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Ούτε Ένας
Μουσουλμάνος δεν
επιτρέπεται να
παραμείνει σε Ελλάδα
ή Ευρώπη: ο
Ανατολιστής καθ.
εξηγεί γιατί!
αναδημοσιευμένο εδώ:
Οι Ρωμιοί της
Ανατολής – τολική Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία
Ούτε Ένας
Μουσουλμάνος δεν
επιτρέπεται να
παραμείνει σε Ελλάδα
ή Ευρώπη: ο
Ανατολιστής καθ.
εξηγεί γιατί!
greeksoftheorient Fighting against the Islamic Terrorism and Barbarism, Globalism -
Γκλομπαλισμός (Παγκοσμιοποίηση), Αποικιοκρατία & Καταπιεζόμενα Έθνη, Αραμαίοι -
Aramaeans - Арамейцы, Ασία - Азия - Asia, Αφρική, Ανατολή & Δύση - Orient &
Occident, Γεωπολιτική - Geopolitics, Διάλυση των συγχρόνων κοινωνιών και δράση
δαιμονικών ιεραρχιών, Διεθνής Πολιτική - World Politics, Ευρώπη - Πολιτική &
Οικονομία, Εκπαίδευση - Education, Ελλάδα & Ευρώπη, Ελλάδα - Πολιτική, Ιστορία -
History, Ισλαμική Τρομοκρατία, λαθρομετανάστες κι η διάλυση της Ευρώπης, Συρία-
Ιράκ, Σχετικά με τον καθ. Μουχάμαντ Σαμσαντίν Μεγαλομμάτη, Τουρκία & Κεμάλ
Ατατούρκ, Χριστιανωσύνη, αιρέσεις και άλλες θρησκείες, ελληνική κοινωνία, ιστορία
θρησκειών, ισλάμ, Multiculturalism - Мультикультурализм -
Πολυπολιτισμικότητα, Orientalism - Οριενταλισμός, Ανατολιστικές
Επιστήμες November 12, 2019 24 Minutes
Μην επιτρέπετε στα καθάρματα της
ελληνικής πολιτικής, στους λωποδύτες
δημόσιους υπαλλήλους, στους απατεώνες
των κομματικών μηχανισμών, στους
εγκληματίες της παραπληροφόρησης των
ΜΜΕ, στους αμόρφωτους προπαγανδιστές
των ψευτο-πανεπιστημίων, στους
άχρηστους στρατιωτικούς, και στην αισχρή
οικονομική ολιγαρχία να σας
αποπροσανατολίζουν και να σας
αδρανοποιούν, όταν μπορείτε να τους
εξοντώσετε και να πάρετε την Ελλάδα στα
χέρια σας για να σώσετε την πατρίδα μας!
Ούτε μισός μουσουλμάνος δεν μπορεί να
‘ενταχθεί’ στην Ελλάδα ή στην Ευρώπη –
και συνεπώς κανένας δεν επιτρέπεται να
παραμείνει. Όσοι διεστραμμένοι και
ψυχανώμαλοι, ως Αριστεροί, διατείνονται το
αντίθετο είναι οι πρώτοι εχθροί των
Ελλήνων, της Ρωμιοσύνης και της
Ορθοδοξίας – κι είναι οι πρώτοι που
πρέπει να καθαρίσετε από την μέση, για να
μην δείτε την γυναίκα σας να φοράει
χετζάμπ, την κόρη σας να γίνεται
μουσουλμάνα σκλάβα του έρωτα, και τον γιο
σας να ευνουχίζεται εξεπίτηδες από τους
λαθρο-εισβολείς για να εξοντωθούν –
αποδεδειγμένα έτσι βάσει σχεδίου – η φυλή
και το έθνος
Η ισλαμική τρομοκρατία δεν
παρασκευάστηκε λίγα μόνον χρόνια πριν το
κακόφημο 9/11. Το πρόγραμμα τελικού
αφανισμού των Ευρωπαίων, το ξεκίνησαν
εδώ και δυο αιώνες αυτοί που εξουσιάζουν
τις δυτικο-ευρωπαϊκές και βορειο-
αμερικανικές χώρες μισώντας την φυλετική
καταγωγή και την χριστιανική ταυτότητα
των εντοπίων. Η αποικιοκρατία των
Γάλλων και των Άγγλων σε τμήματα της
Ασίας και της Αφρικής μπορεί φαινομενικά
τότε να μετέφερε τεράστιο πλούτο στις
χώρες αυτές αλλά στην πραγματικότητα
προετοίμασε / προξένησε το ισλαμιστικό
τσουνάμι που παρατηρούμε σήμερα. Λάθος ή
σχέδιο; Αυτό θα αναλύσουν ιστορικοί. Η
ουσία είναι ότι αν δεν αντιδράσετε άμεσα,
Ο Έλληνας ανατολιστής, ιστορικός και
πολιτικός επιστήμονας, καθ. Μουχάμαντ
Σαμσαντίν Μεγαλομμάτης, ο οποίος
προσχώρησε στο Ισλάμ το 1992, είχε την
ειλικρίνεια, ως κορυφαίος ευρυμαθής
ερευνητής και ως άνθρωπος με σπάνια
ηθική ακεραιότητα, να καταγγείλει πρώτος
τα σχέδια που διεκπεραιώνουν εις βάρος
των Ευρωπαίων, των Ελλήνων και
γενικώτερα των Χριστιανών οι σκοτεινές
δυνάμεις του χάους και του αφανισμού. Σε
μια σειρά τριών βαρυσήμαντων και
πραγματικά προφητικών άρθρων του το
2007, εξήγησε τους λόγους για τους
οποίους δεν είναι εφικτή η ‘ένταξη’ των
μουσουλμάνων στην Ευρώπη – εντελώς
γελοιοποιώντας ήδη πριν από 12 χρόνια
την εγκληματική και προδοτική πολιτική
της κυβέρνησης του σκουπιδιού
Ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης σε αρχαιολογική έρευνα
στο Ντιγιάρμπεκιρ το 1984 – έξω από τα
Ιουστινιάνεια τείχη της πόλης και με φόντο
τον Τίγρη ποταμό
Ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης σε διάλεξή του το 1995
Ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης σε αρχαιολογική έρευνα
στο (νοτιοανατολική Τουρκία, νότια της
Ούρφα/Έδεσσας της Οσροηνής, κοντά στα
τουρκο-συριακά σύνορα) Χαρράν το 1995
Ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης διευθυντής –
αρχισυντάκτης περιοδικού στο Κάιρο το
Ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης με την Ευρωπαία
Επίτροπο Ferrero Waldner στην
Αλεξάνδρεια το 2005
Ο τίτλος του πρώτου από τα τρία άρθρα τα
λέει όλα: “Ένταξη των Μουσουλμάνων
σημαίνει Διάλυση της Ευρώπης”. Μάλιστα,
στα αγγλικά αυτό ακούγεται ακόμη πιο
έντονα επειδή χρησιμοποιούνται δυο λέξεις
ετυμολογικώς ολότελα αντίθετες μεταξύ
τους: ” Integration of Muslims means
Disintegration of Europe”. Μέσα σε επτά
μόνον λέξεις ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης λέει όλη
την αλήθεια που κακουργηματικά κι
εθνοκτονικά παραμορφώνουν ‘αθλιοι
εγκληματίες και μυσαροί σατανιστές, όπως
ο παθητικός ομοφυλόφιλος βουλευτής
ΣΥΡΙΖΑ Αντίχριστος Γιαννούλης κι η
έκφυλη σατανίστρια Ντόρα Μπακογιάννη.
Οι ιστορικοί λόγοι, τους οποίους παραθέτει
ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης και για τους οποίους
ένταξη των Μουσουλμάνων σημαίνει
Διάλυση της Ευρώπης, είναι οι εξής:
– μακραίωνο ευρωπαϊκό μίσος κατά του
– ψευδέστατο ακαδημαϊκό – πνευματικό
υπόβαθρο και ψεύτικη ταυτότητα της
σύγχρονης Ευρώπης (Ελληνισμός)
– στρεβλή αντίληψη της Παγκόσμιας
Ιστορίας εξαιτίας της σκευωρίας ‘Δύση
εναντίον Ανατολής’
– αποτρόπαια παραμόρφωση του ‘άλλου’
– διάλυση της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας
Στο δεύτερο άρθρο της τριλογίας, υπό τον
τίτλο ” Reasons making Muslim
Integration in Europe Impossible” (Λόγοι
που καθιστούν την Αδύνατη την Ένταξη
των Μουσουλμάνων στην Ευρώπη), ο κ.
Μεγαλομμάτης παραθέτει επιπλέον
ιστορικούς λόγους που καθορίζουν το
συγκεκριμένο πρόβλημα:
– τραγική κατάληξη του ισλαμικού
πολιτισμού και άνοδος της βαρβαρότητας απ’
άκρου εις άκρον των κατ’ όνομα ισλαμικών
(στο σημείο αυτό ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης ορίζει
το έτος 1580 ως ημερομηνία θανάτου του
ισλαμικού πολιτισμού, συνεπώς καταλυτικά
εκθέτει όλους τους υπερασπιστές των
λαθρο-εισβολέων ως συμπαραστάτες
– διαμόρφωση του παναραβισμού και
ψευδούς ταυτότητας και γλώσσας για τις
μάζες των αποικιών της Γαλλίας και της
(στο σημείο αυτό ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης
αναλύει ποια υπήρξαν τα εργαλεία του
εκβαρβαριστικού ρόλου της Γαλλίας στον
χώρο των αποικιών της, περιγράφει το
αβυσσαλέο γαλλικό μίσος κατά του
Χριστιανικού Κοπτικού Πολιτισμού της
Αιγύπτου, και ορίζει τον παναραβισμό ως
ένα απάνθρωπο και βάρβαρο σύστημα
συμπεριφοράς που μετατρέπει τα θύματά
του σε υπανθρώπους)
– συστηματικό και διεστραμμένο έργο
Α- της βερβερικής γλώσσας, παιδείας και
Β – της κοπτικής γλώσσας, παιδείας και
Γ – της αραμαϊκής γλώσσας, παιδείας και
ταυτότητας, και
Δ – της υεμενικής γλώσσας, παιδείας και
ταυτότητας – εκ μέρους των Άγγλων και
Γάλλων αποικιοκρατών
(στο σημείο αυτο ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης
καταγγέλλει την εκ μέρους των δυτικών
οριενταλιστών χρήση ψευδών εθνικών
ονομάτων για τους Αραμαίους, όπως οι
γελοίοι κι ανύπαρκτοι όροι ‘Χαλδαίοι’ και
‘Ασσύριοι’, καθώς και την απαγόρευση και
πάλιν εκ μέρους των δυτικών
αποικιοκρατών της χρήσης του ονόματος
‘Φοινίκη’ αντί του πλαστού όρου ‘Λίβανος’.
Επίσης ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης καταδεικνύει
ποιο είναι το καίριο σημείο το οποίο
αποκαλύπτει την δυτικοευρωπαϊκή
ταυτότητα των ακαδημαϊκών γονέων του
ισλαμικού εξτρεμισμού)
– άγρια διαστρέβλωση των εθνικών
ιστοριών των παρανόμως αποσπασμένων
από την Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία λαών, η
οποία συνοδεύτηκε από πολλαπλή σύγχυση
– εξαπάτηση της διεθνούς ακαδημαϊκής
κοινότητας (εκ μέρους των Άγγλων και
Γάλλων οριενταλιστών)
– διεστραμμένη αναπαράσταση του Αρχαίου
Ανατολικού και του Ισλαμικού Παρελθόντος
προ του ευρωπαϊκού, δυτικού και διεθνούς
αναγνωστικού κοινού (εκ μέρους των
Άγγλων και Γάλλων οριενταλιστών)
Αναδημοσιεύω στην συνέχεια τα δύο πρώτα
άρθρα της τριλογίας του κ. Μεγαλομμάτη
και στο θέμα θα επανέλθω με επόμενο
Integration of
Muslims means
Disintegration of
By Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin
Published: 8/9/2007
Too little, too late: this expression
characterizes the post September 11th
European approach to the (important for
the Europeans) issue of the social
integration of the Muslim populations.
For a Historian with non-subjective
criteria it may look comical and even
absurd how Europeans dare imagine they
could ever help integrate these
populations that gullibly or intentionally
European administrations allowed to
enter – or attracted in – Europe.
Certainly, there are ostensible financial
reasons for the presence of cheap
manpower in countries like France,
England, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc. and
this may be quite easily understood. But
were these reasons the only element to
take into consideration? If this proves to
be the real reason behind the presence of
so great numbers of Muslim immigrants
in Europe, the post WW II political –
economic establishments of Western
Europe are made exclusively of
ideologically indoctrinated and
politically myopic imbeciles.
If this ominous development of the last 60
years is the result of sheer coincidence
and has gone unmonitored, uncontrolled
and unnoticed until its dimensions
became very preoccupying, the post WW II
political – economic establishments of
Western Europe are made exclusively of
seriously dangerous and totally
irresponsible people.
Moral Principles: the Supreme Law of All
Societies, and All Social Endeavours
There is one, irreversible and inevitable,
reality; as political and economic affairs
are part of activities undertaken within
the context of a society of human beings,
the political and economic undertakings
of the members of that society obligatorily
have to abide by the moral principles of
the society in question. If the political
and economic undertakings of the
members of a society do not reflect the
existing moral principles of the society in
question, the society gets soon
disintegrated. Even worse, a society
without moral principles in general is
predestined to soon disappear.
The moral principles certainly vary from
one civilization to another, from one
country to another. This is normal and
obvious; it does not change in anything
the previous statement, namely that there
have to be moral principles in a society.
As a matter of fact, moral principles
predetermine the radiation of a
civilization and country. You never had a
corrupt society lasting long in the History
of Mankind. And certainly, higher the
moral principles are, greater the
civilization is. This evaluation is not
short-term oriented, but reflects
assessments over an entire period of
History, i.e. possibly many centuries and
at times millennia. This evaluation
should not be misinterpreted either; a low
moral principles realm does not
necessarily disintegrate immediately, but
it can last centuries – without a
significant cultural radiation.
Practically speaking, we cannot afford to
approach the phenomenon of History
without a viewpoint that hinges on our
moral principles. However picturesque she
might be, Cleopatra VII of Egypt can never
be taken as a perfect model of female
ruler, as she committed suicide, a deeply
immoral act.
Following this brief introduction, we can
understand that Moral Principles are a
determinant factor in the Search of
Knowledge. There cannot be an immoral
use of knowledge gathered upon a vicious
target, and if this is the case, it always
backfires, soon or late.
The Immoral Knowledge of Modern
Europe: Unsurpassed Venom
As the world of Islam started being
disintegrated in the 17th century, the
European Academy rose in force. The long
oppressed and tyrannized (in Western
Europe) dynamics of the Mental,
Intellectual, Artistic, Scientific, and
Philosophical Force were unleashed at
the times we call ‘Renaissance’ (an
erroneous term), and after setting the
bases of the method of Thinking and
Analyzing, the Europeans embarked on
the Systematic Research of the Past – the
past of theirs, and the Past of the Others.
This long procedure was undertaken over
the past four centuries in a most immoral
and ego-centric way. This statement
should not be misread; as effort, the
Search for the past was good, and the
thirst for knowledge, exploration, and
discovery are seminally human, and
humanly brilliant. However, the final
manipulation was mostly evil; and the
original motif was at times truly
The very negative element in the
aforementioned European Epic of
Academic Research is to be identified
with the Difficulty to accept an
unpleasant reality, the Impossibility to
undergo a severe Self-Criticism, the
(egocentrically sought after) Profit, and
the Willingness and Readiness to commit
a sin and diffuse lies in order to possibly
create a better Image (or Representation of
the Past) for the badly (or never) accepted
real (but not as brilliant as desired) ego.
The bitter truth is that the act of
diffusing a falsehood of the sort “My past
is greater than the others” is not just a
simple lie, a secondary oversight that
another scholar would modify and
correct. As mental and academic effort, it
is utterly evil. And, as everything abides
by the Law of consequence, this evil
academic effort brings evil consequences
and latter moment’s disastrous
All we say here is that the European
Search for knowledge and the Effort to
represent the Antiquity were utterly
immoral. The exaggeration of a
preconceived imaginative ‘truth’, the
replacement of the real, historical truth
with peremptorily created images, the
imposition of the imaginative as real and
the elimination of the real (as unpleasant
to psychologically corrupt and tore up
egos), all these acts are unspeakably
immoral. They consist in real murder,
simply one cannot take the cases to a
Court of Justice established among the
human societies. However, in the same
way one murderer, who committed blunt
murder in the middle of a forest without
being noticed by anyone, feels the
consequences of his iniquitous act, when
overcome by remorse, the consequences of
the preposterous European academic
reconstruction – representation of the
European and the Human past are
evident, omnipresent and overwhelming.
The Incredible Burden
There is therefore an inconceivably heavy
– yet invisible – burden on the minds of
the Europeans when trying to approach to
the issue of the possibility of social
integration of the Muslim immigrants in
the average European societies. This
burden is invisible because the system
and the contents of the academic
disciplines of Humanities have never been
thoroughly, properly and effectively
criticized, assessed and re-assessed,
modified or partly rejected. Even worse, as
the exploratory dynamism of the 18th
and the 19th centuries has been replaced
by late 20th century conventionalism and
academic conformism, basic errors in
conceptualizing things and developments
– errors that go back to the 17th, the
18th and the 19th centuries – are out of
reach by the modern, conformist and
superficial pseudo-scholars who accept
these errors as unquestionably correct.
Recovery is not possible in this way, and
error identification becomes an
impossible task, as long as the error itself
is invisible, because its layer is not to be
dealt with.
At this point, we want to enumerate – not
analyze – the issues that exert a negative
impact on the European thinking about
the Muslim immigrants’ integration in
the European societies. These are the
reasons for which the Europeans are
predestined to fail when dealing with
this issue. They consist in the incredible
burden that we have good reason to
believe that the Europeans will never be
able to remove / get rid of; with all the
tragic consequences that we will soon
Point 1 – Centuries long European Hatred
of Islam
Europe has crossed many pre- and post-
Renaissance centuries of Catholic and
Orthodox Enmity and Hysteria against
Islam, and personally against the founder
of this religion, Muhammad. Even worse,
these centuries of paranoid hatred (up to
the point of identifying Muhammad with
the Antichrist) had a second, anterior,
past: the Catholic – Orthodox abysmal
hatred against Arian, Eutyches, Theodore
of Mopsuestia, Nestorius and other
Supreme Theologians, who heralded the
theoretical – Christological positions of
Point 2 – Fallacious Academic –
Intellectual Background and Fake Identity
of Modern Europe (Hellenism)
The Modern European Identity, as
emanating from the Renaissance and the
Classicism, is very problematic, if not
fake, and this adds on. The formation of
Classicism consists in serious
disfigurement of the Historical truth of
the Mediterranean Antiquity; the errors
are due to both, severe lack of sources
(when Classicism emerged as a system of
representation of the Antiquity, most of
the ancient languages of the
Mediterranean basin, Egyptian
hieroglyphics, Hittite cuneiform, Hatti
hieroglyphics, Ugaritic Cuneiform,
Aramaic, Phoenician, etc. had not been
deciphered) and disastrous misreading of
Greek and Latin sources (either erroneous
selection of ‘founding literature’ or
misunderstanding of excerpts). Hellenism
is a totally irrelevant fallacy that misled
Modern Europeans with disastrous results.
Pont 3 – Misperception of the World
History through the Scheme West vs. East
Building on Classicism, and the totally
inconsistent Hellenism (that totally
misrepresents the Balkan / Aegean /
Anatolian World’s past), the late 18th
century, colonial Academia of Europe,
expanding and exploring, created an
unprecedented, inhuman felony: the East
– West Divide. This is the greatest
historical lie of all times. There is no
distinction between East and West, there
was never such a divide, and this
absolutely racist concept is a theoretical
construction targeting at humiliating the
colonized peoples who had a far more
illustrious past than the Europeans; the
most Ancient of the European
intellectuals, the Greek Pre-Socratic
philosophers, confessed that they were
ignorant and they learnt everything as
humble pupils of the Great Wise Elders
and Priests of Babylon, Persia and Egypt.
By alienating themselves from the
identical (and not different) peoples of
the Orient, the Europeans entrapped
themselves in an impossible position,
because of the (theologically, absolutely
Satanic) creation of the ‘Other’, which
now intends to demolish them. Worse
developments occurred after the false
creation of the ‘Other’.
Point 4 – Execrable Disfigurement of the
‘Other’ (Orientalism)
The formation of the doctrines of
Orientalism (Egyptology, Iranology,
Assyriology, etc.) had nothing to do with a
honest and benign interest for erudition;
it was a shameful, dishonest and
criminal act of cultural usurpation of
other peoples’ past, culture, identity and
monuments. The Oriental disciplines were
carefully kept out of the main interest
and the bulk of pedagogical activities and
endeavours in the European universities,
as the main accent was always put on the
‘Western’ part of the ‘divided’ world (with
great numbers of students conducted to
Classical studies). Even worse, critical
conclusions and acquisitions of
Orientalist research were kept out of the
general readership, excluded from the
mainstream historical manuals of the
Primary and Secondary education,
marginalized within newspapers and
magazines. When a supposedly
informative and groundbreaking article is
published in magazine, a review, and a
newspaper about Oriental civilizations,
the accent is always put on the material
not the intellectual, mental and spiritual
achievements. Of course, there is never a
comparison, because the Fallacy Europe
cannot stand the Truth that in the early
5th century BCE, in the clashes between
the Persians and the Athenians, the Top
elements of Civilization, Knowledge,
Science, Wisdom, Erudition, Culture, Art,
and Humanism, were all on the Iranian
side, and the Athenians represented the
ignorance, the misery, and the barbarism.
Even the word ‘barbaric’ is not Greek but
Assyrian – Babylonian, as Greeks
misunderstood the term ‘BaruBalu’ that
meant the ‘unholy land’. Quite viciously
– within the same context –, the
Europeans select as positive example and
point of reference those who were rejected
by the Top Center of Civilization in the
entire South Balkan area, namely the
Oracle at Delphes that had advised all
the Aeolians, the Ionians, and the
Dorians to make peace with Darius and
become part of the Iranian Empire.
In an even more disreputable way, the
Orientalism progressed as the ground work
performed by racist European academia,
acting mostly as agents of secret services of
the colonial empires that perpetrated the
following most nefarious deed – epitome
of duplicity and malignancy. Instead of
properly explaining to local populations,
Muslim, Christian or other, the
importance (for them, not the Europeans)
of unveiling, studying and incorporating
their past into their present and the
significance of Historicity in a pertinent
nation building effort, they manipulated
local feelings in a way to turn the local
populations to indifference and even more
to hatred of the archeological unearthing
and the historical reconstituting their
past. Like this, they permanently
prohibited nation building procedures
similar to those practiced in Europe,
being responsible for engulfing these
populations in absolute ignorance, hatred
of their past and their identity, and
permanent cultural – intellectual –
academic stagnation. In parallel, they
embarked on a disastrous work that alone
could easily lead to the present situation.
Point 5 – Demolition of the Ottoman
Of course, main responsible for this work
are France and England, not Germany,
Austria – Hungary, Italy or Russia. The
previous sentence is enough to reveal a
possible way and remedy of the explosive
situation with the Muslim immigrants in
Europe. If Germany gets rid of the French
impact and influence, if Germany, Italy
and Poland form a decolonizing alliance
within Europe – against France and
England –, if this Mitteleuropa
eliminates the colonial elements from any
activity within the European Union,
closely working with the US (whose worst
enemy is not Ossama Bin Laden but
England and France), then Europe will
have a chance to solve the problem with
Muslim immigrants.
The demolition of the Ottoman Empire
was the most perverse, anti-Islamic act
throughout the History of Islam. Little
matters whether the Iranian Ayatollahs
share this opinion or not; of course they
do not, because the Ottoman Empire was
the their rival in diffusing their Shia
version of Islam, and more importantly
because the two countries were successive
formations of the Sassanid Empire of Iran
and the Eastern Roman Empire, so when
fighting against each other in the 18th
century they represented 15 centuries of
The demolition of the Ottoman Empire
was the most perverse, anti-Islamic act
throughout the History of Islam. Little
matters whether terrorists like Ossama Bin
Laden and the (stupidly considered by
Europeans as non terrorist) muftis of
Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem share this
opinion or not; of course they do not,
because the Ottoman Empire is enemy no
1 for all Islamic extremists. The reason is
simple; all the Islamic Extremists are a
Western product. They do not originate
from the World of Islam. The world of
Islam, as civilization and political power,
does not exist. Islamic civilization was
gradually extinguished in the late 16th –
early 17th centuries. When Napoleon
arrived in Egypt in 1798, there was no
Islamic Civilization, but the absolute
darkness of the post-Islamic Barbarism.
And with the collapse of the Ottoman
Empire, the existence of any real and
possible Islamic State terminated.
The demolition – gradual decomposition
of the Ottoman Empire allowed the
criminal colonial powers of England and
France to perpetrate the most iniquitous
deeds in the Modern History. This was
absolutely immoral; of course, it could
last 10 years, 20 years, 100 years.
However, it would end with the total
destruction of both colonial countries.
That is why it is important for America to
disentangle itself from the Anglo-French
pestilence. That is why it is crucial for
Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and others
to reconsider Europe (along with Turkey,
Ukraine and Russia), through first the
rediscovery of their Authentic Identities
(German, Italian, etc.), and second the
marginalization, denunciation and
castigation of France and England.
The demolition – gradual decomposition
of the Ottoman Empire brings us in
straight line with all current
developments, and with the European
crisis with the Muslim immigrants. What
happened as consequence of this ominous
choice of the colonial powers can be
enumerated in a few more points that
complete the Incredible Burden of today’s
Europe; this will be the subject of a
forthcoming article.
Napoleon leaving Egypt; the 1798 French
expedition in Egypt triggered – through
many intermediate stages – the Islamic
Reasons making
Muslim Integration
in Europe Impossible
By Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin
Published: 8/12/2007
In this article, we describe the existing
incredible burden on the minds of the
Europeans when they are trying to
develop a theoretical approach to the
issue of the possibility of social
integration of the Muslim immigrants in
the average European societies.
In an earlier article entitled ‘Integration
of Muslims means Disintegration of
Europe’, we evoked first the impossibility
of politics devoid of Moral Principles,
and we partly described the existing
Incredible Burden on the minds of the
Europeans when trying to develop a
theoretical approach to the issue of the
possibility of social integration of the
Muslim immigrants in the average
European societies. We enumerated five
points, namely 1) Centuries long
European Hatred of Islam, 2) Fallacious
Academic – Intellectual Background and
Fake Identity of Modern Europe
(Hellenism), 3) Misperception of the World
History through the Scheme West vs. East,
4) Execrable Disfigurement of the ‘Other’
(Orientalism), and 5) Demolition of the
Ottoman Empire. In this article we will
advance and describe other basic pillars
that bear the aforementioned burden;
without their most radical, drastic and
irreversible removal, Europe will not
avoid its History’s most thunderous crisis
that is approaching with astronomic
Point 6 – Tragic termination of the
Islamic Civilization and Rise of
Barbarism throughout the nominally
Islamic territories
This a point of seminal importance; the
event antedates the collapse of the
Ottoman Empire, and even the arrival of
Napoleon in Egypt in 1798. Of course,
one cannot fix a date of death for a
civilization that is not destroyed along
with the destruction of the state where
this civilization had strived. If we put an
end to Ancient Elamite civilization at
640 BCE, this is due to the fact the
Assyrian Emperor Assurbanipal destroyed
Susa, the Elamite capital, invaded the
entire territory of Elam, exterminated the
entire population of the country, and
even spread salt over the entire (unholy
for the Assyrians) territory of Elam. But
the Islamic Civilization, which was a
multi-cultural phenomenon, not a
national civilization, did not end like
this. One of the main linguistic supports
of the Islamic Civilization, Arabic, had
gradually been decomposed (as early as
beginning of the 16th century) into
varied dialects, each of which was an
amalgamation with other local languages.
No other language rose to replace it,
Ottoman Turkish, Farsi or Urdu. Even
worse, the cultural – intellectual –
religious sphere of Islam had been
gradually corrupted by barbarizing
elements that gradually got momentum.
This pertains to the nature of the Islamic
Civilization that was born among nomads
in order to culturally unify them with
sedentary peoples. Islam – as attempted by
Muhammad and Ali – was the cultural
Aramaization of the Arabs, and in this
way Islamization meant Cultural Des-
Arabization of the Arabs. The
phenomenon generated terrible cultural
and religious ‘earthquakes’, and at the
time of the rise of the Islamic (non
Arabic, and rather Anti-Arabic)
Civilization, there were sheikhs of
Darkness who tried to turn Islam to
Darkness, using structurally in their
treatises traditional Aramaean rationalist
philosophical methods; the most famous
among them was Hanbal. He had limited
effect during his lifetime; but when after
some centuries, the Crusaders generated a
shock in the terrorized Christian, Muslim
and Jewish populations of the Eastern
Roman and Islamic Empires, a follower of
Hanbal, Ibn Taimiya, had it easy to
advance an obscurantist, racist, and
clearly more un-Islamic and anti-Islamic
system that made of the Islamic
Enlightenment, Philosophy, Sciences and
Art its primary target, as it deliberately
propagated the most venomous Barbarism
in the History of the Mankind. His system
started expanding until it covered and
controlled the entire Islamic Caliphate
from where it expanded further on, as it
keeps expanding even now.
When the Darkness displaced Civilization
within the Islamic Caliphate? This is the
Date of Death of the Islamic Civilization.
We cannot fix precisely a specific date,
but many scholars agree on a day as the
point-of-no-return, the moment at which
the darkness of the illiterate and barbaric
sheikhs was imposed on the Sultan of the
Ottoman Empire.
1580: Islamic Civilization declared Dead
This date symbol is the destruction of the
Istanbul Astronomical Observatory by the
inhuman, barbaric and illiterate
followers of the disreputable Satanist Ibn
Taimiya and the sheikhs who propagated
Darkness and Ignorance in their hatred
against Knowledge. Established by Taqi Al
Din Efendi, the world’s leading
Astronomer, in 1543, the Istanbul
Observatory was taken as model in the
erection of the Royal Danish
Astronomical Observatory that was built
by TychoBrahae. When in 1580 Taqi el
Din predicted Ottoman victory over the
Shah of Iran, and this event did not
occur, the criminal followers of Ibn
Taimiya and the bogus-Islamic
theologians of Darkness provoked a
manifestation of the ignorant masses who
destroyed the Istanbul Observatory with
the same hysteria the barbaric Arabic
speaking masses of today demand the
destruction of Israel. On that date was
issued the Certificate of Death of the
Islamic Civilization and Religion.
Point 7 – Formation of Pan-Arabism /
False Identity and Language for the
colonized masses
This point is not detached from point 5
(demolition of the Ottoman Empire); the
latter was targeted so that the colonial
rulers embark on the formation of a
bogus-nation that would be permanently
invalid and intellectually impotent. The
different peoples targeted would therefore
be totally unable to reach, perceive,
establish, develop and subsequently take
maximum benefit from their national
and cultural identity, whereas through
other mechanisms and devices they would
turn out to be indelibly marked by a
severe and most shocking complex of
inferiority, involving parasitic-like
hatred of the colonial master and at the
same time immense self under-
evaluation, servile docility to, thoughtless
mimicking and deification of the colonial
masters, absolute admiration and
adoration of their supposed magnificent
capacities, inane and immoral separation
for the country where they belonged to
(Ottoman Empire), plus hatred,
pathological envy and betrayal of the
Ottoman Empire.
The colonial creation of a mass of
illiterate humanoids, labeled ‘Arabs’,
consisted in the most monstrous strangling
a) the Berberic identity of the inhabitants
of today’s Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria,
Tunisia and Libya,
b) the Egyptian – Coptic identity of the
inhabitants of today’s – permanently non
Arabic and non Semitic – Egypt,
c) the Kushitic – Meroitic and Nilo-
Saharan identity of the inhabitants of
today’s Sudan,
d) the Yemenite (non Arabic) identity’s of
the inhabitants of today’s Yemen and
Oman, and
e) the Aramaean identity of the
inhabitants of today’s Syria, Lebanon,
Jordan, Palestine, Iraq (with the
exception of the Kurds and the
Turkmens), Kuwait, Qatar, Emirates, and
the northern confines of Saudi Arabia,
and of the so called Arabic speaking
populations of today’s SE Turkey and SW
At the times of Napoleon, in the vast
surfaces of the Ottoman Empire that
France and England coveted, there were
many languages and dialects evolving
around Berberic, Coptic, Nubian,
Yemenite and Aramaic (in the respective
areas). Turkish and Arabic vocabularies
were important components, as the first
was the language of the administration
and the second the language of the
religion, but Arabic was already a dead
language, and of course absolutely
irrelevant of the various local cultures,
namely Berberic, Coptic, Nubian
&Kushitic, Yemenite and Aramaean.
If there had never been a colonial
interference and involvement, throughout
the aforementioned area, Berberic, Coptic,
Nubian, Yemenite, and Aramaic would
have been far more widely spoken today,
as the hysterical and criminal effort to
eradicate them would have occurred. In
addition, there would be several other
mixed languages composed of the various
linguistic components, and there Turkish
would be a very important constituent. If
the Ottoman Empire had not lost its
territories, there would never have been
this fabricated bogus-language of Modern
The tools of the “Mission Barbarisatrice
de France”
The colonial French formed immediately
the class of their interlocutors on whom
they exercised a tricky mechanism: the
quasi-illiterate pseudo-scholars of Al
Azhar, a useless relic of Darkness that
had nothing in common with the level of
that university before 600 years, the few
landowners and merchants, and the
rising class of their servile servants for
whom – idiotically – France was the
undisputed leading force of progress.
They triggered the fabrication of an
academic form of modern Arabic
language that could not be identical to
Classical Arabic of the Islamic
Civilization Ages (but far poorer and
more limited), and at the same time could
not be similar to the extremely poor oral
languages (which were amalgamation of
various languages, mainly Coptic,
Turkish and Arabic). And of course, it
was meant never to become a mother
tongue. The formation of the fabricated
academic – journalistic Arabic covered
the span of almost a century, and was
directed against the Coptic and Turkish
components that had to be expurgated.
Due to the imposition of this fabricated
language, the oral languages were
influenced to some extent. But in order to
hide the truth, namely that the Egyptians
have absolutely no relation with the
Arabs, and that there is not a single drop
of Arabic blood within the Egyptian
veins, the rising educational – academic
– political class of colonized Egypt was
injected with the idea that the oral
language is an unimportant form of
Arabic that must not be studied, but
thoroughly and insistently disdained.
And until now, there was never a single
study of the oral language that was
deprecated by those who use it, as this is
the beginning of the servitude, the
ignorance and the self-misery.
Abysmal French Hatred of the Coptic
Quite indicative of the monstrous and
inhuman plan of the French to disfigure,
totally destroy and disorient (arabize)
Egypt is the fact that the Orientalist
scholars built up two (successive)
Museums of Egyptian Antiquities in
Cairo, and one Museum of Islamic
Antiquities, but no Museum of Coptic
Only the Copts themselves with great effort
and great honor did contribute as
community to the establishment of a
Coptic Museum in Cairo. There is nothing
strange in this. If one reads a few excerpts
of Coptic Annals, one realizes easily that
before and after the arrival of Islam in
Egypt, the only, the main, the most
diachronically excruciating problem of
the Copts was the Roman and the
Constantinopolitan perversion of
Christianity and the inhuman political
practices of the Roman Empire. Certainly,
the French distortion of the World History
would not like these pages diffused
Pan – Arabism: dehumanizing, barbaric
behavioral system
As it can be surmised through the
aforementioned, Pan-Arabism has only
very little to do with the latter day
Arabic Nationalism that rose as political
ideology in the 1910s and later. It has
mostly to do with the formation of false
feeling of national identity and the
creation of a miserably low, lewd, vulgar,
barbaric, and ultimately villainous
behavioral system that was provocatively
triggered through successive machinations
by the colonial elite of France and
projected on the colonized masses, long
before the English prevailed in Egypt
If this Brutal and Criminal Societal
Disfigurement of the detached Ottoman
societies had not been so meticulously
undertaken by the French, there would
not have been a chance in the septillion
for the British to convince the sheikh of
Mecca to utter betrayal during WW I.
Point 8 – Methodic and perverse work of
obliteration of the Berberic, Coptic,
Aramaic and Yemenite Languages,
Cultures and Identities
The French ignited the concept of
arabization, as if an Aramaean of Syria
could ever become an Arab, which is an
oxymoron. The modern disciplines of
Humanities had not advanced very much
before 150 years, but still the American
example was very clear: an African
American, who having forgotten his
original language became English native
speaker, would never be (or be considered
as) …. Anglo-Saxon.
In the African Atlas region, the most
underdeveloped and neglected parts were
the provinces where the arabization
policies could not advance much. In
Egypt, the Copts were put in front of the
dilemma ‘elimination in Egypt or safety
through assimilation in France’.
Among Arameans, the most targeted
nation as the most pivotal hindrance in
the disreputable arabization
machination, the work took the
iniquitous form of projecting other –
totally irrelevant and absolutely false –
national names for parts of Aramaeans
that could be influenced through Vatican
and missionaries.
False national names for Aramaeans:
“Chaldaeans”, “Assyrians”
Like this, some Aramaeans were taught
that they are descendants of the
Chaldaeans (portrayed as Babylonians,
although the Kaldu were just an
Aramaean tribe in Southern
Mesopotamia), whereas others were offered
facilities and monies to be possibly
convinced that they were the offspring of
the Assyrians who had all disappeared as
early as the last years of the 7th century
Like this, for the first part in the World
History, an entire people became the
victim of national – spiritual trichotomy,
as two misguided parts of the same people
(“Assyrians”, “Chaldaeans”) have fallen
victims of the malignant Anglo-French
colonial plan, causing national division
and disaster.
Yet, if the Aramaeans were united, they
could convincingly explain to the Arabic
speaking populations of Syria, Iraq,
Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, etc, that they are
not Arabs but linguistically only
arabizedAramaeans, and that the best
they have to do in order to achieve a
coherent national and cultural identity is
to learn Aramaic and obliterate Arabic.
Key point to help unveil the academic
fathers of the Islamic Extremism
If you say this to a criminal French
Orientalist, he will say to you that the
linguistically arabized Aramaean cannot
obliterate Arabic because he is Muslim.
Through this answer, you get immediately
and clearly the full and complete
revelation of the Mystery of the Iniquity:
the real creators of the Islamic Terrorism
are the Colonial French whose plans
would all be nil, if suddenly the modern
bogus-Islam disappeared. Yet, the reality
is simple: you don’t need Arabic to believe
in Islam. You need Farsi, Turkish, Urdu.
Somali, Swahili, many languages – but
you don’t necessarily need Arabic.
The obliteration of the genuine culture of
the illegally detached from the Ottoman
Empire peoples took the form of
unprecedented hatred and hysteria
imposed through many sophisticated ways
on the ignorant and besotted elites of
these countries, who – through the
machination of conflicts with the
Ottoman authorities (provoked by the
French but unfortunately undetected by
these Ottoman citizens) – saw in France
the savior whereas that pernicious
country was the ultimate destroyer.
Prohibition of Phoenicia as National
Name – instead of forged ‘Lebanon”
Even today, the ridiculous French
Orientalists do not allow their Lebanese
students, who besotted enough think
possible for them to go and study in
France, to publicize in the Museums in
Lebanon the absolute Phoenician
National Identity of that country.
All the inscriptions and the indications
in all the Lebanese museums that shelter
only Phoenician and Aramaic antiquities
give explanations whereby the national
name ‘Phoenicia’ is criminally absent.
This is the trash that disreputable bogus-
scholars, like my former professor at the
EcolePratique des Hautes Etudes IVeme
section, Maurice Sznycer, imposed
through utter blackmail on their
Lebanese students, who go to study in
Paris in order to get a trash Ph.D. paper
“bon pour l’ Orient”.
Point 9 – Severe distortion of the
National Histories of the illegally
detached from the Ottoman Empire
Peoples, matched with a multi-target
confusion of the World academia
As the colonial conspiracy prepared the
stage for local elites to idiotically think
that it would be better for them to rely on
the French than on the authorities of
their own Ottoman state, many Algerians,
Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians and others
started moving to France to study their
History. There, the criminal and
mendacious French academia, in total
contradiction with methods applied in
other, European, countries and students,
they gave them a most distorted and
broken picture of their national –
Algerian, Egyptian, Lebanese, Syrian and
other – History.
Basic element of this distortion was the
discontinuity; at times the past, Egyptian,
Assyrian – Babylonian, etc. was
highlighted, then there were many
confusing centuries of non – identity
(through the bias of the erroneous term
‘Hellenistic Times’ that should be replaces
by ‘Orientalistic Times’ because during
that period Oriental cultures and
religions, ideologies and cults,
philosophies and esoterisms were diffused
in Greece, Rome and throughout the
Roman Empire), and then suddenly
everything in the Orient was turned into
the Arabic – Islamic, which also a very
erroneous term).
Yet, the Late Antiquity, when the
Oriental cults and philosophies prevailed
throughout the West (Mithraism,
Zervanism, Isidism, Hermetism, Anubism,
Ostanism, Gnosticisms, Chaldeanism,
Manichaeism, the Cybele circle of cult,
the Atargatis system, and the Oriental
Christian systems, Nestorianism,
‘Monophysitism’), consist in the ultimate
backbone of every Oriental land’s history,
as developments that took place in that
period characterized the acceptance of
Islam and the aspects of its
implementation in the lands in question.
Breaking the continuity that brought
Islam forth, the heinous and racist French
academia help promote Islamic
Extremism, a system of genuine
misinterpretation of Islam – precisely
through the bias of an-historicity, and
de-historicity (as their supposed ‘Islam’
comes from nowhere and goes to nowhere).
Point 10 – Distorted representation of the
Oriental and Islamic Past for average
European, Western and World readerships
Linked with the aforementioned, the
colonial academia prevented the correct
information and the adequate
interpretation of data pertaining to
Oriental, Christian Oriental, and Islamic
Antiquity from becoming widely
available among Western readerships.
Who read a French translation and an
analysis of the grand opus of the
Aramaean philosopher Tatianus ‘To
Greeks’, whereby the Great Aramaean
trashes the supposedly important Greek
philosophers as miserable copiers of
Oriental thought, philosophy and
Why are there in Europe more
translations and books about Pericles and
not Assurbanipal? Simply, because the
hysteria of falsification and the hatred of
the greatness were matched with the
pathological love of the lewd, the low, the
vulgar and The hideous. And an
ignorant, tyrannical chieftain like
Pericles (who ruled tyrannically over the
75% majority of slaves, also neglecting the
Athenian women who were just ‘things’ to
him) was thus preferred to an erudite
Emperor – Philosopher – High Priest –
Librarian and Connoisseur of dead
languages (of his days: Sumerian).
Quite comically, the issue entered into
school books’ and encyclopedias’ maps;
you read about the Roman – Sassanid
Persian rivalry! They do not show to you
the Naqsh-e Rustam relief with Valerian
kneeling in front of Shapur III, but they
offer you a map of the adversary empires.
Ludicrously enough the map starts with
the Iberian peninsula and ends
somewhere in the middle of today’s Iran.
Yet, if they extended the map until Tibet
and India, enough to show all the
Sassanid territories, you would realize
that the Sassanid Empire of Iran was
greater, larger, bigger than the Roman
Empire. Worse, located at the epicenter of
the East – West desert, land and sea
routes of trade, Iran was the Central
Empire of the world, and ‘your’ Roman
Empire was a marginal western story.
This is the reality that the average
Europeans never learnt, as they have been
long date victims of the mendacious
Orientalist academia of France and
If the criminal colonial academia of late
19th century France did not act in this
way, they would feel that they ‘prove’
that the Sultan was superior to the
Freemasonic President of the French
Third Republic, and to Queen Victoria.
The question is why other European
nations with highly Humanist Traditions,
the Germans, the Italians, and many
others, should follow the inhuman
practices and plans of the Anglo-French
gangsters? As there many more reasons
that generated the existing chaotic gap
between the European populations and
the Muslim immigrants in Europe, we
will expand more on several forthcoming
Silence on Assurbanipal and focus on
Pericles in the Western text books; one of
the secret reasons of the chaotic gap
between Westerners and Muslims, both
equally misinformed by the colonial
Orientalist elite of France and England.

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ύτε Ένας Μουσουλμάνος δεν επιτρέπεται να παραμείνει σε Ελλάδα ή Ευρώπη: ο Μουσουλμάνος Ανατολιστής καθ. Μεγαλομμάτης εξηγεί γιατί!

  • 1. Ούτε Ένας Μουσουλμάνος δεν επιτρέπεται να παραμείνει σε Ελλάδα ή Ευρώπη: ο Μουσουλμάνος Ανατολιστής καθ. Μεγαλομμάτης εξηγεί γιατί! 1/12/ούτε-ένας-μουσουλμάνος-δεν-επιτρέπετ/ αναδημοσιευμένο εδώ: blog-post_618.html
  • 2. ================ Οι Ρωμιοί της Ανατολής – τολική Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία Ούτε Ένας Μουσουλμάνος δεν επιτρέπεται να παραμείνει σε Ελλάδα ή Ευρώπη: ο Μουσουλμάνος Ανατολιστής καθ. Μεγαλομμάτης εξηγεί γιατί!
  • 3. greeksoftheorient Fighting against the Islamic Terrorism and Barbarism, Globalism - Γκλομπαλισμός (Παγκοσμιοποίηση), Αποικιοκρατία & Καταπιεζόμενα Έθνη, Αραμαίοι - Aramaeans - Арамейцы, Ασία - Азия - Asia, Αφρική, Ανατολή & Δύση - Orient & Occident, Γεωπολιτική - Geopolitics, Διάλυση των συγχρόνων κοινωνιών και δράση δαιμονικών ιεραρχιών, Διεθνής Πολιτική - World Politics, Ευρώπη - Πολιτική & Οικονομία, Εκπαίδευση - Education, Ελλάδα & Ευρώπη, Ελλάδα - Πολιτική, Ιστορία - History, Ισλαμική Τρομοκρατία, λαθρομετανάστες κι η διάλυση της Ευρώπης, Συρία- Ιράκ, Σχετικά με τον καθ. Μουχάμαντ Σαμσαντίν Μεγαλομμάτη, Τουρκία & Κεμάλ Ατατούρκ, Χριστιανωσύνη, αιρέσεις και άλλες θρησκείες, ελληνική κοινωνία, ιστορία θρησκειών, ισλάμ, Multiculturalism - Мультикультурализм - Πολυπολιτισμικότητα, Orientalism - Οριενταλισμός, Ανατολιστικές Επιστήμες November 12, 2019 24 Minutes Μην επιτρέπετε στα καθάρματα της ελληνικής πολιτικής, στους λωποδύτες δημόσιους υπαλλήλους, στους απατεώνες των κομματικών μηχανισμών, στους εγκληματίες της παραπληροφόρησης των ΜΜΕ, στους αμόρφωτους προπαγανδιστές των ψευτο-πανεπιστημίων, στους άχρηστους στρατιωτικούς, και στην αισχρή οικονομική ολιγαρχία να σας
  • 4. αποπροσανατολίζουν και να σας αδρανοποιούν, όταν μπορείτε να τους εξοντώσετε και να πάρετε την Ελλάδα στα χέρια σας για να σώσετε την πατρίδα μας! Ούτε μισός μουσουλμάνος δεν μπορεί να ‘ενταχθεί’ στην Ελλάδα ή στην Ευρώπη – και συνεπώς κανένας δεν επιτρέπεται να παραμείνει. Όσοι διεστραμμένοι και ψυχανώμαλοι, ως Αριστεροί, διατείνονται το αντίθετο είναι οι πρώτοι εχθροί των Ελλήνων, της Ρωμιοσύνης και της Ορθοδοξίας – κι είναι οι πρώτοι που πρέπει να καθαρίσετε από την μέση, για να μην δείτε την γυναίκα σας να φοράει χετζάμπ, την κόρη σας να γίνεται μουσουλμάνα σκλάβα του έρωτα, και τον γιο σας να ευνουχίζεται εξεπίτηδες από τους λαθρο-εισβολείς για να εξοντωθούν – αποδεδειγμένα έτσι βάσει σχεδίου – η φυλή και το έθνος
  • 5. Η ισλαμική τρομοκρατία δεν παρασκευάστηκε λίγα μόνον χρόνια πριν το κακόφημο 9/11. Το πρόγραμμα τελικού αφανισμού των Ευρωπαίων, το ξεκίνησαν εδώ και δυο αιώνες αυτοί που εξουσιάζουν τις δυτικο-ευρωπαϊκές και βορειο- αμερικανικές χώρες μισώντας την φυλετική καταγωγή και την χριστιανική ταυτότητα των εντοπίων. Η αποικιοκρατία των Γάλλων και των Άγγλων σε τμήματα της Ασίας και της Αφρικής μπορεί φαινομενικά τότε να μετέφερε τεράστιο πλούτο στις χώρες αυτές αλλά στην πραγματικότητα προετοίμασε / προξένησε το ισλαμιστικό τσουνάμι που παρατηρούμε σήμερα. Λάθος ή σχέδιο; Αυτό θα αναλύσουν ιστορικοί. Η ουσία είναι ότι αν δεν αντιδράσετε άμεσα, χάνεστε! Ο Έλληνας ανατολιστής, ιστορικός και πολιτικός επιστήμονας, καθ. Μουχάμαντ Σαμσαντίν Μεγαλομμάτης, ο οποίος προσχώρησε στο Ισλάμ το 1992, είχε την
  • 6. ειλικρίνεια, ως κορυφαίος ευρυμαθής ερευνητής και ως άνθρωπος με σπάνια ηθική ακεραιότητα, να καταγγείλει πρώτος τα σχέδια που διεκπεραιώνουν εις βάρος των Ευρωπαίων, των Ελλήνων και γενικώτερα των Χριστιανών οι σκοτεινές δυνάμεις του χάους και του αφανισμού. Σε μια σειρά τριών βαρυσήμαντων και πραγματικά προφητικών άρθρων του το 2007, εξήγησε τους λόγους για τους οποίους δεν είναι εφικτή η ‘ένταξη’ των μουσουλμάνων στην Ευρώπη – εντελώς γελοιοποιώντας ήδη πριν από 12 χρόνια την εγκληματική και προδοτική πολιτική της κυβέρνησης του σκουπιδιού ‘Μητσοτάκης’.
  • 7. Ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης σε αρχαιολογική έρευνα στο Ντιγιάρμπεκιρ το 1984 – έξω από τα Ιουστινιάνεια τείχη της πόλης και με φόντο τον Τίγρη ποταμό Ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης σε διάλεξή του το 1995
  • 8. Ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης σε αρχαιολογική έρευνα στο (νοτιοανατολική Τουρκία, νότια της Ούρφα/Έδεσσας της Οσροηνής, κοντά στα τουρκο-συριακά σύνορα) Χαρράν το 1995
  • 9. Ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης διευθυντής – αρχισυντάκτης περιοδικού στο Κάιρο το 2002 Ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης με την Ευρωπαία Επίτροπο Ferrero Waldner στην Αλεξάνδρεια το 2005
  • 10. Ο τίτλος του πρώτου από τα τρία άρθρα τα λέει όλα: “Ένταξη των Μουσουλμάνων σημαίνει Διάλυση της Ευρώπης”. Μάλιστα, στα αγγλικά αυτό ακούγεται ακόμη πιο έντονα επειδή χρησιμοποιούνται δυο λέξεις ετυμολογικώς ολότελα αντίθετες μεταξύ τους: ” Integration of Muslims means Disintegration of Europe”. Μέσα σε επτά μόνον λέξεις ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης λέει όλη την αλήθεια που κακουργηματικά κι εθνοκτονικά παραμορφώνουν ‘αθλιοι εγκληματίες και μυσαροί σατανιστές, όπως ο παθητικός ομοφυλόφιλος βουλευτής ΣΥΡΙΖΑ Αντίχριστος Γιαννούλης κι η έκφυλη σατανίστρια Ντόρα Μπακογιάννη. Οι ιστορικοί λόγοι, τους οποίους παραθέτει ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης και για τους οποίους ένταξη των Μουσουλμάνων σημαίνει Διάλυση της Ευρώπης, είναι οι εξής:
  • 11. – μακραίωνο ευρωπαϊκό μίσος κατά του Ισλάμ – ψευδέστατο ακαδημαϊκό – πνευματικό υπόβαθρο και ψεύτικη ταυτότητα της σύγχρονης Ευρώπης (Ελληνισμός) – στρεβλή αντίληψη της Παγκόσμιας Ιστορίας εξαιτίας της σκευωρίας ‘Δύση εναντίον Ανατολής’ – αποτρόπαια παραμόρφωση του ‘άλλου’ (Οριενταλισμός) – διάλυση της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας Στο δεύτερο άρθρο της τριλογίας, υπό τον τίτλο ” Reasons making Muslim Integration in Europe Impossible” (Λόγοι που καθιστούν την Αδύνατη την Ένταξη των Μουσουλμάνων στην Ευρώπη), ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης παραθέτει επιπλέον ιστορικούς λόγους που καθορίζουν το συγκεκριμένο πρόβλημα:
  • 12. – τραγική κατάληξη του ισλαμικού πολιτισμού και άνοδος της βαρβαρότητας απ’ άκρου εις άκρον των κατ’ όνομα ισλαμικών επικρατειών (στο σημείο αυτό ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης ορίζει το έτος 1580 ως ημερομηνία θανάτου του ισλαμικού πολιτισμού, συνεπώς καταλυτικά εκθέτει όλους τους υπερασπιστές των λαθρο-εισβολέων ως συμπαραστάτες βαρβάρων) – διαμόρφωση του παναραβισμού και ψευδούς ταυτότητας και γλώσσας για τις μάζες των αποικιών της Γαλλίας και της Αγγλίας (στο σημείο αυτό ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης αναλύει ποια υπήρξαν τα εργαλεία του εκβαρβαριστικού ρόλου της Γαλλίας στον χώρο των αποικιών της, περιγράφει το αβυσσαλέο γαλλικό μίσος κατά του Χριστιανικού Κοπτικού Πολιτισμού της Αιγύπτου, και ορίζει τον παναραβισμό ως ένα απάνθρωπο και βάρβαρο σύστημα
  • 13. συμπεριφοράς που μετατρέπει τα θύματά του σε υπανθρώπους) – συστηματικό και διεστραμμένο έργο εξαφάνισης Α- της βερβερικής γλώσσας, παιδείας και ταυτότητας Β – της κοπτικής γλώσσας, παιδείας και ταυτότητας Γ – της αραμαϊκής γλώσσας, παιδείας και ταυτότητας, και Δ – της υεμενικής γλώσσας, παιδείας και ταυτότητας – εκ μέρους των Άγγλων και Γάλλων αποικιοκρατών (στο σημείο αυτο ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης καταγγέλλει την εκ μέρους των δυτικών οριενταλιστών χρήση ψευδών εθνικών ονομάτων για τους Αραμαίους, όπως οι γελοίοι κι ανύπαρκτοι όροι ‘Χαλδαίοι’ και ‘Ασσύριοι’, καθώς και την απαγόρευση και πάλιν εκ μέρους των δυτικών αποικιοκρατών της χρήσης του ονόματος
  • 14. ‘Φοινίκη’ αντί του πλαστού όρου ‘Λίβανος’. Επίσης ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης καταδεικνύει ποιο είναι το καίριο σημείο το οποίο αποκαλύπτει την δυτικοευρωπαϊκή ταυτότητα των ακαδημαϊκών γονέων του ισλαμικού εξτρεμισμού) – άγρια διαστρέβλωση των εθνικών ιστοριών των παρανόμως αποσπασμένων από την Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία λαών, η οποία συνοδεύτηκε από πολλαπλή σύγχυση – εξαπάτηση της διεθνούς ακαδημαϊκής κοινότητας (εκ μέρους των Άγγλων και Γάλλων οριενταλιστών) – διεστραμμένη αναπαράσταση του Αρχαίου Ανατολικού και του Ισλαμικού Παρελθόντος προ του ευρωπαϊκού, δυτικού και διεθνούς αναγνωστικού κοινού (εκ μέρους των Άγγλων και Γάλλων οριενταλιστών) Αναδημοσιεύω στην συνέχεια τα δύο πρώτα άρθρα της τριλογίας του κ. Μεγαλομμάτη
  • 15. και στο θέμα θα επανέλθω με επόμενο κείμενο. ——————————————————— Integration of Muslims means Disintegration of Europe By Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis Published: 8/9/2007
  • 16. Too little, too late: this expression characterizes the post September 11th European approach to the (important for the Europeans) issue of the social integration of the Muslim populations. For a Historian with non-subjective criteria it may look comical and even absurd how Europeans dare imagine they could ever help integrate these populations that gullibly or intentionally European administrations allowed to enter – or attracted in – Europe. Certainly, there are ostensible financial reasons for the presence of cheap manpower in countries like France, England, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc. and this may be quite easily understood. But were these reasons the only element to take into consideration? If this proves to be the real reason behind the presence of so great numbers of Muslim immigrants
  • 17. in Europe, the post WW II political – economic establishments of Western Europe are made exclusively of ideologically indoctrinated and politically myopic imbeciles. If this ominous development of the last 60 years is the result of sheer coincidence and has gone unmonitored, uncontrolled and unnoticed until its dimensions became very preoccupying, the post WW II political – economic establishments of Western Europe are made exclusively of seriously dangerous and totally irresponsible people. Moral Principles: the Supreme Law of All Societies, and All Social Endeavours There is one, irreversible and inevitable, reality; as political and economic affairs are part of activities undertaken within the context of a society of human beings, the political and economic undertakings of the members of that society obligatorily have to abide by the moral principles of
  • 18. the society in question. If the political and economic undertakings of the members of a society do not reflect the existing moral principles of the society in question, the society gets soon disintegrated. Even worse, a society without moral principles in general is predestined to soon disappear. The moral principles certainly vary from one civilization to another, from one country to another. This is normal and obvious; it does not change in anything the previous statement, namely that there have to be moral principles in a society. As a matter of fact, moral principles predetermine the radiation of a civilization and country. You never had a corrupt society lasting long in the History of Mankind. And certainly, higher the moral principles are, greater the civilization is. This evaluation is not short-term oriented, but reflects assessments over an entire period of
  • 19. History, i.e. possibly many centuries and at times millennia. This evaluation should not be misinterpreted either; a low moral principles realm does not necessarily disintegrate immediately, but it can last centuries – without a significant cultural radiation. Practically speaking, we cannot afford to approach the phenomenon of History without a viewpoint that hinges on our moral principles. However picturesque she might be, Cleopatra VII of Egypt can never be taken as a perfect model of female ruler, as she committed suicide, a deeply immoral act. Following this brief introduction, we can understand that Moral Principles are a determinant factor in the Search of Knowledge. There cannot be an immoral use of knowledge gathered upon a vicious target, and if this is the case, it always backfires, soon or late.
  • 20. The Immoral Knowledge of Modern Europe: Unsurpassed Venom As the world of Islam started being disintegrated in the 17th century, the European Academy rose in force. The long oppressed and tyrannized (in Western Europe) dynamics of the Mental, Intellectual, Artistic, Scientific, and Philosophical Force were unleashed at the times we call ‘Renaissance’ (an erroneous term), and after setting the bases of the method of Thinking and Analyzing, the Europeans embarked on the Systematic Research of the Past – the past of theirs, and the Past of the Others. This long procedure was undertaken over the past four centuries in a most immoral and ego-centric way. This statement should not be misread; as effort, the Search for the past was good, and the thirst for knowledge, exploration, and discovery are seminally human, and humanly brilliant. However, the final
  • 21. manipulation was mostly evil; and the original motif was at times truly malignant. The very negative element in the aforementioned European Epic of Academic Research is to be identified with the Difficulty to accept an unpleasant reality, the Impossibility to undergo a severe Self-Criticism, the (egocentrically sought after) Profit, and the Willingness and Readiness to commit a sin and diffuse lies in order to possibly create a better Image (or Representation of the Past) for the badly (or never) accepted real (but not as brilliant as desired) ego. The bitter truth is that the act of diffusing a falsehood of the sort “My past is greater than the others” is not just a simple lie, a secondary oversight that another scholar would modify and correct. As mental and academic effort, it is utterly evil. And, as everything abides by the Law of consequence, this evil
  • 22. academic effort brings evil consequences and latter moment’s disastrous repercussions. All we say here is that the European Search for knowledge and the Effort to represent the Antiquity were utterly immoral. The exaggeration of a preconceived imaginative ‘truth’, the replacement of the real, historical truth with peremptorily created images, the imposition of the imaginative as real and the elimination of the real (as unpleasant to psychologically corrupt and tore up egos), all these acts are unspeakably immoral. They consist in real murder, simply one cannot take the cases to a Court of Justice established among the human societies. However, in the same way one murderer, who committed blunt murder in the middle of a forest without being noticed by anyone, feels the consequences of his iniquitous act, when overcome by remorse, the consequences of
  • 23. the preposterous European academic reconstruction – representation of the European and the Human past are evident, omnipresent and overwhelming. The Incredible Burden There is therefore an inconceivably heavy – yet invisible – burden on the minds of the Europeans when trying to approach to the issue of the possibility of social integration of the Muslim immigrants in the average European societies. This burden is invisible because the system and the contents of the academic disciplines of Humanities have never been thoroughly, properly and effectively criticized, assessed and re-assessed, modified or partly rejected. Even worse, as the exploratory dynamism of the 18th and the 19th centuries has been replaced by late 20th century conventionalism and academic conformism, basic errors in conceptualizing things and developments – errors that go back to the 17th, the
  • 24. 18th and the 19th centuries – are out of reach by the modern, conformist and superficial pseudo-scholars who accept these errors as unquestionably correct. Recovery is not possible in this way, and error identification becomes an impossible task, as long as the error itself is invisible, because its layer is not to be dealt with. At this point, we want to enumerate – not analyze – the issues that exert a negative impact on the European thinking about the Muslim immigrants’ integration in the European societies. These are the reasons for which the Europeans are predestined to fail when dealing with this issue. They consist in the incredible burden that we have good reason to believe that the Europeans will never be able to remove / get rid of; with all the tragic consequences that we will soon attest.
  • 25. Point 1 – Centuries long European Hatred of Islam Europe has crossed many pre- and post- Renaissance centuries of Catholic and Orthodox Enmity and Hysteria against Islam, and personally against the founder of this religion, Muhammad. Even worse, these centuries of paranoid hatred (up to the point of identifying Muhammad with the Antichrist) had a second, anterior, past: the Catholic – Orthodox abysmal hatred against Arian, Eutyches, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Nestorius and other Supreme Theologians, who heralded the theoretical – Christological positions of Muhammad. Point 2 – Fallacious Academic – Intellectual Background and Fake Identity of Modern Europe (Hellenism) The Modern European Identity, as emanating from the Renaissance and the Classicism, is very problematic, if not fake, and this adds on. The formation of
  • 26. Classicism consists in serious disfigurement of the Historical truth of the Mediterranean Antiquity; the errors are due to both, severe lack of sources (when Classicism emerged as a system of representation of the Antiquity, most of the ancient languages of the Mediterranean basin, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Hittite cuneiform, Hatti hieroglyphics, Ugaritic Cuneiform, Aramaic, Phoenician, etc. had not been deciphered) and disastrous misreading of Greek and Latin sources (either erroneous selection of ‘founding literature’ or misunderstanding of excerpts). Hellenism is a totally irrelevant fallacy that misled Modern Europeans with disastrous results. Pont 3 – Misperception of the World History through the Scheme West vs. East Building on Classicism, and the totally inconsistent Hellenism (that totally misrepresents the Balkan / Aegean / Anatolian World’s past), the late 18th
  • 27. century, colonial Academia of Europe, expanding and exploring, created an unprecedented, inhuman felony: the East – West Divide. This is the greatest historical lie of all times. There is no distinction between East and West, there was never such a divide, and this absolutely racist concept is a theoretical construction targeting at humiliating the colonized peoples who had a far more illustrious past than the Europeans; the most Ancient of the European intellectuals, the Greek Pre-Socratic philosophers, confessed that they were ignorant and they learnt everything as humble pupils of the Great Wise Elders and Priests of Babylon, Persia and Egypt. By alienating themselves from the identical (and not different) peoples of the Orient, the Europeans entrapped themselves in an impossible position, because of the (theologically, absolutely Satanic) creation of the ‘Other’, which now intends to demolish them. Worse
  • 28. developments occurred after the false creation of the ‘Other’. Point 4 – Execrable Disfigurement of the ‘Other’ (Orientalism) The formation of the doctrines of Orientalism (Egyptology, Iranology, Assyriology, etc.) had nothing to do with a honest and benign interest for erudition; it was a shameful, dishonest and criminal act of cultural usurpation of other peoples’ past, culture, identity and monuments. The Oriental disciplines were carefully kept out of the main interest and the bulk of pedagogical activities and endeavours in the European universities, as the main accent was always put on the ‘Western’ part of the ‘divided’ world (with great numbers of students conducted to Classical studies). Even worse, critical conclusions and acquisitions of Orientalist research were kept out of the general readership, excluded from the mainstream historical manuals of the
  • 29. Primary and Secondary education, marginalized within newspapers and magazines. When a supposedly informative and groundbreaking article is published in magazine, a review, and a newspaper about Oriental civilizations, the accent is always put on the material not the intellectual, mental and spiritual achievements. Of course, there is never a comparison, because the Fallacy Europe cannot stand the Truth that in the early 5th century BCE, in the clashes between the Persians and the Athenians, the Top elements of Civilization, Knowledge, Science, Wisdom, Erudition, Culture, Art, and Humanism, were all on the Iranian side, and the Athenians represented the ignorance, the misery, and the barbarism. Even the word ‘barbaric’ is not Greek but Assyrian – Babylonian, as Greeks misunderstood the term ‘BaruBalu’ that meant the ‘unholy land’. Quite viciously – within the same context –, the Europeans select as positive example and
  • 30. point of reference those who were rejected by the Top Center of Civilization in the entire South Balkan area, namely the Oracle at Delphes that had advised all the Aeolians, the Ionians, and the Dorians to make peace with Darius and become part of the Iranian Empire. In an even more disreputable way, the Orientalism progressed as the ground work performed by racist European academia, acting mostly as agents of secret services of the colonial empires that perpetrated the following most nefarious deed – epitome of duplicity and malignancy. Instead of properly explaining to local populations, Muslim, Christian or other, the importance (for them, not the Europeans) of unveiling, studying and incorporating their past into their present and the significance of Historicity in a pertinent nation building effort, they manipulated local feelings in a way to turn the local populations to indifference and even more
  • 31. to hatred of the archeological unearthing and the historical reconstituting their past. Like this, they permanently prohibited nation building procedures similar to those practiced in Europe, being responsible for engulfing these populations in absolute ignorance, hatred of their past and their identity, and permanent cultural – intellectual – academic stagnation. In parallel, they embarked on a disastrous work that alone could easily lead to the present situation. Point 5 – Demolition of the Ottoman Empire Of course, main responsible for this work are France and England, not Germany, Austria – Hungary, Italy or Russia. The previous sentence is enough to reveal a possible way and remedy of the explosive situation with the Muslim immigrants in Europe. If Germany gets rid of the French impact and influence, if Germany, Italy and Poland form a decolonizing alliance
  • 32. within Europe – against France and England –, if this Mitteleuropa eliminates the colonial elements from any activity within the European Union, closely working with the US (whose worst enemy is not Ossama Bin Laden but England and France), then Europe will have a chance to solve the problem with Muslim immigrants. The demolition of the Ottoman Empire was the most perverse, anti-Islamic act throughout the History of Islam. Little matters whether the Iranian Ayatollahs share this opinion or not; of course they do not, because the Ottoman Empire was the their rival in diffusing their Shia version of Islam, and more importantly because the two countries were successive formations of the Sassanid Empire of Iran and the Eastern Roman Empire, so when fighting against each other in the 18th century they represented 15 centuries of confrontation!
  • 33. The demolition of the Ottoman Empire was the most perverse, anti-Islamic act throughout the History of Islam. Little matters whether terrorists like Ossama Bin Laden and the (stupidly considered by Europeans as non terrorist) muftis of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem share this opinion or not; of course they do not, because the Ottoman Empire is enemy no 1 for all Islamic extremists. The reason is simple; all the Islamic Extremists are a Western product. They do not originate from the World of Islam. The world of Islam, as civilization and political power, does not exist. Islamic civilization was gradually extinguished in the late 16th – early 17th centuries. When Napoleon arrived in Egypt in 1798, there was no Islamic Civilization, but the absolute darkness of the post-Islamic Barbarism. And with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the existence of any real and possible Islamic State terminated.
  • 34. The demolition – gradual decomposition of the Ottoman Empire allowed the criminal colonial powers of England and France to perpetrate the most iniquitous deeds in the Modern History. This was absolutely immoral; of course, it could last 10 years, 20 years, 100 years. However, it would end with the total destruction of both colonial countries. That is why it is important for America to disentangle itself from the Anglo-French pestilence. That is why it is crucial for Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and others to reconsider Europe (along with Turkey, Ukraine and Russia), through first the rediscovery of their Authentic Identities (German, Italian, etc.), and second the marginalization, denunciation and castigation of France and England. The demolition – gradual decomposition of the Ottoman Empire brings us in straight line with all current developments, and with the European
  • 35. crisis with the Muslim immigrants. What happened as consequence of this ominous choice of the colonial powers can be enumerated in a few more points that complete the Incredible Burden of today’s Europe; this will be the subject of a forthcoming article. Note Napoleon leaving Egypt; the 1798 French expedition in Egypt triggered – through many intermediate stages – the Islamic Extremism. ———————————————————
  • 36. Reasons making Muslim Integration in Europe Impossible By Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis Published: 8/12/2007 In this article, we describe the existing incredible burden on the minds of the Europeans when they are trying to develop a theoretical approach to the issue of the possibility of social integration of the Muslim immigrants in the average European societies.
  • 37. In an earlier article entitled ‘Integration of Muslims means Disintegration of Europe’, we evoked first the impossibility of politics devoid of Moral Principles, and we partly described the existing Incredible Burden on the minds of the Europeans when trying to develop a theoretical approach to the issue of the possibility of social integration of the Muslim immigrants in the average European societies. We enumerated five points, namely 1) Centuries long European Hatred of Islam, 2) Fallacious Academic – Intellectual Background and Fake Identity of Modern Europe (Hellenism), 3) Misperception of the World History through the Scheme West vs. East, 4) Execrable Disfigurement of the ‘Other’ (Orientalism), and 5) Demolition of the Ottoman Empire. In this article we will advance and describe other basic pillars that bear the aforementioned burden; without their most radical, drastic and irreversible removal, Europe will not
  • 38. avoid its History’s most thunderous crisis that is approaching with astronomic speed. Point 6 – Tragic termination of the Islamic Civilization and Rise of Barbarism throughout the nominally Islamic territories This a point of seminal importance; the event antedates the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, and even the arrival of Napoleon in Egypt in 1798. Of course, one cannot fix a date of death for a civilization that is not destroyed along with the destruction of the state where this civilization had strived. If we put an end to Ancient Elamite civilization at 640 BCE, this is due to the fact the Assyrian Emperor Assurbanipal destroyed Susa, the Elamite capital, invaded the entire territory of Elam, exterminated the entire population of the country, and even spread salt over the entire (unholy for the Assyrians) territory of Elam. But
  • 39. the Islamic Civilization, which was a multi-cultural phenomenon, not a national civilization, did not end like this. One of the main linguistic supports of the Islamic Civilization, Arabic, had gradually been decomposed (as early as beginning of the 16th century) into varied dialects, each of which was an amalgamation with other local languages. No other language rose to replace it, Ottoman Turkish, Farsi or Urdu. Even worse, the cultural – intellectual – religious sphere of Islam had been gradually corrupted by barbarizing elements that gradually got momentum. This pertains to the nature of the Islamic Civilization that was born among nomads in order to culturally unify them with sedentary peoples. Islam – as attempted by Muhammad and Ali – was the cultural Aramaization of the Arabs, and in this way Islamization meant Cultural Des- Arabization of the Arabs. The
  • 40. phenomenon generated terrible cultural and religious ‘earthquakes’, and at the time of the rise of the Islamic (non Arabic, and rather Anti-Arabic) Civilization, there were sheikhs of Darkness who tried to turn Islam to Darkness, using structurally in their treatises traditional Aramaean rationalist philosophical methods; the most famous among them was Hanbal. He had limited effect during his lifetime; but when after some centuries, the Crusaders generated a shock in the terrorized Christian, Muslim and Jewish populations of the Eastern Roman and Islamic Empires, a follower of Hanbal, Ibn Taimiya, had it easy to advance an obscurantist, racist, and clearly more un-Islamic and anti-Islamic system that made of the Islamic Enlightenment, Philosophy, Sciences and Art its primary target, as it deliberately propagated the most venomous Barbarism in the History of the Mankind. His system started expanding until it covered and
  • 41. controlled the entire Islamic Caliphate from where it expanded further on, as it keeps expanding even now. When the Darkness displaced Civilization within the Islamic Caliphate? This is the Date of Death of the Islamic Civilization. We cannot fix precisely a specific date, but many scholars agree on a day as the point-of-no-return, the moment at which the darkness of the illiterate and barbaric sheikhs was imposed on the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. 1580: Islamic Civilization declared Dead This date symbol is the destruction of the Istanbul Astronomical Observatory by the inhuman, barbaric and illiterate followers of the disreputable Satanist Ibn Taimiya and the sheikhs who propagated Darkness and Ignorance in their hatred against Knowledge. Established by Taqi Al Din Efendi, the world’s leading Astronomer, in 1543, the Istanbul Observatory was taken as model in the
  • 42. erection of the Royal Danish Astronomical Observatory that was built by TychoBrahae. When in 1580 Taqi el Din predicted Ottoman victory over the Shah of Iran, and this event did not occur, the criminal followers of Ibn Taimiya and the bogus-Islamic theologians of Darkness provoked a manifestation of the ignorant masses who destroyed the Istanbul Observatory with the same hysteria the barbaric Arabic speaking masses of today demand the destruction of Israel. On that date was issued the Certificate of Death of the Islamic Civilization and Religion. Point 7 – Formation of Pan-Arabism / False Identity and Language for the colonized masses This point is not detached from point 5 (demolition of the Ottoman Empire); the latter was targeted so that the colonial rulers embark on the formation of a bogus-nation that would be permanently
  • 43. invalid and intellectually impotent. The different peoples targeted would therefore be totally unable to reach, perceive, establish, develop and subsequently take maximum benefit from their national and cultural identity, whereas through other mechanisms and devices they would turn out to be indelibly marked by a severe and most shocking complex of inferiority, involving parasitic-like hatred of the colonial master and at the same time immense self under- evaluation, servile docility to, thoughtless mimicking and deification of the colonial masters, absolute admiration and adoration of their supposed magnificent capacities, inane and immoral separation for the country where they belonged to (Ottoman Empire), plus hatred, pathological envy and betrayal of the Ottoman Empire. The colonial creation of a mass of illiterate humanoids, labeled ‘Arabs’,
  • 44. consisted in the most monstrous strangling of a) the Berberic identity of the inhabitants of today’s Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, b) the Egyptian – Coptic identity of the inhabitants of today’s – permanently non Arabic and non Semitic – Egypt, c) the Kushitic – Meroitic and Nilo- Saharan identity of the inhabitants of today’s Sudan, d) the Yemenite (non Arabic) identity’s of the inhabitants of today’s Yemen and Oman, and e) the Aramaean identity of the inhabitants of today’s Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq (with the exception of the Kurds and the Turkmens), Kuwait, Qatar, Emirates, and the northern confines of Saudi Arabia, and of the so called Arabic speaking populations of today’s SE Turkey and SW Iran.
  • 45. At the times of Napoleon, in the vast surfaces of the Ottoman Empire that France and England coveted, there were many languages and dialects evolving around Berberic, Coptic, Nubian, Yemenite and Aramaic (in the respective areas). Turkish and Arabic vocabularies were important components, as the first was the language of the administration and the second the language of the religion, but Arabic was already a dead language, and of course absolutely irrelevant of the various local cultures, namely Berberic, Coptic, Nubian &Kushitic, Yemenite and Aramaean. If there had never been a colonial interference and involvement, throughout the aforementioned area, Berberic, Coptic, Nubian, Yemenite, and Aramaic would have been far more widely spoken today, as the hysterical and criminal effort to eradicate them would have occurred. In addition, there would be several other
  • 46. mixed languages composed of the various linguistic components, and there Turkish would be a very important constituent. If the Ottoman Empire had not lost its territories, there would never have been this fabricated bogus-language of Modern Arabic. The tools of the “Mission Barbarisatrice de France” The colonial French formed immediately the class of their interlocutors on whom they exercised a tricky mechanism: the quasi-illiterate pseudo-scholars of Al Azhar, a useless relic of Darkness that had nothing in common with the level of that university before 600 years, the few landowners and merchants, and the rising class of their servile servants for whom – idiotically – France was the undisputed leading force of progress. They triggered the fabrication of an academic form of modern Arabic language that could not be identical to
  • 47. Classical Arabic of the Islamic Civilization Ages (but far poorer and more limited), and at the same time could not be similar to the extremely poor oral languages (which were amalgamation of various languages, mainly Coptic, Turkish and Arabic). And of course, it was meant never to become a mother tongue. The formation of the fabricated academic – journalistic Arabic covered the span of almost a century, and was directed against the Coptic and Turkish components that had to be expurgated. Due to the imposition of this fabricated language, the oral languages were influenced to some extent. But in order to hide the truth, namely that the Egyptians have absolutely no relation with the Arabs, and that there is not a single drop of Arabic blood within the Egyptian veins, the rising educational – academic – political class of colonized Egypt was injected with the idea that the oral language is an unimportant form of
  • 48. Arabic that must not be studied, but thoroughly and insistently disdained. And until now, there was never a single study of the oral language that was deprecated by those who use it, as this is the beginning of the servitude, the ignorance and the self-misery. Abysmal French Hatred of the Coptic Civilization Quite indicative of the monstrous and inhuman plan of the French to disfigure, totally destroy and disorient (arabize) Egypt is the fact that the Orientalist scholars built up two (successive) Museums of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo, and one Museum of Islamic Antiquities, but no Museum of Coptic Antiquities. Only the Copts themselves with great effort and great honor did contribute as community to the establishment of a Coptic Museum in Cairo. There is nothing strange in this. If one reads a few excerpts
  • 49. of Coptic Annals, one realizes easily that before and after the arrival of Islam in Egypt, the only, the main, the most diachronically excruciating problem of the Copts was the Roman and the Constantinopolitan perversion of Christianity and the inhuman political practices of the Roman Empire. Certainly, the French distortion of the World History would not like these pages diffused anywhere. Pan – Arabism: dehumanizing, barbaric behavioral system As it can be surmised through the aforementioned, Pan-Arabism has only very little to do with the latter day Arabic Nationalism that rose as political ideology in the 1910s and later. It has mostly to do with the formation of false feeling of national identity and the creation of a miserably low, lewd, vulgar, barbaric, and ultimately villainous behavioral system that was provocatively
  • 50. triggered through successive machinations by the colonial elite of France and projected on the colonized masses, long before the English prevailed in Egypt (1880). If this Brutal and Criminal Societal Disfigurement of the detached Ottoman societies had not been so meticulously undertaken by the French, there would not have been a chance in the septillion for the British to convince the sheikh of Mecca to utter betrayal during WW I. Point 8 – Methodic and perverse work of obliteration of the Berberic, Coptic, Aramaic and Yemenite Languages, Cultures and Identities The French ignited the concept of arabization, as if an Aramaean of Syria could ever become an Arab, which is an oxymoron. The modern disciplines of Humanities had not advanced very much before 150 years, but still the American example was very clear: an African
  • 51. American, who having forgotten his original language became English native speaker, would never be (or be considered as) …. Anglo-Saxon. In the African Atlas region, the most underdeveloped and neglected parts were the provinces where the arabization policies could not advance much. In Egypt, the Copts were put in front of the dilemma ‘elimination in Egypt or safety through assimilation in France’. Among Arameans, the most targeted nation as the most pivotal hindrance in the disreputable arabization machination, the work took the iniquitous form of projecting other – totally irrelevant and absolutely false – national names for parts of Aramaeans that could be influenced through Vatican and missionaries. False national names for Aramaeans: “Chaldaeans”, “Assyrians”
  • 52. Like this, some Aramaeans were taught that they are descendants of the Chaldaeans (portrayed as Babylonians, although the Kaldu were just an Aramaean tribe in Southern Mesopotamia), whereas others were offered facilities and monies to be possibly convinced that they were the offspring of the Assyrians who had all disappeared as early as the last years of the 7th century BCE. Like this, for the first part in the World History, an entire people became the victim of national – spiritual trichotomy, as two misguided parts of the same people (“Assyrians”, “Chaldaeans”) have fallen victims of the malignant Anglo-French colonial plan, causing national division and disaster. Yet, if the Aramaeans were united, they could convincingly explain to the Arabic speaking populations of Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, etc, that they are
  • 53. not Arabs but linguistically only arabizedAramaeans, and that the best they have to do in order to achieve a coherent national and cultural identity is to learn Aramaic and obliterate Arabic. Key point to help unveil the academic fathers of the Islamic Extremism If you say this to a criminal French Orientalist, he will say to you that the linguistically arabized Aramaean cannot obliterate Arabic because he is Muslim. Through this answer, you get immediately and clearly the full and complete revelation of the Mystery of the Iniquity: the real creators of the Islamic Terrorism are the Colonial French whose plans would all be nil, if suddenly the modern bogus-Islam disappeared. Yet, the reality is simple: you don’t need Arabic to believe in Islam. You need Farsi, Turkish, Urdu. Somali, Swahili, many languages – but you don’t necessarily need Arabic.
  • 54. The obliteration of the genuine culture of the illegally detached from the Ottoman Empire peoples took the form of unprecedented hatred and hysteria imposed through many sophisticated ways on the ignorant and besotted elites of these countries, who – through the machination of conflicts with the Ottoman authorities (provoked by the French but unfortunately undetected by these Ottoman citizens) – saw in France the savior whereas that pernicious country was the ultimate destroyer. Prohibition of Phoenicia as National Name – instead of forged ‘Lebanon” Even today, the ridiculous French Orientalists do not allow their Lebanese students, who besotted enough think possible for them to go and study in France, to publicize in the Museums in Lebanon the absolute Phoenician National Identity of that country.
  • 55. All the inscriptions and the indications in all the Lebanese museums that shelter only Phoenician and Aramaic antiquities give explanations whereby the national name ‘Phoenicia’ is criminally absent. This is the trash that disreputable bogus- scholars, like my former professor at the EcolePratique des Hautes Etudes IVeme section, Maurice Sznycer, imposed through utter blackmail on their Lebanese students, who go to study in Paris in order to get a trash Ph.D. paper “bon pour l’ Orient”. Point 9 – Severe distortion of the National Histories of the illegally detached from the Ottoman Empire Peoples, matched with a multi-target confusion of the World academia As the colonial conspiracy prepared the stage for local elites to idiotically think that it would be better for them to rely on the French than on the authorities of their own Ottoman state, many Algerians,
  • 56. Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians and others started moving to France to study their History. There, the criminal and mendacious French academia, in total contradiction with methods applied in other, European, countries and students, they gave them a most distorted and broken picture of their national – Algerian, Egyptian, Lebanese, Syrian and other – History. Basic element of this distortion was the discontinuity; at times the past, Egyptian, Assyrian – Babylonian, etc. was highlighted, then there were many confusing centuries of non – identity (through the bias of the erroneous term ‘Hellenistic Times’ that should be replaces by ‘Orientalistic Times’ because during that period Oriental cultures and religions, ideologies and cults, philosophies and esoterisms were diffused in Greece, Rome and throughout the Roman Empire), and then suddenly
  • 57. everything in the Orient was turned into the Arabic – Islamic, which also a very erroneous term). Yet, the Late Antiquity, when the Oriental cults and philosophies prevailed throughout the West (Mithraism, Zervanism, Isidism, Hermetism, Anubism, Ostanism, Gnosticisms, Chaldeanism, Manichaeism, the Cybele circle of cult, the Atargatis system, and the Oriental Christian systems, Nestorianism, ‘Monophysitism’), consist in the ultimate backbone of every Oriental land’s history, as developments that took place in that period characterized the acceptance of Islam and the aspects of its implementation in the lands in question. Breaking the continuity that brought Islam forth, the heinous and racist French academia help promote Islamic Extremism, a system of genuine misinterpretation of Islam – precisely through the bias of an-historicity, and
  • 58. de-historicity (as their supposed ‘Islam’ comes from nowhere and goes to nowhere). Point 10 – Distorted representation of the Oriental and Islamic Past for average European, Western and World readerships Linked with the aforementioned, the colonial academia prevented the correct information and the adequate interpretation of data pertaining to Oriental, Christian Oriental, and Islamic Antiquity from becoming widely available among Western readerships. Who read a French translation and an analysis of the grand opus of the Aramaean philosopher Tatianus ‘To Greeks’, whereby the Great Aramaean trashes the supposedly important Greek philosophers as miserable copiers of Oriental thought, philosophy and wisdom? Why are there in Europe more translations and books about Pericles and
  • 59. not Assurbanipal? Simply, because the hysteria of falsification and the hatred of the greatness were matched with the pathological love of the lewd, the low, the vulgar and The hideous. And an ignorant, tyrannical chieftain like Pericles (who ruled tyrannically over the 75% majority of slaves, also neglecting the Athenian women who were just ‘things’ to him) was thus preferred to an erudite Emperor – Philosopher – High Priest – Librarian and Connoisseur of dead languages (of his days: Sumerian). Quite comically, the issue entered into school books’ and encyclopedias’ maps; you read about the Roman – Sassanid Persian rivalry! They do not show to you the Naqsh-e Rustam relief with Valerian kneeling in front of Shapur III, but they offer you a map of the adversary empires. Ludicrously enough the map starts with the Iberian peninsula and ends somewhere in the middle of today’s Iran.
  • 60. Yet, if they extended the map until Tibet and India, enough to show all the Sassanid territories, you would realize that the Sassanid Empire of Iran was greater, larger, bigger than the Roman Empire. Worse, located at the epicenter of the East – West desert, land and sea routes of trade, Iran was the Central Empire of the world, and ‘your’ Roman Empire was a marginal western story. This is the reality that the average Europeans never learnt, as they have been long date victims of the mendacious Orientalist academia of France and England. If the criminal colonial academia of late 19th century France did not act in this way, they would feel that they ‘prove’ that the Sultan was superior to the Freemasonic President of the French Third Republic, and to Queen Victoria. The question is why other European nations with highly Humanist Traditions,
  • 61. the Germans, the Italians, and many others, should follow the inhuman practices and plans of the Anglo-French gangsters? As there many more reasons that generated the existing chaotic gap between the European populations and the Muslim immigrants in Europe, we will expand more on several forthcoming articles. Note Silence on Assurbanipal and focus on Pericles in the Western text books; one of the secret reasons of the chaotic gap between Westerners and Muslims, both equally misinformed by the colonial Orientalist elite of France and England.