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2009-2010                                      District No. 7910
                                            ROTARY CLUB OF NEWTON                                          Club No. 6580
                                             719 WASHINGTON STREET BOX MS295
                                            NEWTONVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02460

     President            Vice President            Treasurer         Sergeant-at-Arms        Director            Director
    Marie Presti         Laurisa Neuwirth          Peter Mahler            Bill Garr         Dick Bowen        Justin Sallaway
   617-620-6948           617-291-0572            617-630-5289        617-969-5906 x116     617-969-9134        617-244-0065

  President-Elect         Past President       Recording Secretary     Newsletter Editor      Director            Director
    Jeff Tucker            Marc Epstein            John Hurney            Scott Lewis         Jeff Chin          Tony Bibbo
   617-340-1263           617-244-1212            617-332-7412           617-293-6371       617-965-1988        781-237-1144

                                            THE SERVICE GEAR
Volume LXXXVI No. 33                                                                                       March 9, 2010

 F    amilia! announced President Marie Presti,
over the cacaphony of lively conversation,                            MEETING GREETERS NEXT MEETING:
comparing our Rotary gathering to an extended                           March 17th: Tom Keery & Bill Lowery
Italian clan. For the first time ever, we met at
Vecchia Roma Restaurante on Watertown Street.
      President Marie called the meeting to order
with the Pledge of Allegiance. Dennis
Prefontaine offered a “One-glass-of-wine
invocation,” Susanne McInerney led us in a
chorus of “It’s Amore,” using her cell phone for
orchestral accompaniment.

     Bill Garr made no formal announcements,
but we note the following guests attending Italian
Night at Vecchia Roma with us: Timothy and                           Letter from Uganda - Our Ambassadorial Scholar in
                                                                     Uganda, Jay Miller, has been posting his thoughts on his
Connie Braceland, visiting from Waltham; Bob                         blog. See exerpts and photos starting on Page 5
Kelley of NewTV; past member Donnie Cohen;
Paul Kerrissey’s daughter Michaela; and several
members’ spouses.                                                    CONTENTS                                    Page
                                                                     MEETING NOTES                               1
  Susanne McInerney                                                  SERGEANT-at-ARMS                            1
  holds up her Ipod for                                              ANNOUNCEMENTS                               4
  musical                                                            THIS WEEK’S SONG                            2
  accompaniment while                                                ITALIAN NIGHT 2010                          3
  singing along with
  It’s Amore! (Lyrics
                                                                     AMBASSADORIAL BLOG                          5-7
  Page 2)                                                            HAPPY DOLLARS                               8
                                                                     RAFFLE                                      4

c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton                                                                                            Page 1
“That’s Amore”
                            Songwriters: Harry Warren & Jack Brooks

 When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie - That’s amore!
 When the world seems to shine like you’ve had too much wine - That’s amore!
 Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
 And you’ll sing “Vita bella”
 Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay
 Like a gay tarantella

 When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fagiole - That’s amore!
 When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet - You’re in love!
 When you walk down in a dream but you know you’re not
 Dreaming signore
 Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli
 That’s amore!

 When the moon hits you eye like a big pizza pie - That’s amore!
 When the world seems to shine like you’ve had too much wine - That’s amore!
 Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
 And you’ll sing “Vita bella”
 Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay
 Like a gay tarantella

 When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fagiole - That’s amore!
 When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet - You’re in love!
 When you walk down in a dream but you know you’re not
 Dreaming signore
 Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli
 That’s amore!
 Lucky fella

 When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fagiole - That’s amore!
 When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet - You’re in love!
 When you walk down in a dream but you know you’re not
 Dreaming signore
 Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli
 That’s amore!, (amore)
 That’s amore!

c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton                                                   Page 2
Italian Night 2010

                                  Tuesday, March 9, 2010
                               at Vecchia Roma Restaurante

c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton                             Page 3

Senior Safety Day
    The next planning committee meeting will
be Thursday, March 18, 8 AM at the Senior

      With over $750 on the line, Marie Presti
had the winning raffle ticket, but came up with
only the King of Hearts from the diminishing
deck, now down to 23 cards going into next
week. St. Patrick’s Day has proved lucky in the
past. So don’t miss corned beef and cabbage at
Lasell Village on March 17th - you might go
home with some extra green!

 PAUL M. KERRISSEY                                PAULA KIRRANE
 Attorney at Law
                                                  Uniquely Designed Cakes
                                                  230 Adams Street
 277 Auburn Street                                Newton, MA 02458
 Suite B                                          Tel.: (617) 969-1830
 Auburndale, MA 02466                             fax: (617) 969-5852
 Office: (617) 964-5800
 Fax: (617) 969-9850

c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton                                                Page 4
Notes from Around the World:
                   Ambassadorial Scholar Jay Miller in Uganda
Ambassadorial Scholar
Jay Miller taking time
away from his current
duties in Uganda to
tackle Mt. Sabinyo. He’s
shown straddling three
countries: Uganda,
Rwanda, and Congo

       Jay Miller, blogging on February 13:            up by complex phrasing or difficult terminology.
               VHW Incentives, etc.                         We’re also moving toward a “pay for perfor-
                                                       mance” incentive system, rather than the current
      Last week and this week I’ve been working        system of paying for each home visit they do. The
a bunch on revising the payment system and the         current system incentivizes quantity at the ex-
record-keeping system that the village health          pense of quality, and gives less motivation for
workers (VHW’s) use. We’ve realized that their         them to visit faraway homes.
records are somewhat haphazard, partly because              A good number of VHW’s do an excellent
all of the paperwork is currently in English, partly   job already, but even for them, I think, the new
because there’s simply too much paperwork, and         incentive system will be helpful because they will
partly because the forms they use and the current      (hopefully) perceive it as fairer. Under the current
payment system do not necessarily guide them           system, VHW’s who do cursory visits, and thus
toward visiting the most high-risk homes or            spend much less time on their work, often get
addressing the most important educational and          paid the same amount as those who work harder.
clinical issues.                                            The new payment system is not exactly a
      As a result, I am trying to revamp the pay-      “pay for performance” system in the way that the
ment system and the paperwork in a number of           term is used in the US healthcare debate. In the
ways. First, I want to make every form dual            US, “pay for performance” usually means paying
language (English and Rufumbira) and simplify          healthcare providers based on the health out-
the language as much as possible. Some of the          comes of their patients.
VHW’s have only a 5th or 7th grade education,                              ...Jay Miller, continued Page 6
so while all of them are literate, they get tripped

c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton                                                                       Page 5
Jay Miller in Uganda
                 ...continued from Page 5
      The system we have devised here instead
rewards the VHW’s for visiting high-risk homes,
for health problems identified, and for interven-
tions delivered or facilitated.
      High-risk homes include those with a
malnourished child, very poor sanitation, a recent
death, child-headed families, families with 3 or
more children under 5, etc. The VHW’s also
receive a compensation for identifying someone
with hypertension, another chronic disease, a
disabled child, a malnourished child, a pregnant
                                                      Conoeing on Lake Mutanda
woman, a home with very poor sanitation, etc.
      Finally, they will be paid for health inter-
                                                            This past weekend, I also took a long bike
ventions delivered/facilitated, such as family
                                                      ride to visit my friend Mark, a Peace Corps
planning and cervical cancer referrals, commu-
                                                      volunteer who lives in Chahafi, a village right on
nity talks delivered, and, in the future, monitor-
                                                      the Rwandan border.
ing and delivery of medications to chronic
                                                            One of Mark’s main projects involves
disease patients.
                                                      setting up disability groups, which function as
      Pregnancy should perhaps be placed in the
                                                      both support groups and livelihood cooperatives.
last category of “health interventions” rather than
                                                      This area has a large number of people with
as a “health problem,” since the goal of identify-
                                                      physical disabilities because Rwandan refugees
ing pregnant women is to encourage them to
                                                      fled there during the Rwandan genocide and land
receive antenatal care, delivered in a health
                                                      mined their tracks in an effort to escape their
center or hospital, and come back for postnatal
                                                      pursuers. After the genocide, the mines continued
care and vaccinations for the baby. Though
                                                      to take their toll, before the area was de-mined a
because of the very high birth rate around here,
                                                      few years ago.
some of the folks at the hospital like to joke that
                                                            Kisoro is an in interesting location, in that
pregnancy is a “sexually transmitted disease,
                                                      we are so close to both Rwanda and Congo. I
often chronic in nature,” or something to that
                                                      find it quite disheartening that the lessons of the
                                                      Rwandan genocide seem to have faded so
      The new record system is designed to mesh
                                                      quickly, both here and in the West. It is hard not
with the new incentive system, so that the VHWs
                                                      to wonder at the juxtaposition of past horror and
do not have to fill out paperwork regularly on
                                                      present horror, separated by only an arbitrary set
low-risk homes but instead focus their efforts on
                                                      of hills.
high-risk homes and on identifying clinical
                                                            In a way, being so close to Congo feels
                                                      surreal, because I feel a world away from what is
      I am hopeful that these changes will in turn
                                                      going on in the Congo. Mark said that last year
increase the impact of the VHW program on
                                                      he could hear the explosions in Congo from his
health outcomes, though I am sure that there will
                                                      house in Chahafi, but now that the fighting has
be plenty of kinks to iron out over the next few
                                                      moved north of us. There are no outward signs of
months. But after spending hours and hours in
                                                      war, except for a few Congolese patients who
front of the computer designing the new record
                                                      manage to sneak into Uganda and come to the
system, I am excited to see it in action.
                                                      hospital for medical care.

c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton                                                                     Page 6
Jay Miller standing by a
                                                                          Rotary International
                                                                          Polio Plus billboard in
                                                                          Fort Portal, Uganda.

     Some have pretty horrible stories to tell—in    ignored in the Western world, overshadowed by
one case the physician was having a hard time        our failing banks, spats about healthcare reform,
figuring out whether the patient had suffered a      and such.
psychotic break or whether he was telling the              Ironically, and quite tragically, Rwanda (and
truth. The story seemed pretty crazy, but in         to a lesser extent Uganda and a number of other
Congo it seems almost anything is possible.          African countries) in fact bear significant respon-
     Each time something like this occurs, the       sibility for the current conflict. Rwanda’s involve-
Western world says “never again”—after the           ment has been justified as a pursuit of those
Holocaust, after the Rwandan genocide, etc. And      responsible for the 1994 genocide, but most
each time, there is an “again.”                      reliable sources seem to conclude that the real
     Granted, the violence in Congo cannot           motivation is pillage.
really be termed a genocide, since the main                Congo has enormous natural resources, so it
motivating factors for violence seem to be the       appears that much of the war is essentially a
usual combination of greed and power. But, in        struggle to control those resources, with a number
terms of lives lost, the war in Congo has been far   of countries funding proxy militias. Fortunately,
more destructive than the Rwandan genocide—a         the West is finally starting to face up to these
recent report estimated that over 6 million          realities and put pressure on Rwanda to curb its
people, mostly civilians, have died.                 involvement in the violence in Congo, though it
     However, the conflict has been largely          remains to be seen how much impact this will

c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton                                                                         Page 7
      Paul Stone was happy to be back at           2 grandsons’ accomplishments in Tae Kwan
 Rotary! Laurisa Neuwirth missed being with        Doe: Zack’s green belt, and his brother’s
 us previously, but was happy to hear from son     yellow belt.
 Ben’s math teacher that Ben has a “good                 Bob Kelly was happy to be with us, and
 [Rotarian] sense of ethics.”                      happy to dine with two past Directors of
      Peter Mahler was happy to see Paul           NCSC, Tony Bibbo and Bill Garr. Susanne
 Stone back. Connie Braceland was happy to         McInerney was glad we did Italian Night.
 join Donny Cohen as Tim Braceland’s date (?).     John Hurney was happy not to be dining in
 Donnie Cohen was happy to “trade up” and be       the quiet room adjacent to our raucous Italian
 Peter Mahler’s date, though invited by Tim.       Night.
 Marie Presti was happy to be Laurisa’s date,            Bert Martinson was happy to be with
 and to see Paul Stone.                            Rotarians, and to see Michaela Kerrissey. Scott
      Paul Kerrissey was hapy to be his            Lewis was happy to win boxing gloves as a
 daughter’s date. Michaela Kerrissey was           raffle door prize. Bill Garr was happy to win
 happy to bump into Bert Martinson and his         some Italian coffee.
 date, Ellie, both tonight and at the MFA previ-         Connie Braceland was happy to see Bob
 ously.                                            Kelly.
      $2 Bill Lowery was happy to report about


 12 Bencliffe Circle
 Auburndale, MA 02466
 (617) 293-6371

c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton                                                                 Page 8

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Service Gear 03092010

  • 1. 2009-2010 District No. 7910 ROTARY CLUB OF NEWTON Club No. 6580 719 WASHINGTON STREET BOX MS295 NEWTONVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02460 MEETS TUESDAYS; 12:15 P.M. BRAE BURN COUNTRY CLUB, 326 FULLER STREET, NEWTON, MA President Vice President Treasurer Sergeant-at-Arms Director Director Marie Presti Laurisa Neuwirth Peter Mahler Bill Garr Dick Bowen Justin Sallaway 617-620-6948 617-291-0572 617-630-5289 617-969-5906 x116 617-969-9134 617-244-0065 President-Elect Past President Recording Secretary Newsletter Editor Director Director Jeff Tucker Marc Epstein John Hurney Scott Lewis Jeff Chin Tony Bibbo 617-340-1263 617-244-1212 617-332-7412 617-293-6371 617-965-1988 781-237-1144 THE SERVICE GEAR Volume LXXXVI No. 33 March 9, 2010 F amilia! announced President Marie Presti, over the cacaphony of lively conversation, MEETING GREETERS NEXT MEETING: comparing our Rotary gathering to an extended March 17th: Tom Keery & Bill Lowery Italian clan. For the first time ever, we met at Vecchia Roma Restaurante on Watertown Street. President Marie called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Dennis Prefontaine offered a “One-glass-of-wine invocation,” Susanne McInerney led us in a chorus of “It’s Amore,” using her cell phone for orchestral accompaniment. SERGEANT AT ARMS Bill Garr made no formal announcements, but we note the following guests attending Italian Night at Vecchia Roma with us: Timothy and Letter from Uganda - Our Ambassadorial Scholar in Uganda, Jay Miller, has been posting his thoughts on his Connie Braceland, visiting from Waltham; Bob blog. See exerpts and photos starting on Page 5 Kelley of NewTV; past member Donnie Cohen; Paul Kerrissey’s daughter Michaela; and several members’ spouses. CONTENTS Page MEETING NOTES 1 Susanne McInerney SERGEANT-at-ARMS 1 holds up her Ipod for ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 musical THIS WEEK’S SONG 2 accompaniment while ITALIAN NIGHT 2010 3 singing along with It’s Amore! (Lyrics AMBASSADORIAL BLOG 5-7 Page 2) HAPPY DOLLARS 8 RAFFLE 4 c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton Page 1
  • 2. “That’s Amore” Songwriters: Harry Warren & Jack Brooks When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie - That’s amore! When the world seems to shine like you’ve had too much wine - That’s amore! Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling And you’ll sing “Vita bella” Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay Like a gay tarantella When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fagiole - That’s amore! When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet - You’re in love! When you walk down in a dream but you know you’re not Dreaming signore Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli That’s amore! When the moon hits you eye like a big pizza pie - That’s amore! When the world seems to shine like you’ve had too much wine - That’s amore! Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling And you’ll sing “Vita bella” Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay Like a gay tarantella When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fagiole - That’s amore! When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet - You’re in love! When you walk down in a dream but you know you’re not Dreaming signore Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli That’s amore! Lucky fella When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fagiole - That’s amore! When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet - You’re in love! When you walk down in a dream but you know you’re not Dreaming signore Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli That’s amore!, (amore) That’s amore! c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton Page 2
  • 3. Italian Night 2010 Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at Vecchia Roma Restaurante c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton Page 3
  • 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senior Safety Day The next planning committee meeting will be Thursday, March 18, 8 AM at the Senior Center. RAFFLE With over $750 on the line, Marie Presti had the winning raffle ticket, but came up with only the King of Hearts from the diminishing deck, now down to 23 cards going into next week. St. Patrick’s Day has proved lucky in the past. So don’t miss corned beef and cabbage at Lasell Village on March 17th - you might go home with some extra green! PAUL M. KERRISSEY PAULA KIRRANE Attorney at Law Uniquely Designed Cakes 230 Adams Street 277 Auburn Street Newton, MA 02458 Suite B Tel.: (617) 969-1830 Auburndale, MA 02466 fax: (617) 969-5852 Office: (617) 964-5800 Fax: (617) 969-9850 c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton Page 4
  • 5. Notes from Around the World: Ambassadorial Scholar Jay Miller in Uganda Ambassadorial Scholar Jay Miller taking time away from his current duties in Uganda to tackle Mt. Sabinyo. He’s shown straddling three countries: Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo Jay Miller, blogging on February 13: up by complex phrasing or difficult terminology. VHW Incentives, etc. We’re also moving toward a “pay for perfor- mance” incentive system, rather than the current Last week and this week I’ve been working system of paying for each home visit they do. The a bunch on revising the payment system and the current system incentivizes quantity at the ex- record-keeping system that the village health pense of quality, and gives less motivation for workers (VHW’s) use. We’ve realized that their them to visit faraway homes. records are somewhat haphazard, partly because A good number of VHW’s do an excellent all of the paperwork is currently in English, partly job already, but even for them, I think, the new because there’s simply too much paperwork, and incentive system will be helpful because they will partly because the forms they use and the current (hopefully) perceive it as fairer. Under the current payment system do not necessarily guide them system, VHW’s who do cursory visits, and thus toward visiting the most high-risk homes or spend much less time on their work, often get addressing the most important educational and paid the same amount as those who work harder. clinical issues. The new payment system is not exactly a As a result, I am trying to revamp the pay- “pay for performance” system in the way that the ment system and the paperwork in a number of term is used in the US healthcare debate. In the ways. First, I want to make every form dual US, “pay for performance” usually means paying language (English and Rufumbira) and simplify healthcare providers based on the health out- the language as much as possible. Some of the comes of their patients. VHW’s have only a 5th or 7th grade education, ...Jay Miller, continued Page 6 so while all of them are literate, they get tripped c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton Page 5
  • 6. Jay Miller in Uganda ...continued from Page 5 The system we have devised here instead rewards the VHW’s for visiting high-risk homes, for health problems identified, and for interven- tions delivered or facilitated. High-risk homes include those with a malnourished child, very poor sanitation, a recent death, child-headed families, families with 3 or more children under 5, etc. The VHW’s also receive a compensation for identifying someone with hypertension, another chronic disease, a disabled child, a malnourished child, a pregnant Conoeing on Lake Mutanda woman, a home with very poor sanitation, etc. Finally, they will be paid for health inter- This past weekend, I also took a long bike ventions delivered/facilitated, such as family ride to visit my friend Mark, a Peace Corps planning and cervical cancer referrals, commu- volunteer who lives in Chahafi, a village right on nity talks delivered, and, in the future, monitor- the Rwandan border. ing and delivery of medications to chronic One of Mark’s main projects involves disease patients. setting up disability groups, which function as Pregnancy should perhaps be placed in the both support groups and livelihood cooperatives. last category of “health interventions” rather than This area has a large number of people with as a “health problem,” since the goal of identify- physical disabilities because Rwandan refugees ing pregnant women is to encourage them to fled there during the Rwandan genocide and land receive antenatal care, delivered in a health mined their tracks in an effort to escape their center or hospital, and come back for postnatal pursuers. After the genocide, the mines continued care and vaccinations for the baby. Though to take their toll, before the area was de-mined a because of the very high birth rate around here, few years ago. some of the folks at the hospital like to joke that Kisoro is an in interesting location, in that pregnancy is a “sexually transmitted disease, we are so close to both Rwanda and Congo. I often chronic in nature,” or something to that find it quite disheartening that the lessons of the effect. Rwandan genocide seem to have faded so The new record system is designed to mesh quickly, both here and in the West. It is hard not with the new incentive system, so that the VHWs to wonder at the juxtaposition of past horror and do not have to fill out paperwork regularly on present horror, separated by only an arbitrary set low-risk homes but instead focus their efforts on of hills. high-risk homes and on identifying clinical In a way, being so close to Congo feels issues. surreal, because I feel a world away from what is I am hopeful that these changes will in turn going on in the Congo. Mark said that last year increase the impact of the VHW program on he could hear the explosions in Congo from his health outcomes, though I am sure that there will house in Chahafi, but now that the fighting has be plenty of kinks to iron out over the next few moved north of us. There are no outward signs of months. But after spending hours and hours in war, except for a few Congolese patients who front of the computer designing the new record manage to sneak into Uganda and come to the system, I am excited to see it in action. hospital for medical care. c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton Page 6
  • 7. Jay Miller standing by a Rotary International Polio Plus billboard in Fort Portal, Uganda. Some have pretty horrible stories to tell—in ignored in the Western world, overshadowed by one case the physician was having a hard time our failing banks, spats about healthcare reform, figuring out whether the patient had suffered a and such. psychotic break or whether he was telling the Ironically, and quite tragically, Rwanda (and truth. The story seemed pretty crazy, but in to a lesser extent Uganda and a number of other Congo it seems almost anything is possible. African countries) in fact bear significant respon- Each time something like this occurs, the sibility for the current conflict. Rwanda’s involve- Western world says “never again”—after the ment has been justified as a pursuit of those Holocaust, after the Rwandan genocide, etc. And responsible for the 1994 genocide, but most each time, there is an “again.” reliable sources seem to conclude that the real Granted, the violence in Congo cannot motivation is pillage. really be termed a genocide, since the main Congo has enormous natural resources, so it motivating factors for violence seem to be the appears that much of the war is essentially a usual combination of greed and power. But, in struggle to control those resources, with a number terms of lives lost, the war in Congo has been far of countries funding proxy militias. Fortunately, more destructive than the Rwandan genocide—a the West is finally starting to face up to these recent report estimated that over 6 million realities and put pressure on Rwanda to curb its people, mostly civilians, have died. involvement in the violence in Congo, though it However, the conflict has been largely remains to be seen how much impact this will have. c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton Page 7
  • 8. HAPPY DOLLARS Paul Stone was happy to be back at 2 grandsons’ accomplishments in Tae Kwan Rotary! Laurisa Neuwirth missed being with Doe: Zack’s green belt, and his brother’s us previously, but was happy to hear from son yellow belt. Ben’s math teacher that Ben has a “good Bob Kelly was happy to be with us, and [Rotarian] sense of ethics.” happy to dine with two past Directors of Peter Mahler was happy to see Paul NCSC, Tony Bibbo and Bill Garr. Susanne Stone back. Connie Braceland was happy to McInerney was glad we did Italian Night. join Donny Cohen as Tim Braceland’s date (?). John Hurney was happy not to be dining in Donnie Cohen was happy to “trade up” and be the quiet room adjacent to our raucous Italian Peter Mahler’s date, though invited by Tim. Night. Marie Presti was happy to be Laurisa’s date, Bert Martinson was happy to be with and to see Paul Stone. Rotarians, and to see Michaela Kerrissey. Scott Paul Kerrissey was hapy to be his Lewis was happy to win boxing gloves as a daughter’s date. Michaela Kerrissey was raffle door prize. Bill Garr was happy to win happy to bump into Bert Martinson and his some Italian coffee. date, Ellie, both tonight and at the MFA previ- Connie Braceland was happy to see Bob ously. Kelly. $2 Bill Lowery was happy to report about SCOTT LEWIS HOME DESIGN ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS NEW HOMES HISTORIC RESTORATION 12 Bencliffe Circle Auburndale, MA 02466 (617) 293-6371 c 2010 Rotary Club of Newton Page 8