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SOLID principles in practice:
the clean architecture
Fabio Collini
Android programmazione avanzata
Android Developers Italia
Ego slide
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
Dependency Injection
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
class WeatherUseCaseTest {
val locationManager: LocationManager = mockk()
val repository: TemperatureRepository = mockk()
val useCase = WeatherUseCase(locationManager, repository)
fun retrieveCityData() {
coEvery { locationManager.getLastLocation() } returns LOCATION
coEvery { locationManager.getCities(LOCATION) } returns
listOf(City("Firenze", "IT"))
coEvery { repository.getTemperature(LAT, LON) } returns
Temperature(10, 8, 20)
val cityData = runBlocking { useCase.getCityData() }
assert(cityData).isEqualTo("Firenze (IT) n 10º min 8º max 20º")
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
interface TemperatureRepository {
suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
interface TemperatureRepository {
suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
.addOnSuccessListener { location ->
if (location == null)
continuation.resumeWithException(Exception("Location not available"))
continuation.resume(Location(location.latitude, location.longitude))
.addOnFailureListener {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
val addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(, location.lon, 10)
.filter { it.locality != null }
.map {
City(it.locality, it.countryCode)
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
interface TemperatureRepository {
suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
interface TemperatureRepository {
suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
interface WeatherApi {
fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
interface TemperatureRepository {
suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
interface WeatherApi {
fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
interface TemperatureRepository {
suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
interface WeatherApi {
fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) {
private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>()
private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api)
private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app)
private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository)
val state = MutableLiveData<String>()
fun load() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val result = useCase.getCityData()
state.value = result
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
interface TemperatureRepository {
suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature
interface WeatherApi {
fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) {
private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>()
private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api)
private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app)
private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository)
val state = MutableLiveData<String>()
fun load() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val result = useCase.getCityData()
state.value = result
interface WeatherApi {
fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
interface TemperatureRepository {
suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) {
private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>()
private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api)
private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app)
private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository)
val state = MutableLiveData<String>()
fun load() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val result = useCase.getCityData()
state.value = result
Java/Kotlin modules are more…
Robert C. Martin Copyright (c) 2000 by Robert C. Martin. All Rights Reserved. 1
Design Principles and
Design Patterns
Robert C. Martin
What is software architecture? The answer is multitiered. At the highest level, there
are the architecture patterns that define the overall shape and structure of software
. Down a level is the architecture that is specifically related to the pur-
pose of the software application. Yet another level down resides the architecture of
the modules and their interconnections. This is the domain of design patterns2
, pack-
akges, components, and classes. It is this level that we will concern ourselves with in
this chapter.
Our scope in this chapter is quite limitted. There is much more to be said about the
principles and patterns that are exposed here. Interested readers are referred to
Architecture and Dependencies
What goes wrong with software? The design of many software applications begins as
a vital image in the minds of its designers. At this stage it is clean, elegant, and com-
pelling. It has a simple beauty that makes the designers and implementers itch to see it
working. Some of these applications manage to maintain this purity of design through
the initial development and into the first release.
But then something begins to happen. The software starts to rot. At first it isn’t so
bad. An ugly wart here, a clumsy hack there, but the beauty of the design still shows
through. Yet, over time as the rotting continues, the ugly festering sores and boils
accumulate until they dominate the design of the application. The program becomes a
festering mass of code that the developers find increasingly hard to maintain. Eventu-
1. [Shaw96]
2. [GOF96]
Copyright (c) 2000 by Robert C. Martin. All Rights Reserved.
Single responsibility
“A class should have one, and only one,
reason to change”
interface WeatherApi {
fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
interface TemperatureRepository {
suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) {
private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>()
private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api)
private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app)
private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository)
val state = MutableLiveData<String>()
fun load() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val result = useCase.getCityData()
state.value = result
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
Open closed
“You should be able to extend a classes
behavior, without modifying it”
impl1 impl2
impl1 impl2 impl3
Liskov substitution
“Derived classes must be substitutable
for their base classes”
open class Rectangle(
open var width: Int,
open var height: Int
) {
fun area() = width * height
class Square(size: Int) : Rectangle(size, size) {
override var width: Int = size
set(value) {
field = value
if (height != value)
height = value
override var height: Int = size
set(value) {
field = value
if (width != value)
width = value
var rectangle = Rectangle(2, 3)
var initialArea = rectangle.area()
rectangle.width *= 2
println(initialArea * 2 == rectangle.area())
rectangle = Square(2)
initialArea = rectangle.area()
rectangle.width *= 2
println(initialArea * 2 == rectangle.area())
Interface segregation
“Make fine grained interfaces
that are client specific”
Dependency inversion
Dependency injection?
Inversion of control?
Dependency inversion
“Depend on abstractions,
not on concretions”
interface WeatherApi {
fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
interface TemperatureRepository {
suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) {
private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>()
private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api)
private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app)
private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository)
val state = MutableLiveData<String>()
fun load() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val result = useCase.getCityData()
state.value = result
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
Dependency inversion
“Depend on abstractions,
not on concretions”
Dependency inversion
“High level modules should not depend
upon low level modules. Both should
depend upon abstractions”
interface WeatherApi {
fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
interface TemperatureRepository {
suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) {
private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>()
private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api)
private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app)
private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository)
val state = MutableLiveData<String>()
fun load() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val result = useCase.getCityData()
state.value = result
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
domain location
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
domain location
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
interface WeatherApi {
fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double):
interface TemperatureRepository {
suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature
class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(
private val api: WeatherApi
) : TemperatureRepository {
override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature {
val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon)
val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await()
val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main }
return Temperature(
weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt()
class WeatherUseCase(
private val locationManager: LocationManager,
private val repository: TemperatureRepository) {
suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope {
try {
val location = locationManager.getLastLocation()
val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) }
val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon)
val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" }
"$city n $temperature"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error retrieving data: ${e.message}"
interface LocationManager {
suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location
suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City>
class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager {
private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient =
private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault())
override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine {
override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine {
class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) {
private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>()
private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api)
private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app)
private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository)
val state = MutableLiveData<String>()
fun load() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val result = useCase.getCityData()
state.value = result
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  • 1. SOLID principles in practice: the clean architecture Fabio Collini
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3
  • 7. Coroutines class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3
  • 8. Dependency Injection class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3
  • 9. class WeatherUseCaseTest { val locationManager: LocationManager = mockk() val repository: TemperatureRepository = mockk() val useCase = WeatherUseCase(locationManager, repository) @Test fun retrieveCityData() { coEvery { locationManager.getLastLocation() } returns LOCATION coEvery { locationManager.getCities(LOCATION) } returns listOf(City("Firenze", "IT")) coEvery { repository.getTemperature(LAT, LON) } returns Temperature(10, 8, 20) val cityData = runBlocking { useCase.getCityData() } assert(cityData).isEqualTo("Firenze (IT) n 10º min 8º max 20º") }1 }2
  • 10. interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3 interface TemperatureRepository { suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature }7
  • 11. interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E interface TemperatureRepository { suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature }7 class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F
  • 12. class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E
  • 13. class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) @SuppressLint("MissingPermission") override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { continuation -> fusedLocationClient.lastLocation .addOnSuccessListener { location -> if (location == null) continuation.resumeWithException(Exception("Location not available")) else continuation.resume(Location(location.latitude, location.longitude)) } .addOnFailureListener { continuation.resumeWithException(it) } }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { continuation -> val addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(, location.lon, 10) continuation.resume(addresses .filter { it.locality != null } .map { City(it.locality, it.countryCode) } ) }E }E
  • 14. interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E interface TemperatureRepository { suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature }7 class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F
  • 15. class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F
  • 16. class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F
  • 17. interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E interface TemperatureRepository { suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature }7 class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F
  • 18. interface WeatherApi { @GET("weather?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<TemperatureWrapper> @GET("forecast?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<Forecast> }Z interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E interface TemperatureRepository { suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature }7 class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F
  • 19. interface WeatherApi { @GET("weather?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<TemperatureWrapper> @GET("forecast?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<Forecast> }Z
  • 20. interface TemperatureRepository { suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature }7 interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3 interface WeatherApi { @GET("weather?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<TemperatureWrapper> @GET("forecast?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<Forecast> }Z class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F
  • 21. class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3 class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) { private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>() private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api) private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app) private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository) val state = MutableLiveData<String>() fun load() { viewModelScope.launch { val result = useCase.getCityData() state.value = result }O }O }O class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { //... } interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E interface TemperatureRepository { suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature }7 interface WeatherApi { @GET("weather?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<TemperatureWrapper> @GET("forecast?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<Forecast> }Z class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F
  • 22. class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) { private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>() private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api) private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app) private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository) val state = MutableLiveData<String>() fun load() { viewModelScope.launch { val result = useCase.getCityData() state.value = result }O }O }O
  • 23. app api domain weather location interface WeatherApi { @GET("weather?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<TemperatureWrapper> @GET("forecast?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<Forecast> }Z class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3 class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { //... } interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E interface TemperatureRepository { suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature }7 class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) { private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>() private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api) private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app) private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository) val state = MutableLiveData<String>() fun load() { viewModelScope.launch { val result = useCase.getCityData() state.value = result }O }O }O
  • 24. Java/Kotlin modules are more… Testable Reusable
  • 25. Robert C. Martin Copyright (c) 2000 by Robert C. Martin. All Rights Reserved. 1 Design Principles and Design Patterns Robert C. Martin What is software architecture? The answer is multitiered. At the highest level, there are the architecture patterns that define the overall shape and structure of software applications1 . Down a level is the architecture that is specifically related to the pur- pose of the software application. Yet another level down resides the architecture of the modules and their interconnections. This is the domain of design patterns2 , pack- akges, components, and classes. It is this level that we will concern ourselves with in this chapter. Our scope in this chapter is quite limitted. There is much more to be said about the principles and patterns that are exposed here. Interested readers are referred to [Martin99]. Architecture and Dependencies What goes wrong with software? The design of many software applications begins as a vital image in the minds of its designers. At this stage it is clean, elegant, and com- pelling. It has a simple beauty that makes the designers and implementers itch to see it working. Some of these applications manage to maintain this purity of design through the initial development and into the first release. But then something begins to happen. The software starts to rot. At first it isn’t so bad. An ugly wart here, a clumsy hack there, but the beauty of the design still shows through. Yet, over time as the rotting continues, the ugly festering sores and boils accumulate until they dominate the design of the application. The program becomes a festering mass of code that the developers find increasingly hard to maintain. Eventu- 1. [Shaw96] 2. [GOF96]
  • 26. Copyright (c) 2000 by Robert C. Martin. All Rights Reserved.
  • 28. Single responsibility “A class should have one, and only one, reason to change”
  • 29. app domain api weather interface WeatherApi { @GET("weather?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<TemperatureWrapper> @GET("forecast?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<Forecast> }Z interface TemperatureRepository { suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature }7 class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3 class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) { private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>() private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api) private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app) private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository) val state = MutableLiveData<String>() fun load() { viewModelScope.launch { val result = useCase.getCityData() state.value = result }O }O }O class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { //... } location interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E
  • 31. Open closed “You should be able to extend a classes behavior, without modifying it”
  • 35. Liskov substitution “Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes”
  • 36. open class Rectangle( open var width: Int, open var height: Int ) { fun area() = width * height } class Square(size: Int) : Rectangle(size, size) { override var width: Int = size set(value) { field = value if (height != value) height = value } override var height: Int = size set(value) { field = value if (width != value) width = value } }
  • 37. var rectangle = Rectangle(2, 3) var initialArea = rectangle.area() rectangle.width *= 2 println(initialArea * 2 == rectangle.area()) rectangle = Square(2) initialArea = rectangle.area() rectangle.width *= 2 println(initialArea * 2 == rectangle.area())
  • 39. Interface segregation “Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific”
  • 43. Dependency inversion “Depend on abstractions, not on concretions”
  • 44. app domain api weather interface WeatherApi { @GET("weather?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<TemperatureWrapper> @GET("forecast?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<Forecast> }Z interface TemperatureRepository { suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature }7 class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3 class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) { private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>() private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api) private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app) private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository) val state = MutableLiveData<String>() fun load() { viewModelScope.launch { val result = useCase.getCityData() state.value = result }O }O }O class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { //... } location interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E
  • 45. Dependency inversion “Depend on abstractions, not on concretions”
  • 46. Dependency inversion “High level modules should not depend upon low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions”
  • 47. app domain api weather interface WeatherApi { @GET("weather?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<TemperatureWrapper> @GET("forecast?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<Forecast> }Z interface TemperatureRepository { suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature }7 class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3 class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) { private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>() private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api) private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app) private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository) val state = MutableLiveData<String>() fun load() { viewModelScope.launch { val result = useCase.getCityData() state.value = result }O }O }O class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { //... } location interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E
  • 48. domain location interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3
  • 49. domain location class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3 interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E
  • 50. app domain api weather interface WeatherApi { @GET("weather?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun currentWeather(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<TemperatureWrapper> @GET("forecast?appid=$OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID&units=metric") fun forecast(@Query("lat") lat: Double, @Query("lon") lon: Double): Deferred<Forecast> }Z interface TemperatureRepository { suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature }7 class OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository( private val api: WeatherApi ) : TemperatureRepository { override suspend fun getTemperature(lat: Double, lon: Double): Temperature { val forecastDeferred = api.forecast(lat, lon) val weather = api.currentWeather(lat, lon).await() val temperatures = forecastDeferred.await() { it.main } return Temperature( weather.main.temp.toInt(), { it.temp_min }.min()?.toInt(), { it.temp_max }.max()?.toInt() )D }E }F location class WeatherUseCase( private val locationManager: LocationManager, private val repository: TemperatureRepository) { suspend fun getCityData(): String = coroutineScope { try { val location = locationManager.getLastLocation() val cities = async { locationManager.getCities(location) } val temperature = repository.getTemperature(, location.lon) val city = cities.await().getOrElse(0) { "No city found" } "$city n $temperature" } catch (e: Exception) { "Error retrieving data: ${e.message}" }1 }2 }3 interface LocationManager { suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> }6 class AndroidLocationManager(context: Context) : LocationManager { private val fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context) private val geocoder = Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault()) override suspend fun getLastLocation(): Location = suspendCoroutine { //... }E override suspend fun getCities(location: Location): List<City> = suspendCoroutine { //... }E }E class WeatherViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) { private val api = RetrofitFactory.createService<WeatherApi>() private val weatherRepository = OpenWeatherTemperatureRepository(api) private val positionManager = AndroidLocationManager(app) private val useCase = WeatherUseCase(positionManager, weatherRepository) val state = MutableLiveData<String>() fun load() { viewModelScope.launch { val result = useCase.getCityData() state.value = result }O }O }O class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { //... }
  • 61.
  • 65. Architecture Vs code conventions TDD Pros Cons More code Framework independence entitiesentitiesentitiesentities domain repository UI data source presenter
  • 66. Links Demo Project 2000 - Robert C. Martin - Design Principles and Design Patterns materials_adicionals/principles_and_patterns.pdf 2005 - Robert C. Martin - The Principles of OOD 2012 - Robert C. Martin - The Clean Architecture