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Silence In Night By Elie Wiesel
"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." This quote
was once said by a humble man whose name was, Elie Wiesel. He was a strong, but gentle man who had never thought he would undergo the pain
that he endured. Elie lived humbly but happily with his family, which he adored. He had two older sisters, one younger sister, and two happily
married parents. He was very religious and stuck to his Jewish beliefs and traditions. For the most part, everybody in his community treated each
other with benevolence, respecting each others beliefs and traditions. Elie was just a normal kid wanting to live as much of a normal life as possible.
He never looked for trouble or ways to hurt someone, he just wanted peace and love in his life. Elie also stated that " more content...
The golden rule states "treat others as you want to be treated." This is the only way you will become wealthy, not economically but spiritually. All
Elie ever wanted was to be treated with humanity and respect, but he will soon find out that what he wants might not be so easy to receive from
the Nazis. In 1942 Nazi soldiers arrived at Elie's hometown, Sighet. Elie and his family did not know the pain and suffering they where about to
feel for the rest of their lives. Soon after they realized that they where going to be used to work for the Nazi's. They got transported to a
concentration camp where they saw young children being thrown into a fire. The Nazis practically starved the Jews only giving them soup and a
small ration of bread. They treated the Jews like garbage, and they showed no gratitude for their work. The Nazis also experimented on the Jews to
attempt to create a near perfect and superior race of man. They crammed hundreds of
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Essay on Spiral of Silence
Public communication is very important when in a discussion with coworkers and such. The one weakness that some people run into is silence. The
spiral of silence theory by Elisabeth Noelle–Neumann explains why certain people fall under the pressure and seclude to silence. Silence may not
always be a bad thing, but according to a study by Lucy J. MacGregor, the fact is that silence during a speech or conversation is absolutely bad. With
this, silence while talking to a large group negatively affects the listeners in a way in which some words in the speech will not be remembered. The
point is that silence tends to destroy people's speeches. Words are forgotten in the speech; Loss of the attention by the listeners happens and
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In every high school, there are the jocks, the band, the nerds, the people on drugs, the religious and so on and so forth. Some of these groups were
known as the popular group and some were known as the creeps. These names that are given to the groups still happen in everyday life when you are
older and this also affects whether or not the person will speak up about a certain topic. When certain groups have to keep secrets from other groups
for safety reasons, this does not help the silence situation at all. The fact that groups are keeping secrets from others means that they do not trust
anyone else which forces groups into silence and they cannot voice their opinion anymore. The Spiral of Silence has a key voice in the workplace,
which involves the use of presentations. One thing affected by the listener not wanting to support the speaker is the fact of whether or not the listener is
actually paying attention (Denham–Vaughan 7). It has been said that listeners are more than likely to lose their attention when there is a break in the
speech by the speaker. When this happens, the listener is more than likely going to jumble up sentences together and guess the wrong word to finish the
current statement that the speaker broke the pause with. This happens because the train of thought is said to be interrupted and lose focus on the
certain topic. Viewing the eyes and seeing the horizontal and vertical movement
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Silence As A Form Of Communication
Silence as a Form of Communication Silence is not the absence of communication but can be an opening to other ways to communicate. The most
common form of communication that people use today is verbal communication, however silence is another form of communication that people use.
American families use English as their main source of verbal communication to share thoughts, feelings, opinions or ideas. When someone thinks of
silence, they think do not think of a way to share ideas or thoughts but rather a way to be less social or uncooperative. Uncooperativeness is not the
case. Many different types of communication can be used in silence.
Body language is one of the most reliable forms of silent communication and can be used in non–communicable households. Body language can help
people connect better and can also help one understand another. Eye contact is an example of a form of silent body language that can help people
connect better. Using eye contact shows a sense of interest in a conversation or activity.Family members can use eye contact to show interest in an
action that other family members is doing or saying.
Writing is another form of non–verbal communication that can be used in silence, allowing a person to express his or her voice. Many shy or
anti–social youth take up writing to express themselves. The pushing of a pen or pencil to a piece of paper can comfort to these individuals. Two
examples of expressive writing are memoir and poetic writing.
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It is a beautiful September morning. The sky is blue and cloudless, although it feels like it should rain. Hundreds of people gather in small, tight–knit
groups at Ground Zero, holding tightly to the person beside them. Shoulders shake as they stand in the place where their loved ones died; not a
word is uttered. Silence. That's how they choose to remember 2,296 souls (Plumer, 2013). Complete and utter silence. The void that is too often
filled, the thing that is too often forgotten. Today's society has been trained to avoid silence. In a world where our senses are constantly assaulted
by sound, silence has become awkward, uncomfortable, and sometimes, even downright terrifying. We fill our world with sound, from the moment
we wake up in the morning to the moment we fall asleep at night. The loud, insistent beep of the alarm clock, the ringing of cell phones, the
slamming of doors, and the hum of the radio invade every sphere of our lives. By taking a step back, and looking at the world from a different point
of view, we will see that silence is a powerful tool that transforms our lives. Our generation is no longer taught to spend time contemplating who we
are as individuals. Rather, our focused energy is on the distractions that are so easily available to us. We look for every possible way to run from
solitude instead of turning inward and spending time alone with our own thoughts and emotions. Though it is frequently overlooked, silence is an
influential resource available
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Essay on Silence is Golden
Citizens are told to always cooperate with police officers, and people most often do, partly due to the belief that officers have a duty to serve and
protect. Unfortunately, often there is a darker side of this coin. What if by extraordinary coincidence, yourself or someone close to you, became the
possible suspect in the investigation of a crime? Do you know enough about your rights to make correct decisions, when your freedom and quality of
life hang in the balance? Sadly, most people do not. If you think this could never apply to you, you are wrong. The first year of criminal exoneration
by D.N.A. evidence was 1989. The University of Michigan performed a study on exoneration and wrongful convictions in 2004. "...the leading causes more content...
(Ohio v. Reiner) It is common knowledge that officers are required by law to read a person's Miranda rights before questioning. By contrast, not
many people realize police officers are allowed, by law, to lie to suspects. Police are routinely encouraged by district attorneys to fabricate
information during interviews, about evidence, witnesses, or facts. Amazingly suspects still waive their rights, often to their dismay. Before 1966,
police interrogation included intimidating and coercive methods sometimes referred to as the 'third degree'. Today, we have protection from
intimidation towards confession; we have what is called the Miranda Warning. The Miranda Warning got its name from a criminal case trial on
June 13, 1966. Miranda v. Arizona was a case in which Ernesto Miranda was charged with robbery, kidnapping, and rape. He confessed to his
crimes while in police custody, but the conviction was overturned because of police intimidation. The case was retried, including witness testimony
and other evidence, and the original conviction was upheld. In 1972, paroled from prison after 11 years, within a month's time he was stabbed to
death in a bar fight, at the age of 34.Police arrested a suspect who, after choosing to exercise his Miranda rights of not to speak, was released. Another
important case in the history of the Miranda Warning occurred in 1964, Escobedo v. Illinois. The results of this
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The Danger Of Silence Speech
"We spend so much time listening to the things people are saying that we rarely pay attention to the things they don't" (Smith 2014). Silence is a
language that any person on this planet can understand. It invades awkward, but critical conversations and tricks the mind into not speaking. Silence,
itself, is a rhetorical situation that every encounters, whether within themselves or with a million other people because it prevents the truth from
coming out. Bitzer states that the rhetorical situation is "a complex of persons, events, objects, and relations presenting an actual or potential exigence
which can be completely or partially removed if discourse, introduced into the situation, can so constrain human decision or action as to bring about the
significant modification of the exigence", while bringing in the characteristics of exigence, audience, and constraint (Bitzer 1968). I understand the
rhetorical situation as a problem that is spoken about by one or more persons, often with the goal to solve it; however, to discuss the problem with the
right people, gives way to positively change the situation. In more content...
from a speech given during the Civil Rights Movement. The quote states, "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the
silence of our friends" (Smith 2014). Smith uses this quote to dive into his message about silence, referring to his class of kids and own personal
experiences. Silence has become what causes many of the problems in our world, from bullying, racism, war, and many others. Silence takes away
our freedom to speak the truth, covering up our feelings because of the fear of hatred or judgement. Smith believes that people choose not to speak
out for what they believe to avoid the response of those who believe otherwise. Smith's perspective on silence leads him to conclude that instead of
giving up our voice, we as humans, should
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Importance Of Silence And Silence
silence. It is a "sign" language. It is the language of the body. It is the language of suggestion. There may come a time when a disciple may not be
permitted to see the guru for a period of time during which he or she may slowly, learn to read the language of silence. Then when the disciple
himself is in the position of a teacher, because of the subtle way that he has learned to observe his guru, he or she can then easily observe and interpret
those who are much less than the guru, whose body movements are much more pronounced, whose facial expressions are much more lucid in some
ways, although they may be trying to conceal a great deal of confusion. So one learns at the same time to remain calm when the student brings his own more content...
For a sincere seeker, conversations may slowly turn into silence. As one follows the Ashtanga marg of yama and niyama, harsh,useless, meaning less
and abusive speech is not done. Unrestrained speech and false conversation spoils the quality of meditation as these conversations plays back in the
mind causing agitation and restlessness. The more one tries to curb these conversations more it springs up. From a meditator one becomes a mediator
–trying to negotiate between volley of thoughts and the desire to be silent.
Silencing the mind is not a one day job. Consistency and correct practice is the mantra. At every stage new experience is encountered. Awareness of
experience is impossible without silence. Depending upon the quality of silence and mindfulness, different states of awareness is experienced.
The different states of awareness
1.In this state of awareness, a mild meditators intelligence is limited to intellectual analysis at the external level. His or her wisdom is devoid of
experiential intelligence and is limited to intellectual understanding of all phenomenon. At this level, everything one gets is a second–hand information
like knowledge obtained through the scriptures or teachers. At this level, the meditators are happy with this borrowed knowledge.
2.The mild meditator now develops a degree of mental alertness. Such people is no longer interested to accept the scriptures or teacher's
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Is Silence Gold Case Study
Is Silence gold? Law of school LLM program Hong Qiong Eid: 55184752 Introduction: There is a famous Chinese saying "silence is gold" which
means silence makes someone benefit from it. But in Felthouse v Bindley case, we learned silence may be not "gold" (chances of making contract
with other people). In the case silence means no communication of the acceptance by the offeree to the offeror in the circumstances that the offeror
states that no need to reply for the acceptance. The case sets a rule that silence to an offer cannot generally be considered as acceptance. McKendrick
states in his book, Contract Law: text, cases and materials 'the general rule is that silence does not amount to an acceptance' and the rule is a good
one' , he analyzes it further 'the law would be burdensome if it imposed on people an obligation to more content...
I agree with the statement that the general rule is a good one, but we should recognize that every rule has its exceptions; the analysis of
McKendrick is based on that the rule will avoid unwanted contracts. Thus McKendrick's comment is on bilateral contract, we will discuss the rule
under the bilateral contracts circumstance. In order to make it clear, let's first focus on why the rule is a good one. 1.The general rule "Silence
cannot amount to acceptance" is really necessary in the modern economic society. If silence can amount to acceptance, the merchants can send the
offer by saying "no reply with 10 days will amount to acceptance", so we will be left in a situation to reply every offer that we don't want to accept,
just like McKendrick's analysis, it will be "unduly burdensome", and the social costs on this would be unaccountable. It is also unfair to impose an
obligation to the offeree who doesn't want to accept an offer but has to spend time and expenses to reject it. This is the
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"Speak only if it improves upon the silence" (Mahatma Ghandi). Depending on the person and their opinion, silence is a very envied trait. In
moments of fury and frustration, it often helps to step back and think everything through before blurting out the wrong thing. In Outdoor Leadership, I
have been subject to many moments where it was best for me to not voice my opinion in certain situations. Through the program, I discovered that I
have a great sense of the right and wrong moments to speak. Though voicing my opinion in certain situations could be very helpful to my wellbeing,
there are moments I see it fit to stay quiet. Growing up in a household with complete socially opposite parents was a very odd experience for me; them more content...
All in all, there are moments I feel necessary to speak up or be silent, but I have realized that sometimes, silence is more powerful than words.
Though there are many benefits to staying silent in certain situations, there are times where it is best to voice my opinion. I have found myself
stumped at times, when there has been a decision made that I do not agree with. I get over it eventually, although I know I would've been happier
if I would have surpassed my comfort zone, and said something. Possibly the scenario that worries me the most is being spoken for; there have
been moments where an idea of mine is taken and given false credits. Although the idea is still considered and possibly utilized, it is slightly
disappointing to know it wasn't credited to me. I have also discovered that being quiet puts of the aura that I am unapproachable. I also feel as if
people underestimate me and wouldn't accept my opinion if I was to ever voice it. All in all, I personally feel as though there are more advantages
to being quiet, and I would rather not focus on the disadvantages. Staying quiet in a group setting is beneficial for me because I really only say
something when I feel I need to say it. As it stands in Outdoor Leadership, I am normally happier to just hear what others have to say, and if I really
ever feel as if things are going the complete opposite direction from how I'd like them to go, I will say something. During
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Speech On Silence In Life
Do you ever consider being in silence for a while, when you feel upset about your life? Sometimes I feel that way. You know even after everything
goes well still there comes a moment when we look for peace in our life. We look for a quiet place where we can sit and think alone. It's a feel–good
way to spend some time with your soul only, to know our feelings a little more deeply. It helps us to Let go our deepest regrets. But often we
struggle with it a lot. We skip that one because we fear the aloneness. Undoubtedly loneliness is not good. But it often requires in our life. In those
moments, we should not skip that one. Here is why you should need to practice silence (solitude) in your life 1. Relief from Chaos: Silence helps us
to relieve our stress. It gives us a place to reconsider about our life without being in tension. It is a way to look into our soul. Silence helps to calm
down our more content...
Hear Your Voice: In silence, you can hear your inner voice. What it wants. It works perfectly when we find ourselves in a great dilemma when we
don't know what to do next. Silence helps us to show the right way. 3. Refreshment in Relations: It also gives us a space to refocus in our
relationships. It shows us where we are doing wrong in our life, where we need to focus again, where we need to work to better our day–to–day life. 4.
Overcoming Bad Habits: Silence works as a perfect remedy for those who are struggling with bad habits. It helps them to find the good part of their
heart. It allows them to reconsider their actions. 5. Works as Motivation: Silence also helps us to regain our lost motivation. It provides the strength
to stand against our depressed mind. We gain energy from our work. 6. Heal Our Wounds: Few minutes in silence can heal a long time wound in our
heart. Silence shows us who we are? Why we should not feel sorry for
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Meaning Of Silence
Silence is better than unmeaning words by Pythagoras has very deep meaning. Silence is defined as when there is an absence of sound, but there is
more to it. During silence a lot of the times people have no idea about what to say or what would be appropriate thing to do. In a short story "A
primer for Punctuation of Heart disease" by Jonathan Safran Foer, story revolves around a boy named Jonathan whose family has lack of
communication which has caused distance in familial relationships. The story consists of different Punctuations that most audience is unfamiliar with
and the meanings that he gives revolves around how his life is spent in silence. Foer uses silence as a notation to convey the message that silence is a
way to run away more content...
In Foer's story when the speaker defines meaning of a particular symbol, he relates the symbol to a particular time where the symbol should be
present in the conversation. Foer writes, "The best example of this usage occurred when I was a boy. My grandmother was driving me to a piano
lesson, and the Volvo's wipers only moved the rain around. She turned down the volume of the second side of the seventh tape of an audio version of
Shoah, put her hand on my cheek, and said, "I hope that you never love anyone as much as I love youВЎ "'(2). Jonathan was describing the meaning
of unxclamation point which indicates whisper. Not only did speaker described the meaning but he connected it to his past memory and he was
silent after listening to his grandmother words because he was trying to remember the other instances where somebody told him I love you.
Similar view is offered by Lahiri, where Kaushik's father called him and before picking the phone up he gets lost in the memory of his dad. Lahiri
writes, " I [Kaushik] knew before answering that it was my father; there was no one else who would have called me before nine. My father had always
been an early riser, believing that the hours between five and seven were the most profitable part of the day" (1). Normally when someone calls
people's first response is to pick up
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Reflection About Silence
Throughout my life, I have read so many books with hundreds of storylines and plot twists that have either stayed with me or faded away as time
passed. However, some books leave a lasting impression, their images playing on repeat, their wisdom influencing my own life. One of these was,
Silence, by Natasha Preston. It is the first in a two book series that I will always remember. The main character's experiences and the way in which she
handled them lingered in my mind and impacted my own experiences as well. As the longest–serving Harvard University president and American
academic, Charles William Eliot, said, "Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and
the most patient of teachers." Eliot's quote is the perfect description of what Silence is to me: a friend, a counselor, a teacher.
I discovered this tragic book when I was in seventh grade, skimming the list of free iBooks during the required reading time. Within the 323 pages is a
story about a young girl that easily made my heart clench and fill with warmth. The protagonist, 15–year–old Oakley, has sentenced herself to a lifetime
of silence and nobody knows the reason. No more than a shoulder shrug, nod, or shake of her head aids Oakley in communicating with everyone she
knows and loves. Eventually, the reader finds out what compelled her to stop talking. Her father, a wolf in sheep's clothing, subjected her to abuse on
every camping trip he took her
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Analysis Of The Sound Of Silence
Is silence really golden? Paul Simon, the writer of the song "The Sound of Silence", demonstrates the issue of silence using many different
techniques to relay his message. The message that the narrator of the song is trying to convey is that people are ignorant and oblivious to the silence
and ultimately what is happening around them. The use of tone, personification, and rhyme allows this message of the song to be heard by the
listener. First, the tone of despair and annoyance used in "Sound of Silence" creates depth and makes the listener think about what is being said. The
despair can be seen in the first few lines. The lines state, "Hello darkness, my old friend / I've come to talk with you again" (1–2). These lines show the more content...
By saying that the light "stabbed" the narrators eyes, it creates a more dire scene in the listener's head. This also helps set the mood of the message.
Finally, the use of personification can be seen in the phrase "silence like a cancer grows" (23). This line also doubles as a simile. By using this
personification and comparison, the listener can grasp the concept of how the silence is ever–growing, and not in a good way. Finally, along with tone
and personification, Simon makes use of rhyme to make the song flow better. For example, the lines "'Neath the halo of a street lamp / I turned my
collar to the cold and damp" (10–11). These two lines rhyme and make the structure of the song easier to follow. Another example would be the lines:
"And the people bowed and prayed / To the neon god they made" (28–29). Lastly, rhyme is shown in the lines "And the sign said, the words of the
prophets are written on the subway walls / And tenement halls" (33–34). All of these lines help the song flow smoother and it gives way to a more
meaningful ending. Although Simon uses rhyme, he breaks the rhyming scheme at the end of each stanza. The stanzas always end with "of silence",
which puts more emphasis on it and makes this phrase seem more important than others. Also, by ending in that phrase, Simon is making sure that it
sticks in the listeners' heads. In conclusion, the message of
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Silence Theme In Literature
'Silence' is a recurring theme in post–colonial literature. It is a form of communication. It is a notable concept in Literature that attracts many readers.
Not all silences sound same. The expression of silence reveals different meaning s to different persons on different situations. Silence arising in the
midst of a conversation can sometimes be comfortable and meaningful, whereas in other situations they remain as an obstacle between the
communicators. Especially silence of women may express agreement without any objection, fear, pain, suffering, endurance or a means of protest 1
but the mode of breaking the silence is important on the part of women. If the partner is unable to read the silence it is very unfortunate and the other
one has to reconcile. But according to Shakespeare "Silence is the perfect herald of joy" in Much Ado about Nothing. 2 Many women writers put their
best effort in giving vent to the long silence and aloofness of women which at last turned them into an insignificant being. Deep psychological study of
their characters are exposed . They either created unreal over–romantic instances or finally succumbed to the temptation of giving voice to the feminist
ideology. In the novels of Shashi Despande, Silence is the theme which can easily be felt by the readers throughout her novels. Breaking of silence by
her protagonists in different ways makes their voice heard by everyone. So far as women's work, speech, acts and aspirations are concerned the male
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Silence : Silence And Silence
Because Naomi hears no response and only silence accompanies her relentlessly. So she growing up in solitude and silence, Naomi loses the
ability to communicate with others and the silence became part of her life. "The language of her grief is silence. She has learned it well, its
idioms, its nuances, over the years, silence within her small body has grown large and powerful" (Kogawa 17). The silence grew within her,
bringing difficulty to verbalize her suffering. Silence has become her way of expression, that dominant her actions. Naomi's quiet and reserved
demeanor keeps her from informing others of her feelings or asking others for help. On multiple occasions, Old man Gower abuses Naomi, but she
speaks nothing about the incidents because of fear. And she even does not know how to speak this thing. She feels that if she speaks, she "will split
open and spill out. To be whole and safe, [she] must hide in the foliage, odorless as a newborn fawn, but already the lie grows like a horn, an unfurled
fiddlehead fist, through the soft fontanelle of [her] four–year–old mind" (Kogawa 76). Keeping this incident to herself causes trauma. Old man Gower
makes Naomi live through miserable trauma without a voice to utter her suffering: "The novel depicts the plight of a child who does not know and
cannot tell" (Cheung 131). On the other hand, Aunt Emily's hidden package appears, also become another puzzle to Naomi because she cannot read
Japanese. This package has been hidden in the
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Silence Is Important Essay: What Is Silence?
What is silence?
Literally speaking, the word silence comes from the Latin word 'silens' meaning to be still or quiet. In English, it still maintains some of this meaning,
as most modern dictionaries define silence as the condition or quality of being or keeping still and soundless, the absence of sounds, stillness or as a
period of time without speech or noise.
However depending only on these definitions we just learn silence's first fundamental sense. Hence the silence is more than the state of being silent,
rather the entire absence of sound or absolute stillness. I cover why silence enhances concentration in a class. In other words, the silence that has the
power to get students to think and to act.
The word silence has become associated in our minds with more content...
When others speak or during a conversation, silence could be used as sort of politeness and respect that would make the communication successful.
Yet the inner–silence also is very important. Since, it gives us a chance to listen to our inner voices. It helps us to turn our thoughts and focus inwards
and live the present moment now not the past not the future. The inner–silence enables us to save our minds from the inane thoughts and eliminate all
mental noises. Thus we make our minds calmer. Consequently, we can work and study more efficiently and our productivity will increase. The
mental silence should be the prime goal in our daily life. If we can be mentally calm we can solve many problems of life and find ways to do difficult
Finally, we could say that by listening to others we will gain respect and by listening to ourselves, we will not be afraid of the battles of life, because
internally we will be very strong. By developing the virtue of inner silence, we should be broad like sky (tolerate others' thoughts) and deep like ocean
(where all life problems will be
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As quoted by Marcus Cicero, "silence is one of the greatest arts of conversation" and Shakespeare exercises this art of conversation by manipulating
the quantity of language in his play Titus Andronicus. Accordingly, by incorporating the absences of speech, Shakespeare moves past the convention of
language, which is to act as a device for communication and he employs silence as an independent agent. In this way, Shakespeare reframes the
customary use of language in his play and as a result, he underpins the contrasting "conversation" of male power and authority in relationship to female
subservience and obedience. As an overshadowing motif throughout the play, the subject of power colours the choices, actions, and decisions made by
all characters. Consequently, Shakespeare's minimal use of language with respect to his character Lavina draws attention to her lack of power as a
woman. At the same time, her powerlessness also calls attention to the suggestion of a secondary theme, one, which admonishes the marginalization of
woman during the Renaissance era. Thus, the presence of Lavinia's silence accentuates the disproportionate representation of male power and functions
a metaphor. Lavinia's has a voice for merely two scenes. Yet, her presence as a character remains in thetragedy until the final moments of the play. As a
character, Lavinia facilities the perpetuation of the plot; however, she also conveys, in a profound and omniscient manner, the ideological norm
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The Jeopardy Of 'Silence Is Not Golden'
People use silence in a variety of ways: to keep a secret, to hide emotion, or to find peace. While many may only utilize muteness for its innocent
purpose, they are oblivious to its other half. Throughout life, the ancient proverb "silence is golden" is taught, mostly without thought. Sometimes it
is, other times, not so much. Silence is a gift, providing peace to those who embrace it, contrastingly, it is also a weapon of mass destruction, leaving
people discarded in the ruins. To writers, silence is perfection; when they are the ones staying as quiet as a mouse. They are observers, and they allow
the words to fall from the mouths of those of which they watch. Faraway lands, adventurous characters, and daring journeys that they invent
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Those diagnosed with depression face an atrocious future; fading into a silent void. They lose their voice as they begin to deteriorate and no one
listens to their deafening silence. With no one to aid in their recovery, they slip further and further away from the cheerful world around them. By the
time someone notices, it is too late; desolation has already seized them. If only someone would have detected the silence earlier, and acknowledged it
as a cry for help, would the dejected individual have had a chance to recover. In this case, silence truly does speak louder than
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Silence In Elie Wiesel's Night
What does silence mean? In Night, a book wrote by Elie W, answer is shown. Night explains what silence is. Silence is the absence of, therefore
silence is the path of death. Silence deprive from the desire of live, because we can see how the silence deprive the character the desire of live.
"Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire of live" (Wiesel e22). The live of the main character is a
night, that makes he lose his hope and want the death. Silence is the result of oppression. "A few young men forced her to sit down, then bound and
gagger her. Silence fell again" (Wiesel e51) After they had been forced they fall in silence, oppressed by the strength and authority of that young men.
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Silence In Night By Elie Wiesel

  • 1. Silence In Night By Elie Wiesel "We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." This quote was once said by a humble man whose name was, Elie Wiesel. He was a strong, but gentle man who had never thought he would undergo the pain that he endured. Elie lived humbly but happily with his family, which he adored. He had two older sisters, one younger sister, and two happily married parents. He was very religious and stuck to his Jewish beliefs and traditions. For the most part, everybody in his community treated each other with benevolence, respecting each others beliefs and traditions. Elie was just a normal kid wanting to live as much of a normal life as possible. He never looked for trouble or ways to hurt someone, he just wanted peace and love in his life. Elie also stated that " more content... The golden rule states "treat others as you want to be treated." This is the only way you will become wealthy, not economically but spiritually. All Elie ever wanted was to be treated with humanity and respect, but he will soon find out that what he wants might not be so easy to receive from the Nazis. In 1942 Nazi soldiers arrived at Elie's hometown, Sighet. Elie and his family did not know the pain and suffering they where about to feel for the rest of their lives. Soon after they realized that they where going to be used to work for the Nazi's. They got transported to a concentration camp where they saw young children being thrown into a fire. The Nazis practically starved the Jews only giving them soup and a small ration of bread. They treated the Jews like garbage, and they showed no gratitude for their work. The Nazis also experimented on the Jews to attempt to create a near perfect and superior race of man. They crammed hundreds of Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Spiral of Silence Public communication is very important when in a discussion with coworkers and such. The one weakness that some people run into is silence. The spiral of silence theory by Elisabeth Noelle–Neumann explains why certain people fall under the pressure and seclude to silence. Silence may not always be a bad thing, but according to a study by Lucy J. MacGregor, the fact is that silence during a speech or conversation is absolutely bad. With this, silence while talking to a large group negatively affects the listeners in a way in which some words in the speech will not be remembered. The point is that silence tends to destroy people's speeches. Words are forgotten in the speech; Loss of the attention by the listeners happens and more content... In every high school, there are the jocks, the band, the nerds, the people on drugs, the religious and so on and so forth. Some of these groups were known as the popular group and some were known as the creeps. These names that are given to the groups still happen in everyday life when you are older and this also affects whether or not the person will speak up about a certain topic. When certain groups have to keep secrets from other groups for safety reasons, this does not help the silence situation at all. The fact that groups are keeping secrets from others means that they do not trust anyone else which forces groups into silence and they cannot voice their opinion anymore. The Spiral of Silence has a key voice in the workplace, which involves the use of presentations. One thing affected by the listener not wanting to support the speaker is the fact of whether or not the listener is actually paying attention (Denham–Vaughan 7). It has been said that listeners are more than likely to lose their attention when there is a break in the speech by the speaker. When this happens, the listener is more than likely going to jumble up sentences together and guess the wrong word to finish the current statement that the speaker broke the pause with. This happens because the train of thought is said to be interrupted and lose focus on the certain topic. Viewing the eyes and seeing the horizontal and vertical movement Get more content on
  • 3. Silence As A Form Of Communication Silence as a Form of Communication Silence is not the absence of communication but can be an opening to other ways to communicate. The most common form of communication that people use today is verbal communication, however silence is another form of communication that people use. American families use English as their main source of verbal communication to share thoughts, feelings, opinions or ideas. When someone thinks of silence, they think do not think of a way to share ideas or thoughts but rather a way to be less social or uncooperative. Uncooperativeness is not the case. Many different types of communication can be used in silence. Body language is one of the most reliable forms of silent communication and can be used in non–communicable households. Body language can help people connect better and can also help one understand another. Eye contact is an example of a form of silent body language that can help people connect better. Using eye contact shows a sense of interest in a conversation or activity.Family members can use eye contact to show interest in an action that other family members is doing or saying. Writing is another form of non–verbal communication that can be used in silence, allowing a person to express his or her voice. Many shy or anti–social youth take up writing to express themselves. The pushing of a pen or pencil to a piece of paper can comfort to these individuals. Two examples of expressive writing are memoir and poetic writing. Memoirs Get more content on
  • 4. Silence It is a beautiful September morning. The sky is blue and cloudless, although it feels like it should rain. Hundreds of people gather in small, tight–knit groups at Ground Zero, holding tightly to the person beside them. Shoulders shake as they stand in the place where their loved ones died; not a word is uttered. Silence. That's how they choose to remember 2,296 souls (Plumer, 2013). Complete and utter silence. The void that is too often filled, the thing that is too often forgotten. Today's society has been trained to avoid silence. In a world where our senses are constantly assaulted by sound, silence has become awkward, uncomfortable, and sometimes, even downright terrifying. We fill our world with sound, from the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we fall asleep at night. The loud, insistent beep of the alarm clock, the ringing of cell phones, the slamming of doors, and the hum of the radio invade every sphere of our lives. By taking a step back, and looking at the world from a different point of view, we will see that silence is a powerful tool that transforms our lives. Our generation is no longer taught to spend time contemplating who we are as individuals. Rather, our focused energy is on the distractions that are so easily available to us. We look for every possible way to run from solitude instead of turning inward and spending time alone with our own thoughts and emotions. Though it is frequently overlooked, silence is an influential resource available Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Silence is Golden Citizens are told to always cooperate with police officers, and people most often do, partly due to the belief that officers have a duty to serve and protect. Unfortunately, often there is a darker side of this coin. What if by extraordinary coincidence, yourself or someone close to you, became the possible suspect in the investigation of a crime? Do you know enough about your rights to make correct decisions, when your freedom and quality of life hang in the balance? Sadly, most people do not. If you think this could never apply to you, you are wrong. The first year of criminal exoneration by D.N.A. evidence was 1989. The University of Michigan performed a study on exoneration and wrongful convictions in 2004. "...the leading causes more content... (Ohio v. Reiner) It is common knowledge that officers are required by law to read a person's Miranda rights before questioning. By contrast, not many people realize police officers are allowed, by law, to lie to suspects. Police are routinely encouraged by district attorneys to fabricate information during interviews, about evidence, witnesses, or facts. Amazingly suspects still waive their rights, often to their dismay. Before 1966, police interrogation included intimidating and coercive methods sometimes referred to as the 'third degree'. Today, we have protection from intimidation towards confession; we have what is called the Miranda Warning. The Miranda Warning got its name from a criminal case trial on June 13, 1966. Miranda v. Arizona was a case in which Ernesto Miranda was charged with robbery, kidnapping, and rape. He confessed to his crimes while in police custody, but the conviction was overturned because of police intimidation. The case was retried, including witness testimony and other evidence, and the original conviction was upheld. In 1972, paroled from prison after 11 years, within a month's time he was stabbed to death in a bar fight, at the age of 34.Police arrested a suspect who, after choosing to exercise his Miranda rights of not to speak, was released. Another important case in the history of the Miranda Warning occurred in 1964, Escobedo v. Illinois. The results of this Get more content on
  • 6. The Danger Of Silence Speech "We spend so much time listening to the things people are saying that we rarely pay attention to the things they don't" (Smith 2014). Silence is a language that any person on this planet can understand. It invades awkward, but critical conversations and tricks the mind into not speaking. Silence, itself, is a rhetorical situation that every encounters, whether within themselves or with a million other people because it prevents the truth from coming out. Bitzer states that the rhetorical situation is "a complex of persons, events, objects, and relations presenting an actual or potential exigence which can be completely or partially removed if discourse, introduced into the situation, can so constrain human decision or action as to bring about the significant modification of the exigence", while bringing in the characteristics of exigence, audience, and constraint (Bitzer 1968). I understand the rhetorical situation as a problem that is spoken about by one or more persons, often with the goal to solve it; however, to discuss the problem with the right people, gives way to positively change the situation. In more content... from a speech given during the Civil Rights Movement. The quote states, "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends" (Smith 2014). Smith uses this quote to dive into his message about silence, referring to his class of kids and own personal experiences. Silence has become what causes many of the problems in our world, from bullying, racism, war, and many others. Silence takes away our freedom to speak the truth, covering up our feelings because of the fear of hatred or judgement. Smith believes that people choose not to speak out for what they believe to avoid the response of those who believe otherwise. Smith's perspective on silence leads him to conclude that instead of giving up our voice, we as humans, should Get more content on
  • 7. Importance Of Silence And Silence silence. It is a "sign" language. It is the language of the body. It is the language of suggestion. There may come a time when a disciple may not be permitted to see the guru for a period of time during which he or she may slowly, learn to read the language of silence. Then when the disciple himself is in the position of a teacher, because of the subtle way that he has learned to observe his guru, he or she can then easily observe and interpret those who are much less than the guru, whose body movements are much more pronounced, whose facial expressions are much more lucid in some ways, although they may be trying to conceal a great deal of confusion. So one learns at the same time to remain calm when the student brings his own more content... For a sincere seeker, conversations may slowly turn into silence. As one follows the Ashtanga marg of yama and niyama, harsh,useless, meaning less and abusive speech is not done. Unrestrained speech and false conversation spoils the quality of meditation as these conversations plays back in the mind causing agitation and restlessness. The more one tries to curb these conversations more it springs up. From a meditator one becomes a mediator –trying to negotiate between volley of thoughts and the desire to be silent. Silencing the mind is not a one day job. Consistency and correct practice is the mantra. At every stage new experience is encountered. Awareness of experience is impossible without silence. Depending upon the quality of silence and mindfulness, different states of awareness is experienced. The different states of awareness 1.In this state of awareness, a mild meditators intelligence is limited to intellectual analysis at the external level. His or her wisdom is devoid of experiential intelligence and is limited to intellectual understanding of all phenomenon. At this level, everything one gets is a second–hand information like knowledge obtained through the scriptures or teachers. At this level, the meditators are happy with this borrowed knowledge. 2.The mild meditator now develops a degree of mental alertness. Such people is no longer interested to accept the scriptures or teacher's Get more content on
  • 8. Is Silence Gold Case Study Is Silence gold? Law of school LLM program Hong Qiong Eid: 55184752 Introduction: There is a famous Chinese saying "silence is gold" which means silence makes someone benefit from it. But in Felthouse v Bindley case, we learned silence may be not "gold" (chances of making contract with other people). In the case silence means no communication of the acceptance by the offeree to the offeror in the circumstances that the offeror states that no need to reply for the acceptance. The case sets a rule that silence to an offer cannot generally be considered as acceptance. McKendrick states in his book, Contract Law: text, cases and materials 'the general rule is that silence does not amount to an acceptance' and the rule is a good one' , he analyzes it further 'the law would be burdensome if it imposed on people an obligation to more content... I agree with the statement that the general rule is a good one, but we should recognize that every rule has its exceptions; the analysis of McKendrick is based on that the rule will avoid unwanted contracts. Thus McKendrick's comment is on bilateral contract, we will discuss the rule under the bilateral contracts circumstance. In order to make it clear, let's first focus on why the rule is a good one. 1.The general rule "Silence cannot amount to acceptance" is really necessary in the modern economic society. If silence can amount to acceptance, the merchants can send the offer by saying "no reply with 10 days will amount to acceptance", so we will be left in a situation to reply every offer that we don't want to accept, just like McKendrick's analysis, it will be "unduly burdensome", and the social costs on this would be unaccountable. It is also unfair to impose an obligation to the offeree who doesn't want to accept an offer but has to spend time and expenses to reject it. This is the Get more content on
  • 9. "Speak only if it improves upon the silence" (Mahatma Ghandi). Depending on the person and their opinion, silence is a very envied trait. In moments of fury and frustration, it often helps to step back and think everything through before blurting out the wrong thing. In Outdoor Leadership, I have been subject to many moments where it was best for me to not voice my opinion in certain situations. Through the program, I discovered that I have a great sense of the right and wrong moments to speak. Though voicing my opinion in certain situations could be very helpful to my wellbeing, there are moments I see it fit to stay quiet. Growing up in a household with complete socially opposite parents was a very odd experience for me; them more content... All in all, there are moments I feel necessary to speak up or be silent, but I have realized that sometimes, silence is more powerful than words. Though there are many benefits to staying silent in certain situations, there are times where it is best to voice my opinion. I have found myself stumped at times, when there has been a decision made that I do not agree with. I get over it eventually, although I know I would've been happier if I would have surpassed my comfort zone, and said something. Possibly the scenario that worries me the most is being spoken for; there have been moments where an idea of mine is taken and given false credits. Although the idea is still considered and possibly utilized, it is slightly disappointing to know it wasn't credited to me. I have also discovered that being quiet puts of the aura that I am unapproachable. I also feel as if people underestimate me and wouldn't accept my opinion if I was to ever voice it. All in all, I personally feel as though there are more advantages to being quiet, and I would rather not focus on the disadvantages. Staying quiet in a group setting is beneficial for me because I really only say something when I feel I need to say it. As it stands in Outdoor Leadership, I am normally happier to just hear what others have to say, and if I really ever feel as if things are going the complete opposite direction from how I'd like them to go, I will say something. During Get more content on
  • 10. Speech On Silence In Life Do you ever consider being in silence for a while, when you feel upset about your life? Sometimes I feel that way. You know even after everything goes well still there comes a moment when we look for peace in our life. We look for a quiet place where we can sit and think alone. It's a feel–good way to spend some time with your soul only, to know our feelings a little more deeply. It helps us to Let go our deepest regrets. But often we struggle with it a lot. We skip that one because we fear the aloneness. Undoubtedly loneliness is not good. But it often requires in our life. In those moments, we should not skip that one. Here is why you should need to practice silence (solitude) in your life 1. Relief from Chaos: Silence helps us to relieve our stress. It gives us a place to reconsider about our life without being in tension. It is a way to look into our soul. Silence helps to calm down our more content... Hear Your Voice: In silence, you can hear your inner voice. What it wants. It works perfectly when we find ourselves in a great dilemma when we don't know what to do next. Silence helps us to show the right way. 3. Refreshment in Relations: It also gives us a space to refocus in our relationships. It shows us where we are doing wrong in our life, where we need to focus again, where we need to work to better our day–to–day life. 4. Overcoming Bad Habits: Silence works as a perfect remedy for those who are struggling with bad habits. It helps them to find the good part of their heart. It allows them to reconsider their actions. 5. Works as Motivation: Silence also helps us to regain our lost motivation. It provides the strength to stand against our depressed mind. We gain energy from our work. 6. Heal Our Wounds: Few minutes in silence can heal a long time wound in our heart. Silence shows us who we are? Why we should not feel sorry for Get more content on
  • 11. Meaning Of Silence Silence is better than unmeaning words by Pythagoras has very deep meaning. Silence is defined as when there is an absence of sound, but there is more to it. During silence a lot of the times people have no idea about what to say or what would be appropriate thing to do. In a short story "A primer for Punctuation of Heart disease" by Jonathan Safran Foer, story revolves around a boy named Jonathan whose family has lack of communication which has caused distance in familial relationships. The story consists of different Punctuations that most audience is unfamiliar with and the meanings that he gives revolves around how his life is spent in silence. Foer uses silence as a notation to convey the message that silence is a way to run away more content... In Foer's story when the speaker defines meaning of a particular symbol, he relates the symbol to a particular time where the symbol should be present in the conversation. Foer writes, "The best example of this usage occurred when I was a boy. My grandmother was driving me to a piano lesson, and the Volvo's wipers only moved the rain around. She turned down the volume of the second side of the seventh tape of an audio version of Shoah, put her hand on my cheek, and said, "I hope that you never love anyone as much as I love youВЎ "'(2). Jonathan was describing the meaning of unxclamation point which indicates whisper. Not only did speaker described the meaning but he connected it to his past memory and he was silent after listening to his grandmother words because he was trying to remember the other instances where somebody told him I love you. Similar view is offered by Lahiri, where Kaushik's father called him and before picking the phone up he gets lost in the memory of his dad. Lahiri writes, " I [Kaushik] knew before answering that it was my father; there was no one else who would have called me before nine. My father had always been an early riser, believing that the hours between five and seven were the most profitable part of the day" (1). Normally when someone calls people's first response is to pick up Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection About Silence Throughout my life, I have read so many books with hundreds of storylines and plot twists that have either stayed with me or faded away as time passed. However, some books leave a lasting impression, their images playing on repeat, their wisdom influencing my own life. One of these was, Silence, by Natasha Preston. It is the first in a two book series that I will always remember. The main character's experiences and the way in which she handled them lingered in my mind and impacted my own experiences as well. As the longest–serving Harvard University president and American academic, Charles William Eliot, said, "Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers." Eliot's quote is the perfect description of what Silence is to me: a friend, a counselor, a teacher. I discovered this tragic book when I was in seventh grade, skimming the list of free iBooks during the required reading time. Within the 323 pages is a story about a young girl that easily made my heart clench and fill with warmth. The protagonist, 15–year–old Oakley, has sentenced herself to a lifetime of silence and nobody knows the reason. No more than a shoulder shrug, nod, or shake of her head aids Oakley in communicating with everyone she knows and loves. Eventually, the reader finds out what compelled her to stop talking. Her father, a wolf in sheep's clothing, subjected her to abuse on every camping trip he took her Get more content on
  • 13. Analysis Of The Sound Of Silence Is silence really golden? Paul Simon, the writer of the song "The Sound of Silence", demonstrates the issue of silence using many different techniques to relay his message. The message that the narrator of the song is trying to convey is that people are ignorant and oblivious to the silence and ultimately what is happening around them. The use of tone, personification, and rhyme allows this message of the song to be heard by the listener. First, the tone of despair and annoyance used in "Sound of Silence" creates depth and makes the listener think about what is being said. The despair can be seen in the first few lines. The lines state, "Hello darkness, my old friend / I've come to talk with you again" (1–2). These lines show the more content... By saying that the light "stabbed" the narrators eyes, it creates a more dire scene in the listener's head. This also helps set the mood of the message. Finally, the use of personification can be seen in the phrase "silence like a cancer grows" (23). This line also doubles as a simile. By using this personification and comparison, the listener can grasp the concept of how the silence is ever–growing, and not in a good way. Finally, along with tone and personification, Simon makes use of rhyme to make the song flow better. For example, the lines "'Neath the halo of a street lamp / I turned my collar to the cold and damp" (10–11). These two lines rhyme and make the structure of the song easier to follow. Another example would be the lines: "And the people bowed and prayed / To the neon god they made" (28–29). Lastly, rhyme is shown in the lines "And the sign said, the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls / And tenement halls" (33–34). All of these lines help the song flow smoother and it gives way to a more meaningful ending. Although Simon uses rhyme, he breaks the rhyming scheme at the end of each stanza. The stanzas always end with "of silence", which puts more emphasis on it and makes this phrase seem more important than others. Also, by ending in that phrase, Simon is making sure that it sticks in the listeners' heads. In conclusion, the message of Get more content on
  • 14. Silence Theme In Literature 'Silence' is a recurring theme in post–colonial literature. It is a form of communication. It is a notable concept in Literature that attracts many readers. Not all silences sound same. The expression of silence reveals different meaning s to different persons on different situations. Silence arising in the midst of a conversation can sometimes be comfortable and meaningful, whereas in other situations they remain as an obstacle between the communicators. Especially silence of women may express agreement without any objection, fear, pain, suffering, endurance or a means of protest 1 but the mode of breaking the silence is important on the part of women. If the partner is unable to read the silence it is very unfortunate and the other one has to reconcile. But according to Shakespeare "Silence is the perfect herald of joy" in Much Ado about Nothing. 2 Many women writers put their best effort in giving vent to the long silence and aloofness of women which at last turned them into an insignificant being. Deep psychological study of their characters are exposed . They either created unreal over–romantic instances or finally succumbed to the temptation of giving voice to the feminist ideology. In the novels of Shashi Despande, Silence is the theme which can easily be felt by the readers throughout her novels. Breaking of silence by her protagonists in different ways makes their voice heard by everyone. So far as women's work, speech, acts and aspirations are concerned the male Get more content on
  • 15. Silence : Silence And Silence Because Naomi hears no response and only silence accompanies her relentlessly. So she growing up in solitude and silence, Naomi loses the ability to communicate with others and the silence became part of her life. "The language of her grief is silence. She has learned it well, its idioms, its nuances, over the years, silence within her small body has grown large and powerful" (Kogawa 17). The silence grew within her, bringing difficulty to verbalize her suffering. Silence has become her way of expression, that dominant her actions. Naomi's quiet and reserved demeanor keeps her from informing others of her feelings or asking others for help. On multiple occasions, Old man Gower abuses Naomi, but she speaks nothing about the incidents because of fear. And she even does not know how to speak this thing. She feels that if she speaks, she "will split open and spill out. To be whole and safe, [she] must hide in the foliage, odorless as a newborn fawn, but already the lie grows like a horn, an unfurled fiddlehead fist, through the soft fontanelle of [her] four–year–old mind" (Kogawa 76). Keeping this incident to herself causes trauma. Old man Gower makes Naomi live through miserable trauma without a voice to utter her suffering: "The novel depicts the plight of a child who does not know and cannot tell" (Cheung 131). On the other hand, Aunt Emily's hidden package appears, also become another puzzle to Naomi because she cannot read Japanese. This package has been hidden in the Get more content on
  • 16. Silence Is Important Essay: What Is Silence? What is silence? Literally speaking, the word silence comes from the Latin word 'silens' meaning to be still or quiet. In English, it still maintains some of this meaning, as most modern dictionaries define silence as the condition or quality of being or keeping still and soundless, the absence of sounds, stillness or as a period of time without speech or noise. However depending only on these definitions we just learn silence's first fundamental sense. Hence the silence is more than the state of being silent, rather the entire absence of sound or absolute stillness. I cover why silence enhances concentration in a class. In other words, the silence that has the power to get students to think and to act. The word silence has become associated in our minds with more content... When others speak or during a conversation, silence could be used as sort of politeness and respect that would make the communication successful. Yet the inner–silence also is very important. Since, it gives us a chance to listen to our inner voices. It helps us to turn our thoughts and focus inwards and live the present moment now not the past not the future. The inner–silence enables us to save our minds from the inane thoughts and eliminate all mental noises. Thus we make our minds calmer. Consequently, we can work and study more efficiently and our productivity will increase. The mental silence should be the prime goal in our daily life. If we can be mentally calm we can solve many problems of life and find ways to do difficult tasks. Finally, we could say that by listening to others we will gain respect and by listening to ourselves, we will not be afraid of the battles of life, because internally we will be very strong. By developing the virtue of inner silence, we should be broad like sky (tolerate others' thoughts) and deep like ocean (where all life problems will be Get more content on
  • 17. As quoted by Marcus Cicero, "silence is one of the greatest arts of conversation" and Shakespeare exercises this art of conversation by manipulating the quantity of language in his play Titus Andronicus. Accordingly, by incorporating the absences of speech, Shakespeare moves past the convention of language, which is to act as a device for communication and he employs silence as an independent agent. In this way, Shakespeare reframes the customary use of language in his play and as a result, he underpins the contrasting "conversation" of male power and authority in relationship to female subservience and obedience. As an overshadowing motif throughout the play, the subject of power colours the choices, actions, and decisions made by all characters. Consequently, Shakespeare's minimal use of language with respect to his character Lavina draws attention to her lack of power as a woman. At the same time, her powerlessness also calls attention to the suggestion of a secondary theme, one, which admonishes the marginalization of woman during the Renaissance era. Thus, the presence of Lavinia's silence accentuates the disproportionate representation of male power and functions a metaphor. Lavinia's has a voice for merely two scenes. Yet, her presence as a character remains in thetragedy until the final moments of the play. As a character, Lavinia facilities the perpetuation of the plot; however, she also conveys, in a profound and omniscient manner, the ideological norm surrounding Get more content on
  • 18. The Jeopardy Of 'Silence Is Not Golden' People use silence in a variety of ways: to keep a secret, to hide emotion, or to find peace. While many may only utilize muteness for its innocent purpose, they are oblivious to its other half. Throughout life, the ancient proverb "silence is golden" is taught, mostly without thought. Sometimes it is, other times, not so much. Silence is a gift, providing peace to those who embrace it, contrastingly, it is also a weapon of mass destruction, leaving people discarded in the ruins. To writers, silence is perfection; when they are the ones staying as quiet as a mouse. They are observers, and they allow the words to fall from the mouths of those of which they watch. Faraway lands, adventurous characters, and daring journeys that they invent more content... Those diagnosed with depression face an atrocious future; fading into a silent void. They lose their voice as they begin to deteriorate and no one listens to their deafening silence. With no one to aid in their recovery, they slip further and further away from the cheerful world around them. By the time someone notices, it is too late; desolation has already seized them. If only someone would have detected the silence earlier, and acknowledged it as a cry for help, would the dejected individual have had a chance to recover. In this case, silence truly does speak louder than Get more content on
  • 19. Silence In Elie Wiesel's Night What does silence mean? In Night, a book wrote by Elie W, answer is shown. Night explains what silence is. Silence is the absence of, therefore silence is the path of death. Silence deprive from the desire of live, because we can see how the silence deprive the character the desire of live. "Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire of live" (Wiesel e22). The live of the main character is a night, that makes he lose his hope and want the death. Silence is the result of oppression. "A few young men forced her to sit down, then bound and gagger her. Silence fell again" (Wiesel e51) After they had been forced they fall in silence, oppressed by the strength and authority of that young men. Summing Get more content on