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The Fourth Annual
   Corporate Social Media Summit
   New York

Superior marketing response, sharper corporate
decision-making, enhanced innovation and a happier,
more loyal customer:

Become a social business                                                                                          #CSMNY
Two day business conference, June 12-13, 2013
The New Yorker Hotel, New York

A practical and interactive business conference built for social media,
marketing and communications executives:

MasterCard Worldwide        The Hertz Corporation          Outback Steakhouse         Sears & K Mart Seasonal      Footlocker/Eastbay
 Alfredo Gangotena               Bob Stuart                   Mike Kappitt              and Outdoor Living            Dave Lokes
  Chief Marketing Officer     Chief Marketing Officer       Chief Marketing Officer    Jennifer Dominiquini         Chief Marketing Officer
                                                                                         Chief Marketing Officer

  Get best practice from the                      Get closer to your                          Stand out in a highly
  global leaders: Exclusive strategic             customers through your                      competitive market:
  insight on the future of social from            social strategy: Build valuable             Become a social business, achieve
  8 Chief Marketing Officers from some            relationships, humanize your brand and      consistency of message and
  of the biggest brands in the world.             become customer centric to enhance          differentiate your company.
                                                  long-term customer loyalty.

Speakers include:                                                                                                            Co-sponsors:

   LOOK INSIDE to check out our top level social media and marketing speakers and business-focused agenda

Why attend our flagship
Summit in New York?
Social media is more than just a part of your
marketing mix – it is becoming fundamental to every
aspect of your business.

As a social media professional, are your top priorities customer service, web
technology and content engagement? According to Webtrends, they should be!
But according to Forbes, the vast majority of social media directors are still using social
simply as a marketing tool.
It’s not good enough anymore. With this limited view, you will fall behind your
Are you prepared to take your social activity across mobile? Can you consistently
pull together valuable and interactive content? Do you create the perfect customer
experience 24/7?
If you answered no to any of the above, and you want to leverage social for benefits
across your whole company, then join us on June 12-13th in New York.
The Corporate Social Media Summit will address many of the pressing issues
surrounding social media for business – as defined by your peers - including internal
integration, engaging your community and creating a content strategy.
We’ve recruited some of the world’s finest corporate experts to share best practice
with you and answer all your difficult questions– big names already include:
McDonald’s, Southwest Airlines, Dell, Hershey’s, FedEx, Hertz Corporation,
MasterCard and Sears.
Social media is the most transparent and personal communication channel out
there – and allows you to get closer to your consumers than ever before.
To do this most effectively you need to look beyond your marketing department. And that’s
why 2013’s Corporate Social Media Summit moves away from just marketing – and targets
your biggest challenges in this increasingly complex social world. Obviously, marketing is
still key – and we’ll still spend time discussing the finer points, too. Learn how to:
•	  rive brand awareness and ensure long-term growth: Become a part of your
   community, offer value, and leverage your advocates.
•	  mbed social across more than just marketing to ensure transparency,
   competitiveness and expand your customer relationship beyond sales.
•	  rovide the ultimate user experience with SoLoMo: Advance your social media
   strategy and encourage on-the-go engagement to improve consumer accessibility
   and drive sales.
Ensure you don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from global CMOs and
Senior Vice Presidents from across business: Reserve your ticket for this
sell-out event.
I look forward to seeing you in New York on June 12 and 13.


                        Hayley Dunn
                        Useful Social Media
Feedback from
the Corporate
Social Media
Summit In 2012:                                                                                     You literally couldn’t walk
                                                         CSMNY                                      away without taking
                                                         is the best                                something you could use
                                                         social media                               in your business
     Loved it –                                          conference.                                   Dewayne Hankins
     awesome!                                            Great speakers,
                                                                                                       Director of Social Media, Los Angeles Kings

             Stephanie Scott                             great content,
                                                                                                    The summit
             Social Media Specialist,
             American Airlines                           great brands!
                                                               Ashley Betzendahl                    is highly
                                                               Social Media Coordinator,
                                                               Goddard System

                                                                                                    and an
                Willingness of the various                                                          excellent
                organizations to share their                                                        way to gain
                social media wins and challenges                                                    actionable
                was very enlightening                                                               insights
                         Steve Walczak                                                                 Amy Sherwood
                         Certified Service Advertising                                                 Vice President - Public Relations 
                          Social Media Manager, GM                                                    Consumer Affairs, YUM! Brands

    What’s new for the #CSMNY Summit in 2013?
Leading insight                                          Double the sessions,                          Benchmark against
from leading CMOs:                                       double the learning:                          and learn from 300+
C-suite executives will share their insights             Introducing two tracks across the afternoon   corporate peers: 
from the very top. Our line-up includes Hertz            (day1) and morning (day2) – allowing          With over 16 hours of best practice and future
Corporation, MasterCard, Outback Steakhouse,             you to tailor both days to your specific      strategy planning. New interactive formats
Sears and Footlocker. CMOs give a different              needs. Whether you work for a B2B or          delivering you an in-depth debate which delves
perspective to social execs – they know where            B2C company we have targeted sessions         into your biggest issues – so you take-away
social is headed and can share the decisions             designed for you.                             solutions which can be put into action.
and strategies that will have impact on you 

Join the conversation! You can get involved at:                                                         #CSMNY

KEY          CMO Keynote            Plenary Sessions           B2C Specific          B2B Specific          Customer Care         Other

DAY 1 / mo rning

    Opening Keynote
    Social in context: Learn from CMOs
    about how social media fits into broader
    marketing and business strategy
  CEOs and CMOs have a vital role to play in leveraging social across business.                        MasterCard Worldwide              Organic Valley/ CROPP
  Their decisions impact on every aspect of your own role.                                             Alfredo Gangotena                 Cooperative
  According to Marketing Charts, CMOs project big increases in social
                                                                                                       Chief Marketing Officer           Theresa Marquez
                                                                                                                                         Chief Mission Executive
  media spending in the next 5 years. Things are changing and you need to
  understand C-suite intentions to align and evolve your own. In this session,                         The Hertz Corporation   
  you’ll hear direct from international CMOs on:                                                       Bob Stuart                        Christopher Krohn
  •	 Social Media integration: Understand how your role in social media is                            Chief Marketing Officer           President and Chief
      integrated into a wider marketing strategy - so you know what goals you                                                            Marketing Officer
      need to aim at
                                                                                                       Sears  K Mart Seasonal           Outback Steakhouse
  •	 The multi-channel marketing mix: How a holistic marketing approach
                                                                                                       and Outdoor Living                Mike Kappitt
      will create a consistent customer experience – and your role in the multi-
      channel mix                                                                                      Jennifer Dominiquini              Chief Marketing Officer
                                                                                                       Chief Marketing Officer
  •	 How the board assess social media success: Get insight on the standards
      and metrics you’re held accountable to – and how you can achieve them!                           Footlocker/Eastbay                The Hertz Corporation
                                                                                                       Dave Lokes                        Joseph Eckroth
                                                                                                       Chief Marketing Officer           Chief Innovation Officer

                                                                                                       John Heath
                                                                                                       Chief Marketing Officer

Become a social business                                                                                                                 Southwest Airlines
                                                                                                                                         Linda Rutherford
Map out how to move beyond marketing: Your role in embedding                                                                             Vice President of Communication
                                                                                                                                         and Strategic Outreach
social across multiple departments in your company
It’s essential to realise that social isn’t simply a way to do marketing - it’s a whole new way of doing business. According             Victor Reiss
to IBM, companies that embed social strategy across more than simply the marketing department drive real business                        Director Digital and Social Media
value and create competitive advantage.
Your role is critical. As head of social media, you need to help lay the foundations of a corporate social infrastructure –
and in this session you’ll learn how to do just that:                                                                                    McDonalds
                                                                                                                                         Heather Oldani
•	   Plan the system, develop the infrastructure: Learn the best ways to create a system which allows full social                       Senior Director of Communications
      integration and synergy across your business
•	   Give your employees and colleagues the tools to succeed: Empower your biggest assets to make the right decisions
      and be a critical asset in your social plans act decisively for the benefit of your social strategy
•	   Understand when to collaborate: Ensure you’re able to plan the levels at which cross collaboration is essential
      so you can achieve an even better internal communication flow
•	   Overcome conflicts of interest across multiple departments: Ensure your colleagues work in harmony to achieve
      corporate goals quicker

Get involved at:                           @usefulsocial                                

KEY          CMO Keynote            Plenary Sessions            B2C Specific          B2B Specific          Customer Care     Other

DAY 1 / mo rning

Put your new social infrastructure in place: Enhance consumer                                                                         Whole Foods Market
                                                                                                                                      Bill Tolany
experience through well-managed multi-departmental social                                                                             Senior Director, Marketing
                                                                                                                                       Integrated Media
Once you have broken down internal silos, set out a road-map and encouraged collaboration across your company,                        Tom Carusona
you’ve got to start walking the walk. Whether you are faced with a crisis, customer issue or simply want to engage                    Senior Director, Digital
your online customers, you need to ensure the strategy you’ve put in place works in the real world. In this session                    Social Media
you’ll learn::
•	 How to ensure different departments deliver consistent solutions - guarantee all departments engage your                          The Home Depot
    customers with one voice                                                                                                          Jean Niemi
                                                                                                                                      Director of Social Media
•	 Engage across multiple markets: Deliver your core messages, while adapting to different cultural expectations
•	 Define the triggers for multi-departmental involvement: Know when different departments need to collaborate
    to solve issues and leverage opportunities

Energize your advocates to build authentic relationships: Become                                                                      Oxygen Media
                                                                                                                                      Harleen Kathlon
a valued part of your community, interact with purpose and spot                                                                       Senior Vice President

new engagement opportunities
                                                                                                                                      Wells Fargo
As social media evolves, building authentic relationships - as opposed to building follower numbers - is becoming                     Kimarie Matthews
increasingly important for brands.                                                                                                    Vice President Social Web
Your business needs to become the center of the community, a trusted partner and ‘friend’. You achieve that, and you
will benefit from a wealth of information and insight. You’ll ensure you keep in line with changes in your industry, and in
consumer demand.
Keep ahead of competition by becoming trusted, boosting your reputation and driving long term credibility:
•	  Discover where your community communicates: Identify and rank different discussions channels so you can
     prioritize where your company should be spending resources
•	  Grow your own: Foster meaningful online discussions which allow you to build your own engaged community
•	  Become a thought leader: Provide valuable and credible information to attract customers, and drive leads back to
     your website

Effective audience segmentation:                                                                                                      PETCO Animal Supplies Inc
                                                                                                                                      Katherine Smith
Understand your customer better for more effective, targeted                                                                          Director Social Media

and precise marketing
It is important to realize that no consumer is the same. Every individual you’re trying to engage has a different set
of tastes, needs and preferences.
Fortunately, social media data gives you a better opportunity than ever before to get a truly 360-degree view of your
customer. Once you’ve got that, you can enhance your customer’s experience with targeted messages that are
engaging, personalized and differentiated:
•	   Spot an audience: Take your worldwide community of customers and break it down into different niche groups
•	   Identify your customer’s needs: Understand their behaviours, preferences and desires - so you can target your
      messages accordingly - ensuring relevance
•	   Build trust and relationships: Use social media to provide value to subsets of your customer base and engage
      in a way that allows your consumers to feel a connection with your brand

Join the conversation! You can get involved at:                                                                      #CSMNY

KEY          CMO Keynote             Plenary Sessions            B2C Specific          B2B Specific       Customer Care            Other

    T RACK 1                                                                                     TRAC K 2

How to find and leverage your key influencers:                                               Engage influencers to help put your product
generate awareness and build a buzz for your                                                 in front of core customers and lend credibility
brand with the support and backing of highly                                                 to your brand
influential evangelists                                                                      It’s important to accept that social media is now a channel that B2B marketers
                                                                                             cannot afford to ignore.
Forrester has found that 13.4% of US adults create 80% of the influential content online.    According to, key influencers play a vital role in
That shows you how essential it is to identify and then engage these influencers.            influencing decision makers within potential client businesses. Their approval,
Identifying key figures in the industry can significantly impact your reach, reputation      recommendations and insights about a product/service help to build credibility
and customer loyalty. Social gives you great opportunity to do this – but brings             - and lift your brand’s reputation amongst potential customers.
additional challenges. You’ve got to be faster, more transparent, and truly global to        In this session you will learn how to identify, nurture and leverage thought leaders
create meaningful relations with these thought-leaders.                                      to get exposure to - and business from – a new client base.
•	 Identify key influencers with a large, engaged audience - an audience who cares          •	   IDENTIFY: Build a network of advocates: Identify which influencers can help
    about what your business offers                                                                your products be seen
•	 How to demonstrate you’ll provide influencers with benefits that matter to them:         •	   ENGAGE: Build mutually-beneficial relationships to enhance your industry
    Ensure they’re excited by, and engaged with, your brand                                        presence
•	 Take it to the next level: Develop influencer relationships for more proactive           •	   DELIVER: Techniques to ensure key advocates act to help you - broaden
    evangelisation and effective brand building                                                    reach, boost reputation, and get more business
Michael Kors Farryn Weiner Director of Social Media, Worldwide                               Dell Cory Edwards Director of Social Media and Corporate Reputation
IZEA Ted Murphy CEO

Create exciting, useful and valuable content:                                                Get more interesting: Learn how to take
Increase engagement, trigger a response                                                      an underwhelming product or service –
and drive online sharing to broaden your                                                     and focus on the positives to turn it into
company’s reach                                                                              engaging content
Make your voice stand out from the crowd and gain competitive advantage by providing         According to BtoB Magazine, 82% of B2B marketers believe that strong content
value to your customers through content. According to Business Grow, a significant           is critical to boosting presence online.
amount of users visit brand sites to consume content – not for freebies and discounts.       Therefore, it’s obvious that distributing content through social media should be top
It’s vital you give them this reason to engage with your brand.                              of your agenda.
You must know how to create compelling - and relevant - content – that engages, but          But when you’re a company that makes cardboard boxes, how can you come up
more importantly, drives customers down your sales funnel.                                   with a continuous stream of interesting, valuable content – on time and
Identify your consumer and analyze what is of value to them: Enhance your                    under budget?
knowledge of the customer and match content to their needs                                   •	  Understand what you want your content to achieve: Clearly define your content
•	   Produce content that’s both relevant to your consumers - and aligned with your              strategy to ensure it is aligned with your business goals
      brand’s objectives                                                                     •	 not just the customer: Learn how content can be used to engage other
•	   Create an emotional connection with your brand via experiential marketing:                  critical stakeholder groups – employees, investors and beyond
      Provoke a long term connection between customer’s emotions and your                    •	  Understand how to pull out engaging stories from what may be perceived
      product/service                                                                             as a dull industry
ESPN Katie Richman Director of Social Media Strategy  Social Product                        •	  Identify the right platforms and audiences to share your content: Leverage
Development                                                                                       LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to ensure you are reaching stakeholders
The Hershey Company David Witt Director, Global Digital Marketing and Brand PR                    on the channels they use
                                                                                             SAP Todd Wilms Senior Director, Social Media Marketing

Get involved at:                            @usefulsocial                                             

KEY         CMO Keynote            Plenary Sessions          B2C Specific           B2B Specific        Customer Care            Other

DAY 2 / mo rning
    T RACK 1                                                                                  TRAC K 2

Get closer to your customers: Use advanced                                                Incorporate advanced SoLoMo strategy:
social CRM strategy to build a fuller picture                                             Deeper engagement through cutting edge
of your customer-base                                                                     integrated marketing techniques
There’s a huge opportunity – social interaction generates a huge amount of data           SoLoMo - the combination of social media, location-aware technology and
you can use to get a far more complex view of individual customers.                       mobile device usage offers huge opportunities to your business. Adding it to
Integrate social data into your Customer Relationship Management strategy and             your marketing strategy allows new levels of immediacy and advanced targeting.
you’ll be able to leverage this information for better corporate decision-making:         With strong SoLoMo work, you can be sure you are reaching the right consumers -
                                                                                          at the right place and time.
•	 Discover how to data capture through multiple social touch points and ensure
    information is used to inform future customer engagement                              With over 50% of the US population owning a smart device and 70% using social
                                                                                          media (Nielsen, 2012) it is now that you need to integrate your social, local and
•	 Train your team to use sensitive information: Ensure you engage with your             mobile strategy:
    consumers without being intrusive
                                                                                          •	  Ensure Social, Local and Mobile work seamlessly together: Target by location,
•	 Distribute data efficiently: Ensure multiple departments reap the benefit                  engage via social and use mobile to deliver messaging at the time when your
    of a fuller customer profile                                                               consumers are most likely to act
Thomson Reuters Jen McClure Senior Director, Social Media Strategy                        •	  Optimize your mobile site for social interaction – become mobile friendly and
                                                                                               provide sharing capabilities to enhance your online and offline reach
                                                                                          •	  Simplify your user experience to ensure your conversion process captures
                                                                                               the right person, at the right time, in the right place
                                                                                          EXPRESS Eric Gohs Director of Online Marketing

Social channels as a helpline: Better                                                     Use social media internally for increased
customer service through social interaction                                               collaboration, innovation and efficiency
62% of companies have already used social media for customer service                      61% of employees say their company’s social media tools help them collaborate.
resolution. 77% of customers expect to be served in the channel of their choice.          60% of employees say use of internal social media demonstrates innovation. And
If you’re not using social customer service, you’re already behind the curve.             58% of employees would rather work at a company that uses internal social media
And if you are, it takes a whole lot of work to stay ahead of it.                         effectively.
Hear how Caterpillar and Ancestry integrate social with customer service for              The gains are significant. If you can drive internal adoption of social media, you’ll be
a future-proof, pro-active and engaging strategy:                                         able to empower and enthuse employees, trigger interaction, and boost innovation.
•	  Using social to resolve, not just spot, individual issues: How to manage             In this session, we’ll show you how to do exactly that:
     complaints online - and why keeping it in the public domain is a must                •	 up an internal platform to allow teams to contribute and collaborate in real
     until absolutely necessary                                                                time: Leverage latent internal expertise to help build a more robust business
•	  Different channel, different approach: Specific tactics and best practice                 strategy
     for complaint resolution on Twitter and Facebook                                     •	 up policies and training: Make your employees aware of the dos and don’ts
•	  How to train staff for social complaint resolution: New skills to enhance                 for better team-working, and fewer internal disputes
     efficiency, save time and boost customer experience                                  •	  How to take internal insight and collaborative ideas to define future goals and Nick Cifuentes Director, Global Social Media                                      solutions: Improve employee relationships and business growth by leveraging
                                                                                               latent internal expertise
Caterpillar Kevin Espinosa Social Media Marketing Manager
                                                                                          Wells Fargo Nathan Bricklin Senior Vice President and Head of Social
ATT Phil Bienert SVP, Digital Experience                                                 Business Strategy
                                                                                          Protiviti Greg Hedges Managing Director

Join the conversation! You can follow us at:                                                                                    #CSMNY

KEY          CMO Keynote              Plenary Sessions             B2C Specific           B2B Specific            Customer Care     Other


Social media for crisis response: Preserve brand reputation with                                                                            JetBlue Airways Corp
                                                                                                                                            Jenny Dervin
a fast, transparent and empathetic response                                                                                                 Vice President Corporate
It is no longer acceptable to communicate during a crisis using a press release. It is vital that you reach out directly to your
stakeholders for better - more efficient - crisis resolution.                                                                               Procter  Gamble
Social media creates additional challenges for your crisis response strategy – you need to react more quickly, across                       Paul Fox
multiple platforms, to many different audiences. Overcome the challenges raised by social - create a strategy which                         Director, Corporate
allows you to forward plan against potential threats and deal with the unexpected.
•	 Organize and train your team: Provide guidelines, processes and procedures to ensure a quick crisis resolution
•	   Identify and differentiate one-off issues with those that require a coordinated response: Avoid time-wasting and prioritize
      your efforts for most efficient resource allocation
•	   Become proactive: Scenario plan to pre-identify solutions for your most common issues

From quantitative to qualitative measurement: Analyze the holistic                                                                          Ring Central
                                                                                                                                            Baochi Nguyen
impact your social engagement is having on your business                                                                                    Director of Social Strategy

According to Econsultancy, “having 1million ‘likes’ means nothing if they are not engaged”. They’re right. For effective social
engagement, one must move beyond basic statistics.                                                                                          General Mills
It is essential that you have an in-depth overview of your company’s performance in order to drive future success. Social                   Kirstie Foster
interaction offers unprecedented levels of data – unprecedented insight on impact, customer sentiment and more. But it all                  Director of Public Relations
goes to waste unless you’re tracking it.                                                                                                    and Social Media

•	   Shift your measurement from clicks to comments: Understand the sentiment of your consumer’s conversation so you
      can analyze the effect that social has on your brand’s reputation
•	   Measure your customer relationships: How relevant, quick and accurate are you are when engaging with potential
      or existing customers?
•	   Analyze how your online community is sharing your content - the reach your postings achieve - and how this ties back
      into revenue generation

Establish the right framework to capture, manage and analyze social                                                                         L’Oreal
                                                                                                                                            Georges-Edouard Dias
data – for an improved future business strategy                                                                                             Chief Digital Officer

With the explosion of social media data, your company has more information than ever before to guide activity, strategy
and future performance.
But to leverage it, you need to know how to capture this data, then analyze it and act.
It is most vital to have a clear strategy to deal with this data - so you can forward plan to meet the demands of your
In this session we will prepare you will the tools and tactics that you need - to turn your data into actionable insight.
•	   Capture relevant information: Enable relevant data to be captured throughout your social media engagement to ensure
      this is logged for future use
•	   Take new information and distribute it correctly: Ensure your provide new insight to the right person which will define
      your business strategy moving forward
•	   Inform content, marketing and product development decisions: Use social data to decide where to focus your next efforts

Get involved at:                              @usefulsocial                                 

Here’s a sample of some of the leading                                                                                     Who’s in the room
brands who attended in 2012                                                                                                                                                                                     23% Service
                                                                                                                                73%                                                                             Providers

                                                                                                                                                                                                    4% Journalists

                                                                                                                                                                                                       33% Directors
                                                                                                                              26% Managers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3% Senior

                                                                                                                                  13% Vice
                                                                                                                                  Presidents                                                                          4% CEOs

 REGISTER NOW                                                                      All Passes
                                                                                                                          The Corporate Social Media Summit
                                                                                                                          June 12-13, 2013 The New Yorker, New York City
                                                                                   Access to all
                                                                                     sessions,                            I work for a brand                                  I work for an agency
       Choose Your Pass                                                          lunches + drinks                         / corporate                                         / solution provider
      Standard                                                                                                            Book by March 22	
                                                                                                                          $1395	 SAVE $400
                                                                                                                                                                              Book by March 22	
                                                                                                                                                                              $2095	 SAVE $400
                                                                                                                          Book by May 3	                                      Book by May 3	
      +	  ccess to presentation slides post-conference
                                                                                                                          $1645	 SAVE $150                                    $2345	 SAVE $150
                                                                                                                          Full price	                                         Full price	
                                                                                                                          $1795                                               $2495

      Premium                                                                                                             Book by March 22	
                                                                                                                          $1595	 SAVE $400
                                                                                                                                                                              Book by March 22	
                                                                                                                                                                              $2295	 SAVE $400
                                                                                                                          Book by May 3	                                      Book by May 3	
      +	  ccess to presentation slides post-conference
                                                                                                                          $1845	 SAVE $150                                    $2545	 SAVE $150
      +	  P3s of every session at the conference
                                                                                                                          Full price	                                         Full price	
                                                                                                                          $1995                                               $2695

      Platinum                                                                                                            Book by March 22	
                                                                                                                          $2195	 SAVE $400
                                                                                                                                                                              Book by March 22	
                                                                                                                                                                              $2895	 SAVE $400
                                                                                                                          Book by May 3	                                      Book by May 3	
      +	  ccess to presentation slides post-conference
                                                                                                                          $2445	 SAVE $150                                    $3145	 SAVE $150
      +	  P3s of every session at the conference
                                                                                                                          Full price	                                         Full price	
       INCLUDES NEW 56-PAGE BUSINESS REPORT                                                                               $2595                                               $3295
           Register for a Diamond Pass and receive a copy of our brand new
           report. The report will help you utilize the power of social media
           to preserve and enhance your company’s reputation.

          CALL US              +1 800 814 34 59 EMAIL US:
TERMS  CONDITIONS Places are transferable without any charge. Cancellations after 26 April 2013 incur an administrative charge of 25%. If you cancel your registration after 17 May 2013 we will be obliged to charge the full fee.
Please note – you must notify Useful Social Media in writing of a cancellation, or we will be obliged to charge the full fee. The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the programme without notice. All prices displayed are exclusive
of VAT unless otherwise stated, but VAT will be charged, where applicable, at the prevailing rate on the invoice date and the relevant details will appear on the invoice. NB: FULL PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE THE EVENT
The Fourth Annual
  Corporate Social Media Summit
  New York

Superior marketing response, sharper corporate
decision-making, enhanced innovation and a happier,
more loyal customer:

Become a social business                                                                                            #CSMNY
Two day business conference, June 12-13, 2013
The New Yorker Hotel, New York

 Hear from 30+ corporate marketing and social media leaders:
       MasterCard Worldwide       Wells Fargo                         The Hershey Company                    Whole Foods Market
       Alfredo Gangotena          Kimarie Matthews                    David Witt                             Bill Tolany
       Chief Marketing Officer    Vice President Social Web           Director, Global Digital Marketing     Senior Director, Marketing
                                                                      and Brand PR                            Integrated Media

       The Hertz Corporation      Bank of America                     McDonalds                              Caterpillar
       Bob Stuart                 Emily Berg                          Heather Oldani                         Kevin Espinosa
       Chief Marketing Officer    Senior Vice President               Senior Director of Communications      Social Media Marketing Manager
                                  Social Media

       Sears  K Mart Seasonal    Oxygen Media                        Procter  Gamble                       SAP
       and Outdoor Living         Harleen Kathlon                     Paul Fox                               Todd Wilms
       Jennifer Dominiquini       Senior Vice President               Director, Corporate                    Senior Director,
       Chief Marketing Officer                                        Communications                         Social Media Marketing 

       Footlocker/Eastbay         Wells Fargo                         Thomson Reuters                        ARAMARK
       Dave Lokes                 Nathan Bricklin                     Jen McClure                            Tom Carusona
       Chief Marketing Officer    Senior Vice President and           Senior Director,                       Senior Director,
                                  Head of Social Business Strategy    Social Media Strategy                  Digital  Social Media

       Organic Valley/ CROPP      The Home Depot                                       LEGO Group
       Cooperative                Jean Niemi                          Nick Cifuentes                         Lars Silberbauer
       Theresa Marquez            Director of Social Media            Director, Global Social Media          Head of Social Media,
       Chief Mission Executive             Southwest Airlines                  EXPRESS                                Ring Central
       Christopher Krohn          Linda Rutherford                    Eric Gohs                              Baochi Nguyen
       President and Chief        Vice President of Communication     Director of Online Marketing           Director of Social Strategy
       Marketing Officer          and Strategic Outreach

       Outback Steakhouse         Dell                                FedEx                                  American Airlines
       Mike Kappitt               Cory Edwards                        Victor Reiss                           Jonathan Pierce
       Chief Marketing Officer    Director of Social Media and        Director Digital and Social Media      Director, Social
                                  Corporate Reputation                                                       Communications

       JetBlue Airways Corp       ESPN                                L’Oreal                                Michael Kors
       Jenny Dervin               Katie Richman                       Georges-Edouard Dias                   Farryn Weiner
       Vice President Corporate   Director of Social Media Strategy   Chief Digital Officer                  Director of Social Media,
       Communications              Social Product Development                                               Worldwide

       The Hertz Corporation      IZEA                                General Mills                          Chobani
       Joseph Eckroth             Ted Murphy                          Kirstie Foster                         John Heath
       Chief Innovation Officer   CEO                                 Director of Public Relations           Chief Marketing Officer
                                                                      and Social Media

       ATT                       Protiviti
       Phil Bienert               Greg Hedges
       SVP, Digital Experience    Managing Director

Join the conversation! You can follow us at:

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The Corporate Social Media Summit New York

  • 1. The Fourth Annual Corporate Social Media Summit New York USM Superior marketing response, sharper corporate decision-making, enhanced innovation and a happier, more loyal customer: Become a social business #CSMNY Two day business conference, June 12-13, 2013 The New Yorker Hotel, New York A practical and interactive business conference built for social media, marketing and communications executives: MasterCard Worldwide The Hertz Corporation Outback Steakhouse Sears & K Mart Seasonal Footlocker/Eastbay Alfredo Gangotena Bob Stuart Mike Kappitt and Outdoor Living Dave Lokes Chief Marketing Officer Chief Marketing Officer Chief Marketing Officer Jennifer Dominiquini Chief Marketing Officer Chief Marketing Officer Get best practice from the Get closer to your Stand out in a highly global leaders: Exclusive strategic customers through your competitive market: insight on the future of social from social strategy: Build valuable Become a social business, achieve 8 Chief Marketing Officers from some relationships, humanize your brand and consistency of message and of the biggest brands in the world. become customer centric to enhance differentiate your company. long-term customer loyalty. Speakers include: Co-sponsors: LOOK INSIDE to check out our top level social media and marketing speakers and business-focused agenda
  • 2. USM Why attend our flagship Summit in New York? Social media is more than just a part of your marketing mix – it is becoming fundamental to every aspect of your business. As a social media professional, are your top priorities customer service, web technology and content engagement? According to Webtrends, they should be! But according to Forbes, the vast majority of social media directors are still using social simply as a marketing tool. It’s not good enough anymore. With this limited view, you will fall behind your competition. Are you prepared to take your social activity across mobile? Can you consistently pull together valuable and interactive content? Do you create the perfect customer experience 24/7? If you answered no to any of the above, and you want to leverage social for benefits across your whole company, then join us on June 12-13th in New York. The Corporate Social Media Summit will address many of the pressing issues surrounding social media for business – as defined by your peers - including internal integration, engaging your community and creating a content strategy. We’ve recruited some of the world’s finest corporate experts to share best practice with you and answer all your difficult questions– big names already include: McDonald’s, Southwest Airlines, Dell, Hershey’s, FedEx, Hertz Corporation, MasterCard and Sears. Social media is the most transparent and personal communication channel out there – and allows you to get closer to your consumers than ever before. To do this most effectively you need to look beyond your marketing department. And that’s why 2013’s Corporate Social Media Summit moves away from just marketing – and targets your biggest challenges in this increasingly complex social world. Obviously, marketing is still key – and we’ll still spend time discussing the finer points, too. Learn how to: • rive brand awareness and ensure long-term growth: Become a part of your D community, offer value, and leverage your advocates. • mbed social across more than just marketing to ensure transparency, E competitiveness and expand your customer relationship beyond sales. • rovide the ultimate user experience with SoLoMo: Advance your social media P strategy and encourage on-the-go engagement to improve consumer accessibility and drive sales. Ensure you don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from global CMOs and Senior Vice Presidents from across business: Reserve your ticket for this sell-out event. I look forward to seeing you in New York on June 12 and 13. Sincerely, Hayley Dunn Useful Social Media
  • 3. USM Feedback from the Corporate Social Media Summit In 2012: You literally couldn’t walk CSMNY away without taking is the best something you could use social media in your business Loved it – conference. Dewayne Hankins awesome! Great speakers, Director of Social Media, Los Angeles Kings Stephanie Scott great content, The summit Social Media Specialist, American Airlines great brands! Ashley Betzendahl is highly worthwhile Social Media Coordinator, Goddard System and an Willingness of the various excellent organizations to share their way to gain social media wins and challenges actionable was very enlightening insights Steve Walczak Amy Sherwood Certified Service Advertising Vice President - Public Relations Social Media Manager, GM Consumer Affairs, YUM! Brands What’s new for the #CSMNY Summit in 2013? Leading insight Double the sessions, Benchmark against from leading CMOs:  double the learning: and learn from 300+ C-suite executives will share their insights Introducing two tracks across the afternoon corporate peers:  from the very top. Our line-up includes Hertz (day1) and morning (day2) – allowing With over 16 hours of best practice and future Corporation, MasterCard, Outback Steakhouse, you to tailor both days to your specific strategy planning. New interactive formats Sears and Footlocker. CMOs give a different needs. Whether you work for a B2B or delivering you an in-depth debate which delves perspective to social execs – they know where B2C company we have targeted sessions into your biggest issues – so you take-away social is headed and can share the decisions designed for you. solutions which can be put into action. and strategies that will have impact on you  Join the conversation! You can get involved at: #CSMNY
  • 4. SUMMIT AGENDA USM KEY CMO Keynote Plenary Sessions B2C Specific B2B Specific Customer Care Other DAY 1 / mo rning Opening Keynote Social in context: Learn from CMOs about how social media fits into broader marketing and business strategy CEOs and CMOs have a vital role to play in leveraging social across business. MasterCard Worldwide Organic Valley/ CROPP Their decisions impact on every aspect of your own role. Alfredo Gangotena Cooperative According to Marketing Charts, CMOs project big increases in social Chief Marketing Officer Theresa Marquez Chief Mission Executive media spending in the next 5 years. Things are changing and you need to understand C-suite intentions to align and evolve your own. In this session, The Hertz Corporation you’ll hear direct from international CMOs on: Bob Stuart Christopher Krohn • Social Media integration: Understand how your role in social media is Chief Marketing Officer President and Chief integrated into a wider marketing strategy - so you know what goals you Marketing Officer need to aim at Sears K Mart Seasonal Outback Steakhouse • The multi-channel marketing mix: How a holistic marketing approach and Outdoor Living Mike Kappitt will create a consistent customer experience – and your role in the multi- channel mix Jennifer Dominiquini Chief Marketing Officer Chief Marketing Officer • How the board assess social media success: Get insight on the standards and metrics you’re held accountable to – and how you can achieve them! Footlocker/Eastbay The Hertz Corporation Dave Lokes Joseph Eckroth Chief Marketing Officer Chief Innovation Officer Chobani John Heath Chief Marketing Officer Become a social business Southwest Airlines Linda Rutherford Map out how to move beyond marketing: Your role in embedding Vice President of Communication and Strategic Outreach social across multiple departments in your company FedEx It’s essential to realise that social isn’t simply a way to do marketing - it’s a whole new way of doing business. According Victor Reiss to IBM, companies that embed social strategy across more than simply the marketing department drive real business Director Digital and Social Media value and create competitive advantage. Your role is critical. As head of social media, you need to help lay the foundations of a corporate social infrastructure – and in this session you’ll learn how to do just that: McDonalds Heather Oldani • Plan the system, develop the infrastructure: Learn the best ways to create a system which allows full social Senior Director of Communications integration and synergy across your business • Give your employees and colleagues the tools to succeed: Empower your biggest assets to make the right decisions and be a critical asset in your social plans act decisively for the benefit of your social strategy • Understand when to collaborate: Ensure you’re able to plan the levels at which cross collaboration is essential so you can achieve an even better internal communication flow • Overcome conflicts of interest across multiple departments: Ensure your colleagues work in harmony to achieve corporate goals quicker Get involved at: @usefulsocial
  • 5. SUMMIT AGENDA USM KEY CMO Keynote Plenary Sessions B2C Specific B2B Specific Customer Care Other DAY 1 / mo rning Put your new social infrastructure in place: Enhance consumer Whole Foods Market Bill Tolany experience through well-managed multi-departmental social Senior Director, Marketing Integrated Media engagement ARAMARK Once you have broken down internal silos, set out a road-map and encouraged collaboration across your company, Tom Carusona you’ve got to start walking the walk. Whether you are faced with a crisis, customer issue or simply want to engage Senior Director, Digital your online customers, you need to ensure the strategy you’ve put in place works in the real world. In this session Social Media you’ll learn:: • How to ensure different departments deliver consistent solutions - guarantee all departments engage your The Home Depot customers with one voice Jean Niemi Director of Social Media • Engage across multiple markets: Deliver your core messages, while adapting to different cultural expectations • Define the triggers for multi-departmental involvement: Know when different departments need to collaborate to solve issues and leverage opportunities Energize your advocates to build authentic relationships: Become Oxygen Media Harleen Kathlon a valued part of your community, interact with purpose and spot Senior Vice President new engagement opportunities Wells Fargo As social media evolves, building authentic relationships - as opposed to building follower numbers - is becoming Kimarie Matthews increasingly important for brands. Vice President Social Web Your business needs to become the center of the community, a trusted partner and ‘friend’. You achieve that, and you will benefit from a wealth of information and insight. You’ll ensure you keep in line with changes in your industry, and in consumer demand. Keep ahead of competition by becoming trusted, boosting your reputation and driving long term credibility: • Discover where your community communicates: Identify and rank different discussions channels so you can prioritize where your company should be spending resources • Grow your own: Foster meaningful online discussions which allow you to build your own engaged community • Become a thought leader: Provide valuable and credible information to attract customers, and drive leads back to your website Effective audience segmentation: PETCO Animal Supplies Inc Katherine Smith Understand your customer better for more effective, targeted Director Social Media and precise marketing It is important to realize that no consumer is the same. Every individual you’re trying to engage has a different set of tastes, needs and preferences. Fortunately, social media data gives you a better opportunity than ever before to get a truly 360-degree view of your customer. Once you’ve got that, you can enhance your customer’s experience with targeted messages that are engaging, personalized and differentiated: • Spot an audience: Take your worldwide community of customers and break it down into different niche groups • Identify your customer’s needs: Understand their behaviours, preferences and desires - so you can target your messages accordingly - ensuring relevance • Build trust and relationships: Use social media to provide value to subsets of your customer base and engage in a way that allows your consumers to feel a connection with your brand Join the conversation! You can get involved at: #CSMNY
  • 6. SUMMIT AGENDA USM KEY CMO Keynote Plenary Sessions B2C Specific B2B Specific Customer Care Other DAY 1 / AFTERNOON T RACK 1 TRAC K 2 How to find and leverage your key influencers: Engage influencers to help put your product generate awareness and build a buzz for your in front of core customers and lend credibility brand with the support and backing of highly to your brand influential evangelists It’s important to accept that social media is now a channel that B2B marketers cannot afford to ignore. Forrester has found that 13.4% of US adults create 80% of the influential content online. According to, key influencers play a vital role in That shows you how essential it is to identify and then engage these influencers. influencing decision makers within potential client businesses. Their approval, Identifying key figures in the industry can significantly impact your reach, reputation recommendations and insights about a product/service help to build credibility and customer loyalty. Social gives you great opportunity to do this – but brings - and lift your brand’s reputation amongst potential customers. additional challenges. You’ve got to be faster, more transparent, and truly global to In this session you will learn how to identify, nurture and leverage thought leaders create meaningful relations with these thought-leaders. to get exposure to - and business from – a new client base. • Identify key influencers with a large, engaged audience - an audience who cares • IDENTIFY: Build a network of advocates: Identify which influencers can help about what your business offers your products be seen • How to demonstrate you’ll provide influencers with benefits that matter to them: • ENGAGE: Build mutually-beneficial relationships to enhance your industry Ensure they’re excited by, and engaged with, your brand presence • Take it to the next level: Develop influencer relationships for more proactive • DELIVER: Techniques to ensure key advocates act to help you - broaden evangelisation and effective brand building reach, boost reputation, and get more business Michael Kors Farryn Weiner Director of Social Media, Worldwide Dell Cory Edwards Director of Social Media and Corporate Reputation IZEA Ted Murphy CEO Create exciting, useful and valuable content: Get more interesting: Learn how to take Increase engagement, trigger a response an underwhelming product or service – and drive online sharing to broaden your and focus on the positives to turn it into company’s reach engaging content Make your voice stand out from the crowd and gain competitive advantage by providing According to BtoB Magazine, 82% of B2B marketers believe that strong content value to your customers through content. According to Business Grow, a significant is critical to boosting presence online. amount of users visit brand sites to consume content – not for freebies and discounts. Therefore, it’s obvious that distributing content through social media should be top It’s vital you give them this reason to engage with your brand. of your agenda. You must know how to create compelling - and relevant - content – that engages, but But when you’re a company that makes cardboard boxes, how can you come up more importantly, drives customers down your sales funnel. with a continuous stream of interesting, valuable content – on time and Identify your consumer and analyze what is of value to them: Enhance your under budget? knowledge of the customer and match content to their needs • Understand what you want your content to achieve: Clearly define your content • Produce content that’s both relevant to your consumers - and aligned with your strategy to ensure it is aligned with your business goals brand’s objectives • not just the customer: Learn how content can be used to engage other It’s • Create an emotional connection with your brand via experiential marketing: critical stakeholder groups – employees, investors and beyond Provoke a long term connection between customer’s emotions and your • Understand how to pull out engaging stories from what may be perceived product/service as a dull industry ESPN Katie Richman Director of Social Media Strategy Social Product • Identify the right platforms and audiences to share your content: Leverage Development LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to ensure you are reaching stakeholders The Hershey Company David Witt Director, Global Digital Marketing and Brand PR on the channels they use SAP Todd Wilms Senior Director, Social Media Marketing Get involved at: @usefulsocial
  • 7. SUMMIT AGENDA USM KEY CMO Keynote Plenary Sessions B2C Specific B2B Specific Customer Care Other DAY 2 / mo rning T RACK 1 TRAC K 2 Get closer to your customers: Use advanced Incorporate advanced SoLoMo strategy: social CRM strategy to build a fuller picture Deeper engagement through cutting edge of your customer-base integrated marketing techniques There’s a huge opportunity – social interaction generates a huge amount of data SoLoMo - the combination of social media, location-aware technology and you can use to get a far more complex view of individual customers. mobile device usage offers huge opportunities to your business. Adding it to Integrate social data into your Customer Relationship Management strategy and your marketing strategy allows new levels of immediacy and advanced targeting. you’ll be able to leverage this information for better corporate decision-making: With strong SoLoMo work, you can be sure you are reaching the right consumers - at the right place and time. • Discover how to data capture through multiple social touch points and ensure information is used to inform future customer engagement With over 50% of the US population owning a smart device and 70% using social media (Nielsen, 2012) it is now that you need to integrate your social, local and • Train your team to use sensitive information: Ensure you engage with your mobile strategy: consumers without being intrusive • Ensure Social, Local and Mobile work seamlessly together: Target by location, • Distribute data efficiently: Ensure multiple departments reap the benefit engage via social and use mobile to deliver messaging at the time when your of a fuller customer profile consumers are most likely to act Thomson Reuters Jen McClure Senior Director, Social Media Strategy • Optimize your mobile site for social interaction – become mobile friendly and provide sharing capabilities to enhance your online and offline reach • Simplify your user experience to ensure your conversion process captures the right person, at the right time, in the right place EXPRESS Eric Gohs Director of Online Marketing Social channels as a helpline: Better Use social media internally for increased customer service through social interaction collaboration, innovation and efficiency 62% of companies have already used social media for customer service 61% of employees say their company’s social media tools help them collaborate. resolution. 77% of customers expect to be served in the channel of their choice. 60% of employees say use of internal social media demonstrates innovation. And If you’re not using social customer service, you’re already behind the curve. 58% of employees would rather work at a company that uses internal social media And if you are, it takes a whole lot of work to stay ahead of it. effectively. Hear how Caterpillar and Ancestry integrate social with customer service for The gains are significant. If you can drive internal adoption of social media, you’ll be a future-proof, pro-active and engaging strategy: able to empower and enthuse employees, trigger interaction, and boost innovation. • Using social to resolve, not just spot, individual issues: How to manage In this session, we’ll show you how to do exactly that: complaints online - and why keeping it in the public domain is a must • up an internal platform to allow teams to contribute and collaborate in real Set until absolutely necessary time: Leverage latent internal expertise to help build a more robust business • Different channel, different approach: Specific tactics and best practice strategy for complaint resolution on Twitter and Facebook • up policies and training: Make your employees aware of the dos and don’ts Set • How to train staff for social complaint resolution: New skills to enhance for better team-working, and fewer internal disputes efficiency, save time and boost customer experience • How to take internal insight and collaborative ideas to define future goals and Nick Cifuentes Director, Global Social Media solutions: Improve employee relationships and business growth by leveraging latent internal expertise Caterpillar Kevin Espinosa Social Media Marketing Manager Wells Fargo Nathan Bricklin Senior Vice President and Head of Social ATT Phil Bienert SVP, Digital Experience Business Strategy Protiviti Greg Hedges Managing Director Join the conversation! You can follow us at: #CSMNY
  • 8. SUMMIT AGENDA USM KEY CMO Keynote Plenary Sessions B2C Specific B2B Specific Customer Care Other DAY 2 / AFTERNOON Social media for crisis response: Preserve brand reputation with JetBlue Airways Corp Jenny Dervin a fast, transparent and empathetic response Vice President Corporate Communications It is no longer acceptable to communicate during a crisis using a press release. It is vital that you reach out directly to your stakeholders for better - more efficient - crisis resolution. Procter Gamble Social media creates additional challenges for your crisis response strategy – you need to react more quickly, across Paul Fox multiple platforms, to many different audiences. Overcome the challenges raised by social - create a strategy which Director, Corporate Communications allows you to forward plan against potential threats and deal with the unexpected. • Organize and train your team: Provide guidelines, processes and procedures to ensure a quick crisis resolution • Identify and differentiate one-off issues with those that require a coordinated response: Avoid time-wasting and prioritize your efforts for most efficient resource allocation • Become proactive: Scenario plan to pre-identify solutions for your most common issues From quantitative to qualitative measurement: Analyze the holistic Ring Central Baochi Nguyen impact your social engagement is having on your business Director of Social Strategy According to Econsultancy, “having 1million ‘likes’ means nothing if they are not engaged”. They’re right. For effective social engagement, one must move beyond basic statistics. General Mills It is essential that you have an in-depth overview of your company’s performance in order to drive future success. Social Kirstie Foster interaction offers unprecedented levels of data – unprecedented insight on impact, customer sentiment and more. But it all Director of Public Relations goes to waste unless you’re tracking it. and Social Media • Shift your measurement from clicks to comments: Understand the sentiment of your consumer’s conversation so you can analyze the effect that social has on your brand’s reputation • Measure your customer relationships: How relevant, quick and accurate are you are when engaging with potential or existing customers? • Analyze how your online community is sharing your content - the reach your postings achieve - and how this ties back into revenue generation Establish the right framework to capture, manage and analyze social L’Oreal Georges-Edouard Dias data – for an improved future business strategy Chief Digital Officer With the explosion of social media data, your company has more information than ever before to guide activity, strategy and future performance. But to leverage it, you need to know how to capture this data, then analyze it and act. It is most vital to have a clear strategy to deal with this data - so you can forward plan to meet the demands of your consumers. In this session we will prepare you will the tools and tactics that you need - to turn your data into actionable insight. • Capture relevant information: Enable relevant data to be captured throughout your social media engagement to ensure this is logged for future use • Take new information and distribute it correctly: Ensure your provide new insight to the right person which will define your business strategy moving forward • Inform content, marketing and product development decisions: Use social data to decide where to focus your next efforts Get involved at: @usefulsocial
  • 9. NETWORKING USM Here’s a sample of some of the leading Who’s in the room brands who attended in 2012 23% Service 73% Providers Corporates 4% Journalists Institutions 33% Directors 26% Managers 3% Senior Managers 13% Vice Presidents 4% CEOs 21% Other REGISTER NOW All Passes Include: The Corporate Social Media Summit June 12-13, 2013 The New Yorker, New York City Access to all sessions, I work for a brand I work for an agency Choose Your Pass lunches + drinks / corporate / solution provider reception Standard Book by March 22 $1395 SAVE $400 Book by March 22 $2095 SAVE $400 Book by May 3 Book by May 3 + ccess to presentation slides post-conference A $1645 SAVE $150 $2345 SAVE $150 Full price Full price $1795 $2495 Premium Book by March 22 $1595 SAVE $400 Book by March 22 $2295 SAVE $400 Book by May 3 Book by May 3 + ccess to presentation slides post-conference A $1845 SAVE $150 $2545 SAVE $150 + P3s of every session at the conference M Full price Full price $1995 $2695 Platinum Book by March 22 $2195 SAVE $400 Book by March 22 $2895 SAVE $400 Book by May 3 Book by May 3 + ccess to presentation slides post-conference A $2445 SAVE $150 $3145 SAVE $150 + P3s of every session at the conference M Full price Full price INCLUDES NEW 56-PAGE BUSINESS REPORT $2595 $3295 Register for a Diamond Pass and receive a copy of our brand new report. The report will help you utilize the power of social media to preserve and enhance your company’s reputation. CALL US +1 800 814 34 59 EMAIL US: online: TERMS CONDITIONS Places are transferable without any charge. Cancellations after 26 April 2013 incur an administrative charge of 25%. If you cancel your registration after 17 May 2013 we will be obliged to charge the full fee. Please note – you must notify Useful Social Media in writing of a cancellation, or we will be obliged to charge the full fee. The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the programme without notice. All prices displayed are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated, but VAT will be charged, where applicable, at the prevailing rate on the invoice date and the relevant details will appear on the invoice. NB: FULL PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE THE EVENT
  • 10. The Fourth Annual Corporate Social Media Summit New York USM Superior marketing response, sharper corporate decision-making, enhanced innovation and a happier, more loyal customer: Become a social business #CSMNY Two day business conference, June 12-13, 2013 The New Yorker Hotel, New York Hear from 30+ corporate marketing and social media leaders: MasterCard Worldwide Wells Fargo The Hershey Company Whole Foods Market Alfredo Gangotena Kimarie Matthews David Witt Bill Tolany Chief Marketing Officer Vice President Social Web Director, Global Digital Marketing Senior Director, Marketing and Brand PR Integrated Media The Hertz Corporation Bank of America McDonalds Caterpillar Bob Stuart Emily Berg Heather Oldani Kevin Espinosa Chief Marketing Officer Senior Vice President Senior Director of Communications Social Media Marketing Manager Social Media Sears K Mart Seasonal Oxygen Media Procter Gamble SAP and Outdoor Living Harleen Kathlon Paul Fox Todd Wilms Jennifer Dominiquini Senior Vice President Director, Corporate Senior Director, Chief Marketing Officer Communications Social Media Marketing  Footlocker/Eastbay Wells Fargo Thomson Reuters ARAMARK Dave Lokes Nathan Bricklin Jen McClure Tom Carusona Chief Marketing Officer Senior Vice President and Senior Director, Senior Director, Head of Social Business Strategy Social Media Strategy  Digital Social Media Organic Valley/ CROPP The Home Depot LEGO Group Cooperative Jean Niemi Nick Cifuentes Lars Silberbauer Theresa Marquez Director of Social Media Director, Global Social Media Head of Social Media, Chief Mission Executive Southwest Airlines EXPRESS Ring Central Christopher Krohn Linda Rutherford Eric Gohs Baochi Nguyen President and Chief Vice President of Communication Director of Online Marketing Director of Social Strategy Marketing Officer and Strategic Outreach Outback Steakhouse Dell FedEx American Airlines Mike Kappitt Cory Edwards Victor Reiss Jonathan Pierce Chief Marketing Officer Director of Social Media and Director Digital and Social Media Director, Social Corporate Reputation Communications JetBlue Airways Corp ESPN L’Oreal Michael Kors Jenny Dervin Katie Richman Georges-Edouard Dias Farryn Weiner Vice President Corporate Director of Social Media Strategy Chief Digital Officer Director of Social Media, Communications Social Product Development Worldwide The Hertz Corporation IZEA General Mills Chobani Joseph Eckroth Ted Murphy Kirstie Foster John Heath Chief Innovation Officer CEO Director of Public Relations Chief Marketing Officer and Social Media ATT Protiviti Phil Bienert Greg Hedges SVP, Digital Experience Managing Director Join the conversation! You can follow us at: @usefulsocial