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Woodbury University
March 31, 2014
These slides were produced for a presentation called “Story, Meet Code” at
Woodbury University, Burbank, CA.
More than ever before, the form of our stories is impacted, indeed, defined by more than just the traditional concerns
of story, character, structure, etc. -- story is impacted by the technology through which it is consumed, and the
business model by which consumers access the content.
More than ever before, the form of our stories is impacted, indeed, defined by more than just the traditional concerns
of story, character, structure, etc. -- story is impacted by the technology through which it is consumed, and the
business model by which consumers access the content.
More than ever before, the form of our stories is impacted, indeed, defined by more than just the traditional concerns
of story, character, structure, etc. -- story is impacted by the technology through which it is consumed, and the
business model by which consumers access the content.
Tale, story, novel, play,
motion picture, comic,
serial, radio play,
television show,
videogame, interactive
story, transmedia story…
If I ask you to name some different forms of story, we see before very long that the form of the story has
emerged as a result of some innovation in technology, and just as importantly, the financial viability of the
means of production and distribution. This is the root of Marshall McLuhan’s deceptively simple phrase, THE
MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE -- in other words, the content cannot be extracted from the medium (e.g.
Technology) by which we experience it.
Book, magazine, newspaper,
telegraph, telephone, sound
recording, cinema, radio,TV,
computer, game console, digital
network, Internet, cell phone,
social media, apps….
As we progress, it seems to get harder and harder to distinguish the actual technology from its application, or
specific business use-case. The movies, for instance, are a cluster of technologies applied in a specific
business use-case that evolved over our history. McLuhan used the term ‘rear-view mirror’ in describing a
typical early strategy for a new media technology -- e.g., that it mimics an earlier form. TV used radio and
cinema at first, before unique story forms evolved. YouTube encompasses many technologies and many
creative formats, in addition to spawning its own. Ditto with social media.
Patronage, philanthropy, work-
for-hire, direct sale,
subscription, advertising, loss-
leader, cross-subsidized, e-
commerce, in-app sale, image
marketing, B2B, white label…
A business model describes how your company creates, delivers and captures value.We often take the business model for granted --
movies require payment, either at the box office or via advertising -- until they don’t, with the advent of p2p file-sharing protocols.
Early stage businesses, especially tech startups, are unique.As Steve Blank puts it:“A start-up is an organization in search of a
repeatable and scalable business model. 
More than ever before, the form of our stories is impacted, indeed, defined by more than just the traditional concerns
of story, character, structure, etc. -- story is impacted by the technology through which it is consumed, and the
business model by which consumers access the content.
Movie Geek
What qualifies me to give this talk?
I am a movie geek.
I am an ex-journalist, filmmaker and marketer.
And I spent 20 years running digital programs and initiatives at the American Film Institute, some of which are
listed on the next slide.
To learn more about my career, check out my website at
Computer Media Salons
EnhancedTV Workshop
Digital Content Lab
I discuss a few highlights of my years at AFI and the relationships I developed with innovators at the
intersection of Hollywood and Silicon Valley. I discuss a few highlights of the training-based programs
and the showcase programs, leading into our signature approach: collaborative prototype
development around content.
To learn more about my career, check out my website at
Strategy for the
Digital Era
In 2010 I launched a consulting business to help companies navigate the digital era. Most of my work
is in content and distribution.
* Across multiple media
* Each contributing to story
* Multiple entry points into story
The term transmedia storytelling is, by all accounts, a coinage from Henry Jenkins, a much-published academic from
MIT, now on the faculty at the University of Southern California. Henry is a good source for info, particularly his
courseware, which is published on his blog:
The specific article is from MIT Technology Review, "Transmedia Storytelling.”
Jenkins, Henry (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press.
ISBN 9780814742815. Jenkins, Henry (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New
York University Press. ISBN 9780814742815. Jenkins, Henry (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media
Collide. New York: New York University Press. ISBN 9780814742815.
Is this transmedia? (Bible & Jesus Christ).
Is the Royal Wedding a transmedia story?
Certainly Star Wars is transmedia, with many different media and formats. Though, there are those in the field who
prefer to think of Star Wars as the first major storytelling FRANCHISE, not really transmedia. What is the distinction?
Whether new elements to the story are added in every platform, and therefore make the experience of all platforms
necessary for a full experience of the work.
Multi-platform; cross-platform
Interactive media
Connected entertainment
These are related words describing various story forms. Some would say that none is as complete as “transmedia.”
Others say, to hell with the language wars. Let’s get to storytelling! (Note: ARG=alternate reality game)
Is It Really Transmedia
Are there action
Is it a single
story or multiple
Is it on multiple
Are the pieces of
story content
unique or
Is it really a
story, or is it a
story universe? STORY
C'mon, is it
*really* a story,
or is it a theme?
Is it an
Reality Game?
Are there
casual games?
Is the story just
a light narrative
Do the content
fragments link
to each other?
It's not
It's not
Storytelling, it's
just a crummy
It's not
it's integrated
You're a
It's not
it's an
Which is more
important when
deciding how content
will be delivered?
Was the story
from inception?
Do you own the
2011 Steve Peters (
Are the pieces of
content linked and
in narrative sync
with each other?
Steve Peters (@vpisteve) has created a very engaging (and amusing) info graphic “Is it Really Transmedia Storytelling?”
You can download here from Scribd:
Not every example I’m going to cite goes from live to the web and back again, which is the topic of
our panel. But I thought I might set up a key idea here, and that is, that properties that people are
calling transmedia today have a lot of different aspects. I’m going to whip through many different
examples from our history in order to discuss some of these aspects, and wind up with a deeper dive
into a few from the recent past.
1981:TAMARA. Interactive Theatre
Tamara was a theatrical event launched in Toronto in which the audience moved into different rooms
and interacted with the actors. The story would unfold differently, depending upon your journey and
what happened in each room. The show ran for many years in Los Angeles and New York, and was
revived in Toronto. This is interactive, but not really multi-platform, though a CD-ROM was
1990: Hyperland
BBC & Douglas Adams
Douglas Adams, the creator of A HITCHHICKERS GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE built this work with the BBC at the dawn of the
interactive media age in order to explain and explore hyper-media. It could be said to be multi-platform because the
links took the user into different environments and domains. You can tell that the ideas were ahead of the technology
by looking at the clunky fonts.
1992: MYST from Cyan & Broderbund
MYST was a ground-breaking game series on CD-ROM back in the 90’s, which remained the highest grossing
title until the SIMS overtook it. Unlike the classic “videogame” format, which were usually shooter or role-
playing games, MYST was a journey of discovery in which users proceeded into environments and worlds by
finding clues and activating elements of the system. Again, not really multi-platform, but a new way to tell a
story. MYST and its sequels are now available in the iTunes store in both a free and $4.99 version.
1992: Bram Stoker’s DRACULA
Game based on Coppola’s Film
Francis Ford Coppola created a successful film adaptation of the Bram Stoker novel about the original vampire
starring Gary Oldman, and Sony released a game version that utilized footage shot on the set of the film,
which nudges into the terrain of multi-platform. We were excited to show it at the time because of the high
profile of the director, who created iconic films like THE GODFATHER trilogy.
1995: In the First Degree
Interactive CD-ROM from Broderbund
Another CD-ROM title from Broderbund was created by my friend Haney Armstrong, a fllmmaker who came up
with this extension of the traditional police procedural story by allowing the user to interrogate people.
2002: Push, Nevada: ABC & LivePlanet
Play along with the mystery to win $$
TV interactivity is a whole topic in and of itself. I included PUSH NEVADA in this presentation because it did
represent a breakthrough. Clues were peppered throughout the show and the website that allowed users to
amass points leading to a winner. I think I remember that some clues involved mobile calling as well, Even
though the show was not popular enough to be renewed, it was an early example of multi-platform
enrichment of a primary story.
1995: Johnny Mnemonic. CD-ROM from Sony Imagesoft
This William Gibson classic was made into a film with Keanu Reeves, not well reviewed, but significant because
Sony released a CD-ROM game simultaneously which allowed gameplay in a movie-like setting based upon
the same story. The casts were different.
2003: Battlestar Galactica.AFI team: Schematic, Syfy, others
When the Sci-Fi Channel wanted to bring back the classic Battlestar Gallactica, representatives of the company,
as well as Universal’s game division, came into the AFI’s Digital Content Lab to create a multi-dimensional
viewing experience. The user interface, created by Schematic’s Dale Herigstad, allowed seamless movement by
the user in and out of the primary story (TV), a first-person spaceship flying experience (game), and deep data
about the ship, the characters, and the backstory, which also included clues. This was not the version
launched at the time of the show, but inspired lots of others.
In this section of the talk I whip through slides of what one might call the modern canon of transmedia
examples, expecially those originating on television, where I spent a lot of my time in development work.
Ditto with HEROES, which launched its 360 experience, later renamed EVOLUTIONS. Producer Jesse Alexander worked
closely with the TV series creative team.
The Emmy went to the LOST EXPERIENCE, an alternative reality game from ABC and Hi-ReS, a design and experience
company. The TV Show’s millions of fans could deepen their experience of the story world via this comprehensive site.
My mind was blown by this Swedish alternative reality game from Company P, headed by Christopher Sandberg. They
used TV, newspapers, the web, live events and kind of took over the whole country for a few weeks. The premise was a
fake event, but it was treated as real, and people engaged with the story in a sort of ambiguous way, not knowing for
sure what was real, what was fake, what was conspiracy, etc. Such a fictional trope is often part of ARG work, and many
would date it back to Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre’s radio adaptation of H.G.Welles’ WAR OF THE WORLDS in
the 30’s.
42 Entertainment produced an ARG called I LOVE BEES to support the release of Microsoft’s HALO game.
42 Entertainment created this multi-platform alternative reality game that invited players during the period
bridging the release of the two Batman films, especially the much-anticipated DARK KNIGHT from director
Christopher Nolan. Because the Gotham setting and the tone and elements of the franchise are so well known,
the creators could play off of that with newspapers and other media released in sequence that contained clues
and links to fill in the complex world of the films.
YEAR ZERO is an ARG that involved fans of the band Nine Inch Nails at concerts by leaving USB drives in
restrooms. Those who activated the files contained therein on a computer got instructions that involved them
in launching the viral game, which depicts a theocratic dystopian future, the subject of the album.
Tim Kring created Heroes and in 2010 launched a global ARG called Conspiracy for Good which was
sponsored by Nokia. There were extensive live events that contained clues that could be retrieved via mobile
augmented reality technologies, as well as many other events. The fictional elements, especially those about
the evil corporation, were quite elaborate. There was a real-world charity in Africa that benefited from the
activities as well.
This is just one of the properties created by Lance Weiler, whose breakthrough film THE BIG BROADCAST was
itself a precursor to more complex storytelling components being added beyond the film “platform.” 2010: HEAD
TRAUMA/Hope is Missing Lance Weiler/ Seize the Media
COLLAPSUS was a documentary film on Dutch television that was expanded into a broader transmedia
experience that integrated game-play, global mapping, animation and other elements. Directed by
Tommy Palotta, who produced Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly. Won the best interactive film award
at the SXSW festival in 2011. From Submarine and VPRO.
If we are going to discuss going from “live” to the web and back again, it might be worth examining some
examples of trends in the presentation of content on the web.
Interactive Live Facebook Connect Experience
Take This Lollipop is a cinematic website created in HTML 5 that requires users to launch Facebook
Connect and authorize the use of content in the account, which is integrated into a creepy, serial killer
type short film.
The cinematic experience of “Lolllipop” is startling because it embeds images, maps, names and facts
extracted from your Facebook account into the movie seemlessly.
The Wilderness Downtown. : Indie Rock Band Arcade Fire, working with
filmmaker Chris Milk, released a song “We Used to Wait” produced with HTML5. Users enter the zip code of the
place they lived as a kid, and the video incorporates street scenes grabbed via Google Map Street View feature.
Milk has a slew of experimental video/web projects on his site, including the 2012 FWA Best website (voted by
fans), another collaboration with a band, this time Danger Mouse.
Tommy Pallotta and other collaborators created a game to support the release Mission Impossible:Ghost
Protocol, requiring a Facebook Connect log-on.
This is the image generated at the end of the Cobalt game, which is then sharable on Facebook.
WebGL/Chrome Project by Chris Milk & Aaron Koblin is another Chris Milk project using Google Chrome’s browser, this time
leveraging the power of Web GL technologies.
Users can generate their own “dreams” by drawing on the landscape provided by the site or vote for
their favorites.
AIM HIGH is a web series about a teenaged spy. “Viewers log on via
Facebook” and by giving permission, become part of the story.
Another web format that inspires is fan-produced video, uploaded into a storytelling frame. The innovation
here is the direct address format, with the user speaking to viewers via the webcam ubiquitous on personal
computers, especially laptops.
Another web format that inspires is fan-produced video, uploaded into a storytelling frame. The innovation
here is the direct address format, with the user speaking to viewers via the webcam ubiquitous on personal
computers, especially laptops.
Digital (Mostly)
Multiplatform (Maybe)
Interactive (Low vs. High)
Social (Shareable)
Media Dense (Video)
Contextual (Story)
There are a range of factors that help us understand how “fan-centric” your media may be. Of course, it’s all digital media. Sometimes the story plays out on several platforms.
Sometimes there is interactivity -- “Low is liking or clicking” & “High is deep fan engagement. It is shareable across the web. Then there’s the question of density -- video and
gaming are dense. Text is not. Finally, we talk about context, especially the story in which fan engagement occurs.
• Fans have the desire & means to engage others
– Show is hub for vast fan networks
– Shareable and viral across the social graph
– Authorized and unofficial platforms
– Content takes many forms & depth
– User-generated content – deep, deep engagement
– Derivative UGC – the ultimate fandom
• Important lens to view audience - Fanthropology
– Active (10%) vs Inactive (90%) Fans
– Fans / Superfans / Ambassadors
– Curators / Collectors / Producers
– Fan engagement & content is part of the TV experience
The technique began at the dawn of YouTube: Lonely Girl 15 was a very influential early use of YouTube in
which actors portrayed young people’s lives as if they were really opening up to the world via video. Most
people thought these were real people, and responded in kind with video uploads of their own, creating a
tapestry of video storytelling that was quite unique. What has become a standard feature of YouTube was
pioneered by Lonely Girl, and the lessons are being applied by the firm founded by its producers: EQAL.
Beckinfield (2011) – User submitted videos tell the story of a town
Beckinfield is a new site that creates a story world, e.g., a mythical California town, and a storyline that
comes from the site, but the unfolding of the story is created by users who upload videos to the site
that they have made in characters. The originator is an actor who had been helping fellow actors
upload “audition” type videos to YouTube, and yearned for a way to let actors use their improv skills to
further their careers. The site’s platform company, Theatrix, hopes to license the software to other
content companies who want to leverage their experience. They call it “mass participation television.”
As the site and story forms have matured, Beckinfield has featured more complexly edited pieces,
generated by the site’s creative team. Otherwise, all of the content is in the form of direct address into
the camera, usually webcam-style confessional formats.
For USA Network, Theatrics helped create The S#cial Sector, an online edition of PSYCH, showing that the
platform could be used to invite user-generated content into a branded storyworld
“Welcome to Sanditon” is the sequel to popular multiplatform webseries ‘Lizzie Bennet’s Diaries’,
both based on Jane Austen novels. Sanditon permits fans to co-create the story based on Austen’s
unfinished novel.
AURELIA: is billed as an interactive Steampunk Adventure Starring You. We’ll take a closer look at
the user experience for AURELIA fans. I’ll get back to AURELIA in a moment.
Show header
Call to Action
Content window
Social links
Fan response tools
Info about
•The header carries the title, subtitle and author. • The content window displays the file -video, blog or image.
•Below the player window is information about that content, and a full suite of social and sharing links.
•Fans can use tools to post responses & can check out the latest calls to action.
Begin a co-creation
experience with your fans
now during Theatrics’ open
beta test period.
“Live” content with a live audience is an ancient art form: theatre. Some innovations in interactivity, like
“Tamara” are being leveraged in today’s theatre world, along with the insertion of multi-platform story forms
and web-based extensions.
2011: Punchdrunk Interactive Production London & NYC
“Sleep No More” is an interactive theatre presentation of Macbeth in which audience members in masks
interact throughout a physical space where the actors unfurl the story.
Punchdrunk Theatre, a London-based troupe, has experimented with interactive theatre in the past. The
brought “Sleep No More” to NYC in 2011, where it has been selling out almost every show.
2012: FuriousTheatre Company Play & Graphic Novel
Pasadena CA based Furious Theatre Company specializes in edgy productions by emerging playwrights. Furious
commissioned Matt Pelfrey to write the play, which involves a young loser who inadvertently becomes famous for an act
of apparent heroism and wanders into superhero fantasy inspired by the comics he wants to publish. His character--
Hellbound Hero, is the subject of a graphic novel released in conjunction with the show. The show ran for several
weeks in 2012 at LA’s John Anson Ford Theatre.
2012: FuriousTheatre Company Play & Graphic Novel
Here’s the hero, hell-bound, of course.
The Accomplice is an urban-based exploration game/theatre piece, launched in
NY and now in Los Angeles
The Seed (2012) – Facebook-based “Play” by DavidVarela, U.K.
I just learned about The Seed, a “theatre” project from UK’s David Varela that takes place on Facebook. Here’s
some info from the author’s blog: and the FB site of the fictional character, an
agronomist, who is the protagonist of the story:
Daniel Knauf (Carnivale)’s online horror/mystery is the site for Daniel Knauf’s beta site for an interactive haunted house story called,
fittingly, “Haunted.” His linear stuff (Carnivale on HBO) was beautiful and plenty weird. This is lower tech, not
so beautiful, but addictive in a strange mesmerizing way.
Daniel Knauf (Carnivale)’s online horror/mystery
Many items are available to help “viewers” navigate the story, including this map of the haunted house from an
early real estate ad.
Authors of books are also edging into multi-platform storytelling and interactivity. Here are a few examples.
ETHAN RUSSELL ebook (2012):“It’sYour
History: Help Write It”
Rock photographer and music video director Ethan Russell just
published his “illustrated” memoir “An American Story” that features copious photography, videos, and a
companion website that is seamlessly integrated into the narrative. He tells me the iBook version on the iPad is
the best user-experience. It’s also available for the Kindle, Nook, etc.
The website allows users to post their own reminiscences of the historical timeline events itemized within
Russell’s nonfiction book. He intends to release these user contributions in subsequent versions of the ebook,
which he titled version 1.0.
2011: Nexus Humanus from Michael Grant
Nexus Humanus is a new project, just launched, from Michael Grant, a best-selling children’s book author,
and a transmedia team which has created a web-based story world for his next story, which is focused on a
mind-control organization.
2011: Nexus Humanus from Michael Grant
The story seems to be a satire of Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
2011: Nexus Humanus from Michael Grant
...and clicking the button takes you to another Michael Grant multimedia book and web project, this one for
teens called “Go BZRK.”
Brands are experimenting with multiplatform storytelling. I dive into a particularly complex example in this
case study.
• What is a channel?
• What is a remote?
• What is a screen?
• What is an ad?
• How do you watch?
• How do you share?
• Where do you watch?
• How do you create?
• How do you participate?
• What is reality?
I’ve formulated ten questions about the future of TV that can help us examine trends. My thinking has
been aided by a survey of industry leaders shared with me by William Gerhardt and his colleagues at
Cisco. I will be on a panel with him next week at Georgia Tech.
• Internet: always on
• Video on-demand:
downloads &
• OTT: websites are
• Time- and place-
The days are numbered for the channel as a fundamental organizing principle for content. This
concept, and the business rules behind it, was a necessity in order to use the electromagnetic
spectrum efficiently, and it was carried over into cable TV.
• Keyboard
• Second Screen (touch)
• Gestural interfaces
• Voice command
• Facial recognition
The remote control was a revolutionary device because it allowed users much greater control of
content consumption. But it’s a primitive and often very annoying interface that is being replaced.
• TV is an application, not a
• Screens are everywhere
• Screens get huge
• Screens in our pocket
The invention of the cathode ray tube paralleled the growth of the content and advertising networks
that filled those early screens. Over time, of course, we’ve used screens to display all sorts of content,
to the point where television content is simply another application.
• Personalized, targeted
• TheVirtual Self
• Interactive
• T-commerce, M-commerce
• Content as brand, brand as
Corporate advertising and sponsorship has been financed much of television, up until the rise of
subscription television. With the rise of the Internet, and its ability to target individuals based upon
data, the form of ads will change again.
• Watch with friends (real &
• Motion capture, telepresence
& holograms
• Interact w/content &
• Viewing becomes persistent &
immersive (transmedia)
TV viewing is sometimes lonely, sometimes social, often simply ambient -- based upon circumstances
within each household. In the future, other factors outside our physical reality will help change the
viewing envirnoment.
• Social graph integrated at
every level
• Content discovery is social
• Sharing reflected in content
The social web is the web for most people, and with IP connected TVs, second screens, etc., the
conventions of the social web will naturally extend to the TV experience. It’s happening already.
• Screens are pervasive
• Vivid portable screens
• Content (TV) follows you
• Cloud storage
• Stop & start all day
Content consumption left the living room a long time ago. We will view anytime, anywhere.
• UGC as an emergent form
• Faster, better, cheaper tools
• Crowd-sourced production
• Proliferation of outlets
• The rise of the fan/producer
A great story well told, that’s what we want from our media providers, along with information,
education, escape. It was a miracle in the 50s, and it remains so, to my mind. But the advent of
powerful inexpensive production tools and ubiquitous distribution via YouTube has created an
amazing revolution of content production that is competing for eyeballs and redefining what we think
of as Television.
• Merger of story forms
(linear, games, distributed)
• Rise of collaborative
• Integration of big data
• Fan voting for more than
just stars
The audience is becoming used to being in the picture -- certainly as surrogates, in the triumph of
reality and competition formats -- but also directly in terms of interactive forms. Games are a big
factor here. We will see story forms merge, new formats created, greater involvement and immersion.
• Multi-sensory experience
• Perfected 3D
• Holographic video
• Olfactory and tactile
• Multiple POVs and camera
McLuhan used the word synesthetic in describing television’s exploitation of multiple senses. We will
see additions to the sensory, particularly spatial elements, that bring increasingly realistic experiences
to life inside the home.
What kind of jobs should your incoming freshman look for in 4 years, or 7 if they go to grad school?
That’s a lifetime. Content creation and storytelling. Transmedia. Software. Data mining. Interface
design. Marketing. Entrepreneurship. Theory. For institutions, the need for rapid prototyping of
curriculum and learning experiences butts heads with traditions (including tenure) which can slow
down change.
It’s impossible to do anything
wrong. Because nobody’s done it
before, they haven’t made up the
rules to stop anyone...
Author & Screenwriter Neil Gaiman
I end this talk with these words of wisdom from Neil Gaiman’s recent talk at a
University Commencement.
Thank You Very Much
• BLOG (and newsletter):
Please feel free to contact me with questions. I will be posting this presentation on
SlideShare. If you give me your card after the talk, I’ll send it to you, as well. Please
check out my website, and if you like my blog posts, sign up for my newsletter. Much of
the research for this talk can be found on my Delicious site, under either transmedia

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  • 1. STORY, MEET CODE Woodbury University March 31, 2014 These slides were produced for a presentation called “Story, Meet Code” at Woodbury University, Burbank, CA.
  • 2. 3-LEGGED STOOL: More than ever before, the form of our stories is impacted, indeed, defined by more than just the traditional concerns of story, character, structure, etc. -- story is impacted by the technology through which it is consumed, and the business model by which consumers access the content.
  • 3. 3-LEGGED STOOL: More than ever before, the form of our stories is impacted, indeed, defined by more than just the traditional concerns of story, character, structure, etc. -- story is impacted by the technology through which it is consumed, and the business model by which consumers access the content.
  • 4. 3-LEGGED STOOL: More than ever before, the form of our stories is impacted, indeed, defined by more than just the traditional concerns of story, character, structure, etc. -- story is impacted by the technology through which it is consumed, and the business model by which consumers access the content.
  • 5. CONTENT Tale, story, novel, play, motion picture, comic, serial, radio play, television show, videogame, interactive story, transmedia story… If I ask you to name some different forms of story, we see before very long that the form of the story has emerged as a result of some innovation in technology, and just as importantly, the financial viability of the means of production and distribution. This is the root of Marshall McLuhan’s deceptively simple phrase, THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE -- in other words, the content cannot be extracted from the medium (e.g. Technology) by which we experience it.
  • 6. TECHNOLOGIES Book, magazine, newspaper, telegraph, telephone, sound recording, cinema, radio,TV, computer, game console, digital network, Internet, cell phone, social media, apps…. As we progress, it seems to get harder and harder to distinguish the actual technology from its application, or specific business use-case. The movies, for instance, are a cluster of technologies applied in a specific business use-case that evolved over our history. McLuhan used the term ‘rear-view mirror’ in describing a typical early strategy for a new media technology -- e.g., that it mimics an earlier form. TV used radio and cinema at first, before unique story forms evolved. YouTube encompasses many technologies and many creative formats, in addition to spawning its own. Ditto with social media.
  • 7. BUSINESS MODELS Patronage, philanthropy, work- for-hire, direct sale, subscription, advertising, loss- leader, cross-subsidized, e- commerce, in-app sale, image marketing, B2B, white label… A business model describes how your company creates, delivers and captures value.We often take the business model for granted -- movies require payment, either at the box office or via advertising -- until they don’t, with the advent of p2p file-sharing protocols. Early stage businesses, especially tech startups, are unique.As Steve Blank puts it:“A start-up is an organization in search of a repeatable and scalable business model. 
  • 8. 3-LEGGED STOOL: Content Technology Business More than ever before, the form of our stories is impacted, indeed, defined by more than just the traditional concerns of story, character, structure, etc. -- story is impacted by the technology through which it is consumed, and the business model by which consumers access the content.
  • 9. ME? Movie Geek Journalist Filmmaker Marketer Strategist What qualifies me to give this talk? I am a movie geek. I am an ex-journalist, filmmaker and marketer. And I spent 20 years running digital programs and initiatives at the American Film Institute, some of which are listed on the next slide. To learn more about my career, check out my website at
  • 10. 20YEARS @ AFI: Computer Media Salons EnhancedTV Workshop Digital Content Lab DigiFest I discuss a few highlights of my years at AFI and the relationships I developed with innovators at the intersection of Hollywood and Silicon Valley. I discuss a few highlights of the training-based programs and the showcase programs, leading into our signature approach: collaborative prototype development around content. To learn more about my career, check out my website at
  • 11. WHAT I DO NOW: Strategy for the Digital Era In 2010 I launched a consulting business to help companies navigate the digital era. Most of my work is in content and distribution.
  • 15. STORIES TODAY * Across multiple media * Each contributing to story * Multiple entry points into story The term transmedia storytelling is, by all accounts, a coinage from Henry Jenkins, a much-published academic from MIT, now on the faculty at the University of Southern California. Henry is a good source for info, particularly his courseware, which is published on his blog: The specific article is from MIT Technology Review, "Transmedia Storytelling.” Jenkins, Henry (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press. ISBN 9780814742815. Jenkins, Henry (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press. ISBN 9780814742815. Jenkins, Henry (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press. ISBN 9780814742815.
  • 16. EXAMPLE? Is this transmedia? (Bible & Jesus Christ).
  • 17. EXAMPLE? Is the Royal Wedding a transmedia story?
  • 18. EXAMPLE? Certainly Star Wars is transmedia, with many different media and formats. Though, there are those in the field who prefer to think of Star Wars as the first major storytelling FRANCHISE, not really transmedia. What is the distinction? Whether new elements to the story are added in every platform, and therefore make the experience of all platforms necessary for a full experience of the work.
  • 19. OTHER TERMS Franchise Multi-platform; cross-platform ARG Interactive media Multimedia Connected entertainment These are related words describing various story forms. Some would say that none is as complete as “transmedia.” Others say, to hell with the language wars. Let’s get to storytelling! (Note: ARG=alternate reality game)
  • 20. Is It Really Transmedia Storytelling? Are there action figures? Is it a single story or multiple stories Is it on multiple media platforms? SINGLE MULTIPLE YES NO Are the pieces of story content unique or identical? IDENTICAL UNIQUE YES NO Is it really a story, or is it a story universe? STORY UNIVERSE STORY C'mon, is it *really* a story, or is it a theme? STORY THEME Is it an Alternate Reality Game? NO YES Are there casual games? Is the story just a light narrative wrapper? NO YES YES NO Do the content fragments link to each other? NO YES It's not Transmedia! It's not Transmedia Storytelling, it's just a crummy Entertainment Franchise. It's not Transmedia Storytelling, it's integrated marketing. Congratulations! You're a Transmedia Storyteller! It's not Transmedia Storytelling, it's an adaptation. Which is more important when deciding how content will be delivered? WHAT'S MOST ORGANIC TO THE STORY WHAT'S MOST EFFECTIVE TO REACH YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE Was the story transmedia from inception? NO YES Do you own the IP? NO YES START 2011 Steve Peters ( Are the pieces of content linked and in narrative sync with each other? NO YES Steve Peters (@vpisteve) has created a very engaging (and amusing) info graphic “Is it Really Transmedia Storytelling?” You can download here from Scribd:
  • 21. ASPECTS Not every example I’m going to cite goes from live to the web and back again, which is the topic of our panel. But I thought I might set up a key idea here, and that is, that properties that people are calling transmedia today have a lot of different aspects. I’m going to whip through many different examples from our history in order to discuss some of these aspects, and wind up with a deeper dive into a few from the recent past.
  • 22. PERFORMANCE 1981:TAMARA. Interactive Theatre Tamara was a theatrical event launched in Toronto in which the audience moved into different rooms and interacted with the actors. The story would unfold differently, depending upon your journey and what happened in each room. The show ran for many years in Los Angeles and New York, and was revived in Toronto. This is interactive, but not really multi-platform, though a CD-ROM was attempted.
  • 23. INTERACTIVITY 1990: Hyperland BBC & Douglas Adams Douglas Adams, the creator of A HITCHHICKERS GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE built this work with the BBC at the dawn of the interactive media age in order to explain and explore hyper-media. It could be said to be multi-platform because the links took the user into different environments and domains. You can tell that the ideas were ahead of the technology by looking at the clunky fonts.
  • 24. IMMERSION 1992: MYST from Cyan & Broderbund MYST was a ground-breaking game series on CD-ROM back in the 90’s, which remained the highest grossing title until the SIMS overtook it. Unlike the classic “videogame” format, which were usually shooter or role- playing games, MYST was a journey of discovery in which users proceeded into environments and worlds by finding clues and activating elements of the system. Again, not really multi-platform, but a new way to tell a story. MYST and its sequels are now available in the iTunes store in both a free and $4.99 version.
  • 25. MULTI(PLATFORM) 1992: Bram Stoker’s DRACULA Game based on Coppola’s Film Francis Ford Coppola created a successful film adaptation of the Bram Stoker novel about the original vampire starring Gary Oldman, and Sony released a game version that utilized footage shot on the set of the film, which nudges into the terrain of multi-platform. We were excited to show it at the time because of the high profile of the director, who created iconic films like THE GODFATHER trilogy.
  • 26. MYSTERY… PUZZLE 1995: In the First Degree Interactive CD-ROM from Broderbund Another CD-ROM title from Broderbund was created by my friend Haney Armstrong, a fllmmaker who came up with this extension of the traditional police procedural story by allowing the user to interrogate people.
  • 27. GAMEFIED 2002: Push, Nevada: ABC & LivePlanet Play along with the mystery to win $$ TV interactivity is a whole topic in and of itself. I included PUSH NEVADA in this presentation because it did represent a breakthrough. Clues were peppered throughout the show and the website that allowed users to amass points leading to a winner. I think I remember that some clues involved mobile calling as well, Even though the show was not popular enough to be renewed, it was an early example of multi-platform enrichment of a primary story.
  • 28. COMPLEXITY 1995: Johnny Mnemonic. CD-ROM from Sony Imagesoft This William Gibson classic was made into a film with Keanu Reeves, not well reviewed, but significant because Sony released a CD-ROM game simultaneously which allowed gameplay in a movie-like setting based upon the same story. The casts were different.
  • 29. EMERGENT 2003: Battlestar Galactica.AFI team: Schematic, Syfy, others When the Sci-Fi Channel wanted to bring back the classic Battlestar Gallactica, representatives of the company, as well as Universal’s game division, came into the AFI’s Digital Content Lab to create a multi-dimensional viewing experience. The user interface, created by Schematic’s Dale Herigstad, allowed seamless movement by the user in and out of the primary story (TV), a first-person spaceship flying experience (game), and deep data about the ship, the characters, and the backstory, which also included clues. This was not the version launched at the time of the show, but inspired lots of others.
  • 30. GREATEST HITS In this section of the talk I whip through slides of what one might call the modern canon of transmedia examples, expecially those originating on television, where I spent a lot of my time in development work.
  • 31. HEROES Ditto with HEROES, which launched its 360 experience, later renamed EVOLUTIONS. Producer Jesse Alexander worked closely with the TV series creative team.
  • 32. LOST The Emmy went to the LOST EXPERIENCE, an alternative reality game from ABC and Hi-ReS, a design and experience company. The TV Show’s millions of fans could deepen their experience of the story world via this comprehensive site.
  • 33. TRUTH ABOUT MARIKA My mind was blown by this Swedish alternative reality game from Company P, headed by Christopher Sandberg. They used TV, newspapers, the web, live events and kind of took over the whole country for a few weeks. The premise was a fake event, but it was treated as real, and people engaged with the story in a sort of ambiguous way, not knowing for sure what was real, what was fake, what was conspiracy, etc. Such a fictional trope is often part of ARG work, and many would date it back to Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre’s radio adaptation of H.G.Welles’ WAR OF THE WORLDS in the 30’s.
  • 34. I LOVE BEES 42 Entertainment produced an ARG called I LOVE BEES to support the release of Microsoft’s HALO game.
  • 35. WHY SO SERIOUS? 42 Entertainment created this multi-platform alternative reality game that invited players during the period bridging the release of the two Batman films, especially the much-anticipated DARK KNIGHT from director Christopher Nolan. Because the Gotham setting and the tone and elements of the franchise are so well known, the creators could play off of that with newspapers and other media released in sequence that contained clues and links to fill in the complex world of the films.
  • 36. YEAR ZERO YEAR ZERO is an ARG that involved fans of the band Nine Inch Nails at concerts by leaving USB drives in restrooms. Those who activated the files contained therein on a computer got instructions that involved them in launching the viral game, which depicts a theocratic dystopian future, the subject of the album.
  • 37. CONSPIRACY FOR GOOD Tim Kring created Heroes and in 2010 launched a global ARG called Conspiracy for Good which was sponsored by Nokia. There were extensive live events that contained clues that could be retrieved via mobile augmented reality technologies, as well as many other events. The fictional elements, especially those about the evil corporation, were quite elaborate. There was a real-world charity in Africa that benefited from the activities as well.
  • 38. HEAD TRAUMA This is just one of the properties created by Lance Weiler, whose breakthrough film THE BIG BROADCAST was itself a precursor to more complex storytelling components being added beyond the film “platform.” 2010: HEAD TRAUMA/Hope is Missing Lance Weiler/ Seize the Media
  • 39. COLLAPSUS COLLAPSUS was a documentary film on Dutch television that was expanded into a broader transmedia experience that integrated game-play, global mapping, animation and other elements. Directed by Tommy Palotta, who produced Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly. Won the best interactive film award at the SXSW festival in 2011. From Submarine and VPRO.
  • 40. PLAYING ON THE WEB If we are going to discuss going from “live” to the web and back again, it might be worth examining some examples of trends in the presentation of content on the web.
  • 41. TAKE THIS LOLLIPOP Interactive Live Facebook Connect Experience Take This Lollipop is a cinematic website created in HTML 5 that requires users to launch Facebook Connect and authorize the use of content in the account, which is integrated into a creepy, serial killer type short film.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. TAKE THIS LOLLIPOP The cinematic experience of “Lolllipop” is startling because it embeds images, maps, names and facts extracted from your Facebook account into the movie seemlessly.
  • 46. ARCADE FIRE LEVERAGES HTML 5VIDEO The Wilderness Downtown. : Indie Rock Band Arcade Fire, working with filmmaker Chris Milk, released a song “We Used to Wait” produced with HTML5. Users enter the zip code of the place they lived as a kid, and the video incorporates street scenes grabbed via Google Map Street View feature. Milk has a slew of experimental video/web projects on his site, including the 2012 FWA Best website (voted by fans), another collaboration with a band, this time Danger Mouse.
  • 47. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE Tommy Pallotta and other collaborators created a game to support the release Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol, requiring a Facebook Connect log-on.
  • 48. FACEBOOK CONNECT INTEGRATION This is the image generated at the end of the Cobalt game, which is then sharable on Facebook.
  • 49. 3 DREAMS OF BLACK WebGL/Chrome Project by Chris Milk & Aaron Koblin is another Chris Milk project using Google Chrome’s browser, this time leveraging the power of Web GL technologies.
  • 50. 3 DREAMS OF BLACK Users can generate their own “dreams” by drawing on the landscape provided by the site or vote for their favorites.
  • 51. LEVERAGES HTML 5VIDEO AIM HIGH is a web series about a teenaged spy. “Viewers log on via Facebook” and by giving permission, become part of the story.
  • 52. FAN-BASED STORYTELLING Another web format that inspires is fan-produced video, uploaded into a storytelling frame. The innovation here is the direct address format, with the user speaking to viewers via the webcam ubiquitous on personal computers, especially laptops.
  • 53. Another web format that inspires is fan-produced video, uploaded into a storytelling frame. The innovation here is the direct address format, with the user speaking to viewers via the webcam ubiquitous on personal computers, especially laptops.
  • 54. Digital (Mostly) Multiplatform (Maybe) Interactive (Low vs. High) Social (Shareable) Media Dense (Video) Contextual (Story) FAN-CENTRIC MEDIA There are a range of factors that help us understand how “fan-centric” your media may be. Of course, it’s all digital media. Sometimes the story plays out on several platforms. Sometimes there is interactivity -- “Low is liking or clicking” & “High is deep fan engagement. It is shareable across the web. Then there’s the question of density -- video and gaming are dense. Text is not. Finally, we talk about context, especially the story in which fan engagement occurs.
  • 55. WALKING DEAD AMC’s  Walking  Dead  is  an  iconic  show,  now  in  its  fi8h  season.  I’d  like  to  use  the  show  as  an  example  of  the  fan’s  journey  of  engagement  in  the   story  world  created  by  a  contemporary  (and  very  popular)  television  series.  Note:  the  image  I’ve  selected  is  not  on  a  TV  set,  but  a  computer   screen.  So  from  the  outset,  the  linear  TV  series  is  now  rouLnely  being  consumed  across  a  variety  of  screens.  And  it’s  digital.  This  is  our  starLng   point  for  fan  engagement.  (For  a  deeper  dive  into  the  markeLng  world  of  Walking  Dead,  check  out  this  panel  from  the  PGA’s  “Produced  by”   Conference  hRp://  ..  My  hypothesis  today  is  the  “Era  of  Fan-­‐centric  Media.”  As  the  mobile/social/networked  web  has   become  ubiquitous,  fans  now  have  both  the  means  (and  the  desire)  to  engage  with  each  other  about  the  things  they  are  passionate  about  –   especially  popular  TV  shows.  The  result  is  that  TV  shows  are  essenLally  the  hub  of  a  vast  fan  network  which  enables  massive  sharing  and   content  interconnecLon  across  the  web.  This  is  for  both  official  web  properLes  from  the  TV  show  and  network,  but  much  more  these  days  on   unofficial  sites.  Experts  like  Kris  Longfield  (@fanthropologist  on  TwiRer)  segment  the  audience  by  acLve  vs  inacLve.  There  are  superfans  and   ambassadors,  and  they  tend  to  curate,  collect  and  produce,  depending  upon  where  on  the  spectrum  of  fan  engagement  they  fall.
  • 56. FANS=CONTENT • Fans have the desire & means to engage others – Show is hub for vast fan networks – Shareable and viral across the social graph – Authorized and unofficial platforms – Content takes many forms & depth – User-generated content – deep, deep engagement – Derivative UGC – the ultimate fandom • Important lens to view audience - Fanthropology – Active (10%) vs Inactive (90%) Fans – Fans / Superfans / Ambassadors – Curators / Collectors / Producers – Fan engagement & content is part of the TV experience My  hypothesis  today  is  the  “Era  of  Fan-­‐centric  Media.”  As  the  mobile/social/networked  web  has  become  ubiquitous,  fans  now  have  both  the   means  (and  the  desire)  to  engage  with  each  other  about  the  things  they  are  passionate  about  –  especially  popular  TV  shows.  The  result  is  that   TV  shows  are  essenLally  the  hub  of  a  vast  fan  network  which  enables  massive  sharing  and  content  interconnecLon  across  the  web.  This  is  for   both  official  web  properLes  from  the  TV  show  and  network,  but  much  more  these  days  on  unofficial  sites.  Experts  like  Kris  Longfield   (@fanthropologist  on  TwiRer)  segment  the  audience  by  acLve  vs  inacLve.  There  are  superfans  and  ambassadors,  and  they  tend  to  curate,   collect  and  produce,  depending  upon  where  on  the  spectrum  of  fan  engagement  they  fall.
  • 57. LONELY GIRL 15 The technique began at the dawn of YouTube: Lonely Girl 15 was a very influential early use of YouTube in which actors portrayed young people’s lives as if they were really opening up to the world via video. Most people thought these were real people, and responded in kind with video uploads of their own, creating a tapestry of video storytelling that was quite unique. What has become a standard feature of YouTube was pioneered by Lonely Girl, and the lessons are being applied by the firm founded by its producers: EQAL.
  • 58. BECKINFIELD Beckinfield (2011) – User submitted videos tell the story of a town Beckinfield is a new site that creates a story world, e.g., a mythical California town, and a storyline that comes from the site, but the unfolding of the story is created by users who upload videos to the site that they have made in characters. The originator is an actor who had been helping fellow actors upload “audition” type videos to YouTube, and yearned for a way to let actors use their improv skills to further their careers. The site’s platform company, Theatrix, hopes to license the software to other content companies who want to leverage their experience. They call it “mass participation television.”
  • 59. BECKINFIELD As the site and story forms have matured, Beckinfield has featured more complexly edited pieces, generated by the site’s creative team. Otherwise, all of the content is in the form of direct address into the camera, usually webcam-style confessional formats.
  • 60. For USA Network, Theatrics helped create The S#cial Sector, an online edition of PSYCH, showing that the platform could be used to invite user-generated content into a branded storyworld
  • 61. “Welcome to Sanditon” is the sequel to popular multiplatform webseries ‘Lizzie Bennet’s Diaries’, both based on Jane Austen novels. Sanditon permits fans to co-create the story based on Austen’s unfinished novel.
  • 62. AURELIA: is billed as an interactive Steampunk Adventure Starring You. We’ll take a closer look at the user experience for AURELIA fans. I’ll get back to AURELIA in a moment.
  • 63. Show header Call to Action Content window Social links Fan response tools Info about window •The header carries the title, subtitle and author. • The content window displays the file -video, blog or image. •Below the player window is information about that content, and a full suite of social and sharing links. •Fans can use tools to post responses & can check out the latest calls to action.
  • 64. INVITATION: Begin a co-creation experience with your fans now during Theatrics’ open beta test period.
  • 65. DON’T FORGET THEATRE “Live” content with a live audience is an ancient art form: theatre. Some innovations in interactivity, like “Tamara” are being leveraged in today’s theatre world, along with the insertion of multi-platform story forms and web-based extensions.
  • 66. SLEEP NO MORE 2011: Punchdrunk Interactive Production London & NYC “Sleep No More” is an interactive theatre presentation of Macbeth in which audience members in masks interact throughout a physical space where the actors unfurl the story.
  • 67. Punchdrunk Theatre, a London-based troupe, has experimented with interactive theatre in the past. The brought “Sleep No More” to NYC in 2011, where it has been selling out almost every show.
  • 68. NO GOOD DEED 2012: FuriousTheatre Company Play & Graphic Novel Pasadena CA based Furious Theatre Company specializes in edgy productions by emerging playwrights. Furious commissioned Matt Pelfrey to write the play, which involves a young loser who inadvertently becomes famous for an act of apparent heroism and wanders into superhero fantasy inspired by the comics he wants to publish. His character-- Hellbound Hero, is the subject of a graphic novel released in conjunction with the show. The show ran for several weeks in 2012 at LA’s John Anson Ford Theatre.
  • 69. NO GOOD DEED 2012: FuriousTheatre Company Play & Graphic Novel Here’s the hero, hell-bound, of course.
  • 70. ACCOMPLICE The Accomplice is an urban-based exploration game/theatre piece, launched in NY and now in Los Angeles
  • 71. THE SEED The Seed (2012) – Facebook-based “Play” by DavidVarela, U.K. I just learned about The Seed, a “theatre” project from UK’s David Varela that takes place on Facebook. Here’s some info from the author’s blog: and the FB site of the fictional character, an agronomist, who is the protagonist of the story:
  • 72. HAUNTED 2012: BXX’s HAUNTED Daniel Knauf (Carnivale)’s online horror/mystery is the site for Daniel Knauf’s beta site for an interactive haunted house story called, fittingly, “Haunted.” His linear stuff (Carnivale on HBO) was beautiful and plenty weird. This is lower tech, not so beautiful, but addictive in a strange mesmerizing way.
  • 73. HAUNTED 2012: BXX’s HAUNTED Daniel Knauf (Carnivale)’s online horror/mystery Many items are available to help “viewers” navigate the story, including this map of the haunted house from an early real estate ad.
  • 74. BOOK ‘EM Authors of books are also edging into multi-platform storytelling and interactivity. Here are a few examples.
  • 75. AN AMERICAN STORY ETHAN RUSSELL ebook (2012):“It’sYour History: Help Write It” Rock photographer and music video director Ethan Russell just published his “illustrated” memoir “An American Story” that features copious photography, videos, and a companion website that is seamlessly integrated into the narrative. He tells me the iBook version on the iPad is the best user-experience. It’s also available for the Kindle, Nook, etc. ethan-russell-american-story/id531762062?mt=11
  • 76. The website allows users to post their own reminiscences of the historical timeline events itemized within Russell’s nonfiction book. He intends to release these user contributions in subsequent versions of the ebook, which he titled version 1.0.
  • 78. NEXUS HUMANUS 2011: Nexus Humanus from Michael Grant Nexus Humanus is a new project, just launched, from Michael Grant, a best-selling children’s book author, and a transmedia team which has created a web-based story world for his next story, which is focused on a mind-control organization.
  • 79. NEXUS HUMANUS 2011: Nexus Humanus from Michael Grant The story seems to be a satire of Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
  • 80. BZRK.COM 2011: Nexus Humanus from Michael Grant ...and clicking the button takes you to another Michael Grant multimedia book and web project, this one for teens called “Go BZRK.”
  • 81. WHAT TELEVISION WANTS TO BE Brands are experimenting with multiplatform storytelling. I dive into a particularly complex example in this case study.
  • 82. Always  keeping  in  mind,  of  course,  that  the  social  TV  ecosystem  is  growing  in  all  direcLons  and  that  experiments  in  fan  powered  media  will   necessarily  evolve  as  the  tools,  pla`orms,  and  enabling  technologies  come  and  go.  This  is  the  2013  version  of  an  infographic  depicLng  all  of  the   sectors  of  the  social  TV  ecosystem  provided  by  Trendrr  for  AdverLsing  Age.  
  • 83. TEN QUESTIONS • What is a channel? • What is a remote? • What is a screen? • What is an ad? • How do you watch? • How do you share? • Where do you watch? • How do you create? • How do you participate? • What is reality? I’ve formulated ten questions about the future of TV that can help us examine trends. My thinking has been aided by a survey of industry leaders shared with me by William Gerhardt and his colleagues at Cisco. I will be on a panel with him next week at Georgia Tech. ac79/sp/sptl.html
  • 84. WHAT IS A CHANNEL? • Internet: always on • Video on-demand: downloads & streams • OTT: websites are networks • Time- and place- shifted The days are numbered for the channel as a fundamental organizing principle for content. This concept, and the business rules behind it, was a necessity in order to use the electromagnetic spectrum efficiently, and it was carried over into cable TV.
  • 85. WHAT IS A REMOTE? • Keyboard • Second Screen (touch) • Gestural interfaces • Voice command • Facial recognition The remote control was a revolutionary device because it allowed users much greater control of content consumption. But it’s a primitive and often very annoying interface that is being replaced.
  • 86. WHAT IS A SCREEN? • TV is an application, not a device • Screens are everywhere • Screens get huge • Screens in our pocket The invention of the cathode ray tube paralleled the growth of the content and advertising networks that filled those early screens. Over time, of course, we’ve used screens to display all sorts of content, to the point where television content is simply another application.
  • 87. WHAT IS AN AD? • Personalized, targeted • TheVirtual Self • Interactive • T-commerce, M-commerce • Content as brand, brand as content Corporate advertising and sponsorship has been financed much of television, up until the rise of subscription television. With the rise of the Internet, and its ability to target individuals based upon data, the form of ads will change again.
  • 88. HOW DOYOU WATCH? • Watch with friends (real & virtual) • Motion capture, telepresence & holograms • Interact w/content & characters • Viewing becomes persistent & immersive (transmedia) TV viewing is sometimes lonely, sometimes social, often simply ambient -- based upon circumstances within each household. In the future, other factors outside our physical reality will help change the viewing envirnoment.
  • 89. HOW DOYOU SHARE? • Social graph integrated at every level • Content discovery is social • Sharing reflected in content formats The social web is the web for most people, and with IP connected TVs, second screens, etc., the conventions of the social web will naturally extend to the TV experience. It’s happening already.
  • 90. WHERE DOYOU WATCH? • Screens are pervasive • Vivid portable screens • Content (TV) follows you • Cloud storage • Stop & start all day Content consumption left the living room a long time ago. We will view anytime, anywhere.
  • 91. HOW DOYOU CREATE? • UGC as an emergent form • Faster, better, cheaper tools • Crowd-sourced production • Proliferation of outlets • The rise of the fan/producer A great story well told, that’s what we want from our media providers, along with information, education, escape. It was a miracle in the 50s, and it remains so, to my mind. But the advent of powerful inexpensive production tools and ubiquitous distribution via YouTube has created an amazing revolution of content production that is competing for eyeballs and redefining what we think of as Television.
  • 92. HOW DOYOU PARTICIPATE? • Merger of story forms (linear, games, distributed) • Rise of collaborative narratives • Integration of big data • Fan voting for more than just stars The audience is becoming used to being in the picture -- certainly as surrogates, in the triumph of reality and competition formats -- but also directly in terms of interactive forms. Games are a big factor here. We will see story forms merge, new formats created, greater involvement and immersion.
  • 93. WHAT IS REALITY? • Multi-sensory experience • Perfected 3D • Holographic video • Olfactory and tactile • Multiple POVs and camera angles McLuhan used the word synesthetic in describing television’s exploitation of multiple senses. We will see additions to the sensory, particularly spatial elements, that bring increasingly realistic experiences to life inside the home.
  • 94. WHAT NEXT? What kind of jobs should your incoming freshman look for in 4 years, or 7 if they go to grad school? That’s a lifetime. Content creation and storytelling. Transmedia. Software. Data mining. Interface design. Marketing. Entrepreneurship. Theory. For institutions, the need for rapid prototyping of curriculum and learning experiences butts heads with traditions (including tenure) which can slow down change.
  • 95. WISDOM It’s impossible to do anything wrong. Because nobody’s done it before, they haven’t made up the rules to stop anyone... Author & Screenwriter Neil Gaiman I end this talk with these words of wisdom from Neil Gaiman’s recent talk at a University Commencement.
  • 97. NICK DEMARTINO • TWITTER: @nickdemartino • SLIDESHARE: nickdemartino • EMAIL: • WEBSITE: • BLOG (and newsletter): blog Please feel free to contact me with questions. I will be posting this presentation on SlideShare. If you give me your card after the talk, I’ll send it to you, as well. Please check out my website, and if you like my blog posts, sign up for my newsletter. Much of the research for this talk can be found on my Delicious site, under either transmedia tag.