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Social Media Analysis
Lilenfeld PC Law Agency
April 3,2014
Presented By:
Evan Carter, Tyrone Brown, Kristiana Towns, Jade Moore, Karita Petty, Tevin Jones
Lilenfeld PC is a small size law firm based out of Atlanta that specializes in the
practice of intellectual property management. According to “Lilenfeld
PC advises clients on how to manage and protect their intellectual property assets,
including patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. The firm also does the
opposite by helping clients “avoid infringing the IP rights of other people and businesses.”
Examples of the companies past work are listed on their website where they have proved
they can handle this line of work successfully. David Lilenfeld, business lawyer and founder
of the firm is a trusted source for the media when it comes to IP matters and has been
featured in publications such as the AJC, Atlanta Business Chronicle, and
other major legal outlets. Although small in size the firm is establishing themselves as the
go to company for intellectual property matters and related issues. The key selling points
for the firm is their small size makes for cases to receive more personal attention. They
have lower hourly rates, are result oriented and have an expertise in the matter subject of
According to a phone conversation with Mr. Lilenfeld he stated that a primary
objective for the firm is to grow revenues in 2014, by getting new cases and new business
from clients. Throughout this paper, we will discuss social media data on Lilenfeld PC as
well as share some recommendations for the company to practice to expand the firm’s
social reach. Social media marketing is a tool that even law firms can use to garner new
business and should not be ignored because of the growing trend of social media usage
today. Mr. Lilenfeld made clear that his social media objective is that “we want people to
remember us.” In clear fashion, Lilenfeld PC needs to establish themselves in Atlanta as the
intellectual property experts. The firm has admitted that a problem that they do have is
that they do not have a strong presence online. The first thing Lilenfeld PC must do is define
their target market and who they are trying to reach.
According to Mr. Lilenfeld the primary targets are Atlanta based lawyers that do not
engage in IP law. The reason for this is because a good amount of new business comes in
from referrals of other attorneys that practice law in some other capacity. The next target
definition is technology company chief executive offices. The reason is because the
businesses that will need Lilenfeld PC’s services are the technology industry. Small to
medium sized technology firms should be targeted so that they know that if they are ever
in an IP battle, the firm can be called on to represent them. If word of mouth spreads
throughout the CEO’s and technology firms, Lilenfeld PC will become more relevant and
will be called upon to handle more cases.
Lilenfeld PC should be targeting long-tail keywords so that they can drive more
quality traffic to their brand. They do not model Metcalfe’s law because every connected
user in their social media network does not drive revenues. “Long-tail search, in essence
refers to search terms that contain three or more words,” according to
This type of search would prove beneficial for Lilenfeld PC because they represent a niche
type of client that deals with intellectual property. They can benefit greatly by creating
these types of keywords in search engines. Because of Lilenfeld PC’s size, it makes sense for
the company to aim at long-tail search because there would be less competition for key
industry phrases. They can target long-tail searching on the blog that is linked to their
website and research other options for long-tail searching.
After researching digital audit of competitors of Lilenfeld PC I have found that many
of them have a better presents on social media than Lilenfeld. There is a lot of
opportunities and improvements that Lilenfeld could do to improve their presence and
surpass there competitors. There were six main drivers we focused on when researching
the Digital Audit for both Lilenfeld and their competitors: Reach, Architecture, Content,
Conversion, Integration, and Measurement.
Lilenfeld’s reach is very poor on the main social media cites. With only 10 likes on
their page on Facebook and 56 followers and 84 tweets on twitter shows that they pay very
little attention to their social media accounts which raises eye brows on how are they are
getting there brand exposed. The competitors of Lilenfeld are not doing a whole lot better
in there social media account either which leaves a window of opportunity for Lilenfeld to
take advantage.
The Architecture for Lilenfeld and its competitors is also very poor. After
researching and auditing their websites and social media accounts such as YouTube and
Facebook, twitter and Instagram and even blogs we didn’t see anything that “WOW” us.
Everything was just plain and boring. This leaves another opportunity for exposure that
could separate them from their competitors in getting clients.
Content on website for Lilfeld again were very poor; seems to still be in the making.
Very plain and blunt even the wording on the page looks like not much effort was put into
building the website. The competitors websites were better had more links and is easier to
operate. This is something I would say must be improved for credibility purposes. People
are attracted to a look, and they just do not have it. Sometimes simple is better, but in this
case, its not.
“Conversion” if we could give a grade to the conversion of the social media sites on
the competitors of Lilenfeld we would give them a C- and we would give Lilenfeld a D.
There is so much more they could do with their websites so that people/clients looking for
representation would be more attracted to picking Lilenfeld over its competitors.
The only integration seen on Lilenfeld and its competitors were PDF files and other
information. People love and look for references to how others who used the business felt
about it, both the good and bad and social media accounts are the fastest and easiest way
and with the neglect of the accounts leaves a huge hole for the company and possible
opportunities. Most people like to go with the most popular candidate. So this is a
popularity contest. Until they improve their social media accounts it would actually be
better if they left integration to other accounts off their website and any other accounts.
Lilenfeld PC’s primary goal is to provide security for companies and their
intellectual property with a focus on trademarks, copyrights, and patents. Through site
analysis and field research, the group was able to determine what key words would best
help us conduct and deduce findings on Lilendfeld PC. We had to use words that fit the
company’s structure and aligned with its mission. We also turned to to gain
some insight on what word choice consumers were using when searching for product
protection. The keywords we ended up utilizing and integrating into our Hootsuite account
consisted of intellectual property, copyright litigation, and patent.
6 ( list of SEO keywords for Lilenfeld PC)
To further research our company and its presence in the market, the group took to
Facebook to search and gain insights on the strength of its image on the social site. Lilenfeld
PC does have a Facebook presence in which it updates on law disputes concerning IP. It
also posts on updates about its attorneys successes. However through further search
analysis on the site we found a competitor who maintained a presence on the social media
site as well, Baker and Rannells PA being one of them. The company did a great job of
displaying their knowledge on the laws of Intellectual Property. They would post “Did you
Know” fun facts about the law every day. It also posts cool pictures of iconic figures in
which it states “Make your Mark” to inspire its followers. While Lilenfeld does not have to
directly imitate such actions, it would help to create such things to make the experience
more fun for followers.
Through further search methods on Facebook, the group found links showing
Lilenfelds presence on other social sites such as LinkedIn. The company’s presence on this
site was not as strong as the one on Facebook however. Also, through the social search
engine, our group was able to find the companies prevalence on which is a
site that allows users to find and utilize specialized services such as Lilenfelds.
In today’s modern world, it is common to use the power of geographic location apps
to find and procure services. This all depends on the company’s strength of presence and
positive reviews. Through sites such as yelp, it was difficult to find information on Lilenfeld.
However, other IP law companies like Myers and Kaplan were much easier to find. As the
group began to search deeper into why Myers and Kaplan had a presence on sites such as
Yelp, it became evident that there is a method to gain this stardom. Myers and Kaplan had
already established a presence on location and review driven sites such as and as well.
Myers and Kaplan search provides numerous review and location driven results. It would
be helpful for Lilenfeld PC to promote a stronger presence on location/review driven sites
such as the ones above to strengthen its brand all around.
Search Engine Optimization has a big impact on the Lilenfeld brand. Even though their
social media use is slim to none, their search results are very relevant and popular on the
list. For instance, when you search the name “Lilenfeld” on major search engines such as
Google, their company is the first search result on the page. This is in part due to them
having excellent meta tag keywords behind their brand. By meta tags, we mean the
keywords you log in order to get to the website result you’re looking for. The more meta
tags you have, the easier and faster the company will show on search engines. Being as
Lilenfeld shows as first page results on major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing,
they are definitely on the right track for receiving more notoriety. Another reason Lilenfeld
PC has an excellent visibility on search engines are because of the name of the company
itself. The company name is very uncommon and many companies would not have the
same name. This causes a distinguished brand name for Lilenfeld and it allows them room
to grow as a company.
Search Engine Optimization is a very important tool to know and use. There are so
many reasons why they are important. For instance, consumers do not always know or
remember the link/url to a company’s website. However, consumers always know the
name of the company. On Google along, nearly 250 million searches are performed. This
means that out of that 250 million searches, there is a possibility that Lilenfeld will be
typed into the search engine. Brand awareness and visibility is a very important key to the
success of a business. Consumers need to be able to see a company on the first page of the
search results, because most of the time if it is not on the first page, then they will not
continue to search. They will either go to another search engine in hopes of finding it or
they will give up trying, causing that to be one less person to get onto the company website.
Search Engine Optimization is very important and vital and a lot of companies do not
understand the importance and necessity of it. It has a lot of relevance to the success of
social media platforms as well.
In terms of their social media, their Search Engine Optimization is pretty
outstanding. Their LinkedIn page is number three on the first page of Google and their
Facebook page is number five on the first page of Google as well. This is not generally bad
for a law firm. The reasoning behind this is because law firms are more of a “boring” brand,
so therefore it is a little more difficulty in finding them online. Based off of visiting the
actual LinkedIn and Facebook pages, there are twenty-three followers on LinkedIn and
they have ten likes on Facebook. Their likes on Facebook could be a lot better, but being
that they are a small company consisting of around ten employees, they are off to a good
start. On Twitter, they have fifty six followers and they are following one hundred and fifty
nine people. They do not have an instagram, which is fine because there is nothing that can
capture the eye of prospective customers through pictures. They need to focus mainly on
Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin and build a bigger following on those three social media
platforms. Social media is very vital this day in age to the success of the company. This is a
very vital piece of their marketing that Lilenfeld needs to focus on. We strongly believe that
by focusing on social media platforms in reaching the consumers in addition to minor
guerilla advertising, Lilenfeld will have a much bigger fan base. With a small amount of
guerilla marketing, which is basically experiential marketing, there will be more of a
personal contact between the law firm and its potential clients. They are primarily
concentrating on intellectual property, so if they focused on record labels or agencies that
have a daily interaction with copyrights and trademarks, etc. They could possibly even
offer specials or discounts to the first five people who like their page on Facebook or follow
them on Twitter. This will give the consumers more of an incentive to follow Lilenfeld on
social media and this is a simple, fast, and easy way for Lilenfeld to gain followers on all
The current problem with our company is that people are unaware of what exactly
our company offers. People are often aware that when they when they need something
and or they need assistance in a particular area for the most part they can Google it.
Lilenfeld PC Law Agency is a specific type of law agency that is classified as an Intellectual
property Boutique Law Firm. That is a very specific classification of a type of Law Firm.
There is nothing wrong with having a set Niche market in the sense of what exactly the
franchise provides, but how does one effectively market such a specified service for
possible consumers? Currently on the Lilenfeld PC Law Agency there is a subsection that
has articles and interviews showing the quality of service that Lilenfeld PC Law Agency has
by showing a track record of the successes of the firm. This is a great start within the
already established tactical campaign. The wheel in this sense being the website and the
spokes being the different sections that the website dives in to. The Articles and Interviews
section helps to solidify credibility of Lilenfeld PC Law Agency as a business. In this section
they have articles dating back as far as 1997 showing that this company is not new and has
acquired some experience in the field. Lilenfeld PC Law Agency has been mention in the
Atlanta Bar Association Newsletter Summer 2003, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
December 2010 periodically making appearances until the latest recent post in October
2011. Considering all their accomplishments, were there is room for improvement is
making sure there are not large gaps in their appearances in these various mediums
because it may dawn on possible consumers that though they have a credible background,
when there is no recent activity or some sort of update to this section period that perhaps
the firm has been out of practice during that particular time. The calendar outline for this
point in time at one point was gradually getting better with the relatively of the firm and
then it seemed as if all things halted. The set cycle Lilenfeld PC Law Agency has in place at
this moment is not great simply because the last time they posted anything on their Articles
and Interviews section also considered to be their Notability section was in May of 2011.
That gap in relevancy is simply far too large.
The question then becomes how exactly should Lilenfeld PC Law Agency market
itself and its’ services to the target market in which it seeks. We propose that they start by
expanding their integrated marketing campaigns. Lilenfeld PC Law Agency should first
begin by expanding their social media efforts in the current and latest social mediums i.e.
Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Their blog is a great venture into integrating some form
of an integrated marketing system but the only way the blog can really capture consumer’s
attention is if they are already on the website and they happen to click on the hyperlink
joining the two pages. Other than that the blog is a wasted medium because it is not
properly advertised.
Lilenfeld needs to try different Integrated Marketing Campaigns such as creating a
Facebook page, developing a Twitter Page, Hosting Instagram Socials or even creating a
College Intern Program that spreads the word through word of mouth. If all of these
options are used correctly there will be an increased sense of awareness about all that
Lilenfeld PC Law Agency has to offer. The Facebook page provides a way for sharing, liking,
and posting of things to get carried into the news feeds of multiple users due to one mutual
friend engaging in activity on the Lilenfeld page. Another great attribute of the Facebook
Page is that the adminsistrator of the page will be able to not only invite individuals to like
or join the page but can see the ratings of what each post that the page posts has and see
how much attention each post is gaining and drawing into the business as a whole.
The Twitter Page will help by simply helping consumers to feel that they are
continuously in the loop of what is going on in the Law agency. An example could be a
matter of posting new offers of the office and things of the such.
Instagram could play a great role by providing a way for consumers to use hash tags
as a way to draw attention to the company such as #LilenfeldPCForMe . We live in a day in
age where starting such a trend is not as hard as it used to be. It is simply a matter of
providing more exposure for users of the social media medium as the provide exposure for
the company.
Last but not least implementing a college intern program could help spread the
word about what Lilenfeld PC Law Agency has to offer by asking for the interns to spread
the word throughout their college campuses.
Lilenfeld PC Law Agency specializes in Copyrighting, Trademarking and things of
that component. There is no better way to market that then the ways listed above and
young entrepreneurs who should become their new target market use all the mediums
listed above so why not?
Lilenfeld PC Law Agency clearly needs a bit of help in the social media department.
Luckily that is what we are here for! One thing that the company does have is good meta
tags. This helps the search engine identify them when people are looking for their
company. The fact that their company name is so unique also helps with the meta tags.
Clearly they need to have a better social media presence. Something’s that the company
should so is targeting long-tail keywords. By doing this the company can drive more quality
traffic to their brands. This will help to drive less competition for key industry phrases, and
in turn drive their competitions clients towards them. We have also noticed that their
competition has a better social media presence. Not saying that the competitions presence
in social media is very great. By becoming more prevalent and improving in social media,
the company will be able to fill the hole where social media is just not there. They would be
able to reach their competitions clients, and clients that they may have not known were
there. Key words that were found involving their field of work include: Intellectual
property, copyright litigation, and patent. While these are good key words, as they tie
directly into the realm of what Lilenfeld, they aren’t the best. They do not identify the
company its self, and other competition who have a better social media presence will have
that opportunity to snatch up possible clientele. A good possible hash tag that the company
could use would be #LilenfeldPCForMe. Although social media is not something that you
would think a intellectual property law firm could benefit from, it can do more wonders
than you would think. If Lilenfeld PC were to integrate social media into its practices, they
would be able to reach a clientele that they may have not realized were there.
8 Recommendations
1. Lilenfeld PC must ramp up social media efforts to create more of a following with
target audiences
2. Encourage colleagues and other attorneys, technology CEOs and journalist that
write in the IP industry to follow the firm on social media. Engage in these
communities to create opportunities for more clients and new cases.
3. Add social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) on future materials such
as pens, papers, website, advertising mediums along with brand name.
4. Follow competitors to see what type of content they post on their sites and pages;
stay updated with trends and innovative ideas for best practice.
5. Hire an intern for school credit or another incentive to help with upkeep of social
media initiatives so that current employees can continue their roles without added
6. Use hoot suite to manage social media accounts easier.
7. Sponsor IP related organization events as well as law organizations to reach the
target audience of other attorneys to help with the spreading of IP expertise.

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Social Media Analysis

  • 1. 1 Social Media Analysis of Lilenfeld PC Law Agency Aull April 3,2014 Presented By: Evan Carter, Tyrone Brown, Kristiana Towns, Jade Moore, Karita Petty, Tevin Jones
  • 2. 2 Lilenfeld PC is a small size law firm based out of Atlanta that specializes in the practice of intellectual property management. According to “Lilenfeld PC advises clients on how to manage and protect their intellectual property assets, including patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. The firm also does the opposite by helping clients “avoid infringing the IP rights of other people and businesses.” Examples of the companies past work are listed on their website where they have proved they can handle this line of work successfully. David Lilenfeld, business lawyer and founder of the firm is a trusted source for the media when it comes to IP matters and has been featured in publications such as the AJC, Atlanta Business Chronicle, and other major legal outlets. Although small in size the firm is establishing themselves as the go to company for intellectual property matters and related issues. The key selling points for the firm is their small size makes for cases to receive more personal attention. They have lower hourly rates, are result oriented and have an expertise in the matter subject of IP. According to a phone conversation with Mr. Lilenfeld he stated that a primary objective for the firm is to grow revenues in 2014, by getting new cases and new business from clients. Throughout this paper, we will discuss social media data on Lilenfeld PC as well as share some recommendations for the company to practice to expand the firm’s social reach. Social media marketing is a tool that even law firms can use to garner new business and should not be ignored because of the growing trend of social media usage today. Mr. Lilenfeld made clear that his social media objective is that “we want people to
  • 3. 3 remember us.” In clear fashion, Lilenfeld PC needs to establish themselves in Atlanta as the intellectual property experts. The firm has admitted that a problem that they do have is that they do not have a strong presence online. The first thing Lilenfeld PC must do is define their target market and who they are trying to reach. According to Mr. Lilenfeld the primary targets are Atlanta based lawyers that do not engage in IP law. The reason for this is because a good amount of new business comes in from referrals of other attorneys that practice law in some other capacity. The next target definition is technology company chief executive offices. The reason is because the businesses that will need Lilenfeld PC’s services are the technology industry. Small to medium sized technology firms should be targeted so that they know that if they are ever in an IP battle, the firm can be called on to represent them. If word of mouth spreads throughout the CEO’s and technology firms, Lilenfeld PC will become more relevant and will be called upon to handle more cases. Lilenfeld PC should be targeting long-tail keywords so that they can drive more quality traffic to their brand. They do not model Metcalfe’s law because every connected user in their social media network does not drive revenues. “Long-tail search, in essence refers to search terms that contain three or more words,” according to This type of search would prove beneficial for Lilenfeld PC because they represent a niche type of client that deals with intellectual property. They can benefit greatly by creating these types of keywords in search engines. Because of Lilenfeld PC’s size, it makes sense for the company to aim at long-tail search because there would be less competition for key
  • 4. 4 industry phrases. They can target long-tail searching on the blog that is linked to their website and research other options for long-tail searching. After researching digital audit of competitors of Lilenfeld PC I have found that many of them have a better presents on social media than Lilenfeld. There is a lot of opportunities and improvements that Lilenfeld could do to improve their presence and surpass there competitors. There were six main drivers we focused on when researching the Digital Audit for both Lilenfeld and their competitors: Reach, Architecture, Content, Conversion, Integration, and Measurement. Lilenfeld’s reach is very poor on the main social media cites. With only 10 likes on their page on Facebook and 56 followers and 84 tweets on twitter shows that they pay very little attention to their social media accounts which raises eye brows on how are they are getting there brand exposed. The competitors of Lilenfeld are not doing a whole lot better in there social media account either which leaves a window of opportunity for Lilenfeld to take advantage. The Architecture for Lilenfeld and its competitors is also very poor. After researching and auditing their websites and social media accounts such as YouTube and Facebook, twitter and Instagram and even blogs we didn’t see anything that “WOW” us. Everything was just plain and boring. This leaves another opportunity for exposure that could separate them from their competitors in getting clients. Content on website for Lilfeld again were very poor; seems to still be in the making. Very plain and blunt even the wording on the page looks like not much effort was put into building the website. The competitors websites were better had more links and is easier to
  • 5. 5 operate. This is something I would say must be improved for credibility purposes. People are attracted to a look, and they just do not have it. Sometimes simple is better, but in this case, its not. “Conversion” if we could give a grade to the conversion of the social media sites on the competitors of Lilenfeld we would give them a C- and we would give Lilenfeld a D. There is so much more they could do with their websites so that people/clients looking for representation would be more attracted to picking Lilenfeld over its competitors. The only integration seen on Lilenfeld and its competitors were PDF files and other information. People love and look for references to how others who used the business felt about it, both the good and bad and social media accounts are the fastest and easiest way and with the neglect of the accounts leaves a huge hole for the company and possible opportunities. Most people like to go with the most popular candidate. So this is a popularity contest. Until they improve their social media accounts it would actually be better if they left integration to other accounts off their website and any other accounts. Lilenfeld PC’s primary goal is to provide security for companies and their intellectual property with a focus on trademarks, copyrights, and patents. Through site analysis and field research, the group was able to determine what key words would best help us conduct and deduce findings on Lilendfeld PC. We had to use words that fit the company’s structure and aligned with its mission. We also turned to to gain some insight on what word choice consumers were using when searching for product protection. The keywords we ended up utilizing and integrating into our Hootsuite account consisted of intellectual property, copyright litigation, and patent.
  • 6. 6 ( list of SEO keywords for Lilenfeld PC) To further research our company and its presence in the market, the group took to Facebook to search and gain insights on the strength of its image on the social site. Lilenfeld PC does have a Facebook presence in which it updates on law disputes concerning IP. It also posts on updates about its attorneys successes. However through further search analysis on the site we found a competitor who maintained a presence on the social media site as well, Baker and Rannells PA being one of them. The company did a great job of displaying their knowledge on the laws of Intellectual Property. They would post “Did you Know” fun facts about the law every day. It also posts cool pictures of iconic figures in which it states “Make your Mark” to inspire its followers. While Lilenfeld does not have to
  • 7. 7 directly imitate such actions, it would help to create such things to make the experience more fun for followers. Through further search methods on Facebook, the group found links showing Lilenfelds presence on other social sites such as LinkedIn. The company’s presence on this site was not as strong as the one on Facebook however. Also, through the social search engine, our group was able to find the companies prevalence on which is a site that allows users to find and utilize specialized services such as Lilenfelds. In today’s modern world, it is common to use the power of geographic location apps to find and procure services. This all depends on the company’s strength of presence and positive reviews. Through sites such as yelp, it was difficult to find information on Lilenfeld. However, other IP law companies like Myers and Kaplan were much easier to find. As the group began to search deeper into why Myers and Kaplan had a presence on sites such as Yelp, it became evident that there is a method to gain this stardom. Myers and Kaplan had
  • 8. 8 already established a presence on location and review driven sites such as and as well. Myers and Kaplan search provides numerous review and location driven results. It would be helpful for Lilenfeld PC to promote a stronger presence on location/review driven sites such as the ones above to strengthen its brand all around. Search Engine Optimization has a big impact on the Lilenfeld brand. Even though their social media use is slim to none, their search results are very relevant and popular on the list. For instance, when you search the name “Lilenfeld” on major search engines such as Google, their company is the first search result on the page. This is in part due to them having excellent meta tag keywords behind their brand. By meta tags, we mean the keywords you log in order to get to the website result you’re looking for. The more meta
  • 9. 9 tags you have, the easier and faster the company will show on search engines. Being as Lilenfeld shows as first page results on major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, they are definitely on the right track for receiving more notoriety. Another reason Lilenfeld PC has an excellent visibility on search engines are because of the name of the company itself. The company name is very uncommon and many companies would not have the same name. This causes a distinguished brand name for Lilenfeld and it allows them room to grow as a company. Search Engine Optimization is a very important tool to know and use. There are so many reasons why they are important. For instance, consumers do not always know or remember the link/url to a company’s website. However, consumers always know the name of the company. On Google along, nearly 250 million searches are performed. This means that out of that 250 million searches, there is a possibility that Lilenfeld will be typed into the search engine. Brand awareness and visibility is a very important key to the success of a business. Consumers need to be able to see a company on the first page of the search results, because most of the time if it is not on the first page, then they will not continue to search. They will either go to another search engine in hopes of finding it or they will give up trying, causing that to be one less person to get onto the company website. Search Engine Optimization is very important and vital and a lot of companies do not understand the importance and necessity of it. It has a lot of relevance to the success of social media platforms as well. In terms of their social media, their Search Engine Optimization is pretty outstanding. Their LinkedIn page is number three on the first page of Google and their Facebook page is number five on the first page of Google as well. This is not generally bad
  • 10. 10 for a law firm. The reasoning behind this is because law firms are more of a “boring” brand, so therefore it is a little more difficulty in finding them online. Based off of visiting the actual LinkedIn and Facebook pages, there are twenty-three followers on LinkedIn and they have ten likes on Facebook. Their likes on Facebook could be a lot better, but being that they are a small company consisting of around ten employees, they are off to a good start. On Twitter, they have fifty six followers and they are following one hundred and fifty nine people. They do not have an instagram, which is fine because there is nothing that can capture the eye of prospective customers through pictures. They need to focus mainly on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin and build a bigger following on those three social media platforms. Social media is very vital this day in age to the success of the company. This is a very vital piece of their marketing that Lilenfeld needs to focus on. We strongly believe that by focusing on social media platforms in reaching the consumers in addition to minor guerilla advertising, Lilenfeld will have a much bigger fan base. With a small amount of guerilla marketing, which is basically experiential marketing, there will be more of a personal contact between the law firm and its potential clients. They are primarily concentrating on intellectual property, so if they focused on record labels or agencies that have a daily interaction with copyrights and trademarks, etc. They could possibly even offer specials or discounts to the first five people who like their page on Facebook or follow them on Twitter. This will give the consumers more of an incentive to follow Lilenfeld on social media and this is a simple, fast, and easy way for Lilenfeld to gain followers on all platforms.
  • 11. 11 The current problem with our company is that people are unaware of what exactly our company offers. People are often aware that when they when they need something and or they need assistance in a particular area for the most part they can Google it. Lilenfeld PC Law Agency is a specific type of law agency that is classified as an Intellectual property Boutique Law Firm. That is a very specific classification of a type of Law Firm. There is nothing wrong with having a set Niche market in the sense of what exactly the franchise provides, but how does one effectively market such a specified service for possible consumers? Currently on the Lilenfeld PC Law Agency there is a subsection that has articles and interviews showing the quality of service that Lilenfeld PC Law Agency has by showing a track record of the successes of the firm. This is a great start within the already established tactical campaign. The wheel in this sense being the website and the spokes being the different sections that the website dives in to. The Articles and Interviews section helps to solidify credibility of Lilenfeld PC Law Agency as a business. In this section they have articles dating back as far as 1997 showing that this company is not new and has acquired some experience in the field. Lilenfeld PC Law Agency has been mention in the Atlanta Bar Association Newsletter Summer 2003, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution December 2010 periodically making appearances until the latest recent post in October 2011. Considering all their accomplishments, were there is room for improvement is making sure there are not large gaps in their appearances in these various mediums because it may dawn on possible consumers that though they have a credible background, when there is no recent activity or some sort of update to this section period that perhaps the firm has been out of practice during that particular time. The calendar outline for this point in time at one point was gradually getting better with the relatively of the firm and
  • 12. 12 then it seemed as if all things halted. The set cycle Lilenfeld PC Law Agency has in place at this moment is not great simply because the last time they posted anything on their Articles and Interviews section also considered to be their Notability section was in May of 2011. That gap in relevancy is simply far too large. The question then becomes how exactly should Lilenfeld PC Law Agency market itself and its’ services to the target market in which it seeks. We propose that they start by expanding their integrated marketing campaigns. Lilenfeld PC Law Agency should first begin by expanding their social media efforts in the current and latest social mediums i.e. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Their blog is a great venture into integrating some form of an integrated marketing system but the only way the blog can really capture consumer’s attention is if they are already on the website and they happen to click on the hyperlink joining the two pages. Other than that the blog is a wasted medium because it is not properly advertised. Lilenfeld needs to try different Integrated Marketing Campaigns such as creating a Facebook page, developing a Twitter Page, Hosting Instagram Socials or even creating a College Intern Program that spreads the word through word of mouth. If all of these options are used correctly there will be an increased sense of awareness about all that Lilenfeld PC Law Agency has to offer. The Facebook page provides a way for sharing, liking, and posting of things to get carried into the news feeds of multiple users due to one mutual friend engaging in activity on the Lilenfeld page. Another great attribute of the Facebook Page is that the adminsistrator of the page will be able to not only invite individuals to like or join the page but can see the ratings of what each post that the page posts has and see how much attention each post is gaining and drawing into the business as a whole.
  • 13. 13 The Twitter Page will help by simply helping consumers to feel that they are continuously in the loop of what is going on in the Law agency. An example could be a matter of posting new offers of the office and things of the such. Instagram could play a great role by providing a way for consumers to use hash tags as a way to draw attention to the company such as #LilenfeldPCForMe . We live in a day in age where starting such a trend is not as hard as it used to be. It is simply a matter of providing more exposure for users of the social media medium as the provide exposure for the company. Last but not least implementing a college intern program could help spread the word about what Lilenfeld PC Law Agency has to offer by asking for the interns to spread the word throughout their college campuses. Lilenfeld PC Law Agency specializes in Copyrighting, Trademarking and things of that component. There is no better way to market that then the ways listed above and young entrepreneurs who should become their new target market use all the mediums listed above so why not? Lilenfeld PC Law Agency clearly needs a bit of help in the social media department. Luckily that is what we are here for! One thing that the company does have is good meta tags. This helps the search engine identify them when people are looking for their company. The fact that their company name is so unique also helps with the meta tags. Clearly they need to have a better social media presence. Something’s that the company should so is targeting long-tail keywords. By doing this the company can drive more quality traffic to their brands. This will help to drive less competition for key industry phrases, and in turn drive their competitions clients towards them. We have also noticed that their
  • 14. 14 competition has a better social media presence. Not saying that the competitions presence in social media is very great. By becoming more prevalent and improving in social media, the company will be able to fill the hole where social media is just not there. They would be able to reach their competitions clients, and clients that they may have not known were there. Key words that were found involving their field of work include: Intellectual property, copyright litigation, and patent. While these are good key words, as they tie directly into the realm of what Lilenfeld, they aren’t the best. They do not identify the company its self, and other competition who have a better social media presence will have that opportunity to snatch up possible clientele. A good possible hash tag that the company could use would be #LilenfeldPCForMe. Although social media is not something that you would think a intellectual property law firm could benefit from, it can do more wonders than you would think. If Lilenfeld PC were to integrate social media into its practices, they would be able to reach a clientele that they may have not realized were there.
  • 15. 15 8 Recommendations 1. Lilenfeld PC must ramp up social media efforts to create more of a following with target audiences 2. Encourage colleagues and other attorneys, technology CEOs and journalist that write in the IP industry to follow the firm on social media. Engage in these communities to create opportunities for more clients and new cases. 3. Add social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) on future materials such as pens, papers, website, advertising mediums along with brand name. 4. Follow competitors to see what type of content they post on their sites and pages; stay updated with trends and innovative ideas for best practice. 5. Hire an intern for school credit or another incentive to help with upkeep of social media initiatives so that current employees can continue their roles without added responsibilities. 6. Use hoot suite to manage social media accounts easier. 7. Sponsor IP related organization events as well as law organizations to reach the target audience of other attorneys to help with the spreading of IP expertise.