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Ron Brown Scholarship Analysis
I would like to think that winning the Ron Brown Scholarship will lead me upon a pathway of college life, knowledge, and increased involvement in
various communities, but in reality, that would be a blatant lie. Only my actions can shape my future, thus, this scholarship cannot do anything for me.
Understanding self–accountability is of utmost importance for human progress because we habitually wait for the so–called "perfect moment" to
achieve goals. But as Shakespeare once wrote, "Nothing comes from nothing."
Even though I write like this, at some point I acted contrarily. I distinctly remember a time when I was in the 3rd grade and I planned out my life on a
single sheet of paper. I intended to become a doctor, and I mapped out my yearly salary. That was it; I would not pursue anything else. I found nothing
wrong with this, and I continued with this unimaginative way of thinking until one day in the 9th grade where I found myself extremely sick. My
neck stiffened and my temperature averaged 102В°. I tried to cope with my mysterious "cold" for two weeks, but (by my) second visit to the doctor, I
was rushed to the hospital. I was diagnosed with more content...
I took my goal of being a doctor and harnessed it into one increasingly filled with passion. Classes like AP Biology and Anatomy became
indescribably engrossing and progressively applicable to my future career. Today, I still aim to be able to care for patients the way I was cared for
during my illness. Along with this, I am not restricting myself to only this pathway. I did not have to look too far to see the multitude of calamities
affecting our world today––terrorism, shootings, epidemics, corruption, poverty. The list seemed never–ending, but I decided that I had to do
something. If I waited for the "perfect moment", it would never
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Brown is a place of opportunity rather than merely just a prestigious institution. Josie Valcin, a family friend, graduated Brown in June and currently
attends the Brown Medical School. We grew up similar places and were raised in the same church, and although I do not necessarily want to walk
her same footsteps, her success and Brown's open curriculum give the confidence to know that I can excel there as well. I want to be in a place where
not only am I intellectually unbounded and opportunities are plentiful, but also where I can immerse myself in a setting of like–minded individuals
who realize that education is not limited to just the classroom. Ultimately, I will take advantage of my four years at Brown and immerse myself in the
wide and
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"Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time. I have a dream." – Martin
Luther King Jr. It is because of the Brown vs. The Board of Education court case that allows the University of Texas at Austin, along with hundreds
of universities, to be have a diverse student body. This case opened new doors to racial opportunities. What started off as a plea for equality, would
change the world in its own way. Brown, who is not defined to one person but rather a group that wanted freedom of segregation from schools, would
go against the Board of Education in a duel of words to bring an equal education towards all citizens. Tirelessly fighting against more
the Board of Education. What started as one girl's effort to attend school would forever leave a mark in history.
A girl by the name of Linda Brown. Just as any school girl, loved being with her friends, and she loved her family. However, Linda's black skin color
restricted her from attending a school that was a few yards away, and forced her to walk miles to the nearest all black school. In outrage, the family
fought for their daughter to attend a local white school. Why would she not be allowed to attend a school so close to home? The question became
strong enough to begin a movement that would impact the nation.
During the court case, Linda became the motivator of racial equality. It is because of her that schools no longer base their judgment of students from
racial characteristics. Though Board of Education fought to maintain segregated schools, the act of restricting people based on race was unjust. It took
the efforts of a strong girl and her family to bring this controversial issue to the nation. The United States of America was supposed to uphold the idea
that "All men are created equal." Yet, it contradicted itself with its blatantly unequal laws. What kind of equality forces children to be segregated into
specific schools? What makes a black American different from a white American besides skin color? By abolishing segregation in schools, future
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Persuasive Essay On Brown University
Why should anyone choose to attend at Brown University? Why should anybody choose this University instead of all the other colleges and
universities? Well many believe that Brown University is an amazing university and is the right choice for just about anyone. Brown is located in
historic Providence Rhode Island and was founded in 1764. It is the seventh–oldest college in the United States. Brown University is known for its
cultural events, global reach, many campus groups and activities, active community service programs, highly competitive athletics and its beautiful
facilities, located in a richly historic urban setting. A few main reasons that anyone should attend Brown are the Athletics,Dorm life, and the Majors that
they offer at the university.
Brown University's athletes are high–achieving students who are active in many areas of campus life and the community. For example, in 2012 the
National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA) honored 20 Brown teams with awards for academic achievement. As a member of Ivy League,
Brown University has the nation's fourth largest collegiate athletic program for men and is has the largest program for women. With 900 athletes
competing in 37 varsity sports teams, 20 are teams for more content...
Brown attracts, challenges and cultivates independent thinkers. A total of 2,000 courses in more than 40 academic departments take place every year
at Brown. Brown University offers 51 doctoral programs and 28 masters programs. The top five majors at Brown are : Biology / Biological Sciences,
General Economics, General Computer Sciences, History and General Neuroscience. Undergraduates can pursue their bachelor's degrees in more than
70 concentrations that range from Egyptology to Cognitive Neuroscience. The University's commitment to undergraduate freedom means that the
students must take responsibility as architects of their courses of
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Overrule Plessy
When Warren began as Supreme Court Chief Justice,32 one of the early cases he faced was the very controversial Brown v. Board of Education of
Topeka case,33 which presented the issue of whether "separate but equal" facilities for different races violated the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S.
Constitution, as previously allowed by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson.34 Before Warren's appointment, the Supreme Court under Chief
Justice Fred Vinson was very divided on whether to overrule Plessy.35 However, under Warren's leadership and persuasion, the Supreme Court
delivered a unanimous decision in overruling Plessy and finding the belief of "separate but equal" unconstitutional.36 Warren faced public outrage,
including impeachment efforts, particularly from the south, where such cases were most prevalent, due to the unpopular Brown more
Wainwright and Miranda v. Arizona (397
–99, 464–67 B). The Gideon case presented the issue of whether states were required to provide counsel to
criminal defendants (398B). Prior to the Gideon case, the Supreme Court held in Betts v. Brady that states were not required to provide counsel for
indigent defendants who make such a request (397–98B). In a unanimous decision, Warren and the other Supreme Court justices voted to overrule Betts
and found that the Bill of Rights applied to states thereby requiring the appointment of counsel to indigent defendants (399B). Warren's vote in the
Gideon decision demonstrated the exchange from his prior attitudes about protecting the public during his murder prosecution of Frank Conner in the
Point Lobos case by, at a minimum, denying Conner access to a lawyer after his arrest for his new attitude which required all criminal defendants to be
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Brown V. Board of Education
Brown v. Board of Education
Ronald Still
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Brown v. Board of Education
The Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education dates back to 1954, the case was centered on the Fourteenth Amendment and challenged the
segregation of schools solely on the basis of race. The Brown case was not the only case of its time involving school segregation, the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was leading the push to desegregate public schools in the United States (Gold, 2005).
Brown v. Board of Education was a consolidation of four cases that had made their way through the court system. It was 1950 and Linda brown was
just seven years old, she lived in Topeka, more content...
As a result of the Civil War the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the constitution were ratified. The 14th Amendment conferred citizenship on
formerly enslaved African Americans and granted equal protection under the law (Background Overview and Summary). The Fourteenth Amendment
states; No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State
deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the
laws. (U.S Const. amend. XIV) The question within the Fourteenth Amendment was; does the segregation of children in public schools solely on the
basis of race deprive the minority children of "equal protection of the laws" under the amendment (Brown v. Board of Education, 1954). In1896 when
the Plessy v. Ferguson case was argued and the opinion of the Court was written by Justice Henry Billings Brown the "separate but equal" doctrine was
established. Justice Henry Billings wrote; We think the enforced separation of the races, as applied to the internal commerce of the state, neither
abridges the privileges or immunities of the colored man, deprives him of his property without the due process of law, nor denies him the equal
protection of the laws, within the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. (Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896)
Courts Ruling The Court would
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Brown V Board Of Education Research Paper
During the late nineteen fifties, the Supreme Court made a shocking ruling in a case called Brown v. Board of Education that created an uproar all
across the country: segregation in schools was now illegal. Blacks and whites were finally allowed to learn together and were enthusiastic to receive a
higher quality education in better schools. However, not everyone was in favor of this new law. Governor Orval Faubus of Little Rock, Arkansas,
repudiated the new desegregation law and called the National Guard to ward off nine African American students from enrolling themselves in what
used to be an all white high school on September 4, 1957 (Anderson 2). This historical event was known as the Little Rock Nine and was notable
because the nine more content...
She had to leave her home at 7:40 in the morning and walk through dangerous streets to a bus stop that drove her to school which started at 9 a.m.
(Patterson 32). Her father, Oliver Brown, sued Topeka, Kansas and hired Thurgood Marshall as his lawyer. This is how the famous case ofBrown v.
Board of Education came to be. Marshall argued that segregation in schools should be outlawed because it is not fair to make them walk seven blocks
when they could cross the street and go to school there. The Supreme Court voted in the student's favor on May 17, 1954 because they concurred that
segregation in schools was unconstitutional and violated the fourteenth amendment (Patterson 54). At last, segregation was illegal under the
Constitution and for a moment, people actually believed this. Although it was illegal, schools continued to be segregated and blacks were forced to
attend subpar schools because they weren't accept anywhere else. The school principals were apathetic towards the new law, they wanted to run the
school their way. In order to end this, the Little Rock Nine knew that they needed to stand up for their rights and make a change. The Little Rock Nine
consisted of Carlotta Walls, Gloria Ray, Ernest Green, Jefferson Thomas, Thelma Mothershed, Terrence Roberts, Minnijean Brown, Melba Patillo, and
Elizabeth Eckford (Fitzgerald 17). Little did they know that their bravery in walking up the steps of Central High School in Arkansas would mark an
important event that would change history
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The Pros And Cons Of Brown V. Board Of Education
During the time of 1952, Brown v. Board of Education was argued the Fourteenth Amendment was taken under consideration to allow different things
to take place, such as; 1) public education, 2) segregation of children in public schools, 3) the idea of being separate but equal being in the field of
public education, and 4) the bias conditions of when the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted.
Before Brown vs. Board of Education ever took place, schools in America had the separation between children based off of skin complexion. Besides
this issue arising in schools, the separation was common everywhere from bathrooms, restaurants, and even public transportation. The upbringing of
this issue started controversy form both sides of people who agreed to wanting no separation to people who were against the mix of having both in the
same environment.
The purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment was to protect and allow Negro children of an education during the time Brown v. Board of Education was
taking place (December 9, 1952). However, the argument arose that there needed to be a separation between Negros and white children in the public
school system but contradicted the Fourteenth Amendment of equal opportunities. To agree, there needed to be public rights for having Negros and
whites together in the same school in order to gain equal educational opportunities rather than separating the two and giving one more and one less than
deserved. Without the public speaking up there would not
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Antonio Brown Research Paper
Antonio Brown: 20 Facts You Probably Didn't Know Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown has made his cases arguably the NFL's best
wide receiver. An underrated player for most of his career Brown really elevated his game in 2014 when he became Ben Roethlisberger's best
option. Brown has been a beast in his NFL career, destroying almost every defensive player sent his way. His lightening quick speed and incredible
hands make him one popular superstar, though you know a lot about the man, there's a lot about Brown's life that you probably don't know. I'm just an
infraction and here are 20 facts you probably didn't know about Antonio Brown. Number 20 – Hidden Gem Hard to believe this but the NFL's best wide
receiver wasn't even a hyped– more content...
Number 5 – Scouts Are Overrated One reason Brown had problems finding his post secondary education and spot in the 2010 draft was because of
his rough upbringing and living poorly. Some also thought his size would hold him back from being a star. We have one word for all those scouts who
passed on him, whelp! Number 4 – Hungry Man If you ever meet Brown and offer to take him up to your house you better make sure to go grocery
shopping. He loves to eat six boiled eggs along with bison and oatmeal for breakfast. Number 3 – Charity Worker Brown is an avid worker off the field
as he always tried to offer the best for kids. He helps poor children in Miami, tries to feed them for school and he host a celebrity softball game for a
children's hospital , Brown you beauty. Number 2 – Bring It. Most NFL stars will tell you there's someone they fear, for Tom Brady it's Von Miller, for
Michael Crabtree it's Richard Sherman, for Josh Norman and Odell Beckham it's each other, but for Brown he doesn't have one. He called it a chess
game, that explains beating Chris
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The Road to Brown Reflection Paper
The Road to Brown tells the story of the millions of nameless blacks who faced devastating hardships caused by Jim Crow, which simply robbed
them of the rights granted by the 14th and 15th Amendments. Under the "separate but equal" doctrine of the Supreme Court's 1896 Plessy v.
Ferguson decision, black citizens were denied the right to vote, to attend white schools, to be buried in white cemeteries, etc. Those who objected
were liable to be lynched. The era of Jim Crow provoked men such as, Charles Houston to fight back for those who were unable. Charles Hamilton
Houston, "the man who killed Jim Crow", grew up during the Jim Crow Era and devoted his entire life trying to destroy it. Houston came from a
privileged background in more content...
Painter and McLaurin v. Oklahoma, brought Jim Crow to trial once again. The Sweatt v. Painter case involved a black man by the name of Heman
Marion Sweatt, who was refused admission to the University of Texas Law School. When Sweatt asked the state courts to order his admission, the
university attempted to provide separate but equal facilities for black law students by creating a completely new school. The case was brought to the
Supreme Court and served as an influential landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education years later. Another Supreme Court case was McLaurin v.
Oklahoma, which denied George W. McLaurin admission to the University of Oklahoma graduate program in education. However, they were not
allowed to deny McLaurin a place in the school but tried to segregate him on campus. He had to sit by himself in a separate section of the
classroom, sit at a separate desk in the library, and sit at a different table from the rest of the students in the cafeteria. Fortunately, all of these cases
put segregation to trial. Just two years after the death of Charles Houston, segregation/Jim Crow was finally put to the test in the historic case of
Brown v. Board of Education. The case began when Reverend Brown and various NAACP members fought to put their children in the close white
schools, which led to Brown v. Board of Education. On December 9, 1952, the case was in effect and for seventeen months segregation hung in the
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Equal access to educational opportunities for all students was a primary goal of education reforms during the time of the Civil Rights Movement and
it still remains a problem today. Today, we are focused on a broader range of ethnic groups and in a higher goal than simply "letting people in," we ask
questions about how to create educational institutions that serve all students equally well ("50 Years After Brown v. Board ofEducation: The Promise
and Challenge of Multicultural Education"). In 1954 we did not ask whether schools' would welcome and nurture students of color or whether the
schools would adjust to a curriculum that made equal sense to all groups. Today, we ask such questions. Research shows that multicultural education
and more content...
It was a symbolic beginning to one of the greatest national changes in attitudes, belief, and behavior in modern life. K. Brown (1996) states, "Although
we cannot look to Brown for guidance about how to go on in creating fully integrated schools and universities, we can look to it for inspiration."
Brown did not provide any direction in how to create fully multicultural school environments, nor was that its objective. In fact, the decision itself
only referred to the experience of African Americans and Whites, leaving out all other groups ("50 Years After Brown v. Board of Education: The
Promise and Challenge of Multicultural Education"). At the same time, Brown presented us with a rationale for the first step towards racial justice in
education. Brown opened the way for us to bring questions of individuality, intergroup relations, and the psychology of prejudice and discrimination to
the forefront of discussions that educators and the public have regarding educational policy ("50 Years After Brown v. Board of Education: The
Promise and Challenge of Multicultural
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Argumentative Essay On Brown Ems Program
Im Dr. Bandar AlMufareh, board certified in emergency medicine, from Saudi Arabia. I joined the EMS fellowship program at Brown University as it
considered one of the competent and leading training programs in United States. It offers good opportunities in medical direction, quality assessment,
leadership and other aspects of EMS. The program provides a high quality service in critical care transportation among hospitals for both adults and
petdiatrics. Faculties are supportive, welling to teach and trying to provide a comfortable environment to work and learn. Simply, Brown EMS program
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Brown College Essay
Brown was founded in 1764–the third college in New England and the seventh in Colonial America. Brown was the first Ivy League school to
accept students from all religious affiliations, a testament to the spirit of openness that still typifies Brown today. Originally located in Warren,
Rhode Island, and called the College of Rhode Island, Brown moved to its current spot on College Hill overlooking Providence in 1770 and was
renamed in 1804 in recognition of a $5,000 gift from Nicholas Brown, a prominent Providence businessman and alumnus, Class of 1786. Women
were first admitted to Brown in 1891. The Women's College was later renamed Pembroke College in Brown University before merging with Brown
College, the men's undergraduate school, in 1971. The northern section of campus where the women's school was situated is known today as the
Pembroke Campus. The first master's degrees were granted in 1888 and the first doctorates in 1889. The first medical degrees of the modern era were more content...
President Christina H. Paxson, Brown's 19th president, has charted the course for the University's future with the recently approved strategic plan,
Building on Distinction. The plan provides a vision and set of broad goals to achieve higher levels of excellence as a university that unites innovative
education and outstanding research to benefit the community, the nation and the world. It calls for targeted investments to attract and support the most
talented and diverse faculty, students, and staff; capitalize on existing strengths; and provide the environment to foster rigorous inquiry and discovery
across the disciplines. The plan highlights the need to keep a Brown education affordable for talented students from all economic backgrounds and to
sustain a community with the diversity of thought and experience required for
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Legal Case Study: Brown V. Case
Associate Dean Mazza informed Brown that his procedural objects had been denied by the University of Kansas's General Counsel's office. In this
April 14th email, Associate Dean Mazza also informed Brown the next step would involve scheduling a hearing with a three judge panel. This
hearing was proposed for the week of May 10, 2010 to avoid semester finals. However, Brown would not agree to the hearing until his procedural
objections had been addressed and resolved. This request was denied again.
The hearing panel met three or four time during the period of April 19, 2010 and May 3, 2010. Brown did not appear before the panel during this
time. On May 3, the hearing panel issued their dismissal of the academic misconduct claim again Brown because it did not violate a specific university
rule. However, the panel noted that Brown's application and letter of certification made clear that he could potentially be expelled for any withholding
or false information. By signing the application, Brown acknowledged the law school's right to dismiss him for false information on his application.
Thus, the decision was left to Dean Gail Agrawal, who consulted with the University's Office of General Counsel. She sent Brown a letter on May 26,
2010, notifying him of the intent to dismiss him effective June 8, 2010 for "falsification, misrepresentation, and failure to supply complete, accurate, and more content...
Brown then requested a hearing with the University Judicial Board on May 31, 2010. The Chair of the University Judicial Board informed Brown on
June 3, 2010 that the Judicial Board had no jurisdiction for his case. She elaborated to explain the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations note that
individual colleges have their own established admission standards. Finally, on June 7, 2010, Dean Agrawal notified Brown of his dismissal from the
School of
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Brown V. Board Of Education Case Study
Brown v. Board of Education is a historically known United States Supreme Court case in which the court declared state laws that established separate
public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional. This case completely contradicted and overturned a previous, also historically
known case, Plessy v. Ferguson, which was passed nearly 50 years prior. Between the time of Brown vs. the Board of Education and the Mississippi
Freedom Summer of 1964 various organizations employed a variety of tactics for integration including but not limited to non–violent vs. violent means
and utilizing their own distinct levels of influence within existing institutions and government. While the non–violent tactics are often most cited as the
reason for change, it is in fact the threat of vengeful violence by the increasingly uniting civil rights organizations and public reaction to the violence of
whites against groups merely fighting for the right to participate in the ideal that is America that truly affected change, culminating in the Mississippi
Freedom Summer of 1964. The first of these organizations was the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). The SNCC was comprised of
many students and a major component of their work dealt with the organization of voter registration in the more content...
Its charismatic, Nobel–prize winning first president was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who along with Malcolm X, is often seen as the non–violent voice
of the Civil Rights movement. The SCLC organized several key marches and boycotts such as the relatively unsuccessful Albany Movement, which
provided lessons learned which were applied successfully during the Birmingham Campaign. The SCLC also was the primary organization responsible
for the March on
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My Brown Belt Essay
Ever since I can remember I have always dreaded trying different activities. I was never thrilled to meet people or join school clubs; I was content
with being alone. Soon, I figured out why I behaved in this manner: I feared the humility of people rejecting me, so I avoided the social encounter as
a whole. Even after realizing this, I never really exerted myself to fix the problem, that is, until I tested for my brown belt in karate. One of the test
requirements was to get hit with a shinai (a bamboo stick), and the idea of being hit with that stick caused me to not want to go test (mostly because of
the pain and embarrassment if I couldn't handle it). In spite of these emotions, I longed to earn my brown belt more so I agreed to test. When
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Statement Of Purpose: Brown University
My future school is still undecided. My dream school, however, would be Brown University. I've spent fifty percent of my time at Newport Harbor
in a daze, unsure of my academic goal and unable to find a purpose for my education. However, my junior and senior year in the IB Program were life
changing. It shifted my perspective on learning and still continues to inspire my future education. Brown University mimic's the IB Programs flexibility
through its open curriculum. Students are encouraged to pick their own classes and take advantage of such independence. Not to mention, coming from
a very homogenous community like Newport Beach, I crave the diversity that is offered at Brown University: diversity of culture, opinion, race, and
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George Brown Plagiarism Essay
In Canada, copyright is strictly protected by law. Every year, college and university students write easy. Indeed, some students intentionally commit
plagiarism, and, although some students do not want to commit plagiarism, they can be accused of plagiarism. Because, they may not clearly know the
definition of plagiarism. Also, if the students who committed plagiarism did not know the penalties for plagiarism or they though schools could not
know if their submission was plagiarized, probably, they would regret their behavior. Seneca and George Brown college policy have similar
definitions of plagiarism, but different processes for verifying and penalties for plagiarism.
Actually, Seneca and George Brown have same definition of plagiarism. "What is plagiarism?" (2014) has it that definitions of plagiarism must be
same in anywhere. Because of U.S law. Both school policies interpret plagiarism such as using someone else's words, images, ideas, phrases, signatures
or computation without originators' agreements or more content...
Seneca policy said that they compare students' submissions and third party services. Third party service compares students' submissions and other work
submitted by students, when students submit their work (Academic Honesty Retrieved, 2016). But George Brown policy does not mention how to
verify students' submissions (Student code of conduct & discipline, 2015). Therefore, George Brown policy need to explain how to verify.
For these reasons, Seneca and George Brown honesty policies have a similarity and two difference about plagiarism. The definitions of plagiarism
are similar in term of the forms of plagiarism, however, Seneca policy has more specific enforcing penalties and process for verifying than George
Brown policy. Therefore, Seneca students can more realize seriousness of plagiarism and they may not try to commit plagiarism, if they know the
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Brown Writing Supplement Essay
Brown Writing Supplement
Describe what academic field(s) you wish to pursue at Brown, how you came upon that interest, and any post–graduation career plans you may have
considered. (500)
At Brown, I wish to pursue a double major in economics and computer science. I then plan on completing graduate studies in economics. From a young
age I was fascinated with the historical trends in the changes of the unwritten standards and expectations that have governed society for thousands of
years. Economics are largely influenced by social interactions and past historical trends. Analyzing the human expectations in different societies also
connects to international relations in the macro economy. Studying Computer Science would give me the more content...
I have been asked this question numerous times over the years and each time I have given a different answer. Looking back over the years since I
began my search for the right school, I realize that the reason I gave different answers each time to the question, "why Brown" is that Brown does
not have a single aspect to which I am drawn; rather, it is the community of diverse students and the opportunities for students to develop their own
molds. Brown does not have a single mold for a particular student, and for that reason; students do not choose Brown for a single reason. More
seriously, the Brown Curriculum is the primary reason for my interest in Brown. The open curriculum would allow me to pursue studies in topics that
I am passionate about and meet a diverse group of students with similar interests. I would never be forced to take a class I despise to fulfill a core
curriculum. Brown has demonstrated to its students that it does not mold its students; rather, Brown gives its students to flourish in the classes the
students have direct passion. During my visit to Brown University, I had the opportunity to discuss with current students their experiences with the
open curriculum. Each student had a unique, yet positive
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Ron Brown Scholarship Analysis

  • 1. Ron Brown Scholarship Analysis I would like to think that winning the Ron Brown Scholarship will lead me upon a pathway of college life, knowledge, and increased involvement in various communities, but in reality, that would be a blatant lie. Only my actions can shape my future, thus, this scholarship cannot do anything for me. Understanding self–accountability is of utmost importance for human progress because we habitually wait for the so–called "perfect moment" to achieve goals. But as Shakespeare once wrote, "Nothing comes from nothing." Even though I write like this, at some point I acted contrarily. I distinctly remember a time when I was in the 3rd grade and I planned out my life on a single sheet of paper. I intended to become a doctor, and I mapped out my yearly salary. That was it; I would not pursue anything else. I found nothing wrong with this, and I continued with this unimaginative way of thinking until one day in the 9th grade where I found myself extremely sick. My neck stiffened and my temperature averaged 102В°. I tried to cope with my mysterious "cold" for two weeks, but (by my) second visit to the doctor, I was rushed to the hospital. I was diagnosed with more content... I took my goal of being a doctor and harnessed it into one increasingly filled with passion. Classes like AP Biology and Anatomy became indescribably engrossing and progressively applicable to my future career. Today, I still aim to be able to care for patients the way I was cared for during my illness. Along with this, I am not restricting myself to only this pathway. I did not have to look too far to see the multitude of calamities affecting our world today––terrorism, shootings, epidemics, corruption, poverty. The list seemed never–ending, but I decided that I had to do something. If I waited for the "perfect moment", it would never Get more content on
  • 2. Brown is a place of opportunity rather than merely just a prestigious institution. Josie Valcin, a family friend, graduated Brown in June and currently attends the Brown Medical School. We grew up similar places and were raised in the same church, and although I do not necessarily want to walk her same footsteps, her success and Brown's open curriculum give the confidence to know that I can excel there as well. I want to be in a place where not only am I intellectually unbounded and opportunities are plentiful, but also where I can immerse myself in a setting of like–minded individuals who realize that education is not limited to just the classroom. Ultimately, I will take advantage of my four years at Brown and immerse myself in the wide and Get more content on
  • 3. "Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time. I have a dream." – Martin Luther King Jr. It is because of the Brown vs. The Board of Education court case that allows the University of Texas at Austin, along with hundreds of universities, to be have a diverse student body. This case opened new doors to racial opportunities. What started off as a plea for equality, would change the world in its own way. Brown, who is not defined to one person but rather a group that wanted freedom of segregation from schools, would go against the Board of Education in a duel of words to bring an equal education towards all citizens. Tirelessly fighting against more content... the Board of Education. What started as one girl's effort to attend school would forever leave a mark in history. A girl by the name of Linda Brown. Just as any school girl, loved being with her friends, and she loved her family. However, Linda's black skin color restricted her from attending a school that was a few yards away, and forced her to walk miles to the nearest all black school. In outrage, the family fought for their daughter to attend a local white school. Why would she not be allowed to attend a school so close to home? The question became strong enough to begin a movement that would impact the nation. During the court case, Linda became the motivator of racial equality. It is because of her that schools no longer base their judgment of students from racial characteristics. Though Board of Education fought to maintain segregated schools, the act of restricting people based on race was unjust. It took the efforts of a strong girl and her family to bring this controversial issue to the nation. The United States of America was supposed to uphold the idea that "All men are created equal." Yet, it contradicted itself with its blatantly unequal laws. What kind of equality forces children to be segregated into specific schools? What makes a black American different from a white American besides skin color? By abolishing segregation in schools, future Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Brown University Why should anyone choose to attend at Brown University? Why should anybody choose this University instead of all the other colleges and universities? Well many believe that Brown University is an amazing university and is the right choice for just about anyone. Brown is located in historic Providence Rhode Island and was founded in 1764. It is the seventh–oldest college in the United States. Brown University is known for its cultural events, global reach, many campus groups and activities, active community service programs, highly competitive athletics and its beautiful facilities, located in a richly historic urban setting. A few main reasons that anyone should attend Brown are the Athletics,Dorm life, and the Majors that they offer at the university. Brown University's athletes are high–achieving students who are active in many areas of campus life and the community. For example, in 2012 the National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA) honored 20 Brown teams with awards for academic achievement. As a member of Ivy League, Brown University has the nation's fourth largest collegiate athletic program for men and is has the largest program for women. With 900 athletes competing in 37 varsity sports teams, 20 are teams for more content... Brown attracts, challenges and cultivates independent thinkers. A total of 2,000 courses in more than 40 academic departments take place every year at Brown. Brown University offers 51 doctoral programs and 28 masters programs. The top five majors at Brown are : Biology / Biological Sciences, General Economics, General Computer Sciences, History and General Neuroscience. Undergraduates can pursue their bachelor's degrees in more than 70 concentrations that range from Egyptology to Cognitive Neuroscience. The University's commitment to undergraduate freedom means that the students must take responsibility as architects of their courses of Get more content on
  • 5. Overrule Plessy When Warren began as Supreme Court Chief Justice,32 one of the early cases he faced was the very controversial Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case,33 which presented the issue of whether "separate but equal" facilities for different races violated the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution, as previously allowed by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson.34 Before Warren's appointment, the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Fred Vinson was very divided on whether to overrule Plessy.35 However, under Warren's leadership and persuasion, the Supreme Court delivered a unanimous decision in overruling Plessy and finding the belief of "separate but equal" unconstitutional.36 Warren faced public outrage, including impeachment efforts, particularly from the south, where such cases were most prevalent, due to the unpopular Brown more content... Wainwright and Miranda v. Arizona (397 –99, 464–67 B). The Gideon case presented the issue of whether states were required to provide counsel to criminal defendants (398B). Prior to the Gideon case, the Supreme Court held in Betts v. Brady that states were not required to provide counsel for indigent defendants who make such a request (397–98B). In a unanimous decision, Warren and the other Supreme Court justices voted to overrule Betts and found that the Bill of Rights applied to states thereby requiring the appointment of counsel to indigent defendants (399B). Warren's vote in the Gideon decision demonstrated the exchange from his prior attitudes about protecting the public during his murder prosecution of Frank Conner in the Point Lobos case by, at a minimum, denying Conner access to a lawyer after his arrest for his new attitude which required all criminal defendants to be given Get more content on
  • 6. Brown V. Board of Education Brown v. Board of Education Ronald Still Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Brown v. Board of Education Background The Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education dates back to 1954, the case was centered on the Fourteenth Amendment and challenged the segregation of schools solely on the basis of race. The Brown case was not the only case of its time involving school segregation, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was leading the push to desegregate public schools in the United States (Gold, 2005). Brown v. Board of Education was a consolidation of four cases that had made their way through the court system. It was 1950 and Linda brown was just seven years old, she lived in Topeka, more content... As a result of the Civil War the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the constitution were ratified. The 14th Amendment conferred citizenship on formerly enslaved African Americans and granted equal protection under the law (Background Overview and Summary). The Fourteenth Amendment states; No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. (U.S Const. amend. XIV) The question within the Fourteenth Amendment was; does the segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race deprive the minority children of "equal protection of the laws" under the amendment (Brown v. Board of Education, 1954). In1896 when the Plessy v. Ferguson case was argued and the opinion of the Court was written by Justice Henry Billings Brown the "separate but equal" doctrine was established. Justice Henry Billings wrote; We think the enforced separation of the races, as applied to the internal commerce of the state, neither abridges the privileges or immunities of the colored man, deprives him of his property without the due process of law, nor denies him the equal protection of the laws, within the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. (Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896) Courts Ruling The Court would Get more content on
  • 7. Brown V Board Of Education Research Paper During the late nineteen fifties, the Supreme Court made a shocking ruling in a case called Brown v. Board of Education that created an uproar all across the country: segregation in schools was now illegal. Blacks and whites were finally allowed to learn together and were enthusiastic to receive a higher quality education in better schools. However, not everyone was in favor of this new law. Governor Orval Faubus of Little Rock, Arkansas, repudiated the new desegregation law and called the National Guard to ward off nine African American students from enrolling themselves in what used to be an all white high school on September 4, 1957 (Anderson 2). This historical event was known as the Little Rock Nine and was notable because the nine more content... She had to leave her home at 7:40 in the morning and walk through dangerous streets to a bus stop that drove her to school which started at 9 a.m. (Patterson 32). Her father, Oliver Brown, sued Topeka, Kansas and hired Thurgood Marshall as his lawyer. This is how the famous case ofBrown v. Board of Education came to be. Marshall argued that segregation in schools should be outlawed because it is not fair to make them walk seven blocks when they could cross the street and go to school there. The Supreme Court voted in the student's favor on May 17, 1954 because they concurred that segregation in schools was unconstitutional and violated the fourteenth amendment (Patterson 54). At last, segregation was illegal under the Constitution and for a moment, people actually believed this. Although it was illegal, schools continued to be segregated and blacks were forced to attend subpar schools because they weren't accept anywhere else. The school principals were apathetic towards the new law, they wanted to run the school their way. In order to end this, the Little Rock Nine knew that they needed to stand up for their rights and make a change. The Little Rock Nine consisted of Carlotta Walls, Gloria Ray, Ernest Green, Jefferson Thomas, Thelma Mothershed, Terrence Roberts, Minnijean Brown, Melba Patillo, and Elizabeth Eckford (Fitzgerald 17). Little did they know that their bravery in walking up the steps of Central High School in Arkansas would mark an important event that would change history Get more content on
  • 8. The Pros And Cons Of Brown V. Board Of Education During the time of 1952, Brown v. Board of Education was argued the Fourteenth Amendment was taken under consideration to allow different things to take place, such as; 1) public education, 2) segregation of children in public schools, 3) the idea of being separate but equal being in the field of public education, and 4) the bias conditions of when the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted. Before Brown vs. Board of Education ever took place, schools in America had the separation between children based off of skin complexion. Besides this issue arising in schools, the separation was common everywhere from bathrooms, restaurants, and even public transportation. The upbringing of this issue started controversy form both sides of people who agreed to wanting no separation to people who were against the mix of having both in the same environment. The purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment was to protect and allow Negro children of an education during the time Brown v. Board of Education was taking place (December 9, 1952). However, the argument arose that there needed to be a separation between Negros and white children in the public school system but contradicted the Fourteenth Amendment of equal opportunities. To agree, there needed to be public rights for having Negros and whites together in the same school in order to gain equal educational opportunities rather than separating the two and giving one more and one less than deserved. Without the public speaking up there would not Get more content on
  • 9. Antonio Brown Research Paper Antonio Brown: 20 Facts You Probably Didn't Know Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown has made his cases arguably the NFL's best wide receiver. An underrated player for most of his career Brown really elevated his game in 2014 when he became Ben Roethlisberger's best option. Brown has been a beast in his NFL career, destroying almost every defensive player sent his way. His lightening quick speed and incredible hands make him one popular superstar, though you know a lot about the man, there's a lot about Brown's life that you probably don't know. I'm just an infraction and here are 20 facts you probably didn't know about Antonio Brown. Number 20 – Hidden Gem Hard to believe this but the NFL's best wide receiver wasn't even a hyped– more content... Number 5 – Scouts Are Overrated One reason Brown had problems finding his post secondary education and spot in the 2010 draft was because of his rough upbringing and living poorly. Some also thought his size would hold him back from being a star. We have one word for all those scouts who passed on him, whelp! Number 4 – Hungry Man If you ever meet Brown and offer to take him up to your house you better make sure to go grocery shopping. He loves to eat six boiled eggs along with bison and oatmeal for breakfast. Number 3 – Charity Worker Brown is an avid worker off the field as he always tried to offer the best for kids. He helps poor children in Miami, tries to feed them for school and he host a celebrity softball game for a children's hospital , Brown you beauty. Number 2 – Bring It. Most NFL stars will tell you there's someone they fear, for Tom Brady it's Von Miller, for Michael Crabtree it's Richard Sherman, for Josh Norman and Odell Beckham it's each other, but for Brown he doesn't have one. He called it a chess game, that explains beating Chris Get more content on
  • 10. The Road to Brown Reflection Paper The Road to Brown tells the story of the millions of nameless blacks who faced devastating hardships caused by Jim Crow, which simply robbed them of the rights granted by the 14th and 15th Amendments. Under the "separate but equal" doctrine of the Supreme Court's 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision, black citizens were denied the right to vote, to attend white schools, to be buried in white cemeteries, etc. Those who objected were liable to be lynched. The era of Jim Crow provoked men such as, Charles Houston to fight back for those who were unable. Charles Hamilton Houston, "the man who killed Jim Crow", grew up during the Jim Crow Era and devoted his entire life trying to destroy it. Houston came from a privileged background in more content... Painter and McLaurin v. Oklahoma, brought Jim Crow to trial once again. The Sweatt v. Painter case involved a black man by the name of Heman Marion Sweatt, who was refused admission to the University of Texas Law School. When Sweatt asked the state courts to order his admission, the university attempted to provide separate but equal facilities for black law students by creating a completely new school. The case was brought to the Supreme Court and served as an influential landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education years later. Another Supreme Court case was McLaurin v. Oklahoma, which denied George W. McLaurin admission to the University of Oklahoma graduate program in education. However, they were not allowed to deny McLaurin a place in the school but tried to segregate him on campus. He had to sit by himself in a separate section of the classroom, sit at a separate desk in the library, and sit at a different table from the rest of the students in the cafeteria. Fortunately, all of these cases put segregation to trial. Just two years after the death of Charles Houston, segregation/Jim Crow was finally put to the test in the historic case of Brown v. Board of Education. The case began when Reverend Brown and various NAACP members fought to put their children in the close white schools, which led to Brown v. Board of Education. On December 9, 1952, the case was in effect and for seventeen months segregation hung in the balance. Get more content on
  • 11. Equal access to educational opportunities for all students was a primary goal of education reforms during the time of the Civil Rights Movement and it still remains a problem today. Today, we are focused on a broader range of ethnic groups and in a higher goal than simply "letting people in," we ask questions about how to create educational institutions that serve all students equally well ("50 Years After Brown v. Board ofEducation: The Promise and Challenge of Multicultural Education"). In 1954 we did not ask whether schools' would welcome and nurture students of color or whether the schools would adjust to a curriculum that made equal sense to all groups. Today, we ask such questions. Research shows that multicultural education and more content... It was a symbolic beginning to one of the greatest national changes in attitudes, belief, and behavior in modern life. K. Brown (1996) states, "Although we cannot look to Brown for guidance about how to go on in creating fully integrated schools and universities, we can look to it for inspiration." Brown did not provide any direction in how to create fully multicultural school environments, nor was that its objective. In fact, the decision itself only referred to the experience of African Americans and Whites, leaving out all other groups ("50 Years After Brown v. Board of Education: The Promise and Challenge of Multicultural Education"). At the same time, Brown presented us with a rationale for the first step towards racial justice in education. Brown opened the way for us to bring questions of individuality, intergroup relations, and the psychology of prejudice and discrimination to the forefront of discussions that educators and the public have regarding educational policy ("50 Years After Brown v. Board of Education: The Promise and Challenge of Multicultural Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative Essay On Brown Ems Program Im Dr. Bandar AlMufareh, board certified in emergency medicine, from Saudi Arabia. I joined the EMS fellowship program at Brown University as it considered one of the competent and leading training programs in United States. It offers good opportunities in medical direction, quality assessment, leadership and other aspects of EMS. The program provides a high quality service in critical care transportation among hospitals for both adults and petdiatrics. Faculties are supportive, welling to teach and trying to provide a comfortable environment to work and learn. Simply, Brown EMS program is Get more content on
  • 13. Brown College Essay Brown was founded in 1764–the third college in New England and the seventh in Colonial America. Brown was the first Ivy League school to accept students from all religious affiliations, a testament to the spirit of openness that still typifies Brown today. Originally located in Warren, Rhode Island, and called the College of Rhode Island, Brown moved to its current spot on College Hill overlooking Providence in 1770 and was renamed in 1804 in recognition of a $5,000 gift from Nicholas Brown, a prominent Providence businessman and alumnus, Class of 1786. Women were first admitted to Brown in 1891. The Women's College was later renamed Pembroke College in Brown University before merging with Brown College, the men's undergraduate school, in 1971. The northern section of campus where the women's school was situated is known today as the Pembroke Campus. The first master's degrees were granted in 1888 and the first doctorates in 1889. The first medical degrees of the modern era were more content... President Christina H. Paxson, Brown's 19th president, has charted the course for the University's future with the recently approved strategic plan, Building on Distinction. The plan provides a vision and set of broad goals to achieve higher levels of excellence as a university that unites innovative education and outstanding research to benefit the community, the nation and the world. It calls for targeted investments to attract and support the most talented and diverse faculty, students, and staff; capitalize on existing strengths; and provide the environment to foster rigorous inquiry and discovery across the disciplines. The plan highlights the need to keep a Brown education affordable for talented students from all economic backgrounds and to sustain a community with the diversity of thought and experience required for Get more content on
  • 14. Legal Case Study: Brown V. Case Associate Dean Mazza informed Brown that his procedural objects had been denied by the University of Kansas's General Counsel's office. In this April 14th email, Associate Dean Mazza also informed Brown the next step would involve scheduling a hearing with a three judge panel. This hearing was proposed for the week of May 10, 2010 to avoid semester finals. However, Brown would not agree to the hearing until his procedural objections had been addressed and resolved. This request was denied again. The hearing panel met three or four time during the period of April 19, 2010 and May 3, 2010. Brown did not appear before the panel during this time. On May 3, the hearing panel issued their dismissal of the academic misconduct claim again Brown because it did not violate a specific university rule. However, the panel noted that Brown's application and letter of certification made clear that he could potentially be expelled for any withholding or false information. By signing the application, Brown acknowledged the law school's right to dismiss him for false information on his application. Thus, the decision was left to Dean Gail Agrawal, who consulted with the University's Office of General Counsel. She sent Brown a letter on May 26, 2010, notifying him of the intent to dismiss him effective June 8, 2010 for "falsification, misrepresentation, and failure to supply complete, accurate, and more content... Brown then requested a hearing with the University Judicial Board on May 31, 2010. The Chair of the University Judicial Board informed Brown on June 3, 2010 that the Judicial Board had no jurisdiction for his case. She elaborated to explain the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations note that individual colleges have their own established admission standards. Finally, on June 7, 2010, Dean Agrawal notified Brown of his dismissal from the School of Get more content on
  • 15. Brown V. Board Of Education Case Study Brown v. Board of Education is a historically known United States Supreme Court case in which the court declared state laws that established separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional. This case completely contradicted and overturned a previous, also historically known case, Plessy v. Ferguson, which was passed nearly 50 years prior. Between the time of Brown vs. the Board of Education and the Mississippi Freedom Summer of 1964 various organizations employed a variety of tactics for integration including but not limited to non–violent vs. violent means and utilizing their own distinct levels of influence within existing institutions and government. While the non–violent tactics are often most cited as the reason for change, it is in fact the threat of vengeful violence by the increasingly uniting civil rights organizations and public reaction to the violence of whites against groups merely fighting for the right to participate in the ideal that is America that truly affected change, culminating in the Mississippi Freedom Summer of 1964. The first of these organizations was the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). The SNCC was comprised of many students and a major component of their work dealt with the organization of voter registration in the more content... Its charismatic, Nobel–prize winning first president was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who along with Malcolm X, is often seen as the non–violent voice of the Civil Rights movement. The SCLC organized several key marches and boycotts such as the relatively unsuccessful Albany Movement, which provided lessons learned which were applied successfully during the Birmingham Campaign. The SCLC also was the primary organization responsible for the March on Get more content on
  • 16. My Brown Belt Essay Ever since I can remember I have always dreaded trying different activities. I was never thrilled to meet people or join school clubs; I was content with being alone. Soon, I figured out why I behaved in this manner: I feared the humility of people rejecting me, so I avoided the social encounter as a whole. Even after realizing this, I never really exerted myself to fix the problem, that is, until I tested for my brown belt in karate. One of the test requirements was to get hit with a shinai (a bamboo stick), and the idea of being hit with that stick caused me to not want to go test (mostly because of the pain and embarrassment if I couldn't handle it). In spite of these emotions, I longed to earn my brown belt more so I agreed to test. When Get more content on
  • 17. Statement Of Purpose: Brown University My future school is still undecided. My dream school, however, would be Brown University. I've spent fifty percent of my time at Newport Harbor in a daze, unsure of my academic goal and unable to find a purpose for my education. However, my junior and senior year in the IB Program were life changing. It shifted my perspective on learning and still continues to inspire my future education. Brown University mimic's the IB Programs flexibility through its open curriculum. Students are encouraged to pick their own classes and take advantage of such independence. Not to mention, coming from a very homogenous community like Newport Beach, I crave the diversity that is offered at Brown University: diversity of culture, opinion, race, and intellect. Get more content on
  • 18. George Brown Plagiarism Essay In Canada, copyright is strictly protected by law. Every year, college and university students write easy. Indeed, some students intentionally commit plagiarism, and, although some students do not want to commit plagiarism, they can be accused of plagiarism. Because, they may not clearly know the definition of plagiarism. Also, if the students who committed plagiarism did not know the penalties for plagiarism or they though schools could not know if their submission was plagiarized, probably, they would regret their behavior. Seneca and George Brown college policy have similar definitions of plagiarism, but different processes for verifying and penalties for plagiarism. Actually, Seneca and George Brown have same definition of plagiarism. "What is plagiarism?" (2014) has it that definitions of plagiarism must be same in anywhere. Because of U.S law. Both school policies interpret plagiarism such as using someone else's words, images, ideas, phrases, signatures or computation without originators' agreements or more content... Seneca policy said that they compare students' submissions and third party services. Third party service compares students' submissions and other work submitted by students, when students submit their work (Academic Honesty Retrieved, 2016). But George Brown policy does not mention how to verify students' submissions (Student code of conduct & discipline, 2015). Therefore, George Brown policy need to explain how to verify. For these reasons, Seneca and George Brown honesty policies have a similarity and two difference about plagiarism. The definitions of plagiarism are similar in term of the forms of plagiarism, however, Seneca policy has more specific enforcing penalties and process for verifying than George Brown policy. Therefore, Seneca students can more realize seriousness of plagiarism and they may not try to commit plagiarism, if they know the Get more content on
  • 19. Brown Writing Supplement Essay Brown Writing Supplement Describe what academic field(s) you wish to pursue at Brown, how you came upon that interest, and any post–graduation career plans you may have considered. (500) At Brown, I wish to pursue a double major in economics and computer science. I then plan on completing graduate studies in economics. From a young age I was fascinated with the historical trends in the changes of the unwritten standards and expectations that have governed society for thousands of years. Economics are largely influenced by social interactions and past historical trends. Analyzing the human expectations in different societies also connects to international relations in the macro economy. Studying Computer Science would give me the more content... I have been asked this question numerous times over the years and each time I have given a different answer. Looking back over the years since I began my search for the right school, I realize that the reason I gave different answers each time to the question, "why Brown" is that Brown does not have a single aspect to which I am drawn; rather, it is the community of diverse students and the opportunities for students to develop their own molds. Brown does not have a single mold for a particular student, and for that reason; students do not choose Brown for a single reason. More seriously, the Brown Curriculum is the primary reason for my interest in Brown. The open curriculum would allow me to pursue studies in topics that I am passionate about and meet a diverse group of students with similar interests. I would never be forced to take a class I despise to fulfill a core curriculum. Brown has demonstrated to its students that it does not mold its students; rather, Brown gives its students to flourish in the classes the students have direct passion. During my visit to Brown University, I had the opportunity to discuss with current students their experiences with the open curriculum. Each student had a unique, yet positive Get more content on