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Persons and reasons behind embracing Laxminarayan Sect                                                                                                             Series 24

                      j _ jWh^h]R d5 Dh^Vh U° d_X^ ah5Qh] Sh. zz.x€.zxyx
                                                j ^pb[h: ha                            aFhPŽ]h k 5 _p I^
       5I T eh [has, XVh^° _ Z                         k – [‡FWjB,

                   TsPh ˆUad Xe°_h5 K Wp 7e Tj 85 R 8Xahh5 8                                                  k 5 e k 5 YsW D^ŽWp D° ^pb[h: Sp
       Sh. zy 7Wp zz BF N Wh 7eŽ ;XŠ TS ^e°Ks. 7e 8 D]h½ h5 ehK^Ž 8XKs. XR h^hTj zy
       Sh^ŽEWh 7e ;XŠ TS Wh ^e°ah k 5 Dh^R D° 8 85 R Tj XR ahVh^° 7F ] k 5 7Wp [ha[j k 5
       85 R Wp d X TjB h^h DsN½ h5 ehK^ ^e°ah hN° 8Xah h5 8                                                        k 5 e .k 5 hY D^Ks [h:B D°                 k5
       F: Dh_p ehK^ ^eŽ bðs Wh eSs. h^° ]h5 7UhahU ehK^Ž 8Xaj XPŽ eSj h^h iXSh                                                                     Wj dhTp.

                  l` ahS X^ 8 .5k :hbhe Wp                                                           k
                                                                          lKWh^h 8XRp, dSX5T V½ h5 7 N ia hd V^haWh^h
       8XRp, 8                 j _ jWh^h]R [FahW ðh5 Tj 8aj F]h? 8XRj ìhiS h5 8 a`Ž
                                                                         i                                                                                         j
       _ jWh^h]R [FahW ðh5 Tj 8aj F]h? ?Ws Ds:?                                                      ]h_ D] Jp ? dt                  T ìhiSh5 8
       dWhShWj iaIh^ _9 8aahah`h ZhXh eSh                                         j D°b^h X^p ^h. ahjWh^h]R V½ Des D° d5 Uh]
       Des Sp SpRp ajDh] . XR 8Ej ìhiS Wp ahjWh^h]R V½ S^Y ah`Ž Wh bðh. SpWh Dh^Rs ebp
       Sph5 k 5 7 ]h^° WTj KSs. XR Z^hZ^ yxx a^d XJŽ 8XRh h5 Zj k 5 ?D ìhiS ^ W Xh                                                                   .k5 Sp ^ W
       ?N_p         l ]       j Wh^h]R ZhXh D°                   Rp 8XRj ìhiS Wp                      Vh^ah hN° T:Wp XsSh k 5 8 k5
                                                                                                       k                                                       aW
        ]sJha^ D^Ž Wh                 .5k ZhXh 8]½ dh                 eSh. 8]½ dhK Wj iaIh^ Vh^h h5 eSh aqˆUD iaIh^Vh^h
       Wp hWah ah`h eSh. XR d5 lR½ ìhiSWp 8]½ dhK S^Y ah`Ž WsSh bðh. ?Wh KRh ehT                                                                                     8XRj ìhiS Wp
       dhW aPŽ_               j ^SWbj Ej                       D
                                                          EpShRj D°         B 8XRh ˆe S[h: Wh iXSh j TSh.                                                               _ jWh^h]R
                                                                                                                                                                         d5 Uh] S^Y ah`ah
                     k 5 ?D ahS DeŽb Sph5 Wp 7iSb]sŠ S WTj _hFSj. D° Ks                                                   j _ jWh^h]R [FahW                           ah`Ž ehW ]Š S
       8XRWp 8Xah h5 es] Ss SpWp hN° KahZUh^ Ks Ds: ]Š S es] Ss Sp aPŽ_
                                    N                                                                                                     j ^SWbj Ej
       EpShRj K eSh. 7Wp ?Wp                          l ]       j BVa^h                                 
                                                                                         eh^hK Wh dhiW ] h5 ^eŽWp 8XRh D J Wh
       Fhp Fh K:Wp 9 NU° a [FahW                               j _ jWh^h]R Wh 5ˆU^s Wj ThXWh D^Ž. h^h ^° DsP½                                           hRp
       _F[F ~}               N_h FhPh B h5 K:Wp 8 aPŽ_                                 j ^SWbj ZhXh 7Wp SpWh de]sFjB? 5ˆU^s
       Wj ThXWh B D^haj.                      l ] BVa^h
       Zh Wp _h           k 5 e k 5 D° 8 ìhiSWp XsShWj ?D dpX^° N 8Faj B`E IDENTITY, ?D                                                FS

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                             Page 1 of 3
Persons and reasons behind embracing Laxminarayan Sect                                                                                                             Series 24

  IDENTITY B`E ;[j D^haaj ebp Ss 8 _ jWh^h]R [FahW Wh SpBWp                                                                       k   ZWhaah XPbp.                  l ]
  BVa^h                ZhXh 7Wp aPŽ_                   j ^SWbj Ej                   EpShRj d5dF½h5 8 ]h XJŽ F k 5 Z k 5 5TW D^ŽWp
  ?Wp _h             k 5 D° Zhah :hh5bh Wh X5Th5 8ajWp Uˆ^ Wh^h]R T9 F]p_j 8 ìhiSWp Ks _ j                                                                        k
  ZWhaaj ebp Ss SpWp [FahW                             j _ jWh^h]R 9 NU° a S^ŽD° 8Xah XPbp. 7Wp 8 Ds Eh k 5 Ss K
     Dbp Ks _ jWh^h]R [FahW Wh 5ˆU^s ?Wp ehT h5 K_ha .5k 7Wp ?N_h hN° T:Wp 8
     N_h XR D J Wh FhPh B h5 8XRs DPas XhNŽUh^ adp Jp ]h5 [FahW                                                                         j _ jWh^h]R Wh
  5ˆU^s Jp .

               8 aPŽ_s Wp 7Wp
                           W                     l ] BVa^h                  Zh k Wp 8XRp ]hU D^Ž? ?N k5 B 5 Jp 7Wp ?Wh =R
  8XRh ;X^ D°N_h Jp Sp ðh^° ] 8XRp ;Sh^Ž bDŽ k 5 Wˆe. 8
           DN_h J S      ^      R                                                                                 Ks 8XRp dWhSWj T:Wp ;K`h
  Y^Ž ^ h es]j? Ss Vsah D^s 8 d5S 7Wp aPŽ_sWp D°                                                     Rp 8XRWp [FahW                           j _ jWh^h]R
  8 ]h.            l ] BVa^h                    ZhXWp T k 5 e k 5 D°               ahjWh^h]R XR dWhSW ˆe k V½ K XR 8
  DsWp Ks           k 5 Sp V½ S^Y ah`Žb Ss SpWj WsEj B`E (SEPERATE IDENTITY) ^e°ah Wj WTj. ?Wj
  WsEj B`EhR TahWj WTj Dh^R D° ? d5 Uh]h5 D° ? V½ h5 _sehRh B XR Jp ahRj]h B XR
  Jp 7Wp 7 ] ˆe k ìhiSB XR ?Wp hWah ah`Ž Jp . ?ajK ^ŽSp 8]½ dhK d5 Uh]h5 XR 7 ]
  ìhiS Wh _sDs FRh ZVh Jp . ?N_h hN° T:Wp BVa^h                                                       Zh k Wp _h             k 5 e k 5 D° 8 DsWp h^° Ks
  dpX^° N B`E 7Xhaaj ebp Ss _ jWh^h]R [FahW Wh ;XhdD ZWhaah XPbp. 7Wp SpWh 9 NU° a
  _ jWh^h]R S^ŽD° ajDh^ D]h½ XJŽ FhpFh K:Wp 5ˆU^sWj ThXWh D^Ž. 8                                                                            _F[F €x iT
  €} NDh ìhiSWh [h:B [FahW                                   j _ jWh^h]R Wp SpWh 9 NU° a S^ŽD hWah _hFj F: Jp . 7Wp
                                                                                     U S^ŽD° D                     W
  SpWs d5 R½            p]      l ]      j BVa^h                        W W
                                                                  eh^hK Wp 7Wp aPŽ_                      j ^SWbj Ej                  Wp       ] Jp .

               h k5 Wh k 5 ?D            k
                                          IW XR Jp .              ]h^° 8XRp               liSBWh 8a^R D^Sh es:? ]h^° , ˆe„S [h:
  7h^Ž NŽ Wh _jP^ Jp ?N_h hN° WTj De°Ss XR d ] eDŽDSsWp ]hW h5 ^hEjWp 8 ahS D^Ž
  ^ s        5 D° Ks ^SWbj Ej                     EpShRj [FahW                    j _ jWh^h]R 8XRWp 7Xhaahh5 Dh^R lS es]
  Ss SpWj            liS XR 8             h5FR h5 esaj K ^Ž Jp .
                                                                                                                                                            Very Good Point
               7p 9iSehd h5 PsˆD k 5 D , ]h^° 8 ZVj ahSs 7sWp d Rj. _ jWh^h]R dWhSW
  V½Wp y|x XJŽ 8XRp
                  R                             FjDh^ D]             ]h^ XJŽ 8XRj D° j] dhK Wj ThXWh y~x h5 T9.
  D° j] dhK 7Wp 8XRj 8 _ jWh^h]R dWhSW dhK                                                            k UŽ

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                             Page 2 of 3
Persons and reasons behind embracing Laxminarayan Sect                                                                                                             Series 24

WTj 7Wp es: XR Wh bD°. Z5Wp ?D K Jp . ? ‡Z_ k _                                                     k UŽ WTj. XR 8XRh [h ] EsNh Des D° Fp
Sp Des. D° D° j] dhK Wh XJŽ Wh                                      k
                                                                     ^ŽRs 8 ]h D° j] dhKh5 Sp V½ Wp                                        l_j F]h. SpWh XR
Dh^Rs 7d5 ] Jp . SpB ? De°ah _h ]h D° V½ 7Wp dhK                                                       k Uh Jp . 8 D: ^ŽSp bð ZWp? Wp Des
[h:B 8 D:^ŽSp bð ZWp. V½ 7Wp dhK Ds9 K ^ŽSp                                                             k Uh Wh es: bD°. eRh                       k
                                                                                                                                                      VjWh           NŽB
Xhdp Tj  d5[h                  k 5 D° dhK Wp V½ dhTp D5: K _pahU° ah WTj. 7^° [h: dhK 7Wp V½ ?DK
idïhWj Zp Zh k B Jp . ?                       k Uh es:K Wh bD°. XR 8 _sDs ?                                   k Uh D^Ž Wh ]h. ?N_h hN°                         k5 D k5     -
?N_h hN° K               k5 D k5     5 [h:B, D° D° j] dh                          8XRh dWhSW V½ Wp apF`s ^h ]s SpTj 8XRj
D° j] dhKWp Xqdh hN° [jE h5FahWs ah^s 8 ]s. 7^° 8 D° j] dh                                                                     _ jWh^h]R [FahWWp
dhTp ^h ]s esS Ss 8                        XqdhWj ^° _Jp _ esS.                        k 5 SsWp EhS^Ž               la½D D k 5       , XR 8 _sDs? Sp
Wh D . 7Wp ?N_h hN° K T:Wp 8                                          j _ jWh^h]R dWhSW dhKWj ThXWh T9. dhKWh
dWhSWj [h:BWp _h                         k 5 D° h^Ž D° j] dhK h^Ž WTj Ss h^° D5:D D^ k 5 XPbp. 7Wp ?N_h hN°
K 8 dhKWs y~ h5 ; a T]s 8Ws K  T]s. XR D° j] dhK 7Wp 8XRj 8 dhK                                                                                                    k UŽ
WTj. ? D° j] dhKWp 7Wp 8 dhK Wp                                            k UŽ FRKs Wˆe. ? dhK 8XRj Jp 7Wp Sp dhK Wh
U^° D [h:B 8XRp 7e JŽ?.

                 iWiSp 8XRp 7 ]h^° [pFh T]h JŽ? Sp                                                 hR iS Oh es da                   k 5 8]sKW hN° 8XRp
[pFh T]h JŽ?. Fhp Fh Tj 7 ]h^° [h:B 7Wp Ze°Ws 7 ]h^° 7e 8 ]h Jp . 8]sKW Wh iac]
h5 h^s FK Wh ahFp. 8]sKW hN° h^hTj XR aVh^° DhZp_ _sDs 7e [pFh T]p_h Jp . 8 Wp
Zp ahSs D^aj eSj Sp  8X dë ^ k D^Ž. aVh^° Zs_h: F k 5 es] Ss aPŽ_s Wp hY D^Ks. Sp
Wp d5[h ]s Sp ZU_ k 5 Sh^s 8[h^ hWSh ia^ k 5                                                 .

                                                                                7           k

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Deerfoot Church of Christ Bulletin 6 16 24

Series 24 - persons and reasons behind embracing laxminarayan sect

  • 1. Persons and reasons behind embracing Laxminarayan Sect Series 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- j _ jWh^h]R d5 Dh^Vh U° d_X^ ah5Qh] Sh. zz.x€.zxyx j ^pb[h: ha aFhPŽ]h k 5 _p I^ k 5I T eh [has, XVh^° _ Z k – [‡FWjB, TsPh ˆUad Xe°_h5 K Wp 7e Tj 85 R 8Xahh5 8 k 5 e k 5 YsW D^ŽWp D° ^pb[h: Sp Sh. zy 7Wp zz BF N Wh 7eŽ ;XŠ TS ^e°Ks. 7e 8 D]h½ h5 ehK^Ž 8XKs. XR h^hTj zy Sh^ŽEWh 7e ;XŠ TS Wh ^e°ah k 5 Dh^R D° 8 85 R Tj XR ahVh^° 7F ] k 5 7Wp [ha[j k 5 85 R Wp d X TjB h^h DsN½ h5 ehK^ ^e°ah hN° 8Xah h5 8 k 5 e .k 5 hY D^Ks [h:B D° k5 F: Dh_p ehK^ ^eŽ bðs Wh eSs. h^° ]h5 7UhahU ehK^Ž 8Xaj XPŽ eSj h^h iXSh Wj dhTp. l` ahS X^ 8 .5k :hbhe Wp k lKWh^h 8XRp, dSX5T V½ h5 7 N ia hd V^haWh^h 8XRp, 8 j _ jWh^h]R [FahW ðh5 Tj 8aj F]h? 8XRj ìhiS h5 8 a`Ž i j _ jWh^h]R [FahW ðh5 Tj 8aj F]h? ?Ws Ds:? ]h_ D] Jp ? dt T ìhiSh5 8 dWhShWj iaIh^ _9 8aahah`h ZhXh eSh j D°b^h X^p ^h. ahjWh^h]R V½ Des D° d5 Uh] Des Sp SpRp ajDh] . XR 8Ej ìhiS Wp ahjWh^h]R V½ S^Y ah`Ž Wh bðh. SpWh Dh^Rs ebp Sph5 k 5 7 ]h^° WTj KSs. XR Z^hZ^ yxx a^d XJŽ 8XRh h5 Zj k 5 ?D ìhiS ^ W Xh .k5 Sp ^ W ?N_p l ] j Wh^h]R ZhXh D° Rp 8XRj ìhiS Wp Vh^ah hN° T:Wp XsSh k 5 8 k5 k aW ]sJha^ D^Ž Wh .5k ZhXh 8]½ dh eSh. 8]½ dhK Wj iaIh^ Vh^h h5 eSh aqˆUD iaIh^Vh^h Wp hWah ah`h eSh. XR d5 lR½ ìhiSWp 8]½ dhK S^Y ah`Ž WsSh bðh. ?Wh KRh ehT 8XRj ìhiS Wp dhW aPŽ_ j ^SWbj Ej D EpShRj D° B 8XRh ˆe S[h: Wh iXSh j TSh. _ jWh^h]R d5 Uh] S^Y ah`ah k 5 ?D ahS DeŽb Sph5 Wp 7iSb]sŠ S WTj _hFSj. D° Ks j _ jWh^h]R [FahW ah`Ž ehW ]Š S 8XRWp 8Xah h5 es] Ss SpWp hN° KahZUh^ Ks Ds: ]Š S es] Ss Sp aPŽ_ N j ^SWbj Ej W EpShRj K eSh. 7Wp ?Wp l ] j BVa^h eh^hK Wh dhiW ] h5 ^eŽWp 8XRh D J Wh Fhp Fh K:Wp 9 NU° a [FahW j _ jWh^h]R Wh 5ˆU^s Wj ThXWh D^Ž. h^h ^° DsP½ hRp _F[F ~} N_h FhPh B h5 K:Wp 8 aPŽ_ j ^SWbj ZhXh 7Wp SpWh de]sFjB? 5ˆU^s Wj ThXWh B D^haj. l ] BVa^h k Zh Wp _h k 5 e k 5 D° 8 ìhiSWp XsShWj ?D dpX^° N 8Faj B`E IDENTITY, ?D FS …2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 of 3
  • 2. Persons and reasons behind embracing Laxminarayan Sect Series 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 IDENTITY B`E ;[j D^haaj ebp Ss 8 _ jWh^h]R [FahW Wh SpBWp k ZWhaah XPbp. l ] BVa^h ZhXh 7Wp aPŽ_ j ^SWbj Ej EpShRj d5dF½h5 8 ]h XJŽ F k 5 Z k 5 5TW D^ŽWp ?Wp _h k 5 D° Zhah :hh5bh Wh X5Th5 8ajWp Uˆ^ Wh^h]R T9 F]p_j 8 ìhiSWp Ks _ j k ZWhaaj ebp Ss SpWp [FahW j _ jWh^h]R 9 NU° a S^ŽD° 8Xah XPbp. 7Wp 8 Ds Eh k 5 Ss K Dbp Ks _ jWh^h]R [FahW Wh 5ˆU^s ?Wp ehT h5 K_ha .5k 7Wp ?N_h hN° T:Wp 8 k N_h XR D J Wh FhPh B h5 8XRs DPas XhNŽUh^ adp Jp ]h5 [FahW j _ jWh^h]R Wh 5ˆU^s Jp . 8 aPŽ_s Wp 7Wp W l ] BVa^h Zh k Wp 8XRp ]hU D^Ž? ?N k5 B 5 Jp 7Wp ?Wh =R R 8XRh ;X^ D°N_h Jp Sp ðh^° ] 8XRp ;Sh^Ž bDŽ k 5 Wˆe. 8 DN_h J S ^ R Ks 8XRp dWhSWj T:Wp ;K`h Y^Ž ^ h es]j? Ss Vsah D^s 8 d5S 7Wp aPŽ_sWp D° Rp 8XRWp [FahW j _ jWh^h]R 8 ]h. l ] BVa^h ZhXWp T k 5 e k 5 D° ahjWh^h]R XR dWhSW ˆe k V½ K XR 8 DsWp Ks k 5 Sp V½ S^Y ah`Žb Ss SpWj WsEj B`E (SEPERATE IDENTITY) ^e°ah Wj WTj. ?Wj WsEj B`EhR TahWj WTj Dh^R D° ? d5 Uh]h5 D° ? V½ h5 _sehRh B XR Jp ahRj]h B XR Jp 7Wp 7 ] ˆe k ìhiSB XR ?Wp hWah ah`Ž Jp . ?ajK ^ŽSp 8]½ dhK d5 Uh]h5 XR 7 ] ìhiS Wh _sDs FRh ZVh Jp . ?N_h hN° T:Wp BVa^h Zh k Wp _h k 5 e k 5 D° 8 DsWp h^° Ks dpX^° N B`E 7Xhaaj ebp Ss _ jWh^h]R [FahW Wh ;XhdD ZWhaah XPbp. 7Wp SpWh 9 NU° a _ jWh^h]R S^ŽD° ajDh^ D]h½ XJŽ FhpFh K:Wp 5ˆU^sWj ThXWh D^Ž. 8 _F[F €x iT €} NDh ìhiSWh [h:B [FahW j _ jWh^h]R Wp SpWh 9 NU° a S^ŽD hWah _hFj F: Jp . 7Wp U S^ŽD° D W lR½ l SpWs d5 R½ p] l ] j BVa^h W W eh^hK Wp 7Wp aPŽ_ j ^SWbj Ej Wp ] Jp . h k5 Wh k 5 ?D k IW XR Jp . ]h^° 8XRp liSBWh 8a^R D^Sh es:? ]h^° , ˆe„S [h: 7h^Ž NŽ Wh _jP^ Jp ?N_h hN° WTj De°Ss XR d ] eDŽDSsWp ]hW h5 ^hEjWp 8 ahS D^Ž ^ s 5 D° Ks ^SWbj Ej EpShRj [FahW j _ jWh^h]R 8XRWp 7Xhaahh5 Dh^R lS es] Ss SpWj liS XR 8 h5FR h5 esaj K ^Ž Jp . Very Good Point 7p 9iSehd h5 PsˆD k 5 D , ]h^° 8 ZVj ahSs 7sWp d Rj. _ jWh^h]R dWhSW ¿k V½Wp y|x XJŽ 8XRp R FjDh^ D] ]h^ XJŽ 8XRj D° j] dhK Wj ThXWh y~x h5 T9. D D° j] dhK 7Wp 8XRj 8 _ jWh^h]R dWhSW dhK k UŽ ...{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 3
  • 3. Persons and reasons behind embracing Laxminarayan Sect Series 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -{- WTj 7Wp es: XR Wh bD°. Z5Wp ?D K Jp . ? ‡Z_ k _ k UŽ WTj. XR 8XRh [h ] EsNh Des D° Fp Sp Des. D° D° j] dhK Wh XJŽ Wh k ^ŽRs 8 ]h D° j] dhKh5 Sp V½ Wp l_j F]h. SpWh XR Dh^Rs 7d5 ] Jp . SpB ? De°ah _h ]h D° V½ 7Wp dhK k Uh Jp . 8 D: ^ŽSp bð ZWp? Wp Des [h:B 8 D:^ŽSp bð ZWp. V½ 7Wp dhK Ds9 K ^ŽSp k Uh Wh es: bD°. eRh k VjWh NŽB Xhdp Tj d5[h k 5 D° dhK Wp V½ dhTp D5: K _pahU° ah WTj. 7^° [h: dhK 7Wp V½ ?DK idïhWj Zp Zh k B Jp . ? k Uh es:K Wh bD°. XR 8 _sDs ? k Uh D^Ž Wh ]h. ?N_h hN° k5 D k5 - 5 ?N_h hN° K k5 D k5 5 [h:B, D° D° j] dh 8XRh dWhSW V½ Wp apF`s ^h ]s SpTj 8XRj D° j] dhKWp Xqdh hN° [jE h5FahWs ah^s 8 ]s. 7^° 8 D° j] dh _ jWh^h]R [FahWWp dhTp ^h ]s esS Ss 8 XqdhWj ^° _Jp _ esS. k 5 SsWp EhS^Ž la½D D k 5 , XR 8 _sDs? Sp 5 ¿k Wh D . 7Wp ?N_h hN° K T:Wp 8 j _ jWh^h]R dWhSW dhKWj ThXWh T9. dhKWh dWhSWj [h:BWp _h k 5 D° h^Ž D° j] dhK h^Ž WTj Ss h^° D5:D D^ k 5 XPbp. 7Wp ?N_h hN° K 8 dhKWs y~ h5 ; a T]s 8Ws K T]s. XR D° j] dhK 7Wp 8XRj 8 dhK k UŽ WTj. ? D° j] dhKWp 7Wp 8 dhK Wp k UŽ FRKs Wˆe. ? dhK 8XRj Jp 7Wp Sp dhK Wh U^° D [h:B 8XRp 7e JŽ?. iWiSp 8XRp 7 ]h^° [pFh T]h JŽ? Sp hR iS Oh es da k 5 8]sKW hN° 8XRp [pFh T]h JŽ?. Fhp Fh Tj 7 ]h^° [h:B 7Wp Ze°Ws 7 ]h^° 7e 8 ]h Jp . 8]sKW Wh iac] h5 h^s FK Wh ahFp. 8]sKW hN° h^hTj XR aVh^° DhZp_ _sDs 7e [pFh T]p_h Jp . 8 Wp Zp ahSs D^aj eSj Sp 8X dë ^ k D^Ž. aVh^° Zs_h: F k 5 es] Ss aPŽ_s Wp hY D^Ks. Sp Wp d5[h ]s Sp ZU_ k 5 Sh^s 8[h^ hWSh ia^ k 5 . 5 7 k -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 of 3
  • 4. ½ Ž ° Ž ° ° Ž Ž ° ° ° Ž ° Ž Ž ° ° ï °