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Best Practices in

Part 4:
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By Liz Crawford, Senior Industry Analyst                                                                       Executive Summary
The following is the fourth installment in a six-part series examin-
                                                                                                              n	 The  ability to truly compare in-store and out-of-store efforts
ing best practices for the measurement of shopper marketing. This                                                could transform the accuracy of ROI analysis, as well as the
article looks at effective ways to integrate metrics. Subsequent                                                 effectiveness of marketing strategies themselves. But estab-
                                                                                                                 lishing true comparison metrics remains the single biggest
articles will cover retail collaboration and directions for the future.                                          challenge in measuring performance across platforms.
To read the first three articles in the series, visit                                           n	 Marketing mix modeling uses multivariate regression analysis to
                                                                                                                 understand the relative impact of various marketing efforts (in-
                                                                                                                 store and out-of-store) on sales. It has been an invaluable tool

        he ability to truly compare                 ing Research for an In-Store Metric”                         but has never been used to make shopper-level observations.
        the results of in-store and                 (P.R.I.S.M.) project, which sought to                     n	 Asa practical matter, one of the hardest aspects of running
        out-of-store marketing ef-                  establish a common industry metric                           marketing mix models is getting accurate inputs upfront.
forts – apples to apples – has been                 for gauging in-store audiences (“op-                      n	 Using  a statistical method to examine ROI can be deceptive if
the Holy Grail for a generation of                  portunities to see”) that could be                           data is interpreted incorrectly. ROI is not an absolute.
marketers. Such leveling of measure-                compared with classic media adver-                        n	 One  obvious drawback to a typical marketing mix model is
ment would transform the accuracy                   tising measures. While the project                           that it does not reveal buyer profiles. Decomposing volume
of ROI analysis, as well as improve                 ultimately foundered on costs and                            to understand shopper profiles is imperative.
the effectiveness of marketing strat-               business issues, its potential initially                  n	 The usefulness of a model can dramatically improve if the
egies themselves. Yet establishing                  attracted the biggest players in the                         analysis is run frequently.
universal measures remains the big-                 industry, including Procter & Gamble                      n	 Aligning the objectives of above- and below-the-line efforts
gest challenge in assessing perfor-                 and Walmart.                                                 doesn’t need to be overly complicated. Using shopper card
mance across marketing platforms.                      Only a year before P.R.I.S.M. was                         data as a parallel to national panel data is one way to gauge
                                                                                                                 success on the retailer and national level.
  Past efforts to equalize measure-                 shuttered, a similar fate befell “Proj-
                                                                                                              n	 Adding single source data into marketing mix models provides
ment serve as ominous reminders of                  ect Apollo,” the name of Arbitron’s
the difficulty and expense in trying to             effort to track a wide range of me-                          more real-world tracking and fewer forensics. Marketers will
                                                                                                                 begin to see relationships between shoppers and programs
achieve this goal. Probably the most                dia exposure on a per-person basis                           like never before.
notable of these was the “Pioneer-                  using “Portable People Meters.”

       © Copyright 2012. Path to Purchase Institute, Inc., Skokie, Illinois U.S.A.  All rights reserved under both international and Pan-American copyright conventions. No reproduction
       of any part of this material may be made without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. Any copyright infringement will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


                                                                                                           Real World MMM
   Volume & Marketing Activity                                                                             As a practical matter, one of the hardest as-
                                                                                                           pects of running marketing mix models is
                                                                                                           getting the right inputs upfront. (The devil is
      Volume                                                                                               in the details.) To be worthwhile, the inputs
      Merch Support                                                                                        need to be accurate, and must include the
                                                                                                           in-market start and end dates for all events,
                                                                                                           the specific brands and SKUs participating,
                                                                                                           and the final version of the tactics used.
                                                                                                           While not difficult to understand, such ba-
                                                                                                           sic information can be hard to marshal and
                                                                                                           requires contributions from the brand team,
Select members of Nielsen’s household panel        other activity. The landscape portion is the            ad agency, shopper marketing agency and
scanned all of their purchases and wore the        passage of time from left to right.                     finance group.
meter, which attempted to record a wide               To date, this statistical method of looking             Furthermore, it is difficult for many manu-
range of media exposure, from radio spots,         at sales revenue holds sway in the industry.            facturers to tease out the costs and impact
to outdoor billboards, to in-store communica-      The practice is fairly inexpensive, easy to un-         of trade promotion for a specific brand. This
tions. However, the cost for a national rollout    derstand, actionable and – statistically, at            means that the relative effect of trade promo-
of the methodology was far too steep, even         least – bridges the gap between in-store and            tion versus shopper marketing can be hard
for the project’s seven prominent backers          out-of-store programs. In absence of perfect            to gauge.
(one of which was P&G).                            causal information, marketing mix analysis is              Ken Madden, executive vice president of
                                                   the next best thing. However, there are issues          strategy & analytics at OgilvyAction, is one
Good Enough: Marketing Mix                         with this valuable technique.                           practitioner making headway in this area.
Models                                                Marketing mix modeling itself has an under-          Madden described the recent analysis of a
Although such efforts to monitor and mea-          lying fissure: It essentially is a forensic exercise,   shopper marketing program and how his
sure the shopper’s exposure to marketing on        with sales being the examined “evidence.”
                                                                                                                    Lump Profit Figures
                                                                                                           team responded to the issues.
a 360-degree basis stumbled during the first       Cause and effect dynamics are actually sta-                “When the analytics group broke out profit
decade of the new millennium, marketers            tistical correlations that attribute portions of        and ROI by trade factors versus marketing
were not without tools: marketing mix mod-         sales to specific advertising or promotional            factors, it seemed clear that the program’s
eling had been a well-established practice for     activity. But in traditional MMM, these cor-            success was being driven by trade [see chart,
most CPGs for more than 20 years, and one          relations are not tracked on a “per shopper”            below left]. However, the brand team felt that
still used widely today.                           basis. Therefore, it is not certain if the same         the marketing program was responsible for
   Marketing mix modeling (MMM) is a sta-          shopper who saw an ad on television subse-              a lot of the trade success. They said that the
tistical tool that uses multivariate regression    quently redeemed a coupon, for example.                 trade support was above CRM Profit
                                                                                                                                         average because
                                                                                                                   Trade Profit
analysis to understand the relationship of var-       Additionally, since statistical models use           the retailer responded very positively to the
                                                                                                              ROI:     2.14                  1.61
ious marketing efforts (in- and out-of-store)      sales as the measurement, other program                 marketing plan.
to sales. Regression analysis uses an indepen-     effects aren’t captured, such as the impact                “To examine this, we gathered historical
dent variable to help predict a “response vari-    on brand attitudes or shopper behavior                  benchmarks from similar promotions at the
able” (in this case, sales). The “multivariate”    (measurement of which was examined in                   same retailer. We modeled typical trade sup-
part refers to the presence of several “predic-    the second and third articles in this series.           port against typical sales lift [and] found that
tor” variables – media advertising, temporary      Visit                                    65% of the trade profit could be attributed to
price reductions, and so forth – that can influ-
ence sales.
   The output of MMM usually looks like a
geological cross-section of a mountain land-                   Lump Profit Figures                                    Profit Breakdown
scape (see chart, above). Each stratum in the
cross-section shows the amount of sales that
                                                                                                                                   profit from
are attributable to a particular marketing                                                                                         marketing
tactic. The layers are typically broken down                                                                                       “synergy”
into “baseline sales,” which are located at
the bottom of the mountain and presum-
ably would occur without any advertising or                                                                            35%                100%
promotion (but have been shown to erode
over time if a brand is starved of all sup-                   Trade Profit        CRM Profit                        Trade Profit       CRM Profit
port); and the upper-layer incremental sales           ROI:         2.14               1.61                  ROI:       2.14               1.61
that result from advertising, promotion, and       Source: OgilvyAction


                                       Trade vs. Shopper
                                       Rachael Norton, vice president, shopper                 soccer team while on the field or after the
                                       marketing, at ConAgra Foods, discusses                  game. This is a program that addresses an
                                       the relative impact of trade vs. shopper                unmet need. The “solve” is for the shopper,
                                       marketing events based on her extensive                 the retailer and the brand. It is a triple win.
                                       experience using custom marketing mix
                                       models.                                                 Q. What if we got away from the analysis
                                                                                               and just used common sense to develop
                                       Q. What kinds of programs have been                     and run programs?
                                       your best ROI generators?                               Norton: We have used this as a starting
                                       Norton: A straight trade event is usually               point for some ideas. For example, we
                                       the best ROI. The sheer impact on ROI can               know that some of our shoppers’ share of
                                       be less with a targeted program than with a             stomach goes to [quick-service restaurants].
                                       hot price point. [But the shopper program’s]            McDonald’s offers a meal for one or two
                                       impact on a specific target can be huge. And            bucks. So to compete in a practical way,
                                       that is what it’s about: long-term behavioral           ConAgra created displays that featured
                                       change and meeting shopper needs. It’s like             “The $2 Meal” or “The $3 Meal.” This is a
                                       micro-marketing on a mass scale. For exam-              common-sense approach to appealing to
                                       ple, we offer moms a meal solution for the              shoppers.

the above-average trade support [see chart,       generate buyer profiles. McMahon used this        age of shopper moms on SNAP, the in-store
bottom right of page 2]. We call this the ‘Mar-   example to explain the need for decomposing       messaging might center on stretching meals,
keting Synergy Effect,’ when the retailer’s       sales volume:                                     for example.
enthusiasm for a particular program drives           “Many CPG brand teams would be sur-              “Additionally, these folks aren’t reading
extra trade support and thereby boosts per-       prised to find out who is actually buying their   newspapers, because they aren’t buying
formance.”                                        products. If you decompose your volume –          newspapers. Therefore, FSIs dropped in the
                                                  now versus four years ago, say – you might        local paper won’t be redeemed by these
No Absolute Answers                               find that a sizable portion of your current       shoppers. The list of such implications goes
Using a statistical method to look at the re-     buyers are SNAP [Supplemental Nutrition As-       on and on. It is imperative to know who the
turn on a marketing investment can be de-         sistance Program] users [because that] now        shopper is.”
ceptive if the data is interpreted incorrectly.   includes families with incomes greater than
According to Mike McMahon, president of           $50,000 and three kids.                           Once a Year, Needed or Not
research house Spire, Monroe, Conn., and             “SNAP families have government-issued          Usually, marketing mix models are run an-
former senior vice president of marketing at      money during the first two weeks of the           nually, just before the next year’s business
ConAgra Foods, “Many people look at the           month. People plan their shopping trips           plan. The retrospective analysis shows the
ROI as an absolute. This is a mistake. It is a    around this cycle. If a brand knew its percent-   impact of various investments over the year
measurement at a point in
time. This is a number to act
on, to improve upon, [but] not
an absolute.”
   Marketing mix models are
a backward-looking analysis                                                 “Many people look at the ROI as
of activity. While some are
also used for scenario build-                                                an absolute. This is a mistake.
ing, models are not accurately
predictive enough to be used                                                 It is a measurement at a point
in profit & loss statements
with assurance. Instead, the                                                 in time.”
numbers should be used di-
rectionally.                                                                                               Mike McMahon, president, Spire
   One obvious drawback to a
typical MMM is that it doesn’t


                              Alignment of Shopper and Brand Measures
                             Strategic Brand                       Retailer-Level
         Goals                  Objectives                       Shopper Measures                             Brand-Level Measures


        TRIAL              Switching                             Shopper card data                             National panel data

                           New category users


                           Units per purchase
      REPEAT                                                     Shopper card data                             National panel data
                           Usage rate

                           Loyalty percentage

                                                             Pre/post-shop interviews;
                                                                 store traffic counts;                   Longitudinal studies; pre/post
                                                           distribution/execution audits,                     advertising studies

                                                        Shopalongs; mobile panel studies;
   UNIVERSAL               Consideration
                                                              pre/post interviews
                                                                                                      Annual, longitudinal brand studies

                                                                  In-store video;
                           Navigation                                                                                    NA
                                                               shopping cart tracking

                           Brand Imagery                              Interviews                           Longitudinal brand studies

on a national basis. However, a typical large     information can help marketers change direc-      recommends conducting a quarterly or even
national model doesn’t capture most shopper       tion mid-year to increase the effectiveness of    monthly analysis, so that ROI results can be
marketing efforts, such as regional programs      programming.                                      shared with teams on a regular basis and pro-
or short-term, single-retailer programs.             To develop a retailer-based, custom mar-       grams can be improved “on the fly.” If that’s
  But, brands that have developed propri-         keting mix model, a brand and its agencies        a bit too ambitious, gathering the information
etary, custom models at the retailer level are    sometimes pool their resources of talent and      at least can help marketers make adjustments
able to measure ROI against specific programs     data. At least two years of scan data are         that affect the current year instead of waiting
to fill in knowledge gaps. Developing a model     needed, along with the dates and details of       until the next to make improvements. Brands
that uses historical brand and retailer-level     advertising and retail-level promotions. Solid    that use a measure, learn, change approach
data is the best way to unlock the power of       quantitative skill and experience is needed       in a disciplined way also can keep pace with
this technique, according to Agustin De Dios,     as well. Just as often, development is out-       retailers, which continually optimize their pro-
director-global analytics at Kimberly-Clark.      sourced to a service provider – who still needs   gramming, he suggests.
(To hear more of De Dios’ views on adapting       data inputs from the client. In whatever way         What’s more, this approach can help jus-
MMM for shopper marketing, visit www.             the smaller model is built, the granular ap-      tify spending on shopper marketing fairly                                        proach is the best way to ensure effective use    quickly. According to Rachael Norton, vice
  As importantly, the usefulness of the model     of MMM for shopper marketing programs.            president of shopper marketing at ConAgra
can dramatically improve if the analysis is run      McMahon, who developed custom MMMs             Foods, the company shifted marketing dol-
more often than annually and at a retailer-       for ConAgra, believes that best practices take    lars from above-the-line activities to shopper
specific level. Obtaining quick and accurate      a “measure, learn, change” approach. He           programs because the transparency provided


by frequent ROI reporting brought credibility
to the discipline across the organization.
                                                  the impact on the larger marketing objective.
                                                  One simple example is to report the number
                                                                                                        About the Author
                                                  of coupons redeemed without understanding
Aligning Brand and Shopper Goals                  whether the effort rewarded current users,
As has been stressed throughout this series,      induced trial among new users, or converted
sales aren’t the only measure of success for      switchers. Another is to track the number of
shopper marketing programs. Achievement           “shares” online without knowing whether
of other objectives is often at least as impor-   they drove conversions or awareness. Savvy
tant. In shopper marketing, most objectives       marketers keep critical brand objectives front
can be expressed in terms of shifts in shopper    and center when evaluating program perfor-
behavior. This can include brand switching,       mance.
alterations in purchase or occasion frequency,       Aligning the objectives of above- and be-
or changes in list making.                        low-the-line efforts doesn’t need to be overly
   But marketers are challenged when they         complicated. The chart on page 40 is a simpli-
attempt to measure shopper performance            fied model identifying how they might line up           Liz Crawford has more than 20 years
against overall brand objectives. Perhaps the     and where the data could be sourced.                    of brand management and consulting
biggest stumbling block is the temptation to         The shopper card data acts like a kind of            experience with a concentration in
use tactical measurements and thereby miss        mini-panel of shoppers for a particular retail-         strategic innovation. Over the last
                                                  er. This smaller panel might generate data us-          few years, Crawford has focused
                                                  ing swiped frequent-shopper cards or mobile             on developing integrated shopper
                                                  devices – handheld devices or smartphones               marketing strategies for Fortune 500
  Series Schedule                                 with apps, or even retailer apps.                       clients. Currently, Crawford is an
                                                     While this sort of alignment isn’t perfect, it       analyst and contributing writer for the
  Part 1:	Rationalizing the                       can at least help keep the brand on track to            Path to Purchase Institute. McGraw-
          Investment                              attain success benchmarks (assuming they’ve             Hill released her book, “The Shopper
                                                  been clearly articulated at the outset).                Economy,” in March.
  Part 2:	Measurement of
          Shopper Behavior                        Next: Single Source Input
                                                  The next step should be a big boost to mar-           JWT/OgilvyAction Inc., conducting
  Part 3:	Measurement of Brand                    keting mix modeling: single source data and           business under the OgilvyAction and
          Impact                                  cross-media tracking. As discussed in the sec-        JWT Action brands, is a fully integrated,
                                                  ond article of this series, single source data        end-to-end shopper marketing and ex-
  Part 4:	Effective Integration                   refers to tagging a specific shopper’s activities     periential marketing agency with main
          Practices                               across media platforms and retailers. Adding          offices in New York, Chicago and Akron,
                                                  this data to MMM delivers more real-world             Ohio. It is part of the WPP Group.
  Part 5:	Retail Collaboration                    tracking and fewer forensics. Marketers will
                                                  begin to see relationships between shoppers
  Part 6:	Directions for the                      and programs like never before. This concept
          Future                                  will be discussed in detail in the final article of
                                                  the series. 	


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  • 1. As seen in Best Practices in SHOPPER MARKETING MEASUREMENT Part 4: Integrating Metrics Underwritten by: © Gregory By Liz Crawford, Senior Industry Analyst Executive Summary The following is the fourth installment in a six-part series examin- n The ability to truly compare in-store and out-of-store efforts ing best practices for the measurement of shopper marketing. This could transform the accuracy of ROI analysis, as well as the article looks at effective ways to integrate metrics. Subsequent effectiveness of marketing strategies themselves. But estab- lishing true comparison metrics remains the single biggest articles will cover retail collaboration and directions for the future. challenge in measuring performance across platforms. To read the first three articles in the series, visit n Marketing mix modeling uses multivariate regression analysis to understand the relative impact of various marketing efforts (in- store and out-of-store) on sales. It has been an invaluable tool T he ability to truly compare ing Research for an In-Store Metric” but has never been used to make shopper-level observations. the results of in-store and (P.R.I.S.M.) project, which sought to n Asa practical matter, one of the hardest aspects of running out-of-store marketing ef- establish a common industry metric marketing mix models is getting accurate inputs upfront. forts – apples to apples – has been for gauging in-store audiences (“op- n Using a statistical method to examine ROI can be deceptive if the Holy Grail for a generation of portunities to see”) that could be data is interpreted incorrectly. ROI is not an absolute. marketers. Such leveling of measure- compared with classic media adver- n One obvious drawback to a typical marketing mix model is ment would transform the accuracy tising measures. While the project that it does not reveal buyer profiles. Decomposing volume of ROI analysis, as well as improve ultimately foundered on costs and to understand shopper profiles is imperative. the effectiveness of marketing strat- business issues, its potential initially n The usefulness of a model can dramatically improve if the egies themselves. Yet establishing attracted the biggest players in the analysis is run frequently. universal measures remains the big- industry, including Procter & Gamble n Aligning the objectives of above- and below-the-line efforts gest challenge in assessing perfor- and Walmart. doesn’t need to be overly complicated. Using shopper card mance across marketing platforms. Only a year before P.R.I.S.M. was data as a parallel to national panel data is one way to gauge success on the retailer and national level. Past efforts to equalize measure- shuttered, a similar fate befell “Proj- n Adding single source data into marketing mix models provides ment serve as ominous reminders of ect Apollo,” the name of Arbitron’s the difficulty and expense in trying to effort to track a wide range of me- more real-world tracking and fewer forensics. Marketers will begin to see relationships between shoppers and programs achieve this goal. Probably the most dia exposure on a per-person basis like never before. notable of these was the “Pioneer- using “Portable People Meters.” © Copyright 2012. Path to Purchase Institute, Inc., Skokie, Illinois U.S.A.  All rights reserved under both international and Pan-American copyright conventions. No reproduction of any part of this material may be made without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. Any copyright infringement will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 1
  • 2. SPECIAL REPORT Real World MMM Volume & Marketing Activity As a practical matter, one of the hardest as- pects of running marketing mix models is getting the right inputs upfront. (The devil is Volume in the details.) To be worthwhile, the inputs Merch Support need to be accurate, and must include the in-market start and end dates for all events, the specific brands and SKUs participating, and the final version of the tactics used. While not difficult to understand, such ba- sic information can be hard to marshal and requires contributions from the brand team, Select members of Nielsen’s household panel other activity. The landscape portion is the ad agency, shopper marketing agency and scanned all of their purchases and wore the passage of time from left to right. finance group. meter, which attempted to record a wide To date, this statistical method of looking Furthermore, it is difficult for many manu- range of media exposure, from radio spots, at sales revenue holds sway in the industry. facturers to tease out the costs and impact to outdoor billboards, to in-store communica- The practice is fairly inexpensive, easy to un- of trade promotion for a specific brand. This tions. However, the cost for a national rollout derstand, actionable and – statistically, at means that the relative effect of trade promo- of the methodology was far too steep, even least – bridges the gap between in-store and tion versus shopper marketing can be hard for the project’s seven prominent backers out-of-store programs. In absence of perfect to gauge. (one of which was P&G). causal information, marketing mix analysis is Ken Madden, executive vice president of the next best thing. However, there are issues strategy & analytics at OgilvyAction, is one Good Enough: Marketing Mix with this valuable technique. practitioner making headway in this area. Models Marketing mix modeling itself has an under- Madden described the recent analysis of a Although such efforts to monitor and mea- lying fissure: It essentially is a forensic exercise, shopper marketing program and how his sure the shopper’s exposure to marketing on with sales being the examined “evidence.” Lump Profit Figures team responded to the issues. a 360-degree basis stumbled during the first Cause and effect dynamics are actually sta- “When the analytics group broke out profit decade of the new millennium, marketers tistical correlations that attribute portions of and ROI by trade factors versus marketing were not without tools: marketing mix mod- sales to specific advertising or promotional factors, it seemed clear that the program’s eling had been a well-established practice for activity. But in traditional MMM, these cor- success was being driven by trade [see chart, most CPGs for more than 20 years, and one relations are not tracked on a “per shopper” below left]. However, the brand team felt that still used widely today. basis. Therefore, it is not certain if the same the marketing program was responsible for Marketing mix modeling (MMM) is a sta- shopper who saw an ad on television subse- a lot of the trade success. They said that the tistical tool that uses multivariate regression quently redeemed a coupon, for example. trade support was above CRM Profit average because Trade Profit analysis to understand the relationship of var- Additionally, since statistical models use the retailer responded very positively to the ROI: 2.14 1.61 ious marketing efforts (in- and out-of-store) sales as the measurement, other program marketing plan. to sales. Regression analysis uses an indepen- effects aren’t captured, such as the impact “To examine this, we gathered historical dent variable to help predict a “response vari- on brand attitudes or shopper behavior benchmarks from similar promotions at the able” (in this case, sales). The “multivariate” (measurement of which was examined in same retailer. We modeled typical trade sup- part refers to the presence of several “predic- the second and third articles in this series. port against typical sales lift [and] found that tor” variables – media advertising, temporary Visit 65% of the trade profit could be attributed to price reductions, and so forth – that can influ- ence sales. The output of MMM usually looks like a geological cross-section of a mountain land- Lump Profit Figures Profit Breakdown scape (see chart, above). Each stratum in the Trade cross-section shows the amount of sales that profit from are attributable to a particular marketing marketing 65% tactic. The layers are typically broken down “synergy” into “baseline sales,” which are located at the bottom of the mountain and presum- ably would occur without any advertising or 35% 100% promotion (but have been shown to erode over time if a brand is starved of all sup- Trade Profit CRM Profit Trade Profit CRM Profit port); and the upper-layer incremental sales ROI: 2.14 1.61 ROI: 2.14 1.61 that result from advertising, promotion, and Source: OgilvyAction 2
  • 3. SPECIAL REPORT Trade vs. Shopper Rachael Norton, vice president, shopper soccer team while on the field or after the marketing, at ConAgra Foods, discusses game. This is a program that addresses an the relative impact of trade vs. shopper unmet need. The “solve” is for the shopper, marketing events based on her extensive the retailer and the brand. It is a triple win. experience using custom marketing mix models. Q. What if we got away from the analysis and just used common sense to develop Q. What kinds of programs have been and run programs? your best ROI generators? Norton: We have used this as a starting Norton: A straight trade event is usually point for some ideas. For example, we the best ROI. The sheer impact on ROI can know that some of our shoppers’ share of be less with a targeted program than with a stomach goes to [quick-service restaurants]. hot price point. [But the shopper program’s] McDonald’s offers a meal for one or two impact on a specific target can be huge. And bucks. So to compete in a practical way, that is what it’s about: long-term behavioral ConAgra created displays that featured change and meeting shopper needs. It’s like “The $2 Meal” or “The $3 Meal.” This is a micro-marketing on a mass scale. For exam- common-sense approach to appealing to ple, we offer moms a meal solution for the shoppers. the above-average trade support [see chart, generate buyer profiles. McMahon used this age of shopper moms on SNAP, the in-store bottom right of page 2]. We call this the ‘Mar- example to explain the need for decomposing messaging might center on stretching meals, keting Synergy Effect,’ when the retailer’s sales volume: for example. enthusiasm for a particular program drives “Many CPG brand teams would be sur- “Additionally, these folks aren’t reading extra trade support and thereby boosts per- prised to find out who is actually buying their newspapers, because they aren’t buying formance.” products. If you decompose your volume – newspapers. Therefore, FSIs dropped in the now versus four years ago, say – you might local paper won’t be redeemed by these No Absolute Answers find that a sizable portion of your current shoppers. The list of such implications goes Using a statistical method to look at the re- buyers are SNAP [Supplemental Nutrition As- on and on. It is imperative to know who the turn on a marketing investment can be de- sistance Program] users [because that] now shopper is.” ceptive if the data is interpreted incorrectly. includes families with incomes greater than According to Mike McMahon, president of $50,000 and three kids. Once a Year, Needed or Not research house Spire, Monroe, Conn., and “SNAP families have government-issued Usually, marketing mix models are run an- former senior vice president of marketing at money during the first two weeks of the nually, just before the next year’s business ConAgra Foods, “Many people look at the month. People plan their shopping trips plan. The retrospective analysis shows the ROI as an absolute. This is a mistake. It is a around this cycle. If a brand knew its percent- impact of various investments over the year measurement at a point in time. This is a number to act on, to improve upon, [but] not an absolute.” Marketing mix models are a backward-looking analysis “Many people look at the ROI as of activity. While some are also used for scenario build- an absolute. This is a mistake. ing, models are not accurately predictive enough to be used It is a measurement at a point in profit & loss statements with assurance. Instead, the in time.” numbers should be used di- rectionally. Mike McMahon, president, Spire One obvious drawback to a typical MMM is that it doesn’t 3
  • 4. SPECIAL REPORT Alignment of Shopper and Brand Measures Strategic Brand Retailer-Level Goals Objectives Shopper Measures Brand-Level Measures Penetration TRIAL Switching Shopper card data National panel data New category users Frequency Units per purchase REPEAT Shopper card data National panel data Usage rate Loyalty percentage Pre/post-shop interviews; store traffic counts; Longitudinal studies; pre/post Awareness distribution/execution audits, advertising studies eye-tracking Shopalongs; mobile panel studies; UNIVERSAL Consideration pre/post interviews Annual, longitudinal brand studies In-store video; Navigation NA shopping cart tracking Brand Imagery Interviews Longitudinal brand studies on a national basis. However, a typical large information can help marketers change direc- recommends conducting a quarterly or even national model doesn’t capture most shopper tion mid-year to increase the effectiveness of monthly analysis, so that ROI results can be marketing efforts, such as regional programs programming. shared with teams on a regular basis and pro- or short-term, single-retailer programs. To develop a retailer-based, custom mar- grams can be improved “on the fly.” If that’s But, brands that have developed propri- keting mix model, a brand and its agencies a bit too ambitious, gathering the information etary, custom models at the retailer level are sometimes pool their resources of talent and at least can help marketers make adjustments able to measure ROI against specific programs data. At least two years of scan data are that affect the current year instead of waiting to fill in knowledge gaps. Developing a model needed, along with the dates and details of until the next to make improvements. Brands that uses historical brand and retailer-level advertising and retail-level promotions. Solid that use a measure, learn, change approach data is the best way to unlock the power of quantitative skill and experience is needed in a disciplined way also can keep pace with this technique, according to Agustin De Dios, as well. Just as often, development is out- retailers, which continually optimize their pro- director-global analytics at Kimberly-Clark. sourced to a service provider – who still needs gramming, he suggests. (To hear more of De Dios’ views on adapting data inputs from the client. In whatever way What’s more, this approach can help jus- MMM for shopper marketing, visit www. the smaller model is built, the granular ap- tify spending on shopper marketing fairly proach is the best way to ensure effective use quickly. According to Rachael Norton, vice As importantly, the usefulness of the model of MMM for shopper marketing programs. president of shopper marketing at ConAgra can dramatically improve if the analysis is run McMahon, who developed custom MMMs Foods, the company shifted marketing dol- more often than annually and at a retailer- for ConAgra, believes that best practices take lars from above-the-line activities to shopper specific level. Obtaining quick and accurate a “measure, learn, change” approach. He programs because the transparency provided 4
  • 5. SPECIAL REPORT by frequent ROI reporting brought credibility to the discipline across the organization. the impact on the larger marketing objective. One simple example is to report the number About the Author of coupons redeemed without understanding Aligning Brand and Shopper Goals whether the effort rewarded current users, As has been stressed throughout this series, induced trial among new users, or converted sales aren’t the only measure of success for switchers. Another is to track the number of shopper marketing programs. Achievement “shares” online without knowing whether of other objectives is often at least as impor- they drove conversions or awareness. Savvy tant. In shopper marketing, most objectives marketers keep critical brand objectives front can be expressed in terms of shifts in shopper and center when evaluating program perfor- behavior. This can include brand switching, mance. alterations in purchase or occasion frequency, Aligning the objectives of above- and be- or changes in list making. low-the-line efforts doesn’t need to be overly But marketers are challenged when they complicated. The chart on page 40 is a simpli- attempt to measure shopper performance fied model identifying how they might line up Liz Crawford has more than 20 years against overall brand objectives. Perhaps the and where the data could be sourced. of brand management and consulting biggest stumbling block is the temptation to The shopper card data acts like a kind of experience with a concentration in use tactical measurements and thereby miss mini-panel of shoppers for a particular retail- strategic innovation. Over the last er. This smaller panel might generate data us- few years, Crawford has focused ing swiped frequent-shopper cards or mobile on developing integrated shopper devices – handheld devices or smartphones marketing strategies for Fortune 500 Series Schedule with apps, or even retailer apps. clients. Currently, Crawford is an While this sort of alignment isn’t perfect, it analyst and contributing writer for the Part 1: Rationalizing the can at least help keep the brand on track to Path to Purchase Institute. McGraw- Investment attain success benchmarks (assuming they’ve Hill released her book, “The Shopper been clearly articulated at the outset). Economy,” in March. Part 2: Measurement of Shopper Behavior Next: Single Source Input The next step should be a big boost to mar- JWT/OgilvyAction Inc., conducting Part 3: Measurement of Brand keting mix modeling: single source data and business under the OgilvyAction and Impact cross-media tracking. As discussed in the sec- JWT Action brands, is a fully integrated, ond article of this series, single source data end-to-end shopper marketing and ex- Part 4: Effective Integration refers to tagging a specific shopper’s activities periential marketing agency with main Practices across media platforms and retailers. Adding offices in New York, Chicago and Akron, this data to MMM delivers more real-world Ohio. It is part of the WPP Group. Part 5: Retail Collaboration tracking and fewer forensics. Marketers will begin to see relationships between shoppers Part 6: Directions for the and programs like never before. This concept Future will be discussed in detail in the final article of the series. 5