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Spanish In Classroom
Throughout my high school and middle school years, I have had the opportunity to study the language of Spanish in a classroom setting. I walked into
my first class assuming that it would be quite easy to learn a new language, however my presumptions were quickly erased. During my first encounter
with the language, I felt overwhelmed by the process and frustrated with my slow progression. I found it extremely difficult to articulate my words and
formulate sentences in Spanish. Whether it was simply trying to pronounce common household items or conversing with my middle school teacher
SeГ±ora Arbuckle, I was utterly confused. Yet, it was through my struggles in this class that I began to realize the difficulty in understanding and more content...
I no longer pressured myself to learn the language, instead I just let it happen. I soon was able to express my thoughts and feelings while speaking in the
Spanish language. A class that had once been so frustrating was now a true enjoyment and a strength of mine. I now have the ability to communicate
with Spanish speaking natives and no longer worry about a language barrier. I am able to hold a conversation and it allows myself to feel
comfortable towards the person I am speaking too. As a result of my improved speech and comprehension of the language as a whole, I was able to
shift my focus to the Spanish culture. My junior year in high school marks a clear turning point in my experience within Spanish class. It was during
this year that I was able to deepen my understanding and appreciation for the culture and people as a whole. My frustration had blinded me from the
artistry that is found within the Spanish culture. I became overwhelmed by the beauty within Spanish poetry, artwork, and architecture that I had
failed to witness prior. I became intrigued by the works of Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali as well as the architectural wonders within the city of
Barcelona. The Spanish language has truly become apart of my life and it allows me to connect with native
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Hispanic/Latino Culture Essay
HISPANIC/LATINO CULTURE Hispanics or Latinos are defined as a people of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other
Spanish speaking culture. This term "Hispanics" was created by the U.S. federal government in the early 1970's to refer to Americans born in a
Spanish speaking nation or with ancestry to Spanish territories. Hispanics people are vibrant, socializing, and fun loving people. Among various facts
associated to this culture is that they have a deep sense of involvement in their family traditions and cultures. Hispanics / Latinos have strong
non–verbal and verbal ways of communication. To better understand one another they overly rely the use of non–verbal communication. This includes
facial expressions, more content...
The Hispanic culture has different values, beliefs, and traditions. Family is highly value. Family is a close–knit group and the most important social
group to gather in any events or special days. The Hispanic "family unit" includes not only parents and children but also grandparents and extended
family. Individuals within the family have moral responsibilities to help other members of the family experiencing financial problems, unemployment,
health conditions and any other life issues. They show the importance placed upon relationship within their family extending a hand in good times and
bad. Respeto y dignidad (respect and dignity) are other important values of the Hispanic culture. Children's are taught to avoid confrontations with
parents and older persons, and to be obedient and respectful. The Hispanics believe that the father is head of the family and the mother is to take care
of home. Naming children after grandparents and parents is fairly common. A well–known tradition is the celebration of a fifteen year old girl called
Quincenera. Hispanics culture and traditions are based around celebrating and spending time with love ones. Hispanics usually give great importance
to and place great value on looks and appearance as a sense of honor, dignity, and pride. Formal attire is commonly used for going to church and all
religious celebrations as well as parties, social gatherings, and work, Although this
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Essay on My Family's Trip to Spain
I had been to Spain before and knew it was the perfect place if you wanted sun, peace and quiet. As soon as I got off the plane I could feel the
humidity and smell sweat in the air, even though the airport was air–conditioned. Our rental car wasn't big enough to fit all three of our suitcases in the
boot so we had to put the third, and the biggest, on the backseat of the car making a barrier between me and my younger brother. Sleep came soon
as I had no sleep on the journey so far and was rudely awoken at 4:30 in the morning to get to the airport. The villa that we were renting from a
friend was situated in the middle of nowhere and came out of thin air just like folk say Las Vegas does in the desert. When we arrived everything was as more content...
The problem was that with being cheap they were not masterpieces. This meant that every time we watched a DVD we wasted an hour and a half of
our lives watching absolute rubbish; well at least it did the job of passing time! Time flew past as we spent most of our days in the pool or making the
occasional trip to the local supermarket for essential supplies (which surprisingly was very English!) We would sometimes venture afar on special
trips; we went to an aqua park, the stunning Sierra Espuna, and to a Safari Park, or rather not on the day we intended. It was nearing the end of the
holiday and we were ready and excited, waiting to go to the Safari Park. That's when my mum asked my dad where his wallet was. Now, if you
know my dad well you would know that he was very forgetful, especially with his wallet. It all snowballed from there, we searched the villa from
top to bottom and in every nook and cranny, but to no avail. Mum and Dad then went to the local police station where they had to hire a translator
(a dead ringer for Jack Nicholson apparently!) to help complete the paperwork. We were now 3 credit cards, 1 driver's license and 200 Euros
poorer from when we started off! Meanwhile my brother and I were left in the villa contemplating our navels and wondering how Dad was going to
make it up to us for ruining our day out, particularly as we should have been going swimming with sea lions at the park. Luckily we re–scheduled to
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The Spanish Flu
The Spanish Flu was a world wide epidemic that took the lives of an estimated 50 to 100 million lives between 1918 and 1920. It has been recorded
as the most devastating outbreak in world history. The disease first appeared in Fort Riley Kansas on March 11, 1918 when an Army private reported
to the camp hospital with complaints of a fever, sore throat and headache. By noon that day the hospital had treated over 100 sick soldiers with similar
symptoms and 500 more by the end of that week. Initially the strain of the virus seemed no different than those of previous years but it quickly became
apparent to health officials that this strain was unusual when it began to attack many young adults and healthy individuals. Additionally more
"What Caused the Outbreak?"
While the exact cause of the Spanish Flu is still undetermined, many theories exist as to what caused the initial pandemic. One belief is that the virus
was man made and used as a type of bacteriological warfare that was developed in 1914. It was believed to be administered to soldiers as a vaccine
during WWI with the intent of being spread overseas infecting the enemy we were fighting against. Another theory is that the virus was spread to
humans through birds. Researchers were able to study preserved tissue samples from 1918 and have identified mutated genes which are very similar to
those documented in the H5N1 virus or more commonly referred to as the Bird Flu.
"What is the Bird Flu?" AvianInfluenza (Bird Flu) is commonly found in the intestines of birds. It is uncommon for the influenza to infect humans but
there have been confirmed cases of human infection since 1997. Normally people acquire the infection via domesticated birds such as chickens,
turkeys and ducks. The virus is secreted by the birds through their feces, salvia and nasal secretions. Symptoms of the flu are very similar to those of
other types of influenza and include: fever, fatigue, sore throat, coughs, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, chest pain and muscle aches. As of January 2007, the
World Health Organization
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The Country of Spain Essays
The fascinating and beautiful country of Spain is one of the largest countries in Europe. The history that Spain has had has left great stories to tell and
remarkable landmarks to visit. Spain is located in the south west corner of Europe, with its neighboring countries, Portugal and France. It has a
population of forty million plus people, but almost one–third of the nation's population is foreigners that reside in its territory. One of the most
important facts about Spain is that its economy is one of the largest in the world. Spain is currently in a recession, with low employment rates and
poverty. Sports and games are a very important and popular pastime of Spain. The Spaniards have traditional and regional games, more content...
Cycling has been an important sport in Spain since the 1940s. The Tour of Spain is one of the most important cycling events in the world, along with
the Tour of France and the Tour of Italy. Several Spanish cycling athletes have won the world famous cycling event, the Tour of France.
The regional pastime of the running of the bulls in Pamplona is an exciting tradition that involves a group of bulls that are lets loose in the streets of
Pamplona. The main purpose of the run is to transport the bulls from the corrals into the bullrings, where they will be killed. This run takes place for
seven days in San Fermin, Pamplona in Spain. It started in the 14th century. Today the running of the bulls attracts many tourists from around the
world that like to participate. Many participate by joining the bulls, and running along side of them. This is very dangerous, many are injured and
some are even killed. Others participate by dressing the part and cheering. Runners wear the traditional outfit of a white shirt and pants. Some have a
red scarf or handkerchief, some wear red belts. Runners also have with them a newspaper to draw attention away from the bulls just in case.
The food and eating habits of Spain are unlike any other country in the world. Spain has the longest working week in Europe, which calls for very long
working days. The Spaniards call for eating well throughout the day. The eating hours in Spain are loosely defined and restaurants
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Essay in Spanish
Anastasia Danilevsky
Mr. Deidrich
Band B
October 27
A.P. English
"Where I Lived, and What I lived For"Henry David Thoreau
Questions on Rhetoric and style
1. In the first paragraph, what does Thoreau declare as his higher purpose?
I believe that Thoreau sees his higher purpose in life as to live life naturally, to get every breathe out of it, to live truly and happily and understand
how it really is that life works. One would say Thoreau focuses on "Spartan–like" lifestyle, mentioned by the author in paragraph 1, however, later on
the author, Thoreau mentions God and how one should "glorify and enjoy him forever". I believe that the author is contradicting himself starting from
paragraph 1. The main purpose in authors life is more content...
The author is viewed as if he is unsure of his own ideas. The attitude of the text, whenever the author asks rhetorical questions is interrogative. Another
example of a repetition in the specific writing can be seen in paragraph 6. When the author constantly repeats "let" or "let us". By using these
repetitions the author is appealing to pathos by involving the audience into the text and making the reader be part of the argument.
7. What paradox does Thoreau develop concerning the railroad in paragraph 2?
In paragraph 2, the author initially states that railroads are supposed to be built by us, men, however, later on Thoreau states "We do not ride on the
railroads, it rides upon us." This statement seemed contradictory to me, which shows the use of paradox in this segment of the writing.
8. Paragraph 3 begins with a rhetorical question. How effectively does the rest of the paragraph answer it?
If I understood the reading correctly, the author does not quite answer his rhetorical question throughout the rest of the paragraph. As a matter of fact,
he shifts into talking about people view life, and their actions in specific cases. However, a rhetorical question is the one that does not expect an
answer. This paragraph, as the rest of the writing, seemed contradictory and paradoxical. Sentences are compound – complex with a use of colons.
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Essay On Spanish Class
It was my junior year of high school and things were getting harder in school. I had taken taken Spanish one, and me being being white, had no
knowledge of another language besides English. I took it for the fact that I needed more credits, and a lot of people knew Spanish. I entered
Spanish one, feeling confident and like I can do it, but I realized I was challenged a lot more. I did not know how many points the teacher graded
assignments on. He graded in packets, vocab quizzes, tests and oral presentations. I did not choose the smart decision at the beginning of the
school year and decided to mess up my grade right away. I missed the first assignment and it dropped my grade to a zero percent. It took a long
time to recover from my mistake, and I still had a very low grade by the second month. I tried my best but I knew this subject was not for me. No,
that does not mean I gave up, and I actually tried a lot harder. Even though, I had tried, I had not reached my goal and ended up failing a semester
of Spanish one. I do not like failing, it made me feel not accomplished, slow, and like I had not failed only myself, but my parents as well. I had not
even began to think of the disappoint and the words they would say to me. I remember coming home to show my parents my first progress report. My
dads eyes more content...
I had disappointed him and that was never my intention. My mother did not say much besides look down and walk away. Usually my father
handled these types of situations with me because he was the strong independent figure I needed at the time. With his fingers knotted in his thin
hair, he speaks with a firm voice " You are grounded, no computer, no phone, or seeing anyone for a while. Go to your room". I looked down with a
disappointed look on myself. I could not believe I had let myself fall that far from my goals. It was in that moment, I had realized my deepest desire to
fix that
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Madrid : Madrid, Spain
Madrid, Spain Madrid, Spain is a famous city. Many people go every year to go visit. It is a Spanish city that is in the middle of the Iberian
Peninsula. Madrid hosts the largest Royal Palace in Western Europe. This city was a runner up to hold the 2012 Olympics but instead, it was hosted
in London. The city has many places to visit and a very famous soccer team to go watch. Real Madrid C.F. (Club de Football) is a team that is
represented by Cristiano Ronaldo. Real Madrid C.F. most reason title wins is the European Cup, FIFA Club World Cup, UEFA Super Cup, and the
Copa del Rey Cup. The Prado Museum is Madrid 's top cultural sight, and one of the world 's greatest art galleries. The word Prado means meadow in
English. With just more content...
Held annually since 1935, the Vuelta an EspaГ±a is a UCI Pro Tour competition and the Spanish equivalent of the Tour de France and Giro d
'Italia. Cyclists start the race in Granada and finish in Madrid. It takes three weeks to complete and there are usually 21 stages. The leading cyclist
wins the golden jersey and there are other jerseys awarded to the best climber, sprinter, point's leader and combination categories. Bullfighting is one
of Spain 's oldest sporting traditions. Madrid 's main bullring is La Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas del EspГ
ritu Santo, situated to the east of the city. It is
the largest bullring in Spain and the second largest in the world. From March to October, bullfights are organized every Sunday night from seven at
Las Ventas. During the annual San Isidro festival in May and June, bullfights are arranged every evening for three weeks. Special daily bullfights
are also organized as part of Madrid 's Autumn Festival at the end of September. There are many famous sights to go visit in Madrid, Spain. As said
before, Madrid, Spain hosts the largest Royal Palace in Western Europe. It was built on the site of the old AlcГЎzar, the Moorish castle destroyed by
fire in 1734, but the site has been occupied since the 10th century by the Moors, who having named the city 's Manzanares river al–Magrit ("source of
water"), referred to the area as Mayrit which became Magerit, then Madrid. The old city walls around this
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Spanish In Classroom

  • 1. Spanish In Classroom Throughout my high school and middle school years, I have had the opportunity to study the language of Spanish in a classroom setting. I walked into my first class assuming that it would be quite easy to learn a new language, however my presumptions were quickly erased. During my first encounter with the language, I felt overwhelmed by the process and frustrated with my slow progression. I found it extremely difficult to articulate my words and formulate sentences in Spanish. Whether it was simply trying to pronounce common household items or conversing with my middle school teacher SeГ±ora Arbuckle, I was utterly confused. Yet, it was through my struggles in this class that I began to realize the difficulty in understanding and more content... I no longer pressured myself to learn the language, instead I just let it happen. I soon was able to express my thoughts and feelings while speaking in the Spanish language. A class that had once been so frustrating was now a true enjoyment and a strength of mine. I now have the ability to communicate with Spanish speaking natives and no longer worry about a language barrier. I am able to hold a conversation and it allows myself to feel comfortable towards the person I am speaking too. As a result of my improved speech and comprehension of the language as a whole, I was able to shift my focus to the Spanish culture. My junior year in high school marks a clear turning point in my experience within Spanish class. It was during this year that I was able to deepen my understanding and appreciation for the culture and people as a whole. My frustration had blinded me from the artistry that is found within the Spanish culture. I became overwhelmed by the beauty within Spanish poetry, artwork, and architecture that I had failed to witness prior. I became intrigued by the works of Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali as well as the architectural wonders within the city of Barcelona. The Spanish language has truly become apart of my life and it allows me to connect with native Get more content on
  • 2. Hispanic/Latino Culture Essay HISPANIC/LATINO CULTURE Hispanics or Latinos are defined as a people of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish speaking culture. This term "Hispanics" was created by the U.S. federal government in the early 1970's to refer to Americans born in a Spanish speaking nation or with ancestry to Spanish territories. Hispanics people are vibrant, socializing, and fun loving people. Among various facts associated to this culture is that they have a deep sense of involvement in their family traditions and cultures. Hispanics / Latinos have strong non–verbal and verbal ways of communication. To better understand one another they overly rely the use of non–verbal communication. This includes facial expressions, more content... The Hispanic culture has different values, beliefs, and traditions. Family is highly value. Family is a close–knit group and the most important social group to gather in any events or special days. The Hispanic "family unit" includes not only parents and children but also grandparents and extended family. Individuals within the family have moral responsibilities to help other members of the family experiencing financial problems, unemployment, health conditions and any other life issues. They show the importance placed upon relationship within their family extending a hand in good times and bad. Respeto y dignidad (respect and dignity) are other important values of the Hispanic culture. Children's are taught to avoid confrontations with parents and older persons, and to be obedient and respectful. The Hispanics believe that the father is head of the family and the mother is to take care of home. Naming children after grandparents and parents is fairly common. A well–known tradition is the celebration of a fifteen year old girl called Quincenera. Hispanics culture and traditions are based around celebrating and spending time with love ones. Hispanics usually give great importance to and place great value on looks and appearance as a sense of honor, dignity, and pride. Formal attire is commonly used for going to church and all religious celebrations as well as parties, social gatherings, and work, Although this Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on My Family's Trip to Spain I had been to Spain before and knew it was the perfect place if you wanted sun, peace and quiet. As soon as I got off the plane I could feel the humidity and smell sweat in the air, even though the airport was air–conditioned. Our rental car wasn't big enough to fit all three of our suitcases in the boot so we had to put the third, and the biggest, on the backseat of the car making a barrier between me and my younger brother. Sleep came soon as I had no sleep on the journey so far and was rudely awoken at 4:30 in the morning to get to the airport. The villa that we were renting from a friend was situated in the middle of nowhere and came out of thin air just like folk say Las Vegas does in the desert. When we arrived everything was as more content... The problem was that with being cheap they were not masterpieces. This meant that every time we watched a DVD we wasted an hour and a half of our lives watching absolute rubbish; well at least it did the job of passing time! Time flew past as we spent most of our days in the pool or making the occasional trip to the local supermarket for essential supplies (which surprisingly was very English!) We would sometimes venture afar on special trips; we went to an aqua park, the stunning Sierra Espuna, and to a Safari Park, or rather not on the day we intended. It was nearing the end of the holiday and we were ready and excited, waiting to go to the Safari Park. That's when my mum asked my dad where his wallet was. Now, if you know my dad well you would know that he was very forgetful, especially with his wallet. It all snowballed from there, we searched the villa from top to bottom and in every nook and cranny, but to no avail. Mum and Dad then went to the local police station where they had to hire a translator (a dead ringer for Jack Nicholson apparently!) to help complete the paperwork. We were now 3 credit cards, 1 driver's license and 200 Euros poorer from when we started off! Meanwhile my brother and I were left in the villa contemplating our navels and wondering how Dad was going to make it up to us for ruining our day out, particularly as we should have been going swimming with sea lions at the park. Luckily we re–scheduled to Get more content on
  • 4. The Spanish Flu The Spanish Flu was a world wide epidemic that took the lives of an estimated 50 to 100 million lives between 1918 and 1920. It has been recorded as the most devastating outbreak in world history. The disease first appeared in Fort Riley Kansas on March 11, 1918 when an Army private reported to the camp hospital with complaints of a fever, sore throat and headache. By noon that day the hospital had treated over 100 sick soldiers with similar symptoms and 500 more by the end of that week. Initially the strain of the virus seemed no different than those of previous years but it quickly became apparent to health officials that this strain was unusual when it began to attack many young adults and healthy individuals. Additionally more content... "What Caused the Outbreak?" While the exact cause of the Spanish Flu is still undetermined, many theories exist as to what caused the initial pandemic. One belief is that the virus was man made and used as a type of bacteriological warfare that was developed in 1914. It was believed to be administered to soldiers as a vaccine during WWI with the intent of being spread overseas infecting the enemy we were fighting against. Another theory is that the virus was spread to humans through birds. Researchers were able to study preserved tissue samples from 1918 and have identified mutated genes which are very similar to those documented in the H5N1 virus or more commonly referred to as the Bird Flu. "What is the Bird Flu?" AvianInfluenza (Bird Flu) is commonly found in the intestines of birds. It is uncommon for the influenza to infect humans but there have been confirmed cases of human infection since 1997. Normally people acquire the infection via domesticated birds such as chickens, turkeys and ducks. The virus is secreted by the birds through their feces, salvia and nasal secretions. Symptoms of the flu are very similar to those of other types of influenza and include: fever, fatigue, sore throat, coughs, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, chest pain and muscle aches. As of January 2007, the World Health Organization Get more content on
  • 5. The Country of Spain Essays Spain The fascinating and beautiful country of Spain is one of the largest countries in Europe. The history that Spain has had has left great stories to tell and remarkable landmarks to visit. Spain is located in the south west corner of Europe, with its neighboring countries, Portugal and France. It has a population of forty million plus people, but almost one–third of the nation's population is foreigners that reside in its territory. One of the most important facts about Spain is that its economy is one of the largest in the world. Spain is currently in a recession, with low employment rates and poverty. Sports and games are a very important and popular pastime of Spain. The Spaniards have traditional and regional games, more content... Cycling has been an important sport in Spain since the 1940s. The Tour of Spain is one of the most important cycling events in the world, along with the Tour of France and the Tour of Italy. Several Spanish cycling athletes have won the world famous cycling event, the Tour of France. The regional pastime of the running of the bulls in Pamplona is an exciting tradition that involves a group of bulls that are lets loose in the streets of Pamplona. The main purpose of the run is to transport the bulls from the corrals into the bullrings, where they will be killed. This run takes place for seven days in San Fermin, Pamplona in Spain. It started in the 14th century. Today the running of the bulls attracts many tourists from around the world that like to participate. Many participate by joining the bulls, and running along side of them. This is very dangerous, many are injured and some are even killed. Others participate by dressing the part and cheering. Runners wear the traditional outfit of a white shirt and pants. Some have a red scarf or handkerchief, some wear red belts. Runners also have with them a newspaper to draw attention away from the bulls just in case. The food and eating habits of Spain are unlike any other country in the world. Spain has the longest working week in Europe, which calls for very long working days. The Spaniards call for eating well throughout the day. The eating hours in Spain are loosely defined and restaurants Get more content on
  • 6. Essay in Spanish Anastasia Danilevsky Mr. Deidrich Band B October 27 A.P. English "Where I Lived, and What I lived For"Henry David Thoreau Questions on Rhetoric and style 1. In the first paragraph, what does Thoreau declare as his higher purpose? I believe that Thoreau sees his higher purpose in life as to live life naturally, to get every breathe out of it, to live truly and happily and understand how it really is that life works. One would say Thoreau focuses on "Spartan–like" lifestyle, mentioned by the author in paragraph 1, however, later on the author, Thoreau mentions God and how one should "glorify and enjoy him forever". I believe that the author is contradicting himself starting from paragraph 1. The main purpose in authors life is more content... The author is viewed as if he is unsure of his own ideas. The attitude of the text, whenever the author asks rhetorical questions is interrogative. Another example of a repetition in the specific writing can be seen in paragraph 6. When the author constantly repeats "let" or "let us". By using these repetitions the author is appealing to pathos by involving the audience into the text and making the reader be part of the argument. 7. What paradox does Thoreau develop concerning the railroad in paragraph 2? In paragraph 2, the author initially states that railroads are supposed to be built by us, men, however, later on Thoreau states "We do not ride on the railroads, it rides upon us." This statement seemed contradictory to me, which shows the use of paradox in this segment of the writing. 8. Paragraph 3 begins with a rhetorical question. How effectively does the rest of the paragraph answer it? If I understood the reading correctly, the author does not quite answer his rhetorical question throughout the rest of the paragraph. As a matter of fact, he shifts into talking about people view life, and their actions in specific cases. However, a rhetorical question is the one that does not expect an answer. This paragraph, as the rest of the writing, seemed contradictory and paradoxical. Sentences are compound – complex with a use of colons. 9.
  • 7. Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Spanish Class It was my junior year of high school and things were getting harder in school. I had taken taken Spanish one, and me being being white, had no knowledge of another language besides English. I took it for the fact that I needed more credits, and a lot of people knew Spanish. I entered Spanish one, feeling confident and like I can do it, but I realized I was challenged a lot more. I did not know how many points the teacher graded assignments on. He graded in packets, vocab quizzes, tests and oral presentations. I did not choose the smart decision at the beginning of the school year and decided to mess up my grade right away. I missed the first assignment and it dropped my grade to a zero percent. It took a long time to recover from my mistake, and I still had a very low grade by the second month. I tried my best but I knew this subject was not for me. No, that does not mean I gave up, and I actually tried a lot harder. Even though, I had tried, I had not reached my goal and ended up failing a semester of Spanish one. I do not like failing, it made me feel not accomplished, slow, and like I had not failed only myself, but my parents as well. I had not even began to think of the disappoint and the words they would say to me. I remember coming home to show my parents my first progress report. My dads eyes more content... I had disappointed him and that was never my intention. My mother did not say much besides look down and walk away. Usually my father handled these types of situations with me because he was the strong independent figure I needed at the time. With his fingers knotted in his thin hair, he speaks with a firm voice " You are grounded, no computer, no phone, or seeing anyone for a while. Go to your room". I looked down with a disappointed look on myself. I could not believe I had let myself fall that far from my goals. It was in that moment, I had realized my deepest desire to fix that Get more content on
  • 9. Madrid : Madrid, Spain Madrid, Spain Madrid, Spain is a famous city. Many people go every year to go visit. It is a Spanish city that is in the middle of the Iberian Peninsula. Madrid hosts the largest Royal Palace in Western Europe. This city was a runner up to hold the 2012 Olympics but instead, it was hosted in London. The city has many places to visit and a very famous soccer team to go watch. Real Madrid C.F. (Club de Football) is a team that is represented by Cristiano Ronaldo. Real Madrid C.F. most reason title wins is the European Cup, FIFA Club World Cup, UEFA Super Cup, and the Copa del Rey Cup. The Prado Museum is Madrid 's top cultural sight, and one of the world 's greatest art galleries. The word Prado means meadow in English. With just more content... Held annually since 1935, the Vuelta an EspaГ±a is a UCI Pro Tour competition and the Spanish equivalent of the Tour de France and Giro d 'Italia. Cyclists start the race in Granada and finish in Madrid. It takes three weeks to complete and there are usually 21 stages. The leading cyclist wins the golden jersey and there are other jerseys awarded to the best climber, sprinter, point's leader and combination categories. Bullfighting is one of Spain 's oldest sporting traditions. Madrid 's main bullring is La Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas del EspГ ritu Santo, situated to the east of the city. It is the largest bullring in Spain and the second largest in the world. From March to October, bullfights are organized every Sunday night from seven at Las Ventas. During the annual San Isidro festival in May and June, bullfights are arranged every evening for three weeks. Special daily bullfights are also organized as part of Madrid 's Autumn Festival at the end of September. There are many famous sights to go visit in Madrid, Spain. As said before, Madrid, Spain hosts the largest Royal Palace in Western Europe. It was built on the site of the old AlcГЎzar, the Moorish castle destroyed by fire in 1734, but the site has been occupied since the 10th century by the Moors, who having named the city 's Manzanares river al–Magrit ("source of water"), referred to the area as Mayrit which became Magerit, then Madrid. The old city walls around this Get more content on