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An Introduction
To move towards tomorrow, to participate in the
birth of a new world, in the making of a new
humanity, in the creation of a better and happier
future – this is the unique privilege and challenge
of today.
Sri Aurobindo Society strives to bring together
all those who want to dedicate themselves to this
task, with no distinction of nationality, race,
caste, creed, religion or sex.

                 To know is good,
                  to live is better,
               to be, that is perfect.
                    The Mother
Named after Sri Aurobindo, Sri Aurobindo Society was founded by the Mother in 1960.

                                              The Society is
                                                 An international, spiritual, educational, cultural,
                                                non-profit NGO
                                                 Recognised by the Government of India as a
                                                charitable organisation, a research institute and
                                                an institution of national importance

                  Beach Office, Pondicherry

                    Integral   Growth & Perfection of the Individual
                    Social   Transformation
                    A new    India offering its best to the World
                    Realisation      of Human Unity in a rich and organised diversity
Sri Aurobindo (1872 – 1950)
Poet, revolutionary, Rishi and one of
the greatest thinkers of modern India,
Sri Aurobindo, came to Pondicherry in
1910 to pursue a Yoga that aims at a
total transformation of this earthly life
into Divine Life.
     Sri Aurobindo has come to tell us:
     It is not necessary to leave the earth
                to find the Truth,
        it is not necessary to leave life
               to find one s soul,
   it is not necessary to give up the world
 or to have limited beliefs in order to enter
         into relation with the Divine.
 The Divine is everywhere, in everything,
and if He is hidden, it is because we do not
      take the trouble to discover Him.
                   The Mother
The Mother (1878 – 1973)
    Mirra Alfassa, known as the
    Mother, came from France and
    joined Sri Aurobindo in 1914. They
    laid the foundation and took up the
    task of building a new world, a new
    society that strives to express and
    embody the New Consciousness,
    which Sri Aurobindo called the
 I belong to no nation, no civilisation, no society,
            no race, but to the Divine.
        I obey no master, no ruler, no law,
       no social convention, but the Divine.
To Him I have surrendered all, will, life and self…
                   The Mother
As the Society’s aim is to live integrally the truth that will transform the whole
        of life, all activities are included in its comprehensive programme.

                                       Main fields of activity
                                          Integral Education
                                          Integral Health
                                          Integral Rural Development
                                          Sustainable Development and Science & Technology
                                          Integral Management
                                          Indian Culture
                                          Youth and Women
                                          Media, Arts & Communication
                                          Business & Economic Development
                                          Research & Training in Diverse Fields
                                          Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Exhibitions
                                          Books, Audio-visuals, Magazines and E-journals

True spirituality is not to renounce life, but to make life perfect with a Divine Perfection.
                                        The Mother

                  Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Education
                                  & Research (SAFIER)

                  An education which aims at a total and integral development:
                       A strong, supple, healthy, beautiful body
                       A sensitive, emotionally refined, energetic personality
                       A wide-ranging, lively intelligence and will
                       The subtler spiritual qualities that unify and harmonise the
                       personality for a life beneficial to the individual and the

The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught.
                             Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Education & Research (SAFIER)

                   Activities and Programmes
                         Development of qualities and values, like courage,
                         truthfulness, generosity etc.
                         Development of faculties like concentration,
                         imagination, memory, creativity etc.
                         Preparation of inspirational and beautifully illustrated
                         books, audio-visuals
                         Development, manufacture & distribution of high-
                         quality, cost-effective educational toys & games to help
                         in the growth of an integral personality
                         Organising of non-formal centres of learning

Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Education & Research (SAFIER)
Activities and Programmes
     Setting up Kindergartens and Schools with a value based approach
     Training Programmes and Workshops for teachers, students, parents
     Research, Development & Dissemination of resource material
     Innovative uses of Technology in Education
     Working for an integral, creative and joyful education all over the world
Education Camps and Workshops for Teachers and Parents

True education must reveal what is already present in the developing beings and make it blossom.
                 Just as flowers blossom in the sun, children blossom in joy.
                                         - The Mother

                      Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Integral Health
                                     and Research (SAIIIHR)

                      SAIIIHR aims to
                           Study and understand Health in all its dimensions, with
                           a new and total awareness of the human being
                           Help individuals to become aware and to develop the
                           healing powers within for prevention and cure of illness
                           Synthesise various modern and traditional systems of
                           Work all over the world for the total elimination of
                           disease and illness by going to the root causes

An illness of the body is always the outer expression and translation of a
                disorder, a disharmony in the inner being.
                                The Mother

Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Integral Health and Research (SAIIIHR)

                              Activities & Programmes
                                   An Integral Health Institute where one can learn
                                   how to live life meaningfully in all its aspects
                                   A new approach based on Yogic Psychology and
                                   the spiritual dimension of Health
                                   Interdisciplinary research projects on diagnosis and
                                   treatment using different systems of healing –
                                   Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, Flower
                                   Remedies, Acupressure etc.
                                   Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and Training
                                   Programmes on various aspects of Integral Health
                                   Publication of Books, Journals, preparation of
Rural Development
Rural Development

                  Sri Aurobindo Rural & Village Action & Movement (SARVAM)
                        The Sarvam Integral Rural Development Programme aims to
                              Adopt an entire village and develop it to become a model
                              Empower the village community to take charge of their own
                              destiny and future
                              Make a genuine difference not only to their way of living,
                              but also to their way of thinking and being
                              Research in new and creative ideas to develop a sustainable,
                              scalable and replicable model
                              Create an International Centre for Rural Development based
                              on a deeper holistic approach

The village is the cell of the national body and the cell-life must be healthy and developed
                     for the national body to be healthy and developed.
                                        Sri Aurobindo
Rural Development

                    Sri Aurobindo Rural & Village Action & Movement (SARVAM)

                The approach is multifaceted, integrating all aspects of life, including
                                                              Economic Development
                                                              Sanitation & Hygiene
                                                              Organic Farming and Dairy
                                                              Water and Waste Management
                                                              Renewable Energy
              Discussions with the Women self-help groups
                                                              Art and Culture

The project is driven internally, at every step, by the community itself, right from
planning, to execution, to maintenance. They are not beneficiaries but partners in
Rural Development

Health      Economic Development
Rural Development
Organic Farming and Dairy

Sustainable Development and Science & Technology
Sustainable Development and Science & Technology

    Sri Aurobindo Institute for Science and Technology (SAIST)

           For an all round progress, science and technology have
           to be synthesised with spiritual values and service of
           The R & D work at SAIST involves developing
                    which will be based on sound Ecological,
                    Environmental and Energy efficient principles
                    which will be appropriate to the regions and
                    cultures, specially in rural and semi-urban areas
                    of Developing Countries
                    which will impact a large number of people
                    directly and bring a change in their lives
Sustainable Development and Science & Technology

                                   Sri Aurobindo Institute for Science and Technology (SAIST)

Training Local Unskilled Workers                       Block-Making                   Wind Turbine

                  Areas of work at present:
                             Green     buildings and Sustainable Designing
                             Wind     Energy – development of a new type of Wind Turbine
                             Appropriate    technology for Rural Development

              Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management (SAFIM)

                            SAFIM aims to provide the Modern Managers with
                                  Deep and holistic insights into all aspects of
                                  Management and Organisational Development
                                  Ways to develop and express fully their inner
                                  potential and creativity
                                  Knowledge to manage oneself as the key to
                                  managing others and the environment
                                  The best of Management Skills and Technology
                                  integrated with Spiritual Insights and Yogic

One must be able to control oneself before one can hope to govern others.
                              The Mother
                   Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management (SAFIM)
Activities & Programmes
  An International Integral Management institution based on a holistic approach

    Research on a dynamic spiritual approach to solving problems and challenges
    faced by Executives today
    A deeper understanding of the Money power and its role in the future
    Organisation of Seminars, Workshops and Training Programmes
    Publication of Books, Journals, preparation of Audio-Visuals
Indian Culture
Indian Culture
                Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC)

                SAFIC aims to
                     Carry out authentic research to rediscover the truth and
                     genius of Indian Culture in its depth and fullness
                     Re-awaken the capacity that enabled India to excel in
                     every aspect of life, and apply it dynamically to
                     contemporary life and all its activities
                     Create new forms of philosophy, literature, art, science
                     and critical knowledge, based on a synthesis of the East
                     and the West
                     Look at existing problems of the World in the light of
                     Indian Spirituality and Psychology

O India, land of light and spiritual knowledge! Wake up to your
true mission in the world, show the way to union and harmony.
                            The Mother
Indian Culture

                                             Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC)

Sanskrit Presentation at Oregon University, USA

                                                      Activities and Projects
                                                           The best India can offer to the World in all fields
                                                           of life – spirituality and religion, mathematics,
                                                           medicine, surgery, dance, music, architecture,
                                                           sculpture, painting, literature, state-craft etc.
                                                           Sanskrit and its importance for India
                                                           Books, Films, CDs, CD-ROMs
                                                           Research, Training, Workshops, Seminars
Youth & Women
Youth & Women
AuroYouth and Women s Council
To inspire the Youth and Women to
          Find and realise their aim in life
          Develop and express their full potential
          Prepare them, spiritually and materially, to play their true role in all aspects
          of collective life
          Channelise their talents, enthusiasm and energies to build a new future

          Progress is youth; at a hundred years of age one can be young.
                                    The Mother
Youth & Women
AuroYouth and Women s Council

Activities and Programmes
   Self Development programmes

     Camps, Seminars and Workshops at regional, national and international levels
     Books, Journals, Audio-Visuals
     Taking up of projects in various fields according to their inclination and interests

       The true domain of women is the spiritual. We forget it but too often.…
     True maternity begins with the conscious creation of a being, with the willed
             shaping of a soul coming to develop and utilise a new body.
                                     The Mother
Youth Camps
Women s Council
Media, Arts &
Media, Arts & Communication

AuroTV and AuroFilms
“At the service of Beauty and Truth”

AuroTV and AuroFilms are part of a production,
research and training institute which prepares
innovative films, TV programmes and multimedia
presentations, using the latest technologies and
It aims at preparing Films and TV programmes
    that will
          Uplift, inspire, touch, transform, and
          manifest Beauty and Truth
          Look for the soul and deeper essence in
          life and nature
          Bring together people who are inspired
          by these ideals
Media, Arts & Communication

AuroTV and AuroFilms
“At the service of Beauty and Truth”

The films and programmes will be of all types:
       Full   length feature


       Children     s
       On   environment, social and cultural issues
       On   India
 It will be a centre for research and training
 in all aspects of film making, TV and
 multimedia, with special emphasis on
 character building.
Media, Arts & Communication
Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts and Communication (SACAC)

                SACAC, New Delhi,
                     Finds new and effective ways of making
                     the media an instrument for social change,
                     based on a spiritual foundation
                     Offers various intensive courses with
                     hands-on technical training. The courses
                          Journalism   – English and Hindi
                          Advertising   and Public Relations
                          TV and   Film production
                          Creative   Photography
                     Gives to the Youth quality training along
                     with higher aspirations and deeper values
Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts and Communication (SACAC)
& Economic Development
Business & Economic Development

Activities & Programmes
     AuroService encourages and supports all types of
     economic and business activities based on
     spiritual values, and aspires to generate funds for
     social transformation.
     The guiding principles are
              Work as Sadhana
              Right use of money
Research, Training, Publications, Audio-visuals

             Research, training, publication of books, journals, and
             preparation of audio-visuals in various fields are an
             important part of the Society’s activities.
             There is a conscious effort to open new vistas through the
             development of capacities and faculties still dormant in
             A radical transformation of our present limited
             consciousness into a higher consciousness which will be
             the source of unbound creativity, joy and harmony, is the
             ultimate goal.

  New words are needed to express new ideas,
new forms are necessary to manifest new forces.
                 The Mother
Centres and Branches
Centres and Branches
The Society has members, centres and branches all over India and in many parts of the world.
          They are centres of sadhana, of spiritual pursuit and material perfection,
                           engaged in a wide range of activities.

  Auro Mirra Centre of Education
                - Patiala Branch

                                                                           Navakriti, Nursery School
                                                                           - Delhi Branch

    To open a centre is not sufficient in itself. It must be the pure hearth of a
             perfect sincerity in a total consecration to the Divine.
                                   The Mother
Centres and Branches
Sri Aurobindo Centre of New Education - Jodhpur Branch

Mirambika School For New Age - Bangalore Branch
Centres and Branches
I Have a Dream - Workshops

                                  Music Appreciation                                  Self Exploration

               Trek to Gangotri                        Flower Exhibition                  Sense Training
Centres and Branches

                                          Garba            Recording Studio - Noida

Presentation on the Gita - Surat Centre                       Launch of Maa CD
Some Centres and Branches

                                            Baroda          Bangalore

          Siliguri, West Bengal   Nowgong, Madhya Pradesh     Bhopal
International Centres and Branches

London, United Kingdom     Nairobi, Kenya

Heidelberg, Germany                         Trek organised by Singapore Centre
We invite you to join us in the challenging task of
creating a new and more beautiful tomorrow.
Let us all come together and work for the advent of
a new World, of which
          Peace and Unity will be the foundation
          Diversity and Dynamism its way of action
          Harmony and Happiness the constant results
For further information
Visit our Website:
Telephone: 91 - 413 - 233 0331 / 233 6396

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Sri Aurobindo Society

  • 2. To move towards tomorrow, to participate in the birth of a new world, in the making of a new humanity, in the creation of a better and happier future – this is the unique privilege and challenge of today. Sri Aurobindo Society strives to bring together all those who want to dedicate themselves to this task, with no distinction of nationality, race, caste, creed, religion or sex. To know is good, to live is better, to be, that is perfect. The Mother
  • 3. Named after Sri Aurobindo, Sri Aurobindo Society was founded by the Mother in 1960. The Society is   An international, spiritual, educational, cultural, non-profit NGO   Recognised by the Government of India as a charitable organisation, a research institute and an institution of national importance Beach Office, Pondicherry Objectives   Integral Growth & Perfection of the Individual   Social Transformation   A new India offering its best to the World   Realisation of Human Unity in a rich and organised diversity
  • 4. Sri Aurobindo (1872 – 1950) Poet, revolutionary, Rishi and one of the greatest thinkers of modern India, Sri Aurobindo, came to Pondicherry in 1910 to pursue a Yoga that aims at a total transformation of this earthly life into Divine Life. Sri Aurobindo has come to tell us: It is not necessary to leave the earth to find the Truth, it is not necessary to leave life to find one s soul, it is not necessary to give up the world or to have limited beliefs in order to enter into relation with the Divine. The Divine is everywhere, in everything, and if He is hidden, it is because we do not take the trouble to discover Him. The Mother
  • 5. The Mother (1878 – 1973) Mirra Alfassa, known as the Mother, came from France and joined Sri Aurobindo in 1914. They laid the foundation and took up the task of building a new world, a new society that strives to express and embody the New Consciousness, which Sri Aurobindo called the Supramental. I belong to no nation, no civilisation, no society, no race, but to the Divine. I obey no master, no ruler, no law, no social convention, but the Divine. To Him I have surrendered all, will, life and self… The Mother
  • 6. As the Society’s aim is to live integrally the truth that will transform the whole of life, all activities are included in its comprehensive programme. Main fields of activity   Integral Education   Integral Health   Integral Rural Development   Sustainable Development and Science & Technology   Integral Management   Indian Culture   Youth and Women   Media, Arts & Communication   Business & Economic Development   Research & Training in Diverse Fields   Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Exhibitions   Books, Audio-visuals, Magazines and E-journals True spirituality is not to renounce life, but to make life perfect with a Divine Perfection. The Mother
  • 8. Education Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Education & Research (SAFIER) An education which aims at a total and integral development:   A strong, supple, healthy, beautiful body   A sensitive, emotionally refined, energetic personality   A wide-ranging, lively intelligence and will   The subtler spiritual qualities that unify and harmonise the personality for a life beneficial to the individual and the society The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught. Sri Aurobindo
  • 9. Education Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Education & Research (SAFIER) Activities and Programmes   Development of qualities and values, like courage, truthfulness, generosity etc.   Development of faculties like concentration, imagination, memory, creativity etc.   Preparation of inspirational and beautifully illustrated books, audio-visuals   Development, manufacture & distribution of high- quality, cost-effective educational toys & games to help in the growth of an integral personality   Organising of non-formal centres of learning
  • 10. Education Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Education & Research (SAFIER) Activities and Programmes   Setting up Kindergartens and Schools with a value based approach   Training Programmes and Workshops for teachers, students, parents   Research, Development & Dissemination of resource material   Innovative uses of Technology in Education   Working for an integral, creative and joyful education all over the world
  • 11. Education Camps and Workshops for Teachers and Parents True education must reveal what is already present in the developing beings and make it blossom. Just as flowers blossom in the sun, children blossom in joy. - The Mother
  • 13. Health Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Integral Health and Research (SAIIIHR) SAIIIHR aims to   Study and understand Health in all its dimensions, with a new and total awareness of the human being   Help individuals to become aware and to develop the healing powers within for prevention and cure of illness   Synthesise various modern and traditional systems of medicine   Work all over the world for the total elimination of disease and illness by going to the root causes An illness of the body is always the outer expression and translation of a disorder, a disharmony in the inner being. The Mother
  • 14. Health Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Integral Health and Research (SAIIIHR) Activities & Programmes   An Integral Health Institute where one can learn how to live life meaningfully in all its aspects   A new approach based on Yogic Psychology and the spiritual dimension of Health   Interdisciplinary research projects on diagnosis and treatment using different systems of healing – Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, Flower Remedies, Acupressure etc.   Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and Training Programmes on various aspects of Integral Health   Publication of Books, Journals, preparation of Audio-Visuals
  • 16. Rural Development Sri Aurobindo Rural & Village Action & Movement (SARVAM) The Sarvam Integral Rural Development Programme aims to   Adopt an entire village and develop it to become a model village   Empower the village community to take charge of their own destiny and future   Make a genuine difference not only to their way of living, but also to their way of thinking and being   Research in new and creative ideas to develop a sustainable, scalable and replicable model   Create an International Centre for Rural Development based on a deeper holistic approach The village is the cell of the national body and the cell-life must be healthy and developed for the national body to be healthy and developed. Sri Aurobindo
  • 17. Rural Development Sri Aurobindo Rural & Village Action & Movement (SARVAM) The approach is multifaceted, integrating all aspects of life, including   Education   Health   Economic Development   Sanitation & Hygiene   Organic Farming and Dairy   Water and Waste Management   Housing   Technology   Renewable Energy Discussions with the Women self-help groups   Art and Culture The project is driven internally, at every step, by the community itself, right from planning, to execution, to maintenance. They are not beneficiaries but partners in development.
  • 18. Rural Development Education Health Economic Development
  • 20. Sustainable Development and Science & Technology
  • 21. Sustainable Development and Science & Technology Sri Aurobindo Institute for Science and Technology (SAIST) For an all round progress, science and technology have to be synthesised with spiritual values and service of humanity. The R & D work at SAIST involves developing technologies   which will be based on sound Ecological, Environmental and Energy efficient principles   which will be appropriate to the regions and cultures, specially in rural and semi-urban areas of Developing Countries   which will impact a large number of people directly and bring a change in their lives
  • 22. Sustainable Development and Science & Technology Sri Aurobindo Institute for Science and Technology (SAIST) Training Local Unskilled Workers Block-Making Wind Turbine Areas of work at present:   Green buildings and Sustainable Designing   Wind Energy – development of a new type of Wind Turbine   Appropriate technology for Rural Development
  • 24. Management Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management (SAFIM) SAFIM aims to provide the Modern Managers with   Deep and holistic insights into all aspects of Management and Organisational Development   Ways to develop and express fully their inner potential and creativity   Knowledge to manage oneself as the key to managing others and the environment   The best of Management Skills and Technology integrated with Spiritual Insights and Yogic Psychology One must be able to control oneself before one can hope to govern others. The Mother
  • 25. Management Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management (SAFIM) Activities & Programmes   An International Integral Management institution based on a holistic approach   Research on a dynamic spiritual approach to solving problems and challenges faced by Executives today   A deeper understanding of the Money power and its role in the future   Organisation of Seminars, Workshops and Training Programmes   Publication of Books, Journals, preparation of Audio-Visuals
  • 27. Indian Culture Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC) SAFIC aims to   Carry out authentic research to rediscover the truth and genius of Indian Culture in its depth and fullness   Re-awaken the capacity that enabled India to excel in every aspect of life, and apply it dynamically to contemporary life and all its activities   Create new forms of philosophy, literature, art, science and critical knowledge, based on a synthesis of the East and the West   Look at existing problems of the World in the light of Indian Spirituality and Psychology O India, land of light and spiritual knowledge! Wake up to your true mission in the world, show the way to union and harmony. The Mother
  • 28. Indian Culture Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC) Sanskrit Presentation at Oregon University, USA Activities and Projects   The best India can offer to the World in all fields of life – spirituality and religion, mathematics, medicine, surgery, dance, music, architecture, sculpture, painting, literature, state-craft etc.   Sanskrit and its importance for India   Books, Films, CDs, CD-ROMs   Research, Training, Workshops, Seminars
  • 30. Youth & Women AuroYouth and Women s Council To inspire the Youth and Women to   Find and realise their aim in life   Develop and express their full potential   Prepare them, spiritually and materially, to play their true role in all aspects of collective life   Channelise their talents, enthusiasm and energies to build a new future Progress is youth; at a hundred years of age one can be young. The Mother
  • 31. Youth & Women AuroYouth and Women s Council Activities and Programmes   Self Development programmes   Camps, Seminars and Workshops at regional, national and international levels   Books, Journals, Audio-Visuals   Taking up of projects in various fields according to their inclination and interests The true domain of women is the spiritual. We forget it but too often.… True maternity begins with the conscious creation of a being, with the willed shaping of a soul coming to develop and utilise a new body. The Mother
  • 35. Media, Arts & Communication AuroTV and AuroFilms “At the service of Beauty and Truth” AuroTV and AuroFilms are part of a production, research and training institute which prepares innovative films, TV programmes and multimedia presentations, using the latest technologies and platforms. It aims at preparing Films and TV programmes that will   Uplift, inspire, touch, transform, and manifest Beauty and Truth   Look for the soul and deeper essence in life and nature   Bring together people who are inspired by these ideals
  • 36. Media, Arts & Communication AuroTV and AuroFilms “At the service of Beauty and Truth” The films and programmes will be of all types:   Full length feature   Docu-dramas   Educational   Children s   On environment, social and cultural issues   On India It will be a centre for research and training in all aspects of film making, TV and multimedia, with special emphasis on character building.
  • 37. Media, Arts & Communication Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts and Communication (SACAC) SACAC, New Delhi,   Finds new and effective ways of making the media an instrument for social change, based on a spiritual foundation   Offers various intensive courses with hands-on technical training. The courses cover   Journalism – English and Hindi   Advertising and Public Relations   TV and Film production   Creative Photography   Gives to the Youth quality training along with higher aspirations and deeper values
  • 38. Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts and Communication (SACAC)
  • 40. Business & Economic Development AuroService Activities & Programmes   AuroService encourages and supports all types of economic and business activities based on spiritual values, and aspires to generate funds for social transformation.   The guiding principles are   Truth   Perfection   Harmony   Service   Work as Sadhana   Right use of money
  • 41. Research, Training, Publications, Audio-visuals Research, training, publication of books, journals, and preparation of audio-visuals in various fields are an important part of the Society’s activities. There is a conscious effort to open new vistas through the development of capacities and faculties still dormant in Humanity. A radical transformation of our present limited consciousness into a higher consciousness which will be the source of unbound creativity, joy and harmony, is the ultimate goal. New words are needed to express new ideas, new forms are necessary to manifest new forces. The Mother
  • 43. Centres and Branches The Society has members, centres and branches all over India and in many parts of the world. They are centres of sadhana, of spiritual pursuit and material perfection, engaged in a wide range of activities. Auro Mirra Centre of Education - Patiala Branch Navakriti, Nursery School - Delhi Branch To open a centre is not sufficient in itself. It must be the pure hearth of a perfect sincerity in a total consecration to the Divine. The Mother
  • 44. Centres and Branches Sri Aurobindo Centre of New Education - Jodhpur Branch Mirambika School For New Age - Bangalore Branch
  • 45. Centres and Branches I Have a Dream - Workshops Music Appreciation Self Exploration Trek to Gangotri Flower Exhibition Sense Training
  • 46. Centres and Branches Garba Recording Studio - Noida Presentation on the Gita - Surat Centre Launch of Maa CD
  • 47. Some Centres and Branches Baroda Bangalore Siliguri, West Bengal Nowgong, Madhya Pradesh Bhopal
  • 48. International Centres and Branches London, United Kingdom Nairobi, Kenya Heidelberg, Germany Trek organised by Singapore Centre
  • 49. We invite you to join us in the challenging task of creating a new and more beautiful tomorrow. Let us all come together and work for the advent of a new World, of which   Peace and Unity will be the foundation   Diversity and Dynamism its way of action   Harmony and Happiness the constant results
  • 50. For further information Visit our Website: Telephone: 91 - 413 - 233 0331 / 233 6396 Email: