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SOCW 6051 Week 11 Discussion 1:
My Initial discussion post is as follows:
The website
ex.php talks about partnership with members of community and
organization towards anti-human trafficking in Ohio by
preventing human trafficking, protecting victims and survivors,
and prosecuting the criminals through creating awareness,
research and education across the country (University of
Dayton, n.d.). It accomplishes this through a program known as
School Trafficking Outreach Program- STOP. STOP aims at
creating awareness and education on human trafficking
prevention. It educates youths, members of the community and
school personnel through engaging and comprehensive anti-
human trafficking program. It distributes STOP materials across
high schools in the Miami Valley. The victim service matrix
helps law enforcement and service providers working with
victims in this region (University of Dayton, n.d.). The listed
organizations and agencies help legally and in life skill training.
It also has a wide variety of resources on anti-human trafficking
ranging from audio to governmental agencies.
From the information I have found, I would support Veronica
and other victims of human trafficking by listening to them as
this will help them understand that I am willing to help. The
victims may not open up immediately therefore, I would not be
judgmental or pressure them. Most importantly, I would avoid
blaming the victim.
I would increase my awareness of human trafficking by learning
indicators of human trafficking through training which is
available to educators (Plummer, et al., 2014). Also, I would
teach others about human trafficking through an event that aims
at raising awareness, for example, watching a documentary on
sex trafficking and discussing the film. To become an ally with
the victims, I would volunteer in anti-human trafficking groups
in society. I would also learn about the culture of these victims
as well as become aware of the oppression they faced.
To support this group of victims, I would take the following
steps. First, I would learn about the red flags ad be vigilant of
signs of human trafficking (Adams, et al., 2018). I would then
initiate a private conversation and let go of any expectations I
have. I would also believe the person and build on their
strengths. Taking their fears seriously and validating their
feelings is another step. Importantly, let the victim open up
when they feel comfortable to do so.
Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Catalano, D. C.
J., DeJong, K., Hackman, H. W,... Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2018).
Readings for diversity and social justice (4th ed.). New York,
NY: Routledge Press. Ch 90, pp. 447-455; Ch 132, pp.615-620.
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014).
Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD:
Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-
University of Dayton. (n.d.) “Anti-Human Trafficking in the
Miami Valley.” Retrieved from:
The assignment is as follows:
Respond to colleagues who visited a different site and note
similarities and differences between what you had learned and
what your colleagues had shared about steps for becoming an
ally to that group. Explain the impact of what your colleagues
shared in their post.
The Colleagues posts are as follows:
Colleague AH Wrote:
I visited a website with an article titled Human Trafficking:
Modern Enslavement of Immigrant Women in the United
States. It discussed how the inequalities that women face in
regard to status and opportunity worldwide make them
particularly vulnerable to trafficking. Human trafficking not
only includes the sex trade, but also forced labor such as
domestic servitude, factory work, or agricultural work (ACLU,
2019). Also, in the United States, victims of trafficking are
made up of a majority of immigrant women due to lower levels
of education, inability to speak English, immigration status, and
lack of familiarity with U.S. employment protections (ACLU,
2019). They are often exploited through physical, psychological
and legal process abuse. Victims are often deprived of adequate
shelter and sleep, are subjected to patterns of abuse that are
meant to cause fear and disorientation, and legal mechanisms
can be used to enforce control such as deprivation of
identification documents.
When looking at the case of Veronica, she was a victim of sex
trafficking crimes while in Guatemala, but also while crossing
the border into the United States (Plummer, Makris, &
Brocksen, 2014). Because she does not speak English, was
young, and was an immigrant attempting to cross over the
border into an unknown country, she was particularly vulnerable
according to the information I found on ACLU (2019).
Supporting those who are immigrants and victims of human
trafficking would include having knowledge on the available
legal reliefs there are such as T Visas or asylum relief. This
would help to ensure they receive the assistance they need in
regard to benefits and services. Having empathy and patience
with victims can also be another way to support them as they
may not be trusting or willing to open up.
Increasing one's awareness and teaching others about human
trafficking victims is crucial in being able to effectively help.
Education on indicators or warning signs is probably one of the
more important ways to increase awareness. Teaching that
human trafficking does not just include the sex trade, but also
forced labor would be crucial as the majority of people hear
human trafficking and automatically think of sex trafficking.
Opportunities to get involved and become an ally to those who
have been trafficked include volunteering for anti-trafficking
organizations as well as being an advocate for justice, services,
and funding. Steps to begin to support these victims building
trust and understanding their realities as most of us will never
know what it is like to be in their shoes and to have experienced
the horrendous trauma they did. Having the skills to effectively
support them is also essential as well as having the courage to
take action (Adams, et al, 2018).
Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Catalano, D. C.
J., DeJong, K., Hackman, H. W,... Zuniga, X. (Eds.).
(2018). Readings for diversity and social justice (4th ed.). New
York, NY: Routledge Press.
ACLU. (2019). Human Trafficking: Modern Enslavement of
Immigrant Women in the United States. Retrieved from
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.).
(2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore,
MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital
Source e-reader].
Colleague NS Wrote:
The website I chose to visit is Interpol ( This is a
website that addresses human trafficking (HT) on a global
level. The various topics that are addressed on this website
include the types of HT, the role of this organization in
addressing HT, operations that are implemented to curb HT,
and, finally, partnerships against HT. The latter points to the
numerous "key partners" who are involved in the fight against
An article by Zimmerman and Kiss (2017) stresses that child
workers are at a particular risk of being exploited. Thus, as a
social worker I would do my best to build rapport with Veronica
and other children like her. It is noted in the case that there are
no support groups in Veronica's area for victims of HT. I was
thinking about starting an online support group for children like
Veronica who can connect (at least online) with other victims.
This could serve as an excellent source of support and
Furthermore, when it comes to the specific steps that I can take
to support this group, I could draw up a plan that will help me
to address the needs of children like Veronica. First, I would
create a list of various sources (online and offline) that
Veronica could "surf" finding what is best for her. These can
include various articles, blogs, and online support groups that
include other survivors like her. Finding out more about HT is
bound to strengthen her mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
It is always a good idea to explain on a cognitive level the
trauma/tragedy. Second, I feel that support systems are
essential for survivors. Despite the strong resistance on part of
some people with PTSD to establish connections, it is crucial to
explain to such individuals that these connections will help
them to reboot emotionally. Which is essential to the healing
Zimmerman, C., & Kiss, L. (2017). Human trafficking and
exploitation: A global health concern. Plos Medicine.
SOCW 6351 Week11 Discussion 1:
Respond by Day 5 to colleagues by explaining the various costs
you think will be associated with their suggested policy
changes. Then, explain whether a consideration of cost when
adopting a policy or program contradicts the social workers’
code of ethics.
Support your response with specific references to the resources.
Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
Colleague NS Wrote:
In the case of Rita, she was sexually assaulted by an
acquaintance of a male coworker. Forensic evidence was
collected, however, due to state policy, the evidence was only
kept for 90 days, long before Rita felt confident enough to make
a report (Plummer, Makris & Brocksen, 2014). The change I
would make is to not have a limit placed on how long forensic
evidence can be kept. As long as the evidence remains viable,
evidence should be preserved. Sexual assault survivors struggle
with many feelings following the assault, ranging from shame,
depression to post-traumatic symptoms (Jacques-Tiura, Tkatch,
Abbey & Wegner (2010). This short window prevents survivors
from processing what happened to them and their feelings. It is
already difficult for survivors to disclose what happened to
them, and due to stigma, many do not make formal reports
(Jacques-Tiura, Tkatch, Abbey & Wegner, 2010). This policy
places pressure on individuals when they are already feeling
vulnerable. By taking away the window that evidence can be
kept, I think that it would aid in allowing survivors to not only
disclose, but to do so when they are ready. With the
combination of the report and forensic evidence, this allows for
perpetrators to be punished accordingly.
Jacques-Tiura, A. J., Tkatch, R., Abbey, A., & Wegner, R.
(2010). Disclosure of sexual assault:
characteristics and implications for posttraumatic stress
symptoms among African American and caucasian
survivors. Journal of trauma & dissociation : the official journal
of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation
(ISSD), 11(2), 174–192. doi:10.1080/15299730903502938
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.).
(2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore:
Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital
Source e-reader].
Colleague AH wrote:
In the Johnson case, Talia was sexually assaulted at a
fraternity party and went to the hospital for a rape kit where she
was met with staff that were "cold and demeaning" (Plummer,
Makris, & Brocksen, 2014). Often times, rape myths perpetuate
a situation and there can be a lack of education or bias as
described by Talia with the hospital staff where they possibly
blamed her for the assault or did not believe her. With this, rape
myths may also perpetuate policies. In this case, the university's
policy for addressing sexual assault cases affected Talia
negatively. In the video, the dean had both Talia and Eric in the
room together and explained that they would have the
opportunity to tell their sides of the story (Laureate Education,
2013). It was also explained as being a university procedure that
does not involve the police and at the end the dean would be the
sole decider in the actions taken (Laureate Education, 2013).
One change to this policy would be to not have them in the
same room as this can re-victimize and traumatize Talia as well
as not having the dean be the end decider of the outcome, but
rather include the police in the investigation or other unbiased
parties. The dean could attempt to cover up a potential scandal
by standing with Eric and dismissing Talia's claim because the
image of the school may be deemed more important than getting
justice for an assault victim.
To evaluate the success of the policy change I would evaluate
the impact by measuring any changes that occurred in the
outcomes. Using process evaluation, services could be examined
in how they are being carried out in the new policy involving
the police or other unbiased parties and then compared to the
previous policy which involved the dean (Popple &
Leighninger, 2019). Being able to measure the impact of the
changed policy would show if it had any difference on the
outcomes with the victims.
Plummer, S. -B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. (Eds.).
(2014). Sessions: Case histories. Baltimore: MD: Laureate
International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].
Popple, P. R., & Leighninger, L. (2019). The policy-based
profession: An introduction to social welfare policy analysis for
social workers (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Laureate Education (Producer). (2013). Sessions: Johnson
family (Episode 4 of 42) [Video file]. Retrieved from
Discussion Board Grading Rubric
Initial Post
0 Points
3 Point
6 Points
There is no apparent
organization to the
content. The
information seems
jumbled or random.
Paragraphing is not
A purpose is initially established
but is not sustained throughout
writing. Some irrelevant material
may be included. The
introduction and/or conclusion
could use more work or is
The entire piece of writing is
controlled by a clear purpose. The
reader moves easily from one
point to the next. There is a
thoughtful introduction and
Writing (Grammar &
Many grammatical
and/or mechanical
errors. Paper is not
Grammatical and/or mechanical
errors frequently stop the
reader, effecting the reader’s
comprehension of the writing.
Any grammatical and/or
mechanical errors, if present,
don’t affect the reader’s
The content does not
address the
This writing addresses the
assignment but not sufficiently.
Missing support and elaboration.
This piece of writing accomplishes
the assignment and all of its
specific requirements. Contents
are supported and elaborated
fully. The reader has learned
something interesting from this
Peer Replies
0 Points
1 Point
2 Points
First Reply
The content does not
address the
This writing addresses the
assignment but not sufficiently.
Contents lack support and
This piece of writing accomplishes
the assignment and all of its
specific requirements. Contents
are supported and elaborated
fully. The reader has learned
something interesting from this
Second Reply
The content does not
address the
This writing addresses the
assignment but not sufficiently.
Contents lack support and
This piece of writing accomplishes
the assignment and all of its
specific requirements. Contents
are supported and elaborated
fully. The reader has learned
something interesting from this
Discussion Board Posting Guidelines
Posting to a Discussion Board can be exciting. You are
interacting with your peers, sharing your
thoughts, opinions, questions, and observations, and reading
about others’ experiences as well. This is
where you get to know your fellow classmates, build and
maintain your connections, and perhaps even
learn a thing or two! The guidelines below inform what the
expectations are for Discussion Board
postings, as well as some general guidelines for posting in an
online environment.
Initial Post
Post Length
The post length may vary by discussion topic or activity, but in
general, the post length should be
between 1-5 paragraphs (3-5 lines per paragraph) long. It’s
helpful to keep posts concise when in an
online forum, as reading large amounts of text online can be
straining, both for your eyes and mind.
Additionally, it can be time consuming to read many long posts.
However, the post should not be too
short either. For more information regarding what criteria the
substance of the post is based on, see the
Discussion Board Rubric.
Subject Line
The subject line should reflect the topic being discussed. The
subject line is important because many
people decide whether or not to read a message or posting based
on the title. The subject here should
be short and relevant, but draw other readers in and make them
want to read what you have to say.
Take a minute: Before posting, take a minute to review the
discussion topic and make sure you
understand what is required before responding. If you have a
question about what it is that you are
supposed to post, ask your instructor for some clarification.
Response Post
Number of Responses
Response post points are based on meeting the requirements for
the number of response posts added
to the Discussion Board, as well as the substance of those posts.
In addition to the initial post, two
response posts are required for each discussion topic. For more
information regarding what criteria
the substance of the post is based on, see the Discussion Board
Post Length
Response posts should generally be about a paragraph (3-5
lines) or less in length. This may vary by
discussion topic or activity.
When to Post
Rather than adding your initial post and responses to the
Discussion Board all at once, try to distribute
your posting throughout the week. Add your initial post early
on, to give others a chance to respond,
and then check back and respond to some of your peers’ posts a
little bit later. This gives everyone time
to carry on a discussion, rather than posting early on and
leaving the Discussion Board quiet for the rest
of the week, or posting in a rush on the last day, stifling your
chances to connect to your peers.
Using proper formatting is important when communicating via
an online environment. It makes the text
easier to read, process, and respond to. If the post is difficult to
read, many people will move on to
another post.
• If you write a question within your post, it’s a good idea to
separate that question from the rest
of the text. This way, it makes it easier for others to pick out
the question and then respond. Put
the question on one line and the rest of the paragraph on
• Separate each new paragraph with a blank line. This keeps the
formatting neat and easy to read.
Writing Format
Use proper spelling, grammar, and formatting to the best of
your ability when posting. This helps to
make your posts easy to understand, as well as to keep the
environment up to a higher standard. This
also includes:
• Refraining from capitalizing all of the letters in a word- this is
considered YELLING, and is rude
• Abstaining from cursing
• Avoiding the use of slang
• Realizing that spell check is helpful!
• Using standard fonts, sizes, and colors in your posts, such as
Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica,
12-14 point, blue or black
Quote or Refer
When responding to a post, it can be helpful to others reading
the thread if you quote a short snippet of
the part of the response you’re replying to, or at least reference
it, in order to make the conversation
easier to follow.
Cite Sources
If you use a source to back up a claim, opinion or fact, you
should reference where this material is from,
whether it’s a textbook, online source, or other.
Joking Around
Humor can spice up the forum and make things fun, but be
careful with what you say, and read your
post again carefully before hitting the submit button. Humor can
be difficult to interpret online when
there isn’t any body language and when there are no visual cues
or voice inflections to help clue you in
on the tone of what’s being said.
Inappropriate Behavior
When interacting with others online, treat everyone respectfully
and in a manner which you yourself
would want to be treated.
• No flaming (acting hostile towards another online, insulting,
• If you feel you were insulted or talked to in a disrespectful
manner, take a deep breath, and
allow some time to pass before rushing to respond- contact your
instructor, rather than
• Do not post comments that are hateful, racist, or insult others
in any way
• No personal attacks- if you disagree with what someone said,
debate the content, but don’t
attack the person
• Do not use any threating or sexually suggestive language

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SOCW 6051 Week 11 Discussion 1My Initial discussion post is as .docx

  • 1. SOCW 6051 Week 11 Discussion 1: My Initial discussion post is as follows: The website ex.php talks about partnership with members of community and organization towards anti-human trafficking in Ohio by preventing human trafficking, protecting victims and survivors, and prosecuting the criminals through creating awareness, research and education across the country (University of Dayton, n.d.). It accomplishes this through a program known as School Trafficking Outreach Program- STOP. STOP aims at creating awareness and education on human trafficking prevention. It educates youths, members of the community and school personnel through engaging and comprehensive anti- human trafficking program. It distributes STOP materials across high schools in the Miami Valley. The victim service matrix helps law enforcement and service providers working with victims in this region (University of Dayton, n.d.). The listed organizations and agencies help legally and in life skill training. It also has a wide variety of resources on anti-human trafficking ranging from audio to governmental agencies. From the information I have found, I would support Veronica and other victims of human trafficking by listening to them as this will help them understand that I am willing to help. The victims may not open up immediately therefore, I would not be judgmental or pressure them. Most importantly, I would avoid blaming the victim. I would increase my awareness of human trafficking by learning indicators of human trafficking through training which is available to educators (Plummer, et al., 2014). Also, I would teach others about human trafficking through an event that aims at raising awareness, for example, watching a documentary on
  • 2. sex trafficking and discussing the film. To become an ally with the victims, I would volunteer in anti-human trafficking groups in society. I would also learn about the culture of these victims as well as become aware of the oppression they faced. To support this group of victims, I would take the following steps. First, I would learn about the red flags ad be vigilant of signs of human trafficking (Adams, et al., 2018). I would then initiate a private conversation and let go of any expectations I have. I would also believe the person and build on their strengths. Taking their fears seriously and validating their feelings is another step. Importantly, let the victim open up when they feel comfortable to do so. References Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Catalano, D. C. J., DeJong, K., Hackman, H. W,... Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2018). Readings for diversity and social justice (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press. Ch 90, pp. 447-455; Ch 132, pp.615-620. Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e- reader]. University of Dayton. (n.d.) “Anti-Human Trafficking in the Miami Valley.” Retrieved from: ex.php The assignment is as follows: Respond to colleagues who visited a different site and note similarities and differences between what you had learned and what your colleagues had shared about steps for becoming an ally to that group. Explain the impact of what your colleagues shared in their post. The Colleagues posts are as follows:
  • 3. Colleague AH Wrote: I visited a website with an article titled Human Trafficking: Modern Enslavement of Immigrant Women in the United States. It discussed how the inequalities that women face in regard to status and opportunity worldwide make them particularly vulnerable to trafficking. Human trafficking not only includes the sex trade, but also forced labor such as domestic servitude, factory work, or agricultural work (ACLU, 2019). Also, in the United States, victims of trafficking are made up of a majority of immigrant women due to lower levels of education, inability to speak English, immigration status, and lack of familiarity with U.S. employment protections (ACLU, 2019). They are often exploited through physical, psychological and legal process abuse. Victims are often deprived of adequate shelter and sleep, are subjected to patterns of abuse that are meant to cause fear and disorientation, and legal mechanisms can be used to enforce control such as deprivation of identification documents. When looking at the case of Veronica, she was a victim of sex trafficking crimes while in Guatemala, but also while crossing the border into the United States (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2014). Because she does not speak English, was young, and was an immigrant attempting to cross over the border into an unknown country, she was particularly vulnerable according to the information I found on ACLU (2019). Supporting those who are immigrants and victims of human trafficking would include having knowledge on the available legal reliefs there are such as T Visas or asylum relief. This would help to ensure they receive the assistance they need in regard to benefits and services. Having empathy and patience with victims can also be another way to support them as they may not be trusting or willing to open up. Increasing one's awareness and teaching others about human trafficking victims is crucial in being able to effectively help. Education on indicators or warning signs is probably one of the
  • 4. more important ways to increase awareness. Teaching that human trafficking does not just include the sex trade, but also forced labor would be crucial as the majority of people hear human trafficking and automatically think of sex trafficking. Opportunities to get involved and become an ally to those who have been trafficked include volunteering for anti-trafficking organizations as well as being an advocate for justice, services, and funding. Steps to begin to support these victims building trust and understanding their realities as most of us will never know what it is like to be in their shoes and to have experienced the horrendous trauma they did. Having the skills to effectively support them is also essential as well as having the courage to take action (Adams, et al, 2018). Resources: Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Catalano, D. C. J., DeJong, K., Hackman, H. W,... Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2018). Readings for diversity and social justice (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press. ACLU. (2019). Human Trafficking: Modern Enslavement of Immigrant Women in the United States. Retrieved from enslavement-immigrant-women-united-states Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader]. Colleague NS Wrote: The website I chose to visit is Interpol ( This is a website that addresses human trafficking (HT) on a global level. The various topics that are addressed on this website include the types of HT, the role of this organization in addressing HT, operations that are implemented to curb HT, and, finally, partnerships against HT. The latter points to the numerous "key partners" who are involved in the fight against
  • 5. HT. An article by Zimmerman and Kiss (2017) stresses that child workers are at a particular risk of being exploited. Thus, as a social worker I would do my best to build rapport with Veronica and other children like her. It is noted in the case that there are no support groups in Veronica's area for victims of HT. I was thinking about starting an online support group for children like Veronica who can connect (at least online) with other victims. This could serve as an excellent source of support and compassion. Furthermore, when it comes to the specific steps that I can take to support this group, I could draw up a plan that will help me to address the needs of children like Veronica. First, I would create a list of various sources (online and offline) that Veronica could "surf" finding what is best for her. These can include various articles, blogs, and online support groups that include other survivors like her. Finding out more about HT is bound to strengthen her mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is always a good idea to explain on a cognitive level the trauma/tragedy. Second, I feel that support systems are essential for survivors. Despite the strong resistance on part of some people with PTSD to establish connections, it is crucial to explain to such individuals that these connections will help them to reboot emotionally. Which is essential to the healing process. Zimmerman, C., & Kiss, L. (2017). Human trafficking and exploitation: A global health concern. Plos Medicine. SOCW 6351 Week11 Discussion 1: Respond by Day 5 to colleagues by explaining the various costs you think will be associated with their suggested policy
  • 6. changes. Then, explain whether a consideration of cost when adopting a policy or program contradicts the social workers’ code of ethics. Support your response with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references. Colleague NS Wrote: In the case of Rita, she was sexually assaulted by an acquaintance of a male coworker. Forensic evidence was collected, however, due to state policy, the evidence was only kept for 90 days, long before Rita felt confident enough to make a report (Plummer, Makris & Brocksen, 2014). The change I would make is to not have a limit placed on how long forensic evidence can be kept. As long as the evidence remains viable, evidence should be preserved. Sexual assault survivors struggle with many feelings following the assault, ranging from shame, depression to post-traumatic symptoms (Jacques-Tiura, Tkatch, Abbey & Wegner (2010). This short window prevents survivors from processing what happened to them and their feelings. It is already difficult for survivors to disclose what happened to them, and due to stigma, many do not make formal reports (Jacques-Tiura, Tkatch, Abbey & Wegner, 2010). This policy places pressure on individuals when they are already feeling vulnerable. By taking away the window that evidence can be kept, I think that it would aid in allowing survivors to not only disclose, but to do so when they are ready. With the combination of the report and forensic evidence, this allows for perpetrators to be punished accordingly. References: Jacques-Tiura, A. J., Tkatch, R., Abbey, A., & Wegner, R. (2010). Disclosure of sexual assault: characteristics and implications for posttraumatic stress symptoms among African American and caucasian survivors. Journal of trauma & dissociation : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation
  • 7. (ISSD), 11(2), 174–192. doi:10.1080/15299730903502938 Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore: MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader]. Colleague AH wrote: In the Johnson case, Talia was sexually assaulted at a fraternity party and went to the hospital for a rape kit where she was met with staff that were "cold and demeaning" (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2014). Often times, rape myths perpetuate a situation and there can be a lack of education or bias as described by Talia with the hospital staff where they possibly blamed her for the assault or did not believe her. With this, rape myths may also perpetuate policies. In this case, the university's policy for addressing sexual assault cases affected Talia negatively. In the video, the dean had both Talia and Eric in the room together and explained that they would have the opportunity to tell their sides of the story (Laureate Education, 2013). It was also explained as being a university procedure that does not involve the police and at the end the dean would be the sole decider in the actions taken (Laureate Education, 2013). One change to this policy would be to not have them in the same room as this can re-victimize and traumatize Talia as well as not having the dean be the end decider of the outcome, but rather include the police in the investigation or other unbiased parties. The dean could attempt to cover up a potential scandal by standing with Eric and dismissing Talia's claim because the image of the school may be deemed more important than getting justice for an assault victim. To evaluate the success of the policy change I would evaluate the impact by measuring any changes that occurred in the outcomes. Using process evaluation, services could be examined in how they are being carried out in the new policy involving the police or other unbiased parties and then compared to the
  • 8. previous policy which involved the dean (Popple & Leighninger, 2019). Being able to measure the impact of the changed policy would show if it had any difference on the outcomes with the victims. Resources: Plummer, S. -B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. (Eds.). (2014). Sessions: Case histories. Baltimore: MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader]. Popple, P. R., & Leighninger, L. (2019). The policy-based profession: An introduction to social welfare policy analysis for social workers (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Laureate Education (Producer). (2013). Sessions: Johnson family (Episode 4 of 42) [Video file]. Retrieved from Discussion Board Grading Rubric Initial Post Criterion Unacceptable 0 Points Unsatisfactory 3 Point Satisfactory 6 Points Organization
  • 9. There is no apparent organization to the content. The information seems jumbled or random. Paragraphing is not present. A purpose is initially established but is not sustained throughout writing. Some irrelevant material may be included. The introduction and/or conclusion could use more work or is missing. The entire piece of writing is controlled by a clear purpose. The reader moves easily from one point to the next. There is a thoughtful introduction and closing. Writing (Grammar & Mechanics) Many grammatical and/or mechanical errors. Paper is not legible. Grammatical and/or mechanical errors frequently stop the reader, effecting the reader’s comprehension of the writing.
  • 10. Any grammatical and/or mechanical errors, if present, don’t affect the reader’s understanding. Topic The content does not address the assignment. This writing addresses the assignment but not sufficiently. Missing support and elaboration. This piece of writing accomplishes the assignment and all of its specific requirements. Contents are supported and elaborated fully. The reader has learned something interesting from this writing. Peer Replies Criterion Unacceptable 0 Points Unsatisfactory 1 Point Satisfactory 2 Points First Reply
  • 11. The content does not address the assignment. This writing addresses the assignment but not sufficiently. Contents lack support and elaboration. This piece of writing accomplishes the assignment and all of its specific requirements. Contents are supported and elaborated fully. The reader has learned something interesting from this writing. Second Reply The content does not address the assignment. This writing addresses the assignment but not sufficiently. Contents lack support and elaboration. This piece of writing accomplishes the assignment and all of its specific requirements. Contents are supported and elaborated fully. The reader has learned something interesting from this writing.
  • 12. Discussion Board Posting Guidelines Posting to a Discussion Board can be exciting. You are interacting with your peers, sharing your thoughts, opinions, questions, and observations, and reading about others’ experiences as well. This is where you get to know your fellow classmates, build and maintain your connections, and perhaps even learn a thing or two! The guidelines below inform what the expectations are for Discussion Board postings, as well as some general guidelines for posting in an online environment. Initial Post Post Length The post length may vary by discussion topic or activity, but in general, the post length should be between 1-5 paragraphs (3-5 lines per paragraph) long. It’s helpful to keep posts concise when in an online forum, as reading large amounts of text online can be straining, both for your eyes and mind. Additionally, it can be time consuming to read many long posts. However, the post should not be too short either. For more information regarding what criteria the substance of the post is based on, see the
  • 13. Discussion Board Rubric. Subject Line The subject line should reflect the topic being discussed. The subject line is important because many people decide whether or not to read a message or posting based on the title. The subject here should be short and relevant, but draw other readers in and make them want to read what you have to say. Take a minute: Before posting, take a minute to review the discussion topic and make sure you understand what is required before responding. If you have a question about what it is that you are supposed to post, ask your instructor for some clarification. Response Post Number of Responses Response post points are based on meeting the requirements for the number of response posts added to the Discussion Board, as well as the substance of those posts. In addition to the initial post, two response posts are required for each discussion topic. For more information regarding what criteria the substance of the post is based on, see the Discussion Board
  • 14. Rubric. Post Length Response posts should generally be about a paragraph (3-5 lines) or less in length. This may vary by discussion topic or activity. When to Post Rather than adding your initial post and responses to the Discussion Board all at once, try to distribute your posting throughout the week. Add your initial post early on, to give others a chance to respond, and then check back and respond to some of your peers’ posts a little bit later. This gives everyone time to carry on a discussion, rather than posting early on and leaving the Discussion Board quiet for the rest of the week, or posting in a rush on the last day, stifling your chances to connect to your peers. Formatting Using proper formatting is important when communicating via an online environment. It makes the text
  • 15. easier to read, process, and respond to. If the post is difficult to read, many people will move on to another post. Spacing • If you write a question within your post, it’s a good idea to separate that question from the rest of the text. This way, it makes it easier for others to pick out the question and then respond. Put the question on one line and the rest of the paragraph on another. • Separate each new paragraph with a blank line. This keeps the formatting neat and easy to read. Writing Format Use proper spelling, grammar, and formatting to the best of your ability when posting. This helps to make your posts easy to understand, as well as to keep the environment up to a higher standard. This also includes: • Refraining from capitalizing all of the letters in a word- this is considered YELLING, and is rude
  • 16. • Abstaining from cursing • Avoiding the use of slang • Realizing that spell check is helpful! • Using standard fonts, sizes, and colors in your posts, such as Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica, 12-14 point, blue or black Etiquette Quote or Refer When responding to a post, it can be helpful to others reading the thread if you quote a short snippet of the part of the response you’re replying to, or at least reference it, in order to make the conversation easier to follow. Cite Sources If you use a source to back up a claim, opinion or fact, you should reference where this material is from,
  • 17. whether it’s a textbook, online source, or other. Joking Around Humor can spice up the forum and make things fun, but be careful with what you say, and read your post again carefully before hitting the submit button. Humor can be difficult to interpret online when there isn’t any body language and when there are no visual cues or voice inflections to help clue you in on the tone of what’s being said. Inappropriate Behavior When interacting with others online, treat everyone respectfully and in a manner which you yourself would want to be treated. • No flaming (acting hostile towards another online, insulting, criticizing) • If you feel you were insulted or talked to in a disrespectful manner, take a deep breath, and
  • 18. allow some time to pass before rushing to respond- contact your instructor, rather than retaliating • Do not post comments that are hateful, racist, or insult others in any way • No personal attacks- if you disagree with what someone said, debate the content, but don’t attack the person • Do not use any threating or sexually suggestive language