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Lawler 1
Rebecca Lawler
BUS 455
Dr. Makoid
Staffing Final
Recruiting & Selection Plan
Job: Corporate Recruiter
The recruiting and selection process, when conducted properly, can have a
positive influence on a company’s overall outlook. According to the Small Business
Chronicles: the amount of training that a company invests into their employees is
pointless if you do not hire the right individuals for the job (Ray). Below is an
example of a detailed recruiting and selection plan for hiring a Corporate Recruiter,
highlighting the beginning steps like creating the job description, to the overall
approval process. In the end, it is the goal to hire the most qualified candidate for
the position while making sure to achieve a diverse staff and follow all AAP rules
and regulations.
The job analysis will be the first thing that the Human Resource department
will need to perform as part of this recruitment and selection plan. According to the
Corporate Recruiter job description, which was provided by professor Makoid, the
proper job analysis can be determined. The importance of a Corporate Recruiter is
to meet the recruiting needs and programs for the organization. In the end, to
ensure that the analysis of this position is accurate, it should require the
cooperation of the HR department to provide all the necessary information about
the essential job duties. According to SHRM, some steps that can assist with
achieving the best analysis of a particular job will be to involve all employees to
complete a job analysis form. Second, to interview employees with specific
Lawler 2
questions about their job duties and responsibilities, and also perform desk audits
where they observe employees during their jobs at different times of the day. Lastly,
it is recommended to interview supervisors and managers. (Job Analysis) All of
these will enable the company to compose the best analysis of a position, which will
then lead to having the most accurate job description.
After a job analysis is performed, an effective process should include having a
detailed job description. The HR department needs to not overlook this critical step
to ensure that correct job descriptions are created for all positions; including the
open requisitions. It is extremely important that each of the description have exactly
what the job details to determine the necessary desired qualifications of the
candidate. The following information should be contained in the description :
 Job title and grade within the agency
 The responsibilities of the job (distinguish between those functions that are
essential to the job and those that are marginal)
 The critical success indicators
 The formal reporting relationship
 With whom will the person come in contact with (external and internal)
 Support, authority, and resources necessary and available to do the job
There needs to be a definite difference between the jobs essential and non-essential
functions. For a Corporate Recruiter position, the essential functions that are
necessary to complete the required tasks are, but not limited to: Acting as a liaison
with are employment agencies, and management staff to fill needed positions. The
candidate must be able to complete weekly reports on employment activity, and as
well as manages and oversees the entire staffing process for the organization. This
includes recruiting, screening applicants, scheduling interviews, and drafting
employment/offer letters. Essential duties for a Corporate Recruiter are extensive
Lawler 3
but can also include managing the college relations and internship program that is
offered, as well as communication with outside vendors and temporary agencies.
According to the EEOC website, “essential functions of a job should be
performed by an employee with or without reasonable accommodation”
( It is the employer’s obligation to provide reasonable
accommodations to a qualified applicant that will permit them to participate in
either the application process, or to perform the essential functions of the job. It is
very important when reviewing job descriptions, that employers review all the
functions of each description, and ensure that each is accurate and fits the necessary
After conducting the job analysis, having an updated job description, the
company should ensure that they have obtained the correct approvals to post the
position. The HR department should be familiar with the most recent hiring
procedures of the company to meet this requirement. Included in this will be
posting the position internally, than externally. Taking the time to prepare an
appealing vacancy announcement that states the specifics of the position duties will
be helpful in attracting applicants for the position. It is important to present the
information in an interesting and exciting fashion to attract qualified candidates.
Make sure to include a summary of the position, description of the duties, and the
minimum entrance requirements from the official class specifications for the
position title. This will describe the minimum level of education and/or experience
and substitutions that an individual must possess in order to be considered. Lastly,
any special requirements such a certifications and the preferred qualifications
Lawler 4
desired. Once the vacancy announcement is created, recruitment sources should be
The most inexpensive method of recruiting that is overlooked in recruiting
from within. For the Corporate Recruiter position, it can be beneficial to hire within
if the company has the qualified staff to post internally. However, there needs to be
another plan to outsource applicants from other areas if needed. There are many
no-cost ways to recruit a diverse pool of candidates. The Human Resource
Department can break up the recruitment for positions into two methods; no-cost
and advertising/outsourcing (if needed). No-cost recruitment can be employee
referrals from word of mouth, professional and personal acquaintances, bulletin
boards and job placement offices at technical schools (if applicable… for a corporate
recruiter position, more experience is needed). It is also very important, especially
to be compliant with AAP, that all companies post positions regardless of what they
are, to public employment services like the ESC, Wounded Warrior, and the local
Career Centers. Using online recruiting sites is another popular way to attract
qualified applicants (Lawler, page 5). LinkedIn is a very common one that many
organizations use today which allows them direct contact with individuals who
match their needs. Paying for advertising would be the last thing a company should
do, but it is a way to recruit if necessary. If that is a route taken, the advertisements
should include a brief job description of the main duties to be performed, any
special requirements, and preferred qualifications. Any additional information
should “sell” the applicants. Put a positive spin on the ad by pointing out good
things about the business. This could mean mentioning the excellent benefit plan
Lawler 5
that is offered to employees. In addition, the company can also look to outside
vendors for candidates. Normally, when using a third party “recruiter” or staffing
agency a fee is common. It is very common among hiring contract and temporary
workers since they are done through staffing/vending agencies.
When recruiting for the corporate recruiter, the organization should pay
attention to the necessary labor market that needs to be met. Since this position
requires a degree, and some experience the labor market should be above the entry-
level position. Recruiting candidates with at least 5 years experience will be ideal. In
North Carolina, Human Resource jobs are on the rise as well as having the available
applicants. According to the Triangle Business Journal and Forbes, Raleigh is ranked
3rd-best for having a great labor market in the United States (Troyer). But again,
with having a great labor market will come with an influx of applicants, so the
screening process, as well as where the requisition is posted should be very specific.
Like with any position, not just specific to the Corporate Recruiter, issues can
arise when needing to fill requisitions. For example, having an influx of under
qualified candidates applying. This is when the screening process comes in handy,
as wells as will prove how well the process is. In addition to under qualified, there
will be those that are over qualified. I do believe that both should be given the
opportunity if needed, especially if there is a lack of “qualified” applicants because of
other attributes the candidate can bring. In addition, other issues that are becoming
from those who are not selected is dealing with the replies/communication with
them. The HR department needs to be equipped with how to handle individuals who
are not acceptable for a position, and know the proper things to say without saying
Lawler 6
anything that can potentially be detrimental to the company. A very generic example
that can be found on any business website, from SHRM, to is “We interviewed a number of candidates for the
(Name of Job) position, and we have determined that another candidate is the most
qualified for the requirements of our opening. This letter is to let you know that you
have not been selected for the position.” If individuals call, again, it is best to repeat
the same information and explain that the company is going with a candidate that is
the most qualified, and they determined that a different individual met the job
requirements. Never say that they are not smart enough or “good enough”.
Essentially, be vague, yet informative and try to be short. The less information that
is exchanged the better.
Once the requisition is posted and applicants start applying, the screening
process has begun. “Having a successful screening process in place can make the
difference between finding the perfect fit for your team and making a bad hiring
decision” (TEKsystems). Screening applicants should occur right away. Having a
program, or method that will be used to review cover letters and resumes to select
the candidates can aid in obtaining the best possible match. When screening, avoid
any discrimination issues by using the same criteria for everyone. It is good to have
a company policy to follow while doing so: for example “While screening, the
company must keep in mind the company’s commitment to establish a highly talent
workforce that reflects diversity” (Lawler, page 6). An easy way to screen cover
letters and resumes is to ensure that it is free of typos and incorrect grammar, does
it have certain key words that pop out which match the tasks that they will be
Lawler 7
performing, do they have the required experiences and/or education. To ensure
that no one is overlooked, it is encouraged that more than one person screens cover
letters and resumes. In addition, the screening criteria that is placed can limit the
number of candidates interviewed to a reasonable number. Having a smaller pool of
candidates for each position will allow for a good basis for comparison without
requiring an unreasonable time commitment to conduct the interview process.
Ultimately, individuals falsify their resumes. “An in-person interview is a
screening tactic that can provide many nonverbal insights into how well a candidate
may perform within an employer’s organization” (TEKsystems). This method of
screening can aid in managers realizing those who lied on their resumes verses
those who did not by behavioral based interview questions. Behavioral based
questions help hiring managers weed out the stronger candidates from the weaker
ones because it allows people to apply their KSA’s to answer the questions given. If
they are truly know knowledgeable with the job tasks, it will be illustrated. A perfect
behavioral based recruiter question that can be asked could be “How do you stay on
top of trends and innovations in the recruiting industry? What recruiting centric
news do you read? What are you favorite recruiting content websites?” (Passen)
This question will examine the resourcefulness of your candidate and what
techniques he or she will take to ensure that they hire the best candidate regardless
of the tools given to do so. This also allows the hiring manager to see their creative
side, as well as how adaptable they are to the ever-changing environments
companies are exposed to. According to Passen’s blog post questions should
concentrated on their Resourcefulness, Confidence, and Focus. I’ve mentioned
Lawler 8
before how companies waste time in not hiring properly due to improper recruiting
and selecting, however if your recruiter does not display the right characteristics to
be that avid headhunter, than the inefficiency can begin with them.
To summarize to fill the Corporate Recruiter position, the following must be
1. Job Analysis
2. Job Description
3. Vacancy Approval/Announcement
4. Recruiting Plan (Positing the Job)
5. Selection
We mentioned behavioral questions above, but lets be more specific that after the
selection process, a structure interview plan is adhered to. When having a
structured interview plan, and questions it gives each applicant the equal
opportunity to prove that they have the necessary and required KSA’s for the job. In
addition, having a set of questions that the interviewer can choose from allows them
the ability to obtain as much information from the applicant as possible. All of this
contributes to being able to selecting the best-qualified candidate. In addition to
behavioral based questions, Job-related questions can help interviewers focus their
attention on relevant, job-related information to confine their questions to the
essential functions of the job. In terms of reliability, if the consistency of the
questions asked are the same throughout all interviews, there should be a high
validity outcome, as well as avoiding any adverse impact that can occur. To be clear
adverse impact is when there is a disproportionate number of protected class
members being rejected using a predictor. If all interviewers use the same sample of
questions, the same interview guide, the selection process should be strictly based
Lawler 9
on the individual who solely is the most qualified. The interview process will be
explained in more depth below.
When conducting interviews, those performing the interview are
recommended to use a rating form, which guides their questions and assessments.
The rating process can further improve anchoring questions to specific behaviors,
like mentioned above. When it comes down to scoring them, an example that I used
in a previous assignment required both excellent, acceptable and marginal answers
to questions, as well as the numerical parts to those particular responses. A popular
example is Excellent=5, Acceptable=3, and Poor=1. In the end, individual questions
can be weighted in terms of the overall importance of the particular skills being
assessed to the job as a whole. This will obtain a weighted score, which will
determine what applicant conducted the stronger interview.
Once the interviews are done, the hiring manager or HR department will
begin the final selection process. For the Corporate Recruiter position, one of the
last steps before the applicant starts is the Final Approval & Offer Letter. Either the
hiring manager (if applicable) or HR department will compose a hiring package for
the candidate. This will include the salary information. This information is
forwarded to the company’s president, or his/her designee for approval. Upon
receipt of internal approval, the human resources department or hiring manager
sends an offer letter to the selected candidate. Included in this offer letter, is
contingencies referring to the background and reference checks that will be
performed. Reference checks can be completed over the phone, in writing, or done
online using companies that may be hired to conduct them. Each employee that is
Lawler 10
hired will be required to fill out a wavier form, along with an application for the
background check. Employment references are useful primarily as confirmation of
prior employment, dates and salary. It is recommended that the reference check be
started by attaining factual information, which verifies employment. For the
Corporate Recruiter position, the same procedures apply. If there is nothing that
comes up in the background check that will cause a concern to the employer, the
new Corporate Recruiter can sign and accept the offer letter proposed. Once the
candidate has started in the position, the human resources department or the hiring
manager notifies all candidates that were not selected (normally via email).
Lawler 11
Please find a detailed flow chart for the Recruitment & Selection Plan that will be
used for filling the Corporate Recruiter position. It will also be used for filling
additional open requisitions at the same company.
1. ConductJob
2. Create a Job
3. Vacancy
3. RecruitingPlan:
•Determine the
4. Application
4. 1 Application
•Resume & CoverLetter
4.2 Structured
•Behavioral Questions
5. Approvalof
Offer letter drafted
6. Background
7. Reference
8. EmployeeSigns
Lawler 12
Works Cited:
Lawler, Rebecca. “Recruiting & Selection Plan.” 1 Oct. 2015. Research Project. 8 Dec.
Passen, Joel. "Interview Guide: How to Hire a Successful Corporate Recruiter -
Newton Software." Newton Software. 24 Jan. 2012. Web. 8 Dec. 2015.
Ray, Linda. "What Is More Important: Selection or Training the Right
Employees?" Small Business. 2015. Web. 8 Dec. 2015.
"The ADA: Your Responsibilities as an Employer." The ADA: Your Responsibilities as
an Employer. Web. 8 Dec. 2015.
"The Importance of a Quality Screening Process." Web. 8 Dec.
2015. <
Troyer, Rebecca. "Forbes: Raleigh is 3rd-best Labor Market in U.S." 12 Feb. 2015.
Web. 8 Dec. 2015.
" Job Analysis: How Do I Conduct a Job Analysis to Ensure the Job Description
Actually Matches the Duties Performed by the Employee in the Job?" Job Analysis:
How Do I Conduct a Job Analysis to Ensure the Job Description Actually Matches the
Duties Performed by the Employee in the Job? Web. 8 Dec. 2015.
Lawler 13

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Staffing Project

  • 1. Lawler 1 Rebecca Lawler BUS 455 Dr. Makoid Staffing Final Recruiting & Selection Plan Job: Corporate Recruiter The recruiting and selection process, when conducted properly, can have a positive influence on a company’s overall outlook. According to the Small Business Chronicles: the amount of training that a company invests into their employees is pointless if you do not hire the right individuals for the job (Ray). Below is an example of a detailed recruiting and selection plan for hiring a Corporate Recruiter, highlighting the beginning steps like creating the job description, to the overall approval process. In the end, it is the goal to hire the most qualified candidate for the position while making sure to achieve a diverse staff and follow all AAP rules and regulations. The job analysis will be the first thing that the Human Resource department will need to perform as part of this recruitment and selection plan. According to the Corporate Recruiter job description, which was provided by professor Makoid, the proper job analysis can be determined. The importance of a Corporate Recruiter is to meet the recruiting needs and programs for the organization. In the end, to ensure that the analysis of this position is accurate, it should require the cooperation of the HR department to provide all the necessary information about the essential job duties. According to SHRM, some steps that can assist with achieving the best analysis of a particular job will be to involve all employees to complete a job analysis form. Second, to interview employees with specific
  • 2. Lawler 2 questions about their job duties and responsibilities, and also perform desk audits where they observe employees during their jobs at different times of the day. Lastly, it is recommended to interview supervisors and managers. (Job Analysis) All of these will enable the company to compose the best analysis of a position, which will then lead to having the most accurate job description. After a job analysis is performed, an effective process should include having a detailed job description. The HR department needs to not overlook this critical step to ensure that correct job descriptions are created for all positions; including the open requisitions. It is extremely important that each of the description have exactly what the job details to determine the necessary desired qualifications of the candidate. The following information should be contained in the description :  Job title and grade within the agency  The responsibilities of the job (distinguish between those functions that are essential to the job and those that are marginal)  The critical success indicators  The formal reporting relationship  With whom will the person come in contact with (external and internal)  Support, authority, and resources necessary and available to do the job There needs to be a definite difference between the jobs essential and non-essential functions. For a Corporate Recruiter position, the essential functions that are necessary to complete the required tasks are, but not limited to: Acting as a liaison with are employment agencies, and management staff to fill needed positions. The candidate must be able to complete weekly reports on employment activity, and as well as manages and oversees the entire staffing process for the organization. This includes recruiting, screening applicants, scheduling interviews, and drafting employment/offer letters. Essential duties for a Corporate Recruiter are extensive
  • 3. Lawler 3 but can also include managing the college relations and internship program that is offered, as well as communication with outside vendors and temporary agencies. According to the EEOC website, “essential functions of a job should be performed by an employee with or without reasonable accommodation” ( It is the employer’s obligation to provide reasonable accommodations to a qualified applicant that will permit them to participate in either the application process, or to perform the essential functions of the job. It is very important when reviewing job descriptions, that employers review all the functions of each description, and ensure that each is accurate and fits the necessary tasks. After conducting the job analysis, having an updated job description, the company should ensure that they have obtained the correct approvals to post the position. The HR department should be familiar with the most recent hiring procedures of the company to meet this requirement. Included in this will be posting the position internally, than externally. Taking the time to prepare an appealing vacancy announcement that states the specifics of the position duties will be helpful in attracting applicants for the position. It is important to present the information in an interesting and exciting fashion to attract qualified candidates. Make sure to include a summary of the position, description of the duties, and the minimum entrance requirements from the official class specifications for the position title. This will describe the minimum level of education and/or experience and substitutions that an individual must possess in order to be considered. Lastly, any special requirements such a certifications and the preferred qualifications
  • 4. Lawler 4 desired. Once the vacancy announcement is created, recruitment sources should be targeted. The most inexpensive method of recruiting that is overlooked in recruiting from within. For the Corporate Recruiter position, it can be beneficial to hire within if the company has the qualified staff to post internally. However, there needs to be another plan to outsource applicants from other areas if needed. There are many no-cost ways to recruit a diverse pool of candidates. The Human Resource Department can break up the recruitment for positions into two methods; no-cost and advertising/outsourcing (if needed). No-cost recruitment can be employee referrals from word of mouth, professional and personal acquaintances, bulletin boards and job placement offices at technical schools (if applicable… for a corporate recruiter position, more experience is needed). It is also very important, especially to be compliant with AAP, that all companies post positions regardless of what they are, to public employment services like the ESC, Wounded Warrior, and the local Career Centers. Using online recruiting sites is another popular way to attract qualified applicants (Lawler, page 5). LinkedIn is a very common one that many organizations use today which allows them direct contact with individuals who match their needs. Paying for advertising would be the last thing a company should do, but it is a way to recruit if necessary. If that is a route taken, the advertisements should include a brief job description of the main duties to be performed, any special requirements, and preferred qualifications. Any additional information should “sell” the applicants. Put a positive spin on the ad by pointing out good things about the business. This could mean mentioning the excellent benefit plan
  • 5. Lawler 5 that is offered to employees. In addition, the company can also look to outside vendors for candidates. Normally, when using a third party “recruiter” or staffing agency a fee is common. It is very common among hiring contract and temporary workers since they are done through staffing/vending agencies. When recruiting for the corporate recruiter, the organization should pay attention to the necessary labor market that needs to be met. Since this position requires a degree, and some experience the labor market should be above the entry- level position. Recruiting candidates with at least 5 years experience will be ideal. In North Carolina, Human Resource jobs are on the rise as well as having the available applicants. According to the Triangle Business Journal and Forbes, Raleigh is ranked 3rd-best for having a great labor market in the United States (Troyer). But again, with having a great labor market will come with an influx of applicants, so the screening process, as well as where the requisition is posted should be very specific. Like with any position, not just specific to the Corporate Recruiter, issues can arise when needing to fill requisitions. For example, having an influx of under qualified candidates applying. This is when the screening process comes in handy, as wells as will prove how well the process is. In addition to under qualified, there will be those that are over qualified. I do believe that both should be given the opportunity if needed, especially if there is a lack of “qualified” applicants because of other attributes the candidate can bring. In addition, other issues that are becoming from those who are not selected is dealing with the replies/communication with them. The HR department needs to be equipped with how to handle individuals who are not acceptable for a position, and know the proper things to say without saying
  • 6. Lawler 6 anything that can potentially be detrimental to the company. A very generic example that can be found on any business website, from SHRM, to is “We interviewed a number of candidates for the (Name of Job) position, and we have determined that another candidate is the most qualified for the requirements of our opening. This letter is to let you know that you have not been selected for the position.” If individuals call, again, it is best to repeat the same information and explain that the company is going with a candidate that is the most qualified, and they determined that a different individual met the job requirements. Never say that they are not smart enough or “good enough”. Essentially, be vague, yet informative and try to be short. The less information that is exchanged the better. Once the requisition is posted and applicants start applying, the screening process has begun. “Having a successful screening process in place can make the difference between finding the perfect fit for your team and making a bad hiring decision” (TEKsystems). Screening applicants should occur right away. Having a program, or method that will be used to review cover letters and resumes to select the candidates can aid in obtaining the best possible match. When screening, avoid any discrimination issues by using the same criteria for everyone. It is good to have a company policy to follow while doing so: for example “While screening, the company must keep in mind the company’s commitment to establish a highly talent workforce that reflects diversity” (Lawler, page 6). An easy way to screen cover letters and resumes is to ensure that it is free of typos and incorrect grammar, does it have certain key words that pop out which match the tasks that they will be
  • 7. Lawler 7 performing, do they have the required experiences and/or education. To ensure that no one is overlooked, it is encouraged that more than one person screens cover letters and resumes. In addition, the screening criteria that is placed can limit the number of candidates interviewed to a reasonable number. Having a smaller pool of candidates for each position will allow for a good basis for comparison without requiring an unreasonable time commitment to conduct the interview process. Ultimately, individuals falsify their resumes. “An in-person interview is a screening tactic that can provide many nonverbal insights into how well a candidate may perform within an employer’s organization” (TEKsystems). This method of screening can aid in managers realizing those who lied on their resumes verses those who did not by behavioral based interview questions. Behavioral based questions help hiring managers weed out the stronger candidates from the weaker ones because it allows people to apply their KSA’s to answer the questions given. If they are truly know knowledgeable with the job tasks, it will be illustrated. A perfect behavioral based recruiter question that can be asked could be “How do you stay on top of trends and innovations in the recruiting industry? What recruiting centric news do you read? What are you favorite recruiting content websites?” (Passen) This question will examine the resourcefulness of your candidate and what techniques he or she will take to ensure that they hire the best candidate regardless of the tools given to do so. This also allows the hiring manager to see their creative side, as well as how adaptable they are to the ever-changing environments companies are exposed to. According to Passen’s blog post questions should concentrated on their Resourcefulness, Confidence, and Focus. I’ve mentioned
  • 8. Lawler 8 before how companies waste time in not hiring properly due to improper recruiting and selecting, however if your recruiter does not display the right characteristics to be that avid headhunter, than the inefficiency can begin with them. To summarize to fill the Corporate Recruiter position, the following must be done: 1. Job Analysis 2. Job Description 3. Vacancy Approval/Announcement 4. Recruiting Plan (Positing the Job) 5. Selection We mentioned behavioral questions above, but lets be more specific that after the selection process, a structure interview plan is adhered to. When having a structured interview plan, and questions it gives each applicant the equal opportunity to prove that they have the necessary and required KSA’s for the job. In addition, having a set of questions that the interviewer can choose from allows them the ability to obtain as much information from the applicant as possible. All of this contributes to being able to selecting the best-qualified candidate. In addition to behavioral based questions, Job-related questions can help interviewers focus their attention on relevant, job-related information to confine their questions to the essential functions of the job. In terms of reliability, if the consistency of the questions asked are the same throughout all interviews, there should be a high validity outcome, as well as avoiding any adverse impact that can occur. To be clear adverse impact is when there is a disproportionate number of protected class members being rejected using a predictor. If all interviewers use the same sample of questions, the same interview guide, the selection process should be strictly based
  • 9. Lawler 9 on the individual who solely is the most qualified. The interview process will be explained in more depth below. When conducting interviews, those performing the interview are recommended to use a rating form, which guides their questions and assessments. The rating process can further improve anchoring questions to specific behaviors, like mentioned above. When it comes down to scoring them, an example that I used in a previous assignment required both excellent, acceptable and marginal answers to questions, as well as the numerical parts to those particular responses. A popular example is Excellent=5, Acceptable=3, and Poor=1. In the end, individual questions can be weighted in terms of the overall importance of the particular skills being assessed to the job as a whole. This will obtain a weighted score, which will determine what applicant conducted the stronger interview. Once the interviews are done, the hiring manager or HR department will begin the final selection process. For the Corporate Recruiter position, one of the last steps before the applicant starts is the Final Approval & Offer Letter. Either the hiring manager (if applicable) or HR department will compose a hiring package for the candidate. This will include the salary information. This information is forwarded to the company’s president, or his/her designee for approval. Upon receipt of internal approval, the human resources department or hiring manager sends an offer letter to the selected candidate. Included in this offer letter, is contingencies referring to the background and reference checks that will be performed. Reference checks can be completed over the phone, in writing, or done online using companies that may be hired to conduct them. Each employee that is
  • 10. Lawler 10 hired will be required to fill out a wavier form, along with an application for the background check. Employment references are useful primarily as confirmation of prior employment, dates and salary. It is recommended that the reference check be started by attaining factual information, which verifies employment. For the Corporate Recruiter position, the same procedures apply. If there is nothing that comes up in the background check that will cause a concern to the employer, the new Corporate Recruiter can sign and accept the offer letter proposed. Once the candidate has started in the position, the human resources department or the hiring manager notifies all candidates that were not selected (normally via email).
  • 11. Lawler 11 Please find a detailed flow chart for the Recruitment & Selection Plan that will be used for filling the Corporate Recruiter position. It will also be used for filling additional open requisitions at the same company. 1. ConductJob Analysis 2. Create a Job Description 3. Vacancy Announcement& Approval 3. RecruitingPlan: •Determine the outreach 4. Application Selection 4. 1 Application screening •Resume & CoverLetter criteria 4.2 Structured Interviews •Behavioral Questions 5. Approvalof Offer letter drafted 6. Background Checks 7. Reference Checks 8. EmployeeSigns contract
  • 12. Lawler 12 Works Cited: Lawler, Rebecca. “Recruiting & Selection Plan.” 1 Oct. 2015. Research Project. 8 Dec. 2015. Passen, Joel. "Interview Guide: How to Hire a Successful Corporate Recruiter - Newton Software." Newton Software. 24 Jan. 2012. Web. 8 Dec. 2015. successful-corporate-recruiter/ Ray, Linda. "What Is More Important: Selection or Training the Right Employees?" Small Business. 2015. Web. 8 Dec. 2015. 16745.html "The ADA: Your Responsibilities as an Employer." The ADA: Your Responsibilities as an Employer. Web. 8 Dec. 2015. "The Importance of a Quality Screening Process." Web. 8 Dec. 2015. < management/quality-screening-it-professionals> Troyer, Rebecca. "Forbes: Raleigh is 3rd-best Labor Market in U.S." 12 Feb. 2015. Web. 8 Dec. 2015. 3rd-best-labor-market-in-u-s.html " Job Analysis: How Do I Conduct a Job Analysis to Ensure the Job Description Actually Matches the Duties Performed by the Employee in the Job?" Job Analysis: How Do I Conduct a Job Analysis to Ensure the Job Description Actually Matches the Duties Performed by the Employee in the Job? Web. 8 Dec. 2015.