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Mobile web design:
	 how	to	create	
      your success story

1.	 Take	mobile	web	design	seriously	................................................................................................................ 3

2.	 Get	things	right	from	the	start:	analyze!	................................................................................................... 3

	    2.1.	Get	to	know	your	users	.............................................................................................................................. 3

	    2.2.	Analyze	the	mobile	phones	your	users	have	.................................................................................... 5

	    2.3.	Define	your	concept	....................................................................................................................................6

3.	 Choose	wisely:	mobile	site	or	application?	............................................................................................... 7

	    3.1.	Choose	to	design	for	some	or	for	all	..................................................................................................... 7

	    3.2.	Decide	which	technologies	are	needed	..............................................................................................8

	    3.3.	Select	the	road	to	accessibility................................................................................................................8

	    3.4.	The	right	pick	.................................................................................................................................................9

4.	 Face	the	design	challenges	..............................................................................................................................9

	    4.1.	Show	your	user	the	way:	design	a	clear	navigation	plan	.............................................................9

	    4.2.	Assist	your	user	by	providing	easy-to-use	interaction	methods	............................................10

	    4.3.	Make	sure	that	form	follows	function	..............................................................................................10

	    4.4.	Test,	test	and	test:	listen	to	your	users’	feedback	.......................................................................... 11

5.	 Create	your	own	success	story	..................................................................................................................... 12

Take mobile web design seriously

Viewing	 a	 website	 developed	 for	 a	 computer	 screen	 on	 a	 tiny	 mobile	 phone	 feels	 like	 sitting	 in	
the	front	row	of	an	Imax	movie	theater.	You	slowly	become	frustrated	because	you	feel	like	you’re	
missing	the	action	and	when	it’s	over	you’ll	leave	with	a	headache.

Viewing a website	designed	for	a	computer	screen	on a phone screen often is an awful experience.

You	really	don’t	want	to	confront	your	users	with	such	an	experience.	If	users	have	a	bad	experience	
using	 your	 product,	 rest	 assured	 that	 they	 will	 avoid	 it	 in	 the	 future.	 Even	 worse,	 they	 will	
discourage	their	friends	and	colleagues	to	try	it.	A good user experience	will	gain	you	loyalty	and	
trust.	The	user	will	be	motivated	to	return	and	will	even	make	publicity	for	your	product.	So,	as	mobile	
web	is	gaining	more	and	more	followers,	it	is	in	your	best	interest	to	take mobile web seriously.

This	 white	 paper	 will	 put	 you	 on	 the	 right	 mobile	 design	 track.	The	 first	 stop	 will	 be	 a	 thorough	
analysis	of	your	users	and	the	mobile	phones	they	use	in	order	to	define	your	concept.	The	second	
station	will	explain	the	difference	between	a	mobile	site	and	a	mobile	application.	Then	we’ll	travel	
onwards	to	the	final	destination:	design.	

Buckle	up,	here	we	go!

Get things right from the start: analyze!

Don’t	jump	into	the	deep	end	before	you	can	swim.	The	beginning	of	a	mobile	web	success	story	is	
always	a	good	analysis.	

So,	how	do	you	get	your	ducks	in	a	row?

Get to know your users
Getting	to	know	your	users	is	a	crucial	part	of	the	analysis	phase.	Knowing	your	users	helps	you	to	
focus	your	design	on	your	users,	and	to	address	every	user	group	in	the	appropriate	way.

                                        So	one	of	the	first	questions	you	need	to	ask	yourself	is:	whom	
                                        are	 you	 reaching	 out	 to?	 Do	 you	 have	 a	 specific	 audience,	 for	
                                        example	teenagers,	or	a	very	diverse	public?	

                                        Next,	 you	 should	 try	 to	 picture	 your	 audience	 in	 a	 mobile
                                        context.	In	general,	people	use	their	phones,	and	therefore	the	
                                        mobile	 web,	 on	 the	 go.	 This	 means	 mobile	 web	 sessions	 are	
                                        mostly	short.	Users	need	their	information	as	quickly	as	possible.	
In	 order	 to	 create	 the	 best	 possible	 mobile	 concept,	 you	 should	 get	 a	 thorough	 insight	 into	 your	
users	and	their	exact	context	by	asking	the	questions	when	and	where.	For	example,	do	they	use	
their	smart	phones	when	waiting	for	the	bus	at	a	bus	stop?

Then	 you	 can	 start	 thinking	 of	 the needs or tasks	 of	 your	 users	 in	 this	 mobile	 context.	What	 do	
users	need	or	want	to	do?	If	we	take	the	example	of	public	transport	users	a	bit	further,	perhaps	
they	would	like	to	look	up	which	bus	to	take	and	whether	the	bus	they’re	taking	is	on	time	or	has	
been	delayed.

A	 couple	 of	 useful	 techniques	 for	 charting	 out	 your	 users	 are	 task	 matrices	 and	 personas.	
A task matrix enables	 you	 to	 differentiate	 between	 users	 or	 user	 groups	 based	 on	 the	 tasks	
they	perform.	For	example,	users	of	a	mobile	shopping	list	application	could	be	differentiated	in	a	
group	that	only	wants	to	make	a	traditional	shopping	list,	and	another	group	that	might	want	to	
take	 it	 a	 step	 further	 by	 making	 a	 shopping	 list	 based	 on	 selected	 recipes	 or	 circumstances,	 like	
a	dinner	party,	for	example.	Personas,	on	 the	other	hand,	are	detailed	characterizations	of	 typical	
users.	 They	 may	 not	 be	 actual	 users,	 but	 they	 are	 described	 as	 such	 -often	 using	 photographs-,	
which	helps	you	to	keep	your	focus	on	them.	Having	a	clear	idea	of	who	your	users	are	is	essential	
in	 figuring	 out	 how	 and	 when	 these	 persons	 would	 use	 your	 product.	 Personas	 help	 you	 make	
good	design	decisions.

Analyze the mobile phones your users have
Of	course	you	can	find	general	information	on	smart	phone	use	in	statistics,	but	 those	statistics	
should	be	taken	with	a	pinch	of	salt.	For	example,	sales	statistics	on	which	phone	is	sold	the	most	
don’t	say	anything	about	that	phone	being	used	to	surf	the	web.

                                                  Identifying	 your	 users	 and	 their	 smart	 phones,	
                                                  unlocks	 the	 path	 to	 the	 technical	 specifications	
                                                  you	need	to	dive	into.	What	are	the	possibilities	of	
                                                  their	smart	phones,	the	type	of	browser...

                                                  Make	 a	 comparison of the specifications	 of	 the	
                                                  smart	 phones	 used	 by	 your	 audience	 and	 find	
                                                  the	 common	 denominators.	 The	 specifications	
                                                  that	 you	 should	 definitely	 keep	 an	 eye	 out	 for	 are	
                                                  screen	 resolutions,	 the	 supported	 interaction	
                                                  methods,	 and	 if	 you’re	 thinking	 of	 taking	 things	
                                                  a	 bit	 further	 than	 the	 basic	 stuff,	 you	 might	 also	
                                                  want	to	check	the	other	functionalities	of	the	smart	

We’ve	already	mentioned	that	designing	for	mobile	is	designing	for	a	smaller	screen,	but	before	you	
put	your	pen	to	paper,	you	will	want	to	know	the	exact	size	of	your	canvas.	So	it’s	definitely	worth	
looking	at	the	most	common	screen resolutions	and	design	for	the	lowest	common	denominator.

When	 analyzing	 the	 mobile	 phones	 of	 your	 users,	 it	 is	 important	 to	 include	 the	 differences	
between	the	mobile operating systems	(Mobile	OS).	The	OS	determines	for	a	large	part	either	the	
browsers	your	mobile	site	needs	to	work	on	or	the	platform	for	your	mobile	application.

The	 supported interaction methods	 not	 only	 depend	 on	 the	 operating	 system,	 but	 also	 on	 the	
hardware.	It’s	always	good	to	check	whether	the	smart	phones	in	your	target	group	have	specific	
interaction	methods	like	a	touch	screen	with	a	virtual	keypad	or	a	fixed	keypad	with	for	example	a	
track	pad	or	jog	ball	for	navigation	purposes.

Check	out	the	technologies	supported	by	the	mobile	phones	in	your	target	group	and	see	if	you	can	
put	them	to	use.	Most	phones	have	GPRS,	Wi-Fi,	Bluetooth,	EDGE,	…	but	every	day	new	technologies	
are	added.	So	keep	track	and	link	the	technologies	to	your	users	and	their	needs.

Define your concept
Because	mobile	phones	accompany	us	everywhere,	social network sites,	such	as	Twitter,	Facebook,	
MySpace...	were	the	first	to	go	mobile.	They	all	revolve	around	the	fact	that	people	want	to	share	
personal	information	with	friends,	family	or	 the	world.	So	isn’t	it	great	 that	you	can	share	“what	
you’re	up	to”	immediately	instead	of	
waiting	until	you	reach	a	computer	
connected	to	the	Internet?
Social	 network	 sites	 have	 found	 an	
easy	 transition	 to	 mobile,	 but	 how	
do	you	go	about?

Going	 mobile	 is	 all	 about	 toning
things down	 to	 the	 basics	 and	 to	 a	
size	 that	 is	 manageable	 on	 a	 small	
screen.	 Not	 only	 is	 the	 page	 size	
smaller	(size	of	the	screen),	but	you	
should	 also	 limit	 the	 number	 of	
pages.	Mobile	phone	processors	aren’t	as	fast	as	those	of	regular	computers	so	loading	a	web	page	
on	a	mobile	phone	is	generally	a	bit	slower.

When	you	define	your	mobile	concept,	make	your	users	and	 their	 tasks	 the	pivot:	What	are	your	
users’	most	important	tasks	and	needs	in	an	“on	the	go”	context?	As	a	rule,	skip	everything	the	user	
doesn’t	necessarily	need.	

Let’s	 take	 the	 following	 banking example.	 If	 you	 compare	 money	 transfers	 with	 stock	 trading,	
the	latter	would	make	the	mobile	cut.	The	very	nature	of	stock	trading	is	urgency.	It	is	a	fluctuating	
business	based	on	instant	decisions,	so	a	tool	that	allows	users	to	quickly	sell	or	buy	stock	would	
be	an	added	value.	Most	money	transfers	are	not	that	urgent.	Also	because	a	transfer	requires	a	lot	
more	input	from	a	user,	users	may	still	prefer	the	full	online	banking	tool.

If	you	are	converting	an	existing	site	 to	mobile,	it	might	be	useful	 to	check	 the	statistics	of	your	
site	to	get	an	idea	of	what	the	most	popular	functionalities	are.	Then	you	need	to	consider	if	those	
functionalities	are	still	useful	in	a	mobile	context.	

          “Going mobile is all about toning
             things down to the basics”

Choose wisely: mobile site or application
When	you	know	your	audience	and	you	have	defined	your	concept,	you	can	start	 thinking	about	
how	you	want	to	take	your	concept	mobile.	Should	you	go	for	a	mobile	application	or	should	you	
offer	a	mobile	site?

To	make	a	well-considered	choice,	you	can	fall	back	on	that	user	analysis	you’ve	made	and	go	a	bit	
deeper	into	the	technicalities	of	things.	

Choose to design for some or for all
Today,	 quite	 some	 mobile applications	 are	 designed	 for	 specific	 mobile	 phones.	 Of	 course,	 the	
strength	of	having	an	application	built	for	a	specific	mobile	phone	is	that	the	application	is	entirely	
optimized	for	that	type	of	phone.	This	strength	is	at	the	same	time	the	disadvantage	of	those	mobile	
applications.	Developing	an	app	for	a	specific	phone	implies	that	you	either	target a specific user
group,	or	that	you	need	to	build	and	maintain	multiple	apps	to	reach	out	to	your	entire	user	base.

If	you	opt	for	a	mobile site,	your	audience	is	not limited to the users of a specific type of phone.	Every	
user	that	has	a	mobile	phone	with	a	browser	should	be	able	to	access	it.

Decide which technologies are needed
If	 you	 want	 to	 use	 the	 GPS,	 compass,	 3G	 and	 other	 functionalities	 or	 interaction	 techniques	 of	
today’s	mobile	phones	or	if	users	need	 to	be	able	 to	consult	some	of	 the	content	when	working	
offline,	 you	 should	 consider	 building	 a	 mobile app	 for	 the	 type	 of	 phone	 that	 is	 most	 popular	
amongst	your	target	audience.	

A	 good	 example	 of	 using	 the	 built-in	
technologies	 of	 a	 specific	 smart	 phone	 is	 an	
application	to	compose	a	shopping list	which	
sorts	 the	 items	 on	 your	 list	 in	 the	 order	 of	
the	store	you	are	at.	In	 this	case,	you	use	 the	
built	 in	 GPS	 functionality	 of	 the	 targeted	
smart	phone.

Mobile sites	need	to	work	on	the	browsers	that	come	with	different	types	of	smart	phones.	In	that	
way,	the	technology	that	you	can	use	is	limited	to	the	capabilities	of	the	mobile	browsers.	Of	course,	
as	technologies	advance,	the	gap	between	the	possibilities	of	applications	and	sites	will	narrow.

Select the road to accessibility
Another	big	difference	between	mobile	applications	and	mobile	sites	is	that	mobile	sites	are	freely	
accessible.	The	content	of	your	mobile	site	will	automatically	be	accessible	through search engines.

                                   In	 order	 to	 use	 mobile	 applications	 however,	 users	 need	 to	
                                   download	 them	 from	 an	 application store	 and	 install	 them	 to	 get	
                                   them	 to	 work.	This	 means	 that	 with	 an	 application	 you	 can	 enjoy	
                                   extra publicity	 when	 users	 browse	 through	 application	 stores.	
                                   On	the	other	hand,	to	be	able	to	add	your	app	to	the	store,	you	need	
                                   approval	of	the	third	party	storeowner.	

The right pick
Basically,	 choosing	 between	 a	 mobile	 app	 and	 a	 mobile	 site	 comes	 down	 to	 the	 user	 group	
you	want	to	target:
	   •	 Does	your	target	group	work	with	specific	smart	phones	and	is	the	use	of	technology	like	GPS	
	   	   essential	for	your	concept?	Go	for	a	mobile app	on	the	platform(s)	that	are	most	popular	with	
	   	   your	target	group.
	   •	 If	 it	 is	 important	 that	 you	 reach	 out	 to	 a	 wide and diverse	 audience	 and	 the	 use	 of	 fancy	
	   	   technologies	comes	second	in	line?	Choose	to	build	a	mobile site	that	is	accessible	on	any	
	   	   phone	with	web	access.
This	is	a	great	rule	of	thumb,	but	it’s	not	carved	in	stone.	If	you	have	developed	a	great	application,	
it	will	create	its	own	audience.	Comparing	the	pros	and	cons	is	always	a	good	idea,	but	at	the	end	it	
comes	down	to	one	thing:	what	is	the	best	suitable	option	for	your	business	model?

Face the design challenges
When	your	groundbreaking	concept	is	taking	its	final	shape	and	you	have	a	clear	view	on	who	your	
users	are	and	the	technology	they	use,	you	can	start	designing	your	site	or	application.

Show your user the way: design a clear navigation plan
It	 is	 imperative	 for	 every	 app	 or	 site	 to	 offer the user a clear workflow.	 So	 start	 with	 high-level	
wireframes	and	navigation	flows	before	you	go	into	a	detailed	design	of	every	page.	This	enables	
you	to	nip	any	flaws	or	gaps	in	the	bud	at	an	early	stage,	and	prevents	you	from	wasting	time	on	the	
detailed	design	of	pages	that	don’t	make	the	final	cut.

Limit the number of pages or screens	 to	 what	
is	really	necessary	and	keep	 the	structure	 of	 the	
mobile	site	or	application	as	flat	as	possible.

Spend	 enough	 time	 thinking	 through	 how	 the	
user	 will	 navigate	 from	 one	 page	 to	 another.	
Navigation	as	we	know	it	on	full	sites	will	be	fairly	
complex	 on	 a	 smaller	 screen,	 so	 optimize your
navigation	for	a	smaller	screen	size.	For	example,	
it	might	be	better	to	group	navigation	options	in	
one	main	control	than	to	make	all	options	visible.

You	could	also	make	mobile	navigation	easier	on	your	users	by	redirecting	them	to	your	mobile	site	
when	detecting	that	they	are	using	a	mobile	browser.

Assist your user by providing easy-to-use interaction methods
Nowadays	graphical	user	interfaces	on	computers	are	optimized	for	using	a	mouse	as	an	input	
device.	 Guess	 what:	 mobile	 phones	 don’t work with mice.	 At	 best,	 they	 include	 a	
stylus,	 track	 pad,	 track	 ball,	 joy	 stick	 as	 a	 pointing	 device,	 but	 keep	 in	 mind	
that	there	are	subtle	differences.	As	a	rule,	make	everything	that	should	be	
clickable	large	enough.	When	using	a	touch	screen	phone,	nothing	is	more	
irritating	than	not	being	able	to	click	on	an	item.

Optimize the interaction patterns	 of	 your	 product	 to	 the	 interaction	
methods	 that	 are	 supported	 by	 the	 smart	 phones	 of	 your	 target	
group.	 Users	 of	 touch	 screen	 phones	 will	 be	 used	 to	 different	
interaction	patterns	than	users	of	a	classic	keyboard	phone.

When	 using	 non-typical	 interaction	 patterns,	 especially	 for	 the	 touch	
screen	 phones,	 consider	 using	 watermark patterns.	 These	 patterns	 are	
a	 sort	 of	 demo	 instructions	 that	 show	 the	 user	 how	 to	 do	 something,	 for	
example	pinching	on	an	iPhone.	

If	the	phone	has	a	fixed	keyboard,	consider	implementing	quick access keys.	This	means	that	you	
can	make	certain	functionalities	or	pages	accessible	by	pressing	button	0-9	on	the	phone	keyboard.

When	dealing	with	non-touch-screen	phones	you	need	to	indicate	on	the	screen	what	the	function	
of	 some	 variable	 hard	 button	 is.	 Make	 sure	 you	 use	 clear labels	 so	 that	 your	 audience	 will	 know	
immediately	what	the	result	of	the	button	click	will	be.

Nobody	likes	typing	long	texts	on	a	small	keyboard,	whether	fixed	or	virtual,	so	try	to	limit	text	input.	

Make sure that form follows function
In	 traditional	 web	 design	 a	 lot	 of	 attention	 is	 spent	 on	 an	 elaborate	 graphical	 design.	 For	
mobile	 design,	 whether	 site	 or	 app,	 the	 graphical	 design	 is	 subordinate	 to	 the	 function	
and	 content.	The	 graphical	 design	 has	 to	 be	 tight and limited because	 there	 is	 just	 not	 enough	
room	for	fancy	decorations.

                                                          As	 the	 size	 of	 the	 screen	 is	 limited,	 try	
                                                          chunking	 the	 information	 so	 that	 one	 chunk	
                                                          fits	 the	 content	 of 1 page.	 You	 don’t	 want	 the	
                                                          user	 to	 spend	 his	 limited	 time	 scrolling	 up	 and	
                                                          down	or	left	to	right	to	view	the	information	he	
                                                          needs.	 To	 give	 users	 direct	 access	 to	 the	 most	
                                                          important functions	or	information	(for	example,
                                                          search	 field	 /	 latest	 news	 item)	 show	 those	
                                                          items	at	the	top	of	the	page.

Avoid	graphics	when	they	are	unnecessary,	as	they	make	it	more	difficult	to	load	the	page	quickly.	
If	you	do	need	to	use	graphics,	provide	the	user	with	options,	for	example	to	leave	out	the	pictures	
when	loading	the	page.	Also	make	use	of	the	alt-tag	to	provide	a	short	description	of	the	picture.	
This	description	will	then	be	visible	if	users	prefer	not	to	load	the	pictures.	

Mobile	design	is	different,	but	that	doesn’t	mean	that	the look-and-feel can’t	be	aligned	with	that	
of	your	normal	site/application.	Stay	close	to	what	the	user	knows	and	already	uses.

Test, test and test: listen to your users’ feedback
It	is	always	important	to	test	your	design	with	real users.	So,	why	not	subject	your	mobile	site	or	
application	to	usability	tests	performed	by	those	end	users,	with	their	specific	mobile	phones,	who	
you’ve	kept	in	mind	during	the	entire	design	process?

Usability	 tests	can	be	performed	on	a	finished	product,	but	it	is	always	better	 to	test as early as
possible,	for	example	on	a	mockup	or	a	prototype.	It	is	more	cost-effective	if	you	make	changes	to	
the	design	than	if	you	need	to	change	a	developed	product.	

The	usability	tests	should	give	you	an	answer	to	the	following	questions:
	   •	 Are	your	users	able	to	do	what	they	want	to	do?
	   •	 Are	your	users	able	to	do	it	efficiently?
	   •	 How	do	your	users	feel	while	doing	this?	Do	you	provide	a	rich	and	addictive	experience?

If	 you	 receive	 positive	 answers	 on	 each	 of	 the	 questions,	 you	 are	 on	 the	 right	 path	 to	 your	
mobile	 success	 story.	 If	 one	 of	 the	 answers	 to	 the	 questions	 is	 negative,	 your	 design	 still	 needs	
some	tweaking.

Create your own success story
So,	knock	yourself	out	creating	your	own	revolutionary	mobile	app	or	website	and	give your business
a boost!	Be	creative	and	innovative,	because	the	technology	to	develop	killer	mobile	apps	and	sites	
is	here	today.

But	 don’t	 forget	 to	 pack the right user-centered design techniques	 for	 your	 journey.	 A	 rich	 and	
addictive	user	experience	is	the	difference	between	being	a	one-hit	wonder	or	creating	something	
with	staying	power.

If	you	need	some	help,	contact	Human	Interface	Group.	
Together	we	can	give	technology	a	human	face.

Author:	Hilde	Van	Horenbeeck

About Human Interface Group

Human	 Interface	 Group	 is	 Europe’s leading usability consultancy.	 Human	 Interface	 Group	 has	
been	 coordinating	 usability	 projects	 for	 almost	 20	 years	 for	 a	 wide	 variety	 of	 larger	 and	 smaller	
companies	and	public	authorities.	

We	 also	 have	 access	 to	 an	 extensive	 network	 of	 usability	 professionals	 throughout	 the	 world.	
Human	 Interface	 Group	 is	 a	 partner	 in	 the	 International Usability Partners	 network,	 an	
established	 network	 of	 independent	 usability	 companies	 who	 have	 joined	 up	 to	 provide	
user	experience	services	worldwide,	from	North	America	to	the	Far	East.

Curious about how we can help you understand usability?



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  • 1. Mobile web design: how to create your success story
  • 2. Content 1. Take mobile web design seriously ................................................................................................................ 3 2. Get things right from the start: analyze! ................................................................................................... 3 2.1. Get to know your users .............................................................................................................................. 3 . 2.2. Analyze the mobile phones your users have .................................................................................... 5 2.3. Define your concept ....................................................................................................................................6 3. Choose wisely: mobile site or application? ............................................................................................... 7 3.1. Choose to design for some or for all ..................................................................................................... 7 3.2. Decide which technologies are needed ..............................................................................................8 3.3. Select the road to accessibility................................................................................................................8 3.4. The right pick .................................................................................................................................................9 4. Face the design challenges ..............................................................................................................................9 4.1. Show your user the way: design a clear navigation plan .............................................................9 4.2. Assist your user by providing easy-to-use interaction methods ............................................10 4.3. Make sure that form follows function ..............................................................................................10 4.4. Test, test and test: listen to your users’ feedback .......................................................................... 11 5. Create your own success story ..................................................................................................................... 12 2
  • 3. Take mobile web design seriously Viewing a website developed for a computer screen on a tiny mobile phone feels like sitting in the front row of an Imax movie theater. You slowly become frustrated because you feel like you’re missing the action and when it’s over you’ll leave with a headache. Viewing a website designed for a computer screen on a phone screen often is an awful experience. You really don’t want to confront your users with such an experience. If users have a bad experience using your product, rest assured that they will avoid it in the future. Even worse, they will discourage their friends and colleagues to try it. A good user experience will gain you loyalty and trust. The user will be motivated to return and will even make publicity for your product. So, as mobile web is gaining more and more followers, it is in your best interest to take mobile web seriously. This white paper will put you on the right mobile design track. The first stop will be a thorough analysis of your users and the mobile phones they use in order to define your concept. The second station will explain the difference between a mobile site and a mobile application. Then we’ll travel onwards to the final destination: design. Buckle up, here we go! Get things right from the start: analyze! Don’t jump into the deep end before you can swim. The beginning of a mobile web success story is always a good analysis. So, how do you get your ducks in a row? Get to know your users Getting to know your users is a crucial part of the analysis phase. Knowing your users helps you to focus your design on your users, and to address every user group in the appropriate way. So one of the first questions you need to ask yourself is: whom are you reaching out to? Do you have a specific audience, for example teenagers, or a very diverse public? Next, you should try to picture your audience in a mobile context. In general, people use their phones, and therefore the mobile web, on the go. This means mobile web sessions are mostly short. Users need their information as quickly as possible. 3
  • 4. In order to create the best possible mobile concept, you should get a thorough insight into your users and their exact context by asking the questions when and where. For example, do they use their smart phones when waiting for the bus at a bus stop? Then you can start thinking of the needs or tasks of your users in this mobile context. What do users need or want to do? If we take the example of public transport users a bit further, perhaps they would like to look up which bus to take and whether the bus they’re taking is on time or has been delayed. A couple of useful techniques for charting out your users are task matrices and personas. A task matrix enables you to differentiate between users or user groups based on the tasks they perform. For example, users of a mobile shopping list application could be differentiated in a group that only wants to make a traditional shopping list, and another group that might want to take it a step further by making a shopping list based on selected recipes or circumstances, like a dinner party, for example. Personas, on the other hand, are detailed characterizations of typical users. They may not be actual users, but they are described as such -often using photographs-, which helps you to keep your focus on them. Having a clear idea of who your users are is essential in figuring out how and when these persons would use your product. Personas help you make good design decisions. 4
  • 5. Analyze the mobile phones your users have Of course you can find general information on smart phone use in statistics, but those statistics should be taken with a pinch of salt. For example, sales statistics on which phone is sold the most don’t say anything about that phone being used to surf the web. Identifying your users and their smart phones, unlocks the path to the technical specifications you need to dive into. What are the possibilities of their smart phones, the type of browser... Make a comparison of the specifications of the smart phones used by your audience and find the common denominators. The specifications that you should definitely keep an eye out for are screen resolutions, the supported interaction methods, and if you’re thinking of taking things a bit further than the basic stuff, you might also want to check the other functionalities of the smart phones. We’ve already mentioned that designing for mobile is designing for a smaller screen, but before you put your pen to paper, you will want to know the exact size of your canvas. So it’s definitely worth looking at the most common screen resolutions and design for the lowest common denominator. When analyzing the mobile phones of your users, it is important to include the differences between the mobile operating systems (Mobile OS). The OS determines for a large part either the browsers your mobile site needs to work on or the platform for your mobile application. The supported interaction methods not only depend on the operating system, but also on the hardware. It’s always good to check whether the smart phones in your target group have specific interaction methods like a touch screen with a virtual keypad or a fixed keypad with for example a track pad or jog ball for navigation purposes. Check out the technologies supported by the mobile phones in your target group and see if you can put them to use. Most phones have GPRS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, EDGE, … but every day new technologies are added. So keep track and link the technologies to your users and their needs. 5
  • 6. Define your concept Because mobile phones accompany us everywhere, social network sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace... were the first to go mobile. They all revolve around the fact that people want to share personal information with friends, family or the world. So isn’t it great that you can share “what you’re up to” immediately instead of waiting until you reach a computer connected to the Internet? Social network sites have found an easy transition to mobile, but how do you go about? Going mobile is all about toning things down to the basics and to a size that is manageable on a small screen. Not only is the page size smaller (size of the screen), but you should also limit the number of pages. Mobile phone processors aren’t as fast as those of regular computers so loading a web page on a mobile phone is generally a bit slower. When you define your mobile concept, make your users and their tasks the pivot: What are your users’ most important tasks and needs in an “on the go” context? As a rule, skip everything the user doesn’t necessarily need. Let’s take the following banking example. If you compare money transfers with stock trading, the latter would make the mobile cut. The very nature of stock trading is urgency. It is a fluctuating business based on instant decisions, so a tool that allows users to quickly sell or buy stock would be an added value. Most money transfers are not that urgent. Also because a transfer requires a lot more input from a user, users may still prefer the full online banking tool. If you are converting an existing site to mobile, it might be useful to check the statistics of your site to get an idea of what the most popular functionalities are. Then you need to consider if those functionalities are still useful in a mobile context. “Going mobile is all about toning things down to the basics” 6
  • 7. Choose wisely: mobile site or application When you know your audience and you have defined your concept, you can start thinking about how you want to take your concept mobile. Should you go for a mobile application or should you offer a mobile site? To make a well-considered choice, you can fall back on that user analysis you’ve made and go a bit deeper into the technicalities of things. Choose to design for some or for all Today, quite some mobile applications are designed for specific mobile phones. Of course, the strength of having an application built for a specific mobile phone is that the application is entirely optimized for that type of phone. This strength is at the same time the disadvantage of those mobile applications. Developing an app for a specific phone implies that you either target a specific user group, or that you need to build and maintain multiple apps to reach out to your entire user base. If you opt for a mobile site, your audience is not limited to the users of a specific type of phone. Every user that has a mobile phone with a browser should be able to access it. 7
  • 8. Decide which technologies are needed If you want to use the GPS, compass, 3G and other functionalities or interaction techniques of today’s mobile phones or if users need to be able to consult some of the content when working offline, you should consider building a mobile app for the type of phone that is most popular amongst your target audience. A good example of using the built-in technologies of a specific smart phone is an application to compose a shopping list which sorts the items on your list in the order of the store you are at. In this case, you use the built in GPS functionality of the targeted smart phone. Mobile sites need to work on the browsers that come with different types of smart phones. In that way, the technology that you can use is limited to the capabilities of the mobile browsers. Of course, as technologies advance, the gap between the possibilities of applications and sites will narrow. Select the road to accessibility Another big difference between mobile applications and mobile sites is that mobile sites are freely accessible. The content of your mobile site will automatically be accessible through search engines. In order to use mobile applications however, users need to download them from an application store and install them to get them to work. This means that with an application you can enjoy extra publicity when users browse through application stores. On the other hand, to be able to add your app to the store, you need approval of the third party storeowner. 8
  • 9. The right pick Basically, choosing between a mobile app and a mobile site comes down to the user group you want to target: • Does your target group work with specific smart phones and is the use of technology like GPS essential for your concept? Go for a mobile app on the platform(s) that are most popular with your target group. • If it is important that you reach out to a wide and diverse audience and the use of fancy technologies comes second in line? Choose to build a mobile site that is accessible on any phone with web access. This is a great rule of thumb, but it’s not carved in stone. If you have developed a great application, it will create its own audience. Comparing the pros and cons is always a good idea, but at the end it comes down to one thing: what is the best suitable option for your business model? Face the design challenges When your groundbreaking concept is taking its final shape and you have a clear view on who your users are and the technology they use, you can start designing your site or application. Show your user the way: design a clear navigation plan It is imperative for every app or site to offer the user a clear workflow. So start with high-level wireframes and navigation flows before you go into a detailed design of every page. This enables you to nip any flaws or gaps in the bud at an early stage, and prevents you from wasting time on the detailed design of pages that don’t make the final cut. Limit the number of pages or screens to what is really necessary and keep the structure of the mobile site or application as flat as possible. Spend enough time thinking through how the user will navigate from one page to another. Navigation as we know it on full sites will be fairly complex on a smaller screen, so optimize your navigation for a smaller screen size. For example, it might be better to group navigation options in one main control than to make all options visible. You could also make mobile navigation easier on your users by redirecting them to your mobile site when detecting that they are using a mobile browser. 9
  • 10. Assist your user by providing easy-to-use interaction methods Nowadays graphical user interfaces on computers are optimized for using a mouse as an input device. Guess what: mobile phones don’t work with mice. At best, they include a stylus, track pad, track ball, joy stick as a pointing device, but keep in mind that there are subtle differences. As a rule, make everything that should be clickable large enough. When using a touch screen phone, nothing is more irritating than not being able to click on an item. Optimize the interaction patterns of your product to the interaction methods that are supported by the smart phones of your target group. Users of touch screen phones will be used to different interaction patterns than users of a classic keyboard phone. When using non-typical interaction patterns, especially for the touch screen phones, consider using watermark patterns. These patterns are a sort of demo instructions that show the user how to do something, for example pinching on an iPhone. If the phone has a fixed keyboard, consider implementing quick access keys. This means that you can make certain functionalities or pages accessible by pressing button 0-9 on the phone keyboard. When dealing with non-touch-screen phones you need to indicate on the screen what the function of some variable hard button is. Make sure you use clear labels so that your audience will know immediately what the result of the button click will be. Nobody likes typing long texts on a small keyboard, whether fixed or virtual, so try to limit text input. Make sure that form follows function In traditional web design a lot of attention is spent on an elaborate graphical design. For mobile design, whether site or app, the graphical design is subordinate to the function and content. The graphical design has to be tight and limited because there is just not enough room for fancy decorations. As the size of the screen is limited, try chunking the information so that one chunk fits the content of 1 page. You don’t want the user to spend his limited time scrolling up and down or left to right to view the information he needs. To give users direct access to the most important functions or information (for example, search field / latest news item) show those items at the top of the page. 10
  • 11. Avoid graphics when they are unnecessary, as they make it more difficult to load the page quickly. If you do need to use graphics, provide the user with options, for example to leave out the pictures when loading the page. Also make use of the alt-tag to provide a short description of the picture. This description will then be visible if users prefer not to load the pictures. Mobile design is different, but that doesn’t mean that the look-and-feel can’t be aligned with that of your normal site/application. Stay close to what the user knows and already uses. Test, test and test: listen to your users’ feedback It is always important to test your design with real users. So, why not subject your mobile site or application to usability tests performed by those end users, with their specific mobile phones, who you’ve kept in mind during the entire design process? Usability tests can be performed on a finished product, but it is always better to test as early as possible, for example on a mockup or a prototype. It is more cost-effective if you make changes to the design than if you need to change a developed product. The usability tests should give you an answer to the following questions: • Are your users able to do what they want to do? • Are your users able to do it efficiently? • How do your users feel while doing this? Do you provide a rich and addictive experience? If you receive positive answers on each of the questions, you are on the right path to your mobile success story. If one of the answers to the questions is negative, your design still needs some tweaking. 11
  • 12. Create your own success story So, knock yourself out creating your own revolutionary mobile app or website and give your business a boost! Be creative and innovative, because the technology to develop killer mobile apps and sites is here today. But don’t forget to pack the right user-centered design techniques for your journey. A rich and addictive user experience is the difference between being a one-hit wonder or creating something with staying power. If you need some help, contact Human Interface Group. Together we can give technology a human face. Author: Hilde Van Horenbeeck About Human Interface Group Human Interface Group is Europe’s leading usability consultancy. Human Interface Group has been coordinating usability projects for almost 20 years for a wide variety of larger and smaller companies and public authorities. We also have access to an extensive network of usability professionals throughout the world. Human Interface Group is a partner in the International Usability Partners network, an established network of independent usability companies who have joined up to provide user experience services worldwide, from North America to the Far East. Curious about how we can help you understand usability? Visit Mail Call +32 (0) 15 40 01 38 12