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My	Personal	Brand-@Blakebango	
Social	Media	Strategy	
Blake	Manganiello
Table	of	Contents	
1.  Execu?ve	Summary,	May	2017	
2.  Social	Media	Audit	
a.  Social	Media	Assessment,	May	2017	
b.  Audience	Demographics	Assessment	
c.  Compe?tor	Assessment	
3.  Social	Media	Objec?ves	
4.  Online	Brand	Persona	and	Voice	
5.  Strategies	and	Tools	
6.  Timing	and	Key	Dates	
7.  Social	Media	Roles	and	Responsibili?es	
8.  Social	Media	Policy	
9.  Cri?cal	Response	Plan	
10.  Measurement	and	Repor?ng	Results,	May	1-May	27,	2017
Execu?ve	Summary	
The	major	social	media	priori?es	for	my	brand	in	2017	is	to	grow	my	online	following.	
My	primary	focus	will	be	to	increase	the	amount	of	views	that	my	pages	get	and	the	amount	of	
followers	that	my	pages	have	by	increasing	the	number	of	posts	I	have	per	week.	
Two	major	social	strategies:	
1.  	Increase	the	number	of	content	posted	on	social	profiles	
2.  Reach	out	to	more	age	demographics.
Social	Media	Audit	
URL	 Follower	
Average	Weekly	
Facebook	 hYps://
25	 5	posts	per	week	 648%	
TwiYer	 hYps://
42	 1	Tweet	per	week	 6.10%	
819	 2	posts	per	month	 average
interactions per
Social	Media	Assessment	
Data	as	of	May	27,	2017	
Social	Media	Assessment:	
As	of	May	27,	2017,	the	highest	interac?ons	per	post	happens	on	Facebook.	This	is	
due	to	an	overwhelmingly	small	amount	of	likes	and	a	very	high	engagement	on	one	
post.	There	are	the	least	amount	of	interac?ons	on	TwiYer,	while	Instagram	runs	
second	although	it	is	has	the	highest	follower	count.	
The	following	is	an	audit	of	my	personal	brand,	Blake	Manganiello	and	my	social	media	
presence.	This	includes	an	assessment	of	all	social	networks	my	brand	uses,	audience	
demographics,	and	a	compe?tor	analysis.
Audience	Demographics	Assessment	
0%									0-17	 25%		Female	 60%	
out	the	
videos	that	
are	made.	
out	swim	
results	that	
are	posted.		
100%		18-24	 75%						Male	 30%	TwiYer	 40%	
0%											25+	 10%	
20%	TwiYer	
Audience	Demographics	Summary:	
All	of	the	visitors	to	my	page	are	in	the	18-24	age	group.	3	out	of	4	people	that	
view	the	site	are	Males	and	they	primarily	use	Instagram.	The	primary	reasons	
for	looking	at	my	brand	is	to	see	the	videos	that	I	post.	I	need	to	further	develop	
and	become	more	ac?ve	on	my	Facebook	and	TwiYer	pages.
Website	Traffic	Sources	Assessment	
•  Unfortunately	at	the	?ming	of	this	report	my	personal	brand	does	not	have	a	website.	I	feel	
that	it	is	in	my	best	interest	to	grow	my	personal	brand	before	I	make	a	website.	Once	I	have	
a	big	enough	fan	base	and	following,	I	can	launch	a	website	that	will	have	enough	unique	
visits	to	make	it	worthwhile.
Compe?tor	Assessment	
CompeAtor	Name	 Social	Media	Profile		 Strengths		 Weaknesses	
MaY	Pearce	 TwiYer:	
Interacts	well	with	his	
fan	base.	Most	of	the	
?me	that	he	is	twee?ng,	
he	is	interac?ng	with	
Doesn’t	post	frequently.	
Has	posted	less	than	10	
?mes	in	the	past	month	
What	The	Flick	 Facebook:	@whaYheflick	 Posts	videos	mul?ple	
?mes	a	week.	Lots	of	
different	videos	that	are	
Low	engagement	rate	
with	the	amount	fo	
people	that	view	their	
videos.	Typically	only	get	
between	100-200	views	
per	video	while	
suppor?ng	a	fan	base	of	
Raindance	Film	Fes?val	 Instagram:	
Posts	lots	of	relevant	
content	quite	frequently.	
Very	low	engagement	
rate.	Doesn't’t	get	many	
likes	on	interac?ons	on	
CompeAtor	Assessment	Summary:	
The	compe?tors	assessment	focuses	on	three	compe?tors	that	focus	on	pos?ng	videos	and	are	film	
makers.	They	were	all	very	good	in	their	respec?ve	social	media	account	at	pos?ng	oien	and	
relevant	content.	They	mostly	all	had	fairly	low	engagement	rates	on	their	accounts.	If	they	
improved	their	engagement	rate,	their	accounts	would	perform	much	beYer.
Social	Media	ObjecAves	
During	the	rest	of	2017,	the	primary	focus	of	my	social	media	strategy	will	be	to	grow	my	brand	
and	build	a	stronger	following	and	community	around	To	do	this,	I	will	have	to	have	constant	
ac?vity	on	social	media	by	pos?ng	content	that	is	relevant	to	my	brand.		
Some	specific	objecAves	include:		
1.  Reach	300	Facebook	page	likes	in	6	months	
2.  Reach	300	TwiYer	followers	in	3	months	
3.  Post	at	least	once	a	day	on	Facebook	and	TwiYer	
1.  Number	of	Facebook	Page	Likes	
2.  Number	of	TwiYer	followers	
3.  Number	of	Instagram	Followers	
4.  Number	of	posts	weekly	to	Facebook	
and	TwiYer	
Key	Messages		
1.  Insanely	fun	videos	
2.  The	inside	scoop	on	the	daily	life
Online	Brand	Persona	and	Voice	
AdjecAves	that	describe	my	brand:	
•  Fun	
•  Silly		
•  Clever	
When	interacAng	with	fans,	I	am:	
•  Quick	
•  Delighlul
Strategies	and	Tools	
Paid	strategies:	
Boost	Facebook	page	every	month	for	the	first	6	months	in	order	to	gain	a	strong	ini?al	
following.	If	a	post	performs	overwhelmingly	well,	boost	the	post	2	weeks	aier	its	ini?al	pos?ng.	
Other	Strategies:	
Post	videos	with	people	that	have	strong	social	media	followings	and	have	them	post	the	video.	
Example:	Video	with	Olympic	Gold	Medalist	Caeleb	Dressel	(45.5k	Instagram	followers,	10.2k	
TwiYer	followers)	that	he	reposts	and	tags	my	brand	in	drives	traffic	to	my	social	media	sites.		
•  Buffer	
•  Hootsuite	
ExisAng	SubscripAons	
•  Adobe	Premiere	Pro
Timing	and	Key	Dates	
•  Holiday	Dates:	
•  4th	of	July	
•  Christmas		
•  Thanksgiving	
•  Labor	Day	weekend	
ReporAng	Dates	
Repor?ng	will	be	done	the	first	of	every	month.
Social	Media	Roles	and	Responsibili?es	
•  While	my	brand	is	s?ll	small,	I	will	be	running	everything	to	do	with	my	brand	from	the	Social	
Media	posts	to	the	marke?ng	of	the	posts.	Once	the	brand	is	bigger,	I	can	then	think	about	
having	someone	help	if	the	workload	becomes	too	great.
Social	Media	Policy	
Social	media	is	what	drives	my	brand.	Without	social	media,	I	would	have	no	brand	and	I	would	
have	no	way	to	grow	my	brand	so	people	can	see	what	I	am	doing.	As	the	sole	marketer	and	
provider	of	content,	it	is	my	responsibility	to	follow	all	of	the	simple	guidelines	that	I	have	made:	
•  Don’t	post	anything	offensive	
•  Be	polite	to	fans	
•  Don’t	hurt	the	brand		
•  Don’t	be	stupid	
As	I	am	represen?ng	my	own	personal	brand,	anything	nega?ve	that	I	do	will	poorly	represent	
me	and	my	brand.	I	know	that	as	a	growing	brand,	anything	nega?ve	that	I	do	could	be	fatal	to	
the	growth	of	my	brand	and	prevent	me	from	reaching	a	prominent	size.
Cri?cal	Response	Plan	
Scenario	1-	Video	is	posted	that	is	found	to	be	offensive	
AcAon	Plan		
1.  When	the	first	person	complains	about	the	video	
1.  Look	into	the	video	that	was	posted	
2.  Contact	the	person	
2.  Aier	mul?ple	people	complain	about	video	
1.  Take	down	video	
3.  Apologize	through	social	media	accounts	
4.  Directly	apologize	to	those	that	complained	
Pre-approved	messaging:	
TwiUer	&	Facebook:	“I	am	sorry	to	anyone	who	was	offended	by	my	latest	video.	Your	
input	is	very	valuable	to	me	and	I	will	do	my	best	to	make	sure	this	doesn’t	happen	
again	in	the	future.”	(Sent	out	through	mul?ple	tweets	on	TwiYer)
Scenario	2-	Offensive	Tweet	sent	out	by	me	on	@blakebango	account	(or	if	
AcAon	Plan		
1.  When	the	tweet	is	first	complained	about	
1.  Delete	Tweet	
2.  Contact	the	person	and	apologize		
2.  In	the	case	of	hacked	account	
1.  Get	access	back	to	account	
2.  Immediately	delete	all	tweets	that	I	did	not	send		
3.  Apologize	through	a	Tweet	
4.  Directly	contact	and	apologize	those	offended		
Pre-approved	messaging:	
•  No	pre-approved	messaging	
–  Message	would	change	depending	on	context	of	tweet
Measurement	and	Repor?ng	Results		
QuanAtaAve	KPIs	
Repor?ng	Period:	1	month	
Data	as	of	May	27,	2017.	
Website	Traffic	Sources	Assessment	
My	personal	brand	s?ll	does	not	have	a	website	at	the	point	of	this	assessment.	In	another	few	
months,	once	my	social	media	presence	has	grown,	a	website	will	be	made.	
Social	Network	Data	
Timeframe:	as	of	May	27,	2017
Social	Network	Data	
Timeframe:	as	of	May	27,	2017	
Social	Network	 URL	 Follower	Count	 Average	
+9%	growth	
7	posts	per	week	
+14%	increase	
+1000%	growth	
5	posts	per	week	
No	increase		
+9%	growth	
1	post	per	week	
+50%	increase	
interac?ons	per	
•  In	the	past	month,	the	Facebook	page	was	launched,	meaning	that	the	growth	was	
from	0.	TwiYer	and	Instagram	both	had	the	same	amount	of	growth,	although	
Instagram	had	much	more	followers	gained	because	of	a	bigger	fan	base	to	begin	
•  The	amounts	of	weekly	ac?vity	increased	on	all	3	plalorms.	It	increased	the	the	
most	on	TwiYer.	I	went	from	pos?ng	1	?me	to	week	to	an	average	of	7	?mes.	
Facebook	stayed	the	same	because	it	was	only	created	in	this	month.	Instagram	
doubled	the	amount	of	pos?ngs.	
•  The	pages	do	fairly	well	on	engagement	rates.	The	engagement	rates	on	Facebook	
are	unrealis?c	to	keep	up	but	on	TwiYer	they	can	be	improved.
QualitaAve	KPIs	
SenAment	Analysis	
An	analysis	of	all	of	my	Facebook,	TwiYer,	and	Instagram	posts	revealed:	
•  A	rela?vely	high	engagement	rate	between	fans	and	my	posts.	
•  Pos?ng	too	many	?mes	in	one	day	actually	drove	down	the	engagement	rate	
Proposed	AcAon	Items	
•  Post	more	oien	on	Facebook	
•  Keep	an	ac?ve	social	media	pos?ng	on	TwiYer	
•  Create	a	website	to	drive	traffic	
•  Involve	more	people	with	high	social	media	followings	in	my	brand.

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Build applications with generative AI on Google Cloud
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Building a Quantum Computer Neutral Atom.pdf
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Social media strategy