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 - Shakeology


Shakeology – The Healthiest
Meal Of The Day
                                     If you have been trying to find a
                                     good meal replacement or a
                                     healthy snack then
                                     shakeology is a great choice.
                                     This superfood filled shake
                                     will literally change your life if
                                     you let it. There are countless
                                     stories about the
                                     transformations that have
                                     happened in people’s bodies
from adapting it into thier diets. I have done dozens and dozens of
hours of research and development about shakeology and it’s
benefits for you and I and I plan to not hold any of it back here for
you today. I believe in the products because of the results I have
felt with my own personal use as well as with all the different
success stories that you will find online of people that gave it a try
and truly decided to commit and saw their lives change.
Beachbody always says “Abs are made in the kitchen.” Did you
know that best way to get to your goal is to realize that your
results and body are 80% nutrition and 20% Work Out!

Abs Are Made In the Kitchen
You’ve heard the saying “abs are made in the kitchen,” but what
does that mean? The popular saying refers to the fact that what
you eat has a greater impact on weight loss than any form of
exercise you do. But despite the popularity of this saying, many
people still attempt to uncover their abs with endless crunches
and cardio while eating ‘cheat’ meals on the side.

Now we’re not saying that cardio and crunches aren’t totally
necessary because they are, but the real trifecta is eating right,
cardio and muscle toning…together! You won’t succeed if you
don’t have all these bases covered. So, if you’re eager to reveal
your abs but can’t seem to shed that last bit of belly fat, ask
yourself if your diet is as clean as it could be. Chances are it’s not

What kinds of foods should you be eating to lean out? Regardless
of your goal, the foundation of your diet should always be fruits
and vegetables, lean protein sources, a blend of dietary fats and
your aim should be to keep your sugars to a minimum.

Enter the new Shakeology Chocolate Superfood formula. This is a
perfect meal for revealing your abs because with its lower sugar
content, all of the greens and special metabolism boosters like

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green tea, your body is getting the nutrients to support your abs
while keeping your calories to a minimum. Another aspect that
makes Shakeology a great ab-revealer is the fact that it helps
reduce your cravings for junk food…aka the ab-ruiners. (Since abs
are all about diet, it’s pivotal that you have a squeaky clean diet
and Shakeology really does help with this.)

Another way you can use Shakeology to help reveal your abs is to
drink it right after a tough workout. Rev Abs trainer Brett Hoebel
swears by Shakeology because after a tough workout you need to
replenish your sugars. The healthy sugars in Shakeology will not
only help you replenish your sugar levels without the post-sugar
high crash, but they will also as help to transport the protein into
your muscles, hence making those abs poke through!

Here’s your Ab-Ripping Checklist:

     Cut back on white flour and refined sugar
     Drink the new Chocolate Superfood Formula with less sugar
     Drink Shakeology as a post-workout recovery supplement
     Track your calories to make sure you’re eating less than
     you’re burning
     Add lean protein to your diet such as chicken and fish
     Increase your water intake
     Decrease alcohol consumption
The bottom line: Multiple factors contribute to storing fat around
your belly, but focusing on these practices and techniques will
make it easier for your body to reveal the flat abs you’ve always


If you have been wondering what’s new in the
Chocolate Superfood Formula of
Shakeology check this out:

Why Should I Drink Shakeology?
This question comes up in many different aspects of health and
wellness. I found some great information on the Shakeology blog
that I wanted to share with you: I found this information here:
blog#lmp__shakeology_fatshredder_120919) Courtesy of

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Many of our customers and potential customers ask us “Why
should I drink Shakeology every day?” While Shakeology’s benefits
are boundless, as we have heard by countless customers’
amazing testimonials, here’s a short cheat sheet of universal
benefits you can pass along to curious friends asking you the
same question!

     Antioxidants. Shakeology contains some of the most potent
     antioxidants: flavonoids and phytonutrients such as spinach,
     blue green algae, carrot powder, strawberry powder,
     and vitamins E and C. These help to prevent free radicals
     from oxidizing and destroying cells. The ingredients in our
     antioxidant blend such as pomegranate, acai
     berry, camu-camu, goji, andblueberry also have
     powerful antioxidant effects to support your immune system
     and help protect your body from normal inflammatory
     Energy. Shakeology contains a range of B vitamins and
     trace minerals, likezinc and magnesium, from whole food
     sources that regulate metabolism and increase energy.
     Shakeology also contains maca root, an adaptogen herb
     known to promote endurance and stamina. Check out
     our Ingredient Spotlighton maca root to learn more.
     Digestion. The Shakeology non-dairy prebiotic and probiotic
     blend containsfiber and different enzymes
     like amylase, papain, cellulose, and lactase, which all
     support digestion. These ingredients aid in breaking down
     food molecules into smaller molecules that can be properly
     digested, so all of the nutrients can be absorbed into your
     Mood. One scoop of Shakeology provides 100% of the daily
     recommended intake of vitamin B12. B12 is often linked
     with good mood maintenance; B vitamins are also essential
     for the production and proper functioning of
     neurotransmitters like dopamine, crucial to the experience of
     pleasure. Shakeology also contains cacao, which is very
     high in phenylethylamine (PEA). PEA acts as a
     neuromodulator to enhance one’s mood.
     Detoxification. Many of the ingredients in Shakeology
     (spirulina, chlorella,flaxseed, barley grass, spinach)
     contain powerful detoxification compounds such as
     chlorophyll and alpha-linolenic acid. These ingredients may
     help rid the body of environmental toxins such as smog,
     heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products, and pesticides.
     They also aid in liver detoxification. Shakeology also
     includes kamut grass, an ingredient coined “nature’s most
     powerful detoxifier.” This grass has been known to cleanse
     the body and detoxify the cells to restore health and vitality.
     Immunity. The antioxidants, bioflavanoids, and flavanoids in
     Shakeology work to support immunity. Some of these
     ingredients include ashwaganda,acerola cherry, rose
     hips, and goji berries. The goji berries in Shakeology are
     one of the richest sources of antioxidants; not only does goji
     berry promote eye, reproductive, and circulatory health, but
     it also supports your immune system and promotes
     Satiety/cravings. The protein, chromium, and nutrient-
     dense calories fromsuperfoods in Shakeology work to help
     decrease your appetite. Chromium is important because it
     helps maintain blood-sugar levels, which reduces sugar
     cravings and promotes fat metabolism. Plus, protein-rich
     meals are a great way to keep you feeling full, longer!
     Complete nutrition: Each Shakeology ingredient plays an
     important role in feeding your body on a cellular level, but it
     is important to remember that the synergy of the 70+
     ingredients working together is what truly fuels your body
     to keep you looking and feeling your best.

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If you commit some of the aspects of this article to memory, then
the next time someone asks you, “Why should I drink
Shakeology?” you’ll be able to provide them with more specialized
information than, “It’s the Healthiest Meal of the Day®! It helps
you lose weight, curb cravings, lower cholesterol, and increase
energy.” This is all true, but at the end of the day, Shakeology is
SO much more than that!

 Regular people just like you as well as fitness professionals (we
 can all be fitness pros if wanna be!) LOVE shakeology, here is a
   funny youtube video I found of a fan singing the Shakeology
     praises! LOL check it out. The intro of this video is pretty
impressive too with all the doctors that talk about how shakeology
                           is good for you.

If you are still not getting my point here on why shakeology is just
the best thing that you can do for your health and wellness there
here is another post from beachbody on the shakeology blog with
the top reason to try the VEGAN shakeology.

Reasons to Try Vegan Shakeology®
     1. It’s like your own personal cheat sheet. Get the
     benefits of a vegan diet without fully going vegan or even
     trying! The health benefits of a plant-based diet are well
     documented, from lower cholesterol and lower risk for heart
     disease, cancer, and diabetes, to easier weight management
     and fewer digestive issues. But you don’t have to follow a
     100% vegan diet to enjoy some of these health benefits. One
     vegan meal a day will put you well on your way to a
     healthier you!
     2. No animals allowed. Chocolate Vegan is a completely
     plant-based formula with NO animal products. Give your
     system a break from heavy animal proteins by replacing one
     meal a day with Chocolate Vegan Shakeology®.
     3. Superfoods to the rescue! Chocolate Vegan includes 5
     new superfoods: moringa, coconut flower nectar, luo han
     guo, Himalayan salt, and konjac root. All of the key nutrients
     come from natural whole foods. There are no added vitamin
     or mineral isolates and no fortification.
     4. Try all-natural chocolate for the first time. Ever
     wonder what cacao tastes like right out of the pod from the
     cacao tree? This shake is the way nature intended chocolate
     to taste. It’s rich, earthy chocolate taste is derived solely
     from whole-food ingredients with no additional flavoring

     5. It’s FREE . . . lactose free and dairy free that is! If
     you’re lactose intolerant or have trouble digesting whey
     protein, then this is the shake for you. Most people have
     trouble digesting dairy, whey protein, or animal proteins and
     don’t even know it, until they try a plant-based protein meal
     and they just feel the difference!
     6. Fructose is a thing of the past. It takes all kinds of
     sugars to make the sweet world go round, but there are a
     lot of fructose haters out there. Chocolate Vegan is made

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with coconut flower nectar and luo han guo, two whole-food
      superfoods that are so naturally sweet, there’s no need to
      add fructose! We won’t get into the pros and cons of
      fructose, but suffice it to say that if you’re anti-fructose, then
      Chocolate Vegan or Tropical Strawberry are for you!
      7. Protein PACKED. One of the first questions vegans get is
      “Where do you get your protein from?” Well, plants have
      protein in them too! And so does vegan Shakeology. 16
      grams in fact. Chocolate Vegan and Tropical Strawberry are
      crafted from an easy-to-assimilate blend of whole, plant-
      based proteins including sprouted brown rice, pea, sacha
      inchi, chia, flax, quinoa, amaranth, and spirulina. Not only do
      they offer 9 essential amino acids, but together they are a
      complete protein source with sufficiently high levels of lysine
      and methionine, two important amino acids that are often a
      limiting factor in plant-based diets.
      8. Kiss cravings goodbye. The new ingredient konjac root,
      in both Chocolate Vegan and Tropical Strawberry
      Shakeology, will help your cravings disappear! The fiber in
      this new wonder-food absorbs up to 200 times its weight in
      water, making you feel fuller, longer. No wonder places like
      Japan and China have been using it for centuries! Other
      perks include: help with regularity and healthy blood sugar
      and cholesterol levels.
      9. Take a bite out of the “Tree of Life.” Chocolate
      Vegan’s new ingredient moringa is called the “Tree of Life,”
      because it is one of nature’s most nutritious foods. This
      superfood contains 90 nutrients and 46 antioxidants along
      with ALL of the essential amino acids. Plus, according to
      some studies, moringa can help boost energy, lead to faster
      recovery, and balance out blood sugar levels.
      10. It’s got the stamp of approval. Chocolate Vegan
      Shakeology is another addition to the Beachbody
      Ultimate™ line, a collection of the highest-quality products
      Beachbody has to offer. We are committed to putting the
      most perfect whole-food ingredients at your fingertips so you
      can operate at your highest level of nutrition, health, and
My good friend Beau is doing a 100% vegan diet and he has seen
some really amazing results. I mean, like so good that he is back
to his high school waist size. IMPRESSIVE!

If all of the above information and facts are not enough for you, I
have plenty more

How Many Superfoods are in

Here is a list of the superfoods beachbody currently uses in
Shakeology. Try to incorporate some more of these in your diet
throughout the day along with Shakeology, and you’ll be feelin’
super, super good!

   Acerola cherry          Bilberry fruit           Coconut
   Acai                    Blueberry fruit          flower nectar
   Amaranth                Brown rice               Cordyceps
   Ashwaganda              Camu camu                Flax seed,

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leaf                   fruit                  sprouted
   Astragalus             Cacao                  Gingko leaf
   root                   Chia seed              Goji berry
   Barley grass           Chlorella              Green tea
                                                 pink salt

   Kamut grass            Pomegranate            Spirulina
   Konjac root            fruit                  Stevia
   Luo han guo            Quinoa                 Peas
   Maca root              Reishi                 Tulsi (holy
   Maitake                mushroom               basil leaf)
   mushroom               Rosehip fruit          Wheatgrass
   MSM                    Sacha inchi            Whey protein
   Oat grass              Schisandra             isolate
                          Spinach                Yacon root
I am sure that this list will grow, as the future comes upon us, but
really…where can you find all those superfoods in one great
tasting shake? NO WHERE! I mean, think about your last trip to the
grocery store, if you were going to buy these superfoods
individually it would cost you an arm and a leg. Beachbody and
Shakeology have made it more than affordable to have a shake a
day and get the most nutrition you can on a daily basis from a
shake. I know a big concern that I talk to people about when they
are thinking about commiting to change their bodies and get
healthy is…

Shakeology is just too expensive,
I cant afford it.
If you are one of the people saying this, I will have to say that,
honestly you cant afford NOT to. There are tons of cost
comparison charts and studies that will show you how ANYONE
can afford to make shakeology a part of their well balanced
nutritional life. This chart below will really make you think twice
before stopping through the drive thru of a fast food joint with the
excuse that you do not have time to eat healthy.

How Do I Really Know If Shakeology® Is
Worth the Money When Everything Else
Costs Less?
There are many protein shakes and meal replacements that are
less expensive than Shakeology. But comparisons based on the
simple “protein shake” or even “health shake” are usually off the
mark and don’t stack up to Shakeology.

Shakeology was designed for people who want more than protein,

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and for people who want the health benefits being represented by
the ingredients on the label. To really know whether a product
measures up to Shakeology, you need to keep some things in

How much is enough?
We are proud of Shakeology’s 70+ ingredients. Other shakes will
trumpet the number of ingredients they have too. But are the
ingredients they are counting actually good for you? Are there any
artificial flavors or colors listed in those ingredients? Not in

Are they derived from whole-food sources? They are in
Shakeology! Too often the “magic ingredient” has been isolated
from the enzymes and phytonutrients that actually make the
ingredient useful when consumed.

And does the competition formulate for the synergistic benefits
between the ingredients, or just slap together whatever is hot in
the media? Shakeology was specially formulated for the collection
of ingredients to work together like a symphony; this combination
is so effective, some people report dramatic benefits within the
first week. Other supplements point to one or two individual
ingredients and build a “story” around their superfood attributes.

Pay attention to a product’s protein source or blend. Protein
sources like whey protein hydrolysate have been shown to trigger
a much higher insulin response in the body. That’s not an outcome
we would tolerate in Shakeology.

Our protein source is whey protein isolate, which is more than 90
percent pure protein. Plus, Shakeology is loaded with digestive
enzymes and lactase—that’s the enzyme that breaks down lactose
and is found in over-the-counter products like Lactaid®. Don’t
confuse whey protein concentrate with isolate. Whey protein
concentrate is the least pure form of whey protein made. The
benefit of isolate versus concentrate is that the fat has been
removed to achieve isolate. The fat in whey protein is what
carries toxins consumed by the animal. That’s the reason
Shakeology can be used by so many people who are lactose-
intolerant—because those toxins have been removed through the
isolate process.

For our vegan formulation, we use sprouted brown rice protein,
not soy. Does the competition use ANY soy in their formulation?
Soy protein contains estrogen, mimicking compounds that can
interfere with your hormones. On top of that, most of the soy in
the marketplace is GMO (genetically modified). These are two
important reasons why we don’t use soy in Shakeology.

Glycemic index tested . . .
In terms of sugar, many protein shakes contain 1 gram of sugar or
less. This is because they are using artificial chemical sweeteners.
(Check the label for sucralose, aspartame, or sugar alcohols.)
Shakeology’s small amounts of sugar comes from natural sources
and whole superfoods like coconut flower nectar and luo han guo,
which are easily processed by the body and, in fact, have been
tested and certified by an independent lab to have a low glycemic
index of 24—that’s lower than most fruits! (An apple is 36, and an
orange is 43.)

What’s not in the base, they may suggest you
add later
Other shakes don’t cost as much as Shakeology at first glance, but

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they also don’t contain the full profile of the recommended daily
allowance (RDA) for some vitamins and minerals, or whole-food
sources of antioxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogen herbs,
prebiotics, probiotics, or digestive enzymes. We’ve seen
competitors make you buy a separate vitamin pack for $150 per
month! Once you add it up, this is hardly a “good deal,” and it’s
usually hardly even a good product.

To achieve the benefits of Shakeology we’ve seen, competitors
charge between $250 and $335 per month! $120 doesn’t seem
expensive when you realize all of the benefits Shakeology

Formula: 70+ of the healthiest ingredients from whole-food
sources from around the world VERSUS protein, fillers, artificial
coloring, and isolated glamour ingredients
Winner: Shakeology

Protein Source: Shakeology’s pure whey protein isolate or plant-
based sprouted brown rice protein VERSUS soy, hydrolyzed whey,
and/or whey concentrate blend
Winner: Shakeology

Taste: Rich Chocolate, tangy Greenberry, or fruity Tropical
Strawberry Shakeology VERSUS chemically-derived, artificially-
flavored competition
Winner: Shakeology

Price: $120 for Shakeology VERSUS—Oops! It’s impossible to
compare lesser formulations on price. But if you add in all the
separate vitamins and flavoring agents the other companies ask
you to buy to match the benefits and nutritional content of
Shakeology, you would easily spend over $300 every month
—that’s 2 and half times the cost of Shakeology!
Winner: Shakeology

But the best comparison is results. From weight loss, to
reduction in cravings, to regularity, to healthier
cholesterol levels, to increased energy levels, to an
overall sense of well being . . . We give a bottom-of-the-
bag guarantee on Shakeology because we KNOW people
will be amazed by how they feel. Shakeology is the winner
by a total knock out!

Why Is Drinking Shakeology® Daily
Drinking Shakeology is a lot like brushing your teeth and
exercising—you’ve got to participate in these healthy habits every
day to see their benefits. The more you do it, the more you can
experience these advantages.

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experience these advantages.

Here are 5 reasons you should drink Shakeology daily:

 1. Your cravings for unhealthy foods can eventually disappear
    —and be replaced by cravings for healthy choices. It’s true!
 2. You can save time! Replace one meal a day with Shakeology
    and that’s one less meal to plan. Whip up your shake and go.
    It’s fast food that’s great for you.
 3. You can save money! If you drink Shakeology instead of
    eating lunch or dinner, you’ll spend just $4 on your meal.
 4. You can save money, the sequel! As Shakeology improves
    your digestion, boosts your energy, and keeps you lean,
    you’re bound to have fewer medical bills.
 5. You can keep the weight off! Studies show that people who
    eat breakfast every day are less likely to regain the weight.
    Furthermore, a protein-rich breakfast helps you feel full and
    reduces the tendency to snack throughout the day.

So start every day the right way by whipping up Shakeology! Here
are 3 unique and delicious recipes to keep things exciting.

   Chocolate “Mocha-CrËme Madness” Recipe:

             1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
             ½ cup almond milk
             ½ cup coffee
             ¼ tsp. cinnamon
             2 drops vanilla extract

   Greenberry “Piña Banana” Recipe:

             1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology
             ½ banana
             ½ cup pineapple juice
             ½ cup coconut water

   Tropical Strawberry “Berry Blast” Recipe:

           1 scoop Tropical Strawberry Shakeology
           ½ banana
           1 cup berry medley
           1 cup rice milk

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Why You Need   Shakeology
             ShakeologyÆ    Works Two
             Now!*          Ways

Photos from Flickr

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  • 1. #SweatGram App #SweatGram Feed by GramFeed #Beachbody #Shakeology #UltimateReset AF Tracker Search... - Shakeology Shakeology Shakeology – The Healthiest Meal Of The Day If you have been trying to find a good meal replacement or a healthy snack then shakeology is a great choice. This superfood filled shake will literally change your life if you let it. There are countless stories about the transformations that have happened in people’s bodies from adapting it into thier diets. I have done dozens and dozens of hours of research and development about shakeology and it’s benefits for you and I and I plan to not hold any of it back here for you today. I believe in the products because of the results I have felt with my own personal use as well as with all the different success stories that you will find online of people that gave it a try and truly decided to commit and saw their lives change. Beachbody always says “Abs are made in the kitchen.” Did you know that best way to get to your goal is to realize that your results and body are 80% nutrition and 20% Work Out! Abs Are Made In the Kitchen You’ve heard the saying “abs are made in the kitchen,” but what does that mean? The popular saying refers to the fact that what you eat has a greater impact on weight loss than any form of exercise you do. But despite the popularity of this saying, many people still attempt to uncover their abs with endless crunches and cardio while eating ‘cheat’ meals on the side. Now we’re not saying that cardio and crunches aren’t totally necessary because they are, but the real trifecta is eating right, cardio and muscle toning…together! You won’t succeed if you don’t have all these bases covered. So, if you’re eager to reveal your abs but can’t seem to shed that last bit of belly fat, ask yourself if your diet is as clean as it could be. Chances are it’s not … What kinds of foods should you be eating to lean out? Regardless of your goal, the foundation of your diet should always be fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources, a blend of dietary fats and your aim should be to keep your sugars to a minimum. Enter the new Shakeology Chocolate Superfood formula. This is a perfect meal for revealing your abs because with its lower sugar content, all of the greens and special metabolism boosters like converted by
  • 2. green tea, your body is getting the nutrients to support your abs while keeping your calories to a minimum. Another aspect that makes Shakeology a great ab-revealer is the fact that it helps reduce your cravings for junk food…aka the ab-ruiners. (Since abs are all about diet, it’s pivotal that you have a squeaky clean diet and Shakeology really does help with this.) Another way you can use Shakeology to help reveal your abs is to drink it right after a tough workout. Rev Abs trainer Brett Hoebel swears by Shakeology because after a tough workout you need to replenish your sugars. The healthy sugars in Shakeology will not only help you replenish your sugar levels without the post-sugar high crash, but they will also as help to transport the protein into your muscles, hence making those abs poke through! Here’s your Ab-Ripping Checklist: Cut back on white flour and refined sugar Drink the new Chocolate Superfood Formula with less sugar Drink Shakeology as a post-workout recovery supplement Track your calories to make sure you’re eating less than you’re burning Add lean protein to your diet such as chicken and fish Increase your water intake Decrease alcohol consumption The bottom line: Multiple factors contribute to storing fat around your belly, but focusing on these practices and techniques will make it easier for your body to reveal the flat abs you’ve always wanted! Source: blog#lmp__shakeology_fatshredder_120919 If you have been wondering what’s new in the Chocolate Superfood Formula of Shakeology check this out: Why Should I Drink Shakeology? This question comes up in many different aspects of health and wellness. I found some great information on the Shakeology blog that I wanted to share with you: I found this information here: ( blog#lmp__shakeology_fatshredder_120919) Courtesy of Beachbody converted by
  • 3. Many of our customers and potential customers ask us “Why should I drink Shakeology every day?” While Shakeology’s benefits are boundless, as we have heard by countless customers’ amazing testimonials, here’s a short cheat sheet of universal benefits you can pass along to curious friends asking you the same question! Antioxidants. Shakeology contains some of the most potent antioxidants: flavonoids and phytonutrients such as spinach, blue green algae, carrot powder, strawberry powder, and vitamins E and C. These help to prevent free radicals from oxidizing and destroying cells. The ingredients in our antioxidant blend such as pomegranate, acai berry, camu-camu, goji, andblueberry also have powerful antioxidant effects to support your immune system and help protect your body from normal inflammatory response. Energy. Shakeology contains a range of B vitamins and trace minerals, likezinc and magnesium, from whole food sources that regulate metabolism and increase energy. Shakeology also contains maca root, an adaptogen herb known to promote endurance and stamina. Check out our Ingredient Spotlighton maca root to learn more. Digestion. The Shakeology non-dairy prebiotic and probiotic blend containsfiber and different enzymes like amylase, papain, cellulose, and lactase, which all support digestion. These ingredients aid in breaking down food molecules into smaller molecules that can be properly digested, so all of the nutrients can be absorbed into your system. Mood. One scoop of Shakeology provides 100% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin B12. B12 is often linked with good mood maintenance; B vitamins are also essential for the production and proper functioning of neurotransmitters like dopamine, crucial to the experience of pleasure. Shakeology also contains cacao, which is very high in phenylethylamine (PEA). PEA acts as a neuromodulator to enhance one’s mood. Detoxification. Many of the ingredients in Shakeology (spirulina, chlorella,flaxseed, barley grass, spinach) contain powerful detoxification compounds such as chlorophyll and alpha-linolenic acid. These ingredients may help rid the body of environmental toxins such as smog, heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products, and pesticides. They also aid in liver detoxification. Shakeology also includes kamut grass, an ingredient coined “nature’s most powerful detoxifier.” This grass has been known to cleanse the body and detoxify the cells to restore health and vitality. Immunity. The antioxidants, bioflavanoids, and flavanoids in Shakeology work to support immunity. Some of these ingredients include ashwaganda,acerola cherry, rose hips, and goji berries. The goji berries in Shakeology are one of the richest sources of antioxidants; not only does goji berry promote eye, reproductive, and circulatory health, but it also supports your immune system and promotes longevity! Satiety/cravings. The protein, chromium, and nutrient- dense calories fromsuperfoods in Shakeology work to help decrease your appetite. Chromium is important because it helps maintain blood-sugar levels, which reduces sugar cravings and promotes fat metabolism. Plus, protein-rich meals are a great way to keep you feeling full, longer! Complete nutrition: Each Shakeology ingredient plays an important role in feeding your body on a cellular level, but it is important to remember that the synergy of the 70+ ingredients working together is what truly fuels your body to keep you looking and feeling your best. converted by
  • 4. If you commit some of the aspects of this article to memory, then the next time someone asks you, “Why should I drink Shakeology?” you’ll be able to provide them with more specialized information than, “It’s the Healthiest Meal of the Day®! It helps you lose weight, curb cravings, lower cholesterol, and increase energy.” This is all true, but at the end of the day, Shakeology is SO much more than that! Regular people just like you as well as fitness professionals (we can all be fitness pros if wanna be!) LOVE shakeology, here is a funny youtube video I found of a fan singing the Shakeology praises! LOL check it out. The intro of this video is pretty impressive too with all the doctors that talk about how shakeology is good for you. If you are still not getting my point here on why shakeology is just the best thing that you can do for your health and wellness there here is another post from beachbody on the shakeology blog with the top reason to try the VEGAN shakeology. Reasons to Try Vegan Shakeology® 1. It’s like your own personal cheat sheet. Get the benefits of a vegan diet without fully going vegan or even trying! The health benefits of a plant-based diet are well documented, from lower cholesterol and lower risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, to easier weight management and fewer digestive issues. But you don’t have to follow a 100% vegan diet to enjoy some of these health benefits. One vegan meal a day will put you well on your way to a healthier you! 2. No animals allowed. Chocolate Vegan is a completely plant-based formula with NO animal products. Give your system a break from heavy animal proteins by replacing one meal a day with Chocolate Vegan Shakeology®. 3. Superfoods to the rescue! Chocolate Vegan includes 5 new superfoods: moringa, coconut flower nectar, luo han guo, Himalayan salt, and konjac root. All of the key nutrients come from natural whole foods. There are no added vitamin or mineral isolates and no fortification. 4. Try all-natural chocolate for the first time. Ever wonder what cacao tastes like right out of the pod from the cacao tree? This shake is the way nature intended chocolate to taste. It’s rich, earthy chocolate taste is derived solely from whole-food ingredients with no additional flavoring agents. 5. It’s FREE . . . lactose free and dairy free that is! If you’re lactose intolerant or have trouble digesting whey protein, then this is the shake for you. Most people have trouble digesting dairy, whey protein, or animal proteins and don’t even know it, until they try a plant-based protein meal and they just feel the difference! 6. Fructose is a thing of the past. It takes all kinds of sugars to make the sweet world go round, but there are a lot of fructose haters out there. Chocolate Vegan is made converted by
  • 5. with coconut flower nectar and luo han guo, two whole-food superfoods that are so naturally sweet, there’s no need to add fructose! We won’t get into the pros and cons of fructose, but suffice it to say that if you’re anti-fructose, then Chocolate Vegan or Tropical Strawberry are for you! 7. Protein PACKED. One of the first questions vegans get is “Where do you get your protein from?” Well, plants have protein in them too! And so does vegan Shakeology. 16 grams in fact. Chocolate Vegan and Tropical Strawberry are crafted from an easy-to-assimilate blend of whole, plant- based proteins including sprouted brown rice, pea, sacha inchi, chia, flax, quinoa, amaranth, and spirulina. Not only do they offer 9 essential amino acids, but together they are a complete protein source with sufficiently high levels of lysine and methionine, two important amino acids that are often a limiting factor in plant-based diets. 8. Kiss cravings goodbye. The new ingredient konjac root, in both Chocolate Vegan and Tropical Strawberry Shakeology, will help your cravings disappear! The fiber in this new wonder-food absorbs up to 200 times its weight in water, making you feel fuller, longer. No wonder places like Japan and China have been using it for centuries! Other perks include: help with regularity and healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. 9. Take a bite out of the “Tree of Life.” Chocolate Vegan’s new ingredient moringa is called the “Tree of Life,” because it is one of nature’s most nutritious foods. This superfood contains 90 nutrients and 46 antioxidants along with ALL of the essential amino acids. Plus, according to some studies, moringa can help boost energy, lead to faster recovery, and balance out blood sugar levels. 10. It’s got the stamp of approval. Chocolate Vegan Shakeology is another addition to the Beachbody Ultimate™ line, a collection of the highest-quality products Beachbody has to offer. We are committed to putting the most perfect whole-food ingredients at your fingertips so you can operate at your highest level of nutrition, health, and well-being! My good friend Beau is doing a 100% vegan diet and he has seen some really amazing results. I mean, like so good that he is back to his high school waist size. IMPRESSIVE! If all of the above information and facts are not enough for you, I have plenty more How Many Superfoods are in Shakeology? Here is a list of the superfoods beachbody currently uses in Shakeology. Try to incorporate some more of these in your diet throughout the day along with Shakeology, and you’ll be feelin’ super, super good! Acerola cherry Bilberry fruit Coconut Acai Blueberry fruit flower nectar Amaranth Brown rice Cordyceps Ashwaganda Camu camu Flax seed, converted by
  • 6. leaf fruit sprouted Astragalus Cacao Gingko leaf root Chia seed Goji berry Barley grass Chlorella Green tea Himalayan pink salt Kamut grass Pomegranate Spirulina Konjac root fruit Stevia Luo han guo Quinoa Peas Maca root Reishi Tulsi (holy Maitake mushroom basil leaf) mushroom Rosehip fruit Wheatgrass MSM Sacha inchi Whey protein Oat grass Schisandra isolate Spinach Yacon root I am sure that this list will grow, as the future comes upon us, but really…where can you find all those superfoods in one great tasting shake? NO WHERE! I mean, think about your last trip to the grocery store, if you were going to buy these superfoods individually it would cost you an arm and a leg. Beachbody and Shakeology have made it more than affordable to have a shake a day and get the most nutrition you can on a daily basis from a shake. I know a big concern that I talk to people about when they are thinking about commiting to change their bodies and get healthy is… Shakeology is just too expensive, I cant afford it. If you are one of the people saying this, I will have to say that, honestly you cant afford NOT to. There are tons of cost comparison charts and studies that will show you how ANYONE can afford to make shakeology a part of their well balanced nutritional life. This chart below will really make you think twice before stopping through the drive thru of a fast food joint with the excuse that you do not have time to eat healthy. How Do I Really Know If Shakeology® Is Worth the Money When Everything Else Costs Less? There are many protein shakes and meal replacements that are less expensive than Shakeology. But comparisons based on the simple “protein shake” or even “health shake” are usually off the mark and don’t stack up to Shakeology. Shakeology was designed for people who want more than protein, converted by
  • 7. and for people who want the health benefits being represented by the ingredients on the label. To really know whether a product measures up to Shakeology, you need to keep some things in mind: How much is enough? We are proud of Shakeology’s 70+ ingredients. Other shakes will trumpet the number of ingredients they have too. But are the ingredients they are counting actually good for you? Are there any artificial flavors or colors listed in those ingredients? Not in Shakeology! Are they derived from whole-food sources? They are in Shakeology! Too often the “magic ingredient” has been isolated from the enzymes and phytonutrients that actually make the ingredient useful when consumed. And does the competition formulate for the synergistic benefits between the ingredients, or just slap together whatever is hot in the media? Shakeology was specially formulated for the collection of ingredients to work together like a symphony; this combination is so effective, some people report dramatic benefits within the first week. Other supplements point to one or two individual ingredients and build a “story” around their superfood attributes. Protein Pay attention to a product’s protein source or blend. Protein sources like whey protein hydrolysate have been shown to trigger a much higher insulin response in the body. That’s not an outcome we would tolerate in Shakeology. Our protein source is whey protein isolate, which is more than 90 percent pure protein. Plus, Shakeology is loaded with digestive enzymes and lactase—that’s the enzyme that breaks down lactose and is found in over-the-counter products like Lactaid®. Don’t confuse whey protein concentrate with isolate. Whey protein concentrate is the least pure form of whey protein made. The benefit of isolate versus concentrate is that the fat has been removed to achieve isolate. The fat in whey protein is what carries toxins consumed by the animal. That’s the reason Shakeology can be used by so many people who are lactose- intolerant—because those toxins have been removed through the isolate process. For our vegan formulation, we use sprouted brown rice protein, not soy. Does the competition use ANY soy in their formulation? Soy protein contains estrogen, mimicking compounds that can interfere with your hormones. On top of that, most of the soy in the marketplace is GMO (genetically modified). These are two important reasons why we don’t use soy in Shakeology. Glycemic index tested . . . In terms of sugar, many protein shakes contain 1 gram of sugar or less. This is because they are using artificial chemical sweeteners. (Check the label for sucralose, aspartame, or sugar alcohols.) Shakeology’s small amounts of sugar comes from natural sources and whole superfoods like coconut flower nectar and luo han guo, which are easily processed by the body and, in fact, have been tested and certified by an independent lab to have a low glycemic index of 24—that’s lower than most fruits! (An apple is 36, and an orange is 43.) What’s not in the base, they may suggest you add later Other shakes don’t cost as much as Shakeology at first glance, but converted by
  • 8. they also don’t contain the full profile of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for some vitamins and minerals, or whole-food sources of antioxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogen herbs, prebiotics, probiotics, or digestive enzymes. We’ve seen competitors make you buy a separate vitamin pack for $150 per month! Once you add it up, this is hardly a “good deal,” and it’s usually hardly even a good product. To achieve the benefits of Shakeology we’ve seen, competitors charge between $250 and $335 per month! $120 doesn’t seem expensive when you realize all of the benefits Shakeology delivers. SUMMARY: Formula: 70+ of the healthiest ingredients from whole-food sources from around the world VERSUS protein, fillers, artificial coloring, and isolated glamour ingredients Winner: Shakeology Protein Source: Shakeology’s pure whey protein isolate or plant- based sprouted brown rice protein VERSUS soy, hydrolyzed whey, and/or whey concentrate blend Winner: Shakeology Taste: Rich Chocolate, tangy Greenberry, or fruity Tropical Strawberry Shakeology VERSUS chemically-derived, artificially- flavored competition Winner: Shakeology Price: $120 for Shakeology VERSUS—Oops! It’s impossible to compare lesser formulations on price. But if you add in all the separate vitamins and flavoring agents the other companies ask you to buy to match the benefits and nutritional content of Shakeology, you would easily spend over $300 every month —that’s 2 and half times the cost of Shakeology! Winner: Shakeology But the best comparison is results. From weight loss, to reduction in cravings, to regularity, to healthier cholesterol levels, to increased energy levels, to an overall sense of well being . . . We give a bottom-of-the- bag guarantee on Shakeology because we KNOW people will be amazed by how they feel. Shakeology is the winner by a total knock out! Why Is Drinking Shakeology® Daily Important? Drinking Shakeology is a lot like brushing your teeth and exercising—you’ve got to participate in these healthy habits every day to see their benefits. The more you do it, the more you can experience these advantages. converted by
  • 9. experience these advantages. Here are 5 reasons you should drink Shakeology daily: 1. Your cravings for unhealthy foods can eventually disappear —and be replaced by cravings for healthy choices. It’s true! 2. You can save time! Replace one meal a day with Shakeology and that’s one less meal to plan. Whip up your shake and go. It’s fast food that’s great for you. 3. You can save money! If you drink Shakeology instead of eating lunch or dinner, you’ll spend just $4 on your meal. 4. You can save money, the sequel! As Shakeology improves your digestion, boosts your energy, and keeps you lean, you’re bound to have fewer medical bills. 5. You can keep the weight off! Studies show that people who eat breakfast every day are less likely to regain the weight. Furthermore, a protein-rich breakfast helps you feel full and reduces the tendency to snack throughout the day. So start every day the right way by whipping up Shakeology! Here are 3 unique and delicious recipes to keep things exciting. Chocolate “Mocha-CrËme Madness” Recipe: 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology ½ cup almond milk ½ cup coffee ¼ tsp. cinnamon 2 drops vanilla extract Greenberry “Piña Banana” Recipe: 1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology ½ banana ½ cup pineapple juice ½ cup coconut water Tropical Strawberry “Berry Blast” Recipe: 1 scoop Tropical Strawberry Shakeology ½ banana 1 cup berry medley 1 cup rice milk converted by
  • 10. Why You Need Shakeology ShakeologyÆ Works Two Now!* Ways Photos from Flickr converted by
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