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SOM-110 Theology of Money

SOM-110-01 Poverty & Prosperity: Which is the Christian Way?
SOM-110-02 Faithfulness with Resources: Stewardship
SOM-110-03 Tithing & the Christian
SOM-110 Theology of Money

SOM-110-01 Poverty & Prosperity: Which is the Christian Way?
This class will examine two common Christian beliefs regarding
  money & seek to find a Biblical balance between the two.
Pinagpala ng Diyos si …
• Abraham (Gen. 13:1-7),
• Isaac (Gen. 26:12-14),
• Jacob (Gen. 30:43),
• Joseph (Gen. 39:2-6),
• Solomon (I Kings 3:13)
• Job (Job 42:10-17).
Pinagpala ng Diyos ang …
• God also promised the people of Israel that
 he would reward them materially for faithful
 financial giving
  – De 15:10 –
  – Pr 3:9-10 –
  – Pr 11:25 –
  – Mal 3:8-12 –
Mga Tanong
• Dapat ba yumaman ang mga tao ng Diyos?
• Is material wealth or achievement or fame or victory or
    success an indication of God's reward or approval of men?
•   If so, then He is an evil God, for history is full of successful
    madmen & prosperous despots. During their rise to power &
    the height of their regimes, surrounded by material wealth,
    was God on the side of Hitler & other butchers of history?
•   Is God also on the side of wealthy cultists, dishonest
    business executives, immoral rock stars, & ruthless loan
•   If wealth is a dependable sign of God's approval, & lack of
    wealth his disapproval, then Jesus & Paul were on his
    blacklist, & the Mafia is the apple of his eye.
2Co 9:8,11
Magagawa ng Diyos na pasaganain kayo
sa lahat ng bagay, at higit pa sa inyong
pangangailangan, upang may magamit
kayo sa pagkakawanggawa …
Pasasaganain niya kayo sa lahat ng bagay
upang mas marami ang inyong
matulungan. Sa gayon, lalong darami ang
magpapasalamat sa Diyos dahil sa inyong
tulong na dadalhin namin sa kanila.
Kahirapan                   Katiwala               Kasaganaan
View of       Nonmaterialistic, disdain   Possessions are a        Prosperity is the
Prosperity    for possessions             trust given in varying   reward of the
                                          proportions              righteous
Things Are    a curse                     a privilege              a right
Biblical      Lu 18:18-22                 Mt 25:14-30              Mt 7:7-8
Support       sell, give to poor          parable of talents       ask, seek, knock
Biblical      Pr 21:20: In house of       Wala                     Pr 23:4-5: Don’t
Oppostion     wise are stores of choice                            wear yourself out to
              food & oil, but a foolish                            get rich
              man devours all he has
Needs Met     “carefree attitude”         “faithful                “transaction” tithe
By            don’t worry—seek            administration”          for a blessing
              kingdom 1st Mt 6:25-34      1Co 4:2; Mt 25:21,23     Mal 3:10
Concept       Rejecter                    Steward                  May-Ari
Attitude    We are                        We care                  We owe
Toward Poor
Daily Focus   Araw-araw na mga            Wisdom                   Pera
Attitude      Carefree (Pr 3:5-6)         Faithful (Lu 16:10-11) Driven (Pr 10:17)
Asceticism (Poverty Theology)
• wealth is wrong & poverty right
• voluntary poverty is a special class of moral excellence.
• characterized by the denial of the flesh,
    – especially in the form of basic material pleasures (e.g., food, shelter,
    – proponents subject themselves to poverty for theological reasons—
        • the imitation of Christ (Colossians 1:24),
        • the conflict between Spirit & flesh (Galatians 5:16-26), etc.
• Historically, ascetics have done things like renouncing
    material possessions, begging for food, living in solitude,
    even beating their own bodies.
•   At its worst, asceticism is accompanied by an unbiblical
    merit theology. At its best, it is a spiritual discipline
    undertaken in response to the gospel of grace.
Word-Faith Movement (Prosperity
• "Prosperity Theology" or "Health-and-Wealth Gospel" or
    "the Word-Faith movement"
•   It is God’s will for all Christians to experience earthly
•   If one has adequate faith then the Lord will bless that
    person with good health & plenty of money.
•   If in faith one “sows” a financial gift to a Christian ministry,
    then that person is guaranteed to “reap” a hefty financial
    return for himself.
•   If on the other hand one is suffering sickness or poverty, it
    is due to a failure of faith on that person’s part.
Theology of Stewardship
The biblical data on stewardship
    can be organized into 9
      “theological topics.”
1. The Sacred/Secular Distinction

• All of life is spiritual, including the use of money,
  because God is involved in it. There are
  philosophies that separate reality into “spiritual” &
  “material” spheres, but Christianity is not one of
  them. The Bible covers the waterfront of human life
  because the gospel of God’s redemption covers the
  waterfront of human life. In the words of Scripture,
  God is reconciling all things to himself through
  Christ (Colossians 1:20).
2. Kayamanan.
• Money itself is morally neutral, a medium for the
    exchange of goods & services.
•   Because of sin in our attitudes toward money, lots
    of it is spiritually dangerous.
•   Wealth makes it hard for a person to enter the
    kingdom of God (Lk 18:24) because people are so
    strongly tempted to love it (1Ti 6:10).
•   Sin lies in a person’s attitude toward & use of
    wealth, not in the possession of it.
•   We are to be content with the wealth God gives us,
    not anxious to have more.
3. Kasaganaan.
• The Bible teaches that there is …
    – a general connection between faithfulness to God &
      prosperity in this life (Pr 12:21),
    – but not a one-to-one correspondence (Ps 73:1-14).
• There is a connection between generosity &
    prosperity (2Co 9:6) which exists for the purpose of
    further generosity (2Co 9:11). To those who give
    generously, God gives more.
•   But what He gives is seed, which is meant to be re-
4. Kahirapan.
• There are several reasons why God allows poverty (1Sa
•   Some kinds of poverty are directly related to our own
    behavior (De 28:48, Pr 14:23). Others simply happen to us,
    & many of these cases are manifestly unjust.
•   Therefore, while no human life is worth more or less than
    any other (Ex 30:15), the poor do have a special place in
    God’s affections (Lk 6:20), because God is not blind to the
    unjust economic realities of the world (Ps 140:12). Even the
    Lord Jesus Himself was poor, & Christians should not
    consider it a dishonor to be poor in this life (Lk 9:58).
5. Pagiging Katiwala.
• God is the rightful owner of everything (Psalm
•   We are stewards or caretakers of His world,
    responsible to do with it what He wants done.
    –   ecology,
    –   physical fitness,
    –   personal finance,
    –   use of one’s abilities
    –   the gospel itself
    –   financial generosity – Mt 6:19-21
6. Christian Motivation for Giving
•   Apostolic command (2Co 8:7)
•   The promise of reward (Lk 12:33)
•   It is a natural response to the gospel of God’s
•   We should offer ourselves as sacrifices to Him (Ro
•   In part by giving our money (2Co 8:8-9).
•   We do not give fearfully in order to receive God’s
    grace, but joyfully because we have already
    received God’s grace.
•   All Christians – not just the wealthy – are called to
    practice radical gospel generosity.
7. The Role of Giving in Salvation

• Salvation is utterly & completely a gift of God,
    accomplished by Jesus on our behalf.
•   Giving does not secure God’s favor, because our
    very best acts fall far short of God’s holiness.
•   The gospel changes us causing us to practice
    generosity (& other good works) out of
    thanksgiving to & love for God (Eph 2:10).
•   A person’s giving does not in any way determine
    his salvation but is an excellent indicator that he is
    saved (Mt 25:31-46).
8. Public Giving.
• Jesus commands us to do our giving in secret out of
    concern for our motivation, whether we give to be praised
    by men or to please God (Mt 6:1-4).
•   The Scriptures also illustrate that Christian giving can
    sometimes be a public event (Ac 4:34-37), provided we
    “give out loud” in order to praise God & encourage others,
    avoiding possible abuses.
•   The church is responsibility for the spiritual growth of its
    people (Ga 6:1-5), including their use of money (2Co 8:7).
    That makes it right to talk about giving in the church.
    Pastors should preach about giving (Ac 20:27), & that public
    testimonies of generosity can be a fitting way to edify the
    church (2Co 8:1-5, 9:2).
9. The Tithe & Christian Freedom
• The tithe is the predominant benchmark of giving in the Old
    Testament (De 14:22-29, 26:1-19, Mal 3:8).
•   In the New Testament, the tithe is overshadowed by
    freewill giving in response to the gospel (2Co 9:7).
    – “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not
      reluctantly or under compulsion.”
• If the tithe still applies today, it is only as the starting point
    of Christian giving.
Kayamanan sa Biblia
1. Ang yaman ay hindi masama.
• Genesis 13:2
   – Abraham had great wealth
• Job 42:10
   – God once again blessed Job with material possessions
• De 8; 28; Pr 22:2; Ec 5:19
   – wealth is seen as evidence of God's blessing
• Believers are not to trust in it.
   – Prov. 11:4; 11:28; Jer. 9:23; 1 Tim. 6:17; James 1:11;
2. Ang mga mayayaman ay napapahamak
dahil sa paraan ng pagkamit ng kanilang
• Amos 4:11; 5:11
  – injustice of obtaining wealth through oppression or
• Micah 6:1
  – the unjust scales & light weights with which Israel
    defrauded the poor
• Neither condemned wealth
• they only denounced the unjust means by which it
  is sometimes achieved.
3. Ang mga Kristiyano ay dapat isipin kung
anong pwedeng maging epekto ng yaman sa
kanilang buhay.
• Proverbs 30:8-9 & Hosea 13:6
  – wealth often tempts us to forget about God.
• Ecclesiastes 2 & 5
  – people who are wealthy cannot really enjoy their
• Proverbs 28:11 & Jeremiah 9:23
  – wealth often leads to pride & arrogance.
• The Bible does not condemn those who are
• But it does warn us that if God blesses us
  with wealth, we must keep our priorities
  straight & guard against the seductive
  effects of wealth.
Biblical View of Poverty
 The Bible classifies the causes of
poverty into 4 different categories.
1. Paniniil at Pandaraya.
• Pr 14:31 – Ang umaapi sa mahirap ay
  humahamak sa Maykapal, ngunit ang
  matulungi'y nagdudulot ng karangalan.
• 22:7 – Ang mahirap ay nasa kapangyarihan
  ng mayaman, ang nangangailangan ay alipin
  ng nagpapahiram.
• 28:15 – Nakakayamot ang asawang masalita
  tulad ng ulan na ayaw tumila.
2. Kasamaang palad, pag-uusig o
• Job 1:12-19 – Sinabi ni Yahweh kay Satanas,
 "Kung gayon, gawin mo nang lahat ang
 gusto mong gawin sa kanya, huwag mo
 lamang siyang sasaktan." … Isang araw …
 dumating kay Job ang isa niyang tauhan.
 Sinabi nito, "Kasalukuyan po naming pinang-
 aararo ang mga baka at nanginginain naman
 ang mga asno, nang may dumating na mga
 Sabeo. Kinuha …
2. Kasamaang palad, pag-uusig o
• … po nila ang mga baka at mga asno at
 pinatay pa po ang aking mga kasama. Ako
 lang po ang nakatakas upang magbalita sa
 inyo." Hindi pa ito nakakatapos sa
 pagbabalita nang may dumating na namang
 isa. Sinabi naman nito kay Job, "Tinamaan
 po ng kidlat ang mga tupa at mga pastol at
 namatay lahat; ako lang po ang nakaligtas
 upang magbalita sa inyo." Hindi pa ito halos
 tapos magsalita …
2. Kasamaang palad, pag-uusig o
• … nang may isa na namang dumating. Ang
 sabi nito, "Sinalakay po kami ng tatlong
 pangkat ng mga Caldeo. Kinuha nila ang
 lahat ng kamelyo at pinatay ang aking mga
 kasama. Ako lang po ang nakatakas upang
 magbalita sa inyo." Hindi pa rin ito halos
 tapos magsalita nang may dumating na
 namang isa at nagsabi, "Habang ang mga
 anak po ninyo ay nagkakainan at nag-
 iinuman sa bahay …
2. Kasamaang palad, pag-uusig o
• … ng panganay nilang kapatid, hinampas po
 ng napakalakas na hangin ang bahay at
 bumagsak. Nabagsakan po sila at namatay
 lahat. Ako lang po ang natirang buhay upang
 magbalita sa inyo."
2. Kasamaang palad, pag-uusig o
• Ps. 109:16 – Pagkat mga taong iyo'y wala
 namang natulungan, bagkus pa ang mahirap
 inuusig, pinapatay.
2. Kasamaang palad, pag-uusig o
• Isa. 47:9 – Ngunit isang araw, sa loob
  lamang ng isang saglit, anumang
  salamangka o mahika ang iyong gawin,
  mangyayari ang dalawang bagay na ito:
  Mawawala ang iyong asawa at ang iyong
  mga anak!
• Lam. 5:3 – Ang aming mga ama'y pinatay ng
  mga kaaway; kaya't aming mga ina, wala
  nang kaagapay.
3. Katamaran, kapabayaan, at
• Pr 10:4 – Ang kamay na tamad ay tiyak na
  magdarahop, ngunit magbubunton ng
  yaman ang kamay na masinop.
• Pr 13:4 – Ang tamad ay nangangarap ngunit
  hindi natutupad, ang hangarin ng masikap ay
  laging nagaganap.
3. Katamaran, kapabayaan, at
• Pr 19:15 – Ang matalino ay nagdaragdag ng
  kaalaman, ang may unawa'y namumulot pa
  ng karunungan.
• Pr 20:13 – Matulog ka nang matulog at ika'y
  maghihirap, ngunit maganda ang iyong
  bukas kung ika'y magsisikap.
• Pr 23:21 – Pagkat sila'y masasadlak sa
  kahirapan, at darating ang panahong
  magdadamit ng basahan.
4. Ang kultura ng kahirapan.
• Proverbs 10:15 says, "The ruin of the poor is
  their poverty."
• Survival              •Enabling
  – Health                -Income
  – Nutrition             -Employment
  – Basic Services        -Education
• Security
  – Shelter
  – Peace & Order
Buhay Christiano
Buhay Christiano
• Daniel
  – secretary of state in pagan administrations
  – an upper-middle-class lifestyle
• Ezekiel
  – a middle-class lifestyle
• Jeremiah
  – lower-class lifestyle.
Stewardship Principles
      John Maxwell
The “Who’s in Charge” Principle
God’s the owner, I am the manager
• Ang pagiging mabuting tagapamahala ay nag-
    uumpisa sa pagtanto sa lahat ng bagay na meron
    tayo ay mula sa Diyos at pagmamay-ari ng Diyos.
•   Psalm 24:1 – “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it
    contains, the world, and those who dwell in it.”
•   Kung pagmamay-ari lahat ng Diyos, ano ang
    gagawin ko dito? Ang tagapamahala ay ang taong
    walang pag-aari ngunit may responsibiIidad kahit
    saang bagay.
The “Give & Grow” Principle
Practicing stewardship produces growth

• Ang pagsasanay na maging mabuting
 tagapamahala ay nag-uunlad sa mga tao na:
  – find their spiritual gifts (1Co 12),
  – increase their faith (Mal 3:10),
  – become spiritually sensitive (Mal 3:8-10),
  – be fruitful in God’s Kingdom (Mt 25:14-30),
  – receive blessings from God (Mal 3:10-12),
  – be a blessing to others (Ga 6:10), &
  – make a lasting contribution to God (Mt 6:20).
The “Give & Grow” Principle
Practicing stewardship produces growth
• Most people say, “When I feel good I’ll do it.
  When I have more I’ll give it.” Successful
  people say, “I’ll do it, then I’ll feel good. I’ll
  give, then I’ll have more.” Teaching
  stewardship is more than raising money; it is
  God’s way of raising Christ followers.
• Ang pagtuturo ng pagiging mabuting
  tagapamahala ay higit pa sa pag-iipon ng
  pera: Paraan ito ng Diyos upang dumami
  ang tagasunod ng Diyos.
The “Do it Now” Principle
Stewardship deals with our present resources

• The person who waits to do a great deal of good at
    once will never do anything” (Samuel Johnson).
•   “If I had a million dollars I would give it all to the

• “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful
  also in much” (Lu 16:10).
• That principle has shown time & time again that it’s
  not how much we have of the world that dictates
  our generosity toward God, but how much God has
  of us.
The “River” Principle
Our life is to be like a river, not a reservoir

• “Ibibigay ng diyos sa atin ang alam Niyang dadaloy
  sa pamamagitan natin.”
• Ang pinaka mahalaga sa pagiging katiwala ay
  pakikipag-sundo na may tiwala. Pinapaubaya
  lamang ng mga may may-ari ang pangangalaga
  kung dadaloy ang tiwala mula sa kanila papunta sa
  mga katiwala.
• Maisasakatuparan lang natin ang stewardship
  bilang batayan sa pamumuhay kung tayo’y maging
  karapat-dapat na katiwala ng mga ari-ariang
  ipinagkatiwala sa atin ng Diyos at hindi sa pagiging
  sakim sa pagtanggap ng mga bagay-bagay.
Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and-
Wealth’ Gospel?
• Use this diagnostic to focus your reflections
 and find out if you preach expectations for
 health and material comfort that are in tune
 with scriptural expectations.
Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and-
Wealth’ Gospel?
• Tinuturo ko ba na ang nais ng Diyos sa
  kanyang mga anak ay magkaroon ng
  malusog na pangangatawan?
• Naniniwala ba kayo na ang pagdurusa ay
  kadalasang bunga ng isang mabigat na
  kasalanan (Jo 9:2-3)?
• Iniisip ko ba na ang walang bunga na
  panalangin ay indikasyon ng kasalan o
  kulang sa pananampalataya?
Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and-
Wealth’ Gospel?
• Naniniwala ba ako na ang pagiging matuwid
  sa Panginoon ay nagbibigay ng mabilis na
  paggaling ng physical at spiritual na
  paggaling (2Co 12:7-10)?
• Ibinabahagi ko ba na obligasyon ng Diyos na
  sagutin ang mga panalangin ng kanyang
  mga anak na may kasamang paggaling,
  kasagaan at tagumpay?
Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and-
Wealth’ Gospel?
• Iniisip ko ba na ang padurusa ni Hesus ay
  ang syang maglalayo sa kanyang mga
  tagasunod sa pagdurusa o paghihirap?
• Kapag nagbibigay ba ako ng payo sa taong
  maysakit, ibinubunyag ko ba muna ang
  kanilang mga kasalanan nila sa buhay para
  malaman bakit sila may sakit?
Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and-
Wealth’ Gospel?
• Ang mga panalangin ko ba at panalangin ng
  aking simbahan ay may malaking bahagi o
  kaugnayan sa sakit pang pisikal?
• Tinuturo ko ba na nais ng Diyos na ang
  kanyang mga anak ay maging masaya sa
  kaluwagan ng materyal na bagay?
Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and-
Wealth’ Gospel?
• Tinuturo ko ba na kasabay ng pagsunod sa
  Diyos ay ang kaluwagan at kayamanan sa
  materyal na bagay?
• Do I publicly or privately elevate the spiritual
  contributions rich congregants bring to my
  church more than those of poorer
  congregants (James 2:1-9)?
Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and-
Wealth’ Gospel?
• Naipapahiwatig o naipapaliwanag ko ba na
  ang kayamanan ay di masama, bagkus tama
  lang o di na mapanganib sa kalusugan
  spiritwal ng kongregasyon?
• Tinuturo ko ba na pagnagbigay tayo sa
  pamamagitan ng pera ng may
  pananampalataya, Ang Diyos ang
  magtutustos ng ating pangangailangan ng
  katumbas o higit pa sa ating binigay?
Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and-
Wealth’ Gospel?
• Tinuturo ko ba na ang kahirapan ay sanhi ng
  personal na kasalanan o mahinang
• Pag may nakakatagpo o nakausap ba ako na
  mahirap na tao, iniisip ko ba kaagad na mas
  mahina ang pananampalataya nya kaysa sa
  akin (Matthew 19:23-24)?
Am I Preaching Generosity
      to My Church?
Am I Preaching Generosity to My
• Use the questions below to think through the
 state of your own preaching with respect to
 money matters.
Am I Preaching Generosity to My
• Kailan ba ako huling nag sermon tungkol sa
• Kailan ako huling nagsalita sa mga miyembro
  ng simbahan tungkol sa kaugalian ng
• Nahusgahan na ba ako tungkol sa
  panghihimasok sa usaping financial sa
  pulpito ?
Am I Preaching Generosity to My
• Have I ever
  challenged my congregation’s sense of econom
   (Acts 20:27)?
• Sinasabi ko ba sa kongregasyon na ang lahat
  ng ating pag-aari sa pag-aari ng Diyos, kaysa
  humingi ng donasyon para sa simbahan?
• Tinuturo ko ba ang tungkol sa pagbibigay
  buong taon o tuwing may taunang pledge
  drive lamang?
Am I Preaching Generosity to My
• Does my own preaching reflect the priority
  Jesus placed on stewardship?
• What is the extent of my involvement in the
  annual stewardship campaign?
• What is the state of congregational giving in
  my church?
Am I Preaching Generosity to My
• May pagbabago na ba sa pangkalahatang
  kongregasyon sa pagbibigay tugon sa aking
  mga tinuturo(Isaiah 55:10-11)?
• Mayroon na ba sa aking simbahan na
  nagkaroon ng malaking pagbabago ng buhay
  o sa kaugalian ng pagbibigay tugon sa aking
  mga tinuturo ?
Ginagawa ko ba ang mga
sinisabi ko na dapat gawin ng
         simbahan ko?

    Am I Doing What I Tell My
      Congregation to Do?
Am I Doing What I Tell My
Congregation to Do?
• One biblical truth about giving is that people
 generally give at the level at which they
 observe their leaders giving (e.g., 1
 Chronicles 29). Generosity begets generosity
 when people see generous models in the
 context of community. So the most critical
 question you need to address before
 approaching others about giving within your
 church is:
Am I Doing What I Tell My
Congregation to Do?
• Talaga bang naniniwala ako at ginagawa na
 mas mapalad ang magbigay kaysa sa
Am I Doing What I Tell My
Congregation to Do?
• Ginagawa ko ba sa sarili ko ang sinsabi kong
  gawin ng aking kongregasyon (1 Timothy
  4:12)? Ginagawa ko bang regular ang aking
  pagbibigay ng suporta para sa gawain ng
• Nakakaramdam ba ako ng kaligayahan pag
  nagbibigay ako sa simbahan at sa ano mang
  mahalagang gawain ng Diyos (2 Corinthians
Am I Doing What I Tell My
Congregation to Do?
• Nagbibigay ba ako ng may pag-uumapaw na
  pag-ibig kay Hesus at may pagpapasalamat
  sa lahat ng pagsasakripisyo nya sa akin (2
  Corinthians 8:9)?
• Naniniwala ba ako na ang pagbibigay para sa
  patuloy na gawain para kay Kristo ay ang
  pag-iipon ng aking walang haggang
  kayamanan sa kalangitan (Matthew
Am I Doing What I Tell My
Congregation to Do?
• Naniniwala ba ako na ang pagbibigay ay
  gamot sa paghahangad ng materyal na
  bagay at pag-aalis ng hangarin ng pera sa
  aking puso? Naglilingkod ba ako sa Diyos o
  sa pera (Matthew 6:24)?
• Anong percent ng aking mga natatanggap
  ang binibigay ko para sa Kaharian ng Diyos ?
  Paano ito maihahambing sa born–again
  believer’s na nagbibigay ng 3.5 percent?
  Paano ito maihahambing sa pamantayan ng
  ikapu ng mga taga Lumang Tipan?
Am I Doing What I Tell My
Congregation to Do?
• Naniniwala ba ako na ang Bibliya ay di
  tungkol sa Spiritwal na bagay lamang bagkus
  tungkol sa lahat ng bagay kasama ang pera?
  (Colossians 1:20)?
• Naniniwala ba ako na kahit full-time Christian
  workers tulad ko ay tinawag upang
  magbigay ng maluwag para sa
  Panginoon(Numbers 18:26-28)?
Am I Doing What I Tell My
Congregation to Do?
• Ginagawa ko ba sa sarili ko ang sinasabi ko
  na gawin ng aking kogregasyon (1 Timothy
• Nakakalugod ba ako sa Panginoon? O
  tumatanggap ng papuri mula sa mga alagad
  ng Diyos? (Matthew 6:1-4)?
Am I Doing What I Tell My
Congregation to Do?
• Ang pamantayan ba ng aking pamumuhay ay
    disente? Layunin ko bang mamuhay sa mas
    mababa pa sa antas ng mga alagad ng Diyos?
    Masaya ba ako na ibigay ang karapatan kong
    mamuhay ng kumportable (1 Corinthians 9:12)?
•   Kung ang mga tao sa aking simbahan ay gumaya
    sa antas ng mga mapagbigay na maglilingkod,
    magiging magandang bagay ba yun?
Stewardship Quiz 1
Stewardship Quiz 1
1. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na ang
  pera ay ang siyang ugat ng kasamaan.
2. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na ang
  kayamanan ay biyaya mula sa Diyos.
3. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na kung
  meron tayong sapat na pananampalataya,
  Pinapangako ng Diyos na gagawin nya
  tayong mayaman.
4. Tama o Mali? Mahirap si Jesus.
Stewardship Quiz 1
5. Tama o Mali? Ang mga Israelita ay nagbigay
  ng sobra-sobrang ginto at pilak para sa
  gusali ng tabernacle, na sinabi ni Moses na
  huminto na sila sa pagbibigay.
Stewardship Quiz 1
6. What was the Year of Jubilee in the Old
  a. a year for freeing slaves and returning property
    to its original owner
  b. a year when the Passover was celebrated
  c. a year for bringing tithes to the Lord
  d. a year when a new king was crowned
Stewardship Quiz 1
7. How often was the Year of Jubilee to be
  observed in the Old Testament?
  a. every 3 years
  b. every 7 years
  c. every 50 years
  d. every 100 years
Stewardship Quiz 1
8. Anong bayad ang binigay kay Hudas upang
  mapapayag syang ipagkanulo si Hesus?
  a. seven pieces of silver
  b. thirty pieces of silver
  c. thirty pieces of gold
  d. a plot of land
  e. two donkeys
Stewardship Quiz 1
9. Sa talinghaga ni Hesus, ano ang sinabi ng
  master sa faithful steward?
  a. You are my beloved son.
  b. I am going to your house today.
  c. I am going to prepare a place for you.
  d. Well done, good and faithful servant.
  e. Come, enter into my rest.
Stewardship Quiz 1
10. Ano ang sinabi ni Hesus sa tungkol sa
  pagbabayad ng buwis?
  a. You cannot serve both God and Caesar.
  b. Submit to the authorities as unto the Lord.
  c. Give to Caesar what it Caesar’s, and to God
    what is God’s.
  d. None of the above
Stewardship Quiz 1
11. Bakit nag-iipon ng offerings si Pablo mula
  sa Gentile churches?
12. Anong simbahan ang sinasabi ni Pablo ang
  nag-iisang sumuporta sa kanya noong mga
  unang araw ng kanyang mga gwain para sa
Stewardship Quiz 1
13. Anong bulakalak ang ginamit ni Hesus
  bilang ilustrasyon kung paano nag poprovide
  ang Diyos sa ating pangangailangan?
14. Fill in the blank: “You cannot serve both
  God and __________.”
Stewardship Quiz 1
Stewardship Quiz 1
1. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na ang
  pera ay ang siyang ugat ng kasamaan. 1Ti 6:10
2. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na ang
  kayamanan ay biyaya mula sa Diyos.
                           De 28:1-14; Job 42:10-17
3. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na kung
  meron tayong sapat na pananampalataya,
  Pinapangako ng Diyos na gagawin nya
  tayong mayaman.
4. Tama o Mali? Mahirap si Jesus. Mt 8:20; 2Co 8:9
Stewardship Quiz 1
5. Tama o Mali? Ang mga Israelita ay nagbigay
  ng sobra-sobrang ginto at pilak para sa
  gusali ng tabernacle, na sinabi ni Moses na
  huminto na sila sa pagbibigay.
Stewardship Quiz 1
6. What was the Year of Jubilee in the Old
  a. a year for freeing slaves and returning property
    to its original owner
  b. a year when the Passover was celebrated
  c. a year for bringing tithes to the Lord
  d. a year when a new king was crowned
Stewardship Quiz 1
7. How often was the Year of Jubilee to be
  observed in the Old Testament?
  a. every 3 years
  b. every 7 years
  c. every 50 years
  d. every 100 years
Stewardship Quiz 1
8. Anong bayad ang binigay kay Hudas upang
  mapapayag syang ipagkanulo si Hesus?
  a. seven pieces of silver
  b. thirty pieces of silver
  c. thirty pieces of gold
  d. a plot of land
  e. two donkeys
Stewardship Quiz 1
9. Sa parabula ni Hesus, ano ang sinabi ng
  master sa faithful steward?
  a. You are my beloved son.
  b. I am going to your house today.
  c. I am going to prepare a place for you.
  d. Well done, good and faithful servant.
  e. Come, enter into my rest.
Stewardship Quiz 1
10. Ano ang sinabi ni Hesus sa tungkol sa
  pagbabayad ng buwis?
  a. You cannot serve both God and Caesar.
  b. Submit to the authorities as unto the Lord.
  c. Give to Caesar what it Caesar’s, and to God
    what is God’s.
  d. None of the above
Stewardship Quiz 1
11. Bakit nag-iipon ng offerings si Pablo mula
  sa Gentile churches?
To give to the poor Christians in Jerusalem (Ro 15:25-26)

12. Anong simbahan ang sinasabi ni Pablo ang
  nag-iisang sumuporta sa kanya noong mga
  unang araw ng kanyang mga gwain para sa
        The Philippian church (Phil 4:15)
Stewardship Quiz 1
13. Anong bulakalak ang ginamit ni Hesus
  bilang ilustrasyon kung paano nag poprovide
  ang Diyos sa ating pangangailangan?
               Lilies (Luke 12:27-28)

14. Fill in the blank: “You cannot serve both
  God and __________.” (Mt 6:24)
Stewardship Quiz 2
Stewardship Quiz 2
1. Tama o Mali? Tithing is just a form of legalism.
2. Tama o Mali? Sinabi ng bibliya na magbigay tayo
  ng sekreto?.
3. Tama o Mali. Gagantipalaan tayo ng Diyos sa langit
  sa mabubuti nating ginawa sa mundo.
4. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na tutulungan ng
  Diyos ang sino mang tinutulungan din ang sarili.
Stewardship Quiz 2
5. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na mas
  mahirap makapasok sa langit ang
6. Gaano kalawak binigyang pansin ang
  tungkol sa pera?
  a. nothing
  b. very little
  c. a lot
Stewardship Quiz 2
7. Ilang barya ang nilagay ng widow sa temple
  a. one
  b. two
  c. three
  d. five
  e. we don’t know
Stewardship Quiz 2
8. Bakit kailangan magbigay ng pera ang mga
  Kristiyano sa simbahan?
  a. because God tells us to
  b. because the church needs our money to pay the
  c. because we want to
  d. because Jesus gave his life for us
  e. all of the above
Stewardship Quiz 2
9. Ilang percent ang sinsabi sa bibliya na dapat
  nating ibigay mula sa ating natatanggap
  a. five percent
  b. ten percent
  c. fifty percent
  d. one hundred percent
  e. none of the above
Stewardship Quiz 2
10. Anong pera ang ibibigay sa atin ng Diyos
  sa langit bilang gantimpala?
  a. cash
  b. silver and gold
  c. crowns
  d. we don’t know
11. In Bible times, what was a steward?
12. Saan sa bibliya natin unang mababasa ang
  tungkol sa ikapu?
Stewardship Quiz 2
13. What percentage of our income does the
  New Testament say we should give?
14. Ano agad ang pinangako ni Zacchaeus
  pagkatapos niyang ibigay ang
  pananampalataya niya kay Hesus?
15. Anong grupo ng mga Kristiyano ang pinuri
  ni Pablo sa mga Kristiyano bilang modelo ng
  pagiging lingkod?
Stewardship Quiz 2
Stewardship Quiz 2
1. Tama o Mali? Tithing is just a form of
2. Tama o Mali? Sinabi ng bibliya na magbigay
  tayo ng sekreto?.       Mt 6:3-4
3. Tama o Mali. Gagantipalaan tayo ng Diyos
  sa langit sa mabubuti nating ginawa sa
  mundo.                     Mt 6:1-18; 16:27

4. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na tutu-
  lungan ng Diyos ang sino mang tinutulungan
  din ang sarili.
Stewardship Quiz 2
5. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na mas
  mahirap makapasok sa langit ang
  mayayaman. Luke 18:24-25
6. Gaano kalawak binigyang pansin ang
  tungkol sa pera?
  a. nothing
  b. very little
  c. a lot
Stewardship Quiz 2
7. Ilang barya ang nilagay ng widow sa
  treasury temple?
  a. one
  b. two
  c. three
  d. five
  e. we don’t know
Stewardship Quiz 2
8. Bakit kailangan magbigay ng pera ang mga
  Kristiyano sa simbahan?
  a. because God tells us to
  b. because the church needs our money to pay the
  c. because we want to
  d. because Jesus gave his life for us
  e. all of the above
Stewardship Quiz 2
9. Ilang percent ang sinsabi sa bibliya na dapat
  nating ibigay mula sa ating natatanggap
  a. five percent
  b. ten percent
  c. fifty percent
  d. one hundred percent
  e. none of the above
Stewardship Quiz 2
10. Anong pera ang ibibigay sa atin ng Diyos
  sa langit bilang gantimpala?
  a. cash
  b. silver and gold
  c. crowns
  d. we don’t know
11. In Bible times, what was a steward?
            The manager of a household
12. Saan sa bibliya natin unang mababasa ang
  tungkol sa ikapu?
   When Abraham meets Melchizedek (Ge 14:18-20)
Stewardship Quiz 2
13. What percentage of our income does the
  New Testament say we should give? It doesn’t.
14. Ano agad ang pinangako ni Zacchaeus
  pagkatapos niyang ibigay ang
  pananampalataya niya kay Hesus?
           Give 1/2 of his possessions to the poor (Lk 19:8)
15. Anong grupo ng mga Kristiyano ang pinuri
  ni Pablo sa mga Kristiyano bilang modelo ng
  pagiging lingkod? The Macedonians (2Co 8:1-2)
Stewardship Quiz 3
Stewardship Quiz 3
1. Tama o Mali? Nagbibigay ang bibliya ng
  alituntunin kung paano gawin ang offering sa
  worship service.
2. Tama o Mali? Inutos sa atin ng Bagong
  Tipan na magbigay na ating ikapu sa
3. Tama o Mali? The Bible says that God loves
  a committed giver.
Stewardship Quiz 3
4. Tama o Mali? Nagbigay ng alituntunin si
  Hesus sa lahat ng Kristiyano na ibenta ang
  kanilang ari-arian at ibigay sa mahihirap.
5. Tama o Mali? Ang mga Pastor ay dapat mag
  preach sa pulpito tungkol sa pera.
Stewardship Quiz 3
6. Ilang tao sa ngayon sa mundo ang
  namumuhay sa sobrang kahirapan?
  a. fifty million
  b. one hundred million
  c. five hundred million
  d. one billion
  e. two billion
  f. three billion
Stewardship Quiz 3
7. Hanggang magkano ang binibigay ng mga
  Israelites para sa Diyos sa Lumang tipan?
  a. ten percent
  b. thirty percent
  c. fifty percent
8. Ano ang binenta ni Barnabas upang
  makapagbigay sa simbahan?
Stewardship Quiz 3
9. When Paul’s ministry was authorized by the
  other apostles, what one request did they
  make of him?
10. Fill in the blanks: “For where your
  __________ is, there your __________ will
  be also”
Stewardship Quiz 3
11. Fill in the blank: “God loves a __________
12. For the building of what structure did King
  David collect an offering?
Stewardship Quiz 3
Stewardship Quiz 3
1. Tama o Mali? Nagbibigay ang bibliya ng
  alituntunin kung paano gawin ang offering sa
  worship service.
2. Tama o Mali? Inutos sa atin ng Bagong
  Tipan na magbigay na ating ikapu sa
3. Tama o Mali? The Bible says that God loves
  a committed giver.      2 Corinthians 9:7
Stewardship Quiz 3
4. Tama o Mali? Nagbigay ng alituntunin si
  Hesus sa lahat ng Kristiyano na ibenta ang
  kanilang ari-arian at ibigay sa mhihirap.
                  Luke 12:33
5. Tama o Mali? Ang mga Pastor ay dapat mag
  preach sa pulpito tungkol sa pera.
                               Acts 20:27
Stewardship Quiz 3
6. Ilang tao sa ngayon sa mundo ang
  namumuhay sa sobrang kahirapan?
  a. fifty million
  b. one hundred million
  c. five hundred million
  d. one billion
  e. two billion
  f. three billion
Stewardship Quiz 3
7. Hanggang magkano ang binibigay ng mga
  Israelites para sa Diyos sa Lumang tipan?
  a. ten percent
  b. thirty percent
  c. fifty percent
8. Ano ang binenta ni Barnabas upang
  makapagbigay sa simbahan?
                A field (Acts 4:36-37)
Stewardship Quiz 3
9. When Paul’s ministry was authorized by the
  other apostles, what one request did they
  make of him?
         Remember the poor (Galatians 2:10)

10. Fill in the blanks: “For where your
    Treasure                      Heart
  __________ is, there your __________ will
  be also”            Matthew 6
Stewardship Quiz 3
11. Fill in the blank: “God loves a __________
  giver.”                             (2Co 9:7)

12. For the building of what structure did King
  David collect an offering?
         The temple in Jerusalem (1Ch 29:1-9)

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Som 110-01 theology of money- poverty & prosperity

  • 1.
  • 3. SOM-110 Theology of Money SOM-110-01 Poverty & Prosperity: Which is the Christian Way? SOM-110-02 Faithfulness with Resources: Stewardship Education SOM-110-03 Tithing & the Christian
  • 4. SOM-110 Theology of Money SOM-110-01 Poverty & Prosperity: Which is the Christian Way? This class will examine two common Christian beliefs regarding money & seek to find a Biblical balance between the two.
  • 5. Pinagpala ng Diyos si … • Abraham (Gen. 13:1-7), • Isaac (Gen. 26:12-14), • Jacob (Gen. 30:43), • Joseph (Gen. 39:2-6), • Solomon (I Kings 3:13) • Job (Job 42:10-17).
  • 6. Pinagpala ng Diyos ang … • God also promised the people of Israel that he would reward them materially for faithful financial giving – De 15:10 – – Pr 3:9-10 – – Pr 11:25 – – Mal 3:8-12 –
  • 7. Mga Tanong • Dapat ba yumaman ang mga tao ng Diyos?
  • 8. • Is material wealth or achievement or fame or victory or success an indication of God's reward or approval of men? • If so, then He is an evil God, for history is full of successful madmen & prosperous despots. During their rise to power & the height of their regimes, surrounded by material wealth, was God on the side of Hitler & other butchers of history? • Is God also on the side of wealthy cultists, dishonest business executives, immoral rock stars, & ruthless loan sharks? • If wealth is a dependable sign of God's approval, & lack of wealth his disapproval, then Jesus & Paul were on his blacklist, & the Mafia is the apple of his eye.
  • 9. 2Co 9:8,11 Magagawa ng Diyos na pasaganain kayo sa lahat ng bagay, at higit pa sa inyong pangangailangan, upang may magamit kayo sa pagkakawanggawa … Pasasaganain niya kayo sa lahat ng bagay upang mas marami ang inyong matulungan. Sa gayon, lalong darami ang magpapasalamat sa Diyos dahil sa inyong tulong na dadalhin namin sa kanila.
  • 10. Kahirapan Katiwala Kasaganaan View of Nonmaterialistic, disdain Possessions are a Prosperity is the Prosperity for possessions trust given in varying reward of the proportions righteous Things Are a curse a privilege a right Biblical Lu 18:18-22 Mt 25:14-30 Mt 7:7-8 Support sell, give to poor parable of talents ask, seek, knock Biblical Pr 21:20: In house of Wala Pr 23:4-5: Don’t Oppostion wise are stores of choice wear yourself out to food & oil, but a foolish get rich man devours all he has Needs Met “carefree attitude” “faithful “transaction” tithe By don’t worry—seek administration” for a blessing kingdom 1st Mt 6:25-34 1Co 4:2; Mt 25:21,23 Mal 3:10 Concept Rejecter Steward May-Ari Attitude We are We care We owe Toward Poor Daily Focus Araw-araw na mga Wisdom Pera Pangangailangan Attitude Carefree (Pr 3:5-6) Faithful (Lu 16:10-11) Driven (Pr 10:17)
  • 11. Asceticism (Poverty Theology) • wealth is wrong & poverty right • voluntary poverty is a special class of moral excellence. • characterized by the denial of the flesh, – especially in the form of basic material pleasures (e.g., food, shelter, possessions). – proponents subject themselves to poverty for theological reasons— • the imitation of Christ (Colossians 1:24), • the conflict between Spirit & flesh (Galatians 5:16-26), etc. • Historically, ascetics have done things like renouncing material possessions, begging for food, living in solitude, even beating their own bodies. • At its worst, asceticism is accompanied by an unbiblical merit theology. At its best, it is a spiritual discipline undertaken in response to the gospel of grace. grace
  • 12. Word-Faith Movement (Prosperity Theology) • "Prosperity Theology" or "Health-and-Wealth Gospel" or "the Word-Faith movement" • It is God’s will for all Christians to experience earthly prosperity. • If one has adequate faith then the Lord will bless that person with good health & plenty of money. • If in faith one “sows” a financial gift to a Christian ministry, then that person is guaranteed to “reap” a hefty financial return for himself. • If on the other hand one is suffering sickness or poverty, it is due to a failure of faith on that person’s part.
  • 13. Theology of Stewardship (Katiwala) The biblical data on stewardship can be organized into 9 “theological topics.”
  • 14. 1. The Sacred/Secular Distinction • All of life is spiritual, including the use of money, because God is involved in it. There are philosophies that separate reality into “spiritual” & “material” spheres, but Christianity is not one of them. The Bible covers the waterfront of human life because the gospel of God’s redemption covers the waterfront of human life. In the words of Scripture, God is reconciling all things to himself through Christ (Colossians 1:20).
  • 15. 2. Kayamanan. • Money itself is morally neutral, a medium for the exchange of goods & services. • Because of sin in our attitudes toward money, lots of it is spiritually dangerous. • Wealth makes it hard for a person to enter the kingdom of God (Lk 18:24) because people are so strongly tempted to love it (1Ti 6:10). • Sin lies in a person’s attitude toward & use of wealth, not in the possession of it. • We are to be content with the wealth God gives us, not anxious to have more.
  • 16. 3. Kasaganaan. • The Bible teaches that there is … – a general connection between faithfulness to God & prosperity in this life (Pr 12:21), – but not a one-to-one correspondence (Ps 73:1-14). • There is a connection between generosity & prosperity (2Co 9:6) which exists for the purpose of further generosity (2Co 9:11). To those who give generously, God gives more. • But what He gives is seed, which is meant to be re- sown.
  • 17. 4. Kahirapan. • There are several reasons why God allows poverty (1Sa 2:7). • Some kinds of poverty are directly related to our own behavior (De 28:48, Pr 14:23). Others simply happen to us, & many of these cases are manifestly unjust. • Therefore, while no human life is worth more or less than any other (Ex 30:15), the poor do have a special place in God’s affections (Lk 6:20), because God is not blind to the unjust economic realities of the world (Ps 140:12). Even the Lord Jesus Himself was poor, & Christians should not consider it a dishonor to be poor in this life (Lk 9:58).
  • 18. 5. Pagiging Katiwala. • God is the rightful owner of everything (Psalm 24:1) • We are stewards or caretakers of His world, responsible to do with it what He wants done. – ecology, – physical fitness, – personal finance, – use of one’s abilities – the gospel itself – financial generosity – Mt 6:19-21
  • 19. 6. Christian Motivation for Giving • Apostolic command (2Co 8:7) • The promise of reward (Lk 12:33) • It is a natural response to the gospel of God’s grace. • We should offer ourselves as sacrifices to Him (Ro 12:1) • In part by giving our money (2Co 8:8-9). • We do not give fearfully in order to receive God’s grace, but joyfully because we have already received God’s grace. • All Christians – not just the wealthy – are called to practice radical gospel generosity.
  • 20. 7. The Role of Giving in Salvation • Salvation is utterly & completely a gift of God, accomplished by Jesus on our behalf. • Giving does not secure God’s favor, because our very best acts fall far short of God’s holiness. • The gospel changes us causing us to practice generosity (& other good works) out of thanksgiving to & love for God (Eph 2:10). • A person’s giving does not in any way determine his salvation but is an excellent indicator that he is saved (Mt 25:31-46).
  • 21. 8. Public Giving. • Jesus commands us to do our giving in secret out of concern for our motivation, whether we give to be praised by men or to please God (Mt 6:1-4). • The Scriptures also illustrate that Christian giving can sometimes be a public event (Ac 4:34-37), provided we “give out loud” in order to praise God & encourage others, avoiding possible abuses. • The church is responsibility for the spiritual growth of its people (Ga 6:1-5), including their use of money (2Co 8:7). That makes it right to talk about giving in the church. Pastors should preach about giving (Ac 20:27), & that public testimonies of generosity can be a fitting way to edify the church (2Co 8:1-5, 9:2).
  • 22. 9. The Tithe & Christian Freedom • The tithe is the predominant benchmark of giving in the Old Testament (De 14:22-29, 26:1-19, Mal 3:8). • In the New Testament, the tithe is overshadowed by freewill giving in response to the gospel (2Co 9:7). – “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion.” • If the tithe still applies today, it is only as the starting point of Christian giving.
  • 24. 1. Ang yaman ay hindi masama. • Genesis 13:2 – Abraham had great wealth • Job 42:10 – God once again blessed Job with material possessions • De 8; 28; Pr 22:2; Ec 5:19 – wealth is seen as evidence of God's blessing • Believers are not to trust in it. – Prov. 11:4; 11:28; Jer. 9:23; 1 Tim. 6:17; James 1:11; 5:2
  • 25. 2. Ang mga mayayaman ay napapahamak dahil sa paraan ng pagkamit ng kanilang yaman • Amos 4:11; 5:11 – injustice of obtaining wealth through oppression or fraud. • Micah 6:1 – the unjust scales & light weights with which Israel defrauded the poor • Neither condemned wealth • they only denounced the unjust means by which it is sometimes achieved.
  • 26. 3. Ang mga Kristiyano ay dapat isipin kung anong pwedeng maging epekto ng yaman sa kanilang buhay. • Proverbs 30:8-9 & Hosea 13:6 – wealth often tempts us to forget about God. • Ecclesiastes 2 & 5 – people who are wealthy cannot really enjoy their wealth. • Proverbs 28:11 & Jeremiah 9:23 – wealth often leads to pride & arrogance.
  • 27. • The Bible does not condemn those who are wealthy. • But it does warn us that if God blesses us with wealth, we must keep our priorities straight & guard against the seductive effects of wealth.
  • 28. Biblical View of Poverty The Bible classifies the causes of poverty into 4 different categories.
  • 29. 1. Paniniil at Pandaraya. • Pr 14:31 – Ang umaapi sa mahirap ay humahamak sa Maykapal, ngunit ang matulungi'y nagdudulot ng karangalan. • 22:7 – Ang mahirap ay nasa kapangyarihan ng mayaman, ang nangangailangan ay alipin ng nagpapahiram. • 28:15 – Nakakayamot ang asawang masalita tulad ng ulan na ayaw tumila.
  • 30. 2. Kasamaang palad, pag-uusig o paghuhusga. • Job 1:12-19 – Sinabi ni Yahweh kay Satanas, "Kung gayon, gawin mo nang lahat ang gusto mong gawin sa kanya, huwag mo lamang siyang sasaktan." … Isang araw … dumating kay Job ang isa niyang tauhan. Sinabi nito, "Kasalukuyan po naming pinang- aararo ang mga baka at nanginginain naman ang mga asno, nang may dumating na mga Sabeo. Kinuha …
  • 31. 2. Kasamaang palad, pag-uusig o paghuhusga. • … po nila ang mga baka at mga asno at pinatay pa po ang aking mga kasama. Ako lang po ang nakatakas upang magbalita sa inyo." Hindi pa ito nakakatapos sa pagbabalita nang may dumating na namang isa. Sinabi naman nito kay Job, "Tinamaan po ng kidlat ang mga tupa at mga pastol at namatay lahat; ako lang po ang nakaligtas upang magbalita sa inyo." Hindi pa ito halos tapos magsalita …
  • 32. 2. Kasamaang palad, pag-uusig o paghuhusga. • … nang may isa na namang dumating. Ang sabi nito, "Sinalakay po kami ng tatlong pangkat ng mga Caldeo. Kinuha nila ang lahat ng kamelyo at pinatay ang aking mga kasama. Ako lang po ang nakatakas upang magbalita sa inyo." Hindi pa rin ito halos tapos magsalita nang may dumating na namang isa at nagsabi, "Habang ang mga anak po ninyo ay nagkakainan at nag- iinuman sa bahay …
  • 33. 2. Kasamaang palad, pag-uusig o paghuhusga. • … ng panganay nilang kapatid, hinampas po ng napakalakas na hangin ang bahay at bumagsak. Nabagsakan po sila at namatay lahat. Ako lang po ang natirang buhay upang magbalita sa inyo."
  • 34. 2. Kasamaang palad, pag-uusig o paghuhusga. • Ps. 109:16 – Pagkat mga taong iyo'y wala namang natulungan, bagkus pa ang mahirap inuusig, pinapatay.
  • 35. 2. Kasamaang palad, pag-uusig o paghuhusga. • Isa. 47:9 – Ngunit isang araw, sa loob lamang ng isang saglit, anumang salamangka o mahika ang iyong gawin, mangyayari ang dalawang bagay na ito: Mawawala ang iyong asawa at ang iyong mga anak! • Lam. 5:3 – Ang aming mga ama'y pinatay ng mga kaaway; kaya't aming mga ina, wala nang kaagapay.
  • 36. 3. Katamaran, kapabayaan, at kasibaan. • Pr 10:4 – Ang kamay na tamad ay tiyak na magdarahop, ngunit magbubunton ng yaman ang kamay na masinop. • Pr 13:4 – Ang tamad ay nangangarap ngunit hindi natutupad, ang hangarin ng masikap ay laging nagaganap.
  • 37. 3. Katamaran, kapabayaan, at kasibaan. • Pr 19:15 – Ang matalino ay nagdaragdag ng kaalaman, ang may unawa'y namumulot pa ng karunungan. • Pr 20:13 – Matulog ka nang matulog at ika'y maghihirap, ngunit maganda ang iyong bukas kung ika'y magsisikap. • Pr 23:21 – Pagkat sila'y masasadlak sa kahirapan, at darating ang panahong magdadamit ng basahan.
  • 38. 4. Ang kultura ng kahirapan. • Proverbs 10:15 says, "The ruin of the poor is their poverty." • Survival •Enabling – Health -Income – Nutrition -Employment – Basic Services -Education • Security – Shelter – Peace & Order
  • 40. Buhay Christiano • Daniel – secretary of state in pagan administrations – an upper-middle-class lifestyle • Ezekiel – a middle-class lifestyle • Jeremiah – lower-class lifestyle.
  • 41.
  • 42. Stewardship Principles John Maxwell
  • 43. The “Who’s in Charge” Principle God’s the owner, I am the manager • Ang pagiging mabuting tagapamahala ay nag- uumpisa sa pagtanto sa lahat ng bagay na meron tayo ay mula sa Diyos at pagmamay-ari ng Diyos. • Psalm 24:1 – “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it.” • Kung pagmamay-ari lahat ng Diyos, ano ang gagawin ko dito? Ang tagapamahala ay ang taong walang pag-aari ngunit may responsibiIidad kahit saang bagay.
  • 44. The “Give & Grow” Principle Practicing stewardship produces growth • Ang pagsasanay na maging mabuting tagapamahala ay nag-uunlad sa mga tao na: – find their spiritual gifts (1Co 12), – increase their faith (Mal 3:10), – become spiritually sensitive (Mal 3:8-10), – be fruitful in God’s Kingdom (Mt 25:14-30), – receive blessings from God (Mal 3:10-12), – be a blessing to others (Ga 6:10), & – make a lasting contribution to God (Mt 6:20).
  • 45. The “Give & Grow” Principle Practicing stewardship produces growth • Most people say, “When I feel good I’ll do it. When I have more I’ll give it.” Successful people say, “I’ll do it, then I’ll feel good. I’ll give, then I’ll have more.” Teaching stewardship is more than raising money; it is God’s way of raising Christ followers. • Ang pagtuturo ng pagiging mabuting tagapamahala ay higit pa sa pag-iipon ng pera: Paraan ito ng Diyos upang dumami ang tagasunod ng Diyos.
  • 46. The “Do it Now” Principle Stewardship deals with our present resources • The person who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do anything” (Samuel Johnson). • “If I had a million dollars I would give it all to the church.” • “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much” (Lu 16:10). • That principle has shown time & time again that it’s not how much we have of the world that dictates our generosity toward God, but how much God has of us.
  • 47. The “River” Principle Our life is to be like a river, not a reservoir • “Ibibigay ng diyos sa atin ang alam Niyang dadaloy sa pamamagitan natin.” • Ang pinaka mahalaga sa pagiging katiwala ay pakikipag-sundo na may tiwala. Pinapaubaya lamang ng mga may may-ari ang pangangalaga kung dadaloy ang tiwala mula sa kanila papunta sa mga katiwala. • Maisasakatuparan lang natin ang stewardship bilang batayan sa pamumuhay kung tayo’y maging karapat-dapat na katiwala ng mga ari-ariang ipinagkatiwala sa atin ng Diyos at hindi sa pagiging sakim sa pagtanggap ng mga bagay-bagay.
  • 48. Tests
  • 49. Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and- Wealth’ Gospel? • Use this diagnostic to focus your reflections and find out if you preach expectations for health and material comfort that are in tune with scriptural expectations.
  • 50. Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and- Wealth’ Gospel? • Tinuturo ko ba na ang nais ng Diyos sa kanyang mga anak ay magkaroon ng malusog na pangangatawan? • Naniniwala ba kayo na ang pagdurusa ay kadalasang bunga ng isang mabigat na kasalanan (Jo 9:2-3)? • Iniisip ko ba na ang walang bunga na panalangin ay indikasyon ng kasalan o kulang sa pananampalataya?
  • 51. Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and- Wealth’ Gospel? • Naniniwala ba ako na ang pagiging matuwid sa Panginoon ay nagbibigay ng mabilis na paggaling ng physical at spiritual na paggaling (2Co 12:7-10)? • Ibinabahagi ko ba na obligasyon ng Diyos na sagutin ang mga panalangin ng kanyang mga anak na may kasamang paggaling, kasagaan at tagumpay?
  • 52. Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and- Wealth’ Gospel? • Iniisip ko ba na ang padurusa ni Hesus ay ang syang maglalayo sa kanyang mga tagasunod sa pagdurusa o paghihirap? • Kapag nagbibigay ba ako ng payo sa taong maysakit, ibinubunyag ko ba muna ang kanilang mga kasalanan nila sa buhay para malaman bakit sila may sakit?
  • 53. Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and- Wealth’ Gospel? • Ang mga panalangin ko ba at panalangin ng aking simbahan ay may malaking bahagi o kaugnayan sa sakit pang pisikal? • Tinuturo ko ba na nais ng Diyos na ang kanyang mga anak ay maging masaya sa kaluwagan ng materyal na bagay?
  • 54. Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and- Wealth’ Gospel? • Tinuturo ko ba na kasabay ng pagsunod sa Diyos ay ang kaluwagan at kayamanan sa materyal na bagay? • Do I publicly or privately elevate the spiritual contributions rich congregants bring to my church more than those of poorer congregants (James 2:1-9)?
  • 55. Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and- Wealth’ Gospel? • Naipapahiwatig o naipapaliwanag ko ba na ang kayamanan ay di masama, bagkus tama lang o di na mapanganib sa kalusugan spiritwal ng kongregasyon? • Tinuturo ko ba na pagnagbigay tayo sa pamamagitan ng pera ng may pananampalataya, Ang Diyos ang magtutustos ng ating pangangailangan ng katumbas o higit pa sa ating binigay?
  • 56. Am I Preaching a ‘Health-and- Wealth’ Gospel? • Tinuturo ko ba na ang kahirapan ay sanhi ng personal na kasalanan o mahinang pananampalataya? • Pag may nakakatagpo o nakausap ba ako na mahirap na tao, iniisip ko ba kaagad na mas mahina ang pananampalataya nya kaysa sa akin (Matthew 19:23-24)?
  • 57. Am I Preaching Generosity to My Church?
  • 58. Am I Preaching Generosity to My Church? • Use the questions below to think through the state of your own preaching with respect to money matters.
  • 59. Am I Preaching Generosity to My Church? • Kailan ba ako huling nag sermon tungkol sa pera? • Kailan ako huling nagsalita sa mga miyembro ng simbahan tungkol sa kaugalian ng pagbibigay? • Nahusgahan na ba ako tungkol sa panghihimasok sa usaping financial sa pulpito ?
  • 60. Am I Preaching Generosity to My Church? • Have I ever challenged my congregation’s sense of econom (Acts 20:27)? • Sinasabi ko ba sa kongregasyon na ang lahat ng ating pag-aari sa pag-aari ng Diyos, kaysa humingi ng donasyon para sa simbahan? • Tinuturo ko ba ang tungkol sa pagbibigay buong taon o tuwing may taunang pledge drive lamang?
  • 61. Am I Preaching Generosity to My Church? • Does my own preaching reflect the priority Jesus placed on stewardship? • What is the extent of my involvement in the annual stewardship campaign? • What is the state of congregational giving in my church?
  • 62. Am I Preaching Generosity to My Church? • May pagbabago na ba sa pangkalahatang kongregasyon sa pagbibigay tugon sa aking mga tinuturo(Isaiah 55:10-11)? • Mayroon na ba sa aking simbahan na nagkaroon ng malaking pagbabago ng buhay o sa kaugalian ng pagbibigay tugon sa aking mga tinuturo ?
  • 63. Ginagawa ko ba ang mga sinisabi ko na dapat gawin ng simbahan ko? Am I Doing What I Tell My Congregation to Do?
  • 64. Am I Doing What I Tell My Congregation to Do? • One biblical truth about giving is that people generally give at the level at which they observe their leaders giving (e.g., 1 Chronicles 29). Generosity begets generosity when people see generous models in the context of community. So the most critical question you need to address before approaching others about giving within your church is:
  • 65. Am I Doing What I Tell My Congregation to Do? • Talaga bang naniniwala ako at ginagawa na mas mapalad ang magbigay kaysa sa tumatanggap?
  • 66. Am I Doing What I Tell My Congregation to Do? • Ginagawa ko ba sa sarili ko ang sinsabi kong gawin ng aking kongregasyon (1 Timothy 4:12)? Ginagawa ko bang regular ang aking pagbibigay ng suporta para sa gawain ng Diyos? • Nakakaramdam ba ako ng kaligayahan pag nagbibigay ako sa simbahan at sa ano mang mahalagang gawain ng Diyos (2 Corinthians 8:1-2)?
  • 67. Am I Doing What I Tell My Congregation to Do? • Nagbibigay ba ako ng may pag-uumapaw na pag-ibig kay Hesus at may pagpapasalamat sa lahat ng pagsasakripisyo nya sa akin (2 Corinthians 8:9)? • Naniniwala ba ako na ang pagbibigay para sa patuloy na gawain para kay Kristo ay ang pag-iipon ng aking walang haggang kayamanan sa kalangitan (Matthew 6:19-21)?
  • 68. Am I Doing What I Tell My Congregation to Do? • Naniniwala ba ako na ang pagbibigay ay gamot sa paghahangad ng materyal na bagay at pag-aalis ng hangarin ng pera sa aking puso? Naglilingkod ba ako sa Diyos o sa pera (Matthew 6:24)? • Anong percent ng aking mga natatanggap ang binibigay ko para sa Kaharian ng Diyos ? Paano ito maihahambing sa born–again believer’s na nagbibigay ng 3.5 percent? Paano ito maihahambing sa pamantayan ng ikapu ng mga taga Lumang Tipan?
  • 69. Am I Doing What I Tell My Congregation to Do? • Naniniwala ba ako na ang Bibliya ay di tungkol sa Spiritwal na bagay lamang bagkus tungkol sa lahat ng bagay kasama ang pera? (Colossians 1:20)? • Naniniwala ba ako na kahit full-time Christian workers tulad ko ay tinawag upang magbigay ng maluwag para sa Panginoon(Numbers 18:26-28)?
  • 70. Am I Doing What I Tell My Congregation to Do? • Ginagawa ko ba sa sarili ko ang sinasabi ko na gawin ng aking kogregasyon (1 Timothy 4:12)? • Nakakalugod ba ako sa Panginoon? O tumatanggap ng papuri mula sa mga alagad ng Diyos? (Matthew 6:1-4)?
  • 71. Am I Doing What I Tell My Congregation to Do? • Ang pamantayan ba ng aking pamumuhay ay disente? Layunin ko bang mamuhay sa mas mababa pa sa antas ng mga alagad ng Diyos? Masaya ba ako na ibigay ang karapatan kong mamuhay ng kumportable (1 Corinthians 9:12)? • Kung ang mga tao sa aking simbahan ay gumaya sa antas ng mga mapagbigay na maglilingkod, magiging magandang bagay ba yun?
  • 73. Stewardship Quiz 1 1. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na ang pera ay ang siyang ugat ng kasamaan. 2. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na ang kayamanan ay biyaya mula sa Diyos. 3. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na kung meron tayong sapat na pananampalataya, Pinapangako ng Diyos na gagawin nya tayong mayaman. 4. Tama o Mali? Mahirap si Jesus.
  • 74. Stewardship Quiz 1 5. Tama o Mali? Ang mga Israelita ay nagbigay ng sobra-sobrang ginto at pilak para sa gusali ng tabernacle, na sinabi ni Moses na huminto na sila sa pagbibigay.
  • 75. Stewardship Quiz 1 6. What was the Year of Jubilee in the Old Testament? a. a year for freeing slaves and returning property to its original owner b. a year when the Passover was celebrated c. a year for bringing tithes to the Lord d. a year when a new king was crowned
  • 76. Stewardship Quiz 1 7. How often was the Year of Jubilee to be observed in the Old Testament? a. every 3 years b. every 7 years c. every 50 years d. every 100 years
  • 77. Stewardship Quiz 1 8. Anong bayad ang binigay kay Hudas upang mapapayag syang ipagkanulo si Hesus? a. seven pieces of silver b. thirty pieces of silver c. thirty pieces of gold d. a plot of land e. two donkeys
  • 78. Stewardship Quiz 1 9. Sa talinghaga ni Hesus, ano ang sinabi ng master sa faithful steward? a. You are my beloved son. b. I am going to your house today. c. I am going to prepare a place for you. d. Well done, good and faithful servant. e. Come, enter into my rest.
  • 79. Stewardship Quiz 1 10. Ano ang sinabi ni Hesus sa tungkol sa pagbabayad ng buwis? a. You cannot serve both God and Caesar. b. Submit to the authorities as unto the Lord. c. Give to Caesar what it Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s. d. None of the above
  • 80. Stewardship Quiz 1 11. Bakit nag-iipon ng offerings si Pablo mula sa Gentile churches? 12. Anong simbahan ang sinasabi ni Pablo ang nag-iisang sumuporta sa kanya noong mga unang araw ng kanyang mga gwain para sa Diyos?
  • 81. Stewardship Quiz 1 13. Anong bulakalak ang ginamit ni Hesus bilang ilustrasyon kung paano nag poprovide ang Diyos sa ating pangangailangan? 14. Fill in the blank: “You cannot serve both God and __________.”
  • 82. Stewardship Quiz 1 MGA SAGOT
  • 83. Stewardship Quiz 1 1. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na ang pera ay ang siyang ugat ng kasamaan. 1Ti 6:10 2. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na ang kayamanan ay biyaya mula sa Diyos. De 28:1-14; Job 42:10-17 3. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na kung meron tayong sapat na pananampalataya, Pinapangako ng Diyos na gagawin nya tayong mayaman. 4. Tama o Mali? Mahirap si Jesus. Mt 8:20; 2Co 8:9
  • 84. Stewardship Quiz 1 5. Tama o Mali? Ang mga Israelita ay nagbigay ng sobra-sobrang ginto at pilak para sa gusali ng tabernacle, na sinabi ni Moses na huminto na sila sa pagbibigay.
  • 85. Stewardship Quiz 1 6. What was the Year of Jubilee in the Old Testament? a. a year for freeing slaves and returning property to its original owner b. a year when the Passover was celebrated c. a year for bringing tithes to the Lord d. a year when a new king was crowned
  • 86. Stewardship Quiz 1 7. How often was the Year of Jubilee to be observed in the Old Testament? a. every 3 years b. every 7 years c. every 50 years d. every 100 years
  • 87. Stewardship Quiz 1 8. Anong bayad ang binigay kay Hudas upang mapapayag syang ipagkanulo si Hesus? a. seven pieces of silver b. thirty pieces of silver c. thirty pieces of gold d. a plot of land e. two donkeys
  • 88. Stewardship Quiz 1 9. Sa parabula ni Hesus, ano ang sinabi ng master sa faithful steward? a. You are my beloved son. b. I am going to your house today. c. I am going to prepare a place for you. d. Well done, good and faithful servant. e. Come, enter into my rest.
  • 89. Stewardship Quiz 1 10. Ano ang sinabi ni Hesus sa tungkol sa pagbabayad ng buwis? a. You cannot serve both God and Caesar. b. Submit to the authorities as unto the Lord. c. Give to Caesar what it Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s. d. None of the above
  • 90. Stewardship Quiz 1 11. Bakit nag-iipon ng offerings si Pablo mula sa Gentile churches? To give to the poor Christians in Jerusalem (Ro 15:25-26) 12. Anong simbahan ang sinasabi ni Pablo ang nag-iisang sumuporta sa kanya noong mga unang araw ng kanyang mga gwain para sa Diyos? The Philippian church (Phil 4:15)
  • 91. Stewardship Quiz 1 13. Anong bulakalak ang ginamit ni Hesus bilang ilustrasyon kung paano nag poprovide ang Diyos sa ating pangangailangan? Lilies (Luke 12:27-28) 14. Fill in the blank: “You cannot serve both God and __________.” (Mt 6:24) Mammon
  • 92.
  • 94. Stewardship Quiz 2 1. Tama o Mali? Tithing is just a form of legalism. 2. Tama o Mali? Sinabi ng bibliya na magbigay tayo ng sekreto?. 3. Tama o Mali. Gagantipalaan tayo ng Diyos sa langit sa mabubuti nating ginawa sa mundo. 4. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na tutulungan ng Diyos ang sino mang tinutulungan din ang sarili.
  • 95. Stewardship Quiz 2 5. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na mas mahirap makapasok sa langit ang mayayaman. 6. Gaano kalawak binigyang pansin ang tungkol sa pera? a. nothing b. very little c. a lot
  • 96. Stewardship Quiz 2 7. Ilang barya ang nilagay ng widow sa temple treasury? a. one b. two c. three d. five e. we don’t know
  • 97. Stewardship Quiz 2 8. Bakit kailangan magbigay ng pera ang mga Kristiyano sa simbahan? a. because God tells us to b. because the church needs our money to pay the bills c. because we want to d. because Jesus gave his life for us e. all of the above
  • 98. Stewardship Quiz 2 9. Ilang percent ang sinsabi sa bibliya na dapat nating ibigay mula sa ating natatanggap financial? a. five percent b. ten percent c. fifty percent d. one hundred percent e. none of the above
  • 99. Stewardship Quiz 2 10. Anong pera ang ibibigay sa atin ng Diyos sa langit bilang gantimpala? a. cash b. silver and gold c. crowns d. we don’t know 11. In Bible times, what was a steward? 12. Saan sa bibliya natin unang mababasa ang tungkol sa ikapu?
  • 100. Stewardship Quiz 2 13. What percentage of our income does the New Testament say we should give? 14. Ano agad ang pinangako ni Zacchaeus pagkatapos niyang ibigay ang pananampalataya niya kay Hesus? 15. Anong grupo ng mga Kristiyano ang pinuri ni Pablo sa mga Kristiyano bilang modelo ng pagiging lingkod?
  • 101. Stewardship Quiz 2 MGA SAGOT
  • 102. Stewardship Quiz 2 1. Tama o Mali? Tithing is just a form of legalism. 2. Tama o Mali? Sinabi ng bibliya na magbigay tayo ng sekreto?. Mt 6:3-4 3. Tama o Mali. Gagantipalaan tayo ng Diyos sa langit sa mabubuti nating ginawa sa mundo. Mt 6:1-18; 16:27 4. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na tutu- lungan ng Diyos ang sino mang tinutulungan din ang sarili.
  • 103. Stewardship Quiz 2 5. Tama o Mali? Sinasabi ng bibliya na mas mahirap makapasok sa langit ang mayayaman. Luke 18:24-25 6. Gaano kalawak binigyang pansin ang tungkol sa pera? a. nothing b. very little c. a lot
  • 104. Stewardship Quiz 2 7. Ilang barya ang nilagay ng widow sa treasury temple? a. one b. two c. three d. five e. we don’t know
  • 105. Stewardship Quiz 2 8. Bakit kailangan magbigay ng pera ang mga Kristiyano sa simbahan? a. because God tells us to b. because the church needs our money to pay the bills c. because we want to d. because Jesus gave his life for us e. all of the above
  • 106. Stewardship Quiz 2 9. Ilang percent ang sinsabi sa bibliya na dapat nating ibigay mula sa ating natatanggap financial? a. five percent b. ten percent c. fifty percent d. one hundred percent e. none of the above
  • 107. Stewardship Quiz 2 10. Anong pera ang ibibigay sa atin ng Diyos sa langit bilang gantimpala? a. cash b. silver and gold c. crowns d. we don’t know 11. In Bible times, what was a steward? The manager of a household 12. Saan sa bibliya natin unang mababasa ang tungkol sa ikapu? When Abraham meets Melchizedek (Ge 14:18-20)
  • 108. Stewardship Quiz 2 13. What percentage of our income does the New Testament say we should give? It doesn’t. 14. Ano agad ang pinangako ni Zacchaeus pagkatapos niyang ibigay ang pananampalataya niya kay Hesus? Give 1/2 of his possessions to the poor (Lk 19:8) 15. Anong grupo ng mga Kristiyano ang pinuri ni Pablo sa mga Kristiyano bilang modelo ng pagiging lingkod? The Macedonians (2Co 8:1-2)
  • 110. Stewardship Quiz 3 1. Tama o Mali? Nagbibigay ang bibliya ng alituntunin kung paano gawin ang offering sa worship service. 2. Tama o Mali? Inutos sa atin ng Bagong Tipan na magbigay na ating ikapu sa simbahan. 3. Tama o Mali? The Bible says that God loves a committed giver.
  • 111. Stewardship Quiz 3 4. Tama o Mali? Nagbigay ng alituntunin si Hesus sa lahat ng Kristiyano na ibenta ang kanilang ari-arian at ibigay sa mahihirap. 5. Tama o Mali? Ang mga Pastor ay dapat mag preach sa pulpito tungkol sa pera.
  • 112. Stewardship Quiz 3 6. Ilang tao sa ngayon sa mundo ang namumuhay sa sobrang kahirapan? a. fifty million b. one hundred million c. five hundred million d. one billion e. two billion f. three billion
  • 113. Stewardship Quiz 3 7. Hanggang magkano ang binibigay ng mga Israelites para sa Diyos sa Lumang tipan? a. ten percent b. thirty percent c. fifty percent 8. Ano ang binenta ni Barnabas upang makapagbigay sa simbahan?
  • 114. Stewardship Quiz 3 9. When Paul’s ministry was authorized by the other apostles, what one request did they make of him? 10. Fill in the blanks: “For where your __________ is, there your __________ will be also”
  • 115. Stewardship Quiz 3 11. Fill in the blank: “God loves a __________ giver.” 12. For the building of what structure did King David collect an offering?
  • 116. Stewardship Quiz 3 MGA SAGOT
  • 117. Stewardship Quiz 3 1. Tama o Mali? Nagbibigay ang bibliya ng alituntunin kung paano gawin ang offering sa worship service. 2. Tama o Mali? Inutos sa atin ng Bagong Tipan na magbigay na ating ikapu sa simbahan. 3. Tama o Mali? The Bible says that God loves a committed giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
  • 118. Stewardship Quiz 3 4. Tama o Mali? Nagbigay ng alituntunin si Hesus sa lahat ng Kristiyano na ibenta ang kanilang ari-arian at ibigay sa mhihirap. Luke 12:33 5. Tama o Mali? Ang mga Pastor ay dapat mag preach sa pulpito tungkol sa pera. Acts 20:27
  • 119. Stewardship Quiz 3 6. Ilang tao sa ngayon sa mundo ang namumuhay sa sobrang kahirapan? a. fifty million b. one hundred million c. five hundred million d. one billion e. two billion f. three billion
  • 120. Stewardship Quiz 3 7. Hanggang magkano ang binibigay ng mga Israelites para sa Diyos sa Lumang tipan? a. ten percent b. thirty percent c. fifty percent 8. Ano ang binenta ni Barnabas upang makapagbigay sa simbahan? A field (Acts 4:36-37)
  • 121. Stewardship Quiz 3 9. When Paul’s ministry was authorized by the other apostles, what one request did they make of him? Remember the poor (Galatians 2:10) 10. Fill in the blanks: “For where your Treasure Heart __________ is, there your __________ will be also” Matthew 6
  • 122. Stewardship Quiz 3 11. Fill in the blank: “God loves a __________ Cheerful giver.” (2Co 9:7) 12. For the building of what structure did King David collect an offering? The temple in Jerusalem (1Ch 29:1-9)
  • 123. WAKAS

Editor's Notes

  1. 1. Wealth itself is not condemned.
  2. Wealthy people were condemned for the way they got rich
  3. 3. Christians should be concerned about the effect wealth can have on our lives.
  4. Oppression and Fraud
  5. Misfortune, persecution, or judgment
  6. Misfortune, persecution, or judgment
  7. Misfortune, persecution, or judgment
  8. Misfortune, persecution, or judgment
  9. Misfortune, persecution, or judgment
  10. Misfortune, persecution, or judgment
  11. Laziness, neglect, or gluttony
  12. Practicing stewardship enables people to: find their spiritual gifts (1Co 12), increase their faith (Mal 3:10), become spiritually sensitive (Mal 3:8-10), be fruitful in God’s Kingdom (Mt 25:14-30), receive blessings from God (Mal 3:10-12), be a blessing to others (Ga 6:10), & make a lasting contribution to God (Mt 6:20).
  13. Most people say, “When I feel good I’ll do it. When I have more I’ll give it.” Successful people say, “I’ll do it, then I’ll feel good. I’ll give, then I’ll have more.” Teaching stewardship is more than raising money; it is God’s way of raising Christ followers.
  14. The person who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do anything” (Samuel Johnson). “ If I had a million dollars I would give it all to the church.” “ He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much” (Lu 16:10). That principle has shown time and time again that it’s not how much we have of the world that dictates our generosity toward God, but how much God has of us.
  15. “ God will give to us what He knows will flow through us.” At the core of stewardship is a covenant of trust. Owners only relinquish control when trust flows from them to the steward. Only when we move from being an aggressive accumulator of assets to being an appropriate steward of assets God has entrusted to us will we be able to truly implement stewardship as a framework for living. “ God will give to us what He knows will flow through us.” At the core of stewardship is a covenant of trust. Owners only relinquish control when trust flows from them to the steward. Only when we move from being an aggressive accumulator of assets to being an appropriate steward of assets God has entrusted to us will we be able to truly implement stewardship as a framework for living.
  16. Do I teach that God always wills his people to have perfect physical health? Do I believe that suffering is most often a consequence of a person’s specific sins (Jo 9:2-3)? Do I think that fruitless prayers for healing usually indicate sin or lack of faith in a sick person’s life?
  17. Do I believe that being right with God produces immediate physical as well as spiritual healing (2Co 12:7-10)? Do I teach that God is obligated or constrained to answer expectant and faithful prayers from his children with healing, prosperity and success?
  18. Do I think that Jesus’ suffering protects and exempts his followers from suffering? When counseling sick people, do I usually first try to expose sin in their lives to discover why they are sick? Are my prayers or my church’s prayers largely concerned with people’s physical ailments?
  19. Do I teach that God desires his people to be wealthy and enjoy great material comforts? Do I teach that material comfort and riches go hand in hand with obedience to God? Do I publicly or privately elevate the spiritual contributions rich congregants bring to my church more than those of poorer congregants (James 2:1-9)?
  20. Do I implicitly or explicitly preach that wealth is always positive, or at least value-neutral, and never dangerous to the spiritual health of the congregation? Do I teach that when a giver gives monetarily out of faith, God always will resupply him with an equal or larger amount for his faithfulness?
  21. Do I teach that poverty among believers is a result of personal sin or weak faith? When encountering and ministering to poor people, do I assume their faith is weaker than mine (Matthew 19:23-24)?
  22. Do I teach that poverty among believers is a result of personal sin or weak faith? When encountering and ministering to poor people, do I assume their faith is weaker than mine (Matthew 19:23-24)?
  23. When was the last time I preached a sermon on money? When was the last time I talked to a church member about his giving habits? Have I ever been accused of “meddling” in financial matters from the pulpit?
  24. Have I ever challenged my congregation’s sense of economic comfort (Acts 20:27)? Do I tell my congregation that all they have belongs to the Lord, rather than merely asking for donations to the church? Do I preach on giving throughout the year, or only during the annual pledge drive?
  25. Does my own preaching reflect the priority Jesus placed on stewardship? What is the extent of my involvement in the annual stewardship campaign? What is the state of congregational giving in my church?
  26. Has there been any change in overall congregational giving in response to my preaching (Isaiah 55:10-11)? Has anyone in my church made a significant change in lifestyle or giving habits in response to my preaching?
  27. Do I really believe and practice that it is more blessed to give than to receive? Naniniwala ko ba at ginagawa ko ba na Do I do myself what I am asking my congregation to do (1 Timothy 4:12)? Do I make regular financial contributions to the Lord’s work? Do I experience joy when I give to the church and other worthy ministries (2 Corinthians 8:1-2)?
  28. Do I really believe and practice that it is more blessed to give than to receive? Naniniwala ko ba at ginagawa ko ba na Do I do myself what I am asking my congregation to do (1 Timothy 4:12)? Do I make regular financial contributions to the Lord’s work? Do I experience joy when I give to the church and other worthy ministries (2 Corinthians 8:1-2)?
  29. Do I give out of an overflowing love for Jesus and gratefulness for his great sacrifice for me (2 Corinthians 8:9)? Do I believe that giving to advance the cause of Christ stores up eternal treasures for me in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21)?
  30. Do I believe that giving is an antidote to materialism and breaks money’s hold on my heart? Am I serving God or money (Matthew 6:24)? What percentage of my current income do I give to the work of the kingdom? How does this compare with the average born-again believer’s giving of 3.5 percent? How does this compare with the Old Testament standard of the tithe?
  31. Do I believe that the Bible is not just about “spiritual” matters but all of life, including money (Colossians 1:20)? Do I believe that even “full-time Christian workers” like me are called to give generously to the Lord (Numbers 18:26-28)?
  32. Do I do myself what I am asking my congregation to do (1 Timothy 4:12)? Do I give to please the Lord or to receive acclaim from my parishioners (Matthew 6:1-4)?
  33. Is my standard of living modest? Do I purposefully live at a level below that of my parishioners? Do I cheerfully give up my “right” to live comfortably (1 Corinthians 9:12)? If the people in my church emulated my giving level and stewardship of God’s resources, would that be a good thing?