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Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered to 18? Essay
A very controversial argument amongst Americans is determining that the current legal drinking
age which is 21 should be lowered to eighteen or not. Researching the following propaganda made
me understand the dangers to the youth and people in America if the drinking age were to lower.
Therefore i will argue with whoever disagrees with me that the drinking age should be lowered. I'd
like to explain six reasons to why the drinking age should not be lowered beginning with the
strongest reasons. First reason being is that alcohol effects the brain badly in many ways such as
effecting a persons memory. This is not good since adolecent brains dont stop growing until their
mid twenties. Recent studies included "animal studies suggest more content...
Reviewing these statists one may be able to analaze and see that even drivers between 21 to 24
were high at risk. What would make a person want to lower the drinking age to 18. Young adults at
eighteen are new drivers and less expierenced then the 21 + drivers and logically would produce
more fatal crashes. Thirdly another serious effect alcohol has is suicide. More than "150,000
students develop an alcohol–related health problem (Hingson et al., 2002[–>0]), and between 1.2
and 1.5 percent of students indicate that they tried to commit suicide within the past year due to
drinking or drug use (Presley et al., 1998[–>1]). People who have any sort of mental condition such
as depression, manic depressive and anxiety should not be drinking alcohol at all. It's simply not
good for a mentally ill person. "Alcohol has been found to lower serotonin and norepinephrine
levels" Meaning that by having the serotonin levels lowered it will actually make the person even
more depressed and higher risk for sucide. Alcohol is also known as the new gateway drug.
Marajuana once was but now alcohol has been added into this classification list. " youth who
drink drink alcohol were 50 times more then likely to use cocaine and those who smoke ciggarettes
were 19x more as likely to use cocaine"(Two Dangersous Gateway Drugs, 2001). Why should
America lower the drinking age if alcohol has the potential to cause people to try drugs then those
who don't
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Should Drinking Age Be Lowered?
A huge debate in the United States in the past has been whether or not the drinking age should be
lowered or raised or just stay right where it is. I believe that it should be lowered. If we are able to
vote, die for our country, and rot in a jail cell why should young people not be allowed to have a
few drinks every once in awhile. I think that if in the eyes of the law I am considered an adult the
day I turn eighteen why am I not allowed to make a decision about whether I am able to consume
alcohol or not.
Although in twenty–nine states youth are allowed to consume alcohol on private property with the
consent of a parent or legal guardian that still doesn't justify why people who are between the ages
of eighteen and twenty are not allowed to go out and have drinks with friends. If adults between the
ages of eighteen and twenty were able to drink in public environments, I believe that risks of injury
and harm would increase more content...
I personally believe that the opinions stated by Brandon Griggs, the CNN correspondent, are all
valid and cover all aspects of this issue. I am partial to lowering the drinking age to eighteen. Not
because I am a party–crazed teenager feening for alcohol to have a good time but because I believe
that if the government wants to consider eighteen–year–olds adults then they should be treated as
such. The government forces males to sign up for a draft to be able to send them to war if necessary
and allows men and woman alike to vote, go to federal prison, or serve on a jury why should they
not be allowed to buy a beer when they feel
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Should Drinking Age Be Lowered To 18 Essay
Should the drinking age be lowered to age eighteen?
In order to be legally drinking alcohol you must be of 21 years of age or older. But, contrary to
that law many teens drink alcohol anyway. This is what helps spark the debate of whether the
legal drinking age should be lowered to 18. Many argue that at 18 years old, being a legal adult
you should be able to drink alcohol. Also, in many countries where the legal drinking age is 18
years old many of the problems we face in our country aren't even relevant in their country. But, on
the other hand alcohol can interfere with development of the young adult brain's frontal lobes, which
has many long term effects. Also, many seniors in high school are 18 which means that they can
drink, even more content...
Firstly, when you turn 18, you are able to start doing many things that put your life at risk.
Turning 18 gives you the right to to vote, smoke cigarettes, serve on juries, get married, sign
contracts, be prosecuted as adults, and join the military. Some of which, are putting your life at
risk. So, why is the consumption of alcohol excluded on that list? When the alcohol age limit is at
21, it prohibits a large age group from drinking in bars, restaurants, and other licensed locations.
This causes many people to drink in unsupervised places such as parties or other private places. So,
lowering the legal age for alcohol would actually decrease unsafe drinking activity. Lastly, There are
fewer drunk driving traffic accidents in many countries with legal drinking age of 18. Although the
United States increased the legal drinking to 21, its rate of traffic accidents and fatalities
decreased less than that of European countries whose legal drinking ages are lower than 21. So,
many people believe that when you turn 18 you should be able to legally drink because you are an
adult, it keeps people in that age group out of illegal places for drinking, and in many countries
there are fewer drunk driving traffic accidents when the legal drinking age is
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Lowering the drinking age to 18 would make a lot of sense in the world. Lowering the drinking
age to 18 would make more sense. It would be better for the teens that drink on college campus.
The drinking age should be lowered to 18 because you can vote at eighteen, buy tobacco, it'll
reduce the thrill of breaking the law, evidence supports that early introduction of drinking is the
safest way to reduce juvenile alcohol abuse, and college people that are not 21 drink also. If
teenagers that are now turning 18 can vote, then they should be able to drink at the age of 18. If
teens are 18 and old enough to vote, they should be able to drink. Saying they can vote, is calling
them responsible and mature enough to pretty much vote. At age 18, more content...
Tobacco, can give the person doing it buzzed or drunk and give them the risk of a disease.
Therefore, in the long run, the person will probably regret doing tobacco. It'll reduce the thrill of
breaking the laws. Teens find it exciting to break the law. Once they start breaking the law, it'll get
them addicted to the thrill of breaking the law. They're going to want to keep breaking the law
just to be cool. ("Reasons"). When they break the law, they think that since other people won't do
it, that it's going to be cool to break the law and look bad. Most parents should know that almost
all kids drink. If they know that their kids drink, why not let them have legally drink at 18, with
not having their kids get in jail for drinking under age. ("Age"). For example, why would you go
through the trouble if your child drinks and gets caught because they're not 21 yet, but are in
college and over 18 and you have to bail them out? Therefore most college kids aren't even 21 yet,
but are still exposed to alcohol and drink. Early introduction into drinking will reduce binge drinking.
If people are introduced into drinking early, they'll be drinking moderately. Scientific evidence
supports that early introduction to drinking is the safest way to reduce juvenile alcohol abuse.
Young people in France, Spain, and Argentina, rarely abuse alcohol. They start drinking within their
families, which sees drinking in moderation as natural. They rarely
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Should Drinking Age Be Lowered
Should the Drinking Age be Lowered?
The drinking age should be lowered because those under 21 can buy guns, vote, and join the
Military at 18. Since 18 is the legal adult age, people should have the right to make their own
decision to buy alcohol. It is important because colleges and universities are allowing alcohol
consumption which legally might help cut down alcohol related deaths in colleges. It states in the
Washington Post that Vermont allows children as young as sixteen can buy guns. In America
eighteen year olds can vote, operate a vehicle, pay taxes, get married own a gun and join the
Military. I think that some of those things require more responsibly than buying alcohol.
It states in the New York Times that teaching people to drink responsibly before they turn 21 would
be enormously enhanced public health. High school and college students now have a
more content...
Began setting the legal drinking age at 21, the law has been one of the most studied in our history.
"She clarifies that the evidence is overwhelming, more than 50 high–quality scientific studies all
found the law 21 saves lives, both on and off the road. She says that lowering the age of those who
have easy access to alcohol would shift responsibility for underage drinking to high school parents
and educations. Laura Dean–Mooney "She mentions that there are some good and some bad
arguments. Research has shown that a drinking age of 21 does reduce alcohol use by those under
21, including high school and college students. She says that traffic accidents are a primary reason
why Vietnam–era experimentation with lower drinking ages was abandoned." Tara Watson. The
study shows that arrest rates rise sharply at age 21 through at least 23. In conclusion, the drinking
age should be lowered because you can do so much other things like buy guns, vote, join military
and so many more. There are at least 10.1 million underage drinkers in the United
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Should Drinking Age Be Lowered
Michael Slavik 6 2nd Draft Should the Drinking Age be Lowered? Politicians have been working to
pass a law to lower the Minnesota drinking age from 21 to 18 years of age. People are trying to push
this law because the country–wide description of being an adult is 18 years of age. At 18 people can
serve in the military, buy tobacco, and yet cannot buy alcohol. Reasons for this is that high schoolers
and middle schoolers have easier access to drinks. 1st Set of Body Paragraphs with links: https:/
lawmaker–wants–drinking–age–dropped–to–18_20161118085236588/169528543 A federal law
raised the drinking age to 21 in 1984. Minnesota went with it in 1986. Minnesota Rep. Phylis Kahn
wants to change that.
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Should Drinking Age Be Lowered?
WE ALL HAVE OPINIONS, BUT CAN YOU BACK THEM UP? Let's see... Should the drinking
age be lowered from 19 to a younger age ? Should the drinking age be lowered from 19 to a
younger age? We should not drink when you are under the drinking age law. Drinking can be all
over the world to many countries. With all due respect, I truly think that the drinking age should
not be lowered to a younger age than 19. In my perspective, drinking is bad for everyone.
Drinking is dangerous to everyone and these are the reasons health issues, younger age people, and
not to drink and drive. The risks of drinking alcohol are health issues, your body wouldn't stay fit if
you are drinking too much. Health issues for drinking can be a serious and damageable for you. more content...
When drunk they can call a cab and return home safely and make the others safe in the roadways .
When making a right choice you have be strong with it so put your keys down. Surprising, they
are wrong because the driver can smell the alcohol and may put him to unconscious and risk to
many people who is in the front of the taxi driver. They can ask a family member to pick them up
so they know they are drunk and they can be safe to pick them up. If it a taxi driver they might
tell their wrong address and be in place stranded nowhere. To support that, I have some research
that I will explain to you. People who are cab drivers they only get $32,000. Health issues are
very important to your life than drinking. Is it true that many people think that drinking is more
important than health issues? I think that people of this world not just only Canada ''please do not
drink''. It seems clear that drinking should not be lowered to under 19. Drinking can because as a
brain effect and affect your whole entire life. When drinking, you don't know what you are saying
and doing and you might even get the nightmare of many varieties of a scary nightmare, like ghost
attacks and etc... because your brain is not ready to take that risk to
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Argumentative Essay: Lowering The Drinking Age
SUMMARY Lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18 will delay underage drinking, as well as
terrible injuries or deaths that result from such conduct. Keeping the drinking age at 21 is
driving to more cases of binge drinking in a short time because it has become a ritual among this
age group. However by lowering the drinking age to 18, the binge drinking practice will decline,
because it will demystify the drunken experience therefore viewed the moderate consumption of
alcoholic beverages becomes a disciplined behavior. Roughly 11 million young Americans
consume alcohol, and an upsetting number of them drink way too much, for the purpose of my
research, described as guzzling five or more drinks in a row, one or more times in a two–week period. more content...
Prohibiting this age group from drinking in bars, restaurants, and other licensed locations causes
them to drink in unsupervised places such as fraternity houses or house parties where they may be
more prone to binge drinking and other unsafe behavior. Considering the societal impact of binge
drinking (by the numbers) and the marketed number of young Americans' lives spared by MLDA–21
since its inception it behooves politicians to change the federally coerced prohibition law and to
teach responsible drinking techniques for those who chose to consume alcoholic beverages. The
records show that as a nation we have two strikes on prohibition laws that failed in the past
(Thornton, 1991) notwithstanding, the general good intent for controlling irresponsible drinking
problems. The non for profit organization Choose Responsibility (CHOOSE RESPONSIBILITY),
pro–lowering MLDA–21, openly publishes statistics that on the surface would validate the current
prohibition stance, however when analyzed by removing any cognitive biases those who genuinely
care can see that despite the MLDA–21 law, an alarming number of underage Americans are
drinking, and many are drinking worryingly. "Alcohol is a reality in the lives of young Americans.
It cannot be denied, ignored, or legislated away" (CHOOSE
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Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered?
The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered Alcohol! Should the legal drinking age be lowered? The
answer to the question is yes, it should. The drinking age limit should be lowered because, in the
eyes of the law, a person is seen as an adult at the age of eighteen, in other countries the lower
drinking age is successful, and in college, the consumption among students increased after the limit
was raised to twenty–one. The law recognizes citizens at the age of eighteen as legal adults: "adults
should have the right to make their own decisions about alcohol consumption"("Drinking Age").
Legal adulthood consequently, comes with different types of rights and responsibilities. Once people
reach the age of eighteen they receive the right to vote, to smoke, to have consensual sex, and to
marry without parental consent. This gives them the ability to make decisions for the future of the
country by voting, to do something that could affect their health, to do something that could result in
a baby, which creates additional responsibility, and to start a new family through marriage without
their parents' permission. The responsibilities of being a legal adult include having total
responsibility for one's actions and being trusted not to break the law since an eighteen–year–old can
be charged as an adult now. A person at the age of eighteen could be in charge of someone's life
through serving on a jury in major court cases, such as murders. The law also requires that all males
at the age of
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Unsupervised and driven underground, underage drinking has gained widespread popularity in
America's youth, even claiming victims such as the former President Bush's 19 year–old daughter.
At 18 years of age, a citizen can purchase a gun and tobacco, enlist in the military, get married,
vote, and be tried as an adult in court but yet as an "adult" they still do not possess the right to
purchase nor consume alcohol legally. The drinking age should be lowered to 18 years of age
because adults should be able to make their own decisions, it is safer for the youth in America, and
with alcohol education classes instilled in schools at a young age, the younger citizens will be
exposed to responsible drinking habits so it reduces the enticement more content...
If 18 is considered the age of adulthood, then a person at the age of 18 should be permitted to enjoy
the rights and responsibilities that becoming an adult entails, including
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Should Drinking Age Be Lowered To 18?
The drinking age in the United States is currently 21. I believe that this drinking age should be
lowered to 18. One reason why I believe this is because in the United States 18 is the age of
adulthood so I think they they should be able to make there own decisions because you are not a
minor anymore. For example, you are allowed to buy a house, vote, join the military, serve jury
duty, get married, apply for loans, and use tobacco products. There are 115 countries with a MLDA
(Minimum Legal Drinking Age) of 18–19. Also there is only 12 countries with a MLDA of 21.
There are also fewer drunk driving traffic accidents and fatalities in many countries with MLDA of
18. I believe that this could help because there are a lot of DUI's and car crashes
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Should Drinking Age Be Lowered Essay
Why the drinking age should be lowered? Alcohol has been part of our culture for thousands of
years, it is also a harmful substance. Due to this, almost all the countries around the world have
placed an age restriction on it. In Australia the age required is 18, some countries allow drinking
at the age of 16 for beer, not for spirits. The purpose of a minimum drinking age is to act as a
deterrent from drinking alcohol, as young people face legal punishment if they break the law by
drinking underage. However, underage drinking remains a problem. The law is often difficult to
enforce if people drink in their own homes, rather than in a public place. Though establishments
such as bars or supermarkets often have the policy to ask for identification when selling alcohol
in the Australia, levels of sales to teens are still not considered to be low enough. I think drink age
should be lowered. Due to how high the drinking age is teens have started to turn away from
drinking and have become interested in other dangerous substances and drugs. A study found in
the US states that after the drinking age was increased from 19 to 21, 22% of students reported
that "they are going to take drugs." Teens are always trying to show off to their friends how cool
they are by taking these substances and drugs which will just lead them to an unhappy live in prison
and or a more content...
Australia lets teens under the age of 18 have the right to do other things. A few examples of this
would be getting your piercings with permission at 10–16 of age, allowed to drive on your Ls while
supervised and finally be employed at 13 or 14. If teens are mature enough to do these things why
are they not allowed to drink at a lower age? Teens have not broken the laws for driving, pricing or
employment because they know it is one step to becoming a mature adult. But they–they break the
law for drinking because they know they are mature
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Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered?
Should the legal drinking age be lowered to age 18? Recently people have been debating whether
If the drinking age should be lowered to 18. Some people think 18 is a better age but others think
it's outrageous to lower the drinking age to 18. After much reading and observing, I myself think
the drinking age should be kept at 21 years old,because young adults who drink while they 're
underage make poor decisions and majority of the young adults are in college lacking in classes.
The legal drinking age should not be lowered to 18, but stay at 21 because It leads to irresponsible
behavior and decisions. Young adults who drink tend not to care about their actions. Robert Voas
who has worked for the National Highway Administration Office, claims that it would not be a
good idea to lower the drinking age to 18. According to Voas, (Believe me when I say that
lowering the drinking age would be very dangerous; it would benefit no one except those who
profit from alcohol sales.) Young adults who are not 21 years of age tend to make irresponsible
decisions like getting behind the wheel drunk. Being a young adult and driving under the influence
of alcohol can lead one to a major accident or even death. Lowering the requirement of drinking may
benefit underage adults but the death rate of drunk driving will increase rapidly. Robert Voas has
studied drunk driving for 40 years and he has seen numerous accidents and deaths of immature young
adults drinking under the influence.
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Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered?
Alcohol! Should the legal drinking age be lowered? The answer to the question is yes it should
and here is why.The drinking age limit should be lowered because in the eyes of the law a person
is seen as an adult at the age of eighteen, in other countries the lower drinking age works, and in
college the drinking among students increased after the limit was raised to twenty one.
When a person reaches the age of eighteen they are seen as a legal adult: "adults should have the
right to make their own decisions about alcohol consumption"(Drinking Age). Legal adulthood
comes with all different types of rights and responsibilities with drinking not included. Eighteen
year olds are given the right to vote, to smoke, to have consensual sex, and to get married without
parental consent. this give citizens the ability to make decisions for the future of the country, the
ability to do something that could cause future health problems, the ability to do something that
could result in a baby which is additional responsibility, and the ability to separate from a family to
start a new one. The responsibilities of being a legal adult are having total responsibility for one's
actions and being trusted to not break the law because of being able to be charged as an adult
now. An eighteen year old is also possibly in charge of someone's life depending on the type of
case they could serve as a jury member on if selected. An eighteen year old boy is required to sign
up for a system that if selected he would have to possibly die fighting for the country(What You
Can). If eighteen year olds are old enough to fight for their country and old enough to make decisions
that affect the health of themselves and the life of another person then why are they not trusted to
make their own decisions regarding alcohol?
In other countries a lower drinking age works because of the way alcohol is viewed and used also
by how it is introduced. In most countries the drinking age is lower or nonexistent and yet most of
them have less problems with drinking problems among teenagers and adults as well as lower
alcoholism rates than the U.S. which has a higher drinking age. Now while in some of the countries
like the United kingdom the lower drinking age
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Should The Legal Age Be Lowered?
Should the legal age be lowered? There are many arguments on why the legal drinking age should
be lowered to eighteen. To some, lowering the drinking age to eighteen makes sense and to others
it does not make sense at all. Most people believe that if eighteen year olds are old enough to
make big decisions such as enlist in the Army, Navy, or other Military services then eighteen year
olds are old enough to drink also. Not only does lowering the legal drinking age put the drinker at
harm but also the people around the drinker. There are so many reasons why the legal drinking age
should not be lowered, never less, three valid and proven reasons why the legal drinking age should
not be lowered is, the effect on the brain, the safety of the drinker and the people around them, and
the number of deaths that will increase. On July of 1984, the national drinking age was changed
from eighteen to twenty–one. This law was passed thanks to Mothers Against Drunk Drivers
(MAAD). MAAD was founded by Candy Lightner, a mother who lost her daughter to a drink
driver. "In 1980, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, or MAAD, was founded by Candy Lightner after
her 13–year–old daughter was killed on her way home from a school carnival by a drunk driver. The
driver had three previous DUI convictions and was out on bail from a hit–and–run arrest two days
earlier. When MAAD was founded in 1980, more than 21,000 people were killed in drunk driving
crashes each year. Lightner and MAAD helped to change
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Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered To 18
Some people are requesting for the drinking age to be lowered to 18. The drinking age had always
been 21 until the late 60s and early 70s. The reason for this is that the military enlisting and voting
age had been lowered. Right away the effects of this were shown and they weren't positive. Since
only 29 states had adapted to the new law many teens would drive across the border to get drunk
then they would come back and crash. 16 of those states increased to drink age back to 21 and
those who didn't eventually did because a law was made that the official age for drinking would be
21 and all the 50 states had to have it. If the drinking age is lowered to 18 then that could cause
more car accidents, violent behavior and health problems.
While people want to lower the drinking age, they are right not doing so because this could cause
more car accidents. In an article titled Study: Lowering The Drinking Age Increases Car Crashes
Among Youth by Join Together Staff, the author states "Several studies in the United States have
shown significant reductions in alcohol–related traffic crashes since the Uniform
more content...
In the article titled Top 3 Reasons Why the Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered to 18 by Matt
Nagin, the author states, "The NIAAA (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse andAlcoholism), found
that "up to 86 percent of homicide offenders, 37 percent of assault offenders, [and] 60 percent of
sexual offenders" were using alcohol at the time of the crime".Basically, the NIAAA are saying that
a high percent of violent offenders were using alcohol at the moment. Of course, many will disagree
with this assertion that lowering the drinking age will have an increase in violent behavior/assaults.
Nevertheless, studies show the percentages on violent behavior now, so it can be assumed that it
will increase if the drinking age is
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Should Drinking Age Be Lowered?
In the 1970's, the topic of the legal drinking age grew very popular; most states decided to lower it
from 21 to 18 because that was the age to vote and enlist in the army. However, during the 90's the
age was raised back to 21 (Drinking). This was because teens were the most common drunk
drivers. "When the drinking age was raised", there were positive effects, "the number of fatal
crashes involving a young driver dropped significantly, from 61% in 1982 to 31% in 1995"
(Christensen). But the argument is still here, if one can go to war, why should he or she not be
able to take the edge off and indulge in alcoholic beverages? There are compelling arguments for
each side, but the drinking age should not be lowered. Some people believe more
Dr. John Allen says, "that consuming the substance [alcohol] impacts your hippocampus, an area of
the brain that handles your memory and learning" (Turner). Allen did a study on the hippocampus of
adolescents who drank regularly and on the hippocampus of adolescents who did not drink; the
hippocampus of non–drinkers were around ten percent larger than the drinkers. The study showed
that drinking affects the memory and learning capabilities of adolescents (Turner). Then when
one turns 18 he or she can vote, go to war, and move out. Even though all of these are considered
to be adult decisions, it doesn't mean one is fully mature. According to Sarah Aamodt, a
neuroscientist, "the changes that happen between 18 and 25 are a continuation of the process
that starts around puberty, and 18 year olds are about halfway through that process. Their
prefrontal cortex is not yet fully developed". The prefrontal cortex is crucial because it is, "the
part of the brain that helps you to inhibit impulses and to plan and organize your behavior to reach
a goal" (Aamodt). So even though one is legally considered an adult at 18 he or she has not
reached their full capacity for maturity, and will not until they are 25. This means that it is more
likely for a young person to make risky decisions and be less responsible. When juveniles start
consuming alcoholic beverages they welcome a detrimental
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Should Drinking Age Be Lowered Essay
Let The Drinking Age Be Lowered Should the drinking age be lowered? This question has been
stumbled upon for more than 50 years by the United States government. Fighting to keep the age
21 has made alcohol seem like a "forbidden fruit" taboo, in our nation. This law is not helping
minors stay away from drinking at all, but making underage consumption worse. The drinking
age is inferior and should be lowered because citizens of the U.S. are considered an adult at 18,
minors are drinking, and there is exceptions in the law for alcohol. In society, teens of our nation
are already considered an adult at 18, so why must young adults wait to be 21 in order to drink?
In the U.S., society can already do so much when becoming of legal age. In 2014, according to
Camille Paglia, PhD, Professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts
states: The National Minimum Drinking Age Act, passed by Congress 30 years ago this July, is a
gross violation of civil liberties and must be repealed. It is absurd more content...
In the U.S., teens can do a lot once they turn 18. Citizens at the legal age can choose the potential
leader of our country, serve our nation, live in their own place, and start killing themselves with
cigarettes. Lowering the law for alcohol consumption will help more minors at the legal age and
college campuses stay out of trouble. Half of the students drinking and providing alcohol at school
are under 21. Changing the law to 18+ will also help alcohol related deaths by teaching teens to
drink responsibly. Exceptions are only just making the law for drinking more complicated and
causing more alcohol related deaths. Not everyone knows about these drinking laws either because
people travel from state to state. Not knowing all the deviations to the law is putting more lives in
danger than it is
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Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered? Essay
Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered? One of the major problems today in United States society
is the amount of people in college who are drinking while underage. Every day on college
campuses we see rebellious young adults disobey the law and drink alcohol under the age of 21.
How would things be different if the drinking age was lowered? Would college students abuse it
or is it a good idea? Many people believe the drinking age should be kept where it is now based on
statistics. I feel the drinking age should be lowered based on numerous accusations from people
who state both opinions and statistics of the matter. Our generation is growing and more people
believe they should be treated like adults. If we cannot be mature and do all the activities that our
parents are doing at 18, then many of those people will believe they are not being treated
maturely. David J. Hanson wrote an article on responses to arguments against the minimum
drinking age (MDA). Hanson states in the article "citizens are legally adults at the age of 18"
(Hanson). Adults can vote, own cars, operate businesses, hunt wildlife, be employed, and serve in
a war but they cannot drink alcohol. Isn't part of being an adult being responsible for your actions
and being mature? There are many people who decide to get married before they are 21 and are not
even allowed to have wine at their own wedding. So people are allowed to get married and have a
family but are not allowed to have alcohol? We're now in the
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Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered?
Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered? Should the legal drinking age be lowered to age 18?
Recently people have been debating whether If the drinking age should be lowered to 18. Some
people think 18 is a better age but others think it's outrageous to lower the drinking age to 18. After
much reading and observing, I myself think the drinking age should be kept at 21 years old,because
young adults who drink while they 're underage make poor decisions and majority of the young
adults are in college lacking in classes.
The legal drinking age should not be lowered to 18, but stay at 21 because It leads to irresponsible
behavior and decisions. Young adults who drink tend not to care about their actions. Robert Voas
who has worked for the National Highway Administration Office, claims that it would not be a
good idea to lower the drinking age to 18. According to Voas, (Believe me when I say that
lowering the drinking age would be very dangerous; it would benefit no one except those who
profit from alcohol sales.) Young adults who are not 21 years of age tend to make irresponsible
decisions like getting behind the wheel drunk. Being a young adult and driving under the influence of
alcohol can lead one to a major accident or even death. Lowering the requirement of drinking may
benefit underage adults but the death rate of drunk driving will increase rapidly. Robert Voas has
studied drunk driving for 40 years and he has seen numerous accidents and deaths of immature young
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Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered Essay

  • 1. Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered to 18? Essay A very controversial argument amongst Americans is determining that the current legal drinking age which is 21 should be lowered to eighteen or not. Researching the following propaganda made me understand the dangers to the youth and people in America if the drinking age were to lower. Therefore i will argue with whoever disagrees with me that the drinking age should be lowered. I'd like to explain six reasons to why the drinking age should not be lowered beginning with the strongest reasons. First reason being is that alcohol effects the brain badly in many ways such as effecting a persons memory. This is not good since adolecent brains dont stop growing until their mid twenties. Recent studies included "animal studies suggest more content... Reviewing these statists one may be able to analaze and see that even drivers between 21 to 24 were high at risk. What would make a person want to lower the drinking age to 18. Young adults at eighteen are new drivers and less expierenced then the 21 + drivers and logically would produce more fatal crashes. Thirdly another serious effect alcohol has is suicide. More than "150,000 students develop an alcohol–related health problem (Hingson et al., 2002[–>0]), and between 1.2 and 1.5 percent of students indicate that they tried to commit suicide within the past year due to drinking or drug use (Presley et al., 1998[–>1]). People who have any sort of mental condition such as depression, manic depressive and anxiety should not be drinking alcohol at all. It's simply not good for a mentally ill person. "Alcohol has been found to lower serotonin and norepinephrine levels" Meaning that by having the serotonin levels lowered it will actually make the person even more depressed and higher risk for sucide. Alcohol is also known as the new gateway drug. Marajuana once was but now alcohol has been added into this classification list. " youth who drink drink alcohol were 50 times more then likely to use cocaine and those who smoke ciggarettes were 19x more as likely to use cocaine"(Two Dangersous Gateway Drugs, 2001). Why should America lower the drinking age if alcohol has the potential to cause people to try drugs then those who don't Get more content on
  • 2. Should Drinking Age Be Lowered? A huge debate in the United States in the past has been whether or not the drinking age should be lowered or raised or just stay right where it is. I believe that it should be lowered. If we are able to vote, die for our country, and rot in a jail cell why should young people not be allowed to have a few drinks every once in awhile. I think that if in the eyes of the law I am considered an adult the day I turn eighteen why am I not allowed to make a decision about whether I am able to consume alcohol or not. Although in twenty–nine states youth are allowed to consume alcohol on private property with the consent of a parent or legal guardian that still doesn't justify why people who are between the ages of eighteen and twenty are not allowed to go out and have drinks with friends. If adults between the ages of eighteen and twenty were able to drink in public environments, I believe that risks of injury and harm would increase more content... I personally believe that the opinions stated by Brandon Griggs, the CNN correspondent, are all valid and cover all aspects of this issue. I am partial to lowering the drinking age to eighteen. Not because I am a party–crazed teenager feening for alcohol to have a good time but because I believe that if the government wants to consider eighteen–year–olds adults then they should be treated as such. The government forces males to sign up for a draft to be able to send them to war if necessary and allows men and woman alike to vote, go to federal prison, or serve on a jury why should they not be allowed to buy a beer when they feel Get more content on
  • 3. Should Drinking Age Be Lowered To 18 Essay Should the drinking age be lowered to age eighteen? In order to be legally drinking alcohol you must be of 21 years of age or older. But, contrary to that law many teens drink alcohol anyway. This is what helps spark the debate of whether the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18. Many argue that at 18 years old, being a legal adult you should be able to drink alcohol. Also, in many countries where the legal drinking age is 18 years old many of the problems we face in our country aren't even relevant in their country. But, on the other hand alcohol can interfere with development of the young adult brain's frontal lobes, which has many long term effects. Also, many seniors in high school are 18 which means that they can drink, even more content... Firstly, when you turn 18, you are able to start doing many things that put your life at risk. Turning 18 gives you the right to to vote, smoke cigarettes, serve on juries, get married, sign contracts, be prosecuted as adults, and join the military. Some of which, are putting your life at risk. So, why is the consumption of alcohol excluded on that list? When the alcohol age limit is at 21, it prohibits a large age group from drinking in bars, restaurants, and other licensed locations. This causes many people to drink in unsupervised places such as parties or other private places. So, lowering the legal age for alcohol would actually decrease unsafe drinking activity. Lastly, There are fewer drunk driving traffic accidents in many countries with legal drinking age of 18. Although the United States increased the legal drinking to 21, its rate of traffic accidents and fatalities decreased less than that of European countries whose legal drinking ages are lower than 21. So, many people believe that when you turn 18 you should be able to legally drink because you are an adult, it keeps people in that age group out of illegal places for drinking, and in many countries there are fewer drunk driving traffic accidents when the legal drinking age is Get more content on
  • 4. Lowering the drinking age to 18 would make a lot of sense in the world. Lowering the drinking age to 18 would make more sense. It would be better for the teens that drink on college campus. The drinking age should be lowered to 18 because you can vote at eighteen, buy tobacco, it'll reduce the thrill of breaking the law, evidence supports that early introduction of drinking is the safest way to reduce juvenile alcohol abuse, and college people that are not 21 drink also. If teenagers that are now turning 18 can vote, then they should be able to drink at the age of 18. If teens are 18 and old enough to vote, they should be able to drink. Saying they can vote, is calling them responsible and mature enough to pretty much vote. At age 18, more content... Tobacco, can give the person doing it buzzed or drunk and give them the risk of a disease. Therefore, in the long run, the person will probably regret doing tobacco. It'll reduce the thrill of breaking the laws. Teens find it exciting to break the law. Once they start breaking the law, it'll get them addicted to the thrill of breaking the law. They're going to want to keep breaking the law just to be cool. ("Reasons"). When they break the law, they think that since other people won't do it, that it's going to be cool to break the law and look bad. Most parents should know that almost all kids drink. If they know that their kids drink, why not let them have legally drink at 18, with not having their kids get in jail for drinking under age. ("Age"). For example, why would you go through the trouble if your child drinks and gets caught because they're not 21 yet, but are in college and over 18 and you have to bail them out? Therefore most college kids aren't even 21 yet, but are still exposed to alcohol and drink. Early introduction into drinking will reduce binge drinking. If people are introduced into drinking early, they'll be drinking moderately. Scientific evidence supports that early introduction to drinking is the safest way to reduce juvenile alcohol abuse. Young people in France, Spain, and Argentina, rarely abuse alcohol. They start drinking within their families, which sees drinking in moderation as natural. They rarely Get more content on
  • 5. Should Drinking Age Be Lowered Should the Drinking Age be Lowered? The drinking age should be lowered because those under 21 can buy guns, vote, and join the Military at 18. Since 18 is the legal adult age, people should have the right to make their own decision to buy alcohol. It is important because colleges and universities are allowing alcohol consumption which legally might help cut down alcohol related deaths in colleges. It states in the Washington Post that Vermont allows children as young as sixteen can buy guns. In America eighteen year olds can vote, operate a vehicle, pay taxes, get married own a gun and join the Military. I think that some of those things require more responsibly than buying alcohol. It states in the New York Times that teaching people to drink responsibly before they turn 21 would be enormously enhanced public health. High school and college students now have a more content... Began setting the legal drinking age at 21, the law has been one of the most studied in our history. "She clarifies that the evidence is overwhelming, more than 50 high–quality scientific studies all found the law 21 saves lives, both on and off the road. She says that lowering the age of those who have easy access to alcohol would shift responsibility for underage drinking to high school parents and educations. Laura Dean–Mooney "She mentions that there are some good and some bad arguments. Research has shown that a drinking age of 21 does reduce alcohol use by those under 21, including high school and college students. She says that traffic accidents are a primary reason why Vietnam–era experimentation with lower drinking ages was abandoned." Tara Watson. The study shows that arrest rates rise sharply at age 21 through at least 23. In conclusion, the drinking age should be lowered because you can do so much other things like buy guns, vote, join military and so many more. There are at least 10.1 million underage drinkers in the United Get more content on
  • 6. Should Drinking Age Be Lowered Michael Slavik 6 2nd Draft Should the Drinking Age be Lowered? Politicians have been working to pass a law to lower the Minnesota drinking age from 21 to 18 years of age. People are trying to push this law because the country–wide description of being an adult is 18 years of age. At 18 people can serve in the military, buy tobacco, and yet cannot buy alcohol. Reasons for this is that high schoolers and middle schoolers have easier access to drinks. 1st Set of Body Paragraphs with links: https:/ /–news/ lawmaker–wants–drinking–age–dropped–to–18_20161118085236588/169528543 A federal law raised the drinking age to 21 in 1984. Minnesota went with it in 1986. Minnesota Rep. Phylis Kahn wants to change that. Get more content on
  • 7. Should Drinking Age Be Lowered? WE ALL HAVE OPINIONS, BUT CAN YOU BACK THEM UP? Let's see... Should the drinking age be lowered from 19 to a younger age ? Should the drinking age be lowered from 19 to a younger age? We should not drink when you are under the drinking age law. Drinking can be all over the world to many countries. With all due respect, I truly think that the drinking age should not be lowered to a younger age than 19. In my perspective, drinking is bad for everyone. Drinking is dangerous to everyone and these are the reasons health issues, younger age people, and not to drink and drive. The risks of drinking alcohol are health issues, your body wouldn't stay fit if you are drinking too much. Health issues for drinking can be a serious and damageable for you. more content... When drunk they can call a cab and return home safely and make the others safe in the roadways . When making a right choice you have be strong with it so put your keys down. Surprising, they are wrong because the driver can smell the alcohol and may put him to unconscious and risk to many people who is in the front of the taxi driver. They can ask a family member to pick them up so they know they are drunk and they can be safe to pick them up. If it a taxi driver they might tell their wrong address and be in place stranded nowhere. To support that, I have some research that I will explain to you. People who are cab drivers they only get $32,000. Health issues are very important to your life than drinking. Is it true that many people think that drinking is more important than health issues? I think that people of this world not just only Canada ''please do not drink''. It seems clear that drinking should not be lowered to under 19. Drinking can because as a brain effect and affect your whole entire life. When drinking, you don't know what you are saying and doing and you might even get the nightmare of many varieties of a scary nightmare, like ghost attacks and etc... because your brain is not ready to take that risk to Get more content on
  • 8. Argumentative Essay: Lowering The Drinking Age SUMMARY Lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18 will delay underage drinking, as well as terrible injuries or deaths that result from such conduct. Keeping the drinking age at 21 is driving to more cases of binge drinking in a short time because it has become a ritual among this age group. However by lowering the drinking age to 18, the binge drinking practice will decline, because it will demystify the drunken experience therefore viewed the moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages becomes a disciplined behavior. Roughly 11 million young Americans consume alcohol, and an upsetting number of them drink way too much, for the purpose of my research, described as guzzling five or more drinks in a row, one or more times in a two–week period. more content... Prohibiting this age group from drinking in bars, restaurants, and other licensed locations causes them to drink in unsupervised places such as fraternity houses or house parties where they may be more prone to binge drinking and other unsafe behavior. Considering the societal impact of binge drinking (by the numbers) and the marketed number of young Americans' lives spared by MLDA–21 since its inception it behooves politicians to change the federally coerced prohibition law and to teach responsible drinking techniques for those who chose to consume alcoholic beverages. The records show that as a nation we have two strikes on prohibition laws that failed in the past (Thornton, 1991) notwithstanding, the general good intent for controlling irresponsible drinking problems. The non for profit organization Choose Responsibility (CHOOSE RESPONSIBILITY), pro–lowering MLDA–21, openly publishes statistics that on the surface would validate the current prohibition stance, however when analyzed by removing any cognitive biases those who genuinely care can see that despite the MLDA–21 law, an alarming number of underage Americans are drinking, and many are drinking worryingly. "Alcohol is a reality in the lives of young Americans. It cannot be denied, ignored, or legislated away" (CHOOSE Get more content on
  • 9. Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered? The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered Alcohol! Should the legal drinking age be lowered? The answer to the question is yes, it should. The drinking age limit should be lowered because, in the eyes of the law, a person is seen as an adult at the age of eighteen, in other countries the lower drinking age is successful, and in college, the consumption among students increased after the limit was raised to twenty–one. The law recognizes citizens at the age of eighteen as legal adults: "adults should have the right to make their own decisions about alcohol consumption"("Drinking Age"). Legal adulthood consequently, comes with different types of rights and responsibilities. Once people reach the age of eighteen they receive the right to vote, to smoke, to have consensual sex, and to marry without parental consent. This gives them the ability to make decisions for the future of the country by voting, to do something that could affect their health, to do something that could result in a baby, which creates additional responsibility, and to start a new family through marriage without their parents' permission. The responsibilities of being a legal adult include having total responsibility for one's actions and being trusted not to break the law since an eighteen–year–old can be charged as an adult now. A person at the age of eighteen could be in charge of someone's life through serving on a jury in major court cases, such as murders. The law also requires that all males at the age of Get more content on
  • 10. Unsupervised and driven underground, underage drinking has gained widespread popularity in America's youth, even claiming victims such as the former President Bush's 19 year–old daughter. At 18 years of age, a citizen can purchase a gun and tobacco, enlist in the military, get married, vote, and be tried as an adult in court but yet as an "adult" they still do not possess the right to purchase nor consume alcohol legally. The drinking age should be lowered to 18 years of age because adults should be able to make their own decisions, it is safer for the youth in America, and with alcohol education classes instilled in schools at a young age, the younger citizens will be exposed to responsible drinking habits so it reduces the enticement more content... If 18 is considered the age of adulthood, then a person at the age of 18 should be permitted to enjoy the rights and responsibilities that becoming an adult entails, including Get more content on
  • 11. Should Drinking Age Be Lowered To 18? The drinking age in the United States is currently 21. I believe that this drinking age should be lowered to 18. One reason why I believe this is because in the United States 18 is the age of adulthood so I think they they should be able to make there own decisions because you are not a minor anymore. For example, you are allowed to buy a house, vote, join the military, serve jury duty, get married, apply for loans, and use tobacco products. There are 115 countries with a MLDA (Minimum Legal Drinking Age) of 18–19. Also there is only 12 countries with a MLDA of 21. There are also fewer drunk driving traffic accidents and fatalities in many countries with MLDA of 18. I believe that this could help because there are a lot of DUI's and car crashes Get more content on
  • 12. Should Drinking Age Be Lowered Essay Why the drinking age should be lowered? Alcohol has been part of our culture for thousands of years, it is also a harmful substance. Due to this, almost all the countries around the world have placed an age restriction on it. In Australia the age required is 18, some countries allow drinking at the age of 16 for beer, not for spirits. The purpose of a minimum drinking age is to act as a deterrent from drinking alcohol, as young people face legal punishment if they break the law by drinking underage. However, underage drinking remains a problem. The law is often difficult to enforce if people drink in their own homes, rather than in a public place. Though establishments such as bars or supermarkets often have the policy to ask for identification when selling alcohol in the Australia, levels of sales to teens are still not considered to be low enough. I think drink age should be lowered. Due to how high the drinking age is teens have started to turn away from drinking and have become interested in other dangerous substances and drugs. A study found in the US states that after the drinking age was increased from 19 to 21, 22% of students reported that "they are going to take drugs." Teens are always trying to show off to their friends how cool they are by taking these substances and drugs which will just lead them to an unhappy live in prison and or a more content... Australia lets teens under the age of 18 have the right to do other things. A few examples of this would be getting your piercings with permission at 10–16 of age, allowed to drive on your Ls while supervised and finally be employed at 13 or 14. If teens are mature enough to do these things why are they not allowed to drink at a lower age? Teens have not broken the laws for driving, pricing or employment because they know it is one step to becoming a mature adult. But they–they break the law for drinking because they know they are mature Get more content on
  • 13. Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered? Should the legal drinking age be lowered to age 18? Recently people have been debating whether If the drinking age should be lowered to 18. Some people think 18 is a better age but others think it's outrageous to lower the drinking age to 18. After much reading and observing, I myself think the drinking age should be kept at 21 years old,because young adults who drink while they 're underage make poor decisions and majority of the young adults are in college lacking in classes. The legal drinking age should not be lowered to 18, but stay at 21 because It leads to irresponsible behavior and decisions. Young adults who drink tend not to care about their actions. Robert Voas who has worked for the National Highway Administration Office, claims that it would not be a good idea to lower the drinking age to 18. According to Voas, (Believe me when I say that lowering the drinking age would be very dangerous; it would benefit no one except those who profit from alcohol sales.) Young adults who are not 21 years of age tend to make irresponsible decisions like getting behind the wheel drunk. Being a young adult and driving under the influence of alcohol can lead one to a major accident or even death. Lowering the requirement of drinking may benefit underage adults but the death rate of drunk driving will increase rapidly. Robert Voas has studied drunk driving for 40 years and he has seen numerous accidents and deaths of immature young adults drinking under the influence. Young Get more content on
  • 14. Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered? Alcohol! Should the legal drinking age be lowered? The answer to the question is yes it should and here is why.The drinking age limit should be lowered because in the eyes of the law a person is seen as an adult at the age of eighteen, in other countries the lower drinking age works, and in college the drinking among students increased after the limit was raised to twenty one. When a person reaches the age of eighteen they are seen as a legal adult: "adults should have the right to make their own decisions about alcohol consumption"(Drinking Age). Legal adulthood comes with all different types of rights and responsibilities with drinking not included. Eighteen year olds are given the right to vote, to smoke, to have consensual sex, and to get married without parental consent. this give citizens the ability to make decisions for the future of the country, the ability to do something that could cause future health problems, the ability to do something that could result in a baby which is additional responsibility, and the ability to separate from a family to start a new one. The responsibilities of being a legal adult are having total responsibility for one's actions and being trusted to not break the law because of being able to be charged as an adult now. An eighteen year old is also possibly in charge of someone's life depending on the type of case they could serve as a jury member on if selected. An eighteen year old boy is required to sign up for a system that if selected he would have to possibly die fighting for the country(What You Can). If eighteen year olds are old enough to fight for their country and old enough to make decisions that affect the health of themselves and the life of another person then why are they not trusted to make their own decisions regarding alcohol? In other countries a lower drinking age works because of the way alcohol is viewed and used also by how it is introduced. In most countries the drinking age is lower or nonexistent and yet most of them have less problems with drinking problems among teenagers and adults as well as lower alcoholism rates than the U.S. which has a higher drinking age. Now while in some of the countries like the United kingdom the lower drinking age Get more content on
  • 15. Should The Legal Age Be Lowered? Should the legal age be lowered? There are many arguments on why the legal drinking age should be lowered to eighteen. To some, lowering the drinking age to eighteen makes sense and to others it does not make sense at all. Most people believe that if eighteen year olds are old enough to make big decisions such as enlist in the Army, Navy, or other Military services then eighteen year olds are old enough to drink also. Not only does lowering the legal drinking age put the drinker at harm but also the people around the drinker. There are so many reasons why the legal drinking age should not be lowered, never less, three valid and proven reasons why the legal drinking age should not be lowered is, the effect on the brain, the safety of the drinker and the people around them, and the number of deaths that will increase. On July of 1984, the national drinking age was changed from eighteen to twenty–one. This law was passed thanks to Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MAAD). MAAD was founded by Candy Lightner, a mother who lost her daughter to a drink driver. "In 1980, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, or MAAD, was founded by Candy Lightner after her 13–year–old daughter was killed on her way home from a school carnival by a drunk driver. The driver had three previous DUI convictions and was out on bail from a hit–and–run arrest two days earlier. When MAAD was founded in 1980, more than 21,000 people were killed in drunk driving crashes each year. Lightner and MAAD helped to change Get more content on
  • 16. Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered To 18 Some people are requesting for the drinking age to be lowered to 18. The drinking age had always been 21 until the late 60s and early 70s. The reason for this is that the military enlisting and voting age had been lowered. Right away the effects of this were shown and they weren't positive. Since only 29 states had adapted to the new law many teens would drive across the border to get drunk then they would come back and crash. 16 of those states increased to drink age back to 21 and those who didn't eventually did because a law was made that the official age for drinking would be 21 and all the 50 states had to have it. If the drinking age is lowered to 18 then that could cause more car accidents, violent behavior and health problems. While people want to lower the drinking age, they are right not doing so because this could cause more car accidents. In an article titled Study: Lowering The Drinking Age Increases Car Crashes Among Youth by Join Together Staff, the author states "Several studies in the United States have shown significant reductions in alcohol–related traffic crashes since the Uniform more content... In the article titled Top 3 Reasons Why the Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered to 18 by Matt Nagin, the author states, "The NIAAA (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse andAlcoholism), found that "up to 86 percent of homicide offenders, 37 percent of assault offenders, [and] 60 percent of sexual offenders" were using alcohol at the time of the crime".Basically, the NIAAA are saying that a high percent of violent offenders were using alcohol at the moment. Of course, many will disagree with this assertion that lowering the drinking age will have an increase in violent behavior/assaults. Nevertheless, studies show the percentages on violent behavior now, so it can be assumed that it will increase if the drinking age is Get more content on
  • 17. Should Drinking Age Be Lowered? In the 1970's, the topic of the legal drinking age grew very popular; most states decided to lower it from 21 to 18 because that was the age to vote and enlist in the army. However, during the 90's the age was raised back to 21 (Drinking). This was because teens were the most common drunk drivers. "When the drinking age was raised", there were positive effects, "the number of fatal crashes involving a young driver dropped significantly, from 61% in 1982 to 31% in 1995" (Christensen). But the argument is still here, if one can go to war, why should he or she not be able to take the edge off and indulge in alcoholic beverages? There are compelling arguments for each side, but the drinking age should not be lowered. Some people believe more content... Dr. John Allen says, "that consuming the substance [alcohol] impacts your hippocampus, an area of the brain that handles your memory and learning" (Turner). Allen did a study on the hippocampus of adolescents who drank regularly and on the hippocampus of adolescents who did not drink; the hippocampus of non–drinkers were around ten percent larger than the drinkers. The study showed that drinking affects the memory and learning capabilities of adolescents (Turner). Then when one turns 18 he or she can vote, go to war, and move out. Even though all of these are considered to be adult decisions, it doesn't mean one is fully mature. According to Sarah Aamodt, a neuroscientist, "the changes that happen between 18 and 25 are a continuation of the process that starts around puberty, and 18 year olds are about halfway through that process. Their prefrontal cortex is not yet fully developed". The prefrontal cortex is crucial because it is, "the part of the brain that helps you to inhibit impulses and to plan and organize your behavior to reach a goal" (Aamodt). So even though one is legally considered an adult at 18 he or she has not reached their full capacity for maturity, and will not until they are 25. This means that it is more likely for a young person to make risky decisions and be less responsible. When juveniles start consuming alcoholic beverages they welcome a detrimental Get more content on
  • 18. Should Drinking Age Be Lowered Essay Let The Drinking Age Be Lowered Should the drinking age be lowered? This question has been stumbled upon for more than 50 years by the United States government. Fighting to keep the age 21 has made alcohol seem like a "forbidden fruit" taboo, in our nation. This law is not helping minors stay away from drinking at all, but making underage consumption worse. The drinking age is inferior and should be lowered because citizens of the U.S. are considered an adult at 18, minors are drinking, and there is exceptions in the law for alcohol. In society, teens of our nation are already considered an adult at 18, so why must young adults wait to be 21 in order to drink? In the U.S., society can already do so much when becoming of legal age. In 2014, according to Camille Paglia, PhD, Professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts states: The National Minimum Drinking Age Act, passed by Congress 30 years ago this July, is a gross violation of civil liberties and must be repealed. It is absurd more content... In the U.S., teens can do a lot once they turn 18. Citizens at the legal age can choose the potential leader of our country, serve our nation, live in their own place, and start killing themselves with cigarettes. Lowering the law for alcohol consumption will help more minors at the legal age and college campuses stay out of trouble. Half of the students drinking and providing alcohol at school are under 21. Changing the law to 18+ will also help alcohol related deaths by teaching teens to drink responsibly. Exceptions are only just making the law for drinking more complicated and causing more alcohol related deaths. Not everyone knows about these drinking laws either because people travel from state to state. Not knowing all the deviations to the law is putting more lives in danger than it is Get more content on
  • 19. Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered? Essay Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered? One of the major problems today in United States society is the amount of people in college who are drinking while underage. Every day on college campuses we see rebellious young adults disobey the law and drink alcohol under the age of 21. How would things be different if the drinking age was lowered? Would college students abuse it or is it a good idea? Many people believe the drinking age should be kept where it is now based on statistics. I feel the drinking age should be lowered based on numerous accusations from people who state both opinions and statistics of the matter. Our generation is growing and more people believe they should be treated like adults. If we cannot be mature and do all the activities that our parents are doing at 18, then many of those people will believe they are not being treated maturely. David J. Hanson wrote an article on responses to arguments against the minimum drinking age (MDA). Hanson states in the article "citizens are legally adults at the age of 18" (Hanson). Adults can vote, own cars, operate businesses, hunt wildlife, be employed, and serve in a war but they cannot drink alcohol. Isn't part of being an adult being responsible for your actions and being mature? There are many people who decide to get married before they are 21 and are not even allowed to have wine at their own wedding. So people are allowed to get married and have a family but are not allowed to have alcohol? We're now in the Get more content on
  • 20. Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered? Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered? Should the legal drinking age be lowered to age 18? Recently people have been debating whether If the drinking age should be lowered to 18. Some people think 18 is a better age but others think it's outrageous to lower the drinking age to 18. After much reading and observing, I myself think the drinking age should be kept at 21 years old,because young adults who drink while they 're underage make poor decisions and majority of the young adults are in college lacking in classes. The legal drinking age should not be lowered to 18, but stay at 21 because It leads to irresponsible behavior and decisions. Young adults who drink tend not to care about their actions. Robert Voas who has worked for the National Highway Administration Office, claims that it would not be a good idea to lower the drinking age to 18. According to Voas, (Believe me when I say that lowering the drinking age would be very dangerous; it would benefit no one except those who profit from alcohol sales.) Young adults who are not 21 years of age tend to make irresponsible decisions like getting behind the wheel drunk. Being a young adult and driving under the influence of alcohol can lead one to a major accident or even death. Lowering the requirement of drinking may benefit underage adults but the death rate of drunk driving will increase rapidly. Robert Voas has studied drunk driving for 40 years and he has seen numerous accidents and deaths of immature young adults Get more content on