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SOC 120 Week 1 DQ 1 Theory, Evidence,
Belief, and Bias
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The purpose of this discussion is to contrast theories, evidence,
beliefs, and biases. Prepare and post a response to the following
Using concepts from the assigned readings, define what a theory is.
Describe how you can know if a theory is valid. Offer one example of
how a personal belief may differ from a theory. Note: Do not use the
same example that one of your classmates has used in a previous
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your
claims with examples from the required resources and/or other
scholarly sources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at
least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.
SOC 120 Week 1 DQ 1 Theory, Evidence,
Belief, and Bias
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The purpose of this discussion is to contrast theories, evidence,
beliefs, and biases. Prepare and post a response to the following
Using concepts from the assigned readings, define what a theory is.
Describe how you can know if a theory is valid. Offer one example of
how a personal belief may differ from a theory. Note: Do not use the
same example that one of your classmates has used in a previous
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your
claims with examples from the required resources and/or other
scholarly sources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at
least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.
SOC 120 Week 1 DQ 2
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The purpose of this discussion is to help you investigate the ethical
theories of Western philosophical thought. Prepare and post a
response to the following prompt:
Identify and define each of the three dominant ethical theories in
Western philosophy. Describe a situation that you have faced recently
that presented an ethical dilemma. How would you evaluate your
actions in this situation to determine whether or not they were good
or virtuous?
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your
claims with examples from the required resources and/or other
scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style
SOC 120 Week 2 Assignment Applying Theory
Environmental Issues (2 PPT)
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This Tutorial contains 2 Presentations
Your goal for this assignment is to apply an ethical theory to a real-
world situation. You will examine an environmental issue and apply
one of the ethical theories to it to understand how human interactions
with the natural environment raise ethical concerns. You will do this
by preparing and posting a PowerPoint slideshow consisting of 12
slides with a separate section under each slide for notes.
• Choose one of the following topics or issues, and read about it
at the indicated place:
o Environmental justice and environmental racism
(Read Environmental Justice for All)
o Environmental harm, like the pollution of air and water
(Read Chapter 8 in the textbook)
o Waste reduction (Read Chapter 8 in the textbook)
• Select one philosophical theory (i.e., utilitarianism, deontology,
or virtue ethics). Consider the following questions pertaining to
the theory you have selected:
• What does the theory tell us about how things operate in the
real world?
• What is the focus of the theory? That is, what aspects of
everyday life (or what questions) does the theory address?
• How does the theory simplify complex issues to make them more
understandable? Another way to think about this is to consider
the concepts that make up the theory. Identify the concepts and
how they are related to each other.
• The focus helps you think about the topical boundaries of the
theory. This course is about ethics and social responsibility, so
you should concentrate on the ethical and moral aspects of both
the theory and topic you are analyzing. It may help to think in
terms of different realms or institutions. Does the theory help
explain people’s behavior from a political, economic, religious,
or ethical perspective? Try to sort through everything that does
not represent an ethical question, and address only the ethical
• Develop one thesis question that applies your philosophical
theory to your environmental issue. You will address this
question by developing an argument that links the theory to the
issue (through your notes and pictures), so make sure you word
your question carefully to accomplish this task. Indicate this
thesis question on your second slide (the one after the title
• To add notes to your slide, go the section at the bottom of each
slide in PowerPoint and click on the option that says “Click to
add notes.” Type your notes into that section.
• Make sure your presentation focuses on ethical arguments and
avoids personal opinion, arguments based on politics,
economics, religion, or topics other than ethics.
• Next, develop an ethical argument that addresses your question.
Use the text and/or other academic sources to support your
position. Build your argument by writing nine clear sentences.
Each sentence should make one important point about the
ethical aspects of the environmental issue you are analyzing and
should be placed on one slide each.
• Underneath each slide, you will also add presentation notes.
This is written information that you would normally say or
share with an audience during a presentation, but they do not
show up in the presentation. Your notes should also make use of
at least two academic sources and elaborate on the image and
sentence in each slide.
• Next, find a photo or image to illustrate each slide, and post it
on the slide above the sentence. Search the Internet for photos
or images that are appropriate. Make sure the photos or images
you use are not copyright protected; you should only use photos
or images that are in the public domain. Also, make sure you
cite the sources from which you retrieved your photos or images
directly underneath the photo on each slide.
The final PowerPoint slideshow should consist of 12 slides. There
should be one slide for the title page, one slide for your thesis
question, nine slides for your arguments (i.e., main sentences) and
notes, and one slide for your references. You should use at least two
academic sources in addition to the textbook as references. So you
will use a total of at least three academic sources. All citations and
references must be in the APA format as outlined in the Ashford
Writing Center.
This assignment must be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation.
Other formats (e.g., PDF files, Word documents, etc.) are not
acceptable. If you are unfamiliar with how to use PowerPoint,
see Basic tasks in PowerPoint 2010. You may also use the sample
PowerPoint assignment to guide you in preparing your assignment,
but you may not use the slides from that sample in your own work.
The work you submit must be completely original. Please also make
sure that you refer to the grading rubric for this assignment to ensure
that your final work meets all of the submission criteria for the final
PowerPoint slideshow.
SOC 120 Week 2 DQ 1 Constructing
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The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand how to
construct an ethical argument. Prepare and post a response to the
following prompt:
• Identify the basic themes, topics, and concepts that make up the
discipline of ethics. Explain the themes or ideas that unite the
different ethical theories.
• Describe how you might apply one of the ethical theories or
perspectives we have discussed in this class to one of the
following social issues:
o Limiting smoking in public places, such as public
buildings, restaurants, or city parks
o Municipal governments using public funds to build
stadiums for professional sports teams
o Requiring a private landowner to provide habitat for
endangered species on their properties
In an effort to present a balanced discussion, describe an alternative
perspective to the issue you have addressed.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your
claims with examples from the required resources and/or other
scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style
SOC 120 Week 2 DQ 2 The Three Ethical
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In Chapter 1, you studied the three ethical perspectives (relativism,
emotivism, and ethical egoism), and in Chapter 2, you saw examples
of how to apply ethical theories and perspectives to various concrete
issues. The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand and
apply ethical perspectives. Prepare and post a response to the
following prompt:
Define and contrast the three ethical perspectives. How do the
perspectives differ from the ethical theories? What does each ethical
perspective tell us about morality and virtue?
Think of an issue that has occurred in your community during the
past year. This may be a public issue that has generated interest in
the press, or it may be something that has come up in your child’s
school, in your church, in a social club you belong to, or in your
neighborhood. Describe the issue, and then analyze the issue from the
viewpoint of one of the ethical perspectives. Apply the perspective to
the issue in the same way that the author applies the theories and
perspectives to the issues in the text.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your
claims with examples from the required resources and/or other
scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA
SOC 120 Week 3 Assignment Rough Draft of
Final Paper (Domestic surveillance)
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In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of
utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined
different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism,
ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these
theories and perspectives to a current issue.
Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list
below, or, with approval from the instructor, select a different
socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic
that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring
further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a
current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums.
Possible Issues
• Corporate executive compensation
• Corporate contributions to political campaigns
• Human trafficking
• Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex
• The media and their responsibilities
• Domestic surveillance
• Whistleblowing in government or in a business
• Religion in the workplace
• Ethical problems of gambling
• Progressive taxation rates
• Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad
• Women’s equality
In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the
issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should
apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective
in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics
and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in
your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on
opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think
about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it.
Address the following questions:
• What are the ethical issues?
• Where are there breaches of ethical behavior?
• How could each ethical theory you cite help people think about
what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior?
Your draft must include at least three pages of text plus a title page
and a references page. Your draft should include a clear thesis
statement that states what you plan to argue. It should also explain
how you intend to develop the final paper and include a list of the
sources you intend to use. You can also use the Sociology Research
Guide located in the Ashford University Library. Format your rough
draft according to APA style and properly cite and reference all your
sources according to APA format. If you would like to refer to APA
samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located
within the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar of your
online course.
Note: The final version of this paper will be 1500 to 1800 words, plus
separate title and reference pages, and will use at least five academic
SOC 120 Week 3 Assignment Rough Draft of
Final Paper (Religion in the workplace)
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In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of
utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined
different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism,
ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these
theories and perspectives to a current issue.
Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list
below, or, with approval from the instructor, select a different
socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic
that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring
further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a
current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums.
Possible Issues
• Corporate executive compensation
• Corporate contributions to political campaigns
• Human trafficking
• Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex
• The media and their responsibilities
• Domestic surveillance
• Whistleblowing in government or in a business
• Religion in the workplace
• Ethical problems of gambling
• Progressive taxation rates
• Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad
• Women’s equality
In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the
issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should
apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective
in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics
and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in
your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on
opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think
about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it.
Address the following questions:
• What are the ethical issues?
• Where are there breaches of ethical behavior?
• How could each ethical theory you cite help people think about
what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior?
Your draft must include at least three pages of text plus a title page
and a references page. Your draft should include a clear thesis
statement that states what you plan to argue. It should also explain
how you intend to develop the final paper and include a list of the
sources you intend to use. You can also use the Sociology Research
Guide located in the Ashford University Library. Format your rough
draft according to APA style and properly cite and reference all your
sources according to APA format. If you would like to refer to APA
samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located
within the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar of your
online course.
Note: The final version of this paper will be 1500 to 1800 words, plus
separate title and reference pages, and will use at least five academic
SOC 120 Week 3 Assignment Rough Draft of
Final Paper (The Media and its
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In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of
utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined
different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism,
ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these
theories and perspectives to a current issue.
Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list
below, or, with approval from the instructor, select a different
socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic
that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring
further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a
current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums.
Possible Issues
• Corporate executive compensation
• Corporate contributions to political campaigns
• Human trafficking
• Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex
• The media and their responsibilities
• Domestic surveillance
• Whistleblowing in government or in a business
• Religion in the workplace
• Ethical problems of gambling
• Progressive taxation rates
• Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad
• Women’s equality
In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the
issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should
apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective
in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics
and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in
your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on
opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think
about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it.
Address the following questions:
• What are the ethical issues?
• Where are there breaches of ethical behavior?
• How could each ethical theory you cite help people think about
what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior?
Your draft must include at least three pages of text plus a title page
and a references page. Your draft should include a clear thesis
statement that states what you plan to argue. It should also explain
how you intend to develop the final paper and include a list of the
sources you intend to use. You can also use the Sociology Research
Guide located in the Ashford University Library. Format your rough
draft according to APA style and properly cite and reference all your
sources according to APA format. If you would like to refer to APA
samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located
within the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar of your
online course.
Note: The final version of this paper will be 1500 to 1800 words, plus
separate title and reference pages, and will use at least five academic
SOC 120 Week 3 DQ 1 Ageism
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The purpose of this discussion is to give you the opportunity to apply
ethical theories to the complex issue of ageism in the workplace,
particularly in the area of employment. In the modern workplace,
there appear to be the following three key issues that exhibit ageism
in employment, some of which have been exacerbated by recent
economic issues and an aging population:
• Older job seekers fight ageism as a barrier to re-employment
• Younger job seekers have trouble obtaining career entry
• Evidence in many countries highlights that older worker
employment and youth employment are not connected in any
This last point is generally known in economics as the lump of labor
fallacy, which challenges the view that if older workers are employed
in a tight labor market, then they must be occupying the jobs of the
country’s youth. Prepare and post a response to the following
Using at least one ethical perspective or theory from the text and one
item of scholarly evidence, present an argument to a group of
younger workers (regarding older worker and youth employment) in
which you refute the notion that older workers take employment from
the young.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your
claims with examples from the required resources and/or other
scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style
SOC 120 Week 3 DQ 2 Regulating Off-Duty
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The purpose of this discussion is to give you the opportunity to apply
ethical theories and perspectives to modern issues of the workplace.
Off-duty conduct away from the workplace can be monitored and
reported in many ways. These ways have only grown due to the
increase in social media use, which provides employers far greater
opportunities to become aware of what employees do outside of the
workplace. Some types of behaviors are especially concerning, as
they may have on-duty consequences. Other types of off-duty
behavior, however, are more difficult to clearly define as grossly
inappropriate and warranting employer intervention. But who draws
this line, and what are the ethical implications of where the line is
drawn? Prepare and post a response to the following prompt:
Using the resources provided, your own research, and your
knowledge of the ethical concepts from the text, consider the issue of
off-site monitoring of conduct:
• Considering your own work experience, imagine a circumstance
in which your supervisor monitored your behavior off the job.
Describe the circumstances, including how and why your
conduct was monitored.
• Would you consider your example to involve a minor, moderate,
or severe invasion of an individual’s privacy? Explain your
reasoning. Share your unemotional, well-defined, evidence-
based response to your boss to support your viewpoint.
• What issues do you believe led to your employer monitoring
you? Use one ethical theory or perspective to help support your
employer’s viewpoint, and use a scholarly source as your
• What about your viewpoint as the employee? Use one ethical
theory or perspective to support an employee’s right to privacy
outside of work, and use a scholarly source as your evidence.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your
claims with examples from the required resources and/or other
scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style
SOC 120 Week 4 DQ 1 Equal Access To
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This discussion presents the opportunity for you to address the
inequality of access to health care in the United States using moral
and ethical reasoning. There is overwhelming evidence that social
inequalities affect health outcomes. Many argue that lack of health
care access due to poverty is a human rights concern in the United
States that should be subject to public and social justice inquiry. As
such, the Affordable Care Act was implemented to promote health
equity. While there are some that have reported favorable outcomes
with respect to health care access, others have reported unfavorable
What is your perspective on the ethics of providing universal health
care to all U.S. citizens, and how well do you think the Affordable
Care Act has addressed this cause? Prepare an academically-
informed post to address this question. In doing so, consider both the
ethical and moral reasons for supporting the implementation of the
Affordable Care Act and also a possible shortfall or problem with this
policy. You may talk about your own experiences but must also use
academic research to support your arguments.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your
claims with examples from the required resources and/or other
scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style
SOC 120 Week 4 DQ 2 Food Justice/Food
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The purpose of this discussion is to offer you the opportunity to
debate the issue of food justice and food deserts. Food deserts are
significant issues in poorer neighborhoods in the United States. In
many of these neighborhoods, the only access to food is through local
convenience stores or fast food restaurants. This severely limits the
options for the poor to have access to fresh, wholesome food and has
been evidenced as a key reason for the obesity epidemic in the United
States. This issue is encompassed in the overarching topic of food
justice, which also highlights public access to genetically modified or
organic foods and the issues of equal access to positive food options
in light of public health and social inequality. Prepare and post a
response to the following prompt:
Read the Hilmers article, Neighborhood Disparities in Access to
Healthy Foods and Their Effects on Environmental Justice. Assume
that your town is a food desert and you would like to do something
about it. Prepare an argument to present to your local town council
that outlines an idea to offer healthy food options to your town. Use
at least one ethical theory or perspective to support the moral or
ethical reasoning for why this program should be implemented.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your
claims with examples from the required resources and/or other
scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style
SOC 120 Week 5 DQ 1 Consumerism And
Planned Obsolescence
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The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand the growing
concerns surrounding consumerism and how this concept is applied
to varied contexts. Prepare and post a response to the following
• Describe consumerism. Describe a specific context and explain
what consumerism means in the setting.
• What is planned obsolescence? What role does planned
obsolescence play in consumerism? Describe one product or
service and explain how planned obsolescence is incorporated
into its design. Note: Do not use the same product or service
that a classmate has already used in a previous post.
• What are your personal beliefs and biases about consumption?
• Having separated your personal beliefs and biases, use ethical
theories and concepts to present how you feel about
consumerism and planned obsolescence as societal issues.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your
claims with examples from the required resources and/or other
scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style
SOC 120 Week 5 DQ 2 Conglomerates And
Market Domination
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Conglomerates and Market Domination. The purpose of this
discussion is to help you understand the role of corporations in the
modern world, and evaluating ethical aspects of corporate market
domination. Prepare and post a response to the following prompts:
· What is a corporation? What are the defining characteristics of
a public corporation? What is a conglomerate? What is the difference
between a corporation and a conglomerate?
· Describe how media conglomerates are organized in the
United States. Use an example of one media conglomerate and
examine is various parts. How might these parts work together for
mutual advantage?
· Consider the ethics of media conglomerates. What are the
advantages and drawbacks of allowing large conglomerates to
control the mass media? What are alternative ways the media can be
organized? Would the alternatives be more ethical or virtuous?
· Explain your reasoning.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your
claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other
scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style as
outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Respond to at least two of
your classmates’ posts by Day 7.
SOC 120 Week 5 Final Paper (Religion in the
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Final Paper
In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of
utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined
different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism,
ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these
theories and perspectives to a current issue.
Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list
below or, with approval from the instructor, select a different
socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic
that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring
further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a
current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums.
Possible Issues
• Corporate executive compensation
• Corporate contributions to political campaigns
• Human trafficking
• Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex
• The media and their responsibilities
• Domestic surveillance
• Whistleblowing in government or in a business
• Religion in the workplace
• Ethical problems of gambling
• Progressive taxation rates
• Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad
• Women’s equality
In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the
issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should
apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective
in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics
and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in
your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on
opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think
about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it.
Address the following questions:
• What are the ethical issues?
• Where are there breaches of ethical behavior?
• How could each ethical theory you cite help people think about
what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior?
The paper must be 1500-1800 words in length (excluding title and
references pages) and formatted according to APA style. Excluding
the textbook, you must use at least five scholarly sources from the
Ashford University Library to support your claims. You can also use
the Sociology Research Guide located in the Ashford University
Library. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the
reference page. For information regarding APA
SOC 120 Week 5 Final Paper (The Media and
its Responsibilities)
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Final Paper
In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of
utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined
different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism,
ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these
theories and perspectives to a current issue.
Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list
below or, with approval from the instructor, select a different
socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic
that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring
further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a
current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums.
Possible Issues
• Corporate executive compensation
• Corporate contributions to political campaigns
• Human trafficking
• Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex
• The media and their responsibilities
• Domestic surveillance
• Whistleblowing in government or in a business
• Religion in the workplace
• Ethical problems of gambling
• Progressive taxation rates
• Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad
• Women’s equality
In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the
issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should
apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective
in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics
and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in
your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on
opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think
about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it.
Address the following questions:
• What are the ethical issues?
• Where are there breaches of ethical behavior?
• How could each ethical theory you cite help people think about
what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior?
The paper must be 1500-1800 words in length (excluding title and
references pages) and formatted according to APA style. Excluding
the textbook, you must use at least five scholarly sources from the
Ashford University Library to support your claims. You can also use
the Sociology Research Guide located in the Ashford University
Library. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the
reference page. For information regarding APA
SOC 120 Week 5 Final Paper Domestic
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Final Paper
In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of
utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined
different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism,
ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these
theories and perspectives to a current issue.
Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list
below or, with approval from the instructor, select a different
socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic
that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring
further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a
current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums.
Possible Issues
• Corporate executive compensation
• Corporate contributions to political campaigns
• Human trafficking
• Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex
• The media and their responsibilities
• Domestic surveillance
• Whistleblowing in government or in a business
• Religion in the workplace
• Ethical problems of gambling
• Progressive taxation rates
• Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad
• Women’s equality
In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the
issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should
apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective
in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics
and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in
your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on
opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think
about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it.
Address the following questions:
• What are the ethical issues?
• Where are there breaches of ethical behavior?
• How could each ethical theory you cite help people think about
what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior?
The paper must be 1500-1800 words in length (excluding title and
references pages) and formatted according to APA style. Excluding
the textbook, you must use at least five scholarly sources from the
Ashford University Library to support your claims. You can also use
the Sociology Research Guide located in the Ashford University
Library. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the
reference page. For information regarding APA

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Soc 120 Enhance teaching /

  • 1. SOC 120 Week 1 DQ 1 Theory, Evidence, Belief, and Bias For more classes visit The purpose of this discussion is to contrast theories, evidence, beliefs, and biases. Prepare and post a response to the following questions. Using concepts from the assigned readings, define what a theory is. Describe how you can know if a theory is valid. Offer one example of how a personal belief may differ from a theory. Note: Do not use the same example that one of your classmates has used in a previous post. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 1 DQ 1 Theory, Evidence, Belief, and Bias
  • 2. For more classes visit The purpose of this discussion is to contrast theories, evidence, beliefs, and biases. Prepare and post a response to the following questions. Using concepts from the assigned readings, define what a theory is. Describe how you can know if a theory is valid. Offer one example of how a personal belief may differ from a theory. Note: Do not use the same example that one of your classmates has used in a previous post. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 1 DQ 2 For more classes visit
  • 3. The purpose of this discussion is to help you investigate the ethical theories of Western philosophical thought. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt: Identify and define each of the three dominant ethical theories in Western philosophy. Describe a situation that you have faced recently that presented an ethical dilemma. How would you evaluate your actions in this situation to determine whether or not they were good or virtuous? Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 2 Assignment Applying Theory Environmental Issues (2 PPT) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains 2 Presentations Your goal for this assignment is to apply an ethical theory to a real- world situation. You will examine an environmental issue and apply one of the ethical theories to it to understand how human interactions with the natural environment raise ethical concerns. You will do this
  • 4. by preparing and posting a PowerPoint slideshow consisting of 12 slides with a separate section under each slide for notes. • Choose one of the following topics or issues, and read about it at the indicated place: o Environmental justice and environmental racism (Read Environmental Justice for All) o Environmental harm, like the pollution of air and water (Read Chapter 8 in the textbook) o Waste reduction (Read Chapter 8 in the textbook) • Select one philosophical theory (i.e., utilitarianism, deontology, or virtue ethics). Consider the following questions pertaining to the theory you have selected: • What does the theory tell us about how things operate in the real world? • What is the focus of the theory? That is, what aspects of everyday life (or what questions) does the theory address? • How does the theory simplify complex issues to make them more understandable? Another way to think about this is to consider the concepts that make up the theory. Identify the concepts and how they are related to each other. • The focus helps you think about the topical boundaries of the theory. This course is about ethics and social responsibility, so you should concentrate on the ethical and moral aspects of both the theory and topic you are analyzing. It may help to think in terms of different realms or institutions. Does the theory help explain people’s behavior from a political, economic, religious, or ethical perspective? Try to sort through everything that does not represent an ethical question, and address only the ethical issues. • Develop one thesis question that applies your philosophical theory to your environmental issue. You will address this
  • 5. question by developing an argument that links the theory to the issue (through your notes and pictures), so make sure you word your question carefully to accomplish this task. Indicate this thesis question on your second slide (the one after the title slide). • To add notes to your slide, go the section at the bottom of each slide in PowerPoint and click on the option that says “Click to add notes.” Type your notes into that section. • Make sure your presentation focuses on ethical arguments and avoids personal opinion, arguments based on politics, economics, religion, or topics other than ethics. • Next, develop an ethical argument that addresses your question. Use the text and/or other academic sources to support your position. Build your argument by writing nine clear sentences. Each sentence should make one important point about the ethical aspects of the environmental issue you are analyzing and should be placed on one slide each. • Underneath each slide, you will also add presentation notes. This is written information that you would normally say or share with an audience during a presentation, but they do not show up in the presentation. Your notes should also make use of at least two academic sources and elaborate on the image and sentence in each slide. • Next, find a photo or image to illustrate each slide, and post it on the slide above the sentence. Search the Internet for photos or images that are appropriate. Make sure the photos or images you use are not copyright protected; you should only use photos or images that are in the public domain. Also, make sure you cite the sources from which you retrieved your photos or images directly underneath the photo on each slide. The final PowerPoint slideshow should consist of 12 slides. There should be one slide for the title page, one slide for your thesis question, nine slides for your arguments (i.e., main sentences) and
  • 6. notes, and one slide for your references. You should use at least two academic sources in addition to the textbook as references. So you will use a total of at least three academic sources. All citations and references must be in the APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. This assignment must be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation. Other formats (e.g., PDF files, Word documents, etc.) are not acceptable. If you are unfamiliar with how to use PowerPoint, see Basic tasks in PowerPoint 2010. You may also use the sample PowerPoint assignment to guide you in preparing your assignment, but you may not use the slides from that sample in your own work. The work you submit must be completely original. Please also make sure that you refer to the grading rubric for this assignment to ensure that your final work meets all of the submission criteria for the final PowerPoint slideshow. ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 2 DQ 1 Constructing Arguments For more classes visit The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand how to construct an ethical argument. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt:
  • 7. • Identify the basic themes, topics, and concepts that make up the discipline of ethics. Explain the themes or ideas that unite the different ethical theories. • Describe how you might apply one of the ethical theories or perspectives we have discussed in this class to one of the following social issues: o Limiting smoking in public places, such as public buildings, restaurants, or city parks o Municipal governments using public funds to build stadiums for professional sports teams o Requiring a private landowner to provide habitat for endangered species on their properties In an effort to present a balanced discussion, describe an alternative perspective to the issue you have addressed. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 2 DQ 2 The Three Ethical Perspectives For more classes visit
  • 8. In Chapter 1, you studied the three ethical perspectives (relativism, emotivism, and ethical egoism), and in Chapter 2, you saw examples of how to apply ethical theories and perspectives to various concrete issues. The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand and apply ethical perspectives. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt: Define and contrast the three ethical perspectives. How do the perspectives differ from the ethical theories? What does each ethical perspective tell us about morality and virtue? Think of an issue that has occurred in your community during the past year. This may be a public issue that has generated interest in the press, or it may be something that has come up in your child’s school, in your church, in a social club you belong to, or in your neighborhood. Describe the issue, and then analyze the issue from the viewpoint of one of the ethical perspectives. Apply the perspective to the issue in the same way that the author applies the theories and perspectives to the issues in the text. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 3 Assignment Rough Draft of Final Paper (Domestic surveillance) For more classes visit
  • 9. In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism, ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these theories and perspectives to a current issue. Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list below, or, with approval from the instructor, select a different socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums. Possible Issues • Corporate executive compensation • Corporate contributions to political campaigns • Human trafficking • Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex • The media and their responsibilities • Domestic surveillance • Whistleblowing in government or in a business • Religion in the workplace • Ethical problems of gambling • Progressive taxation rates • Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad • Women’s equality
  • 10. In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it. Address the following questions: • What are the ethical issues? • Where are there breaches of ethical behavior? • How could each ethical theory you cite help people think about what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior? Your draft must include at least three pages of text plus a title page and a references page. Your draft should include a clear thesis statement that states what you plan to argue. It should also explain how you intend to develop the final paper and include a list of the sources you intend to use. You can also use the Sociology Research Guide located in the Ashford University Library. Format your rough draft according to APA style and properly cite and reference all your sources according to APA format. If you would like to refer to APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar of your online course. Note: The final version of this paper will be 1500 to 1800 words, plus separate title and reference pages, and will use at least five academic sources.. ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 3 Assignment Rough Draft of Final Paper (Religion in the workplace)
  • 11. For more classes visit In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism, ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these theories and perspectives to a current issue. Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list below, or, with approval from the instructor, select a different socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums. Possible Issues • Corporate executive compensation • Corporate contributions to political campaigns • Human trafficking • Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex • The media and their responsibilities • Domestic surveillance • Whistleblowing in government or in a business • Religion in the workplace
  • 12. • Ethical problems of gambling • Progressive taxation rates • Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad • Women’s equality In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it. Address the following questions: • What are the ethical issues? • Where are there breaches of ethical behavior? • How could each ethical theory you cite help people think about what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior? Your draft must include at least three pages of text plus a title page and a references page. Your draft should include a clear thesis statement that states what you plan to argue. It should also explain how you intend to develop the final paper and include a list of the sources you intend to use. You can also use the Sociology Research Guide located in the Ashford University Library. Format your rough draft according to APA style and properly cite and reference all your sources according to APA format. If you would like to refer to APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar of your online course. Note: The final version of this paper will be 1500 to 1800 words, plus separate title and reference pages, and will use at least five academic sources
  • 13. ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 3 Assignment Rough Draft of Final Paper (The Media and its Responsibilities) For more classes visit In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism, ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these theories and perspectives to a current issue. Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list below, or, with approval from the instructor, select a different socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums. Possible Issues • Corporate executive compensation • Corporate contributions to political campaigns • Human trafficking
  • 14. • Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex • The media and their responsibilities • Domestic surveillance • Whistleblowing in government or in a business • Religion in the workplace • Ethical problems of gambling • Progressive taxation rates • Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad • Women’s equality In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it. Address the following questions: • What are the ethical issues? • Where are there breaches of ethical behavior? • How could each ethical theory you cite help people think about what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior? Your draft must include at least three pages of text plus a title page and a references page. Your draft should include a clear thesis statement that states what you plan to argue. It should also explain how you intend to develop the final paper and include a list of the sources you intend to use. You can also use the Sociology Research Guide located in the Ashford University Library. Format your rough
  • 15. draft according to APA style and properly cite and reference all your sources according to APA format. If you would like to refer to APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar of your online course. Note: The final version of this paper will be 1500 to 1800 words, plus separate title and reference pages, and will use at least five academic sources ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 3 DQ 1 Ageism For more classes visit The purpose of this discussion is to give you the opportunity to apply ethical theories to the complex issue of ageism in the workplace, particularly in the area of employment. In the modern workplace, there appear to be the following three key issues that exhibit ageism in employment, some of which have been exacerbated by recent economic issues and an aging population: • Older job seekers fight ageism as a barrier to re-employment • Younger job seekers have trouble obtaining career entry • Evidence in many countries highlights that older worker employment and youth employment are not connected in any way
  • 16. This last point is generally known in economics as the lump of labor fallacy, which challenges the view that if older workers are employed in a tight labor market, then they must be occupying the jobs of the country’s youth. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt: Using at least one ethical perspective or theory from the text and one item of scholarly evidence, present an argument to a group of younger workers (regarding older worker and youth employment) in which you refute the notion that older workers take employment from the young. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 3 DQ 2 Regulating Off-Duty Conduct For more classes visit The purpose of this discussion is to give you the opportunity to apply ethical theories and perspectives to modern issues of the workplace. Off-duty conduct away from the workplace can be monitored and reported in many ways. These ways have only grown due to the increase in social media use, which provides employers far greater
  • 17. opportunities to become aware of what employees do outside of the workplace. Some types of behaviors are especially concerning, as they may have on-duty consequences. Other types of off-duty behavior, however, are more difficult to clearly define as grossly inappropriate and warranting employer intervention. But who draws this line, and what are the ethical implications of where the line is drawn? Prepare and post a response to the following prompt: Using the resources provided, your own research, and your knowledge of the ethical concepts from the text, consider the issue of off-site monitoring of conduct: • Considering your own work experience, imagine a circumstance in which your supervisor monitored your behavior off the job. Describe the circumstances, including how and why your conduct was monitored. • Would you consider your example to involve a minor, moderate, or severe invasion of an individual’s privacy? Explain your reasoning. Share your unemotional, well-defined, evidence- based response to your boss to support your viewpoint. • What issues do you believe led to your employer monitoring you? Use one ethical theory or perspective to help support your employer’s viewpoint, and use a scholarly source as your evidence. • What about your viewpoint as the employee? Use one ethical theory or perspective to support an employee’s right to privacy outside of work, and use a scholarly source as your evidence. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style ******************************************************************************
  • 18. SOC 120 Week 4 DQ 1 Equal Access To Healthcare For more classes visit This discussion presents the opportunity for you to address the inequality of access to health care in the United States using moral and ethical reasoning. There is overwhelming evidence that social inequalities affect health outcomes. Many argue that lack of health care access due to poverty is a human rights concern in the United States that should be subject to public and social justice inquiry. As such, the Affordable Care Act was implemented to promote health equity. While there are some that have reported favorable outcomes with respect to health care access, others have reported unfavorable experiences. What is your perspective on the ethics of providing universal health care to all U.S. citizens, and how well do you think the Affordable Care Act has addressed this cause? Prepare an academically- informed post to address this question. In doing so, consider both the ethical and moral reasons for supporting the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and also a possible shortfall or problem with this policy. You may talk about your own experiences but must also use academic research to support your arguments. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style ******************************************************************************
  • 19. SOC 120 Week 4 DQ 2 Food Justice/Food Deserts For more classes visit The purpose of this discussion is to offer you the opportunity to debate the issue of food justice and food deserts. Food deserts are significant issues in poorer neighborhoods in the United States. In many of these neighborhoods, the only access to food is through local convenience stores or fast food restaurants. This severely limits the options for the poor to have access to fresh, wholesome food and has been evidenced as a key reason for the obesity epidemic in the United States. This issue is encompassed in the overarching topic of food justice, which also highlights public access to genetically modified or organic foods and the issues of equal access to positive food options in light of public health and social inequality. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt: Read the Hilmers article, Neighborhood Disparities in Access to Healthy Foods and Their Effects on Environmental Justice. Assume that your town is a food desert and you would like to do something about it. Prepare an argument to present to your local town council that outlines an idea to offer healthy food options to your town. Use at least one ethical theory or perspective to support the moral or ethical reasoning for why this program should be implemented.
  • 20. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 5 DQ 1 Consumerism And Planned Obsolescence For more classes visit The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand the growing concerns surrounding consumerism and how this concept is applied to varied contexts. Prepare and post a response to the following prompts: • Describe consumerism. Describe a specific context and explain what consumerism means in the setting. • What is planned obsolescence? What role does planned obsolescence play in consumerism? Describe one product or service and explain how planned obsolescence is incorporated into its design. Note: Do not use the same product or service that a classmate has already used in a previous post. • What are your personal beliefs and biases about consumption? • Having separated your personal beliefs and biases, use ethical theories and concepts to present how you feel about consumerism and planned obsolescence as societal issues.
  • 21. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 5 DQ 2 Conglomerates And Market Domination For more classes visit Conglomerates and Market Domination. The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand the role of corporations in the modern world, and evaluating ethical aspects of corporate market domination. Prepare and post a response to the following prompts: · What is a corporation? What are the defining characteristics of a public corporation? What is a conglomerate? What is the difference between a corporation and a conglomerate? · · Describe how media conglomerates are organized in the United States. Use an example of one media conglomerate and examine is various parts. How might these parts work together for mutual advantage? ·
  • 22. · Consider the ethics of media conglomerates. What are the advantages and drawbacks of allowing large conglomerates to control the mass media? What are alternative ways the media can be organized? Would the alternatives be more ethical or virtuous? · · Explain your reasoning. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 5 Final Paper (Religion in the workplace) For more classes visit Final Paper In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined
  • 23. different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism, ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these theories and perspectives to a current issue. Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list below or, with approval from the instructor, select a different socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums. Possible Issues • Corporate executive compensation • Corporate contributions to political campaigns • Human trafficking • Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex • The media and their responsibilities • Domestic surveillance • Whistleblowing in government or in a business • Religion in the workplace • Ethical problems of gambling • Progressive taxation rates • Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad • Women’s equality In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in
  • 24. your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it. Address the following questions: • What are the ethical issues? • Where are there breaches of ethical behavior? • How could each ethical theory you cite help people think about what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior? The paper must be 1500-1800 words in length (excluding title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style. Excluding the textbook, you must use at least five scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library to support your claims. You can also use the Sociology Research Guide located in the Ashford University Library. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 5 Final Paper (The Media and its Responsibilities) For more classes visit Final Paper
  • 25. In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism, ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these theories and perspectives to a current issue. Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list below or, with approval from the instructor, select a different socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums. Possible Issues • Corporate executive compensation • Corporate contributions to political campaigns • Human trafficking • Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex • The media and their responsibilities • Domestic surveillance • Whistleblowing in government or in a business • Religion in the workplace • Ethical problems of gambling • Progressive taxation rates • Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad • Women’s equality
  • 26. In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it. Address the following questions: • What are the ethical issues? • Where are there breaches of ethical behavior? • How could each ethical theory you cite help people think about what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior? The paper must be 1500-1800 words in length (excluding title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style. Excluding the textbook, you must use at least five scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library to support your claims. You can also use the Sociology Research Guide located in the Ashford University Library. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA ****************************************************************************** SOC 120 Week 5 Final Paper Domestic surveillance) For more classes visit
  • 27. Final Paper In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism, ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these theories and perspectives to a current issue. Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list below or, with approval from the instructor, select a different socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums. Possible Issues • Corporate executive compensation • Corporate contributions to political campaigns • Human trafficking • Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex • The media and their responsibilities • Domestic surveillance • Whistleblowing in government or in a business • Religion in the workplace • Ethical problems of gambling • Progressive taxation rates • Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad
  • 28. • Women’s equality In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it. Address the following questions: • What are the ethical issues? • Where are there breaches of ethical behavior? • How could each ethical theory you cite help people think about what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior? The paper must be 1500-1800 words in length (excluding title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style. Excluding the textbook, you must use at least five scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library to support your claims. You can also use the Sociology Research Guide located in the Ashford University Library. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA ******************************************************************************