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Senior Prom In High School
Today is senior prom, the day we all look forward to throughout our entire high school career. I was awoken by my best friend, Zoe, shaking me
vigorously "Wake up! We only have ten minutes till Jessica gets here to do our make up!" I quickly hopped out of bed with a smile on my face,
even though it was early. About five hours later as Zoe and I are finally completing our looks, I hear " Oh my god! Lexi, we are about to be late to
make the party bus! We need to go, like, now!" I look at my phone and read 5:25, "Shit dude, we have to be there in five minutes!" I say as I am
quickly gathering all of my belongings and shoving them into my backpack. Running as quickly as possible in heels and in the fluffiest dress I've
ever worn in my life, I make it to my car and set my bag on top so I can unlock the door. I look down and realize I am still wearing my necklace, but
I need to take it off because it doesn't match my dress. Suddenly, time freezes and I don't care that I am running late anymore. I have never taken
off this necklace, not sense the day my mom gave it to me. As i am placing my necklace on top of my car next to my bag a memory of my mom
sweeps across my mind. About four years ago I was sitting on the couch in my living room, and I hear the chime of the front door alarm. There are
footsteps walking towards me, which I can clearly tell are my mothers. My eyes instantly start rolling even though we haven't even engaged in
conversation, let alone even made eye contact.
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My Prom Experience
"It is almost time", my big sister said as we count down the days for prom. Prom was the only event I was looking forward to during my senior
year. The thought of dressing and dancing with friends excited me. While the days pass by I scratched off each day and I was thrilled to see how
close prom was coming. I began preparing myself by getting all my school work done and eating healthy for the highlight of my senior year.
The week of prom was here and it terrified me. I was ready, but I did not know if my dress would come in time or if my makeup artist would be late or
even not show up. The first day of the week was Monday, April 10, 2017, and it is the day the store finished making my dress. I arrived at the mall
around two in the afternoon to pick up the dress. When the lady saw me, she ran to the back and got the dress. She brought out this ugly brown strip
dress. I started screaming and kicking everything in front of the door. I could not believe they got the wrong dress. The lady saw me screaming my
lungs out, so she went to get the manager. I told the manager that they gave me the wrong dress. He looked at me and went to the back when he
comes out with my dress. He told me there was a little confusion because both dresses were in the same place.
The dress was a long silver with a spilled on the side and shiny pearls around the neck of the dress. I walked out the store with the biggest smile on
my face after I got the dress. I thought nothing bad would happen, but I was
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Essay On Prom Day
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen and Dr. Johnson, today I am going to talk about a special occasion which was on April 11, 2015 and on this
special day I turned eighteen and it was prom day. On that day I was very busy and tired because I've been preparing for prom for a week prior. April
11,2015 was a very special day for me, it was my glow day. April 11th consist of time management, preparation forprom, and prom. These three things
were very important on this day because I had to do so much in one amazing, stressful day. On April 11, 2015, my mom woke me up around 7am to
sing me happy birthday, and to get me up for my long but exciting day. I had to wake up early because I had so much to do in one day, which seem
highly impossible, so I had kept track of time because if more content...
As we walked in the Hyatt, regular guest got to see everyone walk pass in their dressed and tuxedos. We walked into the ballroom and it was
beautiful and set up nicely. We got dinner which was chicken which chicken is my favorite food. After dinner we wanted to dance, but there was
no DJ and within a few minutes they had a replacement DJ and prom was on. The DJ played everything from music from now to music our
parents know so we stayed on the dance floor. Prom was fun, but when it was time to leave I was ready. April 11, 2015 was a very special day and very
exciting to me. April 11, 2015 I became 18 and I got my first car and went to my senior prom all in one day. I had to consider time management in
order to make sure I was on schedule to make grand march and prom. Preparing for prom was another stressful part, but rewarding because I got to
look beautiful for my birthday, my glow day. Prom was fun and an amazing way to celebrate my turning 18. April 11, 2015 was a special day, but not
just because I turned 18 but because I had something to celebrate. Thank you all for listening and have a good
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Definition Essay On Prom
Prom Roller coasters, some of us love them and others of us would rather just stay at home and keep our feet on solid ground. It's all about our
perspective, how we see things different than others. I love rollercoasters, I love the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, but maybe you
hate that feeling. And roller coasters are just not your thing. Prom is very similar, again it's all about our perspective. Usually the perspective of
the guy and the girl are about as different as black and white. Prom has three elements and we all look at them a little differently, including finding
a date, making plans, and the dance itself. Please keep your hands in feet inside the ride at all times because we are going to find a prom date. Yes, a
prom date. For couples it's easy, they just automatically know they're going together. Now, if your #forveralone you're going to need a date. You can
always go with a group of friends but there's going to be that one friend who brings they' more content...
Again looks over here to the girl's perspective. "Becky this is awesome! I'm having so much fun, thanks for coming with me and being my bestie,
this was worth all of the stress and doesn't jimmy look fine af" " Yeah, I'm going to miss you next year Jessica, Im so glad I got to spend my last
rom with you, Jimmey, and nose picking David". The girls make this day about one last hooray with their friends before we graduate and go on our
separate paths. Now girls get sentimental so look over here to the boys. "Man, this tie is the most annoying ever". "I know I can't wait to take this
off and these shoes hurt". "I cannot wait for post prom and eat!". "I need pancakes ASAP I'm literally starving". We come to a complete stop and now
we're at the end of the roller coaster. Some of us feel a relief while others are going to get right back in line for the ride
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Personal Speech: My First JS Prom Experience
I remember the time in which, I got a line of seven in my card for the time, I was so disappointed that I got so motivated just to get my grade back.
By then, my eagerness to learn math made me more interested of the subject. I did all the ways for me to regain my grade and eventually, I
succeeded. Apart from failure and success let me tell you about my first JS prom experience; My JS Prom experience was so memorable from the
program up to the portion when it ended; As far as I could remember we were on the portion where we blew the candles given to us by the seniors
in exchange for their key chains when the fire suddenly touched my mouth. It was so painful that I threw the candle. Thank God! It didn't burn the
venue. The part I will never forget was when we had the "disco" portion. It was then that I was able to learn dancing to the beat of the song; my feet
got so tired wearing heels so I decided to take them off as went into the dance floor; on my way to the hotel my family and more content...
It was the most memorable since I got to dance with my crush for the very first time during JS Prom. On the other hand, what made it crucial is
that I never got the chance to avoid pressure when it comes to requirements, especially when they were all lining up. I had sleepless nights which
led me to have sleep deprivation and micro sleeps while in class. Well, I thank God and I felt very blessed, because despite all the challenges, the
hassles of waking up early, it was all worth it because I graduated with three gold medals hanging on my neck. After graduation, I couldn't help
myself but cry, because I will surely miss my classmates, the fun we had, considering the fact, that we would be taking different paths, by the next
school year, and we won't be classmates anymore, but despite of everything, I've always wanted to thank them, for accepting me as who I am, and God
for letting me meet
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Reflection About Prom
"It's almost time", my big sister said as we count down the days for prom. Prom was the only thing I was looking forward to in my senior year, just the
thought of dressing up and dancing with friends excited me. While days pass by I scratched off each day and I was thrilled to see how close prom was
coming. I began preparing myself getting all the work done and eating healthy for the highlight of my senior year. The week of prom was here and it
terrified me. I was well ready but I didn't know if my dress would come in time or if my makeup artist would be late or even not show up. The first day
of the week was Monday, April 10, 2017, and it's the day the store said my dress would be ready. I arrived at the mall around 2 pm to pick up
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Tuesday came around and it's time for me to get the shoes. I need a silver pair of sparkling shoes that would go together with the sliver on my gown.
The first shoe store I went to was called, "shoes crazy ladies." That's an odd name for a store I thought but I still walked in and was shocked. I couldn't
believe my eyes the shoes there were stripper heels and they only had clear and white. I sprinted right out the shoes crazy ladies and didn't look back.
So I got my phone and looked up good places to buy a silver pair of heels for prom. The first thing that pops up was a store named, "let's get famous.
"When I looked at the location I threw my phone on the floor because it was in New York City. I was getting so frustrated and it's causing a lot of
stress. So decided to call my best friend Nyoka, when I told her everything that was going on she got a ride from her mom and met me at the shoe
store. We went back to my house she slept over and said tomorrow we will get everything because Thursday was prom. Bright early Wednesday
morning all I heard was "wake up its time to go." It was 8 am and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. However, I got up brushed my teeth and took
a show because prom was only a day away. The primary place I needed to go to was the mall because I had to get my dress. When I entered the mall the
store manager comes up to me with my prom gown and hurried out the mall as fast as I could. I wasn't going to
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Descriptive Essay About Prom Night
Prom night was such a crazy ride because it was filled with up's and down's all throughout the night. I wanted to have the best prom ever because
every time I saw a dance or a ball in a movie or reading it from a book it just seemed so amazing. I wanted to live through that experience for my prom.
It was going to be the first time me and my girlfriend were going to be alone in late hours for this form of occasion. When prom started it was
wonderful since I was with my date, had a great atmosphere, and I was with all my friends that I entered to school freshman year. Prom night was
truly the most memorable occasion that I have done so far in my life. My night started out with a large downpour of rain before I could even leave
my house to go and pick up my girlfriend. It was looking that my night was going to be ruined before it had begun. I was truly feeling gloomy.
However, I knew that it would be a great night before it had even begun because I knew that I had an amazing date waiting for me to go and pick
her up so we could head to prom. When I was leaving my home the streets where already getting flooded, but I was committed to get my amazing
prom night. When I arrived at her home I was greeted by her mother, and when I saw my girlfriend I was ecstatic because she looked like a
goddess. I knew at that very moment that the night has just started for us. Being with my girlfriend throughout my prom was so amazing. The
entire night I couldn't stop smiling because I had butterflies in my stomach from happiness. We wore similar colors to prom so that we would be
matching. The exciting part of prom was also the activities we did such as taking pictures for the yearbook, taking the iconic prom picture for our
parents to see, and just dancing the night away with each other. It was such a magical night that I would love to relive any day because everything
was perfect. The atmosphere of prom was amazing. The location of the prom was very marvelous because it was held in a castle. The decor was
even better since the theme of the prom was the last waltz. There was a large chandelier in the middle of the room that was just jaw–dropping. All I
could see was how they separated everything from the
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My Prom Experience
"It is almost time," my big sister said as we count down the days for prom. Prom was the only event I was looking forward to during my senior year.
The thought of getting all dressed up and dancing with friends excited me. While the days pass by I scratched off each day and I was thrilled to see
how close prom was coming. I began preparing myself by getting all my school work done and eating healthy for the highlight of my senior year. The
week of prom was here and it terrified me. I was ready, but I did not know if my dress would come on time or if my makeup artist would be late or
even not show up. The first day of the week was Monday, April 10, 2017, and it is the day the store finished making my dress. I arrived at the mall
around more content...
Tuesday came around and it is time to get the shoes. I needed a silver pair of sparkly shoes that go with the dress. The first shoe store I went to was
called, "Shoes for Crazy Ladies" and it was not too far from the mall. That's an odd name for a store I thought. I still walked in and I was shocked
because the shoes were stripper heels.I sprinted right out the store and did not look back. I took out my phone and research up more shoe stores
that sold silver heels. The first store that pops up is "Let's Get Famous" and this store had hundreds of silver heels. When I looked up the location it
was in New York City. I was getting frustrated stressed out because I could not find the heels. I decided to call my best friend Nyoka when I told
her everything that was going on she got a ride from her mom and met me in a shoe store. The shoe store she went to did not have the heels either.
I was depressed at this moment, but Nyoka made a whole plan for tomorrow. Bright and early Wednesday morning all I heard was, "wake up it is time
to go." It was eight in the morning and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. However, I got up, brushed my teeth and took a shower, because prom
was only a day away. The primary place I needed to go to was the shoe store because it was the only item I'm missing. Nyoka took me to this other shoe
store she was familiar with. I watched from a distance as she picks up these gorgeous heels. They were this shiny silver with peals on
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Prom Date Essay
There were two weeks until prom and I had finally devised the perfect plan to ask my date. I was in no rush to ask her, nor did I really care that much
how I asked her, but it was apparent to me that she really did care. It all got arranged when I was talking with her best friend. Her best friend told
me that my "prom date" did not have a date and was very interested in going with me. It sounded like a great idea, this girl was quiet, but she was
very friendly and cute. Weeks following that I was pestered by my "prom date" as to when I was going to ask her. Now that I had an idea I could
ask my "prom date" and make her happy. The plan I viewed as being simple and something my "prom date" would enjoy. I had decided that since she
would like dogs I could use my three beautiful Australian shepherds to help me ask her. I would make three signs to hang around their necks. "Pr" on my more content...
In between normal conversations with her she says, "wow you are so dumb, you are such an idiot." I was already annoyed. I knew that if there was
no cop there and no ticket I would not be hearing about this. Looking at the sun I could see it moving lower and lower in the sky. The sky took on a
glowing shade of soft pinks and yellows, reflecting its vibrance off the soft clouds in the sky. The beach was less than two minutes away and I was all
prepared to make the proposal. Crumbling noises come from the back of my car. My "prom date" questions what it is. Knowing exactly that it was the
flowers I had bought for being chewed on by a curious untrained puppy, I shrugged and disregarded it. There was not enough crunching to signify that
the puppy had completely destroyed the flowers, so I chose not to worry about
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Prom Stereotypes
Title"Sally is not winning prom this year, and I'm going to make sure that will happen," I said angrily to my lunch table. "It's okay!" answered
Morghan. "You will win. Just think positively." I sighed. I really wanted to win. I went out and bought an expensive dress and very expensive
sparkly gray heels. After the lunch bell I made my way to my boyfriend, Alex, locker. On my way there I stepped on a one of Sally's posters
persuading everyone to vote for her. I shook my head and continued walking to Alex's locker. I told him that Sally and her boyfriend are running for
prom king and queen now. Alex is the head of the football team. Everyone likes Alex. Only issue with winning is that Sally would do anything she can
to win. Therefore, more content...
She's bleeding. Help! Someone call 911!" She yelled. Everyone rushed out of the school with fear. A big crowd headed toward the door. Alex and
I were squished up in the middle. No one will ever notice it is me. Before we can all get out the teachers already blocked us off. Oh no! I thought. I
just wanted to get out of here. Short enough, the cops and ambulance were pulling up. The screaming sirens and flashing lights filled the parking lot.
The teachers guided us all into the gym so the paramedics could easily get her body. Everyone was filled with confusion and fear. Everything just
happened so quickly. Mrs. Crawsond made her way onto stage and approached the
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Prom Night Essay
Dream Girl at Prom Night.
Every young man and woman's dream of during high school was going to prom night. It was one of those moments in their high school life that
was very special and memorable. My senior prom was a night to remember! It was a warm Saturday evening during the month of May. I'm all dressed
up looking pretty sharp in my grey tux and black shiny shoes, my hair full of gel, smelt like a million bucks. The day was pretty much set for me.
Having my family come over to take pictures and as well as friends before we got the show on the road.
Later on that evening, we headed to the high school and waited for all my friend's to arrive. We were all planning to take a partybus to the prom
location, it being an hour away out at some army base. After everyone arriving and finishing up with the pictures, we went on the party bus and began
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Having to sit down and talk with them for a bit was soothing. Starting to hear noises coming from another room, it was the dance floor. Both of us
looking as the other room has our attention, we get up and start walking towards the room. Opening up the doors you see people dancing and having
a great time. As we continue to walk in further and get our dance on, I spot my dream girl dancing by herself. A few songs go on and suddenly a
slow song starts to play. My friend Nadine was by me and she saw, giving me the look to go ahead and ask my high school crush for a dance. I felt
really nervous. Getting the guts to finally walk up to her and ask her for a dance the most satisfying thing ever. She of course said yes and as i had
my hands on her hips and we slow danced to a song. I was nervous at first, but a few seconds into it I felt relieved. Dancing with her for a little bit till
the song died was great. We spoke some word's and had conversation afterwards then pretty much started dancing with everyone back on the dance
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Prom: Well-Known American Traditions
Prom is the most well–known american traditions around parts of the world. High–school students would dress up in their finest attire, go to a special
dinner, and would arrive at the place where the most exciting point of their life is going to happen. Some schools have very specific dress codes, and
others are more lenient with the exception of the outfit being inappropriate. For example, "It's what you want to be comfortable in and what you feel
you would look good wearing."– quoted by a student named Claudetteia Love, from Louisiana, who wanted to wear a tuxedo to a prom which had a
dress–only requirement. Love was able to revise the school's policy by sharing her story with TODAY. This allowed for the U.S Justice Department to
call the
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Narrative: The Night of the Prom Essay
It was the regular night shift but some guy was sleeping on the bench with only three items. It was the cell phone that first caught my attention and
then the picture and then the hair ribbon. It almost seemed like they belonged together and yet they just didn't fit. I walk through the halls one last
time before saying goodbye to my life as I a high school student. It was the night of the prom and I had finally gotten enough bravery to ask the girl
of my dreams to prom. We once dated but it never seemed like time was on our side. Almost like fate was against us. I wasn't going to get all
sentimental tonight though, this was going to be a fun night and if anything happens, then so be it. Even though i have loved her since i was
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she was funny as hell and could give a look that would scare the bajebus out of a grown man but it always just made me crack up until she started
laughing to. i don't know what i expected when i got to her house. At the bare minimum i expected her to be there but she wasn't. i didn't know
how to feel. i was worried most of all. i was worried that she was out there with someone else. her mom told me she didn't come home today.
apparently she had brought all her stuff to kelseys, who is a friend of hers so she could do her hair. this is where a phone would have come in
handy but her mom told me she left it here. "could you make sure she gets this. also have her call me before you two leave, okay?" "will do, it was
nice seeing you" "have fun tonight" i could hear her dad call out from the back "not too much fun" to which we all laughed. he was a great guy and
it only made her one hell of a lot cooler. on the drive Teegan (thats her name by the way, Teegan. its a great name isn't it? just kinda rolls off the
tongue) got a text from kelsey, actually she got about 30 all wondering where she is and when she will be there. i called her. "finally when will you
be here? its almost time for you to leave!" "hey kelsey its me chris. i just stopped by Teegans how to pick her but she wasn't there. what is going on?"
"you've probably got a better guess than me" this whole thing was weird, it wasn't like her to just disappear, especially not on
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Descriptive Essay About Prom
The average day was going just as I imagined it would've. I went to school, went to lunch with Jake, Spencer, and May, then had my daily boy talk and
rant session with May while doing homework. Everything was going just average and it was fine up until May brought up the soon to come, Prom of
2014. Then, as expected, the Student Body called an emergency meeting and announced the theme for Prom.
My mind automatically went to my 4–year crush, James Taylor. His jaw line was sharp, hair dark brown along with his eyes, he was around 6'2",
muscular with a good build, and dressed to impress. He was near the best looking guy in the school, well at least that 's what I thought. Despite all my
guy friends telling me that he was a terrible person, more content...
The girls all had boyfriends, but my guy friends didn't associate themselves with that and neither did May and I.
By the first month of the dance being announced, James had already asked a girl, and to my liking, it wasn't me. There was one thing I hated more
than gym class in middle school, and that's being asked dead last to a dance. Everyone thought that I was going with my group of guy friends, or
that Jake or Spencer had asked me because we were so close. Though that was never the case, and I was either asked dead last by the crusty boys or
didn't go at all. I immediately lost hope, so Jake would take me to get a coffee every morning possible, or to lunch to try to cheer me up. Little did
he know, I was fine, just using him for free coffee and lunch. After liking a guy for 4 years and having him never like you back, you get used to it.
Spencer was my best friend as of high school. We met in 9th grade calculus since we were both good at math. He was better than I was so thankfully,
we became friends because I needed lots of help in there for the first bit after summer break when my brain hurt. He always has my back and I have the
job of his therapist for all his girl issues.
Jake had been my best friend since I think 6th grade. We hung out so often that my mom thought I had a secret boyfriend, and his mom thought it was
cute. Then highschool hit and
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Prom Day Essay
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and Dr. Johnson, today I am going to talk about a special occasion which was on April 11, 2015 and on this
special day I turned eighteen and it was prom day. On that day I was very busy and tired because I've been preparing for prom for a week prior. April
11,2015 was a very special day to me, it was my glow day. April 11th consist of time management, preparation forprom, and prom. These three things
were very important on this day because I had to do so much in one amazing, stressful day. On April 11, 2015, my mom woke me up around 7am to
sing me happy birthday, and to get me up for my long but exciting day. I had to wake up early because I had so much to do in one day which seem
highly impossible, so I had keep track of time because if I did not more content...
As we walked in the Hyatt, regular guess got to see everyone walk pass in their dressed and tuxedos. We walked to the ball room and it was
beautiful and set up nicely. We got dinner which was chicken which chicken is my favorite food. After dinner we wanted to dance but there was
no DJ and within a few minutes they had a replacement DJ and prom was on. The DJ played everything from music from now to music our
parents know so we stayed on the dance floor. Prom was fun but when it was time to leave I was ready. April 11, 2015 was a very special day and very
exciting to me. April 11, 2015 I became 18 and I got my first car and went to my senior prom all in one day. I had to consider time management in
order to make sure I was on schedule to make grand march and prom. Preparing for prom was another stressful part but rewarding because I got to
look beautiful for my birthday, my glow day. Prom was fun and an amazing way to celebrate me turning 18. April 11, 2015 was a special day but not
just because I turned 18 but because I had something to celebrate. Thank you all for listening and have a good
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Descriptive Essay On Senior Prom
Senior Prom
I have been waiting for my senior prom since my freshman year of high school. My senior prom was amazing; from pre–prom festivities, prom, and all
the after parties. I did not go to prom my junior year so it was my final chance. My family and friends told me I needed to have this experience in my
life. I figured they were correct, so I decided to go. Instead of going on a date, I went with my friends. The days leading to prom were very hectic. Prom
always occurred during soccer season. I am the captain of my soccer team so I was very concerned with the potential schedule conflict. We were
scheduled to have a playoff game on prom night and everybody was upset. As a captain, all the responsibility was on me and I did not want to let my
team down. My coach and I had a meeting to discuss the possibility of switching the game. During the meeting, I negotiated having the game on my
birthday, which was two days before prom. Surprisingly the game was moved to my birthday. It turns out that we won and were advancing to round
three of the state playoffs. Now, I could finally focus on my pre–prom activities. It was time to get my nails, eyebrows, and hair done. Finally, prom
day was here and I was very excited. I have waited for all high school for this very moment. The first thing I did was go get my hair done early that
morning. During my hair appointment, I was pumped with adrenalin and excitement. After my hair appointment was complete I had a little break
before I went to my next appointment. The next thing I had to do was to get my makeup done. After my makeup was complete I was ready to get
dress. Then got dressed and had a mini photo shoot at my house before my prom festivities started. For dinner, my friends and I decided to eat at
Basan then head to the prom venue. When we arrived at prom there was a long line to go inside. Once inside the building, it was lit but extremely
hot at that same time. As soon as you walked in it was 100 degrees. My friends and I kept going upstairs and downstairs to prevent our hair and
makeup from messing up. There was a lot of dancing and eating during prom. Everybody's shoes were off and their hair was an absolute mess.
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Prom : The Best Day Of My Life
Do you have a day that is special to you that you wish you could do over? I know I do if I could do prom all over again I would in a heartbeat prom
was the best day of my life omg it was so long but fun.but what really made it special was because Franklin, his family, and my family did whatever it
takes to keep me happy. which was very sweet of them all I was already sad due to Franklin not being able to attend to prom because of his behaver at
school. preparing for prom was fun everyone that was there to watch me get dress and take pictures made me feel like a princess, there was plenty of
love I felt, and they made me realize I had a wonderful support system. if you had a day to do over again what would that day be and why? To
began, prom was may 6th 2017 and the day before prom I had to attend school for graduation rehearsal. which went great until I got called to the
office just for them to tell me Franklin cant go to prom. I was very upset because they had a whole month to tell me this and they waited until the
day before prom to tell me he cant go and he got all his stuff. even though he couldn't go he told me he wasn't gone let me down so whatever it takes to
keep me happy he would do. this made me feel so loved because he knew I was gone say I didn't want to go to prom anymore but deep down inside I
really wanted to go. its finally prom day and I woke at 8:00 am to rush to the hair salon before it was time for me to get my makeup done. it took about
6 hours for
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Descriptive Essay On Prom Night
My prom night was the night my dream came true. And it was a dream I didn't even remember I had, until I was in the moment and he brought it to
my attention. Who knew that a sixteen (16) year old (at that time) would've been the one to bring my dream to life? Like a leprechaun out of luck? I
didn't have a date to go with me as the date for prom approaches closer, everyone at school already had dates, even my two (2) best friends had dates. I
even decided to go alone; I went as far as asking my sister to be my date because I was still dateless at that point. So I wenrt ahead and bought my
souvenir wine glasses that was given as a token to us from our school, I proceeded to go picked out the black and white gown I feel deeply in love with
at first glance, booked more content...
My big day was here. Excited as I was, I jumped out my bed got dress for school (cause I had a few final CXC exams to complete) and rushed out to
my parents room to make sure they weren't behind on time because my exams wasn't going to be long and I needed to get started on looking
flawless for my cute date. As soon as I was finished with my final exam, I rushed to called my mom to come pick me up from school so we
could've reached my appointments on time. My nails were the first on the list, followed by my hair and a little touch up shopping to finalize my
outfit. After my agenda was executed, we rushed back home to start get ready so we could've reached the venue in time. I was dressed by 6:30 p
.m and we headed out by 6:50 p.m. We went to my dates house to get him and he surprised me not only by getting us an amazing ride to go in but
also with his full white customized pilot tux he had made special for this night. I was amazed by how handsome and sweet he looked in his tux when
he came out to present me with a corsage he bought for me to go with my dress and his suit. It was refreshing to have such a young guy woo me with
his charms and loving
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Prom Persuasive Research Paper
Thinking about prom you can already imagine walking in with your friends or date and seeing everyone dressed up like they're walking the red
carpet. You can smell everyone's perfume and cologne mixed together. You can hear the biggest hit songs blaring off the speakers and filling the
room. Your can feel your heart starting to race from excitement, and you get a random burst of energy. You walk into the room and can't help but
smile like cheshire cat, because you know you'll never forget this night. But then you snap back to reality and you start to think, what if I couldn't
have that, because I couldn't afford it? Would I regret not having that experience? Everyone deserves the choice to go to prom and it shouldn't be
determined by your financial limitations. The first prom was believed to be in the mid–1800s and originated in America. By the 1930s prom advanced
from the "light refreshments and dancing under crepe paper streamers" to big dinners and live performances from bands for entertainment. It was only
meant for college students in their senior year, but in the 1940s more content...
Author and journalist for TIME Magazine, Dan Kadlec states in his article,"How to Tame the Rising Cost of Prom Season" that in 2013 the cost
for prom has risen 5%. According to a annual visa survey, spending cost on prom passed $1,000 in 2012 and it jumped again that summer, and
according to author Nicole Hayden, writer for The Times Herald production, part of the USA Today Network, she shares how a 2014 survey
calculated that "the average American household will spend $978 on prom alone." This year 2017 prom costs will increase again, the "Prom
Guide" by Promgirl production shows tickets alone can vary between 20$ to 250$ each depending on where your prom is located, plus an extra $100
to $400 for a dress or tuxedo and also an additional cost for all the extras teens feel they need, like hair, nails, make–up,
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Senior Prom In High School

  • 1. Senior Prom In High School Today is senior prom, the day we all look forward to throughout our entire high school career. I was awoken by my best friend, Zoe, shaking me vigorously "Wake up! We only have ten minutes till Jessica gets here to do our make up!" I quickly hopped out of bed with a smile on my face, even though it was early. About five hours later as Zoe and I are finally completing our looks, I hear " Oh my god! Lexi, we are about to be late to make the party bus! We need to go, like, now!" I look at my phone and read 5:25, "Shit dude, we have to be there in five minutes!" I say as I am quickly gathering all of my belongings and shoving them into my backpack. Running as quickly as possible in heels and in the fluffiest dress I've ever worn in my life, I make it to my car and set my bag on top so I can unlock the door. I look down and realize I am still wearing my necklace, but I need to take it off because it doesn't match my dress. Suddenly, time freezes and I don't care that I am running late anymore. I have never taken off this necklace, not sense the day my mom gave it to me. As i am placing my necklace on top of my car next to my bag a memory of my mom sweeps across my mind. About four years ago I was sitting on the couch in my living room, and I hear the chime of the front door alarm. There are footsteps walking towards me, which I can clearly tell are my mothers. My eyes instantly start rolling even though we haven't even engaged in conversation, let alone even made eye contact. Get more content on
  • 2. My Prom Experience "It is almost time", my big sister said as we count down the days for prom. Prom was the only event I was looking forward to during my senior year. The thought of dressing and dancing with friends excited me. While the days pass by I scratched off each day and I was thrilled to see how close prom was coming. I began preparing myself by getting all my school work done and eating healthy for the highlight of my senior year. The week of prom was here and it terrified me. I was ready, but I did not know if my dress would come in time or if my makeup artist would be late or even not show up. The first day of the week was Monday, April 10, 2017, and it is the day the store finished making my dress. I arrived at the mall around two in the afternoon to pick up the dress. When the lady saw me, she ran to the back and got the dress. She brought out this ugly brown strip dress. I started screaming and kicking everything in front of the door. I could not believe they got the wrong dress. The lady saw me screaming my lungs out, so she went to get the manager. I told the manager that they gave me the wrong dress. He looked at me and went to the back when he comes out with my dress. He told me there was a little confusion because both dresses were in the same place. The dress was a long silver with a spilled on the side and shiny pearls around the neck of the dress. I walked out the store with the biggest smile on my face after I got the dress. I thought nothing bad would happen, but I was Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Prom Day Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen and Dr. Johnson, today I am going to talk about a special occasion which was on April 11, 2015 and on this special day I turned eighteen and it was prom day. On that day I was very busy and tired because I've been preparing for prom for a week prior. April 11,2015 was a very special day for me, it was my glow day. April 11th consist of time management, preparation forprom, and prom. These three things were very important on this day because I had to do so much in one amazing, stressful day. On April 11, 2015, my mom woke me up around 7am to sing me happy birthday, and to get me up for my long but exciting day. I had to wake up early because I had so much to do in one day, which seem highly impossible, so I had kept track of time because if more content... As we walked in the Hyatt, regular guest got to see everyone walk pass in their dressed and tuxedos. We walked into the ballroom and it was beautiful and set up nicely. We got dinner which was chicken which chicken is my favorite food. After dinner we wanted to dance, but there was no DJ and within a few minutes they had a replacement DJ and prom was on. The DJ played everything from music from now to music our parents know so we stayed on the dance floor. Prom was fun, but when it was time to leave I was ready. April 11, 2015 was a very special day and very exciting to me. April 11, 2015 I became 18 and I got my first car and went to my senior prom all in one day. I had to consider time management in order to make sure I was on schedule to make grand march and prom. Preparing for prom was another stressful part, but rewarding because I got to look beautiful for my birthday, my glow day. Prom was fun and an amazing way to celebrate my turning 18. April 11, 2015 was a special day, but not just because I turned 18 but because I had something to celebrate. Thank you all for listening and have a good Get more content on
  • 4. Definition Essay On Prom Prom Roller coasters, some of us love them and others of us would rather just stay at home and keep our feet on solid ground. It's all about our perspective, how we see things different than others. I love rollercoasters, I love the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, but maybe you hate that feeling. And roller coasters are just not your thing. Prom is very similar, again it's all about our perspective. Usually the perspective of the guy and the girl are about as different as black and white. Prom has three elements and we all look at them a little differently, including finding a date, making plans, and the dance itself. Please keep your hands in feet inside the ride at all times because we are going to find a prom date. Yes, a prom date. For couples it's easy, they just automatically know they're going together. Now, if your #forveralone you're going to need a date. You can always go with a group of friends but there's going to be that one friend who brings they' more content... Again looks over here to the girl's perspective. "Becky this is awesome! I'm having so much fun, thanks for coming with me and being my bestie, this was worth all of the stress and doesn't jimmy look fine af" " Yeah, I'm going to miss you next year Jessica, Im so glad I got to spend my last rom with you, Jimmey, and nose picking David". The girls make this day about one last hooray with their friends before we graduate and go on our separate paths. Now girls get sentimental so look over here to the boys. "Man, this tie is the most annoying ever". "I know I can't wait to take this off and these shoes hurt". "I cannot wait for post prom and eat!". "I need pancakes ASAP I'm literally starving". We come to a complete stop and now we're at the end of the roller coaster. Some of us feel a relief while others are going to get right back in line for the ride Get more content on
  • 5. Personal Speech: My First JS Prom Experience I remember the time in which, I got a line of seven in my card for the time, I was so disappointed that I got so motivated just to get my grade back. By then, my eagerness to learn math made me more interested of the subject. I did all the ways for me to regain my grade and eventually, I succeeded. Apart from failure and success let me tell you about my first JS prom experience; My JS Prom experience was so memorable from the program up to the portion when it ended; As far as I could remember we were on the portion where we blew the candles given to us by the seniors in exchange for their key chains when the fire suddenly touched my mouth. It was so painful that I threw the candle. Thank God! It didn't burn the venue. The part I will never forget was when we had the "disco" portion. It was then that I was able to learn dancing to the beat of the song; my feet got so tired wearing heels so I decided to take them off as went into the dance floor; on my way to the hotel my family and more content... It was the most memorable since I got to dance with my crush for the very first time during JS Prom. On the other hand, what made it crucial is that I never got the chance to avoid pressure when it comes to requirements, especially when they were all lining up. I had sleepless nights which led me to have sleep deprivation and micro sleeps while in class. Well, I thank God and I felt very blessed, because despite all the challenges, the hassles of waking up early, it was all worth it because I graduated with three gold medals hanging on my neck. After graduation, I couldn't help myself but cry, because I will surely miss my classmates, the fun we had, considering the fact, that we would be taking different paths, by the next school year, and we won't be classmates anymore, but despite of everything, I've always wanted to thank them, for accepting me as who I am, and God for letting me meet Get more content on
  • 6. Reflection About Prom "It's almost time", my big sister said as we count down the days for prom. Prom was the only thing I was looking forward to in my senior year, just the thought of dressing up and dancing with friends excited me. While days pass by I scratched off each day and I was thrilled to see how close prom was coming. I began preparing myself getting all the work done and eating healthy for the highlight of my senior year. The week of prom was here and it terrified me. I was well ready but I didn't know if my dress would come in time or if my makeup artist would be late or even not show up. The first day of the week was Monday, April 10, 2017, and it's the day the store said my dress would be ready. I arrived at the mall around 2 pm to pick up more content... Tuesday came around and it's time for me to get the shoes. I need a silver pair of sparkling shoes that would go together with the sliver on my gown. The first shoe store I went to was called, "shoes crazy ladies." That's an odd name for a store I thought but I still walked in and was shocked. I couldn't believe my eyes the shoes there were stripper heels and they only had clear and white. I sprinted right out the shoes crazy ladies and didn't look back. So I got my phone and looked up good places to buy a silver pair of heels for prom. The first thing that pops up was a store named, "let's get famous. "When I looked at the location I threw my phone on the floor because it was in New York City. I was getting so frustrated and it's causing a lot of stress. So decided to call my best friend Nyoka, when I told her everything that was going on she got a ride from her mom and met me at the shoe store. We went back to my house she slept over and said tomorrow we will get everything because Thursday was prom. Bright early Wednesday morning all I heard was "wake up its time to go." It was 8 am and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. However, I got up brushed my teeth and took a show because prom was only a day away. The primary place I needed to go to was the mall because I had to get my dress. When I entered the mall the store manager comes up to me with my prom gown and hurried out the mall as fast as I could. I wasn't going to Get more content on
  • 7. Descriptive Essay About Prom Night Prom night was such a crazy ride because it was filled with up's and down's all throughout the night. I wanted to have the best prom ever because every time I saw a dance or a ball in a movie or reading it from a book it just seemed so amazing. I wanted to live through that experience for my prom. It was going to be the first time me and my girlfriend were going to be alone in late hours for this form of occasion. When prom started it was wonderful since I was with my date, had a great atmosphere, and I was with all my friends that I entered to school freshman year. Prom night was truly the most memorable occasion that I have done so far in my life. My night started out with a large downpour of rain before I could even leave my house to go and pick up my girlfriend. It was looking that my night was going to be ruined before it had begun. I was truly feeling gloomy. However, I knew that it would be a great night before it had even begun because I knew that I had an amazing date waiting for me to go and pick her up so we could head to prom. When I was leaving my home the streets where already getting flooded, but I was committed to get my amazing prom night. When I arrived at her home I was greeted by her mother, and when I saw my girlfriend I was ecstatic because she looked like a goddess. I knew at that very moment that the night has just started for us. Being with my girlfriend throughout my prom was so amazing. The entire night I couldn't stop smiling because I had butterflies in my stomach from happiness. We wore similar colors to prom so that we would be matching. The exciting part of prom was also the activities we did such as taking pictures for the yearbook, taking the iconic prom picture for our parents to see, and just dancing the night away with each other. It was such a magical night that I would love to relive any day because everything was perfect. The atmosphere of prom was amazing. The location of the prom was very marvelous because it was held in a castle. The decor was even better since the theme of the prom was the last waltz. There was a large chandelier in the middle of the room that was just jaw–dropping. All I could see was how they separated everything from the Get more content on
  • 8. My Prom Experience "It is almost time," my big sister said as we count down the days for prom. Prom was the only event I was looking forward to during my senior year. The thought of getting all dressed up and dancing with friends excited me. While the days pass by I scratched off each day and I was thrilled to see how close prom was coming. I began preparing myself by getting all my school work done and eating healthy for the highlight of my senior year. The week of prom was here and it terrified me. I was ready, but I did not know if my dress would come on time or if my makeup artist would be late or even not show up. The first day of the week was Monday, April 10, 2017, and it is the day the store finished making my dress. I arrived at the mall around more content... Tuesday came around and it is time to get the shoes. I needed a silver pair of sparkly shoes that go with the dress. The first shoe store I went to was called, "Shoes for Crazy Ladies" and it was not too far from the mall. That's an odd name for a store I thought. I still walked in and I was shocked because the shoes were stripper heels.I sprinted right out the store and did not look back. I took out my phone and research up more shoe stores that sold silver heels. The first store that pops up is "Let's Get Famous" and this store had hundreds of silver heels. When I looked up the location it was in New York City. I was getting frustrated stressed out because I could not find the heels. I decided to call my best friend Nyoka when I told her everything that was going on she got a ride from her mom and met me in a shoe store. The shoe store she went to did not have the heels either. I was depressed at this moment, but Nyoka made a whole plan for tomorrow. Bright and early Wednesday morning all I heard was, "wake up it is time to go." It was eight in the morning and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. However, I got up, brushed my teeth and took a shower, because prom was only a day away. The primary place I needed to go to was the shoe store because it was the only item I'm missing. Nyoka took me to this other shoe store she was familiar with. I watched from a distance as she picks up these gorgeous heels. They were this shiny silver with peals on Get more content on
  • 9. Prom Date Essay There were two weeks until prom and I had finally devised the perfect plan to ask my date. I was in no rush to ask her, nor did I really care that much how I asked her, but it was apparent to me that she really did care. It all got arranged when I was talking with her best friend. Her best friend told me that my "prom date" did not have a date and was very interested in going with me. It sounded like a great idea, this girl was quiet, but she was very friendly and cute. Weeks following that I was pestered by my "prom date" as to when I was going to ask her. Now that I had an idea I could ask my "prom date" and make her happy. The plan I viewed as being simple and something my "prom date" would enjoy. I had decided that since she would like dogs I could use my three beautiful Australian shepherds to help me ask her. I would make three signs to hang around their necks. "Pr" on my more content... In between normal conversations with her she says, "wow you are so dumb, you are such an idiot." I was already annoyed. I knew that if there was no cop there and no ticket I would not be hearing about this. Looking at the sun I could see it moving lower and lower in the sky. The sky took on a glowing shade of soft pinks and yellows, reflecting its vibrance off the soft clouds in the sky. The beach was less than two minutes away and I was all prepared to make the proposal. Crumbling noises come from the back of my car. My "prom date" questions what it is. Knowing exactly that it was the flowers I had bought for being chewed on by a curious untrained puppy, I shrugged and disregarded it. There was not enough crunching to signify that the puppy had completely destroyed the flowers, so I chose not to worry about Get more content on
  • 10. Prom Stereotypes Title"Sally is not winning prom this year, and I'm going to make sure that will happen," I said angrily to my lunch table. "It's okay!" answered Morghan. "You will win. Just think positively." I sighed. I really wanted to win. I went out and bought an expensive dress and very expensive sparkly gray heels. After the lunch bell I made my way to my boyfriend, Alex, locker. On my way there I stepped on a one of Sally's posters persuading everyone to vote for her. I shook my head and continued walking to Alex's locker. I told him that Sally and her boyfriend are running for prom king and queen now. Alex is the head of the football team. Everyone likes Alex. Only issue with winning is that Sally would do anything she can to win. Therefore, more content... She's bleeding. Help! Someone call 911!" She yelled. Everyone rushed out of the school with fear. A big crowd headed toward the door. Alex and I were squished up in the middle. No one will ever notice it is me. Before we can all get out the teachers already blocked us off. Oh no! I thought. I just wanted to get out of here. Short enough, the cops and ambulance were pulling up. The screaming sirens and flashing lights filled the parking lot. The teachers guided us all into the gym so the paramedics could easily get her body. Everyone was filled with confusion and fear. Everything just happened so quickly. Mrs. Crawsond made her way onto stage and approached the Get more content on
  • 11. Prom Night Essay Dream Girl at Prom Night. Every young man and woman's dream of during high school was going to prom night. It was one of those moments in their high school life that was very special and memorable. My senior prom was a night to remember! It was a warm Saturday evening during the month of May. I'm all dressed up looking pretty sharp in my grey tux and black shiny shoes, my hair full of gel, smelt like a million bucks. The day was pretty much set for me. Having my family come over to take pictures and as well as friends before we got the show on the road. Later on that evening, we headed to the high school and waited for all my friend's to arrive. We were all planning to take a partybus to the prom location, it being an hour away out at some army base. After everyone arriving and finishing up with the pictures, we went on the party bus and began to more content... Having to sit down and talk with them for a bit was soothing. Starting to hear noises coming from another room, it was the dance floor. Both of us looking as the other room has our attention, we get up and start walking towards the room. Opening up the doors you see people dancing and having a great time. As we continue to walk in further and get our dance on, I spot my dream girl dancing by herself. A few songs go on and suddenly a slow song starts to play. My friend Nadine was by me and she saw, giving me the look to go ahead and ask my high school crush for a dance. I felt really nervous. Getting the guts to finally walk up to her and ask her for a dance the most satisfying thing ever. She of course said yes and as i had my hands on her hips and we slow danced to a song. I was nervous at first, but a few seconds into it I felt relieved. Dancing with her for a little bit till the song died was great. We spoke some word's and had conversation afterwards then pretty much started dancing with everyone back on the dance Get more content on
  • 12. Prom: Well-Known American Traditions Prom is the most well–known american traditions around parts of the world. High–school students would dress up in their finest attire, go to a special dinner, and would arrive at the place where the most exciting point of their life is going to happen. Some schools have very specific dress codes, and others are more lenient with the exception of the outfit being inappropriate. For example, "It's what you want to be comfortable in and what you feel you would look good wearing."– quoted by a student named Claudetteia Love, from Louisiana, who wanted to wear a tuxedo to a prom which had a dress–only requirement. Love was able to revise the school's policy by sharing her story with TODAY. This allowed for the U.S Justice Department to call the Get more content on
  • 13. Narrative: The Night of the Prom Essay It was the regular night shift but some guy was sleeping on the bench with only three items. It was the cell phone that first caught my attention and then the picture and then the hair ribbon. It almost seemed like they belonged together and yet they just didn't fit. I walk through the halls one last time before saying goodbye to my life as I a high school student. It was the night of the prom and I had finally gotten enough bravery to ask the girl of my dreams to prom. We once dated but it never seemed like time was on our side. Almost like fate was against us. I wasn't going to get all sentimental tonight though, this was going to be a fun night and if anything happens, then so be it. Even though i have loved her since i was more content... she was funny as hell and could give a look that would scare the bajebus out of a grown man but it always just made me crack up until she started laughing to. i don't know what i expected when i got to her house. At the bare minimum i expected her to be there but she wasn't. i didn't know how to feel. i was worried most of all. i was worried that she was out there with someone else. her mom told me she didn't come home today. apparently she had brought all her stuff to kelseys, who is a friend of hers so she could do her hair. this is where a phone would have come in handy but her mom told me she left it here. "could you make sure she gets this. also have her call me before you two leave, okay?" "will do, it was nice seeing you" "have fun tonight" i could hear her dad call out from the back "not too much fun" to which we all laughed. he was a great guy and it only made her one hell of a lot cooler. on the drive Teegan (thats her name by the way, Teegan. its a great name isn't it? just kinda rolls off the tongue) got a text from kelsey, actually she got about 30 all wondering where she is and when she will be there. i called her. "finally when will you be here? its almost time for you to leave!" "hey kelsey its me chris. i just stopped by Teegans how to pick her but she wasn't there. what is going on?" "you've probably got a better guess than me" this whole thing was weird, it wasn't like her to just disappear, especially not on Get more content on
  • 14. Descriptive Essay About Prom The average day was going just as I imagined it would've. I went to school, went to lunch with Jake, Spencer, and May, then had my daily boy talk and rant session with May while doing homework. Everything was going just average and it was fine up until May brought up the soon to come, Prom of 2014. Then, as expected, the Student Body called an emergency meeting and announced the theme for Prom. My mind automatically went to my 4–year crush, James Taylor. His jaw line was sharp, hair dark brown along with his eyes, he was around 6'2", muscular with a good build, and dressed to impress. He was near the best looking guy in the school, well at least that 's what I thought. Despite all my guy friends telling me that he was a terrible person, more content... The girls all had boyfriends, but my guy friends didn't associate themselves with that and neither did May and I. By the first month of the dance being announced, James had already asked a girl, and to my liking, it wasn't me. There was one thing I hated more than gym class in middle school, and that's being asked dead last to a dance. Everyone thought that I was going with my group of guy friends, or that Jake or Spencer had asked me because we were so close. Though that was never the case, and I was either asked dead last by the crusty boys or didn't go at all. I immediately lost hope, so Jake would take me to get a coffee every morning possible, or to lunch to try to cheer me up. Little did he know, I was fine, just using him for free coffee and lunch. After liking a guy for 4 years and having him never like you back, you get used to it. Spencer was my best friend as of high school. We met in 9th grade calculus since we were both good at math. He was better than I was so thankfully, we became friends because I needed lots of help in there for the first bit after summer break when my brain hurt. He always has my back and I have the job of his therapist for all his girl issues. Jake had been my best friend since I think 6th grade. We hung out so often that my mom thought I had a secret boyfriend, and his mom thought it was cute. Then highschool hit and Get more content on
  • 15. Prom Day Essay Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and Dr. Johnson, today I am going to talk about a special occasion which was on April 11, 2015 and on this special day I turned eighteen and it was prom day. On that day I was very busy and tired because I've been preparing for prom for a week prior. April 11,2015 was a very special day to me, it was my glow day. April 11th consist of time management, preparation forprom, and prom. These three things were very important on this day because I had to do so much in one amazing, stressful day. On April 11, 2015, my mom woke me up around 7am to sing me happy birthday, and to get me up for my long but exciting day. I had to wake up early because I had so much to do in one day which seem highly impossible, so I had keep track of time because if I did not more content... As we walked in the Hyatt, regular guess got to see everyone walk pass in their dressed and tuxedos. We walked to the ball room and it was beautiful and set up nicely. We got dinner which was chicken which chicken is my favorite food. After dinner we wanted to dance but there was no DJ and within a few minutes they had a replacement DJ and prom was on. The DJ played everything from music from now to music our parents know so we stayed on the dance floor. Prom was fun but when it was time to leave I was ready. April 11, 2015 was a very special day and very exciting to me. April 11, 2015 I became 18 and I got my first car and went to my senior prom all in one day. I had to consider time management in order to make sure I was on schedule to make grand march and prom. Preparing for prom was another stressful part but rewarding because I got to look beautiful for my birthday, my glow day. Prom was fun and an amazing way to celebrate me turning 18. April 11, 2015 was a special day but not just because I turned 18 but because I had something to celebrate. Thank you all for listening and have a good Get more content on
  • 16. Descriptive Essay On Senior Prom Senior Prom I have been waiting for my senior prom since my freshman year of high school. My senior prom was amazing; from pre–prom festivities, prom, and all the after parties. I did not go to prom my junior year so it was my final chance. My family and friends told me I needed to have this experience in my life. I figured they were correct, so I decided to go. Instead of going on a date, I went with my friends. The days leading to prom were very hectic. Prom always occurred during soccer season. I am the captain of my soccer team so I was very concerned with the potential schedule conflict. We were scheduled to have a playoff game on prom night and everybody was upset. As a captain, all the responsibility was on me and I did not want to let my team down. My coach and I had a meeting to discuss the possibility of switching the game. During the meeting, I negotiated having the game on my birthday, which was two days before prom. Surprisingly the game was moved to my birthday. It turns out that we won and were advancing to round three of the state playoffs. Now, I could finally focus on my pre–prom activities. It was time to get my nails, eyebrows, and hair done. Finally, prom day was here and I was very excited. I have waited for all high school for this very moment. The first thing I did was go get my hair done early that morning. During my hair appointment, I was pumped with adrenalin and excitement. After my hair appointment was complete I had a little break before I went to my next appointment. The next thing I had to do was to get my makeup done. After my makeup was complete I was ready to get dress. Then got dressed and had a mini photo shoot at my house before my prom festivities started. For dinner, my friends and I decided to eat at Basan then head to the prom venue. When we arrived at prom there was a long line to go inside. Once inside the building, it was lit but extremely hot at that same time. As soon as you walked in it was 100 degrees. My friends and I kept going upstairs and downstairs to prevent our hair and makeup from messing up. There was a lot of dancing and eating during prom. Everybody's shoes were off and their hair was an absolute mess. Get more content on
  • 17. Prom : The Best Day Of My Life Do you have a day that is special to you that you wish you could do over? I know I do if I could do prom all over again I would in a heartbeat prom was the best day of my life omg it was so long but fun.but what really made it special was because Franklin, his family, and my family did whatever it takes to keep me happy. which was very sweet of them all I was already sad due to Franklin not being able to attend to prom because of his behaver at school. preparing for prom was fun everyone that was there to watch me get dress and take pictures made me feel like a princess, there was plenty of love I felt, and they made me realize I had a wonderful support system. if you had a day to do over again what would that day be and why? To began, prom was may 6th 2017 and the day before prom I had to attend school for graduation rehearsal. which went great until I got called to the office just for them to tell me Franklin cant go to prom. I was very upset because they had a whole month to tell me this and they waited until the day before prom to tell me he cant go and he got all his stuff. even though he couldn't go he told me he wasn't gone let me down so whatever it takes to keep me happy he would do. this made me feel so loved because he knew I was gone say I didn't want to go to prom anymore but deep down inside I really wanted to go. its finally prom day and I woke at 8:00 am to rush to the hair salon before it was time for me to get my makeup done. it took about 6 hours for Get more content on
  • 18. Descriptive Essay On Prom Night My prom night was the night my dream came true. And it was a dream I didn't even remember I had, until I was in the moment and he brought it to my attention. Who knew that a sixteen (16) year old (at that time) would've been the one to bring my dream to life? Like a leprechaun out of luck? I didn't have a date to go with me as the date for prom approaches closer, everyone at school already had dates, even my two (2) best friends had dates. I even decided to go alone; I went as far as asking my sister to be my date because I was still dateless at that point. So I wenrt ahead and bought my souvenir wine glasses that was given as a token to us from our school, I proceeded to go picked out the black and white gown I feel deeply in love with at first glance, booked more content... My big day was here. Excited as I was, I jumped out my bed got dress for school (cause I had a few final CXC exams to complete) and rushed out to my parents room to make sure they weren't behind on time because my exams wasn't going to be long and I needed to get started on looking flawless for my cute date. As soon as I was finished with my final exam, I rushed to called my mom to come pick me up from school so we could've reached my appointments on time. My nails were the first on the list, followed by my hair and a little touch up shopping to finalize my outfit. After my agenda was executed, we rushed back home to start get ready so we could've reached the venue in time. I was dressed by 6:30 p .m and we headed out by 6:50 p.m. We went to my dates house to get him and he surprised me not only by getting us an amazing ride to go in but also with his full white customized pilot tux he had made special for this night. I was amazed by how handsome and sweet he looked in his tux when he came out to present me with a corsage he bought for me to go with my dress and his suit. It was refreshing to have such a young guy woo me with his charms and loving Get more content on
  • 19. Prom Persuasive Research Paper Thinking about prom you can already imagine walking in with your friends or date and seeing everyone dressed up like they're walking the red carpet. You can smell everyone's perfume and cologne mixed together. You can hear the biggest hit songs blaring off the speakers and filling the room. Your can feel your heart starting to race from excitement, and you get a random burst of energy. You walk into the room and can't help but smile like cheshire cat, because you know you'll never forget this night. But then you snap back to reality and you start to think, what if I couldn't have that, because I couldn't afford it? Would I regret not having that experience? Everyone deserves the choice to go to prom and it shouldn't be determined by your financial limitations. The first prom was believed to be in the mid–1800s and originated in America. By the 1930s prom advanced from the "light refreshments and dancing under crepe paper streamers" to big dinners and live performances from bands for entertainment. It was only meant for college students in their senior year, but in the 1940s more content... Author and journalist for TIME Magazine, Dan Kadlec states in his article,"How to Tame the Rising Cost of Prom Season" that in 2013 the cost for prom has risen 5%. According to a annual visa survey, spending cost on prom passed $1,000 in 2012 and it jumped again that summer, and according to author Nicole Hayden, writer for The Times Herald production, part of the USA Today Network, she shares how a 2014 survey calculated that "the average American household will spend $978 on prom alone." This year 2017 prom costs will increase again, the "Prom Guide" by Promgirl production shows tickets alone can vary between 20$ to 250$ each depending on where your prom is located, plus an extra $100 to $400 for a dress or tuxedo and also an additional cost for all the extras teens feel they need, like hair, nails, make–up, Get more content on