create a destination which reflects the authenticity and rural soul of Serbia throughout the territory.  Create a Rural Tourism destination which is developed on the foundation of environmental, social and economic sustainability.  Create an integrated and holistic Rural Tourism offer which combines rural activities with rural accommodation in an innovative an economical-, social and environmental- sustainable way.  Create a highly competitive positioning of Rural Tourism in Serbia by focusing on a holistic positioning of Rural Tourism which will allow Serbia to become more competitive, especially with regards to Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. The positioning statement should invite the tourist and visitor to discover the unspoilt beauty of rural Serbia, to uncover its cultural heritage and to go on a personal discovery of the heart of the Serbian people. The positioning statement is, therefore, an invitation to discover and to experience the heart of rural Serbia. The Rural Tourism positioning should be within the overall positioning of Serbia as a destination. The positioning proposed by the President of Serbia, Mr. Tadic, is as follows: Serbia “Where tradition meets nature16” 16 Slogan from UN day in Serbia and recommendation of the President of Serbia, Mr Tadic. Belgrade, 27 September 2010 - 17 -
  • 20. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia The Serbia Rural Tourism positioning statement is proposed as follows17: Discover the soul of Serbia Look at the green forests and mountains, and blue rivers and lakes Listen to her stories of legends Taste the goodness of the earth Smell the purity Feel the heart of rural Serbia and meet her people The positioning strategy for rural Serbia, should combine the physical elements (hardware) with the spiritual elements (software) to create an authentic rural tourism positioning with reflects the essence of the Serbian soul. It is important that these elements are developed in terms of the rural activities and rural accommodation strategies. 3.1.1 Physical elements The physical elements include the experiences associated with activities and accommodation. The rural activities include:  Nature:  Unspoilt natural beauty of rural Serbia  Diversity of nature and landscapes  Proximity of rural Serbia to urban centres in Serbia as well as neighbouring countries like Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria  International recognition of natural beauty with resources listed as UNESCO Biosphere Reserves (Golija - Studenica) and Ramsar lists (Labudovo Okno, Gornje Podunavlje, Peštersko Polje and Slano Kopovo)  Culture  Food and gastronomy of high quality with typically Serbian rural cuisine  Local events and festivals in rural communities  History and rich heritage, including cultural heritage and archaeological sites. Serbia boasts three cultural sites recognized on the UNESCO World Heritage List (Archaeological site Felix Romuliana, Studenica Monastery and Stari Ras and Sopocani)  The accommodation includes the physical proximity of the accommodation to the rural area and the level of physical contact of the guest with the rural household or rural accommodation. It relates to the level of immersion of the guest in the activities of the rural household (which can range from high to no involvement). 17 During the national stakeholders workshop (Belgrade, December 1st) a modification on the presented positioning statement was proposed: “Share the soul of Serbia”. - 18 -
  • 21. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia 3.1.2 Spiritual elements The spiritual elements include the emotional experiences associated with activities and accommodation.  The rural activities intangibles include:  Experiencing the rural lifestyle and slow pace of the countryside  Authentic people and places, experiencing the rural way of life as seen through the eyes of real people  Friendliness of the rural people and their open heartedness and heartfelt hospitality  The emotional component of the accommodation includes the personal experience of the guest of the character and warmth of the rural household owner (or other rural accommodation). It relates to the way in which the guest is made to feel at home and part of the rural household. 3.2 Rural Tourism symbols Symbols are used as tools to position the destination and are used to create the mental image and association of the destination. Symbols are used to reinforce, illustrate and make tangible the core of Rural Tourism. The symbols for rural Serbia should combine rural activities and rural accommodation. The strategy for the use of rural symbols for Serbia is as follows: Serbia Rural Tourism symbols Rural Activities symbols Rural Accommodation symbols  Nature  Farms  Culture: rural events + festivals  Rural gastronomy +  Traditional villages  Rural architecture  Heritage Human touch 3 - 19 -
  • 22. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia The symbols for rural activities include nature and culture symbols. The symbols for rural accommodation include farms, traditional villages and rural architecture. Finally, human symbols should be used to reflect the heart of the rural and multicultural Serbian people. 3.3 Rural Tourism attributes Serbian Rural Tourism positioning should be further supported and made more tangible through a selection of attributes in order to convey a message of diversity of experiences to the potential visitor and tourist. Rural Tourism in Serbia can bring a wide array of opportunities to enjoy. It is comprised of a combination of physical attributes (based on activities and accommodation) as well as emotional attributes. Accommodation Activities Phyiscal Physical Attributes 3 Priorité Attributes Rural Tourism Attributes Intangible Attributes An example of these attributes is shown below:  Physical attributes through activities includes lakes, mountains, rivers, heritage sites, hunting and bird watching.  Physical attributes through accommodation includes rural architecture, traditional cottages (e,g. salas, vajat and brvnare), ethno villages and rural houses.  Intangible attributes include the highly emotional and personal elements such as contact with the villagers, human contact, friendships, building memories and feeling a part of rural Serbia. Please refer to the Appendix for the full details of the chapter. 3.4 The challenge of differentiation The Diagnostic Report found that there is high competition for Rural Tourism in Serbia, especially from Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Czech Republic18. Despite the relatively high competition 18 Please refer to the Competition Analysis in the Diagnostic Report for full details. - 20 -
  • 23. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia levels, Serbia has the opportunity to differentiate its Rural Tourism offer from its competitive markets by addressing multiple aspects. The key principles for differentiation are as follows:  To follow a holistic approach to Rural Tourism development by combining rural accommodation with rural activities, to create truly authentic and integrated Rural Tourism experiences  To always look for ways to develop and reinforce the intangibles and rural lifestyle with a truly authentic Serbian character by the ongoing involvement of the local communities. Although authenticity and friendliness can also be found in neighbouring competitors, it must be developed so that the Serbian intangibles achieve a truly strong association with the destination. Only the intangibles that are proper to Serbia can be used as competitive and unique features and they relate fundamentally to “lifestyle”, which needs to be expressed and illustrated in a very tangible way through symbols (rural events, style, architecture, design).  To create innovative rural accommodation typologies which supporting the differentiation of Serbia´s rural accommodation by the development of typically Serbian accommodation in creative ways and in developing new Serbian typologies.  To create rural man-made tourism facilities which are – as much as possible - intrinsically Serbian in character, while at the same time meet international standards. Furthermore, to ensure that international standards are achieved and promoted throughout the Rural Tourism Sector  To constantly develop and invest in the development of human skills and management capacity.  To show that the Rural Tourism model in Serbia is driven by economic, social- and environmental sustainability. - 21 -
  • 24. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia 4 Rural Tourism Cluster development strategy The Diagnostic Report found that the natural and cultural resources, which have potential to be developed for Rural Tourism, are distributed throughout the Serbian territory. The report also identified the strategic development priorities for tourism in Serbia, particularly through the Tourism Strategy of Serbia, Tourism Master plans and the products being promoted by TOS. The Diagnostic also identified key issues which have an impact on the development of Rural Tourism, which include aspects such as accessibility, hospitality offer and seasonality. The strategy will define the areas of the territory which should be prioritised for Rural Tourism development. The objectives of this chapter are as follows:  To define the strategy for the development of geographic areas (called Rural Tourism Clusters) for Rural Tourism in the territory. In other words, to identify which areas should be developed as a focus for Rural Tourism throughout the territory.  Given that there are many priority areas that have been identified for development, while at the same time there are budget considerations, further prioritisation of the Rural Tourism Clusters are considered. The second objective, therefore, it to define the prioritisation strategy for the different Rural Tourism Clusters. In other words, to define which of the Rural Tourism Clusters should be developed in which order. 4.1 Methodology The methodology used to define the Rural Tourism development strategy is done in two main steps, as explained below: Step 1: Define Rural Tourism Clusters development strategy The first step is the identification of which areas of the territory should be developed for Rural Tourism and has been completed as follows:  Rural Tourism Clusters (RTC) are developed as a result of taking the most relevant Factors and Attractors in the territory (as identified in the FAS analysis of the Diagnostic Report19) and grouping them with Tourism Master20 plans where relevant.  The result is 12 Rural Tourism Clusters which should be developed for Rural Tourism.  The 12 RTC are then grouped further into 4 Rural Tourism Cluster Groups considering the synergies and proximity of one or several clusters. The output is the Rural Tourism Clusters grouped into Rural Tourism Cluster Groups.  Please note: The detailed methodology and step by step examples of the mapping are included in the Appendix.  The 12 Rural Tourism Clusters are then further evaluated in order to prioritise them for development. 19 Please refer to the Diagnostic Report, Chapter 4: Inventory and assessment of relevant tourism assets and facilities 20 Source: Master Plan Zlatibor-Zlatar, Master Plan Golija, Master Plan Vlasina, Master Plan Besna Kobila, Master Plan Lower Danube, Master Plan Stara Planina, Master Plan Kucajske Planine-Belijanica, Master Plan Kopaonik, Master Plan Upper Danube, Master Plan Sremski Karlovci, Master Plan Novo Milosevo, Master Plan Soko Banja, Master Plan Tara, Master Plan Roman Emperor´s Route - 22 -
  • 25. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia Step 2: Prioritisation of Rural Tourism Clusters The 12 RTC are further prioritised in order to identify which should be developed first. These categories address the issue of potential return for every Serbian dinar investment in Rural Tourism development. The methodology identifies 6 aspects (which are ranked from 1 to 3) and are considered important in determining the level of risk and return of investment in each RTC. The following criteria have been applied to each RTC in order to define its priority for development compared to the other RTCs:  Factors and Attractors: considers the concentration of factors and attractors in each RTC and the potential the RTC has to develop a diversified rural tourism offer  Seasonality: considers whether the RTC could be an all year round tourism destination. The outputs are driven by the findings from the Spatial Plan for Serbia21.  Accessibility and Infrastructure: considers the ease of access to and within the RTC  Proximity to markets: considers the size of the potential markets in terms of isochrones for each RTC.  Unemployment: considers the unemployment levels in each RTC considering that high unemployment rates should be given priority for rural tourism development.  Hospitality: considers the current capacity of the RTC to accommodate rural tourists. This is evaluated in terms of rural accommodation as well as hotels and other accommodation suitable for rural tourism.  Experience in rural tourism: considers the experience that each RTC has in terms of development and management of rural tourism The output is the 12 Rural Tourism Clusters prioritised in terms of development order.  Please note: The detailed methodology and step by step examples of the mapping are included in the Appendix. 21 Source: Spatial Plan of Serbia 2010: Destinations with year round offer; dominant summer offer with participation of Winter supply; dominant summer offer - 23 -
  • 26. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia 4.2 Strategy for Rural Tourism Clusters development The first question which the strategy addresses is: Which parts of the Serbian territory should be prioritised for the development of Rural Tourism? The strategy identifies 12 Rural Tourism Clusters (RTC) throughout the territory.  The 12 Rural Tourism Clusters should be developed for Rural Tourism in Serbia. The 12 RTCs have been grouped into 4 Rural Tourism Cluster Groups which will be used in other parts of the strategy. The below table summarises the 12 RTCs and 4 RTCGs. Rural Tourism Cluster Development strategy RTC 1: Golija RTCG1: Central Serbia and Western RTC 2: Zlatar Zlatibor Serbia RTC 3: Kopaonik RTC 4: Central Serbia RTC 5: Lower Danube RTCG 2: South Banat and Lower Danube RTC 6: South Banat RTC 7: Soko Banja RTCG 3: Eastern Serbia RTC 8: Eastern Serbia RTC 9: South Eastern RTC 10: Fruska Gora RTCG 4: Vojvodina RTC 11: Upper Danube RTC 12: Northern  These 12 RTC are the areas of the territory which should be developed for Rural Tourism.  The 12 RTCs are the result of diverse and rich resources (including natural, cultural and other as detailed in the FAS of the Diagnostic Report) which are highly correlated for the development of Rural Tourism experiences.  Of the 12 RTCs, 10 have already been identified for development in terms of the Tourism Master Plans which have already been defined.  The RTCs show a high variety of resources distributed throughout the territory, including different types of attractors (mainly natural and cultural) as well as natural factors. A relatively high concentration of attractors and factors in certain areas. However, there is a relatively lower presence of man-made attractors when compared to the natural and cultural attractors.  If it is allowed by the budget, these 12 RTCs should all be developed.  However, given that the implementation of the Rural Tourism Master plan will have budget limitations, these 12 RTC´s are further prioritised for investment.  The RTC and RTCGs are represented in the territory on the following map. Note: Although South Banat belongs to the Autonomous Region of Vojvodina, in terms of tourism development synergies, it has been proposed to connect it with Lower Danube - 24 -
  • 27. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia Map of 12 Rural Tourism Clusters (RTC) and 4 Rural Tourism Cluster Groups (RTCG) Northern RTCG RTC 4 12 RTC 11 Upper Danube RTC South Banat 10 RTC Fruska Gora 6 RTC 5 Lower Danube Central Serbia RTCG 2 RTC RTC 4 7 Soko Banja Eastern Serbia RTCG 1 RTC RTC 8 2 RTC 1 RTC 3 Zlatar Zlatibor RTCG 3 Golija RTC 9 Kopaonik South Eastern RTCG Rural Tourism Cluster Group RTC Rural Tourism Cluster Source: UNWTO - 25 -
  • 28. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia 4.3 Strategy for Rural Tourism Clusters prioritisation The second question which the strategy addresses is: Within these prioritised areas of the Serbian territory, which of the RTCs will provide the best return for the investment of each Serbian dinar in Rural Tourism? In other words, it identifies which of the RTCs provide the best opportunities, with the lowest risk, for expanding the value of Rural Tourism.  The RTCs with the best opportunities, while at the same time having the least risk, are RTC1 ( Golija), RTC2 (Zlatar-Zlatibor), RTC3 (Kopaonik), RTC4 (Central Serbia), RTC5 (Lower Danube), RTC8 (Eastern Serbia), RTC10 (Fruska Gora) and RTC 11 (Upper Danube).  Three of the project target regions, namely RTC4 (Central Serbia), RTC5 (Lower Danube) and RTC8 (Eastern Serbia) are included in the prioritised RTCs.  RTC6 (South Banat), a project target region, is also included in the prioritised clusters. Although it has a lower ranking than the other target regions, it forms a natural continuation of RTC5 (Lower Danube) and can, therefore, contribute as part of this area for the development of Rural Tourism. The below table shows the summary of the prioritisation of the RTCs. Unemployment Accessibility / Experience in Infrastructure Prioritisation Proximity to Seasonality Rural Tourism Hospitality markets Rural Tourism Cluster tourism Cluster Total Group FAS RTC 1 (Golija) 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 10 1 RTC 2 (Zlatar Zlatibor) 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 11 2 RTCG 1 RTC 3 (Kopaonik) 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 11 2 RTC 4 (Central Serbia) 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 12 3 RTC 5 (Lower Danube) 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 12 3 RTCG 2 RTC 6 (South Banat) 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 15 6 RTC 7 (Soko Banja) 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 15 6 RTCG 3 RTC 8 (Eastern Serbia) 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 13 4 RTC 9 (South Eastern) 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 17 8 RTC 10 (Fruska Gora) 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 11 2 RTCG 4 RTC 11 (Upper Danube) 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 13 4 RTC 12 (Northern) 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 14 5 The below table explains the ratings. - 26 -
  • 29. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia Accessibility / Proximity to Unemploy- Experience Rating FAS Seasonality Hospitality Infrastructure markets ment in tourism High volume High High volume of general Good concentration of proximity accommodati Long accessibility to of factors and potential Above 25% on and experience in All year round the cluster, and 1 attractors and tourists and of unemploy- relatively the destination relatively good high relatively high ment developed development connections diversification probability of rural tourism of tourism within it potential catchment accommodati on Medium Medium volume of Medium Summer Good volume of general Short concentration destination accessibility to proximity accommodati Around 20% experience in of factors and with the the cluster, but potential on and initial 2 of unemploy- the medium participation limited tourists and level of rural ment development diversification of winter connections medium tourism of tourism potential supply within it probability of accommodati catchment on development Low Good Low volume No concentration accessibility to of proximity Around 15% Limited experience in of factors and Summer the cluster, but potential 3 of unemploy- accommodati the limited destination very poor tourists and ment on capacity development diversification connections low probability of tourism potential within it of catchment The following conclusions can be drawn from the prioritisation of Rural Tourism Clusters:  The specific geographic areas for rural tourism development in the territory have been identified and prioritised as Central and Western Serbia (RTCG 1), Vojvodina (RTCG 4), South Banat, Lower Danube and the top part or Eastern Serbia (RTCG 2) and Eastern Serbia (RTCG 3).  The strategy for the development of Rural Tourism in Serbia should focus on these geographic areas and should be focused on developing these at the same time. However, when resource allocation decisions need to be made, the difference in the priority level should be taken into consideration.  Some areas or municipalities with a critical mass of tourism accommodation (whether rural or no specifically) are not located within the priority clusters. However, they should be linked to and benefit from the development of the adjacent priority clusters because of their proximity.  While all the RTCG are prioritised for development, the distribution of resources should be given more weight in the prioritised clusters. The primary resources which this refers to are investment and funding (including grant schemes). In other words, for example, Eastern Serbia (RTCG 3) should be given the highest prioritisation for investment in infrastructure, compared to the other cluster groups. The same approach should be applied for the prioritisation of funding schemes.  It should also be considered that, while the process results in an overall level of prioritisation, there may be cases when specific criteria, such as the unemployment rate, are given higher priority is certain decision making, than other criteria. - 27 -
  • 30. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia  The strategy for Rural Tourism development, therefore, is to focus on all the areas, while at the same time considering the prioritisation. In practical terms this should support the decision making for investment. The prioritisation is an indicator of the potential return that may be generated in the RTCG. In other words, it is also an indicator of the relative value that can be created by investing 1 Serbian Dinar in the cluster.  Although the 4 targeted regions have been determined as priority areas for rural tourism development, a national policy should also consider at the same level of priority the other clusters which have been determined in this chapter. - 28 -
  • 31. Volume II – Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia Map of 12 Rural Tourism Clusters (RTC) and 4 Rural Tourism Cluster Groups (RTCG), with prioritisation of 12 RTCs 5 Northern RTCG RTC 4 12 RTC 11 4 Upper Danube RTC South Banat 6 10 RTC 2 Fruska Gora 6 RTC 5 Lower Danube 3 3 Central Serbia RTCG 2 RTC RTC 4 7 Soko Banja 6 Eastern Serbia 4 RTCG 1 RTC RTC 8 2 RTC 1 RTC 3 2 Zlatar Zlatibor RTCG 3 RTC 1 Golija 9 2 Kopaonik South Eastern 8 RTCG Rural Tourism Cluster Group RTC Rural Tourism Cluster 3 Prioritization order Source: UNWTO - 29 -