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Special Education Synthesis
The following are the topics I have chosen to use for my synthesis paper:
Teacher Education: Toward a Qualified Teacher in Every Classroom
Trends Relating to Special Education Service Provisions in Public, Private Schools, and Charter Schools
Impacts of Accountability and Data Driven Models for Special Education Teachers and Students
Teachers, services provisions, and accountability have impacted special education in similar and different ways. In my paper I will look at the impact
each area has on the students, parents, and the teachers. There are links from all three topics to the NCLB act, which has had some recent changes. I
hope to learn more about each area and how they affect both general education teachers and special
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Analysis And Synthesis
Abstract and Overview: The authors of this article studied the facets of metalingustics, specifically morphology (word recognition) and phonology
(awareness of word sounds). In addition, the authors emphasized the influences of stress on words and decoding. The article dissected the results of a
test done on third graders. The test required students to add or remove suffixes from words, create new words by removing letters from current words,
and to recognize words within words. This process was an attempt to assess the influence of morphological and phonological awareness on students'
ability to read and recognize words. The test showed that metalinguistic skills must be present and working together in order for students to comprehend more content...
The ability to pronounce and understand words and phrases is foundational for all classroom subjects, from math to social studies. If a student is
unable to read at his or her age level, the student will inevitably struggle to comprehend all areas of study. For teachers, assessing and improving
students' reading abilities is crucial to success in school and in life after graduation. Rather than forcing students to fit into a mold of what they should
be able to do, it would be prudent for teachers to test each linguistic skill of students who struggle. Once the area of need has been established, teachers
can intervene to aid students in improving multilinguistics. This article pinpoints the areas required for literacy and makes it easy to break down what
students should be able to
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Synthesis Thesis
1. Identify your thesis statement. How can it be more clear and/or specific? If you don't have a thesis, identify a common thread or idea between the
two assigned readings and create one. Remember, a synthesis is not a compare & contrast essay.
Thesis: "Therefore, the food industry uses strategies of designing "healthier" fortified foods and designing the layout to place products as many as
possible in the supermarkets because these strategies can help increase profits through stimulating consumers to more food in larger size frequently." It
can be more clear by presenting specific reasons.
2. Do you offer an interesting introduction that introduces your thesis, as well as the articles you're synthesizing? What elements of the introduction
are particularly effective? Which need more work? more content...
The effective elements of the introduction are the illustration of the food industry. The introduction of the two articles needs more work. I need to
make it more clear.
3. Do you summarize the parts of the original articles that are directly related to their synthesis? If not, make note of which parts of the synthesis
would benefit from such a summary. If so, make sure that the summary is objective when it needs to be and cited properly when necessary.
I summarize the parts of the original parts. For the article "Go Forth and Fortify", I summarized the part of" the necessity of adding amounts of
vitamins and minerals in the food and beverage" and "the effectiveness of fortification in improving health." For the article "The Supermarket: Prime
Real Estate," I summarized the part of "the tactics behind the layout of the store and the product placement." The summary is objective.
4. How is the synthesis organized? Is the logic of the synthesis clear and easy to
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Summary Of A Synthesis Essay
Synthesis Paper For this action research project will concentrate on the area of teaching and learning strategies. To be more specific, teaching reading to
student with disabilities and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. With the objective to find out what strategies work best with this
population in regards to teaching high–frequency words. The thesis of this study is students with disabilities and culturally and linguistically diverse
backgrounds will be able to increase his/her recognition of high–frequency words when incorporating multisensory strategies to his/her daily reading
instruction. By using the multisensory approach to teaching high–frequency words student engagement will increase. The research questions: Will more content...
Oakland et al. (1998) studied only students with dyslexia. Even with the demographic differences both studies found the use of multisensory
components to be beneficial to students (Negin, 1991; Oakland et al., 1998). Oakland et al. (1998) discovers the student who used the multisensory
approach gained significantly in word recognition.
Weaknesses of these articles are the date of which they were written. Both articles were written in the 1990s. Making some information not as current
in the studies (Negin, 1991; Oakland et al., 1998). In Negin (1991) the student were given a test from 1987.
The research of both Negin (1991) and Oakland et al. (1998) support the use of multisensory techniques in a teaching reading. Both studies showed
growth from students when exposed to a multisensory technique during reading instruction (Negin, 1991; Oakland et al., 1998). Oakland et al. (1998)
even state a multisensory approach help students with word recognition. This supports the research question, in regards to student increasing sight
word recognition by adding a multisensory component to students' reading
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Synthesis Essay : Synthesis Of Articles
Synthesis of Articles I currently work for a university that built an entire Adult Program based on the premise that their market would be the mid–level
manager that already had a job. Most of the employers paid for the students to attend college in order to earn a degree. They were not going to earn a
promotion, they already had the promotion and needed the degree to solidify their current position. As the job market has changed, the university had
to change also and so has the enrollment of the university. Most of the students that are enrolling in the university at this time are unemployed,
under–employed or trying to reinvent themselves. One of the previous admissions requirements for entrance into the university was that students had to
have two years of work experience. While this was a requirement for entrance the university realized that there were many people who could not meet
this requirement and therefore removed this requirement from the list of admissions requirements. Once this requirement was removed students have
been accepted without having any work experience at all. Since this time students have been earning degrees and may or may not have any work
experience. With the change in the economy students have been earning degree but have not been able to find employment. One of the reason that my
students are finding it hard to find employment is because many of them do not know what it is that they would like to do with the degree they are
earning. Another
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Racism Synthesis Essay
Racism can be "defined as the hatred of one person by another or the belief that another person is less than human because of skin color, language,
customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations,
and legal codes" ("What"). The face of racism over the past 50 years has changed but yet, some still stay the same. People made laws against racism
and it is not as blunt anymore. But opinions and stereotypes will remain which will cause others to still be treated differently. One way the face of
racism has changed is that there are now laws against it. Because racism was such a major problem back then, the 14th amendment was created, which more content...
Back then, not all blacks had the same privileges and racism wasn't just about black and white people. This is an example of colourism. Colourism can
be "defined as a conscious or unconscious state of prejudice that may be experienced by both blacks and whites so that they label as less attractive
and intelligent individuals of a darker complexion, particularly, when it comes to black women" ("Demystifying"). Among the black community, there
is racism between it as well. Back then, white slave owners "allowed those of a lighter complexion certain privileges and denied those of a darker
complexion those privileges and created in the minds of blacks that "light" is better. In addition, the selling of lighter–skinned women into prostitution
or to salve masters to become their mistresses helped to concretize the idea that light skin is better" ("Demystifying"). But racism is not just about
blacks and whites. It can be between any races. With the internet and the power of social networking these days, it is even easier to repudiate and
excoriate people. People can criticize you secretly and not include you in certain events without your knowing. You can express racism even behind a
computer screen on a website plus make it private so it can't be seen by the public.
Although racism has changed over time these past 50 years, racism in many ways still exists. Everybody has their own opinion and those opinions are
influenced by the public and the media. In some way,
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Synthesis Essay On Global Warming
Global warming has been a controversial topic for years and some have even denied its existence; however, as more studies are being published every
day in regards to our changing climate, it is hard to ignore this growing issue and how humans contribute to it. The term greenhouse gases refers to the
group of gases that are primarily responsible for global warming and chief among these gases is carbon dioxide. Rising carbon dioxide levels can be
attributed to a combination of burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum as well as deforestation in general ( Source A). To slow the
effects of global warming, it is important for leaders in our society to consider their greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide, and make more content...
According to an article focused on environmental awareness, "the world's average surface temperature rose by approximately 1 degree
Fahrenheit, the fastest rate in any period over the last 1000 years" (Source A). Damage has already been done to the environment but it is not the
time to throw our hands up, it is the time for leaders in all sectors to tackle this issue head on. We know that carbon dioxide is the culprit, so now it
is imperative to implement the solution and take a hard look at who is producing the most greenhouse gases. Big changes need to take place but
they can only be done in steps and not all at once to be effective. In an excerpt from a book about global warming, Mark Maslin brings up the point
that many feel the Kyoto Protocol does not go far enough; scientists believe that a 60% cut of greenhouse gas emissions is necessary in order to
"prevent major climate change" (Source E). A sixty percent cut of emissions should be what countries work up to achieving but first and foremost,
every country needs to agree to the Kyoto Protocol guidelines. The Kyoto Protocol itself should not be viewed as the end in the discussion of
greenhouse gas restrictions, but rather the first stepping stone to a much broader and effective
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Examples Of A Synthesis Essay
For my Synthesis Essay Topic, I decided to change from saving endangered species to the effects bullies have on their victims. I would like to focus on
the physical pain that person goes through, how bullying can effect that person's social skills and relationships, and discuss the mental trauma and
health issues that person can experience. I would like to know more ways in preventing bullying because of two reasons. The first reason is because I,
myself, was bullied in middle school and high school. The second is because, I know someone whose friend killed their self over bullying. I think
others should care about this topic because it is not morally right for any human being to downgrade another and sometimes people are not always
aware that
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Synthesis Essay Prompt
Chase Wagers, Synthesis Essay Prompt #1 "I refused to let schooling get in the way of my education," was famously said by author Mark Twain.
Schools are intended to foster personal growth and ignite a lifelong passion for learning, yet sadly schools have evolved in a way that promotes
conformity at the expense of authentic education. Rather than continuing this broken system, it is time for a change. Individuality has, for far too
long, been pushed to the wayside in our schools; it is time to allow students and families to make decisions in choosing classes and scheduling so
future goals and aspirations can be met.
Mandatory classes and coursework are two of the most unjust tools used to "promote" conformity in our schools. I know from firsthand
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The Great Gatsby Synthesis Essay
Flat characters, such as Daisy, shape the audience's perspective on her and how she feels repressed; moreover this shows how Daisy is beginning to
retaliate and express her true emotions which symbolizes the beginning of modern day feminism. Daisy's strong emotions culling Gatsby shows that
she wants to live with Gatsby for the sake of her own happiness. Warranted by the time when Daisy was at Gatsby's house surrounded by his shirts,
Daisy starts to cry and says, "They're such beautiful shirts", (pg 98 para. 2). Demonstrative of Daisy regretting something from her past, her reaction to
the shirts shows that she may think that it is late for her and Gatsby to have a relationship. Furthermore, Daisy's indecisiveness shows that many women
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Example Of A Synthesis Essay
Synthesis Essay Over the years, the main source of media entertainment has changed from radio to television. This had a massive impact, as it
allowed streaming of live news with picture and video. Such a change was met with high criticism as it allowed for violent and graphic scenes from
all around the world to be shown to the public, many people became fearful of the psychological impact it might have on not only themselves, but more
importantly, their children. Nowadays, the main source of entertainment, especially for the younger generation, can be summarized under the broad
term of video games. These games allow simulations of different scenarios to be interacted with by a player. Such scenarios can also depict violent
acts, brutal more content...
While some parents propose government regulation against the violent outlet, (Lair) arguments that would be equal to losing freedom of choice. (Lair)
also comments on the imposing roles of our society, quoting "If I do not like it, you may not like it either." as the common mentality in the US and
other similarly developed countries. Everything is rounded up by saying that parents should be responsible for their children and that adults should be
responsible for themselves, not the
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Examples Of Synthesis
A synthesis essay is one of the most writer engaging pieces. It involved picking ideas from a variety of sources, summarizing them and creating a
cohesive essay that focuses on a thesis statement. It interweaves information based on topic and relevance to assert a certain opinion or point of view.
The author examines various sources and identifies suitable relationships with the thesis. The most important aspect of a synthesis is to demonstrate to
the reader an extensive understanding of the information within a topic. Therefore, extensive research is a prerequisite for a well–written essay.
Synthesis also involves a great deal of reflection. The author not only needs to rephrase and summarize the sources of information, but put down what more content...
Give a brief description of the subject matter and its relevance. In a few lines, offer the background of the topic. It is in this paragraph that you state the
purpose of the synthesis. Make the reader understand why they should review your work. last and most importantly. Formulate the thesis statement.
This brief and concise statement summarizes the whole agenda of the synthesis. The body This section has three main parts. The target point: The topic
statement describes the idea you will discuss in the paragraph. The evidence: Justifies the main idea of the paragraph and invokes relevant facts and
data that will strengthen the argument. Conclusion: relates the evidence and target point. It details the relevance of these two facts to the overall topic,
The conclusion At this point, you wrap up your essay. It is primal that the thesis statement is reiterated using different terns or paraphrase. This
paragraph envelopes all the arguments that you have presented. Restate each of the facts albeit summarily. Example of an essay outline Introduction
Hook the reader Provide background information on executive order on the immigration. Explain why the ban is contentious in
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Synthesis Essay: The Writing Process
Throughout the process of developing our own position, we must draw ideas from other people. This process is called synthesis, as it involves
considering various viewpoints in order to create a new viewpoint. However, it is extremely important to know as much as possible about the topic.
The main point of synthesizing sources is to enter the conversation that society is having, with logical evidence to back yourself up. But, when looking
for reliable source, be aware of a bias that the source might bring to the topic. A writer must analyze the rhetorical situation, even when it comes to
sources and documentation. As we further develop skills in writing synthesis essays, the sources that we use will inform our position on the topic.
Throughout the essay, the main event is what we have to say, your position is central. As the writer, it is your job to analyze the sources you come
across, and to see which one appeals to the audience you are presenting to.
It is important to keep an open mind while reading sources, as every piece of evidence could be crucial in the development of an more
That is why being able to use sources to inform an argument is crucial when writing any type of essay. I am certain that being able to efficiently use
my sources to appeal to an audience would also be a contributing factor to whether or not I clearly state my position in my essay. However, it isn't just
important to have the evidence to back your claim up, you must also smoothly integrate it throughout your essay. That is why I extremely appreciate
the section on, "Integrating Quotations," that was given during this chapter. This chapter has given me a better understanding of what is means to
appropriately use sources throughout my essay. Evidence doesn't explain itself, it's the author's job to make sure no stone gets left unturned when
supporting your position with the sources he/she has
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Synthesis Essay On Social Media
"10 admissions counselors at the country's top 500 colleges were using social networking sites" (Source A). The social media gives out information
of an individual to the world. It shares to the world what they have post in their social media sites. The colleges and jobs check people through their
social media accounts. Colleges and jobs should check people through their social media because it gives out information that could help the applicant
for colleges or jobs. "One–fourth of colleges surveyed indicated that they used web search or social networking technology to locate information
about prospective students" (Source B). The media shares to the world what the person does in them. I use them to showed them my art work;
therefore, that could help me if I am applying for an art institution. They could check my profile and see all my art work that I have done over the
years; furthermore, it can show my talent in art and how express myself throw my paintings. The colleges also can check out student's blogs. The
blogs can be very helpful because people express themselves through them. It shows how well people can compose more content...
Facebook help students to know each other and create a social environment for students. Students show how their personality is through Facebook and
how they act towards other people. A single web page like Facebook can show the world what that person is interested in or show their behavior
towards others. Colleges are using Facebook to grant scholarships to students (Source C). The colleges see the student's talent through them;
furthermore, granting them the opportunity to get a scholarship in college. They see what they have to offer to their school to make it more
prosperous. However, some people say that Facebook gives out too much personal information but if people keep their information private then they
would be in control on who can see their social
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Synthesis Essays
Gay/Lesbian Families Adoption is an extremely sensitive subject,(insert dash) especially for individuals who are Gay or Lesbian. There is much
controversy on the topic. There are a variety of ways to which it isn't possible for a couple to adopt. Infertility is becoming a greater problem in our
time. In Gerald P. Mallon's article, "Assessing Lesbian and Gay Prospective Foster and Adoptive Families: A Focus on the Home Study Process," in
2007. He introduces a few different ways gay men and lesbian couples go about starting a family and mentions how the decision to adopt or become a
foster parent for a child is a huge step in parenting. There are even more studies today that show, gay men and lesbians make good parents. In Scott
Weber' more content...
Parenting is not solely dependent on sexuality, rather a variety of developed and learned skills throughout one's life. A heterosexual couple may even
be absolutely wrong for a child to foster or adopt. Like any, gay men and lesbian couples must complete a full assessment with an agency and then the
agency determines whether the couple is fit or right for the child or children. There is a high demand for children who need a permanent home. In
retrospect to the fact that for gay men and lesbian couples adoption or foster care is a first choice; it is also the individuals personal choice to be gay or
lesbian. It is becoming more popular for gay men and lesbians to go public with their choice. Should they be permitted to adopt or foster a child?
Both parties have a good knowledge as to the process of how a child is conceived. Therefore they understand that in their decision they will not be
able to bear children. In that they have also decided to not conceive children of their own amongst themselves. Adoption is not an easy process and
for gay men and lesbians to get the chance of adopting a child before a heterosexual couple wanting to adopt is also not reasonable yet adoption
agencies will play a major role in finding a home best suitable for each individual child. Adoption agencies will determine the 'best fitting parents' in
regards, to the best interest of the child. In terms, of the best interest of the child, Weber shows research which brings
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Synthesis Essay On Gender
Within this modern time new ideas and concepts within our society regarding rights between gender, are being brought into light. Firstly, transgender
news has been picked up quite frequently. People are feeling more free to be themselves as a different gender and/or are taking the initiative to make
the hormonal or surgical change. Though the freedom is relieving, many others find the need to make comments on others lives such as the Wall Street
Journal, saying "we don't allow children to vote or get tattoos, yet in the name of progressive thinking we are allowing them to choose serious
bio–medical interventions" (Source A). This may have a true sentiment, yet the truth is as it stands, it is no one else's place to make that decision. The more content...
In cartoon illustrations of children's books, such as one by Whitney Darrow, a girl is expected to act differently than a boy. Girly aspects include
having to have a boy fix her toys, while boys do the fixing, enforcing the ideal that women are weak and men are made to take on dominant and
powerful roles (Source E). This is clearly very demeaning and gives girls the belief that not only are they being unheard as a child, but for the
entirety of their lives they must deal with oppression. In a turn from the tyrannical nature of children's books, a cartoon drawn by an artist between
the ages of 18 and 28 depicts the image of a young girl drawing images of all different types of jobs that she hopes to one day be (Source C). For the
theme, the artist was en–capturing the meaning of gender equality to them. The simple ability of having any job that they wish, should not be a
dream for girls If from an early age one believes that they are unable to do something in their lives, it is clearly society's fault for creating such gender
barriers. By lifting that barrier, society is one step close at creating new and unique possibilities for the good of all
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Synthesis Essay Argument
Due to the convenience of the internet, students are complacent in the "short–cut" society, the internet has created an environment for students that
leads to laziness which can affect the amount of learning that is actually completed with effort, which can determine how future societies function.
With the availability of having the internet in the palm of your hand it makes searching for anything effortless. Kids are using the internet as a shortcut
to lessen the workload, the internet is "consuming" kids and teachers that they feel it is okay to do everything with the internet, and the internet is only
giving a little sliver of the whole story while cutting out many of the major details. So with the ability to access the internet almost
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A sentence from Grimes, Ginger explains how lazy students use the internet to receive the information without actually executing the work to the best
of their ability. "The good students do all the work while the lazy kids reap the same benefits..." (source F) This demonstrates how the lazy kids rely on
the internet while the attentive are actually willing to do the work. Lazy kids receive the same benefits short term but, in the long run they refer back to
the internet instead of back to what they learned. The internet has "brainwashed" kids into thinking that it is okay to use the internet whenever they
need to, instead of actually thinking about the process of doing things correctly. Some may think that the internet does not negatively affect students.
Gamerman, Ellen writes "At Ensign Intermediate School in Newport Beach, Calif., seventh–graders are looking at each other's hand–held computers to
get answers on their science drills. And in San Diego, high–schoolers can roam free on the Internet during English exams." (source D) In some schools
it is okay to use the internet while taking a test. Kids are just going to rely on their technology even if it is "frowned"
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Synthesis Essay Technology
Today's society has not only revolutionized the way students access information, but also has integrated modern day technology into school.
Technology gives students the ability to access millions of different pieces of information within seconds. However, as technology becomes more
prevalent in schools, people abuse the internet and become easily distracted from learning. Technology can overwhelm students and as a result they
become unimaginative. While technology is helpful and can connect students and teachers, ultimately, it needs to be limited in schools because it is
abused and hurts a student's imagination. Technology does indeed have benefits. Not only do electronics allow students to access thousands of
different platforms more content...
Since such connections are broader and accessible to almost every students, schools have become progressive in the way they use electronics. Kevin
Delaney comments on teaching tools in schools, "Pioneering teachers are getting their class to post writing assignment online so other students can
easily read and critique them...educators are beginning to interact with students.."(Source B) Students are able to give constructive feedback to other
students and help each other improve. When teachers join the tech world, the relationship and communication between student and teacher is able to
progress and advance. Teachers are able to direct students to specific resources which gives multiple online options to students who can look at different
approaches to learning new information. However, too much information can inundate a child's mind and can lead to a lack of imagination. Rather than
create one's own ideas, students are now force fed information without the ability to form unique beliefs. Esther Dyson calls attention to the fact that
technology prevents students from being able to process information. She states, "machines automate the production of attention–consuming
information.. today's children are living in an information–rich time–compressed environment that often seems to stifle a child's imagination."(Source
C) Giving students too much information in school
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Synthesis Essay On Daylight Saving Time
Most American citizens native to mainland United States are accustomed to a familiar pattern of springing their clocks forward an hour in March
and setting their clocks backward an hour in November. This pattern of lifestyle is regulated by the federal government and is widely adopted by
many, for daylight savings poses a plethora of benefits for society. In order to maintain optimal efficiency as a nation, the federal government should
continue to practice daylight savings time because obtaining an extra hour of sunlight has social, environmental, and economic advantages. Daylight
savings time poses an array of social benefits, including crime reduction and road safety. The diminution of crime is affected by daylight savings, for
people tend to feel safer in the daylight and many crimes are believed to be influenced by more content...
This knowledge has been evident since 1942 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a year round daylight savings time to conserve energy
during World War II. This set the precedent for other states to adopt a similar change after the termination of the war in 1945 (Source A). The
second World War was a time in history where resources were scarce and conservation of energy was critical because any surplus energy went
towards the soldiers fighting overseas. Although today our society's circumstance is not as dire, the notion to save energy still persists, and it is
conclusive that daylight savings time would be even more successful during today's time of relative peace. Studies also show that "America's
electricity usage is reduced by about one percent each day that daylight savings time is in effect." (Source B). This one percent reduction per day
makes a significant imprint on conservation when viewed at the end of daylight savings time. Overall, an extra month of synthetic sunshine is a key
factor in saving energy and the
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Special Education Synthesis

  • 1. Special Education Synthesis The following are the topics I have chosen to use for my synthesis paper: Teacher Education: Toward a Qualified Teacher in Every Classroom Trends Relating to Special Education Service Provisions in Public, Private Schools, and Charter Schools Impacts of Accountability and Data Driven Models for Special Education Teachers and Students Teachers, services provisions, and accountability have impacted special education in similar and different ways. In my paper I will look at the impact each area has on the students, parents, and the teachers. There are links from all three topics to the NCLB act, which has had some recent changes. I hope to learn more about each area and how they affect both general education teachers and special Get more content on
  • 2. Analysis And Synthesis Abstract and Overview: The authors of this article studied the facets of metalingustics, specifically morphology (word recognition) and phonology (awareness of word sounds). In addition, the authors emphasized the influences of stress on words and decoding. The article dissected the results of a test done on third graders. The test required students to add or remove suffixes from words, create new words by removing letters from current words, and to recognize words within words. This process was an attempt to assess the influence of morphological and phonological awareness on students' ability to read and recognize words. The test showed that metalinguistic skills must be present and working together in order for students to comprehend more content... The ability to pronounce and understand words and phrases is foundational for all classroom subjects, from math to social studies. If a student is unable to read at his or her age level, the student will inevitably struggle to comprehend all areas of study. For teachers, assessing and improving students' reading abilities is crucial to success in school and in life after graduation. Rather than forcing students to fit into a mold of what they should be able to do, it would be prudent for teachers to test each linguistic skill of students who struggle. Once the area of need has been established, teachers can intervene to aid students in improving multilinguistics. This article pinpoints the areas required for literacy and makes it easy to break down what students should be able to Get more content on
  • 3. Synthesis Thesis 1. Identify your thesis statement. How can it be more clear and/or specific? If you don't have a thesis, identify a common thread or idea between the two assigned readings and create one. Remember, a synthesis is not a compare & contrast essay. Thesis: "Therefore, the food industry uses strategies of designing "healthier" fortified foods and designing the layout to place products as many as possible in the supermarkets because these strategies can help increase profits through stimulating consumers to more food in larger size frequently." It can be more clear by presenting specific reasons. 2. Do you offer an interesting introduction that introduces your thesis, as well as the articles you're synthesizing? What elements of the introduction are particularly effective? Which need more work? more content... The effective elements of the introduction are the illustration of the food industry. The introduction of the two articles needs more work. I need to make it more clear. 3. Do you summarize the parts of the original articles that are directly related to their synthesis? If not, make note of which parts of the synthesis would benefit from such a summary. If so, make sure that the summary is objective when it needs to be and cited properly when necessary. I summarize the parts of the original parts. For the article "Go Forth and Fortify", I summarized the part of" the necessity of adding amounts of vitamins and minerals in the food and beverage" and "the effectiveness of fortification in improving health." For the article "The Supermarket: Prime Real Estate," I summarized the part of "the tactics behind the layout of the store and the product placement." The summary is objective. 4. How is the synthesis organized? Is the logic of the synthesis clear and easy to Get more content on
  • 4. Summary Of A Synthesis Essay Synthesis Paper For this action research project will concentrate on the area of teaching and learning strategies. To be more specific, teaching reading to student with disabilities and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. With the objective to find out what strategies work best with this population in regards to teaching high–frequency words. The thesis of this study is students with disabilities and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds will be able to increase his/her recognition of high–frequency words when incorporating multisensory strategies to his/her daily reading instruction. By using the multisensory approach to teaching high–frequency words student engagement will increase. The research questions: Will more content... Oakland et al. (1998) studied only students with dyslexia. Even with the demographic differences both studies found the use of multisensory components to be beneficial to students (Negin, 1991; Oakland et al., 1998). Oakland et al. (1998) discovers the student who used the multisensory approach gained significantly in word recognition. Weaknesses of these articles are the date of which they were written. Both articles were written in the 1990s. Making some information not as current in the studies (Negin, 1991; Oakland et al., 1998). In Negin (1991) the student were given a test from 1987. Conclusions The research of both Negin (1991) and Oakland et al. (1998) support the use of multisensory techniques in a teaching reading. Both studies showed growth from students when exposed to a multisensory technique during reading instruction (Negin, 1991; Oakland et al., 1998). Oakland et al. (1998) even state a multisensory approach help students with word recognition. This supports the research question, in regards to student increasing sight word recognition by adding a multisensory component to students' reading Get more content on
  • 5. Synthesis Essay : Synthesis Of Articles Synthesis of Articles I currently work for a university that built an entire Adult Program based on the premise that their market would be the mid–level manager that already had a job. Most of the employers paid for the students to attend college in order to earn a degree. They were not going to earn a promotion, they already had the promotion and needed the degree to solidify their current position. As the job market has changed, the university had to change also and so has the enrollment of the university. Most of the students that are enrolling in the university at this time are unemployed, under–employed or trying to reinvent themselves. One of the previous admissions requirements for entrance into the university was that students had to have two years of work experience. While this was a requirement for entrance the university realized that there were many people who could not meet this requirement and therefore removed this requirement from the list of admissions requirements. Once this requirement was removed students have been accepted without having any work experience at all. Since this time students have been earning degrees and may or may not have any work experience. With the change in the economy students have been earning degree but have not been able to find employment. One of the reason that my students are finding it hard to find employment is because many of them do not know what it is that they would like to do with the degree they are earning. Another Get more content on
  • 6. Racism Synthesis Essay Racism can be "defined as the hatred of one person by another or the belief that another person is less than human because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes" ("What"). The face of racism over the past 50 years has changed but yet, some still stay the same. People made laws against racism and it is not as blunt anymore. But opinions and stereotypes will remain which will cause others to still be treated differently. One way the face of racism has changed is that there are now laws against it. Because racism was such a major problem back then, the 14th amendment was created, which more content... Back then, not all blacks had the same privileges and racism wasn't just about black and white people. This is an example of colourism. Colourism can be "defined as a conscious or unconscious state of prejudice that may be experienced by both blacks and whites so that they label as less attractive and intelligent individuals of a darker complexion, particularly, when it comes to black women" ("Demystifying"). Among the black community, there is racism between it as well. Back then, white slave owners "allowed those of a lighter complexion certain privileges and denied those of a darker complexion those privileges and created in the minds of blacks that "light" is better. In addition, the selling of lighter–skinned women into prostitution or to salve masters to become their mistresses helped to concretize the idea that light skin is better" ("Demystifying"). But racism is not just about blacks and whites. It can be between any races. With the internet and the power of social networking these days, it is even easier to repudiate and excoriate people. People can criticize you secretly and not include you in certain events without your knowing. You can express racism even behind a computer screen on a website plus make it private so it can't be seen by the public. Although racism has changed over time these past 50 years, racism in many ways still exists. Everybody has their own opinion and those opinions are influenced by the public and the media. In some way, Get more content on
  • 7. Synthesis Essay On Global Warming Global warming has been a controversial topic for years and some have even denied its existence; however, as more studies are being published every day in regards to our changing climate, it is hard to ignore this growing issue and how humans contribute to it. The term greenhouse gases refers to the group of gases that are primarily responsible for global warming and chief among these gases is carbon dioxide. Rising carbon dioxide levels can be attributed to a combination of burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum as well as deforestation in general ( Source A). To slow the effects of global warming, it is important for leaders in our society to consider their greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide, and make more content... According to an article focused on environmental awareness, "the world's average surface temperature rose by approximately 1 degree Fahrenheit, the fastest rate in any period over the last 1000 years" (Source A). Damage has already been done to the environment but it is not the time to throw our hands up, it is the time for leaders in all sectors to tackle this issue head on. We know that carbon dioxide is the culprit, so now it is imperative to implement the solution and take a hard look at who is producing the most greenhouse gases. Big changes need to take place but they can only be done in steps and not all at once to be effective. In an excerpt from a book about global warming, Mark Maslin brings up the point that many feel the Kyoto Protocol does not go far enough; scientists believe that a 60% cut of greenhouse gas emissions is necessary in order to "prevent major climate change" (Source E). A sixty percent cut of emissions should be what countries work up to achieving but first and foremost, every country needs to agree to the Kyoto Protocol guidelines. The Kyoto Protocol itself should not be viewed as the end in the discussion of greenhouse gas restrictions, but rather the first stepping stone to a much broader and effective Get more content on
  • 8. Examples Of A Synthesis Essay For my Synthesis Essay Topic, I decided to change from saving endangered species to the effects bullies have on their victims. I would like to focus on the physical pain that person goes through, how bullying can effect that person's social skills and relationships, and discuss the mental trauma and health issues that person can experience. I would like to know more ways in preventing bullying because of two reasons. The first reason is because I, myself, was bullied in middle school and high school. The second is because, I know someone whose friend killed their self over bullying. I think others should care about this topic because it is not morally right for any human being to downgrade another and sometimes people are not always aware that Get more content on
  • 9. Synthesis Essay Prompt Chase Wagers, Synthesis Essay Prompt #1 "I refused to let schooling get in the way of my education," was famously said by author Mark Twain. Schools are intended to foster personal growth and ignite a lifelong passion for learning, yet sadly schools have evolved in a way that promotes conformity at the expense of authentic education. Rather than continuing this broken system, it is time for a change. Individuality has, for far too long, been pushed to the wayside in our schools; it is time to allow students and families to make decisions in choosing classes and scheduling so future goals and aspirations can be met. Mandatory classes and coursework are two of the most unjust tools used to "promote" conformity in our schools. I know from firsthand Get more content on
  • 10. The Great Gatsby Synthesis Essay Flat characters, such as Daisy, shape the audience's perspective on her and how she feels repressed; moreover this shows how Daisy is beginning to retaliate and express her true emotions which symbolizes the beginning of modern day feminism. Daisy's strong emotions culling Gatsby shows that she wants to live with Gatsby for the sake of her own happiness. Warranted by the time when Daisy was at Gatsby's house surrounded by his shirts, Daisy starts to cry and says, "They're such beautiful shirts", (pg 98 para. 2). Demonstrative of Daisy regretting something from her past, her reaction to the shirts shows that she may think that it is late for her and Gatsby to have a relationship. Furthermore, Daisy's indecisiveness shows that many women had Get more content on
  • 11. Example Of A Synthesis Essay Synthesis Essay Over the years, the main source of media entertainment has changed from radio to television. This had a massive impact, as it allowed streaming of live news with picture and video. Such a change was met with high criticism as it allowed for violent and graphic scenes from all around the world to be shown to the public, many people became fearful of the psychological impact it might have on not only themselves, but more importantly, their children. Nowadays, the main source of entertainment, especially for the younger generation, can be summarized under the broad term of video games. These games allow simulations of different scenarios to be interacted with by a player. Such scenarios can also depict violent acts, brutal more content... While some parents propose government regulation against the violent outlet, (Lair) arguments that would be equal to losing freedom of choice. (Lair) also comments on the imposing roles of our society, quoting "If I do not like it, you may not like it either." as the common mentality in the US and other similarly developed countries. Everything is rounded up by saying that parents should be responsible for their children and that adults should be responsible for themselves, not the Get more content on
  • 12. Examples Of Synthesis A synthesis essay is one of the most writer engaging pieces. It involved picking ideas from a variety of sources, summarizing them and creating a cohesive essay that focuses on a thesis statement. It interweaves information based on topic and relevance to assert a certain opinion or point of view. The author examines various sources and identifies suitable relationships with the thesis. The most important aspect of a synthesis is to demonstrate to the reader an extensive understanding of the information within a topic. Therefore, extensive research is a prerequisite for a well–written essay. Synthesis also involves a great deal of reflection. The author not only needs to rephrase and summarize the sources of information, but put down what more content... Give a brief description of the subject matter and its relevance. In a few lines, offer the background of the topic. It is in this paragraph that you state the purpose of the synthesis. Make the reader understand why they should review your work. last and most importantly. Formulate the thesis statement. This brief and concise statement summarizes the whole agenda of the synthesis. The body This section has three main parts. The target point: The topic statement describes the idea you will discuss in the paragraph. The evidence: Justifies the main idea of the paragraph and invokes relevant facts and data that will strengthen the argument. Conclusion: relates the evidence and target point. It details the relevance of these two facts to the overall topic, The conclusion At this point, you wrap up your essay. It is primal that the thesis statement is reiterated using different terns or paraphrase. This paragraph envelopes all the arguments that you have presented. Restate each of the facts albeit summarily. Example of an essay outline Introduction Hook the reader Provide background information on executive order on the immigration. Explain why the ban is contentious in Get more content on
  • 13. Synthesis Essay: The Writing Process Throughout the process of developing our own position, we must draw ideas from other people. This process is called synthesis, as it involves considering various viewpoints in order to create a new viewpoint. However, it is extremely important to know as much as possible about the topic. The main point of synthesizing sources is to enter the conversation that society is having, with logical evidence to back yourself up. But, when looking for reliable source, be aware of a bias that the source might bring to the topic. A writer must analyze the rhetorical situation, even when it comes to sources and documentation. As we further develop skills in writing synthesis essays, the sources that we use will inform our position on the topic. Throughout the essay, the main event is what we have to say, your position is central. As the writer, it is your job to analyze the sources you come across, and to see which one appeals to the audience you are presenting to. It is important to keep an open mind while reading sources, as every piece of evidence could be crucial in the development of an more content... That is why being able to use sources to inform an argument is crucial when writing any type of essay. I am certain that being able to efficiently use my sources to appeal to an audience would also be a contributing factor to whether or not I clearly state my position in my essay. However, it isn't just important to have the evidence to back your claim up, you must also smoothly integrate it throughout your essay. That is why I extremely appreciate the section on, "Integrating Quotations," that was given during this chapter. This chapter has given me a better understanding of what is means to appropriately use sources throughout my essay. Evidence doesn't explain itself, it's the author's job to make sure no stone gets left unturned when supporting your position with the sources he/she has Get more content on
  • 14. Synthesis Essay On Social Media "10 admissions counselors at the country's top 500 colleges were using social networking sites" (Source A). The social media gives out information of an individual to the world. It shares to the world what they have post in their social media sites. The colleges and jobs check people through their social media accounts. Colleges and jobs should check people through their social media because it gives out information that could help the applicant for colleges or jobs. "One–fourth of colleges surveyed indicated that they used web search or social networking technology to locate information about prospective students" (Source B). The media shares to the world what the person does in them. I use them to showed them my art work; therefore, that could help me if I am applying for an art institution. They could check my profile and see all my art work that I have done over the years; furthermore, it can show my talent in art and how express myself throw my paintings. The colleges also can check out student's blogs. The blogs can be very helpful because people express themselves through them. It shows how well people can compose more content... Facebook help students to know each other and create a social environment for students. Students show how their personality is through Facebook and how they act towards other people. A single web page like Facebook can show the world what that person is interested in or show their behavior towards others. Colleges are using Facebook to grant scholarships to students (Source C). The colleges see the student's talent through them; furthermore, granting them the opportunity to get a scholarship in college. They see what they have to offer to their school to make it more prosperous. However, some people say that Facebook gives out too much personal information but if people keep their information private then they would be in control on who can see their social Get more content on
  • 15. Synthesis Essays Gay/Lesbian Families Adoption is an extremely sensitive subject,(insert dash) especially for individuals who are Gay or Lesbian. There is much controversy on the topic. There are a variety of ways to which it isn't possible for a couple to adopt. Infertility is becoming a greater problem in our time. In Gerald P. Mallon's article, "Assessing Lesbian and Gay Prospective Foster and Adoptive Families: A Focus on the Home Study Process," in 2007. He introduces a few different ways gay men and lesbian couples go about starting a family and mentions how the decision to adopt or become a foster parent for a child is a huge step in parenting. There are even more studies today that show, gay men and lesbians make good parents. In Scott Weber' more content... Parenting is not solely dependent on sexuality, rather a variety of developed and learned skills throughout one's life. A heterosexual couple may even be absolutely wrong for a child to foster or adopt. Like any, gay men and lesbian couples must complete a full assessment with an agency and then the agency determines whether the couple is fit or right for the child or children. There is a high demand for children who need a permanent home. In retrospect to the fact that for gay men and lesbian couples adoption or foster care is a first choice; it is also the individuals personal choice to be gay or lesbian. It is becoming more popular for gay men and lesbians to go public with their choice. Should they be permitted to adopt or foster a child? Both parties have a good knowledge as to the process of how a child is conceived. Therefore they understand that in their decision they will not be able to bear children. In that they have also decided to not conceive children of their own amongst themselves. Adoption is not an easy process and for gay men and lesbians to get the chance of adopting a child before a heterosexual couple wanting to adopt is also not reasonable yet adoption agencies will play a major role in finding a home best suitable for each individual child. Adoption agencies will determine the 'best fitting parents' in regards, to the best interest of the child. In terms, of the best interest of the child, Weber shows research which brings Get more content on
  • 16. Synthesis Essay On Gender Within this modern time new ideas and concepts within our society regarding rights between gender, are being brought into light. Firstly, transgender news has been picked up quite frequently. People are feeling more free to be themselves as a different gender and/or are taking the initiative to make the hormonal or surgical change. Though the freedom is relieving, many others find the need to make comments on others lives such as the Wall Street Journal, saying "we don't allow children to vote or get tattoos, yet in the name of progressive thinking we are allowing them to choose serious bio–medical interventions" (Source A). This may have a true sentiment, yet the truth is as it stands, it is no one else's place to make that decision. The more content... In cartoon illustrations of children's books, such as one by Whitney Darrow, a girl is expected to act differently than a boy. Girly aspects include having to have a boy fix her toys, while boys do the fixing, enforcing the ideal that women are weak and men are made to take on dominant and powerful roles (Source E). This is clearly very demeaning and gives girls the belief that not only are they being unheard as a child, but for the entirety of their lives they must deal with oppression. In a turn from the tyrannical nature of children's books, a cartoon drawn by an artist between the ages of 18 and 28 depicts the image of a young girl drawing images of all different types of jobs that she hopes to one day be (Source C). For the theme, the artist was en–capturing the meaning of gender equality to them. The simple ability of having any job that they wish, should not be a dream for girls If from an early age one believes that they are unable to do something in their lives, it is clearly society's fault for creating such gender barriers. By lifting that barrier, society is one step close at creating new and unique possibilities for the good of all Get more content on
  • 17. Synthesis Essay Argument Due to the convenience of the internet, students are complacent in the "short–cut" society, the internet has created an environment for students that leads to laziness which can affect the amount of learning that is actually completed with effort, which can determine how future societies function. With the availability of having the internet in the palm of your hand it makes searching for anything effortless. Kids are using the internet as a shortcut to lessen the workload, the internet is "consuming" kids and teachers that they feel it is okay to do everything with the internet, and the internet is only giving a little sliver of the whole story while cutting out many of the major details. So with the ability to access the internet almost more content... A sentence from Grimes, Ginger explains how lazy students use the internet to receive the information without actually executing the work to the best of their ability. "The good students do all the work while the lazy kids reap the same benefits..." (source F) This demonstrates how the lazy kids rely on the internet while the attentive are actually willing to do the work. Lazy kids receive the same benefits short term but, in the long run they refer back to the internet instead of back to what they learned. The internet has "brainwashed" kids into thinking that it is okay to use the internet whenever they need to, instead of actually thinking about the process of doing things correctly. Some may think that the internet does not negatively affect students. Gamerman, Ellen writes "At Ensign Intermediate School in Newport Beach, Calif., seventh–graders are looking at each other's hand–held computers to get answers on their science drills. And in San Diego, high–schoolers can roam free on the Internet during English exams." (source D) In some schools it is okay to use the internet while taking a test. Kids are just going to rely on their technology even if it is "frowned" Get more content on
  • 18. Synthesis Essay Technology Today's society has not only revolutionized the way students access information, but also has integrated modern day technology into school. Technology gives students the ability to access millions of different pieces of information within seconds. However, as technology becomes more prevalent in schools, people abuse the internet and become easily distracted from learning. Technology can overwhelm students and as a result they become unimaginative. While technology is helpful and can connect students and teachers, ultimately, it needs to be limited in schools because it is abused and hurts a student's imagination. Technology does indeed have benefits. Not only do electronics allow students to access thousands of different platforms more content... Since such connections are broader and accessible to almost every students, schools have become progressive in the way they use electronics. Kevin Delaney comments on teaching tools in schools, "Pioneering teachers are getting their class to post writing assignment online so other students can easily read and critique them...educators are beginning to interact with students.."(Source B) Students are able to give constructive feedback to other students and help each other improve. When teachers join the tech world, the relationship and communication between student and teacher is able to progress and advance. Teachers are able to direct students to specific resources which gives multiple online options to students who can look at different approaches to learning new information. However, too much information can inundate a child's mind and can lead to a lack of imagination. Rather than create one's own ideas, students are now force fed information without the ability to form unique beliefs. Esther Dyson calls attention to the fact that technology prevents students from being able to process information. She states, "machines automate the production of attention–consuming information.. today's children are living in an information–rich time–compressed environment that often seems to stifle a child's imagination."(Source C) Giving students too much information in school Get more content on
  • 19. Synthesis Essay On Daylight Saving Time Most American citizens native to mainland United States are accustomed to a familiar pattern of springing their clocks forward an hour in March and setting their clocks backward an hour in November. This pattern of lifestyle is regulated by the federal government and is widely adopted by many, for daylight savings poses a plethora of benefits for society. In order to maintain optimal efficiency as a nation, the federal government should continue to practice daylight savings time because obtaining an extra hour of sunlight has social, environmental, and economic advantages. Daylight savings time poses an array of social benefits, including crime reduction and road safety. The diminution of crime is affected by daylight savings, for people tend to feel safer in the daylight and many crimes are believed to be influenced by more content... This knowledge has been evident since 1942 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a year round daylight savings time to conserve energy during World War II. This set the precedent for other states to adopt a similar change after the termination of the war in 1945 (Source A). The second World War was a time in history where resources were scarce and conservation of energy was critical because any surplus energy went towards the soldiers fighting overseas. Although today our society's circumstance is not as dire, the notion to save energy still persists, and it is conclusive that daylight savings time would be even more successful during today's time of relative peace. Studies also show that "America's electricity usage is reduced by about one percent each day that daylight savings time is in effect." (Source B). This one percent reduction per day makes a significant imprint on conservation when viewed at the end of daylight savings time. Overall, an extra month of synthetic sunshine is a key factor in saving energy and the Get more content on