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Sheet1Silver Fiddle Company Risk MatrixRisk
DescriptionProbabilityImpactFactorOwnerMitigationSFC is
scheduled to complete 11 other homes in the area. This puts the
project schedule at risk339SFCDisclose this risk to all clients
and work out a realistic schedule with each one.Two employees
at SFC to complete 12 projects are not enough. Risk for
mistakes and unhappy clients236SFCHire additional resources
for the booming house marketLabor shortage due to booming
construction market in Grand Junction224SFCHire contractors
on contingency and set up a priority agreement with
them.Material shortage due to booming construction market in
Grand Junction224SFCNegotiate material cost ahead of time for
all 12 projects.If there is an injury on the job site, who is
responsible for medical payments and short/long term
disability? Does SFC have enough insurance to cover such an
instance? Should the Czopek's purchase additional liability
insurance?122SFC/Czopek'sSFC has adequate insurance. The
contractors are required to cover their own employees. The risk
of a personal litigation reaching the Czopeks is very minimal
since they have not closed on the house.If SFC defaults or goes
out of business and the contractors were not paid, are the
Czopek’s legally liable to pay the contractors even though they
paid SFC?133Czopek'sThe Czopek's sign lien waivers to protect
themselves from litigation.With a glut of housing, the city may
be over flooded with permit requests, depending on their
process, permits may not be approved by the schedule date of
July 5th, which will push back dates on the rest of the project.
Permits can average anywhere from 2-6 weeks.326SFCThe city
is unlikely to change their process, build enough time in the
schedule to allow for this risk.With a possible delayed schedule,
the Czopeks may have to stay in their temporary housing longer.
There is a risk they could be legally and physically “homeless”
for a period of time.236Czopek'sWork out a week by week (or
monthly) rental plan with the landlord of current
housingContractors SFC hires may prove to be unreliable or not
show up when scheduled.122SFCSFC has had the same
contractors for all of their projects and has set up priority with
them. If there is a default, there are back up contractorsSince
housing is booming, this can result in a price increase in
materials and labor, which will most likely raise the total house
cost the Czopek’s budgeted for.236Czopek'sThis is a risk that
will occur, SFC can negotiate all materials up front at a lower
price for all 12 projectsInclement weather preventing
foundation from being poured or curing properly - causing
schedule delay122SFCAccept risk, there is no control over
weather. Plan extra time into scheduleIf the house does not pass
interim and final inspections are there steps to bring the house
up to code in a timely fashion?111SFCSFC has processes in
place. Past quality work, so not too many issues with this.If
there is a price increase in labor and materials, are the Czopeks
prepared to finance a larger amount or scale down their
requirements?236Czopek'sWork with the finance company to
pre-approve a larger amount than may be needed, or scale down
requirements to fit within budget.KeyProbability1 = Low
likelyhood of occurance2 = Medium likelihood of occurance3 =
High Likelyhood of occuringImpact1 = Not severe, very
tolerable risk2 = Moderate impact that can be remedied3 =
Severe can make a grade impactFactor
TableProbability123Impact1123224633691 - 3 Factor is
considered in the Green Range and acceptable4 - 5 Factor is
considered in the Yellow Range and mitigation plan should be
in place6+ Factor is Severe and risk should be escalated.
Procurement Needs Assessment Template
NEEDS ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE (Please remove evidence
that this is a template and present this as if it is a professional
document going to leadership and your procurement team.
Title Page
The title page should contain the following information:
· NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR THE [insert name of project]
· The organization responsible for preparing the document (your
fictitious organization you have created as if you have won the
RFP you selected)
· Your name, Procurement Manager
1.0 Purpose of Document
This section is a brief statement of the purpose of this
document. It is a description and rationale of the goods and
services that you determine are needed for the RFP project you
have selected.
2.0 Overview
This section gives a brief overview of the project and of the
goods and services need. This section describes the
stakeholders, and the expected role of each.
3.0 Needs Description
This section is the heart of the document. It describes clearly
and fully the procurement needs for this project expressed by
the procurement manager (you) and the stakeholders. This
section also includes all project/procurement constraints that are
known at this point related to procurement.
4.0 Gap Analysis
This section describes the current state of the project you have
selected, compares it with the needs, and identifies the most
pressing gaps to fill, in terms of criticality of the need and the
extent of the gap. This is documentation of the current state and
where you want to be.
5.0 Budget
The budget should be in an excel spreadsheet format that is
pasted here. Please search for “Excel Budget Templates” in your
favorite browser engine. Here is a great link for some examples
and free downloads:
This gives a rough order of magnitude estimate for goods,
services, needed for this project.
6.0 Appendix
The appendix is optional. This is a good place to put back-up
material if needed. It also may include a glossary or notes, or
references if appropriate.
BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 1
Course Description
Investigates contracts as a means for individuals and businesses
to sell and otherwise transfer property, services, and
other rights. Examines the actions winning companies are
utilizing to build successful partnerships, manage expectations,
and build trust between organizations. Also investigates the
contract management process, roles and responsibilities of
team members, contracts and legal issues, e-procurement, and
contracting methods.
Course Textbook
Garrett, G. A. (2010). World class contracting (5th ed.).
Riverwoods, IL: CCH Inc.
Course Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Summarize the actions needed to build successful
partnerships in the e-business age.
2. Analyze the critical importance of each level of the
Successful Partnership Pyramid.
3. Describe the steps in the contract management process.
4. Explain the importance of teamwork in the contract
management process.
5. Compare and contrast contract law in the United States to the
different contracting concepts and principles used
6. Discuss e-procurement and other contracting methods.
7. Summarize the three phases of the contract management
process: pre-award, award, and post-award.
8. Compare and contrast the general contract pricing
arrangement options for meeting business objectives.
9. Explain common misconceptions regarding global contract
10. Describe the significance of the project management
discipline to provide solutions that meet or exceed customer
expectations for value and results.
11. Discuss the unique tools which organizations are using to
improve their buying and/or selling performance:
Contract Management Maturity Model and the Contract
Management Risk and Opportunity Assessment Tool.
12. Justify the need for an enterprise contract management
Upon completion of this course, the students will earn three (3)
hours of college credit.
Course Structure
1. Unit Learning Objectives: Each unit contains Unit Learning
Objectives that specify the measurable skills and
knowledge students should gain upon completion of the unit.
2. Written Lectures: Each unit contains a Written Lecture,
which discusses lesson material.
3. Reading Assignments: Each unit contains Reading
Assignments from one or more chapters from the textbook.
Supplemental Reading is provided in the Unit III Study Guide to
aid students in their course of study.
4. Key Terms: Key Terms are intended to guide students in their
course of study. Students should pay particular
attention to Key Terms as they represent important concepts
within the unit material and reading.
5. Unit Assessments: This course contains six Unit
Assessments, one to be completed at the end of Units I-VI.
Assessments are composed of written response questions.
6. Unit Assignments: Students are required to submit for
grading Unit Assignments in Units I-VII. Specific
information and instructions regarding these assignments are
provided below.
BBA 4326, Procurement and
Contract Management
Course Syllabus
BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 2
7. Course Project: Students are required to submit for grading a
Final Procurement Plan in Unit VIII. Specific
information and instructions regarding this assignment are
provided below.
8. Ask the Professor: This communication forum provides you
with an opportunity to ask your professor general or
course content related questions.
9. Student Break Room: This communication forum allows for
casual conversation with your classmates.
Unit Assignments
Unit I Mini Project
There are eight RFP (request for price) documents located in the
Course Documents section of this course. Please
take this week to look them over carefully in order to be
prepared to select one for Unit II. You will be working with the
RFP you select throughout the course to build upon each unit’s
work. Each RFP has incomplete data, so you will be
required to research to fill in some of the blanks or the missing
Take the RFP project from the perspective that you are the
contactor that won this bid; therefore, you must present
professional looking documents to your client. This means the
appropriate use of color and branding. Once you choose
your RFP, compose a 75 word document that identifies the RFP
you selected and your reason for choosing it.
Unit II Mini Project
Needs Assessment
Click here to retrieve the Needs Assessment Template. Working
with the RFP you have selected and this template,
create a needs assessment document.
information you can gather from the RFP.
so you may have to conduct research to account
for the missing information because this is a fictitious project.
-looking as possible. You
are the contract manager for the RFP you have
selected. Therefore, present the documentation as if this is
going to leadership.
Follow the instructions in each section of the template
Unit III Mini Project
Risk Management Matrix
Click here to retrieve the Risk Management Template. Working
with the RFP you have selected and this template
create a risk matrix and management plan for your project.
The Risk Management Template is filled out so you can see the
level of detail needed. This template must be tailored
to your specific project and presented as if you are giving this
to your client, which means uniform font, color, graphics
and a professional look.
The document should include a title page, verbiage on why risk
management is important to your selected project and
how it relates to the project (two to three paragraphs), the
modified risk table, and a conclusion.
t be scored, and mitigation plans must be
outlined in detail.
items should be on top: red, yellow, green in order.
Listing at least 10-15 risks is appropriate.
Unit IV Mini Project
Statement of Work
Click here to retrieve the Statement of Work Template. Working
with the RFP you have selected and this template
create a statement of work for your project.
BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 3
This template must be tailored to your specific project and
presented as if you are giving this to your client and your
leadership; this means uniform font, color, graphics and a
professional look.
the template.
Statement of Work appropriately for your selected
Unit V Mini Project
Post Award Phase
Taking into considerations the RFP you have selected to work
with during this course, answer the following questions
in detail. Submit this assignment as one comprehensive MS
Word document of no less than 200 words.
1. As a possible result of changes in buyer’s or seller’s needs,
what change management process would you
consider putting in place if this were a real bid that you won?
How would you document change?
2. Disputes are likely to occur along the way. What dispute
resolution process would you put into place and how
would you handle disputes?
Unit VI Mini Project
Value Creation
Sellers create value for buyers in the form of providing leading
edge technology, state of the art products, timely
services, ease of buying, and quality of relationships, services,
and products. These values are usually related to
company finances (but not for all criteria, as compliance,
safety, and other factors can be considered). Sellers will
create value for you as the buyer, given the RFP you have
selected, and then in turn you will create value for your
buyer (client).
Taking into considerations the RFP you have selected to work
with during this course, answer the following two
questions in detail. Submit this assignment as one
comprehensive MS Word document of no less than 200 words.
1. What are the most important value add criteria your sellers
can provide you in order to make your project a
2. In turn, what value will you provide to your clients? Why
should your clients select you as their future vendor?
Unit VII Mini Project
Use the RFP you have selected to work with during this course.
Given the following list of possible risks/opportunities,
name four that come into play, and give details about how each
of the four you selected can impact the RFP (risks and
opportunities) you have selected if it were to be a real project.
How can these risks be mitigated? How can the
opportunities (if any) be used to improve the project and
procurement relationship? Submit this assignment as one
comprehensive MS Word document of no less than 500 words.
ion (for both buyer and seller)
At the end of the course, a final procurement plan is due (the
Procurement Plan Template is accessible from Syllabus
Unit VIII Course Project below). Please take the time to begin
working on this during Unit VII so you have enough time
to complete it by the end of the official course date. This is a
detailed document relating to the RFP you have selected.
BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 4
Unit VIII Course Project
Final Procurement Plan
Click here to retrieve the Procurement Plan Template. Working
with the RFP you have selected and this template,
create your final procurement plan.
information as you can gather from the RFP and your
past assignments.
so you may have to conduct research to account
for the missing information because this is a fictitious project.
-looking as possible. You
are the contract manager for the RFP you have
selected. Therefore, present the documentation as if this is
going to leadership.
Follow the instructions in each section of the template
APA Guidelines
CSU requires that students use the APA style for papers and
projects. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting,
paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.
A document titled “APA Guidelines Summary” is available
for you to download from the APA Guide Link, found in the
Learning Resources area of the myCSU Student Portal. It may
also be accessed from the Student Resources link on the Course
Menu. This document provides links to several internet
sites that provide comprehensive information on APA
formatting, including examples and sample papers.
CSU Grading Rubric for Papers/Projects
The course papers will be graded based on the CSU Grading
Rubric for all types of papers. In addition, all papers will be
submitted for electronic evaluation to rule out plagiarism.
Course projects will contain project specific grading criteria
defined in the project directions. To view the rubric, click the
Academic Policies link on the Course Menu, or by accessing
the CSU Grading Rubric link, found in the Learning Resources
area of the myCSU Student Portal.
Communication Forums
These are non-graded discussion forums that allow you to
communicate with your professor and other students.
Participation in these discussion forums is encouraged, but not
required. You can access these forums with the buttons in
the Course Menu. Instructions for subscribing/unsubscribing to
these forums are provided below.
Once you have completed Unit VIII, you MUST unsubscribe
from the forum; otherwise, you will continue to
receive e-mail updates from the forum. You will not be able to
unsubscribe after your course end date.
Click here for instructions on how to subscribe/unsubscribe and
post to the Communication Forums.
Ask the Professor
This communication forum provides you with an opportunity to
ask your professor general or course content questions.
Questions may focus on Blackboard locations of online course
components, textbook or course content elaboration,
additional guidance on assessment requirements, or general
advice from other students.
Questions that are specific in nature, such as inquiries regarding
assessment/assignment grades or personal
accommodation requests, are NOT to be posted on this forum. If
you have questions, comments, or concerns of a non-
public nature, please feel free to email your professor.
Responses to your post will be addressed or emailed by the
professor within 48 hours.
Before posting, please ensure that you have read all relevant
course documentation, including the syllabus,
assessment/assignment instructions, faculty feedback, and other
important information.
BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 5
Student Break Room
This communication forum allows for casual conversation with
your classmates. Communication on this forum should
always maintain a standard of appropriateness and respect for
your fellow classmates. This forum should NOT be used to
share assessment answers.
Unit Assessments (6 @ 6%) = 36%
Unit Assignments (7 @ 6%) = 42%
Course Project = 22%
Total = 100%
Course Schedule/Checklist (PLEASE PRINT)
The following pages contain a printable Course Schedule to
assist you through this course. By following this schedule,
you will be assured that you will complete the course within the
time allotted.
BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 6
BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management Course
By following this schedule, you will be assured that you will
complete the course within the time allotted. Please keep this
schedule for reference as you progress through your course.
Unit I The Procurement Process
Honoring Commitments
Unit II Needs Assessment
—Roles and Responsibilities
Unit III Contracting and Risk Management
-Procurement and Contracting Methods
BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 7
BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management Course
Unit IV Statement of Work
Unit V Negotiation and Change Management
Award Phase
Unit VI International Procurement
and Best Practices
BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 8
BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management Course
Unit VII Contract Management Resources
Assessment Tool
Unit VIII Finalizing a Procurement Plan
Tools to Improve Performance
ernment Subcontracts

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Sheet1Silver Fiddle Company Risk MatrixRisk DescriptionProbability.docx

  • 1. Sheet1Silver Fiddle Company Risk MatrixRisk DescriptionProbabilityImpactFactorOwnerMitigationSFC is scheduled to complete 11 other homes in the area. This puts the project schedule at risk339SFCDisclose this risk to all clients and work out a realistic schedule with each one.Two employees at SFC to complete 12 projects are not enough. Risk for mistakes and unhappy clients236SFCHire additional resources for the booming house marketLabor shortage due to booming construction market in Grand Junction224SFCHire contractors on contingency and set up a priority agreement with them.Material shortage due to booming construction market in Grand Junction224SFCNegotiate material cost ahead of time for all 12 projects.If there is an injury on the job site, who is responsible for medical payments and short/long term disability? Does SFC have enough insurance to cover such an instance? Should the Czopek's purchase additional liability insurance?122SFC/Czopek'sSFC has adequate insurance. The contractors are required to cover their own employees. The risk of a personal litigation reaching the Czopeks is very minimal since they have not closed on the house.If SFC defaults or goes out of business and the contractors were not paid, are the Czopek’s legally liable to pay the contractors even though they paid SFC?133Czopek'sThe Czopek's sign lien waivers to protect themselves from litigation.With a glut of housing, the city may be over flooded with permit requests, depending on their process, permits may not be approved by the schedule date of July 5th, which will push back dates on the rest of the project. Permits can average anywhere from 2-6 weeks.326SFCThe city is unlikely to change their process, build enough time in the schedule to allow for this risk.With a possible delayed schedule, the Czopeks may have to stay in their temporary housing longer. There is a risk they could be legally and physically “homeless” for a period of time.236Czopek'sWork out a week by week (or monthly) rental plan with the landlord of current
  • 2. housingContractors SFC hires may prove to be unreliable or not show up when scheduled.122SFCSFC has had the same contractors for all of their projects and has set up priority with them. If there is a default, there are back up contractorsSince housing is booming, this can result in a price increase in materials and labor, which will most likely raise the total house cost the Czopek’s budgeted for.236Czopek'sThis is a risk that will occur, SFC can negotiate all materials up front at a lower price for all 12 projectsInclement weather preventing foundation from being poured or curing properly - causing schedule delay122SFCAccept risk, there is no control over weather. Plan extra time into scheduleIf the house does not pass interim and final inspections are there steps to bring the house up to code in a timely fashion?111SFCSFC has processes in place. Past quality work, so not too many issues with this.If there is a price increase in labor and materials, are the Czopeks prepared to finance a larger amount or scale down their requirements?236Czopek'sWork with the finance company to pre-approve a larger amount than may be needed, or scale down requirements to fit within budget.KeyProbability1 = Low likelyhood of occurance2 = Medium likelihood of occurance3 = High Likelyhood of occuringImpact1 = Not severe, very tolerable risk2 = Moderate impact that can be remedied3 = Severe can make a grade impactFactor TableProbability123Impact1123224633691 - 3 Factor is considered in the Green Range and acceptable4 - 5 Factor is considered in the Yellow Range and mitigation plan should be in place6+ Factor is Severe and risk should be escalated. Sheet2 Sheet3 Procurement Needs Assessment Template NEEDS ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE (Please remove evidence that this is a template and present this as if it is a professional document going to leadership and your procurement team.
  • 3. SECTION CONTENTS Title Page The title page should contain the following information: · NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR THE [insert name of project] · The organization responsible for preparing the document (your fictitious organization you have created as if you have won the RFP you selected) · Your name, Procurement Manager 1.0 Purpose of Document This section is a brief statement of the purpose of this document. It is a description and rationale of the goods and services that you determine are needed for the RFP project you have selected. 2.0 Overview This section gives a brief overview of the project and of the goods and services need. This section describes the stakeholders, and the expected role of each. 3.0 Needs Description This section is the heart of the document. It describes clearly and fully the procurement needs for this project expressed by the procurement manager (you) and the stakeholders. This section also includes all project/procurement constraints that are known at this point related to procurement. 4.0 Gap Analysis This section describes the current state of the project you have selected, compares it with the needs, and identifies the most pressing gaps to fill, in terms of criticality of the need and the
  • 4. extent of the gap. This is documentation of the current state and where you want to be. 5.0 Budget The budget should be in an excel spreadsheet format that is pasted here. Please search for “Excel Budget Templates” in your favorite browser engine. Here is a great link for some examples and free downloads: This gives a rough order of magnitude estimate for goods, services, needed for this project. 6.0 Appendix The appendix is optional. This is a good place to put back-up material if needed. It also may include a glossary or notes, or references if appropriate. BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 1 Course Description Investigates contracts as a means for individuals and businesses to sell and otherwise transfer property, services, and other rights. Examines the actions winning companies are utilizing to build successful partnerships, manage expectations, and build trust between organizations. Also investigates the contract management process, roles and responsibilities of team members, contracts and legal issues, e-procurement, and contracting methods. Course Textbook
  • 5. Garrett, G. A. (2010). World class contracting (5th ed.). Riverwoods, IL: CCH Inc. Course Learning Objectives Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. Summarize the actions needed to build successful partnerships in the e-business age. 2. Analyze the critical importance of each level of the Successful Partnership Pyramid. 3. Describe the steps in the contract management process. 4. Explain the importance of teamwork in the contract management process. 5. Compare and contrast contract law in the United States to the different contracting concepts and principles used globally. 6. Discuss e-procurement and other contracting methods. 7. Summarize the three phases of the contract management process: pre-award, award, and post-award. 8. Compare and contrast the general contract pricing arrangement options for meeting business objectives. 9. Explain common misconceptions regarding global contract management. 10. Describe the significance of the project management discipline to provide solutions that meet or exceed customer expectations for value and results. 11. Discuss the unique tools which organizations are using to improve their buying and/or selling performance:
  • 6. Contract Management Maturity Model and the Contract Management Risk and Opportunity Assessment Tool. 12. Justify the need for an enterprise contract management process. Credits Upon completion of this course, the students will earn three (3) hours of college credit. Course Structure 1. Unit Learning Objectives: Each unit contains Unit Learning Objectives that specify the measurable skills and knowledge students should gain upon completion of the unit. 2. Written Lectures: Each unit contains a Written Lecture, which discusses lesson material. 3. Reading Assignments: Each unit contains Reading Assignments from one or more chapters from the textbook. Supplemental Reading is provided in the Unit III Study Guide to aid students in their course of study. 4. Key Terms: Key Terms are intended to guide students in their course of study. Students should pay particular attention to Key Terms as they represent important concepts within the unit material and reading. 5. Unit Assessments: This course contains six Unit Assessments, one to be completed at the end of Units I-VI.
  • 7. Assessments are composed of written response questions. 6. Unit Assignments: Students are required to submit for grading Unit Assignments in Units I-VII. Specific information and instructions regarding these assignments are provided below. BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management Course Syllabus BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 2 7. Course Project: Students are required to submit for grading a Final Procurement Plan in Unit VIII. Specific information and instructions regarding this assignment are provided below. 8. Ask the Professor: This communication forum provides you with an opportunity to ask your professor general or course content related questions. 9. Student Break Room: This communication forum allows for casual conversation with your classmates. Unit Assignments Unit I Mini Project There are eight RFP (request for price) documents located in the
  • 8. Course Documents section of this course. Please take this week to look them over carefully in order to be prepared to select one for Unit II. You will be working with the RFP you select throughout the course to build upon each unit’s work. Each RFP has incomplete data, so you will be required to research to fill in some of the blanks or the missing data. Take the RFP project from the perspective that you are the contactor that won this bid; therefore, you must present professional looking documents to your client. This means the appropriate use of color and branding. Once you choose your RFP, compose a 75 word document that identifies the RFP you selected and your reason for choosing it. Unit II Mini Project Needs Assessment Click here to retrieve the Needs Assessment Template. Working with the RFP you have selected and this template, create a needs assessment document. information you can gather from the RFP. so you may have to conduct research to account for the missing information because this is a fictitious project. -looking as possible. You are the contract manager for the RFP you have selected. Therefore, present the documentation as if this is going to leadership.
  • 9. Follow the instructions in each section of the template Unit III Mini Project Risk Management Matrix Click here to retrieve the Risk Management Template. Working with the RFP you have selected and this template create a risk matrix and management plan for your project. The Risk Management Template is filled out so you can see the level of detail needed. This template must be tailored to your specific project and presented as if you are giving this to your client, which means uniform font, color, graphics and a professional look. The document should include a title page, verbiage on why risk management is important to your selected project and how it relates to the project (two to three paragraphs), the modified risk table, and a conclusion. t be scored, and mitigation plans must be outlined in detail. items should be on top: red, yellow, green in order. Listing at least 10-15 risks is appropriate. Unit IV Mini Project Statement of Work
  • 10. Click here to retrieve the Statement of Work Template. Working with the RFP you have selected and this template create a statement of work for your project. ness/BBA/BBA4326/12E/UnitII_NeedsAssessmentTemplate.doc ness/BBA/BBA4326/12E/UnitIII_RiskManagementTemplate.xls ness/BBA/BBA4326/12E/ c BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 3 This template must be tailored to your specific project and presented as if you are giving this to your client and your leadership; this means uniform font, color, graphics and a professional look. the template. Statement of Work appropriately for your selected RFP. Unit V Mini Project Post Award Phase Taking into considerations the RFP you have selected to work
  • 11. with during this course, answer the following questions in detail. Submit this assignment as one comprehensive MS Word document of no less than 200 words. 1. As a possible result of changes in buyer’s or seller’s needs, what change management process would you consider putting in place if this were a real bid that you won? How would you document change? 2. Disputes are likely to occur along the way. What dispute resolution process would you put into place and how would you handle disputes? Unit VI Mini Project Value Creation Sellers create value for buyers in the form of providing leading edge technology, state of the art products, timely services, ease of buying, and quality of relationships, services, and products. These values are usually related to company finances (but not for all criteria, as compliance, safety, and other factors can be considered). Sellers will create value for you as the buyer, given the RFP you have selected, and then in turn you will create value for your buyer (client). Taking into considerations the RFP you have selected to work with during this course, answer the following two questions in detail. Submit this assignment as one comprehensive MS Word document of no less than 200 words. 1. What are the most important value add criteria your sellers
  • 12. can provide you in order to make your project a success? 2. In turn, what value will you provide to your clients? Why should your clients select you as their future vendor? Unit VII Mini Project CMROAT Use the RFP you have selected to work with during this course. Given the following list of possible risks/opportunities, name four that come into play, and give details about how each of the four you selected can impact the RFP (risks and opportunities) you have selected if it were to be a real project. How can these risks be mitigated? How can the opportunities (if any) be used to improve the project and procurement relationship? Submit this assignment as one comprehensive MS Word document of no less than 500 words. ion (for both buyer and seller)
  • 13. At the end of the course, a final procurement plan is due (the Procurement Plan Template is accessible from Syllabus Unit VIII Course Project below). Please take the time to begin working on this during Unit VII so you have enough time to complete it by the end of the official course date. This is a detailed document relating to the RFP you have selected. BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 4 Unit VIII Course Project Final Procurement Plan Click here to retrieve the Procurement Plan Template. Working with the RFP you have selected and this template, create your final procurement plan. information as you can gather from the RFP and your past assignments. so you may have to conduct research to account for the missing information because this is a fictitious project. -looking as possible. You are the contract manager for the RFP you have selected. Therefore, present the documentation as if this is going to leadership.
  • 14. Follow the instructions in each section of the template APA Guidelines CSU requires that students use the APA style for papers and projects. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. A document titled “APA Guidelines Summary” is available for you to download from the APA Guide Link, found in the Learning Resources area of the myCSU Student Portal. It may also be accessed from the Student Resources link on the Course Menu. This document provides links to several internet sites that provide comprehensive information on APA formatting, including examples and sample papers. CSU Grading Rubric for Papers/Projects The course papers will be graded based on the CSU Grading Rubric for all types of papers. In addition, all papers will be submitted for electronic evaluation to rule out plagiarism. Course projects will contain project specific grading criteria defined in the project directions. To view the rubric, click the Academic Policies link on the Course Menu, or by accessing the CSU Grading Rubric link, found in the Learning Resources area of the myCSU Student Portal. Communication Forums
  • 15. These are non-graded discussion forums that allow you to communicate with your professor and other students. Participation in these discussion forums is encouraged, but not required. You can access these forums with the buttons in the Course Menu. Instructions for subscribing/unsubscribing to these forums are provided below. Once you have completed Unit VIII, you MUST unsubscribe from the forum; otherwise, you will continue to receive e-mail updates from the forum. You will not be able to unsubscribe after your course end date. Click here for instructions on how to subscribe/unsubscribe and post to the Communication Forums. Ask the Professor This communication forum provides you with an opportunity to ask your professor general or course content questions. Questions may focus on Blackboard locations of online course components, textbook or course content elaboration, additional guidance on assessment requirements, or general advice from other students. Questions that are specific in nature, such as inquiries regarding assessment/assignment grades or personal accommodation requests, are NOT to be posted on this forum. If you have questions, comments, or concerns of a non- public nature, please feel free to email your professor. Responses to your post will be addressed or emailed by the professor within 48 hours. Before posting, please ensure that you have read all relevant course documentation, including the syllabus, assessment/assignment instructions, faculty feedback, and other important information.
  • 16. ness/BBA/BBA4326/12E/UnitVIII_ProcurementPlanTemplate.d oc s/instructions/DB/Create_New_Thread_Subscribe.pdf BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 5 Student Break Room This communication forum allows for casual conversation with your classmates. Communication on this forum should always maintain a standard of appropriateness and respect for your fellow classmates. This forum should NOT be used to share assessment answers. Grading Unit Assessments (6 @ 6%) = 36% Unit Assignments (7 @ 6%) = 42% Course Project = 22% Total = 100% Course Schedule/Checklist (PLEASE PRINT) The following pages contain a printable Course Schedule to assist you through this course. By following this schedule, you will be assured that you will complete the course within the time allotted.
  • 17. BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 6 BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management Course Schedule By following this schedule, you will be assured that you will complete the course within the time allotted. Please keep this schedule for reference as you progress through your course. Unit I The Procurement Process Read: -Business Age Honoring Commitments Submit: Notes/Goals:
  • 18. Unit II Needs Assessment Read: —Roles and Responsibilities Submit: Notes/Goals: Unit III Contracting and Risk Management Read:
  • 19. -Procurement and Contracting Methods Submit: Notes/Goals: BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 7 BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management Course Schedule Unit IV Statement of Work Read:
  • 20. Submit: Notes/Goals: Unit V Negotiation and Change Management Read: Award Phase Submit: Notes/Goals:
  • 21. Unit VI International Procurement Read: —Misconceptions and Best Practices Submit: Notes/Goals: BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management 8 BBA 4326, Procurement and Contract Management Course
  • 22. Schedule Unit VII Contract Management Resources Read: Assessment Tool Notes/Goals: Unit VIII Finalizing a Procurement Plan Read: Tools to Improve Performance ernment Subcontracts