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 ( 双月刊摇 1981 年创刊)                                                       2008 年第 2 期目次

揖 纪念毛泽东诞辰 115 周年铱
摇 论毛泽东开创农村包围城市武装夺取政权道路的历史贡献 …………………… 钟康模(5)
揖 专题研究铱
摇 我国金融业混业经营趋势下的金融监管变革研究 ……………………………… 罗长城(14)
  SA8000 对我国劳动者权益保障的启示…………………………………………… 蒋冬梅(19)

揖 文学研究铱
摇 非常时期的非常叙事
  摇 ——对非典叙事的一种解读 …………………………………………………… 宫爱玲(24)
  摇 ——论康白情对新诗、旧诗功能的区分 ……………………………………… 赖彧煌(28)
  《 新小说》 勃兴之原因
  摇 ——从传播学顺应理论的角度分析 …………………………………………… 廖摇 华(33)

揖 语言研究铱
摇 试论仄声韵格律诗的平仄格式 …………………………………………………… 刘志纲(37)
  程度副词“ 太冶 后面的褒义形容词 ……………………………………… 陈摇 晖,屠爱萍(43)
  双宾语的变式结构和早期处置式 ………………………………………………… 徐志林(47)
  粤语影评中语码转换的功能分析 ………………………………………………… 杨振兴(52)

揖 教育与心理研究铱
摇 广东省中小学教师专业发展现状的调查研究 …………………………………… 赵丹凌(56)
  论教师专业化过程中大学教师的专业发展 ……………………………………… 杨摇 婕(63)
  中小学校长培训师资队伍建设中存在的问题及其对策 ………………………… 何尚武(67)
  加州大学旧金山分校发展历程和成功经验 …………………… 耿景海,郑木明,欧阳谦(72)
  有关歧义消解的句子加工理论 ………………………………………… 韩迎春,莫摇 雷(75)
期刊基本参数:CN44 - 1149 / G4*1981*b*16*112*zh*P* ¥ 8. 00*1000*23*2008 - 04

                                      第 28 卷( 总第 123 期)

揖 外语教学研究铱
摇 对高中英语教师反思日记的分析与思考 ………………………………………… 李摇 华(81)
 知识构建理论对信息时代外语教学发展趋势的启示 ………………… 陈映苹,季明雨(85)

揖 历史研究铱
摇 试论秦汉简牍中奴婢的户籍问题 ………………………………………………… 文摇 霞(88)
 汉初“ 孔子素王论冶 考 ……………………………………………………………… 王光松(93)

揖 思想政治工作研究铱
摇 对“ 无灌输道德教育冶 研究的回顾与思考 ………………………………………… 郭树斌(97)
 论隐性方式的思想政治教育及其内在原则 …………………………………… 彭晓薇(102)

揖 信息管理研究铱
摇 数据挖掘技术在高校图书馆中的应用 ………………………………………… 艾摇 颖(106)
 当前高校教学档案工作中存在的问题及其对策 ……………………………… 郑布光(109)

  本刊为综合性学术理论期刊,双月刊。 每年第 1、2、4、6 期为人文社会科学内容,
第 3、5 期为自然科学内容。


Bimonthly,Start Publication 1981                                                    Vol. 28 No. 2 2008 ( Sum No. 123 )



On the Historical Significance of the Route Proposed by Mao Ze鄄dong to Seize the State Power by
摇 Armed Forces and Rural Areas Encircling Cities ……………………………………………… ZHONG Kang鄄mo(5)
The Study of the Innovation of China忆s Financial Regulation under the Trend towards Mixed
摇 Financial Operation …………………………………………………………………………… LUO Chang鄄cheng(14)
The Inspiration of SA8000 on China忆s Labor Rights Protection    ………………………………… JIANG Dong鄄mei(19)
The Unique Narration of Unique Period
摇 ——The Study on SARS Narration
  —                                     ……………………………………………………………… GONG Ai鄄ling(24)
A Special Concept of Poetry in Early New Poetry
摇 ——On Kang Bai鄄qing忆s Distinction of the Roles Played by the New and Old鄄style Poetry
摇   …………………………………………………………………………………………………… LAI Yu鄄huang(28)
The Reason for the Flourish of New Novel
摇 ——An Analysis in the Aspect of Adaptation Theory of Mass Communication ……………………… LIAO Hua(33)
The Ping鄄ze Format in Ze Tonal Rhyme Metrical Verse ……………………………………………… LIU Zhi鄄gang(37)
The Degree Adverb“ 太冶 and the Positive Adjective Following     …………………………… CHEN Hui,TU Ai鄄ping(43)
Double鄄object Variable Structure and the Early Disposal Construction ………………………………… XU Zhi鄄lin(47)
A Functional Analysis of Code鄄switching in Cantonese Film Reviews …………………………… YANG Zhen鄄xing(52)
An Investigation on Current Teachers忆 Professional Development in the Secondary and
摇 Elementary Schools in Guangdong Province ……………………………………………………… ZHAO Dan鄄ling(56)
On Faculty Professional Development in the Process of Teacher Professionalization    …………………… YANG Jie(63)
The Problems of the Perfection of Trainer Faculty for the Current Head Teacher Training and its
摇 Countermeasures …………………………………………………………………………………… HE Shang鄄wu(67)
The History of the Development and Successful Experience of the University of California, San Francisco
摇   ……………………………………………………………… GENG Jin鄄hai, ZHENG Mu鄄ming, OUYANG Qian(72)
A Review of the Process of the Sentences Resolving of Ambiguity ……………………… HAN Ying鄄chun,MO Lei(75)
Reflections and Analysis on the Reflective Diaries of EFL teachers ………………………………………… LI Hua(81)
Intercultural and Sustainable Knowledge Innovation:on Foreign Language Teaching and
摇 Learning in the Age of Information ………………………………………………… CHEN Ying鄄ping,JI Ming鄄yu(86)
The Research on the Question about the Slaves忆 Household Register in Chin and Han Dynasties
摇   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WEN Xia(88)
A Study on the Theory of Confucius as Su鄄wang in the Early Han Dynasty …………………… WANG Guang鄄song(93)
A Review and Reflection on the Research of Moral Education without Indoctrination ……………… GUO Shu鄄bin(97)
The Recessive Form of Ideological and Political Education and it忆s Principles   ………………… PENG Xiao鄄wei(102)
The Application of Data鄄mining Technology in Libraries of Universities and Colleges …………………… AI Ying(106)
Some Problems in the management of Teaching Files in Colleges end Universities and
摇   the countermeasures ………………………………………………………………………… ZHENG Bu鄄guang(109)
第 28 卷摇 第 2 期         教 育 学 院 学 报
                                        广 东                                             2008 年 4 月
  Vol. 28摇 No. 2                        Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                         Apr. 2008


                                    ( 广东教育学院 党委,广东 广州 510303)

    摇 摇 摘要:成功找到一条有中国特色的革命道路,是毛泽东的卓越贡献。 中国革命从城市中心向农
    村中心的转移的认识,首先是毛泽东独立思考的结果。 农村包围城市武装夺取政权的道路,也是中
    国共产党人集体智慧的结晶,毛泽东在其中起了杰出的历史作用。 毛泽东不仅在实践中首先把武
    作出了说明。 贯穿这条独特道路及其理论的基本精神,就是独立自主地把马克思列宁主义普遍真
    理与中国革命的具体实际相结合。 正是坚持这个基本精神,坚持从实际出发,中国革命就能从胜利
         中图分类号:A 84摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0005 - 09

       On the Historical Significance of the Route Proposed by
         Mao Ze鄄dong to Seize the State Power by Armed
              Forces and Rural Areas Encircling Cities
                                                 ZHONG Kang鄄mo
     ( The Party Committee, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China)

     Abstract:Mao Ze鄄dong忆s significant contribution lies in his success in figuring out a revolutionary route with
Chinese characteristics. with his careful and independent thought, Mao Ze鄄dong realized that Chinese revolution
should move from the cities to the rural areas. The route that rural areas encircle cities to seize the state power by
armed forces is the contribution made collaboratively by the members of the Chinese Communist Party among whom
Mao Ze鄄dong played an important role. Mao Ze鄄dong transferred the center of armed struggle to the rural areas in
practice and put forward the idea of setting up the revolutionary base there. He also tried to expound the problems
of the route of Chinese revolution in theory. To follow the route and understand its essence is to apply Marxism and
Leninism to the Chinese revolutionary practice. Only by adhering to the idea and reality, can Chinese revolution
move from victory to victory.
     Key words:Mao Ze鄄dong; rural areas encircling cities; route; experience; basic essence

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期     教 育 学 院 学 报
                                      广 东                                              2008 年 4 月
   Vol. 28摇 No. 2                        Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                       Apr. 2008


                                  ( 中共广东省委 办公厅,广东 广州 510082)

    摇 摇 摘要:在经济全球化和金融自由化的形势下,随着我国金融业的日益开放,混业经营是发展的
    必然趋势。 我国原有的分业经营体制下金融监管模式,正面临新的问题和制度缺陷,不利于避免监
    管混业经营带来的金融风险。 因此,有必要变革现有的金融监管体系。 应在吸收英国全能型的混
    管方式变革、制度变革和机制变革等五个方面创建我国金融监管变革的新的监管模式。 这对于有
         中图分类号:F 810. 2摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0014 - 05

   The Study of the Innovation of China忆s Financial Regulation
      under the Trend towards Mixed Financial Operation
                                               LUO Chang鄄cheng
    ( General Office of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee,Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510082,P. R. China)

      Abstract:Along with the gradual opening of our country忆 s financial industry and under the situation of
economic globalization and financial deregulation, mixed operation management will be an inexorable trend for the
financial industry in our country. The mode of financial supervision under our country忆s previous divided operation
management system is now confronted with new problems and system defects, which is no longer suitable for
supervision of financial risks brought about by mixed operation management. Therefore, it is necessary to reform the
existing financial supervision system according to this article. On the basis of the analysis and study of the all -
round supervision mode of England as well as the combination of comprehensive supervision and divided supervision
of America, this article proposes solutions for reform of our country忆s financial supervision system in five aspects
including institutional reform, reform of functions, reform of supervision mode, reform of system and reform of
mechanism. The new supervision mode will have significant meaning in terms of efficient supervision of new
financial risks brought about by the trend of mixed operation management of the financial industry in our country.
      Key words:financial industry; mixed operation; financial regulation; reform

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期       教 育 学 院 学 报
                                      广 东                                               2008 年 4 月
  Vol. 28摇 No. 2                         Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                        Apr. 2008

                       SA8000 对我国劳动者权益保障的启示

                                   ( 广东教育学院 政法系,广东 广州 510303)

    摇 摇 摘要:SA8000 从童工、强迫性劳动、健康与安全、结社自由与集体谈判权等九个方面给予企业
    动者权益保障法律法规仍存在很大差距。 建议加快完善我国劳动者权益保障法律制度建设,改善
    劳动者权益保障的法律环境,强化执法及执法的监督等,以落实 SA8000 对我国劳动者权益的保障。
         中图分类号:D 922. 5摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0019 - 05

                        The Inspiration of SA8000 on China忆s
                              Labor Rights Protection
                                                  JIANG Dong鄄mei
                      ( Dept. of Politics & Law, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou,
                                        Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China)

     Abstract:SA8000, including the regulations of child labor, forced sex labor, health and safety, freedom in
union formation and collective negotiation, provides norm for enterprises. As the first international standard for
social responsibility used by the third side, SA8000 requires the perfection in the system of labor rights protection.
The author contrasts SA8000 with the related law and regulations of labor rights protection, and then puts forward
some advice for the improvement of the legal system of labor rights protection in China.
     Key words:SA8000; labor rights protection; legal system

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期        教 育 学 院 学 报
                                         广 东                                           2008 年 4 月
    Vol. 28摇 No. 2                       Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                       Apr. 2008

                                 非 常 时 期 的 非 常 叙 事

                                 ( 山东科技大学 文法学院,山东 青岛 266510)

     摇 摇 摘要:非典叙事是中国新时期文学史中重要而独特的文学存在。 作为非常时期非常文学的一
     分子,它具有独特的文学史地位和美学意义。 就非典小说而言,它的主要情节模式是“ 改变冶 ,也就
     是说非典小说着力于表达非典事件对人类生活的改变。 但是在现代传媒语境中,非典叙事显示出
          中图分类号:I 206摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0024 - 04

                       The Unique Narration of Unique Period
                                 ——The Study on SARS Narration

                                                  GONG Ai鄄ling
                  ( Law and Humanity College, Shan Dong University of Science and Technology,
                                    Qingdao, Shandong, 266510,P. R. China)

     Abstract:The SARS narration is the important and special period narration in contemporary literature which
has the important status and unique aesthetic meaning in the history of the special period literature. As far as the
SARS fiction is concerned, its main style mode is 忆 change忆. That is to say, SARS changes the life of human
beings. When we put the SARS narration into the language situation of modern media, we find that the SARS
narration has its limitation.
     Key words:SARS;SARS narration

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期       教 育 学 院 学 报
                                      广 东                                               2008 年 4 月
  Vol. 28摇 No. 2                        Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                         Apr. 2008


                                   ( 福建师范大学 文学院,福建 福州 350007)

    摇 摇 摘要:康白情既写新诗也写旧诗,不同于胡适试图彻底驱逐旧诗,这种双线写作能够在康白情
    的观念和实践中并存,在于他区分了两种文类不同的功能。 新诗张扬新精神尽可以形式新,远离旧
          中图分类号:I 207. 25摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0028 - 05

              A Special Concept of Poetry in Early New Poetry
                       ——On Kang Bai鄄qing忆s Distinction of the Roles
                          Played by the New and Old鄄style Poetry

                                                   LAI Yu鄄huang
            ( School of Humanities, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350007,P. R. China)

     Abstract:Unlike Hu Shi, who tries to resist the old style poems completely, Kang Bai鄄qing writes new poems
as well as the old鄄style ones. The different鄄style poems writing shown in his concept and practice results from his
clear distinction made between them. The new poetry representing new spirit is new in its form, different from the
old鄄style poetry in form and interest. However, the old鄄style poetry being short of new spirit may also be written and
refreshed freely.
     Key words:poetry function; new poetry; old鄄style poetry

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期      教 育 学 院 学 报
                                       广 东                                               2008 年 4 月
   Vol. 28摇 No. 2                        Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                         Apr. 2008

                                      《 新小说》 勃兴之原因

                                                     廖摇 华
                                   ( 广西民族大学 文学院,广西 南宁 530006)

    摇 摇 摘要:《 新小说》 开创了一个以机器复制、报刊连载为主要特征的文艺杂志的时代,为中国小说
    的发表和传播找到了一条适合时代发展要求的新途径,并直接促成了 20 世纪初期报章小说繁盛一
         中图分类号:I 207. 4摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0033 - 04

                     The Reason for the Flourish of New Novel
 ——An Analysis in the Aspect of Adaptation Theory of Mass Communication

                                                     LIAO Hua
    (School of Language Arts, Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning, Guangxi, 530006, P. R. China)

     Abstract:New novel has begun an age of literature and art magazine which is characterized by the mechanical
copying and serial publication. It finds a new way for the publication and spread of Chinese novel, which is suitable
for the development demand of the age, and directly facilitates the flourishing phase of the novels and newspaper in
the early period of the 20th century. This paper tries to explore the flourishing reason of new novel in the aspect of
adaptation theory.
     Key words:New novel;reason for flourish;adaptation theory

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期       教 育 学 院 学 报
                                      广 东                                             2008 年 4 月
  Vol. 28摇 No. 2                         Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                      Apr. 2008


                                  ( 广东教育学院 中文系,广东 广州 510303)

    摇 摇 摘要:关于仄声韵格律诗的平仄格式,学界迄今很少有人专题论及。 将仄声韵的平仄格式与平
         中图分类号:H 11摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0037 - 06

       The Ping鄄ze Format in Ze Tonal Rhyme Metrical Verse
                                                   LIU Zhi鄄gang
         ( Dept. of Chinese,Guangdong Education Institute,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510303,P. R. China)

     Abstract:In the academic community, little work has been done to discuss the Ping鄄ze format in Ze tonal
rhyme metrical verse specially. By comparing the Ping鄄ze format in Ze tonal rhyme metrical verse with that in the
Ping tonal rhyme metrical verse, we found that, whether the poems with five characters or seven characters per
line, there are always four basic sentence patterns as well as four basic formats in Ze tonal rhyme metrical verse.
Moreover, the mutation between Ping and Ze tonal rhyme also follows a very strong regularity. However, the last
word in each line that is not restricted by tonal rhyme can be either Ping or Ze and the Ping鄄Ze format in Ze tonal
rhyme metrical verse is more flexible.
     Key words:Ze tonal rhyme;metrical verses;Ping鄄ze format;sentence pattern

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期      教 育 学 院 学 报
                                       广 东                                              2008 年 4 月
   Vol. 28摇 No. 2                        Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                        Apr. 2008

                           程度副词“ 太冶 后面的褒义形容词

                                               陈摇 晖,屠爱萍
                                  ( 湖南师范大学 文学院,湖南 长沙 410081)

    摇 摇 摘要:从语法上说,程度副词“ 太冶 之后的褒义形容词有两类:一类既可以表示程度极高,用于赞
    叹,又可以表示程度过分,用于表达说话人的不认同;另一类只表示程度极高,用于赞叹。 本文试着
         中图分类号:H 03摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0043 - 04

  The Degree Adverb“ 太冶 and the Positive Adjective Following
                                              CHEN Hui,TU Ai鄄ping
         ( College of Liberal Arts, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan,410081, P. R. China)

     Abstract:As far as grammar is concerned, there are two kinds of positive adjectives behind the degree adverb
“ 太冶 . One of them can denote not only the high degree, indicating one忆s admiration, but also overabundance,
indicating one忆s dissatisfaction, while the other kind can only denote the high degree, indicating one忆s admiration.
Guided by semantics character theory and adjectival conjugate theory, this paper tries to differentiate these two
kinds of adjective based on other related research.
     Key words:“ 太冶 ; positive adjective; difference

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期       教 育 学 院 学 报
                                      广 东                                               2008 年 4 月
  Vol. 28摇 No. 2                         Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                        Apr. 2008


                                   ( 广东教育学院 中文系,广东 广州 510303)

    摇 摇 摘要:为了“ 凸现冶 双宾语的语义焦点“ 直接宾语冶 ,用介词“ 以冶 将其提到动词前面,从而构成
    “ 以冶 字结构。 从语法结构上说,属于双宾语的变式结构;从语义特征上说,介词“ 以冶 具有将后面的
          中图分类号:H 146. 3摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0047 - 05

               Double鄄object Variable Structure and the Early
                           Disposal Construction
                                                      XU Zhi鄄lin
       ( Dept of Chinese, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China)

     Abstract: In order to“ highlight冶 the semantics focus of the“ direct object冶 on the double鄄object structure, the
preposition “ yi( 以) 冶 is added to the“ direct object冶 in front of the verb, thereby constituting“ yi( 以) 冶 structure,
which is a dual鄄object variable structure as grammatical structure is concerned. But in the aspect of the semantic
features, it belongs to the early disposal construction.
     Key words:double object; variable structure; valence; the disposal construction

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期      教 育 学 院 学 报
                                       广 东                                               2008 年 4 月
   Vol. 28摇 No. 2                         Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                        Apr. 2008

                                  ( 广东外语艺术职业学院,广东 广州 510640)

    摇 摇 摘要:语码转换是一种普遍的语言现象,存在于任何两种或两种以上的语言之间,也存在于大
    部分语篇,特别是非正式的语篇中。 存在于网络上的影评,是一种特殊的非正式语篇。 通过功能理
          中图分类号:H 03摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0052 - 04

                    A Functional Analysis of Code鄄switching in
                             Cantonese Film Reviews
                                                  YANG Zhen鄄xing
   (Guangdong Teachers College of Foreign Language and Arts, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510640, P. R. China)

     Abstract:The language phenomenon of ‘ Code鄄switching爷 is easily found in the interaction of two or more
languages. It exists in most of the texts, especially informal ones. The one in film reviews found on the internet is
unusual and informal. With the application of theories of functional linguistics, this paper not only shows that code鄄
switching in film reviews plays an unusual and important role in social functions and interpersonal functions, but
also reveals the characteristics of code鄄switching in film reviews.
     Key words:code鄄switching; functional analysis; Cantonese; film鄄reviews

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期       教 育 学 院 学 报
                                      广 东                                              2008 年 4 月
  Vol. 28摇 No. 2                        Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                        Apr. 2008


                                  ( 广东教育学院 人事处,广东 广州 510303)

    摇 摇 摘要:对广东省中小学教师专业发展现状的调查表明:广东省中小学教师专业发展呈现出发展
    较慢、对继续教育培训的依赖程度较高等问题。 建议通过加强对教师专业发展的指导,改革培训课
         中图分类号:G 451. 2摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0056 - 07

           An Investigation on Current Teachers忆 Professional
            Development in the Secondary and Elementary
                    Schools in Guangdong Province
                                                  ZHAO Dan鄄ling
   ( The Persoknel Department Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510303, P. R. China)

     Abstract:The following investigation on current teachers忆 professional development in the secondary and
elementary schools in Guangdong Province indicates that teachers忆 professional development in the province are
characterized with the obvious standard rising at the threshold stage, the overall recognition to teachers from the
community and teachers忆 strong accountability in teaching. While at the same time, the author also sees some
problems existing such as: the unbalanced distribution of the structure of teachers忆 education as well as the unequal
development of teachers忆 professional competence in different regions, teachers忆 lacking of abilities to continuously
enrich their expertise and the slow pace of them to develop their knowledge, and also with the problem of teachers忆
relying too much on continuous education and etc,. The author thus suggests the government give more guidance on
teachers忆 professional development, improve the curriculum of teachers忆 education, refine current learning modules
and methods and put more efforts on setting regulations so as to keep on improving the teachers忆 continuous
education system and to establish a tutorship scheme which is conducted by AST ( Advance Skilled Teachers) to
young teachers, to realize the effective allocation of teachers忆 resources and ultimately to improve teachers忆
professional development and their capabilities in teaching.
     Key words: teachers in secondary and elementary schools; professional development; reality; problems
existing; suggestions and strategies
第 28 卷摇 第 2 期     教 育 学 院 学 报
                                      广 东                                             2008 年 4 月
   Vol. 28摇 No. 2                         Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                     Apr. 2008


                                                     杨摇 婕
                              ( 华南师范大学 教育科学学院, 广东 广州 510631)

    摇 摇 摘要:大学教师专业发展是实现大学教师专业化的重要手段,而大学教师的专业发展有赖于良
    好的内在与外在环境,同时,大学教师专业发展的核心就是教学与科研的协调发展。 而教学与科研
    学评价机制,而大学教师在关注教学质量的同时,也要充分意识到自己作为“ 学术人冶 的角色,提高
         中图分类号:G 451. 2摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0063 - 04

        On Faculty Professional Development in the Process of
                    Teacher Professionalization
                                                     YANG Jie
  (School of Educational Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong,510631,P. R. China)

     Abstract:Faculty development is a significant approach to realize faculty professionalization, and faculty
development relies on healthy environment both inside and outside. Moreover, the core of faculty development is
harmonious progress both in teaching and in research. However, the reality with imbalance between them requires
us to perfect the assessment system of teaching and research; while at the same time faculty should also stress the
emphasis of both teaching and research.
     Key words:faculty; professional development;research;teaching

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期       教 育 学 院 学 报
                                      广 东                                               2008 年 4 月
  Vol. 28摇 No. 2                         Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                        Apr. 2008


                                  ( 嘉应学院 学报编辑部, 广东 梅州 514015)

    摇 摇 摘要:培训师资队伍数量不足、质量偏低、比例失调、培训者培训不到位,是“ 十一五冶 中小学校
    长培训工作中暴露出来的非常突出的矛盾,它直接影响培训的质量和校长参与培训的积极性。 问
    教学的师资的继续教育是诸多原因中的主要原因。 要想有效解决这个问题,必须从加强培训者培
         中图分类号:G 451. 2摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0067 - 05

     The Problems of the Perfection of Trainer Faculty for the
     Current Head Teacher Training and its Countermeasures
                                                    HE Shang鄄wu
                    ( Editorial Department of the School Journal, Jiaying University, Meizhou,
                                         Guangdong, 514015, P. R. China)

     Abstract: The trainer faculty with the insufficient number, low quality, the imbalanced ratio, and the
ineffective training of trainers shows a very prominent contradiction for head teacher training in the “11th Five -
Year Plan冶 . This has a direct impact on the quality of the training and the head teachers' enthusiasm to participate.
The problem is mainly caused by the temporary scarcity of the professional trainers, the work transformation of some
part - time trainers, the lack of further education for the trainers and the upgrading of the teaching theory, among
which the lack of further education for the trainers is the main cause. To effectively solve this problem, we must
strengthen trainers' training and enhance the construction of system, and solve the problems in the provincial areas.
     Key words: trainer faculty; construction; problems; countermeasures

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期      教 育 学 院 学 报
                                       广 东                                                 2008 年 4 月
   Vol. 28摇 No. 2                        Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                          Apr. 2008

                                       耿景海1 ,郑木明2 ,欧阳谦2
                             (1. 南方医科大学 继续教育学院,广东 广州 510515;
                               2. 南方医科大学 学校办公室,广东 广州 510515)

    摇 摇 摘要:加州大学旧金山分校的发展历程表明:在竞争中与对手共存发展、基础研究与实践有机
    结合、紧跟社会需求开展学术研究、建设强有力的科研合作团队等发展策略,对 UCSF 的跨越式发展
         中图分类号:G 47摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0072 - 03

    The History of the Development and Successful Experience
         of the University of California, San Francisco
                               GENG Jin鄄hai1 , ZHENG Mu鄄ming2 , OUYANG Qian2
  (1. College of Continuing Education, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510515, P. R. China;
    2. School Administration Office, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510515, P. R. China)

     Abstract: Through analyzing the developmental history of the University of California San Francisco, the
author points out several strategies that are regarded as main factors to bring about UCSF today's success, such as
win鄄win competition with Stanford University School of Medicine, integration of biomedical and clinical research,
social demand鄄oriented research direction and fostering interdisciplinary innovation and collaboration.
     Key words:University of California, San Francisco; development history; experience

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期      教 育 学 院 学 报
                                     广 东                                              2008 年 4 月
  Vol. 28摇 No. 2                          Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                     Apr. 2008


                                                 韩迎春1 ,莫雷2
        (1. 广东教育学院 教育系,广东 广州 5103032;2. 华南师范大学 心理系,广东 广州 510631)

    摇 摇 摘要:歧义消解现象是近几十年里句子加工领域的研究者们一直关注的对象。 平行加工还
    否等同于句法加工等问题一直处于争论状态。 线性观点与平行观点之间的争论正好对应了资源
         关键词:歧义消解;线性加工观点;平行加工观点;花园 - 路径模型;基于限制的竞争模型
         中图分类号:B 842摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0075 - 06

                       A Review of the Process of the Sentences
                               Resolving of Ambiguity
                                              HAN Ying鄄chun1 ,MO Lei2
    (1. Dept. of Psychology, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303,P. R. China;
     2. Dept. of Psychology, South China Nomal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303,P. R. China)

     Abstract:The phenomenon of ambiguity resolution has received concerns of researchers for several decades.
Issues such as whether the sentence processing pattern is serial or parallel, the delay in sentence processing is
caused by the reanalysis of grammatical structure or the competition of all sorts of analysis, the vocabulary
processing is equal to the sentence processing are still at dispute. The distinction of serial and parallel accounts
corresponds to the hypothesis of limited resources. Further study of this field will improve the research on the
resolution of ambiguity in Chinese corpus environment and will better the understanding of mental mechanism of
sentence processing.
     Key words:the resolution of ambiguity; the serial point of view in processing; the mode of garden - route; the
mode of competition based on limitation

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期       教 育 学 院 学 报
                                        广 东                                                  2008 年 4 月
    Vol. 28摇 No. 2                         Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                           Apr. 2008


                                                       李摇 华
                                    ( 广东教育学院 外语系,广东 广州 510303)

     摇 摇 摘要:对广东省 6 所学校的 24 位不同职称的高中英语教师 78 篇教学反思日记进行整理、归纳、分
     析,结果表明:高中英语教师的反思意识不强,反思内容多样、反思水平主要在第一层次‘回顾爷 和第二
     层次理性水平上。 针对教师在反思日记中进行反思所存在的问题,应该从提高反思意识、营造反思氛
          中图分类号:G 451摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0081 - 04

Reflections and Analysis on the Reflective Diaries of EFL teachers
                                                         LI Hua
   (Dept. of Foreign Language, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China)

     Abstract:The study was carried out on collecting, summarizing and analyzing 78 reflective dairies from 24
high school English teachers of 6 middle schools in 6 different regions of Guangdong with different job titles through
empirical research. The findings of this study reveal the English teachers ' weakness in awareness of reflection;
various contents of reflection and their reflective levels mainly on level one 'Recall level ', and level two '
Rationalization level'. In light of the problems in the reflective dairies, the paper suggests that the ability of English
teachers' reflection should be improved so as to promote the teachers professional development by enhancing
awareness of reflection, creating an atmosphere for reflection, enriching content of reflection and enhancing
reflective practice.
     Key words:reflection; English teachers; reflective diary

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期      教 育 学 院 学 报
                                     广 东                                              2008 年 4 月
  Vol. 28摇 No. 2                        Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                       Apr. 2008


                               ( 广东工业大学 外国语学院,广东 广州 510900)

    摇 摇 摘要:利用外语进行有效的跨文化交际是学习外语的最终目的。 跨文化交际中的多模态识读
    能力和交际能力是学习者进行可持续性知识发展创新的基础。 同时,可持续创新知识构建应成为
         中图分类号:H 319摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0085 - 03

          Intercultural and Sustainable Knowledge Innovation:
                   on Foreign Language Teaching and
                   Learning in the Age of Information
                                           CHEN Ying鄄ping,JI Ming鄄yu
                ( School of Foreign Languages, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou,
                                        Guangdong, 510900 P. R. China)

     Abstract: Foreign language learning is to effectively conduct intercultural communication. The multi - literacy
and the intercultural communicative competence are the basis of sustainable development of knowledge building.
Meanwhile the knowledge building should be the trend for the development of foreign language teaching and learning
in the age of information.
     Keywords: sustainable knowledge innovation; foreign language teaching and learning; intercultural
communicative competence

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期       教 育 学 院 学 报
                                        广 东                                           2008 年 4 月
   Vol. 28摇 No. 2                         Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                    Apr. 2008


                                                      文摇 霞
                                   ( 广东教育学院 政法系,中国 广州,510303)

    摇 摇 摘要:秦汉奴婢的户籍问题一直是史学界争论较多的问题之一。 随着秦汉简牍资料的相继出
    土,对奴婢户籍问题的研究得到了进一步深化。 从简牍情况看来,秦汉奴婢更多地是以资产性质或
    依附人口的身份登记于户籍,而没有以个人身份登记于户籍。 这种情况与奴婢半人半物的身份特
          中图分类号:K 232摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0088 - 05

    The Research on the Question about the Slaves忆 Household
              Register in Chin and Han Dynasties
                                                       WEN Xia
                     ( Dept. of Politics and Law, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou,
                                        Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China)

     Abstract: The question about the slaves忆 household register in Chin and Han dynasties was discussed
drastically. As the bamboo and wooden slips in Chin and Han dynasties had been discovered in recent years, the
research on the slaves忆household register was enhanced further. From the slips, we could see that the slaves were
registered as the property or the attachment to their hosts but not as person in the household register, which was
correlated to the slaves忆status characteristic鄄half person and half property.
     Key words: Chin and Han dynasties; slaves; household register; half person and half property

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期      教 育 学 院 学 报
                                     广 东                                              2008 年 4 月
  Vol. 28摇 No. 2                        Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                       Apr. 2008

                                      汉初“ 孔子素王论冶 考
                                  ( 广东教育学院 政法系,广东 广州 510303)

    摇 摇 摘要:在梳理汉初素王话语流变的基础上,通过对《 淮南子·主术训》 篇与董仲舒的孔子素王论
    同后世孔子素王论进行比对的方式,确定后者即后世孔子素王论的直接源头。 董氏素王论缘起于
    对秦制的不满及其实现儒家德治的冲动,其主要营建工具为布衣受命论,对“ 西狩获麟冶 的新解则是
          关键词:孔子素王论;《 淮南子·主术训》 ;董仲舒;改制
          中图分类号:K 232摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0093 - 04

                       A Study on the Theory of Confucius as
                         Su鄄wang in the Early Han Dynasty
                                                WANG Guang鄄song
   (Dept. of Politics and Law, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China)

     Abstract:On the basic work to trace the development of the topic of Su鄄wang in the early Han dynasty, this
paper compares two theories of Confucius as Su鄄wang ( the author of Zhu鄄shu xun and Tung Chung鄄shu) with the
popular ones afterwards, and confirms that the popular theory of Confucius as Su鄄wang is put forward firstly by Tung
Chung鄄shu. Tung Chung鄄shu's dissatisfaction with the system of Qin and his impulse to realize Confucians' ideal rule
( rule by morals) promotes his theory of Confucius as Su鄄wang, Bu鄄yi鄄shou鄄ming鄄lun is the main means and the
new understanding about Xi鄄shou鄄huo鄄lin is the turning point in his career.
     Key words:the theory of Confucius as Su鄄wang; Huai鄄nanzi·Zhu鄄shu xun; Tung Chung鄄shu;the reform of
the political system

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期      教 育 学 院 学 报
                                       广 东                                              2008 年 4 月
   Vol. 28摇 No. 2                        Journal of Guangdong Education Institute                        Apr. 2008

                    对“ 无灌输道德教育冶 研究的回顾与思考

                                ( 广东教育学院 党委办公室,广东 广州 510303)

    摇 摇 摘要:对道德灌输的批判和对无灌输道德教育理论的构建,构成了 20 世纪西方道德教育的理
    论生态,移植与反思成为近年来国内对无灌输道德教育研究的主要观点。 对无灌输道德教育的研
    究应坚持“ 两点论冶 ,弃其局限性,扬其合理性,将之吸纳到道德灌输理论中,丰富灌输理论的内涵。
         中图分类号:G 41摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0097 - 05

                  A Review and Reflection on the Research of
                    Moral Education without Indoctrination
                                                   GUO Shu鄄bin
                           ( The Party Committee office,Guangdong Education Institute,
                                 Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China)

     Abstract:The western moral education theory consists of the moral indoctrination criticism and the construction
of moral education without indoctrination. In recent years in China, transplantation and reflection are becoming two
important viewpoints of researching moral education without indoctrination. However, their limitations should be
rejected and rationalities emphasized in application. The adoption of transplantation and reflection would enrich the
connotation of the moral education with indoctrination.
     Key words:moral education without indoctrination; moral indoctrination; transplantation; reflection

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期       教 育 学 院 学 报
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                          ( 广东教育学院 思想政治理论课教学部,广东 广州 510303)

    摇 摇 摘要:隐性方式的思想政治教育是思想政治教育的方式之一,具有教育目标和过程的隐蔽性、
    特性等特征。 它内在地蕴含着教育价值取向上的以受教育者为本原则,教育目标上的方向性原则,
         中图分类号:G 641摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0102 - 04

                       The Recessive Form of Ideological and
                       Political Education and it忆s Principles
                                                   PENG Xiao鄄wei
                ( Dept. of Ideological and Political Theory Teaching,Guangdong Education Institute
                                      Guangzhou,Guangdong,510303,P. R. China)

     Abstract:The recessive form of ideological and political education refers to the hidden ideological and political
educational activities that carry out without perceiving by educated. The activities are often taken within the
education entities and social activities so as to achieve the goal of the ideological and political education. The
recessive form of ideological and political education not only has the hidden nature of educational goal and
procedure, the non鄄mandatory educational means, the diversity of teaching methods, the unconscious acceptance of
the education, the long鄄term educational process, the unique characteristics of educational effect, but also
inherently contains the educational values which includes the basic principles of educated oriented, educational goal
directed, the permeability of education process, and the systematic means of educational methods.
     Keyword: the recessive form of ideological and political education; the hidden nature; the availability of
ideological and political education

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期      教 育 学 院 学 报
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                                                     艾摇 颖
                                  ( 广东教育学院 图书馆,广东 广州 510303)

    摇 摇 摘要:数据挖掘作为目前国际上数据库和信息系统最前沿的研究方向之一, 在图书馆界的应用
    才刚刚起步。 在高校图书馆的运作中,我们可以将数据挖掘技术应用在为管理者提供资源采购建
         中图分类号:G 250. 76摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007鄄8754(2008)02 - 00106 - 03

                The Application of Data鄄mining Technology in
                    Libraries of Universities and Colleges
                                                      AI Ying
           ( Library of Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong,510303, P. R. China)

     Abstract: Data鄄mining, one of the frontiers in the research of database and information system is applied in
libraries recently. In the management of libraries in universities and colleges, we can use data鄄mining technology to
provide advice for the managers in the purchasing action, to offer all鄄sided and humane service in message鄄hunting
so as to enhance the efficiency and quality of library service. Keyword: data鄄mining, library, information service

第 28 卷摇 第 2 期        教 育 学 院 学 报
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                                   ( 广东教育学院 人事处,广东 广州 510303)

    摇 摇 摘要:高等学校的档案工作,是办好学校重要的基础性工作。 高校的教学档案是教学活动、教
    学管理、教学研究的历史记录,是高校档案中不可或缺的重要组成部分。 明确教学档案的作用与意
          中图分类号:G 271摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0109 - 04

       Some Problems in the management of Teaching Files in
         Colleges end Universities and the countermeasures
                                                  ZHENG Bu鄄guang
     ( Dept. of Personnel, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China)

     Abstract:The file management in higher educational institutes is an important and basic work for school
management. The teaching files in colleges and universities are the historical record of teaching activities, teaching
management, and teaching research, and also one of the important and indispensable parts of files in colleges and
universities. Therefore, we should identify the functions and significance of teaching files, stress the formation and
management of teaching files, classify and utilize teaching files, strengthen teaching file management and make full
use of its positive role in development and utilization.
     Key words:colleges and universities; teaching files; problems;countermeasurs


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  • 1. 广东教育学院学报 ( 双月刊摇 1981 年创刊) 2008 年第 2 期目次 試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試 揖 纪念毛泽东诞辰 115 周年铱 摇 论毛泽东开创农村包围城市武装夺取政权道路的历史贡献 …………………… 钟康模(5) 揖 专题研究铱 摇 我国金融业混业经营趋势下的金融监管变革研究 ……………………………… 罗长城(14) SA8000 对我国劳动者权益保障的启示…………………………………………… 蒋冬梅(19) 揖 文学研究铱 摇 非常时期的非常叙事 摇 ——对非典叙事的一种解读 …………………………………………………… 宫爱玲(24) — 早期新诗中一种特殊的诗歌观 摇 ——论康白情对新诗、旧诗功能的区分 ……………………………………… 赖彧煌(28) — 《 新小说》 勃兴之原因 摇 ——从传播学顺应理论的角度分析 …………………………………………… 廖摇 华(33) — 揖 语言研究铱 摇 试论仄声韵格律诗的平仄格式 …………………………………………………… 刘志纲(37) 程度副词“ 太冶 后面的褒义形容词 ……………………………………… 陈摇 晖,屠爱萍(43) 双宾语的变式结构和早期处置式 ………………………………………………… 徐志林(47) 粤语影评中语码转换的功能分析 ………………………………………………… 杨振兴(52) 揖 教育与心理研究铱 摇 广东省中小学教师专业发展现状的调查研究 …………………………………… 赵丹凌(56) 论教师专业化过程中大学教师的专业发展 ……………………………………… 杨摇 婕(63) 中小学校长培训师资队伍建设中存在的问题及其对策 ………………………… 何尚武(67) 加州大学旧金山分校发展历程和成功经验 …………………… 耿景海,郑木明,欧阳谦(72) 有关歧义消解的句子加工理论 ………………………………………… 韩迎春,莫摇 雷(75) 詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨 詨 期刊基本参数:CN44 - 1149 / G4*1981*b*16*112*zh*P* ¥ 8. 00*1000*23*2008 - 04
  • 2. 第 28 卷( 总第 123 期) 試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試 揖 外语教学研究铱 摇 对高中英语教师反思日记的分析与思考 ………………………………………… 李摇 华(81) 知识构建理论对信息时代外语教学发展趋势的启示 ………………… 陈映苹,季明雨(85) 揖 历史研究铱 摇 试论秦汉简牍中奴婢的户籍问题 ………………………………………………… 文摇 霞(88) 汉初“ 孔子素王论冶 考 ……………………………………………………………… 王光松(93) 揖 思想政治工作研究铱 摇 对“ 无灌输道德教育冶 研究的回顾与思考 ………………………………………… 郭树斌(97) 论隐性方式的思想政治教育及其内在原则 …………………………………… 彭晓薇(102) 揖 信息管理研究铱 摇 数据挖掘技术在高校图书馆中的应用 ………………………………………… 艾摇 颖(106) 当前高校教学档案工作中存在的问题及其对策 ……………………………… 郑布光(109) 本刊为综合性学术理论期刊,双月刊。 每年第 1、2、4、6 期为人文社会科学内容, 第 3、5 期为自然科学内容。 詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨詨 詨 四月二十日出版
  • 3. JOURNAL OF GUANGDONG EDUCATION INSTITUTE Bimonthly,Start Publication 1981 Vol. 28 No. 2 2008 ( Sum No. 123 ) 試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試 CONTENTS On the Historical Significance of the Route Proposed by Mao Ze鄄dong to Seize the State Power by 摇 Armed Forces and Rural Areas Encircling Cities ……………………………………………… ZHONG Kang鄄mo(5) The Study of the Innovation of China忆s Financial Regulation under the Trend towards Mixed 摇 Financial Operation …………………………………………………………………………… LUO Chang鄄cheng(14) The Inspiration of SA8000 on China忆s Labor Rights Protection ………………………………… JIANG Dong鄄mei(19) The Unique Narration of Unique Period 摇 ——The Study on SARS Narration — ……………………………………………………………… GONG Ai鄄ling(24) A Special Concept of Poetry in Early New Poetry 摇 ——On Kang Bai鄄qing忆s Distinction of the Roles Played by the New and Old鄄style Poetry — 摇 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… LAI Yu鄄huang(28) The Reason for the Flourish of New Novel 摇 ——An Analysis in the Aspect of Adaptation Theory of Mass Communication ……………………… LIAO Hua(33) — The Ping鄄ze Format in Ze Tonal Rhyme Metrical Verse ……………………………………………… LIU Zhi鄄gang(37) The Degree Adverb“ 太冶 and the Positive Adjective Following …………………………… CHEN Hui,TU Ai鄄ping(43) Double鄄object Variable Structure and the Early Disposal Construction ………………………………… XU Zhi鄄lin(47) A Functional Analysis of Code鄄switching in Cantonese Film Reviews …………………………… YANG Zhen鄄xing(52) An Investigation on Current Teachers忆 Professional Development in the Secondary and 摇 Elementary Schools in Guangdong Province ……………………………………………………… ZHAO Dan鄄ling(56) On Faculty Professional Development in the Process of Teacher Professionalization …………………… YANG Jie(63) The Problems of the Perfection of Trainer Faculty for the Current Head Teacher Training and its 摇 Countermeasures …………………………………………………………………………………… HE Shang鄄wu(67) The History of the Development and Successful Experience of the University of California, San Francisco 摇 ……………………………………………………………… GENG Jin鄄hai, ZHENG Mu鄄ming, OUYANG Qian(72) A Review of the Process of the Sentences Resolving of Ambiguity ……………………… HAN Ying鄄chun,MO Lei(75) Reflections and Analysis on the Reflective Diaries of EFL teachers ………………………………………… LI Hua(81) Intercultural and Sustainable Knowledge Innovation:on Foreign Language Teaching and 摇 Learning in the Age of Information ………………………………………………… CHEN Ying鄄ping,JI Ming鄄yu(86) The Research on the Question about the Slaves忆 Household Register in Chin and Han Dynasties 摇 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WEN Xia(88) A Study on the Theory of Confucius as Su鄄wang in the Early Han Dynasty …………………… WANG Guang鄄song(93) A Review and Reflection on the Research of Moral Education without Indoctrination ……………… GUO Shu鄄bin(97) The Recessive Form of Ideological and Political Education and it忆s Principles ………………… PENG Xiao鄄wei(102) The Application of Data鄄mining Technology in Libraries of Universities and Colleges …………………… AI Ying(106) Some Problems in the management of Teaching Files in Colleges end Universities and 摇 the countermeasures ………………………………………………………………………… ZHENG Bu鄄guang(109) 本期英文目次、英文摘要审定:许瑞芬
  • 4. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 论毛泽东开创农村包围城市武装夺取政权道路的历史贡献 钟康模 ( 广东教育学院 党委,广东 广州 510303) 摇 摇 摘要:成功找到一条有中国特色的革命道路,是毛泽东的卓越贡献。 中国革命从城市中心向农 村中心的转移的认识,首先是毛泽东独立思考的结果。 农村包围城市武装夺取政权的道路,也是中 国共产党人集体智慧的结晶,毛泽东在其中起了杰出的历史作用。 毛泽东不仅在实践中首先把武 装斗争的重心转向农村,创造了发展农村根据地的完整经验,而且从理论上对中国革命的道路问题 作出了说明。 贯穿这条独特道路及其理论的基本精神,就是独立自主地把马克思列宁主义普遍真 理与中国革命的具体实际相结合。 正是坚持这个基本精神,坚持从实际出发,中国革命就能从胜利 走向胜利。 关键词:毛泽东;农村包围城市;道路;经验;基本精神 中图分类号:A 84摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0005 - 09 On the Historical Significance of the Route Proposed by Mao Ze鄄dong to Seize the State Power by Armed Forces and Rural Areas Encircling Cities ZHONG Kang鄄mo ( The Party Committee, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China) Abstract:Mao Ze鄄dong忆s significant contribution lies in his success in figuring out a revolutionary route with Chinese characteristics. with his careful and independent thought, Mao Ze鄄dong realized that Chinese revolution should move from the cities to the rural areas. The route that rural areas encircle cities to seize the state power by armed forces is the contribution made collaboratively by the members of the Chinese Communist Party among whom Mao Ze鄄dong played an important role. Mao Ze鄄dong transferred the center of armed struggle to the rural areas in practice and put forward the idea of setting up the revolutionary base there. He also tried to expound the problems of the route of Chinese revolution in theory. To follow the route and understand its essence is to apply Marxism and Leninism to the Chinese revolutionary practice. Only by adhering to the idea and reality, can Chinese revolution move from victory to victory. Key words:Mao Ze鄄dong; rural areas encircling cities; route; experience; basic essence
  • 5. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 我国金融业混业经营趋势下的金融监管变革研究 罗长城 ( 中共广东省委 办公厅,广东 广州 510082) 摇 摇 摘要:在经济全球化和金融自由化的形势下,随着我国金融业的日益开放,混业经营是发展的 必然趋势。 我国原有的分业经营体制下金融监管模式,正面临新的问题和制度缺陷,不利于避免监 管混业经营带来的金融风险。 因此,有必要变革现有的金融监管体系。 应在吸收英国全能型的混 业监管模式以及美国综合监管与分业监管相结合的模式经验的基础上,从体制变革、功能变革、监 管方式变革、制度变革和机制变革等五个方面创建我国金融监管变革的新的监管模式。 这对于有 效监控我国金融业混业经营趋势下带来的新的金融风险具有重要意义。 关键词:金融业;混业经营;金融监管;变革 中图分类号:F 810. 2摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0014 - 05 The Study of the Innovation of China忆s Financial Regulation under the Trend towards Mixed Financial Operation LUO Chang鄄cheng ( General Office of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee,Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510082,P. R. China) Abstract:Along with the gradual opening of our country忆 s financial industry and under the situation of economic globalization and financial deregulation, mixed operation management will be an inexorable trend for the financial industry in our country. The mode of financial supervision under our country忆s previous divided operation management system is now confronted with new problems and system defects, which is no longer suitable for supervision of financial risks brought about by mixed operation management. Therefore, it is necessary to reform the existing financial supervision system according to this article. On the basis of the analysis and study of the all - round supervision mode of England as well as the combination of comprehensive supervision and divided supervision of America, this article proposes solutions for reform of our country忆s financial supervision system in five aspects including institutional reform, reform of functions, reform of supervision mode, reform of system and reform of mechanism. The new supervision mode will have significant meaning in terms of efficient supervision of new financial risks brought about by the trend of mixed operation management of the financial industry in our country. Key words:financial industry; mixed operation; financial regulation; reform
  • 6. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 SA8000 对我国劳动者权益保障的启示 蒋冬梅 ( 广东教育学院 政法系,广东 广州 510303) 摇 摇 摘要:SA8000 从童工、强迫性劳动、健康与安全、结社自由与集体谈判权等九个方面给予企业 规范性要求,作为自我评价为全球第一个可用于第三方认证的社会责任国际标准,它对我国完善劳 动者权益保障系统提出了新的要求,与我国有关劳动者权益保障的法律法规相比较,则我国有关劳 动者权益保障法律法规仍存在很大差距。 建议加快完善我国劳动者权益保障法律制度建设,改善 劳动者权益保障的法律环境,强化执法及执法的监督等,以落实 SA8000 对我国劳动者权益的保障。 关键词:SA8000;劳动者权益保障;法律制度 中图分类号:D 922. 5摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0019 - 05 The Inspiration of SA8000 on China忆s Labor Rights Protection JIANG Dong鄄mei ( Dept. of Politics & Law, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China) Abstract:SA8000, including the regulations of child labor, forced sex labor, health and safety, freedom in union formation and collective negotiation, provides norm for enterprises. As the first international standard for social responsibility used by the third side, SA8000 requires the perfection in the system of labor rights protection. The author contrasts SA8000 with the related law and regulations of labor rights protection, and then puts forward some advice for the improvement of the legal system of labor rights protection in China. Key words:SA8000; labor rights protection; legal system
  • 7. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 非 常 时 期 的 非 常 叙 事 ——对非典叙事的一种解读 — 宫爱玲 ( 山东科技大学 文法学院,山东 青岛 266510) 摇 摇 摘要:非典叙事是中国新时期文学史中重要而独特的文学存在。 作为非常时期非常文学的一 分子,它具有独特的文学史地位和美学意义。 就非典小说而言,它的主要情节模式是“ 改变冶 ,也就 是说非典小说着力于表达非典事件对人类生活的改变。 但是在现代传媒语境中,非典叙事显示出 了它的局限。 关键词:非典叙事;非常文学;情节模式 中图分类号:I 206摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0024 - 04 The Unique Narration of Unique Period ——The Study on SARS Narration — GONG Ai鄄ling ( Law and Humanity College, Shan Dong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong, 266510,P. R. China) Abstract:The SARS narration is the important and special period narration in contemporary literature which has the important status and unique aesthetic meaning in the history of the special period literature. As far as the SARS fiction is concerned, its main style mode is 忆 change忆. That is to say, SARS changes the life of human beings. When we put the SARS narration into the language situation of modern media, we find that the SARS narration has its limitation. Key words:SARS;SARS narration
  • 8. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 早期新诗中一种特殊的诗歌观 ——论康白情对新诗、旧诗功能的区分 — 赖彧煌 ( 福建师范大学 文学院,福建 福州 350007) 摇 摇 摘要:康白情既写新诗也写旧诗,不同于胡适试图彻底驱逐旧诗,这种双线写作能够在康白情 的观念和实践中并存,在于他区分了两种文类不同的功能。 新诗张扬新精神尽可以形式新,远离旧 诗的格式、趣味,而没有新精神的旧诗也尽可以在新诗之外自足地写作和把玩。 关键词:诗歌功能;新诗;旧诗 中图分类号:I 207. 25摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0028 - 05 A Special Concept of Poetry in Early New Poetry ——On Kang Bai鄄qing忆s Distinction of the Roles — Played by the New and Old鄄style Poetry LAI Yu鄄huang ( School of Humanities, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350007,P. R. China) Abstract:Unlike Hu Shi, who tries to resist the old style poems completely, Kang Bai鄄qing writes new poems as well as the old鄄style ones. The different鄄style poems writing shown in his concept and practice results from his clear distinction made between them. The new poetry representing new spirit is new in its form, different from the old鄄style poetry in form and interest. However, the old鄄style poetry being short of new spirit may also be written and refreshed freely. Key words:poetry function; new poetry; old鄄style poetry
  • 9. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 《 新小说》 勃兴之原因 ——从传播学顺应理论的角度分析 — 廖摇 华 ( 广西民族大学 文学院,广西 南宁 530006) 摇 摇 摘要:《 新小说》 开创了一个以机器复制、报刊连载为主要特征的文艺杂志的时代,为中国小说 的发表和传播找到了一条适合时代发展要求的新途径,并直接促成了 20 世纪初期报章小说繁盛一 时的崭新局面。 关键词:新小说;勃兴原因;顺应理论 中图分类号:I 207. 4摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0033 - 04 The Reason for the Flourish of New Novel ——An Analysis in the Aspect of Adaptation Theory of Mass Communication — LIAO Hua (School of Language Arts, Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning, Guangxi, 530006, P. R. China) Abstract:New novel has begun an age of literature and art magazine which is characterized by the mechanical copying and serial publication. It finds a new way for the publication and spread of Chinese novel, which is suitable for the development demand of the age, and directly facilitates the flourishing phase of the novels and newspaper in the early period of the 20th century. This paper tries to explore the flourishing reason of new novel in the aspect of adaptation theory. Key words:New novel;reason for flourish;adaptation theory
  • 10. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 试论仄声韵格律诗的平仄格式 刘志纲 ( 广东教育学院 中文系,广东 广州 510303) 摇 摇 摘要:关于仄声韵格律诗的平仄格式,学界迄今很少有人专题论及。 将仄声韵的平仄格式与平 声韵诗的平仄格式略作比较,我们可以发现,仄声韵诗的平仄格式,有不少与平声韵诗的平仄格式 一样,无论是五言还是七言的诗,也都有四种基本句式和四种基本格式,平仄变化的规律性也很强, 与平声韵诗不同的只是出句末字不入韵的字可用平声也可用仄声,且平仄格式更灵活多变。 关键词:仄声韵;格律诗;平仄格式;句式 中图分类号:H 11摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0037 - 06 The Ping鄄ze Format in Ze Tonal Rhyme Metrical Verse LIU Zhi鄄gang ( Dept. of Chinese,Guangdong Education Institute,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510303,P. R. China) Abstract:In the academic community, little work has been done to discuss the Ping鄄ze format in Ze tonal rhyme metrical verse specially. By comparing the Ping鄄ze format in Ze tonal rhyme metrical verse with that in the Ping tonal rhyme metrical verse, we found that, whether the poems with five characters or seven characters per line, there are always four basic sentence patterns as well as four basic formats in Ze tonal rhyme metrical verse. Moreover, the mutation between Ping and Ze tonal rhyme also follows a very strong regularity. However, the last word in each line that is not restricted by tonal rhyme can be either Ping or Ze and the Ping鄄Ze format in Ze tonal rhyme metrical verse is more flexible. Key words:Ze tonal rhyme;metrical verses;Ping鄄ze format;sentence pattern
  • 11. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 程度副词“ 太冶 后面的褒义形容词 陈摇 晖,屠爱萍 ( 湖南师范大学 文学院,湖南 长沙 410081) 摇 摇 摘要:从语法上说,程度副词“ 太冶 之后的褒义形容词有两类:一类既可以表示程度极高,用于赞 叹,又可以表示程度过分,用于表达说话人的不认同;另一类只表示程度极高,用于赞叹。 本文试着 在句式变换理论、语义特征理论和形容词配价理论的指导下,对这两类褒义形容词进行区分。 关键词:太;褒义形容词;区别 中图分类号:H 03摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0043 - 04 The Degree Adverb“ 太冶 and the Positive Adjective Following CHEN Hui,TU Ai鄄ping ( College of Liberal Arts, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan,410081, P. R. China) Abstract:As far as grammar is concerned, there are two kinds of positive adjectives behind the degree adverb “ 太冶 . One of them can denote not only the high degree, indicating one忆s admiration, but also overabundance, indicating one忆s dissatisfaction, while the other kind can only denote the high degree, indicating one忆s admiration. Guided by semantics character theory and adjectival conjugate theory, this paper tries to differentiate these two kinds of adjective based on other related research. Key words:“ 太冶 ; positive adjective; difference
  • 12. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 双宾语的变式结构和早期处置式 徐志林 ( 广东教育学院 中文系,广东 广州 510303) 摇 摇 摘要:为了“ 凸现冶 双宾语的语义焦点“ 直接宾语冶 ,用介词“ 以冶 将其提到动词前面,从而构成 “ 以冶 字结构。 从语法结构上说,属于双宾语的变式结构;从语义特征上说,介词“ 以冶 具有将后面的 宾语交由动词处置的语法意义,属于早期处置式。 关键词:双宾语;变式结构;配价;处置式 中图分类号:H 146. 3摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0047 - 05 Double鄄object Variable Structure and the Early Disposal Construction XU Zhi鄄lin ( Dept of Chinese, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China) Abstract: In order to“ highlight冶 the semantics focus of the“ direct object冶 on the double鄄object structure, the preposition “ yi( 以) 冶 is added to the“ direct object冶 in front of the verb, thereby constituting“ yi( 以) 冶 structure, which is a dual鄄object variable structure as grammatical structure is concerned. But in the aspect of the semantic features, it belongs to the early disposal construction. Key words:double object; variable structure; valence; the disposal construction
  • 13. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 粤语影评中语码转换的功能分析 杨振兴 ( 广东外语艺术职业学院,广东 广州 510640) 摇 摇 摘要:语码转换是一种普遍的语言现象,存在于任何两种或两种以上的语言之间,也存在于大 部分语篇,特别是非正式的语篇中。 存在于网络上的影评,是一种特殊的非正式语篇。 通过功能理 论对其进行分析,发现语码转换在这种特殊的语篇中发挥了特殊的社会功能和人际功能作用,从而 揭示了影评中语码转换的特点。 关键词:语码转换;功能分析;粤语;影评 中图分类号:H 03摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0052 - 04 A Functional Analysis of Code鄄switching in Cantonese Film Reviews YANG Zhen鄄xing (Guangdong Teachers College of Foreign Language and Arts, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510640, P. R. China) Abstract:The language phenomenon of ‘ Code鄄switching爷 is easily found in the interaction of two or more languages. It exists in most of the texts, especially informal ones. The one in film reviews found on the internet is unusual and informal. With the application of theories of functional linguistics, this paper not only shows that code鄄 switching in film reviews plays an unusual and important role in social functions and interpersonal functions, but also reveals the characteristics of code鄄switching in film reviews. Key words:code鄄switching; functional analysis; Cantonese; film鄄reviews
  • 14. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 广东省中小学教师专业发展现状的调查研究 赵丹凌 ( 广东教育学院 人事处,广东 广州 510303) 摇 摇 摘要:对广东省中小学教师专业发展现状的调查表明:广东省中小学教师专业发展呈现出发展 起点明显提高、基础较好以及对教师岗位的职业认可程度普遍较高、事业感较强等特征;同时也存 在着地区分布上的结构性失调、专业素质整体发展不均衡、知识更新等能力不足、知识更新的速度 较慢、对继续教育培训的依赖程度较高等问题。 建议通过加强对教师专业发展的指导,改革培训课 程,创新学习模式和方法,加大立法力度,完善教师继续教育制度,建立骨干教师帮扶制度,实现教 师资源的合理配置等措施,提高教师专业发展能力和水平。 关键词:中小学教师;专业发展;基本状态;存在问题;对策建议 中图分类号:G 451. 2摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0056 - 07 An Investigation on Current Teachers忆 Professional Development in the Secondary and Elementary Schools in Guangdong Province ZHAO Dan鄄ling ( The Persoknel Department Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510303, P. R. China) Abstract:The following investigation on current teachers忆 professional development in the secondary and elementary schools in Guangdong Province indicates that teachers忆 professional development in the province are characterized with the obvious standard rising at the threshold stage, the overall recognition to teachers from the community and teachers忆 strong accountability in teaching. While at the same time, the author also sees some problems existing such as: the unbalanced distribution of the structure of teachers忆 education as well as the unequal development of teachers忆 professional competence in different regions, teachers忆 lacking of abilities to continuously enrich their expertise and the slow pace of them to develop their knowledge, and also with the problem of teachers忆 relying too much on continuous education and etc,. The author thus suggests the government give more guidance on teachers忆 professional development, improve the curriculum of teachers忆 education, refine current learning modules and methods and put more efforts on setting regulations so as to keep on improving the teachers忆 continuous education system and to establish a tutorship scheme which is conducted by AST ( Advance Skilled Teachers) to young teachers, to realize the effective allocation of teachers忆 resources and ultimately to improve teachers忆 professional development and their capabilities in teaching. Key words: teachers in secondary and elementary schools; professional development; reality; problems existing; suggestions and strategies
  • 15. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 论教师专业化过程中大学教师的专业发展 杨摇 婕 ( 华南师范大学 教育科学学院, 广东 广州 510631) 摇 摇 摘要:大学教师专业发展是实现大学教师专业化的重要手段,而大学教师的专业发展有赖于良 好的内在与外在环境,同时,大学教师专业发展的核心就是教学与科研的协调发展。 而教学与科研 并行发展的愿望和教学与科研不均衡发展的现实状况,要求我们应不断完善大学教师的科研与教 学评价机制,而大学教师在关注教学质量的同时,也要充分意识到自己作为“ 学术人冶 的角色,提高 自己的学术科研能力。 关键词:大学教师;专业发展;科研;教学 中图分类号:G 451. 2摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0063 - 04 On Faculty Professional Development in the Process of Teacher Professionalization YANG Jie (School of Educational Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong,510631,P. R. China) Abstract:Faculty development is a significant approach to realize faculty professionalization, and faculty development relies on healthy environment both inside and outside. Moreover, the core of faculty development is harmonious progress both in teaching and in research. However, the reality with imbalance between them requires us to perfect the assessment system of teaching and research; while at the same time faculty should also stress the emphasis of both teaching and research. Key words:faculty; professional development;research;teaching
  • 16. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 中小学校长培训师资队伍建设中存在的问题及其对策 何尚武 ( 嘉应学院 学报编辑部, 广东 梅州 514015) 摇 摇 摘要:培训师资队伍数量不足、质量偏低、比例失调、培训者培训不到位,是“ 十一五冶 中小学校 长培训工作中暴露出来的非常突出的矛盾,它直接影响培训的质量和校长参与培训的积极性。 问 题形成的主要原因是因为从事培训教学工作的专职教师青黄不接、一些兼职教师的工作岗位的变 换、缺乏对从事培训教学的师资的继续教育和教学的理论性要求不断提高,等其中缺乏对从事培训 教学的师资的继续教育是诸多原因中的主要原因。 要想有效解决这个问题,必须从加强培训者培 训和加强制度建设两个方面入手,在省域区位内统筹解决。 关键词:培训师资队伍;建设;问题;对策 中图分类号:G 451. 2摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0067 - 05 The Problems of the Perfection of Trainer Faculty for the Current Head Teacher Training and its Countermeasures HE Shang鄄wu ( Editorial Department of the School Journal, Jiaying University, Meizhou, Guangdong, 514015, P. R. China) Abstract: The trainer faculty with the insufficient number, low quality, the imbalanced ratio, and the ineffective training of trainers shows a very prominent contradiction for head teacher training in the “11th Five - Year Plan冶 . This has a direct impact on the quality of the training and the head teachers' enthusiasm to participate. The problem is mainly caused by the temporary scarcity of the professional trainers, the work transformation of some part - time trainers, the lack of further education for the trainers and the upgrading of the teaching theory, among which the lack of further education for the trainers is the main cause. To effectively solve this problem, we must strengthen trainers' training and enhance the construction of system, and solve the problems in the provincial areas. Key words: trainer faculty; construction; problems; countermeasures
  • 17. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 加州大学旧金山分校发展历程和成功经验 耿景海1 ,郑木明2 ,欧阳谦2 (1. 南方医科大学 继续教育学院,广东 广州 510515; 2. 南方医科大学 学校办公室,广东 广州 510515) 摇 摇 摘要:加州大学旧金山分校的发展历程表明:在竞争中与对手共存发展、基础研究与实践有机 结合、紧跟社会需求开展学术研究、建设强有力的科研合作团队等发展策略,对 UCSF 的跨越式发展 发挥了重要作用。 关键词:加州大学旧金山分校;发展历程;经验 中图分类号:G 47摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0072 - 03 The History of the Development and Successful Experience of the University of California, San Francisco GENG Jin鄄hai1 , ZHENG Mu鄄ming2 , OUYANG Qian2 (1. College of Continuing Education, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510515, P. R. China; 2. School Administration Office, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510515, P. R. China) Abstract: Through analyzing the developmental history of the University of California San Francisco, the author points out several strategies that are regarded as main factors to bring about UCSF today's success, such as win鄄win competition with Stanford University School of Medicine, integration of biomedical and clinical research, social demand鄄oriented research direction and fostering interdisciplinary innovation and collaboration. Key words:University of California, San Francisco; development history; experience
  • 18. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 有关歧义消解的句子加工理论 韩迎春1 ,莫雷2 (1. 广东教育学院 教育系,广东 广州 5103032;2. 华南师范大学 心理系,广东 广州 510631) 摇 摇 摘要:歧义消解现象是近几十年里句子加工领域的研究者们一直关注的对象。 平行加工还 是线性加工、加工延迟是源于句法结构的再分析还是源自各种分析之间的竞争以及词汇加工是 否等同于句法加工等问题一直处于争论状态。 线性观点与平行观点之间的争论正好对应了资源 有限假设,对这部分的深入理解将有助于汉语语料的歧义消解研究,有助于理解汉语言加工的内 部心理机制。 关键词:歧义消解;线性加工观点;平行加工观点;花园 - 路径模型;基于限制的竞争模型 中图分类号:B 842摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0075 - 06 A Review of the Process of the Sentences Resolving of Ambiguity HAN Ying鄄chun1 ,MO Lei2 (1. Dept. of Psychology, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303,P. R. China; 2. Dept. of Psychology, South China Nomal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303,P. R. China) Abstract:The phenomenon of ambiguity resolution has received concerns of researchers for several decades. Issues such as whether the sentence processing pattern is serial or parallel, the delay in sentence processing is caused by the reanalysis of grammatical structure or the competition of all sorts of analysis, the vocabulary processing is equal to the sentence processing are still at dispute. The distinction of serial and parallel accounts corresponds to the hypothesis of limited resources. Further study of this field will improve the research on the resolution of ambiguity in Chinese corpus environment and will better the understanding of mental mechanism of sentence processing. Key words:the resolution of ambiguity; the serial point of view in processing; the mode of garden - route; the mode of competition based on limitation
  • 19. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 对高中英语教师反思日记的分析与思考 李摇 华 ( 广东教育学院 外语系,广东 广州 510303) 摇 摇 摘要:对广东省 6 所学校的 24 位不同职称的高中英语教师 78 篇教学反思日记进行整理、归纳、分 析,结果表明:高中英语教师的反思意识不强,反思内容多样、反思水平主要在第一层次‘回顾爷 和第二 层次理性水平上。 针对教师在反思日记中进行反思所存在的问题,应该从提高反思意识、营造反思氛 围、丰富反思内容、加强反思实践等方面提高英语教师反思能力,以促进教师的专业发展。 关键词:反思;英语教师;反思日记 中图分类号:G 451摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0081 - 04 Reflections and Analysis on the Reflective Diaries of EFL teachers LI Hua (Dept. of Foreign Language, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China) Abstract:The study was carried out on collecting, summarizing and analyzing 78 reflective dairies from 24 high school English teachers of 6 middle schools in 6 different regions of Guangdong with different job titles through empirical research. The findings of this study reveal the English teachers ' weakness in awareness of reflection; various contents of reflection and their reflective levels mainly on level one 'Recall level ', and level two ' Rationalization level'. In light of the problems in the reflective dairies, the paper suggests that the ability of English teachers' reflection should be improved so as to promote the teachers professional development by enhancing awareness of reflection, creating an atmosphere for reflection, enriching content of reflection and enhancing reflective practice. Key words:reflection; English teachers; reflective diary
  • 20. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 知识构建理论对信息时代外语教学发展趋势的启示 陈映苹,季明雨 ( 广东工业大学 外国语学院,广东 广州 510900) 摇 摇 摘要:利用外语进行有效的跨文化交际是学习外语的最终目的。 跨文化交际中的多模态识读 能力和交际能力是学习者进行可持续性知识发展创新的基础。 同时,可持续创新知识构建应成为 开放共享、民主化信息时代外语教学发展的方向。 关键词:知识构建;外语教学;跨文化交际能力 中图分类号:H 319摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0085 - 03 Intercultural and Sustainable Knowledge Innovation: on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in the Age of Information CHEN Ying鄄ping,JI Ming鄄yu ( School of Foreign Languages, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510900 P. R. China) Abstract: Foreign language learning is to effectively conduct intercultural communication. The multi - literacy and the intercultural communicative competence are the basis of sustainable development of knowledge building. Meanwhile the knowledge building should be the trend for the development of foreign language teaching and learning in the age of information. Keywords: sustainable knowledge innovation; foreign language teaching and learning; intercultural communicative competence
  • 21. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 试论秦汉简牍中奴婢的户籍问题 文摇 霞 ( 广东教育学院 政法系,中国 广州,510303) 摇 摇 摘要:秦汉奴婢的户籍问题一直是史学界争论较多的问题之一。 随着秦汉简牍资料的相继出 土,对奴婢户籍问题的研究得到了进一步深化。 从简牍情况看来,秦汉奴婢更多地是以资产性质或 依附人口的身份登记于户籍,而没有以个人身份登记于户籍。 这种情况与奴婢半人半物的身份特 征密切相关。 关键词:秦汉时期;奴婢;户籍;半人半物 中图分类号:K 232摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0088 - 05 The Research on the Question about the Slaves忆 Household Register in Chin and Han Dynasties WEN Xia ( Dept. of Politics and Law, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China) Abstract: The question about the slaves忆 household register in Chin and Han dynasties was discussed drastically. As the bamboo and wooden slips in Chin and Han dynasties had been discovered in recent years, the research on the slaves忆household register was enhanced further. From the slips, we could see that the slaves were registered as the property or the attachment to their hosts but not as person in the household register, which was correlated to the slaves忆status characteristic鄄half person and half property. Key words: Chin and Han dynasties; slaves; household register; half person and half property
  • 22. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 汉初“ 孔子素王论冶 考 王光松 ( 广东教育学院 政法系,广东 广州 510303) 摇 摇 摘要:在梳理汉初素王话语流变的基础上,通过对《 淮南子·主术训》 篇与董仲舒的孔子素王论 同后世孔子素王论进行比对的方式,确定后者即后世孔子素王论的直接源头。 董氏素王论缘起于 对秦制的不满及其实现儒家德治的冲动,其主要营建工具为布衣受命论,对“ 西狩获麟冶 的新解则是 其营建契机。 关键词:孔子素王论;《 淮南子·主术训》 ;董仲舒;改制 中图分类号:K 232摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0093 - 04 A Study on the Theory of Confucius as Su鄄wang in the Early Han Dynasty WANG Guang鄄song (Dept. of Politics and Law, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China) Abstract:On the basic work to trace the development of the topic of Su鄄wang in the early Han dynasty, this paper compares two theories of Confucius as Su鄄wang ( the author of Zhu鄄shu xun and Tung Chung鄄shu) with the popular ones afterwards, and confirms that the popular theory of Confucius as Su鄄wang is put forward firstly by Tung Chung鄄shu. Tung Chung鄄shu's dissatisfaction with the system of Qin and his impulse to realize Confucians' ideal rule ( rule by morals) promotes his theory of Confucius as Su鄄wang, Bu鄄yi鄄shou鄄ming鄄lun is the main means and the new understanding about Xi鄄shou鄄huo鄄lin is the turning point in his career. Key words:the theory of Confucius as Su鄄wang; Huai鄄nanzi·Zhu鄄shu xun; Tung Chung鄄shu;the reform of the political system
  • 23. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 对“ 无灌输道德教育冶 研究的回顾与思考 郭树斌 ( 广东教育学院 党委办公室,广东 广州 510303) 摇 摇 摘要:对道德灌输的批判和对无灌输道德教育理论的构建,构成了 20 世纪西方道德教育的理 论生态,移植与反思成为近年来国内对无灌输道德教育研究的主要观点。 对无灌输道德教育的研 究应坚持“ 两点论冶 ,弃其局限性,扬其合理性,将之吸纳到道德灌输理论中,丰富灌输理论的内涵。 关键词:无灌输道德教育;道德灌输;移植;反思 中图分类号:G 41摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0097 - 05 A Review and Reflection on the Research of Moral Education without Indoctrination GUO Shu鄄bin ( The Party Committee office,Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China) Abstract:The western moral education theory consists of the moral indoctrination criticism and the construction of moral education without indoctrination. In recent years in China, transplantation and reflection are becoming two important viewpoints of researching moral education without indoctrination. However, their limitations should be rejected and rationalities emphasized in application. The adoption of transplantation and reflection would enrich the connotation of the moral education with indoctrination. Key words:moral education without indoctrination; moral indoctrination; transplantation; reflection
  • 24. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 论隐性方式的思想政治教育及其内在原则 彭晓薇 ( 广东教育学院 思想政治理论课教学部,广东 广州 510303) 摇 摇 摘要:隐性方式的思想政治教育是思想政治教育的方式之一,具有教育目标和过程的隐蔽性、 教育手段的非强制性、教育方法的多样性、教育接受的无意识性、教育过程的长期性、教育效果的独 特性等特征。 它内在地蕴含着教育价值取向上的以受教育者为本原则,教育目标上的方向性原则, 教育过程中的渗透性原则,教育手段上的系统性原则。 关键词:隐性方式;思想政治教育;隐蔽性;实效性 中图分类号:G 641摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0102 - 04 The Recessive Form of Ideological and Political Education and it忆s Principles PENG Xiao鄄wei ( Dept. of Ideological and Political Theory Teaching,Guangdong Education Institute Guangzhou,Guangdong,510303,P. R. China) Abstract:The recessive form of ideological and political education refers to the hidden ideological and political educational activities that carry out without perceiving by educated. The activities are often taken within the education entities and social activities so as to achieve the goal of the ideological and political education. The recessive form of ideological and political education not only has the hidden nature of educational goal and procedure, the non鄄mandatory educational means, the diversity of teaching methods, the unconscious acceptance of the education, the long鄄term educational process, the unique characteristics of educational effect, but also inherently contains the educational values which includes the basic principles of educated oriented, educational goal directed, the permeability of education process, and the systematic means of educational methods. Keyword: the recessive form of ideological and political education; the hidden nature; the availability of ideological and political education
  • 25. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 数据挖掘技术在高校图书馆中的应用 艾摇 颖 ( 广东教育学院 图书馆,广东 广州 510303) 摇 摇 摘要:数据挖掘作为目前国际上数据库和信息系统最前沿的研究方向之一, 在图书馆界的应用 才刚刚起步。 在高校图书馆的运作中,我们可以将数据挖掘技术应用在为管理者提供资源采购建 议、为读者提供更全面的信息参考服务和个性化服务方面,从而大大提高高校图书馆工作效率和服 务质量。 关键词:数据挖掘;图书馆;信息服务 中图分类号:G 250. 76摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007鄄8754(2008)02 - 00106 - 03 The Application of Data鄄mining Technology in Libraries of Universities and Colleges AI Ying ( Library of Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong,510303, P. R. China) Abstract: Data鄄mining, one of the frontiers in the research of database and information system is applied in libraries recently. In the management of libraries in universities and colleges, we can use data鄄mining technology to provide advice for the managers in the purchasing action, to offer all鄄sided and humane service in message鄄hunting so as to enhance the efficiency and quality of library service. Keyword: data鄄mining, library, information service
  • 26. 第 28 卷摇 第 2 期 教 育 学 院 学 报 广 东 2008 年 4 月 Vol. 28摇 No. 2 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute Apr. 2008 当前高校教学档案工作中存在的问题及其对策 郑布光 ( 广东教育学院 人事处,广东 广州 510303) 摇 摇 摘要:高等学校的档案工作,是办好学校重要的基础性工作。 高校的教学档案是教学活动、教 学管理、教学研究的历史记录,是高校档案中不可或缺的重要组成部分。 明确教学档案的作用与意 义;重视教学档案的形成及管理;做好教学档案的分类和利用;重视和加强高校教学档案工作,发挥 其开发利用及服务的积极作用。 关键词:高校;教学档案;问题;对策 中图分类号:G 271摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1007 - 8754(2008)02 - 0109 - 04 Some Problems in the management of Teaching Files in Colleges end Universities and the countermeasures ZHENG Bu鄄guang ( Dept. of Personnel, Guangdong Education Institute, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510303, P. R. China) Abstract:The file management in higher educational institutes is an important and basic work for school management. The teaching files in colleges and universities are the historical record of teaching activities, teaching management, and teaching research, and also one of the important and indispensable parts of files in colleges and universities. Therefore, we should identify the functions and significance of teaching files, stress the formation and management of teaching files, classify and utilize teaching files, strengthen teaching file management and make full use of its positive role in development and utilization. Key words:colleges and universities; teaching files; problems;countermeasurs