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Social Media Strategies for Small Business II
       January 25, 2012

                              1              SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
1. What’s Happening Today

      •    Review key points from last week
      •    Content
      •    Look at Facebook
      •    Discuss Twitter
      •    Review Blogs
      •    Touch on YouTube, LinkedIn
      •    Summary

                                2             SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

                          From the NY Times homepage:

                                      3             SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

                Adopt the social media mindset before
                the social media toolkit.

                          - Authenticity
                          - Transparency
                          - Integrity
                          - Openness

                  It’s about the people.


                                                        4                        SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

             In SM, the tools and technology are getting
             all the attention.

                          I Just Bought This


                                              5                        SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

                   Social Media Marketing Strategy:

                          Listen. Engage. Measure.

                                      6              SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

               To who’s talking, what they’re saying, their tone, their attitude...

               Where to listen:
                    google alerts;
               (The service provides a real-time analysis of what’s being discussed
                    around the web)

                                                       7                                     SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing


               How do you “engage” in the social media world?
                    Play on Facebook
                    Start a blog
                    Find a blog you like and comment
                    Start an email campaign for your users

                                               8                SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

                          Define and meet objectives & goals, Use Google analytics
                          Facebook Insights, Qualitative v. Quantitative

                                                     9                     SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

                 Social Media complements traditional
                  marketing. It doesn’t take its place.
                 Excused TV

                                   10             SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

                The Take-away:

                It’s not about the tools. It’s about the people and their conversation.
                Adopt the SM mindset.
                Listen. Engage. Measure.
                Take your gaze off the bottom line.

                                                 11                        SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing


                              12             SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

                New Platforms
                Tumblr       effortlessly share everything

                foursquare    note your location with a mobile phone and find out where friends are

                getglue       social network for entertainment. See what friends are watching

                klout         uses social network data to measure influence

                spotify        music streaming service

                                                        13                              SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

              Websites, including google, use tiny crumbs of
              stored information (“cookies”) to remember your
              previous visits.

                          Tips on how to stay safe on the internet

                                             14                  SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

              • Your mission statement.
                    – Make it speak “one-on-one”
                          Write your mission statement!

                                                  15      SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

              High level achievement. Simple is best.Make it easy to remember.
              “We want to improve customer loyalty”

                                             16                       SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

             Decide what business objectives you want to
             accomplish with SM that you weren’t doing
             before SM.

                                 17             SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

            • Attract new customers
            • Raise awareness and create buzz
            • Share info online to make it easier for people to
              find us
            • Foster a community and give them a reason to
              tell others about us
            • Become a reliable source of friendly, smart,
              [“insert your skill/product/service here”] advice,
              and establish “my company” as experts.

                                      18                  SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing

                          What you want: Go viral

                                             Dancing Baby ’96

                                                   19                      SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

                      It’s your competitive advantage.

                                      20             SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

                          We’re now “publishers”.

                                     21             SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

                Your goal is to create content that:

                          • Is appealing to your would-be constituents.
                          • They find value in.
                          • Keeps ‘em coming back for more.

                                                 22                       SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

                    Burger King’s Subservient Chicken

                          Subservient Chicken



                                                       23                                SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

              Produce great content and your customers
              will come to you.

              Produce really great content, and your
              customers will spread the message for you.

                                           Ann Handley & CC Chapman,
                                           from “Content Rules”

                                  24                 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

                          Flea Market Montgomery


                                                25                       SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

                          The Cleveland Show Flea Market Mini Mall


                                                          26                 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

                I was asked about:

          “ features...that fans appreciate and make the page look
          better? As an example, check out the Whole Foods [fan] page, and
          notice how they have a section just for "recipes" or "newsletters."


                                                   27                      SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

          Produce good content: The Rules
          – Understand that you’re a “publisher”.
          – Inspire originality: get your brand story straight and give it an original
          – Pursue your “objective”
          – Talk like a person: (I hate buzzwords and corporate speak.)
          – Re-think, don’t recycle: evolve content for various tools
          – Share don’t sell: Position yourself as a go-to and get your gaze off the
            bottom line.
          – Show, don’t just tell: Demonstrate how it works. Don’t preach. Don’t sell.
          – Surprise!: Do something unexpected
          – Stoke the fire: Ignite a conversation among your customers
          – Pick your best: you don’t have to blog and tweet and FB and...but you
            have to do something.           28                      SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

     Good content from a small business:

      Jarvie Digital
      Scott Jarvie is a photographer who
      shares resources on his website
      and through his social sites,
      demonstrating his expertise and
      generosity to other photographers
      and prospects.


      1) Differentiate personal profile for biz page

      2) Sharing resources grows your fan base and
         your perceived expertise.

                                                      29   SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

     Good content from a small business:

      Ana White, Carpenter
      Ana is a carpenter with a website to
      empower women to do carpentry
      projects. She has created a
      following among those who love her
      easy-to-follow, do-it-yourself


       1. Create a community where users can talk
          about themselves.
       2. Empower your fans to share their
          experiences with other users.
       3. Have clear strategies for your blog and
          Facebook page.
                                                    30   SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

                 Now that I have good content, how
                 do I get it out there?

                                  31            SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

           Create an Editorial Calendar
            to plan, produce, and publish content


                                             32     SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content


                          – Twitter updates with value to your followers
                          – Post a news item to your FB page
                          – Respond to blog comments

                                                     33                    SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content


                     – Make at least one new blog post
                     – Participate in a discussion group on LinkedIn
                     – Update a section on your webpage

                                                34                     SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content


                    – Post an deeper article on your blog
                    – Create and mail an e-mail newsletter
                    – Produce a short video; 2-3 minutes works
                    – Contribute a powerpoint and post on SlideShare
                    – Publish a customer success story
                    – Organize a MeetUp

                                                35                     SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

           Content Strategy and Social Media Program
                              The campaign for real role models


           Facebook (group)
           Facebook (fan)

                                           36                     SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

           Content Strategy and Social Media Program
                               Expand reach and Engage.

               1000 Words
               Plugged In
               Grow Your Biz

            User-generated content

                                          37              SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

               Long-tail Keywords
                   - more specific search phrases
                   - generate lower volume of hits
                   - takes searchers to sites with rich content
                      more closely matching what searchers
                      look for.

                   - include in blogs

                                                 38               SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
5. Content

                               Long-tail Keywords
   Number of hits

                                          Quality of hits

                          39                SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
6. Facebook

         The #1 Facebook Mistake Small Businesses Make?

                                40              SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
6. Facebook

                   Not taking the steps to get your current
                   customers to “like” you on Facebook.

                                       41                SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
6. Facebook

                  - Personally asking your customers to join.
                  - Sending a dedicated email.
                  - Have a customers-only contest.

                  Get creative. Remember to work with people who already know
                  and love you.

                                                42                SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
6. Facebook


                    8 Brands That Have Found Success on FB


                                                  - Dave Kerpen,

                                            43                     SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
6. Facebook

                          Set up a business page

                                              44                     SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
6. Facebook

                          45   SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
6. Facebook

       7 tips to Customize your FB page for business:
         1) Claim your vanity URL:

         2) Get creative with your picture

         3) Create a custom welcome page (takes tech skills):

         4) Create custom tabs

                                                   46                        SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
6. Facebook

             5) Get creative with the “photostrip”

             6) Target your posts (response to google+ circles)
                Use this feature to segment and personalize Facebook posts to
                different audiences of fans on your page

             7) Run a contest or promotion (FB has strict rules)
                 Checkout Wildfire do-it-yourself promo builder.

                                                  47                            SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
6. Facebook

             Among the 84 Facebook brand pages examined:
             • 88% said they posted video content
             • 82% solicited fan stories or comments
             • 79% had their wall open for fan comments 66%
             • actively replied to fan posts and comments

                                          From study by Wong, Doody, Crandall, Wiener

                                     48                                  SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
6. Facebook

            “Personal Search Results”
            “Social media replacing SEO as Google makes search results personal”

                     • In the old search model, you optimized the headline
                       with keywords like “Aspen’s Fresh Powder″ so
                       everyone searching Google for that phrase sees your
                       story. A simple, one-size-fits-all solution.

                     • In the new model, Stacy’s search results will feature
                       that story if her friend Jim previously shared or
                       promoted it. But Vigi’s results could instead highlight a
                       different story that her friend Carolyn shared.


                                                                          49                                              SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
7. Twitter

           “Twitter is a real-time information network
           that connects you to the latest information
           about what you find interesting.”
                                             - Twitter

                                50                SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
7. Twitter

         Two main components: Follow and Followers

                             51             SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
7. Twitter

           “#” (hashtag) = It’s the theme. It connects tweets
                           about a specific topic.

           “@” = to direct to a particular person, “@steve”

           “RT” = re-tweet..forward the message
           “Trending” = what’s popular now

           “Search” = powerful to find topics inside twitter

                                     52                 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
7. Twitter

                          A Quick #Hashtag Lesson
                          The key is readability & relevance. So:

                          1) Don’t use too many.
                          2) Keep them relevant
                          3) Leave “#” at the end
                          4) Stay away from numbers and special characters
                          5) Use caps in multiple word “#” (#Green#Architect)


                                                    53                           SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
7. Twitter

                    “The Cup” espresso cafe in Boulder.

                                     54             SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
7. Twitter

                          Ch. 14

                          Publicized Customer Service.

                                        55               SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
7. Twitter

         140 characters so...

                          Make every word count
                          Keep tweets really short
                          Keep it simple - no big words
                          Link directly to blogs or other online source
                          Provide context with kewords and hastags
                          Write a good headline
                          People keep things interesting

                                             56                           SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
7. Twitter

                          Southwest Airlines

                                   57          SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
7. Twitter

              Sunday was spent using Twitter or Facebook to tell The New York Times what you did on Sunday.

              Eating, Sleeping, Praying, and Writing All About It

                                                             58                                  SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
8. Blogs

           The central location through which you can
           share your thoughts.

                               59             SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
8. Blogs

           Key part of the engagement in the social
           media equation:
                     - Blogs make it easy to communicate more effectively with the
                       audience you care about.
                     - Easy way to update a Web site.
                     - Simple way of organizing the content
                     - Way to collect feedback
                     - Public blogs are a great complement to the communications
                       technologies you already use, such as email newsletters,
                       conference calls and mailings.

                                                60                       SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
8. Blogs

                 Blogs can be hosted on their own site:


                 or, integrated into your website.

                                    61               SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
8. Blogs

               10 Guideline before you blog:
                    1) Define your purpose: who and what?
                    2) Schedule: you decide but try once or twice a week
                    3) Mix it up: short, long, funny, serious, heavy, light posts all work
                    4) Use photos: graphics inside paragraphs make for good reading
                    5) Size is important: long enough to make your case;
                      short enough to stay interesting

                                                  62                         SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
8. Blogs

               6) Headlines are compelling: learn to write good ones
                   -Curiosity: “What’s a Pastry Chef doing on Twitter?”
                   -Use numbers (especially odd!): “19 Facebook Secrets to Grow Your
                    Small Business”
                   -Simplify complexity: “Still Single? This is Why.”

               7) Design has value: Give it a style and personality that reflects
                  you. Include icons, archives of recent posts...

                                                 63                        SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
8. Blogs

              8) Call to Action: “Get our free newsletter”
              9) Never Edit Comments, but moderate to keep away
            10) Make categories and tags: good for readers and search engines
            11) Write How You Speak: Some editing is good, but a blog post
                doesn’t have to be perfect.
            12) Don’t Overthink It: posts don’t have to be balanced and

                                                                 From “Conten Rules”
                                                                 - Ann Handley, CC Chapman

                                               64                         SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
YouTube & LinkedIn

                                        First YouTube upload:

                                        April 23, 2005


                                                            65                                 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
YouTube & LinkedIn

                              66   SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
YouTube & LinkedIn


                                   Sneezing Panda

                                   Paul Potts

                                   Susan Boyle
                              67                 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
YouTube & LinkedIn

             Whole Foods
             Branded/Fresh user content/Speaks to specific audience

             Audi channel
              4 minute commercial/260,000 views/Audience specific

                                            68                       SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
9. Summary

                     Quick Start Guide for Social Media
                                           - from “Facebook Marketing”,
                                              by Chris Treadway & Mari Smith

                                      69                                SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
9. Summary

                     Use Social Media as a tool for small
                     business to:
                           • Listen
                           • Engage
                           • Measure

                                       70              SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
9. Summary

       • What to expect when starting a social media

             – It takes time.
                  • So, decide what you’re promoting: business, brand, product,
             – It takes resources
                  • Money, time and who’s the manager
             – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube won’t do the job for you
                      – It gives you a new way to reach people, if done right
             – Focus on the content

                                              71                       SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
9. Summary

                          We’re now content providers:
                           Bite-sized tweets on Twitter
                           Advice on a blog post
                           Human interest videos
                           Real-time news feed on Facebook

                                              72             SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
9. Summary

                          Start creating content that tells your
                          story and positions you as an expert
                          people seek.

                                          73               SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
9. Summary

                          Join the conversation.
                          Stay with it.
                          Start now.


                                       74             SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12
9. Summary

           Credit to:

           UnMarketing, by Scott Stratten
           Facebook Marketing, Chris Treadway
           Content Rules, Ann Handley and CC Chapman
           The Social Media Bible, Lon Safko

                                         75            SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12

Tuesday, January 24, 12

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Sm ii j12 final

  • 1. Social Media Strategies for Small Business II January 25, 2012 1 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 2. 1. What’s Happening Today • Review key points from last week • Content • Look at Facebook • Discuss Twitter • Review Blogs • Touch on YouTube, LinkedIn • Summary 2 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 3. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing From the NY Times homepage: 3 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 4. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing Adopt the social media mindset before the social media toolkit. - Authenticity - Transparency - Integrity - Openness It’s about the people. 4 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 5. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing In SM, the tools and technology are getting all the attention. I Just Bought This 5 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 6. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing Strategy: Listen. Engage. Measure. 6 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 7. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing Listen: To who’s talking, what they’re saying, their tone, their attitude... Where to listen:;; google alerts;; (The service provides a real-time analysis of what’s being discussed around the web) 7 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 8. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing Engage: How do you “engage” in the social media world? Play on Facebook Start a blog Find a blog you like and comment Start an email campaign for your users Tweet 8 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 9. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing Measure: Define and meet objectives & goals, Use Google analytics Facebook Insights, Qualitative v. Quantitative 9 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 10. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing Social Media complements traditional marketing. It doesn’t take its place. Excused TV 10 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 11. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing The Take-away: It’s not about the tools. It’s about the people and their conversation. Adopt the SM mindset. Listen. Engage. Measure. Take your gaze off the bottom line. 11 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 12. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing Your customers are everywhere. 12 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 13. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing New Platforms Tumblr effortlessly share everything foursquare note your location with a mobile phone and find out where friends are getglue social network for entertainment. See what friends are watching klout uses social network data to measure influence spotify music streaming service 13 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 14. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing Websites, including google, use tiny crumbs of stored information (“cookies”) to remember your previous visits. Tips on how to stay safe on the internet 14 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 15. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing • Your mission statement. – Make it speak “one-on-one” Write your mission statement! 15 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 16. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing Objective High level achievement. Simple is best.Make it easy to remember. “We want to improve customer loyalty” 16 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 17. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing Decide what business objectives you want to accomplish with SM that you weren’t doing before SM. 17 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 18. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing • Attract new customers • Raise awareness and create buzz • Share info online to make it easier for people to find us • Foster a community and give them a reason to tell others about us • Become a reliable source of friendly, smart, [“insert your skill/product/service here”] advice, and establish “my company” as experts. 18 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 19. 2. Key Points of Social Media Marketing What you want: Go viral Dancing Baby ’96 19 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 20. 5. Content Content. It’s your competitive advantage. 20 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 21. 5. Content We’re now “publishers”. 21 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 22. 5. Content Your goal is to create content that: • Is appealing to your would-be constituents. • They find value in. • Keeps ‘em coming back for more. 22 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 23. 5. Content Burger King’s Subservient Chicken Subservient Chicken 23 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 24. 5. Content Produce great content and your customers will come to you. Produce really great content, and your customers will spread the message for you. Ann Handley & CC Chapman, from “Content Rules” 24 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 25. 5. Content Flea Market Montgomery 25 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 26. 5. Content The Cleveland Show Flea Market Mini Mall 26 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 27. 5. Content I was asked about: “ features...that fans appreciate and make the page look better? As an example, check out the Whole Foods [fan] page, and notice how they have a section just for "recipes" or "newsletters." 27 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 28. 5. Content Produce good content: The Rules – Understand that you’re a “publisher”. – Inspire originality: get your brand story straight and give it an original voice. – Pursue your “objective” – Talk like a person: (I hate buzzwords and corporate speak.) – Re-think, don’t recycle: evolve content for various tools – Share don’t sell: Position yourself as a go-to and get your gaze off the bottom line. – Show, don’t just tell: Demonstrate how it works. Don’t preach. Don’t sell. – Surprise!: Do something unexpected – Stoke the fire: Ignite a conversation among your customers – Pick your best: you don’t have to blog and tweet and FB and...but you have to do something. 28 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 29. 5. Content Good content from a small business: Jarvie Digital Scott Jarvie is a photographer who shares resources on his website and through his social sites, demonstrating his expertise and generosity to other photographers and prospects. Lesson 1) Differentiate personal profile for biz page 2) Sharing resources grows your fan base and your perceived expertise. 29 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 30. 5. Content Good content from a small business: Ana White, Carpenter Ana is a carpenter with a website to empower women to do carpentry projects. She has created a following among those who love her easy-to-follow, do-it-yourself projects. Lesson 1. Create a community where users can talk about themselves. 2. Empower your fans to share their experiences with other users. 3. Have clear strategies for your blog and Facebook page. 30 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 31. 5. Content Now that I have good content, how do I get it out there? 31 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 32. 5. Content Create an Editorial Calendar to plan, produce, and publish content Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly 32 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 33. 5. Content Daily – Twitter updates with value to your followers – Post a news item to your FB page – Respond to blog comments 33 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 34. 5. Content Weekly – Make at least one new blog post – Participate in a discussion group on LinkedIn – Update a section on your webpage 34 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 35. 5. Content Monthly – Post an deeper article on your blog – Create and mail an e-mail newsletter – Produce a short video; 2-3 minutes works – Contribute a powerpoint and post on SlideShare – Publish a customer success story – Organize a MeetUp 35 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 36. 5. Content PinkStinks: Content Strategy and Social Media Program The campaign for real role models Blogs Newsletter Facebook (group) Facebook (fan) Twitter YouTube 36 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 37. 5. Content Kodak: Content Strategy and Social Media Program Expand reach and Engage. Blogs 1000 Words Plugged In Grow Your Biz Facebook Twitter User-generated content 37 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 38. 5. Content Long-tail Keywords - more specific search phrases - generate lower volume of hits - takes searchers to sites with rich content more closely matching what searchers look for. - include in blogs 38 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 39. 5. Content Long-tail Keywords Number of hits Quality of hits 39 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 40. 6. Facebook The #1 Facebook Mistake Small Businesses Make? 40 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 41. 6. Facebook Not taking the steps to get your current customers to “like” you on Facebook. 41 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 42. 6. Facebook Consider: - Personally asking your customers to join. - Sending a dedicated email. - Have a customers-only contest. Get creative. Remember to work with people who already know and love you. 42 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 43. 6. Facebook Handout 8 Brands That Have Found Success on FB - Dave Kerpen, 43 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 44. 6. Facebook Set up a business page 44 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 45. 6. Facebook 45 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 46. 6. Facebook 7 tips to Customize your FB page for business: 1) Claim your vanity URL: 2) Get creative with your picture 3) Create a custom welcome page (takes tech skills): 4) Create custom tabs 46 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 47. 6. Facebook 5) Get creative with the “photostrip” 6) Target your posts (response to google+ circles) Use this feature to segment and personalize Facebook posts to different audiences of fans on your page 7) Run a contest or promotion (FB has strict rules) Checkout Wildfire do-it-yourself promo builder. 47 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 48. 6. Facebook Among the 84 Facebook brand pages examined: • 88% said they posted video content • 82% solicited fan stories or comments • 79% had their wall open for fan comments 66% • actively replied to fan posts and comments From study by Wong, Doody, Crandall, Wiener 48 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 49. 6. Facebook “Personal Search Results” “Social media replacing SEO as Google makes search results personal” • In the old search model, you optimized the headline with keywords like “Aspen’s Fresh Powder″ so everyone searching Google for that phrase sees your story. A simple, one-size-fits-all solution. • In the new model, Stacy’s search results will feature that story if her friend Jim previously shared or promoted it. But Vigi’s results could instead highlight a different story that her friend Carolyn shared. 49 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 50. 7. Twitter “Twitter is a real-time information network that connects you to the latest information about what you find interesting.” - Twitter 50 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 51. 7. Twitter Two main components: Follow and Followers 51 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 52. 7. Twitter “#” (hashtag) = It’s the theme. It connects tweets about a specific topic. “@” = to direct to a particular person, “@steve” “RT” = re-tweet..forward the message “Trending” = what’s popular now “Search” = powerful to find topics inside twitter 52 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 53. 7. Twitter A Quick #Hashtag Lesson The key is readability & relevance. So: 1) Don’t use too many. 2) Keep them relevant 3) Leave “#” at the end 4) Stay away from numbers and special characters 5) Use caps in multiple word “#” (#Green#Architect) from: 53 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 54. 7. Twitter “The Cup” espresso cafe in Boulder. 54 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 55. 7. Twitter Ch. 14 Publicized Customer Service. 55 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 56. 7. Twitter 140 characters so... Make every word count Keep tweets really short Keep it simple - no big words Link directly to blogs or other online source Provide context with kewords and hastags Write a good headline People keep things interesting 56 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 57. 7. Twitter Southwest Airlines 57 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 58. 7. Twitter Sunday was spent using Twitter or Facebook to tell The New York Times what you did on Sunday. Eating, Sleeping, Praying, and Writing All About It 58 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 59. 8. Blogs The central location through which you can share your thoughts. 59 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 60. 8. Blogs Key part of the engagement in the social media equation: Blogging: - Blogs make it easy to communicate more effectively with the audience you care about. - Easy way to update a Web site. - Simple way of organizing the content - Way to collect feedback - Public blogs are a great complement to the communications technologies you already use, such as email newsletters, conference calls and mailings. 60 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 61. 8. Blogs Blogs can be hosted on their own site: or, integrated into your website. 61 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 62. 8. Blogs 10 Guideline before you blog: 1) Define your purpose: who and what? 2) Schedule: you decide but try once or twice a week 3) Mix it up: short, long, funny, serious, heavy, light posts all work 4) Use photos: graphics inside paragraphs make for good reading 5) Size is important: long enough to make your case; short enough to stay interesting 62 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 63. 8. Blogs 6) Headlines are compelling: learn to write good ones -Curiosity: “What’s a Pastry Chef doing on Twitter?” -Use numbers (especially odd!): “19 Facebook Secrets to Grow Your Small Business” -Simplify complexity: “Still Single? This is Why.” 7) Design has value: Give it a style and personality that reflects you. Include icons, archives of recent posts... 63 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 64. 8. Blogs 8) Call to Action: “Get our free newsletter” 9) Never Edit Comments, but moderate to keep away inappropriateness. 10) Make categories and tags: good for readers and search engines 11) Write How You Speak: Some editing is good, but a blog post doesn’t have to be perfect. 12) Don’t Overthink It: posts don’t have to be balanced and comprhensive. From “Conten Rules” - Ann Handley, CC Chapman 64 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 65. YouTube & LinkedIn First YouTube upload: April 23, 2005 65 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 66. YouTube & LinkedIn 66 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 67. YouTube & LinkedIn Charlie Sneezing Panda Paul Potts Susan Boyle 67 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 68. YouTube & LinkedIn Whole Foods Branded/Fresh user content/Speaks to specific audience Audi channel 4 minute commercial/260,000 views/Audience specific 68 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 69. 9. Summary Quick Start Guide for Social Media - from “Facebook Marketing”, by Chris Treadway & Mari Smith 69 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 70. 9. Summary Use Social Media as a tool for small business to: • Listen • Engage • Measure 70 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 71. 9. Summary • What to expect when starting a social media campaign: – It takes time. • So, decide what you’re promoting: business, brand, product, people – It takes resources • Money, time and who’s the manager – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube won’t do the job for you – It gives you a new way to reach people, if done right – Focus on the content 71 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 72. 9. Summary We’re now content providers: Bite-sized tweets on Twitter Advice on a blog post Human interest videos Real-time news feed on Facebook 72 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 73. 9. Summary Start creating content that tells your story and positions you as an expert people seek. 73 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 74. 9. Summary Join the conversation. Stay with it. Start now. 74 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12
  • 75. 9. Summary Credit to: UnMarketing, by Scott Stratten Facebook Marketing, Chris Treadway Content Rules, Ann Handley and CC Chapman The Social Media Bible, Lon Safko 75 SpoonerSkadron / CMC Jan’12 Tuesday, January 24, 12