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Психология моей

Работа с Владыками по
исцелению души и духа
Помочь хотят все!
Составляющие вашего «я»

  Внутренний ребенок—
   раненый и здоровый

  Внутренний взрослый—
   нелюбящий и любящий
   (Святое Я Христа)
Четыре отдела сознания
                    Я ЕСМЬ Присутствие

        Физический                           Ментальный
      Бессознательное                         Сознание
    Я ЕСМЬ Присутствие                     Святое Я Христа

                         Святое Я Христа
Внутренний враг

                  Иисус - “Идет князь мира
                    сего, и во Мне не имеет
                  Святой Павел описывал
                  состояние стража порога
                    - “Доброго, которого
                   хочу, не делаю, а злое,
                      которого не хочу,
              Необходимо делать призыв о страже
                    порога и судные призывы
Ваша карма и психика

                 Кутхуми говорит:
                  – это всего лишь
                    сеть сознания,
                    вашей кармой и
                  состоянием. Если
                  вы их измените -
                 изменятся и ваши
Диспенсация Кутхуми
Помощь в решении психологических проблем

     “Если вы призовете
         меня и примете
         решение в душе
      превзойти смертное
       «я», я буду обучать
     вас с помощью вашего
      собственного сердца
           или любого
     посланника, которого
     я могу послать к вам”.
Мария о возрождении «я»
       Мария говорит, что
    психологическая проблема –
     проблема повторяющаяся,
   которую вы не можете решить
            за 24 часа.
 Вам нужно выяснить, почему вы
      ведете себя именно так
        Читайте розарий
Сядьте за стол и выпейте чашку
           чая с Марией
   Она равно внимательна и к
      большим, и к маленьким
Психологический призыв
Матери Марии
     Я более не позволю такого рода
    поведение. Я иду в сердцевину его
   причины. Я иду в сердцевину этого
  состояния. Я иду в сердце Астреи и в
              сердце Бога.
 Я остаюсь трезвым, решительным,
     сохраняю покой и возвышенную
  радость победы, на которую заявляю
   право. И я последователен в этом.
 Я преклоняю колени перед Господом
  Иисусом Христом и истово взываю к
 его заступничеству: избавить меня от
  этого моментума, который я сегодня
      объявляю сокрушенным мечом
 архангела Михаила, десницей и палицей
Иисус обязуется оказать помощь в
 исцелении нашего
 внутреннего ребенка
  “Призовите меня на различных этапах и
  стадиях раскрытия моего Богосвободного
  существа, начиная с сына человеческого в
   утробе до Сына Божьего, новорожденного
      младенца Христа до ребёнка семи и
               двенадцати лет.
 “Вы можете призывать меня на всех этих
        стадиях, ведь каждый этап моих
      посвящений соответствует вашим
         собственным… Я поведу вас на
       внутренних уровнях по ступеням
     развития, с момента зачатия вашего
     физического тела в утробе [матери].
“Я проведу вас по пропущенным ступеням, и
    ваша душа удовлетворится тем, что вы
     прошли все ступени, назначенные вам
Кришна обязуется оказать помощь в
исцелении нашего внутреннего ребенка
   “Визулизируйте его (Кришны)
     Присутствие над собой в том
    возрасте, в каком вы перенесли
        эмоциональную травму,
      физическую боль, моральное
  страдание, муку - все записи боли,
        любые записи, которые
     возникают из нынешнего или
        прошлого воплощения…
    “Просите о том, чтобы эти
     события вашей жизни прошли
   перед вашим внутренним взором
     как слайды, появляющиеся на
     экране или даже как фильм об
           этих событиях.
  Определите свой возраст в тот
    травмировавший вас момент ”.
“Затем     визуализируйте     Господа
   Кришну    в    том   возрасте    -
   шестимесячного, шестилетнего,
   пятидесятилетнего                -
   представьте, что он стоит над
   вами и над всей ситуацией.
“Если есть другие участники этого
   события, через которых пришло
   это страдание, визуализируйте
   Присутствие Господа Кришны
   вокруг них.
      Пока вы не изольете в этой мантре такую любовь к
        Господу Кришне, что он примет ее, умножив своим
             сердцем, пропустит ее снова через вас и
               трансмутирует эту сцену и запись…”.
“Представьте, как все части
  проблемы – гнев, бремя –
  замещаются Господом
  Кришной, утвердите в своем
  сердце, что поистине, нет
  иной реальности кроме Бога.
  Только Бог реален и Бог
  помещает Свое Присутствие
  над этой ситуацией,
  персонифицируя Себя в Господе
Простые ключи, упущенные нами

    Наблюдайте за своими реакциями на окружающих -
     “Не важно, что происходит, важно, как вы реагируете
     на это” Кутхуми
    Зеркало отражает вас - то, что вам не нравится в
     других, есть в вас
    Наблюдайте за собой - просите Бога показать вам,
     что необходимо понять в себе - спросите друга
    Мория - “Даже муравей может быть посланником -
     прислушайся к нему”.
    Наблюдайте за своими эмоциями - гнев, уныние,
     обида, ненависть, неприязнь.
Разрешение проблем с земными

   Разрешите проблемы со своими
    родителями, особенно с матерью или
    с теми, кто выполняет роль матери.
   Независимо от всего – ваши родители
    дали вам жизнь и возможность –
    будьте благодарными!
   Независимо от происходящего
    Святое Я Христа ваших родителей
    любит вас и Бог Отец-Мать никогда
    не перестанет вас любить!
   На то, чтобы они стали вашими
    родителями, была причина.
   Какой урок вам надлежало выучить?
проблем с Матерью
    Пламени и
А что дальше?

  Будьте готовы к

   Будьте готовы
 терпеливо собирать
 куски головоломки!
Дополнительные ключи

   У нас есть множество средств
   Изучайте Учения и применяйте их
   Стирайте с доски - исповедь и покаяние
   Ритуал прощения
   Выберете Учителя и читайте новину
   Напишите письмо и сожгите
   Посещайте ритуалы возвращения
    частиц души по Интернету
   Обратитесь за советом к психологу
Совет психолога

   Обратитесь за помощью к специалисту-
   Просите Кутхуми направить вас к нужному
    специалисту или врачу и оказать ему
   Встретьтесь с ним накануне ночью - призовите свое
    Святое Я Христа и Я Христа своего врача
   Доверьтесь своим чувствам
   Остерегайтесь психизма и зависимости
Да! Вы можете победить!

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психология моей личности

  • 1. Психология моей личности Работа с Владыками по исцелению души и духа
  • 3. Составляющие вашего «я»  Внутренний ребенок— раненый и здоровый (душа)  Внутренний взрослый— нелюбящий и любящий (Святое Я Христа)
  • 4. Четыре отдела сознания Эфирный Сверхсознание Я ЕСМЬ Присутствие Физический Ментальный Бессознательное Сознание Я ЕСМЬ Присутствие Святое Я Христа Эмоциональный Подсознание Святое Я Христа
  • 5. Внутренний враг Иисус - “Идет князь мира сего, и во Мне не имеет ничего”. Святой Павел описывал состояние стража порога - “Доброго, которого хочу, не делаю, а злое, которого не хочу, делаю.” Необходимо делать призыв о страже порога и судные призывы
  • 6. Ваша карма и психика Кутхуми говорит: “Обстоятельства – это всего лишь сеть сознания, сформированная вашей кармой и психическим состоянием. Если вы их измените - изменятся и ваши обстоятельства”.
  • 7. Диспенсация Кутхуми Помощь в решении психологических проблем “Если вы призовете меня и примете решение в душе превзойти смертное «я», я буду обучать вас с помощью вашего собственного сердца или любого посланника, которого я могу послать к вам”.
  • 8. Мария о возрождении «я» Мария говорит, что психологическая проблема – проблема повторяющаяся, которую вы не можете решить за 24 часа. Вам нужно выяснить, почему вы ведете себя именно так Читайте розарий Сядьте за стол и выпейте чашку чая с Марией Она равно внимательна и к большим, и к маленьким проблемам.
  • 9. Психологический призыв Матери Марии Я более не позволю такого рода поведение. Я иду в сердцевину его причины. Я иду в сердцевину этого состояния. Я иду в сердце Астреи и в сердце Бога. Я остаюсь трезвым, решительным, сохраняю покой и возвышенную радость победы, на которую заявляю право. И я последователен в этом. Я преклоняю колени перед Господом Иисусом Христом и истово взываю к его заступничеству: избавить меня от этого моментума, который я сегодня объявляю сокрушенным мечом архангела Михаила, десницей и палицей Геркулеса!
  • 10. Иисус обязуется оказать помощь в исцелении нашего внутреннего ребенка “Призовите меня на различных этапах и стадиях раскрытия моего Богосвободного существа, начиная с сына человеческого в утробе до Сына Божьего, новорожденного младенца Христа до ребёнка семи и двенадцати лет. “Вы можете призывать меня на всех этих стадиях, ведь каждый этап моих посвящений соответствует вашим собственным… Я поведу вас на внутренних уровнях по ступеням развития, с момента зачатия вашего физического тела в утробе [матери]. “Я проведу вас по пропущенным ступеням, и ваша душа удовлетворится тем, что вы прошли все ступени, назначенные вам Богом”.
  • 11. Кришна обязуется оказать помощь в исцелении нашего внутреннего ребенка “Визулизируйте его (Кришны) Присутствие над собой в том возрасте, в каком вы перенесли эмоциональную травму, физическую боль, моральное страдание, муку - все записи боли, любые записи, которые возникают из нынешнего или прошлого воплощения… “Просите о том, чтобы эти события вашей жизни прошли перед вашим внутренним взором как слайды, появляющиеся на экране или даже как фильм об этих событиях. Определите свой возраст в тот травмировавший вас момент ”.
  • 12. “Затем визуализируйте Господа Кришну в том возрасте - шестимесячного, шестилетнего, двенадцатилетнего, пятидесятилетнего - представьте, что он стоит над вами и над всей ситуацией. “Если есть другие участники этого события, через которых пришло это страдание, визуализируйте Присутствие Господа Кришны вокруг них. Пока вы не изольете в этой мантре такую любовь к Господу Кришне, что он примет ее, умножив своим сердцем, пропустит ее снова через вас и трансмутирует эту сцену и запись…”.
  • 13. “Представьте, как все части проблемы – гнев, бремя – замещаются Господом Кришной, утвердите в своем сердце, что поистине, нет иной реальности кроме Бога. Только Бог реален и Бог помещает Свое Присутствие над этой ситуацией, персонифицируя Себя в Господе Кришне".
  • 14. Простые ключи, упущенные нами  Наблюдайте за своими реакциями на окружающих - “Не важно, что происходит, важно, как вы реагируете на это” Кутхуми  Зеркало отражает вас - то, что вам не нравится в других, есть в вас  Наблюдайте за собой - просите Бога показать вам, что необходимо понять в себе - спросите друга  Мория - “Даже муравей может быть посланником - прислушайся к нему”.  Наблюдайте за своими эмоциями - гнев, уныние, обида, ненависть, неприязнь.
  • 15. Разрешение проблем с земными родителями  Разрешите проблемы со своими родителями, особенно с матерью или с теми, кто выполняет роль матери.  Независимо от всего – ваши родители дали вам жизнь и возможность – будьте благодарными!  Независимо от происходящего Святое Я Христа ваших родителей любит вас и Бог Отец-Мать никогда не перестанет вас любить!  На то, чтобы они стали вашими родителями, была причина.  Какой урок вам надлежало выучить?
  • 16. Разрешение проблем с Матерью Пламени и Божественной Матерью
  • 17. А что дальше? Будьте готовы к схватке! Будьте готовы терпеливо собирать куски головоломки!
  • 18. Дополнительные ключи  У нас есть множество средств  Изучайте Учения и применяйте их  Стирайте с доски - исповедь и покаяние  Ритуал прощения  Выберете Учителя и читайте новину  Напишите письмо и сожгите  Посещайте ритуалы возвращения частиц души по Интернету  Обратитесь за советом к психологу
  • 19. Совет психолога  Обратитесь за помощью к специалисту- профессионалу  Просите Кутхуми направить вас к нужному специалисту или врачу и оказать ему покровительство  Встретьтесь с ним накануне ночью - призовите свое Святое Я Христа и Я Христа своего врача  Доверьтесь своим чувствам  Остерегайтесь психизма и зависимости
  • 20. Да! Вы можете победить!

Editor's Notes

  1. Ascended Masters give a unique perspective to psychology with an emphasis on healing and wholeness—the path of personal Christhood, resolution of psychology, relationships and ties to the Father-Mother God The messenger and the masters have urged us to study our personal psychology: Psychology is the study of the soul—from the Greek word “psyche” which means soul. The soul has departed from her original divine blueprint and forgotten her original identity in God. Our work is to remember and to return to the divine plan. There is much spiritual work we can do to help us and spiritual work and sponsorship is the key. We may have blocks in our psychology and the masters urge us to go to work spiritually and get counseling if necessary. In fact we may come to the point where we cannot progress further on the spiritual path, if we have not overcome our psychology—all progress stops. The masters and messenger foresaw this They want to work with us to help us.
  2. Many Masters have stepped forward to assist: [Ask the audience to identify the masters in the picture] Mother Mary Jesus Kuthumi Krishna Kuan Yin is the Court of Last Resort Mother and Lanello as Gurus Saint Germain and the violet flame Maitreya Michael The Maha Chohan Gautama Buddha
  3. Background on the components of self. Difference between the soul and the spirit—the soul can be lost—the spirit can never die. Inner Child is the soul, the conglomerate of your childhood experiences in this and other lives, consists of childhood feelings, attitudes, thoughts and perceptions and motivations, functions in the right brain—feeling, being and experiencing. Two parts to the inner child--wounded and healthy. Wounded Inner Child—was criticized, neglected, abandoned, by others. To alleviate pain and protect itself the inner child developed self-defeating behaviors. The wounded Inner child needs nurturing, comforting, Cradle the soul. Healthy Inner Child is the part of us that is alive, enthusiastic, creative, intuitive and able to trust. It has a sense of wonder about life. It reaches out to others with wisdom and compassion, expressing child like (not childish ) faith. Inner Adult—Two parts of the inner adult—unloving and loving. Unloving Inner Adult sends negative messages to the inner child (I should and other negative attitudes, passes down negative family patterns, perpetuates the unloving aspects of our childhood, protects itself from the pain experiened by the wounded inner child.Loving Inner Adult—mature part of us that learns from and with the inner child, realizes our potential, contains the loving messages from parents and other significant adults and is not injured, operates from the left brain and is powerful committed, courageous, ethical and has integrity. The responsible inner adult can guide, comfort and heal the inner child, the Holy Christ Self, set loving boundaries.
  4. The Four Compartments of the Mind: Superconscious—Etheric body Conscious—Mental body Subconscious—Emotional body—generally not accessible and beneath the awareness but comes up from time to timef Unconscious--Physical Body—can never really contact it Subconscious and unconscious include the dweller on the threshold (carnal mind) and the electronic belt Kuthumi taught Mother that we can ask for the Holy Christ Self and I AM Presence to overshadow the compartments of the mind. I AM Presence in the Etheric and Physical—the superconscious and unconscious. The Holy Christ Self in the Mental and Emotional—conscious and subconscious The Not Self and the Real Self Personality development The dysfunctional family The psychology of relationships
  5. Mother Mary 1989 told us to “engage.” “to allow oneself to engage in the process of the re-creation of self, to not turn one's back when one sees the dweller, to not make the decision to abide that dweller and allow it to be as it is, to go after it with the fierceness of a she-lion. Blessed ones, it is the only way. Your victory must be won. And this wrestling, as the spiritual work, must be accompanied by a true examination of the components of the psyche, hence the psychology. “ We all have a dweller on the threshold. The enemy within or the not-self. Clever and knows us better than we know ourselves sometimes. The Christ mind can outsmart it. The carnal mind must be bound daily. We have the calls for the binding of the dweller given to us by Jesus—20.07 and 20.09. Resources to study the dweller: Cosmic Clock, chapter 14 of Great White Brotherhood book, the ABC’s of Your Cosmic Clock album and new book coming out. Strategies of Light and Darkness Remember the Ancient Encounter by Kuthumi Christ and the Dweller by Mother Marilyn Barrick’s books on psychology Climb the Highest Mountain series
  6. The master Kuthumi—the master psychologist—Embodied as Saint Francis He says: “Circumstance is but the grid of consciousness consisting of your karma and your psychology. If you change these, you will change your circumstance.” Many embodiments in the Guru-Chela relationship with Mother who says (Psychology of Zailm—Reincarnation and Karma, 12-29-90) “Psychology is intricately woven with karma. What we see in our psychology which we can trace to our roots in this life is also traceable in previous lifetimes…Karma is interwoven with our psychology. One begets the other. It is truly a circle that determines how, why, where and as who we reincarnate.” “ God does not deal our karma to us as punishment. Karma is a manifestation of an impersonal and personal law. The law of justice and mercy. There is divine intercession where the guru through the guru-chela relationship may take on a portion of the chela’s karma for a certain time. For extraordinary service the guru may even balance that portion entirely. Karma is our teacher. We must learn the lessons of how and why we misused the energy of life.” With the dispensation of balancing only 51% of our karma to ascend we do not have to balance every jot and tittle of our karma. Your karma is also your astrology and this can often provide clues for you.
  7. Kuthumi's mission to assist chelas in the resolution of their psychology. On January 27, 1985, Kuthumi, the Master Psychologist, announced a dispensation from Lord Maitreya: “ This dispensation is my assignment to work with each one of you individually for your physical health and for the healing of your psychology, that we might swiftly get to the very cause and core of physical as well as spiritual and emotional conditions that there be no more setbacks or indulgences and surely not two steps forward and one step back. Thus, from this hour, if you will call to me and make a determination in your heart to transcend the former self, I will tutor you both through your own heart and any messenger I may send your way.” Kuthumi has an Ascended Master Mind Alliance with us, we can call to him and use the I AM Light decree 7.10A. These days it is pay as you go as Morya says. I AM Light gives Kuthumi the energy to help you. Remember he can intercede through any messenger he may send your way. See 1985 PoW, Book I, pp. 82, 97, 217. [i] See also 1985 PoW, Book I, pp. 97, 217, and 1991 PoW, pp. 407-9. [ii] [i] EndNotes\\FN910701.KH [ii] EndNotes\\FN940612.LB
  8. KUTHUMI May 5, 1991 PW910701.KH "THE VESSEL OF KINDNESS“I AM Kuthumi. This Messenger has been my disciple for centuries on and off in the Himalayas between other incarnations. The bond is very close, beloved. You can trust this heart as an open door to my heart. And as some of you may not know, I come specifically on a mission to assist you in the resolution of your psychology, your relationships and your ties to Father, Mother, Son and Holy Spirit. I will always come to you when you call to me. And, yes, I will be a part of your "master mind alliance" as you form tight alliances with trusted friends, devotees on the Path with whom you share a crystal vision of a world to come, with whom you have plans for a specific project. If you use the "I AM Light" decree with all of its visualizations and mantric force, if you will take the teachings the Messenger has given and give the call to the I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self to enter the superconscious, the conscious, the subconscious and the unconscious mind, you will find yourself day by day more in control of these four lower bodies, who are your servants, each one a vessel for the fulfillment of your mission. Take the "I AM Light" decree as a mantra. Give it nine or thirty-three times for nine or thirty-three days. See how I can help you in your circumstance. Circumstance is but a grid of consciousness consisting of your karma and your psychology. If you change these, you will change your circumstance. I will show you how but it is not lawful for me to provide the energy. By giving the mantra, you give me the energy. Then, beloved, study the books on psychology recommended by the Messenger and know that the violet flame will heal and transmute. The Healing Thoughtform and the Emerald Matrix will seal [the pattern of perfection], will bring about change [for the better, will heal and restore to wholeness]. Some of you understand the process of a healing crisis when you seek to fast and [pray and] purge the body. Know, then, that there is also a spiritual healing crisis. If you send much violet flame into the temple, much substance will come to the surface. If you are not aware of this, you may not know that that is the very moment to increase the violet flame and the calls to Astrea and to seek counseling [for the soul's resolution]. For so many things tumble out [of the psyche] at once and there they are on the table before you. They will either go into the flame or back into the subconscious, depending on your understanding of how to deal with those conditions. This is why we have ministers and counsellors in this church and why you must also learn to fulfill those roles. How better to learn than to go through the process yourself. And therefore study so that you can give positive suggestion, support and uplift to those in need and [so that you can] be keenly aware when one of greater professional qualifications is needed to help someone out of certain patterns of the psyche or out of the maze of that labyrinth of the unconscious. Wise ones and elders in this church have much experience to offer you.
  9. Mary says a psychological problem is a repetitive problem that you cannot solve within 24 hours. You need to find out why you behave as you do. Give the rosary. Sit down and have a cup of tea with Mary. There is no problem too great or too small for her attention. Listen to Mother Mary speak about our psychology August 14, 1989. (5 mins. 35 secs) when you have wondrous qualities of light and they do shine but you have an area of your life that lags behind, such as a repetitive problem, a repetitive problem of alcohol or some other manifestation, or perhaps lying or perhaps misusing of other people's funds and on and on, this is hard for people to understand.  It presents a dilemma.  How can one be a student on the spiritual path and still engage in these indulgences?     If you are the victim of these indulgences yourself, if you, in other words, engage in them and find yourself trapped in them repeatedly again and again and see it now as a pattern of your lifestream and of a lifetime, you must understand that these situations should no longer be regarded as spiritual problems but they should be regarded as psychological problems.  And the difference is this, beloved, a psychological problem cannot be resolved until the individual can take apart the components that make up that problem and in the process actually take apart elements of the soul and the soul's personality development in this life and sometimes in previous lifetimes.     For the individual to overcome these repetitive problems or addictions the individual must be able to look at how they have come upon his lifestream in this lifetime and then tackle through the calls for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold, through Astreas, through naming of the entities and discarnates, through adjusting and balancing one's physical diet and life-style, through protecting oneself by reinforcing oneself by right association, association with individuals who have strength, who have wholeness or a semi-wholeness in their psychology and a spiritual strength as warriors of the Spirit on the Path.  Thus you see, to associate with those of similar predilections and addictions, you may find yourself easily trapped in those circumstances because it may be the weakest point of your personality where there is not only a development problem but a corresponding rent in the garment and even tears in the corresponding chakras.     So you see, beloved, you cannot transmute with the violet flame or Astreas those elements that are wanting in the personality because it requires that you consciously tear down and build anew that personality on that particular line of the Clock and in that particular area of your life.  You simply cannot suppress it, ignore it, pretend it does not exist, be annoyed with others when they may gently point out to you that such-and-such problem does exist.     If you have a repetitive problem with anger or a temper or outbursts with co-workers, you must understand that this is first and foremost a psychological problem that must be pursued.  It is, of course, also a spiritual problem because it shows a repetitive capacity to allow hordes of demons to rupture the harmony of one's forcefield, come rushing through the solar plexus, come out in the spoken Word, as the tie to the throat chakra is to the solar plexus, and to allow the demons that rush through to take one's light, to misuse it in putting very heavy energy upon others, and to drain oneself of that energy and leave one, as it were, spiritually and psychologically raped.     So you see, beloved, when this occurs repetitively you must know that it is and can be likened to an illness of the psyche.  It is not something that you can consciously say no to.  It is something that must be dealt with by taking apart and putting together again.  And this is what we mean when we talk about the re-creation of oneself, to go before Elohim and to declare, "I desire to engage in the mighty work of the ages, the re-creation of myself through Almighty God, through Elohim."     When you see and realize that there are elements in your being that are now a permanent part of yourself as the creation and when you say to yourself, "This is not my Real Self and I no longer desire to be cast in this mold," it is then that you cry out to the creators of form, the builders of form, the Elohim, and you say, "O God, help me in this alchemical process by the Holy Spirit to re-create myself in the divine image of my Holy Christ Self who is smiling upon me."  The re-creation of oneself is a day-to-day process.    
  10. MOTHER MARY'S PSYCHOLOGY CALL When you know yourself and know exactly why you have the behavior patterns that you have, I know that you will systematically go after them. You will be an observer from the center of the Eighth Ray chakra of the heart. You will watch yourself and your emotions and your conversations. You will listen to yourself speaking and reacting. And you will be in the heart of the Teacher. And the Holy Christ Self and the Buddha will not need to instruct you, for you yourself will be your instructor and you will say to yourself: "This type of expression I no longer allow. I go to the core of its cause. I go to the core of the condition. I go to the heart of Astrea and to the heart of God. I remain tough-minded, determined, at peace and in the supreme joy of the victory I claim. And I am consistent. And I kneel before the Lord Jesus Christ and profoundly I call for his intercession to deliver me of this momentum, which this day and date I declare is broken by the sword of Archangel Michael, by the right hand and the rod of Hercules!" Each day call for reinforcement from the Ascended Masters and repeat the call at the altar again and again until by decrees, by violet flame, by resolve, by self-correction, by centeredness in God, there is the final unwinding of this momentum of habit wound round the coil of being. You have been taught by Maitreya that the violet flame can consume the coil and it is so. But to see to it that it is not re-created you must get to the bottom of [it, you must get to] the cause and core of that condition. Vol. 32 No. 44, Beloved Mother Mary, October 29, 1989, The Re ﷓ Creation of Self. Mother Mary's Ascension Day Address 1989, "Life Is an Endurance Test" Engage!
  11. Jesus' pledge to heal the inner child. In a dictation on July 5, 1991, Jesus said: “ You may call to me in the steps and stages of the unfoldment of my God-free being, from the Manchild in the womb unto the Son of God, from the infant Christ newborn to the child of seven and twelve. In all these steps you may call to me, for each step of my initiation corresponds to a step of your own....I will take you at inner levels through the steps of development from your physical body's conception in the womb. I will take you through those skipped steps until your soul is satisfied that you have fulfilled each step that God has ordained for you as your inalienable right” (see 1991 PoW, pp. 483, 484-86, 487). And in his Christmas Day Address 1991, Jesus said: “ To the little child within you, to you yourself, in each year of your life on each birthday, [I give the kiss of the Christmas Rose and] I seal you, each and every year unto the present, beloved. Know that my love is sufficient unto you to resolve every unresolved problem—a spiritual problem, a problem in the psyche or in your psychology, a problem of the mind or the heart or the desires. This kiss, beloved, is there for you to accept and, with it, to accept the healing of the experiences of that year of your life” (see 1991 PoW, pp. 769-70).
  12. Krishna's pledge to heal the inner child. On October 10, 1992, in Atlanta, Georgia, the Messenger conducted a "Meditation for the Dissolving of Painful Memories." She gave teaching from Lord Krishna on using the recordings of his mantras and bhajans for the healing of the records of pain. She said: “ What Krishna teaches you is to visualize his Presence over yourself at the age when you experienced emotional trauma, physical pain, mental pain, anguish—all records of pain, any records that flash to you from this or a previous lifetime….“You can ask for these events in your life to pass before your third eye like slides moving across a screen or even a motion picture of the events. Assess the age you were at the moment of the trauma.
  13. Then visualize Lord Krishna at that age—six months old, six years old, twelve years old, fifty years old—and see him standing over you and over the entire situation. If there are other figures in this scene through whom the pain has come, see the Presence of Lord Krishna around them also until in this devotional mantra you are pouring such love to Lord Krishna that he is taking your love, multiplying it through his heart, passing it back through you and transmuting that scene and that record….
  14. “ If you see every party to the problem, to the anger, to the burden, as being superimposed with Lord Krishna, you can understand that you can affirm in your heart that there really is no reality but God. Only God is real and God is placing his Presence over that situation through the personification of himself in Lord Krishna." Play a Krishna Bhajan
  15. Simple Keys to Our Psychology that We Often Overlook: 1. Watch your reactions to events and people—”It is not what happens but it is your reaction to it”—Kuthumi Our reactions will tell you a lot What are your hot buttons? What gets you angry? Who upsets you and why? Who do they remind you of? 2. The Mirror What you dislike in others must have some resonance within you Others reflect back to you what you are or what is a part of you 3. Self Observation Observe yourself and ask God to show you why you do what you do Often your best friend or a stranger will be able to help you Ask yourself why is this happening? Holy Christ Self might tell you. Mother and the ant-eater, Neroli and the porcupine 4. If the Messenger is an Ant, Heed Him, Morya’s statement Mother has received many ant messengers in her time. 5. Emotions: Watch for Anger—Morya explains that this is serious and must be solved. Core anger—the dweller. Depression is anger turned inward. Not properly processed your anger against God. If you are angry you need therapy. Resentment. Non forgiveness—a biggie, more on that later. How do you know if you have not forgiven? If you cannot forget. Hatred. Hardness of heart. Mild dislike—subtle criticism
  16. 6. Resolve Your Stuff with the Mother Your human mother and father Mother-father or authority figures in your life The Mother of the Flame Many are stuck on this point Many have had difficult times with parents Our Mother of the Flame did too and she understands Remember three things: No matter what happened, Your parents gave you life and opportunity Be grateful and love them no matter what! Hear O Universe I AM Grateful for my parents! Your parents represent the Father Mother God. The Holy Christ Self of your parents loved you The Father-Mother God have never stopped loving you. For whatever reason they are or were your parents for a reason, you may even have chosen them
  17. Many chelas are currently having problems because of Mother’s situation Many things are coming up and that’s okay They must be looked at and put into the flame Some feel that Mother has rejected them by leaving Angry that she did not ascend in a blaze of glory etc The teacher must withdraw to see what the chelas will do For the testing of the chela Not like what they perceive to have been her behavior— The Guru tests the chela Gurus may even behave provocatively to test the chela. Not get into fantasy or the psychic Easy to have a relationship with a picture on the wall The picture does not talk back Mother said that many who love Lanello, Would not have gotten along with Mark
  18. Now What? You have identified that you have a problem. Welcome to the wonderful world of chelaship! There is a lot you can do. It takes work and commitment. Be willing to wrestle. Spiritual Work is the first line of defense: Decree 7.10A Kuthumi’s I AM Light Decree Healing Thoughtform and the Emerald Matrix Rosary to access Mother Mary, her vast attainment Mother Mary’s Psychology Call Decree 20.07 Cast out the dweller on the threshold If you see it, name it—this substance on this line of the clock Decrees 6.04A, 7.11E, Expand my narrow room Krishna bhajans Violet flame, forgiveness, mercy Kuan Yin Rosary Meditation for Dissolving Painful Memories Attend Soul Retrieval on the Internet Broadcast
  19. Call on Mother’s mantles—the lie of not bothering the messenger Strategies of Light and Darkness Work with the masters named. The masters have ways to bring things to your attention— work on what is up or ripe Talk to your Holy Christ Self Clear the slate—confession and penance if appropriate—Padre Pio Study and read the teachings, Understanding Yourself Lesson 31 of the Keepers of the Flame Lessons Marilyn Barrick’s books, sponsored by Kuthumi, excellent start Kuthumi’s Pearl of Wisdom, Remember the Ancient Encounter Write a letter to Kuthumi, Lanello, Morya, Mother, They hear and understand We may have karma with a master even one that we love Forgiveness work—letter, ask for forgiveness, do the spiritual work
  20. Mother Mary, 1989, “Blessed hearts, many who come to this Community are perhaps diamonds in the rough who have not had the perfect tutoring or the background in all of the proper manners and behavior. Some have had fragmented development of the psyche in childhood and themselves have a very difficult time in dealing with that which is in the subconscious which they do not understand at all. Some do not even know when they need counseling or when it is necessary to have therapy. “ Spiritual problems are often based on psychological conflicts. We must resolve these conflicts to make spiritual progress. Seek the help of a trained professional counseling if we need it. Weekly sessions with a psychologist or psychiatrist for a minimum of six months. Even a couple of sessions could be very helpful. There are many open minded and spiritual people--Stuff is stuff no matter what it is. Even if they are not in the teachings, Pray and ask for the right one. Ask Kuthumi to help you. You may find them in interesting ways—referral, phonebook, accidentally. Ask for a consultation and go and check it out. The Ascended Master Pope John the XXIII’s key—meet in the retreats the night before—the Holy Christ Self of each one. Ask Kuthumi to overshadow the therapist. Share your situation and what you are looking for. Observe your feelings—if you are not comfortable move on—your soul knows-trust it. Be cautious about the psychic and co-dependence. Transference—what happens by phone if you have not met the therapist.
  21. Mother Mary says— ”Community does hold the hand of the disciple, does provide the love bond, does provide the care and the reinforcement. Yet community, Community can never be a substitute for self-effort or the engaging in that inner walk with God and that engaging in the mighty work of the ages. One must have a straight spine and courage and determination to remain within the Community and the Mystery School and to keep that striving daily. Striving itself is creative tension and it too must be balanced.” Mother Mary, August 14, 1989 Recreation of Self