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Stash Magazine
Cover Photo by Amy Farrell
Supporting Local Music - Jenny Cruz & Baily Collins (1)
Movie Reviews - Julian Makarechi & Alex Marothy (3)
Book Reviews - Leah Kelly (8)
Hearty Lunches - Audrey Pham & Lisa Kang (11)
Not for Tourists: Inner Beauty of Philadelphia- Jaime Christmas & Amy Farrell (13)
Plan Your Next Night Out - Kaboni Bailey & Emmanuel Kaudio (17)
Jobs for Teens - Katie Walker (20)
Sports and teens - Chris Tran & Khadidi Fofana (21)
Music & Philly History - Dylan Long (23)
Our Choice for PA Governer in 2016 - Sadie Sprague-Lott & Alhaji Koita (25)
SAT Vocab Puzzles - Edgar Pacio (29)
Teens & Reading - Peter Ricker & Kennedy Coverdale (3o)
Hermits of the Wissahickon- Will Amari (31)
Fashion - Wynn Geary & Leah Petty (35)
Snack Time - Emalyn Bartholomew & Temperance Moore (39)
Restaurant Reviews - Jasir Massey-Campbell & Rakewon Smith (41)
Traveling - Arshelle Johnson & Aron Tang (44)
Supporting Local
By Jenny Cruz & Bailey Collins
How many local artists can you name from your hometown?
It’s time to support your local bands. You don’t have to go far to find great music. Some of the most successful
artists have come right from the city of brotherly love such as Hall & Oates, The Roots, Chubby Checker, The
Dead Milkmen, Pink, and so many others.
My question to you is, where do you think these bands started off? Just like all self-made people, it starts in their
community. The band doesn’t just get signed and become loved and worshipped in an instance, it’s a very long
process. The bands, in a sense, revolve around the support from their community. I highly recommend that you
continue on reading this article, where I will show the perspective on the music industry from the inside with
interviews of the local bands in our community. In hopes that you will take a second to think about supporting
your local artists and their local movement.
Philadelphia has been home to some of the greatest innovations in classical music, R&B, alternative, punk, metal,
and classic soul music. Philadelphia has created a place for the arts to thrive even for the lesser well known.
In the early days of rock and roll, many artists had come from South Philadelphia, such as Frankie Avalon and
Bobby Rydell. Their popularity led to the creation of a show called American Bandstand, which was hosted at
46th and Market at the time. The show was filmed in Philadelphia from 1952-1963.


One of our most famous traditions in musical events of the year is our Mummer’s Parade. The event is held every
New Years Day. There are many clubhouses that compete in the categories and prepare dances and elaborate costumes and scenes and stories to perform on the street in the parade. This event is believed to be the oldest folk
Philadelphia holds so much music history, might that be from groups that began here, the influence from our
past, or the landmarks that we keep running. One of Philadelphia’s greatest landmarks in music history is The
Academy of Music. This theater has not been a venue that often supports our local bands, but it has so much
history for the music of Philadelphia. It was built in 1857, and is the only opera house still standing in the United
States that still does what it was built to do.
If you’re on a search for local music, these bands are all from the area.
Making Out With Medusa has been around for 2 years and are still going strong, building popularity in Philly
and the Camden Jersey area. One of their musical influences is Bring Me The Horizon. Their heavy metal core
brings in sizable crowds to local venues such as the Trocadero located on 10th and Arch.
A Curse Inherited is a turbo-rad metal band, they get all the ladies and sling mad riffs. His influences include
Diamond Dimebag Darrell Abbett, James Hetfield, and more recently Mark Morton and Ryan and Bryan from
Black Dahlia Murder. It will be a year in February since ACI’s first show at the Trocadero, when asked how the
pre game jitters treated Parris MacMullan this is what he had to say, “Nerve racking, unforgettable experience,
small crowd but I wanted to do it.” It was the same stage where bands Foxy Shazam and Mastoon played
Tomfromhell is a local DJ, throwing down some heavy dubstep remixes of popular tracks today. He typically
plays at house parties and local music festivals. His influences include a heavy metal band named Motionless in
White and DJ Heavygrinder.
Nikolai is a solo beatboxer performing in public areas to live crowds. He has named Vahtang Kalandadze, a Russian beat boxer, has one of his influences.You can also see Nikolai on his youtube channel, Bottleofyogurt.
If you are looking to support local bands there are several ways of doing so. Many bands have merch available to
buy online buying supports the artist. Spread the word, verbally communicate to other and share new bands in
your local areas and encourage your friends to do the same. Another way to help out band would be to like and
follow their Facebook page and checkout their tracks on Soundcloud. Without fans local bands today will not
thrive in their career and make it to the big stage.


By Alex Marothy & Julian Makarechi

Ever since the first silent film in 1903, movies have been a cornerstone of American culture. With literally trillions of
dollars grossed each year by the movie industry, America has proven itself a society of flick-fanatics.
Roger Ebert, late and great American movie critic, said that “a film is a terrible thing to waste.” Ebert, like many critics,
loved cinema, and had a great respect for film. And yet, many argue that the quality of American films has severely
diminished in recent years; a mainstream art form that has lost the respect of critics across the states. Sad to say that
movies just aren’t what they used to be, and that new generations are subjecting themselves to increasingly terrible
In this article, we strive to bring the classics--arguably some of the best American films that ever made it a

Tom Hanks stars in a movie that touches on many different aspects of life, from how to
stand up for yourself to chasing after the love of your life. Forrest Gump, a mentally handicapped boy, has trouble socializing with most people and can barely walk on his own.
The story starts with Forrest telling us of his life at a bus stop to a middle aged woman.
He recalls one distinct memory that occurred during his childhood with his childhood
friend, Jenny. Jenny was his best friend from day one and they were always there for one
another. She was his first real friend. As the story goes on, we learn more about Jenny’s bad relationship with her father and drugs. Jenny lived with her father, who was an
alcoholic, and lived around drugs her whole life. Forrest explains to the woman how one
day he was walking down a silent road having quality time with Jenny, when all of a sudden
some of local bullies approach them from behind. This is probably the most famous scene
of the move in which Jenny screams “Run Forrest! RUN!” after the bullies start to throw
rocks at Forrest. So Forrest sprints as hard as he can, so hard that he breaks the metal
brace on his leg. This was a huge deal for Forrest because he didn’t know he could run, he
was able to gain strength to run from Jenny.
We continue to see Forrest’s freak-like running ability when he plays football in high school and also during his time in
the Vietnam war. Forrest never moves on from Jenny as she is the only girl he is truly comfortable with. He doesn’t care
if he doesn’t see Jenny for years, he will always love her and be with her every step of the way. Sadly, Jenny has other
plans that include joining a band, doing drugs, and working at a bar. It is fair to say that Forrest was not exactly her main
priority. However, the times they do see each other give you the impression they were never apart. Forrest does have
one or two people in his life that he considers his friends. The most important one is Bubba, who owns a huge shrimp
fishing company. Forrest and Bubba met in Vietnam where they developed an immense friendship. The two agreed to
go shrimping as soon as they got back to the States. Unfortunately, Bubba didn’t make it back. Forrest tried everything
he could to save all of his friends but Bubba just didn’t make it. However, Forrest does end up saving his commander,
Lieutenant Dan.


Lieutenant Dan is a very grumpy man who comes from a very large military family. Many of his family members died
serving the United States army and that’s exactly what Lieutenant Dan wanted to do. Forrest crushed his only dream
and instead of dying there in Vietnam, Lieutenant Dan ends up going back to the States in a wheel chair with both of his
legs amputated. Many years later, Forrest ends up running into Lieutenant Dan. He still resents Forrest for what he did
but at the same time he admires him. One day they both decide to honor Bubba’s promise and go shrimp fishing together.
This film is full of some of the many different façades of the American life and shows how far mentally handicapped
people can get in this country. Forrest Gump was a hit everywhere and is definitely considered a classic. There were
many lines in this film that are very relevant to our everyday lives and that will be remembered forever. For example,
Forrest tells the woman at the bus stop that his mom always said: “Life is like a box chocolates. You never know what
you’re gonna get.” This shows how much variety and mystery there is in life. it also shows Forrest’s unique perspective
on life, and although he is handicapped, he is brilliant all the same. In a way, Forrest’s mom is trying to express that you
will never know where life will take you, that it’s all up in the air. In the quote “My Mama always said you’ve got to put the
past behind you before you can move on,” the viewer encounters with yet another life lesson. It is almost as though it is a
children’s story, but acted by a grown man.
This film is definitely in my top 5 favorite movies of all time. No matter how many times I watch it, I can never got over
the great acting and wonderful story. I think what keeps me on the edge of my seat is how the movie has so many stages, and I always get excited for the next scene to come, even though I know what it is going to happen. I know this movie
would not have had such an effect on me if not for the acting. The way the actors put themselves in the shoes of the

This is one of Matthew Broderick’s best films of all time. It uses a comedy that is very
hard to create and reenact. The facial expressions and snarky remarks are ones that will
always be loved and remembered. Some of the best parts of this film come from the
main character, Ferris, played by Matthew Broderick, while he talks to the viewers about
his life.
This is the story of a clever teenager in high school who decides to fake sickness so he
can miss school. Ferris totally tricks his parents with his speakers and computers that
play coughing and sniffling sounds, but his older sister, Jeannie, does not believe it one
bit. “In a nutshell, she hates her brother.” She is constantly bothered by Ferris being able
to get away with things.
On Ferris’ day off, he decides to meet up with his best friend, Cameron, and his girlfriend,
Sloane. Unfortunately for Cameron, he is actually sick at home, but that doesn’t stop
Ferris from dragging him out of bed to go have a fun day off. Fortunately for Sloane,
Cameron calls her high school and gets her out of school, pretending he is her father, with a knee slapping hilarity. Once
everyone is ready to go, the three tenagers start their journey into downtown Chicago with Cameron’s father’s Ferrari.
The scenes when Cameron is freaking out about not ruining the car, because he knows that his father will kill him if
something goes wrong, are priceless. They end up going all over the city, to a baseball game, a parade and an art museum.
While Ferris is having a wonderful day with his girlfriend and best friend, everyone at his high school is spreading
rumours that he has some sort of cancer. People even start a fundraising campaign for him called: ”Save Ferris.” Jeannie can’t stand everyone falling for her little brother’s trick once again, so she decides to scream at everyone at school
about it. Soon the viewer is introduced to another character, the principal of the high school. Like Jeannie, he doesn’t
like Ferris one bit and knows that he is bad news, so he always tries to investigate Ferris’s “sickness” on his own. One
of the movie’s most famous quotes is come from the scene in Ferris’s economics class. Obviously Ferris is absent, but
his teacher is not so sure, so the the old teachers keeps on repeating “Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?” in a very monotone
voice, until a student finally tells hims Ferris is sick. Towards the end of the film, there is a huge chase scene featuring
Ed Rooney, the principal, and Ferris, that is priceless and truly hilarious.
The humorous dialogue in this film is outstanding because you can tell the characters relationship with each other
really well. For example, at the beginning of the film when Ferris demands Cameron to come over to his house by saying:
“ If you are not over here in fifteen minutes, you can find a new best friend.” Cameron responds smartly by reminding
him that “You’ve been saying that since the fifth grade.” It is scenes like this that show us how powerful friendship can
be and how much fun somebody can get receive from a solid friendship. Ferris Buellers day off also demonstrates how
sometimes somebody’s so called “loved ones” can actually be the people you dislike most. For example, Ferris’s sister,

Jeannie thought to herself “Maybe I’m overreacting. Maybe Ferris isn’t such a bad guy. After all, I got a car, he got a
computer. But still, why should he get to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants? Why should everything work out for
him? What makes him so goddamn special? Screw him.” Since most of the viewers can understand her point of view they
end up loving her and many other characters that they have similarities with.
This is one of my family’s favorite movies. Whenever it is on TV, we always watch it, no matter what else is on and how
many times we have seen it. For me, this movie keeps me rolling with laughter at every turn because I get so excited
about every upcoming scene. The actors did a wonderful job as well, even if some of them had very small parts. I would
give this movie 5 stars because I love every minute of it.

Pulp Fiction is a wild thriller that follows the intertwining lives of thieves, hit men, and
gangsters on the streets of Los Angeles. In this world of Quentin Tarantino’s mad imagination, the plot is driven by humorous characters, graphic violence and punchy dialogue
that guides the nuanced storyline. Like so many of Tarantino’s movies, it’s a nonlinear
storyline, events happening out of chronological order.
	 Teenager’s like Wynn Geary call it a “masterpiece” while many critics gave it as many
as five stars. Debatably one of the best movies of all time, Tarantino leads the audience
through a maze of interweaving events that end up connecting with a bang. From bloody
murder and drugs to fixed fights and leather-clad sex fiends coming to a head with a
golden heirloom, the plotline is not easy to follow. But suddenly it all comes together, and
the genius behind the story is realized.
	 With a comic book-esque script that grabs your attention with every syllable and
masterfully concise prose, the writers eloquently commanded a tone that is present
throughout the screenplay. It drags the viewer in, pulls them deep into a chasm of chaotic abnormality, only to leave them disoriented in a world of flawless surrealism.
John Travolta stars as Vincent Vega, a small-time gangster hitman accompanied by his partner, Jules, who is
magnificently captured by Samuel L. Jackson. We first observe them on their way to a handle a potentially bloody
situation, a few drug dealers in debt with the mob boss, Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames). As Jules recites his favorite
biblical quote with gun drawn, Vince retrieves a particular briefcase from the dealers’ possession, we are made to feel
like a third, silent mobster, observing the fear, passion, and rage being passed around the room.
Later, Vince is instructed by his boss to take the wife out to dinner, keep her company for awhile, and he arrives
at Mia’s (Uma Thurman) house after a stopping by his dealer’s (Eric Stoltz) for a heroin fix. They go out for dinner and
dancing, win a dance contest, arrive back at the house slightly tipsy and having a bit too much fun. Travolta steps into
the bathroom, and in the front of the mirror tells himself to “be a gentleman, stay for a drink, and then leave.” However,
this plan is quickly snubbed when he steps out into the living room and finds the big boss’s partner and soulmate laying
on the floor drooling, overdosing on cocaine. In a panic he hoists her over his shoulder, makes a dash for the car, and like
a man possessed burns rubber back to Eric Stoltz’s house. The tense situation that follows is filled with dramatic bursts
of panic and hysterical shouts, a drug dealer running amok trying to find a giant adrenaline needle. He finds it, and he
and Vince argue over who’s going to stab it into Mia’s heart. After Stoltz shouts “YOU brought her here, YOU stick in the
needle! When I bring an O.D. to YOUR house, I’LL stick in the needle!” Travolta knows it’s time for him to grow a pair, and
slams the needle down straight into her chest. With a huge gasp of air, she sits up suddenly and Vincent heaves a sigh of
Bruce Willis as Butch the boxer is instructed by Ving Rhames to throw a fight, but in his pride decides not to, and
instead murders his opponent. Knowing he now has to skip town, he grabs a taxi back to the motel he and his adorable

french wife rented to hide from the mob. Suddenly we go back in time and see a young Butch, and a cameo by Christopher Walken playing an army veteran, who tells Butch that he served with his father in the war and what a great man his
father was and that he had a gold watch that he hid up his ass in an internment camp for years and that after he died
Walken himself hid the same watch up his ass and now he’s giving it to young Butch because his father would want him
to have it. Now old again, it’s all Bruce Willis cares about, he loves that gold watch, and asks French wife Fabienne where
it is when he can’t find it in the suitcase. Turns out she forgot it at the apartment and now Butch has to go back and get it
even though the mob is probably there waiting for him. After arriving at the apartment, it seems as though it’s empty, he
grabs the gold watch, and passes through the kitchen. Stopping at the sight of an automatic gun on the counter, he looks
to the bathroom door and hears a toilet flush. Grabbing the gun, he aims it at the door and John Travolta steps out and
looks up in silent shock as Butch unloads the clip into him, sending him flying into the bathtub. So Willis gets back in the
car to head back to the motel and as he’s stopped at a red light who would cross the crosswalk but Marcellus Wallace,
the big mob boss. The make eye contact, and Butch floors it, hitting Wallace and crashing the Honda and stepping out
the wreck a bloody mess. He and Marsellus teeter about in a surreal scene in the middle of an intersection leaving the
viewer wondering where the police have gone out to lunch, until Wallace begins to open fire. A chase ensues around the
corner and after Butch takes a bullet to the leg, the make it to a pawn shop where Butch is stopped short of killing Marsellus by a hillbilly with a shotgun and his partner Zed. Chaos ensues, but Butch finally makes it back to the motel safely
after being dismissed by Marsellus and delivers the famous quote “Zed’s dead, baby.”
With inventive situations and spontaneous dialogue, Tarantino really has created a masterpiece. A movie that
will go down with the classics, as one that has made quite an impression on society. From drug dealer to fetishized sex
fiend, every aspect of this movie is pure, comic book perfection.

American History X is an important, historical, and extremely powerful film. An incredibly
influential story, it throws racism in your face while defining hate as a dangerous cycle
of corruption and disease. With a rich plotline following a neo-Nazi poster child, Derek
(Ed Norton) and his younger brother Daniel (Edward Furlong) in Venice Beach, American
History X takes the audience on a compelling journey of growth, decay, destruction,
rebirth and redemption, a fluid sequence of reawakening through hate. After Derek’s firefighter father dies in a shooting, his anger drives him to join a manipulative white-power
gang leader, Cameron Alexander (Stacy Keach), in a quest to strike out against minority
groups. His rage driven hate begins to infect his younger brother, and Danny is soon
becoming one of the gang.
	 Derek’s hate presents itself in the form of monumental violence one fateful night,
when he murders two members of a black gang attempting to break into his car. He is
charged with voluntary manslaughter and Danny’s life begins to shatter as his older
brother is incarcerated.
During Derek’s time in prison he experiences life like never before, and after a series of extremely damaging
incidents, sees himself in a new way. His own white-power rhetoric has been thrown back at him, his life now destroyed
by the same beliefs he had built himself around. This was his destruction, followed by a glorious rebirth.
When he leaves that prison, Derek is a changed man. Now with a full head of hair, he sees through the idiotic,
hate driven belief system that his younger brother has now embraced. He arrives home to find that Danny has shaved
his head, and recently acquired a tattoo reading DOC. Disappointed in his brother, but really frustrated with himself,
Derek tells him not to attend welcome-back-Derek party that Cameron has prepared for that night, but doing so quite
vaguely. Nevertheless, Daniel is there when Derek arrives at the party, and things start to come to a head.

After a reunion with a Cameron that starts with him saying “I’m more important to (Danny) than you’ll ever be.”
and ends with a punch to the face, Derek curses his bad temper and steps out into the raging Hitler-loving savagery
of a party below, searching for his brother in the crowd and hurriedly trying to escape. Slowed by his ex-girlfriend and
stopped by his blimp of a supposed friend, Seth, who points a gun at him shouting “I should kill you!” after finding their
precious leader assaulted. Derek manages to pull some fancy self defense move and snag the gun, waving it frantically
at the crowd and darting off into the night. Danny follows and springs on him in a grief-stricken frenzy, confused at his
older brother’s radical change.
In a heartfelt scene of brotherly love and togetherness, Derek explains his time in prison to his younger sibling, his
change of heart, and his now clear sight of the truth. Daniel soon understands, and is already in agreement, indicating
that he never really believed in any of it, he was just filled with indirect rage, and adoration for his brother. They arrive
home and shower their family in a newfound love, and upon entering their room, tear down the hundreds of Nazi posters
taped to the wall. It’s a beautiful scene that communicates the core message of the movie: that change is apparent in
all walks of life, always possible, and forever accompanied by sublime transformation. The beauty carries over into the
next scene in which Derek is in the shower, his first out of prison, and upon seeing himself in the mirror, lifts a hand to
cover the swastika tattooed on his chest, seeing himself as new man, but not one without regret.
In a heart-wrenching conclusion, the film closes with a Derek now stricken with grief, sorrow and despair, pleading with a cruel and unrelenting world of hate.
Movies are influential in huge ways. They communicate powerfully messages which other mediums cannot.
When you give an expert director an amazing script and a cast of masterful actors, something magical happens. Every
film sends a message, and the fact that each is preserved indefinitely in this technological world says that each new
generation should not forget the films of the past, and their influence on society today. We must open our eyes and are
arms, and welcome the classics into our lives.

By Leah Kelly


“Winger” by Andrew Smith is a witty, brilliant and yet heart-warming story of a 14-year
old high school junior named Ryan Dean and his year at boarding school; this year being full of
comics, rugby games and friendships that are ever-changing.
Andrew Smith is an award-winning author; Winger specifically had starred reviews in
Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, Booklist and Shelf Awareness, as well as being named an Amazon
“Best of Year”. Many people are calling Smith the next John Green, an extremely decorated
young adult author. When I got the chance to interview Smith, he told me that readers had a
lot to look forward to from him. “I have a book called 100 SIDEWAYS MILES coming in September 2014,” said Smith, “and then two other books (I’m not allowed to say their titles yet) in
2015, so I am pretty busy.”
“Winger” is set at a boarding school for rich kids, where Ryan Dean West lives in Opportunity Hall, a special dorm for “bad” kids. In Opportunity Hall, he finds that his roommate is
Chas, the “big man” on campus who absolutely hates his guts. However, throughout the book
their relationships changes and grows. There are very few important things in Ryan Dean’s
life: rugby, his drawings and his best friend Annie, who he is also in love with. As Andrew
Smith takes you through Ryan’s junior year, readers are introduced to the rest of the people in his life: Megan, the school hottie,
Chas, his roommate and also somewhat of a bully, JP and Seanie, his two best friends, and Joey, a boy on his rugby team. As Ryan
begins to change throughout the year, so do his friendships and relationships. He learns that not every friendship is worth keeping,
sometimes those who you hate can become the best of friends, and how friendships can grow by simply being yourself.
There are a few themes that Smith makes clear throughout the book, the major one being friendships. Ryan Dean’s relationships change during his junior year at boarding school in dramatic ways. Smith weaves significant friendships into the story in
ways that leaves readers in awe, and also throws in some much needed comedic relationships.
Another major theme of this novel is the relationship between the decisions you make and the consequences that come. As
Ryan Dean’s year progresses, he finds himself facing challenging choices dealing with alcohol, fighting, and most of all-- girls. While
he does not always see the consequences right away, Ryan learns his lesson in sometimes funny and sometimes heartbreaking
Smith has a certain way of writing that makes it nearly impossible to ever put “Winger” down. His use of Ryan Dean’s comics interspersed between pages of witty dialogue makes readers laugh on one page, but then something devastating happens and
will leave readers in tears within the same few pages. It takes a very special skill for an author to make you feel like the characters in
the story are your own friends in real life. The way that Smith portrays every person in the book, readers get emotionally attached
to them which is why it is tragic when bad things happen.
While “Winger” might not be for everyone, this book is easily relatable and therefore I think that many reading groups
would like it. This book in, in particular, is a wonderful teen book due to the problems, stories and relationships that take place.
Secondly, this is a book that I think a lot of boys would like. Since it is written from a high school boy’s perspective, there is lots of a
particular humor that they would find appealing. If any reader looking for a brilliantly crafted, bitter-sweet story, then “Winger” is for

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe:

“Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe” by Benjamin Alire
Sáenz is a creative, tender and honest story written about two young boys struggling to find themselves in the midst of a busy and demanding teenagehood.
	 Benjamin Alire Sáenz has won many awards for his poetry and fiction books, but
this book in particular received lots of praise. Specifically, it won the Lambda Literary Award and Stonewall Book Award, an Amelia Elizabeth Walden Award honor,
a Pura Belpré Author Award for Latino Fiction and a Michael L. Printz Award honor
for Young Adult fiction.
	 Aristotle, nick-named Ari, is an angry teenager who is unhappy with his life and
spends his time trying to uncover the mystery behind his brother’s absence in his
life. Dante is an emotional boy who reads poetry and cries over the death of baby
birds. When Dante moves into the same neighborhood as Ari, their whole worlds
are flipped upside down as they are unexpectedly drawn towards each others
presence and soon become best friends. Throughout the novel, Sáenz takes readers through the hardships and joys of
each of the boys’ lives and how at times, they remain close friends and during others, find a void between them. In the
end, Sáenz adds a beautiful and gentle plot twist that will warm readers’ hearts.
While there are many distinct story lines in this novel, there are a few themes that remain important throughout. The first is friendship; Ari and Dante are extremely different and yet cannot help but be best friends. As the story
progresses, Sáenz unpacks the parts to their lives that are different but also gives insight to the deeper parts that are
very similar. While readers watch the friendship between these two boys unfold, many valuable lessons about relationships, sacrifice and love challenge readers to examine the experiences in their lives.
Another motif in this book is discovering yourself. While this is something that many teenagers struggle with,
readers get a new perspective on it while following the lives of these two guys because of the trials that they face,
things that they experience and the way that their relationship changes over time. By the end of the book, while they do
not have everything figured out, they are content with having discovered a few of the secrets of the universe.
This novel is a story that readers cannot put down due to the spectacular writing. Sáenz has an incredible blend
of sweet, tender moments as well as riveting scenes that leave readers on the edge of their seats and wanting more.
The character and plot choices that Sáenz chooses for this book, while they are bold and daring, make sense in the story
line. Lastly, readers begin to feel personal relationships with the characters in the story. The author does a wonderful
job exploring the depth of the lives for the people in the book by bringing you into every area of their lives and granting
you access into the thoughts and opinions of the characters, especially Ari and Dante, which lets readers make a stronger and more personal connection.
While the middle and ending of this book were superb, some readers may find the beginning of the book to start
out slowly. Mainly that is because the characters are being introduced and you are just beginning to get an insight on
their lives, but once that part is over and Sáenz begins to delve into their hardships and relationship with each other, the
book picks up pace and will readers will not be able to put it down.
In general, most people would enjoy this story. However, this book seems as though it would specifically capture
the attention of teenage boys because of the plot, humor and characters. The major themes and lessons that this book
teaches, most people would benefit from reading this wonderful novel.

“A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini is a beautifully crafted novel following
the lives of two Afghan women through heartbreak, triumph and the challenges that they
face within their culture.
	 Hosseini is an award-winning author; this book in particular spent four weeks as the
#1 book in the nation, as well as being #1 on almost every national bestseller list including
USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune
and many more. This book also appeared on multiple end of year best-of lists, including the
#1 Worldwide Bestselling title in 2008, Time- Ten Best Books: Fiction, Washington PostBest Books of 2007 and more. Between “A Thousand Splendid Suns” and Hosseini’s first
bestseller, “The Kite Runner”, more than 38 million copies have been sold worldwide.
	 This story is set in Afghanistan and begins in the mid-1900s, where you introduced to a
teenage girl named Mariam, who lives with her mother. Through a series of heartbreaking
events, Mariam finds herself stranded in a seemingly unfixable family situation, where her
father decides to solve the problem by marrying her off to a middle-aged man whom she
has never met before. However, since arranged marriage is a social norm in Afghanistan
and women are given no power, Mariam must accept this new situation, no matter how
alone she feels.
	 In the second piece of this story, readers are introduced to another girl named Laila,
who has a pleasant family life and lives down the street from Mariam and her husband, Rasheed. Similar to Mariam, Laila is tossed into a situation of utter helplessness and family turmoil. Since the streets are unsafe and
plagued with war, and since Laila is a women and has no rights to move to a new place, she is brought into the household of Mariam
and Rasheed, where Rasheed marries her as well.
From this point in time, readers begin to see the relationship between Mariam and Laila unfold as wives of the same man.
While they have a rocky start, their friendship soon grows deeply and in ways only possible in their situations. This friendship
withstands lost loves returning, pregnancies, an extremely abusive husband and in the final test of friendship, the ultimate act of
Throughout this entire novel, Hosseini makes a few themes extremely clear. The first major motif is the Afghan culture,
which is unique, fascinating and heartbreaking at times and experienced through characters in the book. As readers are taken
through the lives of these women, Hosseini paints pictures of weddings, the food, the country of Afghanistan, but mostly about the
values of the culture, specifically the inequality of genders. He shows each of these themes throughout the story in invigorating
ways using the stories of Laila and Mariam. The other major message explored is that of the bonds of friendship and family. From
chapter one, Hosseini captivates readers with questioning of the value of relationships between relatives, acquaintances, spouses
and even strangers; how far is one willing to go to protect someone they love?
There are countless ways that this book exceeded my expectations as an avid reader. I’ve always disliked books with either
too much dialogue or too much description, but “A Thousand Splendid Suns” had a wonderful balance of both. Hosseini is creative
and crafty in the ways that he uses description to speak on behalf of the characters, such as body language or a glimpse into the
inner thoughts of characters, but also uses dialogue when words would be most effective. Also, if there’s one thing that I despise,
it’s when authors add random plot twists which make no sense and do not benefit the story in the end. What was amazing about this
book, however, was that the plot was unpredictable, yet the story made sense in the end.
There were no major things that I disliked about this book, but the ending did not particularly sit well with me. Throughout
the entire novel, Hosseini does so well with letting the reader into the lives and relationships of all of the characters, and does so
in a slow way so that you feel as though you have known them for a very very long time. However, at the end of the book, I feel as
though it was rushed and the relationships were kept at a shallow level and did not display the depth that was shown previously in
the book. While that may have been a literary choice by Hosseini, it was the one point that felt unsettling to me as a reader.
This can be a heavy book for some people due to the difficult topics and issues presented. Challenging situations presented include suicide, abortion and graphic scenes of domestic violence and brutality, which can only be handled with a certain level of
maturity. Therefore, I do not suggest this book for younger readers, only those who feel like they are ready to read a novel that deal
with these matters.
However, this book needs to be read. It is important. The themes are ones that are intertwined into the lives of every human, no matter how much they might notice them. While it works on a deeper level, this is also an marvelous piece of fiction writing
with a captivating and enrapturing story, one that will leave readers wanting more.

Hearty Lunches
By Audrey Pham & Lisa Kang

Wouldn’t it be great if you can have an easy, quick, and budget-friendly lunch? Many teenagers do not eat lunch because there is too many problems that come with it.
There are many students who do not eat lunch because it takes to much time, too much money or it is just not as
delicious. There can be an alternative to starving yourself. There are simple things that teenagers can follow to get
great lunches!
When one student asked what was the benefit of school lunch, she replied with, “I’m sure some of you guys are too
lazy to bring lunch to school. But trust me, it’s worth it. Not every public school in Philly provides free lunch and honestly, you can admit with me, it’s just not delicious and it isn’t appetizing. There’s no point paying $2 for an unappetizing small school lunch. Making your own lunch means you can control what you are putting into your body.”
There are different types of lunches that most teenagers have. There are school lunches, packed lunches and lunches that are bought or pre-made. Each of these have their own benefits.
Although there are benefits of each type of lunch, there are also many things that are disadvantaged about each as
well. “A recent study released by the American College of Cardiology found that students who ate lunch provided
by the National School Lunch Program were more likely to be obese compared to students who brought lunch from
home.” School lunches are supposed to be healthier for students. Schools often try to provide a different variety
of foods for students by adding fruits and vegetables. This study shows that school lunch may not be a great as it
should be. Bringing packed lunch may be difficult for many students because it is time consuming. Student tend to
do things that are appealing to them. Most students will avoid packing their own lunches because they would rather
spend time doing something else than preparing lunch. Buying lunches can also be problematic because it can be
expensive. There are lunches for a couple of dollars but when you total it up over the school year, it comes out to be
a lot. Most teenagers do not have jobs and therefore they may not want to buy lunches.

Simple Sandwich

Whole wheat bread
Your choice of cheese (low fat and healthy cheese choices: Feta, swiss, parmesan, or cottage)
Turkey ham, honey ham, or black forest ham
Smear of greek yogurt
Snack: Granola Bar or choice of fruit
Just like any sandwich, you simply put it together. Make sure you wash your lettuce and tomato

before slicing it.
Pasta & Salad

Whole grain pasta
Boiled chicken breast
Greek yogurt
Cherry tomatoes
Snack: Any fruit of your choice
Graham crackers
Drink: Water
Read your box of pasta, follow the directions, and boil the pasta according to the package.
After your pasta is done, drain it under cold running water.
Wash your boneless skinless chicken breast under cold running water then cut it into little pieces. (dices)
Bring up water in a pot to boil, add salt and pepper to the pot.
After the water is boiling, add your chicken into the water and cook for about 12 minutes, stirring occasionally. (To check if your chicken is cooked, get a knife and cut it, if it’s completely white inside then all of them
should be well done)
Wash all vegetables and dice them up to little pieces.
Get a big bowl, put everything into it.
Put in about three tablespoons of greek yogurt, two tablespoons of vinaigrette.
Toss it all together and pop it into the fridge for at least an hour before serving!

Turkey Wrap

Whole wheat tortilla wrap
Turkey ham
Tabasco hot sauce (if you want it spicy)
Snack: Granola bar
Drink: Orange juice
Wash all of your vegetables then cut it up to desirable thin slices.
Lay out your tortilla wrap and smear some hummus onto it.
Layer all of your meat and vegetables.
Add hot sauce if you want it to be spicy.
Carefully rolling it up as if it’s a burrito.
Use one of two toothpicks to pin it together then wrap it in aluminium foil to keep it all together.

Not for Tourists:
Inner Beauty of
By Jaime Christamas & Amy Farrell

Not for Tourists:
Inner Beauty of Philadelphia
Train Tracks Across the Schuylkill River
While venturing around the city not far from school, we came across the tracks that travel from the depths of the city to
Fairmount around 29th and Pennsylvania Ave. You would have never guessed that if you followed the trail, you would be
steps away from the Philadelphia Art Museum. When walking down the tracks it gives off an eerie ambience, as if you’re
running away from a life that once satisfied you but now even the thought of it is repulsive. The trains that have a history
of graffiti and destruction give a calming sense that you’re not always surrounded by perfection.
Electric Factory
If you’re looking for a quick show in an abandoned-like building, you should head over to the Electric Factory. If you’re
into alternative music and feeling like you’re underground this is the hotspot for you. Right near olde city where you’ll
find many tourists on a daily basis because of all the history inhabited in the buildings. Located on 7th and Callowhill,
you’re entering a different scene that completely separates you from the regular spots to visit while still being in the
heart of the city.
The Garden
This spot of land also located right next to the Schuylkill river harbors a garden with various plants that people in the
skyrise apartments pick from everyday, but if you turn 180 degrees, right in front of you is the poverty that exists all
over the city that people try so hard to ignore. The hundreds of treasures that lie beyond the fence that tourists and
others too quickly categorize as trash, are the people who live under the bridge’s entire life. The beauty in this place is
not found in the lack of trees or perfect pathways, but the hope that you see right within their homes.
Originally we were going to send Zoe a series of questions to answer about how she goes about picking a focus for her
pictures, but it seemed like it would invoke too technical of a response. Instead, we reached out to her through a friend
and, in result got a much deeper and more meaningful story that touches hearts and paints a picture of where she first
began; before having a gallery even crossed her mind.
“I’ve know Bailey Collins for a long time, longer than I’ve been a photographer. In fact, Bailey came to the first slideshows
I ever projected. It was at the Southwark House on Front St. in South Philly, a year before I was in the Whitney Biennial.

In 2000, I started producing photographs specifically for a 10 year long project. I was completely committed to the project but was learning even as I began showing the photographs. When I started the projects, the photos were primarily
made in my own neighborhood or other Philadelphia neighborhoods I knew intimately.
During the first 2 years I was working out the structure of I-95, my big 10 year project, and I would occasionally mount
color xeroxes to wood boards and nail them into telephone poles around the neighborhood. I was testing for how long
they would last in weather and seeing how they fit into the urban semiotics of the specific place they were hung- meaning how the photos related to the other signs and buildings around where I’d nailed the photo into the telephone pole.
Over 10 years ago, I ran into Bailey’s mom at the Bean, our coffee spot and she said something like “look at this cool
thing I just got” and it was one of the photos I had nailed into a telephone pole. It was a photo of a license plate that said
America! with an eagle. She had no idea I took the photo and nailed it up. That was a pivotal moment in my career. The
photo wasn’t one that made it into I-95, but was an image of something Andrea and I had both seen a million times... but
I felt compelled to produce the photo and Andrea felt compelled to take it for herself. I knew the project was on the
right path when we both saw that an ordinary moment, something so familiar was noteworthy. We were in the middle
of beautiful and painful and funny and heartbreaking things, and there was a way to isolate them and put them into a
different context via photographs. I will always be incredibly grateful Andrea took that photo down. We both knew that
every place around us is a place to photograph and we could see new things all the time.














“A first date? I’d want to go somewhere where me and my date would have a good time, but privacy as well.” -Ashley
Spells, Junior student at Science Leadership Academy H.S..
Some people prefer a place where they can have time alone on a date, to talk, relax and enjoy eachothers company, like
a chill restaurant. Other would rather go to a place where embarrassments and shyness are key to a good date, like a
skating rink. Given the social enigma of a restaurant as the first resort to a good first date, our goal is to give you options for a date. We will show you several places to enjoy your evening with another and what combination can give your
first date a kick of excitement and enjoyment.
“Philadelphia is very diverse… culinary wise, and most people don’t recognize that. We’re more than cheesesteaks and
pretzels..” -Douglas Herman, Photo/Video teacher at Science Leadership Academy
Philadelphia has a lot to offer when it comes to food. Stuck on the concept of Cheesesteaks, many people who visit
Philadelphia do not know the wonders that the culinary world has to offer. From cart-stands to five-star restaurants,
the cuisine in the city of brotherly love is a great way to show someone that you care. Although money has no control
when it comes to the heart, it can have some influence…
“The date is a give or take. Depending on where you go and how you act during can change how she thinks of you. You
gotta do it right the first time, or never…” -Thomas Jeffcoat
A good way to finish a date would be to end it in a smoove manner. You’ve come this far now and you’re thinking to yourself, “What should I do?”. You came, you saw, and now you must show your date that you can conquer and end it on a good
note. Say you’ve just eaten a Pho and you want to depart from your date in a memorable manner. Take a stroll down the
parkway and enjoy the city while you conversate along the good scenery. If you feel the mood is right and that there are
good vibes, go in for a kiss. If it works, good job, if not…. there are more fish in the sea.

Ishkabibble’s- 337 South St, Philadelphia, PA
19147 ‎Telephone Number: (215) 923-4337
Hours: Mon. - Sun. 8:00-11:00 pm. This affordable
food restaurant based on cheesesteaks would
be a great place to take someone out for a first
date place. You can win their heart by introducing this special someone to the original taste of
Philadelphia by letting them have Philly’s most
common and favorite food produced throughout
history. Steak, Cheesesteaks, and along with
other types of meat products are sold to citizens
of the city for their qualities worth. Besides
being a Cheesesteak based restaurant they also
sell food products like chicken, fries, breakfast,
lunch, and other things for your convenience. You
wouldn’t have to spend a lot of money here either, it is a very non-expensive place to have fine
dine for your moneys worth. After finishing your
meal at this restaurant you can take your date to
several different locations because it’s in a prime
area close to many things to do.

Cafe Lift- 428 N. 13th St. Philadelphia, PA 19108
Telephone Number: 215-922-3031 Hours: Mon. Closed and Tue. - Sun. 9:00-3:00 pm. One of their
special known dishes is the Chicken Milanese
Panino- Breaded chicken breast, sauteed
broccoli rabe, sun dried tomato pesto, and fresh
mozzarella; costing only $10 This is a great thing
to be ordered if you’re sharing with your date,
or if you want it for yourself. Cafe Lift is a place
where you can either dine in/ outside to enjoy
the nice viewable sky view. Many of their meals
are based on the convenience for citizens of
Philadelphia. Everyday foods are sold here, but
for the quality of the foods it is worth paying.
Spending on an average range of less than $20
for a meal for two your experience will be awesome by joining this upgrowing place.

The Greek Lady- 22 S 40th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Telephone Number: 215-382-2600. Hours: Mon. - Sun.
9:00-11:00 pm. Some of their most famous foods at the Greek Lady are the Gyro Sandwiches, which are
carved from a fresh revolving spit that costs no more than $7 when tax is included and Grilled Chicken &
Roasted Peppers that costs $7.25. All of the Greek Lady’s sandwiches, platters, sides/ appetizers, and salads
go for $10 and less. The top two meals go for $13 and $12; the salmon and the samplers, which consist of tzatziki, melitzanosalata, taramosalata, feisty feta dip, hummus & stuffed grape leaves. Greek lady is a well known
place in Philadelphia and well respected for its prices and great service. Though they have a fine dining area,
they also deliver to sections of Philadelphia. After this, you can walk around University of Penn’s campus and
visit one of the subtle and calming parks; relaxing and basking in the waves of the sun with your date.

The Victor Cafe - 1303 Dickinson Street Philadelphia, PA 19147 Telephone Number: 215-468-3040 Hours: Mon.
- Thurs. 5:00–10:00 pm., Fri. 5:00-12:00 am., Sat. 4:30-12:00 am., and Sun. 4:30-10:00 pm. Fettuccine Giuseppe
Verdi; Tossed with fresh spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes and Romano cheese in reduced light cream $17. This
is one of the main pasta dishes that The Victor Cafe serves for an average/low price. All of their appetizers
are under $10, a majority of their Pesci meals are between $15-$20 with the exclusion of Jumbo shrimp and
dry scallops in garlic, butter, olive oil and white wine over linguine, which prices at $27. All side dishes are $8
and under that includes alongside with a good portion of asparagus, potatoes (assorted) and other “normal”
italian side dishes.

GiGi’s and Big R Caribbean Soul Food- S 38th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Telephone Number: 610-389-2150.
This take out food cart has many things to offer you as a hungry customer. Though being a Caribbean and Soul
Food based spot to get food from, they have other dishes and recipes that’ll definitely catch your attention.
Platters they sell include Oxtail, Jerk Chicken, Curry Chicken, Stewed Chicken, Fried Chicken, and Fried Fish
are available in a small/ large size and come with 2 sides of your own. At a starting price of $8-$10, platters
aren’t that expensive and are worth the money and time of people who want to try them out. Despite being
underestimated by others for not being a sit down restaurant, GiGi’s and Big R has been rated top best food
cart for the past two years.

Jobs for Teens

By Katie Walker

Bloods, Crips, and Italian Mafia are the types of gangs that you see in Philadelphia. The FBI tells us that there are now 1.4 million gang members involved in 33,000 different gangs active in the United States. Young black men have a 2.5 higher death
rate compared to latino men and white men,because most gang members are African American descent.There are more
teens in gangs nowadays than men because most of the “gang leaders” have been incarcerated.1 of 3 black or latino men are
incarcerated due to gang related activity.
Blood Wars is a TV show that shows you the gang way of life. the crew talks to gang members and follows them around to
see their activity.This show is very interesting because you get to see how young the gang members are and how they think
of their way of life.In the show, you have the older gang members that know what they are doing is bad but that is their way
of life because that is all they know. You also have these teens that are in the gangs because they get this kind of excitement
out of killing people and having territory.Gang members carry guns that would be used by the S.W.A.T team.They believe that
the only way that problems can be solved is through violence.
In 2012, the teen employment rate was 16.8% and the number of teens in gangs and the number of teens with jobs
were too close in range.If there were more teens that were working, there would be less teens on the streets promoting
gang violence.In order for teens to get a job they must have the knowlage of how to get a job,and what expectations they
have to meet.
I interviewed Barbara Gallagher who has been an Accounting at a hospital for 13 years and she has sat in with her
boss plenty of times while he was in the hiring phase.I talked to her about the expectations teens have to meet to get hired.
She said that there are many expectations.You should be able to speak proper, so that means no slang, you should also be
very polite and respectable, you should be yourself and just be sociable.It would help if you had a clean record and came in
with a nice resume.
I also interviewed Alyssa Winner to get a teens point of veiw what they think the expectations were for getting a job.
She mostly said everything that Barbara said but Alyssa also said that you should not only have a good personality but you
should also have good hygiene and be dressed appropriately because no one wants someone who is not presentable representing their business.
If teens are having trouble finding jobs, there is a company called Work Ready.This company helps teens get a summer job. It does not only give you a summer job but also gives you the chance to network and meet new people in the workforce. it also gives you a better chance of getting a job with other places or you can apply to the place they placed you at for
the summer and possibly work there full time.

Sports & Teens

Sports & Teens

by Chris Tran and Khadidi Fofana

Do you get stressed out?
Do you wish you had more energy throughout the day?
Do you feel uncomfortable in your own body?
In order to feel comfortable with yourself and/or to have more energy throughout the day, consider incorporating more exercise
throughout your day. Your main priority might be to live a healthy lifestyle, and after this magazine you should strongly consider
accepting exercise as a part of your journey towards good health.
Sometimes as as teens we tend to stress a lot. Sometimes we stress over school work, boys, girls and sometimes just life in general.
The reasons to why teens have stress is because of our wild and crazy change in hormones that induces radical mood swings. What
we sometimes forget is that there is a way to put a stop to a miserable life style. Sports are a great way to do just that! First thing you
can do is find a team of a specific sport you are interested in playing. You will find a lot of other activities are now considered a sport.
For example: ultimate frisbee. After joining and playing for a sports team for a while you might make new friends, and become part
of a new family that can provide you the guidance and resources that can benefit you from feeling stress. You will notice that as you
play the sport of your choice, your stress level will decline because you are now starting to build up relationships with other people
and it also causes a strong feeling of relaxation. Statistics even show that kids who participated in an extracurricular activity have
less stress. In an article on, talks about kids who plays sports can live a healthy lifestyle. The article states, “kids
who play sports are satisfied with their lifestyles.” (Science Daily)
Time-management is an important strategy to practice if you are going to high school. Some of us tend to stay up late at night to
complete our homework or go on social media because we can’t make a conscious decision between procrastinate or not. This is
where we fall prey to poor time-management skills.. However many of you are likely to ask yourselves, how can sports help me develop time-management skills? Great question to ask. The answer to this question is that while you are playing sports you learn how
to manage time , for example finding time to go to practice, and managing to do homework, and to study for possible tests or exams.
Most teens that we talked to everyday has struggle concentrating on these simple tasks, just because they are too lazy to perform

anything. Playing a sport can help kids perform those simple tasks, helping them concentrate on both the sports and the
schoolwork. Concentration can be a recipe for time- managing. We learn to put time aside to execute more crucial and critical
tasks. Instead of investing time playing video games, which ruin your brain cells and will cause lack of exercise, which leads to
obesity. An article from a Harvard blog page talks about how not being active can lead to weight gain. The article states, “The
flip side of this decrease in physical activity is an increase in sedentary activities—watching television, playing video games,
and using the computer. Add it up, and it’s clear that globally, the “energy out” aspect of the energy balance equation is tilting
toward weight gain.” (Harvard Edu) Time management is a solution to a stressful lifestyle.. Stress just comes from procrastination and life in general, but sports can eliminate all of those stress and can teach you how to use your time wisely.
Can teens benefit from sports and what could they benefit from sports physically. Believe it or not, sports happen to be very
beneficial to the health of teens Not only does sports help teens stay healthy but spots also teaches life lessons as well.
Sports can teach you the moral of “no success without hard work.” It doesn’t matter what sport you are playing whether it‘s
tennis, basketball, lacrosse , soccer etc. You have to practice in order to be a big threat to the other teams. Sports also teach
you that if you don’t work hard, you won’t be able to become a great player. You might ask, how can lessons you learn from
playing sports matter in life? What many teens fail to understand is that learning how to manage time is beneficial in a lot ways.
Besides learning let’s get to other benefits. For teens playing sport can help you a scholarship to college, (you can go to college
for free how awesome is that?) Another benefit is that sports will never leave you. No matter what, it’s up to you to walk out on
them. During the interview some teens said that sports are their best friend because whenever they feel down they can always
count on sports to make them happy again. Believe it or not, the fact that you can just do an activity and it makes you happy
shows the benefits of sports in a nutshell. There are many more but as you keep reading you will understand how you can feel
valuable by sports.
When most teens think about the advantages of playing sports, their first thought is probably that sports help your physical fitness.However, research shows that participating in sports helps your mind as well as your body. I will talk about three benefits
that would help you mentally. Firstly, improvement of the mood: this benefits you mentally because it helps you become happy
through recreation. Secondly,it improve
your concentration and in doing so helps
keep your mind sharp for thinking, learning,
and good judgment. Last but not least is
stress reduction and handling depression.
We have already talked about this in the
stress section above, but I want to elaborate
more on how it could be a mental benefit.
Playing sports reduces the levels of stress
hormones in your body, such as adrenaline
and cortisol. At the same time, it stimulates
production of endorphins, which are natural
mood lifters that can help keep stress and
depression at bay. “Endorphins may even
leave you feeling more relaxed and optimistic after a hard workout on the sports field”
(Health Line).
Did this article persuade you towards a positive change in your life? We certainly hope
so as we get older we have a tendency to
grow unhealthy with the consumption of fatty foods and a lack of exercise, but adding routine workouts into your schedule will
help you get back in shape, while giving you a positive attitude towards life and help you realize the importance of a stress-free
Now that we have filled your head with information about how great sports can be for you, we want you to decide if this is actually something you might want to do. Even if you don’t do it we really hope you got something from this article that you will keep
in your back pocket, Maybe some day you’ll think about this article and say “they were right” or maybe not. The point is that we
care and we as teens activists want you to maintain a better life style. ”Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action
will delineate and define you.”

Music & Philly
Article & Photographs by Dylan Long
Philadelphia has been a hub for live music for decades. Countless bands and artists have passed through an
array of diverse venues, such as the Electric Factory, TLA, Union Transfer, Tower Theatre, and Trocadero, just
to a name a few. Philadelphia is home to some very successful artists, such as Diplo, who has hit stardom
because of both his work and his globally recognized record company “Mad Decent”, and the Roots, who have
gone on to win Grammys and have been the house band for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon for a couple years
now. Every single day, Philly is hosting, harvesting, and hearing countless new artists, bands, genres, and ultimately movements.
Philadelphia is home to some of the premier concert venues in the country. The venues range from
small, jam packed 80 person capacity rooms such as the Fire, to massive arenas and stadiums such as the Liacouras Center or Lincoln Financial Field. Philadelphia’s various homes for live music have received countless
positive reviews from many great media outlets such as Daily Beat and Independent Philly. The superb venues
in Philly attribute to the countless artists who are happy to come and play due to their love for playing here,
which only further improves the live music scene here.


One particularly notable music movement presently occurring in the Philadelphia scene is the surge of
electronic talent. Philly has quickly stepped up its EDM game (electronic dance music) and become a city who
hosts top-name DJ acts on a consistent basis every week of the year. Lots of this success can be credited to
the folks over at Soundgarden Hall, who have become a dominant venue in the Philly EDM game, hosting top
acts ranging from the more hard hitting dubstep sounds, to the deep enriching chords of trance, to the booming beats of electro. Clubs like Rumor and Lit Ultrabar have also contributed massively to building Philly’s reputation as a presiding city in the U.S. music culture. Philadelphia without a doubt is a favorite among countless
DJ’s, and we should only expect to see the scene grow and grow as time progresses.
Philly is the host of many major music festivals and events throughout the year. Notable events include: The
Roots 4th of July Jam which is annually featured as a livestream on VH1; Made in America, the freshly new
2 day music festival curated by industry mogul Jay Z which thus far has featured a wide variety of some of
the biggest artists in the industry; and the Roots Picnic, an annual event hosted and headlined by The Roots
themselves, and features a variety of hip hop, electronic and soul acts. These festivals are great for the city
because they yield lots of revenue, give visitors a chance to experience the wonders of Philadelphia, and helps
put our city on the map as one of the music capitals of the country while giving people the live music that they
Philadelphia has been one of the most prominently successful cities for music in the country for as long music
has been around. Whether it be the musicians that grew up on the streets of this city, the incredible talent
that we bring in on a daily basis, or the diversity of tastes that help make this city what it is. Philly is a favorite
city to play in among many artists spanning across countless genres, due to the incredible fan bases, lively atmosphere and top of the line venues and promoters. This city has grown into a hub for everything music related and will forever to continue growing into one of the country’s most dominant forces in the music industry.

Our Choice for PA
Governer in 2016
By Sadie Sprague-Lott & Alhaji Koita
In Pennsylvania, the needs of students have been completely ignored. Education has been put to an all time
low of a priority, due to budget cuts education is at an all time low. The average cost to of taxpayers dollars
for an inmate in Pennsylvania is around $42,339. The average amount of money currently spent on a student
in America is $10,000. 	
Pennsylvania’s current governor, Tom Corbett cut one billion dollars from Pennsylvania’s public schools in.
While money is going into the building jails based off of 2nd grade reading levels. During the time when school
funding was cut 3 new jails were built in Pennsylvania. This year, there will be the next Pennsylvania governmental election and the teen vote counts now for more than ever to help create a better learning environment
for schools across Pennsylvania.

Katie McGinty

Pennsylvania native Katie McGinty attended Columbia University. She has been a pioneer in developing jobs
through conserving the environment as a whole and making sure. She wants to tax natural gases to generate
more money to public school funding. She also would reduce class sizes and she has a very strong stance on
making education her number one priority.
Education: Wants to restore the one billion dollars Corbett cut from public schools.
Economy: Wants to build economy by increasing natural gas resources and energy plants and creating jobs
through environmental conservation.
Energy: Wants to have better energy in Pennsylvania.
Rights: She is also a strong believer in marriage equality.

John Hanger

John Hanger, a proven leader as shown before in the Pennsylvania government, has spent 29 years improving
Pennsylvania’s economy and environment, fighting for working families and growing clean energy.
Education: Wants to restore $1 billion Corbett cut from public schools.
Economy: Wants to build economy by Implement the Eight-Point Strategic Jobs Plan.
Energy: Wants to make a drilling tax that goes back to public school taxing.
Rights: Wants to fight for marriage equality and the legalization of marijuana in which all taxes made off of
marijuana will go back to public school funding.

Rob McCord

Rob McCord has the ability to be one of the best candidates for the governmental eleFor He For his ideas
and welcome ship to new and broad ideas that change the Pennsylvanian name. McCord stands up for public
education and more funding for schools. However a recent article came out explaining how he is backed by
corporations who are paying him and are controlling him through money.
Education: Wants to restore $1 billion Corbett cut from public schools.
Economy: Wants to build economy by Implement the Eight-Point Strategic Jobs Plan.
Energy: Wants to create a drilling tax.
Rights: Wants to fight for marriage equality.

Tom Wolfe

Tom Wolfe has had kids go through public schools in Pennsylvania. He is a strong advocate for making fair
funding formulas depending on location, income, and other factors. However he does not say much else about
the topic and does not have as much of a strong stance as other candidates.
Education: Wants to restore $1 billion Corbett cut from public schools
Economy: Wants to build economy by Implement the Eight-Point Strategic Jobs Plan
Energy: Wants Pennsylvania to be more energy efficient.
Rights: Wants marriage equality and also to implement laws on Discrimination

Allyson Schwartz

Allyson Schwartz was a leader in creating Elizabeth Blackwell and was a strong advocate for many public
issues. However she seems to certainly piggyback off of other candidates ideas and never seems to have a
direct explanation of how she is going to address issues of public education, healthcare, and jobs. A a member
of congress her reputation seems to surpass her.
Education: Wants fair funding for public schools and wants to put a transparent funding formula as well as a
tax on natural gases that will go towards schools.
Economy: Wants to create more jobs and create tax incentives.
Energy: Wants to create more jobs in clean energy and energy efficiency.
Rights: A strong advocate for stopping discrimination in legal cases.

So, what choice will you make?
These all are valid candidates, but you only have one governor. In my eyes the best fitted candidate is John
Hanger. Hanger’s ideas our clear and well organized. In fact we were able to speak to him directly and able to
put forth the greatest ideas that could help students in the future. For now the race is up to you. Make sure
that you are making the choice that will help you and your community the most. Thanks for reading.
On the other side of the coin Katie McGinty is a strong advocate with strong points and ideas for the
Pennsylvania area. Through her agreeing with charter schools and severance taxes on natural gas. She has the
teens best interest at heart and has raised two kids through Pennsylvania’s public schools. Even though my
partner and I disagree the teen vote should be larger and everyone needs to voice their opinions no matter
who they think the candidate should be.

SAT Vocab Puzzles
By Edgar Pacio

Many teenagers have schedules just as busy as adults. Social life, school, and jobs can all interfere with a person getting enough
brain exercise. Research has shown that puzzles, like crosswords and word searches, are great ways to stimulate the brain. This
stimulation is very beneficial especially since a teenage brain is still developing. The frontal lobe, the part of the brain that is
linked with decision making and memory, doesn’t fully develop until a person’s 20’s. Studies have been conducted prove that
crosswords can also improve your vocabulary: meaning it could definitely help you with the SAT’s.
The brain is an organ that wants to be challenged constantly. Our brain is making new cells every day, but they can die off quickly
if the brain is not kept active. Puzzles are able to build up cognitive reserve, which replaces any cells you might have lost. Working on puzzles repetitively creates connections within the brain which makes it easier to remember things quickly. So why not
keep your brain in shape and work out with these puzzles:

Teens &
By Peter Ricker
& Kennedy Coverdale

It’s rare to find a teenager huddled over a piece of literature, especially here at SLA, where we use computers and
other electronics. When an English teacher announces to their class about a book they will be reading together,
you can hear the moans and groans and feel the despair circling the classroom. Even in the library, you don’t see
many people checking out books and reading them. Seeing someone reading a paper book rather than on an electronic device is something exciting and rare. We decided to target students from every grade who are currently
reading from a book and ask them about their feelings.
The second person we interviewed was Anthony Buchanico, a senior. Currently, he’s not reading a book. He enjoys
reading survival books and his favorite author is Shakespeare. Unlike our other interviewees, he enjoys reading
on public transportation and he borrows his book from friends instead of going to the library. He reads about 45
minutes a day and likes to use a physical copy of the book to read.
The next person we interviewed was Mali Fenning, a sophomore. The books she is currently reading are Looking
for Alaska and The Book Thief, the latter which was assigned for in-class reading. “I am willing to read anything,
but I usually read realistic fiction because I can relate to it.” She said. With the Book Thief being a class assignment, she usually read three times a week or whenever the reading is assigned. She prefers to read outside or in a
comfy chair in her room, and likes to have a physical copy of the book. “It’s a form of entertainment that works my
brain.” Fenning said when we asked her why she reads. Even though she is a an avid fan of reading, she commented
that “It’s very easy for books to be similar to one another.”
Despite many adults saying that we are so into technology and rather be looking at stupid YouTube videos, some
of us actually like to read. What was surprising were how these two preferred to have physical copies than using
electronic copies. What was also surprising was the amount of time they spent reading. It proves that sometimes,
it’s good to just simply sit down and read a book.

Hermits of the Wissahickon

By Will Amari

The largest city in Pennsylvania is called many things: The City of Brotherly
Love, The Quaker City, Cradle of Liberty, or to many, just plain Philly. It’s a
diverse lively city known for enthusiastic sports fans and mouth-watering sandwiches. But there’s more to Philadelphia than what meets the eye.
You’ve heard of Independence Hall and the crack in the Liberty Bell. Your history
teacher probably blabbered about it so many times that whenever you hear the word
“bell,” there’s a ringing in your ear. Philadelphia is a city steeped in history. There is no way of escaping
it. It is everywhere!
From Old City to Germantown, history can be found in Philadelphia’s houses, streets and parks. But what’s hidden
in the brush and the deepest woods of Philadelphia? The truth is plenty of history gets skipped in our history books—
many interesting facts that your history teacher hasn’t heard about and that should be known.
As a teenager living in Philly you’re well aware of Fairmount Park. The largest park in the U.S. has been a prime destination for runners, bikers and nature-lovers. Not only is it located in one of the oldest parts of Philly, it’s also one of
the strangest.
In the year 1682, long before hipsters and Federal Donuts, Philadelphia was a safe haven for free-thinking German Pietists who were unaccepted by Europe and the rest of the old world. Johannes Kelpius, a mystic, a musician, a writer
and a scientist; was invited by Mr. William Penn himself to come to Philadelphia. Penn believed that Kelpius
would provide great inspiration to the young thriving city. Johannes Kelpius was a smart man who was interested in botany and astronomy. He also believed that the world was going to end in Revelation, the second
coming of Christ and he wasn’t alone.
The story goes that Kelpius was Magister of the first Rosicrucian AMORC colony in America.
He thought that the Wissahickon Creek, located deep in modern-day Fairmount Park, was the
perfect place for he and his followers to meditate and wait for the world’s end. There, they
secluded themselves from the rest of society and lived off the land like Hermits. They let
their hair and nails grow long and curly. They lay out in the wilderness and stared up
at the stars. Hikers and explorers soon discovered their existence, even confusing them for hairy women, but they were all man. Soon after these
hermits became one of Philadelphia’s first tourist attractions
known as, “The Hermits of The Wissahickon.”
Spoiler Alert! Revelation never came and in 1708 Johannes
Kelpius died of natural causes. Only the most faithful of his
followers continued to stare out at the stars, searching for the
signs of World’s end and eventually the group disbanded.
(To be continued...)
Taking the nine bus and stopping at Ridge Street isn’t going to help you
find the quintessential spot where the Hermits meditated. Instead, we suggest
you find someone to drive you out past East Falls to a small road called Hermit Lane. The
rest of the trip is better traveled on foot. At the corner of Hermit Lane, turn left and follow
the mysterious concrete road until you reach a sign that states, “Kelpius Community.” The
sign isn’t what you’re looking for; in fact it’s about a mile away from where the Hermits awaited

the Revelation. What you
should do is turn right at the dusty
road behind it and keep going straight
until you find a rotting bench and a old
haunted-looking house just to the right.
According to the Parks and Recreations Department, “In 1848 the Righter family sold 16 acres here
to Evan Prowattain, son of a Russian Count. He built a
country house which he called, ‘The Hermitage,’ a word
for a secluded retreat.” Evan’s wife told guests and close family members that the house was built to honor the Hermits of the
Wissahickon. In 1895 the house was sold to the City and from 1980 to
2010, the Hermitage served as home of the Delaware Valley Opera Company where
they even staged performances. In 2012, Philadelphia’s Parks and Recreations Department began restoration of the house.
When you’re finished admiring the house, head straight past the bench and look carefully
for a narrow dirt path that runs along the side of the hill. (Be careful not to slip for the path is
very steep.) Keep going and from there you should eventually find a granite monolith erected by the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. Rosicrucian, meaning rose and cross, is the name of a secret society that claims to have wisdom dating back to the times of ancient Egypt. They made the monolith in 1961 to honor the memory of their
spiritual leader, Johannes Kelpius. The first words read, “Johannes Kelpius, Ph.D, A.D. 1673-1708,” and explain
what Kelpius did in his lifetime, even mentioning a cave.
At this point you’ll likely notice an old arch-shape spring house that looks like the home of the Blair
Witch. This is the not-so-famous Cave of Kelpius, a hard to find historical landmark, where it is believed that these men practiced their beliefs and awaited the second coming. It is the size of a shed,
but still large enough to fit a couple of men with room to spare. The floor is dirt and the walls are
made of grey stone. If you’re brave enough to go inside, pay no mind to the slime oozing off the
ceiling. It only the reminisces of the Blair Witch.
In 1872, Poet John Greenleaf Whittier declared Kelpius, “The maddest of good men,” while
others agree that his, “Cod-loving soul,” was more than that. Arguably, he was the creator
of one of Philadelphia’s first tourist attractions and so he helped to determine our city’s
future economy. Philadelphia was a new city at the time, and Kelpius helped sparked
its popularity by just being his strange and unusual self. His memory can serve as
a reminder to us to stay interesting and even a little weird. A sense of wonder is a
very valuable thing and can lead us to new discoveries, revealing rich history in a
way that history teachers cannot.
Keep an open mind because there is plenty of history out there that has been concealed for years. The Cave of Kelpius is only one example. Go see it for yourself, but
go early in the day and bring a friend and a map in case you get lost. Oh, and don’t
mind the hermits that watch you from above. Maybe you can’t see them but certainly,
they can see you.

Turn to the next page to see the gallery

Hermits of the Wissahickon

6 tips on how to dress for less:

By Leah Petty & Wynn Geary

The way you dress has always been a way of reflecting who you are and who you want to be. For teens, this can be especially difficult. Keeping
up with current trends and staying within a reasonable budget are things that teens typically struggle with. With trends being set at a constantly quickening pace, it seems as if the fashion industry is mocking us, and it’s nearly impossible to keep up.We’ve done the research for
you, and created a guide so that you can shop as effectively and fashionably as you possibly can this coming season.

1. If you don’t have the cash to buy your entire outfit at Urban Outfitters (lets face it, who does?) then go shopping at H&M, Hollister, or

thrift stores to get the basics and save some cash. Then consider buying one or two expensive items that’ll make your outfit pop.I’ve illustrated this on the next page in outfit #2. Graphic tumblr sweaters can be awesome if you’re into making a statement, but they tend to run in the
$60+ range. I got some cheap light-wash jeans and was able to justify spending that much on a sweater for one outfit.

2. One of the best places to buy graphic t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies, is Urban Outfitters. But lets face it, no one has $50.00 to spend
on a t-shirt, so where do you find T-shirts? Thrift stores are good for finding really cool vintage tees, and at incredibly low prices! They also
promote recycling and discourage third-world child labor.

3. If you’re a “jeans” person but have a hard time shopping for them, consider trying Hollister and American Eagle, as they often have massive Jeans Sales. You can find jeans for $25.00 or less, in almost any style. This goes for boys too; if you happen to be tall, don’t fret because
both stores carry ‘long’ jean pants.

4. It’s very understandable that some teens don’t want to shop at brand stores because they don’t want to look like a billboard. These brand
stores being Hollister, Abercrombie, American Eagle etc. If you are one of these people, try H&M and department stores like Macy’s and
Nordstrom. These stores will help you keep your budget and style, while not becoming a walking advertisement. You might look at Macy’s and
Nordstrom and think “there is no way I can shop there and not spend $50.00 on one thing,” but it’s easily possible, just try to shop sales and

5. It’s extremely easy to spend $100 or more on a nice pair of shoes, but if you shop department store season sales (in which stores attempt
to empty their shelves for the new season) you could knock a lot off the original price. Towards the middle of a season, stores try to get rid of
the current season’s wear so they can bring in the next season’s. That’s when you can find great boots and sandals on sale.

6. Online shopping can sometimes be a pain. Trying to find things in your size, the color you want, or trying to order something you really

want and not knowing if it’s a trustworthy site. Wanelo(dot)com and Pintrest(dot)com are two amazing sites that can tell you whether or not
a shopping website is trustworthy. Because the things that are being posted on these sites are by other people, it can be hard to tell if it’s
trustworthy. Try specifically to find ‘user reviews’ and more than likely you’ll be pleasantly surprised. If you struggle with knowing what size to
order in, consider visiting an actual store location to first try on the article of clothing. Even if it’s not in the color you were hoping for, it will
fit just the same, and you can easily request it to be shipped to the store. If they don’t have the item at another location, at least you’ll save on
shipping costs. It’s a win-win situation!
Hopefully these tips help you navigate shopping for the Spring season. Still looking for inspiration? flip to the next page to see some examples of outfits we’ve put together to inspire you to look your best this Spring.

We asked a stylist the hard questions
for you
We interviewed Lindsay Czajka, who works for Nordstrom department store, in the juniors section. In this
interview Lindsay talks about everything from up and coming fashion trends to how to shop on a budget.
“What specific trends to you foresee for the spring fashion season?”

Bright colors, white denim, light sweaters, high waisted skirts/denim, florals, mixing prints, chunky jewelry

“How can teens shop on a budget? Are there specific stores you can recommend?”

Its easier for teens to shop on a budget than most think—many stores carry trendy or even knock off versions of more expensive 	
clothes at very inexpensive prices. Off price stores are a great place to start if you don’t mind a treasure hunt. Nordstrom Rack, 	
TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Burlington Coat Factory all have great styles you just need to know what to grab and what to say no to! Also 	
the junior department of most department stores are reasonably priced—Nordstrom BP (obviously!) but other retailers as well 	
such as Macy’s, Bloomies and even JCPenney! Also, with so many celebs putting their stamp on things lately it’s easier than ever 	
to find trends at a lower price point. Target, Kohl’s and Sears just to name a few have lines by several different celebrities who 		
make it their mission to put out high fashion at affordable prices. And of course there’s always Forever 21! My main advice for this 	
however, is always keep your eyes open!!! Just because you aren’t in your favorite store doesn’t mean you can’t find something that 	
is super cute at a great price, put things on hold or even layaway if you need to!

“Do you find it harder for teens to express themselves through what they wear with expensive trends being so popular? Do you have any
tips for those teens?

I find that teens have a hard time expressing themselves anyway—a lot of times girls will wear what they see celebrities wearing 	
rather than coming into a store and looking for what they like. But having said that I think if girls are looking for a specific style that 	
they can’t find at a low price point at the mall they can very easily go online! Many online retailers have super trendy items at lower 	
prices—, and just to name a few! And these sites cater to the shopper who has expensive taste on 	
a low budget by copycatting a lot of styles celebrities wear as well as things you can’t find anywhere else!

“How does Nordstrom cater to the needs of these teens on a budget?”

Nordstrom is all about the customers and customer service. We never want the customer to pay more for an item than 		
they have to, if an item is on sale at another store—we will match that price for you if we carry the same item. We also help the 		
budget conscience customer by doing weekly markdowns. Can’t afford that top today? Ask for a style number! Wait a month and 	
we’ll see if we can order it when (and if) it goes on sale if we no longer have it in the store. We also never want you to keep anything 	
that you are unhappy with. Even if a customer has worn an item two or three times and wasn’t happy with the way it washed or 		
just could never seem to get the right outfit together or a seam popped we are happy to return or exchange that item so that the 	
customer is as happy as they can be.

“How can teenagers foresee trends?”

Do your research!!! Check the blogs, the magazines, the runways and the streets! Seeing other people wear things is a great way 	
to find inspiration and look out for what’s next, it also will give you ideas on how to wear some things you already had in your closet 	
but never thought to wear in quite that way.

“How does one set trends?”
Don’t be afraid to be different! Wear that striped top with plaid leggings or that necklace that has bugs on it. If I listened to my 		
peers or parents every time they thought I was wearing something strange, I would never be able to leave the house! Do what you 	
feel is cool and new and wear it with confidence! Chances are other people will notice and think you’re ideas are cool and new as 	

Outfit 1: This first outfit is not only stylish but super comfy, The polo shirt
and uniqlo cashmere sweater will keep you comfortable during those
awkward winter/spring months. Ties will put just a little extra prep in your
step, small accessories can make or break an outfit, although in this case,
skipping the tie for a more casual look is fine. These jeans are what really
makes this outfit casual, these are a pair of dark wash hollister jeans that
look nice for the right price ($25). A braided belt helps define the outfit
while keeping your pants up. Lastly, picking up a pair of über cool socks is
another one of those little details that will step up your fashion game a
whole lot. If at all possible try to find socks that pick up the color of your
tie and vise versa (American Apparel has nice socks in tons of fun colors).
I’d recommend wearing this outfit with A nice pair of oxfords, something
between dress and casual, you can pick up a pair at DSW or online.
Outfit 2: Something that was really big in 2013 and will carry on through
2014 is graphic sweaters. This outfit is simple, comfy and casual, consignment Jeans, a graphic “tumblr” sweater and a pair of vans to match your
shoes will break some style barriers without breaking the bank.
Outfit 3: This outfit will serve you well for late spring through the summer.
A $6 v-neck and a $13 pair of shorts look great alone, but if you’re going for
less of a jazzercising look, then spruce this outfit up with some accessories like a bold watch and pair of sunglasses. This outfit can work with
shoes like toms, sperrys or sneakers.

Outfit 1: Is a simple spring outfit, t-shirt, skirt and Toms. It’s practical for the teen on the go, and it contains one of the big up and
coming trends of this seasons. Which is bright colors and the gold
Toms tie it together.
Outfit 2: Is a very simple look with an elegant touch dark jeans,
brown booties, and a laid back plaid shirt with a touch of lace.
Lastly is
Outfit 3: Which is the edgy feminine look, black and white short
striped skater dress and black and white vans

Snack Time

By Emalyn Bartholomew & Temperance Moore
One of the worst things is coming home from school, and not seeing anything in the fridge to eat. We search high and low for any
type of leftover that will hold us over until dinner, and when all is lost, we resort to junk food. We get so used to this that it becomes
a ritual, and we end up overlooking the healthy food in our fridge. Not everyone sees anything appealing in the word “healthy”. When
people hear healthy they think bland, tasteless, and generally boring food. However, healthy doesn’t have to be boring. That’s right,
you’re allowed to spice up the veggies! Add your favorite topping to a nice bowl of homemade popcorn, satisfy your sweet tooth
with your own personal Chex Mix, sprinkle some bacon bits in your salad. Healthy can be fun, so have fun. No one said that you
couldn’t put your own style into healthy eating. The recipes you will see are quick, easy, and healthy snacks to make after school, on
late nights doing homework, or when you’re simply relaxing.
Chex Mix.
Chex Mix is always a crowd favorite, and why spend the extra cash when you can make it at home? A single cup of chex mix has 8g
of protein, and the chex cereal contains several different vitamins and minerals. You can make your chex mix your own, experiment
with different additions! With homemade snacks, you can control the calories. Use less butter if you’re calorie conscious.
1/2 cup butter or margarine
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1-1/4 teaspoons seasoned salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
3 cups Wheat Chex square cereal
2 cups Rice Chex square cereal
1-1/2 cups peanuts
1-1/2 cups small pretzels
Preheat oven to 275 degrees F. Melt butter, and stir in Worcestershire sauce, seasoned salt, and garlic salt (not garlic powder). Add
Wheat Chex, Rice Chex, nuts (peanuts, pecans or cashews), and pretzels. Mix until all pieces are coated with the butter mixture.
Place on a shallow baking pan with sides. Bake for 40 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.

Cucumber & Feta.
A fun snack on a hot day is a cucumber and feta bite. Cucumbers are completely fat free, and feta has 21g of protein per cup. Because feta is sheeps and goats milk, it has significantly less fat than cow’s milk, and a cup of feta has 1/3 the amount of calories that
a cup of cheddar cheese has. Not a fan of cucumber? Switch it out for celery, which has negative calories.
2 cucumbers (about 1 pound each)
2 ounces crumbled feta cheese
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon fresh parsley or dill, chopped
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Cut your cucumber lengthwise, so you have two long halves. From there, scoop out the inside of the cucumber, so that your halves
are now little boats. Take one half of your cucumber, and dice into small pieces. Mix together the diced cucumber, salt, pepper, and
parsley, and lay inside your cucumber boat. Sprinkle the feta on top, and enjoy your delicious treat.
Homemade popcorn is one of the simplest snacks to make. It’s quick, easy, fun, and healthy! With this simple recipe, you can get that
movie theater popcorn taste right in your kitchen (but go easy on the butter). Popcorn is a great substitute for those salty snacks
we all crave. Set aside your potato chips, and experiment with popcorn! Popcorn only has 1.2 grams of fat per serving, which is considerably less than the 10 grams of fat per serving in Lays potato chips. So, why is homemade popcorn better? Well, microwavable
popcorn goes through so much processing that a lot of the nutritious value is no longer there. Raw popcorn kernels are rich in polyphenols, and if you don’t know what those are, they’re essentially those helpful little nutrients that fight off degenerative diseases.
Not only that, but popcorn is so cheap that buying organic is still well within any budget. Homemade gives you freedom to choose
your own oils, and control whatever seasoning you want. Popcorn is just as good without the butter!
Metal pot
Vegetable Oil
1/4 cup of yellow popcorn kernels
1/4 cup of butter
Salt (or whatever seasoning you prefer)
Calories: 106
Take a 1 quart size saucepan and pour enough canola oil on bottom just to cover it with a thin layer. You can also use olive oil, or ghee.
Now pour 1/4 cup loose popcorn kernels in, shaking the pan a little to coat them with the oil.
Turn the burner on between medium and high. Place a top on the pan and shake it constantly from side to side over the heat.
You’ll start to hear the kernels begin to pop. Once the popping slows down a great deal, take the pan off the heat and pour the popcorn into another bowl.
Allow it to cool off a bit before sprinkling it with salt.
Kale Chips.
Kale chips are great to have as a healthy substitute for your average potato chip. Not only is it good for your body, but it can make a very flavorful
snack! Each serving is packed with 2 milligrams of iron, 447 milligrams of potassium, and 769 micro milligrams of vitamin A.
Calories: 50
1 head kale, washed and thoroughly dried
2 tablespoons olive oil
Sea salt, for sprinkling
Preheat the oven to 275 degrees F.
Remove the ribs from the kale and cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces. Make sure the kale is dry before you bake it. Lay on a baking sheet and toss with the
olive oil and salt. Bake until crisp, turning the leaves halfway through, about 20 minutes.

Restaurant Reviews
By Jasir Massey-Campbell & Rakewon Smith
Want to eat but only have a few dollars? Are you and your friends starving but don’t
have much money? Do you want to eat, but don’t want the food from the dollar menu
at fast food place?
Well we have compiled a list of great places to go for students who are on a budget.
Below we have ranked our top 3 places to go in three different categories most important to teens; Food Dates, Breakfast and the best Cheese Steak and Pizza place
in the center city area. We graded each place by its price, service and quality. We also
provided the address of the restaurant under the review.
Grading System:
$ = $8 below
$$ = $8 - $10
$$$ = $10 - $15
Service: (1 = bad - 5 = Great)
Quality: (1 = bad - 5 = Great)
Locations are strictly Center City only

Pizza & Cheesesteak
Price: $$
Service: 3
Quality: 5
Location: 337 South St, Philadelphia, PA 19147


Ishkabibbles, also known as Ishies has always been a favorite for many celebrities
and tourist in and out of Philly. While their home restaurant is cramped in small, the
quality of their food makes up for it. I have had some issues where my order was not
fully completed and sometimes they seem to take a little too long to serve the customer. However, that is still not enough to pull me away. I would rate the service to be
mediocre at best. In saying that, you go for the food not the service. This is no place
to go with more than 2 people but in my opinion their cheesesteaks are as good as
anyones in the area. I would reccomend to anyone who hasn’t tried them to go asap to
enjoy the greasy goodness Philly is known for. 8/10
Stash Magazine
Stash Magazine
Stash Magazine
Stash Magazine
Stash Magazine

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  • 2. Copy Editing Team. Alhaji Koita, Alex Marothy, Emalyn Bartholomew, Lisa Kang, Jassir Massey-Campbell, Peter Ricker, Will Amari. Design + Layout Team. Wynn Geary, Arshelle johnson, Temprance Moore, Edgar Pacio, Jaime Christmas, Jenny Cruz. Photography Team. Kaboni Bailey, Keah Kelly, Aron Tang, Dylan Long, Bailey Collins, Amy Farrell. Promotion Team. Traevon Gray, Sadie Sprauge-Lott, Katie Walker, Julian Makarechi, Leah Petty, Khadija Fofana, Audrey Pham, Rakewon Smith, Chris Tran. Follow Stash on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter Stash Magazine stash_SLAmag Cover Photo by Amy Farrell @stashmagSLA
  • 3. Index Supporting Local Music - Jenny Cruz & Baily Collins (1) Movie Reviews - Julian Makarechi & Alex Marothy (3) Book Reviews - Leah Kelly (8) Hearty Lunches - Audrey Pham & Lisa Kang (11) Not for Tourists: Inner Beauty of Philadelphia- Jaime Christmas & Amy Farrell (13) Plan Your Next Night Out - Kaboni Bailey & Emmanuel Kaudio (17) Jobs for Teens - Katie Walker (20) Sports and teens - Chris Tran & Khadidi Fofana (21) Music & Philly History - Dylan Long (23) Our Choice for PA Governer in 2016 - Sadie Sprague-Lott & Alhaji Koita (25) SAT Vocab Puzzles - Edgar Pacio (29) Teens & Reading - Peter Ricker & Kennedy Coverdale (3o) Hermits of the Wissahickon- Will Amari (31) Fashion - Wynn Geary & Leah Petty (35) Snack Time - Emalyn Bartholomew & Temperance Moore (39) Restaurant Reviews - Jasir Massey-Campbell & Rakewon Smith (41) Traveling - Arshelle Johnson & Aron Tang (44)
  • 4. Supporting Local Music By Jenny Cruz & Bailey Collins How many local artists can you name from your hometown? It’s time to support your local bands. You don’t have to go far to find great music. Some of the most successful artists have come right from the city of brotherly love such as Hall & Oates, The Roots, Chubby Checker, The Dead Milkmen, Pink, and so many others. My question to you is, where do you think these bands started off? Just like all self-made people, it starts in their community. The band doesn’t just get signed and become loved and worshipped in an instance, it’s a very long process. The bands, in a sense, revolve around the support from their community. I highly recommend that you continue on reading this article, where I will show the perspective on the music industry from the inside with interviews of the local bands in our community. In hopes that you will take a second to think about supporting your local artists and their local movement. Philadelphia has been home to some of the greatest innovations in classical music, R&B, alternative, punk, metal, and classic soul music. Philadelphia has created a place for the arts to thrive even for the lesser well known. In the early days of rock and roll, many artists had come from South Philadelphia, such as Frankie Avalon and Bobby Rydell. Their popularity led to the creation of a show called American Bandstand, which was hosted at 46th and Market at the time. The show was filmed in Philadelphia from 1952-1963. 1 One of our most famous traditions in musical events of the year is our Mummer’s Parade. The event is held every New Years Day. There are many clubhouses that compete in the categories and prepare dances and elaborate costumes and scenes and stories to perform on the street in the parade. This event is believed to be the oldest folk festival.
  • 5. Philadelphia holds so much music history, might that be from groups that began here, the influence from our past, or the landmarks that we keep running. One of Philadelphia’s greatest landmarks in music history is The Academy of Music. This theater has not been a venue that often supports our local bands, but it has so much history for the music of Philadelphia. It was built in 1857, and is the only opera house still standing in the United States that still does what it was built to do. If you’re on a search for local music, these bands are all from the area. Making Out With Medusa has been around for 2 years and are still going strong, building popularity in Philly and the Camden Jersey area. One of their musical influences is Bring Me The Horizon. Their heavy metal core brings in sizable crowds to local venues such as the Trocadero located on 10th and Arch. A Curse Inherited is a turbo-rad metal band, they get all the ladies and sling mad riffs. His influences include Diamond Dimebag Darrell Abbett, James Hetfield, and more recently Mark Morton and Ryan and Bryan from Black Dahlia Murder. It will be a year in February since ACI’s first show at the Trocadero, when asked how the pre game jitters treated Parris MacMullan this is what he had to say, “Nerve racking, unforgettable experience, small crowd but I wanted to do it.” It was the same stage where bands Foxy Shazam and Mastoon played Tomfromhell is a local DJ, throwing down some heavy dubstep remixes of popular tracks today. He typically plays at house parties and local music festivals. His influences include a heavy metal band named Motionless in White and DJ Heavygrinder. Nikolai is a solo beatboxer performing in public areas to live crowds. He has named Vahtang Kalandadze, a Russian beat boxer, has one of his influences.You can also see Nikolai on his youtube channel, Bottleofyogurt. If you are looking to support local bands there are several ways of doing so. Many bands have merch available to buy online buying supports the artist. Spread the word, verbally communicate to other and share new bands in your local areas and encourage your friends to do the same. Another way to help out band would be to like and follow their Facebook page and checkout their tracks on Soundcloud. Without fans local bands today will not thrive in their career and make it to the big stage. 2
  • 6. MOVIE reviews By Alex Marothy & Julian Makarechi Ever since the first silent film in 1903, movies have been a cornerstone of American culture. With literally trillions of dollars grossed each year by the movie industry, America has proven itself a society of flick-fanatics. Roger Ebert, late and great American movie critic, said that “a film is a terrible thing to waste.” Ebert, like many critics, loved cinema, and had a great respect for film. And yet, many argue that the quality of American films has severely diminished in recent years; a mainstream art form that has lost the respect of critics across the states. Sad to say that movies just aren’t what they used to be, and that new generations are subjecting themselves to increasingly terrible films. In this article, we strive to bring the classics--arguably some of the best American films that ever made it a Tom Hanks stars in a movie that touches on many different aspects of life, from how to stand up for yourself to chasing after the love of your life. Forrest Gump, a mentally handicapped boy, has trouble socializing with most people and can barely walk on his own. The story starts with Forrest telling us of his life at a bus stop to a middle aged woman. He recalls one distinct memory that occurred during his childhood with his childhood friend, Jenny. Jenny was his best friend from day one and they were always there for one another. She was his first real friend. As the story goes on, we learn more about Jenny’s bad relationship with her father and drugs. Jenny lived with her father, who was an alcoholic, and lived around drugs her whole life. Forrest explains to the woman how one day he was walking down a silent road having quality time with Jenny, when all of a sudden some of local bullies approach them from behind. This is probably the most famous scene of the move in which Jenny screams “Run Forrest! RUN!” after the bullies start to throw rocks at Forrest. So Forrest sprints as hard as he can, so hard that he breaks the metal brace on his leg. This was a huge deal for Forrest because he didn’t know he could run, he was able to gain strength to run from Jenny. We continue to see Forrest’s freak-like running ability when he plays football in high school and also during his time in the Vietnam war. Forrest never moves on from Jenny as she is the only girl he is truly comfortable with. He doesn’t care if he doesn’t see Jenny for years, he will always love her and be with her every step of the way. Sadly, Jenny has other plans that include joining a band, doing drugs, and working at a bar. It is fair to say that Forrest was not exactly her main priority. However, the times they do see each other give you the impression they were never apart. Forrest does have one or two people in his life that he considers his friends. The most important one is Bubba, who owns a huge shrimp fishing company. Forrest and Bubba met in Vietnam where they developed an immense friendship. The two agreed to go shrimping as soon as they got back to the States. Unfortunately, Bubba didn’t make it back. Forrest tried everything he could to save all of his friends but Bubba just didn’t make it. However, Forrest does end up saving his commander, Lieutenant Dan. 3 Lieutenant Dan is a very grumpy man who comes from a very large military family. Many of his family members died serving the United States army and that’s exactly what Lieutenant Dan wanted to do. Forrest crushed his only dream and instead of dying there in Vietnam, Lieutenant Dan ends up going back to the States in a wheel chair with both of his legs amputated. Many years later, Forrest ends up running into Lieutenant Dan. He still resents Forrest for what he did but at the same time he admires him. One day they both decide to honor Bubba’s promise and go shrimp fishing together.
  • 7. This film is full of some of the many different façades of the American life and shows how far mentally handicapped people can get in this country. Forrest Gump was a hit everywhere and is definitely considered a classic. There were many lines in this film that are very relevant to our everyday lives and that will be remembered forever. For example, Forrest tells the woman at the bus stop that his mom always said: “Life is like a box chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” This shows how much variety and mystery there is in life. it also shows Forrest’s unique perspective on life, and although he is handicapped, he is brilliant all the same. In a way, Forrest’s mom is trying to express that you will never know where life will take you, that it’s all up in the air. In the quote “My Mama always said you’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on,” the viewer encounters with yet another life lesson. It is almost as though it is a children’s story, but acted by a grown man. This film is definitely in my top 5 favorite movies of all time. No matter how many times I watch it, I can never got over the great acting and wonderful story. I think what keeps me on the edge of my seat is how the movie has so many stages, and I always get excited for the next scene to come, even though I know what it is going to happen. I know this movie would not have had such an effect on me if not for the acting. The way the actors put themselves in the shoes of the This is one of Matthew Broderick’s best films of all time. It uses a comedy that is very hard to create and reenact. The facial expressions and snarky remarks are ones that will always be loved and remembered. Some of the best parts of this film come from the main character, Ferris, played by Matthew Broderick, while he talks to the viewers about his life. This is the story of a clever teenager in high school who decides to fake sickness so he can miss school. Ferris totally tricks his parents with his speakers and computers that play coughing and sniffling sounds, but his older sister, Jeannie, does not believe it one bit. “In a nutshell, she hates her brother.” She is constantly bothered by Ferris being able to get away with things. On Ferris’ day off, he decides to meet up with his best friend, Cameron, and his girlfriend, Sloane. Unfortunately for Cameron, he is actually sick at home, but that doesn’t stop Ferris from dragging him out of bed to go have a fun day off. Fortunately for Sloane, Cameron calls her high school and gets her out of school, pretending he is her father, with a knee slapping hilarity. Once everyone is ready to go, the three tenagers start their journey into downtown Chicago with Cameron’s father’s Ferrari. The scenes when Cameron is freaking out about not ruining the car, because he knows that his father will kill him if something goes wrong, are priceless. They end up going all over the city, to a baseball game, a parade and an art museum. While Ferris is having a wonderful day with his girlfriend and best friend, everyone at his high school is spreading rumours that he has some sort of cancer. People even start a fundraising campaign for him called: ”Save Ferris.” Jeannie can’t stand everyone falling for her little brother’s trick once again, so she decides to scream at everyone at school about it. Soon the viewer is introduced to another character, the principal of the high school. Like Jeannie, he doesn’t like Ferris one bit and knows that he is bad news, so he always tries to investigate Ferris’s “sickness” on his own. One of the movie’s most famous quotes is come from the scene in Ferris’s economics class. Obviously Ferris is absent, but his teacher is not so sure, so the the old teachers keeps on repeating “Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?” in a very monotone voice, until a student finally tells hims Ferris is sick. Towards the end of the film, there is a huge chase scene featuring Ed Rooney, the principal, and Ferris, that is priceless and truly hilarious. The humorous dialogue in this film is outstanding because you can tell the characters relationship with each other really well. For example, at the beginning of the film when Ferris demands Cameron to come over to his house by saying: “ If you are not over here in fifteen minutes, you can find a new best friend.” Cameron responds smartly by reminding him that “You’ve been saying that since the fifth grade.” It is scenes like this that show us how powerful friendship can be and how much fun somebody can get receive from a solid friendship. Ferris Buellers day off also demonstrates how sometimes somebody’s so called “loved ones” can actually be the people you dislike most. For example, Ferris’s sister, 4
  • 8. Jeannie thought to herself “Maybe I’m overreacting. Maybe Ferris isn’t such a bad guy. After all, I got a car, he got a computer. But still, why should he get to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants? Why should everything work out for him? What makes him so goddamn special? Screw him.” Since most of the viewers can understand her point of view they end up loving her and many other characters that they have similarities with. This is one of my family’s favorite movies. Whenever it is on TV, we always watch it, no matter what else is on and how many times we have seen it. For me, this movie keeps me rolling with laughter at every turn because I get so excited about every upcoming scene. The actors did a wonderful job as well, even if some of them had very small parts. I would give this movie 5 stars because I love every minute of it. Pulp Fiction is a wild thriller that follows the intertwining lives of thieves, hit men, and gangsters on the streets of Los Angeles. In this world of Quentin Tarantino’s mad imagination, the plot is driven by humorous characters, graphic violence and punchy dialogue that guides the nuanced storyline. Like so many of Tarantino’s movies, it’s a nonlinear storyline, events happening out of chronological order. Teenager’s like Wynn Geary call it a “masterpiece” while many critics gave it as many as five stars. Debatably one of the best movies of all time, Tarantino leads the audience through a maze of interweaving events that end up connecting with a bang. From bloody murder and drugs to fixed fights and leather-clad sex fiends coming to a head with a golden heirloom, the plotline is not easy to follow. But suddenly it all comes together, and the genius behind the story is realized. With a comic book-esque script that grabs your attention with every syllable and masterfully concise prose, the writers eloquently commanded a tone that is present throughout the screenplay. It drags the viewer in, pulls them deep into a chasm of chaotic abnormality, only to leave them disoriented in a world of flawless surrealism. John Travolta stars as Vincent Vega, a small-time gangster hitman accompanied by his partner, Jules, who is magnificently captured by Samuel L. Jackson. We first observe them on their way to a handle a potentially bloody situation, a few drug dealers in debt with the mob boss, Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames). As Jules recites his favorite biblical quote with gun drawn, Vince retrieves a particular briefcase from the dealers’ possession, we are made to feel like a third, silent mobster, observing the fear, passion, and rage being passed around the room. Later, Vince is instructed by his boss to take the wife out to dinner, keep her company for awhile, and he arrives at Mia’s (Uma Thurman) house after a stopping by his dealer’s (Eric Stoltz) for a heroin fix. They go out for dinner and dancing, win a dance contest, arrive back at the house slightly tipsy and having a bit too much fun. Travolta steps into the bathroom, and in the front of the mirror tells himself to “be a gentleman, stay for a drink, and then leave.” However, this plan is quickly snubbed when he steps out into the living room and finds the big boss’s partner and soulmate laying on the floor drooling, overdosing on cocaine. In a panic he hoists her over his shoulder, makes a dash for the car, and like a man possessed burns rubber back to Eric Stoltz’s house. The tense situation that follows is filled with dramatic bursts of panic and hysterical shouts, a drug dealer running amok trying to find a giant adrenaline needle. He finds it, and he and Vince argue over who’s going to stab it into Mia’s heart. After Stoltz shouts “YOU brought her here, YOU stick in the needle! When I bring an O.D. to YOUR house, I’LL stick in the needle!” Travolta knows it’s time for him to grow a pair, and slams the needle down straight into her chest. With a huge gasp of air, she sits up suddenly and Vincent heaves a sigh of relief. Bruce Willis as Butch the boxer is instructed by Ving Rhames to throw a fight, but in his pride decides not to, and instead murders his opponent. Knowing he now has to skip town, he grabs a taxi back to the motel he and his adorable 5
  • 9. french wife rented to hide from the mob. Suddenly we go back in time and see a young Butch, and a cameo by Christopher Walken playing an army veteran, who tells Butch that he served with his father in the war and what a great man his father was and that he had a gold watch that he hid up his ass in an internment camp for years and that after he died Walken himself hid the same watch up his ass and now he’s giving it to young Butch because his father would want him to have it. Now old again, it’s all Bruce Willis cares about, he loves that gold watch, and asks French wife Fabienne where it is when he can’t find it in the suitcase. Turns out she forgot it at the apartment and now Butch has to go back and get it even though the mob is probably there waiting for him. After arriving at the apartment, it seems as though it’s empty, he grabs the gold watch, and passes through the kitchen. Stopping at the sight of an automatic gun on the counter, he looks to the bathroom door and hears a toilet flush. Grabbing the gun, he aims it at the door and John Travolta steps out and looks up in silent shock as Butch unloads the clip into him, sending him flying into the bathtub. So Willis gets back in the car to head back to the motel and as he’s stopped at a red light who would cross the crosswalk but Marcellus Wallace, the big mob boss. The make eye contact, and Butch floors it, hitting Wallace and crashing the Honda and stepping out the wreck a bloody mess. He and Marsellus teeter about in a surreal scene in the middle of an intersection leaving the viewer wondering where the police have gone out to lunch, until Wallace begins to open fire. A chase ensues around the corner and after Butch takes a bullet to the leg, the make it to a pawn shop where Butch is stopped short of killing Marsellus by a hillbilly with a shotgun and his partner Zed. Chaos ensues, but Butch finally makes it back to the motel safely after being dismissed by Marsellus and delivers the famous quote “Zed’s dead, baby.” With inventive situations and spontaneous dialogue, Tarantino really has created a masterpiece. A movie that will go down with the classics, as one that has made quite an impression on society. From drug dealer to fetishized sex fiend, every aspect of this movie is pure, comic book perfection. American History X is an important, historical, and extremely powerful film. An incredibly influential story, it throws racism in your face while defining hate as a dangerous cycle of corruption and disease. With a rich plotline following a neo-Nazi poster child, Derek (Ed Norton) and his younger brother Daniel (Edward Furlong) in Venice Beach, American History X takes the audience on a compelling journey of growth, decay, destruction, rebirth and redemption, a fluid sequence of reawakening through hate. After Derek’s firefighter father dies in a shooting, his anger drives him to join a manipulative white-power gang leader, Cameron Alexander (Stacy Keach), in a quest to strike out against minority groups. His rage driven hate begins to infect his younger brother, and Danny is soon becoming one of the gang. Derek’s hate presents itself in the form of monumental violence one fateful night, when he murders two members of a black gang attempting to break into his car. He is charged with voluntary manslaughter and Danny’s life begins to shatter as his older brother is incarcerated. During Derek’s time in prison he experiences life like never before, and after a series of extremely damaging incidents, sees himself in a new way. His own white-power rhetoric has been thrown back at him, his life now destroyed by the same beliefs he had built himself around. This was his destruction, followed by a glorious rebirth. When he leaves that prison, Derek is a changed man. Now with a full head of hair, he sees through the idiotic, hate driven belief system that his younger brother has now embraced. He arrives home to find that Danny has shaved his head, and recently acquired a tattoo reading DOC. Disappointed in his brother, but really frustrated with himself, Derek tells him not to attend welcome-back-Derek party that Cameron has prepared for that night, but doing so quite vaguely. Nevertheless, Daniel is there when Derek arrives at the party, and things start to come to a head. 6
  • 10. After a reunion with a Cameron that starts with him saying “I’m more important to (Danny) than you’ll ever be.” and ends with a punch to the face, Derek curses his bad temper and steps out into the raging Hitler-loving savagery of a party below, searching for his brother in the crowd and hurriedly trying to escape. Slowed by his ex-girlfriend and stopped by his blimp of a supposed friend, Seth, who points a gun at him shouting “I should kill you!” after finding their precious leader assaulted. Derek manages to pull some fancy self defense move and snag the gun, waving it frantically at the crowd and darting off into the night. Danny follows and springs on him in a grief-stricken frenzy, confused at his older brother’s radical change. In a heartfelt scene of brotherly love and togetherness, Derek explains his time in prison to his younger sibling, his change of heart, and his now clear sight of the truth. Daniel soon understands, and is already in agreement, indicating that he never really believed in any of it, he was just filled with indirect rage, and adoration for his brother. They arrive home and shower their family in a newfound love, and upon entering their room, tear down the hundreds of Nazi posters taped to the wall. It’s a beautiful scene that communicates the core message of the movie: that change is apparent in all walks of life, always possible, and forever accompanied by sublime transformation. The beauty carries over into the next scene in which Derek is in the shower, his first out of prison, and upon seeing himself in the mirror, lifts a hand to cover the swastika tattooed on his chest, seeing himself as new man, but not one without regret. In a heart-wrenching conclusion, the film closes with a Derek now stricken with grief, sorrow and despair, pleading with a cruel and unrelenting world of hate. Movies are influential in huge ways. They communicate powerfully messages which other mediums cannot. When you give an expert director an amazing script and a cast of masterful actors, something magical happens. Every film sends a message, and the fact that each is preserved indefinitely in this technological world says that each new generation should not forget the films of the past, and their influence on society today. We must open our eyes and are arms, and welcome the classics into our lives. 7
  • 11. BOOK reviews By Leah Kelly Winger: “Winger” by Andrew Smith is a witty, brilliant and yet heart-warming story of a 14-year old high school junior named Ryan Dean and his year at boarding school; this year being full of comics, rugby games and friendships that are ever-changing. Andrew Smith is an award-winning author; Winger specifically had starred reviews in Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, Booklist and Shelf Awareness, as well as being named an Amazon “Best of Year”. Many people are calling Smith the next John Green, an extremely decorated young adult author. When I got the chance to interview Smith, he told me that readers had a lot to look forward to from him. “I have a book called 100 SIDEWAYS MILES coming in September 2014,” said Smith, “and then two other books (I’m not allowed to say their titles yet) in 2015, so I am pretty busy.” “Winger” is set at a boarding school for rich kids, where Ryan Dean West lives in Opportunity Hall, a special dorm for “bad” kids. In Opportunity Hall, he finds that his roommate is Chas, the “big man” on campus who absolutely hates his guts. However, throughout the book their relationships changes and grows. There are very few important things in Ryan Dean’s life: rugby, his drawings and his best friend Annie, who he is also in love with. As Andrew Smith takes you through Ryan’s junior year, readers are introduced to the rest of the people in his life: Megan, the school hottie, Chas, his roommate and also somewhat of a bully, JP and Seanie, his two best friends, and Joey, a boy on his rugby team. As Ryan begins to change throughout the year, so do his friendships and relationships. He learns that not every friendship is worth keeping, sometimes those who you hate can become the best of friends, and how friendships can grow by simply being yourself. There are a few themes that Smith makes clear throughout the book, the major one being friendships. Ryan Dean’s relationships change during his junior year at boarding school in dramatic ways. Smith weaves significant friendships into the story in ways that leaves readers in awe, and also throws in some much needed comedic relationships. Another major theme of this novel is the relationship between the decisions you make and the consequences that come. As Ryan Dean’s year progresses, he finds himself facing challenging choices dealing with alcohol, fighting, and most of all-- girls. While he does not always see the consequences right away, Ryan learns his lesson in sometimes funny and sometimes heartbreaking ways. Smith has a certain way of writing that makes it nearly impossible to ever put “Winger” down. His use of Ryan Dean’s comics interspersed between pages of witty dialogue makes readers laugh on one page, but then something devastating happens and will leave readers in tears within the same few pages. It takes a very special skill for an author to make you feel like the characters in the story are your own friends in real life. The way that Smith portrays every person in the book, readers get emotionally attached to them which is why it is tragic when bad things happen. While “Winger” might not be for everyone, this book is easily relatable and therefore I think that many reading groups would like it. This book in, in particular, is a wonderful teen book due to the problems, stories and relationships that take place. Secondly, this is a book that I think a lot of boys would like. Since it is written from a high school boy’s perspective, there is lots of a particular humor that they would find appealing. If any reader looking for a brilliantly crafted, bitter-sweet story, then “Winger” is for them. 8
  • 12. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe: “Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe” by Benjamin Alire Sáenz is a creative, tender and honest story written about two young boys struggling to find themselves in the midst of a busy and demanding teenagehood. Benjamin Alire Sáenz has won many awards for his poetry and fiction books, but this book in particular received lots of praise. Specifically, it won the Lambda Literary Award and Stonewall Book Award, an Amelia Elizabeth Walden Award honor, a Pura Belpré Author Award for Latino Fiction and a Michael L. Printz Award honor for Young Adult fiction. Aristotle, nick-named Ari, is an angry teenager who is unhappy with his life and spends his time trying to uncover the mystery behind his brother’s absence in his life. Dante is an emotional boy who reads poetry and cries over the death of baby birds. When Dante moves into the same neighborhood as Ari, their whole worlds are flipped upside down as they are unexpectedly drawn towards each others presence and soon become best friends. Throughout the novel, Sáenz takes readers through the hardships and joys of each of the boys’ lives and how at times, they remain close friends and during others, find a void between them. In the end, Sáenz adds a beautiful and gentle plot twist that will warm readers’ hearts. While there are many distinct story lines in this novel, there are a few themes that remain important throughout. The first is friendship; Ari and Dante are extremely different and yet cannot help but be best friends. As the story progresses, Sáenz unpacks the parts to their lives that are different but also gives insight to the deeper parts that are very similar. While readers watch the friendship between these two boys unfold, many valuable lessons about relationships, sacrifice and love challenge readers to examine the experiences in their lives. Another motif in this book is discovering yourself. While this is something that many teenagers struggle with, readers get a new perspective on it while following the lives of these two guys because of the trials that they face, things that they experience and the way that their relationship changes over time. By the end of the book, while they do not have everything figured out, they are content with having discovered a few of the secrets of the universe. This novel is a story that readers cannot put down due to the spectacular writing. Sáenz has an incredible blend of sweet, tender moments as well as riveting scenes that leave readers on the edge of their seats and wanting more. The character and plot choices that Sáenz chooses for this book, while they are bold and daring, make sense in the story line. Lastly, readers begin to feel personal relationships with the characters in the story. The author does a wonderful job exploring the depth of the lives for the people in the book by bringing you into every area of their lives and granting you access into the thoughts and opinions of the characters, especially Ari and Dante, which lets readers make a stronger and more personal connection. While the middle and ending of this book were superb, some readers may find the beginning of the book to start out slowly. Mainly that is because the characters are being introduced and you are just beginning to get an insight on their lives, but once that part is over and Sáenz begins to delve into their hardships and relationship with each other, the book picks up pace and will readers will not be able to put it down. In general, most people would enjoy this story. However, this book seems as though it would specifically capture the attention of teenage boys because of the plot, humor and characters. The major themes and lessons that this book teaches, most people would benefit from reading this wonderful novel. 9
  • 13. “A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini is a beautifully crafted novel following the lives of two Afghan women through heartbreak, triumph and the challenges that they face within their culture. Hosseini is an award-winning author; this book in particular spent four weeks as the #1 book in the nation, as well as being #1 on almost every national bestseller list including USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune and many more. This book also appeared on multiple end of year best-of lists, including the #1 Worldwide Bestselling title in 2008, Time- Ten Best Books: Fiction, Washington PostBest Books of 2007 and more. Between “A Thousand Splendid Suns” and Hosseini’s first bestseller, “The Kite Runner”, more than 38 million copies have been sold worldwide. This story is set in Afghanistan and begins in the mid-1900s, where you introduced to a teenage girl named Mariam, who lives with her mother. Through a series of heartbreaking events, Mariam finds herself stranded in a seemingly unfixable family situation, where her father decides to solve the problem by marrying her off to a middle-aged man whom she has never met before. However, since arranged marriage is a social norm in Afghanistan and women are given no power, Mariam must accept this new situation, no matter how alone she feels. In the second piece of this story, readers are introduced to another girl named Laila, who has a pleasant family life and lives down the street from Mariam and her husband, Rasheed. Similar to Mariam, Laila is tossed into a situation of utter helplessness and family turmoil. Since the streets are unsafe and plagued with war, and since Laila is a women and has no rights to move to a new place, she is brought into the household of Mariam and Rasheed, where Rasheed marries her as well. From this point in time, readers begin to see the relationship between Mariam and Laila unfold as wives of the same man. While they have a rocky start, their friendship soon grows deeply and in ways only possible in their situations. This friendship withstands lost loves returning, pregnancies, an extremely abusive husband and in the final test of friendship, the ultimate act of protection. Throughout this entire novel, Hosseini makes a few themes extremely clear. The first major motif is the Afghan culture, which is unique, fascinating and heartbreaking at times and experienced through characters in the book. As readers are taken through the lives of these women, Hosseini paints pictures of weddings, the food, the country of Afghanistan, but mostly about the values of the culture, specifically the inequality of genders. He shows each of these themes throughout the story in invigorating ways using the stories of Laila and Mariam. The other major message explored is that of the bonds of friendship and family. From chapter one, Hosseini captivates readers with questioning of the value of relationships between relatives, acquaintances, spouses and even strangers; how far is one willing to go to protect someone they love? There are countless ways that this book exceeded my expectations as an avid reader. I’ve always disliked books with either too much dialogue or too much description, but “A Thousand Splendid Suns” had a wonderful balance of both. Hosseini is creative and crafty in the ways that he uses description to speak on behalf of the characters, such as body language or a glimpse into the inner thoughts of characters, but also uses dialogue when words would be most effective. Also, if there’s one thing that I despise, it’s when authors add random plot twists which make no sense and do not benefit the story in the end. What was amazing about this book, however, was that the plot was unpredictable, yet the story made sense in the end. There were no major things that I disliked about this book, but the ending did not particularly sit well with me. Throughout the entire novel, Hosseini does so well with letting the reader into the lives and relationships of all of the characters, and does so in a slow way so that you feel as though you have known them for a very very long time. However, at the end of the book, I feel as though it was rushed and the relationships were kept at a shallow level and did not display the depth that was shown previously in the book. While that may have been a literary choice by Hosseini, it was the one point that felt unsettling to me as a reader. This can be a heavy book for some people due to the difficult topics and issues presented. Challenging situations presented include suicide, abortion and graphic scenes of domestic violence and brutality, which can only be handled with a certain level of maturity. Therefore, I do not suggest this book for younger readers, only those who feel like they are ready to read a novel that deal with these matters. However, this book needs to be read. It is important. The themes are ones that are intertwined into the lives of every human, no matter how much they might notice them. While it works on a deeper level, this is also an marvelous piece of fiction writing with a captivating and enrapturing story, one that will leave readers wanting more. 10
  • 14. Hearty Lunches By Audrey Pham & Lisa Kang Wouldn’t it be great if you can have an easy, quick, and budget-friendly lunch? Many teenagers do not eat lunch because there is too many problems that come with it. There are many students who do not eat lunch because it takes to much time, too much money or it is just not as delicious. There can be an alternative to starving yourself. There are simple things that teenagers can follow to get great lunches! When one student asked what was the benefit of school lunch, she replied with, “I’m sure some of you guys are too lazy to bring lunch to school. But trust me, it’s worth it. Not every public school in Philly provides free lunch and honestly, you can admit with me, it’s just not delicious and it isn’t appetizing. There’s no point paying $2 for an unappetizing small school lunch. Making your own lunch means you can control what you are putting into your body.” There are different types of lunches that most teenagers have. There are school lunches, packed lunches and lunches that are bought or pre-made. Each of these have their own benefits. Although there are benefits of each type of lunch, there are also many things that are disadvantaged about each as well. “A recent study released by the American College of Cardiology found that students who ate lunch provided by the National School Lunch Program were more likely to be obese compared to students who brought lunch from home.” School lunches are supposed to be healthier for students. Schools often try to provide a different variety of foods for students by adding fruits and vegetables. This study shows that school lunch may not be a great as it should be. Bringing packed lunch may be difficult for many students because it is time consuming. Student tend to do things that are appealing to them. Most students will avoid packing their own lunches because they would rather spend time doing something else than preparing lunch. Buying lunches can also be problematic because it can be expensive. There are lunches for a couple of dollars but when you total it up over the school year, it comes out to be a lot. Most teenagers do not have jobs and therefore they may not want to buy lunches. 11
  • 15. Simple Sandwich Ingredients: Whole wheat bread Your choice of cheese (low fat and healthy cheese choices: Feta, swiss, parmesan, or cottage) Turkey ham, honey ham, or black forest ham Lettuce Tomato Smear of greek yogurt Snack: Granola Bar or choice of fruit Directions: Just like any sandwich, you simply put it together. Make sure you wash your lettuce and tomato before slicing it. Pasta & Salad Ingredients: Whole grain pasta Boiled chicken breast Greek yogurt Celery Cucumbers Vinaigrette Cherry tomatoes Snack: Any fruit of your choice Graham crackers Drink: Water Directions: Read your box of pasta, follow the directions, and boil the pasta according to the package. After your pasta is done, drain it under cold running water. Wash your boneless skinless chicken breast under cold running water then cut it into little pieces. (dices) Bring up water in a pot to boil, add salt and pepper to the pot. After the water is boiling, add your chicken into the water and cook for about 12 minutes, stirring occasionally. (To check if your chicken is cooked, get a knife and cut it, if it’s completely white inside then all of them should be well done) Wash all vegetables and dice them up to little pieces. Get a big bowl, put everything into it. Put in about three tablespoons of greek yogurt, two tablespoons of vinaigrette. Toss it all together and pop it into the fridge for at least an hour before serving! Turkey Wrap Ingredients: Whole wheat tortilla wrap Turkey ham Lettuce Tomato Hummus Tabasco hot sauce (if you want it spicy) Avacado Toothpicks Snack: Granola bar Drink: Orange juice Directions: Wash all of your vegetables then cut it up to desirable thin slices. Lay out your tortilla wrap and smear some hummus onto it. Layer all of your meat and vegetables. Add hot sauce if you want it to be spicy. Carefully rolling it up as if it’s a burrito. Use one of two toothpicks to pin it together then wrap it in aluminium foil to keep it all together. 12
  • 16. 13
  • 17. Not for Tourists: Inner Beauty of Philadelphia By Jaime Christamas & Amy Farrell 14
  • 18. Not for Tourists: Inner Beauty of Philadelphia Train Tracks Across the Schuylkill River While venturing around the city not far from school, we came across the tracks that travel from the depths of the city to Fairmount around 29th and Pennsylvania Ave. You would have never guessed that if you followed the trail, you would be steps away from the Philadelphia Art Museum. When walking down the tracks it gives off an eerie ambience, as if you’re running away from a life that once satisfied you but now even the thought of it is repulsive. The trains that have a history of graffiti and destruction give a calming sense that you’re not always surrounded by perfection. Electric Factory If you’re looking for a quick show in an abandoned-like building, you should head over to the Electric Factory. If you’re into alternative music and feeling like you’re underground this is the hotspot for you. Right near olde city where you’ll find many tourists on a daily basis because of all the history inhabited in the buildings. Located on 7th and Callowhill, you’re entering a different scene that completely separates you from the regular spots to visit while still being in the heart of the city. The Garden This spot of land also located right next to the Schuylkill river harbors a garden with various plants that people in the skyrise apartments pick from everyday, but if you turn 180 degrees, right in front of you is the poverty that exists all over the city that people try so hard to ignore. The hundreds of treasures that lie beyond the fence that tourists and others too quickly categorize as trash, are the people who live under the bridge’s entire life. The beauty in this place is not found in the lack of trees or perfect pathways, but the hope that you see right within their homes. Originally we were going to send Zoe a series of questions to answer about how she goes about picking a focus for her pictures, but it seemed like it would invoke too technical of a response. Instead, we reached out to her through a friend and, in result got a much deeper and more meaningful story that touches hearts and paints a picture of where she first began; before having a gallery even crossed her mind. “I’ve know Bailey Collins for a long time, longer than I’ve been a photographer. In fact, Bailey came to the first slideshows I ever projected. It was at the Southwark House on Front St. in South Philly, a year before I was in the Whitney Biennial. 15
  • 19. In 2000, I started producing photographs specifically for a 10 year long project. I was completely committed to the project but was learning even as I began showing the photographs. When I started the projects, the photos were primarily made in my own neighborhood or other Philadelphia neighborhoods I knew intimately. During the first 2 years I was working out the structure of I-95, my big 10 year project, and I would occasionally mount color xeroxes to wood boards and nail them into telephone poles around the neighborhood. I was testing for how long they would last in weather and seeing how they fit into the urban semiotics of the specific place they were hung- meaning how the photos related to the other signs and buildings around where I’d nailed the photo into the telephone pole. Over 10 years ago, I ran into Bailey’s mom at the Bean, our coffee spot and she said something like “look at this cool thing I just got” and it was one of the photos I had nailed into a telephone pole. It was a photo of a license plate that said America! with an eagle. She had no idea I took the photo and nailed it up. That was a pivotal moment in my career. The photo wasn’t one that made it into I-95, but was an image of something Andrea and I had both seen a million times... but I felt compelled to produce the photo and Andrea felt compelled to take it for herself. I knew the project was on the right path when we both saw that an ordinary moment, something so familiar was noteworthy. We were in the middle of beautiful and painful and funny and heartbreaking things, and there was a way to isolate them and put them into a different context via photographs. I will always be incredibly grateful Andrea took that photo down. We both knew that every place around us is a place to photograph and we could see new things all the time. Love, Zoe” 16
  • 20. o ht Ou t an ue lK au di ig m ex tN By Ka b on iB ai le y& Em Yo ur N an Pl “A first date? I’d want to go somewhere where me and my date would have a good time, but privacy as well.” -Ashley Spells, Junior student at Science Leadership Academy H.S.. Some people prefer a place where they can have time alone on a date, to talk, relax and enjoy eachothers company, like a chill restaurant. Other would rather go to a place where embarrassments and shyness are key to a good date, like a skating rink. Given the social enigma of a restaurant as the first resort to a good first date, our goal is to give you options for a date. We will show you several places to enjoy your evening with another and what combination can give your first date a kick of excitement and enjoyment. “Philadelphia is very diverse… culinary wise, and most people don’t recognize that. We’re more than cheesesteaks and pretzels..” -Douglas Herman, Photo/Video teacher at Science Leadership Academy Philadelphia has a lot to offer when it comes to food. Stuck on the concept of Cheesesteaks, many people who visit Philadelphia do not know the wonders that the culinary world has to offer. From cart-stands to five-star restaurants, the cuisine in the city of brotherly love is a great way to show someone that you care. Although money has no control when it comes to the heart, it can have some influence… “The date is a give or take. Depending on where you go and how you act during can change how she thinks of you. You gotta do it right the first time, or never…” -Thomas Jeffcoat A good way to finish a date would be to end it in a smoove manner. You’ve come this far now and you’re thinking to yourself, “What should I do?”. You came, you saw, and now you must show your date that you can conquer and end it on a good note. Say you’ve just eaten a Pho and you want to depart from your date in a memorable manner. Take a stroll down the parkway and enjoy the city while you conversate along the good scenery. If you feel the mood is right and that there are good vibes, go in for a kiss. If it works, good job, if not…. there are more fish in the sea. 17
  • 21. Ishkabibble’s- 337 South St, Philadelphia, PA 19147 ‎Telephone Number: (215) 923-4337 Hours: Mon. - Sun. 8:00-11:00 pm. This affordable food restaurant based on cheesesteaks would be a great place to take someone out for a first date place. You can win their heart by introducing this special someone to the original taste of Philadelphia by letting them have Philly’s most common and favorite food produced throughout history. Steak, Cheesesteaks, and along with other types of meat products are sold to citizens of the city for their qualities worth. Besides being a Cheesesteak based restaurant they also sell food products like chicken, fries, breakfast, lunch, and other things for your convenience. You wouldn’t have to spend a lot of money here either, it is a very non-expensive place to have fine dine for your moneys worth. After finishing your meal at this restaurant you can take your date to several different locations because it’s in a prime area close to many things to do. Cafe Lift- 428 N. 13th St. Philadelphia, PA 19108 Telephone Number: 215-922-3031 Hours: Mon. Closed and Tue. - Sun. 9:00-3:00 pm. One of their special known dishes is the Chicken Milanese Panino- Breaded chicken breast, sauteed broccoli rabe, sun dried tomato pesto, and fresh mozzarella; costing only $10 This is a great thing to be ordered if you’re sharing with your date, or if you want it for yourself. Cafe Lift is a place where you can either dine in/ outside to enjoy the nice viewable sky view. Many of their meals are based on the convenience for citizens of Philadelphia. Everyday foods are sold here, but for the quality of the foods it is worth paying. Spending on an average range of less than $20 for a meal for two your experience will be awesome by joining this upgrowing place. 18
  • 22. The Greek Lady- 22 S 40th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Telephone Number: 215-382-2600. Hours: Mon. - Sun. 9:00-11:00 pm. Some of their most famous foods at the Greek Lady are the Gyro Sandwiches, which are carved from a fresh revolving spit that costs no more than $7 when tax is included and Grilled Chicken & Roasted Peppers that costs $7.25. All of the Greek Lady’s sandwiches, platters, sides/ appetizers, and salads go for $10 and less. The top two meals go for $13 and $12; the salmon and the samplers, which consist of tzatziki, melitzanosalata, taramosalata, feisty feta dip, hummus & stuffed grape leaves. Greek lady is a well known place in Philadelphia and well respected for its prices and great service. Though they have a fine dining area, they also deliver to sections of Philadelphia. After this, you can walk around University of Penn’s campus and visit one of the subtle and calming parks; relaxing and basking in the waves of the sun with your date. The Victor Cafe - 1303 Dickinson Street Philadelphia, PA 19147 Telephone Number: 215-468-3040 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 5:00–10:00 pm., Fri. 5:00-12:00 am., Sat. 4:30-12:00 am., and Sun. 4:30-10:00 pm. Fettuccine Giuseppe Verdi; Tossed with fresh spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes and Romano cheese in reduced light cream $17. This is one of the main pasta dishes that The Victor Cafe serves for an average/low price. All of their appetizers are under $10, a majority of their Pesci meals are between $15-$20 with the exclusion of Jumbo shrimp and dry scallops in garlic, butter, olive oil and white wine over linguine, which prices at $27. All side dishes are $8 and under that includes alongside with a good portion of asparagus, potatoes (assorted) and other “normal” italian side dishes. GiGi’s and Big R Caribbean Soul Food- S 38th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Telephone Number: 610-389-2150. This take out food cart has many things to offer you as a hungry customer. Though being a Caribbean and Soul Food based spot to get food from, they have other dishes and recipes that’ll definitely catch your attention. Platters they sell include Oxtail, Jerk Chicken, Curry Chicken, Stewed Chicken, Fried Chicken, and Fried Fish are available in a small/ large size and come with 2 sides of your own. At a starting price of $8-$10, platters aren’t that expensive and are worth the money and time of people who want to try them out. Despite being underestimated by others for not being a sit down restaurant, GiGi’s and Big R has been rated top best food cart for the past two years. 19
  • 23. Jobs for Teens By Katie Walker Bloods, Crips, and Italian Mafia are the types of gangs that you see in Philadelphia. The FBI tells us that there are now 1.4 million gang members involved in 33,000 different gangs active in the United States. Young black men have a 2.5 higher death rate compared to latino men and white men,because most gang members are African American descent.There are more teens in gangs nowadays than men because most of the “gang leaders” have been incarcerated.1 of 3 black or latino men are incarcerated due to gang related activity. Blood Wars is a TV show that shows you the gang way of life. the crew talks to gang members and follows them around to see their activity.This show is very interesting because you get to see how young the gang members are and how they think of their way of life.In the show, you have the older gang members that know what they are doing is bad but that is their way of life because that is all they know. You also have these teens that are in the gangs because they get this kind of excitement out of killing people and having territory.Gang members carry guns that would be used by the S.W.A.T team.They believe that the only way that problems can be solved is through violence. In 2012, the teen employment rate was 16.8% and the number of teens in gangs and the number of teens with jobs were too close in range.If there were more teens that were working, there would be less teens on the streets promoting gang violence.In order for teens to get a job they must have the knowlage of how to get a job,and what expectations they have to meet. I interviewed Barbara Gallagher who has been an Accounting at a hospital for 13 years and she has sat in with her boss plenty of times while he was in the hiring phase.I talked to her about the expectations teens have to meet to get hired. She said that there are many expectations.You should be able to speak proper, so that means no slang, you should also be very polite and respectable, you should be yourself and just be sociable.It would help if you had a clean record and came in with a nice resume. I also interviewed Alyssa Winner to get a teens point of veiw what they think the expectations were for getting a job. She mostly said everything that Barbara said but Alyssa also said that you should not only have a good personality but you should also have good hygiene and be dressed appropriately because no one wants someone who is not presentable representing their business. If teens are having trouble finding jobs, there is a company called Work Ready.This company helps teens get a summer job. It does not only give you a summer job but also gives you the chance to network and meet new people in the workforce. it also gives you a better chance of getting a job with other places or you can apply to the place they placed you at for the summer and possibly work there full time. 20
  • 24. Sports & Teens Sports & Teens by Chris Tran and Khadidi Fofana Do you get stressed out? Do you wish you had more energy throughout the day? Do you feel uncomfortable in your own body? In order to feel comfortable with yourself and/or to have more energy throughout the day, consider incorporating more exercise throughout your day. Your main priority might be to live a healthy lifestyle, and after this magazine you should strongly consider accepting exercise as a part of your journey towards good health. Sometimes as as teens we tend to stress a lot. Sometimes we stress over school work, boys, girls and sometimes just life in general. The reasons to why teens have stress is because of our wild and crazy change in hormones that induces radical mood swings. What we sometimes forget is that there is a way to put a stop to a miserable life style. Sports are a great way to do just that! First thing you can do is find a team of a specific sport you are interested in playing. You will find a lot of other activities are now considered a sport. For example: ultimate frisbee. After joining and playing for a sports team for a while you might make new friends, and become part of a new family that can provide you the guidance and resources that can benefit you from feeling stress. You will notice that as you play the sport of your choice, your stress level will decline because you are now starting to build up relationships with other people and it also causes a strong feeling of relaxation. Statistics even show that kids who participated in an extracurricular activity have less stress. In an article on, talks about kids who plays sports can live a healthy lifestyle. The article states, “kids who play sports are satisfied with their lifestyles.” (Science Daily) Time-management is an important strategy to practice if you are going to high school. Some of us tend to stay up late at night to complete our homework or go on social media because we can’t make a conscious decision between procrastinate or not. This is where we fall prey to poor time-management skills.. However many of you are likely to ask yourselves, how can sports help me develop time-management skills? Great question to ask. The answer to this question is that while you are playing sports you learn how to manage time , for example finding time to go to practice, and managing to do homework, and to study for possible tests or exams. Most teens that we talked to everyday has struggle concentrating on these simple tasks, just because they are too lazy to perform 21
  • 25. anything. Playing a sport can help kids perform those simple tasks, helping them concentrate on both the sports and the schoolwork. Concentration can be a recipe for time- managing. We learn to put time aside to execute more crucial and critical tasks. Instead of investing time playing video games, which ruin your brain cells and will cause lack of exercise, which leads to obesity. An article from a Harvard blog page talks about how not being active can lead to weight gain. The article states, “The flip side of this decrease in physical activity is an increase in sedentary activities—watching television, playing video games, and using the computer. Add it up, and it’s clear that globally, the “energy out” aspect of the energy balance equation is tilting toward weight gain.” (Harvard Edu) Time management is a solution to a stressful lifestyle.. Stress just comes from procrastination and life in general, but sports can eliminate all of those stress and can teach you how to use your time wisely. Can teens benefit from sports and what could they benefit from sports physically. Believe it or not, sports happen to be very beneficial to the health of teens Not only does sports help teens stay healthy but spots also teaches life lessons as well. Sports can teach you the moral of “no success without hard work.” It doesn’t matter what sport you are playing whether it‘s tennis, basketball, lacrosse , soccer etc. You have to practice in order to be a big threat to the other teams. Sports also teach you that if you don’t work hard, you won’t be able to become a great player. You might ask, how can lessons you learn from playing sports matter in life? What many teens fail to understand is that learning how to manage time is beneficial in a lot ways. Besides learning let’s get to other benefits. For teens playing sport can help you a scholarship to college, (you can go to college for free how awesome is that?) Another benefit is that sports will never leave you. No matter what, it’s up to you to walk out on them. During the interview some teens said that sports are their best friend because whenever they feel down they can always count on sports to make them happy again. Believe it or not, the fact that you can just do an activity and it makes you happy shows the benefits of sports in a nutshell. There are many more but as you keep reading you will understand how you can feel valuable by sports. When most teens think about the advantages of playing sports, their first thought is probably that sports help your physical fitness.However, research shows that participating in sports helps your mind as well as your body. I will talk about three benefits that would help you mentally. Firstly, improvement of the mood: this benefits you mentally because it helps you become happy through recreation. Secondly,it improve your concentration and in doing so helps keep your mind sharp for thinking, learning, and good judgment. Last but not least is stress reduction and handling depression. We have already talked about this in the stress section above, but I want to elaborate more on how it could be a mental benefit. Playing sports reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body, such as adrenaline and cortisol. At the same time, it stimulates production of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters that can help keep stress and depression at bay. “Endorphins may even leave you feeling more relaxed and optimistic after a hard workout on the sports field” (Health Line). Did this article persuade you towards a positive change in your life? We certainly hope so as we get older we have a tendency to grow unhealthy with the consumption of fatty foods and a lack of exercise, but adding routine workouts into your schedule will help you get back in shape, while giving you a positive attitude towards life and help you realize the importance of a stress-free lifestyle. Now that we have filled your head with information about how great sports can be for you, we want you to decide if this is actually something you might want to do. Even if you don’t do it we really hope you got something from this article that you will keep in your back pocket, Maybe some day you’ll think about this article and say “they were right” or maybe not. The point is that we care and we as teens activists want you to maintain a better life style. ”Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” 22
  • 26. Music & Philly History Article & Photographs by Dylan Long Philadelphia has been a hub for live music for decades. Countless bands and artists have passed through an array of diverse venues, such as the Electric Factory, TLA, Union Transfer, Tower Theatre, and Trocadero, just to a name a few. Philadelphia is home to some very successful artists, such as Diplo, who has hit stardom because of both his work and his globally recognized record company “Mad Decent”, and the Roots, who have gone on to win Grammys and have been the house band for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon for a couple years now. Every single day, Philly is hosting, harvesting, and hearing countless new artists, bands, genres, and ultimately movements. Philadelphia is home to some of the premier concert venues in the country. The venues range from small, jam packed 80 person capacity rooms such as the Fire, to massive arenas and stadiums such as the Liacouras Center or Lincoln Financial Field. Philadelphia’s various homes for live music have received countless positive reviews from many great media outlets such as Daily Beat and Independent Philly. The superb venues in Philly attribute to the countless artists who are happy to come and play due to their love for playing here, which only further improves the live music scene here. 23 One particularly notable music movement presently occurring in the Philadelphia scene is the surge of electronic talent. Philly has quickly stepped up its EDM game (electronic dance music) and become a city who hosts top-name DJ acts on a consistent basis every week of the year. Lots of this success can be credited to the folks over at Soundgarden Hall, who have become a dominant venue in the Philly EDM game, hosting top acts ranging from the more hard hitting dubstep sounds, to the deep enriching chords of trance, to the booming beats of electro. Clubs like Rumor and Lit Ultrabar have also contributed massively to building Philly’s reputation as a presiding city in the U.S. music culture. Philadelphia without a doubt is a favorite among countless DJ’s, and we should only expect to see the scene grow and grow as time progresses.
  • 27. Philly is the host of many major music festivals and events throughout the year. Notable events include: The Roots 4th of July Jam which is annually featured as a livestream on VH1; Made in America, the freshly new 2 day music festival curated by industry mogul Jay Z which thus far has featured a wide variety of some of the biggest artists in the industry; and the Roots Picnic, an annual event hosted and headlined by The Roots themselves, and features a variety of hip hop, electronic and soul acts. These festivals are great for the city because they yield lots of revenue, give visitors a chance to experience the wonders of Philadelphia, and helps put our city on the map as one of the music capitals of the country while giving people the live music that they crave. Philadelphia has been one of the most prominently successful cities for music in the country for as long music has been around. Whether it be the musicians that grew up on the streets of this city, the incredible talent that we bring in on a daily basis, or the diversity of tastes that help make this city what it is. Philly is a favorite city to play in among many artists spanning across countless genres, due to the incredible fan bases, lively atmosphere and top of the line venues and promoters. This city has grown into a hub for everything music related and will forever to continue growing into one of the country’s most dominant forces in the music industry. 24
  • 28. Our Choice for PA Governer in 2016 By Sadie Sprague-Lott & Alhaji Koita In Pennsylvania, the needs of students have been completely ignored. Education has been put to an all time low of a priority, due to budget cuts education is at an all time low. The average cost to of taxpayers dollars for an inmate in Pennsylvania is around $42,339. The average amount of money currently spent on a student in America is $10,000. Pennsylvania’s current governor, Tom Corbett cut one billion dollars from Pennsylvania’s public schools in. While money is going into the building jails based off of 2nd grade reading levels. During the time when school funding was cut 3 new jails were built in Pennsylvania. This year, there will be the next Pennsylvania governmental election and the teen vote counts now for more than ever to help create a better learning environment for schools across Pennsylvania. Katie McGinty Pennsylvania native Katie McGinty attended Columbia University. She has been a pioneer in developing jobs through conserving the environment as a whole and making sure. She wants to tax natural gases to generate more money to public school funding. She also would reduce class sizes and she has a very strong stance on making education her number one priority. Education: Wants to restore the one billion dollars Corbett cut from public schools. Economy: Wants to build economy by increasing natural gas resources and energy plants and creating jobs through environmental conservation. Energy: Wants to have better energy in Pennsylvania. Rights: She is also a strong believer in marriage equality. 25
  • 29. John Hanger John Hanger, a proven leader as shown before in the Pennsylvania government, has spent 29 years improving Pennsylvania’s economy and environment, fighting for working families and growing clean energy. Education: Wants to restore $1 billion Corbett cut from public schools. Economy: Wants to build economy by Implement the Eight-Point Strategic Jobs Plan. Energy: Wants to make a drilling tax that goes back to public school taxing. Rights: Wants to fight for marriage equality and the legalization of marijuana in which all taxes made off of marijuana will go back to public school funding. Rob McCord Rob McCord has the ability to be one of the best candidates for the governmental eleFor He For his ideas and welcome ship to new and broad ideas that change the Pennsylvanian name. McCord stands up for public education and more funding for schools. However a recent article came out explaining how he is backed by corporations who are paying him and are controlling him through money. Education: Wants to restore $1 billion Corbett cut from public schools. Economy: Wants to build economy by Implement the Eight-Point Strategic Jobs Plan. Energy: Wants to create a drilling tax. Rights: Wants to fight for marriage equality. 26
  • 30. Tom Wolfe Tom Wolfe has had kids go through public schools in Pennsylvania. He is a strong advocate for making fair funding formulas depending on location, income, and other factors. However he does not say much else about the topic and does not have as much of a strong stance as other candidates. Education: Wants to restore $1 billion Corbett cut from public schools Economy: Wants to build economy by Implement the Eight-Point Strategic Jobs Plan Energy: Wants Pennsylvania to be more energy efficient. Rights: Wants marriage equality and also to implement laws on Discrimination Allyson Schwartz Allyson Schwartz was a leader in creating Elizabeth Blackwell and was a strong advocate for many public issues. However she seems to certainly piggyback off of other candidates ideas and never seems to have a direct explanation of how she is going to address issues of public education, healthcare, and jobs. A a member of congress her reputation seems to surpass her. Education: Wants fair funding for public schools and wants to put a transparent funding formula as well as a tax on natural gases that will go towards schools. Economy: Wants to create more jobs and create tax incentives. Energy: Wants to create more jobs in clean energy and energy efficiency. Rights: A strong advocate for stopping discrimination in legal cases. 27
  • 31. So, what choice will you make? These all are valid candidates, but you only have one governor. In my eyes the best fitted candidate is John Hanger. Hanger’s ideas our clear and well organized. In fact we were able to speak to him directly and able to put forth the greatest ideas that could help students in the future. For now the race is up to you. Make sure that you are making the choice that will help you and your community the most. Thanks for reading. On the other side of the coin Katie McGinty is a strong advocate with strong points and ideas for the Pennsylvania area. Through her agreeing with charter schools and severance taxes on natural gas. She has the teens best interest at heart and has raised two kids through Pennsylvania’s public schools. Even though my partner and I disagree the teen vote should be larger and everyone needs to voice their opinions no matter who they think the candidate should be. 28
  • 32. SAT Vocab Puzzles By Edgar Pacio Many teenagers have schedules just as busy as adults. Social life, school, and jobs can all interfere with a person getting enough brain exercise. Research has shown that puzzles, like crosswords and word searches, are great ways to stimulate the brain. This stimulation is very beneficial especially since a teenage brain is still developing. The frontal lobe, the part of the brain that is linked with decision making and memory, doesn’t fully develop until a person’s 20’s. Studies have been conducted prove that crosswords can also improve your vocabulary: meaning it could definitely help you with the SAT’s. The brain is an organ that wants to be challenged constantly. Our brain is making new cells every day, but they can die off quickly if the brain is not kept active. Puzzles are able to build up cognitive reserve, which replaces any cells you might have lost. Working on puzzles repetitively creates connections within the brain which makes it easier to remember things quickly. So why not keep your brain in shape and work out with these puzzles: 29
  • 33. Teens & Reading By Peter Ricker & Kennedy Coverdale It’s rare to find a teenager huddled over a piece of literature, especially here at SLA, where we use computers and other electronics. When an English teacher announces to their class about a book they will be reading together, you can hear the moans and groans and feel the despair circling the classroom. Even in the library, you don’t see many people checking out books and reading them. Seeing someone reading a paper book rather than on an electronic device is something exciting and rare. We decided to target students from every grade who are currently reading from a book and ask them about their feelings. The second person we interviewed was Anthony Buchanico, a senior. Currently, he’s not reading a book. He enjoys reading survival books and his favorite author is Shakespeare. Unlike our other interviewees, he enjoys reading on public transportation and he borrows his book from friends instead of going to the library. He reads about 45 minutes a day and likes to use a physical copy of the book to read. The next person we interviewed was Mali Fenning, a sophomore. The books she is currently reading are Looking for Alaska and The Book Thief, the latter which was assigned for in-class reading. “I am willing to read anything, but I usually read realistic fiction because I can relate to it.” She said. With the Book Thief being a class assignment, she usually read three times a week or whenever the reading is assigned. She prefers to read outside or in a comfy chair in her room, and likes to have a physical copy of the book. “It’s a form of entertainment that works my brain.” Fenning said when we asked her why she reads. Even though she is a an avid fan of reading, she commented that “It’s very easy for books to be similar to one another.” Despite many adults saying that we are so into technology and rather be looking at stupid YouTube videos, some of us actually like to read. What was surprising were how these two preferred to have physical copies than using electronic copies. What was also surprising was the amount of time they spent reading. It proves that sometimes, it’s good to just simply sit down and read a book. 30
  • 34. Hermits of the Wissahickon By Will Amari The largest city in Pennsylvania is called many things: The City of Brotherly Love, The Quaker City, Cradle of Liberty, or to many, just plain Philly. It’s a diverse lively city known for enthusiastic sports fans and mouth-watering sandwiches. But there’s more to Philadelphia than what meets the eye. You’ve heard of Independence Hall and the crack in the Liberty Bell. Your history teacher probably blabbered about it so many times that whenever you hear the word “bell,” there’s a ringing in your ear. Philadelphia is a city steeped in history. There is no way of escaping it. It is everywhere! From Old City to Germantown, history can be found in Philadelphia’s houses, streets and parks. But what’s hidden in the brush and the deepest woods of Philadelphia? The truth is plenty of history gets skipped in our history books— many interesting facts that your history teacher hasn’t heard about and that should be known. As a teenager living in Philly you’re well aware of Fairmount Park. The largest park in the U.S. has been a prime destination for runners, bikers and nature-lovers. Not only is it located in one of the oldest parts of Philly, it’s also one of the strangest. In the year 1682, long before hipsters and Federal Donuts, Philadelphia was a safe haven for free-thinking German Pietists who were unaccepted by Europe and the rest of the old world. Johannes Kelpius, a mystic, a musician, a writer and a scientist; was invited by Mr. William Penn himself to come to Philadelphia. Penn believed that Kelpius would provide great inspiration to the young thriving city. Johannes Kelpius was a smart man who was interested in botany and astronomy. He also believed that the world was going to end in Revelation, the second coming of Christ and he wasn’t alone. The story goes that Kelpius was Magister of the first Rosicrucian AMORC colony in America. He thought that the Wissahickon Creek, located deep in modern-day Fairmount Park, was the perfect place for he and his followers to meditate and wait for the world’s end. There, they secluded themselves from the rest of society and lived off the land like Hermits. They let their hair and nails grow long and curly. They lay out in the wilderness and stared up at the stars. Hikers and explorers soon discovered their existence, even confusing them for hairy women, but they were all man. Soon after these hermits became one of Philadelphia’s first tourist attractions known as, “The Hermits of The Wissahickon.” Spoiler Alert! Revelation never came and in 1708 Johannes Kelpius died of natural causes. Only the most faithful of his followers continued to stare out at the stars, searching for the signs of World’s end and eventually the group disbanded. (To be continued...) Taking the nine bus and stopping at Ridge Street isn’t going to help you find the quintessential spot where the Hermits meditated. Instead, we suggest you find someone to drive you out past East Falls to a small road called Hermit Lane. The rest of the trip is better traveled on foot. At the corner of Hermit Lane, turn left and follow the mysterious concrete road until you reach a sign that states, “Kelpius Community.” The sign isn’t what you’re looking for; in fact it’s about a mile away from where the Hermits awaited 31
  • 35. the Revelation. What you should do is turn right at the dusty road behind it and keep going straight until you find a rotting bench and a old haunted-looking house just to the right. According to the Parks and Recreations Department, “In 1848 the Righter family sold 16 acres here to Evan Prowattain, son of a Russian Count. He built a country house which he called, ‘The Hermitage,’ a word for a secluded retreat.” Evan’s wife told guests and close family members that the house was built to honor the Hermits of the Wissahickon. In 1895 the house was sold to the City and from 1980 to 2010, the Hermitage served as home of the Delaware Valley Opera Company where they even staged performances. In 2012, Philadelphia’s Parks and Recreations Department began restoration of the house. When you’re finished admiring the house, head straight past the bench and look carefully for a narrow dirt path that runs along the side of the hill. (Be careful not to slip for the path is very steep.) Keep going and from there you should eventually find a granite monolith erected by the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. Rosicrucian, meaning rose and cross, is the name of a secret society that claims to have wisdom dating back to the times of ancient Egypt. They made the monolith in 1961 to honor the memory of their spiritual leader, Johannes Kelpius. The first words read, “Johannes Kelpius, Ph.D, A.D. 1673-1708,” and explain what Kelpius did in his lifetime, even mentioning a cave. At this point you’ll likely notice an old arch-shape spring house that looks like the home of the Blair Witch. This is the not-so-famous Cave of Kelpius, a hard to find historical landmark, where it is believed that these men practiced their beliefs and awaited the second coming. It is the size of a shed, but still large enough to fit a couple of men with room to spare. The floor is dirt and the walls are made of grey stone. If you’re brave enough to go inside, pay no mind to the slime oozing off the ceiling. It only the reminisces of the Blair Witch. In 1872, Poet John Greenleaf Whittier declared Kelpius, “The maddest of good men,” while others agree that his, “Cod-loving soul,” was more than that. Arguably, he was the creator of one of Philadelphia’s first tourist attractions and so he helped to determine our city’s future economy. Philadelphia was a new city at the time, and Kelpius helped sparked its popularity by just being his strange and unusual self. His memory can serve as a reminder to us to stay interesting and even a little weird. A sense of wonder is a very valuable thing and can lead us to new discoveries, revealing rich history in a way that history teachers cannot. Keep an open mind because there is plenty of history out there that has been concealed for years. The Cave of Kelpius is only one example. Go see it for yourself, but go early in the day and bring a friend and a map in case you get lost. Oh, and don’t mind the hermits that watch you from above. Maybe you can’t see them but certainly, they can see you. Turn to the next page to see the gallery 32
  • 36. Hermits of the Wissahickon Gallery 33
  • 37. 34
  • 38. 6 tips on how to dress for less: By Leah Petty & Wynn Geary The way you dress has always been a way of reflecting who you are and who you want to be. For teens, this can be especially difficult. Keeping up with current trends and staying within a reasonable budget are things that teens typically struggle with. With trends being set at a constantly quickening pace, it seems as if the fashion industry is mocking us, and it’s nearly impossible to keep up.We’ve done the research for you, and created a guide so that you can shop as effectively and fashionably as you possibly can this coming season. 1. If you don’t have the cash to buy your entire outfit at Urban Outfitters (lets face it, who does?) then go shopping at H&M, Hollister, or thrift stores to get the basics and save some cash. Then consider buying one or two expensive items that’ll make your outfit pop.I’ve illustrated this on the next page in outfit #2. Graphic tumblr sweaters can be awesome if you’re into making a statement, but they tend to run in the $60+ range. I got some cheap light-wash jeans and was able to justify spending that much on a sweater for one outfit. 2. One of the best places to buy graphic t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies, is Urban Outfitters. But lets face it, no one has $50.00 to spend on a t-shirt, so where do you find T-shirts? Thrift stores are good for finding really cool vintage tees, and at incredibly low prices! They also promote recycling and discourage third-world child labor. 3. If you’re a “jeans” person but have a hard time shopping for them, consider trying Hollister and American Eagle, as they often have massive Jeans Sales. You can find jeans for $25.00 or less, in almost any style. This goes for boys too; if you happen to be tall, don’t fret because both stores carry ‘long’ jean pants. 4. It’s very understandable that some teens don’t want to shop at brand stores because they don’t want to look like a billboard. These brand stores being Hollister, Abercrombie, American Eagle etc. If you are one of these people, try H&M and department stores like Macy’s and Nordstrom. These stores will help you keep your budget and style, while not becoming a walking advertisement. You might look at Macy’s and Nordstrom and think “there is no way I can shop there and not spend $50.00 on one thing,” but it’s easily possible, just try to shop sales and clearance. 5. It’s extremely easy to spend $100 or more on a nice pair of shoes, but if you shop department store season sales (in which stores attempt to empty their shelves for the new season) you could knock a lot off the original price. Towards the middle of a season, stores try to get rid of the current season’s wear so they can bring in the next season’s. That’s when you can find great boots and sandals on sale. 6. Online shopping can sometimes be a pain. Trying to find things in your size, the color you want, or trying to order something you really want and not knowing if it’s a trustworthy site. Wanelo(dot)com and Pintrest(dot)com are two amazing sites that can tell you whether or not a shopping website is trustworthy. Because the things that are being posted on these sites are by other people, it can be hard to tell if it’s trustworthy. Try specifically to find ‘user reviews’ and more than likely you’ll be pleasantly surprised. If you struggle with knowing what size to order in, consider visiting an actual store location to first try on the article of clothing. Even if it’s not in the color you were hoping for, it will fit just the same, and you can easily request it to be shipped to the store. If they don’t have the item at another location, at least you’ll save on shipping costs. It’s a win-win situation! Hopefully these tips help you navigate shopping for the Spring season. Still looking for inspiration? flip to the next page to see some examples of outfits we’ve put together to inspire you to look your best this Spring. 35
  • 39. We asked a stylist the hard questions for you We interviewed Lindsay Czajka, who works for Nordstrom department store, in the juniors section. In this interview Lindsay talks about everything from up and coming fashion trends to how to shop on a budget. “What specific trends to you foresee for the spring fashion season?” Bright colors, white denim, light sweaters, high waisted skirts/denim, florals, mixing prints, chunky jewelry “How can teens shop on a budget? Are there specific stores you can recommend?” Its easier for teens to shop on a budget than most think—many stores carry trendy or even knock off versions of more expensive clothes at very inexpensive prices. Off price stores are a great place to start if you don’t mind a treasure hunt. Nordstrom Rack, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Burlington Coat Factory all have great styles you just need to know what to grab and what to say no to! Also the junior department of most department stores are reasonably priced—Nordstrom BP (obviously!) but other retailers as well such as Macy’s, Bloomies and even JCPenney! Also, with so many celebs putting their stamp on things lately it’s easier than ever to find trends at a lower price point. Target, Kohl’s and Sears just to name a few have lines by several different celebrities who make it their mission to put out high fashion at affordable prices. And of course there’s always Forever 21! My main advice for this however, is always keep your eyes open!!! Just because you aren’t in your favorite store doesn’t mean you can’t find something that is super cute at a great price, put things on hold or even layaway if you need to! “Do you find it harder for teens to express themselves through what they wear with expensive trends being so popular? Do you have any tips for those teens? I find that teens have a hard time expressing themselves anyway—a lot of times girls will wear what they see celebrities wearing rather than coming into a store and looking for what they like. But having said that I think if girls are looking for a specific style that they can’t find at a low price point at the mall they can very easily go online! Many online retailers have super trendy items at lower prices—, and just to name a few! And these sites cater to the shopper who has expensive taste on a low budget by copycatting a lot of styles celebrities wear as well as things you can’t find anywhere else! “How does Nordstrom cater to the needs of these teens on a budget?” Nordstrom is all about the customers and customer service. We never want the customer to pay more for an item than they have to, if an item is on sale at another store—we will match that price for you if we carry the same item. We also help the budget conscience customer by doing weekly markdowns. Can’t afford that top today? Ask for a style number! Wait a month and we’ll see if we can order it when (and if) it goes on sale if we no longer have it in the store. We also never want you to keep anything that you are unhappy with. Even if a customer has worn an item two or three times and wasn’t happy with the way it washed or just could never seem to get the right outfit together or a seam popped we are happy to return or exchange that item so that the customer is as happy as they can be. “How can teenagers foresee trends?” Do your research!!! Check the blogs, the magazines, the runways and the streets! Seeing other people wear things is a great way to find inspiration and look out for what’s next, it also will give you ideas on how to wear some things you already had in your closet but never thought to wear in quite that way. “How does one set trends?” Don’t be afraid to be different! Wear that striped top with plaid leggings or that necklace that has bugs on it. If I listened to my peers or parents every time they thought I was wearing something strange, I would never be able to leave the house! Do what you feel is cool and new and wear it with confidence! Chances are other people will notice and think you’re ideas are cool and new as well. 36
  • 40. Guys: Outfit 1: This first outfit is not only stylish but super comfy, The polo shirt and uniqlo cashmere sweater will keep you comfortable during those awkward winter/spring months. Ties will put just a little extra prep in your step, small accessories can make or break an outfit, although in this case, skipping the tie for a more casual look is fine. These jeans are what really makes this outfit casual, these are a pair of dark wash hollister jeans that look nice for the right price ($25). A braided belt helps define the outfit while keeping your pants up. Lastly, picking up a pair of über cool socks is another one of those little details that will step up your fashion game a whole lot. If at all possible try to find socks that pick up the color of your tie and vise versa (American Apparel has nice socks in tons of fun colors). I’d recommend wearing this outfit with A nice pair of oxfords, something between dress and casual, you can pick up a pair at DSW or online. Outfit 2: Something that was really big in 2013 and will carry on through 2014 is graphic sweaters. This outfit is simple, comfy and casual, consignment Jeans, a graphic “tumblr” sweater and a pair of vans to match your shoes will break some style barriers without breaking the bank. Outfit 3: This outfit will serve you well for late spring through the summer. A $6 v-neck and a $13 pair of shorts look great alone, but if you’re going for less of a jazzercising look, then spruce this outfit up with some accessories like a bold watch and pair of sunglasses. This outfit can work with shoes like toms, sperrys or sneakers. 37
  • 41. Girls: Outfit 1: Is a simple spring outfit, t-shirt, skirt and Toms. It’s practical for the teen on the go, and it contains one of the big up and coming trends of this seasons. Which is bright colors and the gold Toms tie it together. Outfit 2: Is a very simple look with an elegant touch dark jeans, brown booties, and a laid back plaid shirt with a touch of lace. Lastly is Outfit 3: Which is the edgy feminine look, black and white short striped skater dress and black and white vans 38
  • 42. Snack Time By Emalyn Bartholomew & Temperance Moore One of the worst things is coming home from school, and not seeing anything in the fridge to eat. We search high and low for any type of leftover that will hold us over until dinner, and when all is lost, we resort to junk food. We get so used to this that it becomes a ritual, and we end up overlooking the healthy food in our fridge. Not everyone sees anything appealing in the word “healthy”. When people hear healthy they think bland, tasteless, and generally boring food. However, healthy doesn’t have to be boring. That’s right, you’re allowed to spice up the veggies! Add your favorite topping to a nice bowl of homemade popcorn, satisfy your sweet tooth with your own personal Chex Mix, sprinkle some bacon bits in your salad. Healthy can be fun, so have fun. No one said that you couldn’t put your own style into healthy eating. The recipes you will see are quick, easy, and healthy snacks to make after school, on late nights doing homework, or when you’re simply relaxing. Chex Mix. Chex Mix is always a crowd favorite, and why spend the extra cash when you can make it at home? A single cup of chex mix has 8g of protein, and the chex cereal contains several different vitamins and minerals. You can make your chex mix your own, experiment with different additions! With homemade snacks, you can control the calories. Use less butter if you’re calorie conscious. Ingredients: 1/2 cup butter or margarine 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1-1/4 teaspoons seasoned salt 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt 3 cups Wheat Chex square cereal 2 cups Rice Chex square cereal 1-1/2 cups peanuts 1-1/2 cups small pretzels Preparation: Preheat oven to 275 degrees F. Melt butter, and stir in Worcestershire sauce, seasoned salt, and garlic salt (not garlic powder). Add Wheat Chex, Rice Chex, nuts (peanuts, pecans or cashews), and pretzels. Mix until all pieces are coated with the butter mixture. Place on a shallow baking pan with sides. Bake for 40 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes. 39
  • 43. Cucumber & Feta. A fun snack on a hot day is a cucumber and feta bite. Cucumbers are completely fat free, and feta has 21g of protein per cup. Because feta is sheeps and goats milk, it has significantly less fat than cow’s milk, and a cup of feta has 1/3 the amount of calories that a cup of cheddar cheese has. Not a fan of cucumber? Switch it out for celery, which has negative calories. Ingredients: 2 cucumbers (about 1 pound each) 2 ounces crumbled feta cheese 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon fresh parsley or dill, chopped freshly ground black pepper, to taste Cut your cucumber lengthwise, so you have two long halves. From there, scoop out the inside of the cucumber, so that your halves are now little boats. Take one half of your cucumber, and dice into small pieces. Mix together the diced cucumber, salt, pepper, and parsley, and lay inside your cucumber boat. Sprinkle the feta on top, and enjoy your delicious treat. Popcorn. Homemade popcorn is one of the simplest snacks to make. It’s quick, easy, fun, and healthy! With this simple recipe, you can get that movie theater popcorn taste right in your kitchen (but go easy on the butter). Popcorn is a great substitute for those salty snacks we all crave. Set aside your potato chips, and experiment with popcorn! Popcorn only has 1.2 grams of fat per serving, which is considerably less than the 10 grams of fat per serving in Lays potato chips. So, why is homemade popcorn better? Well, microwavable popcorn goes through so much processing that a lot of the nutritious value is no longer there. Raw popcorn kernels are rich in polyphenols, and if you don’t know what those are, they’re essentially those helpful little nutrients that fight off degenerative diseases. Not only that, but popcorn is so cheap that buying organic is still well within any budget. Homemade gives you freedom to choose your own oils, and control whatever seasoning you want. Popcorn is just as good without the butter! Ingredients: Metal pot Vegetable Oil 1/4 cup of yellow popcorn kernels 1/4 cup of butter Salt (or whatever seasoning you prefer) Calories: 106 Preparation: Take a 1 quart size saucepan and pour enough canola oil on bottom just to cover it with a thin layer. You can also use olive oil, or ghee. Now pour 1/4 cup loose popcorn kernels in, shaking the pan a little to coat them with the oil. Turn the burner on between medium and high. Place a top on the pan and shake it constantly from side to side over the heat. You’ll start to hear the kernels begin to pop. Once the popping slows down a great deal, take the pan off the heat and pour the popcorn into another bowl. Allow it to cool off a bit before sprinkling it with salt. Kale Chips. Kale chips are great to have as a healthy substitute for your average potato chip. Not only is it good for your body, but it can make a very flavorful snack! Each serving is packed with 2 milligrams of iron, 447 milligrams of potassium, and 769 micro milligrams of vitamin A. Calories: 50 1 head kale, washed and thoroughly dried 2 tablespoons olive oil Sea salt, for sprinkling Directions Preheat the oven to 275 degrees F. Remove the ribs from the kale and cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces. Make sure the kale is dry before you bake it. Lay on a baking sheet and toss with the olive oil and salt. Bake until crisp, turning the leaves halfway through, about 20 minutes. 40
  • 44. Restaurant Reviews By Jasir Massey-Campbell & Rakewon Smith Want to eat but only have a few dollars? Are you and your friends starving but don’t have much money? Do you want to eat, but don’t want the food from the dollar menu at fast food place? Well we have compiled a list of great places to go for students who are on a budget. Below we have ranked our top 3 places to go in three different categories most important to teens; Food Dates, Breakfast and the best Cheese Steak and Pizza place in the center city area. We graded each place by its price, service and quality. We also provided the address of the restaurant under the review. Grading System: $ = $8 below $$ = $8 - $10 $$$ = $10 - $15 Service: (1 = bad - 5 = Great) Quality: (1 = bad - 5 = Great) Locations are strictly Center City only Pizza & Cheesesteak Iskabibbles Price: $$ Service: 3 Quality: 5 Location: 337 South St, Philadelphia, PA 19147 41 Ishkabibbles, also known as Ishies has always been a favorite for many celebrities and tourist in and out of Philly. While their home restaurant is cramped in small, the quality of their food makes up for it. I have had some issues where my order was not fully completed and sometimes they seem to take a little too long to serve the customer. However, that is still not enough to pull me away. I would rate the service to be mediocre at best. In saying that, you go for the food not the service. This is no place to go with more than 2 people but in my opinion their cheesesteaks are as good as anyones in the area. I would reccomend to anyone who hasn’t tried them to go asap to enjoy the greasy goodness Philly is known for. 8/10