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The 9 MainKey-frames to expressthe Teaser trailer-
Se7en is a Crime Thriller Genre and this
is the genre I have chosen to conduct for
my production piece.
The narrative is based around a homicide. This means that that a mass murders have
taken place. This links to the Crime Thriller genre, always involving mysterious crime. This
is very similar to what I am going to create but the narrative differs in the sense that Se7en
focuses on multiple murders rather than focusing on one, like ours.
(Our teaser trailer will touch upon two murders but only focus on one as the main drive
for the narrative)
(click to view)
Image 1 from the Teaser
Analysis on next pages
This image showsa human, in possibly what looks like an office area pushing on a metronome. The mise en scene is
important here using the prop,of a metronome exaggerates the idea of pace and time as an important theme in this
teaser trailer. The editing has been well thought out as an montage edit, having a fast paced rhythm containing shots
with a short duration. The montage starts with this image as it allows the audience to understand the importance of
pace and makes them aware to follow along closely, in the respect of time. From later on in the trailer the mention
of 'homicide' and 'investigation' in the dialogue allows it to become apparent that there is a time pressureand pace
of the investigation. The audience can think back to this shot as a reminder.
The setting is an office area giving a clear sense of reality for the audience. This creates a realistic atmosphereso the
audience can begin to empathize, becoming more devoted to the narrative. This will make them want to go and
watch the main piece when it is released in the cinema. This means the marketing objectiveshave been achieved,
which is something that we need to achieve in our piece. We can tell this is an officespace through the use of
additional props; lamps, telephone on a desk etc. The idea of the office setting can reinforcea relatively normal
environmentof the character, that relates to a larger audience of the more adult side of the target audience.
• In addition the characters face has been hidden, only showing the possible 'suspects' hand. I can
identify the character as male, based on stereotypes of male hands being big and 'tough'. This idea is
based on a generalization so this could deter the audience to thinking that the suspect to the
investigation (shown in the next few shots) could be female as well. It doesn’t limit the possible
suspects. In addition this means that the costume isn't vital, compared to a piece where there is
more high key lighting.
This shot is a segregated from all of the other shots, shown before the ident and acts as though there
is no direct connections to the next few shots. Even though this subverts conventions of a teaser trailer
as usually there is not usually any cinematic shots before the idents, it entices the audience straight
away and allows them to build up initial ideas for the narrative, meaning they carry on watching.
Old fashioned style PHONE
• The lighting is very expressive and low key with the only sources of light appearing to be from
the lamps. This on screen backlight creates a very intimate atmosphere so the audience focus
directly on the action taking place. This gives the impression of a personal setting but installs
fear into an audience creating mystery and a sense of drama.
Darkness had connotations evil, mystery and crime.
This links to the genre of Crime Thriller.
Stereotypicallyin Crime thrillers the lighting is low
key and consists of darkness to enforcethese ideas.
By following these conventions,it can bring in the
intended audience. This then links to
the investigative narrative that is suggested later on in
the teaser trailer via dialogue and other various
sounds.There is hidden secrets that need to be
unfolded.The use of spotlightsand high key lighting
later on in certain clips can enforcethe idea of change
and figuring out the investigation. This can give the
audience a sense of hope and success which can bring
in a wider audience e.g females who are
stereotypically interested in the deeper meaning and
the idea of hope.
Image sourced from google images
•The action of pushing the clock is a forcefulaction suggesting the idea of forcing time. This links to the narrative.
The constant face paced editing and frantic talking through dialogue also helps emphasize the pressureof the
investigation, which is the heart of the narrative. This intensifies the teaser trailer further,also the feelings being
forced onto the audience. The idea of pushing the metronome can make the audience feel uneasy and connotesa
darkness into the character. This evidencemay lead to this characters being the main suspect for the investigation
(found out later on).​
•The use of sound has been effectively regarding this clip. The only sound used is the
diegetic sound of ticking that comes from the metronome being pushed. This is carried
across as non diegetic sound through the other clips. The use of ticking has
direct connotationsof time, so this action emphasizes the effect of time on the
characters that is then reflected onto an audience. This can make the audience feel on
edge. This also links to the stereotypical main themes reflected in crime thriller genre
being creating anticipation and suspense. Also this sound can suggest that the
investigation started within that officearea, as shown in this first shot and after a long
time they relise that’s whereevidence lays.
The idea that time is running out is a theme that is exaggerated to the audience
straight away. Regarding this shot there was no voiceover or non diegetic music the
shots were just soley drowned by the ticking sound effect. The soundscapehasn’t
been developed yet, so the ticking sound dominated.
Image sourced from google images
•The camera-shot is a close up showing the hand. The camera is framed
so that the hand completing the action is central so the audience are
directly focused on that. The direct focus may have a huge significance
in regard to the whole teaser trailer.
•This shots goes on to be one of many in a montage. The montage
editing used fast paced edits, as suggested above but
the transitions were simple cuts that matched with the sound of ticking.
This created greater flow and the audience can see that the ticking was
very important as it brought together all of the shots, rather than
just signifying the narrative.​
Image sourced from google images
Image 2 fromthe teaser
Analysis on next
Image 2 from the teaser
• This shot is shortly shown after image 1, within the montage sequence. This image from the
teaser trailer represents a crime scene. The mise en scene has been used effectively to portray
Also I can identify through the
use of proxemics that this is a
crime scene as there is
a character kneeling down to
the floor, again with his costume
having these specific
The mise en scene is used
effectively to express the fact
that this is no normal scene,
so it is easier to identify the
genre. The low key lighting
and costume dominate this
shot (in terms of defining its
The costume is made up of stereotypical
police investigation outfits. The outfits worn
by what i assume to be criminal
investigators,are sheeting that covers them.
It reminds me, a member of the audience of
a CSI officer. Some members of the audience
can relate to other crime thriller films. This
outfit stops the evidence from being
contaminated with their prints and so that
blood (and other evidence) doesn’t get on
their clothes. This is stereotypically worn by
this character in crime thrillers when
exploring a crime scene. In addition it
intensifies the narratives as it reinforces the
idea that this is a serious crime.
Images sourced from google images
•The location is set at night time, in a dark desolate location (not yet know or can be depicted
from this mid-shot filled with darkness). It is common that this genre is set at night time. In
addition, the weather is raining and horrible. This narrative device of pathetic fallacy is used to
allow the weather to affect the emotions of the audience, as well as reflecting the 'negative'
ideas of the narrative.​
•This image is the start of the montage sequence. Having this as one of the first shots is
important as montage edits allow a lot of information about the narrative. A crime scene is
identified straight away, which is the main source of the film (exaggerated by multiple
establishing shots followed up afterwards) . This links to the crime thriller genre, telling the
audience if they will enjoy it based off of other films categorized in this genre.​
•The camera shots that are used is a mid-shot. It has given me a view of the situation as well as the surrounding
which is good for analyzing what is going to happen next, preparing the audience. This mid shot fades into the shot
of the investigator in the library (he is researchingthe crimes assumedly) suggesting the two shots have a direct
correlation. However the location of a library has connotationsof silence and tranquility, compared to a crime
scene, which is usually frantic with police sirens etc. This contradiction can show that there are possible plot twists
in the film. However even though this crime scene is shown,there is no full use of diegetic sound effects e.g. sirens.
The audience can question the validity of the information found out in the investigation.
•The sound is non diegetic of the metronome followed through from the first shot, again symbolizing the theme of
time. However in the next few shots the non-diegetic music is emphasized. The idea that there is no diegetic sound
effects such as sirens and characters shouting, I would say subvertstypical conventionsas this is usually there to
shock an audience with the visuals matching (parallel sound). However it may suggest that the narrative is going to
get even more deadly, if this crime scene isn't the most shocking thing.
In addition there is non diegetic sound of a voiceover, of what I would suggest is an investigator character speaking
depicted through the clearness of his voice and the wisdom he spoke. This idea is based on stereotypesof
investigators being intelligent knowing people like 'Ernest Hemmingway'. This voice over is carried through
multiple shots of short duration, making up the montage.
This shot predominantly reinforcesconventionsbut the visuals and use of mise en scene (and the location
being a crime scene at night time) follows genre conventionsof a crime thriller. Opening with a crime scene or
a dramatic visual is common within teaser trailers as for marketing purposesthey need something that the
audience will watch on for.
Image sourced from google images
Image 3
Analysis on next
The mise en scene is important within this scene as on of the propsis acting like the key light (from the three
point lighting system).
The prop of the torch is the main source of light (acting like the key light from the three point lighting system)
suggesting the characters are in charge of everything, even the way the audience feel. However it could suggest a
sense of vulnerability. The torch is normally used in darknessin order for us to see. The torch is being used as we
have the inability to see, becoming the domination of you as we have the reliance on it. This reflects the idea that
the criminal is all around, even if we can't see it.
Light has multiple connotations one being; having the ultimate sense of reality and exposing the truth. This relates
to this shot as the main character is revealing a dead body,with the torch that is covered with blood.The
narrative of this film is based on the investigatorsbeing the 'hero' rather than the criminal so using this prop that
emits bright light helps to reinforcethe narrative as he has found a piece of evidence that gets him closer to the
truth. However light is the contrast of darkness meaning that throughoutthe teaser trailer, and the full movie the
investigation will be a lot more complicated than just one culprit.
The visual signifiers reflects the narrative, the idea of using semiotics effectively.
ge sourced from google images
• Lastly the he idea that the torch is pointing at the body gives a
clear visual indication of the damage someone has done. These
visuals can be emotional for an audience. The low key lighting is
created by using predominantly back lighting, creating shadows
and making the character stand out from the audience.
Looking further to the teaser trailer I can see that there is constant recurrenceof
this torch. This suggeststhat there could be a way out for not only the
investigatorsbut also the criminal; will he get away with it? Will the investigators
find out? This can createrhetorical questionswith the audience,making them
watch forward.
• The costume that the character, holding the torch is sophisticated and
professional being made up of a trench coat, hat and smart attire. This
connotes a professional career. Also he is wearing gloves as he is investigating a
• Again, this shot is one of a montage. The shots are positioned in a structured
way, first revealing the crime scene, then the library (suggesting figuring out
the suspect) and then the 'police' finding a body. This is the process in which a
crime investigation normally occurs in so the narrative follows stereotypes of
crime thrillers. This sequence gives clarity to an audience.
Images sourced from googleimages
• This shot is a low angle shot, pointing up towards the torch and the
investigator. The implications of positioning the camera like this is that it
empowers the character. This shows that not only his profession is important
but the idea that a living person has more power than a dead one. This low
angle shot, uses shallow depth a field suggesting the investigator and torch
are the most important aspects of this shot, and the dead body is useless in
the sense that it can't physically undertake any action.
The sound continues as a voice over but high pitch non diegetic music has been added in to
intensify it. The voiceover "the world is a fine place and worth fighting for. The second thing I
agree with" spoken as dialogue, but through a voiceover (non diegetic) by the investigator.
Again it suggests the importance of his job and determination as a character. In regards to
the shot, it links to the idea that the torch gives us a sense of his power as well. The music is
gradually building with a crescendo. The metronome is still ticking suggesting time could be
running out. The sense of urgency is reflect to an audience instantly putting them on edge.
Image 4
Analysis on next
Image 4 from the teaser
• Within this clip there is a introduction of another protagonistthat is getting out of a police car. His clothing suggest that he is a
professional rather than a criminal. He is wearing smart attire but they are made up of dark colour's and he looks kind of scruffy,
opposed to the other officer. This contrast can exaggerate which investigatorwill find out more informationand contribute the most
to finding the culprit
• Mise en scene- The setting is on the street, in an urban area. This is typical of crime thrillers to be set here. It reflects the reality of
crime makingthe audience think more about the situation.
• The character has serious facial expressions, rushing out of the police car. This sense of urgency can put the audience on edge. All
crime solving is dependent on evidence and is based on time pressure so this shot helps reflect a real life situation.
• The weather has been taken into consideration when creating this clip as it is
raining aswell as being foggy. The narrative device of pathetic fallacy has be
used to instill a negative ideology. Rain has connotations of anger and conflict,
which will arise later on in the narrative. (links to image 9 as there is anger
• One main one is the use of police cars. They reinforce the idea of an issue
especially considering this shot is after the montage pieces that suggest a
crime anyway. The sound reinforces this idea aswell as the diegetic sound
effects of the police siren dominates this clip suggesting there importance. We
will look at this when we create our production piece.
• Just before this shot there is close up shots of a character loading a gun. I
can tell this is not the culprit, rather the 'good' team of the police as a siren
is used as parallel sound as the gun is locked (jump cut editing). In addition
the action of the character would be more shifty and he would be in
handcuffs if he was the criminal. The mise en scene is distinct so the
audience can identify each character.
• The screen is very dowdy in regards to the colour, using the blue/
grey colour scheme throughout all the exterior scenes. This suggests there
is 'no light at the end of the tunnel' and is common of this genre.
• This is a mid shot that tracks his movement. The audience can focus on the
central character (because of the successful eyeline match) but can also see
the streets behind, and the police cars. The audience can become aware of
all of the surroundings, allowing them to sympathise. This is the effect that
we want to create for our piece so we will experiment with different
camera shots.
Image 5
Analysis on next
Image 5 fromthe teaser
• The mise en scene is set up well.
• The location looks as though it is in his office area, with sofas and a desk with a photo frame
and stationary on it. This is the typical set up of a professional area. This adds to the realism.
The use of the blood of the floor writing 'GREED' which is one of the 7 deadly sins (this is the
USP of the film). The characters performance is serious and angry, also the anger being
expressed through the low key lighting. The idea that the good character is being punished
goes against typical morals, instilling fear into the audience exaggerating a deadly sin (focal
point of the narrative). There is consistency through the narrative with clear links. This is
something that we will take into consideration, creating links in our narrative so it engage an
audience further.
• The shot that has been used in a high angle shot looking down on the 'victim'. However this 'victim'
isn't defined as the victim through the teaser trailer as he is the investigator not the dead characters.
Through the shots previously we can identify this character as a positive character, not negative. There
is use of Dramatic irony. The idea that he is the protagonistand the 'hero' within the narrative and has
been targeted puts him in a vulnerable position so the audience also become worried as if the police
aren't even in control then who is actually safe? They also can begin to question there reality in there
world as well. This high angle makes the character seem very vulnerable and innocent. He is a
essentially now a victim of crime as well.
• An alternative idea is that the camera could be a point of view shot of the criminal. For all the
audience and the investigative character know he could be hiding all around, with cameras. This shot
could be a camera view of his reaction reinforcing the idea of no way out.
• The voiceover speaks "this is beginning" as this shot is shown suggesting it has
backfired on the professionals. They have let there work and personal life mix
together as they are so devoted to there jobs. This links to the stereotypical
ideas of the detectives being lonely characters that have no personal life etc.
This helps to reinforce the crime thriller genre.
• The shots before this clip is made up of some non diegetic sound. The non
diegetic sound track is a lyrically song that preaches the words "help me" in a
high pitched voice but I would still suggest they are male through the deep
tone to the voice. This statement suggest that not only does the criminal need
help mentally but the investigators nee help in finding the culprit.
Image 6 fromthe teaser
Analysis on next
Image 6 from the teaser
• The setting of this clip is interrogation rooms. There is use of a split
screen by where there is two different rooms shown at one time on
the screen. Through the effective use of proxemics I can depict that
the two investigators have contradicting ideas and can decide on
who is right. The idea that they are a long distance from each other
suggests they are a long way to finding out the truth of the
• The performance of the characters show them with there heads in
their hands. They looks confused and angry, and a sense of being
fed up. As a member of the audience I would assume that it based
on the unsuccessfulness of the investigation so far. There is a sense
of irony as they are the investigators that are in
the interrogation rooms, that are meant for criminals.This can
suggests maybe the culprits are closer to home and the protagonists
may have some connection to the villain. The investigators may have
committed a crime aswell. This would subvert stereotypes but is a
possibility. There is no eye contact between both characters as well
as with the audience, indirect mode of address is used (which is
common otherwise it brings attention to the idea that there is a
camera there). The reasoning for the characters not making eye
contact is the fact that they are in separate rooms physicallyand
mentally they have different ideas.
• Long shot, wide angle camera lens is used to ensure enough detail is shown and
so the audience can see the true wide scale of the investigation and the amount
of evidence there actually is. Also it is a tracking shot across the screen.
However as a montage piece the shot durations are very short about 1 second.
We are going to experiment with a lot of different lens to ensure a varied piece.
• There is a green tinge to the screen, which is stereotypicalof this genre.
This colour connotes the ambition, greed and jealously. The investigators can be
ambitious to try and find the culpit/s but they have greed over each other. Each
character is so invested into their job that they want to be the best officer and
try and claim all the evidence as their own.
Image 7 fromthe teaser
Analysis on next
Image 7 from theteaser
• This clip is within the investigation'warehouse'
where everything is stored. The screen is
submerged by red. In addition there is
the reappearance of the prop; Torch. It is a
common piece of mise en scene used through the
whole trailer. There is an idea about this one
piece of light source, that a character has
complete control over, reflecting the whole
investigation.The flashing can confuse the
audience and create shock. These are key themes
and emotions we need to enforce in our piece
aswell so we will ensure we set the mise en scene
up well in our chosen location. Another main
prop is the photo evidence. This shows all of the
bad things that have occurred aswell as being a
typicalprop used for CSI investigations. These are
set up close to the camera
• The colour that dominates this clip is red. Red has
connotationsof death, blood, danger and
strength. These powerful connotations can
suggest the impactof the investigation and the
photo evidence on the characters.
• The non diegetic sound is building with a
crescendo intensifying the visual images as it
goes along. The sound scape is very important
within crime thriller so we will consider using
audio transitions and crescendo's within post
Image 8 fromthe teaser
Analysis on next
Image 8 fromthe teaser
• This image shows reference to a church. Churches have direct connotations
to Religion. Religion is used as an escape and reasoning to life, so this shot has been
used to symbolize the crimes as having an underlying meaning and reasoning. (that we
aren't exposed to in the teaser trailer)
• The lighting is made up of spotlights, suggesting independence.
• Props: Candles, cross, lights, table etc.
•Again I have come across the use of the colour red. Red again has
connotations of death. There is a distinct contradiction of the morality and
symbolism of a cross. To some people they use religion as a source of
letting go so see it as positive but the idea that crime is being justified by
religion gives it a negative representation. However this mise en scene
could have used to suggest that Jesus hung himself and came back so why
cant I do the same? (The voice of the criminal).This can make some of the
audience feel sick. In addition the 7 deadly sins, that are consistently
referred to in the teaser trailer and poster have revolved around religion so
the whole narrative has evolved from the idea of religion.​
•The sound, is made up of chimes (non diegetic) creating an eerie
atmosphere and the sound being slow paced can link to the idea of never
Image 9 fromthe teaser
Analysis on next
Image9 from the teaser
This setting is in an interviewroom, instantlyreflectinga negative situation,so the audience can prepare for
what is going to happen. The atmosphereand mood is down, carried on from the previous shots aswell.
• The diegetic dialogue of "he made me do it" is used. This is a taped recordingfor an interview that is used as a
voiceover (so technically non diegetic sound). The character sounds scared as his voice is trembling. The voice
of the character is getting louder and louder through the clips, until it gets to the end wherehe starts to plead
and shout.
• The use of sound in this piece was the reason I chose to use this shot to representthe ending of the trailer.
The use of diegetic sound of dialogue "the fucking gun was in my mouth". This sound is parallel to this the
visual image and he spoke it in anger and drowned in fear, so the audience can begin to sympathize.
Titles at the end of the teaser
This image isn't included as one of the 9 images as I believed it was significant in itself,
similar to the other pieces of information.
The colour scheme of these titles is significant as it is made up of black and red. Red has
connotationsof danger, impulsiveness, power, being daring but also courage. The idea of
courage can represent the investigatorcharacters as they are risking their life's to benefit
everyone else in the long term. The character of the criminal, that was not shown in the
teaser trailer by face adopts the connotationof danger and being daring. Black has
connotationsof darkness and death etc. The criminal can also adopt both of these
connotationsas we, as an audience are yet to be exposed to his/her face.
The use of a black backgroundcan represent the idea that the identity of the criminal is
unknown until you watchthe film. This then puts the audience in an intriguing position
reflecting the sense of mystery within the Crime Thriller Genre.
The idea of crime in this teaser trailer overpowers the 1 minute sequence suggesting its
power in the whole film. The black backgroundcan be personified to be the criminal in this
specific narrative, while the small red font is expressed as the investigators.The small red
font is positioned central to the screen, suggesting it importance to the narrative but it
is drowned by the background colour of black. Black has the ability to consume
all colour leading to its individual power. The criminal is drowning the investigators.The
transition of the fade to black of 'se7en' can express an idea; the fact that no matter how
much the investigatorsfigure out the crimes they will alwaysloose as there is constant
murders ruining life's. This fading transition is used to leave the audience with a clear idea
and reflect on what they have just watched. They are given 5 seconds while the title
appears and disappears to create a judgement for themselves.
The non diegetic sound matches the letters as they appear on screen giving a sense of
rhythm. This allows the audience to follow on easily and it catches their attention. This is
important for marketing the film successfully.
In relationto thewholetrailer-
This sequence is 1 minute 18 seconds. Usually teaser trailers occupy this amount of time, where main trailer consist of 2-2
12 minutes. This means there is enough time to get across a basic narrative and the audience can still be intrigued. Also not
too much information is given to an audience that would discourage them from watching the main film.
The audience is given a clear sense of a crime thriller from the beginning of this teaser through the use of low key lighting, mise en scene
(flashing lights of the police cars), sound etc. The diegetic sound of dialogue indicates 'homicide' and 'investigation'. In addition there is
multiple close up shots that show deformed bodies on screen aswell as police evidence photos. There is reference to a criminal that needs to
be captured, via multiple different characters. By the audience it is assumed that everyone is talking the same one individual being the
criminal, rather than multiple culprits. The narrative is definitely expressed as revolving around multiple murders linking to the idea of torture
as in the photos it isn't any normal murder. Revealing this level of information in a teaser trailer can be dangerous forthe success of a film as
there is a great expectation to have a film that is backed full of 'action' and violence now. Its explicitly shown through the teaser as having a
high level of remains and bloody content. This means the audience should be prepared for real film to include 10xs more explicit content. This
links to the older target audience it appeals to. Conventionallycrime thriller films target an older audience anywaybecause of things like this
e.g. young adults- old adults.
•This crime thriller has a definitive house style to maintain so they do this primarily
through low key lighting and the sense of shadow and danger. The crime thriller genre
uses enigma codes to create an eerie atmosphere and build up questions in the
audiences mind. The narrative becomes questionable and the characters motives are
not clear enough to depict the intended storyline for the film so the audience are left to
think for themselves.
•There is a clear sense of crime leaving the audience with questions, who committed
these awful crimes? Why did they do it? Who drove them to do such a thing? This
crime thriller teaser revolves around suspense and drama so enigma codes are
especially important to build up tension and to make the audience physically feel
involved with the investigation. I will take this into consideration when in the
production process of my piece, as we need to create a mysterious plot-line aswell.
Representation of the target audience perceived from the teaser trailer-
The target audience of this film will have an interest in thriller and crimes, and this film attracts
a mainstream audience. I know this because they have used 2 mainstream actors in all
promotional mediums but majority in the teaser trailer; Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. The
fans of theses actors will be attracted to watch the film.
•The target audience age could be aged 16-40ish however people older than
40 may still be interested, as crimes and investigations effect a majority of
people in real life anyway. The main characters in this teaser trailer are male
so it may be easier for male audiences to relate to the character and may see
personal traits in them. This allows them to build a personal rapport with
characters and understand the narrative more, so they go and watch the film
when it is released.
This film is targeted at both the female and male audience howeverstereotypically males are seen as the main
audience as it involvesaction and the main characters are male. The females are usually attracted to the aspect of
the narrative that means exploring a question and 'messing' with your mind, wheremen stereotypically enjoy the
action of thrillers and don’t think of the bigger picture.
How this taskhas beenuseful for theproduction of my teaser
Analyzing this teaser trailer has allowed me to find useful traits to follow. I feel as though it has taught me how
important lighting is (for it to be expressive) and the emphasis on crime in the narrative as it helps depict the crime
thriller genre. A lot of the audience based the choice to film to watch on the genre so it is vital for this to come across in
my teaser trailer. I know that I need to use mise en scene effectively (e.g. fake blood, evidence photos, crime tape etc)
to make it realistic. The idea that the two detectives are always working and devoted to finding out the killer is the
character representation we are going to adopt for our piece. (as it is stereotypical too)
The lighting the whole way through the sequence is expressive. The darkness means that nothing surrounding the
criminal is revealed, adding to the suspense and theme of mystery. We will take this advice and ensure when filming
that most of the settings are dark or can be manipulated in post production easily.
•The props that they have used in this sequence is never ending'. They
include evidence photos, string, guns, other weapons, cars etc. This added
realism from the props added to the sound in post production gives an
intenseatmosphere that grips an audience.
•The set up, to reflect the settings is very clever. They have used the setting of a
bedroom, streets in the city, library, prison, multiple houses, office areas,
evidence rooms etc. The large variety of settings suggest a large scale
investigation suggesting the idea of criminals being extended cross the city,
effecting a larger proportion of the audience.
•After watching this teaser trailer my idea has been set solid. We are planning a
murder right now but in the full film it could reveal to be a larger scale
homicide. However unlike in Se7en, our teaser trailer wouldn’t show all the
crimes but focus on one. We cannot use Se7en's USP otherwise it wouldn’t be
as successful. However expanding the narrative and possibly having reference
to Se7en in our teaser e.g. 'from the creators of Se7en' could help reinforce the
narrative further. Having a bigger scale murder could intensify the film. We will
discuss this in our next Group Production Meeting.
Poster Analysis
Title- Se7en
Actors Names- the actors names are shown at the top of the poster, in
contrast with the background. They are written with white text so it stands
out to an audience when they firstlook at it.
Reviews- There are no reviews shown on
this poster as it focuses on the narrative.
These may be revealed on the front of the
magazine cover.
Main Image- the main
images on the poster are of
the main characters. Also
they show famous actors.
Narrative Links- The film poster focuses
primarily on the narrative. The use of the 7
deadly sins in the middle, aswell as the colour
scheme enforces the idea of criminality. In
addition the tagline backs up the images used,
by giving slighting more clarity to the
narrative. (if you haven't seen e.g. the teaser
trailer before being exposed to this).Billing Block- this is a convention of a
film poster, it is legally needed and is
used for marketing
Tagline- "Seven deadly sins, seven ways to
die" This links to the title of "seven", the use
of seven words down the middle of the
poster. This means that 7 is a significant
number in this situation. They may be more
information on why in the main piece. It
creates enigmas for the audience, that they
can begin to dwell upon.
Release Information- There is no
release information shown on the
Film Poster...
The marketing team behind the poster have tried to attractthe audience
by using the 7 keywords central to the poster, with red lines across each
one. (information shown on the next slide). This is the USP to the film, the
fact there are 7 brutal crimes that link to these 7 words in some way. The
reason to why will be revealed within the main film. The film poster just
gives more information to what could happen. The idea that the 7
words have been crossed out on the poster with a red line stereotypically
suggests it is complete but it could mean they have established that
characteristicsof the criminal.
There is multiple different ideas that can be depicted from the poster. The
main characterssurround these words suggesting they are in charge of
the investigation. If the teaser trailer watched by a member of the
audience after seeing this poster they can see that 'Brad Pitt' and 'Morgan
Freeman' are investigators.
Following conventions of a film poster, the main character is usually
central to give the most attention to them. In crime thrillers they
commonly using direct mode of address aswell to engage with an
audience with the crime itself before they even see the content. The film
poster of 'Se7en' subverts conventions of a film poster as usually there is
a one main characterin the middle but for this poster there is use of two
characters either side of central text. The charactershave been edited in
post production to have low opacity with the ideologies of fire and crime
reflected through the colour scheme.
images sourced from google images
Film poster....
• The Colour scheme of the film poster was varied, mainly being made up of red and orange. To make the
poster interesting, still following stereotypical conventionsof some film poster,they have used ombre
effects from bottom suggesting it started as nothing/ less serious and it is becoming worse.They have
connotationsof power aswell as danger.
In addition the use of famous actors bring in a larger audience as will be
encouraged to watch the film. Also when researching I found that
Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman have a positive reputation for being
involved with films like this, this genre so the acting is expected to be
advanced. This is more of a technical aspect rather than what is visually
shown on the poster. This will be impossible for us to achieve as we don’t
have access to star vehicles so we will focus of the stereotypes of the
female characters.
Images sourced from google images
Thisis a screenshot from the teaser trailer.
This uses the same 7 words from the
poster. (the 7 deadlysinsasreferred to in
diegeticsoundof dialogue)The ideathat
onlythree are crossed off here cansuggest
in the trailerthey are in the middleof the
investigationandhavefiguredout certain
This is the official poster for
'Se7en'. There is use of the
same 7 keywords, but all 7 are
crossed out suggesting by the
end of the film the investigation
is solved in some way,
not necessarily
The USP works with the teaser trailer as there Is direct links. The 7 words obviously have a deeper meaning to the narrative.
From conducting further research e.g. reading a synopsis I know that there is 7 deadly murders being committed. From this
is assume that each word has a direct link to why the murder was carried out. The significanceof these words are very high
as they are represented through both the film poster and teaser trailer, both important piece of marketing material.
In relationto my productionpiece:
I feel as though looking into Se7en's marketing allows me to develop my piece and
ideas further.
I have identified the direct link between the film poster and the teaser that references
aspects of the narrative throughout suggesting 'seven'. This shows me the idea of
consistency. Having continuity and consistency through all mediums of marketing
creates a strong brand image. This is something that was achieved with this film,
inspiring me to work closely at the relationship between the film poster and teaser
trailer to create a dynamic piece. I will look at the fonts, size of text, colour scheme
The idea that the narrative is intertwined into the film poster, not only by the
tagline but the 7 words down the middle gives us, as the audience a clear sense of
the narrative. This is creative and even though subverts conventions it is good to
From the poster I will have to look at a lot of other crime thriller examples because
otherwise I will not know the stereotypical conventions of film posters, as Se7en
adopts some non stereotypical representations in the sense of the film poster.

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Seven- Sophie

  • 1.
  • 2. The 9 MainKey-frames to expressthe Teaser trailer-
  • 3. Se7en is a Crime Thriller Genre and this is the genre I have chosen to conduct for my production piece. The narrative is based around a homicide. This means that that a mass murders have taken place. This links to the Crime Thriller genre, always involving mysterious crime. This is very similar to what I am going to create but the narrative differs in the sense that Se7en focuses on multiple murders rather than focusing on one, like ours. (Our teaser trailer will touch upon two murders but only focus on one as the main drive for the narrative)
  • 5. Image 1 from the Teaser Analysis on next pages
  • 6. This image showsa human, in possibly what looks like an office area pushing on a metronome. The mise en scene is important here using the prop,of a metronome exaggerates the idea of pace and time as an important theme in this teaser trailer. The editing has been well thought out as an montage edit, having a fast paced rhythm containing shots with a short duration. The montage starts with this image as it allows the audience to understand the importance of pace and makes them aware to follow along closely, in the respect of time. From later on in the trailer the mention of 'homicide' and 'investigation' in the dialogue allows it to become apparent that there is a time pressureand pace of the investigation. The audience can think back to this shot as a reminder. The setting is an office area giving a clear sense of reality for the audience. This creates a realistic atmosphereso the audience can begin to empathize, becoming more devoted to the narrative. This will make them want to go and watch the main piece when it is released in the cinema. This means the marketing objectiveshave been achieved, which is something that we need to achieve in our piece. We can tell this is an officespace through the use of additional props; lamps, telephone on a desk etc. The idea of the office setting can reinforcea relatively normal environmentof the character, that relates to a larger audience of the more adult side of the target audience. MORE INFO ON THE NEXT PAGE
  • 7. • In addition the characters face has been hidden, only showing the possible 'suspects' hand. I can identify the character as male, based on stereotypes of male hands being big and 'tough'. This idea is based on a generalization so this could deter the audience to thinking that the suspect to the investigation (shown in the next few shots) could be female as well. It doesn’t limit the possible suspects. In addition this means that the costume isn't vital, compared to a piece where there is more high key lighting. This shot is a segregated from all of the other shots, shown before the ident and acts as though there is no direct connections to the next few shots. Even though this subverts conventions of a teaser trailer as usually there is not usually any cinematic shots before the idents, it entices the audience straight away and allows them to build up initial ideas for the narrative, meaning they carry on watching. LAMPS IDENT Old fashioned style PHONE
  • 8. • The lighting is very expressive and low key with the only sources of light appearing to be from the lamps. This on screen backlight creates a very intimate atmosphere so the audience focus directly on the action taking place. This gives the impression of a personal setting but installs fear into an audience creating mystery and a sense of drama. Darkness had connotations evil, mystery and crime. This links to the genre of Crime Thriller. Stereotypicallyin Crime thrillers the lighting is low key and consists of darkness to enforcethese ideas. By following these conventions,it can bring in the intended audience. This then links to the investigative narrative that is suggested later on in the teaser trailer via dialogue and other various sounds.There is hidden secrets that need to be unfolded.The use of spotlightsand high key lighting later on in certain clips can enforcethe idea of change and figuring out the investigation. This can give the audience a sense of hope and success which can bring in a wider audience e.g females who are stereotypically interested in the deeper meaning and the idea of hope. Image sourced from google images
  • 9. •The action of pushing the clock is a forcefulaction suggesting the idea of forcing time. This links to the narrative. The constant face paced editing and frantic talking through dialogue also helps emphasize the pressureof the investigation, which is the heart of the narrative. This intensifies the teaser trailer further,also the feelings being forced onto the audience. The idea of pushing the metronome can make the audience feel uneasy and connotesa darkness into the character. This evidencemay lead to this characters being the main suspect for the investigation (found out later on).​ •The use of sound has been effectively regarding this clip. The only sound used is the diegetic sound of ticking that comes from the metronome being pushed. This is carried across as non diegetic sound through the other clips. The use of ticking has direct connotationsof time, so this action emphasizes the effect of time on the characters that is then reflected onto an audience. This can make the audience feel on edge. This also links to the stereotypical main themes reflected in crime thriller genre being creating anticipation and suspense. Also this sound can suggest that the investigation started within that officearea, as shown in this first shot and after a long time they relise that’s whereevidence lays. The idea that time is running out is a theme that is exaggerated to the audience straight away. Regarding this shot there was no voiceover or non diegetic music the shots were just soley drowned by the ticking sound effect. The soundscapehasn’t been developed yet, so the ticking sound dominated. Image sourced from google images
  • 10. •The camera-shot is a close up showing the hand. The camera is framed so that the hand completing the action is central so the audience are directly focused on that. The direct focus may have a huge significance in regard to the whole teaser trailer. •This shots goes on to be one of many in a montage. The montage editing used fast paced edits, as suggested above but the transitions were simple cuts that matched with the sound of ticking. This created greater flow and the audience can see that the ticking was very important as it brought together all of the shots, rather than just signifying the narrative.​ Image sourced from google images
  • 11. Image 2 fromthe teaser Analysis on next page
  • 12. Image 2 from the teaser • This shot is shortly shown after image 1, within the montage sequence. This image from the teaser trailer represents a crime scene. The mise en scene has been used effectively to portray this. Also I can identify through the use of proxemics that this is a crime scene as there is a character kneeling down to the floor, again with his costume having these specific connotations. The mise en scene is used effectively to express the fact that this is no normal scene, so it is easier to identify the genre. The low key lighting and costume dominate this shot (in terms of defining its genre). The costume is made up of stereotypical police investigation outfits. The outfits worn by what i assume to be criminal investigators,are sheeting that covers them. It reminds me, a member of the audience of a CSI officer. Some members of the audience can relate to other crime thriller films. This outfit stops the evidence from being contaminated with their prints and so that blood (and other evidence) doesn’t get on their clothes. This is stereotypically worn by this character in crime thrillers when exploring a crime scene. In addition it intensifies the narratives as it reinforces the idea that this is a serious crime. Images sourced from google images
  • 13. •The location is set at night time, in a dark desolate location (not yet know or can be depicted from this mid-shot filled with darkness). It is common that this genre is set at night time. In addition, the weather is raining and horrible. This narrative device of pathetic fallacy is used to allow the weather to affect the emotions of the audience, as well as reflecting the 'negative' ideas of the narrative.​ •This image is the start of the montage sequence. Having this as one of the first shots is important as montage edits allow a lot of information about the narrative. A crime scene is identified straight away, which is the main source of the film (exaggerated by multiple establishing shots followed up afterwards) . This links to the crime thriller genre, telling the audience if they will enjoy it based off of other films categorized in this genre.​
  • 14. •The camera shots that are used is a mid-shot. It has given me a view of the situation as well as the surrounding which is good for analyzing what is going to happen next, preparing the audience. This mid shot fades into the shot of the investigator in the library (he is researchingthe crimes assumedly) suggesting the two shots have a direct correlation. However the location of a library has connotationsof silence and tranquility, compared to a crime scene, which is usually frantic with police sirens etc. This contradiction can show that there are possible plot twists in the film. However even though this crime scene is shown,there is no full use of diegetic sound effects e.g. sirens. The audience can question the validity of the information found out in the investigation. •The sound is non diegetic of the metronome followed through from the first shot, again symbolizing the theme of time. However in the next few shots the non-diegetic music is emphasized. The idea that there is no diegetic sound effects such as sirens and characters shouting, I would say subvertstypical conventionsas this is usually there to shock an audience with the visuals matching (parallel sound). However it may suggest that the narrative is going to get even more deadly, if this crime scene isn't the most shocking thing.
  • 15. In addition there is non diegetic sound of a voiceover, of what I would suggest is an investigator character speaking depicted through the clearness of his voice and the wisdom he spoke. This idea is based on stereotypesof investigators being intelligent knowing people like 'Ernest Hemmingway'. This voice over is carried through multiple shots of short duration, making up the montage. This shot predominantly reinforcesconventionsbut the visuals and use of mise en scene (and the location being a crime scene at night time) follows genre conventionsof a crime thriller. Opening with a crime scene or a dramatic visual is common within teaser trailers as for marketing purposesthey need something that the audience will watch on for. Image sourced from google images
  • 16. Image 3 Analysis on next page
  • 17. The mise en scene is important within this scene as on of the propsis acting like the key light (from the three point lighting system). The prop of the torch is the main source of light (acting like the key light from the three point lighting system) suggesting the characters are in charge of everything, even the way the audience feel. However it could suggest a sense of vulnerability. The torch is normally used in darknessin order for us to see. The torch is being used as we have the inability to see, becoming the domination of you as we have the reliance on it. This reflects the idea that the criminal is all around, even if we can't see it. Light has multiple connotations one being; having the ultimate sense of reality and exposing the truth. This relates to this shot as the main character is revealing a dead body,with the torch that is covered with blood.The narrative of this film is based on the investigatorsbeing the 'hero' rather than the criminal so using this prop that emits bright light helps to reinforcethe narrative as he has found a piece of evidence that gets him closer to the truth. However light is the contrast of darkness meaning that throughoutthe teaser trailer, and the full movie the investigation will be a lot more complicated than just one culprit. The visual signifiers reflects the narrative, the idea of using semiotics effectively. ge sourced from google images
  • 18. • Lastly the he idea that the torch is pointing at the body gives a clear visual indication of the damage someone has done. These visuals can be emotional for an audience. The low key lighting is created by using predominantly back lighting, creating shadows and making the character stand out from the audience. Looking further to the teaser trailer I can see that there is constant recurrenceof this torch. This suggeststhat there could be a way out for not only the investigatorsbut also the criminal; will he get away with it? Will the investigators find out? This can createrhetorical questionswith the audience,making them watch forward.
  • 19. • The costume that the character, holding the torch is sophisticated and professional being made up of a trench coat, hat and smart attire. This connotes a professional career. Also he is wearing gloves as he is investigating a crime. • Again, this shot is one of a montage. The shots are positioned in a structured way, first revealing the crime scene, then the library (suggesting figuring out the suspect) and then the 'police' finding a body. This is the process in which a crime investigation normally occurs in so the narrative follows stereotypes of crime thrillers. This sequence gives clarity to an audience. Images sourced from googleimages
  • 20. • This shot is a low angle shot, pointing up towards the torch and the investigator. The implications of positioning the camera like this is that it empowers the character. This shows that not only his profession is important but the idea that a living person has more power than a dead one. This low angle shot, uses shallow depth a field suggesting the investigator and torch are the most important aspects of this shot, and the dead body is useless in the sense that it can't physically undertake any action. The sound continues as a voice over but high pitch non diegetic music has been added in to intensify it. The voiceover "the world is a fine place and worth fighting for. The second thing I agree with" spoken as dialogue, but through a voiceover (non diegetic) by the investigator. Again it suggests the importance of his job and determination as a character. In regards to the shot, it links to the idea that the torch gives us a sense of his power as well. The music is gradually building with a crescendo. The metronome is still ticking suggesting time could be running out. The sense of urgency is reflect to an audience instantly putting them on edge.
  • 21. Image 4 Analysis on next page
  • 22. Image 4 from the teaser • Within this clip there is a introduction of another protagonistthat is getting out of a police car. His clothing suggest that he is a professional rather than a criminal. He is wearing smart attire but they are made up of dark colour's and he looks kind of scruffy, opposed to the other officer. This contrast can exaggerate which investigatorwill find out more informationand contribute the most to finding the culprit • Mise en scene- The setting is on the street, in an urban area. This is typical of crime thrillers to be set here. It reflects the reality of crime makingthe audience think more about the situation. • The character has serious facial expressions, rushing out of the police car. This sense of urgency can put the audience on edge. All crime solving is dependent on evidence and is based on time pressure so this shot helps reflect a real life situation.
  • 23. • The weather has been taken into consideration when creating this clip as it is raining aswell as being foggy. The narrative device of pathetic fallacy has be used to instill a negative ideology. Rain has connotations of anger and conflict, which will arise later on in the narrative. (links to image 9 as there is anger expressed) • One main one is the use of police cars. They reinforce the idea of an issue especially considering this shot is after the montage pieces that suggest a crime anyway. The sound reinforces this idea aswell as the diegetic sound effects of the police siren dominates this clip suggesting there importance. We will look at this when we create our production piece.
  • 24. • Just before this shot there is close up shots of a character loading a gun. I can tell this is not the culprit, rather the 'good' team of the police as a siren is used as parallel sound as the gun is locked (jump cut editing). In addition the action of the character would be more shifty and he would be in handcuffs if he was the criminal. The mise en scene is distinct so the audience can identify each character. • The screen is very dowdy in regards to the colour, using the blue/ grey colour scheme throughout all the exterior scenes. This suggests there is 'no light at the end of the tunnel' and is common of this genre. • This is a mid shot that tracks his movement. The audience can focus on the central character (because of the successful eyeline match) but can also see the streets behind, and the police cars. The audience can become aware of all of the surroundings, allowing them to sympathise. This is the effect that we want to create for our piece so we will experiment with different camera shots.
  • 25. Image 5 Analysis on next page
  • 26. Image 5 fromthe teaser • The mise en scene is set up well. • The location looks as though it is in his office area, with sofas and a desk with a photo frame and stationary on it. This is the typical set up of a professional area. This adds to the realism. The use of the blood of the floor writing 'GREED' which is one of the 7 deadly sins (this is the USP of the film). The characters performance is serious and angry, also the anger being expressed through the low key lighting. The idea that the good character is being punished goes against typical morals, instilling fear into the audience exaggerating a deadly sin (focal point of the narrative). There is consistency through the narrative with clear links. This is something that we will take into consideration, creating links in our narrative so it engage an audience further.
  • 27. • The shot that has been used in a high angle shot looking down on the 'victim'. However this 'victim' isn't defined as the victim through the teaser trailer as he is the investigator not the dead characters. Through the shots previously we can identify this character as a positive character, not negative. There is use of Dramatic irony. The idea that he is the protagonistand the 'hero' within the narrative and has been targeted puts him in a vulnerable position so the audience also become worried as if the police aren't even in control then who is actually safe? They also can begin to question there reality in there world as well. This high angle makes the character seem very vulnerable and innocent. He is a essentially now a victim of crime as well. • An alternative idea is that the camera could be a point of view shot of the criminal. For all the audience and the investigative character know he could be hiding all around, with cameras. This shot could be a camera view of his reaction reinforcing the idea of no way out.
  • 28. • The voiceover speaks "this is beginning" as this shot is shown suggesting it has backfired on the professionals. They have let there work and personal life mix together as they are so devoted to there jobs. This links to the stereotypical ideas of the detectives being lonely characters that have no personal life etc. This helps to reinforce the crime thriller genre. • The shots before this clip is made up of some non diegetic sound. The non diegetic sound track is a lyrically song that preaches the words "help me" in a high pitched voice but I would still suggest they are male through the deep tone to the voice. This statement suggest that not only does the criminal need help mentally but the investigators nee help in finding the culprit.
  • 29. Image 6 fromthe teaser Analysis on next page
  • 30. Image 6 from the teaser • The setting of this clip is interrogation rooms. There is use of a split screen by where there is two different rooms shown at one time on the screen. Through the effective use of proxemics I can depict that the two investigators have contradicting ideas and can decide on who is right. The idea that they are a long distance from each other suggests they are a long way to finding out the truth of the investigation. • The performance of the characters show them with there heads in their hands. They looks confused and angry, and a sense of being fed up. As a member of the audience I would assume that it based on the unsuccessfulness of the investigation so far. There is a sense of irony as they are the investigators that are in the interrogation rooms, that are meant for criminals.This can suggests maybe the culprits are closer to home and the protagonists may have some connection to the villain. The investigators may have committed a crime aswell. This would subvert stereotypes but is a possibility. There is no eye contact between both characters as well as with the audience, indirect mode of address is used (which is common otherwise it brings attention to the idea that there is a camera there). The reasoning for the characters not making eye contact is the fact that they are in separate rooms physicallyand mentally they have different ideas.
  • 31. • Long shot, wide angle camera lens is used to ensure enough detail is shown and so the audience can see the true wide scale of the investigation and the amount of evidence there actually is. Also it is a tracking shot across the screen. However as a montage piece the shot durations are very short about 1 second. We are going to experiment with a lot of different lens to ensure a varied piece. • There is a green tinge to the screen, which is stereotypicalof this genre. This colour connotes the ambition, greed and jealously. The investigators can be ambitious to try and find the culpit/s but they have greed over each other. Each character is so invested into their job that they want to be the best officer and try and claim all the evidence as their own.
  • 32. Image 7 fromthe teaser Analysis on next page
  • 33. Image 7 from theteaser • This clip is within the investigation'warehouse' where everything is stored. The screen is submerged by red. In addition there is the reappearance of the prop; Torch. It is a common piece of mise en scene used through the whole trailer. There is an idea about this one piece of light source, that a character has complete control over, reflecting the whole investigation.The flashing can confuse the audience and create shock. These are key themes and emotions we need to enforce in our piece aswell so we will ensure we set the mise en scene up well in our chosen location. Another main prop is the photo evidence. This shows all of the bad things that have occurred aswell as being a typicalprop used for CSI investigations. These are set up close to the camera • The colour that dominates this clip is red. Red has connotationsof death, blood, danger and strength. These powerful connotations can suggest the impactof the investigation and the photo evidence on the characters. • The non diegetic sound is building with a crescendo intensifying the visual images as it goes along. The sound scape is very important within crime thriller so we will consider using audio transitions and crescendo's within post production.
  • 34. Image 8 fromthe teaser Analysis on next page
  • 35. Image 8 fromthe teaser • This image shows reference to a church. Churches have direct connotations to Religion. Religion is used as an escape and reasoning to life, so this shot has been used to symbolize the crimes as having an underlying meaning and reasoning. (that we aren't exposed to in the teaser trailer) • The lighting is made up of spotlights, suggesting independence. • Props: Candles, cross, lights, table etc. •Again I have come across the use of the colour red. Red again has connotations of death. There is a distinct contradiction of the morality and symbolism of a cross. To some people they use religion as a source of letting go so see it as positive but the idea that crime is being justified by religion gives it a negative representation. However this mise en scene could have used to suggest that Jesus hung himself and came back so why cant I do the same? (The voice of the criminal).This can make some of the audience feel sick. In addition the 7 deadly sins, that are consistently referred to in the teaser trailer and poster have revolved around religion so the whole narrative has evolved from the idea of religion.​ •The sound, is made up of chimes (non diegetic) creating an eerie atmosphere and the sound being slow paced can link to the idea of never ending.
  • 36. Image 9 fromthe teaser Analysis on next page
  • 37. Image9 from the teaser This setting is in an interviewroom, instantlyreflectinga negative situation,so the audience can prepare for what is going to happen. The atmosphereand mood is down, carried on from the previous shots aswell. • The diegetic dialogue of "he made me do it" is used. This is a taped recordingfor an interview that is used as a voiceover (so technically non diegetic sound). The character sounds scared as his voice is trembling. The voice of the character is getting louder and louder through the clips, until it gets to the end wherehe starts to plead and shout. • The use of sound in this piece was the reason I chose to use this shot to representthe ending of the trailer. The use of diegetic sound of dialogue "the fucking gun was in my mouth". This sound is parallel to this the visual image and he spoke it in anger and drowned in fear, so the audience can begin to sympathize.
  • 38. Titles at the end of the teaser This image isn't included as one of the 9 images as I believed it was significant in itself, similar to the other pieces of information. The colour scheme of these titles is significant as it is made up of black and red. Red has connotationsof danger, impulsiveness, power, being daring but also courage. The idea of courage can represent the investigatorcharacters as they are risking their life's to benefit everyone else in the long term. The character of the criminal, that was not shown in the teaser trailer by face adopts the connotationof danger and being daring. Black has connotationsof darkness and death etc. The criminal can also adopt both of these connotationsas we, as an audience are yet to be exposed to his/her face. The use of a black backgroundcan represent the idea that the identity of the criminal is unknown until you watchthe film. This then puts the audience in an intriguing position reflecting the sense of mystery within the Crime Thriller Genre. The idea of crime in this teaser trailer overpowers the 1 minute sequence suggesting its power in the whole film. The black backgroundcan be personified to be the criminal in this specific narrative, while the small red font is expressed as the investigators.The small red font is positioned central to the screen, suggesting it importance to the narrative but it is drowned by the background colour of black. Black has the ability to consume all colour leading to its individual power. The criminal is drowning the investigators.The transition of the fade to black of 'se7en' can express an idea; the fact that no matter how much the investigatorsfigure out the crimes they will alwaysloose as there is constant murders ruining life's. This fading transition is used to leave the audience with a clear idea and reflect on what they have just watched. They are given 5 seconds while the title appears and disappears to create a judgement for themselves. The non diegetic sound matches the letters as they appear on screen giving a sense of rhythm. This allows the audience to follow on easily and it catches their attention. This is important for marketing the film successfully.
  • 39. In relationto thewholetrailer- This sequence is 1 minute 18 seconds. Usually teaser trailers occupy this amount of time, where main trailer consist of 2-2 12 minutes. This means there is enough time to get across a basic narrative and the audience can still be intrigued. Also not too much information is given to an audience that would discourage them from watching the main film. The audience is given a clear sense of a crime thriller from the beginning of this teaser through the use of low key lighting, mise en scene (flashing lights of the police cars), sound etc. The diegetic sound of dialogue indicates 'homicide' and 'investigation'. In addition there is multiple close up shots that show deformed bodies on screen aswell as police evidence photos. There is reference to a criminal that needs to be captured, via multiple different characters. By the audience it is assumed that everyone is talking the same one individual being the criminal, rather than multiple culprits. The narrative is definitely expressed as revolving around multiple murders linking to the idea of torture as in the photos it isn't any normal murder. Revealing this level of information in a teaser trailer can be dangerous forthe success of a film as there is a great expectation to have a film that is backed full of 'action' and violence now. Its explicitly shown through the teaser as having a high level of remains and bloody content. This means the audience should be prepared for real film to include 10xs more explicit content. This links to the older target audience it appeals to. Conventionallycrime thriller films target an older audience anywaybecause of things like this e.g. young adults- old adults.
  • 40. •This crime thriller has a definitive house style to maintain so they do this primarily through low key lighting and the sense of shadow and danger. The crime thriller genre uses enigma codes to create an eerie atmosphere and build up questions in the audiences mind. The narrative becomes questionable and the characters motives are not clear enough to depict the intended storyline for the film so the audience are left to think for themselves. •There is a clear sense of crime leaving the audience with questions, who committed these awful crimes? Why did they do it? Who drove them to do such a thing? This crime thriller teaser revolves around suspense and drama so enigma codes are especially important to build up tension and to make the audience physically feel involved with the investigation. I will take this into consideration when in the production process of my piece, as we need to create a mysterious plot-line aswell. ""
  • 41. Representation of the target audience perceived from the teaser trailer- The target audience of this film will have an interest in thriller and crimes, and this film attracts a mainstream audience. I know this because they have used 2 mainstream actors in all promotional mediums but majority in the teaser trailer; Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. The fans of theses actors will be attracted to watch the film. •The target audience age could be aged 16-40ish however people older than 40 may still be interested, as crimes and investigations effect a majority of people in real life anyway. The main characters in this teaser trailer are male so it may be easier for male audiences to relate to the character and may see personal traits in them. This allows them to build a personal rapport with characters and understand the narrative more, so they go and watch the film when it is released. This film is targeted at both the female and male audience howeverstereotypically males are seen as the main audience as it involvesaction and the main characters are male. The females are usually attracted to the aspect of the narrative that means exploring a question and 'messing' with your mind, wheremen stereotypically enjoy the action of thrillers and don’t think of the bigger picture.
  • 42. How this taskhas beenuseful for theproduction of my teaser Analyzing this teaser trailer has allowed me to find useful traits to follow. I feel as though it has taught me how important lighting is (for it to be expressive) and the emphasis on crime in the narrative as it helps depict the crime thriller genre. A lot of the audience based the choice to film to watch on the genre so it is vital for this to come across in my teaser trailer. I know that I need to use mise en scene effectively (e.g. fake blood, evidence photos, crime tape etc) to make it realistic. The idea that the two detectives are always working and devoted to finding out the killer is the character representation we are going to adopt for our piece. (as it is stereotypical too) The lighting the whole way through the sequence is expressive. The darkness means that nothing surrounding the criminal is revealed, adding to the suspense and theme of mystery. We will take this advice and ensure when filming that most of the settings are dark or can be manipulated in post production easily.
  • 43. •The props that they have used in this sequence is never ending'. They include evidence photos, string, guns, other weapons, cars etc. This added realism from the props added to the sound in post production gives an intenseatmosphere that grips an audience. •The set up, to reflect the settings is very clever. They have used the setting of a bedroom, streets in the city, library, prison, multiple houses, office areas, evidence rooms etc. The large variety of settings suggest a large scale investigation suggesting the idea of criminals being extended cross the city, effecting a larger proportion of the audience. •After watching this teaser trailer my idea has been set solid. We are planning a murder right now but in the full film it could reveal to be a larger scale homicide. However unlike in Se7en, our teaser trailer wouldn’t show all the crimes but focus on one. We cannot use Se7en's USP otherwise it wouldn’t be as successful. However expanding the narrative and possibly having reference to Se7en in our teaser e.g. 'from the creators of Se7en' could help reinforce the narrative further. Having a bigger scale murder could intensify the film. We will discuss this in our next Group Production Meeting.
  • 44. Poster Analysis Title- Se7en Actors Names- the actors names are shown at the top of the poster, in contrast with the background. They are written with white text so it stands out to an audience when they firstlook at it. Reviews- There are no reviews shown on this poster as it focuses on the narrative. These may be revealed on the front of the magazine cover. Main Image- the main images on the poster are of the main characters. Also they show famous actors. Narrative Links- The film poster focuses primarily on the narrative. The use of the 7 deadly sins in the middle, aswell as the colour scheme enforces the idea of criminality. In addition the tagline backs up the images used, by giving slighting more clarity to the narrative. (if you haven't seen e.g. the teaser trailer before being exposed to this).Billing Block- this is a convention of a film poster, it is legally needed and is used for marketing Tagline- "Seven deadly sins, seven ways to die" This links to the title of "seven", the use of seven words down the middle of the poster. This means that 7 is a significant number in this situation. They may be more information on why in the main piece. It creates enigmas for the audience, that they can begin to dwell upon. Release Information- There is no release information shown on the poster
  • 45. Film Poster... The marketing team behind the poster have tried to attractthe audience by using the 7 keywords central to the poster, with red lines across each one. (information shown on the next slide). This is the USP to the film, the fact there are 7 brutal crimes that link to these 7 words in some way. The reason to why will be revealed within the main film. The film poster just gives more information to what could happen. The idea that the 7 words have been crossed out on the poster with a red line stereotypically suggests it is complete but it could mean they have established that characteristicsof the criminal. There is multiple different ideas that can be depicted from the poster. The main characterssurround these words suggesting they are in charge of the investigation. If the teaser trailer watched by a member of the audience after seeing this poster they can see that 'Brad Pitt' and 'Morgan Freeman' are investigators. Following conventions of a film poster, the main character is usually central to give the most attention to them. In crime thrillers they commonly using direct mode of address aswell to engage with an audience with the crime itself before they even see the content. The film poster of 'Se7en' subverts conventions of a film poster as usually there is a one main characterin the middle but for this poster there is use of two characters either side of central text. The charactershave been edited in post production to have low opacity with the ideologies of fire and crime reflected through the colour scheme. images sourced from google images
  • 46. Film poster.... • The Colour scheme of the film poster was varied, mainly being made up of red and orange. To make the poster interesting, still following stereotypical conventionsof some film poster,they have used ombre effects from bottom suggesting it started as nothing/ less serious and it is becoming worse.They have connotationsof power aswell as danger. In addition the use of famous actors bring in a larger audience as will be encouraged to watch the film. Also when researching I found that Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman have a positive reputation for being involved with films like this, this genre so the acting is expected to be advanced. This is more of a technical aspect rather than what is visually shown on the poster. This will be impossible for us to achieve as we don’t have access to star vehicles so we will focus of the stereotypes of the female characters. Images sourced from google images
  • 47. Thisis a screenshot from the teaser trailer. This uses the same 7 words from the poster. (the 7 deadlysinsasreferred to in diegeticsoundof dialogue)The ideathat onlythree are crossed off here cansuggest in the trailerthey are in the middleof the investigationandhavefiguredout certain things. VS This is the official poster for 'Se7en'. There is use of the same 7 keywords, but all 7 are crossed out suggesting by the end of the film the investigation is solved in some way, not necessarily positive. The USP works with the teaser trailer as there Is direct links. The 7 words obviously have a deeper meaning to the narrative. From conducting further research e.g. reading a synopsis I know that there is 7 deadly murders being committed. From this is assume that each word has a direct link to why the murder was carried out. The significanceof these words are very high as they are represented through both the film poster and teaser trailer, both important piece of marketing material.
  • 48. In relationto my productionpiece: I feel as though looking into Se7en's marketing allows me to develop my piece and ideas further. I have identified the direct link between the film poster and the teaser that references aspects of the narrative throughout suggesting 'seven'. This shows me the idea of consistency. Having continuity and consistency through all mediums of marketing creates a strong brand image. This is something that was achieved with this film, inspiring me to work closely at the relationship between the film poster and teaser trailer to create a dynamic piece. I will look at the fonts, size of text, colour scheme especially. The idea that the narrative is intertwined into the film poster, not only by the tagline but the 7 words down the middle gives us, as the audience a clear sense of the narrative. This is creative and even though subverts conventions it is good to explore. From the poster I will have to look at a lot of other crime thriller examples because otherwise I will not know the stereotypical conventions of film posters, as Se7en adopts some non stereotypical representations in the sense of the film poster.