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Prepared by Jose Sanchez

                      Success Measurement process after launching a Social Media campaign

                                       A. Previous considerations
                                       B. What is Social Media Measurement?
                                       C. Terms and Concepts
                                       D. Benefits of Social Media Measurement
                                       E. How do we measure Social Media?
                                          E.1.Follow goals
                                          E.2.Choose key metrics
                                          E.3.Choose tracking and monitoring tools
                                          E.4.Tracking and monitoring using Dashboards
                                       F. Costs
                                       G. Reliability
                                       H. Examples of success
                                       I. Appendix

   A. Previous considerations
          This is the success measure and return of investment analysis (ROI) for after launching a social media
            campaign. It may also serve to measure social media efforts that are not part of specific programs (i.e. A
            Twitter account expand the company’s online presence).
          A continuous, interactive process that ensures quantitative and qualitative success in any phase of a
            campaign should also be created and applied by communications/Marketing teams.
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

   B. What is Social Media Measurement?

      As of October 2009, social media measurement is immature. It is the objective tracking, monitoring, collecting,
      measurement, reporting and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, generated by participants, to optimize the
      use of social media tools, services and tactics. Social Media measurement is complementary to web analytics and
      it should be done in an ongoing way and after launching a campaign.

   C. Terms and concepts

      Social media: Media and content designed to be distributed through social interaction. Social media supports the
      human need for social communication, using web-based technologies to transform traditional media monologues
      (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). Social media can take many different forms, including
      Internet forums, blogs, wikis (Wikipedia, Wikia), podcasts, content-sharing (YouTube, SlideShare), content-
      comments, email, instant messaging (MSN, Facebook Chat), social bookmarking (Digg, Del.i.cious), RSS Feeds,
      virtual worlds (Second Life, SmallWorlds).

      Social media metrics or indicators of participant behaviour vary with each technology. As of October 2009, these
      are some of the most commonly used. Their definitions were written taking into account a wide variety of sources.

             Link-back: Method for to obtain notifications when other users link to one of their documents. This enables
              administrators to keep track of who is referring to their articles. The three methods (Refback, Trackback, and
              Pingback) differ in how they accomplish this task.
             Viral seeding: Is the viral-equivalent of media buying in mainstream advertising. In this case, much of the
              placement on key websites is provided for free.

              There are several primary routes in seeding. Different desired results might require different approaches.

                    o Natural viral seeding placement: This is placing the video into targeted and relevant blogs,
                      sites, aggregators, portals and social networks (i.e. Youtube, Facebook). The goal here is to
                      obviously get people watching. Administrator should also be part of the commenting process and
                      have a dialog with participants.
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

                    o Key influencer Outreach: In each area of interest, there are outspoken key influencers, who
                      most often run blogs. Message to them 1:1 and make them feel special, exclusive by offering a
                      sneak peek of the content before it hits other media. They will “break the story” and help start the
                    o Media placement: This is paying for advertisement within key influencer portals, community sites,
                      newsletters, etc. This is more similar to a traditional media strategy but in can be more targeted
                      and efficient..
                    o Email Notification: If there is a targeted email list available, sending a relevant message is
                      welcomed by the recipient. It should not be considered spam.

             Click-Through Rate (CTR): Click-through rate or CTR is a way of measuring the success of an online
              advertising campaign. A CTR is obtained by dividing the number of users who clicked on an ad on a web
              page by the number of times the ad was delivered (impressions). For example, if a banner ad was delivered
              100 times (impressions delivered) and one person clicked on it (clicks recorded), then the resulting CTR
              would be 1 percent.
             Page impression: A page view (PV) or page impression is a request to load a single page of an Internet
             User profile: Is a collection of personal data associated to a specific user. A profile refers therefore to the
              explicit digital representation of a person's identity.
             Network growth: Number of members or participants in a specific social media service.
             Post: Entry on a bulletin board system, Internet forum or message board, blog, or other discussion forum. It
              takes different names and forms depending of each technology: Tweet (Twitter), wall post (Facebook),
              forum post (forums), etc.
             Status update: Allows users to inform their friends of their current whereabouts, actions, or thoughts (i.e.
              "Billy visited Jen," "Sam called Jen" and "Matt dated Jen").
             Social Bookmarking / Link sharing: Method for Internet users to share, organize, search, and manage
              bookmarks of web resources. Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves aren't shared, merely bookmarks
              that reference them.
             File sharing: Practice of making files available for other users to download over the Internet and smaller
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

             Repost: Sharing a post with their followers or other kinds or contacts. Retweet (RT) is Twitter’s name for
             Content response: Method to upload public content related to a specific previous entry (i.e. Comments,
              comment replies, YouTube video responses).
             Direct Message: As opposed to posts, comments, ratings or other public content entries, direct messaging
              allows participants to send content in a private way. It’s a method featured on social networks such as
              Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and MySpace.
             Like / Favourite / Agree-Disagree: Method for internet users to express their sentiment on a specific piece
              of content.
             Rating: Method for internet users to evaluate a specific piece of content. It is usually expressed through
              more than two choices.
             Sentiment analysis: Aims to determine the attitude of a participant with respect to some topic. The key to
              accurate sentiment analysis is accurate text analysis.
             Online research methods: Are related to existing research methodologies but re-invent and re-imagine
              them in the light of new technologies associated with the internet. Some of the most popular are:
                     o Interviews: Similar to face to face interviews. It mainly focuses on the conduct of one-to-one
                        exchanges as opposed to one-to-many exchanges (i.e. via chat technology, via email).
                     o Surveys: Serve to collect quantitative information about variables in a population.
                     o Focus groups: A moderator invites pre-screened, qualified respondents who represent the target
                        of interest to log on to conferencing software at a pre-arranged time and to take part in an online
                        focus group. Online focus groups are appropriate for research.

             Tag: Non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to a piece of information (such as an internet bookmark,
              digital image or a blog entry). Tags are chosen personally by the item's creator or by its viewer, depending
              on the system.
             Feed aggregator views: Page views loaded through applications that aggregate syndicated web content,
              such as news headlines, blog updates and podcasts in a single location for easy viewing (i.e. Google
              Reader, NetVibes).
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

             RSS: (a.k.a. "Really Simple Syndication") is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated
              works in a standard way, like feed aggregators. It benefits publishers by letting them syndicate content
              automatically. They benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favourite websites.
             Following (Twitter): Following someone on Twitter means aggregating a tweeter’s updates in your personal
              timeline. Followers are people who receive tweets.
             Social Mention: A way to measure every time a specific word or combination of words is used in social
              media websites
             Widget: Element of a graphical user interface that displays an information arrangement changeable by the
              user, such as a window or a text box. The defining characteristic of a widget is to provide a single interaction
              point for the direct manipulation of a given kind of data.
             Badge: Small image used on websites to promote standards, products, personal views or to indicate a
              specific content license that is applied to the content or design of a website.
             Dashboard: A matrix that allows registering all key performance indicators data from a campaign (see
              appendix 2).

   D. Benefits of Social Media measurement

      Just like a static website, a social media tactic is not a goal but a tool when engaging with a specific audience.
       Social Media metrics are a report on your performance when engaging participants online.

      For instance, Social Media measurement helps you determine how effectively you're meeting your communications
       and business objectives by telling:

                    Who the participants are, who participates and why they do it.
                    What the participants interests are. What they are saying and what is their preferred method of
                    If they are aware, interested, engaged or if they want to collaborate with specific initiatives.
                    If the tactic has improved the service/product.
                    How the content can fill people’s needs.
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

      In terms of promotion, Return of Investment (ROI) could be considerably higher than with traditional media. Here is
       an example:
                  Goal: To receive 200 more calls in the company’s info-line.
                  Scenario A: $2,000,000 is invested on a traditional media campaign
                  Scenario B: $500 is invested on Facebook and Google ads
                               o Approximately 80% of Canadians use Facebook
                               o Facebook ads clients can pay per clicks - you only pay for the ad when people click on
                                  the link

      Once specific audiences are engaged, communications and marketing strategies would be more efficient and
       promotion costs would be reduced in the long term.

   E. How do we measure Social Media?

       The success measurement strategy should be applied after social media tactics are launched for ongoing and
       further optimization. Here is a list of suggested steps in a relatively intuitive process:

       Follow goals: Communications/marketing team should define the objective, the kind of relationship it wants to
       build with specific audiences and set clear and realistic communications goals (i.e. To raise awareness among
       Toronto youth about the risks of unprotected sexual relations by 15%; To increase by 20% the website’s RSS

       Choose key metrics: Communications/marketing team should outline a social strategy and insight to achieve
       goals. Key metrics must be identified in order to describe performance and the value derived from social media
       efforts. Each social media tool offers a wide variety of metrics that reveal different participant attitudes.

       Metrics can be classified into three categories that respond to different goals or stages of your objectives. The
       more specific the goal is, the easier it is to measure.

                    Web content:
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

                           o Questions: Was the social media tactic popular among the target audience? How did they get
                             to the social media tool’s page?
                           o Metrics: web analytics, traffic, page views, unique visitors, etc.

                    Audience:
                       o Questions: Who is our audience? Is it growing? Where do they come from? How are individual
                          profiles? What are the larger audience trends?
                       o Metrics: User profiles, surveys, application forms, user I.P.

                    Participation metrics
                        o There are numerous metrics, they indicate different levels of participation and answer to
                            different goals. Here is a suggested list of them, ordered by levels, possible goals and
                            attitudes. It may change or evolve as different technologies are incorporated or abandoned.

                       Participation Participation       Underlying           Metrics
                       category      level / goal        attitude
                       Inactive      Unaware             Audience doesn’t        Total potential social media
                                                         don’t know of your         audience for your campaign
                       Exposure          Spectate        Audience                CTR generated by first generation
                                                         experiences content        seeded/paid placements
                                                         created by you          Unique profile and page
                                                                                 Web analytics
                                         Appreciate      Audience values         Social bookmarking statistics
                                                         the content that you       (Diggs)
                                                         create or share.        Votes
                                                         Audience respects       Recommends, likes
                                                         your contributions      User ratings
                                                         or debates              Qualitative research interviews
                                                                                 Dynamic Logic surveys
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

                                                                                Brand (Ministry/Services)
                                                                                 mentions, public servant’s names
                                                                                Repeat profile and page
                                    Collect           Audience                  Number of times your content is
                                                      bookmarks your             favourited
                                                      content locally and       Types of tags created by people
                                                      online, subscribes        Number of saves to Social
                                                      to your feeds or           Bookmarking sites
                                                      downloads files you       RSS subscribers
                                                      share                     Number of file views/downloads
                                                                                 (Podcast, Vodcast, PDF or jpeg
                                                                                Number of Feed aggregator
                                                                                Twitter followers
                       Engagement   Active Interest   Audience                  Fans, Friends & Follower
                                                      participates: posts        numbers
                                                      Twitter replies and       Positive/Sentiment tracking
                                                      talks about you,          Content tone
                                                      clicks the links you      Content emotions, share of voice
                                                      share, comments           Daily Volume of mentions
                                                      on your website or        Wall/Blog Posts
                                                      external ones,            Comments
                                                      mentions you in the       @replies to tweets
                                                      course their online       Discussions
                                                      activity                  URL shortening reports
                                    Share assets      Participants share        Blog reposts, ReTweets, Tumblr
                                                      your content by            reposts
                                                      republishing on           Links shared to social feeds
                                                      different other            (Facebook, Tweeter, FriendFeed)
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

                                            websites, use your         Widget embeds
                                            content and ideas          Badges used on profiles
                                            to add value to their      Alexa or Technorati ratings of
                                            network                     external sites featuring your
                                                                        generated assets
                                                                       CTR generated by shared/passed
                                                                        on placements
                           Public dialogue We exchange                 Number and sentiment of
                                           content via profiles,        spontaneous public messages
                                           websites, feeds,            Official forum threads
                                           etc.                        Live Discussion subsequent posts
                                                                       Video Responses created
                                                                       Blog Post responses created
                           Private          We exchange                Direct Messages
                           dialogue         private email, IMs,        E-Mails
                                            DMs                        Panel research
                                                                       Surveys
                                                                       Interviews
                                                                       Focus groups
                                                                       Customer service activities
                           Advocacy         Participants               Perception shifts
                                            encourage following        Conversion uplift
                                            & getting involved         Network growth
                                            with you.                  Voluteering increase
                                            encourage people
                                            to buy your
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

                       Collaboration   Investment    We share wins         Partnerships created

      Choose tracking and monitoring tools:
            Communications/marketing team may track and monitor social media campaigns in-house or an external
               company could be paid to do it (See appendix 1.b.).
            If done in-house, tracking and monitoring tools should receive key metrics data, it should be further
               analyzed and determine if goals are being reached.
            Different tools serve to measure specific metrics (appendix 1). As new tools are created, new
               measurement instrument may also arise.

      Tracking and monitoring using Dashboards:
             Communications/marketing team may collect outgoing data can be collected using a suggested
               Conversation Impact Dashboard (see appendix 3). Dashboard should include participation levels
               according to goals and key metrics to measure them
             It is useful to create timelines to reasonably measure the ongoing progress of the campaign.

            Outcome analysis. A series of questions should be answered by the comm.unications/marketing team:
                  o What is the impact of the social media tactic? Did it add the expected value?
                  o Is it helping to achieve the company’s business objectives in a more efficient way?
                          How much did the comm.unications/marketing team invest in this tactic (staff, technology)?
                          How much would it have cost to achieve the same goal through other means?
                  o If goals have not been met, why is it? How can the strategy be improved?
            Follow up and redesign strategy

   F. Costs
         Social media promotion is low-cost compared to traditional media
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

                  The knowledge and talent in using the free tools however is not
                  If the comm.unications/marketing team wants live analysis of the performance it would need to pay for the
                   technology, get skilled staff or train the existing one to do it
                  Social media is effective to reach targeted audiences. Since approximately 4 out of every 5 Ontarians use
                   Social Networks, the opportunities for promotion are countless and could be designed according to the
                   ministry’s specific strategies.

      G. Reliability
             Most raw data comes right from standard sources, hence it’s considered to be reliable
             Tracking and monitoring tools are used by respected organizations and companies (i.e. P&G, Pepsi and
                Coca-Cola, among others.)

      H. Measuring success examples
            Campaign results for War Child Canada1
                   i. Objectives: Generate awareness and engagement for War Child Canada; establish a War Child
                      presence in Social Media; and drive donations.
                  ii. Specific tactics: Viral video, campaign website, Facebook page, blogger relations, Twitter network
                      and newsroom.
                 iii. Each tactic had its own specific goals, effects and metrics
                 iv. Results:
                         o Delivered a 38% increase in donations and 300 new volunteers
                         o War Child’s website traffic was increased by 60%
                         o 17,000 blog referrals, 38 Twitter mentions that influenced over 10,000 members and 200 new
                             Facebook members
                         o War Child’s message was picked from the internet and published by Canada’s mainstream
                             media outlets (CBC, Toronto Star, Globe & Mail, National Post)

    "War Child: Social Media and ROI” SlideShare. 2009. 11 Oct. 2009.
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

                           o Although specific investment numbers were not revealed, War Child informed that the
                             campaign’s costs would have been considerably higher if they had paid for media placements

   I. Recommendations
         The comm.unications/marketing team should turn measurement into a key part of their long term
           communications strategies.
         Comm.unications/marketing teams should consider the possibility of including social media success
           measurement as part of its staff main duties

   J. Appendix

             1) Tracking and monitoring tools:
                a. Free tools usually provide simple metrics data. Here are some examples for each suggested metric.

                           , (CTR, Page views, page impressions, profile
                               impressions, visitors location)
                           , (social bookmarking, diggs)
                              Surveys widget box (Votes)
                           ,,,, (brand
                               mentions, locations names)
                            (links from Twitter to your site)
                            (links to your site)
                            (RSS subscriptions, feed aggregator views)
                            (video analytics)
                            (photo views)
                            (subscribers)
                           , (Dashboards, Mashups)
                            (comparative traffic)
                           ,, (comments from different platforms, including
                               YoutTube, Flickr, Blogger and Digg)
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

                            (PageRank, Backlinks, Indexed Pages)

                 b. Paid tools interpret, build dashboards and sometimes provide analysis of the data. They also trytry to
                    measure other qualitative elements such as tone, sentiment, emotions, etc. Examples:

                            (Social media)
                            (social media)
                            (social media)
                            (web analytics and social media: Twitter and Facebook)

             2) Conversation Impact Dashboard Example

             Tactic: Q&A between the company’s president and its customers

             Suggested goals:

                    To reach 25% of target audience (Exposure)
                    To receive 20 questions and answer all of them in a timely manner (Public and private dialogue)
                    To receive positive sentiments from at least 50% of the subsequent replies (Active interest)

         Metric / Goal                 Data       Active          Share         Public         Private dialogue
                                                  Interest        assets        dialogue
         Total visitors
         Time on site
         Volume of received
         questions (comments)
         Volume of answered
         questions (comments)
         Questions       tone
Prepared by Jose Sanchez

         Participants’     Reply

                           Potential audience: ____________ Total participants: ____________

        Participants’ characteristics: _____________________________________________________________

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Social media for PR Communications - Success measurement plan

  • 1. Prepared by Jose Sanchez Success Measurement process after launching a Social Media campaign A. Previous considerations B. What is Social Media Measurement? C. Terms and Concepts D. Benefits of Social Media Measurement E. How do we measure Social Media? E.1.Follow goals E.2.Choose key metrics E.3.Choose tracking and monitoring tools E.4.Tracking and monitoring using Dashboards E.5.Optimization F. Costs G. Reliability H. Examples of success I. Appendix A. Previous considerations  This is the success measure and return of investment analysis (ROI) for after launching a social media campaign. It may also serve to measure social media efforts that are not part of specific programs (i.e. A Twitter account expand the company’s online presence).  A continuous, interactive process that ensures quantitative and qualitative success in any phase of a campaign should also be created and applied by communications/Marketing teams.
  • 2. Prepared by Jose Sanchez B. What is Social Media Measurement? As of October 2009, social media measurement is immature. It is the objective tracking, monitoring, collecting, measurement, reporting and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, generated by participants, to optimize the use of social media tools, services and tactics. Social Media measurement is complementary to web analytics and it should be done in an ongoing way and after launching a campaign. C. Terms and concepts Social media: Media and content designed to be distributed through social interaction. Social media supports the human need for social communication, using web-based technologies to transform traditional media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). Social media can take many different forms, including Internet forums, blogs, wikis (Wikipedia, Wikia), podcasts, content-sharing (YouTube, SlideShare), content- comments, email, instant messaging (MSN, Facebook Chat), social bookmarking (Digg, Del.i.cious), RSS Feeds, virtual worlds (Second Life, SmallWorlds). Social media metrics or indicators of participant behaviour vary with each technology. As of October 2009, these are some of the most commonly used. Their definitions were written taking into account a wide variety of sources.  Link-back: Method for to obtain notifications when other users link to one of their documents. This enables administrators to keep track of who is referring to their articles. The three methods (Refback, Trackback, and Pingback) differ in how they accomplish this task.  Viral seeding: Is the viral-equivalent of media buying in mainstream advertising. In this case, much of the placement on key websites is provided for free. There are several primary routes in seeding. Different desired results might require different approaches. o Natural viral seeding placement: This is placing the video into targeted and relevant blogs, sites, aggregators, portals and social networks (i.e. Youtube, Facebook). The goal here is to obviously get people watching. Administrator should also be part of the commenting process and have a dialog with participants.
  • 3. Prepared by Jose Sanchez o Key influencer Outreach: In each area of interest, there are outspoken key influencers, who most often run blogs. Message to them 1:1 and make them feel special, exclusive by offering a sneak peek of the content before it hits other media. They will “break the story” and help start the conversations. o Media placement: This is paying for advertisement within key influencer portals, community sites, newsletters, etc. This is more similar to a traditional media strategy but in can be more targeted and efficient.. o Email Notification: If there is a targeted email list available, sending a relevant message is welcomed by the recipient. It should not be considered spam.  Click-Through Rate (CTR): Click-through rate or CTR is a way of measuring the success of an online advertising campaign. A CTR is obtained by dividing the number of users who clicked on an ad on a web page by the number of times the ad was delivered (impressions). For example, if a banner ad was delivered 100 times (impressions delivered) and one person clicked on it (clicks recorded), then the resulting CTR would be 1 percent.  Page impression: A page view (PV) or page impression is a request to load a single page of an Internet site.  User profile: Is a collection of personal data associated to a specific user. A profile refers therefore to the explicit digital representation of a person's identity.  Network growth: Number of members or participants in a specific social media service.  Post: Entry on a bulletin board system, Internet forum or message board, blog, or other discussion forum. It takes different names and forms depending of each technology: Tweet (Twitter), wall post (Facebook), forum post (forums), etc.  Status update: Allows users to inform their friends of their current whereabouts, actions, or thoughts (i.e. "Billy visited Jen," "Sam called Jen" and "Matt dated Jen").  Social Bookmarking / Link sharing: Method for Internet users to share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web resources. Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves aren't shared, merely bookmarks that reference them.  File sharing: Practice of making files available for other users to download over the Internet and smaller networks.
  • 4. Prepared by Jose Sanchez  Repost: Sharing a post with their followers or other kinds or contacts. Retweet (RT) is Twitter’s name for reposts.  Content response: Method to upload public content related to a specific previous entry (i.e. Comments, comment replies, YouTube video responses).  Direct Message: As opposed to posts, comments, ratings or other public content entries, direct messaging allows participants to send content in a private way. It’s a method featured on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and MySpace.  Like / Favourite / Agree-Disagree: Method for internet users to express their sentiment on a specific piece of content.  Rating: Method for internet users to evaluate a specific piece of content. It is usually expressed through more than two choices.  Sentiment analysis: Aims to determine the attitude of a participant with respect to some topic. The key to accurate sentiment analysis is accurate text analysis.  Online research methods: Are related to existing research methodologies but re-invent and re-imagine them in the light of new technologies associated with the internet. Some of the most popular are: o Interviews: Similar to face to face interviews. It mainly focuses on the conduct of one-to-one exchanges as opposed to one-to-many exchanges (i.e. via chat technology, via email). o Surveys: Serve to collect quantitative information about variables in a population. o Focus groups: A moderator invites pre-screened, qualified respondents who represent the target of interest to log on to conferencing software at a pre-arranged time and to take part in an online focus group. Online focus groups are appropriate for research.  Tag: Non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to a piece of information (such as an internet bookmark, digital image or a blog entry). Tags are chosen personally by the item's creator or by its viewer, depending on the system.  Feed aggregator views: Page views loaded through applications that aggregate syndicated web content, such as news headlines, blog updates and podcasts in a single location for easy viewing (i.e. Google Reader, NetVibes).
  • 5. Prepared by Jose Sanchez  RSS: (a.k.a. "Really Simple Syndication") is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works in a standard way, like feed aggregators. It benefits publishers by letting them syndicate content automatically. They benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favourite websites.  Following (Twitter): Following someone on Twitter means aggregating a tweeter’s updates in your personal timeline. Followers are people who receive tweets.  Social Mention: A way to measure every time a specific word or combination of words is used in social media websites  Widget: Element of a graphical user interface that displays an information arrangement changeable by the user, such as a window or a text box. The defining characteristic of a widget is to provide a single interaction point for the direct manipulation of a given kind of data.  Badge: Small image used on websites to promote standards, products, personal views or to indicate a specific content license that is applied to the content or design of a website.  Dashboard: A matrix that allows registering all key performance indicators data from a campaign (see appendix 2). D. Benefits of Social Media measurement  Just like a static website, a social media tactic is not a goal but a tool when engaging with a specific audience. Social Media metrics are a report on your performance when engaging participants online.  For instance, Social Media measurement helps you determine how effectively you're meeting your communications and business objectives by telling:  Who the participants are, who participates and why they do it.  What the participants interests are. What they are saying and what is their preferred method of communication.  If they are aware, interested, engaged or if they want to collaborate with specific initiatives.  If the tactic has improved the service/product.  How the content can fill people’s needs.
  • 6. Prepared by Jose Sanchez  In terms of promotion, Return of Investment (ROI) could be considerably higher than with traditional media. Here is an example:  Goal: To receive 200 more calls in the company’s info-line.  Scenario A: $2,000,000 is invested on a traditional media campaign  Scenario B: $500 is invested on Facebook and Google ads o Approximately 80% of Canadians use Facebook o Facebook ads clients can pay per clicks - you only pay for the ad when people click on the link  Once specific audiences are engaged, communications and marketing strategies would be more efficient and promotion costs would be reduced in the long term. E. How do we measure Social Media? The success measurement strategy should be applied after social media tactics are launched for ongoing and further optimization. Here is a list of suggested steps in a relatively intuitive process: Follow goals: Communications/marketing team should define the objective, the kind of relationship it wants to build with specific audiences and set clear and realistic communications goals (i.e. To raise awareness among Toronto youth about the risks of unprotected sexual relations by 15%; To increase by 20% the website’s RSS subscriptions). Choose key metrics: Communications/marketing team should outline a social strategy and insight to achieve goals. Key metrics must be identified in order to describe performance and the value derived from social media efforts. Each social media tool offers a wide variety of metrics that reveal different participant attitudes. Metrics can be classified into three categories that respond to different goals or stages of your objectives. The more specific the goal is, the easier it is to measure.  Web content:
  • 7. Prepared by Jose Sanchez o Questions: Was the social media tactic popular among the target audience? How did they get to the social media tool’s page? o Metrics: web analytics, traffic, page views, unique visitors, etc.  Audience: o Questions: Who is our audience? Is it growing? Where do they come from? How are individual profiles? What are the larger audience trends? o Metrics: User profiles, surveys, application forms, user I.P.  Participation metrics o There are numerous metrics, they indicate different levels of participation and answer to different goals. Here is a suggested list of them, ordered by levels, possible goals and attitudes. It may change or evolve as different technologies are incorporated or abandoned. Participation Participation Underlying Metrics category level / goal attitude Inactive Unaware Audience doesn’t  Total potential social media don’t know of your audience for your campaign existence Exposure Spectate Audience  CTR generated by first generation experiences content seeded/paid placements created by you  Unique profile and page impressions  Web analytics Appreciate Audience values  Social bookmarking statistics the content that you (Diggs) create or share.  Votes Audience respects  Recommends, likes your contributions  User ratings or debates  Qualitative research interviews  Dynamic Logic surveys
  • 8. Prepared by Jose Sanchez  Brand (Ministry/Services) mentions, public servant’s names  Repeat profile and page impressions Collect Audience  Number of times your content is bookmarks your favourited content locally and  Types of tags created by people online, subscribes  Number of saves to Social to your feeds or Bookmarking sites downloads files you  RSS subscribers share  Number of file views/downloads (Podcast, Vodcast, PDF or jpeg views)  Number of Feed aggregator views  Twitter followers Engagement Active Interest Audience  Fans, Friends & Follower participates: posts numbers Twitter replies and  Positive/Sentiment tracking talks about you,  Content tone clicks the links you  Content emotions, share of voice share, comments  Daily Volume of mentions on your website or  Wall/Blog Posts external ones,  Comments mentions you in the  @replies to tweets course their online  Discussions activity  URL shortening reports Share assets Participants share  Blog reposts, ReTweets, Tumblr your content by reposts republishing on  Links shared to social feeds different other (Facebook, Tweeter, FriendFeed)
  • 9. Prepared by Jose Sanchez websites, use your  Widget embeds content and ideas  Badges used on profiles to add value to their  Alexa or Technorati ratings of network external sites featuring your generated assets  CTR generated by shared/passed on placements Public dialogue We exchange  Number and sentiment of content via profiles, spontaneous public messages websites, feeds,  Official forum threads etc.  Live Discussion subsequent posts  Video Responses created (YouTube)  Blog Post responses created Private We exchange  Direct Messages dialogue private email, IMs,  E-Mails DMs  Panel research  Surveys  Interviews  Focus groups  Customer service activities Advocacy Participants  Perception shifts encourage following  Conversion uplift & getting involved  Network growth with you.  Voluteering increase Participants encourage people to buy your products
  • 10. Prepared by Jose Sanchez Collaboration Investment We share wins Partnerships created Choose tracking and monitoring tools:  Communications/marketing team may track and monitor social media campaigns in-house or an external company could be paid to do it (See appendix 1.b.).  If done in-house, tracking and monitoring tools should receive key metrics data, it should be further analyzed and determine if goals are being reached.  Different tools serve to measure specific metrics (appendix 1). As new tools are created, new measurement instrument may also arise. Tracking and monitoring using Dashboards:  Communications/marketing team may collect outgoing data can be collected using a suggested Conversation Impact Dashboard (see appendix 3). Dashboard should include participation levels according to goals and key metrics to measure them  It is useful to create timelines to reasonably measure the ongoing progress of the campaign. Optimization:  Outcome analysis. A series of questions should be answered by the comm.unications/marketing team: o What is the impact of the social media tactic? Did it add the expected value? o Is it helping to achieve the company’s business objectives in a more efficient way?  How much did the comm.unications/marketing team invest in this tactic (staff, technology)?  How much would it have cost to achieve the same goal through other means? o If goals have not been met, why is it? How can the strategy be improved?  Follow up and redesign strategy F. Costs  Social media promotion is low-cost compared to traditional media
  • 11. Prepared by Jose Sanchez  The knowledge and talent in using the free tools however is not  If the comm.unications/marketing team wants live analysis of the performance it would need to pay for the technology, get skilled staff or train the existing one to do it  Social media is effective to reach targeted audiences. Since approximately 4 out of every 5 Ontarians use Social Networks, the opportunities for promotion are countless and could be designed according to the ministry’s specific strategies. G. Reliability  Most raw data comes right from standard sources, hence it’s considered to be reliable  Tracking and monitoring tools are used by respected organizations and companies (i.e. P&G, Pepsi and Coca-Cola, among others.) H. Measuring success examples  Campaign results for War Child Canada1 i. Objectives: Generate awareness and engagement for War Child Canada; establish a War Child presence in Social Media; and drive donations. ii. Specific tactics: Viral video, campaign website, Facebook page, blogger relations, Twitter network and newsroom. iii. Each tactic had its own specific goals, effects and metrics iv. Results: o Delivered a 38% increase in donations and 300 new volunteers o War Child’s website traffic was increased by 60% o 17,000 blog referrals, 38 Twitter mentions that influenced over 10,000 members and 200 new Facebook members o War Child’s message was picked from the internet and published by Canada’s mainstream media outlets (CBC, Toronto Star, Globe & Mail, National Post) 1 "War Child: Social Media and ROI” SlideShare. 2009. 11 Oct. 2009.
  • 12. Prepared by Jose Sanchez o Although specific investment numbers were not revealed, War Child informed that the campaign’s costs would have been considerably higher if they had paid for media placements I. Recommendations  The comm.unications/marketing team should turn measurement into a key part of their long term communications strategies.  Comm.unications/marketing teams should consider the possibility of including social media success measurement as part of its staff main duties J. Appendix 1) Tracking and monitoring tools: a. Free tools usually provide simple metrics data. Here are some examples for each suggested metric. , (CTR, Page views, page impressions, profile impressions, visitors location) , (social bookmarking, diggs)  Surveys widget box (Votes) ,,,, (brand mentions, locations names)  (links from Twitter to your site)  (links to your site)  (RSS subscriptions, feed aggregator views)  (video analytics)  (photo views)  (subscribers) , (Dashboards, Mashups)  (comparative traffic) ,, (comments from different platforms, including YoutTube, Flickr, Blogger and Digg)
  • 13. Prepared by Jose Sanchez  (PageRank, Backlinks, Indexed Pages) b. Paid tools interpret, build dashboards and sometimes provide analysis of the data. They also trytry to measure other qualitative elements such as tone, sentiment, emotions, etc. Examples:  (Social media)  (social media)  (social media)  (web analytics and social media: Twitter and Facebook) 2) Conversation Impact Dashboard Example Tactic: Q&A between the company’s president and its customers Suggested goals:  To reach 25% of target audience (Exposure)  To receive 20 questions and answer all of them in a timely manner (Public and private dialogue)  To receive positive sentiments from at least 50% of the subsequent replies (Active interest) Metric / Goal Data Active Share Public Private dialogue Interest assets dialogue Total visitors Time on site Volume of received questions (comments) Volume of answered questions (comments) Questions tone (comments)
  • 14. Prepared by Jose Sanchez Participants’ Reply tone Potential audience: ____________ Total participants: ____________ Participants’ characteristics: _____________________________________________________________