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1-> Qualities Of a Tester
1 -> Curiosity – Testers want to know how things work. They are experimental. They
want to see what happens when they try different scenarios or experiments against what has
been presented to them.
2 -> Other skills analytical, intelligent, fast learner.Creative & imaginative

                                   2-> What is required to find a bug?
1 -> Logic, Techniques to be used.

                                        3-> What is cosmetic errors
1-> Misspelling . Means which is incorrect.

                        4-> Why there can be errors in integration testing
1-> because code and application interfaces with one another

           5-> What is the primary attitude that a tester requires to find a bug
1-> They are not trying to prove that software works but they are trying to prove that it does not.

                                          6-> Who are stakekolders

Stakeholders are the persons who have interest in. Test stakeholders they are internal stakeholders & external
Internal stakeholders are - Fellow Testers : The people doing the testing work
2 -> Test Leads & Manager - The people who paln, manage the testing work & its results
3-> Developers, Devt Mgr & Devt Leads - They receive our test results and respond to our findings and make necessary
chnages and improvements
4-> Project Managers - They are responsible for bringing the product to satisfactory conclusion

                                                7-> Elegant testers
Elegance means achieving effectiveness & efficiency in a graceful,well executed fashion

                               7-> Effectiveness,Efficiency & Elegance

Effectiveness means testers focus there efforts on imp areas and typical workflows and find whatever bug exist there
Efficient tester means covering critical & typical scenarios and finding imp bugs early in the project
Elegant testers means clear reporting of results based on functional areas

                  8-> To find out effectiveness & eiificiency related to bugs
1 -> We use defect detection percentage (DDP)
1 - DDP = bugs detected / bugs present
2 - DDP = test bugs / (test bugs + production bugs) prior to UAT & deployment

                                                   9->What is COQ

1- > Is a technique for measuring the cost of failures . There are 3 main cost associated with testing & quality.
1. Cost Of Detection - The testing costs that we would incur even if we found no bugs. For example, performing
a quality risk analysis, setting up the test environment, and creating test data are activities that incurs cost of detection
2. Cost Of Internal Failure - The testing and development costs that we incur purely because we find bugs. For
example, filing bug reports, fixing bugs, confirmation testing bug fixes, and regression
testing changed builds are activities that incur costs of internal failure.

3. Cost Of External Failure - The support, testing, development, and other costs that we incur because we don’t deliver
100% bug-free, perfect products. For example, much of the costs for technical support or
help desk organizations and sustaining engineering teams are costs of external failure.

                                                 10-> Role Of SQA

The main job of SQA is to define the quality standard of the organization and to ensure that every project follows the
quality process

                                                       11-> PDCA

1) Plan: Define the goal and the plan for achieving that goal.
2) Do/Execute: Depending on the plan strategy decided during the plan
stage we do execution accordingly in this phase.
3) Check: Check/Test to ensure that we are moving according to plan and
are getting the desired results.
4) Act: During the check cycle, if any issues are there, then we take appropriate
action accordingly and revise our plan again
In PDCA in which phase testing fits in -: "Checking"

                              11-> What is conducted in white box testing

1 -> In white box testing we do code reviews, view the archietecture, remove bad code practices, component level

                                    12-> Difference btwn defect & failure
What is the difference between a defect and a failure?
When a defect reaches the end customer it is called a failure and if the defect is detected internally
and resolved it’s called a defect.

                                             13-> Categories of Defect
Wrong: The requirements have been implemented incorrectly. This defect is a variance from the given specifications
Missing: There was a requirement given by the customer and it was not done. This is a variance from the specifications
indication that a specification was not implelemented or a req. of the customer was not noted properly
Extra: A requirement incorporated into the product that was not given by the end customer

          14 -> Are there more defects in the design phase or in coding phase
The design phase is more error prone than the execution phase. 60% of defects occur during design and 40%
during the execution phase.

                          15 -> Difference between latent & masked defects

A latent defect is an existing defect that has not yet caused a failure because the exact set of conditions were never met
E.g To print an invoice either by laser printer or dot matrix printer. In order to achieve it the application first searches fo
laser printer. If it finds laser printer it uses laser printer and if it does not find laser printer application will search for dot
matrix printer(DMP) the application prints using or an error is given.
Now for whatsoever reason this application never searched for dot matrix printer.So application never got tested for
That means exact conditions were never met for DMP. This is called as latent defects

Masked Defect - an existing defect that hasn’t yet caused a failure just because another defect has prevented that part
of the code from being executed. Now the same application has two defects - One defect is in DMP search and other is
DMP print .But because search of DMP fails print of DMP defect is never detected. So print DMP defect is a masked
16-> Workbench concept

Is a way of documenting how a specific activity has to be performed. A workbench is referred to as phases, steps & task
There are 5 tasks for every workbench-
Input: Every task needs some defined input and entrance
criteria. So for every workbench we need defined inputs.
Input forms the first steps of the workbench.
Execute: This is the main task of the workbench which will
transform the input into the expected output.
Check: Check steps assure that the output after execution
meets the desired result.
Production output: If the check is right the production
output forms the exit criteria of the workbench.
Rework: During the check step if the output is not as desired
then we need to again start from the execute step.

The following figure shows all the steps required for a workbench.
Requirement phase workbench - The input is the customer’s requirements; we execute the task of writing a requiremen
document we check if the requirement document addresses all the customer needs, and the output is the requirement

Design phase workbench: The input is the requirement document, we execute the task of preparing a technical
review/check is done to see if the design document is technically correct. and addresses all the requirements mentioned
in the requirement document and the output is the technical document

Execution phase workbench: This is the actual execution of the project. The input is the technical document; the
execution is nothing but implementation/ coding according to the technical document, and the output of this phase is
the source code
Testing phase workbench : This is the testing phase of the project. The input is the source code which needs to be
the execution is executing test cases & output is the test results

Deployment phase workbench: This is the deployment phase. There are two inputs for this phase:
one is the source code which needs to be deployed and that is dependent on the test results. The output of this project
is that
the customer gets the product which he can now start using.

Maintenance phase workbench: The input to this phase is the deployment results, execution is implementing change
requests from the end customer, the check part is nothing but running regression testing after every change request
and the output is a new release after every change request execution.

                                            17-> Defect Cascading
Defect cascading is a defect which is caused by another defect. For instance, in the accounting application shown there i
a defect
which leads to negative taxation. So the negative taxation defect affects the ledger which in turn affects four other
i.e Ledger,Balance Sheet

                                                     18-> Pilot
Pilot: The actual production system is installed at a single or limited number of users. Pilot basically means that the
product is actually rolled out to limited users for real work Here we use real data

                                       19-> Requirement Traceability

requirement traceability is one of the important reports that can detail what kind of test coverage the test cases have.
RTM - Important functionality from the requirement document are aligned it on the left-hand side. On the other side at
the top, we have mapped the test cases with the requirement. With this we can ensure that all requirements are
covered by our test cases.
We can have one or more test cases covering the req. This is called req. coverage

                      19-> On what basis acceptance test plan is prepared

Requirement document: This document specifies what exactly is needed in the project from the customers perspective
Input from customer: This can be discussions, informal talks, emails, etc.

                20-> Difference between web application & client application
Application is loaded on server machine while application exe on every client machine.
Web application - No exe is installed on client machine.
21-> Difference between regression testing & confirmation testing

Confirmation Testing - If we fix a defect in an existing application we use confirmation testing to test if the defect is
Regression Testing - It is very possible because of this defect or changes to the application that other sections of the
application are
affected. So to ensure that no other section is affected we can use regression testing to confirm this.

                                             22-> What is coverage
Coverage is a measurement used in software testing to describe the degree to which the source code is tested

                                                  23-> Calibration
Mapping of Inventory(Modules) to test cases is called calibration
Features Of Inventories - Add New Policy, Change Address,Delete a customer
Features to be tested for - Policies,Error Checking,Error & Speed
Suppose we have written test cases for features - Add New Policy, Change Address,Delete a customer

From the above diagram we come to know that "delete a customer" inventory is not mapped to any test case.In this wa
we come to know whether all the aspects of the application in testing is covered.

          24-> Which test cases are written first: white boxes or black boxes
Normally black box test cases are written first and white box test cases later. In order to write black box test cases
we need the requirement document and, design or project plan. All these documents are easily available at the initial
start of the project.
White box test cases cannot be started in the initial phase of the project because they need more architecture clarity.
So normally white box test cases are written after black box test cases are written.

                                          25-> Cohabiting Software

When we install the application at the end client it is very possible that on the same PC other applications also exist
It is also very possible that those applications share common DLLs, resources etc., with your application. There is a
huge chance in such situations that your changes can affect the cohabiting software. So the best practice is after you
install your application or after any changes tell other application owners to run a test cycle on their application

                                                   26-> Test Log
It’s a detailed view of activity and events given in chronological manner. Test Log template consists of 3 things
1. ID
3.Activity & Event Entries
27-> Waterfall Model
Two types - 1: Big Bang Waterfall Model
2.Phased Waterfall Model

Big Bang Waterfall Model - It has several stages
1. Requirement Stage 2.Design Stage 3. Build Stage 4. Test Stage 5.Deliever Stage

Phased Waterfall Model - In this model the project is divided into small chunks and delivered at intervals by different
teams. In short, chunks are developed in parallel by different teams and get integrated in the final

                                              28-> Iterative Model

Two types - 1: Incremental Model
2.Spiral Model

1-: Incremental Model - In this model work is divided into chunks like the Phase Waterfall model but the difference
is that in the Incremental model one team can work on one or many chunks unlike in the Phase Waterfall model.

Evolutionary Model - In the Incremental and Spiral model the main problem is for any changes done in between
the SDLC, we need to iterate a whole new cycle.For instance, during the final (deliever) stage if the customer
demands a change we have to iterate the whole cycle again which means we need to update all the previous
(requirement, technical documents, source code & test plan) stages.

In the Evolutionary model, we divide software into small units which
can be delivered earlier to the customer’s end. In later stages we evolve the software with new customer needs.

                                                   29-> V Model
In this model testers are involved from the requirement stage itself.
30-> Acceptance & System Testing
System testing checks that the system that was specified has been delivered
Acceptance testing checks that the system will deliver what was requested.

                                                    31-> ECP
We have a scenario where values lie between 20 and 2000
Any values beyond 2000 and below 20 are invalid. In the following scenario the tester has made four test cases:
Check below 20 (TC1)
Check above 2000 (TC2)
Check equal to 30 (TC3)
Check equal to 1000 (TC4)

Test cases 3 and 4 give the same outputs so they lie in the same partition. In short, we are doing redundant testing
Both TC3 and TC4 fall in one equivalence partitioning, so we can prepare one test case by testing one value
in between the boundary, thus eliminating redundancy testing in projects

                                       32-> State Transition Diagram

The result of a previous input is called a state and transitions are actions which cause the state to change from
one state to another. The arrows signify the transition and the oval shapes signify the states. The first transition
in the diagram is the issue of the cheque that it is ready to be deposited. The second transition is the cheque is
deposited of which we can have two states: either the cheque cleared or it bounced.
32-> Random/Monkey Testing

Random testing is sometimes called monkey testing. In Random testing, data is generated randomly often using a

                                           33-> Exploratory Testing
Exploratory testing is simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution.

Adhoc testing is unplanned & unstructured
34-> Semi Random Test Cases
Performing random test cases and equivalence partitioning to those test cases which in turn
removes redundant test cases, thus giving us semi-random test cases.

                           35-> Orthogonal Arrays or Pair Wise Defect

Orthogonal array is a two-dimensional array in which if we choose any two columns in the array and all the
combinations of numbers will appear in those columns. Lets say we have a scenario in which we need to test a mobile
handset with different plan types, terms, and sizes . Below are the different situations - :

Handset (Nokia, 3G and Orange).
Plan type (4 x 400, 4 x 300, and 2 x 270).
Term (Long-term, short-term, and mid-term).
Size (3, 4, and 5 inch).

We will also have the following testing combinations:
Each handset should be tested with every plan type, term, and size
Each plan type should be tested with every handset, term, and size.
Each size should be tested with every handset, plan type, and term
36-> Decision Tables
They are tables that list all possible inputs and all possible outputs
37-> Difference between testing & debugging

Testing - The purpose of testing is to show that a program has bugs
Debugging - The purpose of debugging is find the error or misconception that led to the program’s failure and to design
and implement the program changes that correct the error.Debugging follows testing but they differ as to goals,
methods, and most important, psychology.

Testing can and should be planned, designed, and scheduled. The procedures for, and duration of, debugging cannot be
so constrained.

                                      38-> What is Software Process
A software process is a series of steps used to solve a problem

                                             40-> What is tailoring
Tailoring is changing an action to achieve an objective according to conditions .
For example - In a organization there is a process defined that every contract should have a hard copy signed. But
there can be scenarios in the organization when the person is not present physically, so for those scenarios the contract
should be signed through email. So in short, the process for signing a contract is not bypassed but the process approach
is tailored

                             41-> Implementation & Institutionalization
Implementation - In implementation if the person who implemented the process, leaves the company the process is
not followed
Institutionalized - If the process is institutionalized then even if the person leaves the organization the process
is still followed.

                                                 42-> Six Sigma

The main purpose is to reduce defects and variations in the processes. We say a process has achieved Six Sigma if the
quality is 3.4 DPMO (Defect Per Million Opportunities)

DMADV - Is the model for designing processes.
DMAIC - Is used for improving the process
The DMADV model includes the following five steps - :

1. Define: Determine the project goals and the requirements of customers (external and internal).
2. Measure: Assess customer needs and specifications
3. Analyze: Examine process options to meet customer requirements
4. Design: Develop the process to meet the customer requirements.
5. Verify: Check the design to ensure that it’s meeting customer requirements

The DMAIC model includes the following five steps:

1. Define the projects, goals, and deliverables to customers
(internal and external).
2. Measure the current performance of the process Validate data to make sure it is credible and set the baselines.
3. Analyze and determine the root cause(s) of the defects.
4. Improve the process to eliminate defects
5.Control the performance of the process

                                           43-> Measure & Metrics
Measures are quantitatively unit defined elements, for instance, hours, km,etc.
Metrics are basically comprised of more than one measure .For e.g km/hr, m/s etc.

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Sivareddy 0000000000000000

  • 1. 1-> Qualities Of a Tester 1 -> Curiosity – Testers want to know how things work. They are experimental. They want to see what happens when they try different scenarios or experiments against what has been presented to them. 2 -> Other skills analytical, intelligent, fast learner.Creative & imaginative 2-> What is required to find a bug? 1 -> Logic, Techniques to be used. 3-> What is cosmetic errors 1-> Misspelling . Means which is incorrect. 4-> Why there can be errors in integration testing 1-> because code and application interfaces with one another 5-> What is the primary attitude that a tester requires to find a bug 1-> They are not trying to prove that software works but they are trying to prove that it does not. 6-> Who are stakekolders Stakeholders are the persons who have interest in. Test stakeholders they are internal stakeholders & external stakeholders Internal stakeholders are - Fellow Testers : The people doing the testing work 2 -> Test Leads & Manager - The people who paln, manage the testing work & its results 3-> Developers, Devt Mgr & Devt Leads - They receive our test results and respond to our findings and make necessary chnages and improvements 4-> Project Managers - They are responsible for bringing the product to satisfactory conclusion 7-> Elegant testers Elegance means achieving effectiveness & efficiency in a graceful,well executed fashion 7-> Effectiveness,Efficiency & Elegance Effectiveness means testers focus there efforts on imp areas and typical workflows and find whatever bug exist there Efficient tester means covering critical & typical scenarios and finding imp bugs early in the project Elegant testers means clear reporting of results based on functional areas 8-> To find out effectiveness & eiificiency related to bugs 1 -> We use defect detection percentage (DDP) 1 - DDP = bugs detected / bugs present
  • 2. 2 - DDP = test bugs / (test bugs + production bugs) prior to UAT & deployment 9->What is COQ 1- > Is a technique for measuring the cost of failures . There are 3 main cost associated with testing & quality. 1. Cost Of Detection - The testing costs that we would incur even if we found no bugs. For example, performing a quality risk analysis, setting up the test environment, and creating test data are activities that incurs cost of detection 2. Cost Of Internal Failure - The testing and development costs that we incur purely because we find bugs. For example, filing bug reports, fixing bugs, confirmation testing bug fixes, and regression testing changed builds are activities that incur costs of internal failure. 3. Cost Of External Failure - The support, testing, development, and other costs that we incur because we don’t deliver 100% bug-free, perfect products. For example, much of the costs for technical support or help desk organizations and sustaining engineering teams are costs of external failure. 10-> Role Of SQA The main job of SQA is to define the quality standard of the organization and to ensure that every project follows the quality process 11-> PDCA 1) Plan: Define the goal and the plan for achieving that goal. 2) Do/Execute: Depending on the plan strategy decided during the plan stage we do execution accordingly in this phase. 3) Check: Check/Test to ensure that we are moving according to plan and are getting the desired results. 4) Act: During the check cycle, if any issues are there, then we take appropriate action accordingly and revise our plan again
  • 3. In PDCA in which phase testing fits in -: "Checking" 11-> What is conducted in white box testing 1 -> In white box testing we do code reviews, view the archietecture, remove bad code practices, component level testing 12-> Difference btwn defect & failure What is the difference between a defect and a failure? When a defect reaches the end customer it is called a failure and if the defect is detected internally and resolved it’s called a defect. 13-> Categories of Defect Wrong: The requirements have been implemented incorrectly. This defect is a variance from the given specifications Missing: There was a requirement given by the customer and it was not done. This is a variance from the specifications an indication that a specification was not implelemented or a req. of the customer was not noted properly Extra: A requirement incorporated into the product that was not given by the end customer 14 -> Are there more defects in the design phase or in coding phase The design phase is more error prone than the execution phase. 60% of defects occur during design and 40% during the execution phase. 15 -> Difference between latent & masked defects A latent defect is an existing defect that has not yet caused a failure because the exact set of conditions were never met E.g To print an invoice either by laser printer or dot matrix printer. In order to achieve it the application first searches fo laser printer. If it finds laser printer it uses laser printer and if it does not find laser printer application will search for dot matrix printer(DMP) the application prints using or an error is given. Now for whatsoever reason this application never searched for dot matrix printer.So application never got tested for DMP That means exact conditions were never met for DMP. This is called as latent defects Masked Defect - an existing defect that hasn’t yet caused a failure just because another defect has prevented that part of the code from being executed. Now the same application has two defects - One defect is in DMP search and other is in DMP print .But because search of DMP fails print of DMP defect is never detected. So print DMP defect is a masked defect
  • 4. 16-> Workbench concept Is a way of documenting how a specific activity has to be performed. A workbench is referred to as phases, steps & task There are 5 tasks for every workbench- Input: Every task needs some defined input and entrance criteria. So for every workbench we need defined inputs. Input forms the first steps of the workbench. Execute: This is the main task of the workbench which will transform the input into the expected output. Check: Check steps assure that the output after execution meets the desired result. Production output: If the check is right the production output forms the exit criteria of the workbench. Rework: During the check step if the output is not as desired then we need to again start from the execute step. The following figure shows all the steps required for a workbench.
  • 5. Requirement phase workbench - The input is the customer’s requirements; we execute the task of writing a requiremen document we check if the requirement document addresses all the customer needs, and the output is the requirement document. Design phase workbench: The input is the requirement document, we execute the task of preparing a technical document; review/check is done to see if the design document is technically correct. and addresses all the requirements mentioned in the requirement document and the output is the technical document Execution phase workbench: This is the actual execution of the project. The input is the technical document; the execution is nothing but implementation/ coding according to the technical document, and the output of this phase is the source code Testing phase workbench : This is the testing phase of the project. The input is the source code which needs to be tested; the execution is executing test cases & output is the test results Deployment phase workbench: This is the deployment phase. There are two inputs for this phase: one is the source code which needs to be deployed and that is dependent on the test results. The output of this project is that the customer gets the product which he can now start using. Maintenance phase workbench: The input to this phase is the deployment results, execution is implementing change requests from the end customer, the check part is nothing but running regression testing after every change request implementation and the output is a new release after every change request execution. 17-> Defect Cascading Defect cascading is a defect which is caused by another defect. For instance, in the accounting application shown there i a defect which leads to negative taxation. So the negative taxation defect affects the ledger which in turn affects four other modules. i.e Ledger,Balance Sheet 18-> Pilot
  • 6. Pilot: The actual production system is installed at a single or limited number of users. Pilot basically means that the product is actually rolled out to limited users for real work Here we use real data 19-> Requirement Traceability requirement traceability is one of the important reports that can detail what kind of test coverage the test cases have. RTM - Important functionality from the requirement document are aligned it on the left-hand side. On the other side at the top, we have mapped the test cases with the requirement. With this we can ensure that all requirements are covered by our test cases. We can have one or more test cases covering the req. This is called req. coverage 19-> On what basis acceptance test plan is prepared Requirement document: This document specifies what exactly is needed in the project from the customers perspective Input from customer: This can be discussions, informal talks, emails, etc. 20-> Difference between web application & client application Application is loaded on server machine while application exe on every client machine. Web application - No exe is installed on client machine.
  • 7. 21-> Difference between regression testing & confirmation testing Confirmation Testing - If we fix a defect in an existing application we use confirmation testing to test if the defect is removed. Regression Testing - It is very possible because of this defect or changes to the application that other sections of the application are affected. So to ensure that no other section is affected we can use regression testing to confirm this. 22-> What is coverage Coverage is a measurement used in software testing to describe the degree to which the source code is tested 23-> Calibration Mapping of Inventory(Modules) to test cases is called calibration
  • 8. Features Of Inventories - Add New Policy, Change Address,Delete a customer Features to be tested for - Policies,Error Checking,Error & Speed Suppose we have written test cases for features - Add New Policy, Change Address,Delete a customer From the above diagram we come to know that "delete a customer" inventory is not mapped to any test case.In this wa we come to know whether all the aspects of the application in testing is covered. 24-> Which test cases are written first: white boxes or black boxes
  • 9. Normally black box test cases are written first and white box test cases later. In order to write black box test cases we need the requirement document and, design or project plan. All these documents are easily available at the initial start of the project. White box test cases cannot be started in the initial phase of the project because they need more architecture clarity. So normally white box test cases are written after black box test cases are written. 25-> Cohabiting Software When we install the application at the end client it is very possible that on the same PC other applications also exist It is also very possible that those applications share common DLLs, resources etc., with your application. There is a huge chance in such situations that your changes can affect the cohabiting software. So the best practice is after you install your application or after any changes tell other application owners to run a test cycle on their application 26-> Test Log It’s a detailed view of activity and events given in chronological manner. Test Log template consists of 3 things 1. ID 2.Time 3.Activity & Event Entries
  • 10. 27-> Waterfall Model Two types - 1: Big Bang Waterfall Model 2.Phased Waterfall Model Big Bang Waterfall Model - It has several stages 1. Requirement Stage 2.Design Stage 3. Build Stage 4. Test Stage 5.Deliever Stage Phased Waterfall Model - In this model the project is divided into small chunks and delivered at intervals by different teams. In short, chunks are developed in parallel by different teams and get integrated in the final project 28-> Iterative Model Two types - 1: Incremental Model 2.Spiral Model 1-: Incremental Model - In this model work is divided into chunks like the Phase Waterfall model but the difference is that in the Incremental model one team can work on one or many chunks unlike in the Phase Waterfall model. Evolutionary Model - In the Incremental and Spiral model the main problem is for any changes done in between the SDLC, we need to iterate a whole new cycle.For instance, during the final (deliever) stage if the customer demands a change we have to iterate the whole cycle again which means we need to update all the previous (requirement, technical documents, source code & test plan) stages. In the Evolutionary model, we divide software into small units which can be delivered earlier to the customer’s end. In later stages we evolve the software with new customer needs. 29-> V Model In this model testers are involved from the requirement stage itself.
  • 11. 30-> Acceptance & System Testing System testing checks that the system that was specified has been delivered Acceptance testing checks that the system will deliver what was requested. 31-> ECP We have a scenario where values lie between 20 and 2000
  • 12. Any values beyond 2000 and below 20 are invalid. In the following scenario the tester has made four test cases: Check below 20 (TC1) Check above 2000 (TC2) Check equal to 30 (TC3) Check equal to 1000 (TC4) Test cases 3 and 4 give the same outputs so they lie in the same partition. In short, we are doing redundant testing Both TC3 and TC4 fall in one equivalence partitioning, so we can prepare one test case by testing one value in between the boundary, thus eliminating redundancy testing in projects 32-> State Transition Diagram The result of a previous input is called a state and transitions are actions which cause the state to change from one state to another. The arrows signify the transition and the oval shapes signify the states. The first transition in the diagram is the issue of the cheque that it is ready to be deposited. The second transition is the cheque is deposited of which we can have two states: either the cheque cleared or it bounced.
  • 13. 32-> Random/Monkey Testing Random testing is sometimes called monkey testing. In Random testing, data is generated randomly often using a tool 33-> Exploratory Testing Exploratory testing is simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution. Adhoc testing is unplanned & unstructured
  • 14. 34-> Semi Random Test Cases Performing random test cases and equivalence partitioning to those test cases which in turn removes redundant test cases, thus giving us semi-random test cases. 35-> Orthogonal Arrays or Pair Wise Defect Orthogonal array is a two-dimensional array in which if we choose any two columns in the array and all the combinations of numbers will appear in those columns. Lets say we have a scenario in which we need to test a mobile handset with different plan types, terms, and sizes . Below are the different situations - : Handset (Nokia, 3G and Orange). Plan type (4 x 400, 4 x 300, and 2 x 270). Term (Long-term, short-term, and mid-term). Size (3, 4, and 5 inch). We will also have the following testing combinations: Each handset should be tested with every plan type, term, and size Each plan type should be tested with every handset, term, and size. Each size should be tested with every handset, plan type, and term
  • 15. 36-> Decision Tables They are tables that list all possible inputs and all possible outputs
  • 16. 37-> Difference between testing & debugging Testing - The purpose of testing is to show that a program has bugs Debugging - The purpose of debugging is find the error or misconception that led to the program’s failure and to design and implement the program changes that correct the error.Debugging follows testing but they differ as to goals, methods, and most important, psychology. Testing can and should be planned, designed, and scheduled. The procedures for, and duration of, debugging cannot be so constrained. 38-> What is Software Process A software process is a series of steps used to solve a problem 40-> What is tailoring
  • 17. Tailoring is changing an action to achieve an objective according to conditions . For example - In a organization there is a process defined that every contract should have a hard copy signed. But there can be scenarios in the organization when the person is not present physically, so for those scenarios the contract should be signed through email. So in short, the process for signing a contract is not bypassed but the process approach is tailored 41-> Implementation & Institutionalization
  • 18. Implementation - In implementation if the person who implemented the process, leaves the company the process is not followed Institutionalized - If the process is institutionalized then even if the person leaves the organization the process is still followed. 42-> Six Sigma The main purpose is to reduce defects and variations in the processes. We say a process has achieved Six Sigma if the quality is 3.4 DPMO (Defect Per Million Opportunities) DMADV - Is the model for designing processes. DMAIC - Is used for improving the process
  • 19. The DMADV model includes the following five steps - : 1. Define: Determine the project goals and the requirements of customers (external and internal). 2. Measure: Assess customer needs and specifications 3. Analyze: Examine process options to meet customer requirements 4. Design: Develop the process to meet the customer requirements. 5. Verify: Check the design to ensure that it’s meeting customer requirements The DMAIC model includes the following five steps: 1. Define the projects, goals, and deliverables to customers (internal and external). 2. Measure the current performance of the process Validate data to make sure it is credible and set the baselines. 3. Analyze and determine the root cause(s) of the defects. 4. Improve the process to eliminate defects 5.Control the performance of the process 43-> Measure & Metrics Measures are quantitatively unit defined elements, for instance, hours, km,etc. Metrics are basically comprised of more than one measure .For e.g km/hr, m/s etc.