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TEAM #403
Snapple is a brand with so many strengths-- their
quirky, positive vibe, their remarkable Real Facts
and a vehement fan base. We saw the greatest
opportunity for Snapple's growth as marketing
to those who our research found were drinking
the most ready-to-drink iced tea: minorities. No
Earth" branding and tie it into our key insight.
Our research found that our consumers found
their ties to those around them to be
exceedingly important. To our audience,
not create a campaign to make Snapple the
brand of connections?
Team #403 Snapple2
Connections. The Best Stuff on Earth.
Team #403 Snapple 3
Key Findings
Drinking Snapple provides people
with connections in social settings.
Drinking Snapple makes you feel
like you’re a part of a group-- like
you know something that other
other drinks because of the
experience that is associated with
the bottle, from its positive
packaging, to its Snappy facts,
to the clean feel of the bottle.
Strong brand recognition and loyalty in the heartland
Real Facts set Snapple apart from competitors
Well-known for glass bottle design
Quirky, upbeat persona provide positive feel to the brand
Low brand recognition in the non-heartland
audience and are seen as dishonest
Not properly utilizing social media to engage with consumers
Snapple has a small share of the market compared to some competitors
Ready-to-drink tea is a crowded category that’s still on the rise.
People in California and in the southern United states are heavy tea drinkers (of
recruit new consumers
Lots of space to become involved with their consumers on social media - consumers do
Brand Perception:
Team #403 Snapple4
Persona: Quirky, fun-loving, positive | Positioning: Premium
Arizona: Lipton Pure Leaf:
Team #403 Snapple 5
Persona: Bohemian, working class
Customer loyalty, cheap cost, convenient
Targeting teenage consumers is alienating to
older audience
Many people refer to all half & half teas as
the branding.
positioning and packaging, so people often
confuse the two. People are becoming more
health-conscious, and are looking for
healthier drinks. Arizona is also perceived to
Shows us an experience with the product.
The brand communicates authenticity which
fosters brand loyalty.
Simply put: This is your grandma’s tea.
Has a brand personality of an older generation
and is expensive
Highlighting the recipes and other content
from their social media can attach a lifestyle to
the brand.
Consumers are price-conscious, and this
brand is not big in the bottled/can tea
Team #403 Snapple6
AUDIENCE 25-34 year-old non-white singles
Work is top priority
Not necessarily looking for a romantic relationship
Worker Bees (heartland)
Worker Bees are career-focused individuals who spend most of their time at (you guessed it!)
work. They are up-and-comers in their company and work hard to prove themselves. These
folks aren’t as focused on their relationships-- both romantic and friendships—because who
their co-workers because most of their social interactions come from those they spend most
of their time with. They are most likely to drink tea at work with or on-the-go because of their
fast-paced lifestyles.
18-49 year-old non-white single parents who have never been married
Child or children is the top priority
Not necessarily looking for a romantic relationship
Single Parents
Single parents see working to support their children as their top priority, and devote most
of their time outside of work to their children. Single parents are interested in romantic
seriously. Most of the social interactions for this audience come from social events their
children attend. Single parents are most likely to drink Snapple at sporting events with their
kids or at home with lunch or dinner.
Team #403 Snapple 7
18-24 year-old non-white singles
New city, new career, new experiences
Both Heartland and Non-Heartland
Baby Adults
Age of customers
Baby Adults are individuals who are blossoming into a new career, most likely in a new city.
many people because they are in a new area, so they focus a lot of their time on their budding
career. Drinking Snapple provides a way to connect with new people and spark random
connections they may not have found elsewhere.
Quantitative research shows that
consumers in the 29—38 age group,
the Older Millenials, are more likely to
purchase RTD iced tea. Furthermore,
African Americans, Asian Americans
and peoples of mixed ethnicity drink
more RTD iced tea than American
Older Millennials
Baby Boomers
“Team #403 Snapple8
To better understand this diverse target
audience, we conducted personal interviews.
We explored the day-to-day stressors, priorities
and social factors at play in the consumers’ lives.
19 year-old
African American
25 year-old
African American
Biggest challenges
Favorite part of work Environment Ranked priorities
Balancing work, academics, sleep,
and a healthy social life.
Most enjoyable
aspect of lifestyle
Ranked priorities
(most to least important)
Living in a city with nice weather,
and good friends.
1. Work
2. Friendships
3. Fitness
4. Romantic relationships
43 year-old
Single Parent
African American
Biggest challenges
Downtime and being able to take a breath
and gather yourself for a moment or so
Most enjoyable
aspect of work
Ranked priorities
with the research they are doing
1. Family (health of family)
2. Work
3. Spirituality
1. Health
2. Work
3. Relationships
(romantic and platonic)and out of all day
Leading the change
Not many videos
No engagement
Team #403 Snapple 9
Snapple fans like the glass bottle. Dressing it up, taking pictures with it, etc.
Snapple fans love their Snapple Facts. They post pictures of the cap or type
out their Real Fact to share with followers.
Analysis of Existing Social Media Presence
Under-utilizing crowdsourcing
Their work is being done for them, but they are not interacting with their users
- People seem to consider Snapple a treat that makes them feel good
(even when sick)
- People post pictures of Snapple when they’re on-the-go
- Post photos of Snapple with takeout food often
Team #403 Snapple10
PRSTRATEGY Snapple Twitter connects random users who are both new to a city
Meetup 1: for single moms in a big city
Sin meetup group and agree on a park
as their initial meeting place to bring their children. Upon arrival they will
puzzles that encourage creativity and collaboration between the children.
Additionally, the mothers will have Snapple trivia and other conversation
lunch will be given to each family.
- Snapple puzzles and games for the children could include:
- Pin the Snapple cap on the Snapple bottle
- Snapple hop-scotch (instead of squares, they are circles like caps)
Snapple will partner with, the world’s largest network
of local groups, positively bringing people together through shared interests, and sponsor
three separate initial meetups for their target audiences. These meetups will cultivate the
connections that can be hard for people to make in new cities, or for people whose
Team #403 Snapple 11
Meetup 2: For young, non-white females ages 24-35
ng, non-white women in a city wil
addition to the accouterments of a normal Pedal Pub tour, meet up group participants will be
provided with Snapple facts and trivia to facilitate and encourage conversation between
- Halfway through the tour, the bartender announces that the second hour will be
questions. (Could potentially happen again for a bonus third hour if they answer another round
of trivia correctly.)
- The bartender could be specialized for the party and mix up special Snapple drinks
Meetup 3: For anyone
- Users of meetup.
fun-house by working together to overcome various sections that may include:
- Physical obstacles
- Riddles
- Snapple trivia
- Finding connections (Ex: Did you and your partner attend the same college? Love the
same breed of dog? Share a favorite food?)
- The duo who exits the fun-house the fastest receives a cash prize and all participants are
given a free Snapple.
Team #403 Snapple12
Snapple will partner with Uber to sponsor Cash Cab-like carpool rides
We will choose ten cities across the country where UberPool is most popular and pick up to ten
pop will sound and the game will start. The game will not play for every single rider, but for random
The game will be Snapple Fact or Fiction. Screens in the front seat and backseat will display Snapple
facts along with made up facts, but each will appear on a cap. The group has to work together to
three strikes, they will get their ride paid for, free Snapple, and a ten dollar Uber credit..
Team #403 Snapple 13
One of Snapple’s current weaknesses is its social strategy.
all social platforms without any variety to the content. We believe that the content Snapple
and optimized to the individual site. For example, Facebook should favor native videos
because Facebook’s algorithms favor this type of content, and videos are more likely to be
shared on Facebook than text alone.
Twitter is more conversational, so Snapple should consider replying to tweets about Snapple
Tweets and replying to feedback will increase the likelihood that users will mention Snapple
recommend using hashtags that are less branded and focused more on the feelings or ideas
you want to evoke from the consumer.
for Snapple to have a presence on every social platform, but it is better for them to have no
presence on a certain platform than to have inactive platforms with content from past
Uberpool rides and updates from where we currently are in our selected cities to host
pop-up shops.
The hashtag for our campaign will be , and we will encourage
people to post photos of who they drink Snapple with for Snapple to share on their channels.
Team #403 Snapple14
Snapple will connect people across the country.
Snapple’s Heartland and Non-Heartland contrast drastically in price and style of living, personality, and the
way people communicate. So why shouldn’t connections help bridge that gap?
parks). These screens will showcase multiplayer games and puzzles that will entice and attract groups of
people with a little time to kill. They can play for as long as they wish, however, each screen is connected to
- When a real-time connection is made, free Snapples could be dispensed or handed out to the
participants, so they can share a Snapple with their new friends across the country.
- The games and puzzles showcased can be used to facilitate connections between those who are playing
on the same side of the screen, as they may also be strangers.
- Checkers
- Trivia
- Snapple mad-libs
Video Chat
San Fransisco!
Team #403 Snapple 15
participants. There will be two openings at the front end where participants enter into a slightly
winding pathway that forces them to go through and complete the course--they cannot turn around
and leave once the competition starts.
whimsical activities like the following:
Tossing a basketball into a hoop carnival game
Throwing rings at giant Snapple bottles and making at least three
Placing an exercise ball between the pair, held by their backs, and carrying it a certain distance
move on
Play a round of the Heads Up! charades app
Snapple cap Memory game where partners have to memorize and correctly uncover matching
caps, two at a time
their prize and everyone gets a free Snapple of their choice.
The pop-up tents will run from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. from May to July, weather permitting. Our
channels. We will benchmark mentions and impressions before the campaign and measure during
and after each event to measure awareness.
The following cities were selected for
having a high population of females 24-35
Hoboken, NJ -
Pop-up stores in cities Media team selected:
To increase brand awareness in the non-heartland,
The following cities were selected by the Media Team
for having a high population of Black females ages 24-35.
Baltimore, MD - 29,264
Charlotte, NC - 26,669
Team #403 Snapple16
To increase connections between people, Snapple will create games within magazine ads.
These magazines will most likely be viewed in waiting rooms, public transportation, etc.
Print Advertisements
Long waits are enjoyed better together.
Long waits are enjoyed better together.
Team #403 Snapple 17
With these advertisements, people will no longer be able to avoid communication by facing forward
in elevators. These ads are meant to break the ice and give riders a laugh.
Interior Elevator Advertisements
If a turtle
doesn’t have
a shell, is it
homeless or
You have to eat
72 pineapples
in one hour.
How did you
get yourself in
this situation?
Connections. Connections.
Team #403 Snapple18
On one side of the subway car, there is a Snapple panel. On the opposite
side of the same interior car, there is a parallel ad. Ads must have as much
blank space as possible to catch people’s attention and break through
the other visual noise. Simplistic and minimalistic in design like print ads.
These ads are crucial for web interaction. Each banner ad will include a
click-thru to redirect to or a video ad.
Overhead Subway Panel Advertisements
Web Banner Advertisements
Go ahead, break your routine:
Ask this person what kind of fruit they would be.
Get ready:
This person is about to ask you a fruit related question.
your weekend.
Go Bananas™
Let the good times
roll this weekend.
See where Snapple can take you.
Find out more about Snapple’s living legends.
These guys make
funemployment look easy. Snapple Fact Retirement Club
A vending machine with an interactive display that quizzes consumers on Snapple Real
Facts with multiple choice questions. The consumer is given 2 attempts to win two
message and encourages the winner to share the second snapple bottle ‘on us’.
Interactive Vending Machine
Team #403 Snapple 19
beverages! Share the second and
make a connection with someone!
Claim Prize
Team #403 Snapple20
Pandora takeovers are a perfect way for Snapple to reach out to it’s target audience.
Some other Playlists could include but are not limited to: Snapple Lunch Break Playlist,
Pandora Takeover
Let the Good Times Roll
Team #403 Snapple 21
after the bottle cap, passing by several people who are making connections with each other in unlikely
Team #403 Snapple22
Message in a Bottle Spot
What's the Best
Stuff on Earth?
This video will run on Hulu as in interactive advertisement. The spot starts with a man on the beach
writing a note. When the bottle washes back up on shore, the audience will be prompted to choose what
connections are the best: Friendship or Romance.
endings to the video.
Friendship Romance
Team #403 Snapple 23
Based on the viewer’s decision, these will be the alternate endings to the video.
Team #403 Snapple24
Media placements were strategically chosen based on when ready-to-drink tea sales are at their
highest, during summer months.
Our digital executives were scheduled to allow for the entirely of the country to be reached, especially
outside the heartland.
on magazines and digital platforms to reach our target
We have developed a campaign to generate interest in
drinking Snapple for diverse, female millennials aged
18-34. Our strategy will raise awareness of Snapple outside
the heartland and will increase consideration within the
heartland while increasing sales in both markets.
The campaign will utilize a mix of platforms that best
target the Snapplemights and the Snapplites.
Media Mix
This campaign will feature out-of-home advertising to
target our consumers in places that they frequent, such as
Through our strategically cross-referenced spot markets
national base through print and digital advertising.
building sites
Spot Markets
contained the highest ratio of our target population
in comparison to the general population.
Philadelphia, PA
Memphis, TN
Baltimore, MD
Charlotte, NC
Hoboken, NJ
production and creative design while the
Bhuiyan, Johana. “What Uber Drivers Really Make (According To
Marketing Sources:
Hamilton, Brady E., Ph.D, Joyce A. Martin, M.P.H, Michelle J.K
Reports. Hyattsville: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 29
retrieved from SimplyMap database.
retrieved from SimplyMap database.

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Snapple NSAC 2016

  • 2. Snapple is a brand with so many strengths-- their quirky, positive vibe, their remarkable Real Facts and a vehement fan base. We saw the greatest opportunity for Snapple's growth as marketing to those who our research found were drinking the most ready-to-drink iced tea: minorities. No Earth" branding and tie it into our key insight. Our research found that our consumers found their ties to those around them to be exceedingly important. To our audience, not create a campaign to make Snapple the brand of connections? Team #403 Snapple2 Connections. The Best Stuff on Earth. CONTENTS
  • 3. Team #403 Snapple 3 SUMMARY Positioning Key Findings Drinking Snapple provides people with connections in social settings. Drinking Snapple makes you feel like you’re a part of a group-- like you know something that other other drinks because of the experience that is associated with the bottle, from its positive packaging, to its Snappy facts, to the clean feel of the bottle.
  • 4. Strong brand recognition and loyalty in the heartland Real Facts set Snapple apart from competitors Well-known for glass bottle design Quirky, upbeat persona provide positive feel to the brand Low brand recognition in the non-heartland audience and are seen as dishonest Not properly utilizing social media to engage with consumers Snapple has a small share of the market compared to some competitors Ready-to-drink tea is a crowded category that’s still on the rise. People in California and in the southern United states are heavy tea drinkers (of recruit new consumers Lots of space to become involved with their consumers on social media - consumers do Brand Perception: Strengths: Weaknesses: Opportunities: Threats: Team #403 Snapple4 SUMMARY ANALYSIS Persona: Quirky, fun-loving, positive | Positioning: Premium
  • 5. Arizona: Lipton Pure Leaf: Team #403 Snapple 5 COMPETITORS Persona: Bohemian, working class Positioning: Customer loyalty, cheap cost, convenient Strengths: Targeting teenage consumers is alienating to older audience Weaknesses: Many people refer to all half & half teas as the branding. Opportunities: positioning and packaging, so people often confuse the two. People are becoming more health-conscious, and are looking for healthier drinks. Arizona is also perceived to Threats: Shows us an experience with the product. The brand communicates authenticity which fosters brand loyalty. Strengths: Simply put: This is your grandma’s tea. Has a brand personality of an older generation and is expensive Weaknesses: Highlighting the recipes and other content from their social media can attach a lifestyle to the brand. Opportunities: Consumers are price-conscious, and this brand is not big in the bottled/can tea category Threats:
  • 6. Team #403 Snapple6 AUDIENCE 25-34 year-old non-white singles Work is top priority Not necessarily looking for a romantic relationship Worker Bees (heartland) Worker Bees are career-focused individuals who spend most of their time at (you guessed it!) work. They are up-and-comers in their company and work hard to prove themselves. These folks aren’t as focused on their relationships-- both romantic and friendships—because who their co-workers because most of their social interactions come from those they spend most of their time with. They are most likely to drink tea at work with or on-the-go because of their fast-paced lifestyles. 18-49 year-old non-white single parents who have never been married Child or children is the top priority Not necessarily looking for a romantic relationship Non-Heartland Single Parents Single parents see working to support their children as their top priority, and devote most of their time outside of work to their children. Single parents are interested in romantic seriously. Most of the social interactions for this audience come from social events their children attend. Single parents are most likely to drink Snapple at sporting events with their kids or at home with lunch or dinner.
  • 7. Team #403 Snapple 7 AUDIENCE 18-24 year-old non-white singles New city, new career, new experiences Both Heartland and Non-Heartland Baby Adults Age of customers Baby Adults are individuals who are blossoming into a new career, most likely in a new city. many people because they are in a new area, so they focus a lot of their time on their budding career. Drinking Snapple provides a way to connect with new people and spark random connections they may not have found elsewhere. Quantitative research shows that consumers in the 29—38 age group, the Older Millenials, are more likely to purchase RTD iced tea. Furthermore, African Americans, Asian Americans and peoples of mixed ethnicity drink more RTD iced tea than American Older Millennials Baby Boomers (1946-1964)
  • 8. “Team #403 Snapple8 RESEARCH Interviews To better understand this diverse target audience, we conducted personal interviews. We explored the day-to-day stressors, priorities and social factors at play in the consumers’ lives. 19 year-old Non-heartland African American 25 year-old Heartland Single African American Biggest challenges Favorite part of work Environment Ranked priorities Balancing work, academics, sleep, and a healthy social life. Most enjoyable aspect of lifestyle Ranked priorities (most to least important) Living in a city with nice weather, and good friends. 1. Work 2. Friendships 3. Fitness 4. Romantic relationships 43 year-old Non-heartland Single Parent African American Biggest challenges Downtime and being able to take a breath and gather yourself for a moment or so Most enjoyable aspect of work Ranked priorities with the research they are doing 1. Family (health of family) 2. Work 3. Spirituality 1. Health 2. Work 3. Relationships (romantic and platonic)and out of all day Leading the change
  • 9. Not many videos No engagement Team #403 Snapple 9 SOCIALMEDIA Snapple fans like the glass bottle. Dressing it up, taking pictures with it, etc. Snapple fans love their Snapple Facts. They post pictures of the cap or type out their Real Fact to share with followers. Analysis of Existing Social Media Presence Under-utilizing crowdsourcing Their work is being done for them, but they are not interacting with their users - People seem to consider Snapple a treat that makes them feel good (even when sick) - People post pictures of Snapple when they’re on-the-go - Post photos of Snapple with takeout food often
  • 10. Team #403 Snapple10 PRSTRATEGY Snapple Twitter connects random users who are both new to a city Meetup 1: for single moms in a big city Sin meetup group and agree on a park as their initial meeting place to bring their children. Upon arrival they will puzzles that encourage creativity and collaboration between the children. Additionally, the mothers will have Snapple trivia and other conversation lunch will be given to each family. - Snapple puzzles and games for the children could include: - Pin the Snapple cap on the Snapple bottle - Snapple hop-scotch (instead of squares, they are circles like caps) Snapple will partner with, the world’s largest network of local groups, positively bringing people together through shared interests, and sponsor three separate initial meetups for their target audiences. These meetups will cultivate the connections that can be hard for people to make in new cities, or for people whose
  • 11. Team #403 Snapple 11 Meetup 2: For young, non-white females ages 24-35 ng, non-white women in a city wil addition to the accouterments of a normal Pedal Pub tour, meet up group participants will be provided with Snapple facts and trivia to facilitate and encourage conversation between members. - Halfway through the tour, the bartender announces that the second hour will be questions. (Could potentially happen again for a bonus third hour if they answer another round of trivia correctly.) - The bartender could be specialized for the party and mix up special Snapple drinks PRSTRATEGY Meetup 3: For anyone - Users of meetup. fun-house by working together to overcome various sections that may include: - Physical obstacles - Riddles - Snapple trivia - Finding connections (Ex: Did you and your partner attend the same college? Love the same breed of dog? Share a favorite food?) - The duo who exits the fun-house the fastest receives a cash prize and all participants are given a free Snapple.
  • 12. PRSTRATEGY Team #403 Snapple12 Snapple will partner with Uber to sponsor Cash Cab-like carpool rides We will choose ten cities across the country where UberPool is most popular and pick up to ten pop will sound and the game will start. The game will not play for every single rider, but for random The game will be Snapple Fact or Fiction. Screens in the front seat and backseat will display Snapple facts along with made up facts, but each will appear on a cap. The group has to work together to three strikes, they will get their ride paid for, free Snapple, and a ten dollar Uber credit..
  • 13. Team #403 Snapple 13 SOCIALSTRATEGY One of Snapple’s current weaknesses is its social strategy. all social platforms without any variety to the content. We believe that the content Snapple and optimized to the individual site. For example, Facebook should favor native videos because Facebook’s algorithms favor this type of content, and videos are more likely to be shared on Facebook than text alone. Twitter is more conversational, so Snapple should consider replying to tweets about Snapple Tweets and replying to feedback will increase the likelihood that users will mention Snapple recommend using hashtags that are less branded and focused more on the feelings or ideas you want to evoke from the consumer. for Snapple to have a presence on every social platform, but it is better for them to have no presence on a certain platform than to have inactive platforms with content from past Uberpool rides and updates from where we currently are in our selected cities to host pop-up shops. The hashtag for our campaign will be , and we will encourage people to post photos of who they drink Snapple with for Snapple to share on their channels. #TheBestStuffOnEarth
  • 14. PRSTRATEGY Team #403 Snapple14 Snapple will connect people across the country. Snapple’s Heartland and Non-Heartland contrast drastically in price and style of living, personality, and the way people communicate. So why shouldn’t connections help bridge that gap? parks). These screens will showcase multiplayer games and puzzles that will entice and attract groups of people with a little time to kill. They can play for as long as they wish, however, each screen is connected to experience. - When a real-time connection is made, free Snapples could be dispensed or handed out to the participants, so they can share a Snapple with their new friends across the country. channels. - The games and puzzles showcased can be used to facilitate connections between those who are playing on the same side of the screen, as they may also be strangers. - Checkers - Trivia - Snapple mad-libs Video Chat San Fransisco!
  • 15. Team #403 Snapple 15 SOCIALSTRATEGY participants. There will be two openings at the front end where participants enter into a slightly winding pathway that forces them to go through and complete the course--they cannot turn around and leave once the competition starts. whimsical activities like the following: Tossing a basketball into a hoop carnival game Throwing rings at giant Snapple bottles and making at least three Placing an exercise ball between the pair, held by their backs, and carrying it a certain distance move on Play a round of the Heads Up! charades app Snapple cap Memory game where partners have to memorize and correctly uncover matching caps, two at a time their prize and everyone gets a free Snapple of their choice. The pop-up tents will run from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. from May to July, weather permitting. Our channels. We will benchmark mentions and impressions before the campaign and measure during and after each event to measure awareness. The following cities were selected for having a high population of females 24-35 Hoboken, NJ - Pop-up stores in cities Media team selected: To increase brand awareness in the non-heartland, The following cities were selected by the Media Team for having a high population of Black females ages 24-35. Ch Baltimore, MD - 29,264 Charlotte, NC - 26,669
  • 16. CREATIVE Team #403 Snapple16 To increase connections between people, Snapple will create games within magazine ads. These magazines will most likely be viewed in waiting rooms, public transportation, etc. Print Advertisements Long waits are enjoyed better together. CONNECTIONS. THE BEST STUFF ON EARTH. Long waits are enjoyed better together. CONNECTIONS. THE BEST STUFF ON EARTH.
  • 17. Team #403 Snapple 17 With these advertisements, people will no longer be able to avoid communication by facing forward in elevators. These ads are meant to break the ice and give riders a laugh. Interior Elevator Advertisements CREATIVE If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is it homeless or naked? Debate. You have to eat 72 pineapples in one hour. How did you get yourself in this situation? Discuss. Connections. Connections.
  • 18. CREATIVE Team #403 Snapple18 On one side of the subway car, there is a Snapple panel. On the opposite side of the same interior car, there is a parallel ad. Ads must have as much blank space as possible to catch people’s attention and break through the other visual noise. Simplistic and minimalistic in design like print ads. These ads are crucial for web interaction. Each banner ad will include a click-thru to redirect to or a video ad. Overhead Subway Panel Advertisements Web Banner Advertisements Go ahead, break your routine: Ask this person what kind of fruit they would be. Get ready: This person is about to ask you a fruit related question. your weekend. Go Bananas™ Literally. Let the good times roll this weekend. See where Snapple can take you. Find out more about Snapple’s living legends. These guys make funemployment look easy. Snapple Fact Retirement Club
  • 19. A vending machine with an interactive display that quizzes consumers on Snapple Real Facts with multiple choice questions. The consumer is given 2 attempts to win two message and encourages the winner to share the second snapple bottle ‘on us’. Interactive Vending Machine Team #403 Snapple 19 CREATIVE Congratulations! ® beverages! Share the second and make a connection with someone! Claim Prize
  • 20. CREATIVE Team #403 Snapple20 Pandora takeovers are a perfect way for Snapple to reach out to it’s target audience. Some other Playlists could include but are not limited to: Snapple Lunch Break Playlist, Pandora Takeover
  • 21. Let the Good Times Roll Team #403 Snapple 21 CREATIVE after the bottle cap, passing by several people who are making connections with each other in unlikely
  • 22. CREATIVE Team #403 Snapple22 Message in a Bottle Spot What's the Best Stuff on Earth? This video will run on Hulu as in interactive advertisement. The spot starts with a man on the beach writing a note. When the bottle washes back up on shore, the audience will be prompted to choose what connections are the best: Friendship or Romance. endings to the video. Friendship Romance
  • 23. Team #403 Snapple 23 CREATIVE Based on the viewer’s decision, these will be the alternate endings to the video. Friendship Romance
  • 24. MEDIA Team #403 Snapple24 Scheduling Media placements were strategically chosen based on when ready-to-drink tea sales are at their highest, during summer months. Our digital executives were scheduled to allow for the entirely of the country to be reached, especially outside the heartland. Objective: on magazines and digital platforms to reach our target audience. We have developed a campaign to generate interest in drinking Snapple for diverse, female millennials aged 18-34. Our strategy will raise awareness of Snapple outside the heartland and will increase consideration within the heartland while increasing sales in both markets. The campaign will utilize a mix of platforms that best target the Snapplemights and the Snapplites. Media Mix This campaign will feature out-of-home advertising to target our consumers in places that they frequent, such as markets. Through our strategically cross-referenced spot markets national base through print and digital advertising. building sites Spot Markets contained the highest ratio of our target population in comparison to the general population. Philadelphia, PA Memphis, TN Baltimore, MD Charlotte, NC Hoboken, NJ Budget production and creative design while the placement.
  • 25. PR: Bhuiyan, Johana. “What Uber Drivers Really Make (According To Marketing Sources: Hamilton, Brady E., Ph.D, Joyce A. Martin, M.P.H, Michelle J.K Reports. Hyattsville: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 29 MediaMark. Media: retrieved from SimplyMap database. retrieved from SimplyMap database. MediaMark.