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iSSue 7 / 2009

                                              ThE SmmiNi
MEET THE                                         iSS
bRAinS bEHind

StyliSh. liveable. very affordable.
                              SNEAK PEEK
                              How to count
                              the carbon in
                               your home


             WeLcome	To	The	
             smarTer	smaLL	home™
             Step	into	the	future	with	this	
             innovative	Australian	home.

       2	 fading	dream?
       	     With	housing	affordability		

             in	crisis,	is	there	really		
             a	solution?

       10	 an	innovaTive	
       	     meet	the	team	behind	
             the	house	that’s	setting	
             benchmarks	in	Australia.

       14	 inTroducing	…		                                                      25	sTyLe	and	susTainaBiLiTy
           The	smarTer	smaLL	home                                               	     Why good things come
       	     Stylish. Livable. And very affordable.                                   in small packages.

                                                                                27	 The	producTs
                                                                                	     What	materials	create		
                                                                                      The	Smarter	Small	Home.

                                                                                31	 The	nexT	sTeps
                                                                                	     Interested?	Here’s	what		
                                                                                      you	can	do	next.

                                                                                32	 Bonus	offers
                                                                                	     Find	out	about	the	other	
                                                                                      LookHome™	magazines,		
                                                                                      awards	and	even	TV!                                             31                  Cover illustration: Christopher nielsen


       Publisher: James Hardie Australia Pty Ltd Editorial direction: Spindrift Media
       Art direction: North Design + Branding    Printing: Offset Alpine Printing
       All reasonable efforts have been undertaken to make sure that information presented in this issue of LookHome™ is accurate at the time of printing. However, to
       the extent possible at law, James Hardie excludes all liability for any errors or omissions in information that may occur. Reproduction of LookHome™ in whole or
       part is prohibited without James Hardie’s prior permission. All correspondence to: LookHome™, James Hardie Australia Pty Ltd, 10 Colquhoun Street, Rosehill
       NSW 2142. Phone: 13 11 03. © 2009 James Hardie Australia Pty Ltd. ™ and ® denote a trademark or registered mark owned by James Hardie International
       Finance BV. The design and building of The Smarter Small Home™, featured in this issue of LookHome, is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced
       without the permission of Brett Blacklow, Earth Spirit Home Pty Ltd.

WeLcome	home
CreATIng	dreAm	HomeS	And	               we	received	from	many	readers	             We’ll	compare	it	to	traditional	ways	
communities	can	be	a	journey		          in	our	recent	survey,	we	know	             of	building.	most	of	all	though,	
that’s	filled	with	excitement	but	      that	you	want	sustainable	home	            we’ll	show	how	this	home	delivers	
it’s	also	potentially	fraught	with	     ideas	that	minimise	impact	on	             the	desires	of	many	Australians	—	
difficulties.	While	dreaming	up	        the	environment.	You	also	want	            affordably.	Let’s	face	it,	most	of	us	
images	of	beautiful	spaces	and	         beautiful	homes	that	you	can	afford.	      love	the	outdoors	and	backyard	
welcoming	rooms	is	easy,	it	can		       We	reveal	one	great	option.                barbecues,	but	we	also	want	family	
be	a	challenge	turning	this	into	          	In	this	special	issue	of	LookHome™,	   rooms	that	are	home	to	the	Xbox	
reality.	In	recent	years,	this	has		    we	look	at	an	affordable,	stylish		        and	plasma	TV.	The	Smarter	Small	
been	made	increasingly	hard		           and	sustainable	solution:	The	             Home	takes	all	of	this	into	account,	
with	rising	home	and	land	prices.	      Smarter	Small	Home™.	                      while	keeping	a	firm	lid	on	costs.	
    The	problem	of	housing	                	We’ll	take	you	behind	the	scenes	         Join	us	in	exploring	The	Smarter	
affordability	in	Australia	is	a	real	   to	look	at	all	the	ways	this	home	has	     Small	Home.	You	can	use	some	of	
one	—	and	many	of	you	want	to	          been	designed	and	built	a	smarter	         the	ideas	in	your	own	home	and	
know	if	there	is	a	light	on	the	        way.	We’ll	look	at	energy,	carbon	         create	a	space	that’s	truly	affordable,	
horizon.	Thanks	to	the	feedback	        footprint,	and	of	course,	costs.		         sustainable	—	and	livable.	

                                                                                                                looKhoMe      1
    An increasing number of Australians are finding it hard
    to afford their own home. Will home ownership become
    a thing of the past – or is there a viable solution?

                                                              Jupiterimages / getty images

2   looKhoMe
housing	affordability

           looKhoMe     3
IT	ALL	ComeS	doWn	To	SImpLe	                    prices	have	increased	markedly	in	recent	
                         economics.	Housing	prices	are	high	             years,	by	much	more	than	consumer	
                         because	demand	outstrips	supply.	That’s	        prices	or	incomes.	
                         the	core	of	the	problem.	But	when	you	             It	states	the	average	house	price	in		
                         peel	back	the	layers	to	analyse	the	issue	      the	capital	cities	is	now	equivalent	to	
                         of	housing	affordability	in	Australia,	there	   more	than	seven	years	of	average	
                         lies	a	complex	web	of	drivers	that	range	       earnings.	The	equivalent	figure	from	the	
                         from	changing	demographics	and	lack	of	         1950s	to	the	early	1980s	is	three	years	of	
                         infrastructure	to	complex	planning	laws	        average	earnings.
                         hindering	progress	and	innovation.                 The	Affordability	Index	compiled	by	the	
                            There	have	been	numerous	studies	            Commonwealth	Bank	and	the	Housing	
                         and	reports	on	housing	affordability	in	        Industry	Association	(which	also	takes	
                         Australia.	While	they	may	use	different	        into	account	interest	rate	levels)	shows	
       It’s a paradox
                         standards	to	measure	affordability,	the	        the	index	has	recently	reached	its	lowest	
         that we can     results	are	the	same.	There’s	a	problem	—	      points	(of	affordability)	in	the	24	years	for	
           be short of   and	it’s	not	getting	better.                    which	it’s	been	compiled.
                            The	Senate	report	‘A	good	house	                Another	benchmark	used	to	measure	
      land. But the      is	hard	to	find:	Housing	affordability	         housing	stress,	both	in	Australia	and	
     reality is that     in	Australia’	was	released	by	the	              overseas,	is	known	as	the	‘ontario	
    population and       Senate	Select	Committee	on	Housing	             measure’	or	the	‘30/40	rule’.	This	restricts	
                         Affordability	in	Australia	in	June	2008.	       the	measurement	to	households	in	the	
      immigration        Citing	figures	from	the	Australian	Bureau	      lowest	40%	of	income	distribution	that	
            is rising.   of	Statistics,	the	report	stated	that	house	    are	paying	more	than	30%	of	income	

                                                                                                  In the 1990s, Australian
                                                                                               families have seen the rise
                                                                                                 of the McMansion (right),
                                                                                                  overly large homes that
                                                                                                  maximise use of lot size.

4     looKhoMe
housing	affordability
                                           on	housing.	According	to	the	Senate	            • Changing demographics.	In	the	
                                           report:	“on	this	definition,	it	is	estimated	     meantime,	typical	family	households	
                                           that	there	are	now	over	one	million	low	          from	generations	ago	have	given		
                                           and	middle	income	families	and	singles	           way	to	fewer	children,	single	people	      Size of new
                                           in	housing	stress.	This	represents	about	         staying	unmarried	for	longer	and	a	        reSidential
                                           10%	of	the	population.                            greater	incidence	of	divorce.	Quite	       buildingS
                                              These	are	just	some	of	the	indicators	         simply,	more	homes	are	now	needed		        (floor area)
                                           confirming	the	crisis	in	housing	                 to	accommodate	what	was	once	a	
                                           affordability.	So	what	are	the	key	drivers	       single	household.
                                           that	impact	the	issue?                          • Government incentives.	State	and	                149.7m2
                                                                                             federal	schemes	to	assist	home	buyers	
                                           demand	and	suppLy                                 —	such	as	the	First	Home	owners		
                                           In	a	country	as	huge	as	Australia,	it’s	a	        grant	—	have	also	helped	drive	demand.         1984–1995
                                           paradox	that	we	can	be	short	of	land.	          • A penchant for bigger homes.	
                                           But	the	reality	is	that	population	and	           According	to	the	Australian	Bureau		
                                           immigration	is	rising.	demand	has	also	           of	Statistics	Year	Book	Australia,	
                                           been	driven	by	factors	such	as:                   2005,	there	has	been	an	increase	in	            205.7m2
                                           • Easier access to credit.	The	low	               the	size	of	new	residential	buildings.	
                                              interest	rates	that	pervaded	the	late	         These	figures	show	that	the	average	
                                              1990s	and	the	rise	of	non-bank	lenders	        floor	area	of	new	residential	buildings	
                                              (such	as	Aussie	Home	Loans	and	                increased	by	37.4%	(from	149.7m2	to	          2002–2003
                                              Wizard)	boosted	buying	power	for	              205.7m2)	between	1984	to	1995	and	         Source:	Australian	Bureau	
                                              consumers,	driving	up	demand.	                 2002	to	2003.	                             of	Statistics,	2005.

                                                                                                                                                    looKhoMe         5
This	trend	is	evidenced	in	the	rise	of	       investment:	more	of	it	must	be	better.”
                                mcmansions	—	a	term	coined	in	the	1990s	         While	there	is	no	shortage	of	demand,	
                                to	describe	homes	typically	larger	than	      the	opposite	is	true	for	supply.	According	
                                average	and	often	built	to	maximise	as	       to	the	Senate	report,	there	are	several	
                                much	lot	space	as	possible.	                  factors	limiting	supply.	
                                    despite	this	trend	towards	bigger	
                                homes,	social	researcher	Hugh	mackay	         compLex	sTaTe	and	LocaL	
                                points	out	in	The	Sydney	morning	Herald	      governmenT	pLanning	
                                (February	23,	2008):	“we’re	now	a	society	    processes
                                in	which	solo	households	outnumber	           The	report	states	these	are	“too	complex	
                                those	where	couples	live	with	their	          and	often	involve	long	delays	and	high	
                                                                                                                            James alCoCk: FairFaxphotos / getty images / photolibrary

                                children.	…	By	[2026]	about	35%	of	all	       costs”.	The	Senate	Select	Committee	on	
                                Australian	households	will	contain	only	      Housing	Affordability	in	Australia	goes	
                                one	person,	and	the	one-	and	two-person	      so	far	as	to	suggest	that	swift	reforms	
                                household	will	be	recognised	for	what	it	     are	needed.	“The	state	governments	
                                is:	the	demographic	mainstream.	…	The	        should	reform	and	simplify	their	planning	
    Top: By 2026, one- and
    two-person households       shrinking	household	means	that	houses	        processes	so	that	local	governments	can	
    will be recognised as the   themselves	will	eventually	have	to	change,	   process	planning	applications	quickly.”
    demographic mainstream.     although	there’s	not	much	sign	of	that	
    Above: low interest         yet:	as	our	households	become	smaller,	       infrasTrucTure	charges
    rates in the 1990s drove
                                our	houses	continue	to	expand,	partly	        You	can’t	create	a	livable	community	
    up demand for houses
    as auctions became          because	so	many	of	us	are	still	committed	    without	substantial	infrastructure.	
    buying frenzies.            to	the	idea	that	home	ownership	is	a	good	    demographer	Bernard	Salt	writes	in	

6   looKhoMe
housing	affordability

The	Australian	(August	7,	2008):	“To	          installed	after	residents	had	moved	in.	
significantly	lift	the	supply	of	affordable	      It	goes	on	to	state:	“now,	the	
dwellings	requires	investment	in	urban	        infrastructure	is	installed	as	the	land	
infrastructure	such	as	public	transport.	      is	developed	and	is	increasingly	being	
The	reason	is	that	affordable	and	             funded	by	specific	charges	on	developers.	
developable	tracts	of	land	on	the	edge	of	     These	charges	are	significantly	higher	
capital	cities	that	could	make	a	difference	   in	new	South	Wales	…	and	may	be	
to	supply	and	affordability	are	located	       significantly	reducing	the	supply	of		                As our households
beyond	the	city	limits.                        land	for	housing	in	that	state.”
                                                                                                    become smaller, our
   “perhaps	the	reason	why	previous	
generations	could	deliver	affordable	          income	hasn’T	caughT	up                              houses continue
housing	was	because	at	that	time	              Amp	and	the	national	Centre	for	Social	              to expand, partly
there	was	not	the	public	consciousness	        and	economic	modelling	(nATSem)	
and	concern	about	car	usage	and	the	           released	research	(march	2008)	on	
                                                                                                    because so many
provision	of	associated	urban	services.”       trends	in	housing	affordability	and	                 of us are still
   However,	it’s	not	just	the	existence	or	    housing	stress,	1995/96	to	2005/06.		                committed to the
creation	of	infrastructure	that	is	at	the	     The	report	‘Wherever	I	lay	my	debt,	that’s	
core	of	the	issue.	It’s	also	about	who	        my	home’	revealed	that	while	property	
                                                                                                    idea that home
pays	for	it.	The	Senate	report	makes	          prices	have	jumped	400%	since	1986,	                 ownership is a
the	point	that	previously,	infrastructure	     income	has	only	increased	by	120%.                   good investment:
was	typically	paid	by	local	and	state	            It	also	indicates	that	housing	
governments	out	of	rates	and	taxation	         affordability	(or	lack	of	it)	is,	unsurprisingly,	
                                                                                                    more of it must
revenue.	Furthermore,	it	was	often	            linked	with	housing	stress.	“one	of	the	 		          be better.

                                                                                                          looKhoMe        7
striking	results	from	this	report	is	the	         those	for	and	against	this	solution.	Urban	
                         number	of	first	home	buyers	in	housing	           magazine	cites	professor	peter	newman,	
                         stress,”	states	the	report.	“nearly	two-          director	of	the	Institute	for	Sustainability	
                         thirds	(61.7%)	of	first	home	buyers	are	in	       and	Technology	policy	at	murdoch	
                         housing	stress.	This	is	the	sting	in	the	tail	    University	in	Western	Australia,	explaining	
                         of	the	recent	housing	boom	…                      that	sprawling	cities	are	not	the	solution.	
               Future       “The	mortgage	noose	now	remains	                  “The	more	sprawl	the	city	has,	the	
     generations of      around	the	household	neck	for	much	               higher	the	household	expenditure	on	
                         longer	periods	of	time,	with	those	in	            transport,”	newman	is	quoted	in	Urban.	
    Australians will
                         their	late	40s,	50s	and	60s	now	being	            “You	see	it	here	in	Australia	on	the	urban	
       be less likely    much	more	likely	to	still	be	paying	              fringe,	where	poor	families	are	hit	by	
        to enter their   off	the	mortgage	than	Australians	of	             transport	costs.	Building	freeways	is	the	
                         the	same	age	a	decade	ago.	If	these	              problem,	not	the	solution.”
        old age with     trends	continue,	future	generations	of	              newman	provides	Houston	and	dallas	
       the mortgage      Australians	will	be	less	likely	to	enter	their	   in	Texas	as	examples	of	sprawl	that	has	
        paid off and     old	age	with	the	mortgage	paid	off	and	           spread	so	far	that	“people	now	spend	
                         their	home	underpinning	their	financial	          more	on	transport	than	on	shelter”.
           their home    security	in	retirement.”                             The	Senate	report	also	points	out:		
     underpinning                                                          “The	way	to	improve	housing	affordability	
     their financial     To	spraWL	or	noT	To	spraWL                        is	not	to	build	cheap	houses	on	the	
                         An	obvious	answer	to	the	housing	                 outskirts	of	cities	away	from	employment,	
         security in     affordability	crisis	is	to	allow	cities	to	       services	and	public	transport	links.	
          retirement.    grow	and	sprawl	ever	outward.	There	are	          This	simply	shifts	costs	from	housing	

                                                                                                                           ©IsTockPhoTo.coM: MVP64 / ©IsTockPhoTo.coM: JhoRRocks / gETTy IMAgEs

8      looKhoMe
housing	affordability
to	the	cost	—	in	dollars	and	time	—	of	     we	need	to	take	the	meaning	of	home	
transport.	rather,	the	aim	must	be	to	      more	seriously,	too.	That	means	paying	
build	affordable	housing	in	areas	where	    more	attention	to	the	need	for	people	to	
infrastructure	can	provide	for	and	attract	 connect;	the	need	to	build	communities;	
new	residents.”                             the	need	to	develop	civic	pride	…	
                                               “We’ve	always	assumed	the	great	
iT	Takes	a	viLLage                          Australian	dream	was	about	owning	your	
In	contrast	to	the	idea	of	increasingly	    own	home	on	a	suburban	quarter-acre.	
isolated	suburbs,	there	are	those	who	are	 While	that	version	of	the	dream	persists	
advocates	of	a	return	to	community	living.	 for	many	of	us,	the	dream	was	always	
This	concept	underpins	the	new	Urbanism	 about	creating	a	particular	way	of	life	in	a	
movement,	which	originally	stemmed	         particular	kind	of	community,	and	those	
from	the	US	and	gained	prominence	in	       aspirations	are	changing.”
the	1980s.	                                    So	the	challenge	is	to	be	able	to	fulfil	
   It	encouraged	the	creation	of	walkable	 this	dream	in	a	climate	undergoing	an	
communities,	accessible	public	spaces,	     economic	downturn	and	housing	crisis	
and	featured	a	range	of	housing	types	      while	catering	to	the	diverse	—	yet	unique	
—	to	suit	different	demographic	groups	—	   —	needs	of	Australian	home	owners.	It	can	
and	created	local	jobs.	                    be	done.	over	the	following	pages,	you’ll	
   As	social	researcher	and	author	of	      discover	an	innovative	housing	solution	
Advance	Australia	…	Where?	Hugh	mackay	 that	is	a	first	step	towards	addressing	the	
                                                                                           State of
wrote	in	The	Sydney	morning	Herald:	“If	    housing	crisis	in	Australia.	And	the	best	
we	are	to	take	housing	more	seriously	      part	is,	this	is	only	the	beginning.	          According to the AMP/
                                                                                           NATsEM report on housing
                                                                                           affordability between 1996
                                                                                           and 2006, all Australian
                                                                                           states experienced
                                                                                           significant drops in housing
                                                                                           affordability. It states:
                                                                                           • New south wales
                                                                                             is Australia’s least
                                                                                             affordable state, with
                                                                                             homes costing 8.3
                                                                                             times annual disposable
                                                                                             household income in
                                                                                             2006, up almost 40% on
                                                                                             1996 figures, while the
                                                                                             Northern Territory is the
                                                                                             easiest place to buy a
                                                                                             house, with house prices
                                                                                             just five times median
                                                                                             disposable income.
                                                                                           • western Australia
                                                                                             wasn’t far behind New
New Urbanism sees                                                                            south wales, with
a shift away from                                                                            housing unaffordability
cookie-cutter housing                                                                        increasing 63% to 7.45
to livable communities
                                                                                             times annual disposable
where people are
encouraged to
                                                                                             income, while Tasmania
interact.                                                                                    saw the biggest jump, up
                                                                                             65% to 6.1 times annual
                                                                                             disposable income.

                                                                                                    looKhoMe              9

          an	innovaTive
          The Smarter Small Home™ is the result of years of
          research, a meeting of minds and a duo who relished
          the challenge of finding an affordable housing solution.

                                                                                          photolibrary. aDDitional WorDs: suZy yates

10   looKhoMe
creative	thinking
WHen	KeVIn	doodneY	LooKed	AT	                   home,	which	they	defined	as	one	costing	
housing	affordability	problem	in	Australia,	    less	than	$300,000	for	house	and	land	               the Smarter
he	knew	there	had	to	be	a	solution.	But	        package.	With	land	often	representing	               Smaller home
with	over	30	years’	experience	in	property	     at	least	half	the	total	cost	of	a	home	
                                                                                                     iS juSt the
and	real	estate,	doodney	knew	complex	
planning	laws	and	regulations	could	
                                                and	land	package,	doodney	knew	that	a	
                                                small	lot	size	was	crucial.	He	decided	on	
hinder	innovation	in	solving	the	issue.         a	lot	size	of	10	metres	by	30	metres;	the	
                                                                                                     imagine …
   “As	a	nation,	our	home-owner	habits	         challenge	was	to	design	a	livable,	stylish	          the juSt-me home
                                                                                                     Designed for a young
developed	when	land	wasn’t	an	issue	and	        and	sustainable	home	on	it.	“
                                                                                                     couple just starting out,
we	were	sold	on	this	idea	that	bigger	is	          He	believes	The	Smarter	Small	Home	
                                                                                                     a couple just retiring,
better.	I	can’t	understand	why	we	keep	         project	is	set	to	be	a	turning	point	for	            or even a single person.
building	these	massive	houses	with	room	        housing	affordability	in	Australia.	“We	             This compact 52 square
for	two	and	three	cars,”	says	doodney,	         are	showing	people	that	you	don’t	need	              metre design will feature
who	heads	up	LJ	Hooker	Land	marketing	          to	sacrifice	livability	and	sustainability	to	       one bedroom with lounge,
and	is	former	chief	executive	officer	          achieve	affordability,”	he	says.	                    dining and kitchen, a two-
of	the	Australian	Institute	of	property	           The	project	isn’t	just	a	smart	innovation	        way bathroom, balcony,
management.	“Anyone	who	tries	to	build	         on	a	set	of	architectural	blueprints,	               and, to top it off, a green
something	smaller	typically	makes	it	box-       however.	It’s	become	reality.	In	an	aircraft	        roof garden.
like	and	ugly.	people	today	do	not	want	to	     hangar	in	meeandah,	a	suburb	close	to	               the extendable home
buy	something	ugly.”	                           Brisbane	airport,	the	house	has	been	built.          Designed for a young
   So	he	embarked	on	an	international	             When	doodney	was	looking	for	a	                   couple planning a family in
study	to	find	an	answer	that	would	work	        factory	in	which	to	build	the	home,		                the future, its key feature
                                                                                                     is that the existing 100
                                                                                                     square metre living area
As a nation, our home-owner habits developed when land wasn’t                                        can be easily extended
                                                                                                     when the time is right, with
an issue and we were sold on this idea that bigger is better.                                        another 100 square metres
                                                                                                     upstairs, pre-approved by
                                                                                                     council and designed to be
in	Australia.	doodney	says	a	catalyst	in	       he	immediately	thought	of	James	Hardie.	             built in a way that doesn’t
this	journey	was	when	he	visited	the	US	        After	all,	its	study	tour	was	the	catalyst	for	      disturb the landscape.
as	a	member	of	the	James	Hardie	‘Living	        the	idea.	James	Hardie	agreed	to	not	only	           the entertainer
Benchmarks’	Streetscapes	tour.	The	             supply	a	hangar	free	for	12	months	—	two	            Designed for party lovers,
tour	was	created	primarily	for	Australian	      months	for	the	build	and	the	remainder	              this design features a
developers	and	planners	to	experience	          for	demonstration	—	it	also	offered	                 media room and loads of
firsthand	some	of	the	benchmark	livable	        marketing	support	and	any	products	the	              undercover outdoor areas
neighbourhoods	and	high-density,	mixed	         designers	wanted	to	use	from	the	James	              in 170 square metres.
use	urban	residential	districts	in	the	US.	     Hardie	and	Scyon™	range.
                                                  Why	build	it	in	an	aircraft	hangar?	
BuiLd	for	your	TriBe                            new	home	building	ideas	can	sometimes	
“Then	I	spent	the	next	few	years	looking	       be	stalled	when	it	comes	to	actually	
at	affordable	housing	across	the	world,	        constructing	the	home.	This	is	because,	
visiting	and	studying	places	like	Italy,	       when	you	build	a	home,	your	plans	—	
London	and	paris,”	he	says.	“I	realised	        particularly	any	innovative	concepts	
that,	in	Australia,	we	needed	to	tribalise	it.	 —	have	to	go	through	a	council’s	strict	
We	had	to	find	a	solution	that	would	suit	      building	regulations.	doodney	points		
our	lifestyle	and	expectations.	We	couldn’t	 out	it	can	take	five	years	or	longer	to		
just	transplant	a	solution	from	another	        get	approval.
country.	It	wouldn’t	work.”                       Building	it	in	a	hangar	—	where	you	
   doodney	identified	a	host	of	factors	        don’t	have	to	wait	for	council	approval	
that	would	be	needed	for	the	solution	to	       —	meant	the	result	could	be	showcased	
work.	The	goal	was	to	build	an	affordable	 immediately.	“We’re	inviting	council	      	

                                                                                                              looKhoMe              11
planners,	developers	and	builders	to	
            The smarter small     see	the	result,”	he	says.	“Keep	an	open	
             home is ideal for
                                  mind	to	what	we’ve	created	and	see	if	
           Aussie traditions of
          backyard cricket and    this	suits	your	village.	If	not,	ask	yourself	
           outdoor barbecues.     what	does?	Use	this	as	a	discussion	
                                  point	to	create	well-informed	outcomes.	
                                  It’s	not	a	one-size-fits-all	solution,	it’s	a	
                                  demonstration.	It	may	not	be	the	only	
                                  answer	—	but	it’s	definitely	a	start.”

                                  Working	TogeTher
                                  doodney	believes	it’s	important	to	
                                  work	together	with	council	planners	
                                  and	elected	councils	to	explore	what’s	
                                  possible.	He	points	out	that	many	council	
                                  regulations	and	building	guidelines		
                                  have	developed	over	a	historical	period	
                                  forming	a	“book	of	rules”	which	can	also	
                                  vary	greatly	between	councils.	“often,	
                                  if	a	new	building	idea	is	put	forward,	
                                  they	have	to	refer	to	the	rule	book.	And	
                                  if	it’s	different	to	the	rule	book,	then	
                                  it’s	stopped.	But	that’s	like	studying	the	
                                  teachings	of	the	old	testament	when	we	          It	also	strengthened	the	link	between	
                                  need	to	be	looking	at	the	new	one.”              architecture	and	construction	—	it	helped	
                                      doodney	sees	this	as	an	important		          me	focus	on	what	a	builder	needs	and	to	
                                  step	in	housing	innovation	in	Australia.	        think	across	the	chasm.	In	this	industry,	
                                  “It’s	frustrating	to	know	that,	in	one	          people	typically	pick	one	side	and	stay	
                                  industry,	you	can	move	from	the	record	          there,	throwing	stones	at	the	other	side!”
                                  player	to	the	Cd	player	and	then	the	
                                  ipod,”	he	says.	“But	in	the	housing	             uniqueLy	ausTraLian
                                  industry	there	have	been	no	significant	         Together,	doodney	and	Blacklow	have	
                                  change	since	the	1970s.”                         created	an	affordable	home	that,	
                                      To	realise	his	vision,	doodney	called		      although	small,	still	incorporates	all		
                                  on	the	skills	of	designer	Brett	Blacklow		       the	elements	of	a	home	demanded		
                                  to	create	The	Smarter	Small	Home.		              by	many	Australians.
                                  The	duo	met	15	years	ago	and	have	since	            the backyard:	Backyard	cricket	
                                  collaborated	on	numerous	projects.               wouldn’t	be	the	same	without	…	a	              leFt: Jupiter images / getty images / top: arChiteCt: tone Wheeler
                                      Blacklow	studied	architecture	at	            backyard.	With	a	lot	of	only	300	square	
     I believe that too           Queensland	University	of	Technology	             metres,	The	Smarter	Small	Home	is	built	
                                  and	supported	himself	while	at	university	       over	two	storeys	on	about	65	square	
         many people              working	for	a	builder.	The	experience	gave	      metres.	After	allowing	for	front	and	side	
         try to tackle            him	a	unique	insight	into	the	way	volume	        setbacks	that	means	the	backyard	is	
        affordability             builders	run	their	businesses	as	well	as	        about	120	square	metres.	“When	you		
                                  the	cost	and	product	constraints	involved.       have	two	storeys,	you	use	up	less	land,”	
        with a low set                “most	architects	have	no	really	             says	doodney.	“I	believe	that	too	many	
     (single-storey)              solid	understanding	of	how	a	building	           people	try	to	tackle	affordability	with	a		
       solution – but             goes	together;	so	it	was	probably	the	           low	set	(single-storey)	solution	—	but	that	
                                  most	important	thing	I	did,”	Blacklow	           uses	up	the	backyard.”
     that uses up the             says.	“It	gave	me	a	really	good	                    professor	Tony	Hall	from	griffith	
            backyard.             understanding	of	where	the	money	went.	          University	has	been	researching	the	

12     looKhoMe
creative	thinking
                                             such	as	cross	ventilation	and	sliding	doors	
                                             that	open	on	the	outside	of	the	house	
                                             (thus	doubling	the	opening	compared	to	
                                             if	it	slid	open	on	the	inside).	“It	also	has	
                                             a	single	switch	that	turns	off	all	stand-by	
                                             appliances	so	that	you	only	have	to	flick	
                                             one	switch	when	you	leave	the	home,”	
                                             says	doodney.	“We’ve	also	incorporated	
                                             indicators	on	switches	that	can	tell	you	
                                             when	you	are	in	off-peak	electricity.	
                                             Humans	need	reminders	and	this	helps	
                                                                                                                 Brett Blacklow
                                             you	figure	out	it’s	a	good	time	to	use	your	
                                             washing	machine.	It	also	saves	on	your	
                                             energy	bill.”                                       dYnamic duo
                                                 australian-made: “Importantly,	                 Brett Blacklow is the
                                             Australians	want	their	products	to	be	              Director of Earth spirit
                                             made	here.	They	want	real	people	to	                home, an architecture
                                             create	it	—	a	carpenter,	a	roofer,	a	builder.	      and construction company
                                             It	gives	their	home	a	sense	of	inheritance.	        he founded in 2002.
                                             They	don’t	want	a	house	that	comes	in	a	            having studied architecture
                                             box	from	a	factory.”                                at QUT in the late 1980s,
                                                                                                 his early career was
                                                 low wastage: Accordingly	to	doodney,	
                                                                                                 spent in the trenches,
                                             when	you	build	a	home,	5%	of	the	cost		
                                                                                                 working for a medium-sized
disappearance	of	backyards	from	new	         of	the	home	is	typically	wasted	in	
                                                                                                 project builder.
Australian	homes	over	the	past	10	           materials.	“We	decided	to	build	the	
                                             home	to	a	grid	so	we’ve	reduced	waste	
                                                                                                 kevin Doodney is the
years	and,	with	it,	the	increase	in	poorly	
                                                                                                 Director of lJ hooker land
designed	houses	that	lack	natural	light	     significantly,”	he	says.	“many	home	
                                                                                                 Marketing Queensland.
and	maximise	floor	space.                    builders	design	the	home	and	then	cut		
                                                                                                 with a real estate career
   Hall	says	we	need	a	campaign	to	save	     the	products	to	fit.	We’ve	worked	the	              spanning 30 years, he has
“the	real	Australian	lifestyle”.	The	answer	 other	way	around,	we’ve	factored	in	the	            blitzed the sales for lJ
isn’t	necessarily	bigger	lots.	“You	could	   size	of	the	products	first	—	that	means		           hooker nationally achieving
double	the	Australian	housing	density	       less	of	it	goes	in	the	bin.”                        Top salesperson for eight
[per	hectare]	and	save	your	backyard	            The	above	are	just	some	examples		              years running. he has also
by	making	the	front	yard	smaller	and	        of	the	innovative	ideas	found	in	The	               successfully re-designed
building	two	storeys,”	he	says.              Smarter	Small	Home.	“good	design	is		               and regenerated ailing
                                             just	brainpower,”	says	Blacklow.	“We’ve	
                                                                                                 residential estates
   the indoor-outdoor home:	“We’ve	
                                                                                                 throughout south-east
stuck	Jamie	durie	in	there!”	says	           got	the	best	brains	in	the	business	
                                                                                                 Queensland on behalf
doodney,	referring	to	the	Australian	        collaborating	on	this	and	future	projects.	
                                                                                                 of financiers.
celebrity	landscaper,	an	advocate	of		       We	made	a	commitment	that	we	wanted	
“The	outdoor	room”.	                         to	make	a	difference	to	the	industry,		
   “other	cultures	shut	their	houses	down	 to	do	something	significant,	and	this	is		
but	we	know	Australians	like	loads	of	       just	the	beginning.”	
natural	light.	There	is	also	room	for	the	       doodney	says	that	he	knows	this	house	
plasma	TV,	but	it’s	situated	so	that	you	    will	sell.	“every	vendor	I	have	shown	this	
can	see	it	from	outside	the	home.	That	      home	to	wants	one.	This	is	what	people	
means	you	can	have	a	drink	outside	and	      want	to	buy	and	that’s	the	clincher.	
still	watch	the	footy.”                      It	is	a	demonstration	in	affordability,	
   energy-efficient: doodney	says	his	       and	I	dare	you	to	improve	on	this,”	he	
goal	was	to	create	a	home	with	a	low	        challenges.“don’t	tell	us	what	we	have	
carbon	footprint.	The	home	incorporates	 done	wrong	with	this	home.	Tell	me	how	                 kevin Doodney
smart	passive	heating/cooling	strategies,	 we	can	make	the	next	one	even	better.”	

                                                                                                         looKhoMe                 13

     The	Solution   InTrodUCIng	…
                    	 he	smarTer
                    	 maLL	home
                    A small lot, small house, smart choice of
                    materials and an efficient construction method
                    are the key ingredients in delivering a home
                    that stylish, sustainable — and very affordable.

                                                                                       illustrator: iain mCkellar: overallpiCture.Com /
                                                                                       arChiteCt: brett blaCkloW

the	smarter	small	home

WHen	deSIgner	BreTT	BLACKLoW	                   they	needed	to	make	the	land	size	small.	
sat	down	with	project	instigator	Kevin	           The	decision	to	create	a	lot	10	metres	
doodney	to	try	to	create	the	archetypal	        wide	by	30	metres	long	set	up	a	series	of	
affordable	home,	he	didn’t	begin	with	the	      design	constraints;	they	became	a	design	
home	itself.	Instead,	it	was	the	size	of	the	   problem	that	Blacklow	and	his	team	
lot	that	was	his	first	consideration.	As	       needed	to	solve.	For	example,	having	the	
the	cost	of	land	is	often	at	least	half	the	    smallest	block	of	land	meant	that	the	
cost	of	a	total	house	and	land	package,	        home	really	had	to	be	a	two-storey	house.	
both	Blacklow	and	doodney	knew	that	              “generally	doing	a	three-bedroom,	
to	deliver	an	affordable	housing	product,	      two-storey	house	isn’t	a	wise	decision,”		

                                                                                             looKhoMe   15
Blacklow	says.	“There’s	more	surface	area	      joists	or	the	traditional	slab	on	ground.	
     Show me                         on	the	outside	of	the	house,	so	there’s	        These	screw-in	piers	are	typically	installed	
     the moneY                       more	scaffolding	and	it	will	take	longer	       in	just	half	a	day	and,	at	this	point,	
                                     and	cost	more	money	[than	a	single-             the	foundations	are	finished.	no	bulk	
     Blacklow is well qualified
     to assess the real costs        storey	home].”	However	the	land	saving		        earthworks	are	needed.	
     of construction. when           is	so	significant,	Blacklow	and	doodney	           Blacklow	says	the	type	of	land		
     he added up the bill to         felt	that	with	some	thoughtful	design,		        available	in	developers’	land	banks	was		
     construct The smarter           the	additional	costs	would	be	offset.           a	consideration	when	choosing	the	way	
     small home™, the total was                                                      the	sub-floor	would	be	constructed.		
     about $127,583 excluding        smarTer	producT		                               much	of	the	land	in	many	areas	of	
     the gsT. with gsT, the cost     seLecTion	—	The	roof                            south-east	Queensland	and	some	parts	
     was just over $140,000.
                                     Blacklow	says	that	careful	product	selection	   of	Sydney	and	nSW	is	sloping.	In	other	
     Blacklow then calculated        helped	claw	back	costs	—	particularly	when	     places,	like	perth,	for	example,	the	soil	
     the cost to build the home      running	and	maintenance	costs	were	             on	land	available	for	development	is	
     substituting the James          thrown	into	the	mix.	While	the	actual	sale	     considered	reactive.	
     hardie products with
                                     price	of	the	home	was	the	first	key	thing	to	      A	senior	project	designer	with	Land	
     timber weatherboards and
                                     get	right,	it	was	also	important	to	ensure	     and	Housing	development	in	the	Western	
     flat sheet ply cladding.
                                     lower	life	cycle	costs	as	well.                 Australian	department	of	Housing	and	
     he then did another
     calculation, substituting          often,	time	is	money,	so	the	speed	of	       Works	says	that	more	difficult	sites	are	
     the piers with an ‘M’class      construction	also	drove	product	decisions.	     now	over-represented	relative	to	the	flat	
     concrete slab on flat           The	team	was	always	thinking	of	products	       sandy	sites	that	are	traditionally	preferred	
     ground, brick veneer walls      that	could	be	installed	and	simply	finished;	   for	development.
     instead of lightweight
     cladding, and a pitched
     concrete tiled roof using       While the actual sale price of the home was the first key thing to
     standard roof trusses. The
     total costs were $150,808       get right, it was also important to ensure lower life cycle costs.
     and $166,261 respectively,
     including gsT.
                                     ones	that	involved	the	least	number	of	            As	a	result,	site	costs	for	fill	and	
     of course, as with any          construction	layers.	For	example,	Blacklow	     retaining	are	anywhere	from	$15,000	
     costing analysis of this
                                     chose	an	all-in-one	Bondor	sandwich	            to	$20,000	per	lot	and	“will	play	an	
     kind, the primary intent is
                                     panel	for	the	roof,	which	meant	the		           increasing	part	in	the	future,”	he	says.	
     to illustrate in broad terms
     relative costs between          roof	was	fully	installed	in	half	a	day.	        elsewhere	in	the	country,	builders	
     different construction             “one	product	turns	up	to	site,”	he	says.	    frequently	tell	developers	and	consumers	
     methods. Actual costs           “When	it’s	finished	we	have	our	roof	           that	to	build	on	sloping	sites	will	cost	
     would depend on many            structure,	insulation,	sheeting,	ceiling	       ‘thirty	grand	extra’.	They	arrive	at	this		
     factors, including individual   structure	and	finished	ceiling.	Instead	        cost	very	roughly	with	an	approach	based	
     building firms’ designs,        of	having	a	scaffold	up	for	two	or	three	       on	using	a	concrete	slab.
     locations and supply            weeks,	it’s	all	done	in	half	a	day.”               Blacklow	believes	that	the	industry	has	
     agreements.                        Using	the	Bondor	panel	didn’t	inhibit	       been	building	the	same	way	for	two	or	
     Blacklow outlined these         design	options	either.	While	there	are	         three	hundred	years	and	that	it’s	really	
     drivers of cost variances:      some	span	constraints	to	consider,	the	         hard	to	change	people’s	thinking.	“While	
     • Quick and efficient           panel	can	be	used	on	anything	from	an	          screw-in	piers	have	been	around	for	ages,	
       installation with             almost	flat	roof	to	one	with	a	steep	pitch.	    hardly	anyone	uses	them,”	he	says.	“The	
       screw-in footings. The                                                        beauty	of	them	is	that	we	don’t	have	to	
       slab on ground requires       smarTer	producT		                               come	out	and	make	a	flat	area	and	we	
                                                                                                                                     arChiteCt: brett blaCkloW

       a level pad, whereas the      seLecTion	—	The	suB-fLoor                       don’t	have	to	dig	or	pour	footings	and	box	
       raised house can be built     At	the	opposite	end	of	the	building	—	the	      up	the	slab.	We	just	screw	these	things	
       over a small fall without
                                     ground	—	another	smart	product	choice	          into	the	ground,	we	put	the	posts	on	
       coNTINUED oPPosITE            was	made.	Twenty-two	steel	screw-in	            that	afternoon,	and	on	day	two	we	start	
                                     piers	were	used	instead	of	brick	piers	and	     installing	the	floor	framing.”	 		

16          looKhoMe
the	smarter	small	home

                                     incurring any real extra cost. That’s
                                     because the screw-in footings don’t
                                     require excavation and don’t produce a
                                     big pile of excess soil that needs to be
                                     dumped or spread over the remainder
                                     of the site. In addition, installing the
                                     screw-in footings means two people
                                     are there over a half day, whereas a
                                     slab uses seven or more subcontractor
                                     teams and happens over a one to two
                                     week period.
                                   • cheaper plumbing costs. Typically the
                                     plumber’s charge is slightly cheaper
                                     when plumbing suspended pipework
                                     under a timber framed floor than it is
                                     buried under a slab.
                                   • no cost requirements for termite
                                     protection. The slab on ground
                                     requires termite protection to the slab
                                     penetrations (at the very minimum)
  The first smarter small home       whereas the raised house has no cost
   has been built in a hangar in     requirements for termite protection.
 QlD. It has achieved a 5.5 star
                                   • greater cost-effectiveness in using
rating, modelled with the BERs
      Pro 4.1 in climate zone 2.
                                     lightweight products than brick
                                     veneer with steel support. The
                                     costs of the brick veneer skin and
                                     the requirement for steel support
                                     bars over openings makes it a more
                                     costly solution than using lightweight
                                     sheet products. It would be costly
                                     to reproduce the overhangs and
                                     window sizes that are in this house if
                                     brickwork were used. In addition, the
                                     heavyweight brickwork requires a metal
                                     scaffold, not an aluminium one, which
                                     is more expensive to hire. The labour
                                     time required for brick installation is
                                     typically longer than sheet cladding so,
                                     again, the scaffold stays up for a much
                                     longer period of time and therefore
                                     incurs more cost.
                                   • reduced scaffolding costs. Building a
                                     traditional roof is more time consuming
                                     and costly as it also requires a scaffold
                                     in place for a longer period of time. The
                                     sandwich panel roof solution is installed
                                     in half a day using two carpenters
                                     where the traditional trussed roof and
                                     ceiling system uses up to five different
                                     subcontractor teams and typically
                                     occurs over a two-week period.

                                                           looKhoMe              17
smarTer	producT		                              that’s	made	from	the	Scyon™	material,		
                              seLecTion	—	fLoors                             a	lightweight	cement	composite.		
                              When	it	comes	to	floor	framing	Blacklow	       Unlike	particleboard,	Scyon™	won’t	
                              chose	timber	joists.	But	not	just	any	         swell	when	wet.	When	water	penetrates	
                              joists.	He	designed	the	home	around	the	       materials	like	particleboard,	it	causes		
                              most	cost-effective	joists	he	could	find	—	    it	to	swell.	Then	tiles	can	crack,	bulge		
                              245mm	by	90mm	Hyne	ply	I	Beams.	The	           and	pop	off.	
                              retail	cost	of	these	is	about	$8	per	lineal	
                              metre	compared	with	two	or	three	times	        smarTer	producTs	—	WaLLs
                              that	amount	for	hardwood	or	laminated	         For	the	wall	frames	the	team	chose	
                              veneer	lumber	(LVLs).                          prefabricated	timber	frames.	Again,	
                                 The	maximum	span	of	the	joists	this	        this	means	the	frames	turn	up	on	the	
                              size	is	4.2m.	“So	we	tried	to	design	the	      day	they’re	needed	and	it	speeds	up	
                              structure	of	our	house	and	our	floor	plate	    construction.	Timber	is	also	easier		
                              around	the	limitations	of	our	economical	      than	metal	for	carpenters	to	adjust		
                              materials,”	Blacklow	says.	                    if	a	mistake	has	been	made.
                                 “Typically	no-one	approaches	it	like	          However,	as	the	designers	began	to	
                              that.	The	builder	or	designer	comes	up	        consider	the	cladding	materials	that	
                              with	a	floor	plan	and	then	he	works	out	       would	go	on	the	frame,	Blacklow	felt		
                              how	to	make	it	stand	up.”                      he	needed	to	set	some	ground	rules	
                                 Blacklow	feels	this	is	a	recipe	for		       about	product	usage	with	project		
                              adding	all	sorts	of	costs	that	aren’t	         partner	James	Hardie.		

          You are working with the “grain” of the street to create identity ...
          Making frontages “active” creates life, and gives vitality to the public realm.

                              immediately	obvious	into	a	building,	             “I	didn’t	want	this	to	be	the	James	
                              because	the	designer	or	builder	has	to	        Hardie	affordable	house,”	he	says.	
                              make	the	structure	work.	He	says	that	         “obviously	the	prototype	house	is	built		
                              with	his	approach	“you	can	pare	down		         in	James	Hardie’s	empty	factory	space,		
                              the	costs”.	For	example,	the	number		          but	I	didn’t	want	any	pressure	to	use	
                              of	bearers	(the	chunkier,	heavier	             James	Hardie®	products	without	me	
                              supporting	timbers)	is	reduced	and		           arriving	independently	at	that	decision.	
                              the	cost-effective	joists	selected	are		       I	thought	we’d	use	three	products,	but	at	
                              used	to	their	maximum	capacity.	               the	end	of	the	day	we’ve	used	eight	or	
                                 With	the	floor	framing	nailed,	the	         nine	—	Scyon™	Stria™	and	Axon™	cladding,	
                              design	team	began	to	think	about	the	          Axent™	trim,	Linea™	weatherboard	
                              type	of	material	that	would	go	on	top		        and	Secura™	interior	flooring,	as	well	
                              of	the	frame.	The	most	inexpensive	            as	HardiFlex®	sheets,	HardiColor®,	
                              flooring	is	particleboard	and	on	top	          compressed	for	sunhoods	and	pineridge®	
                              of	that,	tiling	can	be	a	good	option,	         lining	in	the	walk-in	robes!”
                              particularly	when	the	finished	price		            	After	researching	exterior	cladding	
                              of	between	$110	and	$140	a	square	metre	       materials,	Blacklow	and	the	team	
                              for	timber	flooring	is	factored	in.            concluded	that	there	is	“nothing	that	can	
                                                                                                                          arChiteCt: brett blaCkloW

               Above: speed
            of construction      Blacklow	felt	that	he	could	source	“a	      touch	a	few	of	the	James	Hardie	products	
          and designing for   good	tile	for	around	$15	a	square	metre	       price-wise”.	He	says	that	then	when	
              minimal waste
                              that	could	be	laid	for	around	$45	a	square	    he	found	that	paint	companies	Wattyl	
           keep costs down
             in The smarter   metre”.	Instead	of	particleboard,	the	         and	Taubmans	provide	15-year	paint	
                small home.   substrate	could	be	a	flooring	product	         warranties	for	certain	paints	used	 		

18   looKhoMe
the	smarter	small	home

LOOKING GOOD FROM EVERY ANGLE             are we back
                                          to front?
                                          In its most compact form,
	fronT	&	rear	eLevaTion
                                          The smarter small home
                                          has been designed for a
                                          rear-loaded lot with the
                                          house at the front. Instead
                                          of having a front yard and
                                          backyard, there is one
                                          sizeable yard. “we haven’t
                                          got a big driveway and
                                          wasted 120 square metres,”
                                          Blacklow says. “Instead
                                          we’ve just used 30 square
                                          metres for the front.”
                                          If the home is to be used on
                                          lots that aren’t rear loaded,
                                          they’ll probably be slightly
                                          bigger blocks. For example,
	side	eLevaTions                          a large Queensland
                                          developer has already
                                          commissioned five smarter
                                          small homes after seeing a
                                          sneak preview. They will be
                                          built on 15 metre wide lots.
                                          Urban designer sharni
                                          howe says the combination
                                          of building height,
                                          massing and scale, built
                                          form elements, and the
                                          interface between uses are
                                          fundamental to creating a
                                          sense of identity and place.
                                          she explains that at this
                                          level, you are working with
                                          the “grain” of the street to
                                          create identity.
                                          some aspects deserve
                                          more attention than others.
	from	aBove                               Making frontages “active”
                                          creates life, and gives
                                          vitality to the public realm.
                                          howe says that the rule
                                          of thumb is that the more
                                          frontages on the street, the
                                          more active it will be. In
                                          areas where frontages have
                                          tended to be dominated by
                                          garages, rear access lanes
                                          can create a more active
                                          and safer streetscape

                                                   looKhoMe               19
Instead of      on	products	like	Scyon™	Linea	                      In	addition,	using	the	Axent	trim	with	
                     weatherboard	and	Scyon™	Stria	cladding,	         its	15-year	paint	warranty	also	creates	
     choosing        he	thought:	“This	is	sensational.”               a	saving	over	the	life	of	the	building.	
     products that      Time	saved	in	construction	was	another	       “Typically	we	couldn’t	put	on	a	pine	timber	
     need detailed   plus.	“many	of	James	Hardie’s	products	          batten	and	not	have	a	drama	in	under	
                     are	sheet	products	and	so	a	carpenter		          10	years,”	Blacklow	says.	
     flashings and   can	cover	an	area	of	three	square	metres	
     jointings,      in	10	minutes.	So	we’ve	chosen	products	         repeTiTion	is	The		
                     that	cover	a	big	bit	of	area	when	they	go	       deveLoper’s	friend
     products like
                     on,”	Blacklow	says.                              A	key	driver	of	the	affordability	of	a	
     HardiFlex®         In	addition,	instead	of	choosing	             development	versus	that	of	a	single	
     sheets have     products	that	need	detailed	flashings		          home	is	building	the	exact	same	floor	
                     and	jointings,	products	like	HardiFlex®	         plan.	“When	we’re	doing	this	we	want	to	
     been used.      sheets	have	been	used.	“We	have	this	            make	the	outside	of	these	homes	look	
                     detail	that	we’ve	used	that	puts	a	little	bit	   as	different	as	possible,	while	still	being	
                     of	a	snakeskin	(damp-proof	membrane)	            essentially	the	same,”	says	Blacklow.	It’s	
                     flashing	behind	the	joint	in	the	sheets		        this	approach	that	helps	ensure	a	vibrant	
                     with	a	batten	[Scyon™	Axent	trim]		              community	instead	of	the	homogeneity	
                                                                                                                     arChiteCt: brett blaCkloW

                     on	top.	You’ve	got	a	finished	joint	and		        that	planners,	developers	and	consumers	
                     we	can	put	on	as	many	battens	as	we	             are	moving	away	from.	
                     like.”	This	is	a	cheaper	way	to	make	a	             “The	thing	I’d	say	about	these	products	
                     weather-tight	joint	than	using	folded	           is	that	you	can	give	me	one	standard	
                     metal	flashings	.	                               flat	sheet	like	HardiFlex	and	I	can	give	 	

20   looKhoMe
the	smarter	small	home
                                                                                                                                                                                Shining the
                                                                                                                                                                                light on
                                                 FLOOR PLANS AT A GLANCE                                                                                                        coStS
                                                                                                                                                                                Running costs were a
                                                                                                                                                                                key consideration for the
                                                                                                                                                                                design team. According
                                                                                                                                                                                to the chairman of the
                                                                                                                                                                                National Appliance
                                                                                                                                                                                and Equipment Energy
                                                                                                                                                                                Efficiency committee,
                                                                                                                                                                                Dr Tony Marker, one watt
                                                                                                                                                                                consumed in stand-by
                                                                                                                                                                                is, as a general rule,
                                                                                                                                                                                approximately equal
                                                                                                                                                                                to $1 per year. A single
                                                                                                                                                                                appliance using eight watts
                                                                                                                                                                                of power in stand-by will
                                                                                                                                                                                add approximately $8 per
                                                                                                                                                                                year to your electricity bill.
                                                                                                                                                                                stand-by power
                                                                                                                                                                                consumption accounts
                                                                                                                                                                                for up to 10% or more
                                                                                                        ground	fLoor                                                            of Australia’s household
                                                                                                                                                                                electricity usage.
                                                                                                                                                                                This costs Australian
                                                                                                                                                                                households more than
                                                                                                                                                                                $5 billion and generates
                                                                                                                                                                                more than 5 million
                                                                                                                                                                                tonnes of carbon dioxide
                                                                                                                                                                                per annum.
                                                                                                                                                                                To help reduce stand-by
                                                                                                                                                                                power use, Blacklow
                                                                                                                                                                                and the team added an
                                                                                                                                                                                override switch at the
                                                                                                                                                                                front door that can turn
                                                                                                                                                                                off the circuit that has
                                                                                                                                                                                attached to it all the
                                                                                                                                                                                discretionary appliances
                                                                                                                                                                                like televisions, stereos
                                                                                                                                                                                and the like. when you
                                                                                                                                                                                come home you just flip
                                                                                                                                                                                the switch back on.
illustrator: iain mCkellar: overallpiCture.Com

                                                                                                                                                                                In addition, off-peak power
                                                                                                                                                                                will be connected to the
                                                                                                          firsT	fLoor                                                           house, and power points
                                                                                                                                                                                that indicate when off-
                                                                                                                                                                                peak power is available
                                                                                                                                                                                will be installed in areas,
                                                                                                                                                                                such as laundries, that
                                                   The floor plan of The Smarter Small Home has been reproduced with the permission of architect Brett Blacklow, Earth Spirit
                                                   Home Pty Ltd. As the plans, sketches, computer images and models of The Smarter Small Home are protected by copyright they
                                                                                                                                                                                have significant energy-
                                                   cannot be reproduced without permission.                                                                                     using appliances.

                                                                                                                                                                                         looKhoMe                21
     one of the key elements
     of the design approach
     was to design rooms,
     heights and walls to the
     size of materials available.
     “when I buy timber, it
     has to be in 300mm
     increments,” says Blacklow.
     “Plasterboard is two
     different widths. If I’m not
     thinking of those things
     when I’m designing, then
     I’m potentially buying more
     than I need and I’m also
     paying someone to cut it
     down to the right size.”
     In addition, the team has
     developed the design to
     incorporate a number of
     the offcuts that may be         smart innovation:
     generated. For example,         sliding doors stack on the
     they use hardiFlex sheets       outside to maximise the
     in certain places, and then     opening, linking the home
                                     to its outdoor room.
     also use the 600mm offcuts
     in another. That’s instead
     of using full sheets and
     throwing the offcuts away.
                                     you	five	or	six	different	finishes.	It	can	      glazing	is	a	building	component	
     “For example, plasterers
                                     be	done	without	texturing	or	anything	        that	contributes	disproportionately	
     often line the inside walls
     by sheeting straight over       like	that,	but	through	using	vertical	or	     to	a	building’s	energy	ratings.	In	an	
     a window or door and then       horizontal	battens,	or	smooth	ones	or	        unpublished	study	ratings	appeared		
     cutting it out,” Blacklow       really	protruding	ones.	These	products	       to	be	directly	related	to	the	overall	
     says. Then half an hour         just	have	a	bucketload	of	flexibility	at	a	   proportion	of	glazing	and	none	achieved		
     later they need the same        really	affordable	price,”	he	says.            a	5	star	rating	if	its	glazing	ratio	was		
     size as that or smaller and                                                   in	excess	of	approximately	26%	of	its	
     so they cut off a new piece     WindoWs	aren’T	jusT		                         floor	area.	(This	study	and	the	factors	
     of plaster.”                    a	hoLe	in	The	WaLL                            that	contribute	to	energy	efficiency	are	
     Because all the waste on a      Blacklow	knew	that	the	typical	length		       covered	in	more	detail	in	The	Smarter	
     building site is paid for, it   of	plasterboard	and	other	lining	materials	   green	Book,	available	at	http://www.
     makes sense to minimise it.     is	2,400mm,	so	he	set	ceiling	heights
     Typically, skips have to be     at	a	standard	2.4m	high.	Windows	                	If	windows	are	poorly	chosen,	sized,	
     hired and then transported
                                     wouldn’t	just	be	a	“hole	in	the	wall”		       oriented	or	protected,	it	can	allow	too	
     to a transfer station or
                                     either.	When	considering	where	to		           much	solar	radiation	into	the	building	
     recycler and then fees paid
                                     locate	them,	some	key	questions	would	        causing	overheating	in	summer.	In	
     on that. on this house, the
                                     need	to	be	answered	first.	                   addition,	overglazing	causes	excessive	
                                                                                                                                arChiteCt: brett blaCkloW

     team aims to reduce the
     total waste produced by            Is	the	window	for	access,	ventilation,	    heat	losses	in	winter.
     up to 50%.                      view	or	daylight	—	or	a	combination	             With	these	factors	in	mind,	Blacklow	
                                     of	those	factors?	How	can	enough	of	          decided	that	instead	of	putting	a	window	
     “I’m very comfortable we’ll
     achieve that,” Blacklow says.   them	be	used	while	at	the	same	time	          in	every	wall,	they	would	break	it	down	
                                     minimising	the	number	of	them?	               to	determine	the	function	of	the	specific	

22          looKhoMe
the	smarter	small	home
window.	“This	wall	is	the	one	we	get		          now	on	the	market,”	he	says.	“As	a	result,	
our	light	through;	this	opening	is	for	         every	decision	we’ve	made	has	been		
access;	this	is	for	ventilation	—	and		         with	the	goal	of	creating	a	space	that	
when	we	get	to	one	for	ventilation,		           feels	large	even	though	it’s	small.	And	
we	make	it	a	louvre.”	Louvres	allow		           we’re	not	decorating	it	with	things	that	
the	wall	to	be	opened	in	percentages.	          aren’t	needed.
When	it’s	a	view	window,	it	has	been		             “We’ve	been	intent	on	getting	the	
made	a	fixed	window,	because	Blacklow	          architecture	to	do	the	work.	We’ve	been	
claims	that’s	five	times	cheaper	than	          trying	to	make	a	great	cake,	not	squirt	a	
having	an	openable	one.	The	western	            whole	lot	of	pretty	icing	on	it.”	
wall	of	The	Smarter	Small	Home	has	no	             You	be	the	judge.	The	Smarter	Small	
windows	at	all,	but	it	does	use	makrolon®	      Home	is	available	for	tours	from	April	2,	    smart shading and
multiwall	sheets.	                              2009.	Check	at	www.smartersmallhome.          window placements
   At	less	than	half	the	price	of	normal	for	details.	                          are important.
glazing,	this	polycarbonate	product		
floods	the	house	with	natural	light		
while	reflecting	91%	of	the	western		
heat	load.	Its	stylish	and	unique	look		
also	adds	to	the	aesthetic	appeal		
of	the	project.
   Blacklow	says	this	approach	means	
that	the	total	window	bill	is	65%	to	70%	
that	of	a	normal	volume	builder,	because	
they	don’t	usually	approach	the	design	of	
windows	in	this	way.	“They	put	double-
hungs	here,	sliders	there,	and	they	haven’t	
saved	money	where	they	could,”	he	says.	

hardWorking	spaces
In	a	house	as	small	as	this	one,	in	total	
about	120	square	metres,	no	space	can		
be	wasted.	As	a	consequence,	there		
are	no	hallways.	Blacklow	says	they’ve		
also	tried	to	use	a	lot	of	combined	rooms	
and,	in	some	ways,	they’ve	reverted		
back	to	features	popular	in	the	1950s,		
like	eat-in	kitchens.	
   Instead	of	separate	kitchen,	dining		
and	living	rooms	that	aren’t	all	necessarily	
well	used,	the	designers	have	created		
a	large	room	with	a	kitchen	at	one	end	
with	space	for	a	large	table	that	can		
be	used	for	food	preparation	and		
dining.	Alternatively,	a	mobile	kitchen	
preparation	bench	and	a	smaller	dining	
table	can	be	used.
   Blacklow	says	flexibility	is	the	key.	
“While	we’ve	been	designing	a	house	
that’s	affordable,	we	know	that	in	creating	
this	we’re	taking	people	a	few	steps	
beyond	everything	else	they’re	seeing	

                                                                                                         looKhoMe   23
the	smarter	small	home

                         counting the carbon
                         Analyse, reduce and offset:            (we modelled the smarter small          gFl wind farm in gudhepanchgani
                         that should be the recipe              home design but with a concrete         in the state of Maharashtra,
                         for designers and builders             slab, brick veneer and concrete         India. operational since April
                         who are serious about their            roof tiles). see graph below.           2007, the 23.1Mw wind farm
                         carbon footprint.                                                              is made up of 14 wind turbines
                                                           where the carbon
                                                                                                        each capable of generating
                         you can’t manage what you         comeS from
                                                                                                        1.65Mw of energy and displacing
                         can’t measure, and there is       climate Friendly reports that,
                                                                                                        51,618 tonnes of greenhouse
                         energy used in lots of ways that  based on its analysis ,most of
                                                                                                        gas emissions caused by the
                         you may not have even thought     the emissions from The smarter
                                                                                                        burning of fossil fuels.
                         of. when it comes to houses,      small home come from steel,
                         climate Friendly Managing         aluminium and plastics; together             climate Friendly often supports
                         Director Joel Fleming says        these account for 60% of its                 projects in developing countries
                         that the carbon emissions         total emissions. In the case of              like china and India. “In part,
                         from buildings are actually       the traditionally built home,                this is because Australian
                         one of the greatest contributors  most of its emissions come                   projects don’t currently
                         to Australia’s greenhouse         from concrete, clay bricks,                  reduce emissions over and
                         gas emissions.                    steel and plasterboard, which                above the cuts already
                                                           together account for 58.6%                   required by regulation,”
                         climate Friendly’s approach is
                                                                                                        Joel Fleming says.
                         to help organisations understand of its total emissions.
                         and measure their carbon          They also quote csIRo data
                         footprint by working out how      indicating that the average
                         many tonnes of carbon they        energy intensity for a high
                         produce. They then look at        energy intensive house is
                         ways to reduce it, like using     approximately 5,500 megajoules                   which iS greener?
                         green energy from a wind          per square metre (MJ/m2) while
                         farm, for example. To offset      the average energy intensity
                                                                                                            2.0                  6,000
                         other unavoidable emissions       for a low energy intensive house                                      5,000

                         they might suggest purchasing                                                       1.5

                                                           is approximately 4,500MJ/m2.                                          4,000
                         renewable energy carbon
                                                           climate Friendly’s analysis

                         credits from independently
                                                                                                             1.0                 3,000
       James Hardie      kyoto-compliant projects.         demonstrates that the energy
                                                           intensity for both The smarter
            has offset   James hardie asked climate
                                                           small home (3,721MJ/m2) and
                         Friendly to measure the carbon
           the carbon    footprint of The smarter small
                                                           the traditionally built home
                                                                                                            0.0                     0
                                                           (5,274MJ/m2) are less energy
     produced in the     home . It found that about
                                                           intensive than the average
                                                                                                             co2 used to                   Energy
                         139 tonnes of co2 were used                                                        manufacture                  intensity
        construction     to manufacture the materials
                                                           low and high energy intensive
                                                                                                            materials and                 (MJ/m2)
                                                           houses. The smarter small home
     of T Smarter
          he             used in the home as well as to
                                                           is significantly less than any
                                                                                                            construct the
                         actually construct it. That works                                                home (tonnes/m2)
       Small Home        out at about 1.16 tonnes of co2
                                                           of them.
      by supporting      per square metre. This compares James hardie has offset                                   A traditionally built home
                         to almost 195 tonnes, or 1.62     the carbon produced in the                              The smarter small home
         wind farms      tonnes per square metre, of co2 construction of The smarter
             in India.   for a traditionally built home    small home by supporting the

                           The	120	square	metre	home	is	built	on	a	300	square	metre	‘lot’	inside	an	empty	factory	hangar	belonging	to	
                         James	Hardie.	This	approach	was	taken	to	speed	construction	and	remove	the	need	for	planning	permits.	It	also	
                         meant	that	the	prototype	home	could	be	used	as	a	display	for	nine	to	12	months.	However,	The	Smarter	Small	
                         Home	is	designed	and	intended	to	be	built	on	actual	sites.
                            	In	the	relevant	James	Hardie	technical	manual,	James	Hardie	recommends	the	use	of	folded	corrosion-resistant	
                         flashings	as	best	practice.	designers	and	builders	are	responsible	for	ensuring	the	appropriateness	and	adequacy		
                         of	the	weather-tight	details	used	on	each	particular	project.

24    looKhoMe
small	is	the	new	big

Small is beautiful. In fact, after years
of expanding home sizes, it seems that
small may actually be the new big. 	

The trend towards smaller,
more sustainable homes is
showcased in this home in
Kurri Kurri, NSW, by Living
Green Designer Homes.

                                                     looKhoMe     25
Smarter Small Home Brochure
Smarter Small Home Brochure
Smarter Small Home Brochure
Smarter Small Home Brochure
Smarter Small Home Brochure
Smarter Small Home Brochure
Smarter Small Home Brochure
Smarter Small Home Brochure
Smarter Small Home Brochure

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Smarter Small Home Brochure

  • 1. LookHome iSSue 7 / 2009 All ThE SmmiNi INSIDE: AFFORDABLE HOUSING REVEALED homE uE MEET THE iSS bRAinS bEHind THE SOLuTiOn wHAT’S THE RECiPE FOR LOw-wASTE buiLdinG? THE SMARTER SMALL HOME StyliSh. liveable. very affordable. SNEAK PEEK How to count the carbon in your home
  • 2. contents LookHome 1 WeLcome To The smarTer smaLL home™ Step into the future with this 2 innovative Australian home. 2 fading dream? With housing affordability 25 in crisis, is there really a solution? 10 an innovaTive journey meet the team behind the house that’s setting benchmarks in Australia. 14 inTroducing … 25 sTyLe and susTainaBiLiTy The smarTer smaLL home Why good things come Stylish. Livable. And very affordable. in small packages. 14 27 The producTs What materials create The Smarter Small Home. 31 The nexT sTeps Interested? Here’s what 27 you can do next. 32 Bonus offers Find out about the other LookHome™ magazines, awards and even TV! 31 Cover illustration: Christopher nielsen 32 Publisher: James Hardie Australia Pty Ltd Editorial direction: Spindrift Media Art direction: North Design + Branding Printing: Offset Alpine Printing All reasonable efforts have been undertaken to make sure that information presented in this issue of LookHome™ is accurate at the time of printing. However, to the extent possible at law, James Hardie excludes all liability for any errors or omissions in information that may occur. Reproduction of LookHome™ in whole or part is prohibited without James Hardie’s prior permission. All correspondence to: LookHome™, James Hardie Australia Pty Ltd, 10 Colquhoun Street, Rosehill NSW 2142. Phone: 13 11 03. © 2009 James Hardie Australia Pty Ltd. ™ and ® denote a trademark or registered mark owned by James Hardie International Finance BV. The design and building of The Smarter Small Home™, featured in this issue of LookHome, is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of Brett Blacklow, Earth Spirit Home Pty Ltd. looKhoMe
  • 3. WeLcome home CreATIng dreAm HomeS And we received from many readers We’ll compare it to traditional ways communities can be a journey in our recent survey, we know of building. most of all though, that’s filled with excitement but that you want sustainable home we’ll show how this home delivers it’s also potentially fraught with ideas that minimise impact on the desires of many Australians — difficulties. While dreaming up the environment. You also want affordably. Let’s face it, most of us images of beautiful spaces and beautiful homes that you can afford. love the outdoors and backyard welcoming rooms is easy, it can We reveal one great option. barbecues, but we also want family be a challenge turning this into In this special issue of LookHome™, rooms that are home to the Xbox reality. In recent years, this has we look at an affordable, stylish and plasma TV. The Smarter Small been made increasingly hard and sustainable solution: The Home takes all of this into account, with rising home and land prices. Smarter Small Home™. while keeping a firm lid on costs. The problem of housing We’ll take you behind the scenes Join us in exploring The Smarter affordability in Australia is a real to look at all the ways this home has Small Home. You can use some of one — and many of you want to been designed and built a smarter the ideas in your own home and know if there is a light on the way. We’ll look at energy, carbon create a space that’s truly affordable, horizon. Thanks to the feedback footprint, and of course, costs. sustainable — and livable. looKhoMe 1
  • 4. fading dreAm? An increasing number of Australians are finding it hard to afford their own home. Will home ownership become a thing of the past – or is there a viable solution? wORdS VALERIE KHOO Jupiterimages / getty images 2 looKhoMe
  • 6. IT ALL ComeS doWn To SImpLe prices have increased markedly in recent economics. Housing prices are high years, by much more than consumer because demand outstrips supply. That’s prices or incomes. the core of the problem. But when you It states the average house price in peel back the layers to analyse the issue the capital cities is now equivalent to of housing affordability in Australia, there more than seven years of average lies a complex web of drivers that range earnings. The equivalent figure from the from changing demographics and lack of 1950s to the early 1980s is three years of infrastructure to complex planning laws average earnings. hindering progress and innovation. The Affordability Index compiled by the There have been numerous studies Commonwealth Bank and the Housing and reports on housing affordability in Industry Association (which also takes Australia. While they may use different into account interest rate levels) shows It’s a paradox standards to measure affordability, the the index has recently reached its lowest that we can results are the same. There’s a problem — points (of affordability) in the 24 years for be short of and it’s not getting better. which it’s been compiled. The Senate report ‘A good house Another benchmark used to measure land. But the is hard to find: Housing affordability housing stress, both in Australia and reality is that in Australia’ was released by the overseas, is known as the ‘ontario population and Senate Select Committee on Housing measure’ or the ‘30/40 rule’. This restricts Affordability in Australia in June 2008. the measurement to households in the immigration Citing figures from the Australian Bureau lowest 40% of income distribution that is rising. of Statistics, the report stated that house are paying more than 30% of income In the 1990s, Australian families have seen the rise of the McMansion (right), overly large homes that maximise use of lot size. 4 looKhoMe
  • 7. housing affordability on housing. According to the Senate • Changing demographics. In the report: “on this definition, it is estimated meantime, typical family households that there are now over one million low from generations ago have given and middle income families and singles way to fewer children, single people Size of new in housing stress. This represents about staying unmarried for longer and a reSidential 10% of the population. greater incidence of divorce. Quite buildingS These are just some of the indicators simply, more homes are now needed (floor area) confirming the crisis in housing to accommodate what was once a affordability. So what are the key drivers single household. that impact the issue? • Government incentives. State and 149.7m2 federal schemes to assist home buyers demand and suppLy — such as the First Home owners In a country as huge as Australia, it’s a grant — have also helped drive demand. 1984–1995 paradox that we can be short of land. • A penchant for bigger homes. But the reality is that population and According to the Australian Bureau immigration is rising. demand has also of Statistics Year Book Australia, been driven by factors such as: 2005, there has been an increase in 205.7m2 • Easier access to credit. The low the size of new residential buildings. interest rates that pervaded the late These figures show that the average 1990s and the rise of non-bank lenders floor area of new residential buildings (such as Aussie Home Loans and increased by 37.4% (from 149.7m2 to 2002–2003 Wizard) boosted buying power for 205.7m2) between 1984 to 1995 and Source: Australian Bureau consumers, driving up demand. 2002 to 2003. of Statistics, 2005. JUPITER IMAgEs / ©NEwsPIx: MARzollA DEAN looKhoMe 5
  • 8. This trend is evidenced in the rise of investment: more of it must be better.” mcmansions — a term coined in the 1990s While there is no shortage of demand, to describe homes typically larger than the opposite is true for supply. According average and often built to maximise as to the Senate report, there are several much lot space as possible. factors limiting supply. despite this trend towards bigger homes, social researcher Hugh mackay compLex sTaTe and LocaL points out in The Sydney morning Herald governmenT pLanning (February 23, 2008): “we’re now a society processes in which solo households outnumber The report states these are “too complex those where couples live with their and often involve long delays and high James alCoCk: FairFaxphotos / getty images / photolibrary children. … By [2026] about 35% of all costs”. The Senate Select Committee on Australian households will contain only Housing Affordability in Australia goes one person, and the one- and two-person so far as to suggest that swift reforms household will be recognised for what it are needed. “The state governments is: the demographic mainstream. … The should reform and simplify their planning Top: By 2026, one- and two-person households shrinking household means that houses processes so that local governments can will be recognised as the themselves will eventually have to change, process planning applications quickly.” demographic mainstream. although there’s not much sign of that Above: low interest yet: as our households become smaller, infrasTrucTure charges rates in the 1990s drove our houses continue to expand, partly You can’t create a livable community up demand for houses as auctions became because so many of us are still committed without substantial infrastructure. buying frenzies. to the idea that home ownership is a good demographer Bernard Salt writes in 6 looKhoMe
  • 9. housing affordability The Australian (August 7, 2008): “To installed after residents had moved in. significantly lift the supply of affordable It goes on to state: “now, the dwellings requires investment in urban infrastructure is installed as the land infrastructure such as public transport. is developed and is increasingly being The reason is that affordable and funded by specific charges on developers. developable tracts of land on the edge of These charges are significantly higher capital cities that could make a difference in new South Wales … and may be to supply and affordability are located significantly reducing the supply of As our households beyond the city limits. land for housing in that state.” become smaller, our “perhaps the reason why previous generations could deliver affordable income hasn’T caughT up houses continue housing was because at that time Amp and the national Centre for Social to expand, partly there was not the public consciousness and economic modelling (nATSem) and concern about car usage and the released research (march 2008) on because so many provision of associated urban services.” trends in housing affordability and of us are still However, it’s not just the existence or housing stress, 1995/96 to 2005/06. committed to the creation of infrastructure that is at the The report ‘Wherever I lay my debt, that’s core of the issue. It’s also about who my home’ revealed that while property idea that home pays for it. The Senate report makes prices have jumped 400% since 1986, ownership is a the point that previously, infrastructure income has only increased by 120%. good investment: was typically paid by local and state It also indicates that housing governments out of rates and taxation affordability (or lack of it) is, unsurprisingly, more of it must revenue. Furthermore, it was often linked with housing stress. “one of the be better. looKhoMe 7
  • 10. striking results from this report is the those for and against this solution. Urban number of first home buyers in housing magazine cites professor peter newman, stress,” states the report. “nearly two- director of the Institute for Sustainability thirds (61.7%) of first home buyers are in and Technology policy at murdoch housing stress. This is the sting in the tail University in Western Australia, explaining of the recent housing boom … that sprawling cities are not the solution. Future “The mortgage noose now remains “The more sprawl the city has, the generations of around the household neck for much higher the household expenditure on longer periods of time, with those in transport,” newman is quoted in Urban. Australians will their late 40s, 50s and 60s now being “You see it here in Australia on the urban be less likely much more likely to still be paying fringe, where poor families are hit by to enter their off the mortgage than Australians of transport costs. Building freeways is the the same age a decade ago. If these problem, not the solution.” old age with trends continue, future generations of newman provides Houston and dallas the mortgage Australians will be less likely to enter their in Texas as examples of sprawl that has paid off and old age with the mortgage paid off and spread so far that “people now spend their home underpinning their financial more on transport than on shelter”. their home security in retirement.” The Senate report also points out: underpinning “The way to improve housing affordability their financial To spraWL or noT To spraWL is not to build cheap houses on the An obvious answer to the housing outskirts of cities away from employment, security in affordability crisis is to allow cities to services and public transport links. retirement. grow and sprawl ever outward. There are This simply shifts costs from housing ©IsTockPhoTo.coM: MVP64 / ©IsTockPhoTo.coM: JhoRRocks / gETTy IMAgEs 8 looKhoMe
  • 11. housing affordability to the cost — in dollars and time — of we need to take the meaning of home transport. rather, the aim must be to more seriously, too. That means paying build affordable housing in areas where more attention to the need for people to infrastructure can provide for and attract connect; the need to build communities; new residents.” the need to develop civic pride … “We’ve always assumed the great iT Takes a viLLage Australian dream was about owning your In contrast to the idea of increasingly own home on a suburban quarter-acre. isolated suburbs, there are those who are While that version of the dream persists advocates of a return to community living. for many of us, the dream was always This concept underpins the new Urbanism about creating a particular way of life in a movement, which originally stemmed particular kind of community, and those from the US and gained prominence in aspirations are changing.” the 1980s. So the challenge is to be able to fulfil It encouraged the creation of walkable this dream in a climate undergoing an communities, accessible public spaces, economic downturn and housing crisis and featured a range of housing types while catering to the diverse — yet unique — to suit different demographic groups — — needs of Australian home owners. It can and created local jobs. be done. over the following pages, you’ll As social researcher and author of discover an innovative housing solution Advance Australia … Where? Hugh mackay that is a first step towards addressing the State of wrote in The Sydney morning Herald: “If housing crisis in Australia. And the best Shock we are to take housing more seriously part is, this is only the beginning. According to the AMP/ NATsEM report on housing affordability between 1996 and 2006, all Australian states experienced significant drops in housing affordability. It states: • New south wales is Australia’s least affordable state, with homes costing 8.3 times annual disposable household income in 2006, up almost 40% on 1996 figures, while the Northern Territory is the easiest place to buy a house, with house prices just five times median disposable income. • western Australia wasn’t far behind New New Urbanism sees south wales, with a shift away from housing unaffordability cookie-cutter housing increasing 63% to 7.45 to livable communities times annual disposable where people are encouraged to income, while Tasmania interact. saw the biggest jump, up 65% to 6.1 times annual disposable income. looKhoMe 9
  • 12. wORdS VALERIE KHOO an innovaTive JoUrneY The Smarter Small Home™ is the result of years of research, a meeting of minds and a duo who relished the challenge of finding an affordable housing solution. photolibrary. aDDitional WorDs: suZy yates 10 looKhoMe
  • 13. creative thinking WHen KeVIn doodneY LooKed AT home, which they defined as one costing housing affordability problem in Australia, less than $300,000 for house and land the Smarter he knew there had to be a solution. But package. With land often representing Smaller home with over 30 years’ experience in property at least half the total cost of a home iS juSt the and real estate, doodney knew complex planning laws and regulations could and land package, doodney knew that a small lot size was crucial. He decided on beginning. hinder innovation in solving the issue. a lot size of 10 metres by 30 metres; the imagine … “As a nation, our home-owner habits challenge was to design a livable, stylish the juSt-me home Designed for a young developed when land wasn’t an issue and and sustainable home on it. “ couple just starting out, we were sold on this idea that bigger is He believes The Smarter Small Home a couple just retiring, better. I can’t understand why we keep project is set to be a turning point for or even a single person. building these massive houses with room housing affordability in Australia. “We This compact 52 square for two and three cars,” says doodney, are showing people that you don’t need metre design will feature who heads up LJ Hooker Land marketing to sacrifice livability and sustainability to one bedroom with lounge, and is former chief executive officer achieve affordability,” he says. dining and kitchen, a two- of the Australian Institute of property The project isn’t just a smart innovation way bathroom, balcony, management. “Anyone who tries to build on a set of architectural blueprints, and, to top it off, a green something smaller typically makes it box- however. It’s become reality. In an aircraft roof garden. like and ugly. people today do not want to hangar in meeandah, a suburb close to the extendable home buy something ugly.” Brisbane airport, the house has been built. Designed for a young So he embarked on an international When doodney was looking for a couple planning a family in study to find an answer that would work factory in which to build the home, the future, its key feature is that the existing 100 square metre living area As a nation, our home-owner habits developed when land wasn’t can be easily extended when the time is right, with an issue and we were sold on this idea that bigger is better. another 100 square metres upstairs, pre-approved by council and designed to be in Australia. doodney says a catalyst in he immediately thought of James Hardie. built in a way that doesn’t this journey was when he visited the US After all, its study tour was the catalyst for disturb the landscape. as a member of the James Hardie ‘Living the idea. James Hardie agreed to not only the entertainer Benchmarks’ Streetscapes tour. The supply a hangar free for 12 months — two Designed for party lovers, tour was created primarily for Australian months for the build and the remainder this design features a developers and planners to experience for demonstration — it also offered media room and loads of firsthand some of the benchmark livable marketing support and any products the undercover outdoor areas neighbourhoods and high-density, mixed designers wanted to use from the James in 170 square metres. use urban residential districts in the US. Hardie and Scyon™ range. Why build it in an aircraft hangar? BuiLd for your TriBe new home building ideas can sometimes “Then I spent the next few years looking be stalled when it comes to actually at affordable housing across the world, constructing the home. This is because, visiting and studying places like Italy, when you build a home, your plans — London and paris,” he says. “I realised particularly any innovative concepts that, in Australia, we needed to tribalise it. — have to go through a council’s strict We had to find a solution that would suit building regulations. doodney points our lifestyle and expectations. We couldn’t out it can take five years or longer to just transplant a solution from another get approval. country. It wouldn’t work.” Building it in a hangar — where you doodney identified a host of factors don’t have to wait for council approval that would be needed for the solution to — meant the result could be showcased work. The goal was to build an affordable immediately. “We’re inviting council looKhoMe 11
  • 14. planners, developers and builders to The smarter small see the result,” he says. “Keep an open home is ideal for mind to what we’ve created and see if Aussie traditions of backyard cricket and this suits your village. If not, ask yourself outdoor barbecues. what does? Use this as a discussion point to create well-informed outcomes. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, it’s a demonstration. It may not be the only answer — but it’s definitely a start.” Working TogeTher doodney believes it’s important to work together with council planners and elected councils to explore what’s possible. He points out that many council regulations and building guidelines have developed over a historical period forming a “book of rules” which can also vary greatly between councils. “often, if a new building idea is put forward, they have to refer to the rule book. And if it’s different to the rule book, then it’s stopped. But that’s like studying the teachings of the old testament when we It also strengthened the link between need to be looking at the new one.” architecture and construction — it helped doodney sees this as an important me focus on what a builder needs and to step in housing innovation in Australia. think across the chasm. In this industry, “It’s frustrating to know that, in one people typically pick one side and stay industry, you can move from the record there, throwing stones at the other side!” player to the Cd player and then the ipod,” he says. “But in the housing uniqueLy ausTraLian industry there have been no significant Together, doodney and Blacklow have change since the 1970s.” created an affordable home that, To realise his vision, doodney called although small, still incorporates all on the skills of designer Brett Blacklow the elements of a home demanded to create The Smarter Small Home. by many Australians. The duo met 15 years ago and have since the backyard: Backyard cricket collaborated on numerous projects. wouldn’t be the same without … a leFt: Jupiter images / getty images / top: arChiteCt: tone Wheeler Blacklow studied architecture at backyard. With a lot of only 300 square I believe that too Queensland University of Technology metres, The Smarter Small Home is built and supported himself while at university over two storeys on about 65 square many people working for a builder. The experience gave metres. After allowing for front and side try to tackle him a unique insight into the way volume setbacks that means the backyard is affordability builders run their businesses as well as about 120 square metres. “When you the cost and product constraints involved. have two storeys, you use up less land,” with a low set “most architects have no really says doodney. “I believe that too many (single-storey) solid understanding of how a building people try to tackle affordability with a solution – but goes together; so it was probably the low set (single-storey) solution — but that most important thing I did,” Blacklow uses up the backyard.” that uses up the says. “It gave me a really good professor Tony Hall from griffith backyard. understanding of where the money went. University has been researching the 12 looKhoMe
  • 15. creative thinking such as cross ventilation and sliding doors that open on the outside of the house (thus doubling the opening compared to if it slid open on the inside). “It also has a single switch that turns off all stand-by appliances so that you only have to flick one switch when you leave the home,” says doodney. “We’ve also incorporated indicators on switches that can tell you when you are in off-peak electricity. Humans need reminders and this helps Brett Blacklow you figure out it’s a good time to use your washing machine. It also saves on your energy bill.” dYnamic duo australian-made: “Importantly, Brett Blacklow is the Australians want their products to be Director of Earth spirit made here. They want real people to home, an architecture create it — a carpenter, a roofer, a builder. and construction company It gives their home a sense of inheritance. he founded in 2002. They don’t want a house that comes in a having studied architecture box from a factory.” at QUT in the late 1980s, his early career was low wastage: Accordingly to doodney, spent in the trenches, when you build a home, 5% of the cost working for a medium-sized disappearance of backyards from new of the home is typically wasted in project builder. Australian homes over the past 10 materials. “We decided to build the home to a grid so we’ve reduced waste kevin Doodney is the years and, with it, the increase in poorly Director of lJ hooker land designed houses that lack natural light significantly,” he says. “many home Marketing Queensland. and maximise floor space. builders design the home and then cut with a real estate career Hall says we need a campaign to save the products to fit. We’ve worked the spanning 30 years, he has “the real Australian lifestyle”. The answer other way around, we’ve factored in the blitzed the sales for lJ isn’t necessarily bigger lots. “You could size of the products first — that means hooker nationally achieving double the Australian housing density less of it goes in the bin.” Top salesperson for eight [per hectare] and save your backyard The above are just some examples years running. he has also by making the front yard smaller and of the innovative ideas found in The successfully re-designed building two storeys,” he says. Smarter Small Home. “good design is and regenerated ailing just brainpower,” says Blacklow. “We’ve residential estates the indoor-outdoor home: “We’ve throughout south-east stuck Jamie durie in there!” says got the best brains in the business Queensland on behalf doodney, referring to the Australian collaborating on this and future projects. of financiers. celebrity landscaper, an advocate of We made a commitment that we wanted “The outdoor room”. to make a difference to the industry, “other cultures shut their houses down to do something significant, and this is but we know Australians like loads of just the beginning.” natural light. There is also room for the doodney says that he knows this house plasma TV, but it’s situated so that you will sell. “every vendor I have shown this can see it from outside the home. That home to wants one. This is what people means you can have a drink outside and want to buy and that’s the clincher. still watch the footy.” It is a demonstration in affordability, energy-efficient: doodney says his and I dare you to improve on this,” he goal was to create a home with a low challenges.“don’t tell us what we have carbon footprint. The home incorporates done wrong with this home. Tell me how kevin Doodney smart passive heating/cooling strategies, we can make the next one even better.” looKhoMe 13
  • 16. wORdS AMANDA FALCONER The Solution InTrodUCIng … he smarTer T maLL home s A small lot, small house, smart choice of materials and an efficient construction method are the key ingredients in delivering a home that stylish, sustainable — and very affordable. illustrator: iain mCkellar: overallpiCture.Com / arChiteCt: brett blaCkloW 14
  • 17. the smarter small home WHen deSIgner BreTT BLACKLoW they needed to make the land size small. sat down with project instigator Kevin The decision to create a lot 10 metres doodney to try to create the archetypal wide by 30 metres long set up a series of affordable home, he didn’t begin with the design constraints; they became a design home itself. Instead, it was the size of the problem that Blacklow and his team lot that was his first consideration. As needed to solve. For example, having the the cost of land is often at least half the smallest block of land meant that the cost of a total house and land package, home really had to be a two-storey house. both Blacklow and doodney knew that “generally doing a three-bedroom, to deliver an affordable housing product, two-storey house isn’t a wise decision,” looKhoMe 15
  • 18. Blacklow says. “There’s more surface area joists or the traditional slab on ground. Show me on the outside of the house, so there’s These screw-in piers are typically installed the moneY more scaffolding and it will take longer in just half a day and, at this point, and cost more money [than a single- the foundations are finished. no bulk Blacklow is well qualified to assess the real costs storey home].” However the land saving earthworks are needed. of construction. when is so significant, Blacklow and doodney Blacklow says the type of land he added up the bill to felt that with some thoughtful design, available in developers’ land banks was construct The smarter the additional costs would be offset. a consideration when choosing the way small home™, the total was the sub-floor would be constructed. about $127,583 excluding smarTer producT much of the land in many areas of the gsT. with gsT, the cost seLecTion — The roof south-east Queensland and some parts was just over $140,000. Blacklow says that careful product selection of Sydney and nSW is sloping. In other Blacklow then calculated helped claw back costs — particularly when places, like perth, for example, the soil the cost to build the home running and maintenance costs were on land available for development is substituting the James thrown into the mix. While the actual sale considered reactive. hardie products with price of the home was the first key thing to A senior project designer with Land timber weatherboards and get right, it was also important to ensure and Housing development in the Western flat sheet ply cladding. lower life cycle costs as well. Australian department of Housing and he then did another calculation, substituting often, time is money, so the speed of Works says that more difficult sites are the piers with an ‘M’class construction also drove product decisions. now over-represented relative to the flat concrete slab on flat The team was always thinking of products sandy sites that are traditionally preferred ground, brick veneer walls that could be installed and simply finished; for development. instead of lightweight cladding, and a pitched concrete tiled roof using While the actual sale price of the home was the first key thing to standard roof trusses. The total costs were $150,808 get right, it was also important to ensure lower life cycle costs. and $166,261 respectively, including gsT. ones that involved the least number of As a result, site costs for fill and of course, as with any construction layers. For example, Blacklow retaining are anywhere from $15,000 costing analysis of this chose an all-in-one Bondor sandwich to $20,000 per lot and “will play an kind, the primary intent is panel for the roof, which meant the increasing part in the future,” he says. to illustrate in broad terms relative costs between roof was fully installed in half a day. elsewhere in the country, builders different construction “one product turns up to site,” he says. frequently tell developers and consumers methods. Actual costs “When it’s finished we have our roof that to build on sloping sites will cost would depend on many structure, insulation, sheeting, ceiling ‘thirty grand extra’. They arrive at this factors, including individual structure and finished ceiling. Instead cost very roughly with an approach based building firms’ designs, of having a scaffold up for two or three on using a concrete slab. locations and supply weeks, it’s all done in half a day.” Blacklow believes that the industry has agreements. Using the Bondor panel didn’t inhibit been building the same way for two or Blacklow outlined these design options either. While there are three hundred years and that it’s really drivers of cost variances: some span constraints to consider, the hard to change people’s thinking. “While • Quick and efficient panel can be used on anything from an screw-in piers have been around for ages, installation with almost flat roof to one with a steep pitch. hardly anyone uses them,” he says. “The screw-in footings. The beauty of them is that we don’t have to slab on ground requires smarTer producT come out and make a flat area and we arChiteCt: brett blaCkloW a level pad, whereas the seLecTion — The suB-fLoor don’t have to dig or pour footings and box raised house can be built At the opposite end of the building — the up the slab. We just screw these things over a small fall without ground — another smart product choice into the ground, we put the posts on coNTINUED oPPosITE was made. Twenty-two steel screw-in that afternoon, and on day two we start piers were used instead of brick piers and installing the floor framing.” 16 looKhoMe
  • 19. the smarter small home coNTINUED incurring any real extra cost. That’s because the screw-in footings don’t require excavation and don’t produce a big pile of excess soil that needs to be dumped or spread over the remainder of the site. In addition, installing the screw-in footings means two people are there over a half day, whereas a slab uses seven or more subcontractor teams and happens over a one to two week period. • cheaper plumbing costs. Typically the plumber’s charge is slightly cheaper when plumbing suspended pipework under a timber framed floor than it is buried under a slab. • no cost requirements for termite protection. The slab on ground requires termite protection to the slab penetrations (at the very minimum) The first smarter small home whereas the raised house has no cost has been built in a hangar in requirements for termite protection. QlD. It has achieved a 5.5 star • greater cost-effectiveness in using rating, modelled with the BERs Pro 4.1 in climate zone 2. lightweight products than brick veneer with steel support. The costs of the brick veneer skin and the requirement for steel support bars over openings makes it a more costly solution than using lightweight sheet products. It would be costly to reproduce the overhangs and window sizes that are in this house if brickwork were used. In addition, the heavyweight brickwork requires a metal scaffold, not an aluminium one, which is more expensive to hire. The labour time required for brick installation is typically longer than sheet cladding so, again, the scaffold stays up for a much longer period of time and therefore incurs more cost. • reduced scaffolding costs. Building a traditional roof is more time consuming and costly as it also requires a scaffold in place for a longer period of time. The sandwich panel roof solution is installed in half a day using two carpenters where the traditional trussed roof and ceiling system uses up to five different subcontractor teams and typically occurs over a two-week period. looKhoMe 17
  • 20. smarTer producT that’s made from the Scyon™ material, seLecTion — fLoors a lightweight cement composite. When it comes to floor framing Blacklow Unlike particleboard, Scyon™ won’t chose timber joists. But not just any swell when wet. When water penetrates joists. He designed the home around the materials like particleboard, it causes most cost-effective joists he could find — it to swell. Then tiles can crack, bulge 245mm by 90mm Hyne ply I Beams. The and pop off. retail cost of these is about $8 per lineal metre compared with two or three times smarTer producTs — WaLLs that amount for hardwood or laminated For the wall frames the team chose veneer lumber (LVLs). prefabricated timber frames. Again, The maximum span of the joists this this means the frames turn up on the size is 4.2m. “So we tried to design the day they’re needed and it speeds up structure of our house and our floor plate construction. Timber is also easier around the limitations of our economical than metal for carpenters to adjust materials,” Blacklow says. if a mistake has been made. “Typically no-one approaches it like However, as the designers began to that. The builder or designer comes up consider the cladding materials that with a floor plan and then he works out would go on the frame, Blacklow felt how to make it stand up.” he needed to set some ground rules Blacklow feels this is a recipe for about product usage with project adding all sorts of costs that aren’t partner James Hardie. You are working with the “grain” of the street to create identity ... Making frontages “active” creates life, and gives vitality to the public realm. immediately obvious into a building, “I didn’t want this to be the James because the designer or builder has to Hardie affordable house,” he says. make the structure work. He says that “obviously the prototype house is built with his approach “you can pare down in James Hardie’s empty factory space, the costs”. For example, the number but I didn’t want any pressure to use of bearers (the chunkier, heavier James Hardie® products without me supporting timbers) is reduced and arriving independently at that decision. the cost-effective joists selected are I thought we’d use three products, but at used to their maximum capacity. the end of the day we’ve used eight or With the floor framing nailed, the nine — Scyon™ Stria™ and Axon™ cladding, design team began to think about the Axent™ trim, Linea™ weatherboard type of material that would go on top and Secura™ interior flooring, as well of the frame. The most inexpensive as HardiFlex® sheets, HardiColor®, flooring is particleboard and on top compressed for sunhoods and pineridge® of that, tiling can be a good option, lining in the walk-in robes!” particularly when the finished price After researching exterior cladding of between $110 and $140 a square metre materials, Blacklow and the team for timber flooring is factored in. concluded that there is “nothing that can arChiteCt: brett blaCkloW Above: speed of construction Blacklow felt that he could source “a touch a few of the James Hardie products and designing for good tile for around $15 a square metre price-wise”. He says that then when minimal waste that could be laid for around $45 a square he found that paint companies Wattyl keep costs down in The smarter metre”. Instead of particleboard, the and Taubmans provide 15-year paint small home. substrate could be a flooring product warranties for certain paints used 18 looKhoMe
  • 21. the smarter small home LOOKING GOOD FROM EVERY ANGLE are we back to front? In its most compact form, fronT & rear eLevaTion The smarter small home has been designed for a rear-loaded lot with the house at the front. Instead of having a front yard and backyard, there is one sizeable yard. “we haven’t got a big driveway and wasted 120 square metres,” Blacklow says. “Instead we’ve just used 30 square metres for the front.” If the home is to be used on lots that aren’t rear loaded, they’ll probably be slightly bigger blocks. For example, side eLevaTions a large Queensland developer has already commissioned five smarter small homes after seeing a sneak preview. They will be built on 15 metre wide lots. Urban designer sharni howe says the combination of building height, massing and scale, built form elements, and the interface between uses are fundamental to creating a sense of identity and place. she explains that at this level, you are working with the “grain” of the street to create identity. some aspects deserve more attention than others. from aBove Making frontages “active” creates life, and gives vitality to the public realm. howe says that the rule of thumb is that the more frontages on the street, the more active it will be. In areas where frontages have tended to be dominated by garages, rear access lanes can create a more active and safer streetscape environment. looKhoMe 19
  • 22. Instead of on products like Scyon™ Linea In addition, using the Axent trim with weatherboard and Scyon™ Stria cladding, its 15-year paint warranty also creates choosing he thought: “This is sensational.” a saving over the life of the building. products that Time saved in construction was another “Typically we couldn’t put on a pine timber need detailed plus. “many of James Hardie’s products batten and not have a drama in under are sheet products and so a carpenter 10 years,” Blacklow says. flashings and can cover an area of three square metres jointings, in 10 minutes. So we’ve chosen products repeTiTion is The that cover a big bit of area when they go deveLoper’s friend products like on,” Blacklow says. A key driver of the affordability of a HardiFlex® In addition, instead of choosing development versus that of a single sheets have products that need detailed flashings home is building the exact same floor and jointings, products like HardiFlex® plan. “When we’re doing this we want to been used. sheets have been used. “We have this make the outside of these homes look detail that we’ve used that puts a little bit as different as possible, while still being of a snakeskin (damp-proof membrane) essentially the same,” says Blacklow. It’s flashing behind the joint in the sheets this approach that helps ensure a vibrant with a batten [Scyon™ Axent trim] community instead of the homogeneity arChiteCt: brett blaCkloW on top. You’ve got a finished joint and that planners, developers and consumers we can put on as many battens as we are moving away from. like.” This is a cheaper way to make a “The thing I’d say about these products weather-tight joint than using folded is that you can give me one standard metal flashings . flat sheet like HardiFlex and I can give 20 looKhoMe
  • 23. the smarter small home Shining the light on running FLOOR PLANS AT A GLANCE coStS Running costs were a key consideration for the design team. According to the chairman of the National Appliance and Equipment Energy Efficiency committee, Dr Tony Marker, one watt consumed in stand-by is, as a general rule, approximately equal to $1 per year. A single appliance using eight watts of power in stand-by will add approximately $8 per year to your electricity bill. stand-by power consumption accounts for up to 10% or more ground fLoor of Australia’s household electricity usage. This costs Australian households more than $5 billion and generates more than 5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per annum. To help reduce stand-by power use, Blacklow and the team added an override switch at the front door that can turn off the circuit that has attached to it all the discretionary appliances like televisions, stereos and the like. when you come home you just flip the switch back on. illustrator: iain mCkellar: overallpiCture.Com In addition, off-peak power will be connected to the firsT fLoor house, and power points that indicate when off- peak power is available will be installed in areas, such as laundries, that The floor plan of The Smarter Small Home has been reproduced with the permission of architect Brett Blacklow, Earth Spirit Home Pty Ltd. As the plans, sketches, computer images and models of The Smarter Small Home are protected by copyright they have significant energy- cannot be reproduced without permission. using appliances. looKhoMe 21
  • 24. meaSuring waSte one of the key elements of the design approach was to design rooms, heights and walls to the size of materials available. “when I buy timber, it has to be in 300mm increments,” says Blacklow. “Plasterboard is two different widths. If I’m not thinking of those things when I’m designing, then I’m potentially buying more than I need and I’m also paying someone to cut it down to the right size.” In addition, the team has developed the design to incorporate a number of the offcuts that may be smart innovation: generated. For example, sliding doors stack on the they use hardiFlex sheets outside to maximise the in certain places, and then opening, linking the home to its outdoor room. also use the 600mm offcuts in another. That’s instead of using full sheets and throwing the offcuts away. you five or six different finishes. It can glazing is a building component “For example, plasterers be done without texturing or anything that contributes disproportionately often line the inside walls by sheeting straight over like that, but through using vertical or to a building’s energy ratings. In an a window or door and then horizontal battens, or smooth ones or unpublished study ratings appeared cutting it out,” Blacklow really protruding ones. These products to be directly related to the overall says. Then half an hour just have a bucketload of flexibility at a proportion of glazing and none achieved later they need the same really affordable price,” he says. a 5 star rating if its glazing ratio was size as that or smaller and in excess of approximately 26% of its so they cut off a new piece WindoWs aren’T jusT floor area. (This study and the factors of plaster.” a hoLe in The WaLL that contribute to energy efficiency are Because all the waste on a Blacklow knew that the typical length covered in more detail in The Smarter building site is paid for, it of plasterboard and other lining materials green Book, available at http://www. makes sense to minimise it. is 2,400mm, so he set ceiling heights Typically, skips have to be at a standard 2.4m high. Windows If windows are poorly chosen, sized, hired and then transported wouldn’t just be a “hole in the wall” oriented or protected, it can allow too to a transfer station or either. When considering where to much solar radiation into the building recycler and then fees paid locate them, some key questions would causing overheating in summer. In on that. on this house, the need to be answered first. addition, overglazing causes excessive arChiteCt: brett blaCkloW team aims to reduce the total waste produced by Is the window for access, ventilation, heat losses in winter. up to 50%. view or daylight — or a combination With these factors in mind, Blacklow of those factors? How can enough of decided that instead of putting a window “I’m very comfortable we’ll achieve that,” Blacklow says. them be used while at the same time in every wall, they would break it down minimising the number of them? to determine the function of the specific 22 looKhoMe
  • 25. the smarter small home window. “This wall is the one we get now on the market,” he says. “As a result, our light through; this opening is for every decision we’ve made has been access; this is for ventilation — and with the goal of creating a space that when we get to one for ventilation, feels large even though it’s small. And we make it a louvre.” Louvres allow we’re not decorating it with things that the wall to be opened in percentages. aren’t needed. When it’s a view window, it has been “We’ve been intent on getting the made a fixed window, because Blacklow architecture to do the work. We’ve been claims that’s five times cheaper than trying to make a great cake, not squirt a having an openable one. The western whole lot of pretty icing on it.” wall of The Smarter Small Home has no You be the judge. The Smarter Small windows at all, but it does use makrolon® Home is available for tours from April 2, smart shading and multiwall sheets. 2009. Check at www.smartersmallhome. window placements At less than half the price of normal for details. are important. glazing, this polycarbonate product floods the house with natural light while reflecting 91% of the western heat load. Its stylish and unique look also adds to the aesthetic appeal of the project. Blacklow says this approach means that the total window bill is 65% to 70% that of a normal volume builder, because they don’t usually approach the design of windows in this way. “They put double- hungs here, sliders there, and they haven’t saved money where they could,” he says. hardWorking spaces In a house as small as this one, in total about 120 square metres, no space can be wasted. As a consequence, there are no hallways. Blacklow says they’ve also tried to use a lot of combined rooms and, in some ways, they’ve reverted back to features popular in the 1950s, like eat-in kitchens. Instead of separate kitchen, dining and living rooms that aren’t all necessarily well used, the designers have created a large room with a kitchen at one end with space for a large table that can be used for food preparation and dining. Alternatively, a mobile kitchen preparation bench and a smaller dining table can be used. Blacklow says flexibility is the key. “While we’ve been designing a house that’s affordable, we know that in creating this we’re taking people a few steps beyond everything else they’re seeing looKhoMe 23
  • 26. the smarter small home counting the carbon Analyse, reduce and offset: (we modelled the smarter small gFl wind farm in gudhepanchgani that should be the recipe home design but with a concrete in the state of Maharashtra, for designers and builders slab, brick veneer and concrete India. operational since April who are serious about their roof tiles). see graph below. 2007, the 23.1Mw wind farm carbon footprint. is made up of 14 wind turbines where the carbon each capable of generating you can’t manage what you comeS from 1.65Mw of energy and displacing can’t measure, and there is climate Friendly reports that, 51,618 tonnes of greenhouse energy used in lots of ways that based on its analysis ,most of gas emissions caused by the you may not have even thought the emissions from The smarter burning of fossil fuels. of. when it comes to houses, small home come from steel, climate Friendly Managing aluminium and plastics; together climate Friendly often supports Director Joel Fleming says these account for 60% of its projects in developing countries that the carbon emissions total emissions. In the case of like china and India. “In part, from buildings are actually the traditionally built home, this is because Australian one of the greatest contributors most of its emissions come projects don’t currently to Australia’s greenhouse from concrete, clay bricks, reduce emissions over and gas emissions. steel and plasterboard, which above the cuts already together account for 58.6% required by regulation,” climate Friendly’s approach is Joel Fleming says. to help organisations understand of its total emissions. and measure their carbon They also quote csIRo data footprint by working out how indicating that the average many tonnes of carbon they energy intensity for a high produce. They then look at energy intensive house is ways to reduce it, like using approximately 5,500 megajoules which iS greener? green energy from a wind per square metre (MJ/m2) while farm, for example. To offset the average energy intensity 2.0 6,000 other unavoidable emissions for a low energy intensive house 5,000 5,274 they might suggest purchasing 1.5 1.62 is approximately 4,500MJ/m2. 4,000 renewable energy carbon climate Friendly’s analysis 3,721 credits from independently 1.16 1.0 3,000 James Hardie kyoto-compliant projects. demonstrates that the energy 2,000 intensity for both The smarter has offset James hardie asked climate small home (3,721MJ/m2) and 0.5 1,000 Friendly to measure the carbon the carbon footprint of The smarter small the traditionally built home 0.0 0 (5,274MJ/m2) are less energy produced in the home . It found that about ™ intensive than the average co2 used to Energy 139 tonnes of co2 were used manufacture intensity construction to manufacture the materials low and high energy intensive materials and (MJ/m2) houses. The smarter small home of T Smarter he used in the home as well as to is significantly less than any construct the actually construct it. That works home (tonnes/m2) Small Home out at about 1.16 tonnes of co2 of them. by supporting per square metre. This compares James hardie has offset A traditionally built home to almost 195 tonnes, or 1.62 the carbon produced in the The smarter small home wind farms tonnes per square metre, of co2 construction of The smarter in India. for a traditionally built home small home by supporting the 1 The 120 square metre home is built on a 300 square metre ‘lot’ inside an empty factory hangar belonging to James Hardie. This approach was taken to speed construction and remove the need for planning permits. It also meant that the prototype home could be used as a display for nine to 12 months. However, The Smarter Small Home is designed and intended to be built on actual sites. 2 In the relevant James Hardie technical manual, James Hardie recommends the use of folded corrosion-resistant flashings as best practice. designers and builders are responsible for ensuring the appropriateness and adequacy of the weather-tight details used on each particular project. 24 looKhoMe
  • 27. small is the new big STYLE AND susTainaBiLiTy Small is beautiful. In fact, after years of expanding home sizes, it seems that small may actually be the new big. wORdS VALERIE KHOO The trend towards smaller, more sustainable homes is showcased in this home in Kurri Kurri, NSW, by Living Green Designer Homes. looKhoMe 25