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Shanti Educational Initiatives
quarterly newsletter

July to September 2011
Volume 1- Issue 3                                                                               Heralding Change

                            Students deem environmental consciousness
                            essential, as an abused Earth overdosed on
                            chemicals is striking back!

  ...for the environment

  SBS showcases its
  talent in JOSH...

                            SAS students rally at a busy junc on in Ahmedabad for environmental awareness
                           For too long have we ignored the consequences of our ac ons on the environment, and
                           warnings were deliberately denounced by the greedy market-driving forces. The crisis now is
                           too far ahead for us to be complacent, with natural and man made disasters barely bothering to
                           pause for breath. It’s me to include every idea to be brought into ac on and every hand in
                           healing the environment.
                           Under the Prayas campaign, SAS students chose to pitch in for the Earth
  Animal week              on the 2nd October, in honour of the Mahatma, who worked relessly for
  spreads love in Shanti   human rights.
                           Carrying banners and shou ng slogans- “Jal hai to kal hai”, “Global Warming is a Global Warning,
                           etc.”, the students even performed a street play bringing to fore a debate on whether we treat
                           our earth like a dumping yard. SAS students rallied from the Helmet Cross Road and concluded
                           at Keshav Bagh, covering topics like greenhouse gas-emission, conserva on of natural
                           resources, ozone layer deple on and deforesta on, through songs and skits.

                           Under the yearly theme ‘Cleanliness for All’, the cleanliness drive was first ini ated in school,
                           where weekly points were given to the best maintained classrooms, and then in the Bopal
                           market where students tackled the broom themselves.
  SBS & SAS glitter        “We aim to create a ripple effect and sensi ze children to personal hygiene and then a clean
  for Navratri ...         home, school, city and world,” informs Ms. Anita Verma, principal SAS.
The Mumbai
Dabbawalas @ SBS
                            In 1890, when Mahadeo Havaji Bachche               be er       than
                            began a lunch delivery service with 100 men,       teachers who get
                            li le did he know that a hundred years later       half as much.
                            his barefoot delivery men carrying lunch
                            boxes would get a SIX Sigma ra ng by Forbes        It caught the a en on of the world,
                            magazine, get invited to the wedding of the        when the Dabbawalas agreed to meet Prince Charles only at a me and
                            future King of England and win pres gious          place suitable to them. Maharashtra C.M. VilasraoDeshmukh, Richard
                            awards for excellence in business without          Branson- CEO Virgin Atlan c and Gary Locke- U.S. Secratary of Commerce
                            even pitching for them.                            are amongst those who have met the Dabbawalas and praised the
                                                                               management model. It will remain a ma er of debate as to who was
                            It was for a rendi on of this success story of     privileged to meet whom.
                            semi-literate men- the Dabbawalas of
                            Mumbai, that eager students filled the              Finally, Dr. Aggarwal fielded ques ons from SBS students regarding
                            conference hall at Shan Business School on         working model, business development, recruitment, re rement benefits
                            the 21st September- 2011. In adherence to          and the simple answers could put any Strategic team to shame.
                            the SBS objec ve to host reputed guest
                            lecturers, and as part of the Logis cs and         “It was our aim to provide the best to our students, and what bigger than
                            Supply Chain Management studies, Dr.               the Dabbawalas success story?” said Dr. KishorBarad- Professor and Area
                            Pawan Aggarwal, the CEO of Mumbai                  Chair marke ng.
                            Dabbawala Educa on Centerwas invited to
                            present the case study of the Dabbawalas.

“This is an unforge able success story with regard to all fields of business
studies, and our students will remained inspired by it throughout their
careers,” said Prof. P. BalaBhaskaran Execu ve Director SBS and SCS, “we
are also pleased that it shares the SBS/SCS principle of an Indian core
with a global outlook. Can it get be er than this?”

Greeted with a thunderous applause by students and faculty alike, Dr.
Aggarwal, over the next one hour, enthralled, humbled, inspired and
moved his audience with the story of modest men, who became the
toast of a city that s ll does not allow them to rise above their humble

5000 Dabbawalas in their trademark caps and kurtapajamas, travel 60-70
kms and without the aid of modern technology or investment, conduct
4,00,000 transac ons every day. With no hierarchies dicta ng
distribu on of work or salary and no record of a strike, court dispute or
police case, they are a force to reckon and not a single business body has
dared to compete with them. Despite being felicitated with several
awards, invita ons to top business schools and a Six Sigma ra ng, they
are content with a modest salary of Rs 8000, ci ng their situa on as

A shot at shooting for budding film makers @SBS
SBS Communica on Mangement students got a taste of film making                  flagged off by Mr. Gadhvi (Director of Movie –Dhoom) on 19th August at
when ‘FREEWAY FILM COMPANY & FRAMEBOXX’ organized a movie                      8:00 p.m. The students scrambled to write a script, finalize loca ons,
making compe on. The compe on was open to aspiring actors,                     select and prepare actors, compose the background score and finally
directors, and editors etc., to showcase their talent in film making.           shoot and edit it. SBS selected the genre as –‘comedy’.
The idea was to make a short film (8 minutes in length) on the theme-
‘Small things in Life’ and within the walled city in 48 hours. The event was                                    p        j g
                                                                               ‘Our idea didn’t click with the panel of judges but it was a thrilling
                                                                               experience!’ said the students who par cipated.

   Knowledge Partner: Shanti Educational Initiatives Limited

                                                                                                                                      A tribute to GRAND
  RAKSHABANDHAN -                                                                                                                    ‘If I had known gra               NTS ..             PARE
  - a commitment to protect the environment                                                                                                              ndkids were so mu
                                                                                                                                     I would have had th                   ch fun,
  SAS offers a unique perspective..                                                                                                                      em first !’
  No other country in the world has dedicated a day in honour of sibling love. But with
  changing mes, SAS finds it essen al to adapt rituals and tradi on, and make them
  relevant to present mes. This Rakshabandhan, SAS –KN organized a unique ac vity to
  foster a bond with the environment.

  “Today, the environment needs ‘raksha’ or protec on more than anything else,” says
  Mr. Vikas Agarwal- Director SEI

  The students happily made their own rakhees with silk strings, beads and the
  chart-paper they were provided. They ed a rakhi each to a plant of their choice, as a
  commitment to protect the environment. The day marked a new responsibility in their
  lives- ‘raksha’ of the environment.                                                                                             Grandparents enjoy tak
                                                                                                                                                         ing a class
                                                                                                                               Every grandparent sure
                                                                                                                                                        ly feels this way and
                                                                                                                               grandparents are as co                          vice versa. To children,
                                                                                                                                                      mfor ng and protec ve
                                                                                                                               Besides being supercool                           as an old shady tree.
                                                                                                                                                       , grandparents are also
                                                                                                                               money!                                          a source of extra pocket
                                                                                                                                For grandparents, the bir
                                                                                                                                                          th of grandkids is like a
                                                                                                                               fun all over again, bu                               new lease of life. It is a
                                                                                                                                                        t without the stress of                                chance to have
                                                                                                                               discipline them. If the                               having to use their au
                                                                                                                                                       roles are demarcated wi                                   thority or to
                                                                                                                               authority and grandpa                                sely, with parents being
                                                                                                                                                       rents offering hugs and                                     the figure of
                                                                                                                               can become heaven.                                 uncondi onal support,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               a child’s world
                                                                                                                              To pay homage to this wo
                                                                                                                                                          nderful bond, SAS invite
                                                                                                                              share their experience                                 d the grandparents of all
                                                                                                                                                      and have a heart to heart                                    students to
                                                                                                                              were delighted to share                               chat with our li le ones.
                                                                                                                                                         amusing and educa ve                                     They in turn
                                                                                                                              days.                                                 experiences about the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ir own school
      Children tie rakhis to plants they have vowed to protect

  Education for the ultimate objective of…
  SADBHAVNA                                                           Divisiveness plagues our society today. Ignorance leads to mistrust, which leads to intolerance and violence. Anything that is
                                                                      not familiar to us raises suspicion, be it a different na onality, caste, religion or colour of the skin.

                                                                      ‘We are one race, but we tend to overemphasize our differences and overlook our similari es,’ says Ms. Uma Anavaratham-
                                                                      Proctor SAS, as she explains the objec ve of visi ng diverse temples of different faiths. The trip to a mosque, gurudwara,
                                                                      temple and a church was a deligh ul experience and they bombarded teachers with ques ons about whatever they had seen,
                                                                      while happily munching on their snacks!

                                                                      “They came away wiser, and you could see the light of understanding on their faces,” said Ms. Anupama Bohra- Head SAS KN

Children bow in reverence ... at the Church                                                        ... at the Mosque                           ... at the Gurudwara                                    ... at the Temple

        CLAY CRAFT                                                                                                                           Science with
        “Hands full of mud and a
                                                                                 mouthful of smiles !”                                      MAGIC
                                                                  School is simply not a place one
                                                                 in the mud and yet be lau expects to get their hands
                                                                 organized a ‘Po ery and Clay-m ng about it! When SAS
                                                                                                                                            & MASTI
                                                                 assembled at the Po ers’ olding Workshop’, students                         ‘Anything that fires a child’s imagina on also offers a great
                                                                 fascina on as the wheel turned eel, and watched in                         opportunity for learning,’ says Ms. Uma Anavaratham- Proctor SAS.
                                                                sought to shape exclusive vessels and the po er’s hands                     And so a Magic Show was held at SAS- KN on the 17th of June.
                                                                                                     and shapes.
                                                                Hands are essen al to lea                                                   True to his name- the Magician kept the children mesmerized with a
                                                                understand it. Research shows rning and educators now                       high level of technical skills and crackling energy. The program was
                                                                the virtual world of computersthat increasing me spent in                   specially designed to s mulate young minds and help them to
                                                                ac vity is leading to deficits in, while displacing hands-on                 understand simple skills of science and dexterity. Because the show
                                                                development and a decline in certain areas of cogni ve                      was interac ve- there were shrieks of amazement and laughter
                                                                                                the ability of the young.                   galore!
                                                               “The dignity of labour is pro
                                                               lesson in this,” says Ms. Uma Ana ly the most important
                                                                                                  varatham- Proctor SAS

  Oh boy, what fun !!                                                                                                                       Children totally mesmerized by the Magician
                                                               Kids take pride in their clay
                                                                                                             EREM                                                  ONY
School Elections SANS paper !!                                                                 INVESTITURE C

                                                                                                                                                                        n badges...
                                                                                                                                                      Mothers wait to pi
 Waiting to exercise their power...        With Mr. A.C. Kapur - E.C. Gujarat                 The Proud & the Powe                                                               ins Ms Anita Verma,
                                                                                                                                                          responsibility,’ expla
                                                                                                                     portance of    his/her posi on and                      ture of power.”
 An exercise in freedom and                                                                  “The privilege and im                                    with a formal inves
                                                                                                                       on the   student much be er                                              s was
 responsibility towards environment                                                          principal SAS, “dawns                                                      ad Nano Tata Motor
                                                                                                                                            h Vi shwakarma- plant he p and Director of SEI
                                                                                                                     Honour Shri Rames ies of the Chiripal grou
 The SAS school elec ons were designed to replicate the Indian electoral                     A er the Guest of              other VIP dignitar                                             onal music
                                                                                                                      th                                            the strains of devo
 process. The details were well executed- the nomina ons were filed as per the                 welcomed along wi p was lit and the ceremony unfolded to
 post, the manifesto declared, the candidates campaigned via speeches, and the                VikasAggarwal, the           ighty.
                                                                                              an d a prayer to the Alm                                              pinning the badge on
                                                                                                                                                                                              the child
 secret ballot was cast in separate booths spread out over the school campus.                                                                flags, the privilege of                          tes. It was
                                                                                                                         d their respec ve                            e congratulatory no
                                                                                              A er students receive others while the fathers handed over th                        th pride. Befi ng a
 But Shan Asia c went one step ahead. The en re electoral process was held
                                                                                              was bestowed on th
                                                                                                                      em                                   parents stand tall wi nts then bowed
                                                                                                                       t indeed fo  r the child to see his                    e stude
 sans paper! ALL vo ng was done online in contrast to the last elec ons where
                                                                                               a rewarding momen                                       even before God, th the elected students
                                                                                                                          the Gu  ru to be honoured                            y
 one thousand sheets of paper were used. “It’s the need of the hour,” said the                 country that upholds                                   their blessings. Finall                         ect
                                                                                                                        their  teachers and sought d regula ons,serve relentlessly and resp
 principal Mrs Anita Verma, taking pride in having a ‘paper-free’ elec on. That                deferen ally before                       school rules an
                                                                                                                      oath-to honour
 the elec on results were declared by Mr. A.C. Kapur- elec on commissioner of                  solemnly took their
 Gujarat was a pres gious moment for the SAS fraternity.                                        the rights of fellow                                   d to hono                     ur the child, the
                                                                                                                                  exalta on, envisione                 em walked
 “Poli cs is a dirty game if YOU are playing dirty.” This rejoinder by Mr. A.C.                The ceremony   was an exercise in n was duly accomplished as each of th pride and
                                                                                                                  her. The missio                       rvice, honour,
 Kapur, Elec on Commissioner Gujarat was an eye opener for the students who                    parent and the teac ter awareness of responsibility, se
 voiced their concern about poli cs being murky. A er declaring the School                     away bearing grea
 Prefectorial Board elec ons result, the E.C. shared his views and aspira ons                  privilege.
 about the future of the na on.

 SAS salutes NCC
                     Home to revolu ons - the Satyagrah, the Salt march, Amul- the
                     white revolu on and now the economic boom, and several men of
                     grit–M.K. Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Morarji Desai and Bhulabhai Desai
                     among others, Gujarat, surprisingly has negligible representa on in
                     the defence services. Unlike other states, there is not even a single           Eagerly awaiting action !                               Gun & Roses ?
                     Army regiment from the state!

 To remove apprehensions and introduce opportuni es regarding a career in the armed                  Irrespec ve of whether
 forces, Shan Asia c organized a visit to the NCC quarters at Kathlal- dis Kheda on the              they pursue a career
 26th June, to acquaint its students with the NCC wing of the Indian Army.                           the Armed Forces it was
 The affair began with a mo va onal PPT and a er a brief history of NCC from 1948,                    gra fying to know that they
 Commanding Officer Col R.K. Singh proceeded to apprise students with the highest                      will have gone home with
 ideals of secularity, character development and selfless service that is synonymous with             an enduring respect in their
 the country’s defence forces. The awe and respec ul stance of the students spoke                    hearts for their comrades in
 volumes as they geared towards handling a wide variety of guns, rifles and ammuni on.
                                                                                                     khakis and olive greens.                                Aim and Shoot !

     About            [hÝXr. For [hÝXr. In                                        [hÝXr.                                         A tribute to ROALD DAHL
                                                                                                                                                                           Hardly is there a child
                                                                                                                                                                           who has not been
                                                                                                                                                                           touched by the Roald
                                                                                                                                                                           Dahl magic. It was
                                                                                                                                                                           therefore natural for SAS
                                                                                                                                                                           to commemorate the
                                                                                                                                                                           great storyteller on his
                                                                                                                                                                           birthday- the 13th of
      Competition thrills             Laughter & applause abound
                                                                               Kids dressed   as poets                                                                   Shan     Asia c School
 It’s inexcusable we opine, wh
 potpourri with only a sma erin the new genera on stu ers in Hindi, with their conver                                                                                    rose to the occasion and
                                   g                                                                                             Display at the library
 precisely this negligence that Sha of Hindi mixed with English. Will Hindi perish without eve sa on a linguis c                                                         held a li le discussion
 Day ’- September the 14th, whichn Asia c School sought to address when they organized an n a whimper? It is                     about the author, his life and his work. A cheerful display of
                                     marks the day Hindi was chosen                            elocu                             Ro
                                                                                                                                 Roald Dahl books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The
 1949.                                                              to be our ‘raj bhasha’ or na ona on on ‘Hindi                Magic Finger, The Enormous Crocodile etc. completed the
                                                                                                     l language in
                                                                                                                                 picture. Young fans thronged the library enthusiasm ligh ng
“I laud Shan Asia c for helpin                                                                                                   up their faces, as it was akin to a date with Roald Dahl and his
Manju Mahima, Chief Guest g safeguard the development of this language so genuin                                                 exhilara ng books.
detail- the pronuncia on, the of Hindi day celebra ons at SAS, was all praise for the a ely,” Ms.
many school func ons where selec on of students and the crea ve presenta on. “I have en on to                                    Pro
                                                                                                                                 Proclaimed as the most successful children’s writer in the
                              the effort is superficial.”                                 a ended
                                                                                                                                 world, Roald Dahl’s work has been translated into 34
The show was an excep onal me                                                                                                    languages and he has been honoured with the Whitbread
and debates on interes ng top dley of poetry and prose, with ‘Word Antakshari’ as an inter-ho                                    Aw
                                                                                                                                 Award, Childrens Book Award and the Edgar Award three
contemporary topics taken up ics like- ‘Facebook- boon or bane’ and ‘Grading in exams- for      use compe on,
                              in ‘Hasya Kavi Sammelan’ had
Prior to this declama on, studen                                                           be er or worse’. The
                                                             the students and staff alike roa
works of luminaries like Kabir, ts had researched and showcased on the bulle n board- fam with laughter!
                                Munshi Premchand, Mahadevi                                     ous
Chaturvedi etc.                                                  Verma, Harivansh Rai Bachch Hindi literary
                                                                                                 an, Makhanlal
                     Kasturinagar) host a
SBS and SAS (Bopal &
blood donation camp.
                                                              all thanks to
                                   ch needed shot of life,
Blood ba nks again received a mu                             d 15th of July.
                                 camps held on 14th an
the 16 Ch iripal blood donation                                    an of two
                                      ive of the fact that in a sp
The Chiripa  ls were highly appreciat                              ch donor
                                        blood at 16 centers. Ea
days more tha   n 1000 people donated               ilanthropy.
                           appreciation of their ph
 received a certificate in
                           st to donate blood,
Th e Chiripals were the fir g others to follow
encouraging and motiv e ‘nobility’ of the act
                                                                                                                For the
suit. They emphasized one who can donate                                                              120 odd first-year students
and stressed that ‘every
                                                                                                   who began a new phase of their

blood, should do it’.
                                                                                            academic lives at SBS- Ahmedabad, the Satur-
                                                                                          day night- 3rd of September was a pivotal moment
                                                                                           and Freshmen’s Fizz offered the perfect platform.

                                                                                    Seniors looked on with pride and nostalgia, remembering similar
                                                                                  moments not too far ago. Soumil Mehta, a senior said “Unbelievable!
                                                                                  Just one year back it was us in this place. These guys are an awesome
                                                                                                 bunch and sure know how to have fun.”
                                                                                ‘Masquerade’ was the given theme and everyone was excited to make a
                                                                               statement with their unique masks. Inhibition was thrown to the winds as
                                                                               they grooved to the electrifying tunes of DJ Taral, and the pressures of the
                                                                                first few weeks forgotten. Most importantly they effectuated a relation-
                                                                                                 ship with a place they will never forget.

                                                                                   In the wee hours of dawn, tired legs and weary eyes finally made
                                                                                    their way back to their rooms, marking the end of the academic
                                                                                     year’s first party. While both work and play awaits the students
                                                                                       of SBS, the party heralded an exciting year ahead. It marks
                                                                                            their transition from new, uninitiated freshmen to
                                                                                                rightful members of a tradition that they will
                                                                                                            cherish and preserve.

                                                                                    Navratri @ SBS & SAS
Independence Day
                                                                                    The countdown is almost audible for the most
                                                                                                                       r         t
                                                                                    awaited me of the year in Gujarat. The
                                                                                                               n        The
                                                                                                               th      and m
                                                                                    excitement is palpable, with drums and music
                                                                                    at Ganesh Chaturthi announcing the arrival of
                                                                                                               uncing    arriv
                                                                                    Navratri, while gli er and glamorous
                                                                                    garba-wear dazzle en cingly in the city’s
                                                                                    street-side ethnic markets.
                                                                                    Come Navratri- the nine nights of light and celebration, and
                                                                                    Gujarat begins to whirl and twirl. Traditionally, the dance is
                                                                                    performed around a clay lantern which represents life, and the
                                                                                    dancers thus honor Durga, the feminine form of divinity.

                                                                                    The whirling dance honours the universal dance of matter
                                                                                    and energy, which moves in the same cyclical pattern-
                                                                                    the planets around the Sun, the Milky Way and the
                                                                                    protons and neutrons around the nucleus at the macro

                                                                                    The Navratri was celebrated with equal doses of
                                                                                    reverence and fervor at the Shan Educa onal
                                                                                    Ini a ves family.

         A mighty trunkful of blessings
           mighty trunkful f blessings
              i h       k l        i
         for the Shanti Family...
         GANESH CHATURTHI 2011

         Hos ng the Lord of
         Auspicious Beginni
                      Beginnings for
         9 days of
         GaneshaChaturthi was a
         lively affair at the college
         campus. It was a ststudent
         effort from scratch. Funds
         were collected and on the
         1st September, a be beau ful
         idol of the Elephant God
         Ganesha was mounted
         deferen ally in a
         decorated mandap
         Various sweets were
         distributed as prasad
         everyday a er a devo onal
         aar in the mornings and

         On the 10th of September,
         He was carried awa with
         reverence; the pro
         was led with merry
         enthusiasm, music, gaiety,
         pomp and show and bid
         adieu (visarjan) into the
         flowing Sabarma .

                                                                                          With so many unethical prac ces being exposed in businesses worldwide, the need of the
                                                                                          hour for the Business Management. student seems to be an alignment with the Spirit.
 JOSH mein SBS joshiley !                                                                 What does it mean to be human? What do we really mean by growth? What is the role of
                                                                                          values and power distribu on in enhancing both organiza ons and society as a whole? How
                                                                                          many of us even ask these ques ons? Mr. Jim Rose best answered the ques ons he asked
Is it surprising that an SBS student bagged a 2nd                                         and stressed upon the need of spirituality in building a be er organiza on. A trained black
runner-up place in the ‘College Personal y’ compe on                                      belt in ‘Process Excellence/Six Sigma’, Mr. Rose emphasized that the new leadership
                                                                                          paradigm asks the leader to be the one who can show what it means to be human & what
in ‘JOSH’, par cularly when the same student Soumil                                       it means to be authen c. That leadership is the product of deep, ongoing self analysis and
                                                                                          can only be achieved by internal spiritual powers was the key highlight of the workshop.
Mehta had won ‘Mr. Convegno’ earlier this year?
                                                                                          In his career with johnson & johnson Pharmaceu cal Group worldwide, Mr. Rose has led as
                                                                                          the VP in HR and Quality Management in the US and Puerto Rico. He also served as faculty
                                                A team from ‘JOSH’ - an
                                                                                          in J&J’s “Leaders Developing Leaders” program where he focused on the leadership
                                                intercollege event presented by
                                                                                          standards of innova on and People Development. A yoga prac oner and meditator for
                                                Na onal Academy of Event
                                                                                          over 30 years, he began to follow the spiritual path of Sant Mat in 1985.
                                                Management and Development,
                                                had arrived and selected teams            “This workshop will help SBS students connect with spirituality to improve all aspects of
                                                from SBS for Josh @ Bollywood ,           life,” said Prof. Bala Bhaskaran.
                                                Josh @ West, Comedy Star @ Josh
 SBS students playing it up...
                                                ‘Josh’ is an ideal pla orm which
                                                allows par cipants to flaunt their
                                                skills and exercise crea ve ideas.

                                                Besides balancing prac ce sessions
                                                with a hec c academic schedule,
                                                SBS students were not deterred by
                                                sprains, aches and fevers, and
                                                represented the college with full
 Saumil Mehta jazzing it up...                  enthusiasm.
                                                                                            Mr. Jim Rose extolling the benefits of spirituality in business

Rendezvous with CYRUS DASTUR
                                     In the largest film industry in the world, where on
                                     an average a film is 150 minutes long, one man
                                                                                              With economic liberaliza on and changing social
                                     stands out for championing the cause of a
                                     revenue-genera ng-model in the short films
                                                                                              trends, the adver sing industry has grown rapidly
                                     industry- Cyrus Dastur. Pioneer of the organized
                                     short film space in India, Dastur is also the
                                                                                              in the last decade. An essen al brand building
                                     co-creator of the Shamiana Club - India's only
                                     dedicated and fastest growing short film club
                                                                                              exercise, adver sing is indispensable for a product
                                     which showcases the finest shorts from all over
                                     the world.
                                                                                              or service to be successful and forms the basis of
                                     He became a prominent name in the Mumbai                 marke ng.
                                     theatre circuit when his flagship produc on
                                     'WHEN GOD SAID CHEERS' became a hit. Apart               With the launch of its Communica on Club- KHALBALI, a adver sement compe on
                                     from working with the camera (both in front and          was held. Students had been given me to create adver sements in the Print, Radio
                                     behind it), he is also a columnist in Mumbai             Jingles and TVC categories with topics rela ng to public awareness like ‘Quit Smoking’,
                                     Mirror (wri ng for none other than movies of             ‘Global Warming’, ‘Child Labor’etc. Prateek Agrawal and Praveen K were declared
                                     course), and an award winning photographer.              winners. The compe on was judged by industry champions- Mr. Bhargav Thakkar,
Cyrus Dastur telling it like it is
                                 In his trademark light blue jeans and a carry bag,           producer, director and media consultant, and Mr. Amit Desai, strategic advisor to
Cyrus arrived at the SBS campus, affable and approachable, instantly pu ng the                 Hanmer MS&L, promoter & director of Me eta Media Solu ons (A Pan-India Media
students at ease.                                                                             Planning, Buying and Releasing Agency).
He ini ated the discussion, from the course being perused to the kind of movies
                                                                                              Both shared their diverse experience from the industry and gave valuable insight to
students watched, their access to the short films, the media related work they had
done, and suggested certain cameras that students would find useful.                           students in the area of communica on. “It is an exci ng beginning for ‘Khalbali’, said
                                                                                              Prateek Agrawal, ‘we just cant wait for more!’
Passion he said, and not fascina on should be the reason for choosing a profession. He
also stressed on focus, consistency and pa ence for success, not to men on taking
risks and innova on.

                                            He rued the fact that Indian parents were
                                            too intrusive in the choice of their
                                            children’s’ profession. And a er discussing
                                            the interna onal and na onal socio-
                                            economic culture, the session concluded
                                            with the fact that despite being crea ve,
                                            Indians are not smart marketers.
                                            His mantra to survive the 21st century
                                            was -Dream Big, Believe In Yourself and
The ambitious team with Dastur              Market Yourself Properly.
                                                                                               Chief Guest Amit Desai inaugurating the Khalbali Club   Winner in two categories- Prateek Agrawal
Animal Week
Playgroup I Nursery I Jr. KG I Sr. KG
                                                                                              Why children have an
                                                                                                                    affinity to animals isn
                                                                                             so energy and th                             ’t a mystery at all. Kid
                                                                                                                  e animals can sens                               s are full of loving an
                                                                                             –Ahmedabad shared                         e that too. Shan                                    d
Fun with shopping                                                                                                  a most unique gi wi                         Juniors -Satellite Ce
                                                                                             Farm. As good as it                         th their li le ones. Th                       nter
                                                                                                                  can get. An enclosu                              ey created an Anim
                                                                                             animals with a pen,                      re was created to ho                               al
                                                                                                                                                               use some of the sm
and birds...
                                                                                                                 a hut etc.                                                           aller
                                                                                           Every day, the kids we
                                                                                                                   re allowed to observe
                                                                                           cows, buffaloes, dogs                              and chat and play wi
Who doesn’t know that children                                                                                   , cats and even a horse                          th different animals
                                                                                           parrots, sparrows, he                          ! In their free me du                         -
have a small span of a en on                                                                                    ns, goats and an all                            ring break they fed th
                                                                                                                                        me favourite with th                           e
and are easily bored? They need                                                                                                                              e kids- cuddly rabbits
                                                                                          It was week full of                                                                       !!
something new to explore and                                                                                   hullaballoo! The ch
                                                                                         laughed with delight                        ildren let their hair
observe 24x7. And that’s why                                                                                    and it was sheer ple                        down and squealed
                                                                                         have so much fun. It                          asure for the manage                        and
they make friends with anyone                                                                                   was so much easier                            ment to watch the kid
                                                                                         textbooks and now th                           for them to relate to                         s
who will take them out and give                                                                                 ey know what a farm                            these animals in their
                                                                                                                                        is all about....
them a glimpse of the exci ng
colourful noisy world that they
dont o en get to see.

Shan      Juniors JP Nagar
Bangalore decided to give the
kids their favourite treat- an
ou ng to a market and a bird
shop! They were super excited
and in total awe of the birds they
saw and with the hustle bustle
of the market place !                 Kids excited to see the birds                     Who was happier with
                                                                                                             the affection? The Kid
                                                                                                                                   s        or the Animals?

HOME SWEET HOME                                                                                        D dd D
                                                                                                       Daddy Dearest!
There is NOTHING sweeter than home, more                                                               Fathers bond with their li le ones in school on Fathers’ Day…
so for a child. Home means different things at
different mes. To a toddler it means comfort,
but as the child grows up it also means a
li le responsibility. Bit by bit, it is the
parents job to turn the child’s focus to par cipa ng in light chores
and lending a helping hand whenever possible.
Shan Juniors willingly played a part in helping turn that spotlight to responsibility. The
different rooms of a typical home were created so that children related to the idea.
Teachers had decorated a living room (TV, sofa, music player), dining room (tables,
chairs, table with crockery laid, family puppets displayed on all the chairs), kitchen                        Happiest with Daddies !
(kitchen set, gas stove, microwave, oven, toaster, refrigerator), study room (laptop,
                                                                                                      Family involvement is a rewarding aspect in early childhood educa on believes
books, sta onary) and a bedroom (bed, pillow, bed sheet, mirror, dressing table, toys).
                                                                                                      Shan Juniors, but worldwide, early childhood educators tend to engage more with
The kids were very excited to see all this in their school ! They were taken for a round
                                                                                                      mothers than with fathers. But research has indicated that those children, whose
and asked to look carefully at all the furniture and various objects. A discussion was
                                                                                                      fathers are highly involved in their school and educa onal ac vi es, were most likely
held about everyone’s role at home and every child had his say! They spent the en re
                                                                                                      to receive high marks, enjoy school, and never repeat a grade! Fathers can tell
school hours playing house-house! ‘ School is wonderful’ they all agreed…
                                                                                                      stories, read and select books with their children, and learn how to use appropriate
                                                                                                      visual and cogni ve cues. Based on this, Shan Juniors mediated to create be er
                                                                                                      bonding between fathers and kids. An event was designed whereby fathers would
                                                                                                      get to interact with their children in a light hearted manner, and would surely lead to
                                                                                                      more effec ve learning.
                                                                                                      On Fathers’ Day, 16th July- 2011, parents were cheerfully welcomed by teachers at
                                                                                                      Shan Juniors- Ambawadi. Poems , games, cards and lively conversa ons ensued.
                                                                                                      Fathers were given a small ar fact tokens like es, briefcases with fingerprint art
                                                                                                      made by their li le one in class. Parents were thrilled to see their kids so happy with
                                                                                                      event and treasured the par cipa on.
 Doll House? NO, a mini home !

National Conf luence 2011
An astounding 60+ centers in 26 ci es in just the
second year, definitely called for a mutual
                                                                      ‘When everyone moves forward together,
celebra on of this excep onal success of the Shan                     success takes care of itself.’
Juniors family.
The Na onal Confluence II was organized for all the business
partners of Shan Juniors PAN-India, on the 17th and 18th of
August 2011, at Shan Asia c School, Bopal. The assemblage
offered a most suitable opportunity to all our business partners
to interact with the en re Shan Juniors family and the
management on a single pla orm. This mee ng was aimed at
strengthening the rela onship, discussing core value edi ons,
new launches, business escala ons and much more.

The exchange of ideas and plans over two days was an
invigora ng experience for all par es and the feedback proved
immensely valuable to SEI. The mee ng concluded successfully
                                                                        The Franchisees and the Shanti Juniors team revel in the sweetest fruit of all- SUCCESS !
with a deligh ul evening of dance and sumptuous dinner.
It is in this context that our new Educa on models need to be
                                     Dear Friends,
                                                                                                       grounded. There has to be a recogni on of the fact that
                                                                                                       Educa on has have its roots at home. It is in the home that the
                          In our last issue we spoke about
                                                                                                       students pick up the values they see in their elders. On this can
                          our fast ever changing world and
                                                                                                       be built the remaining educa on of pre-school, school, college
                          the role of Educa on in that
                                                                                                       and higher educa on.
                          scenario. All of us will agree that
                          the last couple of decades has seen                                          Shan Educa onal ini a ves was started with a view to
tremendous change, driven largely by technology. This has                                              provide well rounded educa on from KG to PG. A look at the
made the world a much smaller place and many refer to our                                              manner in which the various Educa onal ins tu ons are run
world now as the Global village.                                                                       will give an insight into this philosophy. We believe that
                                                                                                       educa on should be prac cal oriented at all levels. Hence in
In this context , our students have far greater exposure to the
                                                                                                       everything that we do at SEI, this becomes an important
world than the earlier genera ons ever had. They can witness
                                                                                                       feature. Whether it is the manner in which we celebrate our
on television in real me any event that takes place anywhere
                                                                                                       fes vals or the Guests we invite for our lectures, the
in the world. The computer gets them linked to the internet
                                                                                                       underlyling theme always is : “What can our students learn
with its vast access to prac cally any kind of informa on. The
                                                                                                       from this ac vity?”
current Facebook genera on is able to hook on to social
networks with its inherent advantages and disadvantages.
                                                                                                       Un l next me then,
This has I believe has had its impact on the young                                                     Prof Alan D’Souza
impressionable minds today. It has also increased stress levels.                                       Dean- SBS & SCS
The use and throw away genera on has brought in a new                                                  Founding member- MICA
                                                                                                       Former Execu ve Director- Mudra Communica ons Ltd
culture of immediacy, self gra fica on, quick-fix solu ons,
                                                                                                       Former President – IIMA Alumni associa on, Ahmedabad Chapter
and transient rela onships.                                                                            Former Director- Goa Ins tute of Management

                                                                                             Tanvi Manhas- Copywriter/Editor- SEI
     Editorial                                                                                     With valuable assistance from:
     Credits :                                                                 Mrs. Anita Verma- Principal- SAS AMD
                                                                               Mrs. Uma Anavaratham- Proctor- SAS KN
                                                                                                                           Kamal Dotwani - Student Co-ordinator -SBS/SCS
                                                                                                                           Janki Patel- Zonal Academic Support -Shan Juniors

        We’re all set to DAZZLE the DIAMOND CITY !

                                                      S U R AT                                        S U R AT                    SURAT -2012 !
                   Knowledge Partner: Shanti Educational Initiatives Limited

                                                                                                                              ADMISSIONS OPEN
                                                                                                                              All Queries : +91 07567400000

                                                                                       ALLIANCES                                                       ALLIANCES                                                 

 4th Floor, Chiripal House, Shivranjani Cross Roads, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380015 Phone: +91 9909700000

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Shanti juniors preschool activities

  • 1. Shanti Educational Initiatives quarterly newsletter July to September 2011 Volume 1- Issue 3 Heralding Change PRAYAS Students deem environmental consciousness essential, as an abused Earth overdosed on chemicals is striking back! RAKSHABANDHAN... ...for the environment JOSH MEIN JOSHILEY ! SBS showcases its talent in JOSH... SAS students rally at a busy junc on in Ahmedabad for environmental awareness For too long have we ignored the consequences of our ac ons on the environment, and warnings were deliberately denounced by the greedy market-driving forces. The crisis now is too far ahead for us to be complacent, with natural and man made disasters barely bothering to pause for breath. It’s me to include every idea to be brought into ac on and every hand in healing the environment. Under the Prayas campaign, SAS students chose to pitch in for the Earth Animal week on the 2nd October, in honour of the Mahatma, who worked relessly for spreads love in Shanti human rights. Juniors.. Carrying banners and shou ng slogans- “Jal hai to kal hai”, “Global Warming is a Global Warning, etc.”, the students even performed a street play bringing to fore a debate on whether we treat our earth like a dumping yard. SAS students rallied from the Helmet Cross Road and concluded at Keshav Bagh, covering topics like greenhouse gas-emission, conserva on of natural resources, ozone layer deple on and deforesta on, through songs and skits. Under the yearly theme ‘Cleanliness for All’, the cleanliness drive was first ini ated in school, where weekly points were given to the best maintained classrooms, and then in the Bopal market where students tackled the broom themselves. SBS & SAS glitter “We aim to create a ripple effect and sensi ze children to personal hygiene and then a clean for Navratri ... home, school, city and world,” informs Ms. Anita Verma, principal SAS.
  • 2. The Mumbai Dabbawalas @ SBS In 1890, when Mahadeo Havaji Bachche be er than began a lunch delivery service with 100 men, teachers who get li le did he know that a hundred years later half as much. his barefoot delivery men carrying lunch boxes would get a SIX Sigma ra ng by Forbes It caught the a en on of the world, magazine, get invited to the wedding of the when the Dabbawalas agreed to meet Prince Charles only at a me and future King of England and win pres gious place suitable to them. Maharashtra C.M. VilasraoDeshmukh, Richard awards for excellence in business without Branson- CEO Virgin Atlan c and Gary Locke- U.S. Secratary of Commerce even pitching for them. are amongst those who have met the Dabbawalas and praised the management model. It will remain a ma er of debate as to who was It was for a rendi on of this success story of privileged to meet whom. semi-literate men- the Dabbawalas of Mumbai, that eager students filled the Finally, Dr. Aggarwal fielded ques ons from SBS students regarding conference hall at Shan Business School on working model, business development, recruitment, re rement benefits the 21st September- 2011. In adherence to and the simple answers could put any Strategic team to shame. the SBS objec ve to host reputed guest lecturers, and as part of the Logis cs and “It was our aim to provide the best to our students, and what bigger than Supply Chain Management studies, Dr. the Dabbawalas success story?” said Dr. KishorBarad- Professor and Area Pawan Aggarwal, the CEO of Mumbai Chair marke ng. Dabbawala Educa on Centerwas invited to present the case study of the Dabbawalas. “This is an unforge able success story with regard to all fields of business studies, and our students will remained inspired by it throughout their careers,” said Prof. P. BalaBhaskaran Execu ve Director SBS and SCS, “we are also pleased that it shares the SBS/SCS principle of an Indian core with a global outlook. Can it get be er than this?” Greeted with a thunderous applause by students and faculty alike, Dr. Aggarwal, over the next one hour, enthralled, humbled, inspired and moved his audience with the story of modest men, who became the toast of a city that s ll does not allow them to rise above their humble beginnings. 5000 Dabbawalas in their trademark caps and kurtapajamas, travel 60-70 kms and without the aid of modern technology or investment, conduct 4,00,000 transac ons every day. With no hierarchies dicta ng distribu on of work or salary and no record of a strike, court dispute or police case, they are a force to reckon and not a single business body has dared to compete with them. Despite being felicitated with several awards, invita ons to top business schools and a Six Sigma ra ng, they are content with a modest salary of Rs 8000, ci ng their situa on as A shot at shooting for budding film makers @SBS SBS Communica on Mangement students got a taste of film making flagged off by Mr. Gadhvi (Director of Movie –Dhoom) on 19th August at when ‘FREEWAY FILM COMPANY & FRAMEBOXX’ organized a movie 8:00 p.m. The students scrambled to write a script, finalize loca ons, making compe on. The compe on was open to aspiring actors, select and prepare actors, compose the background score and finally directors, and editors etc., to showcase their talent in film making. shoot and edit it. SBS selected the genre as –‘comedy’. The idea was to make a short film (8 minutes in length) on the theme- ‘Small things in Life’ and within the walled city in 48 hours. The event was p j g ‘Our idea didn’t click with the panel of judges but it was a thrilling experience!’ said the students who par cipated. udents
  • 3. ...Kasturinagar KASTURINAGAR Knowledge Partner: Shanti Educational Initiatives Limited A tribute to GRAND RAKSHABANDHAN - ‘If I had known gra NTS .. PARE - a commitment to protect the environment ndkids were so mu I would have had th ch fun, SAS offers a unique perspective.. em first !’ No other country in the world has dedicated a day in honour of sibling love. But with changing mes, SAS finds it essen al to adapt rituals and tradi on, and make them relevant to present mes. This Rakshabandhan, SAS –KN organized a unique ac vity to foster a bond with the environment. “Today, the environment needs ‘raksha’ or protec on more than anything else,” says Mr. Vikas Agarwal- Director SEI The students happily made their own rakhees with silk strings, beads and the chart-paper they were provided. They ed a rakhi each to a plant of their choice, as a commitment to protect the environment. The day marked a new responsibility in their lives- ‘raksha’ of the environment. Grandparents enjoy tak ing a class Every grandparent sure ly feels this way and grandparents are as co vice versa. To children, mfor ng and protec ve Besides being supercool as an old shady tree. , grandparents are also money! a source of extra pocket For grandparents, the bir th of grandkids is like a fun all over again, bu new lease of life. It is a t without the stress of chance to have discipline them. If the having to use their au roles are demarcated wi thority or to authority and grandpa sely, with parents being rents offering hugs and the figure of can become heaven. uncondi onal support, a child’s world To pay homage to this wo nderful bond, SAS invite share their experience d the grandparents of all and have a heart to heart students to were delighted to share chat with our li le ones. amusing and educa ve They in turn days. experiences about the ir own school Children tie rakhis to plants they have vowed to protect Education for the ultimate objective of… SADBHAVNA Divisiveness plagues our society today. Ignorance leads to mistrust, which leads to intolerance and violence. Anything that is not familiar to us raises suspicion, be it a different na onality, caste, religion or colour of the skin. ‘We are one race, but we tend to overemphasize our differences and overlook our similari es,’ says Ms. Uma Anavaratham- Proctor SAS, as she explains the objec ve of visi ng diverse temples of different faiths. The trip to a mosque, gurudwara, temple and a church was a deligh ul experience and they bombarded teachers with ques ons about whatever they had seen, while happily munching on their snacks! “They came away wiser, and you could see the light of understanding on their faces,” said Ms. Anupama Bohra- Head SAS KN Children bow in reverence ... at the Church ... at the Mosque ... at the Gurudwara ... at the Temple CLAY CRAFT Science with “Hands full of mud and a mouthful of smiles !” MAGIC School is simply not a place one in the mud and yet be lau expects to get their hands ghi organized a ‘Po ery and Clay-m ng about it! When SAS & MASTI assembled at the Po ers’ olding Workshop’, students ‘Anything that fires a child’s imagina on also offers a great Wh fascina on as the wheel turned eel, and watched in opportunity for learning,’ says Ms. Uma Anavaratham- Proctor SAS. sought to shape exclusive vessels and the po er’s hands And so a Magic Show was held at SAS- KN on the 17th of June. and shapes. Hands are essen al to lea True to his name- the Magician kept the children mesmerized with a understand it. Research shows rning and educators now high level of technical skills and crackling energy. The program was the virtual world of computersthat increasing me spent in specially designed to s mulate young minds and help them to ac vity is leading to deficits in, while displacing hands-on understand simple skills of science and dexterity. Because the show development and a decline in certain areas of cogni ve was interac ve- there were shrieks of amazement and laughter the ability of the young. galore! “The dignity of labour is pro bab lesson in this,” says Ms. Uma Ana ly the most important varatham- Proctor SAS Oh boy, what fun !! Children totally mesmerized by the Magician Kids take pride in their clay creations
  • 4. ...Ahmedabad EREM ONY School Elections SANS paper !! INVESTITURE C n badges... Mothers wait to pi rful Waiting to exercise their power... With Mr. A.C. Kapur - E.C. Gujarat The Proud & the Powe ins Ms Anita Verma, responsibility,’ expla portance of his/her posi on and ture of power.” An exercise in freedom and “The privilege and im with a formal inves on the student much be er s was responsibility towards environment principal SAS, “dawns ad Nano Tata Motor h Vi shwakarma- plant he p and Director of SEI Honour Shri Rames ies of the Chiripal grou The SAS school elec ons were designed to replicate the Indian electoral A er the Guest of other VIP dignitar onal music th the strains of devo process. The details were well executed- the nomina ons were filed as per the welcomed along wi p was lit and the ceremony unfolded to lam post, the manifesto declared, the candidates campaigned via speeches, and the VikasAggarwal, the ighty. an d a prayer to the Alm pinning the badge on the child secret ballot was cast in separate booths spread out over the school campus. flags, the privilege of tes. It was d their respec ve e congratulatory no A er students receive others while the fathers handed over th th pride. Befi ng a But Shan Asia c went one step ahead. The en re electoral process was held was bestowed on th em parents stand tall wi nts then bowed t indeed fo r the child to see his e stude sans paper! ALL vo ng was done online in contrast to the last elec ons where a rewarding momen even before God, th the elected students the Gu ru to be honoured y one thousand sheets of paper were used. “It’s the need of the hour,” said the country that upholds their blessings. Finall ect their teachers and sought d regula ons,serve relentlessly and resp principal Mrs Anita Verma, taking pride in having a ‘paper-free’ elec on. That deferen ally before school rules an oath-to honour the elec on results were declared by Mr. A.C. Kapur- elec on commissioner of solemnly took their students. Gujarat was a pres gious moment for the SAS fraternity. the rights of fellow d to hono ur the child, the exalta on, envisione em walked “Poli cs is a dirty game if YOU are playing dirty.” This rejoinder by Mr. A.C. The ceremony was an exercise in n was duly accomplished as each of th pride and her. The missio rvice, honour, Kapur, Elec on Commissioner Gujarat was an eye opener for the students who parent and the teac ter awareness of responsibility, se voiced their concern about poli cs being murky. A er declaring the School away bearing grea Prefectorial Board elec ons result, the E.C. shared his views and aspira ons privilege. about the future of the na on. SAS salutes NCC Home to revolu ons - the Satyagrah, the Salt march, Amul- the white revolu on and now the economic boom, and several men of grit–M.K. Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Morarji Desai and Bhulabhai Desai among others, Gujarat, surprisingly has negligible representa on in the defence services. Unlike other states, there is not even a single Eagerly awaiting action ! Gun & Roses ? Army regiment from the state! To remove apprehensions and introduce opportuni es regarding a career in the armed Irrespec ve of whether forces, Shan Asia c organized a visit to the NCC quarters at Kathlal- dis Kheda on the they pursue a career 26th June, to acquaint its students with the NCC wing of the Indian Army. the Armed Forces it was The affair began with a mo va onal PPT and a er a brief history of NCC from 1948, gra fying to know that they Commanding Officer Col R.K. Singh proceeded to apprise students with the highest will have gone home with ideals of secularity, character development and selfless service that is synonymous with an enduring respect in their the country’s defence forces. The awe and respec ul stance of the students spoke hearts for their comrades in volumes as they geared towards handling a wide variety of guns, rifles and ammuni on. khakis and olive greens. Aim and Shoot ! About [hÝXr. For [hÝXr. In [hÝXr. A tribute to ROALD DAHL Hardly is there a child who has not been touched by the Roald Dahl magic. It was therefore natural for SAS to commemorate the great storyteller on his birthday- the 13th of September. Competition thrills Laughter & applause abound Kids dressed as poets Shan Asia c School It’s inexcusable we opine, wh en potpourri with only a sma erin the new genera on stu ers in Hindi, with their conver rose to the occasion and g Display at the library precisely this negligence that Sha of Hindi mixed with English. Will Hindi perish without eve sa on a linguis c held a li le discussion Day ’- September the 14th, whichn Asia c School sought to address when they organized an n a whimper? It is about the author, his life and his work. A cheerful display of ab marks the day Hindi was chosen elocu Ro Roald Dahl books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The 1949. to be our ‘raj bhasha’ or na ona on on ‘Hindi Magic Finger, The Enormous Crocodile etc. completed the Ma l language in picture. Young fans thronged the library enthusiasm ligh ng pic “I laud Shan Asia c for helpin up their faces, as it was akin to a date with Roald Dahl and his Manju Mahima, Chief Guest g safeguard the development of this language so genuin exhilara ng books. ex detail- the pronuncia on, the of Hindi day celebra ons at SAS, was all praise for the a ely,” Ms. many school func ons where selec on of students and the crea ve presenta on. “I have en on to Pro Proclaimed as the most successful children’s writer in the the effort is superficial.” a ended world, Roald Dahl’s work has been translated into 34 wo The show was an excep onal me languages and he has been honoured with the Whitbread lan and debates on interes ng top dley of poetry and prose, with ‘Word Antakshari’ as an inter-ho Aw Award, Childrens Book Award and the Edgar Award three contemporary topics taken up ics like- ‘Facebook- boon or bane’ and ‘Grading in exams- for use compe on, mes. m in ‘Hasya Kavi Sammelan’ had Prior to this declama on, studen be er or worse’. The the students and staff alike roa ring works of luminaries like Kabir, ts had researched and showcased on the bulle n board- fam with laughter! Munshi Premchand, Mahadevi ous Chaturvedi etc. Verma, Harivansh Rai Bachch Hindi literary an, Makhanlal
  • 5. RED LETTER DAY AT SEI Kasturinagar) host a SBS and SAS (Bopal & blood donation camp. all thanks to ch needed shot of life, Blood ba nks again received a mu d 15th of July. camps held on 14th an the 16 Ch iripal blood donation an of two ive of the fact that in a sp The Chiripa ls were highly appreciat ch donor blood at 16 centers. Ea days more tha n 1000 people donated ilanthropy. appreciation of their ph received a certificate in st to donate blood, Th e Chiripals were the fir g others to follow atin encouraging and motiv e ‘nobility’ of the act th For the suit. They emphasized one who can donate 120 odd first-year students and stressed that ‘every who began a new phase of their blood, should do it’. academic lives at SBS- Ahmedabad, the Satur- day night- 3rd of September was a pivotal moment and Freshmen’s Fizz offered the perfect platform. Seniors looked on with pride and nostalgia, remembering similar moments not too far ago. Soumil Mehta, a senior said “Unbelievable! Just one year back it was us in this place. These guys are an awesome bunch and sure know how to have fun.” ‘Masquerade’ was the given theme and everyone was excited to make a statement with their unique masks. Inhibition was thrown to the winds as they grooved to the electrifying tunes of DJ Taral, and the pressures of the first few weeks forgotten. Most importantly they effectuated a relation- ship with a place they will never forget. In the wee hours of dawn, tired legs and weary eyes finally made their way back to their rooms, marking the end of the academic year’s first party. While both work and play awaits the students of SBS, the party heralded an exciting year ahead. It marks their transition from new, uninitiated freshmen to rightful members of a tradition that they will cherish and preserve. Navratri @ SBS & SAS Independence Day The countdown is almost audible for the most r t awaited me of the year in Gujarat. The n The th and m excitement is palpable, with drums and music at Ganesh Chaturthi announcing the arrival of uncing arriv val s Navratri, while gli er and glamorous gly garba-wear dazzle en cingly in the city’s s street-side ethnic markets. Come Navratri- the nine nights of light and celebration, and Gujarat begins to whirl and twirl. Traditionally, the dance is performed around a clay lantern which represents life, and the dancers thus honor Durga, the feminine form of divinity. The whirling dance honours the universal dance of matter and energy, which moves in the same cyclical pattern- the planets around the Sun, the Milky Way and the protons and neutrons around the nucleus at the macro level. The Navratri was celebrated with equal doses of s reverence and fervor at the Shan Educa onal Ini a ves family.
  • 6. FRESHMENS FIZZ SHANTI CELEBRATES LIFE! A mighty trunkful of blessings mighty trunkful f blessings i h k l i for the Shanti Family... GANESH CHATURTHI 2011 Hos ng the Lord of Auspicious Beginni Beginnings for 9 days of GaneshaChaturthi was a lively affair at the college c campus. It was a ststudent effort from scratch. Funds scratch were collected and on the 1st September, a be beau ful idol of the Elephant God Elephan Ganesha was mounted moun deferen ally in a mandap. decorated mandap Various sweets were wer distributed as prasad prasa everyday a er a devo onal de aar in the mornings and mornin evenings. On the 10th of September, Sep He was carried awa with away reverence; the pro procession was led with merry enthusiasm, music, gaiety, pomp and show and bid an adieu (visarjan) into the flowing Sabarma .
  • 7. BUSINESS cum SPIRITUALITY ALLIANCES With so many unethical prac ces being exposed in businesses worldwide, the need of the hour for the Business Management. student seems to be an alignment with the Spirit. JOSH mein SBS joshiley ! What does it mean to be human? What do we really mean by growth? What is the role of values and power distribu on in enhancing both organiza ons and society as a whole? How many of us even ask these ques ons? Mr. Jim Rose best answered the ques ons he asked Is it surprising that an SBS student bagged a 2nd and stressed upon the need of spirituality in building a be er organiza on. A trained black runner-up place in the ‘College Personal y’ compe on belt in ‘Process Excellence/Six Sigma’, Mr. Rose emphasized that the new leadership paradigm asks the leader to be the one who can show what it means to be human & what in ‘JOSH’, par cularly when the same student Soumil it means to be authen c. That leadership is the product of deep, ongoing self analysis and can only be achieved by internal spiritual powers was the key highlight of the workshop. Mehta had won ‘Mr. Convegno’ earlier this year? In his career with johnson & johnson Pharmaceu cal Group worldwide, Mr. Rose has led as the VP in HR and Quality Management in the US and Puerto Rico. He also served as faculty A team from ‘JOSH’ - an in J&J’s “Leaders Developing Leaders” program where he focused on the leadership intercollege event presented by standards of innova on and People Development. A yoga prac oner and meditator for Na onal Academy of Event over 30 years, he began to follow the spiritual path of Sant Mat in 1985. Management and Development, had arrived and selected teams “This workshop will help SBS students connect with spirituality to improve all aspects of from SBS for Josh @ Bollywood , life,” said Prof. Bala Bhaskaran. Josh @ West, Comedy Star @ Josh etc. SBS students playing it up... ‘Josh’ is an ideal pla orm which allows par cipants to flaunt their skills and exercise crea ve ideas. Besides balancing prac ce sessions with a hec c academic schedule, SBS students were not deterred by sprains, aches and fevers, and represented the college with full Saumil Mehta jazzing it up... enthusiasm. Mr. Jim Rose extolling the benefits of spirituality in business KHALBALI- Smart Communication... Rendezvous with CYRUS DASTUR In the largest film industry in the world, where on an average a film is 150 minutes long, one man With economic liberaliza on and changing social stands out for championing the cause of a revenue-genera ng-model in the short films trends, the adver sing industry has grown rapidly industry- Cyrus Dastur. Pioneer of the organized short film space in India, Dastur is also the in the last decade. An essen al brand building co-creator of the Shamiana Club - India's only dedicated and fastest growing short film club exercise, adver sing is indispensable for a product which showcases the finest shorts from all over the world. or service to be successful and forms the basis of He became a prominent name in the Mumbai marke ng. theatre circuit when his flagship produc on 'WHEN GOD SAID CHEERS' became a hit. Apart With the launch of its Communica on Club- KHALBALI, a adver sement compe on from working with the camera (both in front and was held. Students had been given me to create adver sements in the Print, Radio behind it), he is also a columnist in Mumbai Jingles and TVC categories with topics rela ng to public awareness like ‘Quit Smoking’, Mirror (wri ng for none other than movies of ‘Global Warming’, ‘Child Labor’etc. Prateek Agrawal and Praveen K were declared course), and an award winning photographer. winners. The compe on was judged by industry champions- Mr. Bhargav Thakkar, Cyrus Dastur telling it like it is In his trademark light blue jeans and a carry bag, producer, director and media consultant, and Mr. Amit Desai, strategic advisor to Cyrus arrived at the SBS campus, affable and approachable, instantly pu ng the Hanmer MS&L, promoter & director of Me eta Media Solu ons (A Pan-India Media students at ease. Planning, Buying and Releasing Agency). He ini ated the discussion, from the course being perused to the kind of movies Both shared their diverse experience from the industry and gave valuable insight to students watched, their access to the short films, the media related work they had done, and suggested certain cameras that students would find useful. students in the area of communica on. “It is an exci ng beginning for ‘Khalbali’, said Prateek Agrawal, ‘we just cant wait for more!’ Passion he said, and not fascina on should be the reason for choosing a profession. He also stressed on focus, consistency and pa ence for success, not to men on taking risks and innova on. He rued the fact that Indian parents were too intrusive in the choice of their children’s’ profession. And a er discussing the interna onal and na onal socio- economic culture, the session concluded with the fact that despite being crea ve, Indians are not smart marketers. His mantra to survive the 21st century was -Dream Big, Believe In Yourself and The ambitious team with Dastur Market Yourself Properly. Chief Guest Amit Desai inaugurating the Khalbali Club Winner in two categories- Prateek Agrawal
  • 8. Animal Week Playgroup I Nursery I Jr. KG I Sr. KG Why children have an affinity to animals isn so energy and th ’t a mystery at all. Kid e animals can sens s are full of loving an –Ahmedabad shared e that too. Shan d Fun with shopping a most unique gi wi Juniors -Satellite Ce Farm. As good as it th their li le ones. Th nter can get. An enclosu ey created an Anim animals with a pen, re was created to ho al use some of the sm and birds... a hut etc. aller Every day, the kids we re allowed to observe cows, buffaloes, dogs and chat and play wi Who doesn’t know that children , cats and even a horse th different animals parrots, sparrows, he ! In their free me du - have a small span of a en on ns, goats and an all ring break they fed th me favourite with th e and are easily bored? They need e kids- cuddly rabbits It was week full of !! something new to explore and hullaballoo! The ch laughed with delight ildren let their hair observe 24x7. And that’s why and it was sheer ple down and squealed have so much fun. It asure for the manage and they make friends with anyone was so much easier ment to watch the kid textbooks and now th for them to relate to s who will take them out and give ey know what a farm these animals in their is all about.... them a glimpse of the exci ng colourful noisy world that they dont o en get to see. Shan Juniors JP Nagar Bangalore decided to give the kids their favourite treat- an ou ng to a market and a bird shop! They were super excited and in total awe of the birds they saw and with the hustle bustle of the market place ! Kids excited to see the birds Who was happier with the affection? The Kid s or the Animals? HOME SWEET HOME D dd D Daddy Dearest! t! There is NOTHING sweeter than home, more Fathers bond with their li le ones in school on Fathers’ Day… so for a child. Home means different things at different mes. To a toddler it means comfort, but as the child grows up it also means a li le responsibility. Bit by bit, it is the parents job to turn the child’s focus to par cipa ng in light chores and lending a helping hand whenever possible. Shan Juniors willingly played a part in helping turn that spotlight to responsibility. The different rooms of a typical home were created so that children related to the idea. Teachers had decorated a living room (TV, sofa, music player), dining room (tables, chairs, table with crockery laid, family puppets displayed on all the chairs), kitchen Happiest with Daddies ! (kitchen set, gas stove, microwave, oven, toaster, refrigerator), study room (laptop, Family involvement is a rewarding aspect in early childhood educa on believes books, sta onary) and a bedroom (bed, pillow, bed sheet, mirror, dressing table, toys). Shan Juniors, but worldwide, early childhood educators tend to engage more with The kids were very excited to see all this in their school ! They were taken for a round mothers than with fathers. But research has indicated that those children, whose and asked to look carefully at all the furniture and various objects. A discussion was fathers are highly involved in their school and educa onal ac vi es, were most likely held about everyone’s role at home and every child had his say! They spent the en re to receive high marks, enjoy school, and never repeat a grade! Fathers can tell school hours playing house-house! ‘ School is wonderful’ they all agreed… stories, read and select books with their children, and learn how to use appropriate visual and cogni ve cues. Based on this, Shan Juniors mediated to create be er bonding between fathers and kids. An event was designed whereby fathers would get to interact with their children in a light hearted manner, and would surely lead to more effec ve learning. On Fathers’ Day, 16th July- 2011, parents were cheerfully welcomed by teachers at Shan Juniors- Ambawadi. Poems , games, cards and lively conversa ons ensued. Fathers were given a small ar fact tokens like es, briefcases with fingerprint art made by their li le one in class. Parents were thrilled to see their kids so happy with event and treasured the par cipa on. Doll House? NO, a mini home ! National Conf luence 2011 An astounding 60+ centers in 26 ci es in just the second year, definitely called for a mutual ‘When everyone moves forward together, her, celebra on of this excep onal success of the Shan success takes care of itself.’ Juniors family. The Na onal Confluence II was organized for all the business partners of Shan Juniors PAN-India, on the 17th and 18th of August 2011, at Shan Asia c School, Bopal. The assemblage offered a most suitable opportunity to all our business partners to interact with the en re Shan Juniors family and the management on a single pla orm. This mee ng was aimed at strengthening the rela onship, discussing core value edi ons, new launches, business escala ons and much more. The exchange of ideas and plans over two days was an invigora ng experience for all par es and the feedback proved immensely valuable to SEI. The mee ng concluded successfully The Franchisees and the Shanti Juniors team revel in the sweetest fruit of all- SUCCESS ! with a deligh ul evening of dance and sumptuous dinner.
  • 9. It is in this context that our new Educa on models need to be Dear Friends, grounded. There has to be a recogni on of the fact that Educa on has have its roots at home. It is in the home that the In our last issue we spoke about students pick up the values they see in their elders. On this can our fast ever changing world and be built the remaining educa on of pre-school, school, college the role of Educa on in that and higher educa on. scenario. All of us will agree that the last couple of decades has seen Shan Educa onal ini a ves was started with a view to tremendous change, driven largely by technology. This has provide well rounded educa on from KG to PG. A look at the made the world a much smaller place and many refer to our manner in which the various Educa onal ins tu ons are run world now as the Global village. will give an insight into this philosophy. We believe that educa on should be prac cal oriented at all levels. Hence in In this context , our students have far greater exposure to the everything that we do at SEI, this becomes an important world than the earlier genera ons ever had. They can witness feature. Whether it is the manner in which we celebrate our on television in real me any event that takes place anywhere fes vals or the Guests we invite for our lectures, the in the world. The computer gets them linked to the internet underlyling theme always is : “What can our students learn with its vast access to prac cally any kind of informa on. The from this ac vity?” current Facebook genera on is able to hook on to social networks with its inherent advantages and disadvantages. Un l next me then, This has I believe has had its impact on the young Prof Alan D’Souza impressionable minds today. It has also increased stress levels. Dean- SBS & SCS The use and throw away genera on has brought in a new Founding member- MICA Former Execu ve Director- Mudra Communica ons Ltd culture of immediacy, self gra fica on, quick-fix solu ons, Former President – IIMA Alumni associa on, Ahmedabad Chapter and transient rela onships. Former Director- Goa Ins tute of Management Tanvi Manhas- Copywriter/Editor- SEI Editorial With valuable assistance from: Credits : Mrs. Anita Verma- Principal- SAS AMD Mrs. Uma Anavaratham- Proctor- SAS KN Kamal Dotwani - Student Co-ordinator -SBS/SCS Janki Patel- Zonal Academic Support -Shan Juniors We’re all set to DAZZLE the DIAMOND CITY ! in S U R AT S U R AT SURAT -2012 ! Knowledge Partner: Shanti Educational Initiatives Limited ADMISSIONS OPEN All Queries : +91 07567400000 ALLIANCES ALLIANCES 4th Floor, Chiripal House, Shivranjani Cross Roads, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380015 Phone: +91 9909700000