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Project: Research Report and Group Presentation
Group Members
Teoh Jun Xiang – 0322099
Ow Xun Cong – 0321997
Brian Koh Jun Yan – 0322002
Chan Koon Qi– 0322000
Barbara Chang - 0322898
Session: Monday 10am – 12pm
Social Psychology [PSYC0103]
Foundation in Natural and Built Environment
Lecturer: Mr. Shankar
Submission Date: 7 Dec 2015
No. Title Page Number
1. Table of contents 1
2. Acknowledgements 2
3. Introduction 3
4. Method
a. Apparatus/Materials
b. Procedure
4 - 6
5. Discussion
a. Minutes of meeting
b. Roles of video and report
6. Plot 9-10
7. Script 11 - 15
8. Concepts, definition and application 16 - 22
9. References 23
10. Appendices 24 - 33
Firstly, we would like to express our gratitude to our lecturer, Mr. Shankar for
giving us the golden opportunity to conduct a psychology theory video for our Social
Psychology final project. In addition to that, we would like to thank Mr. Shankar for
guiding us throughout this final project and we really appreciate his kindness for
sending us the lecture notes to us as it was very helpful for our final project.
On the other hand, we are grateful and would like to extend our sincere
regards to all the participants that were involved in this filming. Throughout this
whole video, we would like to thank all our friends that were willingto help us as we
needed more people to conduct this video filming.
Besides, we would like to thank our group members for cooperating with each
other and working hard as a group to complete this project. We divided our jobs
equally and would like to thank all our group members for their contribution. Lastly,
we would like to thank Taylor’s University for allowing us to conduct this filming in the
campus throughout the whole project.
In this final project, we were required to produce a video clip which includes
five psychological concepts. We were encouraged to use concepts from various
topics taught and discussed in class. The purpose of conducting this assignment
was to promote the application of social psychology concepts through real life
situations. In addition to that, this assignment enhanced our creative thinking skills,
teamwork as well as other disciplines.
This project was divided into two parts. The first part of this project was
recording a video clip designated to incorporate the social psychological concepts
taught in class as well as to complete a written report. As for the second part, we had
to conduct a group presentation in class on the submission day.
In a group of 5 members, we decided to record our video in Taylor’s
University. This video revolves around Koon Qi’s lost phone and the drama which
arises from the situation. There are several concepts that can be found in this video.
These concepts are auto and manual processing, social loafing, belief in a just world,
false consensus, CORFing, altruistic model and self-serving attribution.
1. Canon DSLR Camera
2. Macbook Pro laptop
3. Red Myvi 2015 S.E. 1.5 Edition
4. Pencil Case
5. Backpacks
6. HUAWEI P8 smartphone
1. Confirming the concept and brainstorming about the storyline
A meeting was conducted to discuss about the concepts of the video. We discussed
on different concepts that everyone had suggested, and finally Teoh Jun Xiang, or
Teoh for short, selected 5 concepts. After that, everyone of us started to brainstorm
and came up with our own storyline. Next, we started to discuss on these storylines
and finally we decided to choose the idea that was proposed by Koon Qi. The story
is about Koon Qi losing her phone and how she found her phone. The concepts that
were used in this story were auto and manual processing,social-loafing, belief in a
just world, false consensus, CORFing, altruistic model, as well as self- serving
2. Screenwriting and planning the video
After we confirmed the storyline as well as the concepts, we started to plan our
video. Firstly, Koon Qi prepared a script by using her laptop. After, she was done
preparing, she posted it up on Facebook for everyone to choose their own character
roles. Therefore, we chose the character roles for ourselves, Koon Qi will be the
protagonist, Barbara will be the person who was sitting beside the protagonist, Teoh
will be the person who framed Barbara. Brian will be the “hero”, and last but not
least, Ow Xun Cong, or Ow for short,will be the social loafing guy. Moving on, Koon
Qi chose the venue to film our video as well as the apparatus that we need to bring
on shooting day. After confirming the settings as well as the apparatus, Teoh
announced the date as well as the timing for our video shoot.
3. Video Shoot
We gathered in front of the library after our Introduction to Design tutorial class. After
that, Koon Qi drove Teoh’s car and the video shoot begins while the other members
waited in front of Pizza Hut. Barbara called her friend to help our group with the
video shoot and we’ve spent around 5 hours to finish our video shoot.
4. Voice Over
A meeting was conducted to do the voice over for our video. We gathered in front of
library around 5pm on the 4th of December. After that, we found a classroom and
started to record our voices for the video clip. Koon Qi started to record her voice
first, followed by Barbara, Teoh, Brian and lastly, Ow. After completing the voice
over, we had a small group discussion about the presentation slides, project report
as well as the video clip.
5. Video clip, presentation slides and report
Teoh divided the tasks equally among the group members to ensure that the report
could be completed as soon as possible. Koon Qi will be the editor of the video
whereas Barbara, Teoh, Brian and Ow will complete the report. Barbara’s role was
also to produce the presentation slides. After we completed our individual parts of
the report, we posted it in our Facebook group and Teoh compiled all the work and
finalized the report.
1. Date: 20th November 2015
Time: 2.00PM – 5.00PM
Venue: Block D 4.11
Activity: Discussion of the script of the video
2. Date: 27TH November 2015
Time: 2.00PM – 6.00PM
Venue: Block E 5.08
Activity: Recording of the video and division of tasks for group report
3. Date : 5th December 2015
Time: 5.00PM – 7.00PM
Venue: Block D 5.06
Activity: Recording of voice audio
1. Chan Koon Qi : Acts as Protagonist and editing the video
2. Ow Xun Cong : Acts as Person D (social loafing guy)
3. Brian Koh Jun Yan : Acts as Person C (the “hero”)
4. Barbara Chang Huey Yi : Acts as Person A
5. Teoh Jun Xiang : Acts as Person B
1. Ow Xun Cong : Concepts, definition and application
2. Brian Koh Jun Yan : Acknowledgements, introductions, minutes of
meeting and roles for video and report
3. Barbara Chang Huey Yi : Method, procedure, plot and script
4. Teoh Jun Xiang : Concept, definition and application
On a very fine day, Koon Qi was driving to campus on her car as she
did every day, it was a very reciprocal experience that she was comfortable to
the state that she whispered and hummed along a song as she parked her
car. But only when she reached the parking lot, she discovered that it was
blocked by some cones. Being mildly annoyed, Koon Qi then had to double
think and park at another parking lot.
When Koon Qi was done parking her car, she alights quickly and did
not realize her phone actually slipped out of her pocket. Only when she
reached her class, that she realized the situation and she began to frantically
search for her phone. She shouted out and immediately everyone began to
look for her phone.
But different scenarios arose, Ow decided to just pretend to search for
the phone while everyone else is actually putting in effort to locate the device.
While Barbara thinks to herself that the protagonist must have done
something bad therefore deserves this punishment, while she did not
encounter such predicaments because she is a good person.
But Teoh, observing that Barbara was not assisting, immediately
accused her of stealing. Barbara instantly retorted back and an intense
quarrel boiled up. Other classmates were shocked by the news and quickly
made assumptions about her integrity.
Not willing to see his classmates go into discord, Brianwent into the
scene and calmed Barbara and Teoh down, in the meantime began to work
out solutions to resolve the situation.
The students called Koon Qi’s phone and it was through, so they
determined that it had to be somewhere else. Brian suggested checking
everyone’s bags afterwards just to be sure, then asked Koon Qi where she
last saw her phone.Koon Qi had a flashback and remembered that it was in
the car she last held it, and everyone immediately departed to the carpark.
Koon Qi opened the car door and finds the phone sitting on the
cushion, she laughed awkwardly while the others stared at her with disbelief.
Not wanting to be stared down further, she then defuses the situation by
blaming it on her loose pockets.
Character Roles
Chan Koon Qi (Protagonist)
Barbara Chang (Person sitting beside protagonist)
Teoh Jun Xiang(Framed Barbara)
Brian Koh (The ‘hero’)
Ow Xun Cong(Social loafing guy)
Friends of Brian Koh (Classmates)
Scene 1 (Auto and Manual processing)
Time : 2:30pm
Location : Parking Lot & Taylor’s Entrance
Actors : Koon Qi
Driving to Underground Parking Lot in a auto process.
Koon Qi: (Singing or humming along a song.)
Reach the entrance to underground parking lot and saw a cone blocking the
Koon Qi : Har? Cannot go in?
(cut to a scene with a ‘switch’ labeling auto and control, switch from auto to control.)
Koon Qi : Sigh, need to park behind.
Drive to the other parking lot
Scene 2
Time : 3:45pm
Location : Parking Lot & Classroom
Actors : Koon Qi
Get down the car and phone drop out of pocket. Camera focus on phone, title of
video come on screen, The Phone.
Koon Qihappily walking to class and walks in.
Koon Qi sits down and start chatting with a friend.
Koon Qi decide to check her phone.
Koon Qi realizes her phone is not in the pocket and she checks her bags frantically.
Scene 3 (Social Loafing, Belief in Just World, False Consensus)
Time : 4:00pm
Location : Classroom
Actors : Koon Qi, Barbara, Teoh, Ow
Koon Qi: [OMG… where did my phone went?] (shouts) Guys! My phone is gone!
Please help me look around!
Everyone looks for Koon Qi’s phone.
Ow looks around and sees everyone looking very hard for the phone.
Ow: [Haiya, everyone looking, I pretend pretend lah.] (Pretends to look)
Barbara : [Hah! She must have done something bad, that is why her phone got lost. I
am a good-hearted person that is why my phone did not get lost.] (Sits there and
does not help)
Teoh : [She is not helping, I bet she stole it!] (Looks around) [Hmm, I bet everyone
else think so too.] It’s her! She must have stolen the phone! (Points at Barbara)
Different scene of people going ‘oh’ or shock.
Koon Qiwas shock, camera move to Barbara.
Barbara: (Shouts angrily) WHAT?!
Scene 4(CORFing, Altruistic Model)
Time : 4:40pm
Location : Classroom
Actors : Koon Qi, Barbara, Teoh, Brian, Friends
Friends of Barbara : (Whispers) 1.Eh, I didn’t expect she will do this kind of things.
2.Yeah, we better not get too close to her anymore.
(Background :Barbara and Teoh arguing, Koon Qi is crying.)
Barbara: Eh! You don’t simply say okay? What prove do you have?
Teoh : Huh! I bet is because you are jealous of her expensive phone compare to her
cheap phone, that is why you stole it.
Brian : [OMG, this is chaos. I bet I can resolve this issue.]
Teoh : (About to retort)
Brian : (Cuts in) Woah woah woah woah, chill guys. This might be a
Scene cut to people around looking at each other and stepping back.
Brian : Instead of pointing fingers at each other, let’s work together and find the
phone, okay?
Barbara and Teoh: (Glare at each other and nod in agreement.)
Brian: Let’s call the phone to see if it’s anywhere in here or not. (Takes phone out
and call.)
Brian : Look, I can still reach the phone through call but there is no sound here. It’s
either silent or it’s somewhere else.
Brian : Maybe we should letKoon Qi check all of our bags, just in case, okay?
(Everyone nods in agreement.)
(Camera angle in the bag, Koon Qiopens the bag and search around it.)
Scene 5
Time : 5:20pm
Location : Classroom
Actors : Koon Qi, Brian
Koon Qi : No, I still couldn’t find it.
Brian : When was the last time you remember you put your phone at?
Koon Qi : (Thinks)
(Flashbackto Koon Qi got up car, checks phone and put it into her pocket)
Koon Qi : I think the last time I saw it is in my car.
Brian : Okay, lets all go check your car to see if it is in there, if it isn’t, we will report
to the management.
Koon Qi : Okay…
Scene 6(Self-serving attribution)
Time : 3:00pm
Location : Parking Lot
Actors : Koon Qi, Barbara, Teoh, Brian, Ow
Koon Qi : (Opens door and saw phone on the cushion.)
Koon Qi : (Takes phone and turn around saying) Erm… Guys… Sorry for the
commotion but it’s in my car. (Laughs awkwardly)
Everyone else: (Stares at her speechless.)
Koon Qi : Haiya, must be these pockets la. Too small that it made my phone slip out.
Everyone else: (Continue staring.) Cheh!Go go go, go makan lah. (Turns around and
walk off.)
Scene 1: Automatic and Controlled processing
The concept of automatic and controlled processing is observable in the first scene.
Koon Qi was making an intuitive decision to turn into the parking lot she frequently
uses but has to double think when she realised that it was closed.
a) Scene Description
Koon Qi was rather carefree and whistles along a song as she drove her car into the
parking lot she frequently uses, but when she discovered that the parking lot was
closed out, she had to think about alternatives as to where she can park her car.
b) Concept
The social psychology concept that can be found in this scene is auto and manual
processing. Automatic processing is a fast, intuitive and effortless decision that is
made through the amygdala and limbic system to help us deal with massive amounts
of everyday information. Manual processing, however, is a more careful and logical
process of thinking which requires more effort when a situation does not match our
c) Application
Koon Qi was accustomed to driving to the underground parking lot. Therefore, it is a
formed schema for her and as such, the process of thinking is automatic, quick and
intuitive. She even whistled to a melody as she is relaxed from having a repeating
experience. But when she discovered that the underground parking was closed, it
became an experience which does not match any of her schemas, therefore manual
processing kicks in, and she has to think more carefully and logically to decipher the
Scene 3: (Social Loafing, Belief in Just World, False Consensus)
The concept of social loafing can be identified in scene 3. When everybody was
putting in effort on searching for Koon Qi’s phone, Ow decides to goof around,
making the least of efforts to help.
i. Social Loafing
a) Scene description
Koon Qi yelled in shock when she found out that her phone was lost. Everyone in the
class instantly jumped into action to try and locate the lost phone for Koon Qi. Ow
examined the situation and determined that since everyone is already looking for her
phone, his efforts might not matter much to the search for Koon Qi’s phone as well,
so he just pretended to be looking for the phone.
b) Concept
Social loafing means that a person’s performance actually gets worse in the
presence of others as they would make less of an effort when in a group than they
would when they were attempting to achieve a goal by themselves. It usually
branches out from the feeling that the individual’s effort might to contribute to the
c) Application
The concept of social loafing can be identified in scene 3. When everybody is putting
in effort on searching for Koon Qi’s phone, Ow decides to goof around, making the
least of efforts to help. After determining that everybody in the room is already
putting in so much care and effort into searching for Koon Qi’s phone, Ow decided
that his personal efforts might not serve any purpose into the search for the prize,
and even if he did the credit might not be given to himself. Therefore, he decided to
just pretend to be searching for it.
ii. Belief in a Just World
a) Scene Description
This concept is defined when Barbara thought to herself that Koon Qi lost her phone
because she had done something bad. Therefore, she was punished. Barbara on the
other hand still keeps her phone because she is a good person.
b) Concept
Belief in a just world is a cognitive bias in which that a person believes that good
things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. It serves as a
protective function for one and allows them to blame others misfortunes on them
instead of circumstances.
c) Application
Realizing that Koon Qi had lost her phone, Barbara sat at her desk looking at her
laptop and did not help. She believed that Koon Qi had lost her phone because of
some inherently bad things she had done prior to this. In addition to that, Barbara
believed that she had been a good person and therefore, she will not face such
misfortunes. This concept is defined when Barbara thought to herself that Koon Qi
lost her phone because she had done something bad and therefore, Koon Qi was
iii. False Consensus
a) Scene Desciption
False consensus can be found when Teoh identified that Barbara was the thief as
she was not helping in the search for Koon Qi’s phone. Moreover, he immediately
thought that everyone in the same room shared the same idea and he did not think
twice to point fingers at Barbara.
b) Concept
False consensus is the tendency in which we overestimate the people who think or
act as we do, it sometimes serves a self - protective function and might be reinforced
by the company we keep.
c) Application
Teoh immediately made a conclusion that Barbara must have stolen the phone as
she did not help to locate the missing device. After looking around at everybody for a
moment, he jumped into conclusion that his thought of Barbara being the thief was
shared by the majority of the class, and he immediately accused Barbara for being
Scene 4: CORFING and Altruistic Model
i. CORFing
The fifth concept is evident in the fourth scene, when things started to go out of
hand. Students started to gossip about who stole the phone and a bitter argument
arose among two students.
a) Scene Description
After Teoh accused Barbara of stealing the phone, Barbara’s friend started to
whisper to each other. The first friend, Aameer whispered that he didn’t expect that
Barbara would steal her friend’s phone and commit a theft. The other friend agreed
to Aameer’s statement and suggested that they stay as far away as possible from
Barbara as they were afraid that Barbara’s bad reputation as a thief may affect their
good reputation as well.
b) Concept
The social psychological concept present in this short scene is CORFing. CORFing
stands for “Cutting Off Reflective Failure”. This concept states that a person will
distance himself or herself from others who have failed or behaved badly. People
tend to dissociate themselves from someone who may be considered a failure as it
may have a negative impact on their self-esteem, reputation, or self-image.
c) Application
After Barbara was accused as the thief who stole the phone, her reputation among
her friends declined as stealing is considered something that is shameful and
unethical. As such, her friends decided that they will stay as far as possible from her
to avoid any negative evaluations by the other classmates in relation to Barbara who
was believed to behave badly. This action is evident by the act of whispering to limit
the hearing of speech by Barbara as they do not want their conversation to be
overheard. As such, Aameer and Melvyn were distancing themselves from her as
they were not willing to share the information with Barbara. CORFing was evident as
the closer the identification to Barbara, the greater the risk that Aameer and Melvyn
will suffer in terms of self-esteem as the other classmates will see them in a different
perspective as well.
ii. Altruistic model
The sixth concept is also evident in the fourth scene, when Brian witnessed Teoh
and Barbara quarrelling over who stole the phone and Koon Qi being utterly
depressed as there was no solution to the problem.
a) Scene Description
After Teoh accused Barbara of stealing the phone, Barbara was upset and infuriated
and she defended herself by asking Teoh whether he had any proof. Teoh simply
said that Barbara was most likely to steal the phone as she may be jealous over the
newly bought phone. Koon Qi, on the other hand, was very worried as there was
nobody who could help her find the phone. Seeing this, Brian who was kind-hearted
thought to himself that he should lend Koon Qi a hand. As they were classmates,
Brian wanted to help Koon Qi solve her problems and worries. As such, he willingly
resolved the conflict and prompted his classmates to look for the phone together.
b) Concept
The social psychological concept present in this short scene is the altruistic model.
This concept argues that some behaviour are done for selfless reasons. People
often help others as they are motivated by the desire to increase one’s welfare and
to end his or her sufferings. Batson claimed that the reasons behind some helpful
actions are indeed altruistic. This means that although the society in this modern era
is becoming increasingly selfish and materialistic, there are some who will help
others wholeheartedly without expecting any reward.
c) Application
After observing the bitter argument between Teoh and Barbara and also the worried
looks of Koon Qi, Brian who was kind-hearted consciously thought that he should
lend help to his classmate who was desperately in need of help. This was because
he wanted to end the suffering of his dear friend Koon Qi. Brian did not have any
selfish intentions when he was lending his help to Koon Qi and this statement can be
justified by Brian’s monologue. He specifically thought to himself that he should try
his best to help his friend in need as they are classmates and they should care for
each other. Moreover, Brian encouraged his classmates to come to their senses and
look for the phone as a team.
Scene 6: Self-serving attribution
The seventh concept can be found in the sixth scene, when Koon Qi’s friends
accompanied her to her car to check whether the phone was in her car. After
realising that the phone was indeed in her car, Koon Qi who was embarrassed
apologized and claimed that it was not her fault that the phone fell out of her pocket.
a) Scene description
After Brian asked Koon Qi to recall when was the last time she saw her phone, Koon
Qi recalled that the last time she checked her phone was at the moment when she
stood out of her car. As such, Brian asked her to bring their classmates to her car to
clarify it. After opening the car door, Koon Qi saw her phone lying peacefully on the
car seat. Embarrassed, Koon Qi turned and apologized to her friends for the entire
trouble. However, she put the blame on her pocket and not herself by stating that the
pocket was too loose which caused the phone to slip out and fall onto the car seat.
b) Concept
According to the self-serving attribution concept, people tend to make positive
attributions that allow them to see themselves in the best possible light. We tend to
make external attributions for negative outcomes and internal attributions for positive
outcomes. In other words, we take credit for success but we don’t take responsibility
for failure.
c) Application
After realising that the phone was indeed in her car, Koon Qi felt embarrassed that it
was because of her clumsiness that caused all the commotion in the class. In this
case, the situation in which she lost her phone can be regarded as a “failure” or
unfavourable situation. As such, she made external attributions for the negative
outcome and blamed the surroundings for causing the trouble. Therefore, she
blamed her loose pocket which caused her phone to slip out of it so that she would
not bear any responsibility for all the trouble she caused.
Author Unknown. (2015). Controlled And Automatic Processing. Retrieved
December 4, 2015, from
Andre, C. (2015). The Just World Theory. Retrieved December 4, 2015, from Santa
Clara University’s website:
Ashley, B. (2012, April 16). BIRGing and CORFing or What It Means To Be A Sports
Fan In The Modern Era. Retrieved December 4, 2015, from
Posten, M. (2014, March 11). Basking in Glory and Cutting Off Failure. Retrieved
December 4, 2015, from
Video Scenes
Scene 1
The protagonist, Koon Qi driving her car into Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus.
Koon Qi’s car arriving at the underground car park.
Scene 2
Koon Qi getting down her car after she parked it in another parking space.
“The Phone”, which is the title of the video, is shown on the screen.
Koon Qi chatting with her friend in class.
Koon Qi checking her bag frantically afterrealising that her phone was not in her pocket.
Scene 3
Koon Qi pleading her classmates to look for her lost phone.
Ow (Person D) pretending to look for Koon Qi’s lost phone.
Barbara (Person A) did not help as she thought that Koon Qi lost her phone due to her
own misbehaviours.
Teoh (Person B) thinking to himself that Barbara stole the phone.
Scene 4
Barbara’s friends, Aameer and Melvyn, gossiping about the incident.
Teoh and Barbara quarrelling about who stole the phone.
Brian (Person C) assessing the situation and wanted to help Koon Qi.
Brian resolved the argument and discussed with the classmates on how to locate the
Scene 5
The classmates decided to go to the car park to search for Koon Qi’s phone in her car.
Scene 6
Koon Qi opened the car door and noticed her phone on the car seat.
Koon Qi’s classmates were speechless when they realised that the phone was actually in
her car.
Koon Qi blamed her loose pocket for the entire commotion.
Apparatus and materials
Taylor’s Universityundergroundcar park Taylor’s UniversityZone H car park
Taylor’s Universityclassroom
Red Myvi S.E. 1.5 HUAWEI P8 smartphone

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Social psychology finalised report

  • 1. Project: Research Report and Group Presentation Group Members Teoh Jun Xiang – 0322099 Ow Xun Cong – 0321997 Brian Koh Jun Yan – 0322002 Chan Koon Qi– 0322000 Barbara Chang - 0322898 Session: Monday 10am – 12pm Social Psychology [PSYC0103] Foundation in Natural and Built Environment Lecturer: Mr. Shankar Submission Date: 7 Dec 2015
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS No. Title Page Number 1. Table of contents 1 2. Acknowledgements 2 3. Introduction 3 4. Method a. Apparatus/Materials b. Procedure 4 4 - 6 5. Discussion a. Minutes of meeting b. Roles of video and report 7 8 6. Plot 9-10 7. Script 11 - 15 8. Concepts, definition and application 16 - 22 9. References 23 10. Appendices 24 - 33
  • 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, we would like to express our gratitude to our lecturer, Mr. Shankar for giving us the golden opportunity to conduct a psychology theory video for our Social Psychology final project. In addition to that, we would like to thank Mr. Shankar for guiding us throughout this final project and we really appreciate his kindness for sending us the lecture notes to us as it was very helpful for our final project. On the other hand, we are grateful and would like to extend our sincere regards to all the participants that were involved in this filming. Throughout this whole video, we would like to thank all our friends that were willingto help us as we needed more people to conduct this video filming. Besides, we would like to thank our group members for cooperating with each other and working hard as a group to complete this project. We divided our jobs equally and would like to thank all our group members for their contribution. Lastly, we would like to thank Taylor’s University for allowing us to conduct this filming in the campus throughout the whole project.
  • 4. INTRODUCTION In this final project, we were required to produce a video clip which includes five psychological concepts. We were encouraged to use concepts from various topics taught and discussed in class. The purpose of conducting this assignment was to promote the application of social psychology concepts through real life situations. In addition to that, this assignment enhanced our creative thinking skills, teamwork as well as other disciplines. This project was divided into two parts. The first part of this project was recording a video clip designated to incorporate the social psychological concepts taught in class as well as to complete a written report. As for the second part, we had to conduct a group presentation in class on the submission day. In a group of 5 members, we decided to record our video in Taylor’s University. This video revolves around Koon Qi’s lost phone and the drama which arises from the situation. There are several concepts that can be found in this video. These concepts are auto and manual processing, social loafing, belief in a just world, false consensus, CORFing, altruistic model and self-serving attribution.
  • 5. Method Apparatus/Materials 1. Canon DSLR Camera 2. Macbook Pro laptop 3. Red Myvi 2015 S.E. 1.5 Edition 4. Pencil Case 5. Backpacks 6. HUAWEI P8 smartphone Procedure 1. Confirming the concept and brainstorming about the storyline A meeting was conducted to discuss about the concepts of the video. We discussed on different concepts that everyone had suggested, and finally Teoh Jun Xiang, or Teoh for short, selected 5 concepts. After that, everyone of us started to brainstorm and came up with our own storyline. Next, we started to discuss on these storylines and finally we decided to choose the idea that was proposed by Koon Qi. The story is about Koon Qi losing her phone and how she found her phone. The concepts that were used in this story were auto and manual processing,social-loafing, belief in a just world, false consensus, CORFing, altruistic model, as well as self- serving attribution. 2. Screenwriting and planning the video After we confirmed the storyline as well as the concepts, we started to plan our video. Firstly, Koon Qi prepared a script by using her laptop. After, she was done preparing, she posted it up on Facebook for everyone to choose their own character
  • 6. roles. Therefore, we chose the character roles for ourselves, Koon Qi will be the protagonist, Barbara will be the person who was sitting beside the protagonist, Teoh will be the person who framed Barbara. Brian will be the “hero”, and last but not least, Ow Xun Cong, or Ow for short,will be the social loafing guy. Moving on, Koon Qi chose the venue to film our video as well as the apparatus that we need to bring on shooting day. After confirming the settings as well as the apparatus, Teoh announced the date as well as the timing for our video shoot. 3. Video Shoot We gathered in front of the library after our Introduction to Design tutorial class. After that, Koon Qi drove Teoh’s car and the video shoot begins while the other members waited in front of Pizza Hut. Barbara called her friend to help our group with the video shoot and we’ve spent around 5 hours to finish our video shoot. 4. Voice Over A meeting was conducted to do the voice over for our video. We gathered in front of library around 5pm on the 4th of December. After that, we found a classroom and started to record our voices for the video clip. Koon Qi started to record her voice first, followed by Barbara, Teoh, Brian and lastly, Ow. After completing the voice over, we had a small group discussion about the presentation slides, project report as well as the video clip. 5. Video clip, presentation slides and report Teoh divided the tasks equally among the group members to ensure that the report could be completed as soon as possible. Koon Qi will be the editor of the video
  • 7. whereas Barbara, Teoh, Brian and Ow will complete the report. Barbara’s role was also to produce the presentation slides. After we completed our individual parts of the report, we posted it in our Facebook group and Teoh compiled all the work and finalized the report.
  • 8. MINUTES OF MEETING 1. Date: 20th November 2015 Time: 2.00PM – 5.00PM Venue: Block D 4.11 Activity: Discussion of the script of the video 2. Date: 27TH November 2015 Time: 2.00PM – 6.00PM Venue: Block E 5.08 Activity: Recording of the video and division of tasks for group report 3. Date : 5th December 2015 Time: 5.00PM – 7.00PM Venue: Block D 5.06 Activity: Recording of voice audio
  • 9. ROLES OF VIDEO & REPORT Video 1. Chan Koon Qi : Acts as Protagonist and editing the video 2. Ow Xun Cong : Acts as Person D (social loafing guy) 3. Brian Koh Jun Yan : Acts as Person C (the “hero”) 4. Barbara Chang Huey Yi : Acts as Person A 5. Teoh Jun Xiang : Acts as Person B Report 1. Ow Xun Cong : Concepts, definition and application 2. Brian Koh Jun Yan : Acknowledgements, introductions, minutes of meeting and roles for video and report 3. Barbara Chang Huey Yi : Method, procedure, plot and script 4. Teoh Jun Xiang : Concept, definition and application
  • 10. PLOT On a very fine day, Koon Qi was driving to campus on her car as she did every day, it was a very reciprocal experience that she was comfortable to the state that she whispered and hummed along a song as she parked her car. But only when she reached the parking lot, she discovered that it was blocked by some cones. Being mildly annoyed, Koon Qi then had to double think and park at another parking lot. When Koon Qi was done parking her car, she alights quickly and did not realize her phone actually slipped out of her pocket. Only when she reached her class, that she realized the situation and she began to frantically search for her phone. She shouted out and immediately everyone began to look for her phone. But different scenarios arose, Ow decided to just pretend to search for the phone while everyone else is actually putting in effort to locate the device. While Barbara thinks to herself that the protagonist must have done something bad therefore deserves this punishment, while she did not encounter such predicaments because she is a good person. But Teoh, observing that Barbara was not assisting, immediately accused her of stealing. Barbara instantly retorted back and an intense quarrel boiled up. Other classmates were shocked by the news and quickly made assumptions about her integrity.
  • 11. Not willing to see his classmates go into discord, Brianwent into the scene and calmed Barbara and Teoh down, in the meantime began to work out solutions to resolve the situation. The students called Koon Qi’s phone and it was through, so they determined that it had to be somewhere else. Brian suggested checking everyone’s bags afterwards just to be sure, then asked Koon Qi where she last saw her phone.Koon Qi had a flashback and remembered that it was in the car she last held it, and everyone immediately departed to the carpark. Koon Qi opened the car door and finds the phone sitting on the cushion, she laughed awkwardly while the others stared at her with disbelief. Not wanting to be stared down further, she then defuses the situation by blaming it on her loose pockets.
  • 12. SCRIPT Character Roles Chan Koon Qi (Protagonist) Barbara Chang (Person sitting beside protagonist) Teoh Jun Xiang(Framed Barbara) Brian Koh (The ‘hero’) Ow Xun Cong(Social loafing guy) Friends of Brian Koh (Classmates) Scene 1 (Auto and Manual processing) Time : 2:30pm Location : Parking Lot & Taylor’s Entrance Actors : Koon Qi Driving to Underground Parking Lot in a auto process. Koon Qi: (Singing or humming along a song.) Reach the entrance to underground parking lot and saw a cone blocking the entrance. Koon Qi : Har? Cannot go in? (cut to a scene with a ‘switch’ labeling auto and control, switch from auto to control.) Koon Qi : Sigh, need to park behind. Drive to the other parking lot
  • 13. Scene 2 Time : 3:45pm Location : Parking Lot & Classroom Actors : Koon Qi Get down the car and phone drop out of pocket. Camera focus on phone, title of video come on screen, The Phone. Koon Qihappily walking to class and walks in. Koon Qi sits down and start chatting with a friend. Koon Qi decide to check her phone. Koon Qi realizes her phone is not in the pocket and she checks her bags frantically. Scene 3 (Social Loafing, Belief in Just World, False Consensus) Time : 4:00pm Location : Classroom Actors : Koon Qi, Barbara, Teoh, Ow Koon Qi: [OMG… where did my phone went?] (shouts) Guys! My phone is gone! Please help me look around! Everyone looks for Koon Qi’s phone. Ow looks around and sees everyone looking very hard for the phone. Ow: [Haiya, everyone looking, I pretend pretend lah.] (Pretends to look) Barbara : [Hah! She must have done something bad, that is why her phone got lost. I am a good-hearted person that is why my phone did not get lost.] (Sits there and does not help)
  • 14. Teoh : [She is not helping, I bet she stole it!] (Looks around) [Hmm, I bet everyone else think so too.] It’s her! She must have stolen the phone! (Points at Barbara) Different scene of people going ‘oh’ or shock. Koon Qiwas shock, camera move to Barbara. Barbara: (Shouts angrily) WHAT?! Scene 4(CORFing, Altruistic Model) Time : 4:40pm Location : Classroom Actors : Koon Qi, Barbara, Teoh, Brian, Friends Friends of Barbara : (Whispers) 1.Eh, I didn’t expect she will do this kind of things. 2.Yeah, we better not get too close to her anymore. (Background :Barbara and Teoh arguing, Koon Qi is crying.) Barbara: Eh! You don’t simply say okay? What prove do you have? Teoh : Huh! I bet is because you are jealous of her expensive phone compare to her cheap phone, that is why you stole it. Brian : [OMG, this is chaos. I bet I can resolve this issue.] Teoh : (About to retort) Brian : (Cuts in) Woah woah woah woah, chill guys. This might be a misunderstanding. Scene cut to people around looking at each other and stepping back. Brian : Instead of pointing fingers at each other, let’s work together and find the phone, okay? Barbara and Teoh: (Glare at each other and nod in agreement.)
  • 15. Brian: Let’s call the phone to see if it’s anywhere in here or not. (Takes phone out and call.) Brian : Look, I can still reach the phone through call but there is no sound here. It’s either silent or it’s somewhere else. Brian : Maybe we should letKoon Qi check all of our bags, just in case, okay? (Everyone nods in agreement.) (Camera angle in the bag, Koon Qiopens the bag and search around it.) Scene 5 Time : 5:20pm Location : Classroom Actors : Koon Qi, Brian Koon Qi : No, I still couldn’t find it. Brian : When was the last time you remember you put your phone at? Koon Qi : (Thinks) (Flashbackto Koon Qi got up car, checks phone and put it into her pocket) Koon Qi : I think the last time I saw it is in my car. Brian : Okay, lets all go check your car to see if it is in there, if it isn’t, we will report to the management. Koon Qi : Okay…
  • 16. Scene 6(Self-serving attribution) Time : 3:00pm Location : Parking Lot Actors : Koon Qi, Barbara, Teoh, Brian, Ow Koon Qi : (Opens door and saw phone on the cushion.) Koon Qi : (Takes phone and turn around saying) Erm… Guys… Sorry for the commotion but it’s in my car. (Laughs awkwardly) Everyone else: (Stares at her speechless.) Koon Qi : Haiya, must be these pockets la. Too small that it made my phone slip out. Everyone else: (Continue staring.) Cheh!Go go go, go makan lah. (Turns around and walk off.)
  • 17. CONCEPTS, DEFINITION AND APPLICATION Scene 1: Automatic and Controlled processing The concept of automatic and controlled processing is observable in the first scene. Koon Qi was making an intuitive decision to turn into the parking lot she frequently uses but has to double think when she realised that it was closed. a) Scene Description Koon Qi was rather carefree and whistles along a song as she drove her car into the parking lot she frequently uses, but when she discovered that the parking lot was closed out, she had to think about alternatives as to where she can park her car. b) Concept The social psychology concept that can be found in this scene is auto and manual processing. Automatic processing is a fast, intuitive and effortless decision that is made through the amygdala and limbic system to help us deal with massive amounts of everyday information. Manual processing, however, is a more careful and logical process of thinking which requires more effort when a situation does not match our schemas. c) Application Koon Qi was accustomed to driving to the underground parking lot. Therefore, it is a formed schema for her and as such, the process of thinking is automatic, quick and intuitive. She even whistled to a melody as she is relaxed from having a repeating experience. But when she discovered that the underground parking was closed, it became an experience which does not match any of her schemas, therefore manual processing kicks in, and she has to think more carefully and logically to decipher the situation.
  • 18. Scene 3: (Social Loafing, Belief in Just World, False Consensus) The concept of social loafing can be identified in scene 3. When everybody was putting in effort on searching for Koon Qi’s phone, Ow decides to goof around, making the least of efforts to help. i. Social Loafing a) Scene description Koon Qi yelled in shock when she found out that her phone was lost. Everyone in the class instantly jumped into action to try and locate the lost phone for Koon Qi. Ow examined the situation and determined that since everyone is already looking for her phone, his efforts might not matter much to the search for Koon Qi’s phone as well, so he just pretended to be looking for the phone. b) Concept Social loafing means that a person’s performance actually gets worse in the presence of others as they would make less of an effort when in a group than they would when they were attempting to achieve a goal by themselves. It usually branches out from the feeling that the individual’s effort might to contribute to the group. c) Application The concept of social loafing can be identified in scene 3. When everybody is putting in effort on searching for Koon Qi’s phone, Ow decides to goof around, making the least of efforts to help. After determining that everybody in the room is already putting in so much care and effort into searching for Koon Qi’s phone, Ow decided that his personal efforts might not serve any purpose into the search for the prize, and even if he did the credit might not be given to himself. Therefore, he decided to just pretend to be searching for it.
  • 19. ii. Belief in a Just World a) Scene Description This concept is defined when Barbara thought to herself that Koon Qi lost her phone because she had done something bad. Therefore, she was punished. Barbara on the other hand still keeps her phone because she is a good person. b) Concept Belief in a just world is a cognitive bias in which that a person believes that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. It serves as a protective function for one and allows them to blame others misfortunes on them instead of circumstances. c) Application Realizing that Koon Qi had lost her phone, Barbara sat at her desk looking at her laptop and did not help. She believed that Koon Qi had lost her phone because of some inherently bad things she had done prior to this. In addition to that, Barbara believed that she had been a good person and therefore, she will not face such misfortunes. This concept is defined when Barbara thought to herself that Koon Qi lost her phone because she had done something bad and therefore, Koon Qi was punished.
  • 20. iii. False Consensus a) Scene Desciption False consensus can be found when Teoh identified that Barbara was the thief as she was not helping in the search for Koon Qi’s phone. Moreover, he immediately thought that everyone in the same room shared the same idea and he did not think twice to point fingers at Barbara. b) Concept False consensus is the tendency in which we overestimate the people who think or act as we do, it sometimes serves a self - protective function and might be reinforced by the company we keep. c) Application Teoh immediately made a conclusion that Barbara must have stolen the phone as she did not help to locate the missing device. After looking around at everybody for a moment, he jumped into conclusion that his thought of Barbara being the thief was shared by the majority of the class, and he immediately accused Barbara for being dishonest.
  • 21. Scene 4: CORFING and Altruistic Model i. CORFing The fifth concept is evident in the fourth scene, when things started to go out of hand. Students started to gossip about who stole the phone and a bitter argument arose among two students. a) Scene Description After Teoh accused Barbara of stealing the phone, Barbara’s friend started to whisper to each other. The first friend, Aameer whispered that he didn’t expect that Barbara would steal her friend’s phone and commit a theft. The other friend agreed to Aameer’s statement and suggested that they stay as far away as possible from Barbara as they were afraid that Barbara’s bad reputation as a thief may affect their good reputation as well. b) Concept The social psychological concept present in this short scene is CORFing. CORFing stands for “Cutting Off Reflective Failure”. This concept states that a person will distance himself or herself from others who have failed or behaved badly. People tend to dissociate themselves from someone who may be considered a failure as it may have a negative impact on their self-esteem, reputation, or self-image. c) Application After Barbara was accused as the thief who stole the phone, her reputation among her friends declined as stealing is considered something that is shameful and unethical. As such, her friends decided that they will stay as far as possible from her to avoid any negative evaluations by the other classmates in relation to Barbara who was believed to behave badly. This action is evident by the act of whispering to limit the hearing of speech by Barbara as they do not want their conversation to be overheard. As such, Aameer and Melvyn were distancing themselves from her as they were not willing to share the information with Barbara. CORFing was evident as the closer the identification to Barbara, the greater the risk that Aameer and Melvyn will suffer in terms of self-esteem as the other classmates will see them in a different perspective as well.
  • 22. ii. Altruistic model The sixth concept is also evident in the fourth scene, when Brian witnessed Teoh and Barbara quarrelling over who stole the phone and Koon Qi being utterly depressed as there was no solution to the problem. a) Scene Description After Teoh accused Barbara of stealing the phone, Barbara was upset and infuriated and she defended herself by asking Teoh whether he had any proof. Teoh simply said that Barbara was most likely to steal the phone as she may be jealous over the newly bought phone. Koon Qi, on the other hand, was very worried as there was nobody who could help her find the phone. Seeing this, Brian who was kind-hearted thought to himself that he should lend Koon Qi a hand. As they were classmates, Brian wanted to help Koon Qi solve her problems and worries. As such, he willingly resolved the conflict and prompted his classmates to look for the phone together. b) Concept The social psychological concept present in this short scene is the altruistic model. This concept argues that some behaviour are done for selfless reasons. People often help others as they are motivated by the desire to increase one’s welfare and to end his or her sufferings. Batson claimed that the reasons behind some helpful actions are indeed altruistic. This means that although the society in this modern era is becoming increasingly selfish and materialistic, there are some who will help others wholeheartedly without expecting any reward. c) Application After observing the bitter argument between Teoh and Barbara and also the worried looks of Koon Qi, Brian who was kind-hearted consciously thought that he should lend help to his classmate who was desperately in need of help. This was because he wanted to end the suffering of his dear friend Koon Qi. Brian did not have any selfish intentions when he was lending his help to Koon Qi and this statement can be justified by Brian’s monologue. He specifically thought to himself that he should try his best to help his friend in need as they are classmates and they should care for each other. Moreover, Brian encouraged his classmates to come to their senses and look for the phone as a team.
  • 23. Scene 6: Self-serving attribution The seventh concept can be found in the sixth scene, when Koon Qi’s friends accompanied her to her car to check whether the phone was in her car. After realising that the phone was indeed in her car, Koon Qi who was embarrassed apologized and claimed that it was not her fault that the phone fell out of her pocket. a) Scene description After Brian asked Koon Qi to recall when was the last time she saw her phone, Koon Qi recalled that the last time she checked her phone was at the moment when she stood out of her car. As such, Brian asked her to bring their classmates to her car to clarify it. After opening the car door, Koon Qi saw her phone lying peacefully on the car seat. Embarrassed, Koon Qi turned and apologized to her friends for the entire trouble. However, she put the blame on her pocket and not herself by stating that the pocket was too loose which caused the phone to slip out and fall onto the car seat. b) Concept According to the self-serving attribution concept, people tend to make positive attributions that allow them to see themselves in the best possible light. We tend to make external attributions for negative outcomes and internal attributions for positive outcomes. In other words, we take credit for success but we don’t take responsibility for failure. c) Application After realising that the phone was indeed in her car, Koon Qi felt embarrassed that it was because of her clumsiness that caused all the commotion in the class. In this case, the situation in which she lost her phone can be regarded as a “failure” or unfavourable situation. As such, she made external attributions for the negative outcome and blamed the surroundings for causing the trouble. Therefore, she blamed her loose pocket which caused her phone to slip out of it so that she would not bear any responsibility for all the trouble she caused.
  • 24. REFERENCES Author Unknown. (2015). Controlled And Automatic Processing. Retrieved December 4, 2015, from Andre, C. (2015). The Just World Theory. Retrieved December 4, 2015, from Santa Clara University’s website: Ashley, B. (2012, April 16). BIRGing and CORFing or What It Means To Be A Sports Fan In The Modern Era. Retrieved December 4, 2015, from what-it-means-to-be-a-sports-fan-in-the-modern Posten, M. (2014, March 11). Basking in Glory and Cutting Off Failure. Retrieved December 4, 2015, from
  • 25. APPENDICES Video Scenes Scene 1 The protagonist, Koon Qi driving her car into Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus. Koon Qi’s car arriving at the underground car park.
  • 26. Scene 2 Koon Qi getting down her car after she parked it in another parking space. “The Phone”, which is the title of the video, is shown on the screen.
  • 27. Koon Qi chatting with her friend in class. Koon Qi checking her bag frantically afterrealising that her phone was not in her pocket.
  • 28. Scene 3 Koon Qi pleading her classmates to look for her lost phone. Ow (Person D) pretending to look for Koon Qi’s lost phone.
  • 29. Barbara (Person A) did not help as she thought that Koon Qi lost her phone due to her own misbehaviours. Teoh (Person B) thinking to himself that Barbara stole the phone.
  • 30. Scene 4 Barbara’s friends, Aameer and Melvyn, gossiping about the incident. Teoh and Barbara quarrelling about who stole the phone.
  • 31. Brian (Person C) assessing the situation and wanted to help Koon Qi. Brian resolved the argument and discussed with the classmates on how to locate the phone.
  • 32. Scene 5 The classmates decided to go to the car park to search for Koon Qi’s phone in her car. Scene 6 Koon Qi opened the car door and noticed her phone on the car seat.
  • 33. Koon Qi’s classmates were speechless when they realised that the phone was actually in her car. Koon Qi blamed her loose pocket for the entire commotion.
  • 34. Setting Apparatus and materials Taylor’s Universityundergroundcar park Taylor’s UniversityZone H car park Taylor’s Universityclassroom Red Myvi S.E. 1.5 HUAWEI P8 smartphone