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Sociology 1010
The point of this assignments is so that you learn and gain
insights on how both the Progressives (Liberals) and the
Traditionalists (Conservatives) see and reason about public
issues. If you end up writing both your initial post and reply
from (Progressive and Conservative on say Abortion) you are
doing the wrong thing.
The cultural war is being waged by 2 major camps--
Traditionalist (Conservatives) and Progressives (Liberals). For
this assignment, I will like you to do the following:
Step 1: Pick an ideological standpoint (say, Progressive), and
post on 1 of the topics (say abortion) from the Progressive
standpoint. (Your title: Progressive on Abortion). Please
complete this step before doing anything else.
Step 2: React to a post by a fellow student from the opposing
standpoint. (Say the person wrote on: Felon Enfranchisement,
Progressive Ideology; You then change your title to say: Felon
Enfranchisement: Traditionalist Ideology) In a separate
paragraph, examine and explain which camp is winning, or has
won, the ideological war. (Note: Your two post must cover both
the Progressive and Traditionalist ideological stances on
different public issues).
Please, avoid personalizing (I believe that . . ., it is my view
that . . .) the discussion. Simply say: "Progressive would argue
that . . . or, From the Conservatives standpoint . . . or,
According to the Liberals . . . etc.
Here are a list of Public Issues:
Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage
Women in Combat Three Strikes and
You're Out Policy
Sex Education in Public Schools Stop and Frisk
Race and Ethnic Relations Stem Cell Research
Gender Relations Felon
Affirmative Action Anti-smoking laws
Immigration School desegregation
Freedom of Expression
Gun Ownership Flying While Arab
Patriot Act Conceal/Open and
Carry (of handguns)
Affordable Health Act
Public School Prayer
Social Welfare--Social Security
Social Welfare--Unemployment Insurance
Prostitution / Sex Work
Death Penalty
Week 3: Support and Empowerment of Employees
How does healthcare compare with other fields in markers, such
as employee empowerment and engagement? Investigating that
question is one purpose of your Module 2 Assignment, for
which you will interview three employees in different fields,
with one individual in healthcare. You will also consider the
theme of psychological safety, which you will explore in more
detail in Week 4.
As you begin your Assignment, reflect on your own experiences
and perceptions of a typical work environment within a
healthcare setting. As a nurse executive, you will have greater
influence over how the nurses you lead function within that
environment. Recall examples from the Learning Resources of
benefits when nurses are empowered and engaged. Consider
how you can use the information you gain through this
Assignment to develop your leadership skills, with the goal of
providing support that is constructively impactful for nurses,
patients, and a healthcare organization.
To Prepare:
· Choose and secure the agreement of three individuals you
know well (i.e., family and friends) to be interviewed on the
topics of employee empowerment, engagement, and
psychological safety in the workplace. One person you
interview must work in a healthcare setting.
· Review the Learning Resources on employee empowerment,
engagement, and psychological safety in the workplace.
Consider definitions that clarify these concepts and which you
can explain to your interview subjects in enlisting their
participation and guiding responses.
· Access and review the document Employee Interviews:
Guidelines and Questions, located in the Learning Resources,
for guidance on planning, conducting, analyzing, and comparing
the interview responses.
Note: You are required to submit the signature of each person
you interview to confirm the individual’s agreement to
participate. Fill in Page 1 of the Employee Interviews:
Guidelines and Questions document, print the page, and obtain
the signatures. (There is a place for all three signatures on Page
1.) Scan and submit Page 1 as a separate Word file with your
completed Assessment.
· Conduct a brief (20–30 minutes) phone or in-person interview
with each individual. Speak with each person separately so that
you have three sets of independent views to compare. Questions
to ask are provided in the Guidelines document. Note the
questions are repeated in a section for each interviewee. Take
notes in the document, or record the interviews with each
person’s permission.
· When you have completed all three interviews, review each
individual’s experiences and sense of empowerment,
engagement, and psychological safety at work. Compare and
contrast the responses with the goal of arriving at clear
conclusions on how the degree of employee empowerment,
engagement, and psychological safety influences job
performance, satisfaction, and morale.
· Compare the responses of the individual who works in
healthcare and your own experiences in professional practice in
healthcare to the responses of your interviewees working in
other areas. Consider conclusions you can make about employee
empowerment, engagement, and psychological safety in
healthcare compared with other professions.
· Consider quality care and safety issues in healthcare and the
relationship among psychological safety, employee
empowerment, and engagement as positive or negative factors.
· Consider strategies nurse executives can apply to improve or
enhance employee empowerment, engagement, and
psychological safety within healthcare settings.
Based on your three interviews and drawing on current
literature, and from the perspective of a nurse executive’s role
in supporting employee job performance and satisfaction, write
an analysis that addresses, in 4–5 pages, the following points:
· Describe the three employees you interviewed, including their
industries and job titles.
· Explain your working definitions of “employee empowerment”
and “employee engagement” that are the basis of the interviews.
· Summarize how the interviewees characterized the culture of
employee empowerment and engagement within their
· Analyze how employee empowerment and employee
engagement within healthcare organizations compare with other
· Explain your working definition of “psychological safety” that
is the basis of the interviews.
· Summarize how the interviewees characterized the presence,
absence, and/or degree of psychological safety within their
· Analyze how psychological safety within healthcare compares
with other industries.
· Analyze how degree of psychological safety, employee
empowerment, and engagement are positive or negative factors
for quality care and safety issues within healthcare.
· From the position of a nurse executive, explain at least two
leadership strategies you would recommend for actions to
improve or sustain psychological safety, employee
empowerment, and engagement within healthcare organizations.
Speak generally, or specifically, to your current healthcare
organization or one where you have worked in the past.
Asiri, S. A., Rohrer, W. W., Al-Surimi, K., Da’ar, O. O., &
Ahmed, A. (2016). The association of leadership styles and
empowerment with nurses’ organizational commitment in an
acute health care setting: A cross-sectional study. BMC
Nursing, 15(38), 1–10. doi:10.1186/s12912-016-0161-7
Choi, S. L., Goh, C. F., Adam, M. B. H., & Tan, O. K. (2016).
Transformational leadership, empowerment, and job
satisfaction: The mediating role of employee empowerment.
Human Resources for Health, 14(1), 73. doi:10.1186/s12960-
Laschinger, H. K. S., Wong, C. A., & Grau, A. L. (2013).
Authentic leadership, empowerment and burnout: A comparison
in new graduates and experienced nurses. Journal of Nursing
Management, 21(3), 541–552. doi:10.1111/j.1365-
Lee, A., Willis, S., & Tian, A. W. (2018, March). When
empowering employees works, and when it doesn’t. Harvard
Business Review. Retrieved from
O’Donovan, R., Ward, M., De Brún, A., & McAuliffe, E.
(2019). Safety culture in health care teams: A narrative review
of the literature. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(5), 871–
883. doi:10.1111/jonm.12740
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2017).
2017 Employee job satisfaction and engagement: The doors of
opportunity are open [Executive summary]. Retrieved from
Employee Interviews: Guidelines & Questions
Module 2 Assignment
Interviews on Employee Empowerment and Psychological
Planning and Arranging the Interviews
Identify three individuals to interview: one in healthcare and
two from other fields or industries (e.g., state/local government;
business). Choose family members and friends you know well
that will be comfortable answering honestly. Interview each
person separately, and plan for 20–30 minutes per interview.
Confirm that all answers will be confidential, and each person
will be identified by a pseudonym in the Assignment you
submit. Note: You must request each person’s signature to
confirm the interview. Fill in the information below, print out
Page 1, and obtain the signatures. Scan and submit Page 1 with
your completed Assignment.
Interviewee #1 Healthcare
Job Title
Years in Position
Relationship to You
Interviewee #2 (Industry)
Job Title
Years in Position
Relationship to You
Interviewee #3 (Industry)
Job Title
Years in Position
Relationship to You
Conducting the Interviews
There are five sets of questions, which are repeated below for
each interview. Also develop a working definition of “employee
empowerment” and “psychological safety,” based on your own
understanding, to anchor the interviews for you and to explain
to your interviewees, as needed. Take notes on each person’s
responses in the spaces on the right. If you record the
interviews, be sure to get each person’s permission before you
begin. You are still encouraged to take notes on the person’s
responses as a safeguard in case there is a problem with the
Interview #1 Healthcare
1. What does “empowerment” mean to you as an employee?
Note: Share your definition, as needed, and compare
1: Responses
2. Is autonomy in your job important to you? Why, or why not?
Can you provide examples of how you are able to exercise
autonomy in your job?
Can you provide examples of areas where you would like to
have additional autonomy but are constrained at this time?
2: Responses
3. Thinking about your organization (or department, unit):
Have you been asked for input/advice on organizational (or
department/unit) goals or processes?
– If yes, is it important to you to give your opinion on
organization-wide (department/unit) issues? Why, or why not?
– Can you give examples of how you have provided input, and
to what extent you felt your views were taken seriously, valued,
and acted upon? (Probe as needed to uncover meaning in the
– If no, would you like to be consulted? Why, or why not?
– (For both yes/no): Can you provide examples of input that you
would like to provide but feel constrained or inhibited to do so?
Why do you feel constrained?
3: Responses
4. How would you describe decision- making authority in your
Is it limited mainly to individuals at senior levels? Or are
decisions made at multiple organizational levels?
4: Responses
5. Do you feel comfortable making suggestions about:
– How work is done in your organization (department/unit)?
– The direction of the organization (department/unit)?
If you see a problem, are you comfortable pointing it out?
· If yes, what accounts for your comfort?
· If no, what accounts for your reluctance or holding back?
5: Responses
Interview #2 (Industry)
1. What does “empowerment” mean to you as an employee?
Note: Share your definition, as needed, and compare
1: Responses
2. Is autonomy in your job important to you? Why, or why not?
Can you provide examples of how you are able to exercise
autonomy in your job?
Can you provide examples of areas where you would like to
have additional autonomy but are constrained at this time?
2: Responses
3. Thinking about your organization (or department, unit):
Have you been asked for input/advice on organizational (or
department/unit) goals or processes?
– If yes, is it important to you to give your opinion on
organization-wide (department/unit) issues? Why, or why not?
– Can you give examples of how you have provided input, and
to what extent you felt your views were taken seriously, valued,
and acted upon? (Probe as needed to uncover meaning in the
– If no, would you like to be consulted? Why, or why not?
– (For both yes/no): Can you provide examples of input that you
would like to provide but feel constrained or inhibited to do so?
Why do you feel constrained?
3: Responses
4. How would you describe decision- making authority in your
Is it limited mainly to individuals at senior levels?
Or are decisions made at multiple organizational levels?
4: Responses
5. Do you feel comfortable making suggestions about:
– How work is done in your organization (department/unit)?
– The direction of the organization (department/unit)?
If you see a problem, are you comfortable pointing it out?
· If yes, what accounts for your comfort?
· If no, what accounts for your reluctance or holding back?
5: Responses
Interview #3 (Industry)
1. What does “empowerment” mean to you as an employee?
Note: Share your definition, as needed, and compare
1: Responses
2. Is autonomy in your job important to you? Why or why not?
Can you provide examples of how you are able to exercise
autonomy in your job?
Can you provide examples of areas where you would like to
have additional autonomy but are constrained at this time?
2: Responses
3. Thinking about your organization (or department, unit):
Have you been asked for input/advice on organizational (or
department/unit) goals or processes?
– If yes, is it important to you to give your opinion on
organization-wide (department/unit) issues? Why, or why not?
– Can you give examples of how you have provided input, and
to what extent you felt your views were taken seriously, valued,
and acted upon? (Probe as needed to uncover meaning in the
– If no, would you like to be consulted? Why, or why not?
– (For both yes/no): Can you provide examples of input that you
would like to provide but feel constrained or inhibited to do so?
Why do you feel constrained?
3: Responses
4. How would you describe decision- making authority in your
Is it limited mainly to individuals at senior levels?
Or are decisions made at multiple organizational levels?
4: Responses
5. Do you feel comfortable making suggestions about:
– How work is done in your organization (department/unit)?
– The direction of the organization (department/unit)?
If you see a problem, are you comfortable pointing it out?
· If yes, what accounts for your comfort?
· If no, what accounts for your reluctance or holding back?
5: Responses
Comparing and Analyzing the Interviews
When you have completed all three interviews, review each
individual’s responses and experiences, focusing particularly on
each interviewee’s sense of empowerment, engagement, and
psychological safety at work. Compare and contrast the
responses, with the goal of arriving at clear conclusions on how
degree of employee empowerment, engagement, and
psychological safety influences job performance, satisfaction,
and morale.
Compare and contrast the responses of the individual who works
in healthcare and your own experiences in professional practice
in healthcare to the responses of your interviewees working in
other areas. Consider conclusions you can make about employee
empowerment, engagement, and psychological safety in
healthcare compared with other professions.
Completing the Module 2 Assignment
In a separate Word document, write 4–5 pages to produce an
Interviews Summary and Analysis that includes the following:
· Describe the three employees you interviewed, including their
industries and job titles.
· Explain your working definitions of “employee empowerment”
and “employee engagement” that are the basis of the interviews.
· Summarize how the interviewees characterized the culture of
employee empowerment and engagement within their
· Analyze how employee empowerment and employee
engagement within healthcare organizations compare with other
· Explain your working definition of “psychological safety” that
is the basis of the interviews.
· Summarize how the interviewees characterized the presence,
absence, and/or degree of psychological safety within their
· Analyze how psychological safety within healthcare compares
with other industries.
· Analyze how degree of psychological safety, employee
empowerment, and engagement are positive or negative factors
for quality care and safety issues within healthcare.
· From the position of a nurse executive, explain at least two
leadership strategies you would recommend for actions to
improve or sustain psychological safety, employee
empowerment, and engagement within healthcare organizations.
Speak generally, or specifically, to your current healthcare
organization or one where you have worked in the past.
Final Submission
In two separate Word files:
· Interviews Summary and Analysis
· Interviewees Information and Confirmation Signatures (Page 1
from this document)
©2020 Walden University PAGE *

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  • 1. Sociology 1010 The point of this assignments is so that you learn and gain insights on how both the Progressives (Liberals) and the Traditionalists (Conservatives) see and reason about public issues. If you end up writing both your initial post and reply from (Progressive and Conservative on say Abortion) you are doing the wrong thing. The cultural war is being waged by 2 major camps-- Traditionalist (Conservatives) and Progressives (Liberals). For this assignment, I will like you to do the following: Step 1: Pick an ideological standpoint (say, Progressive), and post on 1 of the topics (say abortion) from the Progressive standpoint. (Your title: Progressive on Abortion). Please complete this step before doing anything else. Step 2: React to a post by a fellow student from the opposing standpoint. (Say the person wrote on: Felon Enfranchisement, Progressive Ideology; You then change your title to say: Felon Enfranchisement: Traditionalist Ideology) In a separate paragraph, examine and explain which camp is winning, or has won, the ideological war. (Note: Your two post must cover both the Progressive and Traditionalist ideological stances on different public issues). Please, avoid personalizing (I believe that . . ., it is my view that . . .) the discussion. Simply say: "Progressive would argue that . . . or, From the Conservatives standpoint . . . or, According to the Liberals . . . etc. Here are a list of Public Issues:
  • 2. Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage Women in Combat Three Strikes and You're Out Policy Sex Education in Public Schools Stop and Frisk Race and Ethnic Relations Stem Cell Research Gender Relations Felon Disenfranchisement Affirmative Action Anti-smoking laws Immigration School desegregation Freedom of Expression Abortion Gun Ownership Flying While Arab (profiling) Patriot Act Conceal/Open and Carry (of handguns) Affordable Health Act Public School Prayer Social Welfare--Social Security Social Welfare--Unemployment Insurance Prostitution / Sex Work Death Penalty Week 3: Support and Empowerment of Employees How does healthcare compare with other fields in markers, such as employee empowerment and engagement? Investigating that question is one purpose of your Module 2 Assignment, for which you will interview three employees in different fields, with one individual in healthcare. You will also consider the theme of psychological safety, which you will explore in more detail in Week 4. As you begin your Assignment, reflect on your own experiences and perceptions of a typical work environment within a
  • 3. healthcare setting. As a nurse executive, you will have greater influence over how the nurses you lead function within that environment. Recall examples from the Learning Resources of benefits when nurses are empowered and engaged. Consider how you can use the information you gain through this Assignment to develop your leadership skills, with the goal of providing support that is constructively impactful for nurses, patients, and a healthcare organization. To Prepare: · Choose and secure the agreement of three individuals you know well (i.e., family and friends) to be interviewed on the topics of employee empowerment, engagement, and psychological safety in the workplace. One person you interview must work in a healthcare setting. · Review the Learning Resources on employee empowerment, engagement, and psychological safety in the workplace. Consider definitions that clarify these concepts and which you can explain to your interview subjects in enlisting their participation and guiding responses. · Access and review the document Employee Interviews: Guidelines and Questions, located in the Learning Resources, for guidance on planning, conducting, analyzing, and comparing the interview responses. Note: You are required to submit the signature of each person you interview to confirm the individual’s agreement to participate. Fill in Page 1 of the Employee Interviews: Guidelines and Questions document, print the page, and obtain the signatures. (There is a place for all three signatures on Page 1.) Scan and submit Page 1 as a separate Word file with your completed Assessment. · Conduct a brief (20–30 minutes) phone or in-person interview with each individual. Speak with each person separately so that you have three sets of independent views to compare. Questions to ask are provided in the Guidelines document. Note the questions are repeated in a section for each interviewee. Take
  • 4. notes in the document, or record the interviews with each person’s permission. · When you have completed all three interviews, review each individual’s experiences and sense of empowerment, engagement, and psychological safety at work. Compare and contrast the responses with the goal of arriving at clear conclusions on how the degree of employee empowerment, engagement, and psychological safety influences job performance, satisfaction, and morale. · Compare the responses of the individual who works in healthcare and your own experiences in professional practice in healthcare to the responses of your interviewees working in other areas. Consider conclusions you can make about employee empowerment, engagement, and psychological safety in healthcare compared with other professions. · Consider quality care and safety issues in healthcare and the relationship among psychological safety, employee empowerment, and engagement as positive or negative factors. · Consider strategies nurse executives can apply to improve or enhance employee empowerment, engagement, and psychological safety within healthcare settings. Assignment: Based on your three interviews and drawing on current literature, and from the perspective of a nurse executive’s role in supporting employee job performance and satisfaction, write an analysis that addresses, in 4–5 pages, the following points: · Describe the three employees you interviewed, including their industries and job titles. · Explain your working definitions of “employee empowerment” and “employee engagement” that are the basis of the interviews. · Summarize how the interviewees characterized the culture of employee empowerment and engagement within their organizations. · Analyze how employee empowerment and employee engagement within healthcare organizations compare with other industries.
  • 5. · Explain your working definition of “psychological safety” that is the basis of the interviews. · Summarize how the interviewees characterized the presence, absence, and/or degree of psychological safety within their organizations. · Analyze how psychological safety within healthcare compares with other industries. · Analyze how degree of psychological safety, employee empowerment, and engagement are positive or negative factors for quality care and safety issues within healthcare. · From the position of a nurse executive, explain at least two leadership strategies you would recommend for actions to improve or sustain psychological safety, employee empowerment, and engagement within healthcare organizations. Speak generally, or specifically, to your current healthcare organization or one where you have worked in the past. REFERENCES: Asiri, S. A., Rohrer, W. W., Al-Surimi, K., Da’ar, O. O., & Ahmed, A. (2016). The association of leadership styles and empowerment with nurses’ organizational commitment in an acute health care setting: A cross-sectional study. BMC Nursing, 15(38), 1–10. doi:10.1186/s12912-016-0161-7 Choi, S. L., Goh, C. F., Adam, M. B. H., & Tan, O. K. (2016). Transformational leadership, empowerment, and job satisfaction: The mediating role of employee empowerment. Human Resources for Health, 14(1), 73. doi:10.1186/s12960- 016-0171-2 Laschinger, H. K. S., Wong, C. A., & Grau, A. L. (2013). Authentic leadership, empowerment and burnout: A comparison in new graduates and experienced nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 21(3), 541–552. doi:10.1111/j.1365- 2834.2012.01375.x
  • 6. Lee, A., Willis, S., & Tian, A. W. (2018, March). When empowering employees works, and when it doesn’t. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from empowering-employees-works-and-when-it-doesnt O’Donovan, R., Ward, M., De Brún, A., & McAuliffe, E. (2019). Safety culture in health care teams: A narrative review of the literature. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(5), 871– 883. doi:10.1111/jonm.12740 Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2017). 2017 Employee job satisfaction and engagement: The doors of opportunity are open [Executive summary]. Retrieved from and-surveys/Documents/2017-Employee-Job-Satisfaction-and- Engagement-Executive-Summary.pdf Employee Interviews: Guidelines & Questions Module 2 Assignment Interviews on Employee Empowerment and Psychological Safety
  • 7. Planning and Arranging the Interviews Identify three individuals to interview: one in healthcare and two from other fields or industries (e.g., state/local government; business). Choose family members and friends you know well that will be comfortable answering honestly. Interview each person separately, and plan for 20–30 minutes per interview. Confirm that all answers will be confidential, and each person will be identified by a pseudonym in the Assignment you submit. Note: You must request each person’s signature to confirm the interview. Fill in the information below, print out Page 1, and obtain the signatures. Scan and submit Page 1 with your completed Assignment. Interviewee #1 Healthcare Name Job Title Years in Position Relationship to You Signature: Interviewee #2 (Industry) Name Job Title Years in Position Relationship to You Signature: Interviewee #3 (Industry) Name Job Title Years in Position Relationship to You Signature: Conducting the Interviews There are five sets of questions, which are repeated below for each interview. Also develop a working definition of “employee empowerment” and “psychological safety,” based on your own understanding, to anchor the interviews for you and to explain to your interviewees, as needed. Take notes on each person’s
  • 8. responses in the spaces on the right. If you record the interviews, be sure to get each person’s permission before you begin. You are still encouraged to take notes on the person’s responses as a safeguard in case there is a problem with the recording. Questions Interview #1 Healthcare 1. What does “empowerment” mean to you as an employee? Note: Share your definition, as needed, and compare perspectives. 1: Responses 2. Is autonomy in your job important to you? Why, or why not? Can you provide examples of how you are able to exercise autonomy in your job? Can you provide examples of areas where you would like to have additional autonomy but are constrained at this time? 2: Responses 3. Thinking about your organization (or department, unit): Have you been asked for input/advice on organizational (or department/unit) goals or processes? – If yes, is it important to you to give your opinion on organization-wide (department/unit) issues? Why, or why not? – Can you give examples of how you have provided input, and to what extent you felt your views were taken seriously, valued, and acted upon? (Probe as needed to uncover meaning in the answers.) – If no, would you like to be consulted? Why, or why not? – (For both yes/no): Can you provide examples of input that you would like to provide but feel constrained or inhibited to do so?
  • 9. Why do you feel constrained? 3: Responses 4. How would you describe decision- making authority in your organization: Is it limited mainly to individuals at senior levels? Or are decisions made at multiple organizational levels? 4: Responses 5. Do you feel comfortable making suggestions about: – How work is done in your organization (department/unit)? – The direction of the organization (department/unit)? If you see a problem, are you comfortable pointing it out? · If yes, what accounts for your comfort? · If no, what accounts for your reluctance or holding back? 5: Responses Questions Interview #2 (Industry) 1. What does “empowerment” mean to you as an employee? Note: Share your definition, as needed, and compare perspectives. 1: Responses 2. Is autonomy in your job important to you? Why, or why not? Can you provide examples of how you are able to exercise autonomy in your job? Can you provide examples of areas where you would like to have additional autonomy but are constrained at this time?
  • 10. 2: Responses 3. Thinking about your organization (or department, unit): Have you been asked for input/advice on organizational (or department/unit) goals or processes? – If yes, is it important to you to give your opinion on organization-wide (department/unit) issues? Why, or why not? – Can you give examples of how you have provided input, and to what extent you felt your views were taken seriously, valued, and acted upon? (Probe as needed to uncover meaning in the answers.) – If no, would you like to be consulted? Why, or why not? – (For both yes/no): Can you provide examples of input that you would like to provide but feel constrained or inhibited to do so? Why do you feel constrained? 3: Responses 4. How would you describe decision- making authority in your organization? Is it limited mainly to individuals at senior levels? Or are decisions made at multiple organizational levels? 4: Responses 5. Do you feel comfortable making suggestions about: – How work is done in your organization (department/unit)?
  • 11. – The direction of the organization (department/unit)? If you see a problem, are you comfortable pointing it out? · If yes, what accounts for your comfort? · If no, what accounts for your reluctance or holding back? 5: Responses Questions Interview #3 (Industry) 1. What does “empowerment” mean to you as an employee? Note: Share your definition, as needed, and compare perspectives. 1: Responses 2. Is autonomy in your job important to you? Why or why not? Can you provide examples of how you are able to exercise autonomy in your job? Can you provide examples of areas where you would like to have additional autonomy but are constrained at this time? 2: Responses 3. Thinking about your organization (or department, unit): Have you been asked for input/advice on organizational (or
  • 12. department/unit) goals or processes? – If yes, is it important to you to give your opinion on organization-wide (department/unit) issues? Why, or why not? – Can you give examples of how you have provided input, and to what extent you felt your views were taken seriously, valued, and acted upon? (Probe as needed to uncover meaning in the answers.) – If no, would you like to be consulted? Why, or why not? – (For both yes/no): Can you provide examples of input that you would like to provide but feel constrained or inhibited to do so? Why do you feel constrained? 3: Responses 4. How would you describe decision- making authority in your organization? Is it limited mainly to individuals at senior levels? Or are decisions made at multiple organizational levels? 4: Responses 5. Do you feel comfortable making suggestions about: – How work is done in your organization (department/unit)? – The direction of the organization (department/unit)? If you see a problem, are you comfortable pointing it out? · If yes, what accounts for your comfort? · If no, what accounts for your reluctance or holding back?
  • 13. 5: Responses Comparing and Analyzing the Interviews When you have completed all three interviews, review each individual’s responses and experiences, focusing particularly on each interviewee’s sense of empowerment, engagement, and psychological safety at work. Compare and contrast the responses, with the goal of arriving at clear conclusions on how degree of employee empowerment, engagement, and psychological safety influences job performance, satisfaction, and morale. Compare and contrast the responses of the individual who works in healthcare and your own experiences in professional practice in healthcare to the responses of your interviewees working in other areas. Consider conclusions you can make about employee empowerment, engagement, and psychological safety in healthcare compared with other professions. Completing the Module 2 Assignment In a separate Word document, write 4–5 pages to produce an Interviews Summary and Analysis that includes the following: · Describe the three employees you interviewed, including their industries and job titles. · Explain your working definitions of “employee empowerment” and “employee engagement” that are the basis of the interviews. · Summarize how the interviewees characterized the culture of employee empowerment and engagement within their organizations. · Analyze how employee empowerment and employee engagement within healthcare organizations compare with other industries. · Explain your working definition of “psychological safety” that is the basis of the interviews.
  • 14. · Summarize how the interviewees characterized the presence, absence, and/or degree of psychological safety within their organizations. · Analyze how psychological safety within healthcare compares with other industries. · Analyze how degree of psychological safety, employee empowerment, and engagement are positive or negative factors for quality care and safety issues within healthcare. · From the position of a nurse executive, explain at least two leadership strategies you would recommend for actions to improve or sustain psychological safety, employee empowerment, and engagement within healthcare organizations. Speak generally, or specifically, to your current healthcare organization or one where you have worked in the past. Final Submission In two separate Word files: · Interviews Summary and Analysis · Interviewees Information and Confirmation Signatures (Page 1 from this document) ©2020 Walden University PAGE * MERGEFORMAT 4