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The State of
Employer Branding
A global report on the hottest topic in talent acquisition

Introduction & Big Picture Findings     03

Executive Summary                       05

Global Results                          10

Conclusion                              21

Appendix I: Results by Country          23

Appendix II: Results by Industry        30

Appendix III: Results by Company Size   31
Employer branding is the new black. Articles, white papers, and
conference panels are popping up everywhere while discussions
and debates take place daily in the hallways, conference rooms,
and executive suites of companies around the world. Strong
competition for knowledge workers in particular and the
proliferation of social media have augmented the importance of
employer reputations in acquiring talent, particularly for the 80
percent of the labor market who are passive candidates1. Whether
or not a company is considered a great place to work can make all
the difference in attracting and retaining this top talent.

The hype isn’t just fueled by large corporations or household name
brands: employer branding is a hot topic among companies with
100 employees or 100,000, from Canada to India and everywhere
in between, and regardless of industry. So what’s really going on,
and what are companies doing about it? We took a closer look at
employer branding as part of our third annual Global Recruiting
Trends Survey. Our large and diverse sample of over 3,000 talent
acquisition leaders means our results are packed with powerful
data points and interesting insights for just about everyone.
The Big Picture
Employer branding is seen as important everywhere; 83
percent of global recruiting leaders agree it’s a critical
driver of their ability to hire top talent.

Over half (51 percent) of companies have increased their
employer brand investment in 2012 and a further 40
percent have maintained their spend.

Talent Acquisition is often at the helm, leading or co-
leading employer branding 61 percent of the time.

While career sites are viewed as a most effective employer
branding vehicle, viral channels – including word of mouth
and online professional networks – play a significant role in
building a company’s talent brand.

Despite the importance of employer brand, almost half do
not have a proactive strategy, and only one-third say they
regularly measure employer brand in a quantifiable way.

Executive Summary
TA leaders know employer branding is important and are investing more –
but strategy, listening and metrics are often missing

1. AWARENESS                       2. INVESTMENT &                     3. DELIVERY                       4. STRATEGY &
                                      ORGANIZATION                                                          MEASUREMENT

 TA leaders say employer            Companies are starting to          Effective employer brand          Many companies are not
 branding is key to hiring          invest more in employer            delivery occurs as much           adopting a strategic
 success and an important           branding, with TA leaders          through viral channels as via     approach and even fewer
 long-term trend.                   often directly responsible.        company-controlled ones..         are measuring for success.

  83% agree that an                A whopping 91% of                   78% of TA leaders view           Only 54% of respondents
   employer brand                    companies are investing              their company website as          have a proactive employer
   significantly impacts their       more or the same in 2012             their most effective channel      brand strategy.
   ability to hire top talent,       compared to 2011,                    for employer brand.              53% claim to have a good
   and 69% consider it a top         primarily due to a greater          Of the remaining highly           understanding of how their
   priority for their                awareness about employer             effective channels, only          employer brand varies by
   organization.                     branding’s impact.                   one – traditional job boards      different talent populations.
  The #1 action that TA            While the increase is a              – is fully controlled by the     Most companies are not
   leaders are afraid                step in the right direction, it      company.                          listening to the appropriate
   competitors will do is invest     hasn’t been enough to               Instead, employer brand is        stakeholder mix: only 37%
   in employer brand, and            date: only 39% of TA                 coming to life in channels        regularly survey new hires
   lack of employer brand            leaders report that they             that companies influence          and even fewer (32%)
   awareness is considered           have the resources needed            without controlling: word of      regularly survey
   one of the top three              for success.                         mouth, social professional        candidates.
   obstacles in recruiting.         61% of TA leaders have a             networks and general             Measurement is the key
  Globally, upgrading               primary or shared                    social media.                     area of weakness. Only
   employer branding is              employer brand                      These channels have the           38% measure their brand
   considered the second             responsibility with                  benefit of touching passive       relative to the competition,
   most essential and long-          Marketing or Corporate               candidates in ways that           and just 35% prioritize
   term trend in the industry.       Communications, with co-             company-controlled                their spend to shore up
                                     ownership (39%) the most             channels usually do not.          key weaknesses.
                                     common structure.
Surveyed 3,028 recruiting professionals globally with a LinkedIn profile
All respondents:
         work in a corporate HR/recruiting setting
         represent an even mix of small, midsize and large enterprises
         have at least some budget authority
         focus solely or primarily on recruitment

Respondents by country:


High awareness of employer brand’s impact
Talent acquisition (TA) leaders are highly aware that employer branding is
critical to hiring success

                             Agree that employer brand
                             has significant impact on
                             ability to hire great talent

Large organizations lead the way in prioritizing
employer brand, but smaller companies are catching on

Prioritization of employer brand                Top 3 long-term trends in recruiting
(by company size)                               professionals (by company size)

    < 500 Employees              67%                    < 1,000 Employees

    501-1,000 Employees             70%          1. Utilizing social and professional networks
                                                 2. Upgrading employer branding
                                                 3. Finding better ways to source passive candidates
    1,000-10,000 Employees       67%

    > 10,000 Employees                    78%
                                                        > 1,000 Employees

                                                  1. Utilizing social and professional networks

                      Agree that employer         2. Finding better ways to source passive candidates
                      brand is a top priority     3. Upgrading employer branding
                      for their organization

Employer branding is a top priority for companies worldwide
 TA leaders who agree employer brand is a top priority (by country)

                                                                                                                                          GLOBAL AVERAGE
             UNITED KINGDOM

                                                                                        UNITED STATES






     77%     75%              75%      74%      73%         71%      70%       69%      68%             64%       61%           47%

 Significantly more INDIAN                                                   Significantly fewer GERMAN
 organizations prioritize employer brand                                     organizations prioritize employer brand

In fact, employer branding rises to the top, regardless of the question

     Top obstacles to attracting                Biggest concern is that
     the best talent                            competitors will…                          Top long-lasting trends

                                                                                                Utilizing social and professional
     1 Competition                              1 Invest in their employer brand           1
                                                     Build and nurture strong talent
     2 Compensation                             2                                          2    Upgrading employer branding
                                                     pools or pipelines
         Lack of awareness or interest               Learn to use social networking and         Finding better ways to source
     3                                          3                                          3
         in our employer brand                       social media more effectively              passive candidates
     4 Location                                 4 Improve their candidate experience       4    Boosting referral programs
                                                                                                Training recruiters and hiring
     5 Recruiting team too small                5 Improve their referral program           5
         Recruiting team doesn't have the            Further invest in their existing
     6                                          6                                          6    Recruiting globally
         right tools/systems                         recruiting tools

         Lack of awareness that we're
     7                                          7 Invest in new recruiting tools           7    Optimizing your career site

         Inability to effectively use data to        Hire recruiters to strengthen their        Measuring quality of hire more
     8                                          8                                          8
         improve our approach                        team                                       consistently
         Quality of talent currently at our          Negotiate better pricing with
     9                                          9                                          9    Reducing spend on staffing firms
         company                                     vendors
                                                     Improve ways to track quality of           Using CRM technology to manage
     10 Company performance                     10                                         10
                                                     hire                                       talent leads

Investing more, with Talent Acquisition often leading
Employer brand investment is rising in 2012, primarily due to a greater
awareness of its impact

                         Companies that are spending
                         more or the same on employer
                         brand in 2012 compared to 2011

 51%                                                         40%             9%
 Spending More                                               Spending Same   Spending Less

 Why spend more on employer brand?
 1.   Increased belief in the impact of employer brand 49%
 2.   Need to raise general awareness 48%
 3.   Difficulty recruiting quality candidates 47%
 4.   Increased competition 37%
 5.   Difficulty recruiting candidates in specific sectors 32%

TA leaders are organizing for success by partnering with Marketing and

 Who owns employer brand?

 39%                     22%              15%            14%           10%
 TA shares ownership     TA has primary   TA has no      TA is a       Company doesn’t
                         ownership        ownership      contributor   think about EB

                                          Most common departments that own employer
                                          brand outside of Talent Acquisition

                                          1.   Marketing
                                          2.   Corporate Communications

Viral channels thought to be highly effective
for employer brand delivery
While websites are seen as most effective, viral channels play important
role in promoting employer brand
Five channels seen as most effective to promote employer brand

      78%                                    56%                   46%

     Company website                         Word of mouth        Social professional

      38%                                    34%
       Social media                      Traditional job boards
Almost half already find social professional networks highly effective for
employer branding
Organizations that find social professional networks highly effective for promoting employer brand (by country)

                                                                                                                                                 GLOBAL AVERAGE
                                                                  UNITED KINGDOM
                                                  UNITED STATES





     58%       57%       53%       48%            47%             47%              45%           44%       43%     40%      37%       35%

 More organizations in FRANCE and                                                              Fewer organizations in GERMANY and the
 CANADA consider social professional                                                           NORDICS consider social professional
 networks to be highly effective                                                               networks to be highly effective

17      * Low base size (< 80 respondents)
Disconnect between focus and measurement
Despite recognizing its power, many companies don’t take a strategic approach
to employer brand

                 83%     Recognize employer brand impact

                 54%     Have a proactive employer brand strategy

                 53%     Understand employer brand strength across different populations

                 39%     Feel they have the resources to succeed

                 38%     Measure employer brand strength relative to competitors for talent

                 37%     Regularly survey new hires to understand employer brand perceptions

                 35%     Prioritize spend on audiences where employer brand relatively weak

                 32%     Regularly survey candidates to understand perceptions

Not many say they regularly measure their employer brand in a quantifiable way

           only one out of three


We know that talent acquisition leaders around the world understand the importance of
employer branding. They're increasing investment—even at a time when doing more with
less is the norm—because they see it as a critical foundation for attracting the best hires.

However, two-thirds of talent acquisition leaders today admit that they don't consistently
and quantifiably measure the health of their employer brands, and almost half say they
lack a proactive strategy. Management can't succeed without measurement and focus.

In the end, the key opportunity isn't simply to improve awareness of your company as a
great place to work, it's to upgrade your strategy: by listening to key audiences and
observing how they interact with your employer brand; by assessing how you fare versus
your competitors for talent; and by investing differentially in engaging candidate
populations where you have the most to gain.

This is particularly true in an era in which social platforms have changed the game for
where and how identities – both corporate and personal – form and evolve. There was a
time when your employer brand consisted of the messaging that your company delivered
out into the marketplace and periodically refreshed. Today your messaging is being
consumed, supplemented and amplified – or questioned aloud – in real time based on
talent’s actual experience with your brand across multiple touch points, including social
platforms where prospective talent engages with you on a daily basis. And what often
rises to the top now, louder and clearer than your own messaging, is your talent brand –
your employer brand as seen through the social lens, incorporating what prospective
talent thinks, feels and says about your company as a place to work.

The good news is that, thanks to the reams of Big Data that are generated through billions
of interactions on social platforms like LinkedIn, it’s easier than previously to assess how
you’re really doing . And the companies that effectively assess their talent brands will be
able to prioritize spend, shore up areas of weakness, build out competitive advantage,
and ultimately engage target talent to greatest effect.

“   Today your messaging is being consumed,
        supplemented and amplified – or
     questioned aloud – in real time based on
    talent’s actual experience with your brand
            across multiple touch points.
Appendix I: Findings by Country
     AMERICAS                            EMEA                                                     ASIA PACIFIC
  45% of Brazilian TA leaders          France leads the way in gauging stakeholders:           India is the sole country that
     measure their brands (vs.           surveying new hires (46%) and candidates (45%)           ranks consistently well above
     33% globally,), which is likely     are well above the global averages (37% and              average on employer brand
     why they claim to understand        32%, respectively).                                      prioritization, strategic action,
     employer brand strength                                                                      and measurement.
     across populations more often      UK Employer brand prioritization is well above
     (67% vs. 53% globally).             average, as is investment, yet UK TA leaders are
                                         average or worse in measuring for success.               Australia is investing in
                                                                                                    employer branding more
  Canada ranks second in citing        Germany has the fewest percentage of TA leaders            aggressively than any other
     effectiveness of professional       who consider employer branding a top priority              region (61% citing spend
     social networks for employer        (47% vs. 69% globally); TA leads most often (66%           increase versus 51% globally),
     branding (57% vs. 46%               co-own or own employer brand vs. 61% globally).            yet on all measurement
     overall), otherwise they are in                                                                metrics, Australia is either
     the middle of the pack in          Spanish TA leaders set a high bar for other                average or below average
     investment and organization.        countries in calling the employer brand shots, with        compared to other countries.
                                         72% of TA leaders owning or co-owning employer
                                         brand, far above the 61% global average.
  US TA leaders report above
     average employer brand             In Italy, acknowledgment of employer brand
     investment, yet they are            significance is on par with other countries, yet its   Employer branding winner
     significantly below average on      investment and measurement tend to be well              across the board: INDIA
     measurement (21% survey             behind most other countries.
     candidates vs. 32% overall;
     31% survey new hires vs.           Netherlands TA leaders are well below average in
     37% overall).                       terms of investing in employer brand and TA
                                         owning it, yet they are more likely to measure
                                         employer brand and use viral channels such as
                                         online professional networks effectively.

                                        TA leaders in the Nordics lag on most dimensions,
                                         except in measuring the health of employer brand
                                         (42% vs. 33% globally).

Australia and the emerging markets lead the way in doubling down on
employer brand
Organizations spending more on employer brand in 2012 vs. 2011 (by country)

                                                                                                                                                 GLOBAL AVERAGE
                                      UNITED KINGDOM

                                                       UNITED STATES






     61%         58%       57%       57%               56%             53%      53%        48%         45%       45%      43%           38%

 Organizations in AUSTRALIA and                                                          Organizations in ITALY and the
 INDIA increasing spend more                                                             NETHERLANDS increasing spend
 often than the global average                                                           less often than the global average

25        * Low base size (< 80 respondents)
There is significant geographic variation in Talent Acquisition’s role in
employer branding
Organizations where TA has total or shared control of employer brand (by country)

                                                                                                                                           GLOBAL AVERAGE

                                                                                                            UNITED KINGDOM
                                                                                            UNITED STATES






     72%     70%     66%       65%      61%         59%      58%        57%      56%        56%             56%              51%

 TA leaders most empowered to                                         TA leaders significantly less likely to
 drive employer brand in SPAIN                                        own or co-own employer brand in the
 and INDIA                                                            UK and the NETHERLANDS

Emerging markets lead the pack with the most understanding of employer
brand strength by population
Percentage understanding employer brand strength across different talent populations (by country)

                                                                                                                                       GLOBAL AVERAGE

                                                                UNITED KINGDOM

                                                                                                     UNITED STATES




     67%      62%     57%           54%      54%      52%       52%              51%     50%         46%             44%       41%

 INDIA and BRAZIL significantly more likely to
 understand their employer brand strength
 across different talent populations

There is wide geographic variation in measuring the health of employer brands
 Quantifiable measurement of employer brand (by country)

                                                                                                                                          GLOBAL AVERAGE

                                                                   UNITED KINGDOM

                                                                                                UNITED STATES





     50%     45%      42%       35%      33%         32%           32%                30%       29%             23%     22%     20%

 INDIA and BRAZIL more likely to                                                    GERMANY, ITALY, and SPAIN less likely
 consistently measure employer brand                                                to consistently measure employer brand

Most don’t survey new hires to understand employer brand perceptions;
wide geographic differences
Organizations that regularly survey new hires to understand brand position (by country)

                                                                                                                                          GLOBAL AVERAGE

                                                                                       UNITED KINGDOM

                                                                                                        UNITED STATES




     52%     46%      45%       39%      36%         35%     34%             34%       33%              31%             30%       23%

 More organizations survey new                                             Fewer organizations survey new hires
 hires in INDIA and FRANCE                                                 in the NORDICS and ITALY

Even fewer organizations survey candidates; again, wide geographic variance
Organizations that regularly survey candidates to understand brand position (by country)

                                                                                                                                          GLOBAL AVERAGE

                                                                                    UNITED KINGDOM

                                                                                                                          UNITED STATES






     45%      45%     39%       36%     34%      32%       31%       28%            26%              25%      25%         21%

 More organizations survey new                                     Fewer organizations survey candidates in
 hires in FRANCE and INDIA                                         AUSTRALIA and the UNITED STATES

Appendix II: Findings by Industry
        CONSUMER                         MARKETING/PR/                  HIGH TECH                         MANUFACTURING
        GOODS                            CONSULTING
  Consumer Goods TA               Marketing/PR/Consulting        High-tech TA leaders            Manufacturing TA leaders
 leaders are ahead of the         are much more likely to         (59% vs. 46% overall) are        are just as aware of employer
 curve, with 72% having           have a proactive employer       also more likely to use          branding’s importance as
 primary or shared                brand strategy (64% vs.         newer communication              other industries, yet they are
 ownership of employer            54% overall), and more          channels such as online          much less likely to make it a
 brand compared to 61%            likely to leverage online       professional networks and        top organization priority (59%
 overall. They are also more      professional channels such      social media, and they are       vs. 69% overall).
 likely to feel they have the     as LinkedIn (64% of this        above average when it
 resources needed for             group cite effectiveness, vs.   comes to regularly
 success (48% vs. 39%             46% overall).                   surveying new hires (41%
 overall).                                                        vs. 37% overall).

                                          MEDICAL/                       FINANCE                    Education TA leaders
                                          HEALTHCARE                                               consider investing in employer
                                                                                                   branding to be the #1
  Non-profit TA leaders cite      More than all other            Finance appears to be          competitive threat, more than
 the effectiveness of social      industries, Medical and         one of the more strategic        any other industry. At the same
 media more than other            Healthcare TA leaders have      industries as more               time, they tend to over-rely on
 industries (47% vs. 38%          increased investment in         respondents (61% vs. 53%         company websites (84%) to
 overall), but they are not yet   employer brand due to           overall) report a good           communicate their brands,
 capitalizing on other low-       higher awareness of its         understanding of their           resulting in missed
 cost ‘passive candidate’         impact. Yet, the industry is    employer brand across            opportunities to engage with
 channels such as online          below average in surveying      talent populations, likely due   passive talent. Education TA
 professional networks (34%       new hires (29% vs. 37%          to better measurement: 46%       leaders in particular have not
 vs. 46% overall).                overall) and surveying          of Finance TA leaders            yet fully realized the potential of
                                  candidates (24% vs. 32%         quantifiably measure their       professional and social
                                  overall).                       employer brands versus           networks.
                                                                  33% overall.

Appendix III: Findings by Company Size
1. AWARENESS                       2. INVESTMENT &                 3. DELIVERY                       4. STRATEGY &
                                      ORGANIZATION                                                      MEASUREMENT

  Employer brand is more            TA leaders are larger          54% of larger companies          Larger companies are
     top of mind as                   companies are more              consider channels such as         much likelier to have an
     organizations grow in size;      involved in employer            LinkedIn effective (vs. 47%       employer branding
     78% of TA leaders at large       brand, with 67% owning or       smaller) and 47% cite             strategy (68% vs. 54%
     companies consider               co-owning it compared to        social media as effective         overall and 49% for small
     employer branding a top          51% for the smallest            (vs. 38% smaller).                companies.)
     priority (vs. 67% for the        companies and 61%
     smallest companies and           overall.
                                                                     Smaller companies still          Larger companies (51%)
     69% overall).
                                                                      tend to rely more heavily         regularly measure
                                     Those from smaller              on word-of-mouth (62%             employer brand relative to
  TA leaders at smaller              companies report investing      small vs. 49% large), likely      competitors, significantly
     companies recognize              more in 2012 due to the an      due to more limited               more than smaller
     employer brand’s long-term       increase in hiring, while       resources.                        companies do (34%).
     importance; they rank it         those from larger
     one of the most essential        companies are investing
                                                                                                       Larger companies (45%)
     and long-term trends in the      more due to a greater
                                                                                                        prioritize employer brand
     industry, even higher than       awareness of employer
                                                                                                        spend on audiences where
     TA leaders at larger             branding’s impact.
                                                                                                        their brand is weaker,
                                                                                                        significantly more than
                                                                                                        smaller companies do

                                                               Large companies are ahead, but
                                                                SMALLER ORGANIZATIONS
                                                                      are not far behind

About This Survey                                                 About LinkedIn
The third annual LinkedIn Global Recruiting Trends Survey         Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world’s
was conducted online between May 2012 and July 2012.              professionals to make them more productive and successful.
Recruiting professionals with a LinkedIn profile who opted in     With more than 175 million members worldwide, including
to participate in research studies were sent an email             executives from every Fortune 500 company, LinkedIn is the
invitation to participate. In order to qualify, respondents had   world’s largest professional network on the Internet. LinkedIn
to focus solely or primarily on recruitment in a corporate        offers a full range of solutions to help organizations of all
HR/recruiting setting, and have at least some budget              sizes find, engage and attract the best talent. 85 percent of
authority. Respondents represented an even mix of small,          the Fortune 100 use LinkedIn Talent Solutions.
mid-size and large companies. 3,028 corporate respondents
qualified and successfully completed the questionnaire.
Global statistics are reported as un-weighted averages of
corporate recruiter responses from the following countries:       Additional Resources
Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy,
Netherlands, Nordics (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland),          For employer branding best practices from industry leaders,
Spain, UK, & US.                                                  go to:

For more information about this survey, please email:             For a new way to measure your talent brand, see                                   

                                                                  To stay up to date on the latest research and insights from
1.     2011 research on job-seeking behavior. For more            LinkedIn, follow @hireonlinkedin on Twitter and subscribe
       details see                     to our blog:

                                                                  Copyright © 2012 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail
                                                                  are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in the United States and/or
                                                                  other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective
                                                                  owners. All rights reserved.


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State of employer branding

  • 1. The State of Employer Branding A global report on the hottest topic in talent acquisition
  • 2. Contents Introduction & Big Picture Findings 03 Executive Summary 05 Global Results 10 Conclusion 21 Appendix I: Results by Country 23 Appendix II: Results by Industry 30 Appendix III: Results by Company Size 31
  • 3. Introduction Employer branding is the new black. Articles, white papers, and conference panels are popping up everywhere while discussions and debates take place daily in the hallways, conference rooms, and executive suites of companies around the world. Strong competition for knowledge workers in particular and the proliferation of social media have augmented the importance of employer reputations in acquiring talent, particularly for the 80 percent of the labor market who are passive candidates1. Whether or not a company is considered a great place to work can make all the difference in attracting and retaining this top talent. The hype isn’t just fueled by large corporations or household name brands: employer branding is a hot topic among companies with 100 employees or 100,000, from Canada to India and everywhere in between, and regardless of industry. So what’s really going on, and what are companies doing about it? We took a closer look at employer branding as part of our third annual Global Recruiting Trends Survey. Our large and diverse sample of over 3,000 talent acquisition leaders means our results are packed with powerful data points and interesting insights for just about everyone.
  • 4. The Big Picture Employer branding is seen as important everywhere; 83 percent of global recruiting leaders agree it’s a critical driver of their ability to hire top talent. Over half (51 percent) of companies have increased their employer brand investment in 2012 and a further 40 percent have maintained their spend. Talent Acquisition is often at the helm, leading or co- leading employer branding 61 percent of the time. While career sites are viewed as a most effective employer branding vehicle, viral channels – including word of mouth and online professional networks – play a significant role in building a company’s talent brand. Despite the importance of employer brand, almost half do not have a proactive strategy, and only one-third say they regularly measure employer brand in a quantifiable way. 4
  • 5. Executive Summary TA leaders know employer branding is important and are investing more – but strategy, listening and metrics are often missing 1. AWARENESS 2. INVESTMENT & 3. DELIVERY 4. STRATEGY & ORGANIZATION MEASUREMENT TA leaders say employer Companies are starting to Effective employer brand Many companies are not branding is key to hiring invest more in employer delivery occurs as much adopting a strategic success and an important branding, with TA leaders through viral channels as via approach and even fewer long-term trend. often directly responsible. company-controlled ones.. are measuring for success.  83% agree that an  A whopping 91% of  78% of TA leaders view  Only 54% of respondents employer brand companies are investing their company website as have a proactive employer significantly impacts their more or the same in 2012 their most effective channel brand strategy. ability to hire top talent, compared to 2011, for employer brand.  53% claim to have a good and 69% consider it a top primarily due to a greater  Of the remaining highly understanding of how their priority for their awareness about employer effective channels, only employer brand varies by organization. branding’s impact. one – traditional job boards different talent populations.  The #1 action that TA  While the increase is a – is fully controlled by the  Most companies are not leaders are afraid step in the right direction, it company. listening to the appropriate competitors will do is invest hasn’t been enough to  Instead, employer brand is stakeholder mix: only 37% in employer brand, and date: only 39% of TA coming to life in channels regularly survey new hires lack of employer brand leaders report that they that companies influence and even fewer (32%) awareness is considered have the resources needed without controlling: word of regularly survey one of the top three for success. mouth, social professional candidates. obstacles in recruiting.  61% of TA leaders have a networks and general  Measurement is the key  Globally, upgrading primary or shared social media. area of weakness. Only employer branding is employer brand  These channels have the 38% measure their brand considered the second responsibility with benefit of touching passive relative to the competition, most essential and long- Marketing or Corporate candidates in ways that and just 35% prioritize term trend in the industry. Communications, with co- company-controlled their spend to shore up ownership (39%) the most channels usually do not. key weaknesses. common structure.
  • 6. Methodology Surveyed 3,028 recruiting professionals globally with a LinkedIn profile All respondents:  work in a corporate HR/recruiting setting  represent an even mix of small, midsize and large enterprises  have at least some budget authority  focus solely or primarily on recruitment Respondents by country: UNITED STATES 755 CANADA 299 BRAZIL 226 SPAIN 100 UK 334 ITALY 99 GERMANY 97 NETHERLANDS 226 NORDICS 113 INDIA 255 AUSTRALIA 280 6
  • 7. High awareness of employer brand’s impact
  • 8. Talent acquisition (TA) leaders are highly aware that employer branding is critical to hiring success 83% Agree that employer brand has significant impact on ability to hire great talent 8
  • 9. Large organizations lead the way in prioritizing employer brand, but smaller companies are catching on Prioritization of employer brand Top 3 long-term trends in recruiting (by company size) professionals (by company size) < 500 Employees 67% < 1,000 Employees 501-1,000 Employees 70% 1. Utilizing social and professional networks 2. Upgrading employer branding 3. Finding better ways to source passive candidates 1,000-10,000 Employees 67% > 10,000 Employees 78% > 1,000 Employees 1. Utilizing social and professional networks 69% Agree that employer 2. Finding better ways to source passive candidates brand is a top priority 3. Upgrading employer branding for their organization 9
  • 10. Employer branding is a top priority for companies worldwide TA leaders who agree employer brand is a top priority (by country) 69% GLOBAL AVERAGE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES NETHERLANDS AUSTRALIA GERMANY NORDICS CANADA FRANCE BRAZIL SPAIN INDIA ITALY 77% 75% 75% 74% 73% 71% 70% 69% 68% 64% 61% 47% Significantly more INDIAN Significantly fewer GERMAN organizations prioritize employer brand organizations prioritize employer brand 10
  • 11. In fact, employer branding rises to the top, regardless of the question Top obstacles to attracting Biggest concern is that the best talent competitors will… Top long-lasting trends Utilizing social and professional 1 Competition 1 Invest in their employer brand 1 networks Build and nurture strong talent 2 Compensation 2 2 Upgrading employer branding pools or pipelines Lack of awareness or interest Learn to use social networking and Finding better ways to source 3 3 3 in our employer brand social media more effectively passive candidates 4 Location 4 Improve their candidate experience 4 Boosting referral programs Training recruiters and hiring 5 Recruiting team too small 5 Improve their referral program 5 managers Recruiting team doesn't have the Further invest in their existing 6 6 6 Recruiting globally right tools/systems recruiting tools Lack of awareness that we're 7 7 Invest in new recruiting tools 7 Optimizing your career site hiring Inability to effectively use data to Hire recruiters to strengthen their Measuring quality of hire more 8 8 8 improve our approach team consistently Quality of talent currently at our Negotiate better pricing with 9 9 9 Reducing spend on staffing firms company vendors Improve ways to track quality of Using CRM technology to manage 10 Company performance 10 10 hire talent leads 11
  • 12. Investing more, with Talent Acquisition often leading
  • 13. Employer brand investment is rising in 2012, primarily due to a greater awareness of its impact 91% Companies that are spending more or the same on employer brand in 2012 compared to 2011 51% 40% 9% Spending More Spending Same Spending Less Why spend more on employer brand? 1. Increased belief in the impact of employer brand 49% 2. Need to raise general awareness 48% 3. Difficulty recruiting quality candidates 47% 4. Increased competition 37% 5. Difficulty recruiting candidates in specific sectors 32% 13
  • 14. TA leaders are organizing for success by partnering with Marketing and Communications Who owns employer brand? 39% 22% 15% 14% 10% TA shares ownership TA has primary TA has no TA is a Company doesn’t ownership ownership contributor think about EB Most common departments that own employer brand outside of Talent Acquisition 1. Marketing 2. Corporate Communications 14
  • 15. Viral channels thought to be highly effective for employer brand delivery
  • 16. While websites are seen as most effective, viral channels play important role in promoting employer brand Five channels seen as most effective to promote employer brand 78% 56% 46% Company website Word of mouth Social professional networks 38% 34% Social media Traditional job boards 16
  • 17. Almost half already find social professional networks highly effective for employer branding Organizations that find social professional networks highly effective for promoting employer brand (by country) 46% GLOBAL AVERAGE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES NETHERLANDS AUSTRALIA GERMANY* NORDICS CANADA FRANCE BRAZIL ITALY* SPAIN INDIA 58% 57% 53% 48% 47% 47% 45% 44% 43% 40% 37% 35% More organizations in FRANCE and Fewer organizations in GERMANY and the CANADA consider social professional NORDICS consider social professional networks to be highly effective networks to be highly effective 17 * Low base size (< 80 respondents)
  • 18. Disconnect between focus and measurement
  • 19. Despite recognizing its power, many companies don’t take a strategic approach to employer brand 83% Recognize employer brand impact 54% Have a proactive employer brand strategy 53% Understand employer brand strength across different populations 39% Feel they have the resources to succeed 38% Measure employer brand strength relative to competitors for talent 37% Regularly survey new hires to understand employer brand perceptions 35% Prioritize spend on audiences where employer brand relatively weak 32% Regularly survey candidates to understand perceptions 19
  • 20. Not many say they regularly measure their employer brand in a quantifiable way only one out of three 20
  • 21. Conclusion We know that talent acquisition leaders around the world understand the importance of employer branding. They're increasing investment—even at a time when doing more with less is the norm—because they see it as a critical foundation for attracting the best hires. However, two-thirds of talent acquisition leaders today admit that they don't consistently and quantifiably measure the health of their employer brands, and almost half say they lack a proactive strategy. Management can't succeed without measurement and focus. In the end, the key opportunity isn't simply to improve awareness of your company as a great place to work, it's to upgrade your strategy: by listening to key audiences and observing how they interact with your employer brand; by assessing how you fare versus your competitors for talent; and by investing differentially in engaging candidate populations where you have the most to gain. This is particularly true in an era in which social platforms have changed the game for where and how identities – both corporate and personal – form and evolve. There was a time when your employer brand consisted of the messaging that your company delivered out into the marketplace and periodically refreshed. Today your messaging is being consumed, supplemented and amplified – or questioned aloud – in real time based on talent’s actual experience with your brand across multiple touch points, including social platforms where prospective talent engages with you on a daily basis. And what often rises to the top now, louder and clearer than your own messaging, is your talent brand – your employer brand as seen through the social lens, incorporating what prospective talent thinks, feels and says about your company as a place to work. The good news is that, thanks to the reams of Big Data that are generated through billions of interactions on social platforms like LinkedIn, it’s easier than previously to assess how you’re really doing . And the companies that effectively assess their talent brands will be able to prioritize spend, shore up areas of weakness, build out competitive advantage, and ultimately engage target talent to greatest effect. 21
  • 22. Today your messaging is being consumed, supplemented and amplified – or “ questioned aloud – in real time based on talent’s actual experience with your brand across multiple touch points.
  • 24. Appendix I: Findings by Country AMERICAS EMEA ASIA PACIFIC  45% of Brazilian TA leaders  France leads the way in gauging stakeholders:  India is the sole country that measure their brands (vs. surveying new hires (46%) and candidates (45%) ranks consistently well above 33% globally,), which is likely are well above the global averages (37% and average on employer brand why they claim to understand 32%, respectively). prioritization, strategic action, employer brand strength and measurement. across populations more often  UK Employer brand prioritization is well above (67% vs. 53% globally). average, as is investment, yet UK TA leaders are average or worse in measuring for success.  Australia is investing in employer branding more  Canada ranks second in citing  Germany has the fewest percentage of TA leaders aggressively than any other effectiveness of professional who consider employer branding a top priority region (61% citing spend social networks for employer (47% vs. 69% globally); TA leads most often (66% increase versus 51% globally), branding (57% vs. 46% co-own or own employer brand vs. 61% globally). yet on all measurement overall), otherwise they are in metrics, Australia is either the middle of the pack in  Spanish TA leaders set a high bar for other average or below average investment and organization. countries in calling the employer brand shots, with compared to other countries. 72% of TA leaders owning or co-owning employer brand, far above the 61% global average.  US TA leaders report above average employer brand  In Italy, acknowledgment of employer brand investment, yet they are significance is on par with other countries, yet its Employer branding winner significantly below average on investment and measurement tend to be well across the board: INDIA measurement (21% survey behind most other countries. candidates vs. 32% overall; 31% survey new hires vs.  Netherlands TA leaders are well below average in 37% overall). terms of investing in employer brand and TA owning it, yet they are more likely to measure employer brand and use viral channels such as online professional networks effectively.  TA leaders in the Nordics lag on most dimensions, except in measuring the health of employer brand (42% vs. 33% globally). 24
  • 25. Australia and the emerging markets lead the way in doubling down on employer brand Organizations spending more on employer brand in 2012 vs. 2011 (by country) 51% GLOBAL AVERAGE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES NETHERLANDS AUSTRALIA GERMANY* NORDICS CANADA FRANCE BRAZIL SPAIN* ITALY* INDIA 61% 58% 57% 57% 56% 53% 53% 48% 45% 45% 43% 38% Organizations in AUSTRALIA and Organizations in ITALY and the INDIA increasing spend more NETHERLANDS increasing spend often than the global average less often than the global average 25 * Low base size (< 80 respondents)
  • 26. There is significant geographic variation in Talent Acquisition’s role in employer branding Organizations where TA has total or shared control of employer brand (by country) 61% GLOBAL AVERAGE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES NETHERLANDS AUSTRALIA GERMANY NORDICS CANADA FRANCE BRAZIL SPAIN INDIA ITALY 72% 70% 66% 65% 61% 59% 58% 57% 56% 56% 56% 51% TA leaders most empowered to TA leaders significantly less likely to drive employer brand in SPAIN own or co-own employer brand in the and INDIA UK and the NETHERLANDS 26
  • 27. Emerging markets lead the pack with the most understanding of employer brand strength by population Percentage understanding employer brand strength across different talent populations (by country) 53% GLOBAL AVERAGE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES NETHERLANDS AUSTRALIA GERMANY NORDICS CANADA FRANCE BRAZIL SPAIN INDIA ITALY 67% 62% 57% 54% 54% 52% 52% 51% 50% 46% 44% 41% INDIA and BRAZIL significantly more likely to understand their employer brand strength across different talent populations 27
  • 28. There is wide geographic variation in measuring the health of employer brands Quantifiable measurement of employer brand (by country) 33% GLOBAL AVERAGE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES NETHERLANDS AUSTRALIA GERMANY NORDICS CANADA FRANCE BRAZIL SPAIN INDIA ITALY 50% 45% 42% 35% 33% 32% 32% 30% 29% 23% 22% 20% INDIA and BRAZIL more likely to GERMANY, ITALY, and SPAIN less likely consistently measure employer brand to consistently measure employer brand 28
  • 29. Most don’t survey new hires to understand employer brand perceptions; wide geographic differences Organizations that regularly survey new hires to understand brand position (by country) 37% GLOBAL AVERAGE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES NETHERLANDS AUSTRALIA GERMANY NORDICS CANADA FRANCE BRAZIL SPAIN INDIA ITALY 52% 46% 45% 39% 36% 35% 34% 34% 33% 31% 30% 23% More organizations survey new Fewer organizations survey new hires hires in INDIA and FRANCE in the NORDICS and ITALY 29
  • 30. Even fewer organizations survey candidates; again, wide geographic variance Organizations that regularly survey candidates to understand brand position (by country) 32% GLOBAL AVERAGE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES NETHERLANDS AUSTRALIA GERMANY NORDICS CANADA FRANCE BRAZIL SPAIN INDIA ITALY 45% 45% 39% 36% 34% 32% 31% 28% 26% 25% 25% 21% More organizations survey new Fewer organizations survey candidates in hires in FRANCE and INDIA AUSTRALIA and the UNITED STATES 30
  • 31. Appendix II: Findings by Industry CONSUMER MARKETING/PR/ HIGH TECH MANUFACTURING GOODS CONSULTING  Consumer Goods TA  Marketing/PR/Consulting  High-tech TA leaders  Manufacturing TA leaders leaders are ahead of the are much more likely to (59% vs. 46% overall) are are just as aware of employer curve, with 72% having have a proactive employer also more likely to use branding’s importance as primary or shared brand strategy (64% vs. newer communication other industries, yet they are ownership of employer 54% overall), and more channels such as online much less likely to make it a brand compared to 61% likely to leverage online professional networks and top organization priority (59% overall. They are also more professional channels such social media, and they are vs. 69% overall). likely to feel they have the as LinkedIn (64% of this above average when it resources needed for group cite effectiveness, vs. comes to regularly success (48% vs. 39% 46% overall). surveying new hires (41% overall). vs. 37% overall). EDUCATION MEDICAL/ FINANCE  Education TA leaders NON-PROFIT HEALTHCARE consider investing in employer branding to be the #1  Non-profit TA leaders cite  More than all other  Finance appears to be competitive threat, more than the effectiveness of social industries, Medical and one of the more strategic any other industry. At the same media more than other Healthcare TA leaders have industries as more time, they tend to over-rely on industries (47% vs. 38% increased investment in respondents (61% vs. 53% company websites (84%) to overall), but they are not yet employer brand due to overall) report a good communicate their brands, capitalizing on other low- higher awareness of its understanding of their resulting in missed cost ‘passive candidate’ impact. Yet, the industry is employer brand across opportunities to engage with channels such as online below average in surveying talent populations, likely due passive talent. Education TA professional networks (34% new hires (29% vs. 37% to better measurement: 46% leaders in particular have not vs. 46% overall). overall) and surveying of Finance TA leaders yet fully realized the potential of candidates (24% vs. 32% quantifiably measure their professional and social overall). employer brands versus networks. 33% overall. 31
  • 32. Appendix III: Findings by Company Size 1. AWARENESS 2. INVESTMENT & 3. DELIVERY 4. STRATEGY & ORGANIZATION MEASUREMENT  Employer brand is more  TA leaders are larger  54% of larger companies  Larger companies are top of mind as companies are more consider channels such as much likelier to have an organizations grow in size; involved in employer LinkedIn effective (vs. 47% employer branding 78% of TA leaders at large brand, with 67% owning or smaller) and 47% cite strategy (68% vs. 54% companies consider co-owning it compared to social media as effective overall and 49% for small employer branding a top 51% for the smallest (vs. 38% smaller). companies.) priority (vs. 67% for the companies and 61% smallest companies and overall.  Smaller companies still  Larger companies (51%) 69% overall). tend to rely more heavily regularly measure  Those from smaller on word-of-mouth (62% employer brand relative to  TA leaders at smaller companies report investing small vs. 49% large), likely competitors, significantly companies recognize more in 2012 due to the an due to more limited more than smaller employer brand’s long-term increase in hiring, while resources. companies do (34%). importance; they rank it those from larger one of the most essential companies are investing  Larger companies (45%) and long-term trends in the more due to a greater prioritize employer brand industry, even higher than awareness of employer spend on audiences where TA leaders at larger branding’s impact. their brand is weaker, companies. significantly more than smaller companies do (29%). Large companies are ahead, but SMALLER ORGANIZATIONS are not far behind 32
  • 33. About This Survey About LinkedIn The third annual LinkedIn Global Recruiting Trends Survey Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world’s was conducted online between May 2012 and July 2012. professionals to make them more productive and successful. Recruiting professionals with a LinkedIn profile who opted in With more than 175 million members worldwide, including to participate in research studies were sent an email executives from every Fortune 500 company, LinkedIn is the invitation to participate. In order to qualify, respondents had world’s largest professional network on the Internet. LinkedIn to focus solely or primarily on recruitment in a corporate offers a full range of solutions to help organizations of all HR/recruiting setting, and have at least some budget sizes find, engage and attract the best talent. 85 percent of authority. Respondents represented an even mix of small, the Fortune 100 use LinkedIn Talent Solutions. mid-size and large companies. 3,028 corporate respondents qualified and successfully completed the questionnaire. Global statistics are reported as un-weighted averages of corporate recruiter responses from the following countries: Additional Resources Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Netherlands, Nordics (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland), For employer branding best practices from industry leaders, Spain, UK, & US. go to: For more information about this survey, please email: For a new way to measure your talent brand, see To stay up to date on the latest research and insights from 1. 2011 research on job-seeking behavior. For more LinkedIn, follow @hireonlinkedin on Twitter and subscribe details see to our blog: Copyright © 2012 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. 33