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           WOMEN of the WORD
           M    A    G   A   Z   I   N   E

      Faith from
      her VIEW
        BE A

       Doubt &                                       Spring 2010
       Unbelief                                  Fashion on
                                                   a budget
                                                          Spring 2010

        DANCE TO A
SPRING 2010 | WOW!                                   www.wowmagazine.org1
    “...I always remember
   when I get a little fearful
   I only have to please an
   audience of one. At the
   end of the day I look up
    and say, Did I do what
     you told me to do?”
                      -Sherri Shepherd

Profile of the Month....................................8         FEATURES
                                                 Open Hea         Stan Popovich............................................14
           rt................................................40   WOWderful Woman:
Ginger Smith.............................................44       Sherri Shepherd........................................18
                                                                  WOW! Mom...............................................29
ENCOURAGE                                                                                                                                DON’T
                                        Christina Dix-            BOOKS &
            on..........................................22                                                                             FORGET TO
                                        Latonja Flow-             ENTERTAINMENT                                                         CHECK US
            ers.........................................24        WOW! Books..............................................46
Jo Ann Fore...............................................26                                                                          OUT ON THE
                                                                  BEAUTY, HAIR, HEALTH &                                    
EMPOWER                                                           FASHION
Moving Up Higher with Joyce Meyer........15                       Sistah Health...............................................9
                                   Careers and Chri               Spirit Fit.....................................................10
                    st....................................16      Fashion with Genean Cross......................12
Valerie Hicks -Powe..................................30           Chiku Griffin...............................................28
                          Keys to Dynamic Bible
Words to Live By.......................................36         ARTISTIC PROSE &
                                               WOW! Tee
          nz...............................................42     CHRISTIAN FICTION
                                                                  WOWderfully Funny...................................27
                                                                  Solomon’s Cafe.........................................34
                                  M      A    G   A   Z     I    N     E

                               PUBLISHER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
                                        Candie A. Price

                                             MUSIC EDITOR
                                              George Ward

                                  FASHION & BEAUTY EDITOR
                                        Genean Cross

                                             BOOKS EDITOR
                                              Tyora Moody

                                          GRAPHICS & ART
                                           Candie A. Price

                                      FIELD CORRESPONDENT
                                            Denna D’Mitri

                              CONTRIBUTING EDITORS AND WRITERS

                            Barbara Arnold                  Tyora Moody
                            Mary Betner McLoughlin          Sandi Morais
                            Genean Cross                    Stacey L. Owens
                            Tamara D. Davis                 Valerie Hicks Powe
                            Denna D’Mitri                   Dr. B. J. Relefourd
                            Christina Dixon                 James Sanders
                            Aleathea Dupree                 Ginger Smith
                            Edwina Findley                  George Ward
                            Latonja Flowers                 Michael Waters
                            Jo Ann Fore                     Regina Wells
                            Chiku’ Griffin                  Tex West
                            Diane H. Gordon                 Filoiann Wiedenhoff
                            Stephanie C. Harper             Deaquelynn Williams
                            Robin May
                            Joyce Meyer
                            Gil Michel

                               WOW! Women of the Word Magazine,™
                                 Inspire, Encourage, and Empower™
           WOWderful Woman™ and FLRT™ are trademarks of Joy2bhizz Creative Services™
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission is prohibited.
W O W ’ d           b y      H I M ™
                                          A MESSAGE FROM THE
                                      PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
                                                    CANDIE A. PRICE

                           Spring FORWARD!

         love Spring time! However, since moving South,
         Spring time doesn’t love me - waking up to an
         itchy throat, headache, and watery eyes is not
         glamourous, but the beautiful cascades of flowers
         and budding trees are exquisite. What a mighty
 God we serve that calls the seasons forth to take their
 shifts in the cycle of life at the same time each year.
    Just as God calls Spring forth, I encourage you to
 spring forth this season with a life that honors his mag-
 nificence! Spring time brings bright sunny days, beauti-
 ful flowers and pastel colors - Look at your life through
                      the same lens! Get rid of the cobwebs
                         of mediocrity, the clutter of pro-
                            crastination, the staleness of
       Stay                   fear! It’s time to clean out your
 Connected!                    spiritual closet and Spring
Follow me on                      In this issue of WOW!
Facebook and                   we have an amazing inter-
                             view with Sherri Shepherd of
    Twitter!               ABC’s The View. I had such an great time chatting         “Spring time brings
                        with her and laughing in our conversation, that I almost
                    had a hard time hearing her words when I transcribed our
                                                                                     bright sunny days,
 conversation, because of my laughter! I hope you enjoy our very real and can-     beautiful flowers and
 did discussion (p.18).
    This month is also Contributor Appreciation month, so you will find ad-          pastel colors - Look
 vertisements featuring the businesses and projects of many of our talented
 Contributors - please support our writers and help us show them how much            at your life through
 their sacrifice is appreciated!
    Enjoy Resurrection Sunday, Mother’s Day, Memorial’s Day and Father’s              the same lens! Get
 Day and we’ll see you real soon!
    Until next quarter, be blessed, my sisters (and my brothers!), and Enjoy,
                                                                                    rid of the cobwebs of
                                                                                   mediocrity, the clutter
 -Candie                                                                           of procrastination, the
                                                                                    staleness of fear! It’s
                                                                                   time to clean out your
                                                                                     spiritual closet and
                                                                                       Spring Forward!”
contributors                                           LATONJA FLOWERS

                                                       WOW! also welcomes Latonja Flowers to its family.
                                                       Latonja interviews Shawna M. Harrison, author of My
                                                       True Soul, an intimate story of sexual abuse, drugs,
                                                       incest and so much more (p. 24).


WOW! Magazine welcomes Stephanie C. Harper,
publisher of CAREER Magazine, to its list of
distinguished writers. Check out Stephanie’s article
on thinking outside the box (p. 16).

                                                       STAN POPOVICH
                                                       Stan Popovich is the author of “A Layman’s Guide
                                                       to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and
                                                       Non Resistant Methods” - an easy to read book that
                                                       presents a general overview of techniques that are
                                                       effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties.
                                                       Stan encourages WOW! Readers on how to deal
                                                       with family members who suffer with fear, anxiety
                                                       and depression (p. 14).
Pro f i l e o f t h e M o n t h

          Nashville, TN
       The Foundry/Fortress

          Dr. Naima Tonya Johnston
   WOW!: We’re so grateful to honor you in       WOW!: Briefly describe how you came to       class on various topics to help people
   WOW! this month! Tell us about yourself.      know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior    achieve those dreams using a teleseminar
   Are you married or single? Name of husband    and how long you’ve been saved.              approach. I am also mentoring a small
   or fiancée?                                                                                group of Christian women artists – we
                                                 NJ: I actually found myself in a             call the group, Sing It Girl, we meet
   NJ: First, thanks for the opportunity to      relationship with an abusive boyfriend,      monthly and one on one and I am helping
   share with your readers. I’m from New         mainly emotionally, but there were           them launch their music ministries – all
   York City and have lived in Ohio for          instances of physical and sexual abuse…      via phone and online. I also try to write
   many years before making my home in           and if you don’t get out of those kinds      songs and share songs that minister to
   Nashville. I am a Christian Recording         of relationship they only becomes worse.     the depths of a woman’s heart. My music
   Artist, Educator, Minister and Author. I      One day we were arguing over what to         tends to be very honest and broken, since
   travel the country fulltime doing concerts,   listen to on the radio and he told me that   so many women need to overcome pain
   teaching and preaching as well as             I should be afraid since he could kill me,   and heartbreak so that they can achieve
   coordinating events to help others achieve    hide my body and nobody would ever find      what God has called them to achieve.
   their God given dreams! I’m the author        me. I knew at that moment that he was
   of several books such as, Called To Sing,     serious, I wound up going to church with
   13 Mistake To Avoid When Starting In          a friend and giving my life to the Lord      WOW!: Feel free to leave with our readers
   Music Ministry and Dr. Nay’s Dream            a few days later. I was able to end that     any contact information you’d like about you,
   Development Manual. As for the married        relationship and that was in 1994.           your ministry/business/church, etc.
   question… I hope to not be single soon.
   I am being courted by an amazing man!         WOW!: WOW! is about inspiring,               NJ: I’d love to be of service to anyone
                                                 encouraging and empowering other             for ministry events, concerts or women’s
   WOW!: Do you have children? If so, what       Christian women. Briefly tell us about       conferences, my website is www.
   are their names and ages?                     any activities that you are involved in or I’d also love for
                                                 something that you’ve done that lines up     folks to look me up on Facebook, www.
   NJ: No children, but I do have a              with the mission to Inspire, Encourage and        or  if
   Chihuahua named Bianca also known as          Empower others.                              folks Twitter, I’m at
   the Wee Wee Monster… you can catch                                                         NaimaJohnston Thanks so much WOW!
   her video adventures at          NJ: Part of my mission is to encourage       for this opportunity!
   com/doctornay                                 others to achieve their God Given
                                                 Dreams. I’m teaching a free monthly

  8                                                                                                                    WOW! |SPRING 2010
Sistah Health

                                                           Dance to Health

                                                            ancing is a fun, safe and effective way to help you burn
                                                            calories. You don’t have to use any fancy equipment. All
                                                            you need is you. Find an area in the privacy of your home
                                                            where you can dance freely. Put your favorite Latin, Reg-
                                      gae, Gospel or Calypso CD into your CD player and dance your way to health.
                                 Nine reasons why you should dance:
                              1•If you dance for half an hour three to four days each week you will burn a substantial
                              amount of calories.
                             2•After a long day at work you can reduce your stress and tension with just fifteen min-
                            utes or a half an hour of dancing.
                                 3•Dancing will help you to improve your flexibility because it allows you to have full
                                      range of motion.
                                           4•Dancing is a great way to improve your muscle tone.
                                            5•Dancing will help you to strengthen the bones in your legs and hips be-
                                             cause it is a weight-bearing exercise.
                                              6•Dancing involves constant movement so
                                               it will help you to improve your cardiovas-

                                                                                                                      Photo by Philip Michael Thomas
                                               cular system.
                                              7•While dancing your entire body is mov-
                                             ing so you will get a total body workout.
                                          8•Dancing will help to build your confidence
                                       and self-esteem, and give you a sense of achieve-
                        9•Regular dancing will help to keep you young, fit and vibrant.

                      Check out my Total Body Workout Tune-up DVD at www.san-
                     Jamaican born Sandi Morais has been a fitness instructor for twenty five years.

SPRING 2010 | WOW!                                                                                                   9
S p i r i t Fi t w i t h Yvo n n e Bennett

   “Make exercise a part of your day. Activities such
   as briskly walking the stairs, or briskly walking
   from the back of the parking lot, stretching at your
   desk, or working your core by sitting on a resistance
                                                           S            pring’s here, spring’s here ev-
                                                                        erybody give a cheer, we’ve
                                                                        made it through the snow
                                                                        and ice with our fitness pro-
                                                                        grams going just right. As
                                                           the snow melts and the flowers bloom
                                                           don’t go into fitness gloom and doom.
                                                           You’ve worked diligently to meet your fit-
                                                           ness goals when all of a sudden your pur-
   ball at your desk are great ways to incorporate         poseful, focused pace turns into a painful
                                                           slow drag. Enter, the workout saboteurs;
                 exercise into your day.”                  boredom, fatigue and outside distractions
                                                           lurking to rob you of continued progress
                                                           and success in meeting your fitness goals.
                                                           You can compare these workout saboteurs

  10                                                                           WOW! |SPRING 2010
to the enemy who “walks around like a          increase workout intensity with the use        or rowing.
lion, seeing whom he can devour.” (Para-       of circuit or interval training. These small      You can also use the television for
phrased from I Peter 5:8). Our assign-         tweaks to your workout can make big            learning new exercises, there are numer-
ment, should we choose to accept it is to      changes inspiring you to stay the course.      ous fitness programs on cable and local
stop these minions in their tracks.               The bible tells us “And let us not be       television stations as well as fitness DVD’s
   To help you stop workout saboteurs,         weary in well doing: for in due season we      that can assist you in meeting your fitness
pick up the pace, re-gain your stride and      shall reap if we fain not” (Galatians: 6:9)    needs.
stay on the road to fitness success, we will                                                     Finally, using commercials to perform

identify the potential pitfalls and prob-                                                     exercises like crunches, planks, push ups,
lems that these workout saboteurs can                                                         jumping jacks, chair dips or any other
cause and how to combat them                                                                  form of body weight exercises can help to
                                                  Being too tired can quickly de-rail the     provide a quick circuit training program.

                                               most earnest attempts to get in a workout.     For example:
                                               The quickest way to combat this workout           During T.V. Program- Stationary Cy-
                                               saboteur is to get a good night’s sleep. If    cling
    Boredom is a dangerously sneaky            that is not possible, give yourself some          1st Commercial Break- Push Ups and
workout saboteur. It starts subtly and         midday pick-me ups. Performing deep            Chair Dips
slowly grows in intensity until you find       breathing techniques will allow you to            TV Program- Stationary Cycling
yourself no longer at the gym, but on the      get much needed oxygen to the brain and           2nd Commercial Break- Calf Raises
sofa watching the latest episode of your       your muscles which help to increase ener-         TV program- Stationary Cycling
favorite TV show with a bag of chips in        gy, focus and decrease tension. Standing,         3rd Commercial Break- Abdominal
one hand and a soda in the other.              stretching or taking a short walk around       Crunches or Planks
    Common forms of boredom include            your office or around the block will also         Television is often looked at as an evil
boredom with your actual fitness sched-        provide quick relief from daytime fatigue.     time waster, but if used effectively it can
ule, fitness program and working out in                                                       actually assist you in your fitness program.
                                                                                              Finally, whatever you decide to do, use
    Boredom with your fitness schedule                                                        your time wisely as time is a precious gift

normally is caused by the repetition of                                                       that God gives freely to each of us.
how your fitness and daily routine are                                                           Spring is here, give a cheer renew your
performed (i.e. AM/Lunchtime or PM                                                            commitment to fitness this year, keep
workout followed by work at the office            Distractions are the worst type of          workout saboteurs at bay and you will
or home, chores and bed). Performing           workout saboteur and with so much vying                             reach your goals with-
this ritual day in and day out could make      for our attention it is difficult to a com-                           out delay.
the liveliest person want to snooze. If        plete workout session. Some of the top
your workout schedule is in the doldrums       distractions are the telephone, the televi-                             Yvonne Bennett is a
                                                                                                                       Wellness coach and per-
shake it up by making a change instead         sion, friends and family.
                                                                                                                       sonal trainer and owner
of working out in the morning move                                                                                     of Coach Bennett Well-
your workout to lunchtime or evening.
                                               The Telephone
                                                                                                                       ness Coaching Services
Make exercise a part of your day,. Activi-                                                                             in Buffalo Grove, IL.
ties such as briskly walking the stairs, or                                                   Yvonne has 20 years of personal training and cli-
briskly walking from the back of the park-                                                    ent service experience. She is also the director for
ing lot, stretching at your desk, or working      Turn the ringer down or off, or resolve     the Spirit Fit Ministry at Trinity Baptist Com-
your core by sitting on a resistance ball at   not to answer during your workout time.        munity Church in Crystal Lake, Il, a ministry
your desk are great ways to incorporate        Let your voicemail, the answering ma-          dedicated to providing bible based fitness educa-
exercise into your day.                        chine or family act as your personal assis-    tion and programs. If you have questions or re-
                                               tant during your workout sessions.             quire more information you may contact Yvonne
    If bored with your fitness routine now
may be a good time to hire a personal
trainer to get you started on a program.
Meeting with a trainer for 3-4 sessions
                                               The Television
is a great way to get you started and fa-          The television can actually be used as
miliarized with your program. Follow up        your workout companion. To use the tele-
with your trainer every 6 to 8 weeks is        vision effectively, choose a 30 minute pro-
recommended to revise your program to          gram, and workout for the duration of the
keep you challenged and increasing your        show, this allows you to get 30 minutes of
fitness level overtime. If your routine has    exercise and it is especially affective when
gotten routine, move your inside workout       doing a cardiovascular workout such as
outside and your outside workout inside,       stationary cycling, walking on a treadmill,

SPRING 2010 | WOW!                                                                                                                            11
Fa s h i o n & B e a u t y w i t h G e n e a n C r o s s

Spring 2010
                                                     “The Look for Less”
We took all of Spring 2010 must have trends from the runways of New York and Paris by designers like Narciso Rodriguez, the late
great Alexander McQueen and Basso & Brooke and setout to find the looks for less. Designers are mixing and matching prints all
over the runway, if they have it their way you’ll be mixing and matching head to toe. And I’m not just talking florals, I’ve seen tribal
motifs, digital designs were engineered for a more intense impact.
Our first trend of the season:

     Pattern Play

       Designer Basso & Brooke                            Jewel Embellished                                Arden B $78
                                                           Floral Dress $37

How best to head into this new season? With a clean slate. Fashion this season has rediscovered that less is more, simplistic yet
feminine. Dresses at Calvin Klein Collection and Donna Karan billowed and frilled,feminine takes on tailoring; at Michael Kors’
cutouts and thigh high slits. Second Trend of the season:

                                                                                                         A Clean Slate

   $178                        Commanders Daughter $59.99                           Designer Steven Burrows

                                                                                                                WOW! |SPRING 2010
The military influence is still ubiquitous on and off the Spring runways(the flak jacket may even have replaced the leather bomber
as the official outerwear of your MOD. a.k.a. model off duty) Look for more dressed up takes on uniform dressing from the likes
of Mr. Sequined Camo Leggings himself, Balmain’s Christophe Decarnin and Haider Ackerman. Only I found those very looks for
less at some of my favs like BeBe, and H&M…so about face ladies. Third trend of the season:

                                                                                                   Marching Orders

          Twelve by Twelve $34                            Designer Aquilano Rimondi

Minx, Minx, Minx!! What are they you may say? Sparkly
metgallics,personalized graphics and photo-quality designs made of
flexible film. Minx give women completely customized nails that can
feature the exact pattern and colors of their newest gown, their favorite
photo or that seasons hottest design. The downside to this trend is
not only the price which can set you back up to $200, but because
of it’s intricate design I would highly recommend that they
                                        be applied by a profes-
      Beauty 4 Less

Nail Art Made Easy! Sally Hansen Nail Art Pen is unique and
has a fast drying formula that allows anyone to “Design and Go”
and if that’s not enough the pen comes in eight vibrant colors and
affordably priced for as little as $6 at your local Walmart or Drug
Fashion questions? Contact Genean at Don’t forget to email            Designer Celion
Genean with article ideas, Q & A and pictures of you and your Star Style. And check out her log You’ll find more fashion and beauty tips, trends and even freebies plus
giveaways. And check out my blog You’ll find more fashion and beauty
tips, trends and even freebies plus giveaways

SPRING 2010 | WOW!                                                                                                            13
When A Family Member
  Struggles With Fear, Anxiety
  And Addiction

BY STANLEY POPOVICH                           experience, begin to learn what works,           have that option of going elsewhere if
                     hat do you do when       what doesn’t work, and what you need to          you are unhappy at your present location.
                     a family member has      improve on in managing your fears and            Changing your thinking can help you
                     to deal with persis-     anxieties. For instance, you have a lot of       manage your fears.
                     tent fears, anxieties,   anxiety and you decide to take a walk to            Another thing to remember is that
                     or even addiction?       help you feel better. The next time you feel     things change and events do not stay the
Well the first thing you need to do is to     anxious you can remind yourself that you         same. For instance, you may feel over-
get the person to seek the services of a      got through it the last time by taking a         whelmed today with your anxiety and feel
professional who can lead them in the         walk. This will give you the confidence          that this is how you will feel the rest of the
right direction and give them the help        to manage your anxiety the next time             week or month. This isn’t correct. No one
they need. In addition, here are some oth-    around.                                          can predict the future with one hundred
er techniques you can use to help a family       Challenge your negative thinking with         percent accuracy. Even if the thing that
member cope.                                  positive statements and realistic thinking.      you feared does happen there are circum-
    Learn as much as you can in managing      When encountering thoughts that make             stances and factors that you can’t predict
anxiety and depression. There are many        your fearful or anxious, challenge those         which can be used to your advantage. You
books and information that will educate       thoughts by asking yourself questions            never know when the help and answers
you on how to deal with fear and anxiety.     that will maintain objectivity and com-          you are looking for will come to you.
Share this information with the person        mon sense. For example, you are afraid
who is struggling. Education is the key       that if you do not get that job promotion        Stan Popovich is the author of “A Layman’s Guide
in finding the answers your looking for in    then you will be stuck at your job forever.      to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christian-
managing your fears.                          This depresses you, however your think-          ity and Non Resistant Methods” - an easy to read
                                                                                               book that presents a general overview of tech-
    Be understanding and patient with the     ing in this situation is unrealistic. The fact
                                                                                               niques that are effective in managing persistent
family member struggling with their fears.    of the matter is that there all are kinds of
                                                                                               fears and anxieties. For additional information
Dealing with depression and anxiety can       jobs available and just because you don’t        go to:
be difficult for the person so do not add     get this job promotion doesn’t mean that
more problems than what is already there.     you will never get one. In addition, people
    In every anxiety-related situation you    change jobs all the time, and you always

                                                                                                                      WOW! SPRING 2010
Moving Up Higher with Joyce Meyer

                                                                      How to Defeat
                                                                    Doubt and Unbelief
                                                                    Once and for All

        have developed a “life attitude”           Every day you need to say, “Something     When the devil spoke to Him, Jesus re-
        that makes me more than a con-         good is going to happen to me today. I can    sponded, “It is written…” and quoted the
        queror in Christ Jesus: “I’m go-       hardly wait to see what God is going to       Word of God. He used the Word as a
        ing to finish my course, enjoy the     do in my life today!”                         weapon to overcome the lies of the enemy.
        journey, fulfill my destiny and have       And you especially need to speak this         We can do the same thing. We can re-
everything Jesus died for me to have!”         when the devil is trying to flood your        spond to the thoughts the devil brings to
    Before I learned to live with this atti-   mind with doubts. The way you fight the       our mind with the truth of God’s Word.
tude, I struggled with two things the devil    devil is by opening your mouth and saying     We can feed our faith with the Word,
often threw at me: doubt and unbelief.         what God says. Don’t just let the devil use   rather than feeding doubt with the devil’s
    Doubt and unbelief are big problems        your mind as a garbage dump.                  lies.
for Christians. They are negative and dis-         Learn How to Doubt Your Doubts                Decide to doubt your doubts and be-
courage us. They cause us to make poor             You may be thinking, I just can’t help    lieve what God says it true. Talk about
choices, which make life difficult. They       it…I wish I could believe and not doubt.      the good things God has done, not the
cause us to say things like, “I wish I could   But the truth is, you can! God wouldn’t       problems. Spend time with people who
lose weight,” or “I wish my kids would be-     tell us to believe in Him if it wasn’t pos-   feed your faith, encourage you and believe
have,” or “I wish I could keep my house        sible for us to do it. We can defeat doubt    God.
clean,” or “I wish I had better relation-      and unbelief if we know how to do it.             Refuse to be a lazy Christian and re-
ships.”                                            So how do we do it? How do we be-         sist a passive, apathetic attitude. Be deter-
    We need to stop wishing for things and     lieve God and live by faith? Romans 10:17     mined to do your part to build your faith.
make up our minds that God will help us        (NKJV) tells us how: “Faith comes by          Never give up. And you will defeat doubt
to have wisdom, make good choices, and         hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”     and unbelief !
overcome our trials and tribulations if we         The key here is the Word of God. We
will put our faith in Him.                     need to love the Word of God and go           For more on this topic, order Joyce’s four-CD series
    And doubt and unbelief interrupt faith.    after it like we go after food when we’re     Never Give Up! You can also contact us to receive
    Another way we struggle with doubt         really hungry. When we’re hungry, we’ll       our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by
                                                                                             calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting
and unbelief is by thinking God won’t          usually do what we need to do to get food.
                                                                                    Joyce Meyer is a New York Times
help us because we haven’t done every-             God’s Word is medicine for our soul
                                                                                             bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer
thing right. Or believing that God is will-    and the food we need to keep our spirit       Ministries, Inc. She has authored more than 80
ing to help other people but not me.           strong. It has inherent power to change       books, including Battlefield of the Mind and The
    But God doesn’t expect perfection          our lives when it is mixed with faith.        Love Revolution (Hachette). She hosts the Enjoy-
from us. God works in our lives through        Study the Word and speak the Word. We         ing Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which
faith. He wants us to trust Him, believe       need to talk about the good things God        air on hundreds of stations worldwide. For more
in Him, have faith in Him, and have a          has done and not the problems.                information, visit
hopeful, positive attitude. He wants us to         In Luke 4, when Jesus was in the wil-
expect Him to do good things in our lives.     derness, the devil came to tempt Him.

SPRING 2010 | WOW!                                                                                                                           15
Careers and Christ

                                                                      WHAT BOX?

…they speak a vision of their own
heart. Not from the mouth of the Lord.
                      Jeremiah 23:16

 BY STEPHANIE C. HARPER                                               appearances, attending political and religious gatherings and vis-
               eady to think outside of the box? Ready to have a      iting various places.
               paradigm shift? Ready to be a trailblazer? Follow          With so much to do in so little time, Jesus had very little time
               the cross and you will make it. When God has put       to be concerned about the box people wanted to confine Him
               a unique task before you, you cannot wait on the       to - and likewise - so do you. If you want God to move in your
               approval of others, take a committee vote, or allow    career, roll away any stones standing in the road to your destiny.
 anyone to hold you back. It is a natural thing for people to of-     You have so much to learn, do and become. Your blessing is too
 fer questions, comments and observations about your plans. You       great to allow people to hold you back. The next time someone
 have a mission to accomplish and your task is not complete until     asks you to think outside the box - just ask “what box?”
 it is done.
     When Jesus moved, He moved in power. The thing which             Stephanie C. Harper, PHR, CCP, CHRM is certified human resources
 makes his death so ugly is the fact that His life was so miracu-     professional, author, career expert , and Publisher of CAREER Magazine
 lous. Even amidst hypocrites, rejection and ridicule, He accom-
 plished amazing things. An overview includes: 36 miracles, 38
 parables, 19 prayers, 45 predictions, 16 sermons, 36 dialogues, 22
 old testament quotes, the 10-fold proof of His deity, the 30-fold
 proof of His humanity, 37 old testament prophecies, 27 souls
 converted, 15 kinds of sufferings, 7 last words, 10 resurrection

 16                                                                                                                WOW! |SPRING 2010
WOWderful Woman

Faith from
her VIEW

18                             WOW! |SPRING 2010
Sherri Shepherd is a breath of fresh air. In this candid interview she
  shares the pain of her divorce, her life as a single mother, and how she
  found Jesus at the darkest moment in her life.

BY CANDIE A. PRICE                            wouldn’t take long. I decided to be a le-      friend said, “Sherri, if you never try, you
Candie A. Price: We are very excited to       gal secretary because it looked like I could   will never know.” And with that a bunch
talk to you today. Where did you grow up      make the most money without a college          of girls put together some money for me,
and what was your childhood like?             degree. So that’s what I did, it wasn’t like   because I was always getting my check
Sherri Shepherd: I grew up in Chicago.        I was happy being a legal secretary. I think   garnished because of tax liens, it was $600
Then we moved to the Brookwood sub-           that everybody that is in law has an artis-    to take a comedy class and they all gave
urbs when I was about eleven, right in the    tic side. Every lawyer I ever met wanted to    me the money. That was how it started,
middle of roots when Toby got his foot        be an author or an actor.                      the comedy class was for six weeks, I went
cut off. I say that because I went to an          That’s how I became a legal secretary. I   to a club and did their variety show and
all white school and Toby getting his foot    did it for a number of years and was quite     won $100 and was hooked - telling sto-
cut off – that was the news of the day at     good at it and made a wonderful salary. I      ries about my life that people could relate
school. I had a really wonderful child-       think at the time I was making $42,000 a       to. I think that’s why people say, “Why
hood - I’m a daddy’s girl. My family was      year, which was really good back in 1995       do you tell all your business?” Because it
Jehovah’s Witnesses and on Sundays we         but I was always making people laugh -         helps me - I’ve always done that even as a
would go to the Kingdom Hall and my           I had been making people laugh since           little girl, my father would say, “Why are
mom would cook and we would go to my          I was little. And one day a bunch of us        you telling everything that goes on in this
grandmom’s house in Chicago and all the       decided - there were eight of us legal sec-    house?” Because it makes people laugh! I
cousins would put on a talent show for        retaries, and we decided to have a night       would talk about things that I go through
the older folks and I would make people       on the town and we went to Sizzler’s and       and it makes people laugh - even when I
laugh. We would dance - we had a dance        had the all you can eat shrimp and then        tell people what I’m going through now it
called the California Shake, I will never     we went to The Comedy Store. Before            makes people laugh because I seem to tell
forget that. It was a really good child-      the show started I was making a lot of         it in a funny way.
hood- I just remember a lot of good times.    the ladies laugh around me and Andrew
                                              Dice Clay got up on stage - I had never        CAP: Well, that’s a blessing to be that
Candie A. Price - Currently you are best      thought of doing comedy before, but An-        transparent because even though you’re
known as co-host on The View, but some        drew Dice Clay got up on the stage and         making people laugh it makes them re-
of us have watched your career evolve         made all of those women so angry with          flect on their own issues. Sometimes we
through shows like The Jamie Foxx Show,       all that hickory dickory dock rhymes and       think that we are so alone and we go
Friends, Beauty Shop and other roles, and     this lady turned around at the table and       through things all by ourselves and when
I’ve heard you talk of your job as a legal    said, “Sherri, you’re funnier than him,        we hear other people’s stories it does help.
secretary. Being a former legal secretary     you should do this.” And it was like this      How did you wind up on The View? That
myself, I can relate to your aspiration of    seed was planted in my mind and from           was a major move for you.
wanting to do something else, not that        then on it wasn’t so much listening to         SS: That was God! When people ask me
there is anything wrong with being a legal    what the comics who got up- what they          I have to say that was Jesus! It was NOT
secretary. But how did you go from being      said, I looked at how they affected the        me. I’ve always had two dreams -one was
a legal secretary to being a co-host on a     audience. Charlie Fleisher got up, Eddie       to have my own talk show and the other
major television show like The View?          Griffin got up and they made the audi-         was to have my own sitcom. I had already
SS: I became a legal secretary as a Jeho-     ence move as one with the laughter - with      done a pilot for my own talk show but it
vah’s Witness. They didn’t encourage the      stuff that everybody could relate to. I        wasn’t picked up, they had picked up Ra-
kids to go to college, it was pretty much     went up to Eddie Griffin after the show,       chael Ray and The View came about be-
discouraged. I really wanted to go to col-    he thought I was a groupie, but I asked        cause I was on a sitcom called Less Than
lege and since it was discouraged what        for his advice, which I never forgot was       Perfect and I was just trying to get on The
teenagers did after high school was get       “do it scared.” Because I said, “I’m scared    View to promote the sitcom. But they al-
a trade because the main focus was to         to do this.” And he said, “Do it scared!”      ways said no. Bill Getty would always say
be in field service - you know, when you      I called up all my girlfriends that night      we don’t know who Sherri Shepherd is-
are out there talking to people about The     around midnight and asked them, “Do            we don’t know if she can sit on the couch
Watch Tower and The Wake and becom-           you think I could do stand-up?” And a          for five minutes and hold a conversation.
ing Jehovah’s Witnesses - that was to be      bunch of them said, “No, Sherri, you have      That was pretty much what every talk
our main focus. Since I was encouraged        a great job, you’re making your money,         show said; Ellen, and I don’t recall who
to get a trade, I looked into being a court   you’ve got your pension plan, you’re going     else was out at the time - even though
reporter and a legal secretary because it     to be struggling to make it.” But one girl-    talking is what I do. My publicist kept

SPRING 2010 | WOW!                                                                                                                   19
calling them - everybody on the sitcom         don’t know what God has for you.” I said,      ries, it’s been a dream and God brought it
had been on The View except me. But            “No, No, I see what they put Ms. Jones         to fruition. What’s your show’s premise?
one day, unfortunately, Johnnie Cochran        through, uh, uh. And I told them no and I      SS: My show, Sherri, is also a Godsend.
had passed away and Star Jones had to          said, “Lord, did I make a mistake? I want      It’s based on my life and it’s based on my
go to the funeral and my publicist hap-        to do sitcoms.” And I don’t know, my pas-      stand-up of my real life of having been
pened to be calling that day - I was on        tor just kept talking about ‘run toward        married and my husband had an affair
bed rest because I was pregnant, and they      what you fear the most’ and it confirmed       with a white woman and the girl got preg-
said we need someone to fill in for Star,      my “do it scared” and that’s my motto          nant. And there were times when I would
if she can be on the plan tomorrow we’re       now. If you fear it, Sherri, run toward it.    lay in bed and cry -for almost a year - and
going to have a co-host. I talked to my        And I’ve gotten in more trouble because        my friends would pray with me and I just
doctor and asked if I was going to have        of my mouth!                                   remember the Lord saying, “Peace be
the baby in the air and she said no. They                                                     still.” And the Lord would say in my mo-
wheeled me in a wheelchair to my seat          CAP: But that’s a good thing because you       ments of darkness, “Do you trust me?” and
on the plane and to my hotel and I co-         learn, you grow, and then you move on.         I would say, “Absolutely NOT, no way. My
hosted. Joy liked me and so whenever she       SS: But I have grown in so many ways.          baby almost died he’s in NICU, my best
was gone she’d say, “Use Sherri.” Then I       Because I run toward those things I fear       friend is with another woman, there’s a
got to co-host next to Star and she’d say,     and have learned to rely on God in a new       baby on the way- no, I don’t trust you,
“You are really funny.” And it just seemed     and fresh way every single day, more than      NO. And I would lay in bed and I would
people started liking me co-hosting and        I ever have before. My very first sea-         cry, I didn’t want to get out of bed, didn’t
I think I hold the record for                                                                                   want to change my clothes,
co-hosting - I think I co-                                                                                      didn’t comb my hair, didn’t
hosted 23 or 24 times. So                                                                                       wear a wig - it was awful!
when they asked me, Rosie             “I wanted to kill my husband and                                          And every day the Lord
O’Donnell asked me - and                                                                                        would say, “Will you trust
I was terrified of co-hosting          God said no, if you kill him then                                        me? Will you trust me?”
with Rosie - I was there for                                                                                    And I had gotten to the
Rosie’s first fight and I was          you’re going to prison and I said                                        point where I said, “I’ve
there for Rosie’s last fight.                                                                                   got nothing else to do but
The very reasons I was
                                       I was willing to accept that call-                                       trust you. Everything in
scared to be on The View as
a regular, because they had
                                       ing! I wanted to beat up the girl                                        my life is falling a part.”
                                                                                                                And I started going to the
been asking me, was because           and Niecey Nash, one of my best                                           comedy clubs and I started
I didn’t think I was smart                                                                                      talking about this because
enough and I didn’t think I            friends, had to come to my aid.”                                         that has always helped
was funny enough, because                                                                                       me through what I’m go-
they had already had co-                                                                                        ing through. I wanted to
medians on the show, and I                                                                                      kill my husband and God
didn’t like to debate people. I                                                                                 said no, if you kill him then
knew my faith and I knew you couldn’t          son I got into so much trouble with my         you’re going to prison and I said I was
shout on the show, “I love Jesus!”             mouth - I was nervous and I used to have       willing to accept that calling! I wanted
    The very things I was scared to do are-    these scriptures -my prosperity scrip-         to beat up the girl and Niecey Nash, one
what Rosie liked. Rosie, the very first time   tures -when I was living in California -       of my best friends, had to come to my aid.
I co-hosted, said, “I would like for you to    ‘Bring all the tithes into the storehouse...       But women started coming up to me
be on the show every day because I think       he’s pouring out blessings, but, girl, my      to tell me that they were going through
you’re smart, you’re funny and I love your     first year on The View it was all Psalms -     the same thing and I had made them
faith.” And I looked at Rosie and said,        ‘Lord, the enemy is trying to tear my life     laugh instead of cry. So when the people
“You guys are crazy, y’all work my nerves,     a part - you are my shadow...I was on the      approached me about doing a show for
no way!” When I was there her last day,        floor moaning in prayer. I’m David, Lord,      me they asked me what was going on in
I think what they liked about me is that       I’m in a cave with no clothes on. I don’t      my life and I started doing my stand-up
I tried to make light of it. Whenever          think I’ve done a tithe or prosperity scrip-   and they said, “We want to do this be-
stuff happens that’s crazy, I want to make     ture in three years! All my scriptures are     cause it’s so raw and powerful.” Lifetime
people laugh and I told Joy, ‘let’s pretend    the wisdom of God confounds the world          came and said, ‘we want to do it’ and I
like we’re getting up from the table’ - it     - You will never leave me nor forsake me,      was absolutely floored that my laying in
made people laugh and I think they liked       where I am weak, you are strong! Those         bed, my tears birthed a show that makes
that I didn’t go around talking about what     are my scriptures!                             people laugh and talks about healing,
happened. And they kept asking me and I                                                       and talks about forgiveness. On my show
said, no, no, no. And girlfriends who hold     CAP: I know that’s right! That’s awesome!      we’ve kind of sped up the forgiveness part
me accountable, kept saying, “Sherri, you      Tell me a little about your television se-     -the other girl, we call her the Quiz-ho on

20                                                                                                                 WOW! |SPRING 2010
the show because she works at Quizno’s          SS: I’ve said to Elizabeth, because Eliza-     besides the Lord?” If I didn’t have Jesus
Subs - but we show how we have forged           beth is a Christian, “Girl, you know Jesus     in my life and prayer, I don’t know where
a relationship and how, Malcolm Jamaal          is coming back! He’s coming back next          I would be. Because there are just some
Warner, who plays my husband -how he            week at 3:45 - you know this so why we         days when I got to get on my knees and
wants to make his marriage work and re-         arguing over this stuff ?” And she would       I don’t even know what I’m praying for. I
alizes he made a mistake and how I come         laugh, and say you can’t say that! You can’t   remember calling Niecey one time when
through with the help of my girlfriends,        say that when you have someone like            I was fighting for custody of my son and
which is what happened in real life. One        Bill Mahr who comes on the show and            going through the divorce and everybody
character is based on Niecey, all my girl-      thinks all Christians are crazy, you can’t     told me I was not going to get custody
friends gathered around me in prayer, let       say certain things. So we have to do it in     of my baby and the odds were against
me cry and scream. You know you have            a way that people can understand and you       me. And I remember calling Niecey and
some snot sessions when you are on the          don’t want to sound crazy but you don’t        saying, “I don’t know what a panic attack
floor wailing and your girlfriends will         want to deny who you are either. There         feels like, but I’m having one.” And she
be right on the floor with you and they         are times when we go to talk about stuff       said God will give you the blessing and
just speak in tongues while you just cry        I’ll just say, Lord, I am just scared today,   the enemy will make it so you won’t en-
out. I remember being in church and the         I’m just plain flat out scared. You know,      joy it and she prayed with me. I just have
pastor was dismissing service and I was         I would love to be Juanita Bynum and           a real strong group of girls that when I
like AAHHHHH (screaming) and all                come out with something deep, you know         call them and I don’t know what to pray
my girlfriends, I just remembered being         how some people open their mouths and          they will pray with me. And there are only
smothered in breasts! And pastor was like       come out with some deep word - that aint       about four of them and when I get to L.A.
‘don’t worry about what’s going on over         never happen with me! NEVER! When I            and I visit, I’ll link with them and we’ll
there - just put your arms out, Sherri’s go-    thought it was that’s when I said I didn’t     have dinner and we’ll pray. So prayer for
ing through something.” So my show is           know if the earth was round or flat! I         me...I always tell people if you give God
based on that, but also how I’m moving          thought everybody was going to be saved        the time in the morning, he’ll give time
forward and how I’m dealing with being          that day and it was my first week! I could     for you through the rest of the day. That’s
a single mom and single woman, which            say no wrong, I was a warrior! (laughing)      what gets me through. If you ask me what
is what I’m going through now, being a          I pray and Elizabeth encourages me and         gets me through - it’s my Lord and Savior
single woman at 42. And I love that in          when we’re going through stuff she’ll grip     Jesus!
the show I’m my own age, I’m a grown            my thigh or I’ll grip her thigh and she
woman, they don’t have me playing a 20          says, “Sherri, you only have to please an      CAP: You’re definitely busy with your ca-
year old. They tried to make me 20 and          audience of one!” And that’s what I always     reer and raising your son and so many of
I said, “Y’all better quit!” Ain’t no 20 year   remember when I get a little fearful I only    us can relate as we wear many hats on a
old going through this mess, this is grown      have to please an audience of one. At the      daily basis. But what do you do, just for
woman stuff ! I think people will like the      end of the day I look up and say did I do      Sherri? What do you do for fun?
show because it’s funny and it’s family.        what you told me to do?                        SS: I love to karaoke.
We’ve broken records at Lifetime with
the show - we’ve got men watching the           CAP: Exactly, and if I didn’t, thank you       CAP: (laughing) really?
show, and families, not just women. We          for another chance!                            SS: Yes! because I can’t sing! I was on
were the most watched comedy in the             SS: Yes, thank you for another chance!         Donnie McKlurkin’s show and I told him
ten-year history of Lifetime. When I look       My daddy watches every day and he’ll call      that so many of his songs had gotten me
at that I say that’s Jesus! Do you trust me     and say, “You’ve gotta stop talking, telling   through and he said maybe we can do a
to do a Romans 8:28 All things work to-         people you’re horny.” And I’ll say, “But,      duet. I said, No, I will karaoke with you! I
gether for the good of them that love me        Daddy, that’s who I am.” And I’ll say, well    don’t know why people think I can sing, I
and are called according to my purpose,         Lord, you know what I was trying to say!       must look like I can sing! And I went to
but that’s okay because even if you don’t,      But honestly I stay on my knees. Those         his church on New Year’s and he looked
I’m going to do it! (laughing)                  days when I don’t pray are when I get in       like he wanted to call me up on stage and
                                                the most daggone trouble!                      I was like, “you better put that karaoke
CAP: Isn’t that just like God? Wonderful!                                                      machine on stage!” Cause I’ll do a mean
How do you balance being a Christian            CAP: Well, Sherri, a lot of women can          version of “Never Would Have Made
with the life of celebrity? Has it been dif-    relate to you because you speak openly         It!” I love playing Taboo and Charades. I
ficult maintaining your principles in the       about your divorce, weight loss struggles,     don’t get to read anymore, but I used to
business?                                       and being a single mother. What do you         read a lot. You know, my son and I we love
SS: Oh, sure. Absolutely! It happens on         think has helped you the most through          to dance all day. I really enjoy being with
The View all the time. We’ll have a dis-        your struggles in life, what has given you     my baby.
cussion and I’ll be like, “Oh, Lord.”           strength to overcome those issues?
CAP: Yes, I’ve seen some of those mo-           SS: Man, it sounds cliché to some people       CAP: How old is he now?
ments and had to pray for you and say,          that are not believers and they may say,
“Come on Sherri, you can do this!”              “Are you going to say the Lord? What                                 Continued on Page 38

SPRING 2010 | WOW!                                                                                                                     21
Christina Dixon


                here is no frustration quite like the aggravation you      Let’s face it; He has configurations for the lives of all His
                feel when you find that the settings on your com-       children. Yet, too often we come along, believing we know how
                puter have been changed without your permis-            things should go, and change things to suit us. We are clueless
                sion. Such was the case for me when my husband          about how much we’re disconnecting things. I can only imagine
                changed the USB location of my portable hard            how frustrated God is with us at times.
 drive on my multiple USB hub. For my friends who are not tech             Recently, I’ve been meditating on how my settings are being
 savvy, it was much like knowing that you put your favorite out-        reconfigured. For years I worked a full-time job, while doing my
 fits in your closet only to find that someone moved them to the        passion part-time. After being downsized I’ve gone to full-time
 basement or the garage without asking.                                 entrepreneurship. What a change! Talk about reconfiguration. I
     Of course my husband’s intent was to help, but without real-       had waited years for the opportunity to work my business full-
 izing the problems he was causing, he completely reconfigured          time. Now, without the illusion of security my job had provided
 the settings on my computer. Consequently I was unable to lo-          I have to really trust Him. I know that since I belong to Him He
 cate the paths of frequently used templates. Arghhh! His chang-        will arrange things in whatever order He sees fit. Today, I know
 ing things created software connection issues which forced me          that He is Jehovah-jireh, my Provider. Are you feeling me? I said,
 to uninstall and reinstall software packages. I spent almost 1.5       I know He is Jehovah-jireh!
 hours reconfiguring things back to the way I had them. Talk               Maybe like me, your sense of security has been challenged as
 about irritating!                                                      God reconfigures your settings. If your heart screams out in frus-
     As I worked to figure out what had happened, I murmured            tration because things are not where you left them, stop. Take a
 and grumbled prayers of irritation until it hit me, my husband         deep breath. Remember that He is Jehovah-jireh. You are His.
 changed things unintentionally. It forced me to ask myself, “Am        You belong to Him. As Sovereign Lord of your life He is free
 I this frustrated when God comes along and intentionally re-           to configure and reconfigure your settings as little or as much
 configures my settings?” Here I was griping about how my hus-          as He likes. Rest in the knowledge that He always knows what
 band’s inadvertent changes were made to my computer. Had I             He’s doing.
 ever considered that in the beginning God had configured things
 to work a certain way only to have Adam and Eve reconfigure            © 2010 Christina Dixon All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission. Chris-
 things in such a way that the paths to His Divine templates were       tina Dixon is an author, speaker, and publisher whose life mission is the En-
                                                                        courage, Challenge, and Inspire. To contact her visit her website at www.
 disrupted so that mankind no longer had direct connection to
                                                               or email
 God’s original intent?

 22                                                                                                                       WOW! |SPRING 2010

                                                  M A G A Z I N E
                                                 Know Better. Do Better. Live Better


    WINTER 2010 | WOW!                                                           23
                         SHAWNA M. HARRISON

        met Shawna, a 29 yr old author
        from Tennessee through social
                                               Sexual abuse, incest, drugs, violence, self- mutilation, these
        networking sites. A current trend      are just one of the many life challenges writer Shawna
        of our times on how much things        M. Harrison has experienced and overcome. MY TRUE
        change in media, social network-
ing has proven useful in doing this inter-     SOUL: EXPLOITED, APPREHENDED, AND
view. I have to first say that in meeting      BROKEN WITHIN is the new autobiography for this first
Shawna I began to see just how much
this beautiful young soul has overcome
                                               time author. In this memoir Harrison shares raw emotions
and you would indeed think it hard not         and graphic detail of a tumultuous life filled with nothing
to feel broken hearted yourself if not for     but hurt and pain, that was triggered by childhood sexual
the redemptive measure we can now see
victoriously working in this woman’s life.     abuse from the three men who should have been in her life
I believe this interview will be a redeem-     for love and protection.
ing seed for so many who feel they are
alone dealing with past abuse.

                                               LF: I can see how writing your book help       is using what you went through to inspire
book delves into a very serious subject
                                               to release the pain you went through, in       others, when someone comes from an
please tell our readers your inspiration for
                                               authoring My True Sou..l” were hoping to       abusive background the healing process
writing this book?
                                               also reach others?                             can take years or essentially a person’s
                                               SMH: Writing this autobiography I had          whole life, do you consider yourself fully
me this book to write, I feel very strongly
                                               no one else in mind but myself, like I said,   healed and if still ongoing how far in the
that he knew that I needed to release all
                                               God gave me this book, because I have          process are you?
these emotions, thoughts, feelings, pain,
                                               never written anything in my life, except      SMH: No I don’t think that I am fully
discomfort, bitterness, self-mutilation
                                               little love notes back and forth in school.    healed from my past pain, but I am very
that I caused to myself. I needed to write
                                               I didn’t anticipate the response that I have   much further in my relationship with
this book for me to finally be able to heal,
                                               received from those that have truly been       God now then before, I didn’t know him
grow, release, and move forward with the
                                               inspired from my PAIN.                         at all throughout my emotional troubles.
life that He has for me....
                                               LF: Wow it’s a blessing to see how God         LF: What would you say to someone in

24                                                                                                               WOW! |SPRING 2010
the beginning stages of dealing with past        struggle in this lifestyle, based on your      LF:Yes I can absolutely see how impact-
abuse?                                           experience what would you say to them          ing your book will be for those who have
SMH: NEVER STOP PRAYING TO                       now?                                           endured abuse in their past and I pray that
GOD!!! Trust someone to share your               SMH: We all have to answer for our own         God will bless you more and more, en-
story with, it will help to release it and get   actions, whatever the sin may be, I can’t      larging your platform to reach the masses!
some counsel from someone you trust.             nor will I judge. You have to walk your        SMH: I thank you dearly!
LF: I agree with you, it’s so important to       own walk with God just like I am. What-           Shawna’s story is one that should be
trust in God even if you don’t know Him          ever we are trying to walk away from, pray     told because you will gain an experi-
I encourage those reading to get to know         to God for it, and keep that attitude of       ence with her that through God and His
Him... we should always pray in faith            FAITH and EXPECTANCY                           promises we are victorious. Shawna cur-
about everything and circumstance that           LF: Amen!!! Many times gifts you find          rently promotes her book with local and
concerns us (Philippians 4:6, 7) knowing         working in Independent artists are born        national media and is available for speak-
that God is faithful to keep those issues        through adversity and pain, what advice        ing engagements.
we bring to Him. Speaking of God and             to other Indie’s would you give on how to      Contact:     shawna_mytruesoul@yahoo.
church what would you want church lead-          stay victorious in their purpose and plan      com. Visit her online at
ers and Christians in general to know on         for God?                              or
how to counsel or be a friend to someone         SMH: Stay focused on God and his pur-          call 615-719-6797
whose survived sexual abuse in their past?       pose for your life, that’s what I’m doing.     ©2010 Latonja Flowers Latonja Flowers is a
SMH: Be extremely supportive, patient            LF: In terms of giving back and paying it      dedicated wife, mother, indie apparel designer and
and compassionate in there walk with this        forward...what ideas do you have for oth-      founder of HerSoul Business Group LLC an in-
                                                                                                die community that recognizes independant artist
pain. Not to look at it as some childhood        ers Indies in using their gifts to give back
                                                                                                who use their gifts in philathropic outreach. Visit
issue that they/we should have gotten            to the community and/or the world?             her online
over already.                                    SMH: God allows us to go through
LF: You are very open about your past, be-       things to help others along the way, plus
ing attracted to women and how you lived         God blesses us to bless others.... so there
a lesbian lifestyle. Many men and women          you go!!!

SPRING 2010 | WOW!                                                                                                                             25
J o A n n Fo r e

                    I Have The Right To Remain Safe,
                        But Do I Really Want To?

                 he tips of my fingers traced   experience the wonders of the world?           rights exhausts us. Deprives us. Cripples
                 the cracked crevices of ar-        Now here I stood. Awestruck. Tucked        us. God longs for us to live free of these
                 chaic stones. Stones which     in a remote corner of the Coliseum among       obsessions. Imagine, as Nancy suggests,
                 harbored the silent wails      nearly 2,000-year-old partial ruins. The       how different our lives could be if we were
                 of gallant gladiators and      majestic yet oddly humble ruins of Rome.       willing to say yes to whatever God has in
  wild beasts whose staged deadly combats           The words of Nancy Guthrie, author of      store, even if that means being out of con-
  served as mere public entertainment.          Holding On to Hope, circled my mind.           trol.
      My feet were planted on the grounds       Two days prior to my European depar-               The rewards of surrender are great. As
  of one of Rome’s most famous landmarks,       ture, a friend had shared a link to Nancy’s    I turned away from the Coliseum, God
  the Coliseum. Roman parables and poli-        podcast (                kissed the sky with a double rainbow el-
  tics climbed from the storage files of my         “God wants to show us what it’s like to    egantly arched overtop the regal ruins.
  mind. Standing in the silence of the an-      really live free of an obsession with per-     The spectrum colors spoke to me of God’s
  cient amphitheatre, the atmosphere felt       sonal safety,” Nancy encouraged.               reliable promises, over 7,000 of them in
  thick, the carnage real, and the logic com-       Nancy got it. She understood my            His Word.
  pletely senseless.                            struggle—a divine passion blocked by               I didn’t have to be afraid to come here.
      I’d dreamt of coming here for years.      crippling fear. And Nancy knew that isn’t      God promised. By faith, I had to accept it.
  From countless travel brochures, the          what God intends for us.                       And once I surrendered my right and my
  silhouette of this colossal architecture          She voiced what I denied. I was ob-        need to be safe, God opened up a whole
  draped across the sky had beckoned me,        sessed with my personal safety. Not a cau-     new adventure. Imagine how much of the
  “Come.”                                       tious self-awareness, rather a consuming       world is a short ten-hour flight away.
      My deep-rooted, passionate desire         obsession. I demanded my right to be safe.
  to see the world often pierced my heart,      In control. And I avoided, at all costs, any   Jo Ann Fore is a Certified Life Purpose Coach®.
  though, for I was afraid to fly. Even the     environment which left me feeling out of       Visit her at and www.sni-
  slices of Roman ruins couldn’t lure me        control; such as flying in a jet, over the
  4,500 miles away from the safety of my        Atlantic ocean at an altitude of 30,000
  home.                                         feet for 10½ hours.
      Or could they?                                We struggle with surrendering our
      Over six months ago I planned this        “rights” to God. Our right to be safe and
  trip, but not without cancellation insur-     secure. Our right to be healthy. Our right
  ance. Almost daily, I wondered if I would     to have our children live a good, long, pro-
  really go. Would I, could I, overcome my      tected life.
  fear of flying? Just how bad did I want to        However, the battle to maintain our

   26                                                                                                               WOW! |SPRING 2010
  Wde !
WO unny
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      You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed
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Chiku’ Griffin

       Style Bride

                  ere comes the Bride! One of the most important
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                  the aisle with butterflies in your stomach and the
                  overwhelming feeling of joy of becoming Mrs.
                  Jones, you can do so with the total confidence of
 knowing that you have put your best foot forward with your Ce-
 lebrity-Style Makeover.
 Months of planning usually goes into making your dream come
 true. Make sure your Wedding Planner is well-informed of your
 vision for your wedding. Of utmost importance is the photo im-
 age album that will capture your vision forever, so make sure both
 you and your bridesmaids have the best possible beauty makeover.

 Celebrity Style Bride Makeover List:
 1. Beauty consultation: Contact a health and beauty professional
 for consultation three to five month prior to the wedding. You
 will be provided with everything you need to know as well as sup-
 port along the way to look and feel like a celebrity bride on your
 wedding day.
 2. Hair: Pre-styling for Bridal images. Planning the perfect hair-
 style with headpiece, whether you will be wearing your hair down
 or in a formal updo.
 3. Skin: Taking care of your skin with a great skincare line is the
 best way to stay clear of any acne problems.
 4. Make-up: Make sure your foundation is matching, your eye-
 brows are properly shaped and enough time is allowed for lash ap-
 5. Body: Keeping your body healthy during your months of plan-
 ning and for a future plan of nutrition is key to having and main-
 taining the required amount of energy.
 6. Undergarments: Instantly drop 2-3 dress sizes by wearing this
 garment and the Angel Bra.

 ©2010 Chiku- Griffin, Owner of ExpoStyles Hair Studio & Magazine,
 Cosmetologist/Health & Beauty Consultant,,,

                                                                             WOW! |SPRING 2010
Family Values


WOW: What is your greatest parental reward?
Elva “Precious Love” Thompson: The smile on my children’s        WOW: What is best advice given to you as a mom and what
faces                                                            is the best advice you’d pass on to other moms?
                                                                 EPLT: Listen to your children (given to me). Talk to your
                                                                 children and be open and make them comfortable about being
WOW: What is your greatest parenting challenge?                  able to talk to you about anything and everything. Have
EPLT: When 2 of my oldest daughters were teenagers and           boundaries set where they know that you’re their friend, as well
now I have one teenager left with 2 more to follow.              as mom (given to them).

WOW: How do you balance church, family and home?                 ©2010 Tamara D. Davis,
EPLT: Like clockwork! Sundays, I get everybody up. I call
my oldest girls on the telephone to wake them up. I pick them
up for church so that I can spend time with all of my children
after we all attend Sunday service. We come back to my house,
cook, watch a movie and enjoy our entire day and evening
together.                                                        PROFILE:
                                                                 Name and Age: ELVA “PRECIOUS LOVE”
WOW: How often do you take “me” time and what do you do          THOMPSON (39)
in your “me” time?
EPLT: I take “me” time best in my bedroom. I have a prayer
closet and I often go in there to talk to God and when I’m       Residence: PALM COAST, FL (SOON TO BE
done, I relax on my bed and I write letters to God and write     ATLANTA, GA)
poetry or complete my nonfiction novel that is currently a
work in progress. My kids understand that when I shut and        Children: 5, ages 6-21
lock my’s quiet time throughout the entire house and
they respect that. They either watch TV in their rooms or have
it turned down quietly in the living room.                       Occupation: Owner, Esquire Publications,
                                                                 Precious Hearts Foundation, Georgia Editing
                                                                 Service, LLC -
WOW: How does having Christ in your life change the way
you parent?
EPLT: Tremendously! Without Christ in my life, I would
                                                                 Heroes: Jesus!
have no life. I would not be a good parent. That is where
my “me” time comes in at. I ask for guidance, wisdom, and        To be featured in WOW! Mom, with a Tamara D. Davis at
                                                                  Goals: Continued success contact humble
common sense in all that I do, especially in my parenting.        demeanor

SPRING 2010 | WOW!                                                                                                           29
V a l e r i e H i c k s Po w e

                                                              Stay Employed by
                                                              Exercising Wisdom
                                                                and Constraint

                 ll things may be right but    after church service, when a woman in a         either failed to filter the truth (as they see
                 not all things are expedi-    choir robe bonuses over and asks, “What         it) with discretion or are in the planning
                 ent: Powerful words, for      did you think of my solo Mrs. Henson?”          stage of doing so and are contacting me
                 life and especially for the   Before Mrs. Henson could fashion a re-          for approval. There is usually hope for
                 workplace. More familiar      sponse the girl bellows her own question,       the second group, which will be address
phrases conveying the identical senti-         “Mommy, isn’t this the lady who sings           further in this article. However, the first
ment would include: I Corinthians 10:23        like a squealing pig?” In all fairness to the   group of frustrated souls generally arrives
“Every thing is permissible but not every-     child, she was just repeating what she had      at my office in search of legal services to
thing is beneficial. Everything is permis-     obviously overheard. Moreover, the state-       be performed quick, fast, and in a hurry
sible but not everything is constructive”;     ment was most probably true. However,           for damages they genuinely believe were
or perhaps “Just because it’s true does not    there was nothing to be gained by reveal-       the result of discriminatory conduct by
mean you have to say it”. Surely there are     ing that very painful fact. Children often      their employer. Unfortunately, I am com-
numerous other similar sayings floating        fall victim to such errors in judgment, fre-    pelled to inform them that the right to
about, having been passed down from one        quently carrying their parents with them,       freedom of speech ends at the door of
generation to another. Generally, such         as was the case in the example. However,        the workplace. Without exception, my
phrases can be heard as an admonishment        given proper corrective measures, ma-           response is met with shock and amaze-
to a talkative juvenile with bad timing.       turity intercepts future indiscretions in       ment, as evidenced by their glazed over
However, these nuggets of wisdom are as        most cases—in most cases being the op-          stares and open mouths that if dropped
applicable to the workplace as they are to     erative phrase. All too often, seemingly        an inch more would release the foot they
the child who finds himself at the stinging    reasonable adults either have not learned       unknowingly stuffed in it just before be-
end of grandma’s switch, receiving a stern     or choose not to apply the lesson from I        ing fired. The sound of the shoe hitting
reprimand for blurting out the obvious         Corinthians 10:23. When those indis-            the ground is usually my cue to furnish at
at the most inopportune time. Almost           crete statements are made in the work-          least a short lecture on not only employee
everyone has either witnessed or experi-       place, the result is almost always drama.       rights but obligations as well. Notwith-
enced such correction. Consider the case           No less than three times a year I find      standing the consistency of my audience’s
of the little girl standing with her mother    myself counseling individuals who have          reaction, I am still staggered that people

30                                                                                                                  WOW! |SPRING 2010
are clueless to the fact that there is no
constitutional right to tell your boss that
she is a hypocrite; that is and still keep
your job. This fact does not change even
when the boss truly is a hypocrite. Nev-
ertheless, I convey the information not to
correct the current state of circumstances,
but to hopefully prevent the same from
occurring in the future.
    As stated earlier, I also encounter
people who while still employed, toy with
the idea of engaging in speech that can
quickly land them in the unemployment
line. For those willing to understand that
freedom of speech in the workplace can
be costly, there is hope and help. Re-
cently, a young woman approached me
with the intention of retaining my legal
services but happily for her, realized that
she would be better off retaining me as a
career coach instead. The young woman
was understandably frustrated with the
office politics of her workplace. It seems
that she was counseled by a member of
senior management for being inexplicably
abrasive to a coworker. There were two
obvious problems with the counseling:
the management official could not iden-
tify what the “abrasive” conduct was; and
his line of supervision did not include
my client or the complaining employee.
Although it was apparent the manager’s
involvement had more to do with his rela-
tionship with the complaining employee
than it did with correcting a legitimate
personnel issue, his authority still war-
                                               lesser alternatives are available. Litigat-     apply the essence of I Corinthians 10:23
ranted respect.
                                               ing lawsuits are expensive in the best of       “All things are lawful for me, but not all
    Accordingly, my client had little to
                                               circumstances, litigating a case from the       things are beneficial…”
gain and a lot to lose by offering an un-
                                               ranks of the unemployed takes the defini-
calculated response. She certainly could                                                       Valerie Hicks Powe is an Attorney, Author,
                                               tion of expensive to a new level. Indeed,
have complained that the manager’s con-                                                                             Corporate Trainer, Career
                                               I advised the young woman regarding al-
duct was just plain unfair. The problem                                                                             Coach, and Popular Radio
                                               ternatives that subtlety revealed the error
with that assertion is there is little legal                                                                        Talk Show Host. She is the
                                               of the manager’s ways, while at the same                             founder of a Management
protection for unfair conduct in the work-
                                               time avoiding the risk of appearing insub-                           Consulting Firm, Esquire
place. She could have also alleged race
                                               ordinate. Being open to advice, she not                              Management, which offers
discrimination, since among the three
                                               only retained her job, she left the indelible                        training and consulting so-
people involved she was the only African
                                               impression that through her diplomatic                               lutions for the Workplace.
American. That too presents a problem,                                                                              As a former senior trial
                                               skills she was more than equipped to deal
in that other than her race there is no                                                                             attorney with the Equal
                                               with office politics at even the highest
evidence that the manager’s conduct was                                                        Employment Opportunity Commission, Valerie
                                               level. The manager, who counseled her
intended to discriminate on the basis of                                                       has over a decade of experience assessing and de-
                                               for being inexplicably abrasive, eventually
race. Moreover, her complaints could                                                           veloping Not-So-Common solutions for common
                                               offered an apology.                             workplace problems.. Join her Fan Page on Face
have been met with further discipline, up
                                                  Things could have turned out quite           Book at Workin It Out With Valerie.
to and including termination. Such action
                                               differently had my young client insisted
on the part of the company, could make a
                                               on the litigious approach. Consequently,
very strong case for unlawful retaliation,
                                               she maintained her job and increased her
however, bringing a lawsuit for the same
                                               level of respect because she was willing to
might not be the best thing to do when

SPRING 2010 | WOW!                                                                                                                          31

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  • 1. WOW! ™ WOMEN of the WORD M A G A Z I N E Sherri Shepherd Faith from her VIEW BE A CELEBRITY STYLE BRIDE Defeating Doubt & Spring 2010 Unbelief Fashion on a budget Spring 2010 DANCE TO A HEALTHIER YOU! SPRING 2010 | WOW! www.wowmagazine.org1
  • 2.
  • 3. contents “...I always remember when I get a little fearful I only have to please an audience of one. At the end of the day I look up and say, Did I do what you told me to do?” -Sherri Shepherd INSPIRE Profile of the Month....................................8 FEATURES Open Hea Stan Popovich............................................14 rt................................................40 WOWderful Woman: Ginger Smith.............................................44 Sherri Shepherd........................................18 WOW! Mom...............................................29 ENCOURAGE DON’T Christina Dix- BOOKS & on..........................................22 FORGET TO Latonja Flow- ENTERTAINMENT CHECK US ers.........................................24 WOW! Books..............................................46 Jo Ann Fore...............................................26 OUT ON THE WEB: BEAUTY, HAIR, HEALTH & EMPOWER FASHION Moving Up Higher with Joyce Meyer........15 Sistah Health...............................................9 Careers and Chri Spirit Fit.....................................................10 st....................................16 Fashion with Genean Cross......................12 Valerie Hicks -Powe..................................30 Chiku Griffin...............................................28 Keys to Dynamic Bible Study....................32 Words to Live By.......................................36 ARTISTIC PROSE & WOW! Tee nz...............................................42 CHRISTIAN FICTION WOWderfully Funny...................................27 Solomon’s Cafe.........................................34
  • 4. WOW!WOMEN of the WORD M A G A Z I N E ™ PUBLISHER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Candie A. Price MUSIC EDITOR George Ward FASHION & BEAUTY EDITOR Genean Cross BOOKS EDITOR Tyora Moody GRAPHICS & ART Candie A. Price FIELD CORRESPONDENT Denna D’Mitri CONTRIBUTING EDITORS AND WRITERS Barbara Arnold Tyora Moody Mary Betner McLoughlin Sandi Morais Genean Cross Stacey L. Owens Tamara D. Davis Valerie Hicks Powe Denna D’Mitri Dr. B. J. Relefourd Christina Dixon James Sanders Aleathea Dupree Ginger Smith Edwina Findley George Ward Latonja Flowers Michael Waters Jo Ann Fore Regina Wells Chiku’ Griffin Tex West Diane H. Gordon Filoiann Wiedenhoff Stephanie C. Harper Deaquelynn Williams Robin May Joyce Meyer Gil Michel WOW! Women of the Word Magazine,™ Inspire, Encourage, and Empower™ WOWderful Woman™ and FLRT™ are trademarks of Joy2bhizz Creative Services™ All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission is prohibited.
  • 5. W O W ’ d b y H I M ™ A MESSAGE FROM THE PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF CANDIE A. PRICE Spring FORWARD! I love Spring time! However, since moving South, Spring time doesn’t love me - waking up to an itchy throat, headache, and watery eyes is not glamourous, but the beautiful cascades of flowers and budding trees are exquisite. What a mighty God we serve that calls the seasons forth to take their shifts in the cycle of life at the same time each year. Just as God calls Spring forth, I encourage you to spring forth this season with a life that honors his mag- nificence! Spring time brings bright sunny days, beauti- ful flowers and pastel colors - Look at your life through the same lens! Get rid of the cobwebs of mediocrity, the clutter of pro- crastination, the staleness of Stay fear! It’s time to clean out your Connected! spiritual closet and Spring Forward! Follow me on In this issue of WOW! Facebook and we have an amazing inter- view with Sherri Shepherd of Twitter! ABC’s The View. I had such an great time chatting “Spring time brings with her and laughing in our conversation, that I almost had a hard time hearing her words when I transcribed our bright sunny days, conversation, because of my laughter! I hope you enjoy our very real and can- beautiful flowers and did discussion (p.18). This month is also Contributor Appreciation month, so you will find ad- pastel colors - Look vertisements featuring the businesses and projects of many of our talented Contributors - please support our writers and help us show them how much at your life through their sacrifice is appreciated! Enjoy Resurrection Sunday, Mother’s Day, Memorial’s Day and Father’s the same lens! Get Day and we’ll see you real soon! Until next quarter, be blessed, my sisters (and my brothers!), and Enjoy, rid of the cobwebs of mediocrity, the clutter -Candie of procrastination, the staleness of fear! It’s time to clean out your spiritual closet and Spring Forward!”
  • 6. contributors LATONJA FLOWERS WOW! also welcomes Latonja Flowers to its family. Latonja interviews Shawna M. Harrison, author of My True Soul, an intimate story of sexual abuse, drugs, incest and so much more (p. 24). STEPHANIE C. HARPER WOW! Magazine welcomes Stephanie C. Harper, publisher of CAREER Magazine, to its list of distinguished writers. Check out Stephanie’s article on thinking outside the box (p. 16). STAN POPOVICH Stan Popovich is the author of “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods” - an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. Stan encourages WOW! Readers on how to deal with family members who suffer with fear, anxiety and depression (p. 14).
  • 7.
  • 8. Pro f i l e o f t h e M o n t h Residence: Nashville, TN Church: The Foundry/Fortress Fellowship Dr. Naima Tonya Johnston WOW!: We’re so grateful to honor you in WOW!: Briefly describe how you came to class on various topics to help people WOW! this month! Tell us about yourself. know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior achieve those dreams using a teleseminar Are you married or single? Name of husband and how long you’ve been saved. approach. I am also mentoring a small or fiancée? group of Christian women artists – we NJ: I actually found myself in a call the group, Sing It Girl, we meet NJ: First, thanks for the opportunity to relationship with an abusive boyfriend, monthly and one on one and I am helping share with your readers. I’m from New mainly emotionally, but there were them launch their music ministries – all York City and have lived in Ohio for instances of physical and sexual abuse… via phone and online. I also try to write many years before making my home in and if you don’t get out of those kinds songs and share songs that minister to Nashville. I am a Christian Recording of relationship they only becomes worse. the depths of a woman’s heart. My music Artist, Educator, Minister and Author. I One day we were arguing over what to tends to be very honest and broken, since travel the country fulltime doing concerts, listen to on the radio and he told me that so many women need to overcome pain teaching and preaching as well as I should be afraid since he could kill me, and heartbreak so that they can achieve coordinating events to help others achieve hide my body and nobody would ever find what God has called them to achieve. their God given dreams! I’m the author me. I knew at that moment that he was of several books such as, Called To Sing, serious, I wound up going to church with 13 Mistake To Avoid When Starting In a friend and giving my life to the Lord WOW!: Feel free to leave with our readers Music Ministry and Dr. Nay’s Dream a few days later. I was able to end that any contact information you’d like about you, Development Manual. As for the married relationship and that was in 1994. your ministry/business/church, etc. question… I hope to not be single soon. I am being courted by an amazing man! WOW!: WOW! is about inspiring, NJ: I’d love to be of service to anyone encouraging and empowering other for ministry events, concerts or women’s WOW!: Do you have children? If so, what Christian women. Briefly tell us about conferences, my website is www. are their names and ages? any activities that you are involved in or I’d also love for something that you’ve done that lines up folks to look me up on Facebook, www. NJ: No children, but I do have a with the mission to Inspire, Encourage and or if Chihuahua named Bianca also known as Empower others. folks Twitter, I’m at the Wee Wee Monster… you can catch NaimaJohnston Thanks so much WOW! her video adventures at NJ: Part of my mission is to encourage for this opportunity! com/doctornay others to achieve their God Given Dreams. I’m teaching a free monthly 8 WOW! |SPRING 2010
  • 9. Sistah Health Dance to Health D ancing is a fun, safe and effective way to help you burn calories. You don’t have to use any fancy equipment. All you need is you. Find an area in the privacy of your home where you can dance freely. Put your favorite Latin, Reg- gae, Gospel or Calypso CD into your CD player and dance your way to health. Nine reasons why you should dance: 1•If you dance for half an hour three to four days each week you will burn a substantial amount of calories. 2•After a long day at work you can reduce your stress and tension with just fifteen min- utes or a half an hour of dancing. 3•Dancing will help you to improve your flexibility because it allows you to have full range of motion. 4•Dancing is a great way to improve your muscle tone. 5•Dancing will help you to strengthen the bones in your legs and hips be- cause it is a weight-bearing exercise. 6•Dancing involves constant movement so it will help you to improve your cardiovas- Photo by Philip Michael Thomas cular system. 7•While dancing your entire body is mov- ing so you will get a total body workout. 8•Dancing will help to build your confidence and self-esteem, and give you a sense of achieve- ment. 9•Regular dancing will help to keep you young, fit and vibrant. Check out my Total Body Workout Tune-up DVD at www.san- Jamaican born Sandi Morais has been a fitness instructor for twenty five years., SPRING 2010 | WOW! 9
  • 10. S p i r i t Fi t w i t h Yvo n n e Bennett Workout Saboteurs “Make exercise a part of your day. Activities such as briskly walking the stairs, or briskly walking from the back of the parking lot, stretching at your desk, or working your core by sitting on a resistance S pring’s here, spring’s here ev- erybody give a cheer, we’ve made it through the snow and ice with our fitness pro- grams going just right. As the snow melts and the flowers bloom don’t go into fitness gloom and doom. You’ve worked diligently to meet your fit- ness goals when all of a sudden your pur- ball at your desk are great ways to incorporate poseful, focused pace turns into a painful slow drag. Enter, the workout saboteurs; exercise into your day.” boredom, fatigue and outside distractions lurking to rob you of continued progress and success in meeting your fitness goals. You can compare these workout saboteurs 10 WOW! |SPRING 2010
  • 11. to the enemy who “walks around like a increase workout intensity with the use or rowing. lion, seeing whom he can devour.” (Para- of circuit or interval training. These small You can also use the television for phrased from I Peter 5:8). Our assign- tweaks to your workout can make big learning new exercises, there are numer- ment, should we choose to accept it is to changes inspiring you to stay the course. ous fitness programs on cable and local stop these minions in their tracks. The bible tells us “And let us not be television stations as well as fitness DVD’s To help you stop workout saboteurs, weary in well doing: for in due season we that can assist you in meeting your fitness pick up the pace, re-gain your stride and shall reap if we fain not” (Galatians: 6:9) needs. stay on the road to fitness success, we will Finally, using commercials to perform Fatigue identify the potential pitfalls and prob- exercises like crunches, planks, push ups, lems that these workout saboteurs can jumping jacks, chair dips or any other cause and how to combat them form of body weight exercises can help to Being too tired can quickly de-rail the provide a quick circuit training program. Boredom most earnest attempts to get in a workout. For example: The quickest way to combat this workout During T.V. Program- Stationary Cy- saboteur is to get a good night’s sleep. If cling Boredom is a dangerously sneaky that is not possible, give yourself some 1st Commercial Break- Push Ups and workout saboteur. It starts subtly and midday pick-me ups. Performing deep Chair Dips slowly grows in intensity until you find breathing techniques will allow you to TV Program- Stationary Cycling yourself no longer at the gym, but on the get much needed oxygen to the brain and 2nd Commercial Break- Calf Raises sofa watching the latest episode of your your muscles which help to increase ener- TV program- Stationary Cycling favorite TV show with a bag of chips in gy, focus and decrease tension. Standing, 3rd Commercial Break- Abdominal one hand and a soda in the other. stretching or taking a short walk around Crunches or Planks Common forms of boredom include your office or around the block will also Television is often looked at as an evil boredom with your actual fitness sched- provide quick relief from daytime fatigue. time waster, but if used effectively it can ule, fitness program and working out in actually assist you in your fitness program. Finally, whatever you decide to do, use Outside general. Boredom with your fitness schedule your time wisely as time is a precious gift Distractions normally is caused by the repetition of that God gives freely to each of us. how your fitness and daily routine are Spring is here, give a cheer renew your performed (i.e. AM/Lunchtime or PM commitment to fitness this year, keep workout followed by work at the office Distractions are the worst type of workout saboteurs at bay and you will or home, chores and bed). Performing workout saboteur and with so much vying reach your goals with- this ritual day in and day out could make for our attention it is difficult to a com- out delay. the liveliest person want to snooze. If plete workout session. Some of the top your workout schedule is in the doldrums distractions are the telephone, the televi- Yvonne Bennett is a Wellness coach and per- shake it up by making a change instead sion, friends and family. sonal trainer and owner of working out in the morning move of Coach Bennett Well- your workout to lunchtime or evening. The Telephone ness Coaching Services Make exercise a part of your day,. Activi- in Buffalo Grove, IL. ties such as briskly walking the stairs, or Yvonne has 20 years of personal training and cli- briskly walking from the back of the park- ent service experience. She is also the director for ing lot, stretching at your desk, or working Turn the ringer down or off, or resolve the Spirit Fit Ministry at Trinity Baptist Com- your core by sitting on a resistance ball at not to answer during your workout time. munity Church in Crystal Lake, Il, a ministry your desk are great ways to incorporate Let your voicemail, the answering ma- dedicated to providing bible based fitness educa- exercise into your day. chine or family act as your personal assis- tion and programs. If you have questions or re- tant during your workout sessions. quire more information you may contact Yvonne If bored with your fitness routine now at may be a good time to hire a personal trainer to get you started on a program. Meeting with a trainer for 3-4 sessions The Television is a great way to get you started and fa- The television can actually be used as miliarized with your program. Follow up your workout companion. To use the tele- with your trainer every 6 to 8 weeks is vision effectively, choose a 30 minute pro- recommended to revise your program to gram, and workout for the duration of the keep you challenged and increasing your show, this allows you to get 30 minutes of fitness level overtime. If your routine has exercise and it is especially affective when gotten routine, move your inside workout doing a cardiovascular workout such as outside and your outside workout inside, stationary cycling, walking on a treadmill, SPRING 2010 | WOW! 11
  • 12. Fa s h i o n & B e a u t y w i t h G e n e a n C r o s s Spring 2010 “The Look for Less” We took all of Spring 2010 must have trends from the runways of New York and Paris by designers like Narciso Rodriguez, the late great Alexander McQueen and Basso & Brooke and setout to find the looks for less. Designers are mixing and matching prints all over the runway, if they have it their way you’ll be mixing and matching head to toe. And I’m not just talking florals, I’ve seen tribal motifs, digital designs were engineered for a more intense impact. Our first trend of the season: Pattern Play Designer Basso & Brooke Jewel Embellished Arden B $78 Floral Dress $37 How best to head into this new season? With a clean slate. Fashion this season has rediscovered that less is more, simplistic yet feminine. Dresses at Calvin Klein Collection and Donna Karan billowed and frilled,feminine takes on tailoring; at Michael Kors’ cutouts and thigh high slits. Second Trend of the season: A Clean Slate $178 Commanders Daughter $59.99 Designer Steven Burrows 12 WOW! |SPRING 2010
  • 13. The military influence is still ubiquitous on and off the Spring runways(the flak jacket may even have replaced the leather bomber as the official outerwear of your MOD. a.k.a. model off duty) Look for more dressed up takes on uniform dressing from the likes of Mr. Sequined Camo Leggings himself, Balmain’s Christophe Decarnin and Haider Ackerman. Only I found those very looks for less at some of my favs like BeBe, and H&M…so about face ladies. Third trend of the season: Marching Orders Twelve by Twelve $34 Designer Aquilano Rimondi Minx, Minx, Minx!! What are they you may say? Sparkly metgallics,personalized graphics and photo-quality designs made of flexible film. Minx give women completely customized nails that can feature the exact pattern and colors of their newest gown, their favorite photo or that seasons hottest design. The downside to this trend is not only the price which can set you back up to $200, but because of it’s intricate design I would highly recommend that they be applied by a profes- sional. Beauty 4 Less Nail Art Made Easy! Sally Hansen Nail Art Pen is unique and has a fast drying formula that allows anyone to “Design and Go” and if that’s not enough the pen comes in eight vibrant colors and affordably priced for as little as $6 at your local Walmart or Drug store. Fashion questions? Contact Genean at Don’t forget to email Designer Celion Genean with article ideas, Q & A and pictures of you and your Star Style. And check out her log You’ll find more fashion and beauty tips, trends and even freebies plus giveaways. And check out my blog You’ll find more fashion and beauty tips, trends and even freebies plus giveaways SPRING 2010 | WOW! 13
  • 14. When A Family Member Struggles With Fear, Anxiety And Addiction W BY STANLEY POPOVICH experience, begin to learn what works, have that option of going elsewhere if hat do you do when what doesn’t work, and what you need to you are unhappy at your present location. a family member has improve on in managing your fears and Changing your thinking can help you to deal with persis- anxieties. For instance, you have a lot of manage your fears. tent fears, anxieties, anxiety and you decide to take a walk to Another thing to remember is that or even addiction? help you feel better. The next time you feel things change and events do not stay the Well the first thing you need to do is to anxious you can remind yourself that you same. For instance, you may feel over- get the person to seek the services of a got through it the last time by taking a whelmed today with your anxiety and feel professional who can lead them in the walk. This will give you the confidence that this is how you will feel the rest of the right direction and give them the help to manage your anxiety the next time week or month. This isn’t correct. No one they need. In addition, here are some oth- around. can predict the future with one hundred er techniques you can use to help a family Challenge your negative thinking with percent accuracy. Even if the thing that member cope. positive statements and realistic thinking. you feared does happen there are circum- Learn as much as you can in managing When encountering thoughts that make stances and factors that you can’t predict anxiety and depression. There are many your fearful or anxious, challenge those which can be used to your advantage. You books and information that will educate thoughts by asking yourself questions never know when the help and answers you on how to deal with fear and anxiety. that will maintain objectivity and com- you are looking for will come to you. Share this information with the person mon sense. For example, you are afraid who is struggling. Education is the key that if you do not get that job promotion Stan Popovich is the author of “A Layman’s Guide in finding the answers your looking for in then you will be stuck at your job forever. to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christian- managing your fears. This depresses you, however your think- ity and Non Resistant Methods” - an easy to read book that presents a general overview of tech- Be understanding and patient with the ing in this situation is unrealistic. The fact niques that are effective in managing persistent family member struggling with their fears. of the matter is that there all are kinds of fears and anxieties. For additional information Dealing with depression and anxiety can jobs available and just because you don’t go to: be difficult for the person so do not add get this job promotion doesn’t mean that more problems than what is already there. you will never get one. In addition, people In every anxiety-related situation you change jobs all the time, and you always 14 WOW! SPRING 2010
  • 15. Moving Up Higher with Joyce Meyer How to Defeat Doubt and Unbelief Once and for All I have developed a “life attitude” Every day you need to say, “Something When the devil spoke to Him, Jesus re- that makes me more than a con- good is going to happen to me today. I can sponded, “It is written…” and quoted the queror in Christ Jesus: “I’m go- hardly wait to see what God is going to Word of God. He used the Word as a ing to finish my course, enjoy the do in my life today!” weapon to overcome the lies of the enemy. journey, fulfill my destiny and have And you especially need to speak this We can do the same thing. We can re- everything Jesus died for me to have!” when the devil is trying to flood your spond to the thoughts the devil brings to Before I learned to live with this atti- mind with doubts. The way you fight the our mind with the truth of God’s Word. tude, I struggled with two things the devil devil is by opening your mouth and saying We can feed our faith with the Word, often threw at me: doubt and unbelief. what God says. Don’t just let the devil use rather than feeding doubt with the devil’s Doubt and unbelief are big problems your mind as a garbage dump. lies. for Christians. They are negative and dis- Learn How to Doubt Your Doubts Decide to doubt your doubts and be- courage us. They cause us to make poor You may be thinking, I just can’t help lieve what God says it true. Talk about choices, which make life difficult. They it…I wish I could believe and not doubt. the good things God has done, not the cause us to say things like, “I wish I could But the truth is, you can! God wouldn’t problems. Spend time with people who lose weight,” or “I wish my kids would be- tell us to believe in Him if it wasn’t pos- feed your faith, encourage you and believe have,” or “I wish I could keep my house sible for us to do it. We can defeat doubt God. clean,” or “I wish I had better relation- and unbelief if we know how to do it. Refuse to be a lazy Christian and re- ships.” So how do we do it? How do we be- sist a passive, apathetic attitude. Be deter- We need to stop wishing for things and lieve God and live by faith? Romans 10:17 mined to do your part to build your faith. make up our minds that God will help us (NKJV) tells us how: “Faith comes by Never give up. And you will defeat doubt to have wisdom, make good choices, and hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” and unbelief ! overcome our trials and tribulations if we The key here is the Word of God. We will put our faith in Him. need to love the Word of God and go For more on this topic, order Joyce’s four-CD series And doubt and unbelief interrupt faith. after it like we go after food when we’re Never Give Up! You can also contact us to receive Another way we struggle with doubt really hungry. When we’re hungry, we’ll our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting and unbelief is by thinking God won’t usually do what we need to do to get food. Joyce Meyer is a New York Times help us because we haven’t done every- God’s Word is medicine for our soul bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer thing right. Or believing that God is will- and the food we need to keep our spirit Ministries, Inc. She has authored more than 80 ing to help other people but not me. strong. It has inherent power to change books, including Battlefield of the Mind and The But God doesn’t expect perfection our lives when it is mixed with faith. Love Revolution (Hachette). She hosts the Enjoy- from us. God works in our lives through Study the Word and speak the Word. We ing Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which faith. He wants us to trust Him, believe need to talk about the good things God air on hundreds of stations worldwide. For more in Him, have faith in Him, and have a has done and not the problems. information, visit hopeful, positive attitude. He wants us to In Luke 4, when Jesus was in the wil- expect Him to do good things in our lives. derness, the devil came to tempt Him. SPRING 2010 | WOW! 15
  • 16. Careers and Christ WHAT BOX? …they speak a vision of their own heart. Not from the mouth of the Lord. Jeremiah 23:16 R BY STEPHANIE C. HARPER appearances, attending political and religious gatherings and vis- eady to think outside of the box? Ready to have a iting various places. paradigm shift? Ready to be a trailblazer? Follow With so much to do in so little time, Jesus had very little time the cross and you will make it. When God has put to be concerned about the box people wanted to confine Him a unique task before you, you cannot wait on the to - and likewise - so do you. If you want God to move in your approval of others, take a committee vote, or allow career, roll away any stones standing in the road to your destiny. anyone to hold you back. It is a natural thing for people to of- You have so much to learn, do and become. Your blessing is too fer questions, comments and observations about your plans. You great to allow people to hold you back. The next time someone have a mission to accomplish and your task is not complete until asks you to think outside the box - just ask “what box?” it is done. When Jesus moved, He moved in power. The thing which Stephanie C. Harper, PHR, CCP, CHRM is certified human resources makes his death so ugly is the fact that His life was so miracu- professional, author, career expert , and Publisher of CAREER Magazine lous. Even amidst hypocrites, rejection and ridicule, He accom- plished amazing things. An overview includes: 36 miracles, 38 parables, 19 prayers, 45 predictions, 16 sermons, 36 dialogues, 22 old testament quotes, the 10-fold proof of His deity, the 30-fold proof of His humanity, 37 old testament prophecies, 27 souls converted, 15 kinds of sufferings, 7 last words, 10 resurrection 16 WOW! |SPRING 2010
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  • 18. WOWderful Woman Sherri Shepherd Faith from her VIEW 18 WOW! |SPRING 2010 18
  • 19. Sherri Shepherd is a breath of fresh air. In this candid interview she shares the pain of her divorce, her life as a single mother, and how she found Jesus at the darkest moment in her life. BY CANDIE A. PRICE wouldn’t take long. I decided to be a le- friend said, “Sherri, if you never try, you Candie A. Price: We are very excited to gal secretary because it looked like I could will never know.” And with that a bunch talk to you today. Where did you grow up make the most money without a college of girls put together some money for me, and what was your childhood like? degree. So that’s what I did, it wasn’t like because I was always getting my check Sherri Shepherd: I grew up in Chicago. I was happy being a legal secretary. I think garnished because of tax liens, it was $600 Then we moved to the Brookwood sub- that everybody that is in law has an artis- to take a comedy class and they all gave urbs when I was about eleven, right in the tic side. Every lawyer I ever met wanted to me the money. That was how it started, middle of roots when Toby got his foot be an author or an actor. the comedy class was for six weeks, I went cut off. I say that because I went to an That’s how I became a legal secretary. I to a club and did their variety show and all white school and Toby getting his foot did it for a number of years and was quite won $100 and was hooked - telling sto- cut off – that was the news of the day at good at it and made a wonderful salary. I ries about my life that people could relate school. I had a really wonderful child- think at the time I was making $42,000 a to. I think that’s why people say, “Why hood - I’m a daddy’s girl. My family was year, which was really good back in 1995 do you tell all your business?” Because it Jehovah’s Witnesses and on Sundays we but I was always making people laugh - helps me - I’ve always done that even as a would go to the Kingdom Hall and my I had been making people laugh since little girl, my father would say, “Why are mom would cook and we would go to my I was little. And one day a bunch of us you telling everything that goes on in this grandmom’s house in Chicago and all the decided - there were eight of us legal sec- house?” Because it makes people laugh! I cousins would put on a talent show for retaries, and we decided to have a night would talk about things that I go through the older folks and I would make people on the town and we went to Sizzler’s and and it makes people laugh - even when I laugh. We would dance - we had a dance had the all you can eat shrimp and then tell people what I’m going through now it called the California Shake, I will never we went to The Comedy Store. Before makes people laugh because I seem to tell forget that. It was a really good child- the show started I was making a lot of it in a funny way. hood- I just remember a lot of good times. the ladies laugh around me and Andrew Dice Clay got up on stage - I had never CAP: Well, that’s a blessing to be that Candie A. Price - Currently you are best thought of doing comedy before, but An- transparent because even though you’re known as co-host on The View, but some drew Dice Clay got up on the stage and making people laugh it makes them re- of us have watched your career evolve made all of those women so angry with flect on their own issues. Sometimes we through shows like The Jamie Foxx Show, all that hickory dickory dock rhymes and think that we are so alone and we go Friends, Beauty Shop and other roles, and this lady turned around at the table and through things all by ourselves and when I’ve heard you talk of your job as a legal said, “Sherri, you’re funnier than him, we hear other people’s stories it does help. secretary. Being a former legal secretary you should do this.” And it was like this How did you wind up on The View? That myself, I can relate to your aspiration of seed was planted in my mind and from was a major move for you. wanting to do something else, not that then on it wasn’t so much listening to SS: That was God! When people ask me there is anything wrong with being a legal what the comics who got up- what they I have to say that was Jesus! It was NOT secretary. But how did you go from being said, I looked at how they affected the me. I’ve always had two dreams -one was a legal secretary to being a co-host on a audience. Charlie Fleisher got up, Eddie to have my own talk show and the other major television show like The View? Griffin got up and they made the audi- was to have my own sitcom. I had already SS: I became a legal secretary as a Jeho- ence move as one with the laughter - with done a pilot for my own talk show but it vah’s Witness. They didn’t encourage the stuff that everybody could relate to. I wasn’t picked up, they had picked up Ra- kids to go to college, it was pretty much went up to Eddie Griffin after the show, chael Ray and The View came about be- discouraged. I really wanted to go to col- he thought I was a groupie, but I asked cause I was on a sitcom called Less Than lege and since it was discouraged what for his advice, which I never forgot was Perfect and I was just trying to get on The teenagers did after high school was get “do it scared.” Because I said, “I’m scared View to promote the sitcom. But they al- a trade because the main focus was to to do this.” And he said, “Do it scared!” ways said no. Bill Getty would always say be in field service - you know, when you I called up all my girlfriends that night we don’t know who Sherri Shepherd is- are out there talking to people about The around midnight and asked them, “Do we don’t know if she can sit on the couch Watch Tower and The Wake and becom- you think I could do stand-up?” And a for five minutes and hold a conversation. ing Jehovah’s Witnesses - that was to be bunch of them said, “No, Sherri, you have That was pretty much what every talk our main focus. Since I was encouraged a great job, you’re making your money, show said; Ellen, and I don’t recall who to get a trade, I looked into being a court you’ve got your pension plan, you’re going else was out at the time - even though reporter and a legal secretary because it to be struggling to make it.” But one girl- talking is what I do. My publicist kept SPRING 2010 | WOW! 19
  • 20. calling them - everybody on the sitcom don’t know what God has for you.” I said, ries, it’s been a dream and God brought it had been on The View except me. But “No, No, I see what they put Ms. Jones to fruition. What’s your show’s premise? one day, unfortunately, Johnnie Cochran through, uh, uh. And I told them no and I SS: My show, Sherri, is also a Godsend. had passed away and Star Jones had to said, “Lord, did I make a mistake? I want It’s based on my life and it’s based on my go to the funeral and my publicist hap- to do sitcoms.” And I don’t know, my pas- stand-up of my real life of having been pened to be calling that day - I was on tor just kept talking about ‘run toward married and my husband had an affair bed rest because I was pregnant, and they what you fear the most’ and it confirmed with a white woman and the girl got preg- said we need someone to fill in for Star, my “do it scared” and that’s my motto nant. And there were times when I would if she can be on the plan tomorrow we’re now. If you fear it, Sherri, run toward it. lay in bed and cry -for almost a year - and going to have a co-host. I talked to my And I’ve gotten in more trouble because my friends would pray with me and I just doctor and asked if I was going to have of my mouth! remember the Lord saying, “Peace be the baby in the air and she said no. They still.” And the Lord would say in my mo- wheeled me in a wheelchair to my seat CAP: But that’s a good thing because you ments of darkness, “Do you trust me?” and on the plane and to my hotel and I co- learn, you grow, and then you move on. I would say, “Absolutely NOT, no way. My hosted. Joy liked me and so whenever she SS: But I have grown in so many ways. baby almost died he’s in NICU, my best was gone she’d say, “Use Sherri.” Then I Because I run toward those things I fear friend is with another woman, there’s a got to co-host next to Star and she’d say, and have learned to rely on God in a new baby on the way- no, I don’t trust you, “You are really funny.” And it just seemed and fresh way every single day, more than NO. And I would lay in bed and I would people started liking me co-hosting and I ever have before. My very first sea- cry, I didn’t want to get out of bed, didn’t I think I hold the record for want to change my clothes, co-hosting - I think I co- didn’t comb my hair, didn’t hosted 23 or 24 times. So wear a wig - it was awful! when they asked me, Rosie “I wanted to kill my husband and And every day the Lord O’Donnell asked me - and would say, “Will you trust I was terrified of co-hosting God said no, if you kill him then me? Will you trust me?” with Rosie - I was there for And I had gotten to the Rosie’s first fight and I was you’re going to prison and I said point where I said, “I’ve there for Rosie’s last fight. got nothing else to do but The very reasons I was I was willing to accept that call- trust you. Everything in scared to be on The View as a regular, because they had ing! I wanted to beat up the girl my life is falling a part.” And I started going to the been asking me, was because and Niecey Nash, one of my best comedy clubs and I started I didn’t think I was smart talking about this because enough and I didn’t think I friends, had to come to my aid.” that has always helped was funny enough, because me through what I’m go- they had already had co- ing through. I wanted to medians on the show, and I kill my husband and God didn’t like to debate people. I said no, if you kill him then knew my faith and I knew you couldn’t son I got into so much trouble with my you’re going to prison and I said I was shout on the show, “I love Jesus!” mouth - I was nervous and I used to have willing to accept that calling! I wanted The very things I was scared to do are- these scriptures -my prosperity scrip- to beat up the girl and Niecey Nash, one what Rosie liked. Rosie, the very first time tures -when I was living in California - of my best friends, had to come to my aid. I co-hosted, said, “I would like for you to ‘Bring all the tithes into the storehouse... But women started coming up to me be on the show every day because I think he’s pouring out blessings, but, girl, my to tell me that they were going through you’re smart, you’re funny and I love your first year on The View it was all Psalms - the same thing and I had made them faith.” And I looked at Rosie and said, ‘Lord, the enemy is trying to tear my life laugh instead of cry. So when the people “You guys are crazy, y’all work my nerves, a part - you are my shadow...I was on the approached me about doing a show for no way!” When I was there her last day, floor moaning in prayer. I’m David, Lord, me they asked me what was going on in I think what they liked about me is that I’m in a cave with no clothes on. I don’t my life and I started doing my stand-up I tried to make light of it. Whenever think I’ve done a tithe or prosperity scrip- and they said, “We want to do this be- stuff happens that’s crazy, I want to make ture in three years! All my scriptures are cause it’s so raw and powerful.” Lifetime people laugh and I told Joy, ‘let’s pretend the wisdom of God confounds the world came and said, ‘we want to do it’ and I like we’re getting up from the table’ - it - You will never leave me nor forsake me, was absolutely floored that my laying in made people laugh and I think they liked where I am weak, you are strong! Those bed, my tears birthed a show that makes that I didn’t go around talking about what are my scriptures! people laugh and talks about healing, happened. And they kept asking me and I and talks about forgiveness. On my show said, no, no, no. And girlfriends who hold CAP: I know that’s right! That’s awesome! we’ve kind of sped up the forgiveness part me accountable, kept saying, “Sherri, you Tell me a little about your television se- -the other girl, we call her the Quiz-ho on 20 WOW! |SPRING 2010
  • 21. the show because she works at Quizno’s SS: I’ve said to Elizabeth, because Eliza- besides the Lord?” If I didn’t have Jesus Subs - but we show how we have forged beth is a Christian, “Girl, you know Jesus in my life and prayer, I don’t know where a relationship and how, Malcolm Jamaal is coming back! He’s coming back next I would be. Because there are just some Warner, who plays my husband -how he week at 3:45 - you know this so why we days when I got to get on my knees and wants to make his marriage work and re- arguing over this stuff ?” And she would I don’t even know what I’m praying for. I alizes he made a mistake and how I come laugh, and say you can’t say that! You can’t remember calling Niecey one time when through with the help of my girlfriends, say that when you have someone like I was fighting for custody of my son and which is what happened in real life. One Bill Mahr who comes on the show and going through the divorce and everybody character is based on Niecey, all my girl- thinks all Christians are crazy, you can’t told me I was not going to get custody friends gathered around me in prayer, let say certain things. So we have to do it in of my baby and the odds were against me cry and scream. You know you have a way that people can understand and you me. And I remember calling Niecey and some snot sessions when you are on the don’t want to sound crazy but you don’t saying, “I don’t know what a panic attack floor wailing and your girlfriends will want to deny who you are either. There feels like, but I’m having one.” And she be right on the floor with you and they are times when we go to talk about stuff said God will give you the blessing and just speak in tongues while you just cry I’ll just say, Lord, I am just scared today, the enemy will make it so you won’t en- out. I remember being in church and the I’m just plain flat out scared. You know, joy it and she prayed with me. I just have pastor was dismissing service and I was I would love to be Juanita Bynum and a real strong group of girls that when I like AAHHHHH (screaming) and all come out with something deep, you know call them and I don’t know what to pray my girlfriends, I just remembered being how some people open their mouths and they will pray with me. And there are only smothered in breasts! And pastor was like come out with some deep word - that aint about four of them and when I get to L.A. ‘don’t worry about what’s going on over never happen with me! NEVER! When I and I visit, I’ll link with them and we’ll there - just put your arms out, Sherri’s go- thought it was that’s when I said I didn’t have dinner and we’ll pray. So prayer for ing through something.” So my show is know if the earth was round or flat! I me...I always tell people if you give God based on that, but also how I’m moving thought everybody was going to be saved the time in the morning, he’ll give time forward and how I’m dealing with being that day and it was my first week! I could for you through the rest of the day. That’s a single mom and single woman, which say no wrong, I was a warrior! (laughing) what gets me through. If you ask me what is what I’m going through now, being a I pray and Elizabeth encourages me and gets me through - it’s my Lord and Savior single woman at 42. And I love that in when we’re going through stuff she’ll grip Jesus! the show I’m my own age, I’m a grown my thigh or I’ll grip her thigh and she woman, they don’t have me playing a 20 says, “Sherri, you only have to please an CAP: You’re definitely busy with your ca- year old. They tried to make me 20 and audience of one!” And that’s what I always reer and raising your son and so many of I said, “Y’all better quit!” Ain’t no 20 year remember when I get a little fearful I only us can relate as we wear many hats on a old going through this mess, this is grown have to please an audience of one. At the daily basis. But what do you do, just for woman stuff ! I think people will like the end of the day I look up and say did I do Sherri? What do you do for fun? show because it’s funny and it’s family. what you told me to do? SS: I love to karaoke. We’ve broken records at Lifetime with the show - we’ve got men watching the CAP: Exactly, and if I didn’t, thank you CAP: (laughing) really? show, and families, not just women. We for another chance! SS: Yes! because I can’t sing! I was on were the most watched comedy in the SS: Yes, thank you for another chance! Donnie McKlurkin’s show and I told him ten-year history of Lifetime. When I look My daddy watches every day and he’ll call that so many of his songs had gotten me at that I say that’s Jesus! Do you trust me and say, “You’ve gotta stop talking, telling through and he said maybe we can do a to do a Romans 8:28 All things work to- people you’re horny.” And I’ll say, “But, duet. I said, No, I will karaoke with you! I gether for the good of them that love me Daddy, that’s who I am.” And I’ll say, well don’t know why people think I can sing, I and are called according to my purpose, Lord, you know what I was trying to say! must look like I can sing! And I went to but that’s okay because even if you don’t, But honestly I stay on my knees. Those his church on New Year’s and he looked I’m going to do it! (laughing) days when I don’t pray are when I get in like he wanted to call me up on stage and the most daggone trouble! I was like, “you better put that karaoke CAP: Isn’t that just like God? Wonderful! machine on stage!” Cause I’ll do a mean How do you balance being a Christian CAP: Well, Sherri, a lot of women can version of “Never Would Have Made with the life of celebrity? Has it been dif- relate to you because you speak openly It!” I love playing Taboo and Charades. I ficult maintaining your principles in the about your divorce, weight loss struggles, don’t get to read anymore, but I used to business? and being a single mother. What do you read a lot. You know, my son and I we love SS: Oh, sure. Absolutely! It happens on think has helped you the most through to dance all day. I really enjoy being with The View all the time. We’ll have a dis- your struggles in life, what has given you my baby. cussion and I’ll be like, “Oh, Lord.” strength to overcome those issues? CAP: Yes, I’ve seen some of those mo- SS: Man, it sounds cliché to some people CAP: How old is he now? ments and had to pray for you and say, that are not believers and they may say, “Come on Sherri, you can do this!” “Are you going to say the Lord? What Continued on Page 38 SPRING 2010 | WOW! 21
  • 22. Christina Dixon Reconfigured Settings T here is no frustration quite like the aggravation you Let’s face it; He has configurations for the lives of all His feel when you find that the settings on your com- children. Yet, too often we come along, believing we know how puter have been changed without your permis- things should go, and change things to suit us. We are clueless sion. Such was the case for me when my husband about how much we’re disconnecting things. I can only imagine changed the USB location of my portable hard how frustrated God is with us at times. drive on my multiple USB hub. For my friends who are not tech Recently, I’ve been meditating on how my settings are being savvy, it was much like knowing that you put your favorite out- reconfigured. For years I worked a full-time job, while doing my fits in your closet only to find that someone moved them to the passion part-time. After being downsized I’ve gone to full-time basement or the garage without asking. entrepreneurship. What a change! Talk about reconfiguration. I Of course my husband’s intent was to help, but without real- had waited years for the opportunity to work my business full- izing the problems he was causing, he completely reconfigured time. Now, without the illusion of security my job had provided the settings on my computer. Consequently I was unable to lo- I have to really trust Him. I know that since I belong to Him He cate the paths of frequently used templates. Arghhh! His chang- will arrange things in whatever order He sees fit. Today, I know ing things created software connection issues which forced me that He is Jehovah-jireh, my Provider. Are you feeling me? I said, to uninstall and reinstall software packages. I spent almost 1.5 I know He is Jehovah-jireh! hours reconfiguring things back to the way I had them. Talk Maybe like me, your sense of security has been challenged as about irritating! God reconfigures your settings. If your heart screams out in frus- As I worked to figure out what had happened, I murmured tration because things are not where you left them, stop. Take a and grumbled prayers of irritation until it hit me, my husband deep breath. Remember that He is Jehovah-jireh. You are His. changed things unintentionally. It forced me to ask myself, “Am You belong to Him. As Sovereign Lord of your life He is free I this frustrated when God comes along and intentionally re- to configure and reconfigure your settings as little or as much configures my settings?” Here I was griping about how my hus- as He likes. Rest in the knowledge that He always knows what band’s inadvertent changes were made to my computer. Had I He’s doing. ever considered that in the beginning God had configured things to work a certain way only to have Adam and Eve reconfigure © 2010 Christina Dixon All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission. Chris- things in such a way that the paths to His Divine templates were tina Dixon is an author, speaker, and publisher whose life mission is the En- courage, Challenge, and Inspire. To contact her visit her website at www. disrupted so that mankind no longer had direct connection to or email God’s original intent? 22 WOW! |SPRING 2010
  • 24. INTERVIEW WITH AUTHOR SHAWNA M. HARRISON I BY LATONJA FLOWERS met Shawna, a 29 yr old author from Tennessee through social Sexual abuse, incest, drugs, violence, self- mutilation, these networking sites. A current trend are just one of the many life challenges writer Shawna of our times on how much things M. Harrison has experienced and overcome. MY TRUE change in media, social network- ing has proven useful in doing this inter- SOUL: EXPLOITED, APPREHENDED, AND view. I have to first say that in meeting BROKEN WITHIN is the new autobiography for this first Shawna I began to see just how much this beautiful young soul has overcome time author. In this memoir Harrison shares raw emotions and you would indeed think it hard not and graphic detail of a tumultuous life filled with nothing to feel broken hearted yourself if not for but hurt and pain, that was triggered by childhood sexual the redemptive measure we can now see victoriously working in this woman’s life. abuse from the three men who should have been in her life I believe this interview will be a redeem- for love and protection. ing seed for so many who feel they are alone dealing with past abuse. LATONJA FLOWERS: Shawna your LF: I can see how writing your book help is using what you went through to inspire book delves into a very serious subject to release the pain you went through, in others, when someone comes from an please tell our readers your inspiration for authoring My True Sou..l” were hoping to abusive background the healing process writing this book? also reach others? can take years or essentially a person’s SHAWNA M. HARRISON: God gave SMH: Writing this autobiography I had whole life, do you consider yourself fully me this book to write, I feel very strongly no one else in mind but myself, like I said, healed and if still ongoing how far in the that he knew that I needed to release all God gave me this book, because I have process are you? these emotions, thoughts, feelings, pain, never written anything in my life, except SMH: No I don’t think that I am fully discomfort, bitterness, self-mutilation little love notes back and forth in school. healed from my past pain, but I am very that I caused to myself. I needed to write I didn’t anticipate the response that I have much further in my relationship with this book for me to finally be able to heal, received from those that have truly been God now then before, I didn’t know him grow, release, and move forward with the inspired from my PAIN. at all throughout my emotional troubles. life that He has for me.... LF: Wow it’s a blessing to see how God LF: What would you say to someone in 24 WOW! |SPRING 2010
  • 25. the beginning stages of dealing with past struggle in this lifestyle, based on your LF:Yes I can absolutely see how impact- abuse? experience what would you say to them ing your book will be for those who have SMH: NEVER STOP PRAYING TO now? endured abuse in their past and I pray that GOD!!! Trust someone to share your SMH: We all have to answer for our own God will bless you more and more, en- story with, it will help to release it and get actions, whatever the sin may be, I can’t larging your platform to reach the masses! some counsel from someone you trust. nor will I judge. You have to walk your SMH: I thank you dearly! LF: I agree with you, it’s so important to own walk with God just like I am. What- Shawna’s story is one that should be trust in God even if you don’t know Him ever we are trying to walk away from, pray told because you will gain an experi- I encourage those reading to get to know to God for it, and keep that attitude of ence with her that through God and His Him... we should always pray in faith FAITH and EXPECTANCY promises we are victorious. Shawna cur- about everything and circumstance that LF: Amen!!! Many times gifts you find rently promotes her book with local and concerns us (Philippians 4:6, 7) knowing working in Independent artists are born national media and is available for speak- that God is faithful to keep those issues through adversity and pain, what advice ing engagements. we bring to Him. Speaking of God and to other Indie’s would you give on how to Contact: shawna_mytruesoul@yahoo. church what would you want church lead- stay victorious in their purpose and plan com. Visit her online at ers and Christians in general to know on for God? or how to counsel or be a friend to someone SMH: Stay focused on God and his pur- call 615-719-6797 whose survived sexual abuse in their past? pose for your life, that’s what I’m doing. ©2010 Latonja Flowers Latonja Flowers is a SMH: Be extremely supportive, patient LF: In terms of giving back and paying it dedicated wife, mother, indie apparel designer and and compassionate in there walk with this forward...what ideas do you have for oth- founder of HerSoul Business Group LLC an in- die community that recognizes independant artist pain. Not to look at it as some childhood ers Indies in using their gifts to give back who use their gifts in philathropic outreach. Visit issue that they/we should have gotten to the community and/or the world? her online over already. SMH: God allows us to go through LF: You are very open about your past, be- things to help others along the way, plus ing attracted to women and how you lived God blesses us to bless others.... so there a lesbian lifestyle. Many men and women you go!!! SPRING 2010 | WOW! 25
  • 26. J o A n n Fo r e I Have The Right To Remain Safe, But Do I Really Want To? T he tips of my fingers traced experience the wonders of the world? rights exhausts us. Deprives us. Cripples the cracked crevices of ar- Now here I stood. Awestruck. Tucked us. God longs for us to live free of these chaic stones. Stones which in a remote corner of the Coliseum among obsessions. Imagine, as Nancy suggests, harbored the silent wails nearly 2,000-year-old partial ruins. The how different our lives could be if we were of gallant gladiators and majestic yet oddly humble ruins of Rome. willing to say yes to whatever God has in wild beasts whose staged deadly combats The words of Nancy Guthrie, author of store, even if that means being out of con- served as mere public entertainment. Holding On to Hope, circled my mind. trol. My feet were planted on the grounds Two days prior to my European depar- The rewards of surrender are great. As of one of Rome’s most famous landmarks, ture, a friend had shared a link to Nancy’s I turned away from the Coliseum, God the Coliseum. Roman parables and poli- podcast ( kissed the sky with a double rainbow el- tics climbed from the storage files of my “God wants to show us what it’s like to egantly arched overtop the regal ruins. mind. Standing in the silence of the an- really live free of an obsession with per- The spectrum colors spoke to me of God’s cient amphitheatre, the atmosphere felt sonal safety,” Nancy encouraged. reliable promises, over 7,000 of them in thick, the carnage real, and the logic com- Nancy got it. She understood my His Word. pletely senseless. struggle—a divine passion blocked by I didn’t have to be afraid to come here. I’d dreamt of coming here for years. crippling fear. And Nancy knew that isn’t God promised. By faith, I had to accept it. From countless travel brochures, the what God intends for us. And once I surrendered my right and my silhouette of this colossal architecture She voiced what I denied. I was ob- need to be safe, God opened up a whole draped across the sky had beckoned me, sessed with my personal safety. Not a cau- new adventure. Imagine how much of the “Come.” tious self-awareness, rather a consuming world is a short ten-hour flight away. My deep-rooted, passionate desire obsession. I demanded my right to be safe. to see the world often pierced my heart, In control. And I avoided, at all costs, any Jo Ann Fore is a Certified Life Purpose Coach®. though, for I was afraid to fly. Even the environment which left me feeling out of Visit her at and www.sni- slices of Roman ruins couldn’t lure me control; such as flying in a jet, over the 4,500 miles away from the safety of my Atlantic ocean at an altitude of 30,000 home. feet for 10½ hours. Or could they? We struggle with surrendering our Over six months ago I planned this “rights” to God. Our right to be safe and trip, but not without cancellation insur- secure. Our right to be healthy. Our right ance. Almost daily, I wondered if I would to have our children live a good, long, pro- really go. Would I, could I, overcome my tected life. fear of flying? Just how bad did I want to However, the battle to maintain our 26 WOW! |SPRING 2010
  • 27. rfully Wde ! WO unny F concentration A Joyful ‘toon by Mike Waters © 2007 Michael D. Waters You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. – IsaIah 26:3 esv
  • 28. Chiku’ Griffin Celebrity Style Bride H ere comes the Bride! One of the most important days of your life is finally here. As you walk down the aisle with butterflies in your stomach and the overwhelming feeling of joy of becoming Mrs. Jones, you can do so with the total confidence of knowing that you have put your best foot forward with your Ce- lebrity-Style Makeover. Months of planning usually goes into making your dream come true. Make sure your Wedding Planner is well-informed of your vision for your wedding. Of utmost importance is the photo im- age album that will capture your vision forever, so make sure both you and your bridesmaids have the best possible beauty makeover. Celebrity Style Bride Makeover List: 1. Beauty consultation: Contact a health and beauty professional for consultation three to five month prior to the wedding. You will be provided with everything you need to know as well as sup- port along the way to look and feel like a celebrity bride on your wedding day. 2. Hair: Pre-styling for Bridal images. Planning the perfect hair- style with headpiece, whether you will be wearing your hair down or in a formal updo. 3. Skin: Taking care of your skin with a great skincare line is the best way to stay clear of any acne problems. 4. Make-up: Make sure your foundation is matching, your eye- brows are properly shaped and enough time is allowed for lash ap- plication 5. Body: Keeping your body healthy during your months of plan- ning and for a future plan of nutrition is key to having and main- taining the required amount of energy. 6. Undergarments: Instantly drop 2-3 dress sizes by wearing this garment and the Angel Bra. ©2010 Chiku- Griffin, Owner of ExpoStyles Hair Studio & Magazine, Cosmetologist/Health & Beauty Consultant,,, 28 WOW! |SPRING 2010
  • 29. Family Values WOW! MOM WOW: What is your greatest parental reward? Elva “Precious Love” Thompson: The smile on my children’s WOW: What is best advice given to you as a mom and what faces is the best advice you’d pass on to other moms? EPLT: Listen to your children (given to me). Talk to your children and be open and make them comfortable about being WOW: What is your greatest parenting challenge? able to talk to you about anything and everything. Have EPLT: When 2 of my oldest daughters were teenagers and boundaries set where they know that you’re their friend, as well now I have one teenager left with 2 more to follow. as mom (given to them). WOW: How do you balance church, family and home? ©2010 Tamara D. Davis, EPLT: Like clockwork! Sundays, I get everybody up. I call my oldest girls on the telephone to wake them up. I pick them up for church so that I can spend time with all of my children after we all attend Sunday service. We come back to my house, cook, watch a movie and enjoy our entire day and evening together. PROFILE: Name and Age: ELVA “PRECIOUS LOVE” WOW: How often do you take “me” time and what do you do THOMPSON (39) in your “me” time? EPLT: I take “me” time best in my bedroom. I have a prayer closet and I often go in there to talk to God and when I’m Residence: PALM COAST, FL (SOON TO BE done, I relax on my bed and I write letters to God and write ATLANTA, GA) poetry or complete my nonfiction novel that is currently a work in progress. My kids understand that when I shut and Children: 5, ages 6-21 lock my’s quiet time throughout the entire house and they respect that. They either watch TV in their rooms or have it turned down quietly in the living room. Occupation: Owner, Esquire Publications, Precious Hearts Foundation, Georgia Editing Service, LLC - WOW: How does having Christ in your life change the way you parent? EPLT: Tremendously! Without Christ in my life, I would Heroes: Jesus! have no life. I would not be a good parent. That is where my “me” time comes in at. I ask for guidance, wisdom, and To be featured in WOW! Mom, with a Tamara D. Davis at Goals: Continued success contact humble common sense in all that I do, especially in my parenting. demeanor SPRING 2010 | WOW! 29
  • 30. V a l e r i e H i c k s Po w e Stay Employed by Exercising Wisdom and Constraint A ll things may be right but after church service, when a woman in a either failed to filter the truth (as they see not all things are expedi- choir robe bonuses over and asks, “What it) with discretion or are in the planning ent: Powerful words, for did you think of my solo Mrs. Henson?” stage of doing so and are contacting me life and especially for the Before Mrs. Henson could fashion a re- for approval. There is usually hope for workplace. More familiar sponse the girl bellows her own question, the second group, which will be address phrases conveying the identical senti- “Mommy, isn’t this the lady who sings further in this article. However, the first ment would include: I Corinthians 10:23 like a squealing pig?” In all fairness to the group of frustrated souls generally arrives “Every thing is permissible but not every- child, she was just repeating what she had at my office in search of legal services to thing is beneficial. Everything is permis- obviously overheard. Moreover, the state- be performed quick, fast, and in a hurry sible but not everything is constructive”; ment was most probably true. However, for damages they genuinely believe were or perhaps “Just because it’s true does not there was nothing to be gained by reveal- the result of discriminatory conduct by mean you have to say it”. Surely there are ing that very painful fact. Children often their employer. Unfortunately, I am com- numerous other similar sayings floating fall victim to such errors in judgment, fre- pelled to inform them that the right to about, having been passed down from one quently carrying their parents with them, freedom of speech ends at the door of generation to another. Generally, such as was the case in the example. However, the workplace. Without exception, my phrases can be heard as an admonishment given proper corrective measures, ma- response is met with shock and amaze- to a talkative juvenile with bad timing. turity intercepts future indiscretions in ment, as evidenced by their glazed over However, these nuggets of wisdom are as most cases—in most cases being the op- stares and open mouths that if dropped applicable to the workplace as they are to erative phrase. All too often, seemingly an inch more would release the foot they the child who finds himself at the stinging reasonable adults either have not learned unknowingly stuffed in it just before be- end of grandma’s switch, receiving a stern or choose not to apply the lesson from I ing fired. The sound of the shoe hitting reprimand for blurting out the obvious Corinthians 10:23. When those indis- the ground is usually my cue to furnish at at the most inopportune time. Almost crete statements are made in the work- least a short lecture on not only employee everyone has either witnessed or experi- place, the result is almost always drama. rights but obligations as well. Notwith- enced such correction. Consider the case No less than three times a year I find standing the consistency of my audience’s of the little girl standing with her mother myself counseling individuals who have reaction, I am still staggered that people 30 WOW! |SPRING 2010
  • 31. are clueless to the fact that there is no constitutional right to tell your boss that she is a hypocrite; that is and still keep your job. This fact does not change even when the boss truly is a hypocrite. Nev- ertheless, I convey the information not to correct the current state of circumstances, but to hopefully prevent the same from occurring in the future. As stated earlier, I also encounter people who while still employed, toy with the idea of engaging in speech that can quickly land them in the unemployment line. For those willing to understand that freedom of speech in the workplace can be costly, there is hope and help. Re- cently, a young woman approached me with the intention of retaining my legal services but happily for her, realized that she would be better off retaining me as a career coach instead. The young woman was understandably frustrated with the office politics of her workplace. It seems that she was counseled by a member of senior management for being inexplicably abrasive to a coworker. There were two obvious problems with the counseling: the management official could not iden- tify what the “abrasive” conduct was; and his line of supervision did not include my client or the complaining employee. Although it was apparent the manager’s involvement had more to do with his rela- tionship with the complaining employee than it did with correcting a legitimate personnel issue, his authority still war- lesser alternatives are available. Litigat- apply the essence of I Corinthians 10:23 ranted respect. ing lawsuits are expensive in the best of “All things are lawful for me, but not all Accordingly, my client had little to circumstances, litigating a case from the things are beneficial…” gain and a lot to lose by offering an un- ranks of the unemployed takes the defini- calculated response. She certainly could Valerie Hicks Powe is an Attorney, Author, tion of expensive to a new level. Indeed, have complained that the manager’s con- Corporate Trainer, Career I advised the young woman regarding al- duct was just plain unfair. The problem Coach, and Popular Radio ternatives that subtlety revealed the error with that assertion is there is little legal Talk Show Host. She is the of the manager’s ways, while at the same founder of a Management protection for unfair conduct in the work- time avoiding the risk of appearing insub- Consulting Firm, Esquire place. She could have also alleged race ordinate. Being open to advice, she not Management, which offers discrimination, since among the three only retained her job, she left the indelible training and consulting so- people involved she was the only African impression that through her diplomatic lutions for the Workplace. American. That too presents a problem, As a former senior trial skills she was more than equipped to deal in that other than her race there is no attorney with the Equal with office politics at even the highest evidence that the manager’s conduct was Employment Opportunity Commission, Valerie level. The manager, who counseled her intended to discriminate on the basis of has over a decade of experience assessing and de- for being inexplicably abrasive, eventually race. Moreover, her complaints could veloping Not-So-Common solutions for common offered an apology. workplace problems.. Join her Fan Page on Face have been met with further discipline, up Things could have turned out quite Book at Workin It Out With Valerie. to and including termination. Such action differently had my young client insisted on the part of the company, could make a on the litigious approach. Consequently, very strong case for unlawful retaliation, she maintained her job and increased her however, bringing a lawsuit for the same level of respect because she was willing to might not be the best thing to do when SPRING 2010 | WOW! 31