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Sex Trafficking Are The Main Causes Of Human Trafficking
platform. Labor and sexual exploitation comprise the main reasons for human trafficking through online platforms. In line with sexual exploitation,
different sources have cited that the internet and online platforms provide traffickers with the platforms to advertise massage parlors and escort
services to a wide audience (Farquet et al. 302; Limoncelli 73). To this extent, the traffickers can reach a considerable number of individuals willing to
buy the commercial sex services offered by women trafficked from a different part of the world. Equally, empirical evidence shows that technology
often provides adequate means of reaching obscure target audiences, including pedophiles looking to have access to young girls, people with extreme
sexual desires, and those individuals interested in child pornography. Since most of the people within these target audience often fear to express their
desire publicly, they exploit their desire privately through the internet. In the end, the increased interactions between traffickers and these... Show more
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In turn, this leads to illegal migration and trafficking via the internet because traffickers are always ready to take advantage of such situations by
posting fake employment opportunities and fake documentations for individual willing to relocate to new countries. In particular, examples of sex
trafficking include the creation of fictitious employment opportunities, immigration assistance, and online bride websites to lure potential victims into
contact with human traffickers. Both women and men have been victims of trafficking via the internet by traffickers claiming that they would be
provided with better job opportunities in host countries. However, Elabor–Idemudia (101) in his analysis of the number of individuals being trafficked
yearly to the Middle East
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Causes Of Human Trafficking In The United States
How often do you think teenage girls or boys are sex trafficked? Sure we hear about it all of the time in other countries like Paris or Japan, but how
often does it happen right here in America? Too often. Globally 2.4 million people are trafficked for labor, 80% of them are used as sex slaves.
Another common question would be what is human trafficking? "trafficking has been defined most often as the trade in women and children for
prostitution or other immoral purposes." " It has been further clarified that victims do not need to be transported across international or other boundaries
in order for trafficking to exist." (Clawson J Heather, Dutch Nicole, Solomon Amy, and Grace Goldblatt Lisa. Aspe. Human Trafficking Into and Within
the United States: A Review of the Literature Aspe 30, Aug 2009.)... Show more content on ...
According to (Clawson J Heather, Dutch Nicole, Solomon Amy, and Grace Goldblatt Lisa. Aspe. Human Trafficking Into and Within the United
States: A Review of the Literature Aspe 30, Aug 2009.) "Only a recent estimate of minors at risk for sexual exploitation comes close to estimating
U.S. domestic trafficking. Between 244,000 and 325,000 American youth are considered at risk for sexual exploitation, and an estimated 199,000
incidents of sexual exploitation of minors occur each year in the United States (Estes & Weiner, 2001). These figures, however, are limited estimates of
youth at risk for human trafficking and do not address adult U.S. citizens trafficked into the sex industry or American children and adults trafficked for
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Human Traficking Survivors : Causes And Consequences Of...
Intro Human trafficking is defined as the action or practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another, typically for the
purposes of forced labour or commerical sexual exploitation. Karla Jacinto, a 24 year old woman from Mexico, is a victim of this violence called
human trafficking. She speaks of her traumatizing encounters in a CNN article called "Human Trafficking Survivor: I Was Raped 43,200 Times". In this
article, she says "...up to 30 men a day, seven days a week, for the best part of four years –– 43, 200". This staggering number is very important to not
only this article but this topic as a whole because it shows the reality of what human trafficking becomes for some people and how it changes the
course of people's lives forever. Human trafficking has become a trade so lucrative and prevalent, that it knows no borders and links towns in central
Mexico, where Karla Jacinto, with cities like Atlanta and New York. Karla's testimony was used as evidence in support for H.R. 515 or Megan's Law
that mandates U.S. authorities share information pertaining to American child sex offenders when these convicts attempt to travel abroad. In this CNN
article, it says: "Her message is that human trafficking and forced prostitution still happens and is a growing problem in our world." This quote is very
important from this article because since Karla experienced human trafficking in first person, her opinion about it continuing to be a growing problem
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Causes Of Human Trafficking In Thailand
Human Trafficking in Thailand
Thailand is located in Southeast Asia, surrounded by numerous of bodies of water, such as the Andaman Sea, and the Gulf of Thailand. According to
the C.I.A website, which is a United States government website that offers information about different countries and monitors their activities,Thailand's
government was a constitutional monarchy from 1932 to 2005. Thailand experienced intense government turmoil due to a military coup and several
large scale political street protests from 2008 to 2010 (C.I.A). As a result of the unrest among the citizens, it caused corruption from the government,
which meant that often times human trafficking is overlooked to not only promote the increase of economy, but also increase the workforces in the
country(C.I.A). Reported by The Global Slavery Index, which is a global organization that conducts research and surveys in various countries, it
shows that, "425,500 people or 0.63% of the total population live in conditions of modern slavery in Thailand." This creates different national issues
such as a human rights violation and also social issues such as communities being torn apart due to separation of families, but there are different
solutions out there that are easing the challenges of human trafficking. As a nation, Thailand's economy has been gradually increasing; however, it still
faces large national debt and high unemployment rate overall (C.I.A). This leads to the government trying to find
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Investigating What Causes Violence in Humans Essay examples
Investigating What Causes Violence in Humans
Violence is evident in our daily lives and in literature. In the past it meant extreme, brutal or sadistic behavior. Today, it is used to describe any act
thought to be aggressive or hostile or destructive to another person. Violence is a human condition and we tend to understand ourselves throughviolence
. The various types of violence include physical violence, psychological violence and sexual violence. In my opinion, nobody is free of a darker side,
but there are reasons why human act the way they do, their violence nature is accountable to some factors.
Human beings have a physical nature, which demands for the satisfaction of their physical ... Show more content on ...
In striving to satisfy our basic physical need for food and shelter, humans go far beyond engaging in activities that provide merely a minimal standard
of living. They seek to increase their wealth and to acquire material possessions far in excess of the necessities of life, so that they may enjoy the
"finer" things in life: better clothing; more tasty foods; a larger house; an expensive car; an annual vacation. Often times they enjoy these material
things not because of their intrinsic value, but because of their status symbol; what they represent with respect to self–worth, for human have a
tendency to respect persons who have achieve great wealth, power, and position in the society, and to look with aversion to those who are at the other
end of the social scale. The striving for material possessions beyond those necessary for life, then, becomes an acquired need, which is related to the
innate need for self–worth, and may be the driving force in the goals the person sets. In the process of attaining the target, there might be obstacles to
overcome and humans will stop at nothing to get what they want. Some might resort to unscrupulous and underhanded methods that inflict pain on
others and damage property, in other words, act violently so as to get their desired
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Causes Of Human Trafficking In America
Are there sweatshops in North Carolina? Is there still some type of slavery going on in America? When a person looks at nail salons or restaurants,
do they see them as regular employs or as slaves? Is there still human trafficking going on around the world? These are things that people never think
about when they live their every day life.
People all over the United States might not know that people are getting brought to America to work for 20$ a week. Human trafficking is always
happening around the world. About 18,000 people are trafficked to the U.S. each year, according to the State Department (Phillip Martin 438). Many
people that do not speak English in nail salons and restaurants may be one of the people that was a part of this human
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Human Development : Causes And Consequences Of Human...
Causes and Extent of Change
¬¬Climate change has caused dramatic changes in landforms around the world, and beaches have received much of the worst consequences from
this. Alongside this, human development has kept on expanding, especially into previously "pristine" environments, thus removing "access" to a great
deal of the sand that was in the area. Human expansion has also resulted in the introduction of exotic or invasive species of flora, that may have
impacted the native vegetation that existed on the beachfront, and as a result, changed the structure of the pre–existing sand. This is generally due to
the exotic species impacting the food web, and spreading very quickly, likely due to having many seedlings or having few predators in the new
In Collaroy Beach, the increase in human development has resulted in various consequences, the most prominent being the reduction in the size of the
sand dune system, which has occurred to a large extent in the beach, evident by the clear lack of a hind dune. The same has occurred in Lauderdale
beach, and to a similar extent as Collaroy. However, as Lauderdale receives far more storms than Collaroy, and thus is more likely to need the "sand
bank" stored up, it can be argued that the consequences of human development occurred to a larger extent at Lauderdale beach. On the other hand, with
the increasing effects of climate change, the difference in amount and effect of storms may become less relevant, as more storms will
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The Causes Of Human Laziness And The Environment
The amount of laziness a human exhibits seems to have a positive correlation with the amount of pollution that the human gives off. The start of human
laziness dates back all the to the start of the human race. Research has shown that humans are biologically born with laziness, but the amount of
laziness differs between humans (Hreha). The greatest danger to the environment is human laziness. Being lazy is a great thing because so much time
is saved. Time may be saved, but in exchange, the environment gets destroyed instead. Driving a car to work may be faster, but it also destroys the
environment so much faster. Biking to the store serves the same purpose and it saves the environment greatly. Cars are a huge contributor toglobal
warming. Cars and trucks combined are responsible for one–fifth of all US emissions. They release about 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other
global warming gases for every gallon of gas used (Union of Concerned Scientists). About five pounds of those gases come from production,
extraction, and delivery of gasoline. More than 19 pounds are released per gallon from a car's tailpipe (Union of Concerned Scientists). 1.2 billion
cubic yards of polluted air is from manufacture. Painting and coating cars produces 40 million pounds of air releases and 24 million pounds of
hazardous waste a year. A car's lifetime produces 1.3 billion cubic yard of polluted air and scatters 40 pounds of worn tire particles, brake debris,
and worn road surface into the atmosphere (Bike to Work Day). Pollutants released a year add up to over 12,140 lbs for cars and 17,000 for light
trucks. Some of those pollutants are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides (Bike to Work Day). By choosing to bike or
walk instead of drive, the amount of gases and waste contributing to global warming, drops drastically. Choosing to drive instead of taking a greener
form of transportation is a great threat to the environment. Plastic water bottles are seen and consumed everywhere. Without knowing the deadly
effects that water bottles have on the environment, consumers will keep buying them and contribute to the problem. About 17 million barrels of oil are
used each year solely to make water bottles
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The Cause And Effects Of Human Trafficking In China
Human Trafficking in China
The one child rule has been instituted in China. It leaves families only allowed to have one child or they have to have a major increase in taxes and
get into trouble. This leaves families wanting a son over a daughter so the family name would be carried on. Girls are often aborted, abandoned, and
just not wanted a majority of the time leaving a scarcity of them. For example according to a health policy report, "The shortage of women may have
increased mental health problems and socially disruptive behavior among men and has left some men unable to marry and have a family" (The Effect
of China's One–Child Family Policy after 25 Years). Because of thishuman trafficking has increased. Men are doing whatever they can to find women
and get close to them without truly knowing what is right and wrong, what is normal for them to do. People see this happening and realise some men
will do whatever to get close to women and human trafficking is the result of that. For instance, according to a health policy report, "The scarcity of
females has resulted in kidnapping and trafficking of women for marriage and increased numbers of commercial sex workers" (The Effect of China's
One–Child Family Policy after 25 Years). The reason for this policy is to help with overpopulation but it has just caused other issues that aren't being
dealt with. Even though the one child policy is a resolution for over–population, it causes a waterfall effect of consequences. Not
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Primary Cause Of Human Trafficking In The United States
Modern day slavery. This is the term used to describe human trafficking. According to the United Nations human trafficking is defined as the
recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of
abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability.... for the purpose of exploitation ( Haerens 98). Traffickers
may use violence in order to get their victims to do what they want. Also, coercion may be used which involves threats against a family member or
loved one (Winckelmann 7–8). Human trafficking, a form of organized crime, is tied to income inequality. Case studies and research demonstrate that
human trafficking ... Show more content on ...
It needs to be dealt with using criminal powers to investigate and prosecute offenders for trafficking and any other criminal activities in which they are
involved. There are various organizations that are working to combat human trafficking. There is the International Labor Organization/ Mekong
Sub–Regional Project to Combat Trafficking in Children and Women. The project has an office in Thailand. Also, the project works with different
bodies of government, The Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. There is the International Organization for
Migration which takes a multi–pronged approach to prevent trafficking mainly in the countries of origin and support the victims. Finally, there is the
Global Rights Organization which is a human rights advocacy group. The group partners with local activists to promote women's human rights and
combat discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity (Fisanick 180–183). Trafficked persons should be seen as victims of
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Causes Of Human Trafficking In California
California seems like such a nice state, but human trafficking is a huge problem there. Human trafficking is the act of moving humans illegally from
one country or area to another for forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. California is one of the top four destination in the US for human
trafficking to happen due to the large amount of airports, harbors, a strong economy, international borders, and a big group of native and immigrant
populations. In 2002, the Department of Justice said that in California, 14% of all victims of human trafficking received help which is only a small
percentage. Statistics show that victims are too scared to admit they have been trafficked or don't want to cooperate with the laws which is why only a
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Causes and Consequences of Human Trafficking in Haiti Essay
Throughout the globe, whether a country is highly developed or unstable, all countries must face the issue of humanitarian crisis. These misfortunes
can be triggered by human action or can occur involuntarily. Ranging from natural disasters, to diseases, to internal or external conflict, each has been
proven to be detrimental to the stability of the society. Haiti has recently gotten attention for being simultaneously affected by multiple crises; each of
which helps to place Haiti in a trap which they cannot lift themselves out of without foreign intervention and aid. Organizations such as the Jesuit
Universities Humanitarian Action Network (JUHAN), a collaboration between Jesuit universities, are in place hoping to promote awareness ... Show
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Officials in Haiti estimate that an overwhelming 90,000 to 120,000 children are currently forced into this practice, reflecting greatly on the lack of
economic stability and growth within the country (2005 Trafficking in Persons Report). When thinking of sexual exploitation, forcedprostitution and
rape are often the first to come to mind; however, women of Haiti have been noted to consciously choose to exploit themselves. Furthermore, women
will trade sex for a goods, shelter, or even security, in turn causing sex to be classified as an "income–generating strategy" (Kempadoo, 84). According
to a statistic pulled in 1984, "30 percent of the prostitutes from Haiti or from the Dominican Republic were between fifteen and twenty years old"
(Benoit, 39). Consequently, the numbers of individuals affected by trafficking in Haiti is evident of the presence and nature of crisis occurring.
Haiti is extremely susceptible to the humanitarian crisis of human trafficking due to their unstable government, lack of law enforcement, and static
economy. Although Jean–Bertrand Aristide held the position of president, the society still suffered from brutal acts of violence. Due to the fear of
being overthrown, the military acted in this way to divest the Haitian people of their freedoms (Americas Watch, 1). However, subsequent to Aristide's
resignation in early 2004, Haiti continued to struggle to gain control
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Cause And Effect Of Human Trafficking
Cause and Effect of Human Trafficking 1
The effect human trafficking has on world today. Human trafficking is victims have been the most disrespect and terrified people in the world. They
are sold to slavery either for sex or labor services. The sad part about human trafficking happens right under our noises. I think in some cases of the
Unite States some of larger companies that are outsourcing human trafficking in order to keep their business standards by keeping customers happy.
Most underage girls from ages 12–18 are used for human trafficking. Some of those girls are runways, or drug addictive and kidnapping from their
parent. Human trafficking is the most profitable slavery around the world. Most of majority of human trafficking victims are very vulnerable such
as, selling of small children, young underage women and sometimes elderly adults. I really think if someone who condemns this kind of brutal act
toward anyone should be sent straight to electric chamber to die. Human trafficking victims has been caught and sold to higher bid for sex or
slavery. Human trafficking most target the poor, and disaster area was people June of 2014, there a new law called JCMST in which it were
stated bring down the danger of human trafficking of any kind .also, human trafficking has become a way for child mobilization , and teenage marriage
is forced through
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Causes And Aspects Of Human Trafficking In The World
GOD has gifted the most transcendent stead to Human being to exist, which is not less than a Heaven, is called "The World". Human is the only
creature in this world, who invented offensive deeds for his delight or selfness. We all know that the place where we live The World is becoming an
unwonted place. In other words we can say that the world where we live is messed up in various ways. Here are 7 various offensive facts which
reveal the actual picture of present age.
1.Slavery Still Exists / Human Trafficking: Human trafficking stands as the third largest internationalcrime industry in the world. Human trafficking
is another aspect of modern slavery that takes place when one person keeps control over another person in order to exploit them economically. As
per some estimates, almost 80% of trafficking involves in sexual exploitation and around 19% involves in labor exploitation. There are 20 to 30
million (approximately) are slaves in the world today. Worldwide we may find out that women and girls are primary victims for the purpose of sexual
exploitation. Traffickers target females because they are discordantly affected by poverty and discrimination.
2.Technology as a crucial part of our daily lives: Since last few decades technology has shifted and transitioned hugely over our daily lives as a
crucial part. In the present age everything we do is directly or indirectly connected to any kind of technological functions. If we will not keep ourselves
in check, the impact
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Human Piking : Causes And Consequences Of Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking is in many instances different yet similar to that of human smuggling, one being that human trafficking involves elements of
enforcement and harassment where as human smuggling is on many occasions voluntary (Albanese, 2011). Often times these two merge into one,
some of those who "voluntarily" choose to be moved from one place to another are sometimes exploited opposed to their original plan and are
subjected to become victims of human trafficking (Albanese, 2011). In the book Transnational Crime and the 21st Century, the author Albanese gives us
an example of just how human smuggling and human trafficking sometimes overlap each other. He mentioned that it is often common in many
countries (i.e., The Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, The Netherlands Antilles, St. Lucia) that women and young girls were frequently misled to believe
that they were being promised work. Either as bartenders, sales associates, cashiers, waitresses or dancers only to be informed that as soon as they
would arrive to their destination that they would be arranged in prostitution which is a form of human trafficking (Albanese, 2011). Thus, making the
"voluntary" aspect of human smuggling nonexistent and it is to be overruled at the discretion of the smuggler (Albanese, 2011).
Cause of Trafficking
Human Trafficking varies from country to country but often begins with the same motivation and that is a better life. Approximately seventy–five to
eighty percent of human traffickers force
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Human Resources Management : The Causes Of Corporate Human...
There are some critics out there claim that corporate human resource departments have outlasted their practicality and are not there to benefit
employees, but to keep the organization from legal problems. By theory, Human Resources Management is responsible to create a high–quality
workforce inside the organization. It means Human Resources Management participate in some activities such as interviewing job candidates, training,
and evaluating (Robbins, 2012, p. 338). Linking the theory and the issue, I think that there are some confusions inside the Human Resources
Department in some organizations that makes Human Resources Management process nowadays start falling apart. Human Resources Management
departments are trying to serve two bosses. On the one hand, Human Resources Management are there to provide help and support for the employees
and, on the other hand, they exist for the organization and the senior management to help manage, monitor, appraise, discipline, and evaluating
employees. I believe this confusion is causing friction, and in many organizations, Human Resources Management departments is focusing to support
the organization side, rather than supporting the employees' side. Besides the confusion, I also believe that some of Human Resources Management in
many organizations are not delivering any real value. They are too focus with bureaucratic, administrative tasks, financial issues, or any legal issues.
This takes a lot of their portion time and makes them not focus in delivering unique benefits. Thus, it causes a lot of organizations to reduce the Human
Resources Management function to a minimum, or outsource the function. Today's Human Resources Management downfall issues lead us to some of
the drawbacks of having a formal Human Resources Management process. First, having a formal Human Resources Management process means that
an organization has to invest more in operating costs. It requires an effective Human Resources Management system that might cost a lot. Hiring
people to work at Human Resources Management department costs a lot of money. Additionally, a formal Human Resources Management process can
rise some differences of opinions. Some Human Resources Management goals might not be
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The Root Causes Of Human Trafficking In The United States
the United States is using the tools at our disposal to deter, expose, apprehend, and prosecute those who seek to profit by trafficking in their fellow
human beings. Modern slavery doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's connected to a host of 21st century challenges, including the persistence of extreme
poverty, discrimination against women and minorities, corruption and other failures of governance, the abuse of social media, and the power and reach
of transnational organized crime. That is why the United States is working with our international partners at every level to attack the root causes of
trafficking, warn potential victims, put perpetrators behind bars, and empower survivors as they rebuild their lives. One thing is clear: No nation can...
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Each year, an estimated 600,000–800,000 men, women, and children are trafficked against their will across international borders 14,500–17,500 of
whom are trafficked into the United States. Victimsof trafficking are recruited, transported, or sold into all forms of forced labor and servitude, including
prostitution, sweatshops, domestic labor, farming, and child
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Is Genetic Engineering A Cause Of Human Arrogance?
Human arrogance is always the main concern when dealing with genetic engineering due to our lack of knowledge. The truth about the human genome
still remains unknown, even with the CRISPR system. Scientists are able to edit a gene but could quite possibly never know the full extent of the
alterations. For an example, say there is a genetically altered baby that has been inserted with a gene that will make the child good in sports. This will
make the child predisposed to like sports, but could that also mean they could also be inclined to dislike music? Genetic engineers do not know enough
about DNA to answer questions such as this. This is where religions are concerned because most "share a deep uneasiness regarding actions that might
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The Causes And Effects Of Human Trafficking
The people involved in human trafficking are.... all victims. They can be of any age and any gender, however an unruly number of women are
involved in human trafficking, both as victims and as culprits of the crime. Many offenders have a prominent role in the process of human trafficking
and often become perpetrators of the clim as a means of escaping their own victimisation. Often, those who are being trafficked, are of the same race as
that of their assaulter. They deceive their victims from all corners of the world and force them into exploitative actions and situations, without consent
and often without full knowledge of the acts in which they are committing. It leaves the victims scarred for life and has a distressing effect on the
mental, emotional and physical well–being of those captured into the web of human trafficking. Apart from physical abuse, victims suffer extreme
emotional stress and often experience post–traumatic stress disorder and in return, experience anxiety, depression and insomnia.
Human trafficking makes me feel ... sick to my stomach. Humans in this day and age should not be treated with such cruelty and brutality. Victims of
human trafficking are forced to work every day without pay and under the threat of violence without the possibility and the inability to walk away
from the situation. The chances to run away are very slim as they work under the fear and terror of being caught trying to escape which would result in
conditions that are proven to be
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The Cause Of Human Fatigue
Generally, human fatigue is a cause of other deficiencies, such as poor judgment and decision–making, slowed reaction time, increased lapses in
memory, difficulty focusing, loss of situation awareness and poor performance. Fatigue is a serious issue can impair every aspect of pilot capability
and affecting the safety of air transportation (Lerman et al., 2012). In this experiment, fatigue experienced by pilots was compared between a flight
mission with multiple take–offs and landings versus a flight mission of equal duration with a single take–off and landing. Eight active rated pilots (4
Expert and 4 Novices; age range 24– 33) participated in the study. Each pilot flew a medium–fidelity, full–flight (motion) Boeing–52 flight simulator
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Cause Of Human Migration
ВЁMigration is an expression of the human aspiration of dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make–up as a
human family." – Ban Ki–Moon.
Human migration has led people to new opportunities in their life. Human ancestors have led their family to the place they're in now because they were
the people that traveled the countries. Human migration has caused immigrants to come over to America. A lot of the migrants are considered a
refugee or nomadic. You become a refugee when your home has been destroyed by a natural disaster or war and you are forced to move into refugee
camps with other people for the same reason. A nomadic settler is one without a home. These people are usually very skilled... Show more content on ...
They had a different shape skull then homo sapiens but had the same brain size. This one reason why they had more success= during this migration.
They also had different behaviors, they made tools but with big flakes chunks from large stones. Compared to ВЁModern humans" stone tools and
weapons usually featured elongated, standardized, finely crafted blades.ВЁ The Homo sapiens were very skilled at making tools compared to the
Neanderthals, which gave the modern humans an advantage with hunting. Another big barrier that stopped many people from migrating was the
bubonic plague. In the 1300's the outbreak of the disease started in China. This sickness got to the people because the fleas transmitted this disease
to humans by biting them. The black plague causes fever and painful swelling in the lymph glands called buboes. There are many names for it, but
one of the main names is The Bubonic Plague which came from buboes. Not only that, but the disease caused red spots on the skin that later turned
black. During this time period, China was the biggest source of trading good and this was not good for the people who would trade with the Chinese
because the disease was very contagious and would spread very easily. A lot of families abandoned their sick children because they didn't want to also
get sick which would cause both the parents and children to become ill. Stated in the article, The Black Death: Bubonic Plague ВЁ25 million people
died in just under five years
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Cause Of Human Trafficking In The United States
Normally upon hearing the term human trafficking, most people in America think, "That is something that happens in other countries, not here."
However, that is a very wrong assumption. The United States has multiple hubs throughout the country and so many citizens are unaware of the cruelty
around them. Human Trafficking is the illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. Human
trafficking stems from high supply and demand, low risk factors, and lack of awareness.
One of the major causes of human trafficking is high supply and demand. When people are willing to buy forced labor, products from forced labor
industries, or commercial sex they create the market and provide the profit for the traffickers. Industries buying forced labor might pay an initial high
cost, but the cheap labor makes up for the price and creates an enormous profit margin for these industries. Along with the industries are the people
willing to buy goods ... Show more content on ...
Traffickers believe the profits they are making are worth the risk of being caught. The rate of which human traffickers are caught is very low
because it is considered more of a local problem. There are not enough law officials trained to deal with trafficking and even less citizens that
know of any way to help. Not only are traffickers caught at low rates they also have minimal punishments for their crimes. Traffickers will be
living lavishly and will not put their punishment above the amount of money they will be making. Contributing factors of low risk are lack of
training, low awareness, ineffective laws, and lack of investigations ("Human Trafficking"). They will only serve up to 15 years and will more than
likely have someone who can pay their fines. They will not face any consequences that will make them regret their crimes and when they get out of
prison they will likely fall back into their old ways of
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The Cause Of Human Trafficking In The United States
Into Today, in our society, almost all crimes that are happening around us is a cause of growth in human trafficking. They are being bought and sold
all over the country, used for sex commercial, advertisements, and forced labor. Trafficking is illegal in all countries of the U.S. and it is the third
largest crime in the world. They find one's private information and lure their victims in using vulnerability and emotions.Human trafficking is dangerous
and we need to put an end to it. Body 1
All over the world adults and children are victims of trafficking each year. These victims are in dangerous situations. Every year human trafficking
continues to grow and expand every year. It is almost never ending. These victims are tortured and abused and they are being considered slaves. Many
women and children ... Show more content on ...
In just one day, research says that victims can go through at least 30 men a day traveling from country to country. These women and children get
confused and no longer know what to think and do. Some even forget that they are being trafficked. This leads to multiple types of diseases and
unwanted pregnancies. In the past, male trafficking has been very rare, but lately in some states it has become more popular than female trafficking.
The men are used to work in hard labor jobs. In the past year male trafficking has outnumbered females in certain categories of trafficking. Traffickers
have started to use 3 methods such as: Means, action, and purpose. These 3 methods all mean something different that helps lure their victims in. Those
methods all lead to the limited opportunities and education that traffickers face daily. A lot of times traffickers will trick people into letting them think
they can help them. It may be involving their children's future or even the adults job. These adults and children are treated like
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Human Resource Management Model Causes Negative Impacts Essay
Executive Summary
In the competitive challenges today, it is undeniable that the roles of human resources become more and more necessary in an organization. Thus, fail
to have a proper and accurate human resource department as is the case of the first hospital, the human resource management model causes negative
This report firstly aims to recommend to the CEO some ways to improve the operations of human resource management. They include the establishment
of a human resource team as well as policies and practices, defining clear roles and responsibilities, the decision on what to outsource, the relationship
between managers and human resources, and communicating. Second, it points out some suggestions to build a sustainable human resource capacity,
which consist of the understanding business insights, building workforce strategy, change, and the 4+2 organization formula.
The following recommendations have been made:
The hospital needs to build a strategic human resource management that understands clearly the business insights to take lead in aligning workforce to
the hospital strategy.
Outsourcing generalists to oversee administrative tasks, internal human resource management focuses on building policies and practices.
Implementing the 4+2 formula.
Table of Contents
Title Pagei
Executive Summaryii
Table of Contentsiii
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Human Evolution : The Cause Of Evolution In Africa
Evolution is the changing of characteristics over generations. The cause of evolution has been largely agreed on to be mainly natural selection
documented by Charles Darwin in
1859, in the book origins of species. First species of Homo, Homo habilis, evolved in Africa around 2 million years ago. Later, a descendant of Homo
habilis, Homo erectus evolved
(along with other hominids), and spread out of Africa. Homo erectus gave rise to Homo sapiens around 100,000 to 200,000 years ago.
One of the most controversial issues in paleoanthropology (the study of human origins) is about the origins of the modern humans or homo sapiens. The
two theory's in question are the "out of Africa" theory and the "multi–regional continuity" theory. While there is various supporting evidence for each
theory it is still hotly debated between paleoanthropologists.
The out of Africa theory is one of the most popular evolution theory's where the first humans to leave Africa 1.8 million years ago divided into several
different species during the
Pleistocene. Homo (humans) and the Pan (chimpanzee) genera of Hominini diverged between 4 and 13 million years ago, in Africa. This theory
believes that human evolution was largely separated into various of groups of people resulting isolated evolution in different groups. The fossil archaic
humans that we find throughout the Old World belonged to these several species, but only one branch of this ancient family tree could give rise to
today's humanity
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The Cause Of Human Nature : The Culprit That Causes...
The Culprit that Causes Malformed Human Nature
Variety is the spice of life, people play different roles to make such massive and splendid society. However, people do not always do things perfectly in
order to fit in the society. In other words, unless wrong decision can be fixed as soon as possible, or it causes serious problems such as the Watts Riots
in 1965. It is one of the most influential rebellions in California. Before the 1900s, California was primarily a city ran by whites and times were
tough, apparently, the Law enforcement was every bit as rough. Since the early 20th century, the black population of the city doubled, yet blacks
weren't the only ones moving to LA. Latinos and Negroes all were moving there in hopes of finding work. With politicians doing what politicians do,
blacks and other races than White were looked down on. White people, or landowners in general, were not allowing other races to move into certain
areas of the city (Behrens, 2011). Due to the inequality of rights, a segment of society begins forms its gap. With the years of embitterment of
economic, political isolation and an exposure to the Marquette Frye incident, a sudden voice of anger soon began, spurred on by residents who lived
in an area near Compton. The riots lasted six days, was reported 34 dead, 1,032 injured, approximately 4,000 arrested, and $40 million worth of
property destroyed (Source#4). Speaking synoptically, such tragic correspond with the reasonless failure of education
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Human Trafficking : Causes And Consequences Of Prostitution
Prostitution has been known of for thousands of years. The term derives from the Latin " prostituere" which means "to cause to stand in front of".
Today, prostitution can be defined as granting non marital sexual access for remuneration, under terms established by mutual agreement of prostitutes,
their clients and their employers. According to the Uniform Crime Report about 60,000 prostitution arrests are being made annually. In some nations
prostitution is legal while other nations punish prostitution with the death penalty (Siegel, 2014, p. 361). However, prostitution can also be forced.
Many women are forced to enter the sex trade, therefore, to put an end to international sex trade, men who hire prostitutes should be punished very
The Sex Trade is "the exploitation of women, men and children, within national or across international borders, for the purposes of forced sex. Sex
trade, or also known as Human trafficking violates the Human Rights that people are born with; especially the right not to be submitted to slavery,
servitude, or forced labor (Napolitano, 2016, p.1). Human trafficking is a horrific international crime that does not discriminate because the victims can
be of any ethnicity, age or gender, however, most of the victims are women. Most of the poorest and most unstable countries have the highest incidences
of human trafficking.
Traffickers use force and fraud to pressure their victims into sexual exploitation. A way that fraud can be used to
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The Human Footprint : Causes And Impacts Of Water In The...
Water is an essential substance which is needed by all human beings to survive. It has also enabled us to live in well–furnished houses that have free
flowing water in the taps, showers and even some to help us support with our daily use. In a developed country like the US; water has been the most
essential thing that has been able to accommodate its citizens. Living the American standards means having flushing toilets, hot and cold showers,
swimming pools in the front or the backyard or your house, washing machine and a big house that shines everywhere with electricity (Bradley
1962). Unlike someone else living in Africa or India that have to walk for miles and miles each day in order to find water, in the United States water is
always readily available even one that you can use to irrigate your lawn.
The human footprint expresses as a percentage the relative human influence in ever biome on the lands surface. It is a measure of how much we as
humans are using in our ecosystem and how much effect we impart on our environment whether it is based on agriculture, infrastructure, industries and
other urban development issues (Sanderson et al. 2002). The definition of human footprint according to google is the impact of human activities
measured in terms of the area of biologically productive land and water required to produce the goods consumed and to assimilate the wastes
generated. In other ways it can also be defined as estimating the amount of biologically productive space
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Slavery : Causes And Consequences Of Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking Sadly, there are more slaves today than ever before. According to "the Facts", there are approximately twenty period nine million
slaves today, more than ever–in history. Picture someone taken against his or her own will and once captured by traffickers they have no choice, but
to play Simon says with no freedom in the cruel game ran by the trafficker. This is what human trafficking looks like; in fact, most are women and girls
when it comes to sexual exploitation (Johansen). They are being sold like they were a service. Human trafficking consists of sexual exploitation and
forced labor the most. Human trafficking is growly rapidly and all people need to be on board to put an end to this tragedy immediately by
contributing to what they can. According to "Background," "the two most commonly known forms of human trafficking are sexual exploitation and
forced labor." Sex trafficking is women, men or children that are forced into the commercial sex industry and held against their will by force, fraud or
coercion ("Slavery Today"). On the other hand, "forced labor is a form of slavery where individuals perform labor or services by force, fraud, or
coercion" ("Labor Trafficking"). In either sex trafficking and forced labor, the trafficker, or "pimp" exploits for profit. Both types of trafficking have
rules set by the trafficker. If the rules set by trafficker are not meeting their expectations, there are punishments. The conditions of people being
trafficked are terrifying. They live in fear and mistreated usually with violence or threats. One of the forms of trafficking is sexual exploitation that
consists of sex or other sexual acts in exchange for the basics of life. For example, protection, food and shelter. On the other hand, forced labor is
persons coerced to work involuntary through violence or intimidation. A way parents and children can prevent falling into human trafficking is by
getting familiar with the techniques used by traffickers. Children with their parents can study and inform themselves on how traffickers get their young
victims. Once they find probable signs, they can report to the authorities to seek for help and save their children before it is too late. Children
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The Causes And Contributions Of The Human Genome Project
Human Genome ProjectA genome is the complete collection of an organism's genetic material. The human genome is composed of about 20,000 to
25,000 genes located on the 23 pairs of chromosomes in a human cell (Tortora, Funke, Case, 2016). According to the Human Genome Project (2000),
"A single human chromosome may contain more than 250 million DNA base pairs, and it is estimated that the entire human genome consists of about 3
billion base pairs." Now that we have identified what a genome is, we will now examine the Human Genome Project. The Human Genome Project
(HGP) is a project that began in October of 1990 (Tortora, Funke, Case, 2016). The HGP lasted for 13 years, so the end of the project was in 2003.
Mapping the entire human DNA sequence was the main purpose of the program (Tortora, Funke, Case, 2016). Associating specific human traits and
inborn diseases with genes at exact locations on the chromosomes was the goal of genomic mapping and sequencing (HGP, 2000). Figure 1 below
shows the timeline through which the Human Genome Project got completed. In 1990, the project commenced along with the Ethical, legal and social
implication program (ELSI). Fast forwarding to 1995, where the human physical mapping goal was achieved. Then in 1999, the sequence of the first
human chromosome was completed. Finally, in 2003, the project was completed.
Figure 1: Human Genome Project Timeline. Retrieved from:
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The Source and Cause of Violent Tendencies in Humans Essay
The Source and Cause of Violent Tendencies in Humans
Philosophers since the beginning of time have debated over the source and cause of violent tendencies in humans that in turn produce global conflicts,
to solve the age old question, man or beast? Global conflict can with out a doubt be completely accredited to the human race, but what are the particular
reasons for humans to cause such conflicts? There are many topics that have been argued by philosophers and historians over the connection between
the reasons the human race and global conflict. One such topic is the gender based theories and sexual differences of men and women. Others believe
that religion, with particular emphasis on monotheistic beliefs, is the major basis of ... Show more content on ...
When looking at the specific numbers men are mostly the source of human violence, especially men age fifteen to twenty–nine years of age, and there
are many possible explanations for the reason why young men are the leading cause of violence. David Barash offers a possible starting point in which
he asserts that men have always held the positions involving killing, "or what might be called the 'killing establishment'– soldiers, executioners, even
slaughterhouse workers – is overwhelmingly male" (Barash 1). When men could no longer play the hunter role, they still would have the urge or
animalistic inclination to compete or kill one another, which leads to violence, hence; men began killing each other. This leads to gender division,
which Carol Adams blames on the fact that the world has always been a patriarchial system. Men have established themselves as the dominant
position in the human race, and because of this feeling of the need to be dominant there have been certain roles established for the way each gender
should behave. As Michael CC Adams asserts, this gender division actually encourages male violence. War is a product of man according to Adams,
and that in order to end war, "we shall have to create an androgynous society in which being male does not mean a preoccupation with toughness and
staying in control but includes the full range of openly expressed human feelings,
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Explain One Possible Cause Of The Great Human Migration
1.Identify and explain one example of non–historical evidence for human migration out of Africa.
Throughout his article, "The Great Human Migration," Guy Gugliotta analyzes various evidence that support the theory of human migration out of
Africa. Gugliotta explains how scientists use mitochondrial DNA, which is passed on only from one's mother and has a fast mutation rate, to trace
modern humans' origin. By analyzing modern mitochondrial DNA and working backwards, scientists have found that a woman alive in Africa 200,000
years ago had the mitochondrial DNA that is found in people alive today. The woman was named "Eve" and she is, what scientists call, our "most
recent common ancestor." DNA evidence showed that she lived in Africa, which supports the "out of Africa" theory because it proves that modern
humans originated in Africa. These findings link Africa as the hearth of modern humans all over the world and demonstrates that early humans
migrated out of Africa.
2.Identify and explain one possible cause of the "great migration." ... Show more content on ...
As recent scientific evidence shows, Africa may have suffered from a lack of water roughly 100,000 years ago. Since water is essential for human life,
the absence of precipitation may have caused early humans to migrate to other parts of the world. Scientists found evidence which establishes that
modern humans were separated into small, dispersed groups due to the droughts. After the droughts ended, people decided to migrate to parts of Asia
in order to ensure survival. The African people did not want to risk another drought, so they decided to begin emigrating out of Africa and exploring
the rest of the world. The water deficiency in Africa may have caused modern humans to migrate out of Africa and begin inhabiting other regions of the
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The Root Causes Of Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking is a complex phenomenon that derived from different factors such as social, political, economy and culture (Bales, 2007).
However, some factors are specific to a place or individual therefore, in addressing the root causes of Human Trafficking, understanding the context is
essential (Kim and Chang, 2007). The root causes of trafficking have been identified through micro and macro perspectives. The rational theory
explains trafficking on the individual level, it stated that the decision of people movement is based on the cost–benefit analysis (Lanier & Henry,
2004). Human is a rational being that always strive to what is benefiting to them including to commit crime. The benefit that outweigh the
consequences of crimes could be the reason people engage in trafficking. Furthermore, in the integrated global market, the opportunity of better job and
living standard have attracted people to move. The huge demand of both licit and illicit product and services can lead to trafficking. For example, the
increasing number of entertainment industries in urban cities required more women to be hired and for this reason unemployment youth may willing
to involve in trafficking circle. However, Gallagher argue that the movement of the people is not always opportunity–seeking purposes but survival
reason for instance, because of conflict or discrimination where their life might be in danger (Gallagher, 2002). Hence, the victim vulnerability is
resulting from their
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Causes And Consequences Of Human Trafficking
The exploitation of trafficking victim occurs within and outside the country resulting in physical and physiological violence, retaliation, debt bondage,
economic instability, separation and being prosecuted under the migration or criminal law enforcement. Moreover, in the worst–case victim is being
killed or committed suicide due to the unbearable violence. The returning of trafficking victim to the country of origin is problematic. The spreading
stigma within the society, predominantly women working in prostitution or experienced sexual abuse to be perceived as immoral and dirty. The shame
and failure to meet family and community expectation is severely affecting victim's self–confidence. Hence, divorce, and rejection from family and
community are inevitable. The financial difficulty, physical and physiological harm consequently increase victim dependency. There is also a raising
concern on the risk of trafficker revenge and victim re–trafficking.
Many local and international NGOs are involved in development and poverty reduction program in NTT. However, the empirical study reveals that
fewer NGO have been concern on Human Trafficking issue regardless of the high number of victims and the close relations between development and
the root causes of trafficking. None of NGO have been specifically established to dealing with Human Trafficking. Consider the harmful impact of
trafficking, some of NGOs have been initiated to support Human Trafficking victims. There are several
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Assignment : The Cause And Causes Of Human Overpopulation
What is human overpopulation? human overpopulation is when an area is overcrowded, there are just too many people living there, or the resources
are not able to be used efficiently. If there are too many people in one place, resources will be fought for, or rationed. In both ways, nobody will get
enough resources.
An area is considered overcrowded or overpopulated when the area's Carrying Capacity is exceeded. The carrying capacity is the number of people an
area can support effectively. Carrying capacity is determined by level of tech, culture of the people, availability of resources, level of economy, and
other things. Since there are so many factors that contribute to the Carrying Capacity of an area, it is hard to find an exact number. Therefore, Carrying
Capacity is only an estimated number.
Next Slide
AP: Causes of human overpopulation
There are many causes of human overpopulation. One cause is advances in technology and medicine. This is because new tech saves lives of more
people so the death rate goes down drastically. This ties in with declined death rate and increased birth rate. More people are overcoming poverty
quicker too, so less people are dying in poverty.
Another cause is lack of family planning. This is because many families do not plan on how many children they want to have. This leads to them
having lots of children which contributes to making the humans multiply even more. Another reason that ties in with this is people are not aware of the
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The Causes Of Embarrassment And Brain Pruning In The Human...
For decades, the human brain has been one of the most complex organs found in our body. Scientists all around the world are always trying to find
new information as to how this special organ works and all the affects it has on people. The brain has its own way of developing and changing as it
grows, and many scientists and researchers find that as the brain grows in our teen years, there are a lot of reasons behind embarrassment and brain
pruning. Embarrassment is a feeling of self–consciousness, shame, or awkwardness caused by hormones, while brain pruning is extra neurons and
synaptic connections that are eliminated in order to increase the efficiency of neuronal transmissions. Each text discusses a different relationship
between behavior and the brain, which are embarrassment and pruning. Two major differences between embarrassment and brain pruning are what
goes on in the brain that causes these activations and the age at which they occur. One pivotal difference is what goes on in the brain during
embarrassment and brain pruning and how they each occur. To begin with, embarrassment deals with hormones. These hormones that get released into
the brain cause many imbalances and trigger embarrassment. From passage 1, "Embarrassed? Blame Your Brain" by Jennifer Connor–Smith
states,"This imbalance means even small problems, like tripping in the hallway, can trigger a wave of embarrassment". This shows that the
disproportion of hormones in the brain cause
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The Causes And Effects Of Human Trafficking In Michigan
Human Trafficking in Michigan It is dark outside, and you are driving back home from work. Your stomach starts to growl from hunger, so you
decide to take the next exit to get something to eat. The town you stop at is a little creepy, but your hunger is unbearable. You pull into the parking
lot, and start walking to the door. You are immediately followed by two guys slightly larger than you. You start to walk faster, but unfortunately they
catch up and are now standing in front of you. You are scared because they are taking you back to their car. What is going to happen to you? Why are
there not more police patrolling this area at night? Why is this happening to me? Human trafficking can happen in a blink of an eye especially when
people are doing everyday things. According to The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services "it is known to be the second largest criminal
enterprise after drugs. There are many forms of trafficking such as human trafficking, sex trafficking, and labor trafficking." ("Human Trafficking")
Michigan has seen a sixteen percent increase in reported human trafficking cases. Polaris, an organization that helps fight human trafficking across
the globe, released the data from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center, stating that there were 152 Michigan Human Trafficking cases
reported in 2015. They included 122 of sex trafficking and 18 cases of labor trafficking. In 2014, 131 cases were reported were reported since 2007, the
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What Is The Cause Of Human Trafficking Of Minors?
Child abuse number continue to grow in our community, with the confirmed cases of child abuse reported increased by 9% from 2011 to 2012. We
face a reality where 1 in 5 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. However, human trafficking of minors is an especially tragic and
difficult area to address.
As a state with a large border, Texas is particularly susceptible tohuman trafficking cases. Horrifyingly, the Interstate 10 corridor is widely agreed to
be one of the main routes for human trafficking and the route for almost 20% of all trafficking victims in the United States.1 This modern day slave
trade is often hidden in plain sight. State and local lawmakers, prosecutors, and officers are lacking in essential tools to
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Cause And Effect Of Human Trafficking
Effects of Human Trafficking
Wanting to start her own sewing business to support her family, Molina was then offered a job in the United States if she left her family to come
over. She was forced into working 18 hour days. The other workers were allowed to leave after their shifts. Molina was told not to talk to anyone.
She said she was always hungry. Her trafficker used manipulation to keep her as his victim. The U.S State Department says there are 600,000 to
800,000 victims who are trafficked over international borders per year.Human trafficking is a huge problem worldwide. It happens everywhere. Most
people don't realize how easily it happens, and how common it actually is. Human trafficking is a growing problem all over the world, it is a form of
modern day slavery, victims are getting targeted, and the victims are affected tremendously.
Modern Day Slavery On Slavery Today they state, "There are an estimated 20.9 Million people trapped in some form of slavery today." Human
trafficking is known as modern day slavery. There are many different types of slavery that people are pulled into. Forced labor, child labor, forced
marriage, and sex trafficking are just a few of the more common types of slavery today. Most people have a certain picture in their head of what
slavery is. Forced labor is usually what people think of when they think of slavery. Labor trafficking is forced. The victim has no choice in whether or
not they want to do the labor. It happens in many
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Sex Trafficking Are The Main Causes Of Human Trafficking

  • 1. Sex Trafficking Are The Main Causes Of Human Trafficking platform. Labor and sexual exploitation comprise the main reasons for human trafficking through online platforms. In line with sexual exploitation, different sources have cited that the internet and online platforms provide traffickers with the platforms to advertise massage parlors and escort services to a wide audience (Farquet et al. 302; Limoncelli 73). To this extent, the traffickers can reach a considerable number of individuals willing to buy the commercial sex services offered by women trafficked from a different part of the world. Equally, empirical evidence shows that technology often provides adequate means of reaching obscure target audiences, including pedophiles looking to have access to young girls, people with extreme sexual desires, and those individuals interested in child pornography. Since most of the people within these target audience often fear to express their desire publicly, they exploit their desire privately through the internet. In the end, the increased interactions between traffickers and these... Show more content on ... In turn, this leads to illegal migration and trafficking via the internet because traffickers are always ready to take advantage of such situations by posting fake employment opportunities and fake documentations for individual willing to relocate to new countries. In particular, examples of sex trafficking include the creation of fictitious employment opportunities, immigration assistance, and online bride websites to lure potential victims into contact with human traffickers. Both women and men have been victims of trafficking via the internet by traffickers claiming that they would be provided with better job opportunities in host countries. However, Elabor–Idemudia (101) in his analysis of the number of individuals being trafficked yearly to the Middle East ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Causes Of Human Trafficking In The United States How often do you think teenage girls or boys are sex trafficked? Sure we hear about it all of the time in other countries like Paris or Japan, but how often does it happen right here in America? Too often. Globally 2.4 million people are trafficked for labor, 80% of them are used as sex slaves. Another common question would be what is human trafficking? "trafficking has been defined most often as the trade in women and children for prostitution or other immoral purposes." " It has been further clarified that victims do not need to be transported across international or other boundaries in order for trafficking to exist." (Clawson J Heather, Dutch Nicole, Solomon Amy, and Grace Goldblatt Lisa. Aspe. Human Trafficking Into and Within the United States: A Review of the Literature Aspe 30, Aug 2009.)... Show more content on ... According to (Clawson J Heather, Dutch Nicole, Solomon Amy, and Grace Goldblatt Lisa. Aspe. Human Trafficking Into and Within the United States: A Review of the Literature Aspe 30, Aug 2009.) "Only a recent estimate of minors at risk for sexual exploitation comes close to estimating U.S. domestic trafficking. Between 244,000 and 325,000 American youth are considered at risk for sexual exploitation, and an estimated 199,000 incidents of sexual exploitation of minors occur each year in the United States (Estes & Weiner, 2001). These figures, however, are limited estimates of youth at risk for human trafficking and do not address adult U.S. citizens trafficked into the sex industry or American children and adults trafficked for ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Human Traficking Survivors : Causes And Consequences Of... Intro Human trafficking is defined as the action or practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another, typically for the purposes of forced labour or commerical sexual exploitation. Karla Jacinto, a 24 year old woman from Mexico, is a victim of this violence called human trafficking. She speaks of her traumatizing encounters in a CNN article called "Human Trafficking Survivor: I Was Raped 43,200 Times". In this article, she says "...up to 30 men a day, seven days a week, for the best part of four years –– 43, 200". This staggering number is very important to not only this article but this topic as a whole because it shows the reality of what human trafficking becomes for some people and how it changes the course of people's lives forever. Human trafficking has become a trade so lucrative and prevalent, that it knows no borders and links towns in central Mexico, where Karla Jacinto, with cities like Atlanta and New York. Karla's testimony was used as evidence in support for H.R. 515 or Megan's Law that mandates U.S. authorities share information pertaining to American child sex offenders when these convicts attempt to travel abroad. In this CNN article, it says: "Her message is that human trafficking and forced prostitution still happens and is a growing problem in our world." This quote is very important from this article because since Karla experienced human trafficking in first person, her opinion about it continuing to be a growing problem ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Causes Of Human Trafficking In Thailand Human Trafficking in Thailand Thailand is located in Southeast Asia, surrounded by numerous of bodies of water, such as the Andaman Sea, and the Gulf of Thailand. According to the C.I.A website, which is a United States government website that offers information about different countries and monitors their activities,Thailand's government was a constitutional monarchy from 1932 to 2005. Thailand experienced intense government turmoil due to a military coup and several large scale political street protests from 2008 to 2010 (C.I.A). As a result of the unrest among the citizens, it caused corruption from the government, which meant that often times human trafficking is overlooked to not only promote the increase of economy, but also increase the workforces in the country(C.I.A). Reported by The Global Slavery Index, which is a global organization that conducts research and surveys in various countries, it shows that, "425,500 people or 0.63% of the total population live in conditions of modern slavery in Thailand." This creates different national issues such as a human rights violation and also social issues such as communities being torn apart due to separation of families, but there are different solutions out there that are easing the challenges of human trafficking. As a nation, Thailand's economy has been gradually increasing; however, it still faces large national debt and high unemployment rate overall (C.I.A). This leads to the government trying to find ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Investigating What Causes Violence in Humans Essay examples Investigating What Causes Violence in Humans Violence is evident in our daily lives and in literature. In the past it meant extreme, brutal or sadistic behavior. Today, it is used to describe any act thought to be aggressive or hostile or destructive to another person. Violence is a human condition and we tend to understand ourselves throughviolence . The various types of violence include physical violence, psychological violence and sexual violence. In my opinion, nobody is free of a darker side, but there are reasons why human act the way they do, their violence nature is accountable to some factors. Human beings have a physical nature, which demands for the satisfaction of their physical ... Show more content on ... In striving to satisfy our basic physical need for food and shelter, humans go far beyond engaging in activities that provide merely a minimal standard of living. They seek to increase their wealth and to acquire material possessions far in excess of the necessities of life, so that they may enjoy the "finer" things in life: better clothing; more tasty foods; a larger house; an expensive car; an annual vacation. Often times they enjoy these material things not because of their intrinsic value, but because of their status symbol; what they represent with respect to self–worth, for human have a tendency to respect persons who have achieve great wealth, power, and position in the society, and to look with aversion to those who are at the other end of the social scale. The striving for material possessions beyond those necessary for life, then, becomes an acquired need, which is related to the innate need for self–worth, and may be the driving force in the goals the person sets. In the process of attaining the target, there might be obstacles to overcome and humans will stop at nothing to get what they want. Some might resort to unscrupulous and underhanded methods that inflict pain on others and damage property, in other words, act violently so as to get their desired ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Causes Of Human Trafficking In America Are there sweatshops in North Carolina? Is there still some type of slavery going on in America? When a person looks at nail salons or restaurants, do they see them as regular employs or as slaves? Is there still human trafficking going on around the world? These are things that people never think about when they live their every day life. People all over the United States might not know that people are getting brought to America to work for 20$ a week. Human trafficking is always happening around the world. About 18,000 people are trafficked to the U.S. each year, according to the State Department (Phillip Martin 438). Many people that do not speak English in nail salons and restaurants may be one of the people that was a part of this human ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Human Development : Causes And Consequences Of Human... Causes and Extent of Change ¬¬Climate change has caused dramatic changes in landforms around the world, and beaches have received much of the worst consequences from this. Alongside this, human development has kept on expanding, especially into previously "pristine" environments, thus removing "access" to a great deal of the sand that was in the area. Human expansion has also resulted in the introduction of exotic or invasive species of flora, that may have impacted the native vegetation that existed on the beachfront, and as a result, changed the structure of the pre–existing sand. This is generally due to the exotic species impacting the food web, and spreading very quickly, likely due to having many seedlings or having few predators in the new environment. In Collaroy Beach, the increase in human development has resulted in various consequences, the most prominent being the reduction in the size of the sand dune system, which has occurred to a large extent in the beach, evident by the clear lack of a hind dune. The same has occurred in Lauderdale beach, and to a similar extent as Collaroy. However, as Lauderdale receives far more storms than Collaroy, and thus is more likely to need the "sand bank" stored up, it can be argued that the consequences of human development occurred to a larger extent at Lauderdale beach. On the other hand, with the increasing effects of climate change, the difference in amount and effect of storms may become less relevant, as more storms will ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Causes Of Human Laziness And The Environment The amount of laziness a human exhibits seems to have a positive correlation with the amount of pollution that the human gives off. The start of human laziness dates back all the to the start of the human race. Research has shown that humans are biologically born with laziness, but the amount of laziness differs between humans (Hreha). The greatest danger to the environment is human laziness. Being lazy is a great thing because so much time is saved. Time may be saved, but in exchange, the environment gets destroyed instead. Driving a car to work may be faster, but it also destroys the environment so much faster. Biking to the store serves the same purpose and it saves the environment greatly. Cars are a huge contributor toglobal warming. Cars and trucks combined are responsible for one–fifth of all US emissions. They release about 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global warming gases for every gallon of gas used (Union of Concerned Scientists). About five pounds of those gases come from production, extraction, and delivery of gasoline. More than 19 pounds are released per gallon from a car's tailpipe (Union of Concerned Scientists). 1.2 billion cubic yards of polluted air is from manufacture. Painting and coating cars produces 40 million pounds of air releases and 24 million pounds of hazardous waste a year. A car's lifetime produces 1.3 billion cubic yard of polluted air and scatters 40 pounds of worn tire particles, brake debris, and worn road surface into the atmosphere (Bike to Work Day). Pollutants released a year add up to over 12,140 lbs for cars and 17,000 for light trucks. Some of those pollutants are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides (Bike to Work Day). By choosing to bike or walk instead of drive, the amount of gases and waste contributing to global warming, drops drastically. Choosing to drive instead of taking a greener form of transportation is a great threat to the environment. Plastic water bottles are seen and consumed everywhere. Without knowing the deadly effects that water bottles have on the environment, consumers will keep buying them and contribute to the problem. About 17 million barrels of oil are used each year solely to make water bottles ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Cause And Effects Of Human Trafficking In China Human Trafficking in China The one child rule has been instituted in China. It leaves families only allowed to have one child or they have to have a major increase in taxes and get into trouble. This leaves families wanting a son over a daughter so the family name would be carried on. Girls are often aborted, abandoned, and just not wanted a majority of the time leaving a scarcity of them. For example according to a health policy report, "The shortage of women may have increased mental health problems and socially disruptive behavior among men and has left some men unable to marry and have a family" (The Effect of China's One–Child Family Policy after 25 Years). Because of thishuman trafficking has increased. Men are doing whatever they can to find women and get close to them without truly knowing what is right and wrong, what is normal for them to do. People see this happening and realise some men will do whatever to get close to women and human trafficking is the result of that. For instance, according to a health policy report, "The scarcity of females has resulted in kidnapping and trafficking of women for marriage and increased numbers of commercial sex workers" (The Effect of China's One–Child Family Policy after 25 Years). The reason for this policy is to help with overpopulation but it has just caused other issues that aren't being dealt with. Even though the one child policy is a resolution for over–population, it causes a waterfall effect of consequences. Not ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Primary Cause Of Human Trafficking In The United States Modern day slavery. This is the term used to describe human trafficking. According to the United Nations human trafficking is defined as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability.... for the purpose of exploitation ( Haerens 98). Traffickers may use violence in order to get their victims to do what they want. Also, coercion may be used which involves threats against a family member or loved one (Winckelmann 7–8). Human trafficking, a form of organized crime, is tied to income inequality. Case studies and research demonstrate that human trafficking ... Show more content on ... It needs to be dealt with using criminal powers to investigate and prosecute offenders for trafficking and any other criminal activities in which they are involved. There are various organizations that are working to combat human trafficking. There is the International Labor Organization/ Mekong Sub–Regional Project to Combat Trafficking in Children and Women. The project has an office in Thailand. Also, the project works with different bodies of government, The Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. There is the International Organization for Migration which takes a multi–pronged approach to prevent trafficking mainly in the countries of origin and support the victims. Finally, there is the Global Rights Organization which is a human rights advocacy group. The group partners with local activists to promote women's human rights and combat discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity (Fisanick 180–183). Trafficked persons should be seen as victims of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Causes Of Human Trafficking In California California seems like such a nice state, but human trafficking is a huge problem there. Human trafficking is the act of moving humans illegally from one country or area to another for forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. California is one of the top four destination in the US for human trafficking to happen due to the large amount of airports, harbors, a strong economy, international borders, and a big group of native and immigrant populations. In 2002, the Department of Justice said that in California, 14% of all victims of human trafficking received help which is only a small percentage. Statistics show that victims are too scared to admit they have been trafficked or don't want to cooperate with the laws which is why only a small ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Causes and Consequences of Human Trafficking in Haiti Essay Throughout the globe, whether a country is highly developed or unstable, all countries must face the issue of humanitarian crisis. These misfortunes can be triggered by human action or can occur involuntarily. Ranging from natural disasters, to diseases, to internal or external conflict, each has been proven to be detrimental to the stability of the society. Haiti has recently gotten attention for being simultaneously affected by multiple crises; each of which helps to place Haiti in a trap which they cannot lift themselves out of without foreign intervention and aid. Organizations such as the Jesuit Universities Humanitarian Action Network (JUHAN), a collaboration between Jesuit universities, are in place hoping to promote awareness ... Show more content on ... Officials in Haiti estimate that an overwhelming 90,000 to 120,000 children are currently forced into this practice, reflecting greatly on the lack of economic stability and growth within the country (2005 Trafficking in Persons Report). When thinking of sexual exploitation, forcedprostitution and rape are often the first to come to mind; however, women of Haiti have been noted to consciously choose to exploit themselves. Furthermore, women will trade sex for a goods, shelter, or even security, in turn causing sex to be classified as an "income–generating strategy" (Kempadoo, 84). According to a statistic pulled in 1984, "30 percent of the prostitutes from Haiti or from the Dominican Republic were between fifteen and twenty years old" (Benoit, 39). Consequently, the numbers of individuals affected by trafficking in Haiti is evident of the presence and nature of crisis occurring. Haiti is extremely susceptible to the humanitarian crisis of human trafficking due to their unstable government, lack of law enforcement, and static economy. Although Jean–Bertrand Aristide held the position of president, the society still suffered from brutal acts of violence. Due to the fear of being overthrown, the military acted in this way to divest the Haitian people of their freedoms (Americas Watch, 1). However, subsequent to Aristide's resignation in early 2004, Haiti continued to struggle to gain control ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Cause And Effect Of Human Trafficking Cause and Effect of Human Trafficking 1 The effect human trafficking has on world today. Human trafficking is victims have been the most disrespect and terrified people in the world. They are sold to slavery either for sex or labor services. The sad part about human trafficking happens right under our noises. I think in some cases of the Unite States some of larger companies that are outsourcing human trafficking in order to keep their business standards by keeping customers happy. Most underage girls from ages 12–18 are used for human trafficking. Some of those girls are runways, or drug addictive and kidnapping from their parent. Human trafficking is the most profitable slavery around the world. Most of majority of human trafficking victims are very vulnerable such as, selling of small children, young underage women and sometimes elderly adults. I really think if someone who condemns this kind of brutal act toward anyone should be sent straight to electric chamber to die. Human trafficking victims has been caught and sold to higher bid for sex or slavery. Human trafficking most target the poor, and disaster area was people June of 2014, there a new law called JCMST in which it were stated bring down the danger of human trafficking of any kind .also, human trafficking has become a way for child mobilization , and teenage marriage is forced through ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Causes And Aspects Of Human Trafficking In The World GOD has gifted the most transcendent stead to Human being to exist, which is not less than a Heaven, is called "The World". Human is the only creature in this world, who invented offensive deeds for his delight or selfness. We all know that the place where we live The World is becoming an unwonted place. In other words we can say that the world where we live is messed up in various ways. Here are 7 various offensive facts which reveal the actual picture of present age. 1.Slavery Still Exists / Human Trafficking: Human trafficking stands as the third largest internationalcrime industry in the world. Human trafficking is another aspect of modern slavery that takes place when one person keeps control over another person in order to exploit them economically. As per some estimates, almost 80% of trafficking involves in sexual exploitation and around 19% involves in labor exploitation. There are 20 to 30 million (approximately) are slaves in the world today. Worldwide we may find out that women and girls are primary victims for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Traffickers target females because they are discordantly affected by poverty and discrimination. 2.Technology as a crucial part of our daily lives: Since last few decades technology has shifted and transitioned hugely over our daily lives as a crucial part. In the present age everything we do is directly or indirectly connected to any kind of technological functions. If we will not keep ourselves in check, the impact ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Human Piking : Causes And Consequences Of Human Trafficking Human Trafficking is in many instances different yet similar to that of human smuggling, one being that human trafficking involves elements of enforcement and harassment where as human smuggling is on many occasions voluntary (Albanese, 2011). Often times these two merge into one, some of those who "voluntarily" choose to be moved from one place to another are sometimes exploited opposed to their original plan and are subjected to become victims of human trafficking (Albanese, 2011). In the book Transnational Crime and the 21st Century, the author Albanese gives us an example of just how human smuggling and human trafficking sometimes overlap each other. He mentioned that it is often common in many countries (i.e., The Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, The Netherlands Antilles, St. Lucia) that women and young girls were frequently misled to believe that they were being promised work. Either as bartenders, sales associates, cashiers, waitresses or dancers only to be informed that as soon as they would arrive to their destination that they would be arranged in prostitution which is a form of human trafficking (Albanese, 2011). Thus, making the "voluntary" aspect of human smuggling nonexistent and it is to be overruled at the discretion of the smuggler (Albanese, 2011). Cause of Trafficking Human Trafficking varies from country to country but often begins with the same motivation and that is a better life. Approximately seventy–five to eighty percent of human traffickers force ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Human Resources Management : The Causes Of Corporate Human... There are some critics out there claim that corporate human resource departments have outlasted their practicality and are not there to benefit employees, but to keep the organization from legal problems. By theory, Human Resources Management is responsible to create a high–quality workforce inside the organization. It means Human Resources Management participate in some activities such as interviewing job candidates, training, and evaluating (Robbins, 2012, p. 338). Linking the theory and the issue, I think that there are some confusions inside the Human Resources Department in some organizations that makes Human Resources Management process nowadays start falling apart. Human Resources Management departments are trying to serve two bosses. On the one hand, Human Resources Management are there to provide help and support for the employees and, on the other hand, they exist for the organization and the senior management to help manage, monitor, appraise, discipline, and evaluating employees. I believe this confusion is causing friction, and in many organizations, Human Resources Management departments is focusing to support the organization side, rather than supporting the employees' side. Besides the confusion, I also believe that some of Human Resources Management in many organizations are not delivering any real value. They are too focus with bureaucratic, administrative tasks, financial issues, or any legal issues. This takes a lot of their portion time and makes them not focus in delivering unique benefits. Thus, it causes a lot of organizations to reduce the Human Resources Management function to a minimum, or outsource the function. Today's Human Resources Management downfall issues lead us to some of the drawbacks of having a formal Human Resources Management process. First, having a formal Human Resources Management process means that an organization has to invest more in operating costs. It requires an effective Human Resources Management system that might cost a lot. Hiring people to work at Human Resources Management department costs a lot of money. Additionally, a formal Human Resources Management process can rise some differences of opinions. Some Human Resources Management goals might not be ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Root Causes Of Human Trafficking In The United States the United States is using the tools at our disposal to deter, expose, apprehend, and prosecute those who seek to profit by trafficking in their fellow human beings. Modern slavery doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's connected to a host of 21st century challenges, including the persistence of extreme poverty, discrimination against women and minorities, corruption and other failures of governance, the abuse of social media, and the power and reach of transnational organized crime. That is why the United States is working with our international partners at every level to attack the root causes of trafficking, warn potential victims, put perpetrators behind bars, and empower survivors as they rebuild their lives. One thing is clear: No nation can... Show more content on ... Each year, an estimated 600,000–800,000 men, women, and children are trafficked against their will across international borders 14,500–17,500 of whom are trafficked into the United States. Victimsof trafficking are recruited, transported, or sold into all forms of forced labor and servitude, including prostitution, sweatshops, domestic labor, farming, and child ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Is Genetic Engineering A Cause Of Human Arrogance? Human arrogance is always the main concern when dealing with genetic engineering due to our lack of knowledge. The truth about the human genome still remains unknown, even with the CRISPR system. Scientists are able to edit a gene but could quite possibly never know the full extent of the alterations. For an example, say there is a genetically altered baby that has been inserted with a gene that will make the child good in sports. This will make the child predisposed to like sports, but could that also mean they could also be inclined to dislike music? Genetic engineers do not know enough about DNA to answer questions such as this. This is where religions are concerned because most "share a deep uneasiness regarding actions that might alter ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Causes And Effects Of Human Trafficking The people involved in human trafficking are.... all victims. They can be of any age and any gender, however an unruly number of women are involved in human trafficking, both as victims and as culprits of the crime. Many offenders have a prominent role in the process of human trafficking and often become perpetrators of the clim as a means of escaping their own victimisation. Often, those who are being trafficked, are of the same race as that of their assaulter. They deceive their victims from all corners of the world and force them into exploitative actions and situations, without consent and often without full knowledge of the acts in which they are committing. It leaves the victims scarred for life and has a distressing effect on the mental, emotional and physical well–being of those captured into the web of human trafficking. Apart from physical abuse, victims suffer extreme emotional stress and often experience post–traumatic stress disorder and in return, experience anxiety, depression and insomnia. Human trafficking makes me feel ... sick to my stomach. Humans in this day and age should not be treated with such cruelty and brutality. Victims of human trafficking are forced to work every day without pay and under the threat of violence without the possibility and the inability to walk away from the situation. The chances to run away are very slim as they work under the fear and terror of being caught trying to escape which would result in conditions that are proven to be ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Cause Of Human Fatigue Generally, human fatigue is a cause of other deficiencies, such as poor judgment and decision–making, slowed reaction time, increased lapses in memory, difficulty focusing, loss of situation awareness and poor performance. Fatigue is a serious issue can impair every aspect of pilot capability and affecting the safety of air transportation (Lerman et al., 2012). In this experiment, fatigue experienced by pilots was compared between a flight mission with multiple take–offs and landings versus a flight mission of equal duration with a single take–off and landing. Eight active rated pilots (4 Expert and 4 Novices; age range 24– 33) participated in the study. Each pilot flew a medium–fidelity, full–flight (motion) Boeing–52 flight simulator during ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Cause Of Human Migration ВЁMigration is an expression of the human aspiration of dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make–up as a human family." – Ban Ki–Moon. Human migration has led people to new opportunities in their life. Human ancestors have led their family to the place they're in now because they were the people that traveled the countries. Human migration has caused immigrants to come over to America. A lot of the migrants are considered a refugee or nomadic. You become a refugee when your home has been destroyed by a natural disaster or war and you are forced to move into refugee camps with other people for the same reason. A nomadic settler is one without a home. These people are usually very skilled... Show more content on ... They had a different shape skull then homo sapiens but had the same brain size. This one reason why they had more success= during this migration. They also had different behaviors, they made tools but with big flakes chunks from large stones. Compared to ВЁModern humans" stone tools and weapons usually featured elongated, standardized, finely crafted blades.ВЁ The Homo sapiens were very skilled at making tools compared to the Neanderthals, which gave the modern humans an advantage with hunting. Another big barrier that stopped many people from migrating was the bubonic plague. In the 1300's the outbreak of the disease started in China. This sickness got to the people because the fleas transmitted this disease to humans by biting them. The black plague causes fever and painful swelling in the lymph glands called buboes. There are many names for it, but one of the main names is The Bubonic Plague which came from buboes. Not only that, but the disease caused red spots on the skin that later turned black. During this time period, China was the biggest source of trading good and this was not good for the people who would trade with the Chinese because the disease was very contagious and would spread very easily. A lot of families abandoned their sick children because they didn't want to also get sick which would cause both the parents and children to become ill. Stated in the article, The Black Death: Bubonic Plague ВЁ25 million people died in just under five years ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Cause Of Human Trafficking In The United States Normally upon hearing the term human trafficking, most people in America think, "That is something that happens in other countries, not here." However, that is a very wrong assumption. The United States has multiple hubs throughout the country and so many citizens are unaware of the cruelty around them. Human Trafficking is the illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. Human trafficking stems from high supply and demand, low risk factors, and lack of awareness. One of the major causes of human trafficking is high supply and demand. When people are willing to buy forced labor, products from forced labor industries, or commercial sex they create the market and provide the profit for the traffickers. Industries buying forced labor might pay an initial high cost, but the cheap labor makes up for the price and creates an enormous profit margin for these industries. Along with the industries are the people willing to buy goods ... Show more content on ... Traffickers believe the profits they are making are worth the risk of being caught. The rate of which human traffickers are caught is very low because it is considered more of a local problem. There are not enough law officials trained to deal with trafficking and even less citizens that know of any way to help. Not only are traffickers caught at low rates they also have minimal punishments for their crimes. Traffickers will be living lavishly and will not put their punishment above the amount of money they will be making. Contributing factors of low risk are lack of training, low awareness, ineffective laws, and lack of investigations ("Human Trafficking"). They will only serve up to 15 years and will more than likely have someone who can pay their fines. They will not face any consequences that will make them regret their crimes and when they get out of prison they will likely fall back into their old ways of ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Cause Of Human Trafficking In The United States Into Today, in our society, almost all crimes that are happening around us is a cause of growth in human trafficking. They are being bought and sold all over the country, used for sex commercial, advertisements, and forced labor. Trafficking is illegal in all countries of the U.S. and it is the third largest crime in the world. They find one's private information and lure their victims in using vulnerability and emotions.Human trafficking is dangerous and we need to put an end to it. Body 1 All over the world adults and children are victims of trafficking each year. These victims are in dangerous situations. Every year human trafficking continues to grow and expand every year. It is almost never ending. These victims are tortured and abused and they are being considered slaves. Many women and children ... Show more content on ... In just one day, research says that victims can go through at least 30 men a day traveling from country to country. These women and children get confused and no longer know what to think and do. Some even forget that they are being trafficked. This leads to multiple types of diseases and unwanted pregnancies. In the past, male trafficking has been very rare, but lately in some states it has become more popular than female trafficking. The men are used to work in hard labor jobs. In the past year male trafficking has outnumbered females in certain categories of trafficking. Traffickers have started to use 3 methods such as: Means, action, and purpose. These 3 methods all mean something different that helps lure their victims in. Those methods all lead to the limited opportunities and education that traffickers face daily. A lot of times traffickers will trick people into letting them think they can help them. It may be involving their children's future or even the adults job. These adults and children are treated like ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Human Resource Management Model Causes Negative Impacts Essay Executive Summary In the competitive challenges today, it is undeniable that the roles of human resources become more and more necessary in an organization. Thus, fail to have a proper and accurate human resource department as is the case of the first hospital, the human resource management model causes negative impacts. This report firstly aims to recommend to the CEO some ways to improve the operations of human resource management. They include the establishment of a human resource team as well as policies and practices, defining clear roles and responsibilities, the decision on what to outsource, the relationship between managers and human resources, and communicating. Second, it points out some suggestions to build a sustainable human resource capacity, which consist of the understanding business insights, building workforce strategy, change, and the 4+2 organization formula. The following recommendations have been made: The hospital needs to build a strategic human resource management that understands clearly the business insights to take lead in aligning workforce to the hospital strategy. Outsourcing generalists to oversee administrative tasks, internal human resource management focuses on building policies and practices. Implementing the 4+2 formula. Table of Contents Title Pagei Executive Summaryii Table of Contentsiii 1.Introduction1 1.1Background1 1.2Aim1 1.3Scope
  • 25. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Human Evolution : The Cause Of Evolution In Africa Evolution is the changing of characteristics over generations. The cause of evolution has been largely agreed on to be mainly natural selection documented by Charles Darwin in 1859, in the book origins of species. First species of Homo, Homo habilis, evolved in Africa around 2 million years ago. Later, a descendant of Homo habilis, Homo erectus evolved (along with other hominids), and spread out of Africa. Homo erectus gave rise to Homo sapiens around 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. One of the most controversial issues in paleoanthropology (the study of human origins) is about the origins of the modern humans or homo sapiens. The two theory's in question are the "out of Africa" theory and the "multi–regional continuity" theory. While there is various supporting evidence for each theory it is still hotly debated between paleoanthropologists. The out of Africa theory is one of the most popular evolution theory's where the first humans to leave Africa 1.8 million years ago divided into several different species during the Pleistocene. Homo (humans) and the Pan (chimpanzee) genera of Hominini diverged between 4 and 13 million years ago, in Africa. This theory believes that human evolution was largely separated into various of groups of people resulting isolated evolution in different groups. The fossil archaic humans that we find throughout the Old World belonged to these several species, but only one branch of this ancient family tree could give rise to today's humanity ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Cause Of Human Nature : The Culprit That Causes... The Culprit that Causes Malformed Human Nature Variety is the spice of life, people play different roles to make such massive and splendid society. However, people do not always do things perfectly in order to fit in the society. In other words, unless wrong decision can be fixed as soon as possible, or it causes serious problems such as the Watts Riots in 1965. It is one of the most influential rebellions in California. Before the 1900s, California was primarily a city ran by whites and times were tough, apparently, the Law enforcement was every bit as rough. Since the early 20th century, the black population of the city doubled, yet blacks weren't the only ones moving to LA. Latinos and Negroes all were moving there in hopes of finding work. With politicians doing what politicians do, blacks and other races than White were looked down on. White people, or landowners in general, were not allowing other races to move into certain areas of the city (Behrens, 2011). Due to the inequality of rights, a segment of society begins forms its gap. With the years of embitterment of economic, political isolation and an exposure to the Marquette Frye incident, a sudden voice of anger soon began, spurred on by residents who lived in an area near Compton. The riots lasted six days, was reported 34 dead, 1,032 injured, approximately 4,000 arrested, and $40 million worth of property destroyed (Source#4). Speaking synoptically, such tragic correspond with the reasonless failure of education ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Human Trafficking : Causes And Consequences Of Prostitution Prostitution has been known of for thousands of years. The term derives from the Latin " prostituere" which means "to cause to stand in front of". Today, prostitution can be defined as granting non marital sexual access for remuneration, under terms established by mutual agreement of prostitutes, their clients and their employers. According to the Uniform Crime Report about 60,000 prostitution arrests are being made annually. In some nations prostitution is legal while other nations punish prostitution with the death penalty (Siegel, 2014, p. 361). However, prostitution can also be forced. Many women are forced to enter the sex trade, therefore, to put an end to international sex trade, men who hire prostitutes should be punished very severely. The Sex Trade is "the exploitation of women, men and children, within national or across international borders, for the purposes of forced sex. Sex trade, or also known as Human trafficking violates the Human Rights that people are born with; especially the right not to be submitted to slavery, servitude, or forced labor (Napolitano, 2016, p.1). Human trafficking is a horrific international crime that does not discriminate because the victims can be of any ethnicity, age or gender, however, most of the victims are women. Most of the poorest and most unstable countries have the highest incidences of human trafficking. Traffickers use force and fraud to pressure their victims into sexual exploitation. A way that fraud can be used to ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Human Footprint : Causes And Impacts Of Water In The... Water is an essential substance which is needed by all human beings to survive. It has also enabled us to live in well–furnished houses that have free flowing water in the taps, showers and even some to help us support with our daily use. In a developed country like the US; water has been the most essential thing that has been able to accommodate its citizens. Living the American standards means having flushing toilets, hot and cold showers, swimming pools in the front or the backyard or your house, washing machine and a big house that shines everywhere with electricity (Bradley 1962). Unlike someone else living in Africa or India that have to walk for miles and miles each day in order to find water, in the United States water is always readily available even one that you can use to irrigate your lawn. The human footprint expresses as a percentage the relative human influence in ever biome on the lands surface. It is a measure of how much we as humans are using in our ecosystem and how much effect we impart on our environment whether it is based on agriculture, infrastructure, industries and other urban development issues (Sanderson et al. 2002). The definition of human footprint according to google is the impact of human activities measured in terms of the area of biologically productive land and water required to produce the goods consumed and to assimilate the wastes generated. In other ways it can also be defined as estimating the amount of biologically productive space ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Slavery : Causes And Consequences Of Human Trafficking Human Trafficking Sadly, there are more slaves today than ever before. According to "the Facts", there are approximately twenty period nine million slaves today, more than ever–in history. Picture someone taken against his or her own will and once captured by traffickers they have no choice, but to play Simon says with no freedom in the cruel game ran by the trafficker. This is what human trafficking looks like; in fact, most are women and girls when it comes to sexual exploitation (Johansen). They are being sold like they were a service. Human trafficking consists of sexual exploitation and forced labor the most. Human trafficking is growly rapidly and all people need to be on board to put an end to this tragedy immediately by contributing to what they can. According to "Background," "the two most commonly known forms of human trafficking are sexual exploitation and forced labor." Sex trafficking is women, men or children that are forced into the commercial sex industry and held against their will by force, fraud or coercion ("Slavery Today"). On the other hand, "forced labor is a form of slavery where individuals perform labor or services by force, fraud, or coercion" ("Labor Trafficking"). In either sex trafficking and forced labor, the trafficker, or "pimp" exploits for profit. Both types of trafficking have rules set by the trafficker. If the rules set by trafficker are not meeting their expectations, there are punishments. The conditions of people being trafficked are terrifying. They live in fear and mistreated usually with violence or threats. One of the forms of trafficking is sexual exploitation that consists of sex or other sexual acts in exchange for the basics of life. For example, protection, food and shelter. On the other hand, forced labor is persons coerced to work involuntary through violence or intimidation. A way parents and children can prevent falling into human trafficking is by getting familiar with the techniques used by traffickers. Children with their parents can study and inform themselves on how traffickers get their young victims. Once they find probable signs, they can report to the authorities to seek for help and save their children before it is too late. Children ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Causes And Contributions Of The Human Genome Project Human Genome ProjectA genome is the complete collection of an organism's genetic material. The human genome is composed of about 20,000 to 25,000 genes located on the 23 pairs of chromosomes in a human cell (Tortora, Funke, Case, 2016). According to the Human Genome Project (2000), "A single human chromosome may contain more than 250 million DNA base pairs, and it is estimated that the entire human genome consists of about 3 billion base pairs." Now that we have identified what a genome is, we will now examine the Human Genome Project. The Human Genome Project (HGP) is a project that began in October of 1990 (Tortora, Funke, Case, 2016). The HGP lasted for 13 years, so the end of the project was in 2003. Mapping the entire human DNA sequence was the main purpose of the program (Tortora, Funke, Case, 2016). Associating specific human traits and inborn diseases with genes at exact locations on the chromosomes was the goal of genomic mapping and sequencing (HGP, 2000). Figure 1 below shows the timeline through which the Human Genome Project got completed. In 1990, the project commenced along with the Ethical, legal and social implication program (ELSI). Fast forwarding to 1995, where the human physical mapping goal was achieved. Then in 1999, the sequence of the first human chromosome was completed. Finally, in 2003, the project was completed. Figure 1: Human Genome Project Timeline. Retrieved from: ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Source and Cause of Violent Tendencies in Humans Essay The Source and Cause of Violent Tendencies in Humans Philosophers since the beginning of time have debated over the source and cause of violent tendencies in humans that in turn produce global conflicts, to solve the age old question, man or beast? Global conflict can with out a doubt be completely accredited to the human race, but what are the particular reasons for humans to cause such conflicts? There are many topics that have been argued by philosophers and historians over the connection between the reasons the human race and global conflict. One such topic is the gender based theories and sexual differences of men and women. Others believe that religion, with particular emphasis on monotheistic beliefs, is the major basis of ... Show more content on ... When looking at the specific numbers men are mostly the source of human violence, especially men age fifteen to twenty–nine years of age, and there are many possible explanations for the reason why young men are the leading cause of violence. David Barash offers a possible starting point in which he asserts that men have always held the positions involving killing, "or what might be called the 'killing establishment'– soldiers, executioners, even slaughterhouse workers – is overwhelmingly male" (Barash 1). When men could no longer play the hunter role, they still would have the urge or animalistic inclination to compete or kill one another, which leads to violence, hence; men began killing each other. This leads to gender division, which Carol Adams blames on the fact that the world has always been a patriarchial system. Men have established themselves as the dominant position in the human race, and because of this feeling of the need to be dominant there have been certain roles established for the way each gender should behave. As Michael CC Adams asserts, this gender division actually encourages male violence. War is a product of man according to Adams, and that in order to end war, "we shall have to create an androgynous society in which being male does not mean a preoccupation with toughness and staying in control but includes the full range of openly expressed human feelings, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Explain One Possible Cause Of The Great Human Migration 1.Identify and explain one example of non–historical evidence for human migration out of Africa. Throughout his article, "The Great Human Migration," Guy Gugliotta analyzes various evidence that support the theory of human migration out of Africa. Gugliotta explains how scientists use mitochondrial DNA, which is passed on only from one's mother and has a fast mutation rate, to trace modern humans' origin. By analyzing modern mitochondrial DNA and working backwards, scientists have found that a woman alive in Africa 200,000 years ago had the mitochondrial DNA that is found in people alive today. The woman was named "Eve" and she is, what scientists call, our "most recent common ancestor." DNA evidence showed that she lived in Africa, which supports the "out of Africa" theory because it proves that modern humans originated in Africa. These findings link Africa as the hearth of modern humans all over the world and demonstrates that early humans migrated out of Africa. 2.Identify and explain one possible cause of the "great migration." ... Show more content on ... As recent scientific evidence shows, Africa may have suffered from a lack of water roughly 100,000 years ago. Since water is essential for human life, the absence of precipitation may have caused early humans to migrate to other parts of the world. Scientists found evidence which establishes that modern humans were separated into small, dispersed groups due to the droughts. After the droughts ended, people decided to migrate to parts of Asia in order to ensure survival. The African people did not want to risk another drought, so they decided to begin emigrating out of Africa and exploring the rest of the world. The water deficiency in Africa may have caused modern humans to migrate out of Africa and begin inhabiting other regions of the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Root Causes Of Human Trafficking Human Trafficking is a complex phenomenon that derived from different factors such as social, political, economy and culture (Bales, 2007). However, some factors are specific to a place or individual therefore, in addressing the root causes of Human Trafficking, understanding the context is essential (Kim and Chang, 2007). The root causes of trafficking have been identified through micro and macro perspectives. The rational theory explains trafficking on the individual level, it stated that the decision of people movement is based on the cost–benefit analysis (Lanier & Henry, 2004). Human is a rational being that always strive to what is benefiting to them including to commit crime. The benefit that outweigh the consequences of crimes could be the reason people engage in trafficking. Furthermore, in the integrated global market, the opportunity of better job and living standard have attracted people to move. The huge demand of both licit and illicit product and services can lead to trafficking. For example, the increasing number of entertainment industries in urban cities required more women to be hired and for this reason unemployment youth may willing to involve in trafficking circle. However, Gallagher argue that the movement of the people is not always opportunity–seeking purposes but survival reason for instance, because of conflict or discrimination where their life might be in danger (Gallagher, 2002). Hence, the victim vulnerability is resulting from their ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Causes And Consequences Of Human Trafficking The exploitation of trafficking victim occurs within and outside the country resulting in physical and physiological violence, retaliation, debt bondage, economic instability, separation and being prosecuted under the migration or criminal law enforcement. Moreover, in the worst–case victim is being killed or committed suicide due to the unbearable violence. The returning of trafficking victim to the country of origin is problematic. The spreading stigma within the society, predominantly women working in prostitution or experienced sexual abuse to be perceived as immoral and dirty. The shame and failure to meet family and community expectation is severely affecting victim's self–confidence. Hence, divorce, and rejection from family and community are inevitable. The financial difficulty, physical and physiological harm consequently increase victim dependency. There is also a raising concern on the risk of trafficker revenge and victim re–trafficking. Many local and international NGOs are involved in development and poverty reduction program in NTT. However, the empirical study reveals that fewer NGO have been concern on Human Trafficking issue regardless of the high number of victims and the close relations between development and the root causes of trafficking. None of NGO have been specifically established to dealing with Human Trafficking. Consider the harmful impact of trafficking, some of NGOs have been initiated to support Human Trafficking victims. There are several ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Assignment : The Cause And Causes Of Human Overpopulation What is human overpopulation? human overpopulation is when an area is overcrowded, there are just too many people living there, or the resources are not able to be used efficiently. If there are too many people in one place, resources will be fought for, or rationed. In both ways, nobody will get enough resources. An area is considered overcrowded or overpopulated when the area's Carrying Capacity is exceeded. The carrying capacity is the number of people an area can support effectively. Carrying capacity is determined by level of tech, culture of the people, availability of resources, level of economy, and other things. Since there are so many factors that contribute to the Carrying Capacity of an area, it is hard to find an exact number. Therefore, Carrying Capacity is only an estimated number. Next Slide Causes AP: Causes of human overpopulation There are many causes of human overpopulation. One cause is advances in technology and medicine. This is because new tech saves lives of more people so the death rate goes down drastically. This ties in with declined death rate and increased birth rate. More people are overcoming poverty quicker too, so less people are dying in poverty. Another cause is lack of family planning. This is because many families do not plan on how many children they want to have. This leads to them having lots of children which contributes to making the humans multiply even more. Another reason that ties in with this is people are not aware of the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Causes Of Embarrassment And Brain Pruning In The Human... For decades, the human brain has been one of the most complex organs found in our body. Scientists all around the world are always trying to find new information as to how this special organ works and all the affects it has on people. The brain has its own way of developing and changing as it grows, and many scientists and researchers find that as the brain grows in our teen years, there are a lot of reasons behind embarrassment and brain pruning. Embarrassment is a feeling of self–consciousness, shame, or awkwardness caused by hormones, while brain pruning is extra neurons and synaptic connections that are eliminated in order to increase the efficiency of neuronal transmissions. Each text discusses a different relationship between behavior and the brain, which are embarrassment and pruning. Two major differences between embarrassment and brain pruning are what goes on in the brain that causes these activations and the age at which they occur. One pivotal difference is what goes on in the brain during embarrassment and brain pruning and how they each occur. To begin with, embarrassment deals with hormones. These hormones that get released into the brain cause many imbalances and trigger embarrassment. From passage 1, "Embarrassed? Blame Your Brain" by Jennifer Connor–Smith states,"This imbalance means even small problems, like tripping in the hallway, can trigger a wave of embarrassment". This shows that the disproportion of hormones in the brain cause ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Causes And Effects Of Human Trafficking In Michigan Human Trafficking in Michigan It is dark outside, and you are driving back home from work. Your stomach starts to growl from hunger, so you decide to take the next exit to get something to eat. The town you stop at is a little creepy, but your hunger is unbearable. You pull into the parking lot, and start walking to the door. You are immediately followed by two guys slightly larger than you. You start to walk faster, but unfortunately they catch up and are now standing in front of you. You are scared because they are taking you back to their car. What is going to happen to you? Why are there not more police patrolling this area at night? Why is this happening to me? Human trafficking can happen in a blink of an eye especially when people are doing everyday things. According to The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services "it is known to be the second largest criminal enterprise after drugs. There are many forms of trafficking such as human trafficking, sex trafficking, and labor trafficking." ("Human Trafficking") Michigan has seen a sixteen percent increase in reported human trafficking cases. Polaris, an organization that helps fight human trafficking across the globe, released the data from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center, stating that there were 152 Michigan Human Trafficking cases reported in 2015. They included 122 of sex trafficking and 18 cases of labor trafficking. In 2014, 131 cases were reported were reported since 2007, the NHTRC has ... Get more on ...
  • 39. What Is The Cause Of Human Trafficking Of Minors? Child abuse number continue to grow in our community, with the confirmed cases of child abuse reported increased by 9% from 2011 to 2012. We face a reality where 1 in 5 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. However, human trafficking of minors is an especially tragic and difficult area to address. As a state with a large border, Texas is particularly susceptible tohuman trafficking cases. Horrifyingly, the Interstate 10 corridor is widely agreed to be one of the main routes for human trafficking and the route for almost 20% of all trafficking victims in the United States.1 This modern day slave trade is often hidden in plain sight. State and local lawmakers, prosecutors, and officers are lacking in essential tools to ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Cause And Effect Of Human Trafficking Effects of Human Trafficking Wanting to start her own sewing business to support her family, Molina was then offered a job in the United States if she left her family to come over. She was forced into working 18 hour days. The other workers were allowed to leave after their shifts. Molina was told not to talk to anyone. She said she was always hungry. Her trafficker used manipulation to keep her as his victim. The U.S State Department says there are 600,000 to 800,000 victims who are trafficked over international borders per year.Human trafficking is a huge problem worldwide. It happens everywhere. Most people don't realize how easily it happens, and how common it actually is. Human trafficking is a growing problem all over the world, it is a form of modern day slavery, victims are getting targeted, and the victims are affected tremendously. Modern Day Slavery On Slavery Today they state, "There are an estimated 20.9 Million people trapped in some form of slavery today." Human trafficking is known as modern day slavery. There are many different types of slavery that people are pulled into. Forced labor, child labor, forced marriage, and sex trafficking are just a few of the more common types of slavery today. Most people have a certain picture in their head of what slavery is. Forced labor is usually what people think of when they think of slavery. Labor trafficking is forced. The victim has no choice in whether or not they want to do the labor. It happens in many ... Get more on ...