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Branch 54 SIRS (Sons in Retirement)
AI at Your Service!
Jim Spohrer
Retired Industry Executive (Apple, IBM)
UIDP Senior Fellow
Board of Directors (ISSIP, ServCollab)
Twitter: @JimSpohrer
Presentations online at:
Thanks to Norm Pass and John Humphrey for the invitation
to discuss AI at Your Service!
Thursday May 11, 2023, 1:00pm PT
Humankind: A Hopeful History
By Dutch Historian, Rutger Bregman
<- Thanks
To Ray Fisk
For suggesting
this book, see
My summary here.
See also
Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny
By USA Journalist, Robert Wright
John Humphrey
Branch 54
Norm Pass
Branch 35
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 2
September 2018 / © 2018 IBM Corporation
Petaflops = 1,000,000,000,000,000 or a
million billion = 10 ** 15
Megaflops = 1,000,000 = million = 10 ** 6
Gigaflops = 1,000,000,000 = billion = 10 ** 9
One of the AI Super Computers in the World,
= 13 MegaWatts of Power (HOT!)
September 2018 / © 2018 IBM Corporation
Exascale = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 or a
billion billion = 10 ** 18
Megaflops = 1,000,000 = million = 10 ** 6
Gigaflops = 1,000,000,000 = billion = 10 ** 9
Human Brain
= 20 Watts (COOL!)
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 5
AI, AI, enhancing the way,
Personalization brightens each day.
With tailored recommendations, it's clear,
SIR members' interests, AI holds dear.
Oh, SIR, SIR, hear this tune so true
ChatGPT Prompt: Please transform
the essay “AI for SIR members” into a song
to the tune of "Daisy, Daisy give me
your answer do”
DALL-E Prompt: Generate a painting
of the essence of technology and camaraderie
with a vibrant and engaging image of retired men
singing together. Evoke a sense of excitement and
showcase the power of AI in enhancing the lives of
SIR members.
Let’s level set – how many of you know about…
Ethan Mollick (UPenn Wharton) Don Norman (UC San Diego)
Scott Pelley (CBS, 60 Minutes)
Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin
(Center for Humane Technology) Generative AI Tools
To Output:
Game Worlds
Digital Twin
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 6
Today’s talk
• Intro: AI (by 1955 definition) has arrived
• Just took 68 years, but…
• What’s really going on?
• Your data is becoming your AI… IA transformation
• AI Digital Twin = IA (Intelligence Augmentation)
• Adjustment period underway…
• Part 1: Solving AI: Leaderboards/Profession Exams
• Roadmap and implications
• Open technologies, innovation
• Part 2: Solving IA: Better Building Blocks
• Solving problems faster, creates new problems
• Identity, social contracts, trust, resilience
• Part 3: ”Solving All Problems”
• What could go wrong? Be prepared.
• 37-year long adjustment period is now underway…
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer 7
Icons of AI Progress
• 1955-1956: Dartmouth Workshop organized by:
• Two early career faculty
• John McCarthy (Dartmouth, later Stanford)
• Marvin Minsky (MIT)
• Two senior industry scientists
• Claude Shannon (Bell Labs)
• Nathan Rochester (IBM)
• 1997: Deep Blue (IBM) - Chess
• 2011: Watson Jeopardy! (IBM)
• 2016: AlphaGo (Google DeepMinds)
• 2017: All you need is attention (Google) - Transformers
• Attention heads (working memory) to predict what comes next
• 2018: AlphaFold (Google DeepMinds)
• 2020: Language models are few-shot learners (OpenAI)
• 2022: DALL-E 2 & ChapGPT (OpenAI)
• 2022: Constitutional AI (Anthropic) – “Behave yourself!”
• 2023: New Bing+ (Microsoft) & GPT-4 (OpenAI)
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer 8
1955 2023
Narrow AI
Broad AI
Disruptive and
General AI
▼ We are here (2023)
2050 and beyond 10
IBM Research AI © 2018 IBM Corporation
The evolution of AI
Borrowed from David Cox, IBM-MIT Lead
▼ We were here (2018)
▼ Alan D Thompson
AGI prediction (2025)
Predict the Timeline: GDP/Employee
National Academy - Service Systems and AI 11
Lower compute costs translate into increasing productivity and GDP/employees for nations
Increasing productivity and GDP/employees should translate into wealthier citizens
AI Progress on Open Leaderboards
Benchmark Roadmap to solve AI/IA
Alistair Nolan (OECD AI for Science Productivity): “It has been stated that the number of engineers proclaiming the end of Moore's Law doubles every two years.”
Rouse WB, Spohrer JC. (2018) Automating versus augmenting intelligence. Journal of Enterprise Transformation. 2018 Apr 3;8(1-2):1-21.
Read Rouse & Spohrer (2018)
enough to understand this slide
including what ”exascale” means
Part 1: Solving AI
Types: Progression of Models : Verified, Trusted, Wise
Models = instruction_set of future: Better building blocks
5/11/2023 Understanding Cognitive Systems 12
Task & World
Planning &
Self Model/
Capacity &
User Model/
Trust & Social
Tool + - - -
Assistant ++ + - -
Collaborator +++ ++ + -
Coach ++++ +++ ++ +
Mediator +++++ ++++ +++ ++
Part 2: Solving IA
Solving IA also requires
All of this and done well
As a “bicycle for the mind”
To make us stronger,
Not weaker
When tech is all removed
Rapidly Rebuilding From Scratch
• Dartnell L (2012) The Knowledge: How to
Rebuild Civilization in the Aftermath of a
Cataclysm. Westminster London: Penguin
Jim Spoihrer (ISSIP) 13
Part 3: “Solving All Problems”
Jim Spohrer is a Silicon Valley-based Advisor to industry, academia, governments,
startups and non-profits on topics of AI upskilling, innovation strategy, and win-
win service in the AI era. Most recently with a consulting team working for a top
10 market cap global company, he contributed to a strategic plan for a globally
connected AI Academy for achieving rapid, nation-scale upskilling with AI. With
the US National Academy of Engineering, he co-led a 2022 workshop on “Service
Systems Engineering in the Era of Human-Centered AI” to improve well-being.
Jim is a retired IBM Executive since July 2021, and previously directed IBM’s open-
source Artificial Intelligence developer ecosystem effort, was CTO IBM Venture
Capital Group, co-founded IBM Almaden Service Research, and led IBM Global
University Programs. In the 1990’s at Apple Computer, as a Distinguished Engineer
Scientist and Technologist, he was executive lead on next generation learning
platforms. In the 1970’s, after his MIT BS in Physics, he developed speech
recognition systems at Verbex (Exxon) before receiving his Yale PhD in Computer
Science/AI. In 1989, prior to joining Apple, he was a visiting scholar at the
University of Rome, La Sapienza advising doctoral students working on AI and
Education dissertations. With over ninety publications and nine patents, he
received the Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions to the Service Discipline
award, Gummesson Service Research award, Vargo and Lusch Service-Dominant
Logic award, Daniel Berg Service Systems award, and a PICMET Fellow for
advancing service science. Jim was elected and previously served as Linux
Foundation AI & Data Technical Advisory Board Chairperson and ONNX Steering
Committee Member (2020-2021). Today, he is a UIDP Senior Fellow for
contributions to industry-university collaborations, and a member of the Board of
Directors of the International Society of Service Innovation (ISSIP) and ServCollab.
Jim Spohrer, Advisor
Retired Industry Executive (Apple, IBM)
UIDP Senior Fellow
Board of Directors, ServCollab
Board of Directors,
Changemaker Priorities
1. Service Innovation
2. Upskilling with AI
3. Future Universities
4. Geothermal Energy
5. Poverty Reduction
6. Regional Development
Competitive Parity
1. AI & Robotics
2. Digital Twins
3. Open Source
5. Geothermal
6. Learning
Who I am: Take 2
The Three Ages of Man (Giorgione)
Thanks to Alan Hartman for kind inspiration (slides) (recording)
Service is an actor applying resources (e.g., knowledge) to benefit another
Service system entities are responsible actors that give and get service
(e.g., people, businesses, universities, nations, etc.)
Service science studies service systems as an evolving ecology
of responsible actors that interact and change.
Service innovations improve win-win interaction and change
in business and society
Service systems are dynamic configurations of four types of resources
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 15
Environmental and ecological sciences
What I study
Service Science and Open Source AI – Trust is key to both
Value Co-Creation/Collaboration
Responsible Entities Learning to Invest
Transdisciplinary Community
Secure, Fair, Explainable
Machine Collaborators
Open Source Communities
Good news: Scaling benefits for responsible actors is getting faster
Research -> Innovation -> (Safe) Practice
From David Michaelis, I4J Forum
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 17
Separate talk
Would be on
How AI can
Methods of
Service Research
Bad News: Scaling harms by bad actors is happening faster too…
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 18
Historical Perspective
Emerging technologies scale up capabilities (quickly)
New business models scale up benefits (quickly)
Institutional arrangements scale down harms (slowly)
Technology Example Companies Safety Regulatory
Firearms Smith & Wesson ATF (1886) Armed criminals Defense
Boilers Babcock & Wilcox NBBPVI (1911) Boiler explosions Railroads, steam-powered
factories, building
heating, etc.
Radio & TV RCA, NBC FCC (1934) Misinformation News, entertainment
Drugs Bayer FDA (1938) Addiction Save lives, reduce pain
Airplanes Boeing, PanAm FAA (1958) Pandemic, Weapons Faster Transportation
Automobiles Ford NHTSA (1966) Accidents, Pollution Faster Transportation
Nuclear Energy Westinghouse NRC (1975) Accidents, Weapons Sustainable energy
Social Media Facebook/Meta ?TBD – “Social Dilemma”
GDPR beginnings
Misinformation, Addiction Communications reach,
staying in touch
AI OpenAI, Microsoft,
Google, IBM, Apple
?TBD – “A.I. Dilemma”
Ban, Policy beginnings
Misinformation, Wealth
Boost for creativity,
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 19
Adjustment Period:
“Drinking from a firehose”
• Everyday, new AI announcements (globally)
• Hype at all time high
• Progress at all time high
• Adjustment period will last for a few decades
• Stay focused on a problem you are trying to solve
• What problem would you be working to solve…
• if you had 100 digital workers working for you every minute of the day (24x7)?
• UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
• … How much decarbonized/carbonized energy are AI Digital Workers consuming?
• … How much harm are bad actors causing using AI Digital Worker tools, etc.?
• … How well are the populations of whole nations doing on AI upskilling?
• Problem #1: All responsible actors/service system entities (people, businesses, nations, etc.)
focus on becoming better future versions of themselves to get and give better service
• … How to help responsible actors learning to invest better in win-win interactions and change, to get the
future that they want?
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 20
DALL-E 2 Prompt:
A crowd of people struggling to drink
from a steampunk robot firehouse
gushing knowledge
in the style of Norman Rockwell
Understanding (Informed Actors)
Who I follow (learn from about many tools)…
• Higher Bar
• Substack: Gary Markus (NYU)
• Facebook: Ernest Davis (NYU)
• LinkedIn & Twitter: Stephen Wolfram
• Blog: Irving Wladawsky-Berger (MIT, retired IBM)
• LinkedIn: Jochen Wirtz (Service Scholar on AI)
• Book “Human Compatible”: Stuart Russell (Berkeley) Alignment/Assistance_Game
• Community: Ben Shneiderman (HCAI)
• Practical AI Upskilling Advice
• Substack: Ethan Mollick (U Penn Wharton)
• LinkedIn & Website: Terri Griffith (Simon Frasier)
• Tracking AI Capabilities
• Youtube: AI Explained, Matthew Berman, Digital Engines, and others
• ArXiv publications from Google, Deepmind, Microsoft, OpenAI, Facebook/Meta, IBM, etc.
• Website: PapersWithCode/SOTA
• Fun - Overly (?) Optimistic on AGI & AI Upskilling & Tracking
• Youtube: Alan D. Thomas
• Many others - and constantly sampling, and evaluating others to follow regularly…
Understanding (Informed Actors)
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 21
Stephen Wolfram
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 22
Understanding (Informed Actors)
We get the future we invest in:
AI tools to experiment with today
• #1 Magic Eraser
• #2 Craiyon
• #3 Rytr And GPT-3, ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bing
• #4 Thing Translator
• #5 Autodraw
• #6 Fontjoy
• #7 Talk to Book
• #8 This Person Does Not Exist
• #9 Namelix
• #10 Let's Enhance
Thanks to @TessaRDavis
for compiling this list:
“Service providers
will not be replaced by AI,
but trusted service providers
who use AI (well and responsibly)
will replace those who don’t.”
National Academy - Service Systems and AI 23
Try at least two
from the list
as soon as possible
What do you think?
, DALL-E and Stable Diffusion
Every person in a role in an organization is a service provider.
June 12, 2022 – The Economist
Magazine Cover
March of the machines
June 21, 2022 – COSMOPOLITAN
Magazine Cover – The A.I. Issue
Meet the World’s First
Artificially Intelligent Magazine Cover
And it only took 20 seconds to make
Historic Examples of AI’s Foundational Models Becoming Useful
DALL-E Prompt:
Create an image that illustrates
a person upskilling with AI,
showing their determination
and resilience in the face of
uncertainty and change.
The image should convey the
idea that upskilling with AI is a
way for individuals to stay
ahead in the job market
and be prepared for the future
of work. The person in the
image should be depicted
as confident and focused,
surrounded by technology and
tools that symbolize their
journey towards upskilling in AI.
The overall feel of the image
should be modern, sleek,
and inspiring.
Upskilling with AI: Staying
Resilient in Uncertain
Upskilling with AI: Staying
Resilient in Uncertain Times
DALL-E Prompt:
Create a magazine cover image
that captures the theme of
"Upskilling with AI: Staying Resilient
in Uncertain Times". The image
should show a person
who is determined and optimistic,
despite the challenges of the
current job market and economic
uncertainty. They should be
depicted as actively engaged in
learning and improving their
AI skills, surrounded by cutting-edge
Philippe Deridder
AI Tools for Innovation
• URL -
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 28
Part 1: Solving AI
• Technical challenges and social adjustment period
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 29
• What is the timeline for solving AI and IA?
• TBD: When can a CEO buy AI capability <X> for price <Y>?
• Who are the leaders driving AI progress?
• What will the biggest benefits from AI be?
• What are the biggest risks associated with AI, and are they real?
• What other technologies may have a bigger impact than AI?
• What are the implications for stakeholders?
• How should we prepare to get the benefits and avoid the risks?
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 30
Timeline: Short History
Jim Spohrer (2017)
Dota 2
“Deep Learning” for
“AI Pattern Recognition”
depends on massive
amounts of “labeled data”
and computing power
available since ~2012;
Labeled data is simply
input and output pairs,
such as a sound and word,
or image and word, or
English sentence and French
sentence, or road scene
and car control settings –
labeled data means having
both input and output data
in massive quantities.
For example, 100K images
of skin, half with skin
cancer and half without to
learn to recognize presence
of skin cancer.
Rapid Progress
• History and Future
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 32
Timeline: Every 20 years,
compute costs are down by 1000x
• Cost of Digital Workers
• Moore’s Law can be thought of as
lowering costs by a factor of a…
• Thousand times lower
in 20 years
• Million times lower
in 40 years
• Billion times lower
in 60 years
• Smarter Tools (Terascale)
• Terascale (2017) = $3K
• Terascale (2020) = ~$1K
• Narrow Worker (Petascale)
• Recognition (Fast)
• Petascale (2040) = ~$1K
• Broad Worker (Exascale)
• Reasoning (Slow)
• Exascale (2060) = ~$1K
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017)
+/- 10 years
Person Average
Annual Salary
(Living Income)
Super Computer
Mainframe Cost
Smartphone Cost
AI Progress on Open Leaderboards
Benchmark Roadmap to solve AI/IA
Predict the Timeline: GDP/Employee
National Academy - Service Systems and AI 34
Lower compute costs translate into increasing productivity and GDP/employees for nations
Increasing productivity and GDP/employees should translate into wealthier citizens
AI Progress on Open Leaderboards
Benchmark Roadmap to solve AI/IA
Alistair Nolan (OECD AI for Science Productivity): “It has been stated that the number of engineers proclaiming the end of Moore's Law doubles every two years.”
Rouse WB, Spohrer JC. (2018) Automating versus augmenting intelligence. Journal of Enterprise Transformation. 2018 Apr 3;8(1-2):1-21.
Read Rouse & Spohrer (2018)
enough to understand this slide
including what ”exascale” means
Part 1: Solving AI
Timeline: Leaderboards Framework
AI Progress on Open Leaderboards - Benchmark Roadmap
Perceive World Develop Cognition Build Relationships Fill Roles
Memory Reasoning Social
Assistant &
Coach &
Speech Actions Declarative Deduction Scripts Speech Acts Tasks Institutions
Chime Thumos SQuAD SAT ROC Story ConvAI
Images Context Episodic Induction Plans Intentions Summarization Values
ImageNet VQA DSTC RALI General-AI
Translation Narration Dynamic Abductive Goals Cultures Debate Negotiation
WMT DeepVideo Alexa Prize ICCMA AT
Learning from Labeled Training Data and Searching (Optimization)
Learning by Watching and Reading (Education)
Learning by Doing and being Responsible (Exploration)
2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 2036 2039
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 35
Which experts would be really surprised if it takes less time… and which experts really surprised if it takes longer?
Level ->
Timeline: Leaderboards Framework
AI Progress on Open Leaderboards - Benchmark Roadmap
Perceive World Develop Cognition Build Relationships Fill Roles
Memory Reasoning Social
Assistant &
Coach &
Speech Actions Declarative Deduction Scripts Speech Acts Tasks Institutions
Chime Thumos SQuAD SAT ROC Story ConvAI
Images Context Episodic Induction Plans Intentions Summarization Values
ImageNet VQA DSTC RALI General-AI
Translation Narration Dynamic Abductive Goals Cultures Debate Negotiation
WMT DeepVideo Alexa Prize ICCMA AT
Learning from Labeled Training Data and Searching (Optimization)
Learning by Watching and Reading (Education)
Learning by Doing and being Responsible (Exploration)
2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 2036 2039
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 36
Which experts would be really surprised if it takes less time… and which experts really surprised if it takes longer?
Level ->
From leaderboards
to profession exams
5/11/2023 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 37
Leader Boards:
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 38
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 39
Who is winning
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 40
Needs more
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 41
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 42
Alan D. Thompson
Open Source AI:
Not Wise?
Or Super Wise?
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 43
Some say: When you have nothing,
And you want attention – open source.
However, as soon as you have something,
And you are competitive, you put up
A “CLOSED” sign – as quick as you can.
Nonzero sum trailer, becomes zero-sum leader.
LLaMa &
• Open Source
• Training Cost
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 44
Who I track to learn about new AI tools to use
• Alan D. Thompson
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 45
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 46
Jim Spohrer (2022):
3-4x the time seems
more realistic to me,
so perhaps by 2050-2060.
AI advances and adoption
are both very hard.
Robots by Country
• Industrial robots per 10,000 people by country
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 47
5/11/2023 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 48
Economic Growth Rates 2035: AI Projected Impact
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 49
Science gathers
Society gathers
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 50
AI Benefits
• Access to expertise
• “Insanely great” labor productivity for trusted service providers
• Digital workers for healthcare, education, finance, etc.
• Better choices
• ”Insanely great” collaborations with others on what matters most
• AI for IA = Augmented Intelligence and higher value co-creation interactions
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 51
AI Risks
• Job Loss
• Shorter term bigger risk
= de-skilling
• Super-intelligence
• Shorter term bigger risk
= bad actors
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 52
Other Technologies: Bigger impact? Yes.
• Augmented Reality (AR)/
Virtual Reality (VR)
• Game worlds
• Trust Economy/
Security Systems
• Trust and security
• Advanced Materials/
Energy Systems
• Manufacturing as cheap,
local recycling service
(utility fog, artificial leaf, etc.)
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 53
• Capabilities in larger
models, not in
smaller models
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 54
Theory of Mind
• Theory of Mind: When an
entity has an accurate
idea of what’s going on in
other entities’ minds,
including when the other
entity is right and wrong.
• Sutskever (OpenAI Chief
Scientist): ”We are
starting to reach a point,
where the language of
psychology is starting to
be appropriate to
understand the behavir of
these neural networks.”
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 55
• Stages
• OpenAI >
• Getting harder to
keep up with
• Outlier tests get
harder and
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 56
• 34 months away?
• 2026?
• Human-level across
all disciplines
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 57
Part 2: Solving IA
• Rapidly advancing technology and social adjustment (regulations)
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 58
Smartphones pass entrance exams? When?
5/11/2023 IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 59
… when will
your smartphone
be able to take and
pass any online
course? And then
be your coach, so
you can pass too? OpenAI Answer:
My Question:
Types: Progression of Models : Trusted, Verified, Wise
Models = instruction_set of future: Better building blocks
5/11/2023 Understanding Cognitive Systems 60
Task & World Model/
Planning & Decisions
Self Model/
Capacity & Limits
User Model/
Episodic Memory
Institutions Model/
Trust & Social Acts
Tool + - - -
Assistant ++ + - -
Collaborator +++ ++ + -
Coach ++++ +++ ++ +
Mediator +++++ ++++ +++ ++
Part 2: Solving IA
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 61
© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide
accelerating regional development
Cognitive Mediators
for all people in all roles
Occupations = Many Tasks
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2015) 63
Watson Discovery Advisor
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2015) 64
Simonite, T. 2014. Software Mines Science Papers to Make New Discoveries. MIT. November 25, 2014.
10 million minutes of experience
5/11/2023 Understanding Cognitive Systems 65
2 million minutes of experience
5/11/2023 Understanding Cognitive Systems 66
Hardware < Software < Data < Experience < Transformation
5/11/2023 Understanding Cognitive Systems 67
Value migrates to transformation – becoming our future selves; people, businesses, nations = service system entities
Pine & Gilmore (1999)
Roy et al (2006)
Osati (2014)
Life Log
Intelligence Augmentation (IA) =
Socio-Technical Extension Factor on Capabilities
• Engelbart (1962)
• Spohrer & Engelbart (2002)
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (ISSIP) 68
Dedicated to Douglas E. Engelbart, Inventor
The Mouse (Pointing Device)
The Mother of All Demos
Bootstrapping Practice/Augmentation Theory
Note: Bush (1945) and Licklider (1960) created funding programs that benefitted Engelbart in building working systems.
IA as Socio-Technical Extension Factor on Capabilities & Values
IA (human values) is not AI (technology capability)
Difference 1: IA leads to more capable people even when scaffold removed
Difference 2: IA leads to more responsible people to use wisely the capabilities
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (ISSIP) 69
Malone (2018)
Things that Make
Us Smart
Norman (1994)
Augmented Perception
Spohrer (1999)
Bicycles for the Mind
Kay & Jobs (1984)
Techno-Extension Factor
& Accelerating
Socio-Technical Design Loop
Kline (1996)
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 70
0 25 50 100 125 150
Capability Augmentation and Adoption Rate Increases
• 2015
• “How to build a cognitive system for Q&A task.”
• 9 months to 40% question answering accuracy
• 1-2 years for 90% accuracy, which questions to reject
• 2025
• “How to use a cognitive system to be a better
professional X.”
• Tools to build a student level Q&A from textbook in 1
• 2035
• “How to use your cognitive mediator to build a
• Tools to build faculty level Q&A for textbook in one day
• Cognitive mediator knows a person better than they
know themselves
• 2055
• “How to manage your workforce of digital workers.”
• Most people have 100 digital workers.
5/11/2023 71
Take free online cognitive classes today at
Read Wakefield
enough to
understand what a
”digital twin” of
you might be like in
the future decades
with very advanced
AI capabilities.
Also see Rouse
(2018; 2022) ”Life
with a Cognitive
National Academy - Service Systems and AI 72
AI Tools
in coming
The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals
The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals
The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals
The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals
Read Wakefield
enough to
understand what a
”digital twin” of
you might be like in
the future decades
with very advanced
AI capabilities.
Also see Rouse
(2018; 2022) ”Life
with a Cognitive
National Academy - Service Systems and AI 77
AI Tools
in coming
TacitPath.Com: Entity Coordination Via Shared
Information – John Wolpert
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 78
Part 3: “Solving All Problems”
5/11/2023 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 80
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2015) 81
I have…
Have you noticed how the building blocks just
keep getting better?
Learning to program:
My first program
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2015) 82
Early Computer Science Class:
Watson Center at Columbia 1945
Jim Spohrer’s
First Program 1972
5/11/2023 83
1955 1975 1995 2015 2035 2055
Better Building Blocks
“The best way to predict the future is to inspire the
next generation of students to build it better.”
Digital Natives Transportation Water Manufacturing
Energy Construction ICT Retail
Finance Healthcare Education Government
Artificial Leaf
• Daniel Nocera, a professor of energy
science at Harvard who pioneered the
use of artificial photosynthesis, says that
he and his colleague Pamela Silver have
devised a system that completes the
process of making liquid fuel from
sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. And
they’ve done it at an efficiency of 10
percent, using pure carbon dioxide—in
other words, one-tenth of the energy in
sunlight is captured and turned into fuel.
That is much higher than natural
photosynthesis, which converts about 1
percent of solar energy into the
carbohydrates used by plants, and it
could be a milestone in the shift away
from fossil fuels. The new system is
described in a new paper in Science.
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 85
Food from Air
• Although the technology is in its infancy,
researchers hope the "protein reactor"
could become a household item.
• Juha-Pekka Pitkänen, a scientist at VTT,
said: "In practice, all the raw materials
are available from the air. In the future,
the technology can be transported to,
for instance, deserts and other areas
facing famine.
• "One possible alternative is a home
reactor, a type of domestic appliance
that the consumer can use to produce
the needed protein."
• According to the researchers, the
process of creating food from electricity
can be nearly 10 times as energy
efficient as photosynthesis, the process
used by plants.
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 86
Exoskeletons for Elderly
• A walker is a “very cost-effective”
solution for people with limited
mobility, but “it completely
disempowers, removes dignity,
removes freedom, and causes a
whole host of other psychological
problems,” SRI Ventures president
Manish Kothari says. “Superflex’s
goal is to remove all of those areas
that cause psychological-type
encumbrances and, ultimately,
redignify the individual."
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 87
What I study
Service Science and Open Source AI – Trust is key to both
Value Co-Creation/Collaboration
Responsible Entities Learning to Invest
Transdisciplinary Community
Secure, Fair, Explainable
Machine Collaborators
Open Source Communities
Two disciplines: Two approaches to the future
Artificial Intelligence is almost seventy-years-old discipline in computer
science that studies automation and builds more capable technological
systems. AI tries to understand the intelligent things that people can do
and then does those things with technology. ( “...
we aim to build advanced AI - sometimes known as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - to
expand our knowledge and find new answers. By solving this, we believe we could help
people solve thousands of problems.”)
Service science is an emerging transdiscipline not yet twenty-years- old
that studies transformation and builds smarter and wiser socoi-
technical systems – families, businesses, nations, platforms and other
special types of responsible entities and their win-win interactions that
transform value co-creation and capability co-elevation mechanisms
that build more resilient future versions of themselves – what we call
service systems entities. Service science tries to understand the
evolving ecology of service system entities, their capabilities,
constraints, rights, and responsibilities, and then then seeks to improve
the quality of life of people (present/smarter and future/wiser) in those
service systems.
Artificial Intelligence
Generations of machines
Service Science
Generations of people
(responsible entities)
Service systems are dynamic configurations of people,
technology, organizations, and information, connected
internally and externally by value propositions, to other
service system entities. (Maglio et al 2009)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way in almost seven decades…
From David Michaelis, I4J Forum
… but we still
have a long
way to go.
January 26, 2023
Technical challenges no longer the hardest part, the AI to IA adjustment period is about responsible actors upskilling.
Acknowledgement: E. Noei, S. Brisson, Y. Liu
Via Kelly Lyons, NAE Talk Oct 2022
Service science has come a long way in two decades…
… but we still
have a long
way to go.
December 1, 2022
Trust: Two Communities
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2018) 94
Value Co-Creation,
Ethical, Safe, Explainable,
Open Communities
Special Issue
AI Magazine?
Handbook of
OpenTech AI?
Today’s Books
Service is the application of resources (e.g., knowledge) for the benefit of another*
* another includes your future self and future generations as well.
The two greatest challenges of the 21st century are simultaneously
upskilling entire nations with AI (knowledge infrastructure, digital transformation)
while decarbonizing entire nations (energy infrastructure, physical transformation).
And accomplishing both with globally sustainable as-a-service models - servitization.
Three views on service and AI
Discipline View on Service View on AI Broader View
Economics Service sector Productivity
Sector productivity &
quality – better economic
Technology improved
agriculture and
manufacturing, service
sector is next up
Computer Science Web services Capabilities
AI provides human
capabilities on tasks as
technological capability –
better tools
Robots will further
automate agriculture and
manufacturing, and
eventually service sector
as well
Service science, based on
Service-Dominant Logic
Value cocreation
Service is the application
of resources (e.g.,
knowledge) for the
benefit of another
Responsible actors
(service system entities)
upskilling with AI to give
and get better service
Responsible actors
learning to invest in
improved win-win
interaction and change
Three views on service and AI
Discipline View on Service View on AI Broader View
Economics Service sector Productivity
Sector productivity &
quality – better economic
Technology improved
agriculture and
manufacturing, service
sector is next up
Computer Science Web services Capabilities
AI provides human
capabilities on tasks as
technological capability –
better tools
Robots will further
automate agriculture and
manufacturing, and
eventually service sector
as well
Service science, based on
Service-Dominant Logic
Value cocreation
Service is the application
of resources (e.g.,
knowledge) for the
benefit of another
Responsible actors
(service system entities)
upskilling with AI to give
and get better service
Responsible actors
learning to invest in
improved win-win
interaction and change
Three views on service and AI
Discipline View on Service View on AI Broader View
Economics Service sector Productivity
Sector productivity &
quality – better economic
Technology improved
agriculture and
manufacturing, service
sector is next up
Computer Science Web services Capabilities
AI provides human
capabilities on tasks as
technological capability –
better tools
Robots will further
automate agriculture and
manufacturing, and
eventually service sector
as well
Service science, based on
Service-Dominant Logic
Value cocreation
Service is the application
of resources (e.g.,
knowledge) for the
benefit of another
Responsible actors
(service system entities)
upskilling with AI to give
and get better service
Responsible actors
learning to invest in
improved win-win
interaction and change
Three views on service and AI
Discipline View on Service View on AI Broader View
Economics Service sector Productivity
Sector productivity &
quality – better economic
Technology improved
agriculture and
manufacturing, service
sector is next up
Computer Science Web services Capabilities
AI provides human
capabilities on tasks as
technological capability –
better tools
Robots will further
automate agriculture and
manufacturing, and
eventually service sector
as well
Service science, based on
Service-Dominant Logic
Value cocreation
Service is the application
of resources (e.g.,
knowledge) for the
benefit of another
Responsible actors
(service system entities)
upskilling with AI to give
and get better service
Responsible actors
learning to invest in
improved win-win
interaction and change
Humanity-Centered Harmonization of AI for Service
Humanity-Centered Harmonization of Disciplines - Transdisciplinarity
Why the (holistic) service systems trend is important to future sustainability
Business and societal systems and supply chains are increasingly complex and interconnected.
Real-world problems do not respect discipline boundaries.
Scalable solutions require many schools of practice working together, and current solutions may have unintended
consequences, short-term or longer-term, especially if perspectives are not invited/considered.
Technological progress improved the scalability of agriculture and manufacturing, and next all types of service will be
made more scalable (and currently, energy intensive) by future AI capabilities and progress.
A small sampling of schools and disciplines below – more exist  - apologies for not adding yours to this summary.
School of practice for
Physical Sciences & Engineering
School of practice for
Behavioral & Social Sciences,
Humanities & Arts
School of practice for
Managerial Sciences &
Information & Organizations
Comp. Sci./AI
Electrical &
Mech. Eng.
Economics Public Policy
& Law
Design Information
Marketing &
Read enough of Kline (1995) to understand conceptual foundation of multidisciplinary thinking
and the techno-extension factor and the accelerating socio-technical system design loop concepts.
5/11/2023 National Academy - Service Systems and AI 101
Why upskilling with AI trend is important to systems thinking
Talent development is moving from I to T to X (eXtended with AI)
National Academy - Service Systems and AI 102
6 T-shape Skills
Knowledge Areas
To be eXtended
By AI tools:
1. Disciplines
2. Systems
3. Cultures
4. Technologies
5. Practices
6. Mindsets
How, What, and Why?
Inspiring AI upskilling (IA)
• How to learn
• AI-powered search can help people - motivated people – to
learn about whatever they put their minds to learning
• What to learn
• AI technological capabilities and limitations – foundational
• AI applications that can actually improve processes for how
things get done (case studies - productivity, quality,
compliance, sustainability, decarbonization)
• AI-as-a-service investment cases to motivate stakeholders to
change to better win-win interactions in business and societal
service systems (investment pitch)
• The “startup of you” investment case – learning to invest
systematically and wisely (startup pitch)
• Why learn?
• Challenge and opportunity - nations must upskill with AI and
• Motivation is key – find the very best free online
videos/courses and subscribe
• Universities will play an increasingly important role as industry
research partners and venture testbeds even as learners can do
more and more on their own with online curriculum
National Academies – Service Systems and AI 103
We get the future we invest in:
AI tools to experiment with today
• #1 Magic Eraser
• #2 Craiyon
• #3 Rytr And GPT-3, ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bing
• #4 Thing Translator
• #5 Autodraw
• #6 Fontjoy
• #7 Talk to Book
• #8 This Person Does Not Exist
• #9 Namelix
• #10 Let's Enhance
Thanks to @TessaRDavis
for compiling this list:
“Service providers
will not be replaced by AI,
but trusted service providers
who use AI (well and responsibly)
will replace those who don’t.”
National Academy - Service Systems and AI 104
Try at least two
from the list
as soon as possible
What do you think?
, DALL-E and Stable Diffusion
Every person in a role in an organization is a service provider.
Call to Action: Create SIRs
• Responsible actors need to learn to invest wisely in
getting the future service innovations we want with AI
– guided by “Service Innovation Roadmaps (SIRs).”
National Academy - Service Systems and AI 105
Read enough of IfM and IBM (2008)
to understand what a “Service Innovation
Roadmap (SIR)” is – and who should be
creating them.
Learning to invest
• Run = Routine Activities
• Transform = Copy Activities
• Innovate =
Invent and Apply Activities
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 106
Invest in each
type of change
How responsible entities (service systems) learn and change over time
History and future of Run-Transform-Innovate investment choices
• Diverse Types
• Persons (Individuals)
• Families
• Regional Entities
• Universities
• Hospitals
• Cities
• States/Provinces
• Nations
• Other Enterprises
• Businesses
• Non-profits
• Learning & Change
• Run = use existing knowledge
or standard practices (use)
• Transform = adopt a new best
practice (copy)
• Innovate = create a new best
practice (invent) Innovate
Invest in each
type of change
Spohrer J, Golinelli GM, Piciocchi P, Bassano C (2010) An integrated SS-VSA analysis of changing job roles. Service Science. 2010 Jun;2(1-2):1-20.
March JG (1991) Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization science. 1991 Feb;2(1):71-87. URL:
Concluding Remarks: Two Books
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 108
Better Models (Spohrer, Maglio, Vargo, Warg 2022)
• Increasing complex, interconnected world
• All models are wrong, some are useful
• Better models are needed of
• the world – both physical, social, virtual (science)
• people and win-win interactions (logics)
• organizations and win-win change (architecture)
• technologies (AI)
• Better models for better investing
• “We get the future we invest in, so responsible
actors must learn to invest wisely and
systematically in improved win-win interaction
and change.”
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 109
Service in the
AI era
Science science Service
dominant (S-D)
Service Dominant
Service in the
AI era
Better automation
and augmentation
improve service
Better science
Better logics
improve change
X+AI requires
learning to
and wisely to
Where are the
Technology Disciplines Minds Enterprise Disciplines + AI
Minds + AI
Enterprise + AI
What type of
Digital twins Digital twins Digital twins Digital twins Digital twins
Service in the AI Era: Science, Logic, and Architecture Perspectives
(Spohrer, Maglio, Vargo, Warg – request your digital copy –
From Human-Centered to Humanity-Centered Design (Norman 2023)
• Human-Centered Design
1. Solve the core, root issues, not just the
problem as presented (which is often the
symptom, not the cause).
2. Focus on the people.
3. Take a systems point of view, realizing
that most complications result from the
interdependencies of the multiple parts.
4. Continually test and refine the proposed
designs to ensure they truly meet the
concerns of the people for whom they
are intended.
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 111
• Humanity-Centered Design
1. Solve the core, root issues, not just the
problem as presented (which is often the
symptom, not the cause).
2. Focus on the entire ecosystem of people, all
living things, and the physical environment.
3. Take a long-term, systems point of view,
realizing that most complications result from
the interdependencies of the multiple parts
and that many of the most damaging impacts
on society and the ecosystem reveal
themselves only years or even decades later.
4. Continually test and refine the proposed
designs to ensure they truly meet the concerns
of the people and ecosystem for whom they
are intended.
5. Design with the community and as much as
possible support designs by the community.
Professional designers should serve as
enablers, facilitators, and resources, aiding
community members to meet their concerns.
• Are you positive or negative about AI?
• If positive, are you using any specific AI tools today?
• See list of AI tools to try on a previous slide
• How are you investing in upskilling with AI?
• If negative, do you have a specific concern (“ditch to avoid”) – for example…?
• AI will take away my job
• AI will be used primarily by “bad actors” for mischief
• Or used by social media platforms to generate more clicks/attention thru angry
• AI will try to take over people and planet
• AI will deskill and weaken people over time
• … or other concerns about AI?
• Do you believe responsible actors (e.g., people, businesses,
universities, governments, etc.) are learning to to invest
systematically and wisely in getting the future we want? If not, why
not – what is needed?
• Join (free for individuals) if you would like to continue the
National Academy - Service Systems and AI 112
Read enough of pages 45-54 of Spohrer, Maglio, Vargo, Warg (2022) to formulate an
opinion on the topic of “investing wisely to get the future service systems we want.”
Be Prepared
• Understand open AI code + data +
models + stacks + communities
• Leaderboards
• Ethical conduct
• Learn 3 R’s of IBM’s Cognitive
Opentech Group (COG)
• Read arXiv
• Redo with Github
• Report with Jupyter notebooks on DSX
and/or leaderboards
• Improve your team’s skills of rapidly
rebuilding from scratch
• Build your open code eminence
• Understand open innovation
• Communities + Leaderboards
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 113
1972 used
Punch cards
2016 used
IBM Watson
Open APIs to win…
and ChatGPT
Rapidly Rebuilding From Scratch
• Dartnell L (2012) The Knowledge: How to
Rebuild Civilization in the Aftermath of a
Cataclysm. Westminster London: Penguin
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 114
What if the ”bad actors” get the upper hand?
The best tool: Our brains and models of the
resources in the world & responsible actors
Why I am optimistic
Who I follow (learn from) regarding AI …
• Higher Bar
• Substack: Gary Markus (NYU)
• Facebook: Ernest Davis (NYU)
• LinkedIn & Twitter: Stephen Wolfram
• Practical AI Upskilling Advice
• Substack: Ethan Mollick (U Penn Wharton)
• LinkedIn & Website: Terri Griffith (Simon Frasier)
• Tracking AI Capabilities
• Youtube: AI Explained
• ArXiv publications from Google, Deepmind, Microsoft, OpenAI, Facebook/Meta, IBM, etc.
• Website: PapersWithCode/SOTA
• Overly (?) Optimistic on AGI & AI Upskilling & Tracking
• Youtube: Alan D. Thomas
The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals
IA Progression – Tool, Assistant, Collaborator, Coach, Mediator
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (ISSIP) 120
Rouse & Spohrer (2018)
Siddike, Spohrer, Demirkan, Kodha (2018)
Araya (2018)
Spohrer& Siddike (2018)
“The best way to predict the future is to inspire the
next generation of students to build it better”
Digital Natives Transportation Water Manufacturing
Energy Construction ICT Retail
Finance Healthcare Education Government
5/11/2023 122
1955 1975 1995 2015 2035 2055
Better Building Blocks
Additional Resources
• Arthur WB (2019) Foundations of Complexity Economics. Nature Review Physics.
• Dietrich BL, Plachy EC, Norton MF (2014) Analytics Across the Enterprise.
• Donofrio N, DeMarco M (2022) If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes: The Nick Donofrio.
• Fleming M (2022) Breakthrough: The Growth Revolution (in an Era of Artificial Intelligence and Worker Engagement).
• IfM and IBM (2008) Succeeding through service innovation: A service perspective for education, research, business and government.
• Larson RC (2022) Model Thinking for Everyday Life Working Wonders with a Blank Sheet of Paper. (Coming Soon).
• Lebovitz S, Lifshitz-Assaf H, Levina N (2022) To Engage or Not to Engage with AI for Critical Judgments: How Professionals Deal with Opacity When Using AI for Medical Diagnosis. Organization Science.
• Madhavan G, Poste G, Rouse W (2020) Complex Unifiable System. Editors' Note: Systemic Vistas. Winter 2020. The Bridge.
• Maglio PP, Kieliszewki CA, Spohrer JC (2010) Handbook of Service Science
• Maglio PP, Kieliszewki CA, Spohrer JC, Lyons K, Patrício L, Sawatani Y (2019) Handbook of Service Science, Vol II
• McDermid JA (2022) Safe, Ethical & Sustainable: A Mantra for All Seasons?
• Munn L (2022) The uselessness of AI ethics.
• Norman D (2023) Design for a Better World: Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered
• Rouse WB (2018) Life with a cognitive assistant. (2022) Emily 2.0..
• Rouse WB, Spohrer JC (2018) Automating versus augmenting intelligence. Journal of Enterprise Transformation.
• Schneiderman (2022) Human-Centered AI.
• Spohrer J (2017) Imagination Challenge: Quantify and graph cost of digital workers and GDP per employee USA from 1960-2080.
• Spohrer J, Maglio, PP (2009) Service Science: Toward a Smarter Planet. In Service Engineering.
• Spohrer J, Maglio PP, Vargo SL, Warg M (2022) Service in the AI Era: Science, Logic, and Architecture Perspectives.
• US 110th Congress (2007) SEC. 1005. STUDY OF SERVICE SCIENCE.
• Vargo SL, Lusch RF (2016) Institutions and Axioms: An Extension and Update of Service-Dominant Logic. JAMS.
• Wakefield J (2022) Why you may have a thinking digital twin within a decade. BBC News Online.
• West S, Meierhofer J, Mangla U (2022) Smart Services Summit: Smart Services Supporting the New Normal.
• West S, Stoll O, Muller-Csernetzky P (2022) A Handbook for Smart Service Design - The design of Smart Services in a world of people, process and things.
• Wladalsky-Berger I (2016) The Continuing Evolution of Service Science. (2019) The Increasing Demand for Hybrid, “T-Shaped” Workers . (2021) The Supply Chain Economy - A New Categorization of the US Economy (2022) A New
Measurement Framework for the Digital Economy. (2022) Foundation Models: AI’s Exciting New Frontier.
Service Systems Engineering in the Human-Centered AI Era 123
5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 124
Service Systems Engineering in the Human-Centered AI Era 125
Investing in Skills
for Diverse Systems to
Sustainably Serve
People and Planet
in the AI Era
Many disciplines
Many sectors
Many regions/cultures
(understanding & communications)
T-Shaped Skills
Depth and Breadth
Service Science: Conceptual Framework
5/11/2023 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 126
Service Science
(c) IBM MAP COG .| 127
Service Science: Transdisciplinary Framework to Study Service Systems
Systems that focus on flows of things Systems that govern
Systems that support people’s activities
transportation &
supply chain water &
food &
& electricity
building &
& family
retail &
hospitality banking
& finance
social sciences
behavioral sciences
management sciences
political sciences
learning sciences
cognitive sciences
system sciences
information sciences
organization sciences
decision sciences
run professions
transform professions
innovate professions
e.g., econ & law
e.g., marketing
e.g., operations
e.g., public policy
e.g., game theory
and strategy
e.g., psychology
e.g., industrial eng.
e.g., computer sci
e.g., knowledge mgmt
e.g., statistics
e.g., knowledge worker
e.g., consultant
e.g., entrepreneur
(Data Analytics)
Stackholders (As-Is)
Resources (As-Is)
Change (Might-Become)
Value (To-Be)
Big Bang
(symbols and scribes)
written laws
(uni-cell life)
(multi-cell life)
clams (neurons)
trilobites (brains)
printing press (books)
steam engine
bees (social
Where is the “Real Science”? Ecology++
Transdisciplinary sciences that study the natural and human-made worlds…
Unraveling the mystery of evolving hierarchical-complexity in new populations…
To discover the world’s structures and mechanisms for computing non-zero-sum
Value-CoCreation (VCC), Diverse Architectures of Holistic Service Systems (HSS)
University Trend: “Sister Campuses” (People Flows)
University sub-systems
Disciplines in Schools (circles)
Innovation Centers (squares)
E.g., CMU Website (2009)
“Research Centers:
where it all happens –
to solve real-world
Disciplines in Schools
Award degrees
Single-discipline focus
Research discipline problems
Innovation Centers (ICs)
Industry/government sponsors
Multi-disciplinary teams
Research real-world systems
water & waste transportation
food &
supply chain
City Trend: “Sister Cities” (People Flows)
World as System of Systems
World (light blue - largest)
Nations (green - large)
Regions (dark blue - medium)
Cities (yellow - small)
Universities (red - smallest)
Cities as System of Systems
-Transportation & Supply Chain
-Water & Waste Recycling
-Food & Products ((Nano)
-Energy & Electricity
-Information/ICT & Cloud (Info)
-Buildings & Construction
-Retail & Hospitality/Media & Entertainment
-Banking & Finance
-Healthcare & Family (Bio)
-Education & Professions (Cogno)
-Government (City, State, Nation)
Nations: Innovation Opportunities
- GDP/Capita (level and growth rate)
- Energy/Capita (fossil and renewable)
Developed Market
(> $20K GDP/Capita)
Emerging Market
(< $20K GDP/Capita)
IBM UP WW: Tandem Awards: Increasing university linkages (knowledge exchange interactions)

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  • 1. Branch 54 SIRS (Sons in Retirement) AI at Your Service! Jim Spohrer Retired Industry Executive (Apple, IBM) UIDP Senior Fellow Board of Directors (ISSIP, ServCollab) Questions: Twitter: @JimSpohrer LinkedIn: Slack: Presentations online at: Thanks to Norm Pass and John Humphrey for the invitation to discuss AI at Your Service! Thursday May 11, 2023, 1:00pm PT Humankind: A Hopeful History By Dutch Historian, Rutger Bregman <- Thanks To Ray Fisk For suggesting this book, see My summary here. See also ServCollab. Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny By USA Journalist, Robert Wright John Humphrey Branch 54 Norm Pass Branch 35
  • 2. 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 2
  • 3. 3 September 2018 / © 2018 IBM Corporation Petaflops = 1,000,000,000,000,000 or a million billion = 10 ** 15 Megaflops = 1,000,000 = million = 10 ** 6 Gigaflops = 1,000,000,000 = billion = 10 ** 9 One of the AI Super Computers in the World, = 13 MegaWatts of Power (HOT!)
  • 4. 4 September 2018 / © 2018 IBM Corporation Exascale = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 or a billion billion = 10 ** 18 Megaflops = 1,000,000 = million = 10 ** 6 Gigaflops = 1,000,000,000 = billion = 10 ** 9 Human Brain = 20 Watts (COOL!)
  • 5. 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 5 (Chorus) AI, AI, enhancing the way, Personalization brightens each day. With tailored recommendations, it's clear, SIR members' interests, AI holds dear. Oh, SIR, SIR, hear this tune so true ChatGPT Prompt: Please transform the essay “AI for SIR members” into a song to the tune of "Daisy, Daisy give me your answer do” DALL-E Prompt: Generate a painting of the essence of technology and camaraderie with a vibrant and engaging image of retired men singing together. Evoke a sense of excitement and showcase the power of AI in enhancing the lives of SIR members.
  • 6. Let’s level set – how many of you know about… Ethan Mollick (UPenn Wharton) Don Norman (UC San Diego) Scott Pelley (CBS, 60 Minutes) Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin (Center for Humane Technology) Generative AI Tools To Output: Text/Writing Images Code/Programming Videos Audio Music Game Worlds Digital Twin Other? 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 6
  • 7. Today’s talk • Intro: AI (by 1955 definition) has arrived • Just took 68 years, but… • What’s really going on? • Your data is becoming your AI… IA transformation • AI Digital Twin = IA (Intelligence Augmentation) • Adjustment period underway… • Part 1: Solving AI: Leaderboards/Profession Exams • Roadmap and implications • Open technologies, innovation • Part 2: Solving IA: Better Building Blocks • Solving problems faster, creates new problems • Identity, social contracts, trust, resilience • Part 3: ”Solving All Problems” • What could go wrong? Be prepared. • 37-year long adjustment period is now underway… 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer 7
  • 8. Icons of AI Progress • 1955-1956: Dartmouth Workshop organized by: • Two early career faculty • John McCarthy (Dartmouth, later Stanford) • Marvin Minsky (MIT) • Two senior industry scientists • Claude Shannon (Bell Labs) • Nathan Rochester (IBM) • 1997: Deep Blue (IBM) - Chess • 2011: Watson Jeopardy! (IBM) • 2016: AlphaGo (Google DeepMinds) • 2017: All you need is attention (Google) - Transformers • Attention heads (working memory) to predict what comes next • 2018: AlphaFold (Google DeepMinds) • 2020: Language models are few-shot learners (OpenAI) • 2022: DALL-E 2 & ChapGPT (OpenAI) • 2022: Constitutional AI (Anthropic) – “Behave yourself!” • 2023: New Bing+ (Microsoft) & GPT-4 (OpenAI) 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer 8
  • 10. Narrow AI Emerging Broad AI Disruptive and Pervasive General AI Revolutionary ▼ We are here (2023) 2050 and beyond 10 IBM Research AI © 2018 IBM Corporation The evolution of AI Borrowed from David Cox, IBM-MIT Lead ▼ We were here (2018) ▼ Alan D Thompson AGI prediction (2025)
  • 11. Predict the Timeline: GDP/Employee National Academy - Service Systems and AI 11 (Source) Lower compute costs translate into increasing productivity and GDP/employees for nations Increasing productivity and GDP/employees should translate into wealthier citizens AI Progress on Open Leaderboards Benchmark Roadmap to solve AI/IA Alistair Nolan (OECD AI for Science Productivity): “It has been stated that the number of engineers proclaiming the end of Moore's Law doubles every two years.” Rouse WB, Spohrer JC. (2018) Automating versus augmenting intelligence. Journal of Enterprise Transformation. 2018 Apr 3;8(1-2):1-21. Read Rouse & Spohrer (2018) enough to understand this slide including what ”exascale” means 11/22/22 Part 1: Solving AI
  • 12. Types: Progression of Models : Verified, Trusted, Wise Models = instruction_set of future: Better building blocks 5/11/2023 Understanding Cognitive Systems 12 Task & World Model/ Planning & Decisions Self Model/ Capacity & Limits User Model/ Episodic Memory Institutions Model/ Trust & Social Acts Tool + - - - Assistant ++ + - - Collaborator +++ ++ + - Coach ++++ +++ ++ + Mediator +++++ ++++ +++ ++ Cognitive Tool Cognitive Assistant Cognitive Collaborator Cognitive Coach Cognitive Mediator Part 2: Solving IA Solving IA also requires All of this and done well As a “bicycle for the mind” To make us stronger, Not weaker When tech is all removed
  • 13. Resilience: Rapidly Rebuilding From Scratch • Dartnell L (2012) The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Civilization in the Aftermath of a Cataclysm. Westminster London: Penguin Books. 5/11/2023 Jim Spoihrer (ISSIP) 13 Part 3: “Solving All Problems”
  • 14. Jim Spohrer is a Silicon Valley-based Advisor to industry, academia, governments, startups and non-profits on topics of AI upskilling, innovation strategy, and win- win service in the AI era. Most recently with a consulting team working for a top 10 market cap global company, he contributed to a strategic plan for a globally connected AI Academy for achieving rapid, nation-scale upskilling with AI. With the US National Academy of Engineering, he co-led a 2022 workshop on “Service Systems Engineering in the Era of Human-Centered AI” to improve well-being. Jim is a retired IBM Executive since July 2021, and previously directed IBM’s open- source Artificial Intelligence developer ecosystem effort, was CTO IBM Venture Capital Group, co-founded IBM Almaden Service Research, and led IBM Global University Programs. In the 1990’s at Apple Computer, as a Distinguished Engineer Scientist and Technologist, he was executive lead on next generation learning platforms. In the 1970’s, after his MIT BS in Physics, he developed speech recognition systems at Verbex (Exxon) before receiving his Yale PhD in Computer Science/AI. In 1989, prior to joining Apple, he was a visiting scholar at the University of Rome, La Sapienza advising doctoral students working on AI and Education dissertations. With over ninety publications and nine patents, he received the Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions to the Service Discipline award, Gummesson Service Research award, Vargo and Lusch Service-Dominant Logic award, Daniel Berg Service Systems award, and a PICMET Fellow for advancing service science. Jim was elected and previously served as Linux Foundation AI & Data Technical Advisory Board Chairperson and ONNX Steering Committee Member (2020-2021). Today, he is a UIDP Senior Fellow for contributions to industry-university collaborations, and a member of the Board of Directors of the International Society of Service Innovation (ISSIP) and ServCollab. Jim Spohrer, Advisor Retired Industry Executive (Apple, IBM) UIDP Senior Fellow Board of Directors, ServCollab Board of Directors, Changemaker Priorities 1. Service Innovation 2. Upskilling with AI 3. Future Universities 4. Geothermal Energy 5. Poverty Reduction 6. Regional Development Competitive Parity Technologies 1. AI & Robotics 2. Digital Twins 3. Open Source 4. AR/VR/XR 5. Geothermal 6. Learning Platforms
  • 15. Who I am: Take 2 The Three Ages of Man (Giorgione) Thanks to Alan Hartman for kind inspiration (slides) (recording) Service is an actor applying resources (e.g., knowledge) to benefit another Service system entities are responsible actors that give and get service (e.g., people, businesses, universities, nations, etc.) Service science studies service systems as an evolving ecology of responsible actors that interact and change. Service innovations improve win-win interaction and change in business and society Service systems are dynamic configurations of four types of resources 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 15 Environmental and ecological sciences ServCollab
  • 16. What I study Service Science and Open Source AI – Trust is key to both Service Science Artificial Intelligence Trust: Value Co-Creation/Collaboration Responsible Entities Learning to Invest Transdisciplinary Community Trust: Secure, Fair, Explainable Machine Collaborators Open Source Communities
  • 17. Good news: Scaling benefits for responsible actors is getting faster Research -> Innovation -> (Safe) Practice From David Michaelis, I4J Forum 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 17 Note: Separate talk Would be on How AI can Transform Methods of Service Research
  • 18. Bad News: Scaling harms by bad actors is happening faster too… 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 18
  • 19. Historical Perspective Emerging technologies scale up capabilities (quickly) New business models scale up benefits (quickly) Institutional arrangements scale down harms (slowly) Technology Example Companies Safety Regulatory Bodies (Founded) Stakeholder Harms Stakeholder Benefits Firearms Smith & Wesson ATF (1886) Armed criminals Defense Boilers Babcock & Wilcox NBBPVI (1911) Boiler explosions Railroads, steam-powered factories, building heating, etc. Radio & TV RCA, NBC FCC (1934) Misinformation News, entertainment Drugs Bayer FDA (1938) Addiction Save lives, reduce pain Airplanes Boeing, PanAm FAA (1958) Pandemic, Weapons Faster Transportation Automobiles Ford NHTSA (1966) Accidents, Pollution Faster Transportation Nuclear Energy Westinghouse NRC (1975) Accidents, Weapons Sustainable energy Social Media Facebook/Meta ?TBD – “Social Dilemma” GDPR beginnings Misinformation, Addiction Communications reach, staying in touch AI OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Apple ?TBD – “A.I. Dilemma” Ban, Policy beginnings Misinformation, Wealth Concentration Boost for creativity, productivity 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 19
  • 20. Adjustment Period: “Drinking from a firehose” • Everyday, new AI announcements (globally) • Hype at all time high • Progress at all time high • Adjustment period will last for a few decades • Stay focused on a problem you are trying to solve • What problem would you be working to solve… • if you had 100 digital workers working for you every minute of the day (24x7)? • UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs) • … How much decarbonized/carbonized energy are AI Digital Workers consuming? • … How much harm are bad actors causing using AI Digital Worker tools, etc.? • … How well are the populations of whole nations doing on AI upskilling? • Problem #1: All responsible actors/service system entities (people, businesses, nations, etc.) focus on becoming better future versions of themselves to get and give better service • … How to help responsible actors learning to invest better in win-win interactions and change, to get the future that they want? 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 20 DALL-E 2 Prompt: A crowd of people struggling to drink from a steampunk robot firehouse gushing knowledge in the style of Norman Rockwell Understanding (Informed Actors)
  • 21. Who I follow (learn from about many tools)… • Higher Bar • Substack: Gary Markus (NYU) • Facebook: Ernest Davis (NYU) • LinkedIn & Twitter: Stephen Wolfram • Blog: Irving Wladawsky-Berger (MIT, retired IBM) • LinkedIn: Jochen Wirtz (Service Scholar on AI) • Book “Human Compatible”: Stuart Russell (Berkeley) Alignment/Assistance_Game • Community: Ben Shneiderman (HCAI) • Practical AI Upskilling Advice • Substack: Ethan Mollick (U Penn Wharton) • LinkedIn & Website: Terri Griffith (Simon Frasier) • Tracking AI Capabilities • Youtube: AI Explained, Matthew Berman, Digital Engines, and others • ArXiv publications from Google, Deepmind, Microsoft, OpenAI, Facebook/Meta, IBM, etc. • Website: PapersWithCode/SOTA • Fun - Overly (?) Optimistic on AGI & AI Upskilling & Tracking • Youtube: Alan D. Thomas • Many others - and constantly sampling, and evaluating others to follow regularly… Understanding (Informed Actors) 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 21
  • 22. Stephen Wolfram 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 22 Understanding (Informed Actors)
  • 23. We get the future we invest in: AI tools to experiment with today • #1 Magic Eraser • #2 Craiyon • #3 Rytr And GPT-3, ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bing • #4 Thing Translator • #5 Autodraw • #6 Fontjoy • #7 Talk to Book • #8 This Person Does Not Exist • #9 Namelix • #10 Let's Enhance Thanks to @TessaRDavis for compiling this list: “Service providers will not be replaced by AI, but trusted service providers who use AI (well and responsibly) will replace those who don’t.” National Academy - Service Systems and AI 23 Try at least two from the list as soon as possible What do you think? , DALL-E and Stable Diffusion Every person in a role in an organization is a service provider. 5/11/2023
  • 24. June 12, 2022 – The Economist Magazine Cover March of the machines A SPECIAL ISSUE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE June 21, 2022 – COSMOPOLITAN Magazine Cover – The A.I. Issue Meet the World’s First Artificially Intelligent Magazine Cover And it only took 20 seconds to make Historic Examples of AI’s Foundational Models Becoming Useful
  • 26. DALL-E Prompt: Create an image that illustrates a person upskilling with AI, showing their determination and resilience in the face of uncertainty and change. The image should convey the idea that upskilling with AI is a way for individuals to stay ahead in the job market and be prepared for the future of work. The person in the image should be depicted as confident and focused, surrounded by technology and tools that symbolize their journey towards upskilling in AI. The overall feel of the image should be modern, sleek, and inspiring. Upskilling with AI: Staying Resilient in Uncertain Times
  • 27. Upskilling with AI: Staying Resilient in Uncertain Times DALL-E Prompt: Create a magazine cover image that captures the theme of "Upskilling with AI: Staying Resilient in Uncertain Times". The image should show a person who is determined and optimistic, despite the challenges of the current job market and economic uncertainty. They should be depicted as actively engaged in learning and improving their AI skills, surrounded by cutting-edge technology.
  • 28. Philippe Deridder AI Tools for Innovation • URL - osts/philippederidder_innov ation-design-ux-activity- 7044345913770700800- 6_V7 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 28
  • 29. Part 1: Solving AI • Technical challenges and social adjustment period 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 29
  • 30. Questions • What is the timeline for solving AI and IA? • TBD: When can a CEO buy AI capability <X> for price <Y>? • Who are the leaders driving AI progress? • What will the biggest benefits from AI be? • What are the biggest risks associated with AI, and are they real? • What other technologies may have a bigger impact than AI? • What are the implications for stakeholders? • How should we prepare to get the benefits and avoid the risks? 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 30
  • 31. Timeline: Short History 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 31 Dota 2 “Deep Learning” for “AI Pattern Recognition” depends on massive amounts of “labeled data” and computing power available since ~2012; Labeled data is simply input and output pairs, such as a sound and word, or image and word, or English sentence and French sentence, or road scene and car control settings – labeled data means having both input and output data in massive quantities. For example, 100K images of skin, half with skin cancer and half without to learn to recognize presence of skin cancer.
  • 32. Rapid Progress • History and Future 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 32
  • 33. Timeline: Every 20 years, compute costs are down by 1000x • Cost of Digital Workers • Moore’s Law can be thought of as lowering costs by a factor of a… • Thousand times lower in 20 years • Million times lower in 40 years • Billion times lower in 60 years • Smarter Tools (Terascale) • Terascale (2017) = $3K • Terascale (2020) = ~$1K • Narrow Worker (Petascale) • Recognition (Fast) • Petascale (2040) = ~$1K • Broad Worker (Exascale) • Reasoning (Slow) • Exascale (2060) = ~$1K 33 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 2080 2040 2000 1960 $1K $1M $1B $1T 2060 2020 1980 +/- 10 years $1 Person Average Annual Salary (Living Income) Super Computer Cost Mainframe Cost Smartphone Cost T P E T P E AI Progress on Open Leaderboards Benchmark Roadmap to solve AI/IA
  • 34. Predict the Timeline: GDP/Employee National Academy - Service Systems and AI 34 (Source) Lower compute costs translate into increasing productivity and GDP/employees for nations Increasing productivity and GDP/employees should translate into wealthier citizens AI Progress on Open Leaderboards Benchmark Roadmap to solve AI/IA Alistair Nolan (OECD AI for Science Productivity): “It has been stated that the number of engineers proclaiming the end of Moore's Law doubles every two years.” Rouse WB, Spohrer JC. (2018) Automating versus augmenting intelligence. Journal of Enterprise Transformation. 2018 Apr 3;8(1-2):1-21. Read Rouse & Spohrer (2018) enough to understand this slide including what ”exascale” means 11/22/22 Part 1: Solving AI
  • 35. Timeline: Leaderboards Framework AI Progress on Open Leaderboards - Benchmark Roadmap Perceive World Develop Cognition Build Relationships Fill Roles Pattern recognition Video understanding Memory Reasoning Social interactions Fluent conversation Assistant & Collaborator Coach & Mediator Speech Actions Declarative Deduction Scripts Speech Acts Tasks Institutions Chime Thumos SQuAD SAT ROC Story ConvAI Images Context Episodic Induction Plans Intentions Summarization Values ImageNet VQA DSTC RALI General-AI Translation Narration Dynamic Abductive Goals Cultures Debate Negotiation WMT DeepVideo Alexa Prize ICCMA AT Learning from Labeled Training Data and Searching (Optimization) Learning by Watching and Reading (Education) Learning by Doing and being Responsible (Exploration) 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 2036 2039 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 35 Which experts would be really surprised if it takes less time… and which experts really surprised if it takes longer? Approx. Year Human Level -> +3 See:
  • 36. Timeline: Leaderboards Framework AI Progress on Open Leaderboards - Benchmark Roadmap Perceive World Develop Cognition Build Relationships Fill Roles Pattern recognition Video understanding Memory Reasoning Social interactions Fluent conversation Assistant & Collaborator Coach & Mediator Speech Actions Declarative Deduction Scripts Speech Acts Tasks Institutions Chime Thumos SQuAD SAT ROC Story ConvAI Images Context Episodic Induction Plans Intentions Summarization Values ImageNet VQA DSTC RALI General-AI Translation Narration Dynamic Abductive Goals Cultures Debate Negotiation WMT DeepVideo Alexa Prize ICCMA AT Learning from Labeled Training Data and Searching (Optimization) Learning by Watching and Reading (Education) Learning by Doing and being Responsible (Exploration) 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 2036 2039 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 36 Which experts would be really surprised if it takes less time… and which experts really surprised if it takes longer? Approx. Year Human Level -> +3 See:
  • 37. From leaderboards to profession exams 5/11/2023 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 37
  • 40. Who is winning 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 40
  • 42. OpenAI GPT: Enterprise Customers 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 42 Alan D. Thompson
  • 43. Open Source AI: Not Wise? Or Super Wise? 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 43 Some say: When you have nothing, And you want attention – open source. However, as soon as you have something, And you are competitive, you put up A “CLOSED” sign – as quick as you can. Nonzero sum trailer, becomes zero-sum leader.
  • 44. LLaMa & Alpaca • Open Source • Training Cost Declining 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 44
  • 45. Who I track to learn about new AI tools to use • Alan D. Thompson • i-talk-to-gpt/ • 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 45
  • 46. 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 46 Jim Spohrer (2022): 3-4x the time seems more realistic to me, so perhaps by 2050-2060. AI advances and adoption are both very hard.
  • 47. Robots by Country • Industrial robots per 10,000 people by country 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 47 34
  • 48. Sweden 5/11/2023 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 48
  • 49. Economic Growth Rates 2035: AI Projected Impact 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 49
  • 51. AI Benefits • Access to expertise • “Insanely great” labor productivity for trusted service providers • Digital workers for healthcare, education, finance, etc. • Better choices • ”Insanely great” collaborations with others on what matters most • AI for IA = Augmented Intelligence and higher value co-creation interactions 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 51
  • 52. AI Risks • Job Loss • Shorter term bigger risk = de-skilling • Super-intelligence • Shorter term bigger risk = bad actors 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 52
  • 53. Other Technologies: Bigger impact? Yes. • Augmented Reality (AR)/ Virtual Reality (VR) • Game worlds grow-up • Trust Economy/ Security Systems • Trust and security immutable • Advanced Materials/ Energy Systems • Manufacturing as cheap, local recycling service (utility fog, artificial leaf, etc.) 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 53
  • 54. Emergence • Capabilities in larger models, not in smaller models 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 54
  • 55. Theory of Mind • Theory of Mind: When an entity has an accurate idea of what’s going on in other entities’ minds, including when the other entity is right and wrong. • Sutskever (OpenAI Chief Scientist): ”We are starting to reach a point, where the language of psychology is starting to be appropriate to understand the behavir of these neural networks.” 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 55
  • 56. AGI: Embodied • Stages • OpenAI > Anthropic • Getting harder to keep up with improvements • Outlier tests get harder and harder 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 56
  • 57. AGI Thinking Acting • 34 months away? • 2026? • Human-level across all disciplines 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 57
  • 58. Part 2: Solving IA • Rapidly advancing technology and social adjustment (regulations) period 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 58
  • 59. Smartphones pass entrance exams? When? 5/11/2023 IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 59 … when will your smartphone be able to take and pass any online course? And then be your coach, so you can pass too? OpenAI Answer: 2023 My Question: 2017
  • 60. Types: Progression of Models : Trusted, Verified, Wise Models = instruction_set of future: Better building blocks 5/11/2023 Understanding Cognitive Systems 60 Task & World Model/ Planning & Decisions Self Model/ Capacity & Limits User Model/ Episodic Memory Institutions Model/ Trust & Social Acts Tool + - - - Assistant ++ + - - Collaborator +++ ++ + - Coach ++++ +++ ++ + Mediator +++++ ++++ +++ ++ Cognitive Tool Cognitive Assistant Cognitive Collaborator Cognitive Coach Cognitive Mediator Part 2: Solving IA
  • 61. 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 61
  • 62. 5/11/2023 © IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide accelerating regional development 62 Cognitive Mediators for all people in all roles
  • 63. Occupations = Many Tasks 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2015) 63
  • 64. Watson Discovery Advisor 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2015) 64 Simonite, T. 2014. Software Mines Science Papers to Make New Discoveries. MIT. November 25, 2014. URL:
  • 65. 10 million minutes of experience 5/11/2023 Understanding Cognitive Systems 65
  • 66. 2 million minutes of experience 5/11/2023 Understanding Cognitive Systems 66
  • 67. Hardware < Software < Data < Experience < Transformation 5/11/2023 Understanding Cognitive Systems 67 Value migrates to transformation – becoming our future selves; people, businesses, nations = service system entities Pine & Gilmore (1999) Transformation Roy et al (2006) Data Osati (2014) Experience Life Log
  • 68. Intelligence Augmentation (IA) = Socio-Technical Extension Factor on Capabilities • Engelbart (1962) • Spohrer & Engelbart (2002) 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (ISSIP) 68 Dedicated to Douglas E. Engelbart, Inventor The Mouse (Pointing Device) The Mother of All Demos Bootstrapping Practice/Augmentation Theory Note: Bush (1945) and Licklider (1960) created funding programs that benefitted Engelbart in building working systems.
  • 69. IA as Socio-Technical Extension Factor on Capabilities & Values IA (human values) is not AI (technology capability) Difference 1: IA leads to more capable people even when scaffold removed Difference 2: IA leads to more responsible people to use wisely the capabilities 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (ISSIP) 69 Superminds Malone (2018) Things that Make Us Smart Norman (1994) Worldboard Augmented Perception Spohrer (1999) Bicycles for the Mind Kay & Jobs (1984) Techno-Extension Factor Measurement & Accelerating Socio-Technical Design Loop Kline (1996)
  • 70. 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 70 0 25 50 100 125 150 Automobile 75 Years 50 100 Telephone Electricity Radio Television VCR PC Cellular % Adoption Capability Augmentation and Adoption Rate Increases
  • 71. Courses • 2015 • “How to build a cognitive system for Q&A task.” • 9 months to 40% question answering accuracy • 1-2 years for 90% accuracy, which questions to reject • 2025 • “How to use a cognitive system to be a better professional X.” • Tools to build a student level Q&A from textbook in 1 week • 2035 • “How to use your cognitive mediator to build a startup.” • Tools to build faculty level Q&A for textbook in one day • Cognitive mediator knows a person better than they know themselves • 2055 • “How to manage your workforce of digital workers.” • Most people have 100 digital workers. 5/11/2023 71 Take free online cognitive classes today at
  • 72. Read Wakefield (2020) enough to understand what a ”digital twin” of you might be like in the future decades with very advanced AI capabilities. Also see Rouse (2018; 2022) ”Life with a Cognitive Assistant.” National Academy - Service Systems and AI 72 AI Tools in coming decades… 5/11/2023
  • 73. 5/11/2023 The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals ( 73
  • 74. 5/11/2023 The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals ( 74
  • 75. 5/11/2023 The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals ( 75
  • 76. 5/11/2023 The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals ( 76
  • 77. Read Wakefield (2020) enough to understand what a ”digital twin” of you might be like in the future decades with very advanced AI capabilities. Also see Rouse (2018; 2022) ”Life with a Cognitive Assistant.” National Academy - Service Systems and AI 77 AI Tools in coming decades… 5/11/2023
  • 78. TacitPath.Com: Entity Coordination Via Shared Information – John Wolpert 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 78
  • 79.
  • 80. Part 3: “Solving All Problems” 5/11/2023 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 80
  • 81. 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2015) 81 I have… Have you noticed how the building blocks just keep getting better?
  • 82. Learning to program: My first program 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2015) 82 Early Computer Science Class: Watson Center at Columbia 1945 Jim Spohrer’s First Program 1972
  • 83. 5/11/2023 83 1955 1975 1995 2015 2035 2055 Better Building Blocks
  • 84. “The best way to predict the future is to inspire the next generation of students to build it better.” Digital Natives Transportation Water Manufacturing Energy Construction ICT Retail Finance Healthcare Education Government
  • 85. Artificial Leaf • Daniel Nocera, a professor of energy science at Harvard who pioneered the use of artificial photosynthesis, says that he and his colleague Pamela Silver have devised a system that completes the process of making liquid fuel from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. And they’ve done it at an efficiency of 10 percent, using pure carbon dioxide—in other words, one-tenth of the energy in sunlight is captured and turned into fuel. That is much higher than natural photosynthesis, which converts about 1 percent of solar energy into the carbohydrates used by plants, and it could be a milestone in the shift away from fossil fuels. The new system is described in a new paper in Science. 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 85
  • 86. Food from Air • Although the technology is in its infancy, researchers hope the "protein reactor" could become a household item. • Juha-Pekka Pitkänen, a scientist at VTT, said: "In practice, all the raw materials are available from the air. In the future, the technology can be transported to, for instance, deserts and other areas facing famine. • "One possible alternative is a home reactor, a type of domestic appliance that the consumer can use to produce the needed protein." • According to the researchers, the process of creating food from electricity can be nearly 10 times as energy efficient as photosynthesis, the process used by plants. 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 86
  • 87. Exoskeletons for Elderly • A walker is a “very cost-effective” solution for people with limited mobility, but “it completely disempowers, removes dignity, removes freedom, and causes a whole host of other psychological problems,” SRI Ventures president Manish Kothari says. “Superflex’s goal is to remove all of those areas that cause psychological-type encumbrances and, ultimately, redignify the individual." 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 87
  • 88. What I study Service Science and Open Source AI – Trust is key to both Service Science Artificial Intelligence Trust: Value Co-Creation/Collaboration Responsible Entities Learning to Invest Transdisciplinary Community Trust: Secure, Fair, Explainable Machine Collaborators Open Source Communities
  • 89. Two disciplines: Two approaches to the future Artificial Intelligence is almost seventy-years-old discipline in computer science that studies automation and builds more capable technological systems. AI tries to understand the intelligent things that people can do and then does those things with technology. ( “... we aim to build advanced AI - sometimes known as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - to expand our knowledge and find new answers. By solving this, we believe we could help people solve thousands of problems.”) Service science is an emerging transdiscipline not yet twenty-years- old that studies transformation and builds smarter and wiser socoi- technical systems – families, businesses, nations, platforms and other special types of responsible entities and their win-win interactions that transform value co-creation and capability co-elevation mechanisms that build more resilient future versions of themselves – what we call service systems entities. Service science tries to understand the evolving ecology of service system entities, their capabilities, constraints, rights, and responsibilities, and then then seeks to improve the quality of life of people (present/smarter and future/wiser) in those service systems. Artificial Intelligence Automation Generations of machines Service Science Transformation Generations of people (responsible entities) Service systems are dynamic configurations of people, technology, organizations, and information, connected internally and externally by value propositions, to other service system entities. (Maglio et al 2009)
  • 90. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way in almost seven decades… From David Michaelis, I4J Forum
  • 91. … but we still have a long way to go. January 26, 2023 Technical challenges no longer the hardest part, the AI to IA adjustment period is about responsible actors upskilling.
  • 92. Overlap Acknowledgement: E. Noei, S. Brisson, Y. Liu Via Kelly Lyons, NAE Talk Oct 2022 2010 2019 92 Service science has come a long way in two decades… 2004-2011
  • 93. … but we still have a long way to go. December 1, 2022
  • 94. Trust: Two Communities 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2018) 94 Service Science OpenTech AI Trust: Value Co-Creation, Transdisciplinary Trust: Ethical, Safe, Explainable, Open Communities Special Issue AI Magazine? Handbook of OpenTech AI?
  • 95. Today’s Books Service is the application of resources (e.g., knowledge) for the benefit of another* * another includes your future self and future generations as well. The two greatest challenges of the 21st century are simultaneously upskilling entire nations with AI (knowledge infrastructure, digital transformation) while decarbonizing entire nations (energy infrastructure, physical transformation). And accomplishing both with globally sustainable as-a-service models - servitization.
  • 96. Three views on service and AI Discipline View on Service View on AI Broader View Economics Service sector Productivity Sector productivity & quality – better economic systems Automation Technology improved agriculture and manufacturing, service sector is next up Computer Science Web services Capabilities AI provides human capabilities on tasks as technological capability – better tools Automation Robots will further automate agriculture and manufacturing, and eventually service sector as well Service science, based on Service-Dominant Logic Value cocreation Service is the application of resources (e.g., knowledge) for the benefit of another Augmentation Responsible actors (service system entities) upskilling with AI to give and get better service Humanity-Centered Responsible actors learning to invest in improved win-win interaction and change
  • 97. Three views on service and AI Discipline View on Service View on AI Broader View Economics Service sector Productivity Sector productivity & quality – better economic systems Automation Technology improved agriculture and manufacturing, service sector is next up Computer Science Web services Capabilities AI provides human capabilities on tasks as technological capability – better tools Automation Robots will further automate agriculture and manufacturing, and eventually service sector as well Service science, based on Service-Dominant Logic Value cocreation Service is the application of resources (e.g., knowledge) for the benefit of another Augmentation Responsible actors (service system entities) upskilling with AI to give and get better service Humanity-Centered Responsible actors learning to invest in improved win-win interaction and change
  • 98. Three views on service and AI Discipline View on Service View on AI Broader View Economics Service sector Productivity Sector productivity & quality – better economic systems Automation Technology improved agriculture and manufacturing, service sector is next up Computer Science Web services Capabilities AI provides human capabilities on tasks as technological capability – better tools Automation Robots will further automate agriculture and manufacturing, and eventually service sector as well Service science, based on Service-Dominant Logic Value cocreation Service is the application of resources (e.g., knowledge) for the benefit of another Augmentation Responsible actors (service system entities) upskilling with AI to give and get better service Humanity-Centered Responsible actors learning to invest in improved win-win interaction and change
  • 99. Three views on service and AI Discipline View on Service View on AI Broader View Economics Service sector Productivity Sector productivity & quality – better economic systems Automation Technology improved agriculture and manufacturing, service sector is next up Computer Science Web services Capabilities AI provides human capabilities on tasks as technological capability – better tools Automation Robots will further automate agriculture and manufacturing, and eventually service sector as well Service science, based on Service-Dominant Logic Value cocreation Service is the application of resources (e.g., knowledge) for the benefit of another Augmentation Responsible actors (service system entities) upskilling with AI to give and get better service Humanity-Centered Responsible actors learning to invest in improved win-win interaction and change
  • 101. Humanity-Centered Harmonization of Disciplines - Transdisciplinarity Why the (holistic) service systems trend is important to future sustainability Business and societal systems and supply chains are increasingly complex and interconnected. Real-world problems do not respect discipline boundaries. Scalable solutions require many schools of practice working together, and current solutions may have unintended consequences, short-term or longer-term, especially if perspectives are not invited/considered. Technological progress improved the scalability of agriculture and manufacturing, and next all types of service will be made more scalable (and currently, energy intensive) by future AI capabilities and progress. A small sampling of schools and disciplines below – more exist  - apologies for not adding yours to this summary. School of practice for Physical Sciences & Engineering Technology School of practice for Behavioral & Social Sciences, Humanities & Arts People School of practice for Managerial Sciences & Entrepreneurship Information & Organizations Comp. Sci./AI HCI/Robotics Electrical & Mech. Eng. Systems Engineering Economics Public Policy & Law Design Information Systems Operations Research Marketing & Strategy Read enough of Kline (1995) to understand conceptual foundation of multidisciplinary thinking and the techno-extension factor and the accelerating socio-technical system design loop concepts. 5/11/2023 National Academy - Service Systems and AI 101
  • 102. Why upskilling with AI trend is important to systems thinking Talent development is moving from I to T to X (eXtended with AI) National Academy - Service Systems and AI 102 6 T-shape Skills Knowledge Areas To be eXtended By AI tools: 1. Disciplines 2. Systems 3. Cultures 4. Technologies 5. Practices 6. Mindsets 5/11/2023
  • 103. How, What, and Why? Inspiring AI upskilling (IA) • How to learn • AI-powered search can help people - motivated people – to learn about whatever they put their minds to learning • What to learn • AI technological capabilities and limitations – foundational models • AI applications that can actually improve processes for how things get done (case studies - productivity, quality, compliance, sustainability, decarbonization) • AI-as-a-service investment cases to motivate stakeholders to change to better win-win interactions in business and societal service systems (investment pitch) • The “startup of you” investment case – learning to invest systematically and wisely (startup pitch) • Why learn? • Challenge and opportunity - nations must upskill with AI and decarbonize • Motivation is key – find the very best free online videos/courses and subscribe • Universities will play an increasingly important role as industry research partners and venture testbeds even as learners can do more and more on their own with online curriculum National Academies – Service Systems and AI 103
  • 104. We get the future we invest in: AI tools to experiment with today • #1 Magic Eraser • #2 Craiyon • #3 Rytr And GPT-3, ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bing • #4 Thing Translator • #5 Autodraw • #6 Fontjoy • #7 Talk to Book • #8 This Person Does Not Exist • #9 Namelix • #10 Let's Enhance Thanks to @TessaRDavis for compiling this list: “Service providers will not be replaced by AI, but trusted service providers who use AI (well and responsibly) will replace those who don’t.” National Academy - Service Systems and AI 104 Try at least two from the list as soon as possible What do you think? , DALL-E and Stable Diffusion Every person in a role in an organization is a service provider. 5/11/2023
  • 105. Call to Action: Create SIRs • Responsible actors need to learn to invest wisely in getting the future service innovations we want with AI – guided by “Service Innovation Roadmaps (SIRs).” National Academy - Service Systems and AI 105 Read enough of IfM and IBM (2008) to understand what a “Service Innovation Roadmap (SIR)” is – and who should be creating them. 5/11/2023
  • 106. Learning to invest • Run = Routine Activities • Transform = Copy Activities • Innovate = Invent and Apply Activities 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 106 Innovate Invest in each type of change
  • 107. 107 How responsible entities (service systems) learn and change over time History and future of Run-Transform-Innovate investment choices • Diverse Types • Persons (Individuals) • Families • Regional Entities • Universities • Hospitals • Cities • States/Provinces • Nations • Other Enterprises • Businesses • Non-profits • Learning & Change • Run = use existing knowledge or standard practices (use) • Transform = adopt a new best practice (copy) • Innovate = create a new best practice (invent) Innovate Invest in each type of change Spohrer J, Golinelli GM, Piciocchi P, Bassano C (2010) An integrated SS-VSA analysis of changing job roles. Service Science. 2010 Jun;2(1-2):1-20. March JG (1991) Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization science. 1991 Feb;2(1):71-87. URL: exploit explore
  • 108. Concluding Remarks: Two Books 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 108
  • 109. Better Models (Spohrer, Maglio, Vargo, Warg 2022) • Increasing complex, interconnected world • All models are wrong, some are useful • Better models are needed of • the world – both physical, social, virtual (science) • people and win-win interactions (logics) • organizations and win-win change (architecture) • technologies (AI) • Better models for better investing • “We get the future we invest in, so responsible actors must learn to invest wisely and systematically in improved win-win interaction and change.” 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 109
  • 110. Service in the AI era Science science Service dominant (S-D) logic Service Dominant Architecture (SDA) Service in the AI era revisited Core message? Better automation and augmentation improve service processes Better science improves understanding (learning) processes Better logics improve interaction processes Better architectures improve change processes X+AI requires learning to invest systematically and wisely to improve service Where are the better models? Technology Disciplines Minds Enterprise Disciplines + AI Minds + AI Enterprise + AI What type of model? Digital twins Digital twins Digital twins Digital twins Digital twins Service in the AI Era: Science, Logic, and Architecture Perspectives (Spohrer, Maglio, Vargo, Warg – request your digital copy –
  • 111. From Human-Centered to Humanity-Centered Design (Norman 2023) • Human-Centered Design 1. Solve the core, root issues, not just the problem as presented (which is often the symptom, not the cause). 2. Focus on the people. 3. Take a systems point of view, realizing that most complications result from the interdependencies of the multiple parts. 4. Continually test and refine the proposed designs to ensure they truly meet the concerns of the people for whom they are intended. 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 111 • Humanity-Centered Design 1. Solve the core, root issues, not just the problem as presented (which is often the symptom, not the cause). 2. Focus on the entire ecosystem of people, all living things, and the physical environment. 3. Take a long-term, systems point of view, realizing that most complications result from the interdependencies of the multiple parts and that many of the most damaging impacts on society and the ecosystem reveal themselves only years or even decades later. 4. Continually test and refine the proposed designs to ensure they truly meet the concerns of the people and ecosystem for whom they are intended. 5. Design with the community and as much as possible support designs by the community. Professional designers should serve as enablers, facilitators, and resources, aiding community members to meet their concerns.
  • 112. Discussion • Are you positive or negative about AI? • If positive, are you using any specific AI tools today? • See list of AI tools to try on a previous slide • How are you investing in upskilling with AI? • If negative, do you have a specific concern (“ditch to avoid”) – for example…? • AI will take away my job • AI will be used primarily by “bad actors” for mischief • Or used by social media platforms to generate more clicks/attention thru angry reactions • AI will try to take over people and planet • AI will deskill and weaken people over time • … or other concerns about AI? • Do you believe responsible actors (e.g., people, businesses, universities, governments, etc.) are learning to to invest systematically and wisely in getting the future we want? If not, why not – what is needed? • Join (free for individuals) if you would like to continue the conversation! National Academy - Service Systems and AI 112 Read enough of pages 45-54 of Spohrer, Maglio, Vargo, Warg (2022) to formulate an opinion on the topic of “investing wisely to get the future service systems we want.” 5/11/2023
  • 113. Be Prepared • Understand open AI code + data + models + stacks + communities • Leaderboards • Ethical conduct • Learn 3 R’s of IBM’s Cognitive Opentech Group (COG) • Read arXiv • Redo with Github • Report with Jupyter notebooks on DSX and/or leaderboards • Improve your team’s skills of rapidly rebuilding from scratch • Build your open code eminence • Understand open innovation • Communities + Leaderboards 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 113 1972 used Punch cards 2016 used IBM Watson Open APIs to win… 2022 OpenAI DALL-E 2 and ChatGPT 2023 GPT-4
  • 114. Resilience: Rapidly Rebuilding From Scratch • Dartnell L (2012) The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Civilization in the Aftermath of a Cataclysm. Westminster London: Penguin Books. 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (2017) 114 What if the ”bad actors” get the upper hand?
  • 115. The best tool: Our brains and models of the resources in the world & responsible actors
  • 116. Why I am optimistic
  • 117. Who I follow (learn from) regarding AI … • Higher Bar • Substack: Gary Markus (NYU) • Facebook: Ernest Davis (NYU) • LinkedIn & Twitter: Stephen Wolfram • Practical AI Upskilling Advice • Substack: Ethan Mollick (U Penn Wharton) • LinkedIn & Website: Terri Griffith (Simon Frasier) • Tracking AI Capabilities • Youtube: AI Explained • ArXiv publications from Google, Deepmind, Microsoft, OpenAI, Facebook/Meta, IBM, etc. • Website: PapersWithCode/SOTA • Overly (?) Optimistic on AGI & AI Upskilling & Tracking • Youtube: Alan D. Thomas
  • 118.
  • 119. 5/11/2023 The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals ( 119
  • 120. IA Progression – Tool, Assistant, Collaborator, Coach, Mediator 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer (ISSIP) 120 Rouse & Spohrer (2018) Siddike, Spohrer, Demirkan, Kodha (2018) Araya (2018) Spohrer& Siddike (2018)
  • 121. “The best way to predict the future is to inspire the next generation of students to build it better” Digital Natives Transportation Water Manufacturing Energy Construction ICT Retail Finance Healthcare Education Government
  • 122. 5/11/2023 122 1955 1975 1995 2015 2035 2055 Better Building Blocks
  • 123. Additional Resources • Arthur WB (2019) Foundations of Complexity Economics. Nature Review Physics. • Dietrich BL, Plachy EC, Norton MF (2014) Analytics Across the Enterprise. • Donofrio N, DeMarco M (2022) If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes: The Nick Donofrio. • Fleming M (2022) Breakthrough: The Growth Revolution (in an Era of Artificial Intelligence and Worker Engagement). • IfM and IBM (2008) Succeeding through service innovation: A service perspective for education, research, business and government. • Larson RC (2022) Model Thinking for Everyday Life Working Wonders with a Blank Sheet of Paper. (Coming Soon). • Lebovitz S, Lifshitz-Assaf H, Levina N (2022) To Engage or Not to Engage with AI for Critical Judgments: How Professionals Deal with Opacity When Using AI for Medical Diagnosis. Organization Science. • Madhavan G, Poste G, Rouse W (2020) Complex Unifiable System. Editors' Note: Systemic Vistas. Winter 2020. The Bridge. • Maglio PP, Kieliszewki CA, Spohrer JC (2010) Handbook of Service Science • Maglio PP, Kieliszewki CA, Spohrer JC, Lyons K, Patrício L, Sawatani Y (2019) Handbook of Service Science, Vol II • McDermid JA (2022) Safe, Ethical & Sustainable: A Mantra for All Seasons? • Munn L (2022) The uselessness of AI ethics. • Norman D (2023) Design for a Better World: Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered • Rouse WB (2018) Life with a cognitive assistant. (2022) Emily 2.0.. • Rouse WB, Spohrer JC (2018) Automating versus augmenting intelligence. Journal of Enterprise Transformation. • Schneiderman (2022) Human-Centered AI. • Spohrer J (2017) Imagination Challenge: Quantify and graph cost of digital workers and GDP per employee USA from 1960-2080. • Spohrer J, Maglio, PP (2009) Service Science: Toward a Smarter Planet. In Service Engineering. • Spohrer J, Maglio PP, Vargo SL, Warg M (2022) Service in the AI Era: Science, Logic, and Architecture Perspectives. • US 110th Congress (2007) SEC. 1005. STUDY OF SERVICE SCIENCE. • Vargo SL, Lusch RF (2016) Institutions and Axioms: An Extension and Update of Service-Dominant Logic. JAMS. • Wakefield J (2022) Why you may have a thinking digital twin within a decade. BBC News Online. • West S, Meierhofer J, Mangla U (2022) Smart Services Summit: Smart Services Supporting the New Normal. • West S, Stoll O, Muller-Csernetzky P (2022) A Handbook for Smart Service Design - The design of Smart Services in a world of people, process and things. • Wladalsky-Berger I (2016) The Continuing Evolution of Service Science. (2019) The Increasing Demand for Hybrid, “T-Shaped” Workers . (2021) The Supply Chain Economy - A New Categorization of the US Economy (2022) A New Measurement Framework for the Digital Economy. (2022) Foundation Models: AI’s Exciting New Frontier. Service Systems Engineering in the Human-Centered AI Era 123
  • 124. 5/11/2023 Jim Spohrer ( 124 APPLE SPOTIFY: GOOGLE
  • 125. Service Systems Engineering in the Human-Centered AI Era 125 Value Science Engineering Policy Investing in Skills for Diverse Systems to Sustainably Serve People and Planet in the AI Era Management Service Science Management Engineering Many disciplines Many sectors Many regions/cultures (understanding & communications) Deep in one sector Deep in one region/culture Deep in one discipline T-Shaped Skills Depth and Breadth People-centered Data-intensive +Design-Arts- Public-Policy
  • 126. Service Science: Conceptual Framework 5/11/2023 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 126 Service Science
  • 127. (c) IBM MAP COG .| 127 Service Science: Transdisciplinary Framework to Study Service Systems Systems that focus on flows of things Systems that govern Systems that support people’s activities transportation & supply chain water & waste food & products energy & electricity building & construction healthcare & family retail & hospitality banking & finance ICT & cloud education &work city secure state scale nation laws social sciences behavioral sciences management sciences political sciences learning sciences cognitive sciences system sciences information sciences organization sciences decision sciences run professions transform professions innovate professions e.g., econ & law e.g., marketing e.g., operations e.g., public policy e.g., game theory and strategy e.g., psychology e.g., industrial eng. e.g., computer sci e.g., knowledge mgmt e.g., statistics e.g., knowledge worker e.g., consultant e.g., entrepreneur stakeholders Customer Provider Authority Competitors resources People Technology Information Organizations change History (Data Analytics) Future (Roadmap) value Run Transform (Copy) Innovate (Invent) Stackholders (As-Is) Resources (As-Is) Change (Might-Become) Value (To-Be)
  • 128. 128 Time ECOLOGY 14B Big Bang (Natural World) 10K Cities (Human-Made World) Sun writing (symbols and scribes) Earth written laws bacteria (uni-cell life) sponges (multi-cell life) money (coins) universities clams (neurons) trilobites (brains) printing press (books) steam engine 200M bees (social division-of-labor) 60 transistor Where is the “Real Science”? Ecology++ Transdisciplinary sciences that study the natural and human-made worlds… Unraveling the mystery of evolving hierarchical-complexity in new populations… To discover the world’s structures and mechanisms for computing non-zero-sum Value-CoCreation (VCC), Diverse Architectures of Holistic Service Systems (HSS) Sun Earth Bacteria Sponges Clams Universe Cities Writing Laws Money Universities
  • 129. 129 University Trend: “Sister Campuses” (People Flows) University sub-systems Disciplines in Schools (circles) Innovation Centers (squares) E.g., CMU Website (2009) “Research Centers: where it all happens – to solve real-world problems” Disciplines in Schools Award degrees Single-discipline focus Research discipline problems Innovation Centers (ICs) Industry/government sponsors Multi-disciplinary teams Research real-world systems D D D D D D water & waste transportation health energy/grid e-government food & supply chain
  • 130. 130 City Trend: “Sister Cities” (People Flows) World as System of Systems World (light blue - largest) Nations (green - large) Regions (dark blue - medium) Cities (yellow - small) Universities (red - smallest) Cities as System of Systems -Transportation & Supply Chain -Water & Waste Recycling -Food & Products ((Nano) -Energy & Electricity -Information/ICT & Cloud (Info) -Buildings & Construction -Retail & Hospitality/Media & Entertainment -Banking & Finance -Healthcare & Family (Bio) -Education & Professions (Cogno) -Government (City, State, Nation) Nations: Innovation Opportunities - GDP/Capita (level and growth rate) - Energy/Capita (fossil and renewable) Developed Market Nations (> $20K GDP/Capita) Emerging Market Nations (< $20K GDP/Capita) IBM UP WW: Tandem Awards: Increasing university linkages (knowledge exchange interactions)