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Fade In:
MICHEAL stands in front with a few bags of luggage at his
side,looking bored. He is a young black male of average
height and has a muscular build with a shaved head.
An old ford Windstar PULLS UP AWKWARDLY with VISHAL trying
to fix his parking. He is a scrawny looking Indian male with
messy black hair.
(looks at his watch)
Anytime Today,Grandma.
Vishal parks up and gets out the car,standing a few feet
away from him. He is about the same height and age as Mike
but not as attractive.
(looks annoyed)
AY,Do you know what I had to go
throught to borrow this car?
(micheal shrugs)
I had to beg my old man for weeks
and take an actual test.
(rolls his eyes)
Aww look,the old lady is cranky
because she didn't eat her bran
Vishal gives him a hurt/angry look but Micheal moves past
him to open the car trunk. Micheal screws up and the ALARMS
go off, BLASTING the area with sirens.
Turn it off now!
(Fumbles with car keys)
Calm down,man. This car is old and
has special needs.
MuthaFucka, this is a car, not a
five year old with Dyslexia.
At this time, People are starting to angry that these two
chuckleheads cant figure out how to turn off an alarm.
None are more angrier than the JOCK, a big burly looking
fellow who is not emphatic to their plight.
Oy, lovebirds, Turn that shit off!
(in a mocking tone)
We'll get right one that sir. We
are so sorry we interrupted your
jerking off time.
(Looks even madder)
What da fuck you say to me?
While this was happeing, Vishal gets the car alarm off and
puts in 2 out of 4 bags of luggage in the trunk.
(turns and looks at Vishal)
Can you go a little faster? I want
to go before he decides to come
(strains with the red
What do you have in here? Dead
(Helps Vishal with the
Of course, the red over there has
the mom, the black has the dad,
and the green right there has the
kinky daughter.
They forgot about the Jock who is halfway down the fire
Asshole, dont ignore me
The Jock is running down the stairs in a fit of rage, while
Mike tosses the last suitcase in the trunk and Vish backs
out the car. Mike jumps in the throught the trunk as Vish
speeds away, just missing the jock toss a brick at the car.
Vishal turns to drive on the highway, nerves shaken. Mike is
climbing throught the back of the car, making his way to the
front seat.
(in the middle of the van)
Easy there, Bugs bunny on
crack.Mr. Brick thrower probably
forgot all about us.
You read that thing I wrote?
Yep, and the story left me fearing
for your mental health.
(Vishal laughs)
Seriously, you cant hurt a fly so
how can you write gangsters
willing to triple cross each
Gangsters are the new cowboys, am
I right?
(Mike looks confused)
People want to believe in the
other half. They want to believe
that those people can be redeemed.
It works with rich people and
works with gangsters.
People want hope not perfection.
They want the ability to make like
perfect rather than it being
Hence why people like Batman
better than superman.
He turns his head only to see that Mike fell asleep.
Vishal pulls up on the teminal for JFK. They disembark and
take out the luggage. When that is said and done with, they
stand and face other.
(Clears his throat)
Listen, if you need a place to
stay, there is a apartment that my
dad is looking to rent out.
Thats fine.
Its above his store so maybe you
can get a job with him.
Ehh, Its fine. I dont mooch off my
friends and I rather not spend
that much time with your old man.
(Micheal interrupts)
Hey dont worry about it. Besides
we got bigger fish to fry. Your
21st is coming up soon, so what do
you want to do?
Vishal shruggs.
Well, you having a girlfriend
might improve your mental health
so lets go do clubbing. One night
and we will cover all your firsts.
Dont worry about it. I have all
the time in the world to deal to
sort that out.
Micheal and Vishal grasps hands and Micheal pulls Vishal
into a hug. Vishal, suprised lets the moment pass. They
release and go their seperate ways.
It is a small cramped area that somehow fits two people. It
has a bunk on the left side and Vishal is sleeping on the
top one.
Vishal awakens and tries to get his bearings by staring at
the wall.
(groggy and lost in thought)
All the time in the world, huh?
GUILLERMO walks in and leans on the wall. He is a bald,
muscular Hispanic male of great structure, wearing navy
pants and a white cotton long sleeve shirt.
Yo, it's food time! You going?
Vishal notices and waved his hand,indicating that he
heard.He jumps down, allowing us to see his full frame. He
is tall but only reaches up to Guillermo's shoulders. His
face is sullen and thinner and he has become more muscular
since the last time we saw him.
Vishal walks forward,grabbing his prison jacket hanging off
the wall and walks out the cell. Guillermo closes the cell
door and follows him. They are walking along the hallway
toward the prison cafeteria.
Did Johnny B make his move yet?
Chief said he might try to escape
You know what? Im getting bored
just waiting on him so lets do it
Guillermo gives him a questioning look.
What? its not like we're gonna
cure cancer today anyway.
What is your beef with this guy?
He's got an oddly shaped
Nothing but by kicking his ass, I
piss off his boss. It'll be a
minor irritant but I will take any
victory I can get.
Are you sure this is worth it?
whats to stop his boss from
sending someone to kill you?
"He who controls the battle ground
is assurred victory. Sun Tzu. Art
of war.
(looks suprised)
You've read Art of War?
Nope, I read a comic book that
quoted Art of war but I probably
mangled it up.
What about the Neo Nazis? Do too
much and eventually they will
catch on.
(shrugs it off)
The head honcho owes me a favor as
i saved his youngest son the
fuck-up from getting shanked that
one time.
I cash in that favor and I got
every guard and redneck on my
Just hope you know what you are
getting into.
Semper Fi, brother. Who dares
Guillermo and Vishal reached the cafeteria doors. Vishal
flips his shiv out and then hides it as he takes a breath
and walks in.
Cut To
The prison cafeteria is of medium size with prisoners
eating, conversing and doing what they do every other
day.They are group by gang, ethnic or religious affliation.
One group of convicts decides to leave early but one member
JACK stays behind. Being a gambling man, his eye was caught
by the game going on accross from his table.
He centers on a group playing cards, betting ciggarettes.
One player ETHAN decides to amuse the others by playing card
tricks. He is a small wry man who likes to show how smart he
(shuffles cards)
Now, the amazons arent actually
from the amazon, their from
greece. Why they are called amazon
and not grecons or something, I
dont know?
Ethan then lays the cards down and starts switching them.
The DUDE, one hippie looking fellow is aptly focused on the
cards in front of him.
(looks sure)
The one on the right.
Are you sure? it could be the one
on the right?
No, its the one on the right.
What you want is the one on the
just flip the card over!
Ethan complies and flips over the card on the
right,revealing the JACK OF SPADES.Looking dejected, the
Dude turns away and Ethan collects his winnings.Jack steps
forward and grabs Ethan's arm, shaking furiously.
The queen of hearts fell out.
Gentlemen, this is not what it
looks like.
Ethan grabs a tray and smacks Jack in the head and uses the
confusion to run away. Jack pursuits but eventually
Guillermo stands in his path.
Jack tries to go around but Guillermo blocks his path. He
tries to push Guillermo aside but Guillermo punches him in
the face.
Jack goes down and a fracas ensues.
This hallway leads to the south part of the prison, where
the loading dock is. JOHNNY B and his CREW OF 3, formerly 3
plan to steal a truck and ride off into the sunset.
The crew consists of MARKY, a chubby white male of average
height, and GREG and BRAD, twin stocky black males.
there is a fourth character, STANDISH present but he looks
scared and is wedged between Greg and Brad. He is a hispanic
male of average height and has cropped hair.
Johnny B steps forward.He is a rather unassuming black male
but appears to be the brains of the outfit.
All right boys and whatever Marky
(looks pissed)
Now I know I said we were gonna
escape tommorow but the fracas
upstairs was a golden oppurtunity.
We should have left with Jack.
(Adopts a cooing voice)
Aww, the little baby is sad he
couldnt be with his bestest buddy?
(adopts a normal voice)
Dont worry about him, he's only
got 6 months left anyway.
(points at Standish)
Whats he doing here?
Numbnuts, he sold us out to his
amiga flamingo buddies and got us
in deep shit!
It wasnt as bad as your making it
to be.
Greg punches him in the face.
this is not neccessary. I'm only
gonna slow you down
Brad punches him in the stomach.
(gets close and serious)
Trust me, when we get out, you and
my boss are gonna have a chat
about "trustworthiness"
Vishal catches up to them.
Damn, you guys are slow. No wonder
your in prison.
Who da fuck are you? What do you
Vishal swings at greg and a fight ensues. Brad comes from
the side and hits him. Vishal recoils and swings his elbow
into Brad's stomach. He slams Brad into a wall and punches
greg in the face.
(looking smug)
For starters, I dont like what you
want to do to "Fish" here
Marky charges forward but Vishal blocks. Marky swings but
misses and Vishal punches him in the stomach. Marky recalls
and Vishal punches him in the face. Marky trips over Brad's
unconcious body and Vishal kicks him to knock him out.
(takes out his shiv)
Second,I just dont like you.
Johnny B pushes Standish into a wall and takes out his shiv.
He and Vishal start fighting.
(tries to beg)
Yo, be reasonable. You got no
stake in any of this. We can work
out a deal.Half the loot, I
Vishal chuckles and pushes him backwards. Standish grabs and
Vishal starts wailing on him.
(trying to stay concious)
We could have made a deal,
Everyone could have won here.
Johnny B slumps onto a wall. Vishal puts a shiv in his hand
and proceeds to pat him down.
So ah why you do it? you got
nothing to gain from this.
No worries fish. It was never
about you or even about him.
(looks sheepish)
Just wanted to send a message to
his boss. Thats all.
And that is?
Vishal flips him the bird with his right hand while his left
is in one of Johnny's pockets, fishing something out.
It is a small asian trinket with carved holes in it.
Spoils of war.
Cut to:
Vishal and Mike are sitting at different sides of the table.
Micheal is wearing a navy blue bussiness suit with a breast
Time flies, huh. Last time I saw
you, you couldnt do a single
pushup. Now you look like you can
bench this table.
(leans closer)
How much you bench? 250? 350?
I havent seen you for seven years
and the first thing you do is
compare workout notes.
(looks at Mike drinking a
sports drink)
You haven changed at all, ya
fitness nut.
You get my message?
Loud and clear. Now my uncle wants
to put your head on a pike. Johnny
B was our go to guy with the
Fact is we needed him out
yesterday to go dig up his loot
and get them off our backs.
Didnt he have problem with the
chinese as well as everybody else?
Dont you have any one else you can
do this?
Johnny is the son of the boss's
sister and he is the only one who
knows where the loot is. He is a
paranoid and iritating little
(pauses to rub his eyes)
You know how much people i got to
pay off now to keep him alive/
(starts to loose his cool)
He is not worth it but if anything
bad happens to him, his cousins go
on the warpath.
Damn man, I didnt you were this
deep in the septic tank. Here i
thought i was just gonna your
dinner plans.
You know what? I'm just gonna kick
back and let these triads kill you
for me.
Whats stopping me from telling
them you where the one who kicked
his ass?
(looks smug)
Bring em on. I can take em.I am
the sheep who became a wolf.
(pauses to be dramatic)
Everyone fears the man who can
remake himself.
That is some cool shit. You should
write fortune cookies. But you and
I both know you cant take them
All it takes is one bad day for
you and one lucky moment for them.
Vishal is unable to answer.
lucky for you, I'm here to end
this conflict.
Help me find out where Johnny
stashed his loot and I can get you
out of here.
First rule of prison. You dont
break out the same way twice.
Not a jail break. An early
(looks suprised)
you can do that?
(gets cocky)
I dont dress like this for
It'll take a while to sort out the
red tape.
(pauses to do mental math)
6 months, give or take a week.
Just like that?
Its a good deal. Everybody wins.
Vishal is lost in thought. Micheal decides to apply
You know your sister is back in
the states? right.
Vishal looks up.
She's got a house, a husband and a
kid now. Twins actually. Werent
you and her twins?
And you know this how?
(brushes it off)
The how and why are not important.
the fact is you might have a
chance at being in her life. Isn't
that worth something?
I had to learn this from you, the
guy who put me here in the first
place instead of her.
Doesnt that tell you how much she
wants me in her life?
To be fair, you are stuck in a
prison and arent going anywhere.
I'm sure she was waiting for your
birthday or something.
Cut her some slack, there is no
hallmark card on how to deal with
Take the deal.
Vishal is lost in thought.
Why did you do it? Why did you
plant those drugs on me?
(gets mad)
Why did you sell me out?
I had to sell you out in order to
protect my crew. You were the fall
More importantly, I had to sell
you out in order to kill my old
Thats your excuse? You could have
killed him at any point after.
All that matters is that it
happened and I regret it.
I lost some good friends that day
and the women I loved. I traded
them and you for a chance to kill
a man that wasnt worth it.
(looks somber)
I wanted to kill my old man for
all the regular reasons. By the
time I got to him, he went from
top of the food chain to broken
old man waiting to die.
It wasnt worth it.
Vishal is lost on how to respond but tries anyway.
It worked out well for you anyway.
My uncle forgave me. He offered me
a job in his crew. I've been
trying to make things right ever
By being a gangster?
You write what you know and cook
what you can't burn.
I can't take back what I did but I
can make it right. I can hook you
up with a legitimate job, a nice
crib and I can get you back into
This is a house of cards you're
standing on, you know that right?
One misstep and it all comes
crashing down.
Believe me i know.
A guard enters.
Prisoner 6442, times up lets go.
Vishal gets up and exits the room.
Cut to:
The prison yard consists of a long field with stretches of
grass and one long block of cement. The prison has a couple
of small buildings that are being reinvated thru use of
Prison industries.
We move towards the gated courtyard, where most of the
prisoners spend their days playing basketball, walking
around aimlessly to commit business.
Vishal is on the bottom of the bleachers inspecting the
asian statue.
If you rub it hard enough, a genie
might pop out and grant you three
The Chief is a older gentleman with a better kept prison
garb than most. His slicked back hair is obscured with a
thick wool cap and his mustache is neatly combed.He is about
50 years old.
In his hand nests a old tabby cat, a relic of a bygone era
where prisoners were allowed creature comforts.
He is walking towards Vishal.
First thing I'll do is wish for a
cat-dog like the cartoon, then for
pigs to fly to piss off all the
bacon eaters and then for the
grand finale,
I will wish for a hole to appear
that will take me all the way to
China so I can escape this place.
(sits next to him)
You dont speak chinese kid. What
are you gonna do? order food or
asks for directions with sign
Of course, I'm gonna mime my way
into a prostitute's pants.
Vishal starts to make some obscene gestures.
You'll be the first non-frenchman
to do so.
They chuckle a little bit to let the moment pass and the old
tabby cat purs.
Dont sweat it kid, you gotta a
good deal here. My advice, dont
bet against the house.
There are tons of people who would
kill to be in your place. Ethan
for one.
Whats his deal anyway? What did he
do to get 25 years to life?
According to the deputy Warden, he
wrote up fake prescriptions for
junky teens and one little idiot
od'ed on her brother's asthma
Only here will you hear about crap
like that.
That kid is not gonna last that a
long. He is either gonna die by
way of shank or he is gonna be a
walking husk by the time he's my
if he is really unlucky, he can
get a std because this place is
crawling with them.
pretty soon we are gonna have to
wear Hazmat suits in stead of
these navy blue prison suits.
point is, count your blessings and
get the hell out.
the only people who thrive are the
ones meant to thrive here. Your
better off any where else.
(looks lossed in thought)
My first week, I had to put
someone in a coma.This fat guy who
had a thing for hairy legs.
Soon after I marked my territory,
by killing someone in the court
kid, you werent the first wh did
what they had to survive. thats
all the more reason why you should
get the hell out.
Thats the point. This is the one
place I thrived. Before here, I
had no skills or prospects. I had
a dream but that's all that is, a
(looks at his hands
I have no prospects other than the
skills i honed here. There arent
many legal job openings for
someone who can bust skulls.
(looks stern almost
Stop obsessing over the what has
happened or the what could be's
But nothing.If you were meant to
be here, and you were meant to
thrive here, than fine. Its your
shitty luck.
That doesnt mean you werent meant
to thrive out there. So stop
worrying and get off your ass.
Hows johnny B?
Doc says he is staying in the
hospital for a little bit.
Standish said that he is talking
over a truce with his latin
friends.Mike coffs up the dough
and they leave him alone.
So have you figured out what's the
deal with the statue?
Johnny wanted to escape with it so
it must have some importance.
(runs his finger over the
statue's side)
This part of the statue looks he
carved it out of something bigger.
Could be whatever he wanted to
hide is on the inside?
makes sense.
Vishal takes the statue and proceeds to slam it on the
bleacher repeatedly. Eventually it cracks open and reveals a
small paper.
And there is your answer.
(strains his eyes to read
Shits written in either chinese or
Either way its something.
Vishals enters to find someone else waiting for him instead
of Mike.
MISA MUSASHI is tall asian woman who is well dressed and
wearing glasses. She has an open briefcase with files and a
courteous smile on her face.
Good morning, Mr. Shekhar.
(unsure how to act)
Well no one tried to stab me yet
so I guess you could say that.
By the way, who are you?
I'm acting as your lawyer on
behalf of Mr.Johnson.
Who? oh you mean mike. Awesome.
I'm pretty sure he had a different
name back when I met him.
So you knew him long than?
We became quite close recently.
How close?
Does it matter?
(tries to backpedal)
No reason, just wanted to make
thats alright, did you make any
progress on your task?
oh, the johnnny b thing, yeah. He
had this statue on him and I
cracked it in half and out popped
this piece of paper
(paases it to her)
its either Chinese or
chickenscratch or both.
Its japanese actually.
He wrote it in japanese so no one
but him could figure it out.
He must have been afraid of his
own shadow.
(starts to rambling)
It does look like a haiku. Its
gots letter clusters of 5,7,5 and
three lines.
Its poorly written as the syntax
is all over the place, making the
sentence jumbled.
Wait, you speak japanese?
(pause as she nods)
Is it hard to learn? I got three
years left on my sentence anyway
and i might as well learn
(looks intent on the note)
The first line reads
"god,walks,far,meet to'
The second line reads "Split up,
walk cherry, down a seed"
(rubs her eye)
The third is "right to left, front
to back"
That's cryptic
These where written so he would
know what they refer to.
I think the first line means "to
meet god, you walk far.
(remembers something)
its probably the desert.
Misa looks incredulous.
Its a 25th hour reference. I saw
it last week, movie tuesdays, 5th
of the month.
The warden loves his Irony.
Ok. the second is "to split a
cherry seed than walk up or down
I guess at location, there is a
cherry tree and its facing the
direction you walk in.
Nice. I guess you would walk from
right to left then. Cherry tree is
on the right and location x is on
the left.
But this is new york. There is no
Could mean a beach or a farm. Or
maybe its in Jersey.Or off the
(leans back)
Either way we got this mystery
solved. Just have Mike retrace
Johnny's steps or ask around. he
should get something soon enough
In regards to your situation, I'll
write out a form for a early
release. You might have to stand
in front of a board of judges.
(packs up her papers)
Is there anything else you want to
Nope I'm good.
(grabs her briefcase and
hands him a card)
If you need to call me for any
Vishal nods and Misa gets up and walks out the room. The
guard comes in and escorts Vishal to his cell.
Cut to-
Today is the day as Vishal and other prisoner are waiting
for the hearings to start. Some are shaking in their boots,
some are deadpan, and some like Vishal are both.
Misa puts a comforting hand on his shoulder but Vishal does
not return her gaze. Mike gives him a thumbs up and he
slumps back in his chair.
in, followed by several people in suits.
The Warden is a small heavyset man, bald and wearing wire
rimmed glasses. The Deputy is tall and skinny and both are
clean shaven, wearing immaculate suits.
The Warden walks to the middle of the room, and clears his
throat. He is a man who like to pontificate.
Today is an auspicous day. We may
be an institution of Restraint but
I like to believe we are an
institution of rehabilation.
Of trust.
This fine city of NY trusts us to
rehabilitate it's fallen sons. A
task that is harder than some
might think.
That being said, I'd like to think
that we yield a few good eggs when
others might have broken.
(adresses the board)
You were gathered here today
because you were stern men of good
We are hear to judge not whether a
man is guilty or innocent but
whether he should be given the
right to fix his shattered life.
(turns to the convicts)
I do not make you light of your
history. You are, in the eyes of
the law, guilty men of the most
heinous cimes.
Rape,murder,theft, consorting
unsavory characters who mean this
country harm.
But this country was built on
second chances.
Then and there, a loud SIREN screeches and jolts everyone
out of their seat. Mike wakes up from his slumber and Misa
rolls her eyes. Vishal is assessing the situation.
The Warden is trying to calm everyone down.
Now, now, everyone. I'm sure its
just a false alarm. One of the
rookie guards pulled the fire
alarm, perhaps.
PRISON GUARD Alderman's radio starts goin off, shouting
indiscriminate words. PRISON GUARD Burrows'S face goes pale
as Prison guard Alderman responds.
(is intent on his comm
Acknowledged.Will relay message.
(turns to deputy warden and
steps forward.)
Sir, we have a situation.
Prisoners are rioting all over the
lock it down then.Do you
Lights turned off and then turned on.
What the hell?
Everybody starts murmuring as prison guard Burrows recieves
a message on his comm device.
(listens closely and then
gets even paler)
Sir, we have bigger problems
now.That was a power surge tht
shut down the system. Camera's
offline and certain parts of the
prison are lockdown.
Alderman grasps what he is saying.
The other guards and other
personnel are locked where they
Our men are divided and we cant
coordinate our response. They are
on their own.
The Warden tries to remain calm but you could see a vein
popping out of his head.
(assumes command)
Enough of this.
(turns to Alderman)
Take whatever personnel is here
and go out back. Sort out this
power problem and get our systems
back online.
Alderman exits the room. Deputy Warden Tiller turns to
For now our men are on their own
so put out a APB. All men are to
hunker down and get their sectors
under control.
By any means neccessary.
Burrows graps the implications of what the Deputy Warden is
Did I stutter? that is a order
The Warden is ashamed to have the deputy overstep his
What, someone has to take control.
Everyone has broken up into smaller groups trying to figure
out whats going on.
Warden Bellows, Deputy Warden Tiller and Burrows the guard
are in a corner trying to pacify the mayor over the phone.
Sir, do not worry,everything is
under control.
And where is my daughter?
(looking tense)
Sir, she is safe as the infirmary
has not been compromised.
Why isnt she with you?
Sir, the power outrage seperated
us from most of our men and
Till we get the power back on, our
men are on their own.
You haven't answered my question.
The infirmary was one of those
places locked down. She is safe
from the prisoners but we cant get
to her.
How do we know she is still safe?
Guards radio in every 2 minutes
and the guards stationed in the
infirmary have made regular check
(tries to think of something
positive to say)
Sir your daughter is with other
personnel and three trained guards
with weapons.
Every prisoner in that ward is
tied down and suffering from some
kind of ailment, making it hard to
We dont need to worry your
Either way Brad, I'm coming down
there to meet the press hounds.
When I get down there in 30
minutes, this situtation better be
neutralized and my daughter better
be safe and sound, with no hair
out of place.
You hear me?
Crystal, Sir.
The phone calls ends as these three breathe a sigh of
While this was happening, Misa was teaching Vishal how to
play Fruit Ninja on her IPAD. Micheal is watching intently,
sees his oppurtunity and moves in.
(walks forward)
Seems like you are in a pickle
(suprised to see Mike)
Can I help you, son?
(shakes warden's hand)
Mike Johnson, friend of the
defendant and concerned citizen.
I would just like to offer some
out of the box thinking to solving
your problem.
(eyes him wearily)
Everything here is under control.
You should go sit down and wait
for us to give you the ok.
Now, now, E.B. the boy wants to
make a pproposition. I say we let
him speak.
Thank you sir. The mayor wants his
daughter out safe and sound. I
suggest we do that and a twist.
We send in a trustworthy criminal
in to go and save the girl.
That is perposterous. A criminal
cant be trusted. Thats why we're
here in the first place.
(ignores him and focuses on
the warden)
Sir, today is your annual release
day. The day where you and your
friends get to decide which of
these crooks gets an early
What better way to end the day by
having one of your cons save a
high priority citizen like your
current Doctor on call, Ms Arcadia
The daughter of our current mayor.
He'll be happy and might look at
you in a whole new light.
Your reforms might get a push and
you might get a push. He might put
in a good word with his golf
buddies to put you on their radar.
Sir, you have political
aspirations. Who in your place
wouldnt have? A chance to shape
our democratic process and push
your reforms forward.
I'm not making light of your
accomplishments but who do you
think has a better chance of
making a difference?
Warden Brad Bellows or Senator
Bellows, or even President
I dont know how far you can go off
this decision but you have to
admit, the possibilitites are
(tries to reason with him)
Icarus fell to his death because
he trusted wings made of wax.
He should have got a net or better
My twist is not without backups.
There is the possibility he might
die attempting this, and you can
always try again with a new con.
No one's gonna shed a tear if he
dies but you can make him seem
like a hero.
(pauses as if he has thought
of a better idea)
You can always send him in with a
guard. Atleast you will know what
If they succeed, the media will
eat it up.
(Mike puts his hand, like he
is pointing to the lights)
Heck Hollywood might call. After
all, Heat, the Departed and LA
confidentional where all true
Sometimes Truth is cooler than
The Warden is lost in thought and is considering all the
possibilities. The Deputy tries to speak but the Warden
signals him to stop.
Call him forward. Lets get this
show on the road.
We wont let you down sir.
Son for our sake, your man better
not fuck this up.
You can count on us.
Micheal signals to Vishal, who walks towards them.
(starts to speak as Vishal
Son, you have the oppurtunity to
take place in a social expirement.
(Begrudgingly curt)
You and private Burrows will go to
the infirmary and escort the
personnel back to us
(gets firmer in speech)
The priority is Dr.Rodriquez.
I'm in.
Succeed and the media will view
you as a gallan knight.
Screw up and you are a gutted
turkey to be cooked for
Am I making myself clear?
Crystal, sir.
(looking smug)
Go get em, cowboy.
Godspeed boys, godspeed.
The deputy uncuffs Vishal and sets him free. Mike graps his
hand and gives him his shiv. The Warden notices but lets it
slide. Vishal and Burrows nod at each and exits the court

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  • 1. Fade In: EXT- DORM BUILDING PARKING LOT- EARLY MORNING MICHEAL stands in front with a few bags of luggage at his side,looking bored. He is a young black male of average height and has a muscular build with a shaved head. An old ford Windstar PULLS UP AWKWARDLY with VISHAL trying to fix his parking. He is a scrawny looking Indian male with messy black hair. MICHEAL (looks at his watch) Anytime Today,Grandma. Vishal parks up and gets out the car,standing a few feet away from him. He is about the same height and age as Mike but not as attractive. VISHAL (looks annoyed) AY,Do you know what I had to go throught to borrow this car? (micheal shrugs) I had to beg my old man for weeks and take an actual test. MICHEAL (rolls his eyes) Aww look,the old lady is cranky because she didn't eat her bran today. Vishal gives him a hurt/angry look but Micheal moves past him to open the car trunk. Micheal screws up and the ALARMS go off, BLASTING the area with sirens. MICHEAL (CONT'D) Turn it off now! VISHAL (Fumbles with car keys) Calm down,man. This car is old and has special needs. MICHEAL MuthaFucka, this is a car, not a five year old with Dyslexia. At this time, People are starting to angry that these two chuckleheads cant figure out how to turn off an alarm.
  • 2. None are more angrier than the JOCK, a big burly looking fellow who is not emphatic to their plight. JOCK Oy, lovebirds, Turn that shit off! MICHEAL (in a mocking tone) We'll get right one that sir. We are so sorry we interrupted your jerking off time. JOCK (Looks even madder) What da fuck you say to me? While this was happeing, Vishal gets the car alarm off and puts in 2 out of 4 bags of luggage in the trunk. MICHEAL (turns and looks at Vishal) Can you go a little faster? I want to go before he decides to come down. VISHAL (strains with the red suitcase) What do you have in here? Dead bodies? MICHEAL (Helps Vishal with the suitcase) Of course, the red over there has the mom, the black has the dad, and the green right there has the kinky daughter. They forgot about the Jock who is halfway down the fire escape. JOCK Asshole, dont ignore me The Jock is running down the stairs in a fit of rage, while Mike tosses the last suitcase in the trunk and Vish backs out the car. Mike jumps in the throught the trunk as Vish speeds away, just missing the jock toss a brick at the car. CUT TO: INT: HIGHWAY, OLD FORD WINDSTAR, EARLY MORNING. Vishal turns to drive on the highway, nerves shaken. Mike is 2.
  • 3. climbing throught the back of the car, making his way to the front seat. MICHEAL (in the middle of the van) Easy there, Bugs bunny on crack.Mr. Brick thrower probably forgot all about us. VISHAL (pauses) You read that thing I wrote? MICHEAL Yep, and the story left me fearing for your mental health. (Vishal laughs) Seriously, you cant hurt a fly so how can you write gangsters willing to triple cross each other? VISHAL Gangsters are the new cowboys, am I right? (Mike looks confused) People want to believe in the other half. They want to believe that those people can be redeemed. It works with rich people and works with gangsters. MICHEAL (Shrugs) Ok. VISHAL People want hope not perfection. They want the ability to make like perfect rather than it being perfect. Hence why people like Batman better than superman. He turns his head only to see that Mike fell asleep. CUT TO 3.
  • 4. EXT: JFK AIRPORT-LATE MORNING Vishal pulls up on the teminal for JFK. They disembark and take out the luggage. When that is said and done with, they stand and face other. VISHAL (Clears his throat) Listen, if you need a place to stay, there is a apartment that my dad is looking to rent out. MICHEAL Thats fine. VISHAL (continues) Its above his store so maybe you can get a job with him. MICHEAL Ehh, Its fine. I dont mooch off my friends and I rather not spend that much time with your old man. VISHAL But- (Micheal interrupts) MICHEAL Hey dont worry about it. Besides we got bigger fish to fry. Your 21st is coming up soon, so what do you want to do? Vishal shruggs. MICHEAL (CONT'D) Well, you having a girlfriend might improve your mental health so lets go do clubbing. One night and we will cover all your firsts. VISHAL Dont worry about it. I have all the time in the world to deal to sort that out. Micheal and Vishal grasps hands and Micheal pulls Vishal into a hug. Vishal, suprised lets the moment pass. They release and go their seperate ways. CUT TO: 4.
  • 5. FADE IN ON INT: PRISON CELL, LATE AFTERNOON- 7 YEARS AND 6 MONTHS LATER It is a small cramped area that somehow fits two people. It has a bunk on the left side and Vishal is sleeping on the top one. Vishal awakens and tries to get his bearings by staring at the wall. VISHAL (groggy and lost in thought) All the time in the world, huh? GUILLERMO walks in and leans on the wall. He is a bald, muscular Hispanic male of great structure, wearing navy pants and a white cotton long sleeve shirt. GUILLERMO Yo, it's food time! You going? Vishal notices and waved his hand,indicating that he heard.He jumps down, allowing us to see his full frame. He is tall but only reaches up to Guillermo's shoulders. His face is sullen and thinner and he has become more muscular since the last time we saw him. ON SCREEN- VISHAL 7 YEARS LATER. Vishal walks forward,grabbing his prison jacket hanging off the wall and walks out the cell. Guillermo closes the cell door and follows him. They are walking along the hallway toward the prison cafeteria. VISHAL Did Johnny B make his move yet? GUILLERMO Chief said he might try to escape tommorrow. VISHAL You know what? Im getting bored just waiting on him so lets do it tomight. Guillermo gives him a questioning look. VISHAL (CONT'D) What? its not like we're gonna cure cancer today anyway. 5.
  • 6. GUILLERMO What is your beef with this guy? VISHAL He's got an oddly shaped head.(pauses) Nothing but by kicking his ass, I piss off his boss. It'll be a minor irritant but I will take any victory I can get. GUILLERMO Are you sure this is worth it? whats to stop his boss from sending someone to kill you? VISHAL "He who controls the battle ground is assurred victory. Sun Tzu. Art of war. GUILLERMO (looks suprised) You've read Art of War? VISHAL Nope, I read a comic book that quoted Art of war but I probably mangled it up. GUILLERMO What about the Neo Nazis? Do too much and eventually they will catch on. VISHAL (shrugs it off) The head honcho owes me a favor as i saved his youngest son the fuck-up from getting shanked that one time. I cash in that favor and I got every guard and redneck on my side. GUILLERMO Just hope you know what you are getting into. 6.
  • 7. VISHAL Semper Fi, brother. Who dares Wins. Guillermo and Vishal reached the cafeteria doors. Vishal flips his shiv out and then hides it as he takes a breath and walks in. Cut To INT: PRISON CAFETERIA NIGHT The prison cafeteria is of medium size with prisoners eating, conversing and doing what they do every other day.They are group by gang, ethnic or religious affliation. One group of convicts decides to leave early but one member JACK stays behind. Being a gambling man, his eye was caught by the game going on accross from his table. He centers on a group playing cards, betting ciggarettes. One player ETHAN decides to amuse the others by playing card tricks. He is a small wry man who likes to show how smart he is. ETHAN (shuffles cards) Now, the amazons arent actually from the amazon, their from greece. Why they are called amazon and not grecons or something, I dont know? Ethan then lays the cards down and starts switching them. The DUDE, one hippie looking fellow is aptly focused on the cards in front of him. DUDE (looks sure) The one on the right. ETHAN Are you sure? it could be the one on the right? DUDE No, its the one on the right. ETHAN What you want is the one on the middle. DUDE just flip the card over! 7.
  • 8. Ethan complies and flips over the card on the right,revealing the JACK OF SPADES.Looking dejected, the Dude turns away and Ethan collects his winnings.Jack steps forward and grabs Ethan's arm, shaking furiously. The queen of hearts fell out. ETHAN Gentlemen, this is not what it looks like. Ethan grabs a tray and smacks Jack in the head and uses the confusion to run away. Jack pursuits but eventually Guillermo stands in his path. Jack tries to go around but Guillermo blocks his path. He tries to push Guillermo aside but Guillermo punches him in the face. Jack goes down and a fracas ensues. CUT TO: INT: PRISON HALLWAY, NIGHT This hallway leads to the south part of the prison, where the loading dock is. JOHNNY B and his CREW OF 3, formerly 3 plan to steal a truck and ride off into the sunset. The crew consists of MARKY, a chubby white male of average height, and GREG and BRAD, twin stocky black males. there is a fourth character, STANDISH present but he looks scared and is wedged between Greg and Brad. He is a hispanic male of average height and has cropped hair. Johnny B steps forward.He is a rather unassuming black male but appears to be the brains of the outfit. JOHNNY B All right boys and whatever Marky is. MARKY (looks pissed) AY! JOHNNY B Now I know I said we were gonna escape tommorow but the fracas upstairs was a golden oppurtunity. MARKY We should have left with Jack. 8.
  • 9. JOHNNY B (Adopts a cooing voice) Aww, the little baby is sad he couldnt be with his bestest buddy? (adopts a normal voice) Dont worry about him, he's only got 6 months left anyway. MARKY (points at Standish) Whats he doing here? JOHNNY B Numbnuts, he sold us out to his amiga flamingo buddies and got us in deep shit! STANDISH (interjects) It wasnt as bad as your making it to be. Greg punches him in the face. STANDISH (CONT'D) (winded) this is not neccessary. I'm only gonna slow you down Brad punches him in the stomach. JOHNNY B (gets close and serious) Trust me, when we get out, you and my boss are gonna have a chat about "trustworthiness" Vishal catches up to them. VISHAL Damn, you guys are slow. No wonder your in prison. JOHNNY B (suprised) Who da fuck are you? What do you want? Vishal swings at greg and a fight ensues. Brad comes from the side and hits him. Vishal recoils and swings his elbow into Brad's stomach. He slams Brad into a wall and punches greg in the face. 9.
  • 10. VISHAL (looking smug) For starters, I dont like what you want to do to "Fish" here Marky charges forward but Vishal blocks. Marky swings but misses and Vishal punches him in the stomach. Marky recalls and Vishal punches him in the face. Marky trips over Brad's unconcious body and Vishal kicks him to knock him out. VISHAL (CONT'D) (takes out his shiv) Second,I just dont like you. Johnny B pushes Standish into a wall and takes out his shiv. He and Vishal start fighting. JOHNNY B (tries to beg) Yo, be reasonable. You got no stake in any of this. We can work out a deal.Half the loot, I promise. Vishal chuckles and pushes him backwards. Standish grabs and Vishal starts wailing on him. JOHNNY B (CONT'D) (trying to stay concious) We could have made a deal, Everyone could have won here. Johnny B slumps onto a wall. Vishal puts a shiv in his hand and proceeds to pat him down. STANDISH So ah why you do it? you got nothing to gain from this. VISHAL No worries fish. It was never about you or even about him. STANDISH (looks sheepish) ok. VISHAL Just wanted to send a message to his boss. Thats all. 10.
  • 11. STANDISH And that is? Vishal flips him the bird with his right hand while his left is in one of Johnny's pockets, fishing something out. It is a small asian trinket with carved holes in it. VISHAL Spoils of war. Cut to: INT:VISITOR'S ROOM, MIDDAY Vishal and Mike are sitting at different sides of the table. Micheal is wearing a navy blue bussiness suit with a breast pocket. MICHEAL Time flies, huh. Last time I saw you, you couldnt do a single pushup. Now you look like you can bench this table. (leans closer) How much you bench? 250? 350? VISHAL (smiles) I havent seen you for seven years and the first thing you do is compare workout notes. (looks at Mike drinking a sports drink) You haven changed at all, ya fitness nut. (Pauses) You get my message? MICHEAL Loud and clear. Now my uncle wants to put your head on a pike. Johnny B was our go to guy with the chinese. (pauses) Fact is we needed him out yesterday to go dig up his loot and get them off our backs. VISHAL Didnt he have problem with the chinese as well as everybody else? (MORE) 11.
  • 12. VISHAL (CONT'D) Dont you have any one else you can do this? MICHEAL Johnny is the son of the boss's sister and he is the only one who knows where the loot is. He is a paranoid and iritating little bugger. (pauses to rub his eyes) You know how much people i got to pay off now to keep him alive/ (starts to loose his cool) He is not worth it but if anything bad happens to him, his cousins go on the warpath. VISHAL (laughs) Damn man, I didnt you were this deep in the septic tank. Here i thought i was just gonna your dinner plans. (pauses) You know what? I'm just gonna kick back and let these triads kill you for me. MICHEAL Whats stopping me from telling them you where the one who kicked his ass? VISHAL (looks smug) Bring em on. I can take em.I am the sheep who became a wolf. (pauses to be dramatic) Everyone fears the man who can remake himself. MICHEAL That is some cool shit. You should write fortune cookies. But you and I both know you cant take them all. (pauses) All it takes is one bad day for you and one lucky moment for them. Vishal is unable to answer. 12.
  • 13. MICHEAL (CONT'D) lucky for you, I'm here to end this conflict. (pauses) Help me find out where Johnny stashed his loot and I can get you out of here. VISHAL (contemplates) First rule of prison. You dont break out the same way twice. MICHEAL Not a jail break. An early release. VISHAL (looks suprised) you can do that? MICHEAL (gets cocky) I dont dress like this for nothing. (pauses) It'll take a while to sort out the red tape. (pauses to do mental math) 6 months, give or take a week. VISHAL Just like that? MICHEAL Its a good deal. Everybody wins. Vishal is lost in thought. Micheal decides to apply pressure. MICHEAL (CONT'D) You know your sister is back in the states? right. Vishal looks up. MICHEAL (CONT'D) She's got a house, a husband and a kid now. Twins actually. Werent you and her twins? VISHAL And you know this how? 13.
  • 14. MICHEAL (brushes it off) The how and why are not important. (pauses) the fact is you might have a chance at being in her life. Isn't that worth something? VISHAL I had to learn this from you, the guy who put me here in the first place instead of her. (pauses) Doesnt that tell you how much she wants me in her life? MICHEAL (rebuttals) To be fair, you are stuck in a prison and arent going anywhere. I'm sure she was waiting for your birthday or something. (pauses) Cut her some slack, there is no hallmark card on how to deal with this? Take the deal. Vishal is lost in thought. VISHAL Why did you do it? Why did you plant those drugs on me? (gets mad) Why did you sell me out? MICHEAL I had to sell you out in order to protect my crew. You were the fall guy. (pauses) More importantly, I had to sell you out in order to kill my old man. VISHAL (suprised) Thats your excuse? You could have killed him at any point after. MICHEAL All that matters is that it happened and I regret it. 14.
  • 15. MICHEAL (CONT'D) I lost some good friends that day and the women I loved. I traded them and you for a chance to kill a man that wasnt worth it. (looks somber) I wanted to kill my old man for all the regular reasons. By the time I got to him, he went from top of the food chain to broken old man waiting to die. (pauses) It wasnt worth it. Vishal is lost on how to respond but tries anyway. VISHAL It worked out well for you anyway. MICHEAL My uncle forgave me. He offered me a job in his crew. I've been trying to make things right ever since. VISHAL By being a gangster? MICHEAL You write what you know and cook what you can't burn. (pauses) I can't take back what I did but I can make it right. I can hook you up with a legitimate job, a nice crib and I can get you back into society. VISHAL This is a house of cards you're standing on, you know that right? MICHEAL One misstep and it all comes crashing down. Believe me i know. A guard enters. GUARD Prisoner 6442, times up lets go. Vishal gets up and exits the room. 15.
  • 16. Cut to: EXT- PRISON YARD AFTERNOON The prison yard consists of a long field with stretches of grass and one long block of cement. The prison has a couple of small buildings that are being reinvated thru use of Prison industries. We move towards the gated courtyard, where most of the prisoners spend their days playing basketball, walking around aimlessly to commit business. Vishal is on the bottom of the bleachers inspecting the asian statue. CHIEF(V.O) If you rub it hard enough, a genie might pop out and grant you three wishes. The Chief is a older gentleman with a better kept prison garb than most. His slicked back hair is obscured with a thick wool cap and his mustache is neatly combed.He is about 50 years old. In his hand nests a old tabby cat, a relic of a bygone era where prisoners were allowed creature comforts. He is walking towards Vishal. VISHAL First thing I'll do is wish for a cat-dog like the cartoon, then for pigs to fly to piss off all the bacon eaters and then for the grand finale, (pauses) I will wish for a hole to appear that will take me all the way to China so I can escape this place. CHIEF (sits next to him) You dont speak chinese kid. What are you gonna do? order food or asks for directions with sign langage. VISHAL Of course, I'm gonna mime my way into a prostitute's pants. Vishal starts to make some obscene gestures. 16.
  • 17. CHIEF You'll be the first non-frenchman to do so. They chuckle a little bit to let the moment pass and the old tabby cat purs. CHIEF (CONT'D) Dont sweat it kid, you gotta a good deal here. My advice, dont bet against the house. (pauses) There are tons of people who would kill to be in your place. Ethan for one. VISHAL Whats his deal anyway? What did he do to get 25 years to life? CHIEF According to the deputy Warden, he wrote up fake prescriptions for junky teens and one little idiot od'ed on her brother's asthma medication. VISHAL Only here will you hear about crap like that. CHIEF That kid is not gonna last that a long. He is either gonna die by way of shank or he is gonna be a walking husk by the time he's my age. VISHAL if he is really unlucky, he can get a std because this place is crawling with them. (pauses) pretty soon we are gonna have to wear Hazmat suits in stead of these navy blue prison suits. CHIEF point is, count your blessings and get the hell out. (pauses) the only people who thrive are the ones meant to thrive here. Your better off any where else. 17.
  • 18. VISHAL (looks lossed in thought) My first week, I had to put someone in a coma.This fat guy who had a thing for hairy legs. (pause) Soon after I marked my territory, by killing someone in the court yard. CHIEF (sympathethic) kid, you werent the first wh did what they had to survive. thats all the more reason why you should get the hell out. VISHAL Thats the point. This is the one place I thrived. Before here, I had no skills or prospects. I had a dream but that's all that is, a dream. (looks at his hands dejectedly) I have no prospects other than the skills i honed here. There arent many legal job openings for someone who can bust skulls. CHIEF (looks stern almost paternal) Stop obsessing over the what has happened or the what could be's already. VISHAL But. CHIEF (intejects) But nothing.If you were meant to be here, and you were meant to thrive here, than fine. Its your shitty luck. That doesnt mean you werent meant to thrive out there. So stop worrying and get off your ass. VISHAL Hows johnny B? 18.
  • 19. CHIEF Doc says he is staying in the hospital for a little bit. VISHAL Standish said that he is talking over a truce with his latin friends.Mike coffs up the dough and they leave him alone. CHIEF So have you figured out what's the deal with the statue? VISHAL Johnny wanted to escape with it so it must have some importance. (runs his finger over the statue's side) This part of the statue looks he carved it out of something bigger. CHIEF Could be whatever he wanted to hide is on the inside? VISHAL makes sense. Vishal takes the statue and proceeds to slam it on the bleacher repeatedly. Eventually it cracks open and reveals a small paper. CHIEF And there is your answer. VISHAL (strains his eyes to read it) Shits written in either chinese or chickenscratch. Either way its something. CUT TO EXT- VISITATION ROOM, THE NEXT DAY Vishals enters to find someone else waiting for him instead of Mike. MISA MUSASHI is tall asian woman who is well dressed and wearing glasses. She has an open briefcase with files and a courteous smile on her face. 19.
  • 20. MISA Good morning, Mr. Shekhar. VISHAL (unsure how to act) Well no one tried to stab me yet so I guess you could say that. (pause) By the way, who are you? MISA I'm acting as your lawyer on behalf of Mr.Johnson. VISHAL Who? oh you mean mike. Awesome. I'm pretty sure he had a different name back when I met him. (pauses) So you knew him long than? MISA We became quite close recently. VISHAL How close? MISA Does it matter? VISHAL (tries to backpedal) No reason, just wanted to make conversation. MISA thats alright, did you make any progress on your task? VISHAL oh, the johnnny b thing, yeah. He had this statue on him and I cracked it in half and out popped this piece of paper (paases it to her) its either Chinese or chickenscratch or both. MISA Its japanese actually. 20.
  • 21. VISHAL (suprised) He wrote it in japanese so no one but him could figure it out. (Pause) He must have been afraid of his own shadow. (starts to rambling) It does look like a haiku. Its gots letter clusters of 5,7,5 and three lines. MISA Its poorly written as the syntax is all over the place, making the sentence jumbled. VISHAL Wait, you speak japanese? (pause as she nods) Is it hard to learn? I got three years left on my sentence anyway and i might as well learn something. MISA (looks intent on the note) The first line reads "god,walks,far,meet to' (pauses) The second line reads "Split up, walk cherry, down a seed" (rubs her eye) The third is "right to left, front to back" VISHAL (Deadpans) That's cryptic (pauses) These where written so he would know what they refer to. VISHAL (CONT'D) I think the first line means "to meet god, you walk far. (remembers something) its probably the desert. Misa looks incredulous. VISHAL (CONT'D) Its a 25th hour reference. I saw it last week, movie tuesdays, 5th of the month. 21.
  • 22. (pauses) The warden loves his Irony. MISA Ok. the second is "to split a cherry seed than walk up or down I guess at location, there is a cherry tree and its facing the direction you walk in. VISHAL Nice. I guess you would walk from right to left then. Cherry tree is on the right and location x is on the left. MISA But this is new york. There is no desset. VISHAL (shrug) Could mean a beach or a farm. Or maybe its in Jersey.Or off the highway. (leans back) Either way we got this mystery solved. Just have Mike retrace Johnny's steps or ask around. he should get something soon enough MISA In regards to your situation, I'll write out a form for a early release. You might have to stand in front of a board of judges. (packs up her papers) Is there anything else you want to discuss? VISHAL Nope I'm good. MISA (grabs her briefcase and hands him a card) If you need to call me for any updates. Vishal nods and Misa gets up and walks out the room. The guard comes in and escorts Vishal to his cell. Cut to- 22.
  • 23. INT PRISON COURT ROOM, AFTERNOON. Today is the day as Vishal and other prisoner are waiting for the hearings to start. Some are shaking in their boots, some are deadpan, and some like Vishal are both. Misa puts a comforting hand on his shoulder but Vishal does not return her gaze. Mike gives him a thumbs up and he slumps back in his chair. The WARDEN, BRAD BEllOWS and his DEPUTY, E.B.TILLER walks in, followed by several people in suits. The Warden is a small heavyset man, bald and wearing wire rimmed glasses. The Deputy is tall and skinny and both are clean shaven, wearing immaculate suits. The Warden walks to the middle of the room, and clears his throat. He is a man who like to pontificate. THE WARDEN Today is an auspicous day. We may be an institution of Restraint but I like to believe we are an institution of rehabilation. Of trust. This fine city of NY trusts us to rehabilitate it's fallen sons. A task that is harder than some might think. That being said, I'd like to think that we yield a few good eggs when others might have broken. THE WARDEN CONT'D (adresses the board) You were gathered here today because you were stern men of good disposition. We are hear to judge not whether a man is guilty or innocent but whether he should be given the right to fix his shattered life. (turns to the convicts) I do not make you light of your history. You are, in the eyes of the law, guilty men of the most heinous cimes. 23.
  • 24. Rape,murder,theft, consorting unsavory characters who mean this country harm. But this country was built on second chances. Then and there, a loud SIREN screeches and jolts everyone out of their seat. Mike wakes up from his slumber and Misa rolls her eyes. Vishal is assessing the situation. The Warden is trying to calm everyone down. THE WARDEN Now, now, everyone. I'm sure its just a false alarm. One of the rookie guards pulled the fire alarm, perhaps. PRISON GUARD Alderman's radio starts goin off, shouting indiscriminate words. PRISON GUARD Burrows'S face goes pale as Prison guard Alderman responds. ALDERMAN (is intent on his comm device) Acknowledged.Will relay message. (turns to deputy warden and steps forward.) Sir, we have a situation. Prisoners are rioting all over the prison. DEPUTY (mad) lock it down then.Do you duty,guard. Lights turned off and then turned on. WARDEN What the hell? Everybody starts murmuring as prison guard Burrows recieves a message on his comm device. BURROWS (listens closely and then gets even paler) Sir, we have bigger problems now.That was a power surge tht shut down the system. Camera's offline and certain parts of the prison are lockdown. 24.
  • 25. Alderman grasps what he is saying. ALDERMAN The other guards and other personnel are locked where they are. (pauses) Our men are divided and we cant coordinate our response. They are on their own. The Warden tries to remain calm but you could see a vein popping out of his head. DEPUTY (assumes command) Enough of this. (turns to Alderman) Take whatever personnel is here and go out back. Sort out this power problem and get our systems back online. Alderman exits the room. Deputy Warden Tiller turns to Burrows. DEPUTY (CONT'D) For now our men are on their own so put out a APB. All men are to hunker down and get their sectors under control. By any means neccessary. Burrows graps the implications of what the Deputy Warden is saying. DEPUTY (CONT'D) Did I stutter? that is a order soldier. The Warden is ashamed to have the deputy overstep his bounds. DEPUTY (CONT'D) What, someone has to take control. CUT TO: INT PRISON COURT ROOM, AFTERNOON, 15 MINUTES LATER. ON SCREEN- 15 MINUTES LATER. 25.
  • 26. Everyone has broken up into smaller groups trying to figure out whats going on. Warden Bellows, Deputy Warden Tiller and Burrows the guard are in a corner trying to pacify the mayor over the phone. INTERCUT PHONE CONVERSATION. WARDEN Sir, do not worry,everything is under control. MAYOR(V.O) And where is my daughter? WARDEN (looking tense) Sir, she is safe as the infirmary has not been compromised. MAYOR(V.O) Why isnt she with you? DEPUTY (interjects) Sir, the power outrage seperated us from most of our men and personell. Till we get the power back on, our men are on their own. MAYOR(V.O) You haven't answered my question. WARDEN The infirmary was one of those places locked down. She is safe from the prisoners but we cant get to her. MAYOR(V.O) How do we know she is still safe? DEPUTY Guards radio in every 2 minutes and the guards stationed in the infirmary have made regular check ins. (tries to think of something positive to say) Sir your daughter is with other personnel and three trained guards with weapons. 26.
  • 27. WARDEN (interjects) Every prisoner in that ward is tied down and suffering from some kind of ailment, making it hard to move. We dont need to worry your daughter. MAYOR(V.O) Either way Brad, I'm coming down there to meet the press hounds. (pauses) When I get down there in 30 minutes, this situtation better be neutralized and my daughter better be safe and sound, with no hair out of place. You hear me? WARDEN Crystal, Sir. The phone calls ends as these three breathe a sigh of relief. While this was happening, Misa was teaching Vishal how to play Fruit Ninja on her IPAD. Micheal is watching intently, sees his oppurtunity and moves in. MICHEAL (walks forward) Seems like you are in a pickle sir. WARDEN (suprised to see Mike) Can I help you, son? MICHEAL (shakes warden's hand) Mike Johnson, friend of the defendant and concerned citizen. I would just like to offer some out of the box thinking to solving your problem. 27.
  • 28. DEPUTY (eyes him wearily) Everything here is under control. You should go sit down and wait for us to give you the ok. WARDEN Now, now, E.B. the boy wants to make a pproposition. I say we let him speak. MICHEAL Thank you sir. The mayor wants his daughter out safe and sound. I suggest we do that and a twist. (pauses) We send in a trustworthy criminal in to go and save the girl. DEPUTY That is perposterous. A criminal cant be trusted. Thats why we're here in the first place. MICHEAL (ignores him and focuses on the warden) Sir, today is your annual release day. The day where you and your friends get to decide which of these crooks gets an early release. What better way to end the day by having one of your cons save a high priority citizen like your current Doctor on call, Ms Arcadia Rodriquez. The daughter of our current mayor. WARDEN Continue. MICHEAL He'll be happy and might look at you in a whole new light. Your reforms might get a push and you might get a push. He might put in a good word with his golf buddies to put you on their radar. Sir, you have political aspirations. Who in your place (MORE) 28.
  • 29. MICHEAL (CONT'D) wouldnt have? A chance to shape our democratic process and push your reforms forward. I'm not making light of your accomplishments but who do you think has a better chance of making a difference? Warden Brad Bellows or Senator Bellows, or even President Bellows. (pauses) I dont know how far you can go off this decision but you have to admit, the possibilitites are endless. DEPUTY (tries to reason with him) Icarus fell to his death because he trusted wings made of wax. MICHEAL (interjects) He should have got a net or better glue. My twist is not without backups. There is the possibility he might die attempting this, and you can always try again with a new con. No one's gonna shed a tear if he dies but you can make him seem like a hero. (pauses as if he has thought of a better idea) You can always send him in with a guard. Atleast you will know what happens If they succeed, the media will eat it up. (Mike puts his hand, like he is pointing to the lights) " COP AND CROOK SAVES THE DAY" Heck Hollywood might call. After all, Heat, the Departed and LA confidentional where all true stories. 29.
  • 30. BURROWS (suprised) Really? MICHEAL Sometimes Truth is cooler than fiction. The Warden is lost in thought and is considering all the possibilities. The Deputy tries to speak but the Warden signals him to stop. WARDEN Call him forward. Lets get this show on the road. MICHEAL We wont let you down sir. WARDEN Son for our sake, your man better not fuck this up. MICHEAL You can count on us. Micheal signals to Vishal, who walks towards them. WARDEN (starts to speak as Vishal reaches) Son, you have the oppurtunity to take place in a social expirement. DEPUTY (Begrudgingly curt) You and private Burrows will go to the infirmary and escort the personnel back to us (gets firmer in speech) The priority is Dr.Rodriquez. VISHAL I'm in. WARDEN Succeed and the media will view you as a gallan knight. Screw up and you are a gutted turkey to be cooked for Thanksgiving. Am I making myself clear? 30.
  • 31. VISHAL Crystal, sir. MICHEAL (looking smug) Go get em, cowboy. WARDEN Godspeed boys, godspeed. The deputy uncuffs Vishal and sets him free. Mike graps his hand and gives him his shiv. The Warden notices but lets it slide. Vishal and Burrows nod at each and exits the court room. CUT TO: 31.