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Talouden Workshop
    August 20, 2009
    Ari Manninen
Talouden Workshop

           • please comment Archie Norman.’s views

Mr Norman has been on the lookout for a fresh turnaround
opportunity, having rescued Asda from near-bankruptcy and
sold it to Wal-Mart for £6.7 billion. He also orchestrated a
revival of Energis that gained him the lion's share of a bonus
pool of £30 million upon the telecom group's sale to Cable &
Wireless in 2005. (Times online)

Talouden Workshop
                                        Basic numerology

                                       European              Usa
                6 zero                 million               million
                9 zero                 milliard              billion
                12 zero                billion               trillion
                18 zero                trillion              quintillion
     The $787 billion stimulus bill passed by Congress
     Finland GDP $195.2 billion (2008 est.)

The study of the purported mystical relationship between
numbers and the character or action of physical objects and living things
Talouden Workshop
               Goals of this workshop

• economical thinking and action – big picture
• economical side of everything
• knowledge and action : how to make knowing doing gap smaller
• executive’s view
• money – more is good
• rigorous thinking and active dialoque – sources of new knowledge
Exercise 1. Let us start by locating opportunities!
Look at the changing world:

 Develop a ”bite framework”
 Where lurk the juiciest
 (make sure that your proposition is more than some
 remarks, please develop a framework,
 for our inspiration let us check the
 following three frameworks)
The big picture
               on strategic agility
          - excellent framework (Doz & Kosonen)

1.   Strategic sensitivity (both the sharpness of perception
     and the intensity of awareness and attention)
2.   Collective commitment (the ability of the top team to
     make bold decisions – fast, without being bogged
     down in ”win-lose” politics at the top)
3.   Resource fluidity (the internal capability ot reconfigure
       business systems and redeploy resources rapidly)
The big picture
                 on leadership
         - excellent framework (Kostenbaum)

                 1.     Vision
                 2.     Reality
                 3.     Ethics
                 4.     Courage

Also the graphical version of this framework is excellent
The big picture
                               on innovation                                 How
                                 - excellent framework
                        (rev. from Moss Kanter HBR nov.2006)
1.        Strategy
     1.      Don’t just focus on new product development
     2.      Transformative idea can come from any function

2.        Process
     1.      Don’t just require that plans are followed
     2.      Notice deviations which rise from acting in new circumstances

3.        Structure
     1.      Don’t create two classes of corporate citizens
     2.      Create motivation for all to support innovation

4.        Skills
     1.      Don’t leave innovators alone
     2.      Find people who create connections
Now we know, how we act!
Please propose the action side of your framework!
Exercise 2. Let us continue by tackling challenges!

    Simple rules in saving money

5 rules for:

    5 most important rules                                            ina-points
 1. Creativity                                                           1,2,3

Evaluate every rule:
-importance (1-10)
-novelty (1-10)
-applicability (1-10)
     5 most important rules                                             ina-points
 1. Segmentation (opportunityt to provide effectively right products and services) 9,
 2. See the value of the existing customer base (new customers are difficult to get) 10
 3. Effective purchase-sales process (active dialoque for the best of the company) ?
 4. Help your customer to succeed in its own business (see customer’s customer)
 5. Activity (do not press quantity on the cost of quality, eg. number of customer visits) 7

 Why the price was not mentioned?
          -instead of price try to use other sales arguments, quality, customer care, etc

Evaluate every rule:
-importance (1-10)
-novelty (1-10)
-applicability (1-10)

    5 most important rules                                            ina-points
 1. Focus, no-choices are also important 9
 2. Get and/or develop the knowledge base what the organization needs 10
 3. Openness – see and use all the idea around 9
 4. Realism – decide the size of the imput, see also costs and future markets 9
 5. Inventive approach, ability to create need (new servise for the customer) 10
 How about future needs – need for market research
 The existence of the future markets?
 How to use previous knowledge/solutions/technology
 How to lead innovative group and people

Evaluate every rule:
-importance (1-10)
-novelty (1-10)
-applicability (1-10)

   5 most important rules                                            ina-points
1. Sensitivity (herkkyys) 10
2. Willingness to examine and analyze every action (ZBB) (novelty)
3. Manager (ceo) must hae a big picture 10
4. Deep knowledge about the needs of the organization 9
5. Management shapes the culture of the organization – realize the imporance

Management and pet projects?
Short term management positions - consequences

Evaluate every rule:
-importance (1-10)
-novelty (1-10)
-applicability (1-10)

    5 most important rules                                            ina-points
 1. How to learn to see the positive side of change (also in Finland) 10-
 2. Participation, possibility to propose and get changes 10-
 3. Tell the reasons of change to all, often and openly10
 4. Rewrds, support, motivation 9
 5. Keep it simple 9

Evaluate every rule:
-importance (1-10)
-novelty (1-10)
-applicability (1-10)
Joker: what extremely important is still missing
Personnel Group 3

   5 most important rules                                            ina-points
1. The feeling of safety
2. The experience of being usefull
3. The experienced appreciation
4. Rewards (many ways, select to most suitable)
5. Fairness

Evaluate every rule:
-importance (1-10)
-novelty (1-10)
-applicability (1-10)
Joker: what extremely important is still missing
Personnel Group 4
   5 most important rules                                            ina-points
1. How to use the existing capability
2. The role of personnel in cost cutting (their ides)
3. Reward results
4. Motivation, training
5. YT-find the posite side of working together

Evaluate every rule:
-importance (1-10)
-novelty (1-10)
-applicability (1-10)
Joker: what extremely important is still missing
Personnel (Group 2)
   5 most important rules                                             ina-points
1. Commitment
2. Työ hyvintointi viihtyvyys
3. Motivointi
4. Itsensä johtaminen
5. Vuorovaikutus
Henkilöstöosaston kehittäminen- kaikki edellämaitit asiat niiden
Osaaminen, henkilöstöosaston aseman organisaatiossa
Henkilöstöpäällikön näkyvyys organisaatiolle ja johdolle päin

 Evaluate every rule:
 -importance (1-10)
 -novelty (1-10)
 -applicability (1-10)
Joker: what extremely important is still missing
   Production (Group 1)
   5 most important rules                                            ina-points
1. Make the processess leaner
2. Mimimize all distractions
3. Broad and flexible work roles
4. Make sure that key elements of production process are understod in whole organization

Evaluate every rule:
-importance (1-10)
-novelty (1-10)
-applicability (1-10)
Joker: what extremely important is still missing

   5 most important rules                                            ina-points
1. Creativity                                                           1,2,3

Evaluate every rule:
-importance (1-10)
-novelty (1-10)
-applicability (1-10)
Exercise 3. Let us keep up to good work between
             seminars by looking deep into our own organizations!

Let us use: name, justify and act framework:

1)   What defines your organizations financial success?
     Name three most important things:
2)   When you know those three justify why those a most imprtant: a brief and
     efective backing to your choices.
3)   Now you know the most important things and you can justify your views. Is
     this enough? – no way. What you do with your knowledge – your actions
     (immediately, in a month, in a year)

Prepare a thought provoking presentation for the next seminar
-    About 10 minutes most important economic thoughts ever heard so far on
     the surface of the earth
-    Send this to Ari before 21st of September
Exercise 3a. Locate something which could give
new ideas to your colleaque in her effort to
improve her economic thinking (eg. Article, part
of book, video, etc.)
Please send this to Ari before 21st September
Talouden Workshop
    September 24, 2009
    Ari Manninen
The big picture
                 on control
          - excellent framework (rev. from Hopwood)

                administrative control

self control                                 social control
Numbers tell a
clear message?
Business relevance
 Numbers as such are empty, number 9 is just
   number 9 nothing more.
 We have to notice how our consciusness builds a
   picture on the basis of numbers
 - Thus our personal experience is the key in
   understanding numbers and seeing more than
   plain numbers
 - Experience is needed
 - But we have to be careful with our
   intretations – it may be 9 today is
   different than tomorrow
The big picture on numbers:
           => how do you take these phenomena into account as a responsible manager

How the numbers have changed your                 How the numbers tell you/your
understanding of youself?                         boss/management team/sales
                 ers                              view/etc. what is wise and what is
          en  umb u                               dumb?
  Ho w th way yo
  a ffect st, act,
   a re, ex                                        How
     plan?                                        chan the num
                                                 orga ed how bers ha
                                                     n                   v
How you/your boss/management                    poss ization people e
                                                    ible     s          in
team/sales                                               and ee wha your
                                                            wha       t
representative/welder/shared                                    t is n is
view/etc. sees the numbers - as
The big picture
              on uses of numbers
        - excellent framework (let us develop together)
                  why numbers are calculated
            what purposes are pursuit with numbers

                        Emphasis on

Emphasis on                                    Emphasis on
action                      9                  motivating

                       Emphasis on
Mental warm up no 1
           Customer - Company
     What happens between active projects?

                   Sleeping projects?
Question: what kind of actions are economically wise?
Mental warm up no 2
            Basic business truth
         Sell high
         Buy low
         Collect early
         Pay late

How do you do these things in practice – best practices please!
The mental warm up no 3
          The big picture on change
  Is the truth of organizational life following:

                                   The arrow of time

Same thing continues from time to time.
Do you underwrite the above – to what extend
and where are your reservations?
How would you use reports, numbers and accounting
as a tool for change?
Mental warm up no 1:
         Cucamber approach
A sad story
Business relevance
What this has to do with profit and growth:
      general implications
                    - act in time, anticipate
                                (see Who moved my cheese)
                    - notice the small changes
                    - see the pig picture

=> accounting apparatus notices some changes whereas others remain in
   => the challenge for the manager is to see all the
   most relevant cause-effect relationships in the sense
   of the system theory
Mental warm up no 2
                 Milk carton
Best before
Business relevance
    Our habit as a human being is to repeat
       everything – action, thinking, procedures,
       ways of learning, ways of organizing,
       ways of managing and leading, etc.
    This is just fine – life without routines would
       be impossible, it would take time to decide
       which food would be best to take first out
       of the bed.
    But the world changes all the time…
    We need best before days for…
The big picture on numbers:
          => how do you take these phenomena into account as a responsible manager

How the numbers have changed your                How the numbers tell you/your
understanding of youself?                        boss/management team/sales
                           u mber                view/etc. what is wise and what is
                      the n y you                dumb?
               How to wa
                affec ist, act,
                         x                              How
                 ar e, e                              chan the num
                  plan?                                      g
                                                     o rg a e d h o w b e rs h a
                                                           n                     v
                                                    poss ization people e
      How you/your boss/management                        ible      s          in
                                                               and ee wha your
      team/sales                                                   w ha      t
                                                                       t is n is
      representative/welder/shared                                           ot?
      view/etc. sees the numbers - as
Mental warm up no 4
                     Accounting world
Double – entry bookkeeping
    Let us experiment with accounts
Transactions not actions
   Let us look the continuum between company and customer
    What is the scope, what do you manage
         -unit, organization, network

    No one        few         Management + some       network

             Who is interested in your success – a continuum of leadership
             (who is willing to to do something (extra) for you)
Business relevance
                    transaction - actions
                    Customer - Company

No connection
with the customer                                         Time
                          Send an invoice

       What are the most important moments/acts in this continuum?
Path to Profit - Framework
                c tu r



                                  c ti


Big Picture
What are the underlying explanations for Company’s
   financial success?
Please name three underlying explanations and give some
   justification for your choises
Do people have a shared view?
Do you really use your identified strength in a best possible
   way – is the leverage in active use?
Do you nourish your strength?
Do you know the direction where to proceed?
What role accounting plays here – please elaborate?
What do you select to do and what do you select not to do?
Do you have ways to recognize declining areas (products,
  customer groups, procedures etc.) and act accordingly?
  Please tell us an example?
Do you have tools to manage economic
 activities?    You certainly have ways to
                  continuosly increase your
                  business intelligency
                  -What role accounting reports
                   and numbers play in this
                   process of becoming wiser?
                  -Please tell us an example
                    where accounting reports
                    have changed your (your
                  colleaques) conception/
Technology..more questions
Do you have necessary tools to manage economic activities?
What is the major task for accounting, cost accounting, strategic
  accounting, etc. in your organization?
What are those specific accounting tools which seem to be most
  important in helping your organization to succeed?
How do you use your accounting technology? Best examples
Do you think that there are important issues in your
  organizationg which remain into shadow and
what may be the important issues which escape inquiring
  accounting eye?
Who are willing to make the organization to succeed?
Look the continuum (from – to whole network and beyond)?
How do widen and deepen the willingness to make more for
  the organization’s success?
When we look the world with the eyes of different people in
  different positions – how do they see the issue of
  organization’s success?
How the incentive system works – what is in order what
  might need some refinement?
Food for thought
- Can you locate unnecessary expences?
  - And if yes – are you willing and/or able to
     - What is the route from knowing to doing?
- Are customers willing to do selling for you?
  - Or can you name some orher potential
    resources which you do not leverage as
    efectively than what would be possible
     - Is something stalling your action here?
• Best time to plant a tree was ten years ago.
  The second best time is now.

  – The message is: intensify the present moment
  – And see how past, present and future and
    irrevocably linked with each other
• Accounting in action:
  two lines of thought
  1) Strategy
        Is It Time to Start Thinking About Strategic Accounting?
  2) Organisational, behavioral
        Be(com)ing The Chief Financial Officer Of an Organisation:
  Experimenting With Bourdieu’s Practice Theory
Before we go go there is
absolutely something we
   must not ignore…
What it is?
  The thing that has changed the
    world and does just keep on
causing deeper and more profound
        changes all the time
    continuously everywhere…
The answer is

Web 2.0            youtube       wikinomics

Blogs, wikis, chat rooms, etc…
Groundswell: Li and Bernoff

     You must always thing how
     internet could help you to:
    1) Listen your customers and your shareholders –
       better and with lower costs
    2) Talk to your customers and shareholders-
       better and with lower costs

3) Energize your most loyal customers and shareholders-
    better and with lower costs
4) Support your customers and shareholders
    help each other
5) Embrace your customers and shareholders
    to develop your business together
Please share with us your adventures in internet,
       in particular those with remarkable financial
                     successes or losses

        Where and how - in your experience - the
       business relevance of internet use in business
         environment has been most impressive?

       Have you seen enormous rise of revenues or
                 amazing fall on costs?

we look
closely in
the near future?
You made excellent questions and I have
         grouped responses into three category:

1) Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting,
2) Innovations in the accounting, control world
3) Bacis question: how strategic position is developing
4) Steps in Strategy work and accounting
Bridge-work between
                      strategy and finance (accounting, control)

     How we see the concept and activity of strategy
     affects how we can build the bridge. Is strategy:
1.   Process through which we develop the organization to fit to the external situation
2.   Meticulous planning process and forceful implementation act
3.   Improvement of our position within the context of industry
4.   Visionary process of the charismatic leader
5.   Our capability to see and understand opportunities for our organization
6.   Learning process
7.   Negotiation process between differeant stakeholders within and outside the organization
8.   Gradually emerged way to think and act – our culture
9.   Our way respond to the challenges what the external environment impose on us

                                                                Cf. Mintzberg et al. Strategy safari

How these conceptions of strategy path
a way to accounting and control?
Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting, control)

             When we perceive strategy as: 1) Process through which
             we develop the organization to fit to the external situation

Then our article which was given as a reading material ”Is It Time to Start Thinking
About Strategic Accounting? is highly relevent:

                             … well, because
                        There is the idea and wisdom: Ansoff ssf
                        (strategic success formula)
                        in case we accept the idea (or find it usefull)
                        everything follows pretty straightforwardly, so
                        in case the environment is 1) repetitive, 2) expanding,
                        3) changing, 4) discontinuous, 5) surpriseful
                        ⇒This tell something what the firm should be and
                        ⇒How the environment should be monitored
                        ⇒What kind of accounting and control system
                                  would serve us best
Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting, control)

    When we perceive strategy as: 2) Meticulous planning process and forceful
                              implementation act

In case this is our starting point what does this mean to our way to perceive and
develop accounting and control systems?
Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting, control)

    When we perceive strategy as: 3) Improvement of our position within the
                                 context of industry

In case this is our starting point what does this mean to our way to perceive and
develop accounting and control systems?
Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting, control)

        When we perceive strategy as: 6) Learning process

In case this is our starting point what does this mean to our way to perceive and
develop accounting and control systems?
Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting, control)

How we see the concept and activity of strategy affects how we can build the bridge.

                       Is strategy essentially:

                                                                                     Cf. Stacay and Griiffin
1. Essentially codified and centralized
     -   managers, decisions, hierarchies
2. Complex responsive process in organization
     -   created in continuous discussions between people

How these basic conceptions of strategy affect to the way how
we start to think accounting, control and our task as a manager
to create a setting which lead to a success?
Eg. How we start to think about intangible assets, their
management and measurement
Innovations in the
                        accounting, control world

                                Point to consider
Is the world and organizations truly changing to a direction where hierarchies, bosses and
      structeres are less important and powerful?
Are we moving to world where substance and contribution matter? The one who has
      something to say gets audience, the one who can deliver gets resources, etc.

  Is there a good reason for Stacey to say that there is no boss neuron
  in a brain?
  Is these a good reason for Hamel to talk about resielence and quite
  often refer for instance to cities as resilien organizations?

  What would this change mean to accounting and control?
Innovations in the
                       accounting, control world

Few remarks from history and from the outskirt of accounting

1.   Excellent tools: ROI (profit centers, the story in GOAL)
2.   Radical innovation: Exit value accounting (Sterling)
3.   Recent shock wave - subprimes
Innovations in the accounting, control world:
                  case Balanced Scorecard

How the performance of an organization changes? What changes first and things
 are related to each other? Let us hear first the BSC story and then your stories


                                        Customer satisfaction

Innovations in the accounting, control world:
                 Outline your own Balanced Scorecard

What are your strategic goals? How do you pursue your goals? What is the
             elementary level, the sencond and third level?

                                    Third level

                                   Second level

                                    Elementary level
Bacis question: how strategic position is developing

     1. Very basic level
        - Naked eye

                   2. Basic level
                      - Counting

3   And what comes here…
Basic question:
             If you want to know more of your organization
             than what naked eye or simple counting can tell
              you need theoretical frameworks

Some of our frameworks have received an established position:
Accounting tools (income statement, balance sheet and so on
also eg. Budgeting, Balances Scorecrs, etc.)

However some frameworks are still lacking or they are
Controversial. For instance how to know how the strategic
Capability of organization is developing. Also hard question is
Personnel – what to follow and why – what is the framework here?
Steps in Strategy work and accounting:
        What role accounting plays and can play in each step

Create strategy,

Implement strategy

Evaluate strategy,
Change if necessary
Your own framework
             c tu r



                               c ti


Your comments
Name, topic   Your comment – the key point   i n a

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Stragic accounting workshop 2009

  • 1. Talouden Workshop August 20, 2009 Ari Manninen
  • 2. Talouden Workshop Introduction • please comment Archie Norman.’s views Mr Norman has been on the lookout for a fresh turnaround opportunity, having rescued Asda from near-bankruptcy and sold it to Wal-Mart for £6.7 billion. He also orchestrated a revival of Energis that gained him the lion's share of a bonus pool of £30 million upon the telecom group's sale to Cable & Wireless in 2005. (Times online)
  • 3. Talouden Workshop Basic numerology European Usa 6 zero million million 9 zero milliard billion 12 zero billion trillion 18 zero trillion quintillion The $787 billion stimulus bill passed by Congress Finland GDP $195.2 billion (2008 est.) Numerology: The study of the purported mystical relationship between numbers and the character or action of physical objects and living things
  • 4. Talouden Workshop Goals of this workshop • economical thinking and action – big picture • economical side of everything • knowledge and action : how to make knowing doing gap smaller • executive’s view • money – more is good • rigorous thinking and active dialoque – sources of new knowledge
  • 5. Exercise 1. Let us start by locating opportunities!
  • 6. Look at the changing world: Develop a ”bite framework” Where lurk the juiciest opportunities? (make sure that your proposition is more than some remarks, please develop a framework, for our inspiration let us check the following three frameworks)
  • 7. The big picture on strategic agility - excellent framework (Doz & Kosonen) 1. Strategic sensitivity (both the sharpness of perception and the intensity of awareness and attention) 2. Collective commitment (the ability of the top team to make bold decisions – fast, without being bogged down in ”win-lose” politics at the top) 3. Resource fluidity (the internal capability ot reconfigure business systems and redeploy resources rapidly)
  • 8. The big picture on leadership - excellent framework (Kostenbaum) 1. Vision 2. Reality 3. Ethics 4. Courage Also the graphical version of this framework is excellent
  • 9. The big picture on innovation How - excellent framework (rev. from Moss Kanter HBR nov.2006) about 1. Strategy 1. Don’t just focus on new product development 2. Transformative idea can come from any function 2. Process 1. Don’t just require that plans are followed 2. Notice deviations which rise from acting in new circumstances 3. Structure 1. Don’t create two classes of corporate citizens 2. Create motivation for all to support innovation 4. Skills 1. Don’t leave innovators alone 2. Find people who create connections
  • 10. Now we know, how we act! Please propose the action side of your framework!
  • 11. Exercise 2. Let us continue by tackling challenges! Simple rules in saving money 5 rules for: -sales -R&D -management -changes
  • 12. Sales: 5 most important rules ina-points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Creativity 1,2,3 2. 3. 4. 5. Evaluate every rule: -importance (1-10) -novelty (1-10) -applicability (1-10)
  • 13. Sales: 5 most important rules ina-points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Segmentation (opportunityt to provide effectively right products and services) 9, 2. See the value of the existing customer base (new customers are difficult to get) 10 3. Effective purchase-sales process (active dialoque for the best of the company) ? 4. Help your customer to succeed in its own business (see customer’s customer) 5. Activity (do not press quantity on the cost of quality, eg. number of customer visits) 7 Why the price was not mentioned? -instead of price try to use other sales arguments, quality, customer care, etc Evaluate every rule: -importance (1-10) -novelty (1-10) -applicability (1-10)
  • 14. R&D: 5 most important rules ina-points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Focus, no-choices are also important 9 2. Get and/or develop the knowledge base what the organization needs 10 3. Openness – see and use all the idea around 9 4. Realism – decide the size of the imput, see also costs and future markets 9 5. Inventive approach, ability to create need (new servise for the customer) 10 How about future needs – need for market research The existence of the future markets? How to use previous knowledge/solutions/technology How to lead innovative group and people Evaluate every rule: -importance (1-10) -novelty (1-10) -applicability (1-10)
  • 15. Management: 5 most important rules ina-points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Sensitivity (herkkyys) 10 2. Willingness to examine and analyze every action (ZBB) (novelty) 3. Manager (ceo) must hae a big picture 10 4. Deep knowledge about the needs of the organization 9 5. Management shapes the culture of the organization – realize the imporance Management and pet projects? Short term management positions - consequences Evaluate every rule: -importance (1-10) -novelty (1-10) -applicability (1-10)
  • 16. Changes: 5 most important rules ina-points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. How to learn to see the positive side of change (also in Finland) 10- 2. Participation, possibility to propose and get changes 10- 3. Tell the reasons of change to all, often and openly10 4. Rewrds, support, motivation 9 5. Keep it simple 9 Evaluate every rule: -importance (1-10) -novelty (1-10) -applicability (1-10)
  • 17. Joker: what extremely important is still missing Personnel Group 3 5 most important rules ina-points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The feeling of safety 2. The experience of being usefull 3. The experienced appreciation 4. Rewards (many ways, select to most suitable) 5. Fairness Evaluate every rule: -importance (1-10) -novelty (1-10) -applicability (1-10)
  • 18. Joker: what extremely important is still missing Personnel Group 4 5 most important rules ina-points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. How to use the existing capability 2. The role of personnel in cost cutting (their ides) 3. Reward results 4. Motivation, training 5. YT-find the posite side of working together Evaluate every rule: -importance (1-10) -novelty (1-10) -applicability (1-10)
  • 19. Joker: what extremely important is still missing Personnel (Group 2) 5 most important rules ina-points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Commitment 2. Työ hyvintointi viihtyvyys 3. Motivointi 4. Itsensä johtaminen 5. Vuorovaikutus Henkilöstöosaston kehittäminen- kaikki edellämaitit asiat niiden Osaaminen, henkilöstöosaston aseman organisaatiossa Henkilöstöpäällikön näkyvyys organisaatiolle ja johdolle päin Evaluate every rule: -importance (1-10) -novelty (1-10) -applicability (1-10)
  • 20. Joker: what extremely important is still missing Production (Group 1) 5 most important rules ina-points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Make the processess leaner 2. Mimimize all distractions 3. Broad and flexible work roles 4. Make sure that key elements of production process are understod in whole organization Evaluate every rule: -importance (1-10) -novelty (1-10) -applicability (1-10)
  • 21. Joker: what extremely important is still missing 5 most important rules ina-points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Creativity 1,2,3 2. 3. 4. 5. Evaluate every rule: -importance (1-10) -novelty (1-10) -applicability (1-10)
  • 22. Exercise 3. Let us keep up to good work between seminars by looking deep into our own organizations! Let us use: name, justify and act framework: 1) What defines your organizations financial success? Name three most important things: 2) When you know those three justify why those a most imprtant: a brief and efective backing to your choices. 3) Now you know the most important things and you can justify your views. Is this enough? – no way. What you do with your knowledge – your actions (immediately, in a month, in a year) Prepare a thought provoking presentation for the next seminar - About 10 minutes most important economic thoughts ever heard so far on the surface of the earth - Send this to Ari before 21st of September
  • 23. Exercise 3a. Locate something which could give new ideas to your colleaque in her effort to improve her economic thinking (eg. Article, part of book, video, etc.) Please send this to Ari before 21st September
  • 24. Talouden Workshop September 24, 2009 Ari Manninen
  • 25. The big picture on control - excellent framework (rev. from Hopwood) administrative control control self control social control
  • 27. Business relevance Numbers as such are empty, number 9 is just number 9 nothing more. We have to notice how our consciusness builds a picture on the basis of numbers - Thus our personal experience is the key in understanding numbers and seeing more than plain numbers - Experience is needed - But we have to be careful with our intretations – it may be 9 today is different than tomorrow
  • 28. The big picture on numbers: => how do you take these phenomena into account as a responsible manager How the numbers have changed your How the numbers tell you/your understanding of youself? boss/management team/sales representative/welder/shared ers view/etc. what is wise and what is en umb u dumb? Ho w th way yo to a ffect st, act, i a re, ex How plan? chan the num g orga ed how bers ha n v How you/your boss/management poss ization people e ible s in team/sales and ee wha your wha t representative/welder/shared t is n is ot? view/etc. sees the numbers - as frend/foe/messanger/?
  • 29. The big picture on uses of numbers - excellent framework (let us develop together) why numbers are calculated what purposes are pursuit with numbers Emphasis on knowledge Emphasis on Emphasis on action 9 motivating Emphasis on …
  • 30. Mental warm up no 1 Customer - Company What happens between active projects? Sleeping projects? Question: what kind of actions are economically wise?
  • 31. Mental warm up no 2 Basic business truth Sell high Buy low Collect early Pay late How do you do these things in practice – best practices please!
  • 32. The mental warm up no 3 The big picture on change Is the truth of organizational life following: The arrow of time Same thing continues from time to time. Do you underwrite the above – to what extend and where are your reservations? How would you use reports, numbers and accounting as a tool for change?
  • 33. Mental warm up no 1: Cucamber approach A sad story
  • 34. Business relevance What this has to do with profit and growth: general implications - act in time, anticipate (see Who moved my cheese) - notice the small changes - see the pig picture => accounting apparatus notices some changes whereas others remain in shadow => the challenge for the manager is to see all the most relevant cause-effect relationships in the sense of the system theory
  • 35. Mental warm up no 2 Milk carton Best before
  • 36. Business relevance Our habit as a human being is to repeat everything – action, thinking, procedures, ways of learning, ways of organizing, ways of managing and leading, etc. This is just fine – life without routines would be impossible, it would take time to decide which food would be best to take first out of the bed. But the world changes all the time… We need best before days for…
  • 37. The big picture on numbers: => how do you take these phenomena into account as a responsible manager How the numbers have changed your How the numbers tell you/your understanding of youself? boss/management team/sales representative/welder/shared s u mber view/etc. what is wise and what is the n y you dumb? How to wa t affec ist, act, x How ar e, e chan the num plan? g o rg a e d h o w b e rs h a n v poss ization people e How you/your boss/management ible s in and ee wha your team/sales w ha t t is n is representative/welder/shared ot? view/etc. sees the numbers - as frend/foe/messanger/?
  • 38. Mental warm up no 4 Accounting world Double – entry bookkeeping Let us experiment with accounts Transactions not actions Let us look the continuum between company and customer Entity What is the scope, what do you manage -unit, organization, network No one few Management + some network Who is interested in your success – a continuum of leadership (who is willing to to do something (extra) for you)
  • 39. Business relevance transaction - actions Customer - Company No connection with the customer Time Send an invoice What are the most important moments/acts in this continuum?
  • 40. Path to Profit - Framework e c tu r Pi Di g re Bi c ti on Te ch no e iv log ot M y
  • 41. Big Picture What are the underlying explanations for Company’s financial success? Question: Please name three underlying explanations and give some justification for your choises Do people have a shared view? Do you really use your identified strength in a best possible way – is the leverage in active use? Do you nourish your strength?
  • 42. Direction Do you know the direction where to proceed? What role accounting plays here – please elaborate? What do you select to do and what do you select not to do? Question: Do you have ways to recognize declining areas (products, customer groups, procedures etc.) and act accordingly? Please tell us an example?
  • 43. Technology Do you have tools to manage economic activities? You certainly have ways to continuosly increase your business intelligency -What role accounting reports and numbers play in this process of becoming wiser? -Please tell us an example where accounting reports have changed your (your colleaques) conception/ action?
  • 44. Technology..more questions Do you have necessary tools to manage economic activities? What is the major task for accounting, cost accounting, strategic accounting, etc. in your organization? What are those specific accounting tools which seem to be most important in helping your organization to succeed? How do you use your accounting technology? Best examples please. Do you think that there are important issues in your organizationg which remain into shadow and what may be the important issues which escape inquiring accounting eye?
  • 45. Motive Who are willing to make the organization to succeed? Look the continuum (from – to whole network and beyond)? How do widen and deepen the willingness to make more for the organization’s success? Question: When we look the world with the eyes of different people in different positions – how do they see the issue of organization’s success? How the incentive system works – what is in order what might need some refinement?
  • 46. Food for thought - Can you locate unnecessary expences? - And if yes – are you willing and/or able to something - What is the route from knowing to doing? - Are customers willing to do selling for you? - Or can you name some orher potential resources which you do not leverage as efectively than what would be possible - Is something stalling your action here?
  • 47. Motto • Best time to plant a tree was ten years ago. The second best time is now. – The message is: intensify the present moment – And see how past, present and future and irrevocably linked with each other
  • 48. Reading • Accounting in action: two lines of thought 1) Strategy Is It Time to Start Thinking About Strategic Accounting? 2) Organisational, behavioral Be(com)ing The Chief Financial Officer Of an Organisation: Experimenting With Bourdieu’s Practice Theory
  • 49. Before we go go there is absolutely something we must not ignore…
  • 50. What it is? The thing that has changed the world and does just keep on going.. causing deeper and more profound changes all the time continuously everywhere…
  • 51. The answer is Internet Web 2.0 youtube wikinomics Blogs, wikis, chat rooms, etc…
  • 52. Groundswell: Li and Bernoff You must always thing how internet could help you to: 1) Listen your customers and your shareholders – better and with lower costs 2) Talk to your customers and shareholders- better and with lower costs 3) Energize your most loyal customers and shareholders- better and with lower costs 4) Support your customers and shareholders help each other 5) Embrace your customers and shareholders to develop your business together
  • 53. Please share with us your adventures in internet, in particular those with remarkable financial successes or losses Where and how - in your experience - the business relevance of internet use in business environment has been most impressive? Have you seen enormous rise of revenues or amazing fall on costs? What should we look closely in the near future?
  • 54. You made excellent questions and I have grouped responses into three category: 1) Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting, control) 2) Innovations in the accounting, control world 3) Bacis question: how strategic position is developing 4) Steps in Strategy work and accounting
  • 55. Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting, control) How we see the concept and activity of strategy affects how we can build the bridge. Is strategy: 1. Process through which we develop the organization to fit to the external situation 2. Meticulous planning process and forceful implementation act 3. Improvement of our position within the context of industry 4. Visionary process of the charismatic leader 5. Our capability to see and understand opportunities for our organization 6. Learning process 7. Negotiation process between differeant stakeholders within and outside the organization 8. Gradually emerged way to think and act – our culture 9. Our way respond to the challenges what the external environment impose on us Cf. Mintzberg et al. Strategy safari How these conceptions of strategy path a way to accounting and control?
  • 56. Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting, control) When we perceive strategy as: 1) Process through which we develop the organization to fit to the external situation Then our article which was given as a reading material ”Is It Time to Start Thinking About Strategic Accounting? is highly relevent: … well, because There is the idea and wisdom: Ansoff ssf (strategic success formula) in case we accept the idea (or find it usefull) everything follows pretty straightforwardly, so in case the environment is 1) repetitive, 2) expanding, 3) changing, 4) discontinuous, 5) surpriseful ⇒This tell something what the firm should be and ⇒How the environment should be monitored ⇒What kind of accounting and control system would serve us best
  • 57. Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting, control) When we perceive strategy as: 2) Meticulous planning process and forceful implementation act In case this is our starting point what does this mean to our way to perceive and develop accounting and control systems?
  • 58. Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting, control) When we perceive strategy as: 3) Improvement of our position within the context of industry In case this is our starting point what does this mean to our way to perceive and develop accounting and control systems?
  • 59. Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting, control) When we perceive strategy as: 6) Learning process In case this is our starting point what does this mean to our way to perceive and develop accounting and control systems?
  • 60. Bridge-work between strategy and finance (accounting, control) How we see the concept and activity of strategy affects how we can build the bridge. Is strategy essentially: Cf. Stacay and Griiffin 1. Essentially codified and centralized - managers, decisions, hierarchies 2. Complex responsive process in organization - created in continuous discussions between people How these basic conceptions of strategy affect to the way how we start to think accounting, control and our task as a manager to create a setting which lead to a success? Eg. How we start to think about intangible assets, their management and measurement
  • 61. Innovations in the accounting, control world Point to consider Is the world and organizations truly changing to a direction where hierarchies, bosses and structeres are less important and powerful? Are we moving to world where substance and contribution matter? The one who has something to say gets audience, the one who can deliver gets resources, etc. Is there a good reason for Stacey to say that there is no boss neuron in a brain? Is these a good reason for Hamel to talk about resielence and quite often refer for instance to cities as resilien organizations? What would this change mean to accounting and control?
  • 62. Innovations in the accounting, control world Few remarks from history and from the outskirt of accounting 1. Excellent tools: ROI (profit centers, the story in GOAL) 2. Radical innovation: Exit value accounting (Sterling) 3. Recent shock wave - subprimes
  • 63. Innovations in the accounting, control world: case Balanced Scorecard How the performance of an organization changes? What changes first and things are related to each other? Let us hear first the BSC story and then your stories Profitability Customer satisfaction Knowledge
  • 64. Innovations in the accounting, control world: Outline your own Balanced Scorecard What are your strategic goals? How do you pursue your goals? What is the elementary level, the sencond and third level? Third level Second level Elementary level
  • 65. Bacis question: how strategic position is developing 1. Very basic level - Naked eye 2. Basic level - Counting 3 And what comes here…
  • 66. Basic question: If you want to know more of your organization than what naked eye or simple counting can tell you need theoretical frameworks Some of our frameworks have received an established position: Accounting tools (income statement, balance sheet and so on also eg. Budgeting, Balances Scorecrs, etc.) However some frameworks are still lacking or they are Controversial. For instance how to know how the strategic Capability of organization is developing. Also hard question is Personnel – what to follow and why – what is the framework here?
  • 67. Steps in Strategy work and accounting: What role accounting plays and can play in each step Create strategy, choices accounting Implement strategy monitor Evaluate strategy, Change if necessary
  • 68. Your own framework e c tu r Pi Di g re Bi c ti on Te ch no e iv log ot M y
  • 69. Your comments Name, topic Your comment – the key point i n a