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Smart Direct Marketing
Smart Marketing Uses Multichannel
    Mail       Traditional Direct Communications

     QR        A great tool makes it easy

    pURL       Names are just the tip of the iceberg

  Micro-site   Promoting with a purpose

   Mobile      Don’t be left behind

  Analytics    So much information, so little time
Traditional Communications
Your Mail - Now on Steroids
   You’ve used direct mail because it works, but you also have to justify
   the cost. And with all the competing options that technology has given
   you, why mail at all?
Traditional Communications
Your Mail - Now on Steroids
   You’ve used direct mail because it works, but you also have to justify
   the cost. And with all the competing options that technology has given
   you, why mail at all?

Traditional Communications
Your Mail - Now on Steroids
   You’ve used direct mail because it works, but you also have to justify
   the cost. And with all the competing options that technology has given
   you, why mail at all?

   Because it’s the most proven method to target a specific individual that
Traditional Communications
Your Mail - Now on Steroids
   You’ve used direct mail because it works, but you also have to justify
   the cost. And with all the competing options that technology has given
   you, why mail at all?

   Because it’s the most proven method to target a specific individual that
   exists. But you can make it better, smarter and faster.
Question: What are they?
Question: What are they?
 QR – or Quick Response – codes have been around
 since 1994
    •   Originally used to track vehicle parts, now found just
        about anywhere

    •   Proliferation in recent years has driven public awareness

    •   14 Million QR codes scanned per month in the US, and

    •   Households earning over $100,000 are primary scanners

    •   Age 18-34 are the top users
Question: What are they?
 QR – or Quick Response – codes have been around
 since 1994
    •   Originally used to track vehicle parts, now found just
        about anywhere

    •   Proliferation in recent years has driven public awareness

    •   14 Million QR codes scanned per month in the US, and

    •   Households earning over $100,000 are primary scanners

    •   Age 18-34 are the top users
Question: What are they?
 QR – or Quick Response – codes have been around                    QR awareness and the
 since 1994                                                         growth of Smart phone
                                                                    use is driving increasing
    •   Originally used to track vehicle parts, now found just         QR scan adoption

        about anywhere

    •   Proliferation in recent years has driven public awareness

    •   14 Million QR codes scanned per month in the US, and

    •   Households earning over $100,000 are primary scanners

    •   Age 18-34 are the top users
What About pURL’s
Personalize Personalize Personalize

                            If you’ve been around Direct Mail
                            for more than five minutes, you
                            know the power of Personalization.
                            With available technologies, it’s
                            easier than ever to give users the
                            personal experience they deserve.
                             •   Pre-populated forms
                             •   Personalized offers
                             •   Language specific
                             •   Customized graphics
                             •   Surveys
A few pURL statistics
 •   42% of direct mail respondents
     prefer to respond online
 •   25% of direct mail recipients will
     only respond online. These people
     won’t call or visit in person
 •   Standard direct mail response rates
     of 2-3% have been boosted ten fold
     (up to 30%) when pURLs are used
What they are, and why you need them
                    A micro-site (also called a minisite) is a campaign specific
                    site, usually 1-7 pages. Used to create an in-depth
                    information gateway, they are a perfect platform when using
                    pURL’s to promote a specific idea.
                          •    Are usually temporary
                          •    Use a separate URL from a client’s main site
                          •    Can be loaded with campaign specific keywords

                   Micro-sites are your clients unique
                   portal to your organization, allowing
                   for that truly customized approach.
                      •       They give you instant alerts to activity
                      •       They can trigger automatic responses
                              based on activity
                      •       They allow you to present coupons,
                              collect information, etc.
The Demand & Impact of Mobile
Question: If you find yourself dissatisfied with the performance of a mobile
 website, which of the following would you do?
If your customers have to squint, pinch and pull to view
your website on a mobile phone, you risk compromising the
mission, message and brand
that you’ve worked hard to establish
If your customers have to squint, pinch and pull to view
your website on a mobile phone, you risk compromising the
mission, message and brand
that you’ve worked hard to establish

                         Which is better?
The Power of Mobile
 This is a Crucial Part of your Future Marketing Strategy
  •   Mobile searches have quadrupled from 2010.
  •   By 2013, more people are projected to get online with a mobile device than with a traditional
  •   Currently there’s almost 6 billion mobile subscribers worldwide.
  •   By 2015 there will be one mobile device for every person on the planet.

The message is clear
     Adopt a mobile strategy now
                       … or be left behind!
How does this all fit together?
Compare Traditional to Multichannel
    Direct mail works - Make it work better
•   Step 1 - Get Art and Text, add Data, and print. Fold, stamp
    and insert until ready, take to the Post office.
•   Step 2 - Wait.
Compare Traditional to Multichannel
    Direct mail works - Make it work better
•   Step 1 - Get Art and Text, add Data, and print. Fold, stamp
    and insert until ready, take to the Post office.
•   Step 2 - Wait.

•   Begin with Step 1
•   Step 2 – Add a QR code and printed pURL. Set up a mobile
    enabled micro-site for the campaign.
•   Step 3 – Watch the response in real time, drive greater
    response, provide better, faster results.
    What we do

•   During mail setup, we
    add a few necessary
    items - the QR, a pURL,
    an IMB.

•   During this phase, we’ll
    setup your personalized
    What we do

•   During mail setup, we      •   As mail is processed
    add a few necessary            and delivered, you get
    items - the QR, a pURL,        delivery stats
    an IMB.
                               •   As mail recipient opens
•   During this phase, we’ll       mail and scans code,
    setup your personalized        you get real time alerts
    What we do

•   During mail setup, we      •   As mail is processed       •   With the analytic tools,
    add a few necessary            and delivered, you get         you can act immediately
    items - the QR, a pURL,        delivery stats                 and make adjustments
    an IMB.                                                       if desired
                               •   As mail recipient opens
•   During this phase, we’ll       mail and scans code,
    setup your personalized        you get real time alerts
A few real world examples
Case Study – Auto Dealer

    •   Promotion centred around existing customers,
        aimed at generating increased sales during a
        particular weekend, and to pre-schedule test
        drives for that weekend
    •   A postcard was personalized with name and
        pURL, then mailed
    •   84 cars sold during the promoted weekend; at
        least 7 of which tracked back to pURL responders
    •   Total unit sales doubled compared to the same
        period in the previous year
Case Study – Information Gathering

•   A world‐leading agribusiness creates products that increase crop
    productivity, protect the environment and improve worldwide health and
    quality of life.
•   Recently they launched a new herbicide.
•   To get the word out and conduct market research, a Direct Mail campaign
    with pURLs was sent to select farmers across the Unites States.
•   The campaign offered incentives such as gift cards and lighted tape measure,
    and participants were requested to verify their contact information and
    complete a short survey.
•   The intent of the survey was to gain valuable contact data as well as
    information regarding current growing procedures and future growing plans.
Case Study – Information Gathering

•   Mail sent: 7,784 pieces
•   pURL Visitors: 347
•   pURL Responses: 323
•   Site Conversion: 93.08%
•   Average Conversion to List: 4.15%
•   Visitor Percentage: 4.46%
Case Study – Advocacy
•   This advocacy group consists of nearly 150,000 members.
•   The group is a nongovernmental, nonpartisan, voluntary
    organization committed to protecting farms and ensuring a
    safe, fresh and locally grown food supply.
•   As is the case with most non‐profit organizations, maintaining
    and growing the membership base is key.
•   The objective of this direct mail campaign with pURLs was to
    recruit new members.
•   Sent in multiple waves over successive months, the campaign
    targeted prospective members across the state and encouraged
    them to sign up for membership.
Case Study – Advocacy

•   Total Mail sent: 12,818 pieces

•   Total PURL Visitors: 1,266

•   Total PURL Responses: 1,188

•   Average Site Conversion: 93.57%

•   Average Conversion To List: 9.23%

•   Visitor Percentage: 9.88%
Case Study – Fundraising

•   Prison Fellowship is a non‐profit that reaches out to prisoners,
    ex‐prisoners, and their families and helps them prepare for release back
    into the community.
•   Prison Fellowship’s fundraising campaign utilized a personalized URL and a
    security code to access the landing page. The landing pages were
    customized with greetings, messages and images.
•   When a recipient used the PURL, he was directed to a secure page where
    he entered the security code to reach his personalized landing page.
•   After the visitor filled out the form and made a donation, he was directed
    to another landing page confirming his donation amount with a thank‐you
Case Study – Fundraising

•   Prison Fellowship wanted to launch a fundraising campaign that
    would tell a story about the organization’s cause and make it
    simple for donors to give online.
•   pURLS, Landing Pages, Security Pages and Forms were used to
    create a secure site with an engaging campaign.
•   The campaign had a response rate of over 88%.
•   The campaign resulted in over 300 donors donating more than
    $36,000, averaging at an impressive $120 per donor.

    Overall, the campaign was extremely successful, and Prison
    Fellowship achieved its targeted fundraising amount.
Results Are Everything
                                                         Question: If you can’t see
                                                         what’s happening, how can
                                                         you make great decisions?
  Dashboard Metrics       Daily/Monthly/Yearly Reports
                                                         You can’t
                                                         Imagine if you could see these
                                                         results in real time. You could adjust
                                                         your campaign on the fly to get the
                                                         results you need.
Click Tracking Analysis   Campaign Summary Metrics

 Survey Data Analysis      Period Comparison Metrics
Reporting at your fingertips
             When you can put the puzzle pieces of your
             campaign together in one place, suddenly your
             future looks a lot brighter.

         •   High level summary reports
         •   Various detail campaign reports
         •   Period-wise metrics
         •   Complete visit history analysis
         •   Click tracking metrics on all links within micro-site
         •   Visual charts
         •   Form and Survey question analysis
         •   Export reports to spreadsheets
         •   Report on active campaigns as well as historical
Let’s Look at the Cost
Traditional                                                      Multichannel
Quantity   3% Response   Cost at $0.70   Response $25   Total    Quantity   4% Response   Cost at $0.74   Response $25    Total
                              ea.            Av.                                               ea.            Av.
10,000        300           $7,000         $7,500        $500     10,000       400           $7,400         $10,000       $2,600

 8,000        240           $5,600         $6,000        $400     8,000        320           $5,920         $8,000        $2,080

 6,000        180           $4,200         $4,500        $300     6,000        240           $4,440         $6,000        $1,560

 8,000        240           $5,600         $6,000        $400     8,000        320           $5,920         $8,000        $2,080

10,000        300           $7,000         $7,500        $500     10,000       400           $7,400         $10,000       $2,600

12,000        360           $8,400         $9,000        $600     12,000       480           $8,880         $12,000       $3,120

                                                                  Setup                       $500                        -$500

 Total                                                  $2,700    Total                                                  $13,540

                     These tables illustrate how just a small 1% increase
                     in donation response due to a multi-channel
                     offering can increase your overall appeal revenues
                     more than five fold.
What would happen if your response went to 15%?

   Quantity   15% Response   Cost at $0.74   Response $25     Total
                                  ea.            Av.

    10,000       1,500          $7,400         $37,500       $30,100
                                                                       Driving a true, multi-channel
    8,000        1,200          $5,920         $30,000       $24,080   approach makes it easier for
                  900           $4,440         $22,500       $18,060
                                                                       the responder to respond,
                                                                       and this can do wonders for
    8,000        1,200          $5,920         $30,000       $24,080   your campaign
    10,000       1,500          $7,400         $37,500       $30,100

    12,000       1,800          $8,880         $45,000       $36,120

    Setup                        $500                         -$500

    Total                                                   $162,040
Quantity   15% Response   Cost at $0.74   Response $25     Total
                               ea.            Av.

10,000        1,500          $7,400         $37,500       $30,100
                                                                    Driving a true, multi-channel
 8,000        1,200          $5,920         $30,000       $24,080   approach makes it easier for
               900           $4,440         $22,500       $18,060
                                                                    the responder to respond,
                                                                    and this can do wonders for
 8,000        1,200          $5,920         $30,000       $24,080   your campaign
10,000        1,500          $7,400         $37,500       $30,100

12,000        1,800          $8,880         $45,000       $36,120

 Setup                        $500                         -$500

 Total                                                   $162,040
Compare Your Investment
Traditional Micro-site Development requires:
•   Hosting provider
•   Web designer to implement and deploy user interface
•   Web developer to build and maintain user level tracking, forms data collection, reporting, etc
•   Micro-sites the old fashioned way can cost $3,000 - $5,000 PLUS ongoing hosting fees

•   No ongoing maintenance fees
•   pURLs and QR’s printed on your mailing campaign
•   Low per/pURL rates
•   Low campaign URL rates
•   Nothing to maintain
•   Direct Mail works – use it wisely
•   QR’s help users get where you want them to go easily
•   pURL’s make the visit much better when they get there
•   A mobile micro-site is a must, that’s how your visitor will show up
•   The results must be real time to make better decisions now or next time

INTEGRAM can make this all seamless for you

                               Turn Your Direct Mail into
                                       Smart Marketing
                                 With INTEGRAM on your side, you
                                  have the tools to solve the puzzle
                                 of Multi-channel Direct Marketing

Thank you for your attention

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Smart Direct Marketing

  • 1. Smart Direct Marketing
  • 2. Smart Marketing Uses Multichannel Mail Traditional Direct Communications QR A great tool makes it easy pURL Names are just the tip of the iceberg Micro-site Promoting with a purpose Mobile Don’t be left behind Analytics So much information, so little time
  • 3. Traditional Communications Your Mail - Now on Steroids You’ve used direct mail because it works, but you also have to justify the cost. And with all the competing options that technology has given you, why mail at all?
  • 4. Traditional Communications Your Mail - Now on Steroids You’ve used direct mail because it works, but you also have to justify the cost. And with all the competing options that technology has given you, why mail at all? Why?
  • 5. Traditional Communications Your Mail - Now on Steroids You’ve used direct mail because it works, but you also have to justify the cost. And with all the competing options that technology has given you, why mail at all? Why? Because it’s the most proven method to target a specific individual that exists.
  • 6. Traditional Communications Your Mail - Now on Steroids You’ve used direct mail because it works, but you also have to justify the cost. And with all the competing options that technology has given you, why mail at all? Why? Because it’s the most proven method to target a specific individual that exists. But you can make it better, smarter and faster.
  • 8. QR’s Question: What are they? QR – or Quick Response – codes have been around since 1994 • Originally used to track vehicle parts, now found just about anywhere • Proliferation in recent years has driven public awareness • 14 Million QR codes scanned per month in the US, and growing • Households earning over $100,000 are primary scanners • Age 18-34 are the top users
  • 9. QR’s Question: What are they? QR – or Quick Response – codes have been around since 1994 • Originally used to track vehicle parts, now found just about anywhere • Proliferation in recent years has driven public awareness • 14 Million QR codes scanned per month in the US, and growing • Households earning over $100,000 are primary scanners • Age 18-34 are the top users
  • 10. QR’s Question: What are they? QR – or Quick Response – codes have been around QR awareness and the since 1994 growth of Smart phone use is driving increasing • Originally used to track vehicle parts, now found just QR scan adoption about anywhere • Proliferation in recent years has driven public awareness • 14 Million QR codes scanned per month in the US, and growing • Households earning over $100,000 are primary scanners • Age 18-34 are the top users
  • 11. What About pURL’s Personalize Personalize Personalize If you’ve been around Direct Mail for more than five minutes, you know the power of Personalization. With available technologies, it’s easier than ever to give users the personal experience they deserve. • Pre-populated forms • Personalized offers • Language specific • Customized graphics • Surveys
  • 12. A few pURL statistics • 42% of direct mail respondents prefer to respond online • 25% of direct mail recipients will only respond online. These people won’t call or visit in person • Standard direct mail response rates of 2-3% have been boosted ten fold (up to 30%) when pURLs are used
  • 13. Micro-sites What they are, and why you need them A micro-site (also called a minisite) is a campaign specific site, usually 1-7 pages. Used to create an in-depth information gateway, they are a perfect platform when using pURL’s to promote a specific idea. • Are usually temporary • Use a separate URL from a client’s main site • Can be loaded with campaign specific keywords Micro-sites are your clients unique portal to your organization, allowing for that truly customized approach. • They give you instant alerts to activity • They can trigger automatic responses based on activity • They allow you to present coupons, collect information, etc.
  • 14. The Demand & Impact of Mobile Question: If you find yourself dissatisfied with the performance of a mobile website, which of the following would you do?
  • 15. If your customers have to squint, pinch and pull to view your website on a mobile phone, you risk compromising the mission, message and brand that you’ve worked hard to establish
  • 16. If your customers have to squint, pinch and pull to view your website on a mobile phone, you risk compromising the mission, message and brand that you’ve worked hard to establish Which is better?
  • 17. The Power of Mobile This is a Crucial Part of your Future Marketing Strategy Why? • Mobile searches have quadrupled from 2010. • By 2013, more people are projected to get online with a mobile device than with a traditional computer. • Currently there’s almost 6 billion mobile subscribers worldwide. • By 2015 there will be one mobile device for every person on the planet. The message is clear Adopt a mobile strategy now … or be left behind!
  • 18. How does this all fit together?
  • 19. Compare Traditional to Multichannel Direct mail works - Make it work better TRADITIONAL DIRECT MAIL • Step 1 - Get Art and Text, add Data, and print. Fold, stamp and insert until ready, take to the Post office. • Step 2 - Wait.
  • 20. Compare Traditional to Multichannel Direct mail works - Make it work better TRADITIONAL DIRECT MAIL • Step 1 - Get Art and Text, add Data, and print. Fold, stamp and insert until ready, take to the Post office. • Step 2 - Wait. SMART DIRECT MAIL • Begin with Step 1 • Step 2 – Add a QR code and printed pURL. Set up a mobile enabled micro-site for the campaign. • Step 3 – Watch the response in real time, drive greater response, provide better, faster results.
  • 21. Details What we do • During mail setup, we add a few necessary items - the QR, a pURL, an IMB. • During this phase, we’ll setup your personalized micro-sites
  • 22. Details What we do • During mail setup, we • As mail is processed add a few necessary and delivered, you get items - the QR, a pURL, delivery stats an IMB. • As mail recipient opens • During this phase, we’ll mail and scans code, setup your personalized you get real time alerts micro-sites
  • 23. Details What we do • During mail setup, we • As mail is processed • With the analytic tools, add a few necessary and delivered, you get you can act immediately items - the QR, a pURL, delivery stats and make adjustments an IMB. if desired • As mail recipient opens • During this phase, we’ll mail and scans code, setup your personalized you get real time alerts micro-sites
  • 24. A few real world examples Case Study – Auto Dealer • Promotion centred around existing customers, aimed at generating increased sales during a particular weekend, and to pre-schedule test drives for that weekend • A postcard was personalized with name and pURL, then mailed • 84 cars sold during the promoted weekend; at least 7 of which tracked back to pURL responders • Total unit sales doubled compared to the same period in the previous year
  • 25. Case Study – Information Gathering • A world‐leading agribusiness creates products that increase crop productivity, protect the environment and improve worldwide health and quality of life. • Recently they launched a new herbicide. • To get the word out and conduct market research, a Direct Mail campaign with pURLs was sent to select farmers across the Unites States. • The campaign offered incentives such as gift cards and lighted tape measure, and participants were requested to verify their contact information and complete a short survey. • The intent of the survey was to gain valuable contact data as well as information regarding current growing procedures and future growing plans.
  • 26. Case Study – Information Gathering • Mail sent: 7,784 pieces • pURL Visitors: 347 • pURL Responses: 323 • Site Conversion: 93.08% • Average Conversion to List: 4.15% • Visitor Percentage: 4.46%
  • 27. Case Study – Advocacy • This advocacy group consists of nearly 150,000 members. • The group is a nongovernmental, nonpartisan, voluntary organization committed to protecting farms and ensuring a safe, fresh and locally grown food supply. • As is the case with most non‐profit organizations, maintaining and growing the membership base is key. • The objective of this direct mail campaign with pURLs was to recruit new members. • Sent in multiple waves over successive months, the campaign targeted prospective members across the state and encouraged them to sign up for membership.
  • 28. Case Study – Advocacy • Total Mail sent: 12,818 pieces • Total PURL Visitors: 1,266 • Total PURL Responses: 1,188 • Average Site Conversion: 93.57% • Average Conversion To List: 9.23% • Visitor Percentage: 9.88%
  • 29. Case Study – Fundraising • Prison Fellowship is a non‐profit that reaches out to prisoners, ex‐prisoners, and their families and helps them prepare for release back into the community. • Prison Fellowship’s fundraising campaign utilized a personalized URL and a security code to access the landing page. The landing pages were customized with greetings, messages and images. • When a recipient used the PURL, he was directed to a secure page where he entered the security code to reach his personalized landing page. • After the visitor filled out the form and made a donation, he was directed to another landing page confirming his donation amount with a thank‐you message.
  • 30. Case Study – Fundraising • Prison Fellowship wanted to launch a fundraising campaign that would tell a story about the organization’s cause and make it simple for donors to give online. • pURLS, Landing Pages, Security Pages and Forms were used to create a secure site with an engaging campaign. • The campaign had a response rate of over 88%. • The campaign resulted in over 300 donors donating more than $36,000, averaging at an impressive $120 per donor. Overall, the campaign was extremely successful, and Prison Fellowship achieved its targeted fundraising amount.
  • 31. Results Are Everything Question: If you can’t see what’s happening, how can you make great decisions? Dashboard Metrics Daily/Monthly/Yearly Reports You can’t Imagine if you could see these results in real time. You could adjust your campaign on the fly to get the results you need. Click Tracking Analysis Campaign Summary Metrics Survey Data Analysis Period Comparison Metrics
  • 32. Reporting at your fingertips When you can put the puzzle pieces of your campaign together in one place, suddenly your future looks a lot brighter. • High level summary reports • Various detail campaign reports • Period-wise metrics • Complete visit history analysis • Click tracking metrics on all links within micro-site • Visual charts • Form and Survey question analysis • Export reports to spreadsheets • Report on active campaigns as well as historical data
  • 33. Let’s Look at the Cost Traditional Multichannel Quantity 3% Response Cost at $0.70 Response $25 Total Quantity 4% Response Cost at $0.74 Response $25 Total ea. Av. ea. Av. 10,000 300 $7,000 $7,500 $500 10,000 400 $7,400 $10,000 $2,600 8,000 240 $5,600 $6,000 $400 8,000 320 $5,920 $8,000 $2,080 6,000 180 $4,200 $4,500 $300 6,000 240 $4,440 $6,000 $1,560 8,000 240 $5,600 $6,000 $400 8,000 320 $5,920 $8,000 $2,080 10,000 300 $7,000 $7,500 $500 10,000 400 $7,400 $10,000 $2,600 12,000 360 $8,400 $9,000 $600 12,000 480 $8,880 $12,000 $3,120 Setup $500 -$500 Total $2,700 Total $13,540 These tables illustrate how just a small 1% increase in donation response due to a multi-channel offering can increase your overall appeal revenues more than five fold.
  • 34. What would happen if your response went to 15%? Quantity 15% Response Cost at $0.74 Response $25 Total ea. Av. 10,000 1,500 $7,400 $37,500 $30,100 Driving a true, multi-channel 8,000 1,200 $5,920 $30,000 $24,080 approach makes it easier for 900 $4,440 $22,500 $18,060 the responder to respond, 6,000 and this can do wonders for 8,000 1,200 $5,920 $30,000 $24,080 your campaign 10,000 1,500 $7,400 $37,500 $30,100 12,000 1,800 $8,880 $45,000 $36,120 Setup $500 -$500 Total $162,040
  • 35. Quantity 15% Response Cost at $0.74 Response $25 Total ea. Av. 10,000 1,500 $7,400 $37,500 $30,100 Driving a true, multi-channel 8,000 1,200 $5,920 $30,000 $24,080 approach makes it easier for 900 $4,440 $22,500 $18,060 the responder to respond, 6,000 and this can do wonders for 8,000 1,200 $5,920 $30,000 $24,080 your campaign 10,000 1,500 $7,400 $37,500 $30,100 12,000 1,800 $8,880 $45,000 $36,120 Setup $500 -$500 Total $162,040
  • 36. Compare Your Investment Traditional Micro-site Development requires: • Hosting provider • Web designer to implement and deploy user interface • Web developer to build and maintain user level tracking, forms data collection, reporting, etc • Micro-sites the old fashioned way can cost $3,000 - $5,000 PLUS ongoing hosting fees INTEGRAM gives: • No ongoing maintenance fees • pURLs and QR’s printed on your mailing campaign • Low per/pURL rates • Low campaign URL rates • Nothing to maintain
  • 37. Conclusions • Direct Mail works – use it wisely • QR’s help users get where you want them to go easily • pURL’s make the visit much better when they get there • A mobile micro-site is a must, that’s how your visitor will show up • The results must be real time to make better decisions now or next time INTEGRAM can make this all seamless for you
  • 38. Turn Your Direct Mail into Smart Marketing With INTEGRAM on your side, you have the tools to solve the puzzle of Multi-channel Direct Marketing Thank you for your attention