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Snehal Joshi – Facebook Posts
People in general have two complexes. One is Superiority Complex and other is inferiority
complex. Both are dangerous. Try to be in middle , that is do not consider yourself too superior
and too inferior that will harm your self respect.
Change- Change is an inevitable part of human life. Nothing is permanent. Due to changes in
nature, there are different seasons like winter , summer, rainy. Due to change there are days &
night. After marriage girl has to go to new house and adjust change. I feel persons have to
adjust to changes as early as possible. I will share one experience, my son will go to Sr.Kg next
year. His current academic year will end on 1 st week of April. He is emotional. He asked me,
aai I will miss my teachers, class mates. I explained him, Soham it is part of our life. every year
you will get new teachers, if same thing continues person will get bored with the routine. Some
persons are not ready to accept the change easily. Mother in laws are not ready to hand over
household duties and responsibilities to their daughter in laws easily.
Habits - Habits means activities you do regularly everyday. Habits can be classified into two
categories I.e Good Habits, Bad Habits. Good Habits for example excercising every day,
Reading books, gardening plants, learning new language. Bad habits means inspite of knowing
illl effects of smoking addiction of smoking, alcohol, biting of nail, speaking at persons back. It
is human tendency that person take up bad habits easily than good habits. I request try to
cultivate good habits of other persons than bad habits.
HAPPY WAY- H- Health is Wealth, Keep yourself healthy by excercising, eating hygenic food.
A- Awareness . We should be always aware about our strength and know about our limitation.
P- Positive thinging, Whatever is happpening, something good result will come out that
thinking is positive thinking. Preservance- Try Try till you succeed, Never give up any task
uncless desired outcome is achieved. Even obstacles come up ,never give up. Youth- Youth
means not only age but mind power. mind full of enthusiasm and energy
Holi- In India there are many festivals celebrated throughout the year. Holi is the last festival
celebrated according to Hindu Calendar. It falls in the month of Phalgun Shudha Poornima. As
the legand goes, 'holi' is named after ' Holika', the sister of cruel king Hiranya Kashyap. The
king claimed himself to be Almighty and asked all her subjects to worship him instead of God.
But his own son, Prahalad worshipped God, not the king. Holika was blessed not to be burnt in
the fire, so she tried to kill Prahalad on insistence of the king by sitting in pyre with Prahalad.
Prahalad came hale and hearty out of the pyre but Holika was burnt to ashes. Thus holi marks
the victory of good over evil. Now the huge bonfire is burnt on the day of holi. The next day of
holi is 'Rangapanchami' where people smear colours on each other. I was just discussing about
holi festival with my mother in law . She told the story that we used to celebrate holi in villages
to destroy the garbage, wood in bon fire and to clean the village for 'Gudi Padva'. I am of the
opinion that instead of following tradition year after year without any modification , We need
to modify this festival by not burning the fire but taking oath on that day that We all are bound
to keep our surrounding clean throughout the year and thus can avoid pollution on day of holi
due to fire. On the day of ' Rangapanchmi' people should take oath not to waste water which is
the important resource of mankind. Wishing you all happy holi. Enjoy the festival and think on
my point.
Expectation - Expectation means thinking a particular thing to be happened in certain ways.
Everybody has different expectation and if other person do not behave in the way we say that
he or she has satisfied our expectation. Parents expect good marks from their children. Husband
expects his wife should have all qualities , that is she should be smart, able to do household
work, working. Wife expects husband should be smart, good earning capacity. I will share one
experience my friend is yet to get married , she is only daughter of her parents.They are
searching husband for her for last 10 years. I suggested her one boy who is Civil Engineer , he
has his own house in Malad and works in company.She is Physiotherapists and she does not
have job as such .She attends patient on call. Her mummy called boy' s mother and ask his
information and his package . His package is around Rs.8 lakh per annum which she considers
less. She called me and said I am not going further since his package is less. According to me
her expectation is irrational. In this case I feel money is the only thing she is expecting not other
things. Sometimes person has to adjust. Expectation should be rational otherwise one will
always be unsatisfied. What is your opinion about Expectation? What things do you expect
from others? What things do you feel other expect from you? Make a list and you can shre it on
comment box.
Savitri Bai Phule Smruti Din- On 8 th March we have celebrated ' International Women' s
day'.Today is the day to remember Savitri Bai Phule , as first educated women, first women
teacher. Savitribai Phule was born on 3 rd January at Naigon. She got married with Mahatma
Jyotiba Phule at the age of 9. Jyotia Phule was 12 years old at that time. In 19 th century women
were deprived of education. Many customs were prevailing such as child marriage, sati, cutting
of hair after husband' s death. Savitri Bai Phule along with Jyotiba Phule fought against this
custom with society.she took care of needy people. Jyotiba Phule first taught her since parents
of girl children were not sending daughters in the school where male teachers were there. She
was the first teacher. Jyotiba Phule & Savitribai Phule started first school at ' Bhidewada' in
Pune. Savitribai Phule had to face lot of hardship from society .People used to throw cow dung
on her when she was going for work, inspite of hardship she continued her work. Because of
the efforts of Savitri Bai, girls are started getting education.Now women have created place in
every field. Savitribai Phule died on 10 th March. I request all women to have gratitude of her in
their mind.Hats off to Savitribai Phule and her work.
Women' s Day - Today is an important day for women. Today is an international women day.
Wishing you all 'Happy Women' s day. Women are intergral part of society. Women have many
inborn qualities. Women can take care and show love & affection so God has given
responsibility of giving birth to child to women only. Earlier girls were deprived from
education .Birth of girl child is not welcomed, girls were considered burden since lofty dowries
would have to be given at the time of her marriage. If girl child is born the parents of husband
would used to held their daughter-in law responsible but this is also wrong act since sex of
child depends on male factor. But people were not aware. Girls were given education of
household chores. Parents used to get them married at early age with person 20-30 years older
than them. Jyotiba Phule felt need of girl education so he started school in Pune for girls. But
parents of girl children were not sending their daughters since male teachers were their in
school so he taught his wife Savitribai Phule. Savitribai Bai Phule was first woman teacher. Thus
girls started getting education. Education gives strength & confidence to women. Now in 21 st
century women have touched all spheres .After education girls started working .Earlier in 1960'
s working of women considered inferior . Even my maternal grandmother was working as
teacher, she completed her education after marriage due to my grandfather's support , I heard
from my mother that she also had to face criticism of their neighbours. But my grandmother
worked as teacher inspite of criticism. Earlier girl used to marry with person older than her age
than he used to die early after marriage then her condition used to be worst. She used to be
victim of sati. Society used to force to cut her hair.But due to reforms done by Maharshi Karve ,
our society started accepting widow remarriage. Now women of 21 st century works in 2 front
that is office & home. Women only educates her children. It is said ' Mother is first teacher'.All
responsibilities of child such as taking child to Dr, attending parents meeting is done by women
only but definitely now she is getting support of her family. Now women have become
financially indepent. But even today when I read in newspaper about rape cases, killing of girls
foetus before it is born I feel ashamed of our society. How male can do such wicked act? Why
does not he think what it would have happened with his sister or mother.It is to be changed. I
request male members to respect their wife, mother, daughter or sister. Share theirduties,
celebrate women' s day everyday.
Satisfaction - Satisfaction means inner feeling of happiness. Definition of satisfaction is different
for different persons. I get satisfaction by purchasing books in book exhibition, reading them,
teaching to the students, From last one month I am getting satisfaction when I express myself by
way of writing.
My mother gets satisfaction when she buys new dress or new sarees for herself or for me.
Some people get satisfaction by work of the office , they follow principle ' Work is workship'.
Singer gets satisfaction when he or she sings, dancer gets satisfaction in dancing. Satisfaction
means exploring your interest. I feel everybody should try to find out interst and experience
satisfaction, I am sure there life will be full of happiness & energetic.
Necessity v/s Novelty - Food, clothing & shelter are basic needs of human being, but other than
that whatever comes according to me is Novelty. Due to invention of technology many new
things came into existence and human life became comfortable but at the same time human
beings started depending on that and it became their necessity rather than novelty. Earlier in
summer people were using fan but after invention of Airconditioner people started buying
Airconditoner and became so used of using it so that became their necessity. Earlier generation
people used to walk long distance over foot. I will share one experience , my son' s Soham' s
school is just 10 minutes distance and he enjoys to go to school by walking, one day my friend
came to my house her son also studies in Soham' s school and asked me how does Soham go
walking? Does not he get tired? She has availed bus facility whose house is also near from
school. I gave her answer I do not feel the necessity of availing bus facility. Children should
have habit of walking. We should bifurcate between Necessity and Luxury.Last week I attended
engagement of my relatives, so much expenditure had been incurred, First time I saw that on
engagement day, cake was cut. Thought came into mind ,Was it needed to spend so much
money on Engagement? In today's newspaper also I read huge expenditure had been incurred
by politician on wedding in Aurangabad, I really felt sorry for poor people of our country. I feel
that we should think properly and act wisely.
Communication - Communication means exchange of information. Human being is different
from other animals because of their ability of speaking. Human being can express their thoughts
through spoken or written way.We all must have read in History that human beings also in
initial days communicated through gestures but due to advancement language developed and
people started communicating. Through communication we can express our all emotions. There
are various communication devices like Telephone, Radio, Television, Mobile, E mail, Whats
up, Internet, Through communication it is said that world have come closer. But at the same
time communication between family members have reduced .People staying under same roof
do not communicate with each other openly. Communication develops bond or relationship.
Communication should be two ways to keep it flowing, otherwise after some days it would
stop. I am sincerly thankful to my kaka, After formation of this group I started expressing my
thoughts and I am feeling more confident now. Inspite of repeated reminder by admin to all
members , I have observed that some members are reluctant to give their introduction . I
sincerely request them to come out of shell and express yourself by sharing photos or
information then only this group will become more livid. You can express yourself whenever
you get time, But keep sharing.
Today is 27 th February. Today is an important day as today is Marathi Rajbhasha din. Wishing
you all 'Happy Rajbhasha Din'. Marathi is our mother tongue. We should not forget our mother
tongue. But now due to influence of western culture people have started forgetting mother
tongue. One of our relatives from my husband' s side stays in America for last 40 years. They
both husband & wife speak Marathi. But they have never spoken Marathi with their children as
a result their children do not know Marathi language. Children feel different when they come to
India as they do not know what is going on since Marathi is unknown language for them. In
one of the book of Achyut Godbole he is written ' No language is inferior or Superior'.
Language is means of communication. We stay in Maharashtra where main language is
Marathi. But since many people from outside Maharashtra come to Maharashtra and start
considering Marathi inferior. There are many good writers in Marathi. I am not against learning
new languages. But at the same time it is advisable not to forget our Marathi language. I will
share one experience 4 years back I came to Pune for my sister's wedding, Over there I met one
man whose son was my son' s age . His wife was also there with him. After initial talk I asked
about the school in which are they taking admission. His wife said I want to take admission in
English medium but my husband is not ready he is saying I will take admission in Marathi
medium only. As per his wife saying I started him telling the importance of English language ,
Condition of Marathi school but he was firm on decision the answer given by him surprised me
. He said he himself had learnt from Marathi medium and is now working in Saraswat bank as
translator and he knows 18 languages. I am not saying to take admission in Marathi school for
your child but my saying is teach Marathi along with English and consider your Marathi also
language of learning.
Science Day - Wishing you all 'National Science Day'. The science has touched every field. It
may be invention of electricity, Telephone, Mobile, medicine. Hats off to scientist because of
their invention we can live comfortable life. We can contact any person at any part of the world.
Earlier we have to stand in a queue for bank transaction,booking of ticket now due to facility of
on line transaction we can do it at home.Farmers are also using modern technology instead of
trational method of farming. But every positive side has negative side also.Many are using these
invention for destructive purpose like atom bomb. InSmart phones sometimes boy clicks the
photograph of girl and use it for blackmailing girl. My suggestion is to use science for
constructive purpose and do remember the scientist for their great efforts.
Excitement of New thing- Today we brought new bicycle for Soham. He was so excited , whole
day he is talking about his new bicycle. Really anything new attracts us, it may be new bicycle,
new book, new car, new house. After someday it becomes routine. In school days I used to get
excited about new school books. The smell which new books have still lingers my mind. The
same is the case of new job. When we get job after completing degree we all are excited. Really
new things make our life exciting and brings change in our routine.
Good morning everyone. Today is Sunday. Sunday is a day which is liked by everyone. It is a
day on which we can relax after week's hectic schedule. It is a day on which family member can
spend time together. We can spend time on Sunday for our hobbies. Happy Sunday to all of
Examinations- Examinations season will start soon. On Sunday scholarship exam, From
Monday Board exam of 12 th followed by board exam of 10 th and then school exams. I rquest
the parents whose children are appearing for exam to convey All the best on my behalf.
Examinations are means of checking knowledge gained in particular academic year. But marks
gained in examination is not ultimate source of knowledge. I have observed my many friends
who used to get less marks in school days have obtained professional degree. Children become
unnecessarily stressed during examination that affect their exam performance.Even I was one of
them, I still remember for one of my exam my maternal aunty Medha mami came to our house,
she observed that I am stressed for exam she said that Snehal you are not mature now but do
not worry about exam, give your 100 percent for preparation and appear for exam, you will get
good marks. She further said our life is also full of exam. Now I felt her saying was true really in
our life we give daily examination in which syllabus is not known.
Today I felt to write about my all real uncles&my father1.Suresh Vaidya- As you all know
Suresh Vaidya is my father.He is really adjustable .He is very social.He enjoys all the moments
of life.He attends all the cultural programme.He likes to travel.He along with my mother
havetravelled in india as well as abroad.2.Shrikant vaidya-He was my elder uncle.He used to
travel a lot.He enjoyed all moments of life.He had good command on English language.He was
very workholic.In my childhood days he used to call me Snehu .I had respect about him in my
mind.Unfortunately he is not there with us but still we all must be remembering him by his
3.Sudhir Vaidya- He is my youngest uncle.He is C.A.I have a great respect about him.He has
good command on writing.In whichever field he goes he excels in that.He has studied
homeopathy.He also studied astrology.He is also using new technology efficiently .
Use of Technology(Mobile & Internet) by older generation of Vaidya Family- Yesterday I was
going through list of members on Vaidya Family Katta of Facebook and Whatsup. I really felt
happy to see names of the older generation in that.They are my own relatives in one way of
other.They are my aunties, uncles & my Baba. I am sure mobile & internet must not be their
when they were at their young age.They must have learnt it from members of their younger
generation.I felt if there is will there is a way.I further request all of them to be active on group
and not mere to be only member of group.They can share their experiences.
Voting Day Good Morning everyone.Today is an important day for all politicians and all
political parties.Today is voting day for all muncipalties.For last 15 days to one month we all
must have seen the politicians really begging for vote through media and rallies.Even
somePoliticial parties have taken famous marathi actors forcampaigning.The political parties
are giving promises for change if they are selected .But once results are out one party will win
and then we will not see any changes being done and our condition remains as it is as
before.But as responsible citizen we should not forget our duties and caste your vote as Voting
is our fundamental right and be responsible citizen.
I am Snehal Joshi.I am daughter of Suresh & Supriya Vaidya. I personally respect my Sudhir
kaka.As suggested by him I am writing on Face book wall for first time.I am happy that due to
initiative by Rahul & Sudhir kaka this Vaidya Katta has formed on Facebook.I almost met
everyone many years back may be decade but happy to see them on Facebook.Now something
about me,I like to read.I am introvert .My husband is C.A .He works in Mahindra.I have one
son , his name is Soham.I request all to try to write on wall so we may know about each one
more better.Bye Bye.

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Snehal fb posts

  • 1. 1    Snehal Joshi – Facebook Posts 23-03-2017 People in general have two complexes. One is Superiority Complex and other is inferiority complex. Both are dangerous. Try to be in middle , that is do not consider yourself too superior and too inferior that will harm your self respect. 21-03-2017 Change- Change is an inevitable part of human life. Nothing is permanent. Due to changes in nature, there are different seasons like winter , summer, rainy. Due to change there are days & night. After marriage girl has to go to new house and adjust change. I feel persons have to adjust to changes as early as possible. I will share one experience, my son will go to Sr.Kg next year. His current academic year will end on 1 st week of April. He is emotional. He asked me, aai I will miss my teachers, class mates. I explained him, Soham it is part of our life. every year you will get new teachers, if same thing continues person will get bored with the routine. Some persons are not ready to accept the change easily. Mother in laws are not ready to hand over household duties and responsibilities to their daughter in laws easily. 18-03-2017 Habits - Habits means activities you do regularly everyday. Habits can be classified into two categories I.e Good Habits, Bad Habits. Good Habits for example excercising every day, Reading books, gardening plants, learning new language. Bad habits means inspite of knowing illl effects of smoking addiction of smoking, alcohol, biting of nail, speaking at persons back. It is human tendency that person take up bad habits easily than good habits. I request try to cultivate good habits of other persons than bad habits. 13-03-2017 HAPPY WAY- H- Health is Wealth, Keep yourself healthy by excercising, eating hygenic food. A- Awareness . We should be always aware about our strength and know about our limitation. P- Positive thinging, Whatever is happpening, something good result will come out that thinking is positive thinking. Preservance- Try Try till you succeed, Never give up any task uncless desired outcome is achieved. Even obstacles come up ,never give up. Youth- Youth means not only age but mind power. mind full of enthusiasm and energy
  • 2. 2    12-03-2017 Holi- In India there are many festivals celebrated throughout the year. Holi is the last festival celebrated according to Hindu Calendar. It falls in the month of Phalgun Shudha Poornima. As the legand goes, 'holi' is named after ' Holika', the sister of cruel king Hiranya Kashyap. The king claimed himself to be Almighty and asked all her subjects to worship him instead of God. But his own son, Prahalad worshipped God, not the king. Holika was blessed not to be burnt in the fire, so she tried to kill Prahalad on insistence of the king by sitting in pyre with Prahalad. Prahalad came hale and hearty out of the pyre but Holika was burnt to ashes. Thus holi marks the victory of good over evil. Now the huge bonfire is burnt on the day of holi. The next day of holi is 'Rangapanchami' where people smear colours on each other. I was just discussing about holi festival with my mother in law . She told the story that we used to celebrate holi in villages to destroy the garbage, wood in bon fire and to clean the village for 'Gudi Padva'. I am of the opinion that instead of following tradition year after year without any modification , We need to modify this festival by not burning the fire but taking oath on that day that We all are bound to keep our surrounding clean throughout the year and thus can avoid pollution on day of holi due to fire. On the day of ' Rangapanchmi' people should take oath not to waste water which is the important resource of mankind. Wishing you all happy holi. Enjoy the festival and think on my point. 10-03-2017 Expectation - Expectation means thinking a particular thing to be happened in certain ways. Everybody has different expectation and if other person do not behave in the way we say that he or she has satisfied our expectation. Parents expect good marks from their children. Husband expects his wife should have all qualities , that is she should be smart, able to do household work, working. Wife expects husband should be smart, good earning capacity. I will share one experience my friend is yet to get married , she is only daughter of her parents.They are searching husband for her for last 10 years. I suggested her one boy who is Civil Engineer , he has his own house in Malad and works in company.She is Physiotherapists and she does not have job as such .She attends patient on call. Her mummy called boy' s mother and ask his information and his package . His package is around Rs.8 lakh per annum which she considers less. She called me and said I am not going further since his package is less. According to me her expectation is irrational. In this case I feel money is the only thing she is expecting not other things. Sometimes person has to adjust. Expectation should be rational otherwise one will always be unsatisfied. What is your opinion about Expectation? What things do you expect from others? What things do you feel other expect from you? Make a list and you can shre it on comment box.
  • 3. 3    10-03-2017 Savitri Bai Phule Smruti Din- On 8 th March we have celebrated ' International Women' s day'.Today is the day to remember Savitri Bai Phule , as first educated women, first women teacher. Savitribai Phule was born on 3 rd January at Naigon. She got married with Mahatma Jyotiba Phule at the age of 9. Jyotia Phule was 12 years old at that time. In 19 th century women were deprived of education. Many customs were prevailing such as child marriage, sati, cutting of hair after husband' s death. Savitri Bai Phule along with Jyotiba Phule fought against this custom with society.she took care of needy people. Jyotiba Phule first taught her since parents of girl children were not sending daughters in the school where male teachers were there. She was the first teacher. Jyotiba Phule & Savitribai Phule started first school at ' Bhidewada' in Pune. Savitribai Phule had to face lot of hardship from society .People used to throw cow dung on her when she was going for work, inspite of hardship she continued her work. Because of the efforts of Savitri Bai, girls are started getting education.Now women have created place in every field. Savitribai Phule died on 10 th March. I request all women to have gratitude of her in their mind.Hats off to Savitribai Phule and her work. 08-03-2017 Women' s Day - Today is an important day for women. Today is an international women day. Wishing you all 'Happy Women' s day. Women are intergral part of society. Women have many inborn qualities. Women can take care and show love & affection so God has given responsibility of giving birth to child to women only. Earlier girls were deprived from education .Birth of girl child is not welcomed, girls were considered burden since lofty dowries would have to be given at the time of her marriage. If girl child is born the parents of husband would used to held their daughter-in law responsible but this is also wrong act since sex of child depends on male factor. But people were not aware. Girls were given education of household chores. Parents used to get them married at early age with person 20-30 years older than them. Jyotiba Phule felt need of girl education so he started school in Pune for girls. But parents of girl children were not sending their daughters since male teachers were their in school so he taught his wife Savitribai Phule. Savitribai Bai Phule was first woman teacher. Thus girls started getting education. Education gives strength & confidence to women. Now in 21 st century women have touched all spheres .After education girls started working .Earlier in 1960' s working of women considered inferior . Even my maternal grandmother was working as teacher, she completed her education after marriage due to my grandfather's support , I heard from my mother that she also had to face criticism of their neighbours. But my grandmother worked as teacher inspite of criticism. Earlier girl used to marry with person older than her age than he used to die early after marriage then her condition used to be worst. She used to be victim of sati. Society used to force to cut her hair.But due to reforms done by Maharshi Karve , our society started accepting widow remarriage. Now women of 21 st century works in 2 front that is office & home. Women only educates her children. It is said ' Mother is first teacher'.All responsibilities of child such as taking child to Dr, attending parents meeting is done by women only but definitely now she is getting support of her family. Now women have become
  • 4. 4    financially indepent. But even today when I read in newspaper about rape cases, killing of girls foetus before it is born I feel ashamed of our society. How male can do such wicked act? Why does not he think what it would have happened with his sister or mother.It is to be changed. I request male members to respect their wife, mother, daughter or sister. Share theirduties, celebrate women' s day everyday. 05-03-2017 Satisfaction - Satisfaction means inner feeling of happiness. Definition of satisfaction is different for different persons. I get satisfaction by purchasing books in book exhibition, reading them, teaching to the students, From last one month I am getting satisfaction when I express myself by way of writing. My mother gets satisfaction when she buys new dress or new sarees for herself or for me. Some people get satisfaction by work of the office , they follow principle ' Work is workship'. Singer gets satisfaction when he or she sings, dancer gets satisfaction in dancing. Satisfaction means exploring your interest. I feel everybody should try to find out interst and experience satisfaction, I am sure there life will be full of happiness & energetic. 03-03-2017 Necessity v/s Novelty - Food, clothing & shelter are basic needs of human being, but other than that whatever comes according to me is Novelty. Due to invention of technology many new things came into existence and human life became comfortable but at the same time human beings started depending on that and it became their necessity rather than novelty. Earlier in summer people were using fan but after invention of Airconditioner people started buying Airconditoner and became so used of using it so that became their necessity. Earlier generation people used to walk long distance over foot. I will share one experience , my son' s Soham' s school is just 10 minutes distance and he enjoys to go to school by walking, one day my friend came to my house her son also studies in Soham' s school and asked me how does Soham go walking? Does not he get tired? She has availed bus facility whose house is also near from school. I gave her answer I do not feel the necessity of availing bus facility. Children should have habit of walking. We should bifurcate between Necessity and Luxury.Last week I attended engagement of my relatives, so much expenditure had been incurred, First time I saw that on engagement day, cake was cut. Thought came into mind ,Was it needed to spend so much money on Engagement? In today's newspaper also I read huge expenditure had been incurred by politician on wedding in Aurangabad, I really felt sorry for poor people of our country. I feel that we should think properly and act wisely.
  • 5. 5    02-03-2017 Communication - Communication means exchange of information. Human being is different from other animals because of their ability of speaking. Human being can express their thoughts through spoken or written way.We all must have read in History that human beings also in initial days communicated through gestures but due to advancement language developed and people started communicating. Through communication we can express our all emotions. There are various communication devices like Telephone, Radio, Television, Mobile, E mail, Whats up, Internet, Through communication it is said that world have come closer. But at the same time communication between family members have reduced .People staying under same roof do not communicate with each other openly. Communication develops bond or relationship. Communication should be two ways to keep it flowing, otherwise after some days it would stop. I am sincerly thankful to my kaka, After formation of this group I started expressing my thoughts and I am feeling more confident now. Inspite of repeated reminder by admin to all members , I have observed that some members are reluctant to give their introduction . I sincerely request them to come out of shell and express yourself by sharing photos or information then only this group will become more livid. You can express yourself whenever you get time, But keep sharing. 27-02-2017 Today is 27 th February. Today is an important day as today is Marathi Rajbhasha din. Wishing you all 'Happy Rajbhasha Din'. Marathi is our mother tongue. We should not forget our mother tongue. But now due to influence of western culture people have started forgetting mother tongue. One of our relatives from my husband' s side stays in America for last 40 years. They both husband & wife speak Marathi. But they have never spoken Marathi with their children as a result their children do not know Marathi language. Children feel different when they come to India as they do not know what is going on since Marathi is unknown language for them. In one of the book of Achyut Godbole he is written ' No language is inferior or Superior'. Language is means of communication. We stay in Maharashtra where main language is Marathi. But since many people from outside Maharashtra come to Maharashtra and start considering Marathi inferior. There are many good writers in Marathi. I am not against learning new languages. But at the same time it is advisable not to forget our Marathi language. I will share one experience 4 years back I came to Pune for my sister's wedding, Over there I met one man whose son was my son' s age . His wife was also there with him. After initial talk I asked about the school in which are they taking admission. His wife said I want to take admission in English medium but my husband is not ready he is saying I will take admission in Marathi medium only. As per his wife saying I started him telling the importance of English language , Condition of Marathi school but he was firm on decision the answer given by him surprised me . He said he himself had learnt from Marathi medium and is now working in Saraswat bank as translator and he knows 18 languages. I am not saying to take admission in Marathi school for your child but my saying is teach Marathi along with English and consider your Marathi also language of learning.
  • 6. 6    28-02-2017 Science Day - Wishing you all 'National Science Day'. The science has touched every field. It may be invention of electricity, Telephone, Mobile, medicine. Hats off to scientist because of their invention we can live comfortable life. We can contact any person at any part of the world. Earlier we have to stand in a queue for bank transaction,booking of ticket now due to facility of on line transaction we can do it at home.Farmers are also using modern technology instead of trational method of farming. But every positive side has negative side also.Many are using these invention for destructive purpose like atom bomb. InSmart phones sometimes boy clicks the photograph of girl and use it for blackmailing girl. My suggestion is to use science for constructive purpose and do remember the scientist for their great efforts. 26-02-2017 Excitement of New thing- Today we brought new bicycle for Soham. He was so excited , whole day he is talking about his new bicycle. Really anything new attracts us, it may be new bicycle, new book, new car, new house. After someday it becomes routine. In school days I used to get excited about new school books. The smell which new books have still lingers my mind. The same is the case of new job. When we get job after completing degree we all are excited. Really new things make our life exciting and brings change in our routine. 26-02-2017 Good morning everyone. Today is Sunday. Sunday is a day which is liked by everyone. It is a day on which we can relax after week's hectic schedule. It is a day on which family member can spend time together. We can spend time on Sunday for our hobbies. Happy Sunday to all of you. 24-02-2017 Examinations- Examinations season will start soon. On Sunday scholarship exam, From Monday Board exam of 12 th followed by board exam of 10 th and then school exams. I rquest the parents whose children are appearing for exam to convey All the best on my behalf. Examinations are means of checking knowledge gained in particular academic year. But marks gained in examination is not ultimate source of knowledge. I have observed my many friends who used to get less marks in school days have obtained professional degree. Children become unnecessarily stressed during examination that affect their exam performance.Even I was one of them, I still remember for one of my exam my maternal aunty Medha mami came to our house, she observed that I am stressed for exam she said that Snehal you are not mature now but do not worry about exam, give your 100 percent for preparation and appear for exam, you will get good marks. She further said our life is also full of exam. Now I felt her saying was true really in our life we give daily examination in which syllabus is not known.
  • 7. 7    20-02-2017 Today I felt to write about my all real uncles&my father1.Suresh Vaidya- As you all know Suresh Vaidya is my father.He is really adjustable .He is very social.He enjoys all the moments of life.He attends all the cultural programme.He likes to travel.He along with my mother havetravelled in india as well as abroad.2.Shrikant vaidya-He was my elder uncle.He used to travel a lot.He enjoyed all moments of life.He had good command on English language.He was very workholic.In my childhood days he used to call me Snehu .I had respect about him in my mind.Unfortunately he is not there with us but still we all must be remembering him by his qualities. 3.Sudhir Vaidya- He is my youngest uncle.He is C.A.I have a great respect about him.He has good command on writing.In whichever field he goes he excels in that.He has studied homeopathy.He also studied astrology.He is also using new technology efficiently . 22-02-2017 Use of Technology(Mobile & Internet) by older generation of Vaidya Family- Yesterday I was going through list of members on Vaidya Family Katta of Facebook and Whatsup. I really felt happy to see names of the older generation in that.They are my own relatives in one way of other.They are my aunties, uncles & my Baba. I am sure mobile & internet must not be their when they were at their young age.They must have learnt it from members of their younger generation.I felt if there is will there is a way.I further request all of them to be active on group and not mere to be only member of group.They can share their experiences. 21-02-2017 Voting Day Good Morning everyone.Today is an important day for all politicians and all political parties.Today is voting day for all muncipalties.For last 15 days to one month we all must have seen the politicians really begging for vote through media and rallies.Even somePoliticial parties have taken famous marathi actors forcampaigning.The political parties are giving promises for change if they are selected .But once results are out one party will win and then we will not see any changes being done and our condition remains as it is as before.But as responsible citizen we should not forget our duties and caste your vote as Voting is our fundamental right and be responsible citizen. 19-02-2017 I am Snehal Joshi.I am daughter of Suresh & Supriya Vaidya. I personally respect my Sudhir kaka.As suggested by him I am writing on Face book wall for first time.I am happy that due to initiative by Rahul & Sudhir kaka this Vaidya Katta has formed on Facebook.I almost met everyone many years back may be decade but happy to see them on Facebook.Now something about me,I like to read.I am introvert .My husband is C.A .He works in Mahindra.I have one son , his name is Soham.I request all to try to write on wall so we may know about each one more better.Bye Bye.